#Raghu Markus
herbaklava · 1 year
"There is a place that's always here, that's in us, and that holds us. That is 'okayness'. It's a relief to finally land there. And from there, to feel happy and sad, and witness the horrors as well as the exquisite beauty of the world, and feel okay with all of it. It's that dance-to know that everything is fundamentally okay and to address all the fucked up things in the world at the same time. Those are not mutually exclusive."
- Sarah Marshank, Selfistry with Sarah Marshank and Raghu Markus - Mindrolling Ep. 495
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radical-revolution · 9 months
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Fifty years ago today while I was living in Sutton, Quebec at my father’s farm with several satsang brothers and sisters, I received a phone call from Ram Dass who said simply, “Maharaji has left His body”.
I can still feel the magnitude of those words, how my mind grasped for some ground of reality. Of course that came as time went on, mostly in the form of spiritual upleveling or bypassing the tremendous emotions they provoked. In due time I came to understand more of Maharaji’s words to us “The Guru is not external”.
As the years have flowed by I have experienced that so much, both personally and through the myriad stories of Him connecting with people of all walks of life in a way that was so exactly how he appeared to those of us who met Him in person.
So on this day I bow to the Divine in all of us that manifested such
Grace in our lives.
Jai Guru Dev
Raghu Markus
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v01d3nt1ty · 2 years
cw: death and grief
the pre-emptive tl;dr is a bunch of my family died, i'm a hot weird mess who hasn't dealt with any of it, but i'm building a solid for once spiritual practice that is helping me become somebody so i can become nobody, and that includes having to deal with the biggest spectre that's hovering over me - loss/death/grief.
so i'm saying all this because i've learned that it's important for us to recognize what causes trauma, so we can see it and deal with it. like everyone everywhere. and i need to talk abt it apparently. and my friends and family haven't lived with my situation, and don't know my personal challenges like neurodivergence and mental disorders, so they can't understand. and i mean, they only see one incident at a time, rather than the cumulative effect.
also everyone is sick of my shit. 💀
my String of Deaths began in 2008, when my mom had a stroke and i had to go to the hospital and sign the thing to stop life support 5 days before i turned 30. after maybe a year, i told myself i had cried enough tears for a lifetime, and would never shed more.
so from april 2008, to jan this year, i've lost everyone who had a role in raising me. in jan i lost my dad, so i'm an orphan now with no ~home~ to fall back on. untethered. i realized recently that i lost all sense of safety/trust when my mom died, and with each death it gets worse.
i've not had therapy or dealt with any of this at all because i was afraid if i started crying, i would never stop. because that is literally how grief and loss feel.
it actually wasn't until early this year when i started listening to duncan again (for support after my dad passed. like "this makes me feel good, i'll do this.") which is how i found GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki (which is my lifeline,) and all the other pods like Raghu Markus etc. and more recently, Dale Borglum who just... blows my gd mind.
now i've got a regular practice that works for me, & grows when i grow. & i've been feeling a bit more grounded, a bit more open, a tiny bit less uncomfortable with people (on zoom, anyway,) etc. idr where i was going with that.
anyway, now i've decided to start trying to process my grief (and trauma,) i found through the living/dying project, a conscious grief support group that they offer (free!) and thought maybe that meant it was time. so i started doing that.
right now i'm not quite opening up to my grief, but i'm building the foundations like grounding, centering, opening my heart, paying attention to my inner workings, singing with the cosmos, learning how to eventually rest in nonduality, etc.
um yeah.
how's that for an unsolicited trauma dump? 😭
anyway i like telling my stories just in case someone might find it helpful.
not even sure any of this makes sense?
i 💗 love 💗 you, and i 🌠 appreciate 🌠 you
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elektronikfloors · 3 years
mom: don’t worry, jesus loves you. he’s right here with you.
