#Or do you listen to their enemies and take those words at face value?
I'm turning off notifications too. I stand by what I said but I'm too tired to keep dealing with the abysmal morons who are willfully misinterpreting it in the worst possible ways so they can feel better about themselves. Says a lot about the state of modern Christians when they get their panties in a wad over someone saying "pray for their souls".
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theabigailthorn · 1 year
Surely with how popular you are you would have had a few cancelling attempts, but you're drama free. How? I thought you'd be target number 1 with TERFs.
So the thing is, people on the internet have and do try to wreck my life! But it's true that I get less of it than a lot of other women, and I often ask myself (and them) this same question. I think it comes down to a few factors. In no particular order:
I'm white and thin
I don't post selfies very often
The Philosophy Tube Jutsu: I never use my platform to say anything bad about individuals, so I don't make enemies
I'm British
I don't put my pronouns or the word 'trans' in my bio. I mention it if it it's relevant but to a casual troll looking for someone to go after there are more obvious targets
My brand: in terms of online content, my brand is 'Educational and Compassionate.' I try to be even-handed and listen to all sides and never be angry, and people are maybe a bit reluctant to get mad at someone who does that? In terms of acting, my brand right now is 'I'm Trying Hard and I'm On My Way Up!' which I guess people like?
I have a posh accent
I don't make online content about video games
I'm pretty enough that men like looking at me but not so hot it makes them angry
I transitioned in private before I came out publicly. I knew that when I did I'd get a lot of backlash, so I pre-emptively muted LOADS of words in my comments section and wove a kind of digital safety net
I'm so busy that I often miss whatever the discourse du jour is and don't get involved. As a wise woman once said, 'Do Not Tweet.'
I deliberately dress and present myself as 'classy' in public-facing stuff
Most of my content is scripted, so by default it attracts people who like to sit down and listen
Philosophy Tube is literally all about critical thinking and not taking things at face value. So if a typical Philosophy Tube Subscriber sees a post that says 'I saw Abigail Thorn kicking a puppy down the street!' they're more likely to stop and think, 'What's the evidence for this?' This means that when there are hate campaigns and lies spread about me (and there are, from time to time) my core audience sees through it and sticks around
I have very good mods! Big shout out to all the lovely people on r/philosophytube and all the people who moderate my livestream chats!
I have a social media manager who can look out for hate and pre-emptively guard against it
I don't hitch my brand to other people. I sometimes do little collabs or appear at events with other creators but for the most part I fly solo. That means if another creator blows up or posts something awful I minimise my chances of cancellation-by-association. I'm friends with lots of creators but for the most part I keep it behind the scenes (Learned this one the hard way!)
I'm not a sex worker. Those people get hate like you wouldn't believe - the sex workers I know are the toughest folks I've ever met!
I'm not very fun to bully! I do get death threats and hate campaigns and people make fake porn of me and libel me and all that stuff - literally every day - I just never talk about it publicly so trolls don't get the satisfaction of seeing me get upset. I just mute and block and move on silently. When I have to talk to a lawyer or the police about someone causing a problem, I handle it behind the scenes
Platform size. When TERFs in British media go after someone they tend to pick on people smaller than them, cause they're bullies.
I built my platform slowly, so I've had time to adjust and get used to how it impacts my life
People have tried to cancel me in the past and it's blown up in their faces, e.g. the Trump Transition Tweet Incident and the B*ck A*gel Affair.
To be absolutely clear, a LOT of this is luck and privilege. I'm not trying to blame the victims of online harassment: yes, some of these factors are things I choose to do but not everyone is able to make those choices. It's also the unwinnable game of respectability politics: yes I might get less hate because of the way I dress or whatever, but fundamentally that won't protect me if I get arrested and sent to a men's prison. These things aren't a substitute for a more just distribution of power. There's also this final possible factor:
It just hasn't happened yet.
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buggybitchclown · 5 months
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♡ "My Angel.." ♡
♡ Buggy x Fem!Reader ♡
♡ ~10k words ♡
! Warning: Drunken arguing, yelling, overall angst !
Buggy sat at a table at the bar with his crew, eating lots of food and drinking alcohol by the mug. You, Buggy’s wife and the mime in his circus, sit at the table, as Buggy talks about his adventures with his crew. You watch and listen in as he drunkenly rambles to his crew, a drunken blush painting his cheeks.
He finished eating his food, letting out a big burp as he did so.
"Well, you see, lads, that's exactly what happened when we went and fought that evil warlord on the Grand Line! And, well-  we did it easily, too. We defeated his entire crew all by ourselves. And, well- I defeated him in a one-on-one duel with my bare hands and feet. Yeah! That's how it went down!" You giggle at his grossness and listen to his story that was clearly exaggerated for shock value. He smirked and burped again. "And then, after wiping the floor with that punk of a leader, I went on and defeated every single one of his followers all by myself. Just one-on-one combat against all of them. So it's true, lads. I am the fastest and strongest man the Grand Line has ever seen! Ha!” You stifle a laugh and roll your eyes at your husband's antics. He began laughing as well, drunkenly as he continued his story. "And then, I did what any self-respecting man like myself, would do after defeating all those tough opponents! I, uh... I took the beautiful, young lady they had as their captive, and we had a night we would both never forget” That comment caught your attention as you finally joined the conversation: “Good lord, for the last time I wasn't a captive!” You say laughing, rolling your eyes. He laughed. "Hehe, oh, that's right... that's right. But the part about how we had an amazing night after is true, right? Heh. Hehe...." You pause, thinking. “Yeah Yeah, sure we did.” "Heh, you know it, my little angel! What a night that was, right? Eh?" Buggy said drunkenly laughing again. “...” You remained silent, blushing a bit at his oversharing habits. "Oh come on now, honey! Don't you want people to know just how amazing we had it that night? Hehe..." “You're so gross…” you say, quietly laughing and looking away. "Hehehe - hic - I know I am, but I'm *your* gross husband, aren't I?"
“I guess you are..” You roll your eyes and laugh. "And I suppose you’re my gross, and rather annoying wife, eh?" He says teasingly as he laughs again. “Wooooow.. I see how it is Cap'. I guess you won't get any physicality from me tonight.” You say sarcastically teasing him.
Buggy laughed and pretended to pout. "Oh nooo.. What would I do without my little wife's cuddles on a night like this? Eh? What a tragedy....." You thought of another teasing comment, but you didn’t realize where it would take the night. “I mean I wouldn't be shocked if you didn't care. I've heard tales of you being a manwhore.”Buggy's drunken face instantly looked angry, and he narrowed his eyes and pointed at you as if he were looking for a fight.
"Hey, watch what you're saying, lady! That's just false rumors started by my enemies because I am such a great pirate. A manwhore?? Yeah right. I only have eyes for you, my little angel, haha... Heh...." You roll your eyes teasingly, letting out a sarcastic “Mhmmmm.” His face softened and he laughed. "Hehe, yeah... yeah, you're right, honey. I would never lay eyes on another woman other than you. Even if I was out and about searching for treasure and I came across a gorgeous, young woman who looked absolutely delicious...." Your eyes widen as you begin to overthink about his comment. Throughout the night, he continues to make “jokes” about finding another prettier woman on his voyages. Eventually, you sigh, getting up from the table begin to walk away looking slightly panicked and hurt. Buggy suddenly stood up from his seat and came up behind you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and laughed as he spoke again. "Hehe, why you…! Are you jealous? Heh, why would you be jealous over my eyes for another woman, hmm? You know I would never have my eyes on anyone other than you, right? Heh..." You yank away and keep walking, ignoring him. He followed after you, holding your arm tightly as he began talking again and laughing in an annoying manner. "Oooo, oooo... you're so upset! That's hilarious! You're jealous, aren't you? Well, don't worry about it. I just want to tease you a little bit. But, rest assured. I could never love anyone as much as I love you, little angel...." The drunk clown didn’t realize that his comment earlier had heavily impacted you. You let out a quiet, “Don't touch me.” as you pause in your tracks, saying sternly. Buggy scoffs and laughs drunkenly as he pulls you into an embrace and holds you tightly against him. "Ooh, are you getting so angry at me that you don't want me to touch you? Hehe, but... why? I'm just trying to flirt with my wife. Is she getting jealous at the possibility of another woman stealing my eyes away from her?” You push him off, refusing to turn around to face him. “Don't. Touch me.” You said slightly louder as you began to briskly begin walking away. Buggy follows behind you.
