#Season 3.2
makorragal-312 · 22 days
The Bi!Buck confirmation caused such a shockwave last night that it came back today in the form of an earthquake.
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let-me-be-your-home · 2 years
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Beau Arlen | Big Sky Season 3 | The Woods are Lovely, Dark and Deep 
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raayllum · 1 year
how it feels knowing we’re getting S5 rayllum this summer and rayllum in the book 3 novelization just a few months later
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cangelgifs · 8 months
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ATS (3.02) (3.11) & (4.02)
Hmm, I wonder if Angel thinks Cordelia is important? 🤔
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hous-e-metophobia · 8 months
House: Season 3, Ep 2 - Cane & Able
All Clear
Instances: None
Adjacent: None
Mentions: None
Verdict: All Clear
There is no vomiting in this episode of House
Fanwiki Page
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lunarlianna · 7 months
Medusa Asteroid ( 149)
The Medusa myth is a compelling tale encompassing themes of power, fear and transformation. Medusa, born from the sea gods Phorcys and Ceto, was the only mortal among the Gorgon sisters. Originally, Medusa was a stunning maiden who captured the attention of Poseidon, leading to a grievous violation within the sacred confines of Athena's temple. In order to protect her, Athena transformed Medusa's hair into a mass of serpents, bestowing upon her a petrifying gaze. Medusa's astrological connection with the asteroid 149 suggests her influence recurs periodically, like seasons, lasting about 3.2 years. This implies cyclic challenges and growth tied to her themes.
Her family lineage underscores sibling rivalry and a sense of being different. After her transformation, Medusa retreats from the world, which can reflect where we tend to hide. Confronting these hidden truths requires courage and wisdom. Medusa's connection to Athena links her to Jupiterian qualities, offering insights when considering her placement with Jupiter in your chart. Some individuals with a strong Medusa presence may struggle with self-perception, seeing themselves as a metaphorical monster in the mirror. Others may possess an intimidating gaze that isolates them. Medusa's myth explores profound psychological and ethical themes, emphasizing self-awareness, ethical choices, and facing consequences. In astrology, Medusa indicates a swift and forceful defense mechanism to protect oneself, potentially causing tension, wounds, and unjust criticism in specific life areas, ultimately prompting personal growth.
Medusa in the 1st house: can give you a magnetic and intense presence that sometimes triggers negative reactions from strangers. Your hair and eyes, tends to draw attention, potentially making you a target for bullies or disrespectful comments in childhood. You may tend to stay hidden and to hide your body but you always end up being villainized. However, your transformative journey involves transcending these adversities. You rise above others' insecurities and boldly embrace your individuality. Empowering yourself by disregarding hurtful comments, you nurture self-appreciation and self-confidence despite societal pressures to conform.
Medusa in the 2nd house: can make you appear very self-assured and confident but you might find it difficult to see your own self-worth. Your voice may be quite attractive, and you might excel in business or singing. Financial success and possessions could come easily, but you may also face envy for your wealth. You may tend to hide the possession that you have and the inheritance that you received, especially from your husband. However, you can transform from this by maintaining your dignity, adapting to change, and valuing inner beauty over material possessions. Your makeup style may accentuate your allure, but be cautious of attracting unwanted attention in relationships.
Medusa in the 3rd house: may lead to tension with siblings and peers. In early years you may be quite shy and scared to express your opinion. In the neighborhood or with your siblings, things that go wrong might end up being attributed to you. Your social interactions may lead you to encounter individuals who are less than truthful, which can be frustrating. In some cases, people might misunderstand your intentions, labeling you as two-faced or even anti-social, especially if you're more introverted. However, your transformation comes by becoming more confident and setting boundaries, expressing your opinions assertively, and speaking up courageously when needed. Your ability to address uncomfortable truths may inspire others to do the same.
Medusa in the 4th house: can trigger negative reactions from family members. You might inherit certain challenging behaviors from an older relative and sense negative energy at home, possibly due to constant parental arguments. The them around you home can be quite unconventional, have an edgy look with marine and blue vibes to it. Your strong self-awareness and purposefulness can make it difficult for others to deceive or influence you. You've learned to establish your inner sanctuary, and you're protective of your emotions, possibly due to early criticism from a family member. This can lead to a desire for control and a slow transition when getting out of your comfort zone around others.
Medusa in the 5th house: with this placement people may envy or have hidden agendas, especially when you express your full self. You may tend to hide your art work and your creative endeavors, especially when younger. A lack of desire for children may bring you rumors, criticize and scandals. You're often villainized for outgrowing relationships and embracing change. There's a remarkable ability to protect your passions with unwavering determination, refusing to succumb to societal pressures or stifling expectations. In your life, you may attract partners with abusive tendencies and face misunderstandings due to your sincere kindness.
Medusa in the 6th house: people may envy your disciplined approach to daily life and work. In early years you might have encountered challenges with schoolmates and later, colleagues at work, a consistent inclination toward people-pleasing is noticeable. You've transformed from a people-pleaser to someone who values personal freedom and control. You're protective of your routines and may confront those who disrupt them, also you may like to adopt unusual pets and are very protective over them. You maintain a keen sense of discernment, especially regarding manipulative individuals, particularly men.
Medusa in the 7th house: your relationships may have faced challenges, and you could have experienced envy from others. People might see you as the peacemaker, but when you rebel, you face criticism. Controlling dynamics may have been part of your past relationships, and you may have experienced manipulation or guilt-tripping. People may envy your romantic connections, and sabotage could taint your relationships. You're villainized for not conforming to a one-dimensional image, for having your own vulnerabilities and complexities. To transform, reevaluate your role in relationships, recognize that you're not solely a caretaker, and insist on mutual partnership and empathy from others.
Medusa in the 8th house:  with this placement, you may encounter challenges in your intimate life due to being oversexualized. Loved ones might underestimate your pain, assuming you're always strong. Expressing yourself is often met with dismissal or minimization of your trauma. Your interactions can be intense and alluring, sometimes leading to obsessions, especially in intimate relationships. You tend to attract controlling individuals and even stalkers, people that usually want to know all your secrets. Some may envy your constant transformation, which can lead to competition or backbiting. Transformation comes for owning your sexuality and being in control of your finances. Remember, your personal growth is something to be proud of, despite others' negativity.
Medusa in the 9th house: your profound wisdom and exceptional intelligence often set you apart. While your deep knowledge and unique beliefs may not always find immediate acceptance, they are a testament to your unwavering commitment to your values. You naturally challenge cultural and religious norms; your spiritual journey is highly transformative and you usually hide your spiritual beliefs. It's important to recognize that your wisdom and spiritual insights have the potential to inspire and enlighten others, even when they struggle to fully comprehend your perspective.
Medusa in the 10th house: can create a unique journey in your work environment, where you might unknowingly trigger feelings of jealousy and face unkind energies from others. Your public image tends to be captivating, but this can occasionally result in clashes with government or legal matters. Challenges in your career and with authority figures are not uncommon with this placement, as there may have been expectations from your father for you to follow in his footsteps. As you age, you're likely to discover a growing sense of personal power and influence. It's important to recognize that these experiences have shaped you, and they offer opportunities for personal growth and transformation.
Medusa in the 11th house: you might keep your dreams and ambitions hidden because of the jealousy and envy you witnessed from your friends during your early years. Your upbringing might have exposed you to less-than-ideal community conditions, which may have led to toxic friendships and betrayals from people you considered friends. However, you do have genuine friends who share interests in astrology, spirituality, or religion with you, and these connections are meaningful. People might judge you or be envious, but this likely stems from their own insecurities. You're resilient and have the potential to make a positive impact on your community and the world in your own unique way.