daughter: but…i need someone with skin on
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Raghu Markus , teacher, host of the Mindrolling podcast, and director of the Love Serve Remember Foundation re-joins the DTFH! Check out the Love Serve Remember Foundation's Soul Land Music Series on Instagram Live, every Sunday @ 5pm! Click here for more info . You can learn more about Raghu on
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mauitime · 4 years
Celebration of Life: Remembering Ram Dass at Maui Arts and Cultural Center
Celebration of Life: Remembering Ram Dass at Maui Arts and Cultural Center
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Celebration of Life: Remembering Ram Dass will be at Maui Arts and Cultural Center on Monday, February 10th. Honor and celebrate the life of Ram Dass with a gathering of music, meditation, laughter, and reflections. Special guests, friends, and long-time collaborators include Krishna Das, Lei’ohu Ryder and Maydeen ‘Iao, Raghu Markus, Roshi Joan Halifax, Frank Ostaseski, Jack Kornfield, Trudy…
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marasamoon · 4 years
“So when I was 24, off I went to India. I met Ram Dass over there and up I went to the Himalayas and finally met my guru. And I said, ‘How do I meditate?’ I was thinking, ‘Mantra. Meditate.’ I didn’t even know what I was talking about. And he said, ‘Meditate like Christ when he was nailed to the cross. He felt love, not pain. He was lost in love with everything.’”
— Raghu Markus, Episode 2 of The Midnight Gospel
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snootyverbooty · 3 years
Ram Dass said to Raghu Markus: “meditate like Christ, when he was nailed to the cross he did not feel pain only love, he was lost in love with everything “
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contenidocollage · 4 years
Apuntes de The Midnight Gospel
Cuando supe de esta esta serie y vi el trailer me conecté con ella. Me gustó la música, me gustó que se tratara de universos paralelos o simultáneos, que estuviera entremedio un podcast y la vi.
El primer capítulo se trataba sobre drogas, creo que es el más “liviano” de los ocho, por eso lo vi de forma normal: mirando la pantalla, disfrutando las animaciones y los diálogos. Cuando vi el segundo supe que tenía que hacer una elección; o veía la animación o ponía atención en los diálogos. Mi cerebro no alcanza a cruzar ambos recursos, me quedo corta, sí. Pero eso produjo una nueva forma de abordar este tipo de producciones. Sé que Duncan Trussell hizo esta serie con tanto amor, que lo mismo le iba a dedicar yo. 
Decidí involucrarme con el contenido y tomé apuntes del capítulo 2 al 7 porque cuando vi el octavo, solo me dejé llevar. El octavo capítulo es crucial, es mágico es real, tiene tantas grietas que dolía ver su luz. En ese capítulo tuve una mayor cercanía con el creador y lo sentí tan cerca que también lo empecé a querer.
Les voy a compartir mis apuntes. Son textuales de todo lo que hablan en la serie. Quizás esto les ayude a ver la serie de una sola vez, admirando tanto animación como guion. No sé si esto es correcto, ahora tengo la duda porque en realidad es material de la serie, pero en caso de que no sea legal transcribir partes, entonces ¿los “quotes” serían también ilegales? 
Capítulo 2. “Medita como Cristo”
Invitada: Annie Lamott y Raghu Markus.
Este capítulo se trata acerca de la muerte.
La primera novela de Annie se llama “Hard Laughter” y habla sobre reírse de cosas difíciles como la muerte.
Annie menciona a Ram Dass, y dice que a través de sus novelas, ella perdió el miedo.
“Reconocer la muerte es liberador, aceptarla nos hace libres”.
“Toda verdad es una paradoja”. 
“Las cosas que nos animan y nos salvan no vienen en calcomanías, se requiere un esfuerzo”. 
“Necesitamos a la muerte para dejarnos llevar y decir “Está bien””.
“”Está bien” es un buen mantra”.
Una de las enfermedades del ego es que si estás bien o feliz, pierdes la magia.