"Hehe, why not? Are my husbandly gestures too much for you, little angel? Perhaps I am getting a little too affectionate, aren't I? Heh.... hmph.. I'll just go back to my buddies then. They'll appreciate me better than you do..." You sigh, losing your patience. “Cool. I really don't give a shit. I'm sleeping on the balcony tonight. Sleep by yourself, or the other women you claim to have.” Buggy scoffs, pretending to look hurt by your words as he sighs. "Oh... Oh, is this how it's gonna be? After all the lovely words I've said to you just now and you're gonna reject me like that? Heh, well fine. You can go sleep on the balcony. I don't care. I'll just find someone else that may appreciate me better..." You snap. “You know what” You grab your bag and look at him. “I'm going home.” Because the ship is stopped somewhere on land, you begin to walk towards the exit of the ship. Buggy's face turned red and he looked pissed. "What?! Do you think that bothers me or something?! Why would I care if you go home, huh? There are plenty of other girls that would love to see me and my amazing self! Yeah..." He took a step towards you and smirked. "But you wouldn't wanna be missing out on all the fun activities I have planned for the rest of the time on land.. Right?” You start to become blinded by your rage. “This! This is my fucking reason, Buggy! I can't do this shit with you anymore. You never fucking care cause you "never do any wrong". Go find another fucking woman 'cause I quit,” and you walk off the ship. As you walk away, tears form in your eyes from the pent-up emotion being held in. Buggy froze where he was standing. His breath hitched as he took a couple of deep breaths, and he stood there for a moment, processing what had just happened. Then, in a drunken and angry rage, he burst out laughing and followed behind you. "Haha... Haha - you don't really think you can leave me without me coming for you, right? My baby... my little angel... where are you going?"
“I'm not yours anymore.” You said stoicly. “‘There's plenty of other girls that would love to see me and my amazing self’ is what you said, right? ...Go fuck yourself, clown.” Buggy suddenly grew upset and enraged, and he rushed up to you to grab you as he began yelling at you. "You can't just leave me like this! You hear me!? I don't care what we've been through! I'm still your husband and you're still my wife! We're married and we're gonna make a family together! Remember..?" You ignore him, not moving from the spot you’re standing. His grip on your arm tightened as he spoke again, with more fury and anger in his voice. "So you're just going to abandon me like this!? After all we've been through together?! What about all the years we've been together and all the adventures we've shared?? I've given everything for this ship and for you and for our crew, and you just abandon me like this and you don't even care at all?!" “I DON'T FUCKING CARE? YOU TOLD ME YOU WOULD FIND ANOTHER GIRL ‘BETTER THAN ME’ AS SOON AS I STOOD UP FOR MYSELF.” you yelled back as the situation became more intense and heated. "WELL, THAT WAS JUST A BLUFF! I DIDN'T MEAN IT, OKAY?! I ONLY SAID THAT TO GET A RUSH OUT OF YOU! I WOULD NEVER REPLACE MY LITTLE ANGEL FOR ANYONE ELSE!" You finally turn around to meet eyes with him, your eyes full of tears and your face makeup running down your cheeks. “..Well, you still said it.” Buggy looked back and saw your beautiful, tear-streaked face, and he couldn't help but feel some empathy for you in this moment. His expression softened as he suddenly realized how much he hurt you. "I'm... I know you're right. I did say that... but, honey.. baby.. just know that I would never, ever, replace you for another woman. You will always be my beloved angel. You drop to your knees and start to sob. “I don't want to leave.” you sobbed out. The drunkenness and anger left him as he saw how much you were sobbing. Buggy immediately dropped to his knees next to you as he moved his arm around you, holding you tightly against him, and put his forehead against yours.. "Shhh... It's okay, baby. I'm here. I'm here. I'm sorry for everything. I- ... I'm sorry for what I said.. I just spoke out of anger. Please, just shh... please, angel.." As you process his words, you mutter out “I want to forgive you.. but I shouldn't. I can't.” "But... I'm really sorry! I'll never say I don't love you again! I swear! I'll stop being such a drunk. I'll stop letting the alcohol control me like this! I promise! And- and I will change my flirtatious ways, too. Please, I'll change! I promise you! Just... Just don't leave me... I don't want to live without you... I can't stand this life without you... who'll brush my hair? Or.. Or make me brush my teeth? Or nag me to clean my cabin? Or.. love me?” You sigh. “Buggy..” He rubbed your back as he felt your heartbeat calm down, and he sighed warmly.
"Hmm... I don't know what I'd do without my little angel. Come on, let's go back to the cabin, and I'll give you a proper apology. Yeah? I'll be fully sober in the morning, I promise..." You decide that maybe.. He deserves one more chance. “..Alright.” You say, letting out a sigh, standing up and looking up to the taller man. Buggy also stood up and wrapped his arm around you as he began guiding you up the stairs and back inside the ship. "See? All better now. I'll never let anything happen to you. I won't let anything get between us ever again. I love you, my angel."
..”I love you too, Captain.”
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watercurtaincave · 6 months
𖤓 !! — A Hero and A Warrior and... 000 | prologue
"Summary"! I once met a friend who told me you cannot run from destiny, for density will always seek you down and strike when you least expect it. She told me that density is a constant, a circling force that drives the planet in the way it was meant to and there is no changing its fate or its course. So I say these next words as an apology of sorts, though I’m sure the sin I’ve committed could never be tarnished and cleaned from my soul nor the blood will be scorn off my hands as it burns to touch: “I’m sorry.” And I could only hope you can take that apology and find it somewhere in your hearts to forgive me, to forgive the person I’ve become, and everything I have ever done to hurt you. Please, may you forget the memory of me and anything that is related; Maybe, in another life, in a different time, when destiny was on our side and the stars aligned, everything would be so much more different.
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Sometimes there’s a wandering thought that crosses my mind, one that sparked several curiosities about those who I’ve befriended and the life I used to live. These thoughts usually struck themselves in my mind when I’m alone, more prevalently in the windy night where the moon was full and sparkled off the icicles that had been stricken up. Their frosted bases hold all of the world's secrets, despite never reflecting them back at me when I stared. Maybe there was a point in life, at least at one point I knew there was a point in my life. I was meant to be with someone, or be near someone, or simply just be their acquaintance for a short period of time before I left; Being as wandering as my thoughts, being as mysterious as those secrets held in the ice. Maybe I would have given people advice, maybe even gifts of knowledge and relished in their success from a far before they came to seek me out again and thank me. Maybe I would have beckoned them to come and stay for a while, in a place where time seemed to freeze and everything seemed right for a moment.
Maybe I was meant to be someone, instead of being no one. That was curious thought upon itself; The thought of having a name and identity that was to be known instead of trailing behind the one person who still remembers who I am, who I used to be. Was this meant to be my destiny? To be another nameless face in a plan, someone who stood behind another like a scared little mouse to only be used when the time was right, when all the pawns were laid out on the table. Sometimes that thought crossed my head too, but I never endorsed its stay. Oddly enough, sometimes it was better just to accept what was happening right now at face value, to simply do as I was told without complaints. After all, who would even listen to a person they once knew yet now no longer knew? Especially one who worked for their sworn enemy, the one who planned to destroy the world and created it to perfection–and who promised you the life you were always meant to have: One of peace. I would like that very much.
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“No matter what you do, you cannot change the path of destiny.” Despite the pounding fear in his heart, the ragged thoughts that raced through, and the rush to grab the staff MK heard these words loud and clear. They were spoken in an icy cold voice, one that was almost mystical if it was not for the evil that had spoken them. And yet, they made him falter all the same. He stood in front of the staff, the one weapon he believed in the most to grant him the courage to face the Lady despite everything that had happened; It shone, whispering his name in a calling tone. “I don’t know if all this happened because it was destined to,” MK breathed out, taking a moment to glance up at the Lady. His voice quivered, his eyes faltered and found their place back to the staff, “but I have to believe I found the staff so I could use it for good. To help people, so that’s exactly what I’m going to do. I’m going to take my staff and protect the world!” And there was an odd sensation that made MK’s heart beat rapidly, despite the clanking of metal in the background. There was a rush of thought that filled his head, the worry of not being good enough subduing for a moment as he grabbed ahold of the staff. He heard the whispers crawl up his skin, moving towards his ears as he dug his feet into the ground and– The staff was stuck. Yeah, of course it could never be that easy! MK cursed to himself as he soon tried multiple ways of freeing the staff, mostly out of pure spite. He would yank it, kick the ice, jack hammer it (with a jack hammer he didn’t even know he had!) and even bite it off. Nothing would work, go figure.
