#Sorry ım so tired
cosmicjoke · 8 months
Man, in a million years I would never have thought that Levi's current frustration, anger, and threat of breaking his legs was the frustration of not being able to persuade Erwin to stay just because he was risking his own life. And I think if there was such a thing, he could have said that he wanted Levi to stay behind for personal reasons in the interview with E L, where Isayama also added him thoughts on this scene but instead he said that saying he trusted Erwin's decision meant that he would take his responsibility if something happened. And then he took him anger out on Eren and Jean (Even though I thought the violence was unnecessary here)
Similar to those who say that Levi made a selfish choice by choosing Erwin's peace over humanity.
Unfortunately, even some popular accounts say so, and some people have a habit of relying on their popularity and believing what they're saying is true. In short, a flock of sheep.
When I saw your mutual analysis articles with that blog, I was surprised and triggered at first. Because years ago, I followed that blog and some of the big accounts it interacted with, read and liked some of its metas. After a while, I noticed that she reduced Levi to E at odd angles in some of her writings, and after a while I turned away from her and their analysis, and cold from Levi.
Then I realized it was because of their favorite ship. I noticed that they wrote biased articles without taking off their ship glasses under -neutral posts - to find materials and support for their ships. Most recently, I unfollowed her and the others when I saw her response to someone asking if Erwin was the focus in the final salute scene in the final episode. In her answer, she did a math calculation to prove that Erwin was ahead of the rest and Levi was more in focus than the others :/. not joke.
While I may seem like I've vilified her and their other colleagues here, it's not my intention, but.. this is what really happened. Because of meta and analysis writers like them, I had come to question the actions of my Comfort character, Levi, and my love and admiration had waned. And now, years later, when she threw a question at you, my first thought was that maybe years later she had changed her ideas and views and maybe offered a good analysis. but no. as I predicted. They're reducing him to Erwn again as usual.
Sorry if I'm out of context here. I know some of what I write seems delusional. but ım tired
Hi there,
No worries, I understand perfectly what you're saying. Yeah, this is what I'm always saying, is that when one is adamant on seeing their ship as canon, even when there's absolutely no evidence whatsoever of the ship existing in canon, they ultimately will filter everything that happens in the story through that lens, and it warps their perception of the story and their ability to have an objective read on the situation and the characters actions.
Things have definitely gotten out of hand in the online community. People allow others to influence their own opinions and even, sometimes, a lot of these people haven't even read AoT and form their opinions completely based on what others tell them. And your particular story is one of the most unfortunate results of this kind of thing, where people begin to think less of Levi as a character, because he's been cast in this sort of light, portrayed as someone who's only and main focus is Erwin, instead of what he's truly fighting for, which is humanity. There's a mountain of evidence supporting this fact. There's none supporting the idea that Levi "did it all for Erwin". But people twist it to the point of making Levi seem selfish or self-interested, or unable to think and act for himself, totally reliant and dependent on Erwin, and even beholden to Erwin, like some sort of slave. It's pretty awful and absolutely insane. In order to come to that conclusion, one would either have to completely ignore Levi's actions and words within the story, or twist them to the point of them being unrecognizable.
And lol, yeah, that whole thing you mentioned, with the final salute, how anyone could "interpret" that as Levi being solely focused or mainly focused on Erwin is beyond me. It reduces Levi's commitment and respect for his other comrades, which in turn, would reduce the respect one feels for Levi as a person. I don't know why anyone would want to claim that, or "prove" that Levi was focused on Erwin in that shot. The vow he made was for ALL of his comrades. And so, his final salute was for all of them. He fulfilled the vow, and he was showing his respect for everyone. He cared about all of them equally. He placed equal value on all of their lives, equal meaning. It's just sad and bizarre, besides, that anyone would want to deny that, all for the sake of trying to prove he was in some sort of romantic relationship with his commanding officer.
Levi chose to follow Erwin in the first place because Erwin sold him on this idea of saving humanity, of using his strength to save humanity. Levi trusted in Erwin's ability to lead and to tell him how best to use his strength to that end. He didn't follow Erwin because he was in love with him, or beholden to him, or obsessed with him. He chose to follow him because he respected Erwin's ability to do the right thing and make the right choices when it came to advancing humanities cause and fight. It's just so obvious, and it really is a head-scratcher why anyone would want to take Levi's heroic nature and altruistic motivations and reduce it to a love-sick obsession. That's not who Levi is. It never was, and it never will be. Levi cares about all people.
