#Tomb Raider Community
tombraidergirlde · 11 months
Community Event: Die Rückkehr des Tomb Raider Meetings
Dieses Jahr wird endlich wieder das 4-tägige Fantreffen mit dem Namen “Tomb Raider Meeting” im Harz stattfinden.
Das Tomb Raider Meeting ist zurück und wird vom 15. bis 18. Juni 2023 (daher nicht wie gewohnt zum Fronleichnams-Termin, sondern eine Woche später), allerdings am gewohnten Ort, dem Gruppenhaus in Bad Grund stattfinden.
Was ist das Tomb Raider Meeting?
Das Tomb Raider Meeting ist ein Treffen für Fans, bei dem man gemeinsam 4 Tage in einem Selbstversorgerhaus verbringt und sich dabei austauscht, spielt, Abenteuer erlebt, wandert, und einfach viel Spaß hat. Man kann für das Tomb Raider Meeting, nicht zu alt, oder zu jung sein, und auch die aktuelle Begeisterung für Tomb Raider schwankt in unserer Gruppe. Manche von uns haben nur die Klassik-Spiele (1-5) gespielt, andere sind erst spät dazu gekommen, die einen bauen mit Begeisterung auch nach über 20 Jahren noch Custom Levels, andere sind zu anderen modernen Spielen auf PS5 weiter gezogen. 
Die Teilnahme am Tomb Raider Meeting kostet dieses Jahr, auf Grund der gestiegenen Preise, 99 Euro für das gesamte Wochenende - 3 Übernachtungen, 3 x Frühstück, 1 x Abendbrot (Do), 2 x Grillen (Fr&Sa),  Getränke (Cola, Fanta, Wasser, Bier...) Die Unterbringung finden in maximal 4-Bett-Zimmern statt, die aber nie voll belegt werden. 
Wie nehme ich am Meeting teil?
Dieser Punkt ist denkbar einfach, dadurch aber für Neulinge vielleicht auch abschreckend.
meldet euch im Meetingforum ( https://rollingball.de/wbb/ ) an, um alle nachfolgenden Links im Forum öffnen zu können
lest euch die Teilnahmebedingungen ( http://tr-meeting.rollingball.de/teilnahmebedingungen ) und den Beitrag zum diesjährigen Treffen (https://rollingball.de/wbb/index.php/Thread/1631-TR-Meeting-XXI-Return-of-the-Meeting/) durch
überweist den Beitrag (99 Euro pro Person) unter Angabe eures Namens (üblicherweise Nickname, stellt euch am besten irgendwo im Forum kurz vor) auf das bei Andreas - oder im Notfall auch mir - zu erfragende Konto (aus Sicherheitsgründen ist die Kontonummer nicht öffentlich nachzulesen)
Daraufhin taucht ihr in der Teilnehmerliste ( https://rollingball.de/wbb/index.php/Thread/1632-Liste-der-Teilnehmenden-Stand-22-Mai-2023/ ) auf. Dann müsst ihr nur noch am Donnerstag den 15.06.2023, ab 14 Uhr in Bad Grund am Selbstversorgerhaus (Clausthaler Str. 40) aufschlagen und gute Laune, und auch gerne einen Kuchen mitbringen.
Falls ihr euch unsicher seid, kann ich euch empfehlen, dass ihr versucht, ein paar der Teilnehmer kennen zu lernen, da viele in der Community sehr aktiv sind - Webseitenbetreiber, Gamescom-Besucher, Tomb Raider Suite-Konzert-Besucher usw. - dürfte das nicht schwer fallen.