Medusa in the 12th house: you might have experienced a pattern of encountering hidden adversaries in your life, which could be tied to karmic elements. This placement could also suggest a tendency to turn to intoxicants, like alcohol, which might symbolize a form of personal poison. Many with this placement may feel a strong bond with water elements, often expressing it through tattoos or jewelry featuring water symbols, seashells, or even snakes. Vivid snake dreams can serve as cautionary messages, urging vigilance against hidden adversaries. Your spiritual pursuits might be perceived as disruptive to community and family norms, causing some to view you as a threat due to your ability to see through deception when others can't.  Balancing vulnerability, self-protection, skepticism, and warmth highlights the need for compassion when confronting hidden traumas and fears in this placement.
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hunnieknight · 1 year
3.2 also known as
The Fox Season 🦊🌊🦊🌸
Or more like Archon's pet
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misguidedasgardian · 8 months
I need to (5)
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... Get warm
Summary: The last froze of the season takes you, a sweet summer child, by surprise 
Pairings: Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader
Warnings: There are mentions of them being Minors! at some point in their relationship, cursing, cheating, angst, depression, mentions of a inappropriate picture, inappropriate relationship, reader gets a minor injury, might miss some warnings 
Wordcount: 3.2 k
Notes: Uffff I really hope you like this chapter muahaha If you liked cregan by now, with this? will get you on your KNEES muahahaaaaaaaa
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You woke up with a bit of  headache, but gods you loved so much being eighteen, a cup of coffee and you were going to shake up the hangover 
Sarah and Jace were already having breakfast, breakfast that Jace had cooked, you refrained from making jokes, as he was clearly trying to impress Sara and it was working considering you could hear her compliments and giggles from the hallway
Last night Jace has given you one of his track team shirts from the high school you went together and some cotton shorts, and you joined them in the bar next to the kitchen
“Mornin’ “, you giggled
“Morning”, chanted Sara
“Coffee?”, asked Jace, offering you a cup, “how you like it”
“I knew I chose you as my best friend for a reason”, you chuckled.
“Gods what a party last night uh?”, laughed Jace, “it was even cooler than homecoming”
“That it was”
“I haven’t been to a party that good like… ever”, you said with a smile, and then you felt a bit embarrassed when you remembered that you were dancing so unapologetically that someone grabbed you by the hand and made you dance in the middle of the huge group that had formed and you danced 
“After last night, you earned the nickname the she wolf of old town”, Jace laughed 
“Ahhh, very funny”, you mocked, taking a sip, “but that is a super cool nickname and I will take it”, you laughed 
“Hey the forecast says it will snow today”, said Sara
“Uh, love that”, you said with a wide smile, “hey, do you both like action movies?”, you asked
“I know why you are asking… and NO!”, said Jace, pointing at you with a fork
“Please Jacey!”, you begged childishly, “please, please!”
“What?”, asked Sara
“The new Arthur Dyne Movie”, you said with a smile, “the fourth one!”
“Please don’t make me, I’ve seen it a thousand times!!”
“You can’t possibly get bored! the action sequences? the lights? the music? the scenery? They are a masterpiece!”
“You know what? Cregan likes that sort of thing, ask him”,
“I like what?”, he asked, genuinely interested, looking straight at you, coming from the bedroom
“(Y/N) Wants to see the new Arthur Deyne”
“I love those movies”, he said, taking a cup that Jace offered, he looked at you and smiled softly, “I will take you”, he said
“Great”, you smiled widely
. . .
In the middle of spirit week, you had been swarmed with work from your courses, and dived right into it, and that, and your new and big group of friends, and all the excitement of the competition, and the activities… 
You didn’t even had the time to think about the unmentionable 
Everytime you thought of him, the wound still felt fresh, you felt like someone squeezing your heart inside of your chest 
But that was only when you remembered him
It wasn’t all bad, he was also your friend, and even though he was selfish and an narcissist, you missed having someone by your side, he was your boyfriend, before he went to school he was focused, he cheered you own, to his own agenda, but still, he was someone you could talk to, debate with, someone smart who always had something interesting to share with you
Yes he judged you once when you told him you wanted to watch “how to lose a knight in one moon”, he was a snob, but still.
At one point, you were good together, when you arrived at Dragonstone, you had taken the castle by storm, well, at least, he had, with you helping him a bit
But you had to learn that that happens, people separate, they grow out of each other.
For you, the moment you saw with another woman it was over, you were just sad because when you started dating, and were two sixteen year old horny kids, you had a good time, Aemond was you friend, you trusted him, you felt comfortable with him, he was quiet, mature, and somewhere along the line he became so full of himself 
In highschool he was different, he was sweet and kind. He had changed so much.
Was the baby his?
That was certainly going to put a bump on his career
And his reputation 
You felt your phone ringing, and you jumped, cursing yourself, you didn't even know why you always jumped when your phone rang, you believed that piece of technology to be some sort of portal through which the unmentionable could get to you, but he hadn’t you had blocked everything related to him, but still
When you picked it up, it showed you the strange number calling again, you hang up before you even picked it up  
You tried to go back into sketching what you were seeing for your “representation” class, and then, your phone rang again
And again, it was the same number. You groaned, this time, you picked up 
“Thank you for the enthusiasm, but i’m very happy with my current internet plan, thank you”, you snapped 
“I’m glad to hear it”, you stopped in your tracks, as you recognized that voice immediately, “but that is not why I’m calling”
“Dean Rhaenys”, you whined, “I’m so very sorry”, she chuckled darkly over the phone
“It’s alright, how is Winterfell?”, she asked
“It’s everything I’ve dreamed off, but a bit chilly”, you admitted, you hear her chuckle
“I’m happy for you”, you could tell, you could almost see her smiling, “look, I reached out to you for something, quite important”, you looked around and walked until you could sit in a bench, away from all the passing students, the bench was cold and you shivered, even with a thick jacket, scarf and beanie, the cold clang to your body
“Did something happen?”, you asked, inviting her to continue
“Normally, we, as a school, wouldn’t meddle in student’s relationships”, she said strangely, “but, 
we couldn’t help but notice that you entered our campus in a relationship with Aemond Targaryen”, she continued
“Yes I was”, you told her
“... Is that the reason you left our school so suddenly? you mentioned, in our last interview that you chose this school for love and you didn't have that love anymore”, geez she was smart and quick, nothing escaped her
“It was, we… broke up”, you choked out
Even though you were freezing, you felt your neck sweaty, you looked around with urgency, but the courtyard was mainly empty at this time of day
“Is the reason for your split, the inappropriate relationship he was maintaining with a member of our staff? Professor Alys Rivers?”
You could lie, I mean, she wasn’t looking at you
But the thing is, that in the seconds you took in answering, she already knew the answer
“Yes”, you said back, it was of no use lying to her
“Like I said, this faculty does not care about relationships between students, but is much different, when it is brought to our attention that is a professor is in a relationship with student, even though they don’t belong in the same department”
You took a shaky breath
It was out 
“I didn’t do anything”, you whispered, “I saw them with my own eyes and…”
“A picture started circulating”
“What picture?”, you whispered
“The picture consisted in both of them engaging in sexual activities, on school grounds”
No, no, no, could it be? no, impossible, you didn’t send it to anyone, nobody hacked you. A certain anxiety started to take a hold on you
What if?
What if it was an accident?
What if that night you drank too much margaritas with Jason and Cersei you actually shared it? like you whined you wanted to do…
What if you were so dumb you sent it to your insta stories just for a mistake??
