theolddarkmachine · 3 years
Imaginary - Chapter Seventeen
Midoriya Izuku’s life was turned upside by fate.
Eri’s life was turned upside down by circumstance.
And Bakugou Katsuki is about to learn that even imaginary friends need to grow up.
Chapter 17 of 19
Also on AO3
A/N: It’s another kinda shorter one but FAO;IJSELDFJ DOST MINE EYES SPOT THE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL? After this, only one chapter and an epilogue left! also, fun fact, tsuru was my grandma’s maiden name!
The sun is bright and warm, heating Katsuki’s skin as he lets his feet carry him along the sidewalk. He’s distantly aware of the continuous chatter beside him as his latest assignment goes over the tactics of their most recent game of capture the flag with the other neighborhood kids at the park.
Tsuru Yuji, age 6.
Target of schoolyard bullies.
Colorful personality trapped behind a stoic, quiet demeanor.
In the beginning, Katsuki had thought that he’d be a bit of a tougher case, one that would keep his mind from tracking back to the house just two streets over with the girl with the happy smile, and the man with the all too bright eyes.
But things never went the way he wanted them to, apparently, since it had only taken a matter of days to break Yuji from his shell, and just a couple of weeks for the change to completely turn his school life around. Now Yuji had friends, and the inability to stop talking.
“Mr. Bakugou?” His name shattered his reverie, pulling his attention down to the kid at his side. The sunlight glinted off of Yuji’s too big glasses, blinding him momentarily.
“How many times do I have to tell you to drop the ‘mister,’ kid?” Katsuki gruffs without any heat as he returns his gaze back to the pavement stretched before them.
Yuji’s reply comes in the form of a high pitched giggle before he continues on about how next time, they should make the top of the slide their home base.
“Then, we could just slide down if we need to get away fast!” He exclaims, hands shooting upward as if the revelation is groundbreaking. And maybe it is.
Who was Katsuki to say for sure?
“You’re too damn smart, kid,” he replies with a halfhearted laugh of his own as he keeps his eyes trained forward.
The first time they’d taken this route back to Yuji’s house, he had told himself it was a mere accident. His feet had grown so used to this street that they’d automatically made their way here before he could even acknowledge the direction they had gone.
Not that it had mattered, as he had told himself, as he’d stolen a quick glance at the Midoriya household just days after he’d left it for the final time. While a bit out of the way, this path still technically did lead to Yuji’s house.
The second time they’d taken it, Katsuki had told himself a bit more walking was good for them both. Nothing wrong with a bit more exercise and all that.
Now, a month later, he had run out of excuses to tell himself.
It had broken just about every big rule in the imaginary friend handbook, but he couldn’t stop himself from trying to catch just one more glimpse of the pair that had worked their way so far under his skin.
When he had left the Midoriya household for the final time, he had left a bit of himself behind. The gaping open maw of his chest had been exposed and raw, leaving him filled with a painful ache unlike anything he had ever felt. Katuski had felt loss in the past, but this had been wholly different, and in those first few days, he had wondered if he might never be whole again.
It was a dramatic thought, of course. One he had to swallow down like a bitter pill as he’d taken on his next assignment.
The ache remained, it had just numbed enough for him to be able to finally breathe again.
But that didn’t stop him from walking by their home whenever the opportunity presented itself.
Just to be sure things were still okay.
At least, that’s what he told himself.
Gaze still ahead, and Yuji’s droning voice filling his ear, Katsuki feels his heart stutter at the sight of movement in the Midoriya’s yard.
The honey colored sunlight twists in Eri’s hair, making it shine bright as she cheers happily at something Izuku says. She looks absolutely elated as she crawls her way up into the car and waits for her dad to get her buckled in. When Izuku closes the door, and turns to walk around the back, Katsuki can see the wide smile that’s still stretched across his lips.
They look so happy, he thinks, and something about that knowledge fills his lungs with acid.
Katsuki watches as Izuku makes his way around the vehicle, his wide frame pausing at the driver’s side as he looked out toward the street.
For just one fleeting moment, Katsuki feels his breath stall in his chest as that familiar green stare passes over him. It’s gone almost as quickly as it has come, but it still leaves his heart racing as he watches Izuku climb into the car.
“Mr. Bakugou!” Yuji’s voice is indignant as he calls his attention back to him. Snapping his gaze away from the car as it backs out of the driveway, Katsuki hums.
