#SEO Tags:
sharminpoly24 · 21 days
What is SEO/Search Engine Optimization and How does it Work?
SEO stands for "search engine optimization". In simple, it is a process of improving your webpage to increase its visibility in search engines like Google, Bing, etc. You would get more chances to gain attention when your webpage is more visible in search engine results pages (SERPs). 
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crazysublimeglitter · 26 days
The Science Behind Finding the Perfect Flight at the Perfect Price
For more features please visit https://trailtravelz.com/
In an age where travel has become increasingly accessible, finding the ideal flight at the right price has turned into something of an art form. Whether you're planning a weekend getaway or a globetrotting adventure, securing the best airfare can make a significant difference in your overall travel experience. However, beneath the surface of flight booking platforms lies a complex interplay of algorithms, market dynamics, and consumer behavior that dictate the prices we see. Understanding this intricate science can empower travelers to navigate the vast landscape of air travel more effectively.
The Psychology of Pricing
The first step in unraveling the mystery of flight pricing is understanding the psychology behind it. Airlines employ sophisticated pricing strategies that take advantage of consumer behavior and market demand. For instance, the urgency of travel plans often dictates the willingness to pay. Thus, prices tend to fluctuate based on factors like the time of booking, seasonality, and even the day of the week.
Moreover, the concept of dynamic pricing allows airlines to adjust fares in real-time based on various variables, including seat availability and competitor pricing. This dynamic nature of pricing can often lead to frustration among travelers who witness prices seemingly skyrocketing the moment they begin their search.
The Role of Algorithms and Big Data
Behind the scenes, algorithms play a crucial role in determining flight prices. Airlines and booking platforms utilize vast amounts of data to predict consumer behavior and optimize revenue. These algorithms consider factors such as historical booking patterns, route popularity, and even the devices used for searching to tailor prices to individual users.
Furthermore, the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way airlines set prices. Machine learning algorithms can analyze massive datasets to identify patterns and trends, allowing airlines to adjust fares dynamically in response to market changes. This level of precision enables airlines to maximize profitability while still offering competitive prices to consumers.
Supply and Demand Dynamics
At the heart of flight pricing lies the fundamental economic principle of supply and demand. Airlines operate on a delicate balance between filling seats to capacity and maximizing revenue per flight. During peak travel seasons or on popular routes, demand often outstrips supply, leading to higher fares. Conversely, airlines may slash prices during off-peak times to stimulate demand and ensure that planes depart at full capacity.
Additionally, the concept of airline yield management plays a crucial role in pricing strategy. By allocating different fare classes and implementing restrictions on ticket flexibility, airlines can segment their customer base and extract maximum value from each passenger.
Strategies for Finding the Best Deals
Despite the complexity of airline pricing, there are several strategies that savvy travelers can employ to secure the best deals:
Flexibility: Being flexible with travel dates and destinations can often result in significant savings. Utilizing fare comparison websites and setting up price alerts can help identify the most cost-effective options.
Timing: Booking flights well in advance or taking advantage of last-minute deals can yield substantial savings. Additionally, flying during off-peak times or avoiding popular travel seasons can lead to lower fares.
Loyalty Programs: Joining airline loyalty programs and accruing frequent flyer miles can result in discounted fares, upgrades, and other perks. It's essential to leverage these programs strategically to maximize their benefits.
Alternative Airports: Considering alternative airports near your destination can sometimes lead to cheaper fares. While it may require additional travel time, the cost savings can be substantial.
Bundle Deals: Opting for package deals that include flights, accommodations, and other amenities can often result in significant discounts compared to booking each component separately.
Finding the perfect flight at the perfect price involves navigating a complex web of pricing dynamics, consumer behavior, and market forces. By understanding the science behind flight pricing and employing strategic booking strategies, travelers can optimize their travel experiences and unlock significant savings. Whether it's leveraging algorithms to identify the best deals or capitalizing on loyalty programs, mastering the art of flight booking can transform the way we explore the world.
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Navigating the Skies: Flight Booking Essentials
For more features please visit https://trailtravelz.com/
In an era where the world is more connected than ever before, air travel has become an indispensable part of our lives. Whether it's for business or pleasure, booking a flight can often be a daunting task, especially with the plethora of options available. However, with the right knowledge and tools at your disposal, navigating the skies and booking your next flight can be a breeze. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the essential factors to consider when booking a flight, from finding the best deals to ensuring a smooth travel experience.
1. Destination and Dates: The first step in booking a flight is determining your destination and travel dates. Whether you're planning a weekend getaway or a long-term adventure, having a clear idea of where and when you want to go will streamline the booking process and help you narrow down your options.