You started to second guess every time you grabbed your phone
“Oh”, you whined, tears welled in your eyes
“Well, Alys Rivers had been terminated, she does not longer works at this educational establishment”, she said severely, “she threatened to sue, for her state of pregnancy, but we had no choice but to share the picture, she refrained from suing us, if we didn't include this on her record, but she mentioned, that you were the one that took it”
If I fall, I’m taking you with me
That how it goes
You paused
“If I was the one, would I be in trouble?”, you asked, and there was silence on the other line
“No, the source of the picture was untraceable, as the inter phone connection service leaves no trace”, she said calmly, she wasn’t even mad, but she sounded tired, “we just needed corroboration on the story”, she said sincerely
“Please, I know it doesn't sound believable, but I didn’t share it, i swear, I never meant for anyone to get fired, please you have to believe me, I just wanted to leave I never meant for this to happen, this isn’t some sort of revenge”
“Did you show the picture to anyone?”, she asked
“No”, you said simply, you lied, you couldn’t tell her 
“I appreciate your honesty miss”, she said softly, “but we cannot allow this kind of behavior in our school, teachers having relationships with students, even though they share no classes, is unacceptable”, you breathed a sigh of relief
“What is going to happen?”
“We fired Professor Rivers, but sadly, Aemond’s family threatened to sue us”, she said, “so he remains in our school, if we allow him to continue his studies, he won’t pursue a defamation claim, and your name as the author of that picture will remain hidden”
There was another silence
“I know you are not looking at me right now, i know you might not believe me, and I wish I could take a polygraph test, but please, I want you to know, that I did not send that picture to anyone, is the last thing I wanted”
“I believe you Miss (Y/N)”, she whispered, you took a long breath, “because we have other students coming forward, as witnesses of the affair, and they also might have taken pictures”, you sighed another breath of relief
You might not have been the one to blame
“I’m so sorry, for everything”
“This is no way your fault”, she said, “I wish you would have said something sooner, in fact”
“Like I said, I didn’t want anyone to get in trouble”
“So altruistic”, she said, “and kind, that is exactly why I send that letter to the Dean in Winterfell, telling them to accept you”, she said kindly
“You really did that for me?”, you asked
“They normally don’t take students half year, but they made a exception for you”
“Thank you, this school really is what I always dreamed of”, you confessed
“I’m happy I did then”, she said
“I’m sorry for what happened”
“You don’t have to be, things tend to fall for their own weight”, she said, “well, I just called to corroborate the story, thank you for being truthful and insightful”
“You are most welcomed”, you said
“I wish you the very best miss”
“You too”, and just like that he hang up
You took a shaky breath, looking around, you didn’t know what to think, what to believe, you checked your phone, the picture, all your socials and search history, your emails, all of it
There was no trace of you ever sending anything
To anyone
Nobody could… nobody had even got close to your phone
Aemond got bored of doing so, because you never talked to anyone, and it was actually kind of boring
You then looked up, like a bulb had turn on over your head
Holy shit
You ran back to the cafeteria, where you knew your friends were finishing eating their lunch
They all looked at you wide eyed
“What is it?”, asked Jace
“Do any of you know how to hack a phone?”, you asked quickly 
“You are scaring me”, chuckled Jace, you looked at Cregan who was looking back at you 
“I need to know, the history of the things I’ve send through airdrop”, you whispered, “or if a picture have been sent and trough what”
“That is very specific”, muttered Ben, “but I think I can help you out”
“Great”, you grabbed him and took him with you without saying another word
Until you were alone in the library
“You can’t show this picture to anyone”, you muttered, “not one person”
“Alright, you are starting to scare me”, and then you showed him
“This is your boyfriend with the teacher?”, he asked, and you nodded, “Geez”
“This photo got leaked, and I didn’t send it to anyone”, you insisted, “I don’t know what happened”
“Do you actually know this is the picture that got leaked?”
“No… but what are the chances? they said it was a sex picture taken in the school”
“Let’s check”, he whispered, connected your phone in his computer and started typing 
“Hey what’s going on?”, asked Jace, as he came close with Cregan, you smiled nervously
“A picture from my phone got leaked and someone got fired”, you explained, Ben looked at you, “and I didn’t send it”, you explained, “I don’t know what happened”
“In the information from the picture, it says that it was send one time, through airdrop, to “Maris’ phone bitch”, he said, arching an eyebrow
“Fucking Maris?”, you whined, “I almost got sued because of her!”, you whined
“IS THAT “THE” PICTURE?”, asked Jace, you nodded
“What’s in the picture?”, Cregan asked 
“NOTHING!”, said Ben, Jace and you at the same time 
“Delete it”, said Jace, “deny it all, airdrop doesn’t leave a trace, not when you receive it”, you looked at Ben and nodded, and he deleted the picture 
Jace looked at you
“Its over”
It was certainly not over yet…
. . .
One of the competitions of spirit week was “dressing” your faculty, or at least only the hall, in a certain way, with a certain theme
Your building was the newest one, it was in a major part concrete, glass and metal railings, so you and your classmates had said that you would place plants, wallflowers, and dressed the main hall with greenery and flowers, plants in pots, making it look like “nature” took over
It was going on beautifully, so much so, you as the whole class were going to ask the directors of the faculty of Architecture, design and arts to leave it like that once it was over
You had proposed the idea, so you were most looking forwards to the competition
You were standing over a chair, trying to place one of the bindweeds over the wall, in the tip of your toes, playing with your own stability, but you were so close
“That should go up”, you heard behind you, and when you did… you froze
That voice
You lost your balance, frightened out of your mind, and you fell off the chair
you managed to use your hands to tray to stop to smash your head on the concrete of the floor, but your ankle falled in a bad position, trying to catch you, and you ended on on your side on the floor, in a huff of pain 
“Are you alright!?”, your classmate that was with you hanging the bindweed ran to your side, jumping off the chair graceful as a gazelle, and checked your ankle
But you only looked up, scared
There she was
Looking down her nose at you
Those haunting green eyes 
“Alys”, you called, scared
“Does your ankle hurt?”, asked the sweet girl you looked at her apologetically
“A bit”
“Oh, that was a pretty nasty fall… I hope is not broken”
“Professor Alys”, called the secretary of the Arts department, “the director of the school of arts will see you now”, she said with smile, completely ignoring you, and Alys gave you one last nasty look before walking away from you
No no no no no
No please
“She is for the post of a new arts professor for the Art academy”, whispered the girl you were with, you looked at her in horror, “she looks kind of witchy doesn’t she?”, she asked innocently 
She help you stand up, and you whined in pain 
. . .
A sprained ankle
Sara gave you a pack of ice and you smiled softly at her as you placed it in your ankle, you called her and she came to the infirmary with you, and then she decided, as Jace offered her, to bring you to the boys apartment.
Outside was snowing, it was awfully chilly
“Do the girls live here now?”, mocked Ben as he entered the place with Cregan, the later one greeted you -who were pitifully seated in their sofa- and then kept going to his room, probably going to change after practice
He and Ben where in the football team
Jace was in trials, the season was about to start. You were looking forward to that.