“Yeah, yeah, kid,” he says, trying to ignore the strain that leaves him sounding breathless. “I’m listening.”
Katsuki was fucking angry.
And tired.
So goddamn tired.
Tired of the pitying looks his friends shot him when they thought he wasn’t looking. Tired of feeling like hole had been punched through his fucking chest. Tired of the emerald colored dreams that haunted him.
And especially tired of being summoned to the fucking Administrator’s office.
He’d woken that morning to the text that had the audacity to proclaim a meeting time for just an hour from then, and he already knew what it meant. Time to move on. Because it was always fucking time to move on.
Katuski would never be able to stay in one place for long, never allowed to be something permanent.
And that pissed him off.
His angry steps punctuated the otherwise quiet of the lobby, making the poor sap manning the front desk jump as they looked up from their coffee towards him.
“Mr. Bak—” they start to say, eyes going wide as he growls.
“Don’t call me that,” Katsuki hisses before he throws open the doors. The loud crack of the wood against the walls cut through the air in a dramatic way that would normally fill him with some sort of thrill. Now, it just settles somewhere in the vast expanse that sits at the center of his chest, lost to the empty feeling that’s slowly expanding.
“Lively as ever this morning, young Bakugou,” the Administrator says, not bothering to look up from the folder he’s holding open before him.
The sight of the unassuming tan of the file only serves to push the burning fury through him faster as he lets the doors fall shut behind him with another loud crash. It feels as if the air in the room is sucked out by the bone shaking sound as Katsuki fixes his fiery stare on Toshinori.
“Cut to the chase, old man,” he snarls, mouth twisting into a sneer that’s full of teeth and sharp rage.
A soft sigh brushes through the space as he watches the Administrator close the folder before gently pushing it toward the edge of the desk.
“Please take a seat,” Toshinori offers, keeping his attention forward.
“I’d rather just get this over with,” Katsuki bites out in return.
There’s another weighted pause before Toshinori sits back, his gaze finally finding Katsuki’s as it flashes with the steely silence of a command. For all the kindness and fun loving nature that encapsulated the Administrator, he had almost forgotten that he was the leader of the Imaginary Friends fo a reason.
Swallowing the sharp taste of his pride, Katsuki walks to the bean bag chair, falling into it with a muted thud.
“Talk,” Katsuki snaps, whittling the single word down to a barely there syllable as he keeps his gaze trained on Toshinori’s. His stubborn defiance is the only reason he catches the shift in the Administrator’s stare as it sweeps over him. Softening into something fond, and almost sad, it cools the inferno tearing through his veins, if only for just a moment.
“Have I ever told you about my predecessor?” He asks, solemn and far off, as if lost to the track of time.
“You brought me here for a fucking history lesson?” Katsuki growls, hands curling into tight fists where they sit on his knees. Toshinori’s eyebrow raises in silent admonishment. It forces a low string of grumbles from his mouth as he folds his arms across his chest and slips lower into the bean bag.
“His name was Banjo Daigoro, and he was a great Administrator,” he sighs at the memory. “But I was never his first choice for successor.”
A spark of interest lights the cavern of his insides as he cocks his head to the side.
“Originally, he had chosen one of my closest friends,” the Administrator continues before taking a steadying breath.
“Shimura Nana.”
The name rocks through Katsuki, sending a chill rocketing down his spine as his mind spins around the words that had encapsulate Shimura Nana’s terminated friendship.
“She was in training to take over the position, but was still going out into the field. Loved working with kids, you know?” He says, a small chuckle weaving between his words as his gaze goes distant at the memory.
“Banjo had assigned her a final case before she was going to be officially promoted. But then, she was seen.”
Shimura Nana reports child caretaker made verbal acknowledgement of her presence.
Katsuki remembered. She had only been with her charge for a week before it had happened.
And then—
Friendship terminated.
“Torino Sorahiko,” Toshinori rattles off, voice void of inflection as he recites what was written in the file word for word, as if it laid there before him.
“Lost both his parents. Was showing aggression towards his uncle, who had taken him in. He was a good kid, Nana was adamant about that. Then one day, his uncle saw her, and spoke to her.”
The blue of his eyes goes perfectly clear, settling into a cutting blue as his gaze returns to the present. Finding Katsuki once more, they whittle away at him until he’s flayed open, raw and exposed beneath the Administrator’s stare.
