#Volt Runner
Beau: You ready to be redeemed?
Harumi: I'm ready to die.
Volt: That's the spirit!
Onyx: That is NOT the spirit.
Aspen: She would be a spirit if she died.
Harumi: Pull the trigger Piglet.
Volt: HA.
Beau: You guys are awful.
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stardusted-hearts · 2 years
@familylightfox asked:
Is a certain someone looking for a little teasing? Volt can do that with playful mismatched hands trailing along a peach chest and teeth ever so lightly pressing against a crook of Sonic’s neck. Only to end in a kiss instead.
As if Sonic wasn’t already looking pink enough with his new fur growing in. Nothing could have prepared him for such a bold and sudden move, he froze up, completely unable to compute what was happening fast enough to even consider moving. His quills, however, bristled as much as possible, along with the rest of his fur. By the time Volt’s lips touched his neck Sonic was literally a blue and pink puff ball with eyes the size of dinner plates.
A short second passed before Sonic suddenly backed up, not unlike a startled cat- and looking like one too. His heart was going faster than he could tolerate, or rather, he was experiencing some emotions he didn’t know how to handle. Overwhelmed, one could say. To an extreme.
“Volt! You- I- I think I left the iron in the oven! IGOTTAGO-”
With that, he’s gone, but if the nervous smile didn’t hint that he wasn’t exactly upset, the super fast uncontrollable tail wagging should have.
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robogirlwomb · 7 months
When the Roboverlords took over, those who cooperated or volunteered were allowed to choose their role in the new world. They were allowed to customize their chassis, given rights above the other humans that resisted, who would be converted or used as the Roboverlords saw fit.
When you explained what you wanted to become, there was no judgement from the assignment councilor, though perhaps you could hear some surprise in their synthesized voice.
Nonetheless, they told you that what you wanted to become would be simple.
After all, the robo-patrols hunting down the remaining humans needed attack dogs. Even better to have one as enthusiastic as you.
Now, just a few weeks later, here you were, on your first hunt. You'd had time to get used to your new frame, now was the time to put it to real use.
A pair of humans are running, far ahead of your capture party, stumbling through the brush of the woods as they sprint for their lives. Even so, you sit obediently on your stainless steel haunches, not daring to pull against your leash until you are permitted.
Your handler, sharing a grin with the other synths in the capture party, reaches down toward your neck. With a click that sounds as loud as a thunderclap, your leash comes unclicked.
"Get 'em." Your handler commands.
You spring forward in a flash, and you're already barreling through the bushes on all fours. Plants and tree stumps zoom past your periphery, a low, metallic barking already coming from your external speakers.
You are the size of a direwolf, but even those are a pale comparison to what you can do. Powerful metallic canine legs propel you forward, each paw adorned with steel claws sharpened to an atomic point.
The buzzsaw blades in your mouth scream into life as the runners come into view, and in the span of a heartbeat, you are upon them.
The sawblades dig into the ankle of the one on the left. He screams in agony as he falls to the ground, blood and viscera spraying from his mangled, barely-attached foot. You press your muzzle further, the intoxicating scents and tastes of iron and copper filling your synthetic senses of smell and taste with a heady rush like you'd never felt before.
The other runner, just a little ahead, curses as she shifts her weight backward, raising the bat she was carrying in an attempt to rescue her partner.
It's not even a metal bat. Adorable.
The thick wood bounces off your chassis harmlessly. She might as well be attacking a concrete wall. Without even looking at her, your long, bladed tail shoots toward her side.
She falls to the ground, screaming in pain, more and more lovely crimson blood trickling down. Her screams meld with your other victim, and you'd be able to feel your heart racing, if you still had one.
You'd love to just keep going, mangling and mauling the two of them until there were not even bones left to be licked clean... but you have your orders. They're to be brought in alive, for conversion and brainwashing, or for biomass. Whichever your masters decide.
And you are nothing if not a loyal attack dog.
The one's leg is barely attached by a string of sinew. He's not going anywhere. The other is in pain, but comparatively less injured. Your tail mostly stabbed through her meat.
Your choice made, you turn to face her. Long cables shoot from your mouth, around your now-still sawblades, embedding in her body. Her cries of pain are cut silent by the stream of volts you send through her. She shakes violently on the ground, until she at last falls still and silently.
You leave her companion where he is as you begin to stalk back toward your masters, dragging her unconscious form behind you by the cables. He calls for her as you drag her away. Let him. They'll be reunited soon enough anyway.
As it turns out, you don't have to go far. The capture party comes striding through the brush, meeting you halfway. One peels off from the rest to go retrieve the other runner.
Your handler smiles down at you with pearly white synthetic teeth. You retract the taser cables back into your mouth and sit on your haunches, panting happily.
Your handler scratches you behind the ears, pride in his eyes at the job you've done.
"Good dog."
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abatelunare · 7 months
Monologhi da ricordare
Ci sono tre film - io credo - che meritano soltanto per il monologo finale di uno dei protagonisti.
Il primo è Scent of a woman. La grintosa arringa di Al Pacino durante lo pseudo processo ambientato nella scuola in cui studia il ragazzo che lo affianca, è uno strepitoso pezzo di bravura. La voce di Giancarlo Giannini, poi, ne amplifica il rendimento.
Il secondo è Blade Runner. Il malinconico monologo di Rutger Hauer che sente avvicinarsi la morte è molto più breve del discorso di Al Pacino. Ma è mille volte più incisivo.