But then you remembered…
You sniffed, remembering Alys… fucking Alys
Was going to teach in your faculty
Right next door
If you were truly unlucky you could ran into her every day
Every fucking day
Tears fell down your eyes, you wiped them instantly, but it was too late
“Does it hurt so much?”, asked Sara, truly concerned, you shook your head
“What’s going on?”, asked Jace
“I saw her today, Alys”, you whined
“Who is Alys?”, asked Sara
“My professor of plastic arts in Dragonstone”, you told her, “she slept with my boyfriend, he cheated on me with her and knocked her up”
Sara opened her mouth widely, surprised 
“It was horrible, but… my roommate stole a picture I took of them with my phone and she got fired”, you whined, “its my fault, and now, she is applying to the post here, at this school…”
“What the fuck?”, asked Jace
“She knows I took it, she hates me!”, you said, “she is going to make my life miserable”
“The witch from the picture?”, asked Ben
“The Dean told me they couldn’t put that on her record”, you said, “nobody knows about it”
“And she will join the department”, said Ben
“I never meant to get her fired, but I can’t see her here everyday!”, you whined, “she can make my life miserable, but I can’t do anything… she will know it, I could get in trouble… and… its my fault she got fired, I didn't mean to”
“It's her fault! you didn’t make her bang your boyfriend!”, said Sara
“I left the school, I didn’t tell a soul, I mean, only one person… I don’t know what to do”, you whined
"She is in arts, you are in design, she won't touch you", said Sara, "we will be your buffers..."
"Yeah, lets learn her schedule and avoid her, its called antistalking", said Jace
Unknown to you, Cregan was listening. But he came back to his room, grabbed his phone and dialed a number 
“Uncle Bennard”, he greeted, “I’m good thanks… Do you have a meeting with the board of the school today?”, he asked, “Alys Rivers can’t teach in this school”, he nodded, “she does not share the morals and profile of this university… yes… I’m certain of my words… thank you”
And he hanged up the call 
He got out of his room and you all looked at him, you wiped your tears and smiled at him, sincerely, not knowing of what just happened
“Anyone in for a marathon of the Arthur Dayne movies?”, he asked, “let’s order pizza”
"I'm already on it!", offered Ben
“For fucks sake”, whined Jace
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more notes : I’m running out of creating counterparts of movies and such… real ones might pop up
“Sea Snake” = Titanic
Maegor with Cyrese and Tyanna = John F Kennedy, Jackie and Marilyn 
How to lose a knight in a moon = “How to lose a man in ten days” 
The she-wolf of old town = The wolf of wall street
THE ARTHUR DAYNE! hahaaa = John Wick
taglist! ❤️
@mxtokko @princesssterek @thefandomimagines @iamavailablesstuff @misspascalpunk @sweethoneyblossom1 @ipostwhtifeel @lunamoonbby @ahristata @watercolorskyy @yazzzmints @n4tforlife @littleshadow17 @alexa4040 @speedyballoonpainter @hc-geralt-23 @rayrayredpanda @eralen @yentroucnagol
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pleistocene-pride · 9 months
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The tiger shark is a species of ground shark, and the only extant member of the genus Galeocerdo and family Galeocerdonidae. It is a highly nomadic species which inhabits tropical and subtropical waters world wide up to 3,000ft (900m) in depth, and is often found in coastal waters with particular abundance in the gulf of mexico, Caribbean sea, Indian ocean, and western pacific. Tiger sharks are often call the garbage cans of the sea and have reputation for eating almost anything. As such there diet is wide and heavily varied an is known to regularly include: small fish, jellyfish, crustaceans, cephalopods and other mollusks, rays, skates, sawfish, sea birds, sea snakes, sea turtles, other sharks, dolphins, seals, sea lions, dugongs, manatees, crocodilians, porpoises, and sick or injured whales. When near islands or coastlines they have been known to eat sheep, goats, dogs, pigs, rats, horses, deer, cattle, cats, camels, monkeys, inland birds, bats, lizards and  inedible objects, such as license plates, cans, tires, books, boat oars, soccerballs and baseball bats. Tiger sharks are themselves occasionally preyed upon by orcas, great whites, and saltwater crocodiles. The tiger shark commonly reaches 10.5-14ft (3.2 -4.26m) in length and 385- 1400lbs (175 – 635kg) in weight, with the largest recorded reaching 18ft (5.5m) long and 3360lbs (1525kg). This ranks the tiger shark amongst the largest extant sharks on earth only being surpassed by the whale, basking, great white, pacific sleeper, Greenland, and blunt nosed sixgill sharks. They have a broad snout and stocky body with proportionally large fins and a long upper tail. Tiger shark teeth are unique with very sharp, pronounced serrations and an unmistakable sideways-pointing tip. Such dentition has developed to slice through flesh, bone, and other tough substances such as turtle shells. In the northern hemisphere the mating season takes place from march to may and the southern hemisphere from November to January, with males breeding every year while females breed once every 3 years. After a year long pregnancy mother tiger sharks give birth to 10 to 80 pups. Under ideal conditions a tiger shark may live upwards of 12 years.
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sarahsmi13s · 1 year
Told Them (pt 2)
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pairing: jake ‘hangman’ seresin x wife!reader
characters: jake seresin, y/n seresin, grayson seresin, kennedy seresin, dagger squad, penny benjamin
warnings: third person pov, she/her pronouns used, domestic hangman, i believe that’s it
word count: ~2.9k
a/n: 3/3 (2/3) okay so I know i said this was supposed to be 3 parts but had i done this last part all at once it would have been unproportional: 3.4k (part 1), 2.9k (part 2) and then 9.4k (part 3)
soooo i broke part three up into 3 parts 
lightly proof-read
part 3 summary: after nearly losing his son, jake decides to tell the team about his family and invites them to his home for a cookout
part 3.2 summary: the squad has arrived, let the meet and greet commence!
pt 1  pt 2  pt 3.1  pt 3.3
The doorbell ringing startled Y/N as she seasoned the handmade burger patties.
“You good?” Jake laughed as he walked past her, just having come in from prepping the grill. “Shut it.” She rinsed her hands and wiped them on the towel by the sink before following Jake to the door.
Jake smiled down at her before opening the door. 
“Admiral Simpson, glad you could make it,” Y/N smiled as Cyclone and Jake shook hands. “Please, Mrs. Seresin, call me Cyclone.” She rolled her eyes, “We aren’t too keen on call signs while at home Admiral, and you can call me Y/N.” He chuckled, “Of course, call me Beau.” Y/N and Jake stepped to the side to let him in.
“How’s Grayson?” Jake closed the door, “Uh, he’s sore. But the medicine helps. Frustrated to say the least.” 
Beau nodded. “Also, something came up and Warlock won’t be able to make it. Is, uh, anyone else here?” “That’s okay and you’re the first one actually, I’m still setting up in the kitchen. Please, make yourself comfortable.”
Jake and Beau went into the living room. “Kennedy, Grayson, you remember Cyclone right?” 
Both kids looked up, Kennedy nodding and waving at him. Cyclone smiled and waved back. Grayson shifted to stand and shake the admiral's hand. 
“Grayson, you don’t have to do that,” Beau held up his hands to keep Grayson seated, but still shook the boy’s hand.
The doorbell rang again and Y/N answered it. 
“Pete, Penny, hi!” They greeted with hugs. “Y/N,” Penny smiled as she hugged her before taking the two six packs from Mav. “I know we’re early, anything you need help with?” “Yes, please. I’m still trying to get the ice chest filled, and I could use an extra set of hands.”
“Darlin’, who’s here?” Jake’s voice rang out from the living room. “Pete and Penny!” 
She turned to the couple, “Pete, Jake and Beau are in the living room, Kennedy and Grayson are too. Make yourself comfortable.” Penny and Y/N went to the kitchen and Mav went to the living room.
About 10 minutes later, someone just walked in. 
“Seresins, the party has arrived,” Javy voice and laughter rang out in the house.
