#Our goofball
blueeyeddarkknight · 1 year
Happy belated Christmas to those who celebrate🥰.. Here's your present😉.. It's Val shaped 🌲🎁💃❤️
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wildbluesorbit · 1 year
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edwardbabygirlteach · 9 months
I’ll always find you.
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As pirates.
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As creatures of the night.
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As life long friends.
I promise that I’ll always find you, in any reality.
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justali-anne · 3 months
Have you ever stopped to think that if it weren't for Papyrus, the pacifist run in Undertale as you know it wouldn't have been possible?
Let's go over the important things he did, shall we?
His very desire to have a true friend drove Papyrus to befriend Frisk. This is the second crucial step to get a True Pacifist ending, the first being "no killing monsters, no no don't do it, naughty, not even a single dust pile to be seen, nope!"
Papyrus is the one who orchestrated the Undyne "date". He encouraged you to go to her house, he was the one who tricked Undyne into trying to befriend you/Frisk as a challenge, and then he jumped out the window like a boss. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't have befriended Undyne, and by extension, the Alphys date wouldn't have been possible.
After you reload, Papyrus was the one who encouraged Undyne to write a love letter to Alphys and get Frisk/you to deliver it to the lizard nerd. Source:
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Papyrus showed up at the Alphys date too from seemingly out of nowhere. This could just be Papyrus being Papyrus, but personally, my interpretation is that he's been watching it from behind the scenes the whole time, checking if it's all going according to plan.
Aaaaand of course, Papyrus was the one who called everyone to the castle, allowing them to stop the Asgore fight and allowed the Asriel fight to begin.
Now, I've always loved the whole "meta reset awareness" thing Sans has, and I ESPECIALLY love the AUs or ATs where Papyrus is aware of the timelines too. My favourite is how Zarla portrays it, with both the Skelebros being in the same boat but riding out the storm together. How wholesome and sad...
So, I've been thinking: If you take into account Papyrus' contributions to the Pacifist run and combine it with the "Papyrus has reset awareness" theory/AU/interpretation... then it's possible that Papyrus knew what he was doing all along. Well, maybe not all of it, but perhaps he has just the SLIGHTEST awareness, like he's not actively thinking "I'm gonna make the Pacifist Route possible", but it's more like, "I'm going to give the human an incentive to befriend us and give them a happier ending." And I think that's very sweet.
Give it up for Papyrus, everybody! Because without him, we wouldn't have the True Pacifist ending as we know it.
Hats off to you, Papyrus!
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jmdbjk · 1 year
Man at work.
 Apparently working more than we thought he was...
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Kookie bought a pack of 500 straws so he could exercise his vocal chords because he saw Sam Smith do it. But alas, he didn’t think it was working for him. Nevertheless! they won’t go to waste! because he can slurp down his highball much faster using a straw...
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This cute goofball is the global spokesperson for Calvin Klein jeans... he mentioned that the Calvin Klein video was up and he acted bashful about it. He did say when doing these types of endorsements as a group is one thing, but doing them personally on his own, the product must be something he personally endorses. And he also said he will be embarrassed when people speak to him about his ad images. Perception vs reality. 
He tells us he’s cleaned out his closet recently and only kept all his black clothes, but now he says he will wear Calvins now. One thing to look forward to... Calvin Klein clothing silhouettes are typically cut close to the body. Meaning they are not the oversized baggy things that we normally see on JK. Just sayin’! Bring on the airport fashion! 
He asks to please show Calvin Klein a lot of support. Check! Marked off the list! I believe that company is scrambling to actually have any merchandise in stock this week, right? They weren’t prepared. Mission accomplished, JK. 
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For a few moments he thought he spoiled Jimin’s episode of Suchwita because he couldn’t find it on Youtube. Sus, Youtube. 
Aside from the adorable heart eyes he had and the knowing grins and outright laughter while he watched, Jungkook nodded when Jimin said if he could go to any point in time, past or future, he would choose 2025 when they would all be together again. Kookie nodded vigorously again and let out a deep, wistful sigh while watching that brief segment. Was he getting a little lump in his throat too, just like I was?
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Yoongi then says “we all have an idea of what things will be like when we come back” and Jimin agrees and when Yoongi asks Jimin what he thinks it will be like, Jimin says “we’d all be back together after we’re done.” I am assuming he means military service, and that he is curious to know how it will be and that’s why he wants to go to that point in time. 
Jimin, we all want to fast forward to that time. None of us want you all to have to take this mandatory break and we all want it to be over with as soon as possible. 