Was muss ich mitbringen
Dieser Punkt ist sehr individuell, ein paar Dinge sollte aber jeder mitbringen:
Gute Laune - Die muss jetzt nicht unbedingt mit reisen, die kann man auch vor Ort sehr schnell finden
mindestens ein Pulli oder eine Jacke (auch im Sommer)
Badelatschen oder Hausschuhe (hauptsächlich für den Weg zur Dusche)
Feste Schuhe (ggf fürs Geocachen/Wandern, wenn man mit möchte)
Shampoo, Duschgel, Creme …
Zahnbürste und Zahnpasta
Kamm oder Haarbürste
Mobiltelefon mit Ladekabel
Weitere hilfreiche Gegenstände (je nach Bedarf): Fön, Brille, Kontaktlinsen + Flüssigkeit, Ohrstöpsel gegen schnarchende Zimmerpartner, Sonnenöl, Sonnenbrille, Sonnenhut…
Und dann gibt es noch die Dinge, die man mitbringen kann:
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Kuchen - für die Allgemeinheit
Knabberkram - für die Allgemeinheit oder nur für sich 
das Lieblingsgetränk (Energy Drink, den Lieblingswein, Prosecco und Erdbeeren, Tequila...)
Laptop (oder wer gerne schleppt auch PC mit Zubehör) - zur eigenen Unterhaltung, zum Testen und Vorzeigen von Custom Levels, oder zum Spielen aktueller Spiele, je nach Ausstattung und persönlicher Vorlieben -  oder Tablet - zum Zocken von mobilen Spielen, um seine Farm oder die Drachen nicht zu vernachlässigen, oder um Notizen zu machen, zu Zeichnen oder Geocaching Touren zu planen
Spielekonsole - Switch, Steamdeck, PS5, Xbox Series X, das Gerät ohne das man das Haus nicht verlassen möchte. Wobei zu sagen ist, dass es nur einen Fernseher vor Ort gibt, und ggf schon baugleiche Geräte mitgebracht werden, am Besten im Forum absprechen, und vielleicht nur Spiele oder Spielstände einpacken (bzw. in die Cloud hochladen)
Gesellschaftsspiele - Brettspiele, Kartenspiele, Trinkspiele, Spiele für den Garten 
Teile der Sammlung - Was auch gelegentlich mitgebracht wird sind Lara Figuren, Artbooks, Waffenattrappen, Cosplay Items. alles was ihr ggf vorzeigen möchtet oder gerne dabei habt.
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Was erwartet mich?
Bei Ankunft wird man erst einmal begrüßt. Man kann sich dann kurz frisch machen und sich ein Getränk und ein Stück Kuchen nehmen - vorausgesetzt Getränke wurden bereits geliefert (Softgetränke) bzw gekocht (Kaffee) und die Kuchenbäcker sind schon da - und bei gutem Wetter auf der Terrasse, ansonsten im Aufenthaltsraum, Platz nehmen. Man sollte aber nicht vergessen, dass man zeitnah seine Sachen aufs Zimmer bringen, und vielleicht sogar das Bett überziehen möchte, weil nachts um 4 hat man da erfahrungsgemäß keine Lust mehr drauf. 
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Den ersten Tag verbringt man erfahrungsgemäß am Haus, da die Anreisezeiten sehr verschieden sind und man immer noch auf weitere Teilnehmer wartet. Auch das Aufbauen von Hardware, das Anrühren von Jelly Shots und das verzweifelte Suchen von Läden, die in Bad Grund Badeschlappen verkaufen, gehört am ersten Tag zu den beliebtesten Beschäftigungen. Ist es die Zahnpasta, die man vergessen hat, findet man die zu Fuß beim Nahkauf, sind es die Shotgläschen für Jellyshots, kann das schonmal schlecht ausgehen, hat man allerdings ein Ladekabel vergessen, dann wird man wohl oder übel nach Osterode fahren müssen.
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Abends gibt es ein gemeinsames Abendbrot mit Brötchen, Belag, Gemüse... Danach werden vermutlich Spiele ausgepackt, oder die Konsolen in Beschlag genommen, es sei denn, man hat sich festgequatscht.