The feeling of being seen clings to him like a premonition. It’s equal parts awe and terror as it works its way through him.
Swallowing thickly, Katsuki speaks.
“What happened?”
But he knows. Has known for far too long.
Friendship terminated.
“We aren’t exactly supposed to be seen by anyone other than our charge, especially not by their parents or caretakers, as you know,” Toshinori says, pausing long enough to arch a brow at him before continuing.
“And Nana knew that too. Probably better than most, given the position she was going to take.”
He pauses again as his lips quirk sharply upward with bygone amusement and his voice falls into a hush, carried by the weight of his memory’s past.
“Funny thing is, that didn’t change anything. Even knowing hadn’t been enough.”
Katsuki’s breath catches deep in his throat and threatening to choke him as Toshinori speaks.
“Officially, they terminated the friendship. If you found Torino’s file right now, it would say as much. But Nana had returned after that, and they could still see her.”
Silence settles between them as Katsuki notices the way Toshinori’s eyes shine wetly.
“So, she made a choice,” he finally concludes with a shrug, as if what he had just said was nothing. As if he had just been talking about the weather. Katsuki might have even found it funny, how mundane he had made it, if it wasn’t for the fact that every single one of the Administrator’s words had been shrapnel that had torn him apart.
“What did she choose?” He hears himself ask, voice twisted into something even he doesn’t recognize. It hurts, the way it scrapes itself through his throat, and he could swear he tastes blood at the back of his tongue.
And yet for all the ways Katsuki ached, Toshinori just looks him over before fixing him with an all knowing smile.
Slowly, he reaches across the desk and pushes the folder closer towards him.
“It’s time to move on, young Bakugou,” he says by way of answer. The statement rings with a finality, one that doesn’t allow for argument or further discussion.
Sighing loudly, Katsuki grabs the folder, defeat hanging heavy across his shoulders in a way that makes him think he might find himself crushed into the ground with it.
Maybe that would be better, anyway, he thinks as he flips it open. With his eyes fixed down at the file, Katsuki feels his heart rate spike as it ratchets inside the cage of his chest.
“What is this?” He asks, not looking up. His pulse is deafening as it beats its soaring rhythm in his ears as his eyes trace back and forth across the folder, as if he’s missing something.
Except he knows he isn’t.
What could he possibly miss when the file itself is empty?
Katsuki’s tongue sticks to the roof of his mouth as he finally shifts his attention upward. His confusion is met with another smile.
“Even imaginary friends need to grow up,” the Administrator says. The words circle around him, overlaid with the memory from months ago, when he’d been in this same spot, only the folder before him then had held information about a little girl and her dad.
Then, he hadn’t known his life was about to change.
Now, he feels the sudden click of a realization deep in his chest as his gaze falls back down on the empty folder in his lap.
A rush works through him, filling the chasm at the center of his chest as his lips slowly turn up into a smile.
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geishaaa · 3 years
For the headcanon meme!!
☠ ☆ (and any other of your election, if you want to! 💕) for HitsuMatsu. I hope is not too much to ask! Thank you! ❤️💕
Star, you are one of my favourite people on this cursed site so nothing is too much for you to ask <3
HitsuMatsu, my fave <3
Oh booooy, this is a difficult one. They’re both Soul Reapers, they’re both so inured/accustomed to violence in their lives, they just aren’t fazed by it. It’s the same with anger, I think. You’ve gotta have some anger in you to be able to fight the way they do.
For Toshiro, I feel like we’ve seen two main levels of anger from him. We see shouty-boi that Rangiku cops on the reg since she’s never. doing. her. paperwork. But I don’t think it’s ever serious anger, it’s more annoyance, and even then it’s just how those two operate now. Rangiku is immune, she just laughs and waves him off, because as long as he’s yelling at her, he’s okay.