“Uncle Cy!” Kennedy launched herself off the couch and ran to the door. “Princess, be careful!” Jake tried to scold, but couldn’t stop the smile on his face. 
Javy came into the room, Kennedy on his hip. “Admiral, Captain,” he greeted the two with a nod. 
“Hey, Uncle J,” Grayson waved a little. “Hey G, how you feelin’?” “Better, thanks.”
Javy turned to Jake, “Where’s the missus?” Jake gestured over his shoulder, “Kitchen with Penny. I think they’re just talking now.” Javy nodded and set Kennedy down so she could settle in by her brother while they watched Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
“Hey, Javy, anyone comin’ in behind you?” “I think Rooster, Phoenix, and Bob were. Not sure though.” Jake nodded and pushed out of his chair. “I’ll be back.”
Jake went into the kitchen, Y/N was in deep conversation with Penny. “Hey, Sweetheart?” 
She glanced at him, and held a finger up while nodding to what Penny was saying. “Yeah, that sounds fun. I’m glad Amelia has a path she wants to follow. But I will say, she needs to be prepared for anything. And that it’s okay for plans to change.”
She turned to Jake, “Yes, Honey?” Jake smiled, “We got new faces showing up, figured you want to be with me when they got here.” Y/N nodded and smiled, “Of course, yeah. We just got all the drinks into these coolers, they probably should go outside before everyone gets here.” Jake nodded, “Okay, I will-”
The doorbell cut him off. 
“Guess they’re here.” Y/N looked to Penny, “Go make yourself comfortable in the living room.”
As Y/N and Jake went to the door he put his hand on the small of her back to relax her nerves. 
He pulled open the door to reveal Payback and Fanboy, instead of the other three he thought would be there. “Hey, guys.” “Hey, Hangman.” “Hey.” 
“Payback, Fanboy, this is my wife Y/N; Doll, this is Reuben and Mickey,” Jake introduced, a proud smile on his face.
She smiled back and opened her arms for a hug, which the two accepted, “Hi, it’s nice to meet you guys. Jake tells me a lot about you.” “Really?” “Yeah, all the time. Mainly when you bet 200 push-ups during an exercise, he wouldn’t stop complaining.” 
Payback cringed, “Yeah, not our brightest moment.” “Our? You said it. I just went along with it.” Y/N laughed and gestured for them to come inside.
Jake closed the door and followed behind them to the living room. 
“Grayson, will you pause the movie?” “Yes ma’am.” As he did so, he noticed the two new faces in the room and he got a little anxious.
“Kennedy, Grayson, this is Reuben and Mickey. They fly with your dad,” she said, nerves hidden to the untrained ear. 
Grayson carefully leaned forward to shake their hands. Kennedy sat up and tilted her head, “Mickey? Like the mouse?” Fanboy chuckled and nodded, “Yeah Kennedy, like the mouse.” “That’s so cool.”
Mickey chuckled at the five year old and caught the paused scene behind him. “Wait, are you watching Captain America?” Grayson nodded, “Yeah, it’s one of her favorites, Mom’s too.” “I love that one!”
Y/N smiled, “So, that’s why they call you ‘Fanboy’?” Mickey nodded, “Yeah.” She nodded and gestured to the furniture, “Feel free to sit wherever. As soon as the others get here we’ll probably move outside.” Reuben and Mickey found a seat and Grayson unpaused the movie.
Y/N pushed Jake to the kitchen so they could get the ice-chests. “Which has what?” Jake asked. “The big one’s got beer, a few ciders, and water. This one got sodas, water, and Kool-Aid.” Jake nodded and bent over to move the cooler.
“Uh, no sir. Do not try to carry that by yourself,” Y/N scolded, rolling the small one to the patio door. 
Jake straightened his back a little before reaching over and grabbing the handle. “And do not drag it over my hardwood floor!” Y/N’s voice called from around the corner. Jake huffed but laughed, “Yes ma’am.” 
She came back and grabbed the other handle, “Let’s go, cowboy.” They lifted it together and took it outside.
They came back in and went to the living room.
“So, Grayson, how old are you?” Jake and Y/N stopped when they heard Payback ask. “Oh, I’m 16, turned 16 back in May.”
Y/N held her breath a little bit and Jake squeezed her hand and whispered in her ear, “It’ll be okay.”
“Oh, that’s cool. So, you’ll be a junior?” Y/N let out the breath and Jake rubbed the back of her hand.
They walked the rest of the way into the living room. 
“Yeah, I’m ready for school to start.” “Really?” Pete asked. Grayson nodded, “Yeah, sitting around with nothing to do is really hard for me. I’m always doing sports or something.” The group nodded and the doorbell rang.
“If you guys want to head out back, we’ll be out there in just a minute,” Jake told them, gesturing to the sliding glass door. 
He placed his hand on the small of Y/N’s back and guided her to the door.
Y/N took a deep breath as Jake opened the door, revealing three people. 
“Hey guys.” “Hey Hangman. We weren’t sure what to bring so we brought assorted chips,” Rooster chuckled as he held up the bag. Y/N smiled and took the bag, “Thank you, you didn’t have to. But it’ll certainly help.” 
Jake smiled and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, “Rooster, Phoenix, Bob, this is my lovely wife Y/N; Y/N this is Bradley, Natasha, and Bob.” 
Y/N smiled and hugged them, “Hi, it’s nice to meet you guys! I’ve heard a lot about you. You specifically Bob.” A light dusting of pink splayed over his face as he hugged her.
“Well, we haven’t heard a lot about you. But I’m definitely excited to do so,” Phoenix teased, wrapping her arms around Y/N. Y/N smiled, “Well, let’s hope I don’t disappoint.” She turned to Rooster, who actually embraced her first.
“Come in, come in,” Y/N said when she pulled away from the hug and waved for them to follow her. 
They passed the empty living room. 
“Living room got a little full, everyone’s outside,” she explained, feeling the confusion of the three behind her. They nodded and followed her outside.
Y/N got her kids attention, and brought the three new guests over. 
“Kids, this is Bradley, Natasha, and Bob. They also fly with your dad.” Grayson once again leaned forward to shake their hands, “Nice to meet you.” They nodded at him, “Nice to meet you too, Grayson.”
Kennedy smiled and gave them a small wave, acting a little more shy now. 
Phoenix knelt down in front of her, “Hi, Kennedy. I’m Natasha.” Kennedy’s eyes lit up, “Natasha? Like Black Widow?” Y/N chuckled a little, “Black Widow is one of her favorites.” Phoenix laughed, “Well, in that case. Yes, exactly like Black Widow.” She tapped Kennedy’s nose, making her laugh, before standing.
“Hey, that’s an unfair advantage!” Rooster joked, laughing. “Don’t worry Bradshaw, Kenni loves everyone. I’m sure you’ll be fine,” Jake called over from where he was getting the grill started. 
Bradley chuckled and nodded as everyone watched Kennedy run off to go play with a tiny basketball. 
“He’s right. It might take her a minute, but she’ll be crawlin’ in your lap before the night is over I’m sure of it,” Y/N smiled and patted his arm.
Y/N went to start setting up the ‘set-up’ table and everyone started making conversation.
“Grayson, you said you play sports?” Payback asked. Grayson nodded, carefully shifting to get more comfortable in the deck chair, “Yeah, helps keep me busy.” The aviators nodded. 
“What sports do you play?” Rooster asked, leaning back in his chair.
Grayson chuckled a little bit, “Pretty much any that I can. But football, basketball, and baseball are by goto’s. I tried soccer when I was 10 but there was only fall and spring, which took time away from football and baseball. But I gave it a shot.”