Il terzo film è K-PAX. Il discorso che il presunto alieno Kevin Spacey tiene allo psichiatra Jeff Bridges è una sorta di carpe diem dalle sembianze un po' fataliste. Ma decisamente accorate.
Ogni tanto me li ascolto. E mi commuovo invariabilmente.
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filorunsultra · 6 months
Gare 2024: Pine to Palm? Trans d'Havet?
Ieri ho messo il nome per la lottery di WS. Partendo dal presupposto che non mi prenderanno mai passo subito agli scenari più verosimili. Vorrei tornare negli Stati Uniti, naturalmente, ma vorrei andare in un posto che non ho ancora visto. Mi piacerebbe vedere il sud, in particolare Memphis e Nashville, ma a parte Arkansas Traveller non ci sono molte gare che mi ispirano da quelle parti, quindi sarà per un'altra volta magari. Vorrei vedere la NorCal e il Pacific Northwest, e mi resta il desiderio di partecipare a una gara fuori dai radar, zero seguita, con una dimensione comunitaria forte; alla fine ho optato per Pine To Palm 100, è la gara organizzata da Hal Koerner, che mi sta super simpatico, e da Rogue Valley Runners, il negozio di Koerner in cui ha lavorato Laney, e hanno bazzicato i fratelli Skaggs e Timothy Olson. La gara non è molto storica, si tiene dal 2010, ma la cosa che mi attrae di più è il mood della partenza e dell'arrivo. Guardando i tempi medi di percorrenza ho il sospetto che correrei per 80 miglia da solo. Credo che l'unico italiano ad averla corsa sia stato il Riki Tortini. Al contrario di Javelina, dove ho mancato il suo record italiano per 9 minuti, dubito che riuscirei ad avvicinarmi al suo tempo di Pine To Palm, in cui aveva chiuso terzo, ma tant'è. Aspetti negativi: non è un qualificante per Hardrock, ma non ho mai scelto le gare perché erano qualificanti per qualcos'altro. Hardrock è in cima alla mia bucket list ma non sacrificherò la mia vita per essa: come dice Blake Wood, ci sono tante altre bellissime gare là fuori. Quindi boh, questa è l'intenzione ma poi chissà con quali soldi dovrei riuscire ad andare in Oregon. Intanto ci penso, magari una soluzione salta fuori.
Non penso che farò il Passatore, potrei farlo tanto per farlo ma sarebbe uno po' uno spreco, quindi penso che pagherò 15 euro per rimandarlo all'anno dopo. Vorrei rifare invece Trans d'Havet. TDH è stata la mia prima gara e l'ho fatta due volte, ma sono cambiato molto come corridore e vorrei farla bene. Mi piacerebbe stare sotto le 12 ore. Mi manca il profumo delle Piccole Dolomiti in estate, l'alba sul Pasubio e la notte sul Novegno. Mi manca invece meno la risalita alla Selletta Nord Ovest e la salita in Carega. Ma è davvero una vita che non vado da quelle parti, credo circa tre anni, troppo tempo per essere state le mie montagne di casa tanto a lungo. Vorrei tornare sui miei passi, back on my miles, per fare il conto di cos'è cambiato.
Inizierò l'anno con dei cross, per il resto non penso che farò una gara in primavera: mi piacerebbe anche ma non trovo nulla che mi interessi, e non mi è mai piaciuto fare gare tanto per fare. Per cui penso che ne farò due, poi si vedrà.
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Joe Grant, Anton Krupicka and Dakota Jones on the top of the First Flatiron
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wilxfyre · 11 months
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Memories. WORLDSTATE - Planet Thunder [1/?] mods
Valentine Varen
typed captions under the cut
Johnny: Shit- You're not gonna jump, right V?" Johnny: ...'Cause if you're gonna jump, this one won't work. Virgo: I know...I'm not jumping, Johnny. Not this time. Johnny: Is this the bridge? Virgo: Where Val was that night? Yeah. Found him in the same spot i'm sittin', wasted as shit, looking over. Virgo: Scared as shit he was gonna jump. Not sure if he meant to do it or not... Dunno what's worse. Johnny: Think he would've really done it V? Given the chance? Virgo: ...Yeah, probably. Virgo: Don't blame him either, y'know? City just spat him out, He was spiralin'- Hell, I was at that point once a time too, Johnny. Johnny: Yeah...Night City'll do that. Johnny: So- Hang on V- Then those scrolls of you.. They're...? Virgo: Real? Yeah, Medias weren't lying J, It is me in those scrolls. Virgo: BD's weren't a lie made up for a scandal. Shit was real, as much as I wanna say its not- It...It was. Virgo: Kinda puts some pieces together for you, doesn't it? Johnny: Why you knew exactly where the bridge was at the time- Been here before, same spot same position. Virgo: Yeah... Years before I knew 'im. I was 17? 18? Dunno... Was fresh out of the Scav's den. Couldn't get any tocuh from anyone without jumpin'. Virgo: Output of time at the time- Voltair? They left me 'cause of that, Couldn't touch her- 'n all they saw when she saw me was what they scaw on the scrolls. Virgo: Course, at the time I thought that was it. Couldn't look my Ma in the eye, could barely be in the room with her, or my lil' sibling Varen. Johnny: V... Virgo: Volt did a lot for them then. Was the runner that the Valentino's looked to- to scroll the BD's 'n find me. Virgo: Never got the chance to properly thank her. Got shot an' killed on stage in '75. Feels like yesterday. Johnny: Fuck, V... Johnny: Was Voltair your Alt? Virgo: Not exactly. Yes in the way that in the end we weren't good for the other... Thats about it. Johnny: Don't think you were their knight in armor or anything? Virgo: Wh- No. Johnny I love Val, He loves me, I- He's who i'm supposed to go home to, Y'know?