“Ah, sweet child, can’t you see?” The eerie whispering voice of the Lady Bone Demon returned to taunt MK, “Sun Wukong couldn’t best me. What could you hope to accomplish when he has failed!” An echoing laugh paired with MK’s terror as he heard a body slam to the ground behind them, and MK knew Macaque was down for now; The time they had tried to buy for MK was up and MK didn’t even have the staff, it was stuck in the pillar of ice. “Cast aside your stubbornness and face your demise with honor!” Wukong’s armor would clank with his uncharacteristically heavy footsteps, slowly drawing closer upon the wishes whispered to him through his ear; The infecting parasite giving him, the real Wukong, no change to control his own body, not even a smidge. Even so, MK knew that he was trying to fight it, shouting and yelling for MK to get out of the way, to go and run. Yet, MK couldn’t do that. He couldn’t abandon a friend who needed his help, and Wukong needed his help right now! “If you really do believe that destiny can’t be changed you wouldn’t be using every ounce of power you have to keep him contained!” MK shouted up at the Lady, clenching his fists at her taunting and pitiful giggles towards the current battle. She thought she had the upper hand, that’s where MK would prove her wrong! She would not win, not on his watch; And he saw the way she recoiled away in disgust at his accusation yet there was a crack in the vessel she was using. Checkmate.
The heavy footsteps of Wukong continued towards MK, and Macaque hoped that this kid's crazy plan would actually work; Or else he would have a lot of explaining to do when this whole situation was over. “The Monkey king I know will never stop fighting you!... And neither will I.” A beat, and there was a pause in time. The Lady glared down at him with a widening smirk, despite the crack in her vessel, watching as Wukong drew back his fists and feet. Watching as Macaque winced as he tried to stand up to rush and stop Wukong, but being unable to even get off his knees due to the beating he endured earlier. She couldn’t help but cackle as Wukong flung himself forward, intending the ground and bulleting right towards MK with a full-power fist ready to strike. And yet her smirk dropped as soon as the smoke cleared, “Thanks for not giving up on me bud,” and Wukong’s voice rang out to snuff some of the flame of the Lady’s destiny. “No!” Lady Bone Demon breathed out, off put at the sudden change. “No!”
MK snickered as he glanced over at Wukong, nodding as he grabbed the staff along with Wukong, “Time for the hero stuff.” The hero stuff, MK’s favorite part! Without missing a beat, strengthening his own pose along with Wukong, they would roughly pry the staff from the ice. And it felt so surreal feeling the energy of the Monkey King, of the staff, rushing around Wukong and MK; darting back under their pores and skin, filling their whole being, before swirling up and shooting upward with unbelievable power. MK felt his stance give for a moment, heard the whispers from the magic, yet was quickly supported by Wukong; Who got a sneak shot of the ring that shot out toward the Lady, forcefully slamming her into the wall of her own mech. He couldn’t help but snicker, even after the power cleared and left Wukong with the sickening feeling of the small scraps of the Lady’s power under his skin. It still made him shutter. Yet, the sight of the Lady huffing with weakness against the wall of her own creation made that thought leave for a moment; That was until MK rushed over to Wukong, celebrating his return, and Macaque grunted as he got up pointing at the sudden release of magic.
Yeah, maybe this isn’t the best time to be celebrating. Especially since Wukong didn’t notice the Lady suddenly draw forward, the feeling of her power quickly swirling back to the host. His eyes widened as he quickly swiped MK behind him; “Predictably, unpredictable fools!” Lady Bone Demon shouted, screamed, and dare say even threw some sort of a tantrum. The vessel she was using began to crack and splitter, split away with the surging magic,  I’m not one to rush destiny but I will not be undone by a troop of headstrong simpletons!” And then it broke and Macaque rushed forward to grab the girl. And MK took a step back in witnessing the true form of the Lady Bone Demon. And suddenly everything felt off to Wukong. Something that caused his hairs to stand up, his joints to stiffen as he glanced around at the sudden surge of oddly familiar power he was sure he had never felt before. Someone else was here, there was another piece in the game that no one had even detected before; Someone who held all the power of a god yet Wukong was sure he had never met a god such as this one before, despite the way his heart gave a flutter upon feeling it. Macaque felt it all too. “You think this is over?” The Lady Bone demon laughed, staring down at the group of three with her void eyes as she floated above dauntingly, daringly. “This isn’t over, until I fulfill my destiny! I’ve been planning this for too long and it won’t go wrong this time. Do you hear me?!”
There was no chance to respond, not even a second to breathe, as a large hand slammed itself on the top of the mech followed by the Lady’s laughter. Wukong felt his blood run cold. “I have erased one god from this world and I will continue to do so until things are perfect!” She would taunt as the demonic hand behind her slowly rose into a monster, one similar to Macaque’s yet made out of some sort of godly essence and boiling hatred. It loomed above like thundering clouds as a threatening, undefined smile, etched upon its face. This wasn’t the magic of the Lady Bone Demon, that Wukong and Macaque knew for sure; It did have some essence of her control, of her buffing, yet it was not hers fully like Wukong’s had. No, despite all the hatred that laced the outer layer and the crackling godly magic that contained no vessel, it had such a different underlying presence that it felt so out of place; So oddly out of place, yet so oddly familiar and calming and alluring… “Say hello to your lover, Monkey boys, because I bet you don’t even remember them.” And that’s when it clicked.
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000 | next materlist | A03
𖤓 !! — all writing in this page belongs to @watercurtaincaves, please do not repost on other sites, plagiarize, or steal. Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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popcaki · 2 years
Simon ‘’Ghost’’ Riley Headcanons
SUMMARY - Some of my headcanons for Ghost, MW2 was good I liked it.
He 100% has a thing for knives like the edgelord he is. Probably owns a massive knife collection, different kinds.
Like I said he’s an edgelord.
Bad driver, I mean did you see how he hit the car that was easily avoidable? He avoids driving at all costs, too afraid to admit about his terrible driving skills.
100% has big self hatred but also a big ego at the same time. 
Wears pink socks.
Good luck seeing him eat or sleep, he will disappear until it’s time for a mission. He probably travels to space for all we know to eat his packed lunch.
Owns Hello Kitty lunch boxes.
Has tried a lot of different kind of drugs at least once, probably smokes a blunt before missions. His red eyes are both due to sleep deprivation and him being high. 
Owns so many different masks and even changes it mid mission, they all have different proportions, meaning it’s not the same (totally not just a normal ingame inconsistency)
He both loves and hates attention, but if he 100% hated attention he wouldn’t be wearing a damn skull mask in the first place. He’s very extra, he likes the attention, drama queen.
He has a lot of dark jokes, but those can be just that jokes, he does them just for shock value. That doesn’t mean there isn’t any truth to them, he at least has a little bit of a twisted mind... start running NOW
He hates kids, not only because he doesn’t know how to handle them but he just genuinely doesn’t like them. Devious creatures.
Listens to ‘‘Wake me up inside’‘ type of music
Most likely likes to read stuff, requires no talking and no engaging with humans.
When he pulled off his mask, he in reality wore another mask execpt it’s shaped like a normal face.
Ok enough with the goofy ones that are kinda shitposts. Here are some genuine ones, specifcally since a lot of people seem to have the hots for him, and like him in such way. These are about any form of relationship and things like that, and how he works from my POV.
Simon when it comes to relationships and such.
I personally see him on the asexual spectrum, could be demisexual. He has no interest in sex really. Gender does not matter to him!
It would take years of building up a friendship with him, I mean that, to even be considered to be in a relationship with him. 
Even then I doubt he’d wanna get into a relationship at all, considering his work, trauma, trust issues, and general fear of loosing people.
If it were to happen, his love language is more in the form of a mutual respect. He’s not very touchy. Words of affirmation is something he would do.
Don’t touch him, even his shoulder, even if it’s with good intent. It would 100% activate a form of fight or flight response. Considering any form of ‘touch’ he has had has been from abuse or in combat.                                   
Even if it’s someone he trusts and cares for to some extent, any form of touch would make him extremely uncomfortable, he would go stiff. I can see him having sensory issues. 
I can see him never wanting to speak about his past, even to trusted people.