When it was over, Kookie fixed himself a fresh drink, took a potty break and then sat wordlessly on the couch for at least 15 minutes listening to music and pondering the universe (it seemed). Songs he queued up: “12:45″ by Etham; “thoughtboutu” by Karencici; “Another Day” by Gervs; “Adrenaline” by Lauv; “Where Does the Love Go” by by María Isabel and Yeek and “Honeymoon” by Johnny Stimson.
He sweetly sang along to “Honeymoon.” That song has a similar vibe to “10,000 Hours” and I wish to god Kookie would create a song with that ambience because it would become one of those all time greatest hits.
JK read a few comments (FINALLY?) he randomly says he was wanting to look up Jimin’s lyrics...? Jungkook and his never-ending fight with his Apple TV commands ensues. And he finally finds what he’s looking for... the BigHit intro.
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He proceeded to fanboi during Set Me Free Pt 2 even being a tad slack-jawed and droolly when the 2nd verse started and Jimin’s cheat sheet tattoos were on full display, JUST LIKE US! 
Done satisfying his need to know the lyric was “maze” and watching the entire video anyway, he quickly found a Jimin compilation video. Are you shitting me? 
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Now, we all know how insidious the Youtube algorithm is. If you watch ONE video of any genre/topic... what happens? YT serves up several more from the same creator or same topic or genre. Watch a reaction video? Then a dozen videos by various Youtube reactors will be summoned. Watch a Korean street food video? Then you will see a dozen videos about Korean street food. FACTS!
Every time you go to Youtube after that it’s like trying to get rid of cockroaches. You spend some time hitting the “not interested/don’t show me this shit ever again” option or else that will be all you ever see forever and ever amen. 
So my point is, that Jimin compilation video was not random. Youtube isn’t a random platform, it is very articulated to deliver cocaine in video form straight to your brain in order to get you addicted so you keep coming back. 
Anyway. Kookie again was like a kid watching cartoons and Army comments were totally forgotten while he watched this fan made video. 
The evening full of Jimin, laughing at a fan made compilation video and a song that was playing called, “up at night”, by Kehlani featuring Justin Bieber, stirred something inside him and the lightning bolt of inspiration hit him and that was it. Game over for the live broadcast.
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I’m glad he’s working. I’m glad he’s doing well. He’s still our Kookie and he still loves his Jiminie and the rest of his hyungs. 
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saltpepperbeard · 1 year
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Rated T | 4k | Complete
Stede was about to sigh more, to offer up further theatrics, to playfully banter as they so often did…
Yet one word, a single word, seemed to carry more moment-shattering power than the entire crew combined. World-shattering power, really.
Because…what had Ed called him?
Stede is caught off-guard when Ed uses a new pet name on him, one that hits a little too close to home.
Read on AO3 Here
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sunflowersformina · 9 months
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Sebastian after Ciel “died” at the end of season 1 and all his meal prep went to waste and fucking dies of starvation
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live-laugh-loverpool · 3 months
it’s been 111 days without joel matip. i think i’m going to cry. we need him :(
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elinorapologist · 8 months
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thebardisabird · 1 year
I don’t remember who told me this but someone had suggested that they should end the show on season 6 & honestly I agree.  Does that mean a lot of us will be in the fandom forever? Idk probably  I’ll tell my children about us 
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the camera left and shes back to being a goofball😭🥰
she genuinely looks so happy man!
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cantankerouscatfish · 8 months
passed a car sale lot the other day with
as their sign out front.
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i-love-def-leppard · 9 months
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this post is dedicated to thank mr and mrs elliott for creating the most beautiful human on earth
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meri-meri-mwah · 1 year
Random Luis theory: As a former Umbrella employee, he actually took a sample of the G-virus, let it rearrange his cells, and then took a vaccine. This makes Luis having the ability to regenerate like Sherry Birkin and that's why he fled back to Spain EBSKSNSKWNW.
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mielmoto · 2 months
🥺 [ pleading ]﹕ I am very shy in general.
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which I get 1000% and totally respect. for what it's worth: we've been circling the same rounds together for quite a while, now, and I just genuinely enjoy seeing you around, sharing the space with one another, and the casual ooc/passive interactions we've had thus far.
you seem like good people, and if you ever do want to interact I'd be more than game, but it's not at all a necessity. i'm here for you (and your excellent taste in PS/PS2 games), regardless.
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prettyw3ird · 1 year
Idk about y’all, but THIS
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Potential Parellel?? Or am I just reading too much into a Tv trailer??
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