#Rocketman fanfiction
he already has my approval ~ taron egerton
word count: 4393
request?: no
description: in which her dad keeps trying to set her up with her celebrity crush, who just so happens to be playing him in a biopic
pairing: taron egerton x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two, three)
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The first time I met Taron was on the red carpet for Kingsman: The Golden Circle, and it did not go as well as I had wished it would’ve.
I had seen the first movie in theaters when it came out and immediately developed a crush on Eggsy, and, in turn, on his actor Taron. When dad was offered a cameo in the sequel, I think I was more excited than he was. I begged dad basically every day to let me go to set with him, but I was in college at the time and neither of my dads would let me miss that much time to travel just to meet my celebrity crush. It felt unfair at the time, but they had a point in the long run.
When the day of the premiere came around, dad took me as his plus one to the red carpet. I was buzzing with excitement the entire day as dad’s stylists came in to help us get ready for the night, but the minute our ride pulled up to the red carpet my excitement turned to nervousness. There was no reason for me to be so nervous. I had been to huge events like this before, and of course I had met famous people plenty of times. But there was something about meeting my actual celebrity crush that made me feel like a high schooler who was about to go on her first date.
Dad introduced me to Taron, because of course he did. Fatherhood never changed who dad was, and he was shithead, cocky, lived to tease everyone in his life Elton John. I always knew it was a bad idea to tell dad about my crush on Taron, but I never regretted it more than when I heard him shout across the red carpet, “Taron, darling, come here!”
He looked like the most handsome man in the entire world dressed in his suit, his smile lighting up his face as he approached us. That moment was when I realized he was real. He wasn’t just a character on my screen; he was an actual real person. And now he was stood in front of me. So close that I could smell his cologne, and boy, did it ever smell good.
“Taron, I want you to meet my daughter (Y/N),” dad said, gesturing to me. I was still in such awe by his beauty that I almost forgot who I even was.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, (Y/N),” Taron said as he shook my hand. “Elton has spoke very highly of you.”
My brain was definitely short circuiting. Hearing him say my name was one thing, but then for him to also say that he’s heard a lot about me from dad also contributed to it. When I realized I was just stood there staring at him like an idiot, I felt embarrassment wash over me. I tried to force myself to say something, but it was like I completely forgot how to speak English.
“She’s a little shy because she has a crush on you.”
I turned to look at dad in disbelief. If there was a higher power, They would do me a favor and open up the floor to swallow me whole and take me away from this entire situation.
I made my escape before Taron could say anything. I turned away from the two of them and walked away as quickly as possible.
The memory haunted my nightmares for a while afterwards. Even after I managed to forget about it for the most part, the intrusive thought would pop into my mind from time to time just to make me cringe. I could barley ever watch Taron’s movies anymore without thinking about that moment, which was hard since I still had such a big crush on him.
A year later, I was on set with dad and papa for the movie papa was producing about dad. Papa was so excited, as he was making the movie as a gift to dad. Papa had complete creative freedom and dad was able to give as much input as he wanted. When filming started, the two of them wanted to bring me, Zachary, and Elijah on set to watch some of the filming. They hadn’t told me much about the movie just yet, but papa’s excitement was contagious enough that I was feeling it, too.
“We’re filming the Troubadour scene today,” papa was telling us. “Full 70s aesthetic. You guys are gonna feel like you were really there to see your dad’s first ever solo performance.”
“Do I get any 70s outfits once you guys are done filming?” I asked.
“Darling, you know we have a closet full of all my favorite outfits from those days,” dad said. “You’re free to go through it as you please. It’ll be the real deal, not some cheaply made replicas.”
“Hey! You’re the one who approved of Taron’s wardrobe!” papa said with a chuckle.
The mention of his name made me stop in my tracks. “Wait...whose wardrobe?”
Both of them looked at me, confused by my reaction. “Taron, honey,” papa said. “That’s who’s playing dad in the movie. You didn’t know that?”
Memories from the year before came rushing back. I could not see him again or else I may just turn into an embarrassment puddle at his feet. I especially couldn’t be here with dad and have a potential repeat of the situation.
As if reading my thoughts, dad walked up to me and gently took my hand in his. “Honey, it’s been a year. He’s not going to remember.”
“But what if he does?” I asked. “God, he probably thinks I’m crazy after our first encounter. I can’t watch the filming.”
“Hey, hey, calm down sweetheart,” papa said. “You’re working yourself up. It’s okay. If you feel uncomfortable you don’t have to watch, but I don’t think it’ll be as bad as you’re expecting.”
I took a couple deep breaths to calm myself down. I wanted to be there and support both of my dads on this project they were both so excited over. I knew they were right and Taron likely didn’t even remember our first encounter, but I still couldn’t shake this pre-embarrassment feeling about seeing him again.
I sucked it up and followed them to the Troubadour set. There were many extras dressed in 70s clothes standing around the stage. The general murmur of the crowd turned into an excited one as people began to notice dad walking onto the set. I couldn’t see Taron anywhere, but I did recognize Richard Madden talking to the movie’s director, Dex Fletcher. Zachary was tightly holding my hand, trying to hide behind me. I knew the crowd was likely making him nervous, so I squeezed his hand and picked him up.
“Lead actor walking the set!”
I felt my body tense as everyone turned to see Taron taking the stage. He was wearing a pair of white overalls and a navy blue shirt with silver stars. He had on a wig that looked like dad’s hair from this time period and a pair of thick framed glasses that matched his overalls. He looked really good, even if he was dressed as my dad.
It took my brain a moment to register that he was walking towards us. I felt the panic return, but I tried my best to play it cool.
“It’s like looking in a mirror,” dad said as he embraced Taron. “I still have this outfit I’m pretty sure. I was just telling (Y/N) that I still have all my favorite outfits back home going all the way back to this very first performance.”
At the mention of my name, Taron’s eyes landed on me. I tried not to crumple under his gaze, and kept the smile on my face.
“Hey,” Taron said. “Good to see you again.”
“Good to see you, too,” I said, surprisingly myself with how confident i sounded.
“Who is this little guy?” Taron asked, referring to Zachary. The young boy buried his face in my neck, peaking one eye up at Taron.
“This is Zachary,” I said. “Z, this is Taron. Doesn’t he look like daddy?”
Taron struck a pose for Zachary, who seemed to warm up slightly but not a lot.
“What do you think, Elijah?” papa asked the youngest boy. “Do you think Taron looks like daddy?”
Elijah shook his head. “Daddy is old!”
We burst out into laughter as dad gave Elijah a mocked offended look. Elijah squealed as dad picked him up and began tickling his sides. Zachary was still a bit hesitant, but I could feel his body shaking as he chuckled in my arms.
“Come on, Rocket Man, we gotta start filming,” Dex called to Taron.
Taron made his way onto the set stage. Quiet was called and a hush fell over the room. The minute Dex called action, music filled the silence. One of dad’s songs, his least favorite yet one of his most popular ones, began to play. Except it wasn’t dad singing it, it was Taron’s voice. I was a little shocked to hear him singing instead of there being a backing track of dad’s music, but I had to admit he was an amazing singer. It was a fantastic choice they made. His singing voice was amazing and it made the movie have more of a fantastical musical vibe, instead of just a movie with dad’s voice dubbed over for the music.
I tried to get Zachary out of his shell more by dancing with him while the music was playing. We were not strangers to dad’s music. The three of us had seen dad perform on numerous occasions. I figured the familiarity of the music, plus the goofy dancing would definitely help with his nervousness. And I was right for the most part; Zachary came out of his nervous cocoon eventually and started dancing with me. By the time Dex called cut on the scene, Zachary felt comfortable enough to be put back down on to the floor and followed dad and papa to meet Jamie Bell, who was playing Uncle Bernie.
“Seems he enjoyed the show.”
I jumped at the sound of Taron’s voice so suddenly. He was laughing at my reaction as I turned back to him, my heart beating a million beats per second just having him so close to me.
“I think he just needed some time to warm up to being around so many people,” I said. “Usually when we go to dad’s shows we’re in a special VIP area where it’s just the three of us and papa, so he’s not used to so many people and so much attention being on him.”
“I get that. He’s only young. Doesn’t fully understand how well loved his dad is.”
“I don’t think I even fully understand it, and I’m in my mid 20s,” I said.
Taron chuckled and I couldn’t help but smile too. The realization of his realness was starting to wash over me again. He was actually here, stood in front of me, talking to me. He was a real person!
“Listen,” Taron said, “I wanted to talk about the first time we met.”
I felt my heart drop to my stomach. I tried not to let my embarrassment show too much. Maybe if I pretended I didn’t even remember, we could just move on from the entire situation and pretend like it never happened.
“I’m sorry it went the way that it did,” he continued. “I know you were embarrassed about what your dad said. I know Elton meant no harm, and he was just trying to tease you because...well, he’s Elton John, but it really wasn’t fair of him to say that to me when we were first meeting. I could tell by your face that that wasn’t exactly the way you wanted our first meeting to go.”
I was a little surprised by what he was saying. I don’t know why I was expecting for him to say something that would make the situation worse, like maybe calling me out on my crush and saying something about it. He seemed like a really nice guy, not the type to make someone feel bad. But I guess, after having an entire year to let that embarrassing moment stew, I just expected the worst if I ever met him again.
“I appreciate you saying that,” I said. “It definitely was not the way I wanted to meet the guy I had such a big crush on. I think dad expects stuff like that to wash over me like water off a duck’s back because of who he is and how many famous people I’ve met and am close to, but his status never makes those types of interactions easier. Again, especially when meeting someone that I was crushing so hard on.”
Taron was giving me a look that I wasn’t sure how to read at first. “Was?”
My brows furrowed together. “Hmm?”
“You said ‘someone I was crushing on’. As in you’re not anymore?”
I wasn’t sure why that was the part he was focusing on. I opened my mouth to respond, but Dex called to Taron again. Taron looked at me and winked behind the thick framed glasses before making his way back to set to start filming again. And it was with that wink that I could not handle anymore and finally had to sit myself down.