2. Flexibility: Flexibility is key when it comes to finding the best deals on flights. Being open to alternative dates, nearby airports, and different airlines can often result in significant savings. Consider using flexible date search tools offered by various booking websites to explore all available options.
3. Budget: Setting a budget for your flight is essential to avoid overspending. Determine how much you're willing to allocate towards airfare and be mindful of additional fees such as baggage charges and seat selection. Keep an eye out for special promotions and discounts offered by airlines and booking platforms to stretch your travel budget further.
4. Comparison Shopping: With numerous online travel agencies and airline websites vying for your business, it pays to shop around. Use flight comparison websites to compare prices across multiple airlines and booking platforms, ensuring you get the best possible deal for your journey.
5. Loyalty Programs: If you're a frequent flyer, consider joining airline loyalty programs to earn miles and other perks every time you travel. Accumulating miles can lead to free flights, upgrades, and other exclusive benefits, making it a worthwhile investment for frequent travelers.
6. Reviews and Recommendations: Before finalizing your booking, take the time to read reviews and recommendations from other travelers. Websites like TripAdvisor and Yelp provide valuable insights into airline experiences, helping you choose the best airline for your needs.
7. Travel Insurance: While no one likes to think about potential travel mishaps, having travel insurance can provide peace of mind in case of unexpected emergencies or cancellations. Compare different travel insurance policies to find one that offers comprehensive coverage at a reasonable price.
8. Booking Direct vs. Third-Party: When booking a flight, you have the option to either book directly through the airline's website or use a third-party booking platform. While booking directly may offer more flexibility and direct access to airline policies, third-party platforms often provide competitive prices and additional perks such as bundled deals.
9. Stay Updated: Once you've booked your flight, stay updated on any changes or developments leading up to your departure. Sign up for flight alerts and monitor your airline's website for any updates on flight schedules, gate changes, or delays.
10. Packing Essentials: Finally, don't forget to pack essential items such as travel documents, medications, chargers, and other necessities to ensure a smooth travel experience. Check your airline's baggage policy beforehand to avoid any surprises at the airport.
By keeping these flight booking essentials in mind, you can navigate the skies with confidence and ease, ensuring a stress-free travel experience from start to finish.
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The Rise of Digital Nomads: Booking Flights for Remote Work
In the wake of the digital age, a new breed of workers has emerged: the digital nomads. These individuals have liberated themselves from the traditional office environment, opting instead for a life of remote work, exploration, and adventure. With laptops as their primary tool and the world as their office, digital nomads are redefining the concept of work and travel.
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The Emergence of Digital Nomadism
Digital nomadism is a lifestyle choice that enables individuals to work from anywhere with an internet connection. This trend has gained momentum in recent years, fueled by advancements in technology, changing attitudes towards work, and a desire for freedom and flexibility. No longer confined to a cubicle or a nine-to-five schedule, digital nomads have the autonomy to create their own work-life balance.
Remote Work and Travel
One of the key advantages of being a digital nomad is the ability to travel while working. Gone are the days of waiting for annual leave or weekends to explore new destinations. Digital nomads can seamlessly integrate work and travel, hopping from one location to another while staying connected to their jobs. Whether it's working from a beachside cafe in Bali or a co-working space in Tokyo, the world becomes their oyster.
The Role of Flights in Remote Work
Central to the lifestyle of digital nomads is the need for efficient and affordable air travel. Booking flights becomes a strategic part of their nomadic lifestyle, allowing them to move between destinations with ease. However, unlike traditional travelers who may plan months in advance, digital nomads often embrace spontaneity and flexibility in their travel plans. They may book last-minute flights to take advantage of deals or seize opportunities for new adventures.
Factors to Consider When Booking Flights
For digital nomads, there are several factors to consider when booking flights for remote work:
Cost: While budget airlines may offer cheaper fares, digital nomads also value factors like baggage allowance, flexibility in changes, and onboard amenities.
Schedule: Flexible work schedules mean digital nomads can take advantage of off-peak travel times, avoiding crowds and potentially scoring better deals.
Destinations: Digital nomads often choose destinations based on factors like cost of living, internet connectivity, and community of fellow nomads. Flight availability and connections play a crucial role in determining their next destination.
Visa Requirements: Visa regulations vary from country to country, and digital nomads must consider visa requirements when booking flights to ensure smooth entry and exit.
Tools and Resources for Booking Flights
Fortunately, there is no shortage of tools and resources to help digital nomads streamline the flight booking process:
Flight Comparison Websites: Platforms like Skyscanner, Google Flights, and Kayak allow digital nomads to compare prices across different airlines and booking platforms, helping them find the best deals.