Johnny: You never miss her? Virgo: No- Quite the oppostie. I miss them every day, I miss her output that they just started dating before it happened. I miss my old chooms. Virgo: Part of me begs and years for them back, but- I'm never seeing them again. I have Val now but... Almost ended back up here when it happened. Blamed myself. Johnny: Sounds familiar. Virgo: Yeah, guess it does for you, huh? Alt least we got eachother, right? Johnny: Yeah... and your Valentine. Virgo: Yeah. You, Me n' Val.
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solarmagickstar · 4 months
(4 photos image description coming up)
My Chaotic planner, I started using it yesterday, but I've been decorating it all last month. Got some planner pages on Etsy (ObsidianSirenShop) and printed them on my own designed background, don't know if I can share pics of those so I'm not gonna, but the shop is credited above. The inner back of the binder has my birth chart hidden in it (censored with giant vaporwave dolphins so you can't see the whole design unfortunately).
If it isn't already obvious I LOVE cinnamoroll and I couldn't not put him on here, he's ma boy and I love him. 🩵🩵🩵
I had a lot of fun making this and have 2 more planners on their way so I can my my Grimoire bigger (I have too many pages lmao)
Oh and I guess the only thing you can read on my birth chart is that I'm not a Gemini (like at all) lmao
(I hope that doesn't come back to astronomically destroy me, like some how you can figure out my birth chart or something but I think I'm just paranoid lmao.)
Image description: four pictures of an A4 binder, front, back, back inside, front inside. There are stickers all over it consisting of: photo realistic planets and stars, various cinnamorolls (plushies dvds 3d renders and digital drawings), Stargender flag, windows old screensaver flowers, pixel sun, my pets, "my planer" in 2 different word art fonts, my music handle (day one) in word art font, golden wings, astrological star signs (they are censored on the back inside, it is laid out like my entire birth chart, so my signs are all censored by a vaporwave dolphin head. They are also censored on the front and back) album covers some of which are my own, 1 is ride on time by tatsuo Yamashita and 1 is Geno by Dexy's
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Midnight Runners, Macintosh computers from before 2005 but after 1990, Macintosh logos from 2000s, windows 95-98 themed logos and interface elements (application windows for "Paint", "Photoshop", "Notes" and clippy asking if you need help. Various random vaporwave and y2k aesthetic shapes, Memphis cup pattern, a piano, a volts wagon bus, chaos magick symbols and a bunch of random shapes.
The binder itself: a light blue A4 binder made to look like a composition book, it's speckled with grey dots on the blue background, it's spine is black, it says nice day in an oval near the top and underneath it says "/DESIGN BY QUHE" and underneath that it says "Hope every day is as beautiful as today".
Near the bottom it has a drawing of a music player, backwards button, pause button, fast-forward button and underneath it it has the music progress bar 1/8 across front he left (like the song only just started)
And one amogus cinnamoroll
Edit: I'm an idiot, I didn't need to sensor my fucking sun sign cause that bitch is on my bio lmao ♌🤷🏾☀️ but it's on the front next to the sun in the top left corner :p
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mezzopieno-news · 9 months
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2488 chilometri con un solo chilogrammo di idrogeno, l’Eco Runner XIII ha stabilito il record di percorrenza su strada per un’auto, coprendo la distanza più lunga di sempre con un pieno di carburante completamente pulito e senza emissioni.
La Eco-Runner XIII è il risultato di un progetto studentesco nato nel 2005 presso la TU Delft, la più grande università tecnica olandese. Ogni anno un team multidisciplinare di studenti lavora per migliorare e innovare la city car a idrogeno, con l’obiettivo di promuovere la mobilità sostenibile e dimostrare l’efficienza dell’idrogeno come carburante pulito e sostenibile. L’ultimo modello di Eco-Runner XIII è stato progettato per essere estremamente efficiente, sicuro, economico ed ecologico, entrando nel guinness dei primati. Il progetto si è concentrato sulla robustezza, la leggerezza e l’aerodinamicità del telaio per garantire un’alta efficienza senza aumentare il peso dell’auto.
L’auto rappresenta il risultato di anni di lavoro e miglioramenti, diventando oltre cento volte più efficiente dei veicoli a combustibili fossili attualmente sul mercato. Mentre stanno arrivando sulle strade i primi camion a idrogeno, anche le prime autovetture a idrogeno sono già in circolazione. La Toyota Mirai e la Hyundai Nexo sono attualmente le prime di serie che utilizzano una cella a combustibile a idrogeno come fonte di energia. Sulle strade aumenta il numero di veicoli a emissioni zero e secondo i giovani ricercatori della TU Delft, sarà importante integrare i motori dei veicoli alimentati a idrogeno con quelli elettrici a batteria, per raggiungere più in fretta la completa sostenibilità ambientale nei trasporti.