We also see the terrifying silently seething from Toshiro, that is almost always followed by a quietly spoken death threat (and often then followed by a shikai release). That level of anger from him is like top tier, in my head, and is reserved for the likes of Gin and Aizen. Rangiku would never be on the receiving end of his violence, but if she was getting the silent treatment from him, she would know she’s really fucked up this time. I don’t believe she’d ever do something capable of invoking that reaction out of him, but at the same time, when they have romantic feelings on the line and are struggling to communicate it, I think she could inadvertently hurt him and he’d default to the silent treatment. It would ultimately end in an seemingly explosive argument that turns to emotional and passionate declarations of love <3
Rangiku on the other hand, is harder for me to believe she has much anger or violence in her, outside of when she’s battling an enemy, but the more I think about it, the more I believe she just holds it all inside her. She couldn’t not be angry after losing so much - Isshin, Gin, potentially part of her damn soul, etc. But I think more than it angers her, it just fucking h u r t s. She lets it sit inside her and it just kills her. Toshiro becomes her main anchor, the one thing that keeps her sane and steady. 
As a couple, they’re never truly mad at each other. They know how each other thinks and emotionally processes. They’re able to help each other and calm each other, knowing exactly what the other needs <3 I maintain that they’re both pretty co-dependant on each other - they’ve been a team for decades, lost so much together, I don’t think they know how to operate without each other anymore. I don’t think it’s unhealthy though, I see them as being positive influences on each other. They’re a family.
And they’re never violent with each other, except when Rangiku forgets her strength and her chest ‘bumps’ into Toshiro, sending him stumbling into a new dimension.
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Oh my gosh, well it’s all happy, isn’t it? Forget what I said above, these two are the happiest beans! Okay, well they’re not, but they have such beautiful moments of happiness, usually in private.
Yes they have anger, yes there is sooooo much pain. But the happy moments? Well they outweigh everything else.
Toshiro and Rangiku know each other too well. They can sense when there other is upset and know how to comfort each other. They make each other so happy, and it’s all in the little things - making each other tea, forehead kisses, calling each other handsome/beautiful. 
It’s when Toshiro spares twenty minutes of paperwork time to nap with Rangiku on the office couch. It’s when he goes shopping with her, even if it’s just to grumble, complain and sit in the ‘boyfriend’ chair in every shop. It’s when he pushes himself beyond his limits to train and train and train to protect her. It’s when he is honest with her, and tells her what he’s planning.
It’s when Rangiku makes sure his haori is on straight and she tells him to “show ‘em who’s boss” when he has captains’ meetings or squad assemblies. It’s when she makes sure he’s finishing work in time for dinner. It’s when she gushes to her friends about him. It’s when she calls him out on his bullshit.
They are both so proud of each other, for being strong and intelligent, and empathetic and caring. They see such beauty in each other, and they both feel cherished, cared for and loved.
They have each other and always will. As long as they know that they’re happy. 
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Thank you @iz-stardust, I love delving into this pairing and their shared psychology <3
Headcanon asks here. 
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jeawrites · 4 years
Discussion (College AU): 2
(Note: Boy ooohh booooy, do i love Brian, yessir, Brian’s my favorite to write for. This is a direct continuation of this)
Ship: Jiggly/Wildcat/Terroriser
Characters: Terroriser, Moo Snuckel, Jiggly, Vanoss (mentioned), Delirious (mentioned), Wildcat (mentioned), Ohm (mentioned).
Word Count: 1146
Brock paused, his mind drawing a blank at the words Brian uttered. "You... Like Ant too?" he repeated, tilting his head. Brian nodded and groaned. "I'm not proud of it!" He clarified, as if that was ever a question. "I'm just... Confused. Don't tell 'em please..."
Sympathetically, Brock sighed out a smile and nodded. "Don't tell Evan that I like him and we have a deal," he promised. Brian looked into his eyes for a sign of a lie before he smiled with exhausted feelings. "Thank ye, Brock."
They hung out for a little after that, which mostly involved Brian interrogating Brock about the book he was reading, before they left the library together. Brock gave the librarian a wave on their way out that made Brian chuckle. It was a nice act you'd expect from him.
"Ye wanna grab a bite?" Brian asked, "The dining hall is bound to be open." Brock hummed in consideration before he shook his head. "No, I shouldn't. I told Marcel and Lui that I'd cook tonight," he explained, rubbing his neck. "Don't your roommates cook for ya?" he asked, glancing to catch Brian smile, holding back a laugh. "Ye think I'd trust David or Scott with me food?" he laughed lightly, "Please tell me ya remember the July incident."
"Oh god no," Brock scrunched up his face with a pained look. Brian could have probably seen the flames of the memory in his eyes if he looked. "I never ever want you three cooking- I swear I didn't need to remember that," he groaned.