Travel Apps: Mobile apps such as Hopper and Airfarewatchdog use algorithms to predict flight prices and notify users when fares drop, enabling digital nomads to make informed booking decisions.
Travel Communities: Online communities like Nomad List and Reddit's r/digitalnomad provide valuable insights and tips from experienced nomads, including recommendations for flights and travel hacks.
Conclusion: The Future of Remote Work and Travel
As remote work continues to gain traction and technology facilitates greater connectivity, the trend of digital nomadism is likely to grow. Booking flights for remote work will become even more seamless, with airlines and travel companies catering to the needs of this nomadic workforce. Whether it's for a short-term escape or a long-term adventure, digital nomads will continue to redefine the way we work and travel in the digital age.
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Flight Ticket Booking on a Time Crunch: Strategies for Last-Minute Plans
For more features please visit https://trailtravelz.com/
In the age of spontaneity, last-minute travel plans have become increasingly popular. Whether it’s a sudden urge to escape the mundane routine, attend a family emergency, or seize an unexpected opportunity, booking flight tickets on short notice can be a daunting task. However, with the right strategies and tips, navigating the process can be smoother and more manageable. This article aims to explore various approaches and resources for booking flight tickets when time is of the essence.
1. Flexibility is Key
When time is limited, flexibility becomes your greatest ally. Being open to alternative dates, airports, and even destinations can significantly increase your chances of finding affordable last-minute flights. Utilize flexible date search options offered by many booking websites to explore different travel date combinations and identify the most budget-friendly options.
2. Set Price Alerts
Price fluctuations in the airline industry are common, and sometimes, waiting for the right moment can pay off. Set up price alerts on multiple booking platforms or use dedicated flight price tracking websites to monitor ticket prices for your desired route. Once you receive notifications indicating a drop in fares, act swiftly to secure the best deals before they vanish.
3. Embrace Red-Eye Flights
While not everyone’s preferred choice, red-eye flights—those departing late at night or early in the morning—are often cheaper due to lower demand. If your schedule allows, consider opting for these flights to save both time and money. Additionally, red-eye flights tend to be less crowded, offering a more peaceful and relaxed travel experience.
4. Be Mindful of Hidden Costs
When booking last-minute flights, it’s essential to be vigilant of hidden costs that can inflate the final price. Pay close attention to additional fees for checked baggage, seat selection, and onboard amenities, as they can significantly impact your overall travel expenses. Compare total costs across different airlines to ensure you’re getting the best value for your money.
5. Leverage Reward Points and Miles
If you’re a frequent traveler enrolled in airline loyalty programs or credit card rewards schemes, now is the time to cash in your accumulated points or miles. Many airlines offer last-minute award seat availability, allowing you to redeem points for flights even when booking on short notice. Additionally, some credit cards provide travel benefits, such as complimentary airline lounge access or priority boarding, enhancing your overall travel experience.
6. Consider Alternative Airports
When faced with limited flight options or exorbitant prices at your primary airport, consider exploring nearby alternative airports. Smaller regional airports or those serving secondary cities may offer more affordable fares or additional flight options, providing a viable alternative for last-minute travel plans. Be sure to factor in transportation costs and travel time to and from the airport when assessing overall convenience.
7. Utilize Mobile Apps
In today’s digital age, mobile apps have revolutionized the way we book and manage travel. Download airline-specific apps or utilize comprehensive travel apps that aggregate flight options from multiple carriers. These apps often feature exclusive deals, mobile-only discounts, and seamless booking experiences, making them invaluable tools for last-minute travelers on the go.
8. Consider One-Way Tickets
When planning a spontaneous trip, booking one-way tickets instead of round-trip fares can offer more flexibility and potentially lower costs. By purchasing separate one-way tickets for your outbound and return journeys, you’re not bound by specific dates or times, allowing you to adjust your travel plans as needed. Compare prices for one-way and round-trip tickets to determine the most cost-effective option for your itinerary.
9. Be Prepared to Act Quickly
In the realm of last-minute travel, procrastination can be costly. Once you’ve identified a suitable flight option at a reasonable price, don’t hesitate to book it immediately. With fares fluctuating rapidly and availability changing by the minute, delaying your decision can result in missed opportunities or higher prices. Keep your payment details handy and be ready to confirm your booking swiftly to secure the best deals.
