#Then goodbye
dnalt-d2 · 26 days
Recent Egg Developments, How I Feel About It, and What I'm Doing After
Alright I'm gonna stop being sad for like two minutes, or at least long enough to explain what exactly happened for those who missed it
So we had the Murder Mystery Event today, and a lot of people showed up. It was really fun, and we really enjoyed it
And then, after it was over, Richarlyson informed us that he was leaving QSMP. He did not give a reason as far as I know, and I don't think it's smart or fair to speculate. I have my own ideas as to why, but I know that sharing them wouldn't be productive
Not long after, over on Phil's stream, Chayanne and Lullah informed us that they were leaving as well. They did talk pretty vaguely about "The next time they wake up," but this could have likely been some flowery language and not literal. There's a strong chance they will not wake up in QSMP again
As of now, Pepito and Leo are the only Eggs confirmed to still be part of the project, but I'm not really sure what the future will hold for them
Like I said before, I am personally hoping this is a sort of indefinite hiatus. Like they're leaving and there's a strong chance they won't come back, but there could be a non-zero chance sometime in the future. I would not get my hopes up for this though, because the chances of that happening are most likely very slim
I am honestly really sad about this development, but we all knew this couldn't last forever. I wish we had a better resolution, but this is how things are for now. I don't know if this is related to the Admin Situation or not, but again, since that hasn't been confirmed, we shouldn't speculate. It's just as possible that they felt they were done with this chapter of their life, which is entirely fair. I will never hold this decision against them, and I really hope others don't either. I wish them the best, and I wish you all the best as well, QSMPblr
Because I'm honestly not sure where I'm gonna go from here. Chayanne and Lullah were a huge reason I was so invested with QSMP, and the same goes for all the other Eggs. And while I'd love to say that I'll definitely stick around 100%, I'm just not sure I'll do that. I guess we'll see, but if I start petering out after this, know that I had a hell of a time over here
I've never been part of a fandom to this capacity before, and I had a hell of a time. Theorizing, ranting, sharing my thoughts, it was all a blast. And I wanna say that I might not have interacted with others due to anxiety, but I was always so happy to see that people liked what I had to say, and seeing that some people were coming back for it, or going through my blog and liking everything. I may have never said anything, but I saw you, and I appreciate you all so much
I might start talking about more non-QSMP Stuff here too, so if anyone who followed me JUST for QSMP, sorry. But I don't want this blog to die out, because it's been such a fun chapter for me. It might be a new chapter now, but I'm still gonna be here for it
Thanks again everyone. Thanks Egg Admins, Non-Egg Admins, QSMP Creators, QSMPblr, and Everyone else in-between
And of course, Thanks Quackity, for making such an incredible experience
It's been a wild ride
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hey-kae · 1 year
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OH! Oh okay! Sure!
What was the question tho? No clue but YES
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amygdalae · 8 months
we're having sex and you pull out at the end to discover your cock is entirely gone, dissolved (ive digested it like a pitcher plant). bye!
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moxley · 7 months
all my advice about using real athletes to learn drawing bodies beyond hard abs, and my particular pref being wrestlers, also applies to women btw. you can draw women who r strong and not an hourglass shape. fucking do it.
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kris statlander, rhea ripley (look at her SHAPE), willow nightingale, ruby soho, these r just four off the top of my head that have obvious musculature and different body types. skye blue and julia hart have more slim cheerleader style bodies as well, i REALLY wanted to put emi sakura who is fucking STOUT (adoring) in this post but i couldn't find a good demonstrative pic, the list goes on
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genericpuff · 5 months
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starting 2024 off on a good fucking note
snoozing tumblr live PERMANENTLY 👏👏👏
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kimdokjas · 2 months
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though the movie might be cancelled, yuri on ice will live forever in our hearts. thank you yoi fandom, it's been real ♡
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thicc-mint-cookie · 6 months
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Get jolly with it
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snoopyoftheday · 5 months
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snoopy of the day
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sokkas-first-fangirl · 5 months
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bananacatmeow · 3 months
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ah yes, even at 12 percy still messes with frank in spirit.
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mtridactyla · 8 months
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yeehawkpierce · 8 months
I don’t know if I ever told this story on here but apparently when my mom was back in college one of her final exams was scheduled for the evening of the mash finale and a bunch of students complained and threw a fit until finally the professor was like “show of hands: how many of you are planning on skipping my exam to go watch mash?” And like a good 80% raised their hands and the prof was like “…and what if that meant you failed the entire course?” And apparently only a few students put their hands down so the guy had to reschedule the exam. Moral of the story: there’s power in numbers and also mash was and forever will be more important than statistical analysis
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dungeonmessy · 2 months
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couldn't stop thinking of this
(joke from here)
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pansexualnoodle5 · 1 year
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tizzymcwizzy · 8 months
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can you tell the brain rot is coming back
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stuckinapril · 8 months
Sometimes you just have to look at someone who’s being unnecessarily rude or unkind or hostile towards you & wrinkle your nose & go “it’s not that deep. you’re so weird for thinking it’s that deep” & then go back to your happy fulfilling life that will forever be independent of how people perceive u
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