I kept coming to set the next few weeks. At first it was only one day out of the week for a couple of hours, but soon enough I was tagging along with dad and papa every day. I tried to tell them it was because I was enjoying watching the movie being filmed, and getting to relive these big moments with dad, but they both knew that wasn’t the truth. They knew I was going because I wanted to see Taron.
We had gotten to talking a lot in between takes when I was on set. About everything and anything really. It started with just getting to know each other, but eventually it blossomed into talking about whatever was on our minds. Sometimes it was about the movie, sometimes it wasn’t. Either way, we just got to know one another. And eventually, my “celebrity crush” became a real one.
I knew my dads could see what was going on, but they didn’t bring it up. I figured that was mostly because of how my first interaction with Taron went and dad didn’t want to risk embarrassing me like that again. Which, I did appreciate. I felt like a friendship was being built with Taron and I didn’t want that to be risked with fatherly embarrassment to the extreme, even though I knew that wasn’t dad’s intentions.
One day, we walked on set and I was surprised to see Taron was nowhere in sight. Instead, we walked into a setup that looked like great grandma Ivy’s apartment that I had seen in plenty of dad’s baby pictures. There were three different actors than normal on set, one I recognized as Bryce Dallas Howard and one young boy I recognized to be dressed up the way dad had been when he was that age. I realized pretty quickly that today was probably mostly shooting scenes of flashbacks from dad’s childhood, which caused me to feel disappointed realizing that I likely wouldn’t be seeing Taron today.
I was sat in my usual seat (because yes, I had visited so often that I was given a seat with my name on it) watching the set up for the scene when dad came over and sat next to me, dramatically sighing as his body settled into the chair.
“These old bones can hardly sit down anymore,” he said.
I smiled at him. “Oh, please. You’re hardly that old, dad. Besides, we both know that after everything you’ve gone through, you’re going to outlive us all.”
“A man can only hope.” We laughed together. Dad put an arm around my shoulder and leaned into me. “Taron’s in his trailer, you know.”
“Oh?” I said, hoping I didn’t seem as excited by this information as I was. “He’s filming later on then?”
“Yeah, way later on this evening. David said that Taron showed up way earlier than he needed to claiming that he thought his call time was this morning, not this evening.” I raised an eyebrow at him, silently telling him to say whatever it was he was trying to say. “I don’t think that was the case, though.”
“I think he came here early hoping to see you.”
I scoffed and rolled my eyes. “I think you’re being a little ambitious there dad.”
“About as ambitious as I would be to say that you show up every day so you can see him, too?” When I didn’t respond to that, dad just laughed. “I see things, (Y/N). My eyes may be old, but they can still see things that no one else sees.”
“And what is it that you see with me and Taron?”
“I see a young man who is enamored by a young woman, and a young woman who feels the same way. I also see two cowards who are too afraid to confess their feelings to one another.”
I playfully nudged him with my elbow, to which he dramatically clutched his stomach and acted like I had shot him or something.
“I’m not saying that Taron feels anything for me,” I said, “because I don’t think he does. I think he’s just being friendly with someone that he considers to be a friend. But, if what you’re saying is right and he does have romantic interest in me, maybe the reason why he won’t admit it is because he’s too afraid to? I mean, my dad is Elton John after all. That’s a pretty big name to have as a potential father-in-law.”
“Hey now, I didn’t say anything about marrying you off to the man.” I smiled and shook my head. This really was just an every day thing with dad. He loved being a father, but I think he loved being a nuisance more than that. Papa always warned him he would regret that when Zachary, Elijah, and I started to pick up on his habits. “But both of you know that Taron has my approval if he does want to pursue you romantically. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t have even been cast in this movie!”
“You cast him because he’s a good actor!”
“Oh, that was only part of it. The other part was so that you two could have a do-over with your meeting, since I ruined the last one.”
I put my head on dad’s shoulder. “You didn’t ruin it. You just embarrassed me beyond belief, but that’s what a father does.”
Dad gave me a small squeeze before pulling me away from him. “Go to his trailer. Have a few moments alone.”
“Give you a few grandkids?”
He pushed me away, which caused me to laugh hysterically.
“Darling, I may be old but I am certainly not that old,” he said. “And, again, I said I approve of him. Not that you two need to get married and pop out babies right away. Go on a few dates first, for the love of God.”
I stood from my chair, still laughing. Dad tried to glare at me, but he couldn’t. This was just our relationship.
I made my way out of the set before they started filming so that I wouldn’t be disrupting anything. All the trailers were grouped together in the lot, luckily with signs on them to label what or whose trailer they were. Taron’s was the furthest on the lot, with a theatrical gold star stuck to the door with his name on it. Part of me figured this was dad’s doing, but the other part of me would believe that it was Dex’s doing, too. Papa truly couldn’t have chosen a better director to capture dad’s personality and aesthetic than Dex.
My heart was pounding so loud that I thought Taron would hear it before I even knocked. I took a deep breath and pushed myself to knock before I got too nervous and ran away instead. There was a brief rustling in the trailer before the door opened, revealing Taron in a pair of black and gold hot pants, a gold jacket that was left unzipped so I could see his entire torso and chest, and heeled shoes with gold tips and gold wings on the side. I wasn’t sure where to look first. My eyes naturally lingered on his chest, his coarse chest hair a welcoming sight, but I couldn’t help but glance lower at his thighs in those hot pants, too. Not to mention the bulge -
“Shit,” Taron breathed, a panicked look in his eyes. “Sorry, uh, I didn’t expect...I thought it might’ve been someone from the set. I’m just...uh...”
“In costume, I would assume,” I said, trying to pretend like I was looking at his shoes and not another area lower on his body.
“Yeah,” he said. His face was starting to turn bright read. “It’s for a scene later on...way later on. I’m - I was early today, so they already put me through costume and makeup.” He cleared his throat and ran his hands through his hair. “Do you, um, do you want to come in?”
I nodded, unsure if I could even form any words. He stepped aside to let me into his trailer. He still looked flustered by my sudden appearance, which I thought was cute.
“Don’t be sorry, by the way,” I told him. “I don’t mind this eye full that I’m getting. Quite the opposite, really.”
That only made him more flustered, and I couldn’t help but smirk at that reaction.
“You’re a lot like your dad,” he commented. “He said something similar while we were filming Kingsman a few years ago.”
“We Furnish-Johns have good taste in men.”
I sat down on the couch of his trailer and he sat across from me. I tried not to be too obvious with my gawking, but it was hard not to look at him. God, was he ever attractive. And here he was, sat next to me, practically naked, and all flustered because I had caught him this way. I felt like I should be feeling a similar way, but knowing that I was the one who had made him feel that way just made me feel so cocky instead.
“I didn’t think you were on set today,” I told him. “I showed up and didn’t see you or Jamie or Richard.”
“We’re filming a couple smaller scenes later on to end the day. Dex wanted to film all of the flashback shots of your dad before he was Elton John today, just to get that out of the way.”
“You got here really early for that. It’s not even noon, and your scenes are this evening papa said.”
Taron shrugged. “I got the wrong call time.”
I raised an eyebrow at him. “By over 12 hours?”
He shrugged again, but didn’t offer any further explanation.
I took a deep breath, once again willing that cockiness to stay long enough so that I could say what I wanted to say without losing my nerve. “Remember the first day on set where we talked about the first time we met, and you made a point of asking me about my crush on you.”
Taron nodded. “Yeah. You made it seem like you didn’t feel that way anymore.”
“Yeah, I did. Because I thought I would scare you away if I admitted that I did still like you that way.” I was moving towards him now, closing the already smaller space between us. “That I do still like you that way, if you get what I’m saying.”
We were so close that I could feel the heat radiating from his body. He was looking down at me in a way that I could only ever dream of having Taron Egerton look at me like. It was like the movies I had seen him in, except this was real life and the person he was looking at was actually me.
“I think I understand,” he said. “But just in case, is it okay if I do an experiment just to be sure?”
I giggled. “Yeah, that’s okay.”
He placed a finger under my chin and tilted my head back until I was looking up at him. He leaned forward at an agonizing pace before his lips finally pressed against mine. It felt like the entire world around us paused in that moment. I had to restrain myself from getting onto his lap and deepening the kiss, even though I wanted to so badly. I wanted to spend the next few hours in this trailer with him, not even letting him leave to go film. I wanted to be tangled up with him and never let him go ever again.
The kiss ended far too soon. When Taron pulled away, I tried to chase his lips to pull him back to me. He chuckled at my eagerness, allowing his lips to press against mine for a quick peck.
“Let me take you out before we get too hot and heavy,” he told me. “I want to take you on a proper date.”
“I guess we should do that before I jump your bones,” I teased. “But you do still have quite some time till your call time. If you’d like company while you wait, I wouldn’t mind staying here with you for a while. Especially if you’re going to be dressed like that the whole time.”
Taron’s face turned red again as he looked down at himself, almost like he forgot what he had been wearing. “Might be too tempting for you.”
“It definitely will be. But I will respect your virtue and not try to deflower you in your trailer.”
He buried his face in his hands. “Oh my God! What have I gotten myself into here?”
“Something pretty great, if you ask me.”
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I can't stress this enough but I need him.
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I need NEED him
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immakauboi · 1 year
Hi guys!
An idea I had in mind, so here is my first fanfiction about AO3. Inspired by a fanart of @captainfantasticadventures ✨
If you're interested :
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Rocketman Away
Fandom(s): Avatar the Last Airbender Prompt: N/A Series: N/A Length: Oneshot Idea: Sokka becomes an astronaut and meets Yue, the lady on the moon. He stays with her on the moon.