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lotusran1 · 13 days
Virtual Reality
finally İzuku became the #1 hero.like his childhood dream like all might.
he was helping everyone showing the light to the villians everything was perfect.
his father always helped him. after rescuing shigaraki from all for one , he came back.
but there is always that he didnt expect to happen
first there was the sound of a glass breaking then ı banged my head .shock is still in my mind when ı opened my eyes.
“where am I?!”
ı took off the medicine mask from my mouth when ı looked around, the room was dark, the green color illuminated the room a little.the air was so thin it made me cough.
İzuku realized at that moment was that his arms and all his hardwork is gone.
Alarms go off everthing flashes red. he panicked . his heart are moving with alarms. he was choking on his choughs.
he could hear so many foot steps.
I closed my eyes.someone took me in their arms.
“dont run away my bunny.”the voice was so soft and deep.
“ dont be afraid you eill be fine now, daddy is got you”a hand started drawing a circle on my back.
I slowly opened my eyes and saw my fathers face softened with worry.
“yes ducky.” he started caressing my head.
“why am ı here and what hapened to my arm-“ı looked at him scarred.
“hush little one… Im sorry about what hapened to you.ı couldnt stop it”he frowned.
its like the moment my mom found out ı was quirkless.
Tears were threatening to fall from my eyes.
a hand wiped my tears as they fall”dont cry bunny.its all over, dad is here to take care of you.”
he started rocking me back and forth slowly at the same time.
my stomach growled. I was so ashamed.I had ignored it until now.
“hmm.. you look hungry. would you like something to eat?”he chuckled.
When a nice smell hit my nose,I immediately looked up.
he started to feed me. “did you like it?”
“taste… good”I spoke with my mouth full.
when ı looked up he looked very happy.
By the time ı finished eating I was feeling better…. and sleepy.A yawn escaped my mouth.
“ you must be tired little one.”he chuckled.”lets tuck you in bed.”
I leaned against my fathers chest as he took me to bed.I could hear his heartbeat. I soon fell asleep.
His son looked so peaceful while he was sleeping. The sleeping pill had taken effect thankfully.
He always wanted to feel this moment.ı felt the void in my heart was starting to fill again. A void he couldnt fill since his brother and son died.
he felt peacefull while caressing his hair.
He would never let him die again.
Even though he dont want to.
“Why do you treat me like a baby?”
“hmm, why did you think that?”He brought another piece of food closer to my mouth.
I swallow it fast “Whenever you’re around me you look at me like ım a baby”I frowned.
“because I love you more than you can think of besides ı missed you”He smiled.
My father wiped out my mouth with a napkin.
His phone started ringing.
“I will be right back.”He left before ı can say anything to him.
When he came back his face remained neutral.
“Ducky,do you want to came to your dad’s job?”
There wasnt much to do around here so I accepted.
He picked me up “ So let’s clean you up ducky.”
He sat me on his lap and started playing with my hair.
“ I love you hair. I used to keep it a bit long too but its easier this way.” He sighed.
“ I dont usually bother taming my curls.”I said as I leaned into his hand.
“sensei” Long black hair waving as he approached.
“did you bring the others?”My dad asked.
“Yes. They are here.”
then his eyes fell on me.
“Im İzuku”I said.
I saw strange emotions pass over his face.
“I take my leave.” He left quickly.
İt was like something about me bothered him.
My dad held one side of my face.” Dont worry,Tenko usually stays at such a distance.”
I started to feel uncomfortable when other people came in.I run away quickly.
I could feel my dad looking after me with concern.
While I was looking around something caught my eye.
It was very dark.When I turned and cablesran through the graund.They say curiosity kills cat.I quickly went in.
I gasped when I saw brains and black skins.
That can’t be happening right now, right?
His dad created nomu’s.He had always ignored his da- no all for one’s suspicious behavior.He acted so foolish.
Now he would either escape or act like nothing happened.But İzuku can’t do this anymore.
he saw a table at the distance.
Unfortunately nothing was able to used with this arms.Than he saw the photo of him sleeping on the edge of the table.
I hit a tank when I tried to run away quickly.
“kacchan?!”I screamed in shock.
All of my friends in there.
“ ah, bunny. did you see something you shouldn’t have found?”devil smirked.