Brian laughed it off.
They parted ways with Brian heading to the dining hall and Brock heading back to his dorm.
It was a nice walk, the campus was illuminated by a few lamp posts and students were still out and about, so Brian could pick up on a few of the latest stories from around the school.
He walked into the building with a smile, the smell of some good food hitting him first and he sighed blissfully. He needed a good meal. He pulled out his meal card and stood in line, waiting to be checked in.
His eyes were now mostly focusing between the line and his phone, until he felt a hand get placed on his shoulder. "Hey, Brian!"
He nearly jumped out of his skin in surprise, turning his head to catch a glance of Anthony. Now, a little relieved, he sighed and smiled in exasperation. "Hey, Anthony," he greeted, gaining a little laugh. "Hey! Sorry for sneaking up on you," he clearly didn't mean it from the little giggles leaving him, but Brian didn't mind that much. "Uhhuh. Whatever."
Brian felt his stomach twist just from being around Anthony. It was a good feeling, but he didn't exactly like it. He felt it best to ignore, but Anthony was a little touchy. Every shoulder tap or pat on the back made him feel like burning up into a small flame of embarrassing love.
Love? Man, Brian was taken back by that word. He didn’t know if he’d call this love, per se. Maybe more just a general fling of attraction? A one sided sense of aw? God, he was spiraling so much he had finally hit his poetic/not poetic stage of thoughts!
He was dragged back to reality with Anthony’s voice, and he glanced at him only to be gestured towards the front. The line had gone, and now it was his turn. “Oh- oh, right, my bad,” he chuckled awkwardly and walked up, allowing the staff member to scan his meal card before he stepped aside and waited for Anthony to join him.
“So what’s got you acting like an airhead?” Anthony asked once his card got scanned. “I’m not actin like an airhead,” Brian argued back, heading off with him towards the food area where they each grabbed a tray that they intended to stack up with plates. What a luxury. “You sure? Cause you spaced out back there for a bit,” Anthony mumbled, stopping to grab some pasta right away. Brian went to the salad bar next door to fix himself up one. “I’m positive,” he decided, his tone full of affirmation.
Anthony hummed, almost in a doubtful way, but he didn’t really touch on it. “Sure, okay,” he shrugged as he finished off his plate. “Hey, mind if we sit near the back? Tyler is s’pose to be here in a few,” Anthony requested.
Did he just assume they were going to eat together because they happened to be there together? Maybe Brian wanted to eat alone!
“Yeah, that’s fine,” Brian agreed with a nod. Damn it, Brian.“What’s got him kept up anyways?” he added. “Evan,” Anthony answered simply, a grin forcing itself onto his face. “Oh god,” Brian groaned as he moved to the next station to grab a burger. “What’s he doin now?” he asked. “Same old, same old,” Anthony laughed gently. “But maybe a little more sense he’s also out with Jon and Ryan.”
Brian huffed, a laugh following because he could already picture Tyler scolding them but not for too long before he started laughing. The thought of Tyler’s laugh filled Brian’s head and made him feel bubbly, happy. He honestly couldn’t wait to hear it.
“Earth to Brian,” Anthony sung, a tease. “Ah! Right- right. Do ye know what they three were up to?” he spoke quickly, his steps following that pattern as he hurried to the dessert counter. Anthony smiled almost fondly and followed after. “Not a clue,” he answered as they reached the area, “Something to do with fireworks.”
Every week it was something new with them- the group in general. Fireworks was one of the least surprising things Brian’s heard to be involved in a scheme. It was at least underneath a circus clown mob (a scheme Jon was very adamant about) and enough fake snow to fill an apartment or three plus an indoor ice skating rink (which was just a really slippery kitchen floor). John and Jaren were behind that one- though Evan had helped out along with a very, very reluctant Brock.
Brian snickered and he reached out to grab a brownie, accidentally brushing fingers with Anthony. He immediately flinched back, and grew more flustered as he heard Anthony laugh softly. “Sorry man, you can have it if you want!” he apologized and gestured to the treat. Brian looked towards it, he looked at it like it just did something wrong and needed to go to prison. “N-no- no! Go ahead and take it!” Brian smiled shakily and then he grabbed a plate with a few cookies on it. “I’ll enjoy these instead!” Anthony shot him a small glance, and Brian met his eyes, resisting the urge to look away. Then, Anthony smiled. “If you insist!” And he grabbed the brownie.