Freitag und Samstag verbringen wir dann häufig mit Erkundungstouren (das können Shoppintouren in benachbarte Orte oder zu Ludmilla - dem lokalen Krimskramsladen,  Cachingtouren oder einfache Wanderungen sein)
Ganz in der Nähe gibt es Lost Places:
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Das Bergbaumuseum:
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Und andere Skurrilitäten:
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Manchmal ist man aber auch einfach nur faul und sitzt auf der Terrasse bei Gummibärchen, Ananas und Melone.
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Details im Überblick:
Termin: 15. bis 18. Juni 2023
Ort: Selbstversorgerhaus, Bad Grund (Harz), Niedersachsen
Kosten: 99 Euro (Do-So)
Meetingforum:  https://rollingball.de/wbb/
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thexfridax · 2 years
👆🏾👆🏾 Annual Extra Life fundraiser via Stella / tombraiders.net
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ohthetombraider · 2 months
I need to start hiding people from my Twitter/X timeline. The entitlement is getting out of hand in the TR community. It’s just as bad as the sims fandom complaining everything needs to be given away for free.
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piotrbricks · 2 years
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Lyla Croft & Joanna Thunder 🧭🌳
What If… Johnny Thunder (main protagonists of LEGO: Adventurers series) had a daughter who’d team up with Lara Croft’s (from Tomb Raider) unknown younger sister.
🏹 Lyla Croft - on the left (tan/black shirt, black bandana, bow, lighter)
🗡 Joanna Thunder - on the right (black shirt, white bandana, machete, binoculars)
I must say, I really enjoyed building these explorers. And I like how they turned out.
And I think I found an interesting location and managed to do some quite decent photos 😊📷
Hope you’ll enjoy these two brave Adventurers!
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forglam · 1 year
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Lara Croft from "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider" movie, swing with vines across high stone pillar, in front of stone walls with a large face mural, inside ancient undiscovered king's tomb, lit with sun light leaks from trees. Cinematic HDR wide shot photo by "Corey Arnold" featured in "National Geographic"
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mintyscuriocabinet · 27 days
Minty Goes Up North! (3/4)
Dustin the Turkey, an Irish Icon!
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The Terminator controller I only know about because of Ashens
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Japanese Star Wars poster
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Transformers!!! I love transformers
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More Star Wars yummy yummy
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MIB Action Man Training Tower
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A Disney candy factory
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The Cursed Jar Jar™ chilling with who I think is Lara Croft
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lukeyboygames92 · 11 months
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gaminghearts1-blog · 1 year
New Tomb Raider Game Coming Soon? (Video)
View On WordPress
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djwaglmuffin · 1 year
Tomb Raider and chill
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registrymoon · 2 years
Rise of the tomb raider communications breakdown
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AFM: America Movil stake raised to 20.02% (841423137 ord shares) up from 16.08%.
Nicola works closely with the expat community here in the Orihuela Costa and surrounding areas, her areas of work are NIEs, Residencia, Wills and any Traffic matters. See more: Watch Batman The Killing Joke Free Online Hd, Batman: The Killing Joke (2016)Īre you struggling to find genuine, honest, English- speaking legal help in Pilar de la Horadada, Mil Palmeras, Los Alcazares, Torre Pacheco or similar areas? If so we can help! Don’t sign anything before talking to us and give you our legal advice.