Fonte: Eco Runner
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darkhero475 · 9 months
So, about my Pokemon fanfic
I wanna talk about the classmates of the school where Miru the Oshawott goes to a school called The Floral School. And his class name is Normalium (Yes, Z crystal references.) In his classroom, there are 24 students including Miru. Those 24 students are divided into a team of 6. And I'm gonna show them here, starting with ⭐Team Dream Runners⭐
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This team is made of: Miru the Oshawott Scarlet the Fennekin Leaf the Chespin Ruby the Zorua Rio the Riolu Star the Kirlia -------------------------------------------------------------- Miru the Oshawott is a 13 years old boy who is energetic. He always dreams about being the strongest hero of all. Even if he acts childish sometimes, he gets serious if the moment requires it. Scarlet the Fennekin is a 12 years old girl. She is a cute girl and sometimes makes silly moves. Sadly, her past was very tough on her. She is Miru's best friend. Leaf the Chespin is a 13 years old boy. He is very kind and peaceful, he loves to hangout with his friends. Ruby the Zorua is a 12 years old prankster girl. She always love to make harmless prank on anyone if she can, thanks to this, she became a troublemaker. Rio the Riolu is a 13 years old boy. He takes his training seriously because he wanna be as strong as his older brother. (He is also a friendly version of Sasuke from Naruto lol) Star the Kirlia is a smart 13 years old girl who acts cool on her way. She used to dislike her family, but now she love them. _________________________________________________ ❤️Team Love❤️
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This next team is made of: Flora the Snivy Emily the Emolga Stella the Buneary Millie the Pachirisu Lilly the Minccino Izzy the Bellossom -------------------------------------------------------------- Flora the Snivy is 13 years old girl. She is smart and always care for her friends. Emily the Emolga is a shy 13 years old girl. She can get scared of anything so easily thanks to her traumatic past. Stella the Buneary is a 13 years old girl. She is very determined and strong. She also a simp of Miru (Obviously in a healthy way.) Millie the hyperenergetic 13 years old Pachirisu. She have an endless energy, thanks to this, she is always energetic, she loves to run a lot and all that, pls, don't give her an entire soda can, or else there would be lots of chaos. Lilly the 13 years old Minccino. She is alway calm and lvoes to admire the nature. She also enjoy to be with her friends, especially with Millie. Izzy the silly 12 years old Bellossom. She is so silly that thanks to her silly things evolve into Bellossom. She is also kind too. _________________________________________________ 🌟Team Wholesome🌟
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This other Team is made of: Alyssa the Vulpix Volt the Shinx Alex the Sandshrew Luca the Phantump Blitz the Litten Laura the Steenee -------------------------------------------------------------- Alyssa the Vulpix is a kind 13 years old girl. She is a sweetheart fox girl. Alyssa always take care of her friends and wants the best for them. Volt the Shinx is a 12 years old boy. He is very adorable and very innocent. Most of the time he hang out with Alyssa. Alex the Sandshrew is a 13 years old boy. He loves to eat a lot. Even though he eats a lot, he doesn't it like that he gets called fat. Luca is a 12 years old boy. He is a shy phantump that get a bit nervous when he sees someone that he didn't saw before, but he loves to play with his toys and friends. Blitz is a grumpy 13 years old Litten. Most of the time he is not in good mood, and he always gets angry easily. Laura the happy 14 years old Steenee is a girl who is always determined to do her very best on everything. _________________________________________________ ☠️Team Skull Crushers☠️
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This last team is made of: Mike the Pikachu Jade the Eevee Lexie the Rockruff Ryder the Tyrogue Damien the Scrafty Amelia the Skorupi
-------------------------------------------------------------- Mike the 13 years old Pikachu. He is a nice Pikachu that loves to get stronger so he can protect everyone who he cares about. He and Miru are good rivals. Jade the Eevee is a 12 years old girl. Even if she is a good girl, she is also short tempered sometimes. She can also turn into any Eevee evolutions in whenever she wants. Lexie the Rockruff is a playful 12 years old girl. Most of the time she is always happy and loves to have battle. She also loves to bites bones. Ryder the Tyrogue is a competitive 13 years old boy. He takes battle and training seriously, if he doesn't feel like he gave his best, he gets mad. Damien the Scrafty is a 14 years old boy. He is kind of crazy but in the good way, and he loves to make jokes. Amelia the Skorupi is a 13 years girl. Most of the time she is not happy, she always want to fight bad people. But she doesn't mind on going out with her friends. --------------------------------------------------------------
Well, this is all what I have to say, I know that my post was very lazy and bad as hell lol. Anyway, I hope that you like it.
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peaterookie · 1 year
Lupin's Pokemon Team
ok hear me out HAHA i like making pokemon teams for random characters so one day i decided to tackle lupin usually i pay a couple attention to the balance of the team and how strong the pokemon is, but with lupin iii being a totally different series, i decided to change my standards
this team is purely used for helping him with heists or he just sees it as something he can steal
i dont determine pokemon by how compatible it is with lupin (this is for anyone asking why thievul or aipom isn't in my list)
none of these pokemons should make him too op than how lupin without pokemons are, they simply make his heist planning easier because in reality lupin could kinda still do these things without them
i'll show some runner ups i thought of putting in after 
Here it is!!!
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I'll have an explanation for all of them and some backstory I made up
Jigglypuff (Lv. 40 with Sing / Sweet Kiss / Hyper Voice / Fake Tears)
I'd say that the team doesn't really have an ace, but Jigglypuff is probably an unofficial one since he's the first pokemon Lupin had in my story, where he recieved it back then he was a child as an Igglybuff. I remembered in a Part 2 screenshot somewhere (i haven't finished part 2 so pardon if i got anything wrong) that Lupin had a fondness for cute dolls when he was a child, so Jigglypuff reflects that!