10. Consider Booking Packages
For those seeking convenience and savings, booking flight and accommodation packages through online travel agencies or tour operators can be a viable option. These bundled deals often include discounted rates on both flights and hotels, providing a hassle-free solution for last-minute travel planning. However, be sure to read the terms and conditions carefully and compare prices with individual bookings to ensure you’re getting the best value.
In conclusion, booking flight tickets on a time crunch requires a combination of flexibility, resourcefulness, and quick decision-making. By embracing alternative options, leveraging technology, and staying vigilant for deals, you can successfully navigate the challenges of last-minute travel planning and embark on your journey with confidence.
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cashmoneychiyo · 21 days
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Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun Chapter 150 © Cash Money Chiyo (@grolia, shire and @waxlightjohn!)
this marks shire's final chapter with CMC, as they wish to focus on busy real life stuff! ty for your service and best of luck o7
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sofapup17 · 8 months
Homoerotically staring into your eyes and promising that I'll find out whatever you're hiding you murderer
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candylix · 1 month
one little lie | hyung line (part 1)
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Pairing • FWB!Minho x Fem!Reader x Hyung Line A/N • This is part 1 of the fic! You can see the series masterlist here.
Summary • The boys have one rule in their shared apartment. Don't bring girls over for sex. So when Chan, Hyunjin, and Changbin walk in on Minho fucking the living daylights out of you in the living room, he has to lie to save his own skin. His excuse? That's not a girl under him... you're a sex robot. And now they all want to try you out.
Genre • smut, sci-fi ish? (sex robots are a thing in this world that people know about and use)
WC • 3.6k
Content • reader pretends to be a sex robot, free use, dubcon, piv penetration, clit stimulation, groping, orgasm denial, creampie, unprotected sex
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"You like that?" Minho says, pounding his cock into your pussy over and over until you see stars. You're too fucked out to respond. You're lying naked on top of the coffee table in his apartment, feeling nothing but the cold wood on your back and his throbbing hot shaft inside you. The lewd noises of his dick slipping in and out of your sopping wet cunt fill the room, along with heavy panting and moans that escape your lips. He thrashes against you, hitting your g-spot again and again until you're a twitching mess under him.
You've known him for about a year, through your mutual friend Jisung, but Minho suggested this friends with benefits situation only recently. Normally, you went to your place for sex, knowing the rules his roommates had about bringing people over for it. He told you about a one night stand gone extremely wrong, so it made sense why they would ban it altogether. But, you found out, Minho liked a little bit of danger, so he brought you over when all the guys would be away.
His pace is uncoordinated and relentless, but your mind is too clouded to care. You just want to feel him go deeper and faster against your sweet spot. You moan his name, and his bucking gets stronger until he's almost ramming his entire body into you. You can feel your orgasm coming, and your walls clench around his cock as he keeps slamming into you.
And then you hear the door unlock. You both freeze. His dick is fully inside you, frantically throbbing and twitching, but the man it belongs to is still as a statue. He looks you in the eyes, and mouths the words 'stay still'.
Three men you don't know walk in, chatting amongst themselves, until they see your naked body on their table and Minho with his pants down on the other side.
"Minho, what the fuck," one of them says, and slams the door shut. He's shorter than the others, but way more muscular, and you think you recognize him from the photos Minho showed you of his roommates. You think that must be Changbin.
"Guys, it's not what it looks like," Minho says.
He quickly pulls out of you, and you resist the moan that threatens to escape. He scrambles to pull up his pants and look presentable. You can't say the same for yourself. You're entirely exposed in front of these four men, and now that your only heat source has left, you're very cold as well.
"Ok, well, it looks like you brought a girl home and were fucking her on the table," another man responds. He has long hair and a pretty face, and you assume that must be Hyunjin. Minho didn't let you look at his pictures for very long, for fear that you'd swoon over him instead of Minho (not that he'd admit that, of course).
"N-no," he stammers, "let me explain." Changbin folds his arms, but they let him continue. "This is actually... a sex robot. Yeah."
A sex robot. That's why he wanted you to stay still. He wanted you to pretend to be a sex robot.
It's not like sex robots don't exist, or are even uncommon. In fact, you saw a viral tweet about a guy who 'married' a sex robot just the other day. The technology is getting better and better every year, so it's certainly plausible.
That didn't mean you thought this was a good plan, though.
The third guy, who you assumed was Chan, cocked an eyebrow.
"You bought a sex robot?" he asked, and walked over to inspect you. You kept your eyes straight ahead, and tried to control your breathing.
"No, uh, I'm just borrowing her. From a friend. I have to return her later," Minho says. He's clearly flustered in his lie, but he plays it off as embarrassment for being caught in the act.