Notes: N/A
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whatifiexploded · 5 months
hey guys
just thought i would make a bit of a introduction post cuz why not
my interests include but are not limited to: saltburn, scott pilgrim, top gun, it's always sunny in philadelphia, fight club, the wild west, the sims, arrested development, weird gay movies, commentary youtubers, garfield, pictures of monkeys doing silly things, fanfiction, 2010's pop music, and finding homoerotic subtext in literally everything i watch
my favorite movies are: scott pilgrim vs the world, ferris buellers day off, brokeback mountain, top gun (both of them), back to the future, velvet goldmine, the living end, donnie darko, alien, little shop of horrors, bill and teds excellent adventure, my cousin vinny, scream, 10 things i hate about you, asteroid city, rocketman, and the original alice in wonderland
my favorite musicians are: black country new road, wham, XTC, jeffery lewis, mom jeans, jpegmafia, soft cell, new order, the microphones, lil uzi vert, alex g, beastie boys, bjork, CZARFACE, david bowie, duran duran, ecco2k, fiona apple, marty robbins, nicki minaj, plumtree, sublime, the front bottoms, the smiths, the cure, and ween (if you can't already tell, i love music)
my pinterest is @jakegyllenhaalfanboy42 (don't make fun of my username i think it's very funny), my letterboxd is under the name greebleneeble, and heres the link to my spotify
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gretagerwigsmuse · 8 months
last line tag game
rules: post the last sentence you wrote (fanfiction/original works/anything) and tag as many people you want there are words in the sentence.
thanks for tagging me @cherrycola27!
this one’s from rocketman, part i - ‘it’s just my job five days a week’ and i’m very excited for it
Say thank you Bradley. Good girl.
tagging @notroosterbradshaw @sometimesanalice @callsignspark @heartsofminds @jupitercomet @laracrofted @ofstoriesandstardust
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Movie Meme 🎬
Post 7 comfort movies and tag 7 people. I was tagged by @lunaraindrop and as soon as i was, i immediately forgot every movie i've ever seen.
i think these all count as comfort movies, but they're really just all movies that have significant meaning to me in one way or another OR that i can watch/re-watch no matter what (is that what a comfort movie is? idk)
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993): if you know me at all, you would've seen this one coming lmao This is my no. 1 fave movie of all time, and it has been since I was..9? I remember exactly where I was when i first saw it and i remember just standing there fully enraptured. literally standing, like i was standing directly in front of the TV
Rocketman (1997) the disney one, where they go to mars! i would put this tape on every night to fall asleep to the point i had the previews (which became all static-y and worn out from constant re-watching) and the first like, 15 min memorized. also, for some reason my family would constantly quote things from this movie without fully realizing it ("hey, what kind of laptop do you have?", "...using what we like to call 'the right way'.", and "now THAT was julie.".)
Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella (1997) the Whitney Houston version with Brandy :) THE BEST adaptation of this version of cinderella. no i will not be taking arguments at this time. sidenote: i FLIPPED SHIT when i went on the Universal lot tour in California last year because this was filmed there on their little 'european town' backdrop. The tour guide said that and i gasped so loud-an actual aloud reaction to that news-and started ranting to my husband about it.
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (1999) i loved this movie sm as a kid that i was one of the ensemble kids at a church (that i didn't go to)'s production of the play. me. on a stage. in front of people. singing and dancing and shit. wild stuff, friends.
The Princess Diaries (2001) and Princess Diaries 2 (2004); my little sis and i LOVED watching these movies when we were young. also, while i was writing my steddie PD2 au, i found out that my husband did NOT like these movies and i still don't know what to do with that information.
The Last Holiday (2006) somehow i always forget about this movie. like, everytime i'm reminded of it, it feels like i hadn't watched it in YEARS (though i end up watching it every year around new years!). it's literally so good and makes me want to book a trip to Karlovy Vary/Grandhotel Pupp (and maybe also visit Aneta while i'm there 👀)
The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992) is there anyone who doesn't love this movie?? it is my family's comfort christmas movie and we watch it every christmas eve! (P.S., this movie was my first into to the christmas carol story, and it really threw me off later when i watched a different version and there was only one Marley and not two Marley brothers 😅)
tagging my loverly moots: @henderdads, @strawberryspence, @thefreakandthehair, @undreaming-fanfiction, @potentialheartofdarkness, @yournowheregirl, @appledaggerst and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it!!
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Access Denied (Rocketman blurb)
Pairing: Elton John x platonic! fem! Reader
Word Count: 850
Summary: requested by @jolovesfandoms “Could you do an imagine where John Reid beats up Reader because she won’t sleep with him and Elton comforts her?
Warnings: mentions of violence and sex, swearing.
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“Y/N, for fucks sake, I need some rest! My bloody costume’s a pain in the arse!” he yelled.
The brown door with the sign “ELTON” remained closed. Not that you blamed his response. The concert was just done half an hour ago, and everyone was exhausted.
Your hands were trembling slightly. The scenes in your head that just played seemed like a nightmare. Blinking rapidly, you pinched yourself, just to feel something, to remind yourself this was real. The sequins of your short dress for your costume are starting to fall off a little bit, like dust. Looking back, you hope that no trail of sequins could be found of the floor. Anything that would give him a clue where you were.
There are no footsteps you can hear. Just talking and the smell of sweat.
Glancing right and left, he is not there. Relief floods your guts.
“Elton, for fuck’s sake, please let me in!” you call out with a croak in your voice.
He opens the door. The elaborate gold gown has been tossed on the floor in a bout of frustrated removal. He is dressed in his casual clothes, but his Elizabethan makeup is still on, powdery and the color of snow with garish blush, like a harlequin.
“Y/N why…oh god, oh my god, how did you get that black eye!?” he cried.
He pulls you in and seats you on a chair near his bright vanity, hot from the lights. Grabbing a towel, he reaches into the bucket of ice for the post-show champagne and places it in the towel, wrapped up, holding it against your eye. Getting closer, he notices the bruises all over your arms and one on your face.
“I can’t tell you why, I just needed a…a bandage or something…” you mumbled, feeling the sting of the ice against your skin.
He looked right at you in the eye, jaw slacked.
“Y/N, you have to, I can help you…I’ll believe your words, just tell me, for fucks sake! I can’t just let you get hurt!” he fussed.
Smiling, something warm grew back in your chest.
You were just a backup musician for Elton’s tours. Not the main star. But was different from some stars you worked for.
“Alright, I’ll tell you. I told him no…I said I didn’t want to go into the broom closet with him.”
“Oh my God,” he swore.
“I Told him he wouldn’t even get a flash of my tits, only in his dreams. Then he…he started punching me…and hitting me. I tried to fight back but he was much stronger. But I struggled and…I…I just got away,” you finished.
“Y/N, who? Who asked you that?” he questioned; his hand covered his mouth in slight shock.
Sighing, your mouth felt vile. You knew how this would shatter him. Even hurt Elton with his happiness.
But…he needed to know somehow. He should not be trapped with someone like that.
Looking into Elton’s eyes, you took in a deep breath, feeling the air going into your nostrils, giving you a bit of energy to speak the words.
“John Reid.”
He was quiet, not moving an inch.
“The bastard,” he breathed.
Walking over to his mirror, he wiped off the makeup with a wet cloth muttering a hundred curses.
“That fucking son of a bitch, I thought he was better than this how can I even stand him when he just did this to Y/N, I swear to God, he’s a dead man walking.”
Your hands and legs were shaking as you sat. Looking down at the floor with its dark stains, you tried to distract yourself. The hotness of tears filled your eyelids with regret. Elton always seemed to smile more when the Scottish manager was around, even if John did not.
“I’m sorry…”
“Don’t be fucking sorry! This isn’t your fault!!” he hushed, he grabbed tissues and you wiped off your tears.
There was suddenly a knock on the door, and you jumped at the sound of John’s voice.
“Elton, can you let me in?” he asked.
Both of you looked at each other, your body went tight.
Elton only stood up and said “Let me take a shower, John! I’ll meet you in half an hour to talk!”
His footsteps echoed away, and your breathing felt longer with each step.
“I’m going to get a medic to look at you…and I’m gonna contact one of the guards. You are not going to be alone with him, Y/N…not anymore. Someone’s always going to be with you.”
“Elton, I’m just a backup singer!”
“You’re a bloody hard worker! And you are just as passionate about all this as the rest of us! And as for John…”
He looked at the door. With a red face he peeked out and saw that John had wandered off.
“He’s about to be fired. He won’t go to concerts; he will be far away from you. I’ll take it to court if I have to…”
“Elton, this sounds like hell.”
He led you to the door and signaled a medic nearby in the hallway to escort you away.
“You’re worth hell, dear.”
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hookedontaronfics · 4 years
Honky Dancer - Chapter 9
Chapter title: Recovery and Reconciliation Read the previous installments here: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3  | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 Rating: M Pairing: Taron x OC Warnings: Mentions of an eating disorder, medical drama, subtle mentions of sex A/N: I know you all have been waiting to know the outcome of what happened after the cliffhanger I left with you last chapter. I truly apologize it took me so long to put this together, and I hope it lives up to all of your expectations. There’s not a lot of action in this, but there are a lot of emotions, so I hope you hang on for the ride. When things get dark, the people we love truly are the lights we keep fighting for. Always remember to be someone else’s light; it may save their life. X
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Soft sheets, but not soft enough. Maybe the industrial-produced kind. A quiet whooshing noise. Dim light. The smell of antiseptic hanging heavy in the dry, static-filled air. When I first assumed consciousness, it hurt to open my eyes, so these were my first impressions of the world around me, from what I could sense. But while I could try to analyze the stimuli around me, I had very little sensation coming from my own body, and that concerned me more than anything. Of course, I was probably on strong painkillers, but the absence of pain made me feel no longer grounded. Instead, I just felt drained and lethargic, like it would take far too much effort to even lift my arm.
Where was I? What had happened? I fought through the mental fog clouding my thoughts as I tried to remember. We were filming, on set, of that I was certain. Flashes of dancing played behind my still-closed eyelids. I remembered how hot it felt that day, the shimmers of heat bending the air. I didn’t feel well, but I’d pushed through like the stubborn fool I was. I had… fainted? Collapsed? Given up? I wasn’t sure entirely, but now here I was, prone in a hospital bed and not sure what was going to happen next.
I groaned slightly and felt the need to move suddenly, shifting uncomfortably, slowly becoming more aware of the weight of tubes and wires snaking across my body. A low moan escaped me and then a voice asked “Juliette?”
I instantly popped my eyes open, the room a wash of white. I knew that voice, of course, but it wasn’t the one I’d been hoping to hear. “How are you feeling?” Markus asked concernedly.
“I’m stuck in a hospital bed, Markus. How do you think I feel? Like shit,” I said bitterly.