It also shows Lupin's inner child, since the Jigglypuff in the anime was quite a troublemaker, a very dramatic one too. In Shin Lupin III "Lupin Lullaby", Lupin's sings a lullaby sung by his mother from way back when he was a kid. Part of me thinks from that chapter that maybe Lupin probably loved music, and Jigglypuff's singing ability also connects to that as well.
Asides from that, Jigglypuff's ability to lull people into sleep by Sing or confuse people with Sweet Kiss would make it a really good member in the party to use for heists. I can imagine Lupin using him to immediately put guards to sleep or at least set them back when he's infiltrating hehe
Ditto (Lv. 26 with... Transform)
This is honestly a given. I had the option to choose Zorua over Ditto, but I personally preferred Ditto because it's just so silly and it perfectly matches the series tbh.
So the story for Ditto is that one day, Lupin just so happened to come across a doppleganger that looked just EXACTLY like him, doing heinous acts that makes Lupin look bad!!! It was Ditto, and it was being ordered by its trainer to disguise as Lupin and do bad things for something to happen (this could totally be an episode premise, I'm just too lazy to think.) Lupin uncovers Ditto's disguise and also beats the bad trainer with its help and Ditto basically becomes part of Lupin's team that way.
Ditto essentially learning how to transform into Lupin perfectly has so so sooo many possibilities of fun stories, it's literally like a moving living distraction LMAO I'll leave it to you guys to think of how Lupin'll use Ditto since I'll be here forever if I list out mine.
Magnemite (Lv. 10 with Thunder Wave, Protect, Confuse Ray, Volt Switch)
With so many security options all being operated by electricity, a Magnemite can easily wipe it all out by feeding on the electricity! I also chose that Pokemon since it's magnetic ability along with it's levitation ability can prove useful in some way in heists. I feel like sometimes Lupin just grabs on it to float around lmao (it hates it)
I don't have much of a story for this one. I just think the vibe of the design suits Lupin. Lupin probably just caught it one day and uses it time to time. I made Magnemite have a very childish and moody personality, it doesn't like following Lupin's order and hates it when he plays with it. But at least he gives it a lot of food!! That's the only reason it can bare Lupin's presence. It's also very good friends with this next pokemon...
Rotom (Lv. 23 with Confuse Ray, Protect, Electro Ball, Double Team)
Rotom and Magnemite are total besties, but one obviously gets used more than the other, and Rotom totally brags all about to Magnemite's face. Other than that, yep, Lupin uses this guy a lot to research about the place he's planning to sneak into and scan the basic layouts of it. I imagined he often makes it possess a drone, one of his spying devices or a computer to get info from it c:
So the story on how he gets this Rotom in the first place... maybe it found Lupin interesting and messed around with him for fun. Like he's in a middle of a heist and it just fucks it up for no reason. Lupin then gets mad but doesn't care to chase it but it messes up another heist of his again!!! Lupin then gets even madder and he decides to outsmart it next time it comes to fuck around again and it joins Lupin's team after it gets beaten since it finds him a lot of fun. Even after being caught, Rotom still goofs around with Lupin (Magnemite enjoys seeing Lupin get mad over it.)
Cofagrigus (Lv. 75 with Shadow Ball, Destiny Bond, Curse, Dark Pulse)
This guy does nothing in the team except exist.
Lupin just really really wants it and basically thought it was just a treasure until it started sprouting dark hands out of the coffin and almost kills Lupin after he tried stealing it. But somehow out of some SHEER MIRACLE he makes it out alive and catches the thing. Cofagrigus also reminds me of that one pharaoh episode where Lupin gets possessed by the Tut mask and almost dies so he basically didn't learn his lesson after the first time messing around in Egypt...
Also- it hates Lupin immensely.
Latias (Lv. 67 with Heal Pulse, Psychic, Fly, Safeguard)
Heeere comes the elephant in the room!! Peater?? Why did you pick a legendary pokemon??? Because it's such a Lupin thing to own a legendary obviously!! He'd somehow do it, nothing is impossible for him, if he wants a Latias he gets a Latias.
But no I didn't pick Latias just for that reason alone, but because I needed him to have at least one flying pokemon. I noticed that Lupin usually uses this glider looking thing to escape out of a dangerous situation pretty often along the series so I wanted said flying pokemon to have an airplane-esque build and maybe be red too (because Lupin uses a red glider a lot.)
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But yeah! I also remembered how Latias could turn into a human girl in some random pokemon movie I didn't watch and I think she had a crush on Ash or something??? I don't know but that absurdity feels like it belongs in Lupin. Lupin probably met a Latias in human form and after some crazy wacky NPC girl-tv special shenanigans she joins his team.
It's probably my fav member in the team (2nd is jiggly) just because it's so funny to give Lupin a Latias.
And yeah, that's it for all the team members!
Here are the ones I considered putting in:
I don't really have nicknames for these pokemon, so if anyone'd like to name them all then be my guess! Thanks for reading this if you made it the entire way!
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hexnexusdan · 6 months
WarioWare Characters Ranked by How Likely They'd Get Into Mario Kart
(There's no MoveIt! spoilers here, don't worry, but I do reference Get It Together's postgame and Gold's ending)
Thought I'd do some fun speculation thing on how likely some of the more notable WarioWare characters would get into good 'ol Mario Kart. They don't often appear in Mario spinoffs in the first place, but hey, there's a first time for everything. I'm going off the assumption of a rule of three Wario characters (well, two given what is likely one of the characters is just a skin) getting in and no more, maybe two.