I opened my eyes with fear.
“what did you do to them?!”I yelled at him.
“My, my… now, hush little one.”He caught me.”I was going to let you play with them when they are ready”He started caressing my hair.
“Now ducky, you look scared “He speaks again eith hsi gentle voice.”sleep of the edge of dreams.”
As my vision faded I could feel his grin.
its my first fic and ım sorry if its cringe😂
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didarida · 3 years
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night-rhea · 3 years
İts 3am and ım so bored. So. Here's my shit post. I will probably make part two of this.
Night: Be nice!
Jae: I am!
Night: You threatened second year with a knife!
Jae: I didnt stab him, did ı?!
Night: JAE-
*in Slytherin common room*
Rowan: Aw... I cut my finger....
Rowan: Hey stop runni-
Night: *comes from outside running* WHİİİİİ OOOOO WHİİİİİİİ OOOO WHİİİİİ OOOOOOO
Rowan: Wha-
Barnaby : *puts a bandage on Rowan's finger*
Night: *Kisses Rowan's head*
Bill: Get down here!
Night: *sits top of owlery* NO.
Bill: Im going to tell Snape.
Night: Go ahead. I will fight.
Bill: I have chocolate frogs for you.
Night: *gets down in a second and grabs chocolates* You know ı totally would have fought him.
Bill: I know Night. I know...
Felix: *comes to slytherin common room and sees İsmelda and Merula eating chocolates* wow i didnt know you two love chocolate this much. İsnt there so many of it?
Merula: İts not ours.
İsmelda: I hate chocolate.
Felix: What? Then why are you eating?? Especially if its not yours???
Merula: Snape gave it us.
İsmelda: İts Night's.
Merula: Snape took all the chocolates they have because they forget the essay Snape wanted. And he gave it us.
İsmelda:*laugh in evil* Just wait until Night see.
*five minutes later. With a sounds of explosions and smell of fire*
Night: *yawns*
Diego: Being pretty must be tiring
Night: *still not fully awake* then you must be exhausted
Diego: *blushes* What?
Night: What?
*Rowan, Penny, Cato ( @catohphm) and Night studies in library*
Night: *puts their head on book* Im done. My brain just melted. I can no longer learn anything.
Penny: Come on Night. Just one more hour!
Madam Pince: Şşşştt!
Penny:...Sorry Madam Pince..
Rowan: *with a lower voice* You promised Night. You have to study.
Night: I promised that i will study, not die!
Madam Pince: Şşşştt!!
Night: .....Sorry...
Cato: I think you can do it. Talbott told you to learn this before next time you two will study, right?
Rowan: Wait, why are you studying with Talbott?
Night: I asked him.... You know ı suck at Herbology...
Rowan: I asked you if you need help! You said no!
Night: Because ı was already asked him!
Night: I cant study while ı have Pince on my neck. Im going to kitchen. Do you two wants Jae's sandw-Okay sorry Madam Pince ım going dont look at me like that its scary.
*after Rowan and Night goes*
Penny: ......They study together. *starts giggling* They study together.
Cato: .......Sorry Night..
Night: I can understand you very well. Sometimes ı want to punch someone too. İts totally understandable. But you have to control yourself. Hurting someone never can solve your problem.
*Two hour ago*
Merula: Ha! Look at your tie, didnt your sweet mama teach you to ti-
Night: *punches her in belly*
*Night and Talbott studies in Green House*
Talbott: So you should water it twice a week. But it wont die completely even if you dont water it for few months.
Night: Haha just like my crush.
Talbott: What?
Night: What?
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sweetsshi · 4 years
Tsukiyama oneshot✨
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  Tsukishima and Yamaguchi left earlier than normal time from after school volleyball practice. Sugawara,must be so angry right now. Probably he is mumbling about how he and Daichi can being such a careless and bad parents.
Fall was already come with everything ıt has. The weather is raining and windy today. People caught rain and they are hiding under some stores, trees with yellowed leaves etc...
" Here." Yamaguchi said with a softly voice.
" Is this an usual?" Tsukishima asked. He puts his bag and takes the coffe while he is carrying black umbrella on the his left hand.
" Yeah,of course. Milky fıltre coffee,right?" Yamaguchi said with a pretty smile when he is scratching his blushed freckles.
'Oh my lord help me, he is so cute!'
Tsukishima thinks that way.