Ragho conoció a Ram Dass y le preguntó cómo meditar y éste le respondió: Hazlo como lo hizo Cristo en la cruz, sintió amor, no dolor. Estaba enamorado de todo.
Jesucristo y Hanuman son lo mismo: un servicio a la humanidad.
Bob Wah dice: Sobre el tejido que hay detrás de nuestras vidas, estamos contectados por el amor, pero no el amor romántico de occidente... Para los Tibetanos “AMOR” es que tan feliz puedes hacer a otra persona. 
Amor = generosidad. Cuando piensas en alguien y deseas entregarle todo
Mediante el amor, el dolor se transforma en cura.
Annie explica que Jesús tuvo una muerte muy humana, como un parto y Dios no lo deja ni un minuto. Estás en un proceso de contracción y catarsis de respiración y paz. Y Jesús dices: “No! aquí viene otra vez” y Dios dice: “Ok, recuerdas la última?”. Contraes, aprietas y luego te relajas... y respiras. Así será el cielo. Y luego sale una nueva vida. Jesús decía. Voy hacerlo. Solo el amor me mantiene aquí. Si fueras la única persona en la tierra, Jesús hubiese muerte de la misma forma, porque era su trabajo de parto y tenía a alguien que lo ayudaba. Dios Madre. 
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List of featured street & documentary photographers A > Z
A Aako, Juhani https://www.instagram.com/juhani.aakko/ Abdallah, Johnny https://www.instagram.com/yaro_san/ Alanko, Seppo https://www.instagram.com/picseeker/ Angeria, Antti https://www.instagram.com/anttiangeria/ Anton, Jonah https://www.instagram.com/helsinkihustler/ Arenas, Álvaro https://www.instagram.com/alvaroarenas/ Aphalo, Tomas Asa https://www.instagram.com/ze_kink/ Asynja https://www.instagram.com/asynjaphotos/ B Bayat, Naser https://www.instagram.com/bayat.naser/ Bessedin, Ivan https://www.instagram.com/photographer.ivan.bessedin/ Berg, Olli https://www.instagram.com/berg_olli/ Bremer, Stefan https://www.instagram.com/steffe.bremer/ Brotherus, Tapio https://www.instagram.com/tapiobrotherus/ C Castillo, Anie https://www.instagram.com/aniexe/ Catena, Lorenzo https://www.instagram.com/lorenzo_catena/ Coudurier, Ana https://www.instagram.com/anacoudurier/ Colley, Ousman https://www.instagram.com/succulentmango/ Culebro, Jaime https://www.instagram.com/jimosamurai/ D Dantas, Rhawi https://www.instagram.com/streetsofhelsinki/ E Üstün Ergenoglu https://www.instagram.com/rgngl/ Ekqvist, Mikko https://www.instagram.com/enemmantee/ Elmore, Eric https://www.instagram.com/ee77_street/ Erwitt, Elliot Erkola, Lasse https://www.instagram.com/laserkola/ Eskelinen, David https://www.instagram.com/davideskelinen/ Eskola, Taneli https://www.instagram.com/tanelieskola/ F Fabritius, Ilmari https://www.instagram.com/ifabritius/ Färling, Jasmine https://www.instagram.com/jasminefarling/ Frantz, Kristian https://www.instagram.com/streetphotobyfrasse/ G Gandara, Rio https://www.instagram.com/gandarario/ Grönborg, Klaus https://www.instagram.com/k.gronborg/ Grönman, Jani https://www.instagram.com/gronmanj/ Gruyaert, Harry https://www.instagram.com/harrygruyaert/ H Haglund, Simon https://www.instagram.com/simonhaglundd/ Hannonen, Sampsa https://www.instagram.com/sampsaph/ Hannula, Marco https://www.instagram.com/marconspace/ Heikura, Hannes http://www.hannesheikura.com/ Heinonen-Riganas, Arja https://www.instagram.com/arjarig/ Heinonen, Jonne https://www.instagram.com/jonneheinonen/ Heikki, Immonen https://www.instagram.com/immoh/ Heikkilä, Antti https://www.instagram.com/anttiheik/ Heiskanen, Petri