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Apparently it is a unique health food that has many benefits, not just in fighting cancer (so I am going to have to learn to get to like it…). The other interesting fact about cephalopod ink is that recent research as shown it is toxic to some cells, including tumour cells. Sepia as a word is actually associated with the brown colour of cuttlefish ink. Each species releases slightly different coloured ink the octopus generally black ink, squid blue-black ink and cuttlefish have a more brownish ink. Ink is released by almost all cephalopods into the water as an escape mechanism to confuse predators. If the squid came with their ink, put that in instead of the tomato. The bigger ones, fry some chopped onion, garlic & a little red pepper for 5-10 mins in olive oil, then add the squid with either/both white wine & tomato. Cooking them at home if small toss into seasoned flour and drop into a deep fryer for about 60 seconds. “Chipirones” are baby squid or very small cuttlefish and are usually seen battered and deep fried, and are the ultimate snack food. A cuttlefish has shorter tentacles and so the body or tube is where the thick slices come from. When I was a child I remember we used to have hard pieces of dried white cuttlefish in our aviary for the birds to peck on. It can be stewed, grilled, friend or boiled. It is very white and thick and has a subtle flavour. It is not as common and is sort of a cross between an octopus and a squid. The tube can also be stuffed.Ĭuttlefish in Spanish is “jibia” or the more popular culinary name is “sepia”. Calamari are generally found fried (the tube or tentacles) and are delicious, crunchy and tasty. The tentacles help them catch their prey. Squid have two tentacles and two fins on their head. Octopus have round heads, but squid have a triangular shaped head, but eight legs. “Calamar” is the Spanish word for squid, usually seen on menus as calamari. The tentacles are quite long and are cut into pieces, and the head can be sliced. A Spanish friend of mine taught me that when blanching the octopus, it should be dipped into boiling water three times then placed in simmering water for an hour or two with say chopped onion and a bay leaf. If you are going to try it for the first time, you might be better with “pulpo a la plancha” or grilled octopus, rather than boiled, as this can be chewy. Pulpo is delicious but has to be cooked carefully or it can be tough.
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They have eight legs, almost always covered on the undersides with suckers. Most people would know what an octopus looks like and they can be tiny or absolutely huge monsters.
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healermainmillenial · 2 years
D&D curse idea
+ This curse spreads when one cursed individual succeeds touching another with a touch-attack (armor isn’t any help) .
To the afflicted: - Nothing changes about how you see or hear yourself or others, including other afflicted. - Every 6 seconds (once a round) that you are aware of the presence of others, the urge to touch them grows stronger. - After the first round, make a DC (1+X) Will save every round to continue being in control of your actions. - X is every round after the first that you are aware of the presence of other sentient individuals that can interact with you. - If you fail a saving throw, at least one of the actions of your round needs to be to move closer to the individual(s) or attempt to touch them. - If you fail on the subsequent round, all of your actions must be to attempt to touch a non-cursed individual. - If on the next round you succeed, you regain control of all of your actions again. - If you move out of line of effect of the individuals that you are aware of and can see, the urge to touch them goes away and your count goes back to 0. - If you touch someone, the urge to touch others is abated for 30 seconds, and your X score is reduced by 5. ++ If you succeed on a Will saving throw that is equal to your Wisdom score, your curse ends. - The memories you make when you are cursed can only be remembered when you are cursed. - You can be cursed again, right away.
To the non-afflicted: - Visually seeing a cursed individual is obvious; their skin appears as the darkest of the night skies. - It is as if their skin is a green-screen, as if their skin is a hole punched into the area they occupy to view the night behind them and the planet. - When the individual is aware of others who are not cursed, the "night sky" starts to become populated with stars. More and more stars come in to view as their saving throw difficulty increases. - When the DC increases above 5, their skin starts to show the twistings of galaxial arms and the nether. This has a fascinating effect that may Stagger (one action a round) onlookers (DC= same will save as the afflicted every round) When the DC increases above 10, their skin starts to show nebulae, glowing gasses blown around by solar winds. - Its almost as if you're zooming in and seeing more and more colors; the hues, brightness and vividness the likes of which one rarely will ever see, as the urge of the afflicted increases. - If the cursed individual attempts to communicate, to speak, to write, or use telepathy, the language is incomprehensibly garbled. - Even magic that lets you comprehend languages, even telepathy, is beguiled. - Only body language, the movements of their own body, can be used to attempt to communicate in a way that may transcend the curse's effects. - This must be done with the player's movements in front of the others attempting to charade their intentions. - This is still difficult as hand signals are hard-to-see because of the nature of the silhouette of your hand being nigh distinguishable. Indeed if your hands are in front of your face, the green-screen effect removed the distinguishing features of your hand.