Yamaguchi, sat on Kei's right side and put his left hand on the Tsukishima's hand.
'Ugh, ı wanna squeeze him and don't want to let go!'
Tsukishima always looks cool and cold-blooded but actually he is fanboying and having heart attack right now.
" Today...
Would you like to come to my house? I want to show you my library! Plus, ı haven't place the books you gave me. We can do it together?"
Tsukishima is trying not to smile. Someway, he feels more and more falling in love with him today.
Throws the coffee to the garbage. Caress his head.
" Why not? Let's go baby."
Winked at him and held his hand.
" Huh? But ıt’s keep raining. I know you don't like it."
Tadashi looks confused. He is whispering to him with serious tone.
" No problem. I think walking under the rain while holding hands will be romantic.”
Yamaguchi’s face were saying ‘I can’t believe you.’ while he’s looking at Tsukishima. 
" Omg, you're crazy Tsukki."
Yamaguchi said with unbelivable voice. Tsukishima shrugged and leans his head side to side Yams’s
" And this is why you love me Yams, am ı wrong?"
" Pfft, shut up Tsukki!"
" Oops- sorry Yams."
Both giggled and keep going to walk Tadashi’s house.
Tsukishima throws himself to the bed. Looks up to window. ‘Oh, ı guess rain was stop.” 
Yamaguchi was giving food to his Irene named cat.
 “ Irene jealous of you  when you come to my house, you know.”
Tsukishima is watching his boyfriend. 
“ I don’t care so come here and let me steal away you from Irene one more time darling.”   
said while he is looking for some music cds.
“ Okay okay, let’s put in order these books.” Tadashi, took a hairpin and tied his hair. 
“ Do you know how you are look so pretty when you are with hair tied?”  Tsukishima is mumbling by yourself but Yams heard this and give a kiss him. 
“ Imm, absouletly ı can still taste your coffee Tsukki.” 
“ Excuse me Yams!?”
“ Get up your ass and come to help.Now.” 
“ Yes,your majesty! “
“ Thats my darling!”
“ No no, you should put these on the second shelf..”
Yamaguchi takes Kei’s hand and moving to the second shelf. ‘Fufu, ı can do many mistakes only for this.’
“ And there only left behind what you gave ! “
Tadashi said with cheerful and also tired voice. Irene was looking to them all that time.
“ Oh my, I find pride and prejudice! Yams!”
Tadashi went kitchen for prepare tea and some orange cookies. He knew Kei crazy in love with these cookies so he always makes some for him.
“ You gave me the Jane Austen’s books Tsukki!  Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Mansfield Park, Sense and Sensibility. I haven’t read yet. I was waiting until the clean my library.”
Yamaguchi comeback his room. He puts tea and cookies on the table. “ If you are not leaving soon, we can start to reading one of these books, Kei.” 
Tsukishima takes one cookie. “ How can ı say no,while you bringing my favourite cookie?  I think you are doing on purpose for me to stay here Yams.”  
Yamaguchi laughed loudly and flipped to the Tsukishima’s forehead. “Ouch, you are so into the violence Yams, thats not good.” 
“ Ha-ha, don’ pretend like that Tsukki. I know you are simp for me and ı know you like to stay at my home.” 
“Then, take your second cup tea and come to my arms, let’s read some book Yams.”
Oh my oh my, ı can’t believe myself for doing this. Actually, ı write a lots of stuff but english is my not primitive language. And ı wrote english story for the first time. There could be so many mistakes, ım sorry for that. ı’ll try my best to fix it. 
İnstead of the reading this oneshot, just look at the pictures *nervous laughs* , they are so beatiful than this >,,<
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thefloorisbalaclava · 7 years
Impeccable Timing - Yusuf Tazim x Female Reader
A/N: I was inspired by @native-snowflake‘s HCs about how Yusuf would be with a pregnant S/O and this is what came of it.
And let’s face it, we need more Yusuf content in our lives.
Words: 1,973 Warnings: none
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You wake feeling queasy again. This was a common occurrence these past few months, but you never quite got used to it. You roll out of bed quietly as not to wake Yusuf – all he would do was panic and there was no reason for it.
The sun hits your face as you rush outside and get rid of everything you ate for dinner last night. Your stomach roiled and the baby stirred.