The aviators took notice that Grayson wasn’t really talking about his injuries. Like right now he could have brought them up in relation to sports, how he wasn’t going to get to play or that he may never play again. 
But he didn’t, he talked as if he was perfectly fine.
So, they didn’t bring them up unless it was brought up by him or his parents first.
Bradley nodded, “I loved baseball in high school. What position do you play?” “Catcher, usually, I may play outfield every once in a while. My mom was a catcher in high school and dad…” Grayson paused trying to remember. “Hey, Dad? What position did you play in baseball?” 
Jake did look up from the grill when he answered, “Firstbase, I could pitch if needed though.” Grayson nodded, “Right, yeah.”
The group nodded and Fanboy spoke up. “What about basketball?” 
“Oh, uh,” he scratched the back of his neck. “It really depends, I guess. Back in Texas I was usually a point guard or a forward. I was not the tallest on the team.” 
“How tall are you?” Bob asked, he assumed since Jake was tall, Grayson was tall. “About 6’1 – 6’2, just hit a growth spurt this past year. Get my height from my uncle, he’s like 6'4.”
Y/N chuckled when she heard that as she stepped outside to hand Jake the patties and hotdogs. 
“Yeah, Jake’s not very happy that he has to look up at him,” she tiptoed to kiss her husband’s cheek. “But I’m sure Kennedy is gonna be taller than me, so he won’t be alone.” Jake laughed, “Yeah, my sisters are a little above average height.”
Speaking of Kennedy, she ran up to Y/N, pulling on the green over shirt gently. “Mama?” “What Princess?” “Can I have a Kool-Aid?” “Sure, baby.”
The aviators watched the simple interaction and smiled. 
Bradley looked over at Jake and saw Jake’s expression. It was the softest he had ever seen him. It reminded him of his own dad, oddly enough. Just the pure love in his eyes was what he saw directed at his mother. He glanced at Mav who obviously saw the same thing.
Bradley jumped when he felt something cold hit his knee, he looked up to see Kennedy holding the blue Kool-Aid out to him. 
“Uncle Bradley, can you open this, please?” He smiled, “Course.” She placed it into his open palm. He easily twisted it off and handed the now open bottle to her. “There ya go, Ken.” “Thank you!” She smiled and went over to Mickey, crawling up beside him to sit down and drink her Kool-Aid.
“So, Y/N, what do you do for work?” Y/N opened the assorted bag of chips and dumped them onto the table. “I’m a hairstylist. I mainly focus on coloring and stuff like that, but I do cater to the military community when needed.” 
Jake pointed to her with his spatula, “She was booked out the ass in Texas.” “Language,” Kennedy said from her spot. “Right, sorry, princess.”
The aviators laughed. Mickey looked down at Kennedy, “Where’d you hear that?” “Captain America said it, in the one where they fight the big robot,” she said, drinking her Kool-Aid. “You and I are gonna be great friends, Ken.”
They all fell back into an easy flowing conversation, everyone making jokes. Bob, Bradley and Javy offered their help but Y/N just waved them off.
Kennedy had finished her drink and had been playing in the yard. 
“Kennedy, sweetie, come on. Let’s go wash your hands.” “Okay, Mama!” The little girl slid down the slide on her play set.
Y/N chased her into the house, washing her hands at the kitchen sink. Then she remembered something.
She opened the kitchen window. 
“Grayson!” She tried to get her son’s attention but he was so caught up in the conversation he was having with Rooster that he didn’t hear her. 
“Gray- Oh my goodness.” “I don’t think he can hear you Mama.” “Me either baby.”
But Bob heard her and turned, using his thumb to point to Grayson making sure he heard right. She nodded at him and he nodded, turning to get the teen’s attention.
“No, but this guy was seriously thinking he was better than the senior catcher as a freshman. It was-” “Hey, Grayson, your mom’s trying to get your attention,” Bob cut in.
The 16 year old perked up and looked for his mom, finally spotting her in the kitchen window. 
“Yes ma’am?” “How you feelin’? Do you need your pain meds?” “I’m all good right now, Mom. Thank you!” He winced a little bit, “Actually, could I get some ice?” “You got it.” “Thank you.”
Once Y/N and Kennedy came back outside and gave Grayson his ice pack, the feast began.
Reuben and Javy set up a folding table next to the normal glass patio table the Seresins usually ate at and they all sat down to eat.
Their plates were full and not much later so were their stomachs, but they still went in for seconds. And of course had room for dessert.
“This peach cobbler is sooo good,” Payback complimented, taking a huge bite. “Yeah, this is delicious Mom.” 
Y/N smiled, “Thank you. It’s actually my grandma’s recipe, she used to make it all the time when Jake and I were kids.”
Jake nodded, “Oh yeah, her house always smelled like some kind of dessert. But you’ve got to try her cousin’s dirt cake.” He did a chef’s kiss. Y/N nodded along with her husband, “Oh yeah, when we have any family get togethers when people get a plate of food, they usually get a bowl of her dirt cake. I’ve tried to make it, but it’s never the same.”
“Wait, you said when you and Jake were kids?” Natasha asked, her arm wrapped around Kennedy who had seated herself in the pilot's lap after she finished dessert. “He said you’d been married for 15 years but I didn’t know you’d known each other that long.”
Both nodded, “Yeah, our parents became friends in college.” “I was born in October the year my parents graduated and she was born the next year.” “It was inevitable that we would be best friends. And everyone in the neighborhood had a bet going if we would end up together.”
Jake grabbed her hand, “Yeah, nothing could really take us apart. We never let girlfriends or boyfriends try to tell us not to be friends. I think deep down we both knew we were it for the other person.” 
He brought Y/N’s wrist to his lips and kissed the tattooed ‘JS’ that resided there.
If the squad’s hearts hadn’t already melted before, they sure were now. They had never seen Jake so relaxed before.
The moment was disrupted by Kennedy slipping down from Natasha’s lap. “Uncle Bob, can you push me on the swing?” Bob smiled at her. “Of course, let’s go.”
hiiiii! i’m happy you’re here! thank you for reading!
i hope you enjoyed this part three! well part two of part 3! the other parts are up now!!
if you want to be notified of up coming parts comment and i can add you to the tag list! and if you want to be added to top gun tag list lmk! <33
top gun tags <33: @roosterscockpit @luckyladycreator2 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @sebsxphia @milesdickpic​ @wkndwlff @emma8895eb​ @blackwidownat2814​ @ireadthensuetheauthors​ @adaydreamaway08​ @starkleila​​
thank you guys for being here!!!
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character-fan19 · 2 months
So I calculated the exact screen time for the love square ships in season 5...
I'm back again with the latest season of Miraculous and it's definitely different but not as much as you would expect. But firstly for the newcomers...
Some Ground Rules
Both characters of the ship must be present in the scene to count. So none of that kissy kissy meow meow talk.
At least one of the characters must be interacting with or reacting to the presence of the other character or both characters must be doing something together for it to count.
If one of the characters believe that they are talking to the alter ego of the other character, it will be counted as screen time for that ship so Adrien and Marinette talking to each other through the wall in the sewer will be counted as Ladynoir. The scene with Adrien holding Ladybug will count as Ladrien though, since Ladybug isn't conscious.
In case of group interactions, the screen time will only count if the interaction is specifically between the two characters.
If you want to check out my previous post, you can find it here. Now onto the distribution.