The other two walk over to inspect you as well, and you do your best to lie still and emotionless. Your heart feels like it's beating out of your chest.
"What friend? What kind of person would let you just... borrow a sex robot?" Changbin asks.
"Jisung," Minho answers, and they look oddly satisfied with that answer.
"That makes sense," Changbin says, and you wonder what kind of relationship they have with Jisung that makes this believable. You've known him for a long time, and he's a normal guy. What has he done to make them think that?
You can't wonder for long, because Hyunjin grabs your boob and pulls on the flesh. You almost yelp in surprise, but you bite your tongue to stop yourself.
"It's surprisingly realistic for a sex doll," he says, and gropes your breast some more, admiring how 'real' you felt.
"Ew, don't touch that," Chan says. He smacks Hyunjin's hand away from your chest. "Minho was just fucking it, you don't know where that's been."
Hyunjin quickly yanks his hand back to his own body and wipes his hand on his pants.
"She's a sex robot, not a sex doll," Minho corrects, "I have some class."
Hyunjin rolls his eyes. You're not looking at anyone directly, but from the corner of your eye you can see Changbin scanning your body, exploring every inch of you by sight alone.
You tried not to think about how exposed you were to these men, who talked about you and touched you and looked at you like an object. Minho managed to get out of trouble, but now you had to lie here and just take all this to protect him. You don't know why you did. By all means, you should've gotten up, put your clothes back on, and left Minho forever. That's the normal thing to do.
But as they talk about the sex robot in their room, Minho gives your thigh a reassuring squeeze and his guilty expression bores into your soul. His pleading eyes say sorry in a thousand unspoken words, and you resign yourself back to lying there and being pretty.
"Well," Minho says, patting your thigh, "I should probably bring her back to Jisung now. I'm sure he misses her dearly."
At least it would be over soon. It was smart to bring up Jisung; now he has an excuse why you can't stay here. Good thinking, Minho.
"Wait," Changbin says. All eyes go to him, and he coughs awkwardly before finishing his sentence. "I've never seen a sex robot this realistic."
Your heart almost stops. You were almost home free, and he managed to figure it out. It would be super embarrassing if you had to just get up and leave after all this.
Changbin scratches the back of his head, and looks away from the boys.
"Jisung can just pick her up later, right? She looks... really real."
The other two men look back at you, and their eyes look over every curve of your body.
"What are you trying to say..." Minho gulps, and you dread the words that come next.
"Don't make me say it, man."
"You want to use Jisung's sex robot?" Chan says in shock.
"I kind of want to try it out too," Hyunjin says, sheepishly.
Chan's face turns bright red, and he looks back and forth between the two of them.
"Are you guys serious!?"
"Come on Chan, what's the harm," Changbin says, slightly more confident now that he knows he's not the only one that wants to take you for a spin. "When life presents you with an opportunity, you take it."
"When life gives you a sex robot, you fuck it," Hyunjin adds.
Minho is unforgivably silent. He's sweating bullets, racking his brain for some sort of solution to get you out of there. Under normal circumstances, he'd be able to solve any problem on the fly. But these are not normal circumstances, and he appears to be short-circuiting.
"You guys are crazy," Chan says, but his eyes travel down your body to the sticky mess that is your pussy. "You should, uh, clean her up before we- THEY use her."
Hyunjin laughs at his slip of the tongue.
"Yeah, I'll go do that now," Minho says, desperate to end this conversation.
He lifts you up off the table, and your back is stiff from lying flat on it for way too long. Fortunately, it helps sell the robot look. With one hand under your arm, he pretends to hold you up, and he walks you over to the bathroom.
Changbin whistles in amazement.
"Wow, it can kind of walk. Technology is amazing."
You enter the bathroom, and Minho sets you down on the closed toilet seat. He quickly shuts the door and locks it. He turns around and leans his back on the door, out of breath from nerves.
"What the hell was that!?" you whisper-yell. You had every right to be angry in this moment.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know what to do!"
"You could've just told them the truth! A sex robot!?"
"I know. That was the only thing I could think of. But I can fix this. I'll call Jisung and tell him what happened, and he'll come pick you up."
"No. You can't tell him any of this."
"I have to. I can't risk him saying something like 'Hi, I'm here to pick up my friend that I've known for years and is definitely a real person and not a robot.' I have to tell him."
"Fine," you say, and your heartbeat finally calms down. Minho can stall in here until Jisung arrives. Everything is going to be alright.
Minho takes out his phone to call Jisung. The phone rings... and rings... and rings... and you finally hear a voice on the other end.
"Jisung, I really need your help-"
"I'm really busy right now, probably hanging out with some babes at the beach. Leave a message at the tone and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Or not, who knows."