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levi-ish · 7 years
Starstruck - Tom Holland au
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I’m back with another shitty au but I love to write those so DEAL WITH IT
I already named some of the characters but nothing stops you from naming them differently
again, sorry about my english. I try
let’s get starteeeeed
ok it starts with you living in a small town in England with your family
you have a sister older than you (let’s just establish that Tom’s 21, your sister is 20 and you’re 19)
Mags, your sis, is obsessed with this actor Tom Holland and watches E V E R Y one of his interviews
sometimes you think your eyes will fall from your head from rolling so much
“Dude, can you stop drooling all over him? You don’t even know him” “We have a connection, Y/N. You wouldn’t understand”
it’s not that you’re a bad person, you just know that people might be different off the cameras
what if this Tom is just a prick?
One day your parents plan a trip to London to visit your grandmother and your sister flps ‘cause Tom lives there
“It’s not like you’re going to bump into him”
then Mags opens a big pink book that you’ve already seen sometimes but never wanted to know about
and gosh
each page contains things of his routine
where he works, lives, drinks, shops
she might even know where he shits for god’s sake
while Mags jumping around the house looking for missing piece of clothes to put on her bag you’re just thinking about how much you miss your grandma
your parents have been absent for most of the time and she was the one who raised you
then she had to move to London ‘cause of her husband’s death and you only got to see her once a year
so let’s just say you were very excited
the car trip was awful
it wasn’t long but your sister made it look like an eternity 
“I can’t wait to go to the Onyx club and see Tom!” “I hope I can meet him at the Sunset Park” “I swear I will jump at him if I see him in Miguel’s Gym”
when you got there and saw your grandmother doing gardening you just flipped and hug her
you’ve always felt so comfortable in her arms
it was good until Mags started to complain that you were taking too long and she needed to follow Tom’s routine
your parents said that they would only let her go if you came with her
“Fuck no” “Mooooom” “Y/N, language!”
after watching your sister almost kneeling to beg for you to come you agreed rolling your eyes while doing so
“don’t worry, Mags, it runs like a Ferrari” “a super ugly Ferrari, you mean”
it was starting to get dark and you just put on a hoodie and your sneakers to go 
you went to your sisters room to find her going crazy about something that you couldn’t really understand
“I found out that Tom Holland is making an appearence at Onyx club tonight and will meet his fans! I can’t believe the Universe is compensating me” “Take a breath, Mags. He’s not all that”
she almost threw you at the window
she asked for your family car but your parents said that they had to use it so your grandma let her use her car
PS: it was a VERY pink car
like really pink
but Mags wanted to see her so called love and hopped right into the front seat
when you got there after almost getting deaf from Mags singing skills you told her that you would stay in the car
she didn’t care and jumped out, walking across the street in her very high heels
“I need those heels to be taller than everyone, then Tom can see me in the crowd” “Dude, what”
so you have been in the car alone for what it felt like hours just watching the city lights and the cars in movement and got bored
you tried to call her but she never answered
you jumped out of the car and crossed the street to see a big ass line of people trying to get into the club
frustrated, you turned around trying to find the back exit
when you found it you walked to the door 
and bam
you were knocked off
your head was now pounding and you couldn’t see straight for a moment
“ouch” “oh fuck, did I just hit you?” “no, the door hit me by itself”
your vision was returning to normal and you started to recognize him
those brown curls, sharp jaw and chocolate eyes
oh no
“wait… you’re Tom…”
then suddenly his hand was covering your mouth
“okay, you need to see a doctor”
he literally pushed you to his car
you started to feel dizzy the moment he helped you to get on your feet
the same door that hit you opened again revealing another familiar face
the blonde guy was Tom’s best friend as you remembered from that pink book
“I know you… you’re Harry… Howard?” “Harrison, gosh. Who is she, Tom?” “I don’t know… What’s your name?” “Y/N”
when you got on the passenger seat on what you supposed that was his car you started to feel worse
Harrison was in front of you and started to talk to Tom about something that you couldn’t focus 
your stomach felt funny and you just turned your face in the blonde direction and threw up
the last thing you remembered was you in a hospital bed and a man examinating you
his dark hand opened your eyelids and he just gave you a small smile
“everything looks good”
then Tom opened the curtain in a hurry and gave you both a look