Screen Time Distribution
Despite all the Adrienette we had this season, Ladynoir was still able to come out on top, even a season which is supposedly Adrienette-centred, although it still took a huge hit took a huge hit in terms of percentage of screen time, having had 56.4% of the love square screen time this season rather than it's usual range of around 70% and Adrienette had a huge increase in screen time this season as well both in terms of percentage and actual screen time, having 37.4% of the total love square screen time rather than it's usual range of 18-25% which is a total of 45 min 57 sec when it usually remains under half an hour ever season.
Maricat this season got a pretty fair 5.8% of the screen time while Ladrien got the short end of the stick as predicted with not even 1% of the screen time which is even worse than last season.
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In terms of its effect on the overall screen time, Adrienette has increased from last season by a good 3.6%, Ladynoir decreases by a slightly less 3.2% which is percentage than it has ever decreased before, Maricat increases by a small 0.3%, and Ladrien decreases by 0.7%.
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This leaves Adrienette with a total screen time of 2 hr 34 min 8 sec, Ladynoir with a total screen time of 7 hr 28 min 54 sec, Maricat with a total screen time of 30 min 59 sec and Ladrien with a total screen time of 23 min 11 sec which around the same length as an episode of Miraculous itself. This isn't their final total screen time though, at least not for Ladynoir, 'cause we still got the Paris Special. But in the mean time, let's move on to the screen time trend.
Screen Time Trend
Ladynoir started off strong this season with 7 min 50 sec in it's first episode. It never reaches this high again but it remains pretty high until the Adrienette part of the season starts after which it remains under the Adrienette screen time for the most part and only got more screen time than Adrienette in 6 episodes most of which are only by less than a minute.
Adrienette had a handful of episodes in the first third of the season giving it a good amount of screen time but nothing compared to Ladynoir but it starts getting screen time in every episode from the Kwamis' Choice two-parter onwards aside from "Representation" and "Conformation" which were the first ever episodes in love square screen time history to not include screen time for any love square ship. After "Perfection" though it only seems to get no more than 3 min of screen time every episode with "Protection" being an exception that is aside from the final three episodes it is a part of, those being "Revolution" and "Re-Creation" and "Action".
Maricat and Ladrien, not being the major ships this season, only got spikes of screen time in 2-3 episodes, Maricat predictably having the larger spikes with its largest spike being it's designated episode of the season "Elation" and Ladrien having two small spikes of a few seconds in "Passion" and "Deflagration".
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Well, that about wraps this up. Well, almost, since like I said before, we still got the Paris Special, after which we will get the final screen time distribution for all the love square ships, at least until we get more seasons and that changes up the distribution. Feel free to make your own observations based on this data. Until next time!
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let-me-be-your-home · 2 years
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The nod to SPN | Big Sky 3x2 | 
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kuri-crocus · 3 months
Results: Good Omens season 3 wish polls
I collected some wishes I've seen fans have for season 3 and made polls out of it. Thanks to everyone for voting diligently! Making the (33!) polls, reading comments were a lot of fun to me! Here is my summary of the results. The bold answer is the most voted one. We will wait and see if some wishes come true ... As soon as season 3 is out I plan to come back for a check! I leave it to future me to make what actually happens in season 3 italic!
Prepare for a long post under the cut!
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1. Do you want Aziraphale to perform the apology dance (in present day)? -765 votes-
52.5% Yes
31.6% No
15.8 % Neutral
2. Do you want Aziraphale and Crowley to end up mortal? -1046 votes-
87.7% No
9.8% Neutral
2.5% Yes
3. Do you want that Aziraphale saves Crowley at some point in season 3? -598 votes-
78.4% Yes
1.1% Neutral
4.5% No
4. Do you like God to narrate season 3 again? -529 votes-
50.3% Yes
35% Neutral
14.7% No
5. Do you like the Ineffable husbands to take custody of a (human) child? -553 votes-
54.4% No
26.9% Neutral
18.6% Yes
6. Do you want Crowley's angel name to be revealed? -1729 votes-
48.7% No
26.2% Yes
25.1% Neutral
7. What do you prefer to be Crowley's initial situation at the beginning of season 3? -432 votes-
77.3% Crowley is on his own
12.7% new leader of hell
7.2% something else. (I've read him beeing on vaction or hanging out with Nina, Maggie and Muriel)
2.8% works for hell again
8. Who makes the first step for a second kiss? -877 votes-
64.4% initiated by Aziraphale
30.9% initiated by both
2.5% no more kissing
2.2% initiated by Crowley
9. More of Angel!Crowley (without fall story) -406 votes-
51.5% Yes
26.1% Neutral
22.4% No
10. Where should the final scence with Aziraphale and Crowley take place? -527 votes-
77.4% South Down Cottage
7% The Ritz
5.1 % The Bookshop
3.4% St. James Park
3.2% Alpha Centauri
3.2 % Another location (rooftop was mentioned at least twice)
0.6% The Bentley
11. Should Aziraphale's diary have a bigger part in the plot? -307 votes-
53.1% Yes
34.2% Neutral
12.7% No
12. Would you like to see a conversation between Crowley and God? -602 votes-
49.3% Yes
27.6% No
23.1% Neutral
13. Would you like to see new angel and demon characters in season 3? -260 votes-
47.3% Yes
38.1% Neutral
14.6% No
14. Would you like it if there are more Angel x Demon couples? -359 votes-
44% Yes
28.4% Neutral
27.6% No
15. Would you like to see Crowley with long hair (present day)? -910 votes-
77% Yes
12.7% Neutral
10.2% No
16. Would you like to see Aziraphale with a beard? -359 votes-
49% No
32.6% Yes
18.4% Neutral
17. Would you like to have cameos of David's and/or Michael's family members? -318 votes-
39% Yes
34% Neutral
27% No
18. Should the historical scenes have a bigger or rather small part in the plot? -275 votes-
38.2% Neutral/anything is ok
37.1% Bigger/more like season 2
24.7% Rather small/more like season 1
19. Do you want to see the story of the great war and the fall? -287 votes-
69% Yes
17.8% No
13.2% Neutral
20. Do you want Saraquel to be an ally to Aziraphale and Crowley? -408 votes -
53.9% Yes
40.2% Neutral
5.9% No
21. Are you ready for 1941 Part 3? -713 votes-
80.8% Yes! All good things come in threes!
9.7% No, I don't need this scence to continue
9.5% Neutral
22. What is your opinion on the Ineffable Wives? -595 votes-
64.7 % Give me Fem!Azi and Fem!Crowley
25% Neutral
10.3% I don't want female presenting Azi and Crowley
23. More Bildad the Shuhite? -788 votes-
45.9% Yes
28.8% Neutral
25.3% No
24. Aziraphale takes off Crowley's sun glasses? -203 votes-
80.3% Yes
11.8% Neutral
7.9% No
25. Would you like it if Aziraphale calls Crowley "my demon" -291 votes-
43.6% Yes
30.9% No
25.4% Neutral
26. Muriel should be... -135 votes-
52.6% more prominent as in s2
43.7% as prominent as in s2
3% less prominent as in s2
0.7 % not appearing at all
27. In season 3 Muriel will wear... -151 votes-
90.1% a new earth outfit
5.3% the clothes they wear in heaven
4.6% the inspector constable costume
28. Do you want Muriel to take over the bookshop permanently? -153 votes- 
51% No
30.7% Neutral
18.3% Yes
29. More wall slamming in season 3? -190 votes-
62.6% Yes AND Aziraphale also slamming Crowley against a wall
25.3% Yes! Slam that angel against the wall!