A relationship with him would be more friends based honestly. A queerplatonic one.
You would need to give him time with things, anything really when it comes to these things.
He would never in a million years commit the s3xy s3x during a mission or out in combat. You’re in enemy territory, being off guard is a death sentence, and he has a purely tactical mind during these times. It’s his job after all. (This isn’t against any smut fics btw! Just how I personally see him)
He can be very avoidant, distant, act all serious and edgy. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about people, he also jokes with them for example even if dark humor. Ghost joking and having conversations with Soap during the Alone mission has a real practical reason, but it’s clear as day it’s some friendship bonding time during war crimes being unfolded.
Ok if you made it here, so these are half jokes and some what I genuinely believe, again this is just how I see his character, and any other interpretation is 100% okay and valid! we all have different views and ideas. That’s what makes headcanons really fun! I really like the character and have some drawings planned.
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nateconnolly · 4 months
Oppressed people are more than capable of acting against their own groups. Phyllis Schlafly is right up there with Malala Yousafzai and Angela Davis as one of the most influential “women’s rights” activists to ever live. The only problem? She almost single-handedly killed a proposed Amendment to the Constitution that said, “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.” Due to the actions of a cis woman, there is no Constitutional protection for the rights of people assigned female at birth. In Schlafly’s mind, there is no contradiction between fighting for women’s rights and striking down the Equal Rights Amendment. “What I am defending is the real rights of women,” she explained. “A woman should have the right to be in the home as a wife and mother.” She leveraged her gender identity to maintain institutional misogyny. Schlafly behaved as if she spoke for all women, when in fact she was only one among billions.
In truth, no one can speak for all women. As Kimberly Probolus wrote in her New York Times Op Ed Men, You Need to Listen to Women, “...active listening means hearing the words women are saying and taking them at face value, even if those words contradict your prior assumptions or your own agenda.” But Probolus adds an important qualification: “Women do not speak with one voice. We don’t all want the same things…” Without that qualification, active listening easily becomes regressive nonsense. It would be nothing more than blind obedience to self-appointed oligarchs like Schlafly. “The analysis that all women are allies and that all men are enemies was in error,” wrote the feminist communist Leslie Feinberg. “It puts Sojourner Truth and Margaret Thatcher on one side and John Brown and John Rockefeller on the other.” There are gay homophobes, Jewish anti-semites, and Black anti-Black racists. 
If Attack Helicopter really had been written by a cis person, that would not make it transphobic. And if Attack Helicopter really had been transphobic, that would have been a moral problem with the message of the text—even if the transphobic author were a transgender person. All of us have the potential to do wrong. Hiding behind identity labels will not resolve you of moral culpability, and it will not help you do the right thing.
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The BG3 Match-ups is such a cool idea! :D I'll absolutely give it a try.
My Tav is a human berserker barbarian by the name of Lionheart. An absolute unit of a man - the size of a small house as far as most are concerned. Moustached and bearded, with a blonde mane of locks that cascade down his shoulders and arms that look like they could embrace the whole world. And knowing his demeanor they probably do.
He's the definition of a gentle giant. If only you replaced "gentle" with "nonchalantly flamboyant" or "gregarious to such a degree, looking at his face feels like looking into the sun." With his age came a certain wisdom - he is straightforward, open and effortlessly charming. Expect loud, booming laughter, expect bear hugs, expect flowery words of sage advice. All his movements are big swooping motions unafraid of taking up space - he walks like he always knows where he's going, speaks as though his words are to be etched in stone. Whether it's this sense of safety he exudes or his unflinching friendliness, it really helps in dealing with all those other skittish feral cats of characters.
He used to be a village head before the tadpole. Though he does his best not to show it, he feels a tremendous amount of guilt for having to leave it behind. That might be his biggest flaw - in trying to position himself as this solid bedrock for people to rely on, he will actively hide his injuries, both physical and emotional. Something that he'd firmly advise others against doing.
He will use his skills to manage the camp, plan, cook, be a mighty pat on the back or a listening ear if so asked.
But that's where his sunny disposition stops and his barbarian class begins - he will charge and slaughter an enemy without a second thought, the moment they establish themselves as a danger. There's no ego to it, no ideological hestitations. If he can't defend his people back at the village, he will fearlessly do so for the ones he has found. Be it virtue or penance, it's moments like these, with roars and grunts and blood splattering around, that his name begins to make perfect sense.
Privately he's a fan of novels, poetry, music. No need for prestige, he values the simple things in life. Still, he does grow to deeply miss the songs and campfire dances thrown during various celebrations in his village. Maybe once he returns he'll get to see them again.
A/N: Oh my gosh, the entire time I was reading I was picturing a Thor-looking guy wearing a flower crown in his hair- somebody both large and strong but also soft and beautiful! @metkapop Your Tav sounds amazing! As for a matchup for you… I think Lionheart would best be matched with Astarion (Male) or Karlach (Female)! 
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Astarion would be a great match for Lionheart! Even though they may not look super compatible on paper, I think Astarion would really for him. Because of Lionheart’s stature and demeanor, Astarion would feel loved and protected. And in return, he’d be a very loyal, very cunning partner for Lionheart to have. 
Astarion may have been intimidated by Lionheart initially, as he’s more of a scrappy guy, not a fighter. But as Astarion comes to know Lionheart, and understands that he is, as you say, really a ‘gentle giant’, I think Astarion would let his guard down. He probably ends up feeling protected as well, with all that muscle shielding him in fights. Also, thanks to how open and affectionate Lionheart is, Astarion probably finds himself opening up to the idea of receiving affection and attention again, having been denied it for so long. Astarion is sort of like a skittish cat, or an abused dog that's been kicked one too many times- so the fact that Lionheart can ease such creatures helps foster their relationship immensely. 
Astarion loves Lionheart’s appearance. Mainly because it’ll make anyone think twice about messing with them, but also because Astarion thinks Lionheart’s long golden hair is gorgeous- like sunshine in braid form. He’s a little on the fence about the mustache, just because it tickles a bit at first when they kiss, but Astarion comes to love it just as well as he loves the rest of Lionheart. 
Astarion also feels a fair share of guilt- for all, he’s been forced to do under Cazador. He has so many regrets and often blames himself for all that’s befallen him and his victims. He doesn't like to talk about it, and he does have a self-deprecating streak but that’s where Lionheart comes in. Together they can confide in each other, about how they feel responsible- and they can reassure one another, that the things that happened outside of their control are not their fault. Their consciousnesses may be heavy, but the two of them carrying that weight together helps lighten the load. 
Astarion’s a huge fan of the fact that Lionheart is skilled in many areas, as he’s been forced to sort of only work on the charm or manipulation aspect of things. The fact Lionheart is so good at planning managing and leading puts Astarion at ease. He feels less of an inclination to have to make up for a lack of skills with Lionheart being able to take the reigns on most things. Of course, Astarion prefers Lionheart leave any lockpicking or lying up to him, as he is the expert in those things. 
Astarion quite admires Lionheart’s skill on the battlefield. Again, he feels protected, and for once, he can rest easy at night knowing his lover won’t let anyone hurt him ever again. 
Astarion quite likes the idea of retiring to Lionheart’s village after all of this is said and done. Of course, he’d need a couple of things- preferably a large house or manor to call theirs, and an easy lifestyle, he’s not going to go work on the farms or raise chickens or anything of that sort. But the idea of living in a community where everyone is healthy and… well, happy, yes that sounds good to him. And being the partner of the village chief, well, that would just come as a bonus. ;)
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Karlach is also a great match for Lionheart! They are both strong and loud and very much, ‘wear-thier-heart-on-thier-sleeves’ sort of people. They’re practically two peas in a pod! 
Karlach thinks Lionheart is handsome as hell, especially with how he can match her in a battle of strengths, but of one of happiness as well. Being joyful is something she finds extremely attractive, and Lionheart is certainly adept at that. 
She loves how she doesn't have to dial it down, or make herself smaller to be with him, that he loves her boisterous and hot personality. She’s so grateful to have found someone who doesn’t expect her to simmer down, or remove parts of herself in order to be with them. Lionheart loves her as is, for who she is, her past and infernal engine and all, and it makes her stomach flutter just thinking about it. 
Because Karlach is also a tank, she’s used to hiding her injuries or doubts from her soldiers and fellow fighters, but Lionheart sees right through that facade. He tells her it's okay to slow down and insists on bandaging her up whenever she gets hurt. He asks that she do the same for him, that way, they’ll hold each other accountable in that regard. 