“Of course. Dumb question,” he said, not even blinking at my tone.
“Why are you even here?” I asked, staring at some point on the wall above his head. “And where is Taron?” I asked softly, despite myself.
“Your lover has been here already, but he couldn’t stay. He had obligations beyond you. He brought your phone and purse, they’re over there,” Markus sighed, running a hand through his hair. “But what happened to you, it concerns me too,” he said, not unkindly.
“Concerns you? Like you give a rat’s arse about me,” I said, angry at him, and angry at myself too. Angry at the world, really, but for what I couldn’t even define.
“It...affects me. Alright? I had a fucking personal stake in this whether I wanted it or not,” he said, his voice a bit choked up.
“What are you going on about, Markus?” I asked.
“The baby. Our baby. You … lost it,” he said, and I instantly felt my blood run cold.
“What?” I asked, struggling to sit up. 
“When they brought you to the hospital, you were dehydrated, and malnourished, and miscarrying. You lost the baby.”
No, no, it couldn’t be true. It couldn’t be real. I was still pregnant, I had to be.
“You didn’t take care of yourself, so you caused this. You killed our child,” he continued, his words turning sharp, ruthless, cutting deep. The pain that blossomed through me, no drug could touch.
“No,” I whispered, horrified at this new reality. A reality I wished I hadn’t woken up to. I felt sick to my stomach, hitting the call button for the nurse, certain I was going to puke in my own lap. The tears threatened at the corners of my eyes, but I refused to cry in front of Markus. He didn’t deserve my tears.
“You didn’t even care. You wanted me to get an abortion. How is this different? Why are you using this to hurt me?” I said, gasping for air, feeling like my lungs were seizing up in my chest.
“Oh, Juliette, it’s just simply what you deserve,” he said, those steely eyes of his as closed off as a mask. He delighted in my pain, a pain I couldn’t escape. I slowly smoothed my hands over my stomach, my hip bones protruding prominently, feeling empty in a way I had never known, not even in my darkest moments before.
“No,” I said again, feeling the grief compounding in my chest. I hadn’t known I was pregnant for very long, but that didn’t matter. The bond had been instant, the hope for this baby immense. I was its mother and now I had nothing - I would never hear its cry, I would never be able to nurse it, I would never sing it lullabies in the 3 a.m. dusk. There wouldn’t be belly laughs and first words, rounds of patty-cake and jars of baby food. There wouldn’t be tiny fingers and tiny toes to kiss, the sweet smell of milk breath, the discovery of new things. And I wouldn’t be able to experience those moments with Taron either. I felt a pang so deeply in my soul for him, an ache, a longing for him just to hold me in that moment. But there was distance between us now, and I didn’t know how he would respond to all of this either.
A nurse with a kind face and brown hair pulled tight in a ponytail swept into the room after knocking. “Glad to see you’re awake,” she smiled brightly at me, but I couldn’t return it. She seemed to notice my distress right away. “Oh honey, let’s make sure you’re more comfortable,” she said, checking all of the med levels on the IV machine before checking my vitals and sitting with me as I fought off the urge to puke, clutching a bucket to my chest. Markus was silent through all of this, scrolling through his phone like he hadn’t just caused me this torment.
“I’ll see if I can get the doctor in here shortly to talk to you. You’ve had a rough go of it but we’re going to get you back to normal, sweetie, I promise,” the nurse said kindly. While I tried to appreciate her kindness to me, it was hard to pull myself out of the depressive pit I was sinking into. I could feel the wave of hopelessness clutching at the edges of my psyche.
“Markus, could you leave me alone for a while? I need to rest,” I made sure to say in front of the nurse, hoping this would mean he’d have no choice but to leave.
“I can sit right here while you sleep,” he said, almost smugly, but that just made the panic rise in my chest. I could not be left alone with this man again.
“No, please, just go,” I said, clutching hard at the blankets.
“Perhaps it would be best if we give Juliette some space,” the nurse said, reading my distress and emphasizing the last word. She stood up and looked expectantly at Markus, who sighed and stood up himself after a beat of awkward silence, shoving his hands deep in his pockets.
“Good luck with everything,“ was all he said before striding out, and I felt both relief and also more alone than ever.
“Do we need to put a security alert out for him?” the nurse asked sympathetically, but I shook my head.
“Not necessary. He won’t be back. He’s my ex and, it ended painfully,” I said, wiping at my eyes quickly.
“He doesn’t seem like a very kind man,” the nurse observed. “You’re better off without him, honey.” After promising, again, to get a doctor in to visit me as quickly as she could and making sure I was otherwise comfortable, she left me with my thoughts, which were veering toward a dangerous place.
I finally had the space to let out the tears, crying so hard I knew I was leaving snot all over my pillow, but I didn’t have the capacity to care at the moment. Fat, hot tears rolled down my cheeks, unbidden, though I tried to keep the sobs that wracked my body as silent as possible. I could now place a finger on that empty feeling in my body; I was no longer pregnant, and I couldn’t hide from that harsh truth. The abyss of pain yawned wide in my chest, beckoning me into its darkness. I didn’t feel I had much to live for, and maybe non-existence would be better than this pain.
But then there was Taron, and if I had anything to keep fighting for, it was him. I couldn’t leave things the way they had been. I couldn’t allow my mess of a life to ruin his. This wasn’t how things should be. I sniffled slightly, trying to calm myself down. I’d spent my tears already, and now my head was throbbing and my chest hurt and my nose was congested, and I really didn’t feel any better. I saw a box of tissues on the nearby bedside table and grabbed one, wiping away my tears, my fingers brushing against a tube taped to the side of my face. I followed it to my nose, and realized, with a sickening shock, that I had been fitted with a nasogastric feeding tube; they were forcing nutrients into my starved body, and for some reason that made me angry. Who’s right was it to decide that?
But, rationally, that’s what had landed me in the hospital in the first place. That’s what had cost me my baby in the first place. They were trying to save my life, but was it worth it? That question would haunt me for a while.
I managed to doze off for a bit, exhausted by my emotions and my depleted body, but my sleep was restless, my dreams troubled. I woke to a very different presence in the room. “Taron.” I could barely make my voice work, tears pricking at the corners of my eyes already just to see him there.
He looked tired - no, exhausted, his hair a mess, probably stuck under a bald cap and wig all day, but there was only concern in his expression. Concern for me, but I’m not sure I deserved it. “Hey, I’m here now,” he said softly, reaching over and gently taking my hand in his, careful of the IV lines.
“Are you sure that you want to be?” I asked hesitantly, and Taron’s brow wrinkled like I was being ridiculous.
“Of course, why would I be anywhere else?” he asked softly, sweetly brushing my hair out of my face, his fingers coming to rest under my chin. “Seeing you fall put some things in perspective. I don’t want to hold onto my anger any more. So those things that happened before, they don’t matter to me.”
“But they should, Taron. They should. I lied to you, about a lot of things. I was scared, yes, but that doesn’t excuse it,” I replied weakly.
“And I’ve forgiven you, and it’s as simple as that. People say they forgive each other all the time but it’s not real if you still hold a grudge, if you still hold it against them. Real forgiveness takes trust and courage. All I know is that losing you isn’t an option for me. So first, we focus on your recovery. Then, we can work on the rest of it. Okay?” he said gently. I found it hard to meet his beautiful peridot gaze.
“But… You shouldn’t be with a baby killer, you’re too good for that,” I said resentfully.
“What?” he asked, genuinely confused.
“I lost the baby. Markus said it was all my fault,” I whispered.
“Markus doesn’t know shit,” Taron replied instantly. “We both know he’s an idiot, and he doesn’t know the situation at all, so don’t you dare believe a word he says. I spoke with the doctor myself. The baby had a genetic defect, Juliette. It was never going to survive. Maybe the malnourishment contributed to this all happening at the same time, but love, it wasn’t meant to survive. You didn’t do this, okay? It’s sad, and it’s awful, and we’re going to mourn it, but please don’t take on that guilt as yours. It’s not,” he whispered, his eyes growing watery too. He paused to wipe quickly at his eyes. “I had hopes for this too, you know. I was excited for what could be, for us. I’m not going to let you feel alone in this. The baby is gone, yes, but you are still here, and you are what I have to focus on. I need you to get better.”
“I just don’t know if I can,” I said, closing my eyes and sighing heavily.
“What, get better?” he asked, knitting his brows together again.
“Move forward. I’m not strong enough. I’m not sure I deserve anything more.”
“Hey,” he said, “that’s not true. You’re one of the strongest people I know, next to maybe my mam,” he added with a cute laugh. “I’m sure right now it doesn’t feel that way, but I know you. I see you. It’s going to take time and it’s going to take as many steps back as you take forward, but you can move forward, and you do deserve to be happy again. It’s painful now, yes, but not impossible. You have so much to look forward to still. You have me.”
I opened my eyes again and gazed at him for a moment, feelings tumbling and crashing through me, the depression and grief clashing with the hope and love I felt for Taron. That was definitely something I think we took for granted in life; that emotions weren’t simple, black or white. They didn’t come to us one at a time, perfectly lined up so we could deal with each one in its time. No, life was much more complex than that, and oftentimes we were battered in a sea of emotion, in a constant battle of contradiction. How did anyone ever figure themselves out?
“One day at a time, Juliette. I just need you to fight for you right now,” he continued after watching me wrestle with my inner turmoil.
I nodded and closed my eyes again. “Just so tired,” I murmured softly.
“You should sleep. I’ll be right here,” he said, pulling the blankets up around me again. I couldn’t help but smile over his tenderness, something he still wished to bestow upon me despite everything we’d been through. I felt myself slowly sliding toward sleep again, and gratefully surrendered. 
I wasn’t asleep for long, though, as a doctor arrived finally to advise me of my condition. He explained some of the obvious, corroborating what Taron had told me about my miscarriage, and also some of the less obvious problems, the dehydration and malnutrition that had caused my collapse and an acute kidney infection resulting from it, which I was now on heavy antibiotics for, and a concussion from hitting my head on the concrete road. My bloodwork levels were incredibly out of sync, and my body had been crashing hard when they rushed me into the ER, which was likely why I felt like shit now, lethargic and headachey and exhausted. I was also assigned a therapist, whom I was going to have to have consultations with over acute anorexia nervosa and depression. In other words, I was a complete and utter mess.