Biker outfit Wario: I think this would be almost a guarantee if we get WarioWare rep. His outfit is strongly tied to the series, and it'd look out of place for there to be rep but you only have yellow overalls Wario. Plus, a biker outfit makes sense for Mario Kart!
Jimmy T: Medium chances, I'd say. He's an iconic character that's been there since day one and has plenty of fans, but compared to others on here, he has tough competition.
Mona: High! Another iconic WarioWare character, she has plenty more popularity and love, not to mention she already drives in a bike and all.
Dribble and Spitz: This is kind of a two-parter, but if they were to come together (which I think is possible, just have Spitz on Dribble's back or something) I'd honestly say high here as well. They HAVE to be together, though; one without the other is just weird, and I'd say them being separate would be low as there'd be other tough and deserving competition for one of those spaces.
9-Volt: Another notable WarioWare character! I'd say his chances are high from his notoriety, and he already got Mario's blessing (well, I assume haha) to use his likeness in the microgames; why not turn it around and throw the kid into the races?
18-Volt: Low, unfortunately. I don't see him being anywhere without 9-Volt, and with both tough competition and me not really seeing him coming in the same way via Dribble and Spitz with 9, I don't like his chances.
5-Volt: Also low. I think she's got some good popularity from being a menacing stage hazard in Smash from the Game and Wario stage and I think she's got more love from fans compared to 18 (at least from what I remember), but 9-Volt takes more priority that for the same reasons as 18, I don't see 5 getting in.
Dr. Crygor: Medium here as well. Similar reasons to Jimmy T: Think he has plenty of fans, but tough competition.
Penny: Medium-high! She came a good while after Crygor, but from what I've seen, she's become much more popular (to the point that she even got a stage and theme song where you play as only her in Get It Together) that she's got some fairly high chances, I'd say, and I feel she can stand on her own without needing her grandpa.
Mike: Low. I don't think he stands on his own very well, not to mention I don't see him taking priority over Crygor and again, tough competition.
Orbulon: Medium. He's a charming character who's got his own piggy spaceship that can easily be adapted into a kart, so I think he's got a fair chance.
Kat and Ana: Medium-low, I'd say. I can see them being together in one, but I dunno, I'm just not thinking they've got good chances compared to the veterans and other high chance characters.
Ashley: Very high. Barring biker Wario, Ashley has the best chances out of everyone here. She's not known for driving, but she's also a long-runner in the series (not the first game-long, but still very long), has a lot of love from the fans, and even seems to be in enough high standing that she got a Mystery Mushroom costume in Super Mario Maker. She didn't even have an amiibo and she got into some kind of Mario game that isn't WarioWare! She's perhaps the best example of the "tough competition" and would likely get in over the others.
Red: Low alone, but he'd probably have a good chance of being with Ashley; I kind of don't see him turning into Ashley's ride in a MK game.
Young Cricket: Medium? He's got a good amount of fans, but I dunno, he just doesn't seem like he'd overcome some of the other options.
Mantis: Low. He's highly tied to Cricket in the first place and I would not like his chances.
Lulu: That's another low. She had her time in the limelight with her introduction in Gold, but that time's since passed and from what I recall, not too many like her.
And that's my theoretical chance evaluations! Personally speaking if they do add WarioWare characters, I'd see both Biker Wario and Ashley getting in then if there's one more spot, Dribble and Spitz in one.
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autisticbipedalcat · 11 months
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"Happiness for you, and for no one else"
So this artwork basically encompasses how I feel whenever one of my friends is dating somebody and all their attention goes to them. It feels like they've abandoned me, sort of, even though they haven't.
The main character, Volt (based heavily off of myself) is aroace and the two catdrakons (that's what this species is called) in the background are Volt's adoptive sister, Runner, and Runner's boyfriend. Volt's crying because Runner barely spends any time with Volt or the rest of her family and friends because she's always with her boyfriend.
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frameposting · 9 months
RP Character List so I know where everything is
Tenno & Warframes Iulis - The Operator. The Void wrecked his mind and body, causing him to develop maladaptive bigotry. Also available as Iulia, the Kween-possessed one when he ends up flunking The War Within. Galvan - The Volt. "Things were good until I ended up with this strangely familiar kid in my life." Likes to say he's just in it for the credits. Also has a long past with Iulis that he'd rather forget. Kudzu - Saryn Prime and a big enabler that loves to watch the consequences heart emoji. Nezha - They came with the orbiter. Nobody knows how they ended up there but at least they're friendly. Also enjoys twerking over fallen enemies.
Corpus Tai Barraf - Crewman and part-time Cetus studier. Frequently twerked on when Nezha raids his ships. Anto Riiva - Crewman and Domestik Drone repairman. Wants to get into proxy veterinary school. Also available in "full-body Volatile Runner" version.
The Infested Dippy - li'l Ancient, mostly harmless but very clingy sometimes. Loves headpats and belly-rubs. Dodge - Adopted as a runt by Galvan, she repaid him with loyalty and growing to almost Phorid size. Big ol' boof with a vendetta against the hive that rejected her. Arbo - Arcane Boiler that followed Galvan home after a certain treasure hunt. They speak fluent human and possess an agglomeration of knowledge that congealed into a personality. Specializes in Orokin tea for some probably tragic reason.
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Orso in trentino e runners
I runners nei boschi dovrebbero essere una categoria sportiva inesistente. Correre nei boschi in natura è come nuotare in mare aperto per chilometri.
Nemmeno i nuotatori esperti nuotano in mare completamente aperto, si accontentano delle boe o comunque di vedere la costa, non si addentrano col solo corpo fuori.