- Once the afflicted make their final saving throw, the curse being lifted, the skin of the individual appears as if a star explodes, and their skin returns to normal after a brief flash only viewable to non-afflicted.
Interesting notes about the curse; A small group of cursed individuals chasing a group of non-cursed individuals would be an endurance of horror.
Lets say that everyone is the same speed and endurance. A few people who are in the cursed crowd would reach the end of their curse, appear to explode to non-cursed. The cursed who are very desirous adjacent to them would immediately try to touch them, whom have no memories of their time being cursed and are possibly fascinated by the stars. The cursed group would be sated for a few rounds, having recursed their "friend" to the horror of the onlookers. Indeed, it would appear as if their old selves were immediately devoured by the stars again. Then the cursed group would either, if they got their wits about them again, run away from each other, or toward the group again. Scary stuff!
If a few were imprisoned to be observed, recursing each other time and again. It would be exhausting on the mind to be constantly jumbling memories. They would still need to plead to eat and drink of course. And that temptation should still overcome the need to touch non-cursed.
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sahonithereadwolf · 3 days
"Protect the Sacred's first complete playtest is here! Protect the Sacred is a anticolonial pulp adventure game that looks to emulate the mood and tone of the pulp movement beyond just as the globe-trekking adventure of stories like Indiana Jones, Johnny Quest, and Tomb Raider, but also pulp as horror, mystery, sci-fi, drama, and even romance.
In Protect The Sacred you work as a member of The Memento Group, an organization that, nominally, is an international nonprofit who is mostly interested in historical preservation, cultural outreach, and the building and support of museums and landmarks. As well as deconstructing and interrogating the colonial legacies of various academias and how they continue into today.
In truth, while they do that work and more, they are also a community-facing resource of specialists who look to protect, preserve, and reclaim a world of magic, monsters, and mystical artifacts on behalf of who they belong to and on that community's terms. Because for the Players of Protect The Sacred, all the intangibles of culture are all so very tangible.
Play as adventurers armed with folkloric magic power, deeply rooted in their connections to the culture around them. From wielding a legendary magical item, to practicing a cultrual magic, to taking the form of the fiercest monsters from your people's stories.
Explore the mythic realms talked about in the legends of heroes and gods as part of the Grand Outside, a magical otherworld in a mutually affecting relationship with the material. Explore a secret wizards nightmarket for clues and rumors on a trail for a stolen remains. Brave impossible and strange dungeons formed by stories that need to be told and stare truth straight in the eyes. Plan a heist to steal back the pilfered and stolen.
In this game I look to ask people to consider themselves, their relationship to culture, and what it looks like. I want you to consider and think on the meaning and value of the stories, lessons, and skills we pass on to others. I want to ask how we could challenge the ways we build and engage with history and these stories. This is a game where you fist fight fascism in many forms. It's a game about telling stories and building heroes. Are you ready to Protect the Sacred?" --- Information about joining the playtest can be found in the link! I'm excited to show y'all what I've been working on for about 2 and a half years.
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laracroftdaily · 3 months
Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft
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"Within pre-production, we divided the conversation into three buckets: engineering, gameplay, and art. With these categories in mind, we led our conversations in the same order."
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"For our modern controller settings, we take inspiration from the Legend, Anniversary, and Underworld era of Tomb Raider. These changes are felt mostly in the way Lara moves – the right stick has full camera control and Lara moves directionally based on camera position. 
Just like our approach to the graphical presentation, the original tank-style controls are still available to players via a menu toggle."
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"One of Tomb Raider’s strengths was the minimal UI. However, this can be frustrating for tougher bosses with massive amounts of health. We added a health bar to let you know if you should swap to the grenade launcher or if you should keep soaking pistol damage."