6.3% Neutral
5.8% No more wall slamming
30. Would you like to see Aziraphale with purple eyes? -547 votes-
39.7% No
34.4% Yes
26% Neutral
31. Would you like it if Crowley calls Aziraphale "my angel"? -310 votes-
83.2% Yes
10.3% Neutral
6.5% No
32. I'd like Anathema Device and Newt Pulsifer to... -182 votes-
30.8% Every option is fine by me
29.7% only have a cameo
28.6% appear again
11% not appear at all
33. Would you like it if Aziraphale calls Crowley "Anthony"? -408 votes-
38.7% No
31.1% Neutral
30.1% Yes
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butchhamlet · 6 months
a scene-by-scene playlist for macbeth--one song for each scene. you know the drill by now. track list with rationale under the cut; special thanks to @blackcatarts for help with the selection :3 happy halloween season, y'all.
track list + rationale
act one
1.1 (the witches enter) - Everybody Wants to Rule the World (Lorde Cover) (feels self-explanatory, plus the vibe of it feels like panning in over a foggy battlefield)
1.2 (duncan finds out macbeth slayed) - Aneurysm by Nirvana (found this one on this macbeth playlist a while back and it has remained a macbeth song to me forever and ever; the manic energy fits the battlefield fervor here)
1.3 (macbeth and banquo meet the witches) - They by Jem (“and it’s ironic too // ‘cause what we tend to do // is act on what they say // and then it is that way… who are they? where are they? how can they possibly know all this?”)
1.4 (duncan names malcolm his successor) - Money Money Money by ABBA (he’s plotting! he’s planning! stars, hide your fires! look just trust me on this one)
1.5 (lady macbeth reads the letter & reunites with macbeth) - She’s Kerosene by the Interrupters (every lyric of this song is about lady macbeth.)
1.6 (lady macbeth welcomes duncan to her castle) - Silver Platters by Les Gold (“no need to be cordial // you could be immortal // if you take the risk // could you take the risk?” + “step out on the dance floor // this is what you asked for // such a pretty face // what was it underneath the mask for?”)
1.7 (the macbeths argue) - Fight For Me by AlicebanD (macbeths song of all time!!!)
act two
2.1 (dagger scene) - Disturbia by Rihanna (the supernatural begins to bleed into the world! will someone please direct a macbeth where this comes on during this scene) 
2.2 (post-murder argument) - Prowl Great Cain by The Mountain Goats (very macbeth song. placed here for “and i feel guilty, but i can’t feel ashamed!” & mention of sleepwalking & betrayal & prowling [cf. his line about tarquin in 2.1])
2.3 (porter scene, duncan’s death comes out) - Daniel in the Den by Bastille (“felled in the night by the ones you think you love // they will come for you” + “and for every king that died // they would crown another”)
2.4 (hey. don’t cry. duncan’s horses ate each other) - When He Died by Lemon Demon (literally a song about the world getting fucked up after a guy dies what can i say)
act three
3.1 (banquo gets suspicious) - Aha! by Imogen Heap (entire song about people pretending to be better than they are, including an actual serial killer. + “cost you to keep me quiet” with banquo…)
3.2 (the macbeths are fracturing) - The Horror of Our Love by Ludo (EXTREMELY MACBETHS SONG. here because this is the scene where they start to switch places, with him the one buying into violence as the answer & telling her not to worry about gory details)
3.3 (banquodeath) - Bury A Friend by Billie Eilish (rdj meme voice: he has murdered his friend)
3.4 (banquet scene) - Bird Song by Florence + the Machine (song about killing the witness and then being haunted by that witness and completely losing your shit trying to shut their ghost up…)
3.5 (hecate) - Hecate by Wendy Rule (i don’t give a shit about this scene i’m sorry. interpolation boooooo)
3.6 (lennox talks politics) - Dark Doo Wop by MS MR (foggy apocalyptic ones. “it’s all gone to shit // it’s out of our hands”)
act four
4.1 (double double toil & trouble) - Hot Knife by Fiona Apple (i’m a hot knife i’mmmm a hot knife i’m a hot knife he’s a pat of butter… you’re just gonna have to trust me on this one. my school’s macbeth had heavy drumming all through this scene and it’s associated with this song to me forever)
4.2 (macduff’s family is murdered) - Pretty Little Things by the Crane Wives (songs about pretty/fragile things being destroyed because of men’s betrayal… thinking about how lady macduff blames her husband for abandoning her to the wolves :( )
4.3 (malcolm and macduff) - All or Nothing by the Dream Masons (songs that are about both malcolm and macduff. the first verse especially is very malcolm, as a young prince stranded among enemies; the chorus is especially macduff-deciding-to-kill-macbeth-or-die-trying)
act five
5.1 (lady macbeth sleepwalks) - Tymps (The Sick in the Head Song) by Fiona Apple (LADY MACBETH GUILT SONG! “those boon times went bust // my feet of clay, they dried to dust // the red isn’t the red we painted, it’s just rust” w her imaginary bloodstains, + “i’m either so sick in the head i need to be bled dry to quit // or i just really used to love him // i sure hope that’s it”)
5.2 (the scots and english gather) - Marked Man by Mieka Pauley (songs i considered for 4.3 as well. they are coming to Get His Ass)
5.3 (macbeth preparing to fight) - For the Departed by Shayfer James (songs about knowing you’re about to get got but what does it matter when you’re already damned)
5.4 (the fucking wood is moving guys) - Kingdom Fall by Claire Wyndham (songs i almost put on the prior scene, for “i’d rather watch my kingdom fall // i want it all or not at all,” but eventually i placed it here because… well, we are watching the kingdom fall, my guy)
5.5 (tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow) - Drowning in the Sound by Amanda Palmer (okay, this is kind of because of “sound and fury,” but also it’s soooo macbeth act 5. “and the body is a temple but the temple is a prison and the prison’s overcrowded and the inmates know it’s flooded and the body politic is getting sicker by the second” + “do you ever feel like this should be officially the end? // and that you should be the one to do the ending, but you can’t?” + the inevitability…)
5.6 (scots + english arrive) - Lion’s Teeth by the Mountain Goats (song about trying to kill a powerful and tyrannical figure. also sounds like a fight scene)
5.7 (macduff and macbeth come face to face) - Bury Me Face Down by grandson (so obsessed with how firmly this guy would rather go down fighting than do literally anything easier)
5.8 (macbeth’s head presented, malcolm crowned) - King of the World by WAR*HALL (a new king is crowned after one dies by violence. fleance is still out there somewhere. the cycle of violence continues. this one doesn’t work unless you imagine the witches watching pityingly/sinisterly in the background)
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hirocimacruiser · 19 days
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●All Japan GT Championship Series
Eric Comas took the GT-R championship from 1998 to 1999, but as the competition became more intense year by year, the GT-R was unable to win the championship three times in a row. However, Komas/Masami Kageyama (winner at the opening round at Motegi) and Kazuyoshi Hoshino/Tetsu Motoyama (winner at MINE at round 6), who drove the latest BNR34, managed to finish in 2nd and 3rd place in the series by a close margin, showing an outstanding performance. It showed stability. Additionally, the duo of Ukyo Katayama and Michael Krumm, who have recently joined the Nissan team, won a special race in Malaysia, and the oldest active driver, Masahiro Hasemi, retired from the front line after the 2000 season, so there is no shortage of topics to talk about. There wasn't. The GT-R has a 2.6-liter straight-six turbo in the front, whereas the Supra has a 2-liter straight-four turbo in the front, and the Honda NSX has a 3.2-liter V6NA in the midship, and the individuality of the three cars makes the race even more interesting. Also, in the GT300 class, there was one car among many Porsches.
The Silvia S15 fought hard, and Nobuyuki Oyagi/Takayuki Aoki finished 4th in the series.
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