But somehow even worse than all of that was the fact that I’d managed to sprain my ankle too when I’d fallen. My leg was bound in a heavy plastic boot, which I discovered when I hastily yanked the covers back. I gasped and shook my head in disbelief; this directly threatened my livelihood and I didn’t know how I was going to cope.
I tried to not have a meltdown in front of the doctor and nurse and Taron, but I could feel it clawing at my brain. I grabbed my phone to try and distract myself, surprised by the many text messages from other dancers and my friends who knew what had happened, at least. I tried to respond to those as best I could after the doctor and nurse had excused themselves. I had several voice messages from Zayn and my mother, and I realized I needed to let them know I was going to be okay. The production, of course, had already contacted them, as was protocol in an emergency situation. But to hear from me would probably be good.
Just as I was dialing my mum’s number, though, a knock came on the door and she popped her head in. “Mum!” I nearly cried, struggling to sit up and nearly getting knocked back into the pillows by her embrace.
“Juliette, my darling, darling girl,” she said into my hair, running her fingers through it before holding me out at arms length and looking at me. “Don’t you ever, ever do that to me again. You scared me half to death. I had no idea you were so sick,” she said, tears running down her face. “Why didn’t you talk to me, honey? I could have helped you, I could have…” she said, her words cut off by her sobs.
“Oh god, mum,” I said, also tearing up and trying to hug her again. “Mum, I’m fine. I’m going to be okay. I promise,” I said, my voice breaking slightly.
“I know, honey. But I feel like I should have seen it. I should have noticed you were hurting,” she said, sitting on the edge of the bed, careful of my leg, which was resting on a pillow now.
“Mum, I hid it from everyone that ever loved me. I’m still sick, you know... in here,” I said, pointing at my head. “But I have people in my life worth fighting for, and I know that. Clara, you … Taron…” I smiled over at him, caught up in the emotion I saw there in his face. “It’ll be alright,” I whispered softly, finally laying back into the pillows, already worn out but happy to have my mum there.
We talked quietly for a while, and I’m pretty sure I went in and out of sleep, at least until the nurse came back to check my vitals and suggested I should eat something. I had no desire to eat but knew this was a major test I needed to get over if I was ever to get this damnable tube out of my nose. So I would have to pretend until it was no longer pretend, until my brain didn’t see food as the enemy. I ordered something off the menu that sounded remotely palatable, but when it arrived even the smell made me want to throw up.
Still, with my mum and Taron there to support me, I picked up the applesauce and slowly peeled back the lid. “You can do this, Juliette. You need to do this,” Taron said, watching me carefully, a supportive hand on my knee. My hand shook slightly as I picked up the spoon and dipped it into the applesauce, staring at it for probably uncomfortably long before finally putting the bite of applesauce in my mouth. It tasted okay, and my stomach even gave a small rumble, realizing, even if my brain didn’t, that I hadn’t eaten in over 24 hours.
I managed to swallow that first bite, and then it was like something inside my brain snapped, and I wolfed down the rest of the applesauce without another thought. I was hungry, absolutely starving, and no matter how much I worried about calories and being fat, I couldn’t deny the almost-nauseous pain in my stomach any longer. Soon after that applesauce, I dug into the other food on the tray, eating greedily and not seeing the looks my mum and Taron were exchanging, words being said without a voice.
“I need to pee,” I finally spoke up, pushing the food tray away from me.
“I’ll call the nurse,” my mum said, reaching for the button.
“No, I’ve got it,” I grumbled slightly, peeling off the covers and awkwardly swinging my legs over the side of the bed.
“I think we should get some help, babe,” Taron said hesitantly, instantly going to support me, as I was a bit precarious on the edge of the bed. A wave of dizziness passed over me, likely a result of my concussion, but I wasn’t willing to let that win.
“I have to try,” I said, gripping the bed railing tightly and slowly lowering my feet to the ground, the boot making a clunk on the cold tiled floor. I winced slightly, aware that my ass, clad in a massive pair of mesh granny panties to absorb the blood from my miscarriage, was open to the world in the starchy hospital gown, but my bladder was insistent. My mum carefully unplugged the IV from the wall so we could wheel the tower into the bathroom, and I carefully shifted my weight into my feet. Despite the support the boot gave, a sharp crack of pain ran up my leg, making me cry out and reach for whatever was nearby; thankfully, that was Taron, and he kept me from falling to the floor.
“I think we should have waited for help,” he said, as he clutched me tightly to his chest, helping me hobble to the bathroom before I had an accident on the floor. I had to admit he was probably right, as I sat there on the toilet, groaning silently as I relieved myself. Taron leaned in the doorway, his soft, caring, gentle eyes taking me in. He wanted to fix this all for me, I knew, but he couldn’t.
“I don’t know what I’m going to do, if I can’t dance,” I whispered softly, blinking in the harsh fluorescent light of the bathroom. “I’ll lose Rocketman, and my classes at the Academy, and then what am I? I’ve defined my life by dance.”
“I think right now is not the time to worry about the what ifs to come. You have a road of recovery ahead of you, and you are more important than any career. Besides that, most of the major dance numbers are already done, and you if you focus all of your energy on getting better, maybe you’ll be back in time for Bennie. But regardless of that, the most important thing is you right now. Your career can, and will, wait for you. You’re more than just a dancer to me, you know,” he said with a small smile. “You’re my girl, and I love you.”
His words hit me straight in the chest, and I cried for what felt like the 80th time that day. There I was, sobbing into a wad of tissue paper, goosebumps on my arms because it was cold, propped on the toilet and losing it over everything; it was not my finest moment, but no one was there to make me feel guilty over it either.
My mum had ended up calling the nurse, and she’d brought some crutches for me too, because I wasn’t supposed to put any weight on my leg for a while. After I managed to get myself sorted out, I hobbled back to the bed, and gratefully crawled in, exhausted by even just going to the bathroom. I really had done myself in, and it saddened me. I didn’t want to need help doing even basic things; I wanted to tell myself to get over it, to stop being so weak, but my body didn’t have a choice. I’d abused it, and now I was paying the price.
My head had started to throb by now, and my body ached everywhere. I was due for more painkillers, though, so the nurse changed out my IV bags so I could rest a little easier. She suggested my company give me time to rest, but I didn’t want Taron or my mum to leave just yet.
I asked after Troy, but my mom reassured me that my dog was with Madison and would be just fine. She had also contacted the Academy to let them know of my situation, and they had been nothing but concerned and understanding, which gave me a little bit of relief. Another knock on the door turned out to be Zayn, holding a bouquet of flowers, and Clara, who instantly ran over to me and launched herself into the bed. “Mummy!” she squealed as she flounced down beside me.
“Clara, be careful!” my mum chided, but I was happy to pull my daughter into my arms and hug her tightly.
“Oh, my Clara Bean,” I said, kissing her on the top of her head and smelling the sweet fragrance of the strawberry shampoo still lingering in her hair.
“We came as soon as we could,” Zayn said, setting the vase on the bedside table and kissing me lightly on the forehead.
“Thank you, those are beautiful,” I smiled.
“How are you feeling?” he asked quietly.
“Not great at the moment, but I’ll be okay,” I replied, watching as Zayn and Taron shook hands and greeted each other with pats on the shoulder. Zayn really had come a long way in just the past few months, I had to give him that.
We talked for a bit but the heavy arm of sleep was beckoning to me like a warm, cozy blanket, and I couldn’t fight it off any longer. I’m sure at some point they all figured out I had dropped off, and the next time I woke up, it was quite late and I was alone in the dark room. There was a note on the bedside table for me, scribbled in Taron’s handwriting, promising he’d stop by in the morning before going to set; I couldn’t begrudge him wanting to shower and actually get a good night’s sleep. My body was on fire, but I hesitated to hit the call button, figuring this pain was a sort of penance to be paid for all the wrong I’d done in my life.
I wasn’t a bad person, no, I didn’t believe that. Deep down, I’d always had good intentions. I loved the people around me, but when you’re a broken person, the way you love is broken too. And I knew Taron saw that, and understood that, even more than me. He was patient and kind in ways I didn’t deserve, but he gave that to me anyways. The only way I could begin to make amends, to try and fix the pain I’d caused him, was to try and love him the best I could. And that started with me, with fixing myself. I decided, then and there, that no matter how painful it would be, I would let the therapist dig deep, deeper than I’d ever let myself go, into the places I’d long ago sewn shut, the things I’d tried to forget. If I was ever going to heal, I needed to discover how deep the wounds were, and forgive every single person in my life that had caused that pain, and apologize to the little girl I was who lost her innocence long ago.
I slept fitfully for a while, waking up from troubled dreams, dreams full of memories of my father before he left, when he was drunk all the time and shouting and breaking things, scaring my mum and me, the times I hid in the bathroom cabinets, clutching my stuffed patchwork bunny until my mum would tearfully come find me, long after dad had passed out on the couch.
I’m pretty sure the nurse gave me more painkillers at some point in the night, because I woke from a deep, dreamless sleep the next morning to Taron’s sweet kisses peppering my face. “Morning, love,” he said with that adorable boyish grin of his. I smiled, happy at least to see him freshly showered and awake. I still felt exhausted, but that was probably how it would be for a while, until I recovered some more.
“G’morning,” I murmured softly, trying to shake the sleep out of my eyes. I had a dull headache but otherwise felt a little better than the day before. I had no idea when I’d be able to leave; there were more tests to be done before being discharged would even be considered. I giggled when Taron barged his way onto the bed, scooting me over gently, ever-careful of my tubes and wires. He cradled me in his arms, and I was all too happy to lay my head on his chest, hearing his heart beating.
“I think this might be against hospital protocol,” I said, actually laughing.
“Fuck the protocol. I’ve got this hot babe in my arms, so I think I might need treated too, for heatstroke,” he smirked.
“What? That doesn’t even make sense, T!” I giggled, but he didn’t care if it was stupid, he was just happy to see me smiling and laughing again. I was even hungry in the morning, so I ordered eggs and fresh fruit and Taron sat with me while I ate, finishing off my toast when I didn’t touch it.