“Are you going to let me keep any food in there for you, bebek?” you ask rubbing your growing tummy gently. The morning sickness had ebbed a bit but it still bothered you. You hear rapid footsteps behind you then panting.
“Aᶊkim…aᶊkim, are you okay?” Yusuf asks breathlessly. “I woke up and you were not there…” He pushes your hair away from your face and looks at you concerned.
“I’m fine, Yusuf. Just a little morning sickness.”
“I should make you some tea. Turkish tea…”
“Is good for me. I know,” you finish. You were being snappy again but Yusuf only smiled and led you back into the house. He helped you sit, not letting go until you were fully seated. You sit back and close your eyes while Yusuf scrambles around making tea. The baby kicks suddenly and you sit up, touching your stomach. “Yusuf!”
He runs to you and drops to his knees in front of you. “Are you okay?!” You nod and take his hand, pressing it to your stomach. He looks up at you, eyebrows furrowed in confusion until he feels it. The kick. He looks at your stomach and sighs contentedly. “So strong,” he says proudly.
“Just like you,” you add making him smile and blush.
“You are the strong one here. Carrying another life inside you is the epitome of strength.” He stares at and rubs your stomach lovingly before laying his head against it. His beard and hair tickle you but you welcome it.
You run your fingers through his hair and he exhales. “Koca, the tea,” you say sweetly. He laughs that laugh you love so much and sits up, standing with a groan.
“The tea,” he repeats and walks to get it. He rushes back over with two steaming cups of tea. “Be careful it’s hot,” he warns and you giggle at the obvious statement.
Ever since you got pregnant, Yusuf has been overly protective. Not that he didn’t protect you before this, but not it seemed as if everything was a danger to you – cool breeze could get you sick, the water in your bath had to be just right or you could be burned. And you could forget about carrying things. He was also worried about your tripping and falling and no matter how much you reassured him, he hardly let you do anything. Even now he watched at you drank your tea.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” you ask.
“Can’t a man admire his beautiful wife?” he asks in response, making you smile brightly.
When you finish your tea, he takes the cup from you and kisses your forehead. You may complain about his fussing over you, but in all honesty, you couldn’t ask for a more loving and loyal man to call husband. He treated you like a queen, even when you weren’t pregnant, and never left your side any longer than he had to.
You stand up from the chair slowly using the arm to steady yourself.
“Tatlım!” Yusuf exclaims running to your side, “What are you doing?”
“S-standing up,” you say through a clenched jaw, exerting yourself.
“You should have called for me.”
“Yusuf… you have to let me do things on my own sometimes! Just because I am with child doesn’t mean I can’t do things!” you shout and tears fill your eyes immediately. “I feel useless enough already.” You sob and Yusuf pulls you against him, filling your nostrils with his sandalwood scent.
“Hush now… I am sorry if I make you feel useless. It’s just that I’m so worried. I want to protect you and our baby. I don’t want anything to happen to you… to either of you.” You can hear the worry, the concern in his voice and you know he means well.
“I know, my love. I know. I’m sorry for being so emotional,” you mumble into his neck.
“I know you don’t mean it. That bebek is trouble already and they aren’t even here yet,” he jokes.
“Like someone else I know,” you say and you can hear his breath hitch.
“I am not trouble.” You look up at him and scoff. “Okay, maybe I am, but would you have fallen for me if I wasn’t?”
“Oh, you mean if you hadn’t run into me, knocking my basket out of my hands while running from guards?”
Yusuf chuckles. “I remember that. One look at you and I had forgotten why I was running in the first place.”
“Remember how many times I turned you down before I finally let you treat me to dinner?” You smile at the memory. It had been more romantic than anything anyone had ever done for you. You fell in love with him that night. “That dinner changed my life forever,” you tell him.
“It changed both of our lives…for the better.” He lifts your head so he can kiss you. It’s a little harder for you to reach his mouth now with your stomach in the way but you make it work. You pull away and wince at a sudden pain in your stomach. “Are you okay? It’s not time, is it?” Yusuf asks.
You shake your head, “No. We still have a few weeks left. I just get pains every occasionally, I’m fine.”
“Well, you should get off your feet anyway.” This was one time when you could agree with him. You were tired. It didn’t take much these days. As soon as he puts you to bed, you fall asleep and stay asleep for hours.
When you wake up, you find Yusuf sitting at the other end of the bed with his head hanging low. “Are you okay, my love?” you ask sleepily. You can see him tense up and he has a hard time turning to face you. “Yusuf, what is it?”