https://www.instagram.com/pheiskan/ Hintsa, Antti https://www.instagram.com/anttihintsa/ Hirvonen, Valtteri https://www.instagram.com/valtterihirvonen/ Huhtinen, Petri https://www.instagram.com/petrihuhtinen/ I Ikäheimo, Samuli https://www.instagram.com/sikaheimo/ J Jari https://www.instagram.com/jartsa_street/ Järvinen, Oskari https://www.instagram.com/oskujarvinen/ Jokela, Markus https://www.markusjokela.com/ K Kaksonen, Henri https://www.instagram.com/hexograph/ Kallio, Tanu https://www.instagram.com/tanukallio/ Kallio, Sanna https://www.instagram.com/littleladybutterfly/ Kallioinen, Roope https://www.instagram.com/rockyroope/ Karhunen, Jarkko https://www.instagram.com/jarkko.karhunen/ Karumaa, Niko https://www.instagram.com/ricroughland/ Kapanen, Jussi https://www.instagram.com/jussi_kapanen/ Kärki, Sami https://www.instagram.com/samikrki/ Kärkkäinen, Ilkka https://www.instagram.com/ilkkago/ Kauppila, Jari https://www.instagram.com/elokkkkk/ Kawakami, Riki https://www.instagram.com/rikishoots/ Klemettinen, Juha https://www.instagram.com/juha_klemettinen/ Keskinen, Pekka https://www.instagram.com/attempts_at_35mm/ Kropsu, Kasperi https://www.instagram.com/kasperikropsu/ Kocsány, Kornél https://www.instagram.com/kornelkocsany/ Koistinen, Tero https://www.instagram.com/kaduilla/ Koistinen, Anttu https://www.instagram.com/anttu.jpg/ Koivumäki, Matti Koivu, Onni https://www.instagram.com/lucky_birch/ Koivisto, Jussi https://www.instagram.com/jussi_koivisto/ Koudelka, Josef https://www.instagram.com/josef_koudelka/ Kömi, Lea https://www.instagram.com/lea_komi/ Kulju, Harri https://www.instagram.com/kuljuharri/ Kukkavaara, Meri https://www.instagram.com/ektara/ Kurjenpuu, Samppa https://www.instagram.com/samppa_kurjenpuu/ L Lappalainen, Petteri https://www.instagram.com/petterilappalainen/ Latva-Pukkila, Taru https://www.instagram.com/tarulp/ Lehtinen, Elennah https://www.instagram.com/i_elennah/ Leskelä, Jouko Leskinen, Mia https://www.instagram.com/mialeskinen/ Lindgren, Heikki Lyydia, Osara https://www.instagram.com/lyydiaos/ Luna https://www.instagram.com/lunahelsinki/ M MacKintosh, Adam https://www.instagram.com/mackintosh.adam/
Mäenpää, Jari https://www.instagram.com/johannes58hill/ Mäntyharju, Jukka Majaniemi, Hannele https://www.instagram.com/hannelemajaniemi/ Mannonen, Jukka https://www.instagram.com/jukkamannonen/ Matleena https://www.instagram.com/matleenasofiaa/ Mattila, Markko Mikkolainen, Juho Moilanen, Milja https://www.instagram.com/miljaliinamoilanen/ Möller, Joakim https://www.instagram.com/moller_joakim/ N Niittyvirta, Pekka https://www.instagram.com/niittyvirta/ Neuvonen, Outi https://www.instagram.com/outineuvonen/ Niemelä, Anu https://www.instagram.com/anuniemela/ O Oinonen, Ville https://www.instagram.com/villeoinonen/ Oliva, Alfredo https://www.instagram.com/alfredooliva/ Okko, Tamminen https://www.instagram.com/okko_oaken/ P Paddy, Reynolds https://www.instagram.com/reynolds.paddy/ Panelius, Tove https://www.instagram.com/tovepanelius/ Partanen, Jarkko https://www.instagram.com/jjparta/ Parr, Martin https://www.instagram.com/martinparrstudio/ Pérez Pérez, Ignacio https://www.instagram.com/ignacioperezperez Piippo, Sakari https://www.instagram.com/sakaripiippo/ Piiroinen, Heidi https://www.instagram.com/heidipii/ Piiroinen, Saija https://www.instagram.com/saijapii/ Pirinen, Miikka https://www.instagram.com/miikkapirinen/ Pitkänen, Pertti https://www.instagram.com/perttipitkanenphotography/ Ponizak, Paulus https://www.instagram.com/iso.null30/ Pulkkinen, Assi https://www.instagram.com/assi.pulkkinen/ Pulkkinen, Jari https://www.instagram.com/travelerjari/ Pöllanen, Jussi http://instagram.com/jussipoo/ Pölönen, Heikki https://www.instagram.com/hesep/ Pukkinen, Simo https://www.instagram.com/simo_pukkinen/ Q R Rai, Raghu https://www.instagram.com/raghurai.official/ Rask, Peter https://www.instagram.com/piet.no.1/ Rasmus, Rautio https://www.instagram.com/wormshot/ Rebers, Lars https://www.instagram.com/larsrebers/ Reis, Sérgio https://www.instagram.com/nofiza/ Richter, Curt https://www.instagram.com/camera_curt/ Rinne, Jaana https://www.instagram.com/a_passanger/ Rista, Eeva Rista, Simo Rivolier, David https://www.instagram.com/david_rivolier/ Roth, Stina https://www.instagram.com/stinabroth/ Roos, Tuula Ruuska, Pekka https://www.instagram.com/thepekka/ S Saarinen, Niko https://www.instagram.com/kiipparikalle/ Saari, Matte https://www.instagram.com/mttsrfoto/ Schaller, Alan https://www.instagram.com/alan_schaller/ Sallinen, Tiina https://www.instagram.com/tiinasal/ Saalola, Satu https://www.instagram.com/satukarina/ Sammalahti, Pentti Saarelma, Timo https://www.instagram.com/timo_saarelma/ Saragosa, John https://www.instagram.com/johngosa/ Sarjos, Mika https://www.instagram.com/mika.sarjos/ Sarka, Eemeli https://www.instagram.com/eemeli.arka/ Savon, Janne https://www.instagram.com/jannesavon/ Sharr, Alexander https://www.instagram.com/alexandersharrphotos/ Seppänen, Tero Siva https://www.instagram.com/streetphoto_sivakov/ Söderholm, Satu https://www.instagram.com/satusod/ Skurnik, Marianne https://www.instagram.com/marianneskurnik/ Ståhle, Mikael https://www.instagram.com/miiks/ Stimson, Demian https://www.instagram.com/madeupdream/ Sumelius, Elle https://www.instagram.com/ellesumelius/ Svahn, Paul https://www.instagram.com/svahn_street/ Swine, Joseph Archibald https://www.instagram.com/rotttenratt/ Syvänen, Santtu https://www.instagram.com/santsography/ Sharifi, Payman https://www.instagram.com/payman.sharifi/ Soukka, Saku https://www.instagram.com/sakusoukka/ Suutarinen, Antti https://www.instagram.com/anttis/
T Talassalo, Milla https://www.instagram.com/millatalassalo/ Tamminen, Anne https://www.instagram.com/moments_and_tones/ Teemu https://www.instagram.com/temegraphy/ Tilus, Jukka https://www.instagram.com/jukkatilus/ Timiriasew, Ivan Tim, Daniel https://www.instagram.com/danieltimphoto/ Töyryla, Julius https://www.instagram.com/juliustoyryla/ Tuomala, Kiisi https://www.instagram.com/kiisit/ Tuovinen, Henri https://www.instagram.com/hnxcam/ V Vaheristo, Akseli https://www.instagram.com/psybbbb/ Vahter, Ants https://www.instagram.com/vahterants/ Vähäniitty, Mikko https://www.instagram.com/mikkovahaniitty/ Valmunen, Akseli https://www.instagram.com/akselivalmunen/ Vartiainen, Anita https://www.instagram.com/anitaoutofnowhere/ Varkemaa, Merja https://www.instagram.com/merja.varkemaa/ Vastamäki, Niko Verrocchio, Emiliano https://www.instagram.com/saint.emppu/ Vettenranta, Antti https://www.instagram.com/vettis_photographer/ Vehmas, Jukka https://www.instagram.com/jukkavehmas_/ Vilmunen, Teemu https://www.instagram.com/teemuleikkii/ Virta, Kimmo https://www.instagram.com/kimmovirta/ Virtanen, Sami https://www.instagram.com/samialeksi/ Viitala, Tommi https://www.instagram.com/tommiviitala/ W Walsh, Paul https://www.instagram.com/paulwalshphotography/ Y Yascke https://www.instagram.com/yascke/ Z Zachmann, Patrick https://www.instagram.com/pzachmann/