Se tolleriamo runners nei boschi è perché dopo averli ridotti al minimo sindacale abbiamo anche sterminato lupi e orsi per renderli sicuri, e adesso ci sembrano come il parchetto sotto casa.
Si la regione trenino ha re introdotto gli orsi e probabilmente lo ha fatto anche per soldi per farsi pagare per mantenere la popolazione. E no, l'orso non è pericoloso per l'uomo se non sei un deficiente.
L'orso non preda l'uomo, l'orso se può ti sta a distanza. anche se tu sei sul sentiero e lui è in tana.
Sono più volte andato a fare escursioni dove il ragazzo è stato ucciso, le persone che fanno trail running non si comportano come dovrebbero. Sperano che il fatto di trattare il bosco come casa nostra tenga a distanza lupi, cinghiali, e anche se corrono e inciampano in una tana di tasso, è colpa del comune che non controlla anche se loro vanno sui sentieri degli animali ( si, tracciati che gli animali usano per andare da a a b, carroccie, sentieri per andare a far legna). Mi sono allenato a volte per correre in montagna, semplicemente parto correndo dai 2000\2500 in zone dove ho ampia visione, dove so che gli animali non ci stanno perché sui 2000 inizia a non esserci un cazzo. Partire da 500 metri per arrivare a 2000 in una zona con gli orsi segnalati è come tuffarsi con una ferita che getta sangue in un mare di squali. Bisogna insegnare alla gente a non essere deficiente. Dico davvero. In quegli stessi posti ho visto decine di volte persone con il cane libero. E la gente in città che crede che l'orso mangi le persone. L'orso preda un cazzo di cervo che pesa come 3 persone insieme a 10 km di distanza, può aprirlo in due e mangiarne il 70% in meno di 3 ore, se l'orso mangiasse le persone del corpo del runner avreste trovato le scarpe. Se vi andava bene. Se corri a bassa quota, in mezzo a un bosco presto di mattina sei un corpo che sfreccia veloce quando i predatori stanno cacciando ( NDA- fine notte\ alba). Il gesto del ragazzo dovrebbe essere trattato alla stregua di uno che va a nuotare in mare aperto o si butta senza paracadute. Alla famiglia e alle persone che vogliono cacciare l'orsa direi che forse bisogna essere un pò più consapevoli di quel che si fa, essere meno arroganti. Quello è andato su di mattina presto sperando di non incontrare nessuno. Sicuramente non si è accorto dell'orso perché quando fai trail running sei un uno stato di trance e grazia divina e pensi solo a spingere. L'orso lo ha visto, lo ha seguito è arrivato troppo vicino. Quando lui se n'è accorto era tardi. Non poteva arrampicarsi, né correre. Si è fermato in piedi. l'orso stava già correndo. Quando ha visto l'umano fermarsi si è fermato pure lui. Si sono guardati negli occhi. Lui ha pensato " che bell'animale" l'orso ha pensato " che cazzo è sta roba", l'uomo impaziente ha provato a fare qualcosa, la pausetta dalla corsa si faceva sentire.Ultimo errore L'orso ha pensato "qualunque cosa tu sia ti tiro giù". Tagliata la giugulare. La stanchezza, la paura e il fiatone hanno fatto il resto. L'orso se n'è andato e uno e morto. Ci sono delle regole per stare al mondo se non le rispetti, paghi in questo caso con la vita.
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cxnsolatio · 1 year
Ayo! Law come get your smuggler! She drunk!
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✚✚✚  anonymous
It was not that Law cared little about the piece of intel the unknown face felt it oh-so-necessary for him to know, the call for attention proposed with such effervescence like it was pivotal that he know Kanrya — the only self-titled, self-made smuggler he knew — was drunk and in requiring of assistance. Instead, Law could not have cared any less about Rya's present misfortune.
Had she not brought it down upon herself, invited rue in as she had reached for the drink, high-quality liquor as befitting of a runner, cheap grog as appropriate of a drunkard, either or both consumed together in immoderate gulps, the overpowered mind selectively blind to reason and the aftermath morning would bring in the guise of a hangover? Rya had walked right into the trappings of inebriation of her own volition. In the same manner, she would not walk but crawl out of them, even if her previous resolve had transmuted into resignation to her drunken fate.
Law would have nothing to do with it, except to care for the smuggler's replenishment of electrolytes and the lining of her stomach with something bland when it dawned, Rya's taste for alcohol rendering the intake of an analgesic harmful to her liver, along with the main culprit. Hippocrates had him bound to honourable duty as a medical practitioner, but alas for Rya, the principle of non-maleficence did not equate with taking pity and extending tenderness upon any patient, not in Law's understanding of ethics and morals. Do no harm, but do not offer solicitude in excess either.
❝ So? ❞ He commented, hand warmer than his words as Law snuggled his sword against the side of his body. ❝ What do you suggest I do about it? Rya made her own messy, I reckon soon-to-be rancid, bed. Now she must lie in it. ❞ His brow knitted in defiance of both his authority and practical approach. Rya could no longer be saved from intoxication, nor from its consequences, so where was the urgency in his acting?
Your smuggler, the anonymous fellow had said. Rya was nothing of his to warrant a rescue. Not a crewmate he'd stake his sorry life for without a moment's thought. Not his smuggler, either — a marauder who happened to be his acquaintance. The difference was vast and capital. It was true Rya had offered the Doctor her services again and again, and not just those of the contraband type, but Law had denied them in concert.