A long beep plays out over the speaker.
Of course it went to voicemail. It's a weekday. He's at work, like a normal person on a Wednesday afternoon.
"Jisung, call me back ASAP. It's an emergency," Minho says, and hangs up the phone.
"Why did he have to be a functioning member of society today," you complain.
"Do you know when he gets off work?"
"Around 5, I think."
Minho looks at his phone clock.
"It's 1:07."
"God damn it," you whisper, and bury your face in your hands.
"Look at the bright side," he says, and you turn your head to squint your eyes at him. "You came here to get fucked, right?"
You don't say anything, hoping the silence and the irritation on your face spoke for you.
It clearly didn't, because he continues.
"Even I can tell they're good looking guys. Well, they're not me, but still good looking."
"Minho, I came here to be fucked by you. I know who you are, it's different."
He gets down on his knees and begs.
"Please please please do this for me. I'll literally do anything. I'll fuck you whenever and however you want for the rest of your life."
"That's all?"
He hesitates, searching for an answer that will convince you to get fucked by his roommates. There's not a lot that would convince anyone, but thankfully, this time he has an answer.
"I'll pay your rent this month."
"You'll pay my rent this year."
"I don't think I make enough for that..." You tsk at him, and he gives you a better answer. "What about every other month for a year?"
You shake hands.
Finally done talking, he cleans you up with a wet towel. You stand up, take a deep breath, and when you're ready, Minho opens the door and pretends to walk you back to the living room.
"That took a while," Hyunjin said.
"Yeah, I had to, uh, refill the liquid."
"The what?" Chan asks.
"She's self lubricating and has the ability to orgasm, but I used up all the liquid when I was... you know. So she had to be refilled." It's funny how quick he thought of that lie, but he couldn't think of something earlier to get you out of this mess. And by funny, you mean not funny at all.
"Whoa," Changbin says, "what other functionality does she have?"
Minho doesn't miss a beat. "She has realistic moans. You've got to hit her sweet spots to hear them, though."
"She's got a speaker?" Chan asks. He's starting to get interested in the idea of fucking a sex robot, much to your dismay. "Can she say other stuff? Like..." he pauses, flustered at what he wants to say next. "Can she say your name?"
"Yup! She has this really cool recognition software." You want to elbow him in the ribs. He has too much free reign with your 'features', and he makes it worse the more he talks.
"So what you do is, insert your dick in her and say your name. She'll recognize your unique dick patterns and remember the name you set. Any time you use her in the future, she'll know it's you."
What the hell is he talking about.
He's clearly having fun with this. Hopefully, that's all you can do.
"That's... actually really cool," Chan admits.
"Ok, I need to try that out. What else can she do?" Hyunjin asks excitedly.
"Oh, she can-" Minho starts, but you kick the back of his foot to stop him from saying anything else. "Actually, I'll let you find out for yourself. All the stuff she has is very realistic."
"I call dibs," Changbin says. Hyunjin whines, but Changbin is already lifting your body, throwing you over his shoulder to take you to his room. He drops you on his bed, and you do your best to stiffen your body against the impact, but you bounce on his springy mattress. His eyes are glued to your chest as your back hits the bed, and watches as your boobs bounce a second time.
He spreads open your legs, and you realize this is really happening. You're going to get fucked by multiple men who think you're an advanced fleshlight. Just the thought of that makes your core pulse, but you don't know why. His fingers trace a line down your pussy from top to bottom, and you shiver under his touch. "He said you're self lubricating, but you're not wet yet..." he starts, before realizing what else Minho told him. "Oh right, you're supposed to be realistic. Maybe this will do the trick."
He draws rough circles around your clit, and your eyes flutter closed at the feeling. After everything that happened, you forgot you were seconds away from an orgasm. Your body is still hungry for someones touch, and it doesn't care who gives it to you.
The more he rubs, the deeper the feeling in your core gets. It doesn't take long for you to start rocking against his hand, and he admires how your body reacts to him. He's already getting hard just watching you writhing under his fingers. "I can't believe I get this pretty thing all to myself," he says, and those words only strengthen the orgasm starting to build. His fingers slide more easily around your clit, and he realizes you're wet enough to stop.
You whimper at the loss of contact when he takes his hand away. He pulls down his pants, then his boxers, and he can finally start using you the way he intended. He drags his fingers down your sensitive core, collecting your juices. He rubs it over his cock, pumping it a few times, and you can feel him stretching you open with his fingers.
"Let's test out this name recognition thing," he says, and you feel his dick prodding at your entrance.