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"While the menus in Tomb Raider used 3D models for the health kit and ammo, the in-game assets were flat 2D sprites. This was a legacy compromise that we’ve adjusted to give a little more umph to item pick-ups."
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"This is a big moment for the Tomb Raider community, so we made sure to pack in as much content as possible. We’re excited to say there are over 200 trophies to earn including (my personal favorite) locking the Butler in the freezer. Sorry, Winston! See below for a sneak peak of a few you can look forward to discovering!"
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"Exploring environments in Tomb Raider is magical. We want you to be able to share these environments and iconic moments, so we’ve added a robust photo mode to pose Lara, freeze gameplay, toggle between classic and modern graphics, and showcase these environments. We’re super excited to see what the community puts together with these modes."
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"And a fews more surprises..." [Full article here]
TOMB RAIDER I-III REMASTERED is gonna be released February 14, 2024 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox and Switch!
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theresattrpgforthat · 5 months
I'm a TTRPG designer, and also a big fan of the video game Terraria. I'm stuck on fun ways to handle material gathering and crafting. Send me some inspiration! Thanks!
THEME: Gathering and Crafting
Hello friend! Putting this one together was very fun. I hope you enjoy it!
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Stoneburner, by Fari RPGs.
Stoneburner is a sci-fantasy solo-friendly demon-hunting community-building tabletop role-playing game.Inspired by the new school revolution movement, players take on the role of a group of dwarves who must assume control of a demon haunted mine, along with its accompanying settlement, which they inherited after the death of their distant relative.The game focuses on the dwarves' journey as they navigate the challenges of their new responsibilities, rebuild a new thriving community, and clear the mine of its fire spitting monsters.
A techno-fantasy game of exploration and survival. You’ll be delving into a mine to extract resources and attempting to maintain and protect your community not just from magical beasts, but also greedy and plotting rivals. The system is built on Breathless, which is pretty rules-lite on the face but has a lot of possibility to expand, borrowing quite a bit from the NSR but giving the GM specific cues where they have a license to complicate the story. You’ll find a lot of familiar pieces here, with character classes, special abilities, and loot tables. Stoneburner isn’t fully ready to be published quite yet, but in the meantime you can check out the free preview!
Hostile (Rules and Setting), by Zozer Games.
Welcome to the gritty, retro-future universe of HOSTILE. Based on the Cepheus Engine, these rules add in realistic combat rules as well as setting-specific rules from some of the eighteen HOSTILE supplements. When combined with its companion book, the HOSTILE Setting, you will have a complete, stand-alone, retro-future sci-fi game. HOSTILE is a gritty, near future roleplaying setting that is inspired by movies like Outland, Bladerunner and Alien. It is a universe of mining installations, harsh moons, industrial facilities, hostile planets and brutal, utilitarian spacecraft.
When I looked up info about this game, HOSTILE was described as not an ALIEN RPG, but rather an RPG that you could plug Alien into. It’s a space horror setting, but what kind of space horror is up to you. The Rulebook has rules on trade, salvaging, and other pieces of resource management, while the setting book contains construction rules for your own mega-ton spaceship. There’s also plenty of colonies, survival rules, campaign advice and encounter tables. If this is interesting to you, I’d recommend checking out the Double Shift Bundle, which offers both the Rulebook and the Setting Book for 20% off.
Forbidden Lands, by Free League Publishing.
Forbidden Lands is a new take on classic fantasy roleplaying. In this open-world survival roleplaying game, you’re not heroes sent on missions dictated by others - instead, you are raiders and rogues bent on making your own mark on a cursed world. You will discover lost tombs, fight terrible monsters, wander the wild lands and, if you live long enough, build your own stronghold to defend.