Additionally, Karlach is captivated by the way Lionheart fights. It’s so brutal and primal, it gets her hot under the collar. I mean, the way he charges his enemies, the way he tries so fiercely to protect the camp, even her, despite her being a barbarian as well- it makes her head spin. She thinks he’s beyond incredible, and she can’t believe she’s so lucky as to have gotten him for a lover. 
And oh boy, Karlach cannot wait when all of this is over, when the Brain is defeated and their parasites and cured, and she’s free of her infernal engine, when she can go back to his village with him. She’d love getting to dance around the campfire, hells, she loves getting to dance pretty much anywhere, but it’s especially fun to do it with the one she loves the most. 
Karlach thinks a nice peaceful retirement is something she’d grow quite accustomed to. Maybe have kids of their own, or adopt some. She spends her free time dreaming of the future she and Lionheart will have together. She can’t wait for that dream to become her reality. 
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cheerfullycatholic · 22 days
General Audience, May 15th 2024
Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!
Today we will talk about the third theological virtue, charity. The other two, let us remember, were faith and hope: today we will talk about the third, charity. It is the culmination of the entire itinerary we have undertaken with the catecheses on the virtues. To think of charity immediately expands the heart, and it expands the mind, it evokes the inspired words of Saint Paul in the First Letter to the Corinthians. Concluding that wonderful hymn, Saint Paul cites the triad of the theological virtues and exclaims: “So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love” (1 Cor 13:13).
Paul addresses these words to a community that is anything but perfect in fraternal love: the Christians of Corinth were rather litigious, there were internal divisions, and there were those who claimed always to be right and did not listen to others, regarding them as inferior. Paul reminds them that knowledge puffs up, whereas charity builds up (cf. 1 Cor 8:1). The Apostle then records a scandal that touches even the moment of maximum union of a Christian community, the “Lord’s supper”, the Eucharistic celebration: even there, there are divisions, and there are those who take advantage of this to eat and drink, excluding those who have nothing (cf. 1 Cor 11:18-22). In the face of this, Paul gives a stark judgement: “When you meet together, it is not the Lord’s supper that you eat” (v. 20), you have another ritual, which is pagan, it is not the Lord’s supper.
Who knows, perhaps in the community of Corinth, no-one thought they had committed a sin, and those harsh words of the Apostle sounded somewhat incomprehensible for them. Probably they were all convinced they were good people, and if questioned on love, they would have answered that love was certainly a very important value for them, just like friendship or the family. In our days too, love is on the lips of many “influencers” and in the refrains of many songs. We speak a lot about love, but what is love?
“But the other love?”, Paul seems to ask to his Christians of Corinth. Not the love that rises, but the one that descends; not the one that takes, but the one that gives; not the one that appears, but the one that is hidden. Paul is concerned that in Corinth - as among us today too - there is confusion and that there is actually no trace of the theological virtue of love, the one that comes to us only from God. And if even in words everyone assures that they are good people, that they love their family and friends, in reality they know very little about the love of God.
The Christians of antiquity had several Greek words at their disposal to define love. In the end, the word “agape” emerged, which we normally translate as “charity”. Because in truth Christians are capable of all the forms of love in the world: they too fall in love, more or less as it happens to everyone. They too experience the benevolence that is felt in friendship. They too feel love for their country and the universal love for all humanity. But there is a greater love, a love which comes from God and is directed towards God, which enables us to love God, to become His friends, and enables us to love our neighbour as God loves him or her, with the desire to share the friendship with God. This love, because of Christ, drives us where humanly we would not go: it is the love for the poor, for those who are not lovable, for those who do not care for us and are not grateful. It is love for what no-one would love, even for one’s enemy. Even for the enemy. This is “theological”: this comes from God, it is the work of the Holy Spirit in us.
Jesus preaches, in the Sermon on the Mount: “If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them” (Lk 6:32-33). And he concludes: “But love your enemies” – we are used to speaking badly of our enemies – “love your enemies and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for he is kind to the ungrateful and the selfish” (v. 35). Let us remember this: “Love your enemies and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return”. Let us not forget this!
In these words, love reveals itself as a theological virtue and assumes the name of charity. Love is charity. We immediately realize that it is a difficult, indeed impossible love to practice if one does not live in God. Our human nature makes us love spontaneously what is good and beautiful. In the name of an ideal or a great affection we can even be generous and perform heroic acts. But the love of God goes beyond these criteria. Christian love embraces what is not lovable, it offers forgiveness – how difficult it is to forgive! How much love it takes to forgive! – Christian love blesses those who curse, whereas, faced with an insult or a curse, we are accustomed to replying with another insult, with another curse. It is a love so ardent that it seems almost impossible, and yet it is the only thing that will remain of us. Love is the “narrow gate” through which we will pass in order to enter the Kingdom of God. Because at the twilight of life, we will not be judged on generic love; we will be judged precisely on charity, on the real love we had. And Jesus says this to us, which is so beautiful: “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me” (Mt 25:40). This is the beautiful thing, the greatest thing about love. Onwards and upwards!
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tales-of-cerano · 7 months
A few sessions ago in our Dnd game I dropped that throughout childhood I was killed a revivified a couple of times by my family due to training accidents and occasional overpunishment. Turns out that is not how everyone else grew up and they thought my dad was a real freak for that.
The following is a little write up in the perspective of my sister after a bad day of picking a losing fight at school. It shows a bit of insight on the cyclical nature of the abuse in his family and how much they value strength. She would be about 14 at this time and he'd be 11.
This is unedited, raw, and just a fun little thing delve deeper into this character and how easy access to spells like revivify and healing would impact situations like this.
Cw for domestic abuse, child abuse
Those who walked through the corridor of marble were supposed to feel powerful. They were to hear their footsteps echo as they passed portraits of glory. It was a buildup to an esteemed location where they would meet a man of great honor, the hero of the age, the catalyst of north.
Though when Eliza walked down the hall, the clop of her tired footsteps became a slow ticking metronome which regulated her thoughts. The faces of her ancestors peered over their spectacles to judge the fresh bruises forming on her face. The hall became thinner as she swam through until she almost choked from the breath she was holding.
She did not even notice her brother who galloped behind her, trying to keep pace with her long legs. He never could without breaking into an awkward gait between running and walking. On another day, her chapped lips would break into a slight smile. Today they would stay pursed as they held back words forming in her mind.
On another day, she would hold the door open so her little brother could run in first. Today, the heavy doors slowly closed behind her leaving him alone for the portraits to watch over him.
Her father tilted his head up for one moment before looking back down at the journal he wrote in.
"You showed them the strength of our family, correct?" Did you win?
She swallowed. Excuses, explanations, and fear climbed over each other to escape out of her esophagus. "I did not foresee their assistance from House Order." No, they cheated.
"When you decide to march on the enemy, you must take into account their friends. Disappointed but not surprised." The salted words made her open cuts sting. If they weren't there I could have taken him. She shut her eyes and held them tight as embarrassment turned to white hot anger.
She said nothing. Nothing was safe. Nothing developed nothing. Nothing never made anything worse. Silence was an answer she clung to often.
"Train for an extra hour tomorrow with Malthus. Do not bare fangs if you are too weak to use them. You are dismissed."
She turned to leave and would have slammed the wooden door if it's weight was not too great. A light pressure formed behind her eyes.
"Quit staring at me!"
The paintings did not respond. They did not even acknowledge her frustration.
But her brother who has not learned the strategy of saying nothing, did.
"They never listen to me either."
She increased her pace down the hall, as if she could outrun the beat of her heart.
"Valakir if you know what's good for you, you won't fuck with me right now."
"You always say that," he began to sprint to keep up, "Hey! Slow down," he grasped her cloak.
She thought about the consequences of killing her brother in that moment but ruled against it for the paintings were watching. She planted her foot in his chest and sent him back reeling instead.
"Why are you mad at me? I didn't beat you up."
"I'm not mad!"
"Then I'm not 11!"
He eyes felt inflated, the deep pressure behind them rooted into the front of her skull.
"Can you fuck off?" The harder push was resisted this time.
"What? You trying to start another fight you can't win?"
"Take that back!"
She closed her eyes to keep them from falling out of her head. The roots dig their way deeper into the center of her head. Did the room always sound so loud?