He hated having to leave me but I didn’t mind so much, just grateful that he wanted to be there with me at all. “Go on, go be Elton and be great at it,” I smiled. “You know where I’ll be,” I smiled as he left a sticky jam kiss on my cheek.
“Of course. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” And with a wave, he was gone, but I didn’t have very much time to be bored. After posting something to social media and responding to more texts and chat messages, I had another steady stream of visitors, Leah and Pietre and Dennis included, and several other dancers I had come to call friends. I was touched by the outpouring of love and support. My mum visited again, grateful to see me in better spirits than the day before. And of course Madison came, bringing a massive bouquet that was so large it took up an entire corner of the room and perfumed the air with its floral fragrance.
“You’re ridiculous,” I said, but couldn’t help but laugh. She painted my nails while chatting about all the drama I was missing at the Academy, and if I closed my eyes I could very nearly pretend we were just sitting on my couch with wine and containers of Chinese takeout spread out before us. It made me feel normal, and not just like the “sick girl.” She even made me promise that I’d get better or she’d kick my ballerina ass, and I was grateful she didn’t pity me because pity wouldn’t get me through this.
So between visits and further medical tests, mostly to rule out any other issues, the day passed on quickly, and I received some good news by the evening. The doctor determined that come morning I could be sent home, where they were certain I’d be more comfortable, with one caveat; I had to keep the feeding tube for a few more weeks at best, until I could prove I was no longer a danger to myself. But I had been clear to the therapist that I was aware of my shortcomings, the control issues and painful past, the things that drove me to try and control my food intake in the first place. I wanted to get better, and that was crucial; you couldn’t make someone change if they were unwilling to do so. And I genuinely wanted to do better, even if trying to convince myself that my worth was more than my waistline would be an uphill battle.
Taron, of course, did his best to convince me I should hole up in his house with him, where he could keep a closer eye on me, and I didn’t have the energy to argue. So the following morning, after being instructed on how to prepare the feeding pump and bags, and getting me back into my real clothes, I happily signed the papers for dismissal. There would of course be follow-ups and therapist appointments, but this small step in my recovery was important. My mum had promised to keep an eye on my house for a while, and after stopping by to collect more clothes and toiletries and my phone charger and anything else that might be useful, Taron got me settled in on his couch with free reign of his Netflix. It wasn’t a bad arrangement, and I felt much better after I finally got a proper bath, with only a little help from Taron getting in and out of the tub with my bum leg.
While he was away filming, I decided I wasn’t just going to be this invalid in need of his total care, so after hobbling to the kitchen and snooping around in his fridge, I decided to make a curry for when he came home. It took a while to figure out a rhythm with the crutches, but eventually I had a skillet full of lean beef and green curry simmering away and a pot of rice steaming too. I’d just set out bowls and a basket of naan bread on the table when Taron came home again, surprised, of course, by my surprise.
“What is this, babe! You didn’t have to. I’m supposed to spoil you, you know,” he grinned.
“I dunno, I wanted to,” I said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me gently. “You didn’t have to do any of this for me. You don’t have to earn your way back into my good graces,” he said, gently tipping my face up to look at him.
“I want to give back. I feel like all I do is take and take, and all I’ve done is manage to hurt you. I want this to be an equal relationship,” I tried to explain.
“I don’t think you take and take from me and give nothing back. You make me happy, Juliette. You make me laugh. You support what I do, and you believe in me. You’re not here for my money or good looks,” he said sweetly.
“Well…maybe the good looks,” I teased lightly, making him chuckle.
“Giving back to me doesn’t have to be tangible goods. I don’t operate in black and white like that. You give back simply by being perfectly imperfect you.”
“Yeah, but you are perfectly perfect, so I feel inadequate all the time.”
“What? I’m not perfect. God… I have my flaws. I’ve been jealous, and angry, and bitter over things. I’ve been distant and cold to you too. I drink too much and don’t get enough sleep and sometimes let my house go to shit. I’m not perfect, I just try. I make the effort. It’s high time you had someone in your life making that effort for you.”
“You say such sweet things to me,” I replied softly, somehow struggling to comprehend he was saying these words to me.
“Well I mean them, so get used to it. You need to get used to being happy. Now, shall we eat this curry before it gets cold?”
“Yeah, of course,” I said lightly, both of us tucking into our bowls. I even managed to eat a few strips of naan, and considered it a victory; a small one, but life had to be lived by the small victories sometimes. We finished our food, had a lazy evening cuddling on the couch with a film we didn’t spend much time actually watching, and rather than waking me after I unintentionally dozed off, Taron carried me to bed.
Or at least I assumed that’s what happened, because I woke up some time in the night, needing to use the bathroom, Taron snoring softly next to me. As I watched him sleep, his chest rising and falling in the darkness, shadows shifting over his face, I realized how much I had truly missed him. How much I needed him. How much I wanted him.
An uncomfortable throbbing need woke up in my groin and I groaned slightly. My body could be a real asshole sometimes. I made myself get out of bed to prevent myself from waking Taron from his slumber, though I’m quite certain he probably wouldn’t have minded if I chose to have my way with him. I also just wasn’t in any shape to have sex at the moment, still bleeding and sore down there anyway. At least I wasn’t totally dead inside, I thought ruefully as I strapped myself back into my boot and stomped as quietly as I could to the bathroom, cringing every time the boot scraped over the wooden floor. I didn’t have to sleep in the thing, but I really couldn’t walk without it at the moment either.
After taking care of my needs I stared at myself in the mirror, at my pale face and rumpled hair and dull eyes, and sighed. I had no idea how Taron still found me attractive at all. But I could be that girl again, if I worked hard enough at it.
I returned to the bed and when I laid back down Taron rolled over and nuzzled into my neck. “Where’d you go?” he murmured, kissing my neck sweetly.
“I had to pee,” I laughed, shrugging at how easy it was to just announce that.
“Well, I hope it was a good trip then,” he giggled, sleep still thick in his voice.
“Um, yeah, it was adequate,” I joked back, running my fingers through his soft, fluffy hair. The movie had yet to hack his hair up but I knew that was coming very soon.
“Glad my facilities are up to your standards,” he snickered back. “God I love you,” he added, his breath hot on my neck and not helping the state of my arousal.
“I know,” I smiled, as he continued to kiss my neck, his fingers slowly working their way under my camisole, caressing the skin of my stomach. “I can’t, you know, not yet,” I whispered, and he sighed softly, light spilling in from between the blind slats reflecting in the deep orbs of his eyes.
“You should get some sleep,” he said, withdrawing his hand and making me sigh shakily.
“I want you, I just, my body,” I tried to explain, not very well, squeezing my eyes shut.
“It’s okay,” he grinned, kissing the tip of my nose cutely. “I know,” he said in return, pulling the blankets around me and humming softly as he settled in to fall asleep once more, his arm draped sweetly over me.
This was what I wanted the rest of my life to look like, this moment, a beautiful man beside me who stole my breath away, who didn’t judge me for my failings, who adored me and loved me with a love so pure I didn’t always know how to carry it. If there was anything to fight for, I knew it was a future with him.
Will Juliette continue to fight for herself, and for a future with Taron? Or will she let ghosts of her past haunt her? Keep reading to find out - Chapter 10, Coming Soon!
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regulsh · 4 years
Taron had loaned him a sleeping bag and woollen socks and brought a tent for the both of them and seemed to have the whole affair well in hand, all things considered. It gave Richard enough confidence to follow him as they set out, heading east. From the mountain to the sea, the way that water flowed. Following the river.
The trail was—underwhelming, to Richard. A neat flat footpath, smaller than he thought it would be. Cyclists in crinkling fluorescent jackets whizzed by them, kicking up dirt, large ambling groups that they let pass by as they shouted to each other, crunching energy bars. Hardly the remote, wild retreat he envisioned. It felt more pedestrian, felt like work, as they settled into a quiet pace, Taron only occasionally commenting to him or reading the trail map.
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queenies-bug · 4 years
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On the 30th birthday of his sobriety Elton reflects on all the world has lost to drugs, appreciating them and the fight that must go on.
Just a short drabble that came to mind when I saw Elton’s post about his 30th Sobriety Birthday because I’ve long wanted to make a like anti-drug fic. I might make others, but I just didn’t want it to be some other graphic overdosing scene, I wanted grieving for all that drugs have cost the world.
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maddenmyheart · 4 years
Snowy day by his side
Hello everyone! This is my first post, inspired by a cute dream I had last night. I hope you enjoy it. It is very short but I hope that, with time, I will get better at this.
Anyway, here it is.
This particular winter felt different. You were far from home but it wasn’t sad at all, it was quite exciting, actually, especially because you had been able to travel alone and work on some important projects. Recently, you had spent a few days getting to know London a little bit better as you had some time off for the first time since you started working. You had discovered a little cozy coffee shop the other day so you were planning on going again this afternoon.
The city looked like a Christmas tale. The snow from the night before resembled a rug as it covered the ground and the roof of some cars parked along the streets.
You were on your way through the snow-filled sidewalk when you heard that voice you love so much.
“Hey, love,” Richard said.
He wasn’t supposed to get here until next week so this really surprised you.
“Oh my God, Richard! You’re here!” you replied as you jumped to his open arms.
He laughed as he wrapped his arms around you, lifting you in the air for a couple of seconds.
“Surprise, babe.” he smiled. “Were you going anywhere?” 
“Oh, just heading out for a stroll and some coffee, wanna join me?” you smiled back.
“Sure,” he said as he grabbed your hand and kissed it.
You both started walking to the coffee shop, hand in hand, catching up on the past three weeks you hadn’t seen each other. Suddenly, it started snowing. You looked up at the sky and smiled. You loved the snow. It is one of those things you didn’t really get to see back home and it just made you feel like you were in a movie.
You looked back at Richard to find him smiling at you for your reaction. 
“I love that look on your face, love.” He said. “It makes me appreciate snow a lot more now.”
You giggled. “Isn’t it just beautiful?” You asked with a mesmerized tone in your voice.
“You are beautiful.” He replied as he planted a kiss on your forehead.