As raiders and rogues, in Forbidden Lands you will need to scavenge to survive. Built on Free League’s Year Zero Engine, this game uses an abstract resource called consumables which your characters will have to find regularly, because food goes bad and you can only carry so many things. The game focuses on the dangers of the road, although not all dangers are terrifying - you’re not fighting orcs all the time - sometimes you’re just battling mosquitoes and cold weather. There’s also rules about building, maintaining, and defending a stronghold, which sounds kind of similar to building and defending your house in Terraria. There’s a lot to keep track of in Forbidden Lands, and as long as you don’t mind playing characters with a somewhat loose moral compass, this game might be for you!
A Fistful of Darkness, by monkeyEcho.
A Fistful of Darkness is a Weird West Fantasy hack of Blades in the Dark with heavy emphasis on the fantasy part. It’s not intended to be an accurate history lesson or a simulation of past times. It is designed to be a cinematic game which lets you play all those Weird West tropes towards the end of the world.
Imagine a world with the magic and mystery of the frontier: wide open plains of the Old Wild West in all its beauty and madness, where violence and sacrifice dominate every single day. Now add the Hellstone rush, underground mayhem in mines and brand new sciences & machines. Don’t forget immigration, injustice, vigilante justice, outlaws, gunslingers, slick talkers and setting suns. This all in the face of an impending doom: Demons and the four riders bringing the end of the world as you know it. How do you make it to the top of this powder keg, which side will you take in the impending war and how much will your soul suffer? Let’s play to find out!
Forged in the Dark games abstract your resources a bit, but the Hellstone of A Fistful of Darkness is so important to the setting that you’ll find yourselves doing whatever you can to get your hands on it. It’s a crafting material, it’s currency, and it’s the bringer of mutations and curses, what with it being a demonic material and all. Because you’ll be running a group playbook alongside your own characters, you’ll be working together to improve your tools, allies, abilities and home base, especially if you choose the Scavengers Posse. If you like action and suspense as much as you like inventory and communal goals, then this game is for you.
LOOT, by Gila RPGs.
Do you love loot? Then you're in the right place.
Go on quests, find loot, do it all over again. Your character is entirely defined by the loot they wear and carry. Loot is generated and passed out at the end of each quest with a dynamic loot pool system.
This is an application of the LUMEN system that eschews dice. Players have a number of uses for each of their approaches, which can be spent to overcome obstacles. Complications arise when you have to cobble together a solution using a different approach, or when you avoid marking an approach at all. This is a game still in a free playtest, so the designer is happy to hear feedback if you decide to give it a whirl!
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olderthannetfic · 9 months
Reading for Context
I don’t really feel like scrolling through community profiles has taught me anything. People tend to just post normal tumblr posts and not tirades about shipping. I was told to just scroll OTNF go understand, but OTNF’s feed is just screenshots from a K-drama and idiots pestering him about pronouns for some reason. Is there like a specific way to do it? So… i’ve actually never understood the social conventions of other people in any group i’ve been in. I haven’t really had in real life friends since middle school.
This is actually kind of an interesting question.
First, let me be plain, what you've been asking repeatedly over the last couple of weeks or however long it's been is this:
How does a neurodivergent person who fundamentally is not good at social nuance, reading comprehension, and picking up on context get better at those things?
I've known people whose parents hired coaches to work with them on a weekly basis for years. "How does socializing work?" is not a simple question.
Teaching reading comprehension is hard too.
I vaguely remember a lot of times in school where English teachers spent whole semesters trying to get us to understand not only what figurative language meant in context but how to detect that it was present in the first place. I still remember this one 9th grade classmate wailing "But why does it have to be a metaphor?"
What you're asking about is something most people work on for decades, yet you want randos to summarize it simply in a few sentences.
The first thing that jumps out at me here is the superficiality of how you're describing engaging.
When people say to lurk, they're talking about a deep engagement with a community. They're talking about reading closely, including comments, for a month, not scrolling back through a week and just skimming the top-level posts.