She grabbed him my the back of the collar and dragged him down the corridor until they reached a stone furnished training room. He kicked and screamed but the paintings never listen.
She threw him into the corner with a rapier that rolled to his curled up legs. She no longer felt the soreness in her arm when she unsheathed her sword for the second time that day.
"A fight I can't win, huh? Get up... Now!"
She directed her intense gaze his way. The pressure crawled down the back of her neck to her shoulder blades.
He stood, gathered himself into his first form, and attempted to control his shaking legs. His eyebrows furlled to the center. He broke into a sweat before he even moved.
"I'll even let you go first."
As soon as he was able to shake off the paralysis he struck. Third form, an attempt to catch her off guard perhaps. But the pressure springloaded her movement. She dodged before he extended his arm and brought her knee to his stomach. As soon as his breath fully left his body she sliced, still managing to cut deep with a dulled blade. It was only going through fabric after all.
She didn't remember what happened next. Only the pressure subsiding, leaving through her arms, and exiting out of her sword as it stabbed into him when he was down.
He learned how to say nothing. His lifeless corpse proved that.
Shoulders now free from the pressure had a dull ache which grew with the newfound weight of what she had done. Tears landed on the scroll she pulled out of the depths of her backpack. One chance. The ripped the diamonds from her necklace. One chance.
Panic rose, pride fell, there was no time for the guilt to consume her. She spoke the words of light and life, careful to pronounce each syllable in the correct tone. What if he chose to stay dead?
And Valakir blinked, and inhaled, gasped for air, grasped for a hand and then pushed it away as soon as he realized who it belonged to. He looked at her with wide eyes, the same eyes she looked at their father with after he had done the same. The eyes of regret.
He crawled before climbing to his feet and sprinting. His legs ran first while his body attempted to keep up. A light pressure formed behind his eyes.
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krysta-cross · 1 year
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I couldn’t sleep again so lemme write an excerpt from our fanfiction, Andromeda featuring Tomas/Smoke and Krysta 💙
‼️Warning: mentions blood and massacre‼️
After Travis told Krysta that Tomas is a demon/enenra. He ran off to the nearby forest because he felt like he cannot face her after she knew he isn’t human and he got scared that she will not like to be around him anymore. Little did he know, Krysta followed him deep inside the forest and the lurkers in the dark saw her and attacked her, Tomas sensed her fear through the mark on his arm and immediately went where she is, he came just in time and fought with monsters, he poured out his frustrations on them so he really massacred them relentlessly, their guts flying out everywhere and he didn’t stop until his armor is drenched with their blood but even if he is uninjured, his heart aches at the thought that Krysta saw what he is and witnessed what he did to those beings and thought to himself that he will surely scare her off and she will hate her and wouldn’t want to go near him again. Just the thoughts breaks his feeble heart, he couldn’t even turn around to face her until she spoke to him and asked him to face her, he hesitated at first but he still followed her request but he stared at her feet. He knew he looked like a predator who just slain his prey and that is the sight he never wished for her to see but too late now…
Krysta: Tomas, listen to me. Travis is wrong. You didn’t lie to me. It’s true that you didn’t tell me what you are but you also didn’t say you’re human. I kinda knew from the start that you’re not ordinary but I didn’t ask you because I want you to be ready to tell me yourself because there are things that takes time to be ready to talk about. I also want to tell you that as someone who has lost most of her loved ones, I cannot bear to invest my feelings for somebody and live in constant fear that they too, would die because of me… Just because I can’t even defend myself in this wretched world I don’t belong to…but when you came by, you always put my mind at ease by making sure I am always safe with you but you forsaking your own safety for me isn’t something I will stand for!
Tomas: Travis is right, I am not like you. The truth is I am an assassin and a demon enenra so I couldn’t care less if I lose a limb fighting our faction’s enemies because at the end of the day I will heal and I’m used to all the wounds and injuries. I don’t want to have you worry about me but if I am being honest, when you came here and you started worrying about me and my well-being which is something new to me, for some reasons I like the warm feeling it sends me every time you check on me, I felt valued and cared for which is something I have never felt for a long time and I will make sure to protect not only myself but you, more than anything else but I guess it’s too late for that now because you see me? This is what I really am. I’m scary and I wouldn’t blame you if you don’t want to be near someone like me…
Krysta: I don’t care what kind of being you are, you are important to me and I will care for you even if those wounds heal in a second or your limbs grow back in a few minutes. I know you feel pain too and I’m not sure if you find it wrong that I worry about you because you’re my friend and friends look out for each other as they should be. Promise me you will never leave me… *bites her lip to stop her tears from falling and runs to hug Tomas*
Tomas: *startled and flustered by her sudden actions, slowly wraps one of his arms around her* K-Krysta, I’m bloodied all over, you will get dirty if you do that.
Krysta: I don’t care! Don’t listen to Travis like his words are my own! I don’t care if you are an alien or a demon or anything! You’re my friend and I accept you for who you are so stop being a dummy and don’t leave me… I feel safer with you around.
Tomas: I promise to never leave your side, you can always count on me near you, if that’s what would calm you and your restless mind, I swear it to my life that I will protect you from anything that would want to bring you harm and also to make sure I don’t get hurt so much in the process…
Krysta: *smiles and looks up to meet Tomas’ eyes* Thank you. You don’t know how much this means to me, finally I felt like I have someone I can rely on from this foreign world. I will do my best to stay away from harm so you won’t have that much work to do.
Tomas: It means so much to me too, I will be happy to defend you from anything that will try to hurt you, as long as I’m around, no harm can befall you, my dear… friend *stares intently at her*
The two returned to the Sky Temple and forgot they are both bloodied all over, much to their companions surprise when they showed up together. Tomas and Krysta just laughed at their reactions and decided to clean themselves before having dinner.
A/N: I didn’t put blood or red on the drawing because I like it looked clean after inking hehe also I hope you liked this piece, let me know what you think of it 🥹
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skitariiposting · 1 year
Dear friend Jerry,
I saw your new short story, and I once again must say, "Good work." I enjoyed it and hope those two youngsters grow up to be proper servants of the Omnissiah.
Though I do come with two questions for you. What forgeworld do you originate from? And, have you ever encountered that wacky Cawl during your service to the Omnissiah?
funct.print ("[happy] and once again I must say, 'thank you Cu-unit!'"); funct.print ("[statement] My home is Deimos, a lovely forgeworld dedicated to the Grey Knights. The steel is blue, the water green, and the factories warm, I miss it so. Despite my... opinions on the empire of mankind and their 'god,' I do respect the Grey Knights and treat them as family, as most Deimites do. Out of the lot of beakies, I'd say that Grey Knights have one of the few jobs that could be considered a net good for everybody. The chaos is far more dangerous than any xeno, except perhaps the Tyranids. The Grey Knights don't deserve just our respect, but our gratitude, as the hardships they face they face not just for humanity, but for the entirety of existence. And what they face is mind warping, madness inducing. I wouldn't wish this job on my worst enemy. Perhaps there are good xenos out there, perhaps there are even good humans out there, but one things for sure: The chaos is incapable of good. As such, if a Grey Knight asks to take shelter in your house for the night, you give them all the room they need and break out the good drinks. They need all the drinks they can get."); funct.print ("[whispering] we don't mention the 'C' name around here. If you say it three times in a mirror, he'll be summoned and then you'll have to listen to his inane gibberings for hours. He's... Just old, and you can't fault him for that. Ten thousand years is a long time to be alive, there's no telling what's going on in that head of his. I'm sure the tech-priests still find some value in his words, and his contributions are... important, but Omnissiah bless him, he's not up to par with what he used to be capable of, at least if the archives are correct. For us skitarii, he's more of a burden than a boon. If you're lucky enough to have auditory enhancements or replacements, you might be able to unplug them or mute them, then just nod yes any time he seems to be waiting for an answer. I feel bad about it though.");
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redmoonwanderer · 8 months
FFXIV Write 2023, Day 30 Prompt: Amity Mild(ish?) spoilers all the way to EW.