You both kept walking, passing by the store windows until you got to your destination.
Richard held the door open for you, giving you a soft smack on your ass as you walked into the coffee shop. The act made you both giggle. You found a table and talked for hours about everything that had been going on in your lives these weeks you were apart.
When it got dark outside you both decided to head back home. More snow had fallen and the streets were lighted up beautifully, but it was getting really cold now so you hurried to get home.
Richard suggested grabbing something for dinner along the way. 
“Some Chinese food would do.” You agreed.
When you got home you spent the night watching movies on the couch until you both fell asleep.
~the end~
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beaaatle-blog · 5 years
Your Song - Bernie x Reader
Hey guys!
I haven’t finished a fic in a while so forgive me if this is weirdly written or anything- it’s exam season and over the week this has kind of been my escape 😂
Okay but there aren’t enough Rocketman fics out there so I decided to bless you all with a fluffy Bernie one, because he is ADORABLE
I haven’t proofread this one so i’m praying my grammar is okay 😎
Warnings: Swearing (as always), an OOC Bernie? I haven’t written for him before so this is an attempt,,
Ahhh okay, enjoy!
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It was 11am and you’d had 4 hours sleep. You lounged on the sofa of your best friend’s family home and fought to keep your eyes open, stopping to rub them every now and then. You and Bernie had crashed at Elton’s for the night after going to a gig the night before, and it wasn’t that you were ungrateful, but there were no free beds and that sofa certainly wasn’t doing your back any favours.
Hearing the familiar plodding sound of the two boys coming downstairs, you sat up as feigned your best smile, but despite your efforts they could immediately tell you felt like shit- mostly because you looked it, too.
“(Y/n), bless you, you can sleep in my bed next time if you’d like,” Elton sighed out, coming over and sitting next to you to pull you into a quick cuddle, “I know this sofa’s a bit.. well, very shit.”
You laughed softly and batted him away, standing up and stretching in an attempt to click your back. “Anything is better than this sodding couch, it’s hell.”
Bernie let out a low chuckle at this and you shot a shy smile his way, unfortunately blocked by Elton who was giving you both a knowing look and a shit-eating grin. You chose to ignore both.
Breakfast was always a challenge on mornings like these. You’d froze half way through buttering your toast to have a break, sighing and slowly pacing up and down. A pile of paper on the table caught your eye and you walked over to it, leaning over to read whatever was on them.
Your eyes were greeted by lines of what first appeared poetry, but with a closer look you realised they were lyrics- really good lyrics. You must have stood with your mouth open for no less than 2 minutes before snapping back into reality and stepping away, a small, amazed smile growing on your face.
Your eyes followed Bernie as he traipsed around the kitchen obliviously, turning on the kettle and leaning back against the counter. Although the mornings were often rough, you loved the early moments you spent together- the atmosphere in Elton’s empty family kitchen was one of your favourite things. His gaze met yours and you held it for a second before shaking your head and smiling, walking up to him and gesturing to the pile of lyric sheets on the table. “Did you write those?”
His eyes skimmed the table until he saw the pile of sheets and he broke out into a shy smile, a slight blush dusting his cheeks as he brought a hand to his face, rubbing his mouth nervously. “I didn’t realise I left those there.”
His contagious smile had you shyly grinning too and you softly placed a hand on his upper arm so that he’d meet your gaze again. There was something humble and honest in his eyes but also a sparkle of excitement, and you cursed the butterflies that were erupting in your stomach at that moment.
“They’re brilliant,” you said quietly, relaxing your hand so that it rested snugly on his arm. His smile grew at this and so did yours, the two of you grinning like teenage sweethearts and fighting back the nervous giggles that teased at your throats. “They’re really good, Bernie. Like, really good.”
He looked away for a few moments, still smiling like an idiot, and when he met your gaze again his expression was much softer and more composed. The look he was giving you was burning holes into your skin and an unadulterated jolt of longing fizzed somewhere in your chest as you let out a sigh you didn’t realise you were holding in.
“Your Song,” you said softly to break the silence, not breaking the intense eye contact between the two of you. “Not that I’m shocked, but...” a teasing smirk pulled at your lips, “they have to be some of the best lyrics I’ve ever read.”
A shy smirk spread across his features and he let out a ghost of a laugh, rubbing his hands together and glancing down at them. “Lyrics are always better when there’s meaning behind them, (Y/n).”
When he met your gaze again with a caring smile, you couldn’t stop the massive blush rising in your cheeks. You stared almost helplessly at him, mouth slightly open, until you shook your head and elicited a nervous laugh, putting your head in your hands. “Sorry, I don’t know why I-“
He also let out a nervous laugh, taking your wrists in his hands and gently moving your hands away from your eyes. “It’s fine,” he said, eyebrows raised with a cheeky yet nervous smile, shaking his head fondly. “I...” he glanced away and did some kind of gesture with his hands, trying to get his words out, “I, yeah.” He grinned sheepishly before the two of you fell into nervous laughter, faces aching from the constant smiling.
“Who’s it about?” you said, barely above a whisper, and he suddenly stopped laughing as his eyes met yours. His fingers still lingering on your wrists and the close proximity didn’t help the butterflies still fluttering about in your stomach as you tried to hide the deep breaths you were taking. ‘Shit, shit, shit,’ you thought over and over on repeat, the two of you staring at eachother like deer in headlights.
No words were needed as everything clicked in your head. Tentatively, you grinned up at Bernie and your suspicion was confirmed as he grinned sheepishly back, failing to hide the heat rising in his cheeks. Everything about his movements were tentative as he slowly brought a hand up to your cheek, locking eyes with you as he glanced between your eyes and your lips. A subtle lick of your lips as a glance to his was all the confirmation he needed as he leaned forward and captured you in a gentle yet painfully meaningful kiss, both of your eyes fluttering shut as your arms found their place over his shoulders and his around your waist.
When you finally broke away from the kiss, Bernie pulled you into his arms and you stood there- against the kitchen counter, just the two of you, holding eachother and basking in eachother’s presence- for what felt like hours. Your head comfortably resting on his shoulder, his head in the crook of your neck, arms tangled around eachother.
The sound of Elton playing random keys on the piano in the hall dragged the two of you back into reality and Bernie leaned back, using his forefinger to tilt your chin up towards him to steal one last quick kiss, before grinning and quickly walking around the table, picking up the lyric sheets. You turned around and raised your eyebrows at him, smiling curiously. He laughed softly at your expression and gestured towards the papers in his hand. “I need to add more to these.”
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taste-thewaste · 5 years
Chapter 2 of Strong and Broken
Title:  Strong and Broken Fandom: Rocketman RPF (Taron Egerton/Richard Madden) Characters: Richard Madden, Taron Egerton, Dex Fletcher Pairings: M/M, Taron/Richard Summary: Richard is mesmerized by Taron, at his easy confidence, at the way he seems like he can conquer the world. He is mesmerized by other things, too. TW/CW: Drinking, swearing, anxiety, friends-to-lovers, mild self-harm implication
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egertonscene · 3 years
Long nights
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(not my gif)
It was simply one of those nights: one where your eyes were shut in bed, yet your mind would not let you rest. Amongst other things, of course. You had been on edge all night and the state of just waiting to be awoke again would not go away. Just as you felt your body get some relief and relaxation in the dark of your room, a small whimper came through the baby monitor that was sat on your bedside table once again.
There were many joys as a new mum. More than you can count. But, with those joys, came the struggles that not even your own parents warned you of. The hard nights and the unknown cries were one of them.
“Noo..” A soft groan came out of you without you even thinking about it. It probably was about the sixth time that night that your three month old daughter started crying out for a new reason. The first couple times was due to her hunger, third time was because her nappy needed changed… after that, you simply had no damn clue. At least this time she was gracious enough to give you forty minutes to attempt to fall asleep.
Your body tensed slightly as you waited to see if she’d fall asleep on her own. Tears started to prick your eyes because you didn’t want to hear that cry any longer.
You were so frustrated at the moment. You didn’t want to feel frustrated, especially at her. She absolutely knew no better. But, there was still a part of you that just missed peaceful sleep. It usually wasn’t this bad, either. For a first baby, she was so easy going. All she ever needed was a cuddle from you or her daddy and she was happy as can be. You and Taron even had gotten better at learning what cry was for which need of hers. You cant always expect smooth sailing though, can you?
As the cries continued to progress and get louder through the monitor, you let out another soft huff and pushed yourself away from your pillow. Let’s try this again.
“I’ve got her this time, love,” Taron’s gruff yet soft voice came from the other side of the bed, making you turn your head back to him.
“Babe, it’s okay, i’m up.” You shook your head at him. You must’ve had a frown that he could see through the dark of the room, because his first response was to put a hand to your cheek.
“You need rest, you’ve been at it with her since half past nine this evening.”
“You need sleep, too.” You mumbled back quietly, not being able to help leaning into his palm. “You’ve got work in two hours. I’ve got no where to be.”
“Doesn’t matter. I got some sleep,” Taron assured you as he propped himself up finally, letting a yawn out and ruffling his already messy hair with both of his hands. “You let me handle this one.”
A frown tugged your lips down. You really did hate that he was awake at all, let alone having to get up for something you should be able to handle without him. You are the mum, after all.
“T, she probably needs to be fed or her nappy is a little snug, I can just-“
“And if I absolutely need you, I will come get you.” He stopped you mid sentence, already knowing you wanted to argue. You watched as his legs flopped to the side of the bed, his bare back now facing you. “I haven’t helped you the past few nights.”
Your own back rested against the headboard of your bed, almost in a defeated manner as you watched your husband search around for his pyjama bottoms. “You shouldn’t have to…”
A crack in your voice was an indicator for Taron to turn around and face you again, him knowing well that you were fighting back the lump in your throat that held all your emotions in.
“Baby..” He spoke quietly as he made his way to your side of the bed, leaning over to press more than one soft kiss to your head. “I’m her daddy, you know I don’t mind helping… I can’t be with you during the day, let me do this.”
You felt so daft for letting your emotions get the best of you. To be fair, you hadn’t had much control of your tears since you were about eight months pregnant. The exhaustion just added to it all.