Did you open the replies on my tumblr posts where other people besides me are discussing things? Did you look at the reblogs with content, and not just the ones I reblogged back onto my own tumblr?
Beyond the exact number of days you should read or the exact procedure, people are talking about a very in-depth kind of engagement in general. The point is that it's difficult to just come into a new space and know how it works without studying it.
For example, I talk about oldschool fanfic stuff a lot. A logical default assumption is that I'm a woman. Are you not familiar enough with fanfic spaces to assume that, or are you coming from Spacebattles or something?
Why on earth would you default to 'him'?
I'm not insulted: it just shows a staggering lack of clue about the context you found me in.
I've linked you to my patreon where you can see my pro writing pseudonym, which is obviously female. My tumblr itself links to my pro writing and gives my actual name, which is also fairly obviously feminine. I've also recently talked about being pregnant. Yes, it was oblique and I only confirmed it in the replies, not a top-level post, but plenty of regulars noticed. (Yes, yes, biology is not gender, but still...)
There are plenty of clues I'm not a "him", but you missed them all. I don't care about pronouns, but I do care about people who don't bother to or aren't capable of reading closely.
Quite a few people have sent me asks asking what I'm watching. I have repeatedly said that it's DMBJ and described it as "the Chinese tomb raider franchise". Yet you assumed it was Korean for some reason. This suggests that you just scrolled through quickly and did not actually thoroughly read the text of the posts or the replies. It suggests that your eyes skipped over the boring-looking short text posts in between the picspams.
It suggests you didn't bother to google what I was watching when I did say the name because you don't give enough of a shit to bother. That doesn't suggest a very high level of interest in my blog or any reason I should cut you any slack or pay attention to what you think.
It also suggests that you didn't look back all that far. I've been posting a lot about DMBJ, but I only started downloading Ultimate Note on July 15th and Tomb of the Sea on August 1st.
If you want to understand a community, scrolling hurriedly through one month of content and not actually reading it closely is insufficient.
This is what people mean when they say you're not willing to put in the work and want other people to do it for you.
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hils79 · 7 months
Hils Watches Conjuring Curse - Part 3
Part 3 very much later than the rest because I had to pause 10 mins from the end for my weekly group watch and then dinner
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He's back!
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Wu Xie/Murals is the true DMBJ OTP
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I mean that's kind of Wu Xie's thing
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Pangxie communicating with just a look was a nice touch
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Well, is it really DMBJ if no one is hallucinating
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Holy shit is this entire movie one big hallucination? That's up there with Time Raiders and Wu Xie's 'yeah, I made that whole thing up'
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Aww this reminds me of the stupid CGI monster at the end of Lost Tomb 2.5
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I love that it clawed a hole in Xiaoge's hoodie but didn't hurt him at all
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Peacock monster?
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HAHA! Amazing! The hole in his hoodie was just so we could get this lil peek at his tattoo
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Again with the whole leaving Xiaoge behind thing. I don't like it.
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It's not quite cool guy walking away from an explosion in slow motion but close enough
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Oh no Wu Xie is now deeply hallucinating
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And of course he's seeing his uncle. This poor kid and all his trauma
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Definitely not me crying because Pangzi and Xiaoge were there to snap him out of it
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Gosh I am so soft for these idiot boys
That was...fine? It was a fun action adventure story, but I don't think it contributed anything new to the existing canon. I'm curious why they decided to set this right before the Iron Triangle retire to Yucun but then cast such young actors. Honestly, this could have been set during any period of DMBJ and it would have made no difference to the plot.
So, yeah, enjoyable but probably not one I'll come back to and watch again.
Edit: @silver-colour pointed out there was a mid-credit scene so I'm back
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Was that Ji Xiaobing's voice? I couldn't tell
It's sad that that scene was more exciting than the rest of the movie 😂
Who is Xiao Hua sending to them though?
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