It can be hard to trust again those who go to the shadows again and again and still beg for forgiveness, offering an explanation full well knowing it may not be accepted
(but Qhol’a listens, and forgives. It’s hard not to, when there are times Urianger risks himself to keep his friend standing a little longer; when he offers such insight in battle and outside, to help them towards victory)
and it’s hard to find a friend in someone who constantly places himself beneath and behind someone; hoping for friendship and trust both despite endangering everyone while keeping his reasons and face in the shadows
(but Qhol’a holds on to hope that one day G’raha will realise his place, as all Qhol’a’s friends’, is by his side as an equal. It will take time to forgive his deceit, but to see the once reserved man be again filled with energy and curiosity, genuine joy, Qhol’a knows he’ll find it in himself, one day.)
just as it is hard to find patience with someone who has yet not seen the life outside, the cruelty of it, but also the true joy that surviving hardships can bring. When one thinks ideals alone will be enough to shape the world, it’s almost frightening to wait for the moment that image shatters
(but shatter it does, and Alphinaud realises that good intentions aren’t always enough, and sometimes hard work doesn’t pay off the way he’d hoped. Qhol’a is incredibly proud of the growth he’s been given the chance to witness, and he knows only patience will allow this youngling to bloom.)
and see how the world you once thought you knew is reshaped: friends turned to enemies, enemies to friends, as the illusions lift and reveal truths long since buried. What can someone do when who they were was built on falsehoods, so as not to break, themselves
(but rebuild himself Estinien does. When the world no longer needs the man he was, he leaves not to disappear but to remake himself just enough to match the truth while keeping the rest of the pieces as they always have been. He may pretend to be the lone wolf still, but Qhol’a knows whom to expect the moment his own image threatens to shatter under new weights.)
and when they have to choose between experiencing the world around and a long life with loved ones? How can one value one more than the other when new things greet you with such a feeling of wonder, and most all you can learn is on the pages of tomes from long ago to this day; when those by your side are your life
(but it’s a choice Y’shtola makes. Sometimes Qhol’a wonders if it’s actually for her friends that she channels her own aether to see, in her own, unique way but see nonetheless. She could’ve chosen otherwise, not shortening her own life, but also not delve with them to the deepest dungeons and soar to worlds beyond without losing years to practice; chosen to miss on travelling side by side. Such dedication to what matters, he cannot but appreciate.)
and are all that matters. And how can one expect to be welcomed when they allow themselves to be turned against those loved ones? To be there to pave the road to their destruction? Is there a way to earn forgiveness after that? Is it found in going ahead no more in shadows but for all to see, so others will never be struck again
(but there is no need for such things. When Qhol’a approached Thancred after the fight against Ultima, against Lahabrea, with a warm drink and a heavy blanket, it’s not to say “I forgive you.” When he gives the man the tea, wraps the blanket around his shoulder and sits next to him, leaning on him so he can feel again, it is to say, “I still trust you.” After Zenos steals Qhol’a’s body, Thancred comes to him with tea and a blanket, before leaning against him. No words are needed.)
or is the answer in getting stronger? To grow with each step, run to catch up to the one you so look up to, despite knowing you might not catch up? But is there any point in reaching for something you cannot have? To look at the world and take the risk of being disappointed when you fall and lose; should one still hold on to hope
(but she does. Alisaie is nothing if not stubborn, and when that means that she finds a way to rescue not only a child she looked at the stars with, but countless others, its proof enough. When she hesitates, Qhol’a is always there to remind her that she has done incredible things: not just helped someone else achieve it, but been at the lead. And the rivalry? Qhol’a will never stop moving as long as she’s there to catch up.)
that in the end, all will be well?
Journeys are long things, and poses many questions for one to ponder. Sometimes, Qhol’a finds the answers scattered on his path, and there are answers that he didn’t even know he was looking for.
Other times, however, what he finds are not for him, but for those around him: the ones he’s gathered to stand with him in sun and storm. Answers to their problems, new ways to see the world and themselves, picked up by one man.
Of course, the same can be said for his friends: without them, there are a great many things he would’ve never found. It’s a little miracle that works only when it works both ways, friendship.
The warm thing that you hope to never let go of.
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@acoldsovereign​ continued from here!
​There was no thought that the taller saiyan woman would properly heed his words, after all, they fell a bit flat when they had come after he had already moved to strike. But what was he to do? Plead with her? Hope that simply yelling would gain her attention long enough that she would stop her attack on those who couldn't defend themselves from her relentless assault on the area? It didn't truly bother him, she was an enemy, she made that as clear as day within only a few minutes of the two meeting, and now he had made it clear that he was the one she should be focused on. No matter how many hits she could take, Trunks would make it his mission to ensure that no civilians would once again fall onto her radar, for he had long gained his distaste for those who terrorized innocent lives for their amusement.
But he gives her a moment to register the situation, with one arm down, surely she must have realized that this was not a fight she could hope to win. The smart thing would have been to attack again as she took in the appearance and defiance of the lavender haired hybrid: a younger warrior that was seemingly unbothered by their shared heritage as his tail tightened around his waist and his arms remained folded, defending a race of people traditionally far weaker than either of them. But he wasn't doing the smart thing, he was going to give her an opportunity. It wasn't his usual style, but when facing a new opponent, he would at least make an attempt to understand what they were doing. He had even once asked the twins of his time their reasoning even when they had beaten him into a bloody pulp, though their logic was the same as many that he had fought: They had power to abuse as they wished, and so they played with lives of others simply because they had the power to do and had felt they deserved to do whatever they pleased.
Perhaps she would be different, though he did not hold out any faith in that idea.
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"I'll give you one chance."
His voice would be heard clear as day as he rephrased his earlier statement, his eyes shooting daggers as he watches her movements, her chuckling to herself was something that would not be given value for now as he assumed she was already on the verge of a breakdown. It would be natural wouldn't it? Those who targeted the weak were not ready to deal with those who could push back. And push back he did.
"Surrender now, and no more blood has to be shed."
There's silence as he allows her time to consider his words, a stoic gaze examining Maiz head to toe, attempting to figure out what her next move might be. To his surprise, instead of panicking upon meeting a foe that rather swiftly disabled one of their arms, the other Saiyan was... smiling? The expression unnerved him, it was as if she had welcomed the sudden challenge in her life and was hardly bothered by a disabled arm, and she would prove how unbothered she was by his attack with a few simple movements made to loudly regain use of her arm once more.
His eyes would widen, quite clearly not expecting the choice that she had so boldly made, but as her retort came, Trunks's composure would quickly be regained. So, she didn't want to go down without a fight did she? No point in attempting to talk things out, as she apparently didn't want to listen to anything he had to say as she got herself into what was undeniably a fighting position in defiance of what he had offered. 
That was fine. Disappointing, but fine.
With an inhale, he would waste no time to make his next move: A series of rapid arm movements, ending with placing his palms forward with the thumbs and index fingers touching each other to form a diamond shape. Then, with a mighty yell, he’d fire an energy sphere from his palms towards her.
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l05t1nth3v01d · 2 years
Jse (6/?)
TW:none besides Anti ig
Jackieboy Man
(I'm using blue again cause there is no other color,has nothing to do with chase)
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(Can't remember where I got this)
"Jackieboy Man back in Jacktion"
• Heroic vigilante,brave,bubbly,independent,can be clumsy at times(dropping or fumbling with tools,can make him seem unqualified),is intelligent,has a great heart,compassionate,loyal,honorable,optimistic,always ready with a word of advice for the viewers,proud of his success,usually sings/dances to celebrate,impatient,impulsive,sometimes forgets the necessary tools he needs for his mission,rushes of into danger without fully listening to the rules,vivid imagination,keen sense of competition with other superheros(particularly spider-man)
• Tends to forget things and needs to double back and recheck his work
》can stand hin his own way because of that
• never hesitates to help those in need
• never one to back down from a fight
• Can easily be frightened when blindfolded or ambushed
• basically gets offended when he feels like he's being disrespected
• tends to take most things to face value(trusting what he sees not what he's told)
• X-ray vision
》has bad eyesight out of x-ray
》owns 'superhero-glasses' that he need to see
• Keen hearing
• Superior agility
• Tentative hacking/coding skills
• "Jackieboy Man returns"
(There is basically no need to watch it but he is there so)
•apparently is the enemy of anti
I decided that I will add Robbie the Zombie as well but not Angus cause I don't see a connection to the other egos.I know that they are both not canon(as far as I'm aware) but I think there's a chance of Robbie to become that.If not then so be it.
Also if you have stuff to add to Jackieboy Man that would be cool and so on.
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theprayerfulword · 2 months
April 12
Joshua 1:6 [The Lord said to Joshua,] “Be strong and courageous.”