“I…I have to go away for a week or so,” he admits. You knew it would happen. It was expected in his line of ‘work’.
“If it’s only a week then you’ll be back in time for…the baby. Go do what you have to do and come back to me.”
He looks back at you, shaking his head in disbelief. “You are so understanding. I don’t deserve you.” He crawls up the bed so that he can be face-to-face with you. “I can’t leave you when you’re so close. I can’t miss that moment.”
“You won’t miss it. I know it. You have impeccable timing, my darling,” you tease and he finally cracks a smile.
You spend the day in bed with him before saying goodbye later that night. Yusuf went through the trouble of hiring a woman to look after you while he was gone. You should have known he wouldn’t have left without making preparations for you. The only trouble is that the woman is just as worrisome as your husband and won’t allow you to do a thing without her watching you.
The week goes by quickly and you find yourself on bedrest most of the time. You keep telling yourself that any moment now Yusuf would come running through that door and be at your side, but the next few days go by without a word.
After drying yourself after bathing one day, you look down to see water dripping onto the floor from between your legs. That was strange seeing as how you were completely dry.
…then it hit you. You call for Akila, the woman Yusuf hired, and she rushes in to help you. Luckily, she seems to have done this before. She keeps you as calm as possible while grabbing towels, water, and whatever else she needs. She tells you to breathe through the pain though at times it seems impossible.
“Where…is…Yusuf?!” you ask her as if she would know.
“I am sure he will be here soon, hanımefendi. You must stay calm for now though. Breathe.” Akila dabs your head with a wet cloth then lifts your dress and looks between your legs. You feel something but you’re in too much pain to care. “The bebek will be here soon,” she says with an excited smile.
“No…no! Yusuf! I need Yusuf.” But the baby does not want to wait any longer. Another contraction comes and Akila urges you to push. You were so tired and irritated. “No more, please!” You just wanted this to be over. Another contraction comes and you scream out for Yusuf. You scream for the pain to end.
“Keep going!” Akila encourages, “I can see the head!”
“What?!” The door crashes open and Yusuf comes stumbling in, sweaty and disheveled but excited. “Yusuf!” He grabs your hand right before the pain hits you again and Akila tells you to push. He whispers words of encouragement as you scream and squeeze his hand which he’ll probably regret later.
“Are you sure you wish to be in here for this, Bayım?” Akila asks him and you can feel him hesitate for a moment before answering.
“E-evet… yes, of course.” He kisses the back of your hand.
“Good because the baby is coming now. One more big push,” she tells you and you groan. You don’t think you have the energy to push anymore, but you had to. When the pain comes again you push and push and push until…
You hear a high-pitched cry come from where Akila is kneeling. She looks as happy and relieved as you are. “Tebrik ederiz… it’s a boy.” She places the crying baby on your chest and you cry right along with him.
“Hello, my beautiful boy,” you say. Yusuf has been quiet this whole time and you look over at him. “Yusuf…are you happy?”
He nods slowly and reaches out to touch the baby carefully as if he might break at the slightest touch. “He is here,” he says in disbelief. “Our child…” The baby wraps his little hand around Yusuf’s finger and you can hear him gasp.
You smile and cry more as Yusuf talks to the baby until Akila takes him to clean him off and bundle him up. When she hands him back to you and shake your head and nod to Yusuf who looks as if he might pass out.
“Hold your son, Yusuf.”
He takes the baby carefully and holds him close to his chest while swaying. “Hello, yavru,” he says happily. “I am your papa.” He becomes more comfortable the longer he holds him and that was all you wanted. “What are we going to call him?” he asks.
“He has to be named after someone special. Someone who is strong, loving, and handsome. Someone who shares that same dark hair - the most wonderful man I know.” You look at your husband who now has tears shining in his eyes. “We will call him Yusuf.”
“I am not worthy of such an honor,” he says looking down at his son.
“Of course you are.” He walks over to you with little Yusuf who is now sound asleep and puts him in your arms gently.
“I almost missed it,” Yusuf says sadly.
“But you didn’t. I told you, you have impeccable timing.” You smile and he kisses you and at that moment the baby coos in his sleep. “I think he agrees.”
Yusuf chuckles and kisses the baby’s cheek, “I love you…both of you,” he says.
“And we love you, baba.”
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