He slides it in, and you're overwhelmed by how thick he is. He puts it in slowly, and you can feel him stretch you out. Your walls clench around his girth, and he fills you up inch by inch as he pushes deeper inside. You can't help but moan as he reaches the end, his tip pressing against a sensitive spot when he bottoms you out.
"Changbin," he says, and it takes a moment for you to remember what he's doing. "Changbin," you repeat, slightly moaning his name. His dick throbs inside you, increasing the pressure against your walls. "Oh, fuck. That's hot." He pulls most of his cock out of you, and you feel it drag along your walls. He pushes it back in, slightly faster. He pumps in and out of you, and the bed creaks as he pushes his way back in. You're tight around his massive girth, and with each roll of his hips he stretches you out more.
He rocks into you with a steady rhythm, feeling every inch of you around him. They way he can barely fit inside you turns him on more. Your wet cunt wraps around his dick perfectly, and the slight pressure makes him groan as he feels his orgasm building. His rocking gets slightly more frenzied when you moan his name, and each time he buries his cock in you, it hits you with more force.
He speeds up his pace, and he can't control the rhythm anymore. He's panting over you, holding on to your waist while his cock pounds into you over and over. His can feel his climax coming, and he bucks into you harder to chase the feeling. Every time he slams into your g-spot, you moan his name louder, and his head rolls back as each moan takes him closer to the edge. The pleasure takes over your mind completely, and you don't care that you're shouting his name every time his massive dick rams itself deep inside you. He hits your sensitive spot one last time, and you moan loudly as you gush around his cock. You spasm under him as your orgasm washes over you, and your erratic movements are what finishes him off. He gasps, and hot liquid spurts out inside you. He slows down his rocking, and you lay in exhaustion as he rides out his high. When he finally pulls out, his semen drips out of you, overflowing down your pussy and onto his bed.
He collapses onto the bed next to you, and you hear his ragged breaths in your ear as his heartbeat slows down. You come back to reality, realizing what just happened. A part of you can't believe you let this happen, let a stranger fuck you until you came all over him, all because you covered for Minho.
The other part of you can't believe how thick Changbin was, and how good he felt when he was inside you. You almost want to beg him for more, beg him to fuck you again and again until you can't move the next day, but you can't. You're a sex robot, and you can't break the illusion. You wish you met him under different circumstances. "Fuck... I need to steal this thing from Jisung," he says, finally catching his breath. That's an idea. If Minho brings you back here, Changbin can use you as much as he likes. Suddenly, your rationality comes back. You can't seriously be thinking of doing this again, right?
When Changbin is finally able to stand, he leaves you dripping on his bed and goes to the door. "Hey Minho?" he yells, loud enough for the guys to hear it in any room of the apartment. "You might want to come refill her." He leave you in the room by yourself, and a moment later Minho comes in. Seeing you splayed out on another mans bed with his cum leaking out of you... it does something to him. He resists the urge to rub his crotch, fearing it might make his growing erection more visible. Changbin comes back with a wet towel, ready to wipe you down, but Minho gets to him first. "I'll take care of that, don't worry," he says, and grabs the towel from Changbin's hands. "You sure? I can just do it myself." "She has specific care instructions. And I have to check how much fluid she has left anyway. I got it." Changbin shrugs, and watches as Minho lifts you up and walks you back to the bathroom. You take your seat back on the closed toilet, and Minho locks the door again. You're still breathing heavily after that interaction. "You ok?" he asks. You're not sure how to say yes, it was amazing and I hope he does it again without embarrassing yourself. "I'm good," is what you finally settle on. "I'm just-" you start, but Minho brings the cold towel to your core, and you twitch at the sudden contact. "Still sensitive?" he asks, and you nod. "I'll let Hyunjin know to be gentle with you." "Is he next?" "Yeah, he wouldn't stop grumbling about how it wasn't fair that Changbin got to go first." He wipes Changbin's fluids off you, pressing the towel softly against your body so you're not overstimulated.
"I'll give you a more thorough wash when Jisung picks you up." Your eyes light up at Jisungs name. "Did he call back?" "Yup. And he found the whole situation extremely funny." You groan. You're never going to live this down. "But he'll come as soon as he can," Minho continues, and you breathe a sigh of relief. A knock on the door makes you jump. "Are you done in there?" you hear a voice ask, and Minho's eye twitches. "Give me a sec, Hyunjin. Just wait in your room." When you hear his footsteps getting farther away, Minho's face relaxes. "Guess you better get going before Mr. Impatient has an aneurysm."
read part 2 here!