What he desired, he acted upon. Scheming was the most fun, that busy prelude where his brain fizzed with thousands of scenarios and volte-faces, a thousand new answers appearing in turn. Already his plan offered a first reward, one of the chemical kind that besieged him in a rush of gaiety. But finesse in machinations must be met with the utmost efficiency in carrying them out, which was why Law preferred to act by his own hand, requiring no service of bastards and thieves, assassins and smugglers alike. As for the others, they were pawns in the king's crusade, more or less expendable as his plans and goodwill demanded, each a separate cog not worth much on its own, but of great use when assembled and set to motion by the catalyst which was his intellect.
He needed no possessive pronoun when debating Kanrya and so it would remain, unless she proved worthy of boarding the yellow submarine and joining the ranks of his crewmates, in which case she would indeed be his, deserving of his loyalty and sacrifice. Until then, the smuggler was more than welcome to pass out in some alley bar or speakeasy, soil herself in her own bodily excretions, and be left to the kindness of strangers. Law's conscience did not exert a newton over it.
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dendre · 2 years
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Vangelis ezzel az 1973-ban kiadott, de már 1970-ben (egy természetfilmhez) felvett albummal hosszú évekkel megelőzte a szintis vetélytársait, ha mást nem csinált volna, akkor is méltó lenne az úttörő jelzőre. Nagyon sok minden adódott össze ahhoz, hogy az egyik legismertebb zenész legyen, és ezek között biztosan ott van főhelyen, hogy dallamai negédessége könnyű kapaszkodót jelent belépési küszöbként. De képtelenség elvitatni, hogy mekkora hatása volt, és ilyesmit csak úgy lehet elérni, ha tényleg van is mit, maradandót felmutatni. A Blade Runner például rendszeresen és folyamatosan inspirálja a leginkább progresszíven gondolkodókat (Goldie-tól a Boards Of Canadáig, aztán a posztdubstep egyik fő forrása, de a tízes évek második felének progresszív elektronikája sem győzte nyúlni), főleg mert annyira időtlen a hangdizájnja. De tényleg rengeteg mindent lehetne mondani, a béna lemezein is van gyöngyszem (Dervish D., Multi-Track Suggestion, Morning Papers csak három példa) - és a Memories Of Green is két évvel előzte meg a Blade Runnert. A szintipop, és a szintihangszínek kikeverése más lenne nélküle, de még Ákos is. Magamban is csak halkan merem, hogy ami nevetségesnek kikiáltott a Beaubourg progelektronikájában, az ma agyonajnározott a mai progelektronikában. Persze, rengeteg olcsó dallam is becsúszott, az 1492 minden jó érzésű 15 évesben röhögésig vitt gúnyt váltott ki 1992-ben egy idő után, de ezek a 15 évesek később meghallhatták, hogy mivel hatott az electróra, a technóra és így tovább. 
Vagy az ambientre. Nekem ez az egy lemez (L’Apocalypse des animaux, 1973), ami igazán beragadt tőle, rendszeresen hallgatom, 1970-ben ilyent játszani, az évekkel előzte meg a Tangerine Dream Zeitjét, Enóról nem is beszélve. A Creation Du Monde például tökéletes ambient. De tényleg végig leköt és a szépre vett (new age-előfutár) részeket is szeretem. Ha a Le Singe Bleu első fél perce nincs benne a Portishead-féle Roads-ban, akkor megeszem a kalapom. (Egy tényleg 1973-as filmzene, az Amore is egészen jó és ambientes helyenként.)
De nem ezek jutottak eszembe először, most, hogy meghalt Vangelis, hanem a fenti lemez, a Themes című 1989-es válogatás. De ennek már kevés köze van Vangelishez, csak mégiscsak ő az indikátor, én meg öregszem és mindenről kezd az az eszembe jutni. Az, hogy a zene milyen jó. Hogy mennyire jó élmény volt megvenni ezt a lemezt - tán 1990-ben -, ami 13 évesen azért az első kb. 20 lemezem egyike volt. Vagy mennyire jó most visszagondolni rá. Családi nyaraláson voltunk pár napig Hódmezővásárhelyen, rokonoknál. Egyik nap kimentünk a piacra, és persze volt ott lemezárus is. Utólag nyilvánvaló, de akkor is beszivárgott a tudatomba, hogy jugóból áthordott lemezeket árul kis feltéttel az eredeti dínárrra. A belső gyomorremegős izgalom, hogy egy ismeretlen lemezsort lehet végiglapozni. Már ekkor a lemez volt a minden, mert azon mindig feltárult egy ismeretlen világ. Egy potenciálisan csodálatos ismeretlen világ. Akkor pláne ez volt a minden, mert máshogy nagyon nem tudott ez a világ egyre-másra feltárulni, meg kellett venni a lemezt. Biztos úgy néztem, hogy a drága (amúgy nem túl eleresztett) szüleim engedélyeztek egyet, és valamiért erre eset a választás. És nem is bántam meg, tetszett nagyon. Aztán ahogyan pár évvel később végighallgattam az életművet bajai lemezboltokban, innen-onnan kölcsönben, akkor meg is állapítottam, hogy ennyi elég is tőle, végülis volt rajta Blade Runner három is (ami máskülönben nem is jelent még meg akkorig, csak ezen a válogatáson). Az 1492 után, már jó öreg 15 éves fejjel le is írtam a májsztrót, csak, hogy a zene tanítson mindig új leckéket: mindig lehet újrafelfedezni, abban is, azt is, amiről már korábban azt hittük, le van tudva. 
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