“I’ve got her.” Taron assured you once more with a silent nod, almost as if to tell you to lay yourself back down. He hardly gave you the chance to respond again before his heels turned to make to your door and down the hall to your daughters nursery. You would’ve continued arguing, too. You just didn’t have the energy at this point.
Ever since you found out you were pregnant, Taron did everything in his power to make sure you were comfortable. From setting up the bassinet, checking off every last item on your shopping list for the little one, and hardly letting you lift a finger. While some may have seen it as him being overbearing, you saw it as you got the loveliest husband on the planet. He wanted the best for his girls from the beginning and you knew that. That was just more of a reason to you that you should be on night duty when your daughter was this fussy. He was crabby waking up at five in the morning to be on set in the first place, you didn’t want him losing out on more sleep.
“Oh, come now angel, what’s this fuss about?”
Your head turned to the side as you heard your husbands voice on the baby monitor, your little ones cries still over powering his calm voice in the meantime.
“Daddy’s here, princess. Hold on,” He shushed your daughter once again as he came into the cameras view. You watched intently as his arms came down to scoop the little one out of her crib.
“No tears pretty girl, no tears.” He cooed as his daughter went to rest up against his chest, bundled up in his arms as her cries wailed throughout the room. Even with such a high pitched shriek, Taron kept his calm. He always did.
“Why have we given mummy such a hard time this evening princess, hmm?” He questioned as if he would get a response. You would’ve laughed if you weren’t still trying to work through your own tears in bed. “She fed you… You got a change… and I just know she gave you all the love in the world.”
One trick Taron had learned from his own mum was to sway back and forth with the little one in his arms, one of his hands gently rubbing her chest to try to soothe her any amount he could.
“Did we just need a good dad cuddle? I bet we did.” He told your little girl, his tired grin evident in his tone. “Daddy wanted a cuddle too, I have to tell ye’.” Taron repeated a soft ‘shh’ every couple seconds. You couldn’t believe how quickly the cries started to die down as he did so.
Taron stepped around the room to get a good rhythm going in hopes that would calm the baby down further. Even as her whimpers got softer, he decided to sit himself down in the rocking chair on the other end of the room to really do the trick. You could never get her to sleep when the two of you sat in that chair- she always just looked up at you with wide eyes as if she was going to miss something important if she napped. Taron thought it might be worth it to try it out. If not, he’d resort to a walk around the house with her.
“You’re meant to go visit your nan tomorrow, missy. We can’t have you all fussy and sleepy can we?” Taron asked quieter this time as the back of his index finger went to brush over her nose.
He couldn’t help but smile as he watched her eyes flutter shut briefly every time he did it. Anything your daughter did, Taron was just mesmerized by her. You loved to tease him by saying “She’s got you wrapped around her little finger” every time he was with her. But it was so true. That was daddy’s little girl and he was so proud to say it to everyone he talked to in a day.
As you had calmed down slowly, listening to taron talk softly through the monitor, you felt such a peace run through you as her cries turned into the occasional little sniffle. What really sealed the deal is when you heard Taron’s voice quietly start to hum a tune to her. It was the same one every single time, too: you are my sunshine. He sang it to your daughter the same hour she came into the world, and you were sure he’d sing it to her when she’s well past the age of having to be cuddled to sleep.
The smallest smile creeped to your lips as you listened to him. It wasn’t long before even the tiny sniffles had stopped. But that didn’t stop him one bit from continuing on.
It was almost like knowing Taron got her calm so quickly made you instantly calm. So much so you hadn’t even realized your own eyes had fluttered shut. And by the time you did, you were out like a light.
The sound of your phone alarm going off next to you slowly pulled you out of your sleep. You always set your own alarm to make sure Taron was up early enough. You fumbled around, tapping to find your phone to quiet the alarm with your eyes shut, then turning your body to tap Taron to let him know he needed to get up. But instead, your hand hit the empty sheets next to you.
Your eyes opened to turn and look for your husband. The blankets were still tossed to the side where he usually laid, just like they were when he left the bed last night.
“Babe?” You mumbled as if you’d get an answer. You sat yourself up slowly, searching the room with your eyes and peaking as far as you could into the bathroom. Where was he?
It took you a second to push yourself out of bed to go look for him. You hadn’t heard anything downstairs, like him on the phone or making his daily cup of tea. He couldn’t still be in the nursery could he?
As you padded your way down the hall, you rubbed your eyes and slowly opened up the door to your daughters room. Against your better judgment, there he was. Still sat in that rocking chair with your little girl fast asleep against his chest. He had his eyes shut peacefully as well. It was a sight that could’ve melted the heart of the coldest soul on the planet.
“Oh, lovely…” You tutted quietly to yourself as you made your way in. You’d say that couldn’t be comfortable, but with how settled the two looked you could’ve been wrong.
“T… Honey,” You quietly spoke to him with a hand going to cup his cheek. It took a second before you watched his tired eyes open up to look around. “Well, hello there dad.” you giggled softly as he finally looked up at you, a smile tugging at his lips in the process.
“Hi mum.” Taron whispered quietly back, his eyes shutting yet again.
“Love, you didn’t have to stay in here… She would’ve been okay back in her bed.” You told him honestly, even if you weren’t sure of your statement after the night you had.
“No, I know,” He admitted as his head turned to the side, glancing at the sleepy girl in his arms. “I didn’t really want to move though, ya’ know? I never get to hold her long enough.”
“Babe, you hold her from the time you get home to the time she’s back in her bed.”
He chuckled as softly at you, still being cautious of being quiet. “Okay, fine. I do, but this was a little different.”
This time, a smile crept onto your lips. “And how was this time so different?”
Taron gave a small shrug and adjusted himself so he could slip one of his arms out from underneath the baby, gently stroking her cheek. “You needed some sleep and… She wanted her daddy. I couldn’t go lay back down knowing she just wanted some love.”
In that moment, you could’ve swore you had fallen in love with this man all over again. Regardless of how tired he looked, you could see in his eyes he was so genuine and happy to be cuddled up in that chair with his daughter.
Your first response was to lean down and put a soft kiss to the tip of his nose with the smile not leaving your face. “How’d we get so lucky to have you?”
Taron’s smile grew as he reached his neck out just to place a proper kiss on your lips the time. “I think i’m the lucky one, my love. Have you seen my girls?”
hello, mimi here! ~ thank you for reading my first little drabble/imagine for taron!
i’ll be making a whole intro post to my page and what kind of writing i do, but i hope you’ll stick around! xx
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rinn-e · 2 years
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line.
Tagged by @nixie-deangel, thanks dear :)
WARNING: Most of my stories contain possibly triggering/explicit content in one way or another, and especially the older ones need editing.
1. What I Am [Codywan, Star Wars]
“Obi-Wan,” the shadow purred. “You made a mistake, Obi-Wan.”
2. What You Are And What You'll Never Be [Vaderwan, Star Wars]
Obi-Wan was captured.
3. Two Kinds Of Cruel [Vaderwan, Star Wars]
They came in the hours of the dune lizards, in the time between night and day in which the reptiles’ cackling laughter drowned out the sandstorm daring to disturb them; they feared no weather.
4. Where The Sky Begins [Obikin, Star Wars]
To tell the truth, Anakin didn’t even recognize him at first.
5. Any Objections? [Obikin, Star Wars]
The first time Anakin noticed it, they were on board of the Twilight, flying through hyperspace.
6. Silent Is The Night [Bruce/Dick, DC]
Strangely enough, it wasn’t Batman who got hurt.
7. Saving Flowers [Obikin, Star Wars]
Obi-Wan was thirteen years old when a whisper in the night tore apart everything he thought to know about the Jedi Order.
8. The War That Never Was [Germany/Prussia & Prussia/England, Hetalia]
“You know… you don’t have to write that report. I’m sure they won’t even remember a thing of your presentation… why put that much effort into it?”
9. Hetalian Fairy Tales [Multiple pairings, Hetalia]
The night was cloudless, stars scattered all over it, but that also meant it was cold and the wind was blowing through Adalwin’s hair relentlessly.
10. The Nature Of Snow [Russia/Prussia, Hetalia]
The first time they spent Christmas with each other, they were enemies pretending to be allies.
11. Symbiosis [Russia/Prussia, Hetalia]
It was going to happen that evening, Prussia was sure of it.
12. Lachesis [Elton/Bernie, Rocketman]
“Elton came to the conclusion that he, sadly, isn’t interested in your services anymore. He needs something more... spectacular, catchier, you know?”
13. Mistletoes [Bill/Dipper, Gravity Falls]
The leaves were green and spiky and tied together with a nearly perfect red bow.
14. 22 Hours [Mabel-centric Gen, Gravity Falls]
It was like climbing the ragged face of a cliff.
15. Bridge Over Troubled Water [Bill/Dipper, Gravity Falls]
„I don’t want to see you ever again, Pines,” the brawny, bald man growled, his face tense enough that Dipper was able to see a vein twitching at his temple.
16. A Prayer In Spring [Conor/Harry, A Monster Calls]
It took Conor two weeks to realise Harry wouldn’t come back.
17. Silent Colours [Bruce/Dick, DC]
The tip of the pencil made soft noises as it leaped across the paper, following the quick movements of the hand holding it.
18. It's Such A Pretty World Today [Walt/Jesse, Breaking Bad]
Most of the mirror’s surface was fogged, though a few sparkling beads of water were gathering in the right bottom corner, running down, falling.
19. Dove [Harry/Eggsy, Kingsman]
“What do you want from me?!”
20. Inconvenience [unrequited Harry/Eggsy, Kingsman]
Harry wasn’t a bad man.
BONUS: the Obikin WIP I've been working on on and off since January last year :P -> Shmi Skywalker died happily.
My favorite one has to be either 7 - Saving Flowers or 10 - The Nature Of Snow, but, really, I'm satisfied with most of these :) [Though, making this list made me realize how many times I hopped fandom whoops...]
Tagging: @jovialkidbonktrash @unspuncreature @lithugraph@rosesnblueberries @willshowerthots @currently-kraken @luzff @farfollow @sparkie96 @kratosfan6632466 and whoever else wants to do this :) [As always, no pressure~]
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