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some-creep · 6 months
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Here's the thumbnail without the text and blur
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faunandfloraas · 1 month
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wannaeatramyeon · 10 months
Lookism + HTF: Who fell first, Who fell harder hc
You fell first and fell harder
Johan Seong, Eugene, Samuel Seo, James Lee/DG, Hudson Ahn, Jason Yoon, Lee Jinho (lol)
You fell first but he fell harder
Gun Park (surprise!), Vasco Tabasco, Vin Jin, Eli Jang, Sinu Han, Warren Chae, Xiaolong, Jerry Kwon, Kim Munseong
He fell first and fell harder
Daniel Park, Jay Hong, Zack Lee, Jake Kim, Jace Park, Jibeom Kwak, Lineman, Brad Lee, Baek Hangyeol, Ji Yeonwoo, Han Wangguk
He fell first but you fell harder
Goo Kim, Ryuhei Kuroda, Jihan Kwak, Seong Taehoon, Baek Seongjun, Seo Haesu
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banghwa · 28 days
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Seo Jihoon as KIM HWAN | BEGINS ≠YOUTH Episode 1
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crazysublimeglitter · 26 days
Savvy Strategies for Finding the Cheapest Flight Tickets
For more features please visit https://trailtravelz.com/
In a world where travel has become more accessible than ever before, finding the cheapest flight tickets has become something of an art form. Whether you're planning a weekend getaway or a month-long adventure, saving money on airfare can make a significant difference in your overall travel budget. Fortunately, with a bit of know-how and some savvy strategies, you can score great deals on flights to destinations near and far. Here are some tips to help you find the cheapest flight tickets for your next adventure.
Be Flexible with Your Travel Dates: One of the most effective ways to save money on flights is by being flexible with your travel dates. Prices can vary significantly depending on the day of the week, time of year, and even the time of day you choose to fly. By being open to different departure and return dates, you can often find cheaper options that fit within your schedule.
Book in Advance (or at the Last Minute): Generally, booking your flight well in advance can help you snag lower prices, especially for popular routes and peak travel times. However, there are also instances where airlines offer last-minute deals to fill empty seats. Keeping an eye on fares and being ready to pounce when you see a good deal can sometimes result in significant savings.
Use Fare Comparison Websites: With numerous fare comparison websites and apps available, finding the cheapest flight tickets has never been easier. These platforms allow you to compare prices across multiple airlines and booking sites, helping you find the best deals without spending hours scouring the internet.
Sign Up for Price Alerts: Many travel websites and airlines offer price alert services that notify you when prices drop for a specific route or destination. By signing up for these alerts, you can stay informed about the latest deals and snatch up discounted tickets before they sell out.
Consider Alternative Airports: Flying into smaller or less popular airports can often result in cheaper fares compared to major hubs. While it may require a bit of extra travel time or ground transportation, the savings can be well worth it, especially for budget-conscious travelers.
Utilize Airline Rewards Programs: If you frequently travel with a particular airline or alliance, joining their rewards program can help you earn miles and redeem them for free or discounted flights in the future. Additionally, many airlines offer co-branded credit cards that come with perks like bonus miles, free checked bags, and priority boarding.
Be Open to Layovers: While non-stop flights are convenient, they often come with a premium price tag. If you're willing to endure a layover or two, you can often find significantly cheaper options, especially for long-haul journeys. Just be sure to factor in the additional travel time and potential hassle of navigating multiple airports.
Clear Your Browser Cookies: Some studies suggest that airlines and booking sites may track your online activity and adjust prices accordingly. To avoid potential price hikes, try clearing your browser cookies or using an incognito/private browsing window when searching for flights.
Book One-Way Tickets: In some cases, booking two separate one-way tickets instead of a round-trip ticket can result in lower overall costs. This is especially true when flying with budget airlines or when the cheapest fare for each leg of the journey is offered by different carriers.
Negotiate with Airlines Directly: While it may not always work, contacting airlines directly and negotiating prices can sometimes lead to unexpected savings, especially if you encounter a friendly and accommodating customer service representative.
Finding the cheapest flight tickets requires patience, flexibility, and a willingness to explore various options. By employing these savvy strategies and staying informed about the latest deals and promotions, you can maximize your travel budget and make your dream destinations a reality.
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rabbitinthemeadow · 2 months
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Oh dreadful, fallow heart // Part 6
January 28th, 2023
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soobiinms · 4 months
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Gyeongseong Creature (경성크리처) | episode 6 dir. Jung Dong-yoon
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tae hyung: [rude to jae won]
ae ri and ji hyun, immediately: i want to see the light leave his eyes
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