Galatians 6:8 For the one who sows to his own flesh shall from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit shall from the Spirit reap eternal life.
John 5:21 For just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, even so the Son also gives life to whom He wishes.
Isaiah 53:5 But He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the chastening for our well-being fell upon Him, and by His scourging we are healed.
Hosea 6:3 So let us know, let us press on to know the Lord. His going forth is as certain as the dawn; and He will come to us like the rain, like the spring rain watering the earth.
Ephesians 3:17-19 …that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth and height; 19 and to know the love of Christ…
May you understand how the controlling powers of the inner land of your personal battleground no longer have the courage to face you when you stand in the name and the power of Jesus, for they have been defeated by the victory of Christ on the cross. Joshua 5
May you circumcise the flesh of your heart so that you can go into battle with the power of the Spirit of God. Joshua 5
May you walk in the newness of understanding, leaving behind man's thoughts of “us vs. them” or “good vs. evil,” and follow the Commander of the army of the Lord, receiving His message in humility and walking in holiness before Him. Joshua 5
May you rise early, seek God for direction, and follow His leading, for though He has given you victory and already defeated the enemy, you must walk in obedience to His Word and His Spirit in your actions and your intentions in order to destroy the enemy's strongholds. Joshua 6
May you present yourself before the Lord, listening to His Spirit, taking inventory and allowing Him to direct your attention so that He can point out to you that desire of the heart or pattern of thinking that seeks to steal His glory or retain His praise, allowing you to recognize it, isolate it, and consciously reject it, cleansing yourself of the sin that has kept His blessings from flowing in your life. Joshua 7
My child, when you find yourself at the end of your strength, do not blame yourself. When you cannot muster the strength to continue, do not condemn your heart. When you are wearied in the journey and have no enthusiasm for the next step, much less the next stage of your travels, rejoice, for that is the time and the point in which I can truly begin to be to you the One I have longed to be. When a parent brings their child to a new place, they know the child will be too excited to focus right away. Instead of listening, the child will run hither and yon, looking at everything new, excited beyond hearing, following their own fascination, investigating every different thing, caught up in the newness of all that is around them. Finally, worn out by all the distraction, they slow down and stop, exhausted, turning to look to their parent, ready to hear what they are told. Rest in Me, My precious one, for you are exhausted with gladness. I will be your strength in the joy of My ministry. Know that I have much to tell you, and will teach you bit by bit, without hurry, paced for your comprehension. I do not condemn you, My loved one, nor shall any other voice do so, for you are Mine, created, redeemed from the thief of your soul and returned to My embracing arms. You are Mine, and you are loved everlastingly. Walk with Me as I talk with you.
May the very thing that others complain of be the saving grace you receive from the Lord, for He welcomes sinners, and eats with them. Luke 15
May your heart be aligned with the Father's so that you can know the joy of discovering and returning that which was lost, understanding the value He places on, and the longing He experiences for, those which the world would disregard. Luke 15
May you sing for joy to God your strength and shout aloud to the God of Jacob for He has removed the burden from your shoulder and set your hands free from slavery because when you called in your distress, He rescued you. Psalm 81
May you listen to the Lord and hear the word of God as He warns you against having any god or desire that you bow down to or follow other than the Lord your God Who brought you up out of bondage. Psalm 81
May you simply listen to God and follow His ways, for then He would quickly subdue your enemies and turn your hand against your foes, causing those who hate the Lord to cringe before Him, and feeding you with the finest of wheat as He satisfies you with honey from the rock. Psalm 81
May you heed your Father's instruction, as wise sons do, and not be a mocker who does not listen to rebuke. Proverbs 13:1
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frogeyedape · 2 months
Ah! Got it!
"Therefore nothing mocking [nazi beliefs/slogans] in leftist circles can actually be mocking" -- NO. Some people are "mocking" or "joking" but actually believe what they say. The reason this WORKS is because other people A) believe the "joker" is not serious and maybe B) also joke about dark shit and maybe C) are accustomed to a culture where joking about such things is acceptable, but again, A) is the main and most integral point. It's not called a red flag or dogwhistle for nothing--it is meant to slide under the radar--to evade detection by blending in with safe speech. *It needs a background to camouflage itself in.*
THE FACT IT IS A DOGWHISTLE MEANS MANY PEOPLE WILL NOT KNOW IT'S A DOGWHISTLE. People who STUDIED dog whistles might've missed that one, or forgotten it, or had a brain fart! We have got to stop saying "if you say X forbidden thing you are sacrosanct and evil forever"--there are people who are ignorant! Brainwashed! Are they evil because they grew up in a cult/fell into a major depression and found solace in QAnon? No! It's when they learn the cult does evil shit, when they realize QAnon is completely off its rockers, and they look and say...yeah I'd rather keep doing evil shit than learn a better way to act, that's a pretty evil decision! *Even nefarious actors who wholeheartedly believe the vilest shit can be reformed* - CAN be if they choose to change, not necessarily *will.* And all these people, the ignorant who knows no better, the beguiled/misguided, and the deliberate evildoer--all of them are just people. *The capacity for great evil and great good exists within all of us. Yes, in me too.*
Back to the main thread, it's a DOGWHISTLE. Therefore there must by definition be a background radiation of people saying similar things in ignorance or meaning well and maybe even actually joking. You have got to separate out 1) Who is speaking, 2) What they Said, 3) Who is listening, and 4) What they Heard. Every conversation is an act of interpretation--a speaker's words can mean something different to them than what the listener understands from hearing those same words.
Take a leftist circle with jokes and some nefarious "jokes" blending in. There are people there who are aware of the existence of the "jokes," and people unaware. Of each type, there are some people who believe the "joke," and people who don't. That's 4 sets of people, but really it oughta be 6--because some people will be sorta aware (they know some of the "jokes"but not all of them), and some will be undecided. Aware/believe, aware/don't believe, semi-aware/believe, semi-aware/don't believe, not aware/believe (ie would agree if they were made aware of the true meaning), not aware/don't believe. The unaware folks don't know there's something to be wary of--so they might take jokes and "jokes" alike at face value and treat them both as actual jokes. If they are (or are made to be) aware/semi-aware, they know to look for signals of allyship vs opposition: "jokers" will be wink at "jokers", jokers will grimace understanding of how awful the joke is to other jokers, "jokers" will seek to convince jokers & the unaware of, "But it's kinda true, really, if you just think about it..." while jokers emphasize that it's really not funny, like you have to laugh because without black humor how do you survive, but really this is serious. "Jokers" will roll their eyes at jokers (thinking: they actually believe this is funny? It's deadly serious), jokers will be wary and watchful for "jokers" (thinking: they're actually serious and not joking? Damn, they're bad news). AND BECAUSE IT'S A DOGWHISTLE some jokers & "jokers" will misidentify each other. EG One person can be joking (aware/don't believe) while a "joker" (aware/believes) thinks they've found an ally, even though their beliefs are actually opposed, and another joker thinks they'vre spotted an enemy, even though their beliefs coincide. EG a "joker" can be "joking" and misidentified as a joker and make friends with an actual joker, despite their differing beliefs, while another "joker" might take the first "joker" as an enemy despite sharing the same beliefs. And the unaware? Some will think or say, "You know, there's actually some truth to that..." or "Oh shit that's actually not a cool thing to joke about," and *they too* can be misidentified as jokers or "jokers." EG a joker or a "joker" could be misidentified by other jokers and "jokers" as being unaware!
So to sum up: anyone listening who doesn't know it's a dogwhistle *may genuinely interpret a joke or "joke" in whichever direction, sincere or not.* Some bad actors saying it in a way that mimics normal people actually joking does not mean normal people actually joking aren't actually joking!! What someone *hears* in what someone else *says* is not necessarily what was actually said or meant!!
And most importantly, as this is thrle overlooked point: someone who is aware/doesn't believe can be so hypervigilant about red flags and dog whistles that they suspect ordinary, unaware people of being knowing, nefarious actors--potentially leading to conflict which would alienate the unaware from the aware/don't believe--and thus potentially making them easier prey for aware/believes people. THAT IS THE SECOND HALF OF A DOG WHISTLE.
Dog whistle: Goes unheard by the unaware
Also dog whistle: keenly heard by the aware, even when it's an innocent/ignorant/unaware person rather than a bad actor saying it
BOTH those things give dog whistles power. We need to combat dog whistles by BOTH spreading awareness AND refusing to allow hypervigilance to damage our efforts.
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