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modernmonkeymind · 7 years
This week on Mindrolling, Raghu is joined by inspirational YouTube personalities, Dakota Wint and Koi Fresco, to talk about the next generation of spiritual seekers. Dakota Wint and Koi Fresco are two seekers who guide other young people with their insightful and creative YouTube channels. They talk about how to engage the world in a positive way, as well as discuss the similarities between the 60’s and the world we live in now. * Duration: 58:01, Played: 32:17 * Published: 3/17/17 7:11:45 AM * Episode Download Link (54 MB): Episode Feed: Mindrolling with Raghu Markus - https://rss.art19.com/mindrolling-with-raghu-markus
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deadlinecom · 3 years
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This clip is from The Duncan Trussell Family Hour #54 w/ Raghu Markus
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mickeypamo · 4 years
Mindrolling – Raghu Markus – Ep. 342 – Radical Uncertainty and Wise Hope...
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apple-mash-blog · 4 years
355 | Mindrolling | "Decolonizing the Mind with John Lockley" ~ Raghu Markus | Be Here Now Network
355 | Mindrolling | “Decolonizing the Mind with John Lockley” ~ Raghu Markus | Be Here Now Network
“Most of it has to do with power. Who has the power? And – where do they want to take power from?”
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Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 168 – The Domain of Spirit
Ram Dass explores how spiritual practice helps us find a home in the domain of spirit and root ourselves in presence, even amidst all the suffering and pain of this world.
The Domain of the Spirit
Raghu Markus sets the stage for this Ram Dass dharma talk from Omega Institute in 1992. Ram Dass begins the talk with a dip into the liquidity of time, and then explores how spiritual practices move us in the direction of being home in the domain of spirit.
“When you have built such a habitual structure of self-definition on this plane of reality, on Earth, to awaken to the realization that [life is] beautiful being just what it is. And that there are places you can see it from that turn it from being a burdensome weight to being a delightful play.” – Ram Dass
Rooted in Presence
Ram Dass covers many of the methods available on the path and how we can root ourselves in presence, even amidst all the suffering and pain in this world. He talks about defining our own limits and boundaries along the path, why saints are often referred to as the living dead, and a dolphin that just wanted to get his name in the newspaper.
“Many of us are afraid that if we get too free of our indignation or our upset about the condition of things, we won’t do what’s necessary to right it. But there’s another place to play from.” – Ram Dass
Compassionate Action
Ram Dass talks about riding the waves of change without being wiped out by them. He explores the practice of compassionate action, inviting us all to open up a bit to the suffering of the universe. Ram Dass ends with a thought about the power of community, and how this culture alienates us from each other.
“The practice of kindness, of compassionate action, is something that draws you out of yourself.” – Ram Dass
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