“so she’s okay?” “out, Tom, for God’s sake” “if I’m okay, why did I thow up?” “maybe it was something you ate or it was just your reaction to meet this douchebag” “it’s a curtain, Anthony, this means I can hear you”
you laughed a little and then asked if they knew each other
your doctor told you that he and Tom were old friends
when you were free to go, the actor received a call from his mother and told him that she needed him in the house right away
and he told you that he would drop you at your grandma’s right after
after rolling your eyes and arguing a lot you agreed
“you’ve got to be kidding me. This house could have a small country living in!” “yeah yeah, let’s go upstairs” “why do you have so many pictures of yourself? This is so creepy”
he took you to his room and told you to stay 
bored again, you went to his balcony and watched the view
then you stared down and found Tom holding a paper in front of a big crowd and noticed that his hands were shaking a little bit
“I know that you all came here to watch my new movie trailer, but I wanted to show you a piece of my poetry work… ”
as stubborn as you were, you had to admit that it was incredible 
it was hard to impress you but booooy
but as you watched everyone cheering him, you saw a couple that didn’t look very happy
what you didn’t know was that Tom loved to write poetry and always did but never showed anyone
it was a huge step to read it in front of a huge crowd
he was never scared to act ‘cause he always read what he was told to, but reading a piece that he wrote was a whole new thing
by the time he was finished you had already go downstairs and opened his garage door
why does he owns so many cars?
and he opened the door too, smiling genually 
“you told me that you would take me home. When?” “pick a car and we can go” “no” “So how do you wanna get there? Walking?” “yeah” “where do you live?” “Stratford” “ok, we can get there. On tuesday”
inhaling deeply you agreed with him and watched him opening the silver car’s door
but you were too stubborn and hoppend into the blue one
“what’s the purpose of that?”
while he was driving you started to think about the whole night and felt the urge to roll your eyes
then he turned the radio on and a song comes playing on right at the end
next came an ad about a new movie and you heard the narrator saying Tom’s name
and he started to quote his lines and opened a big smile
“really?” “what? I thought you liked it” “ok, you thought I would be dying to be in a car with Tom Holland listening to him quoting the lines of his new movie ‘cause it’s every fan dream, but guess what” “what?” “I’m not your fan”
you could see his smile dropping and his face turning into a sad expression
god you felt like a monster
“you don’t like it?”
trying to fix the situation you responded quickly
“no, I like your movies. I’m just not crazy about you”
obviously you added sass to your phrase
while Tom was driving he noticed that a black car started to follow them and knew that they were paparazzis 
when he parked he saw they getting closer and asked you to crash in your garage
you helped to pull his car into the garage and looked for some covers for him to sleep
he even asked you if he could find something to use to hide from the paparazzis and you told him to look into the boxes
he put on a blue hat and turned to you asking if it was fine
your heart stopped for a moment when you realized what hat it was
your grandpa’s hat
you remember him using it almost every evening when he went fishing by the lake near the house
“okay… should I take it off?” “no, no. You should keep it. Looks good on you”
he gave you a weird look and picked up the covers
when you were about to leave, he grabbed your arm firmly and gave you a big smile and doe eyes and you felt your heart skip a beat
“stop doing that” “doing what?” “giving me this… this fucking look. I bet you do it all the time, you give the girls this look and expect them to fall for you, but it’s not working for me so get over it”
so you fully turned away and closed the door behind you without knowing that he was smiling again
the morning after you came to the table to have breakfast with your family and say Mags looking a w f u l
she asked for the syrup and your grandma told her that it was in the garage
then you panicked
you ran after her and started to fight for the garage entrance control
and your father came right in and opened it revealing the empty room
you were relieved
when you two came back to the house, your grandma told Mags that the news were talking about “that boy you like”
the reporter was talking about his appearence in the Onyx club for his girlfriend Ella Marie’s birthday and left early
with a mysterious girl
you were frightened for a moment
but then Mags decided that she was going to follow Tom’s schedule again 
your mother told you to go with her again and you didn’t even had the energy to argue
when you got to the park, Mags started to walk around trying to find her idol
“I wonder what his eyes looks like up close” “brown, like chocolate.”
you were lucky that she completly ignored that comment
you found a bench with a guy sitting on
then you saw the blue hat and smiled, sitting next to him
and you thought that it would be fun to mess with him a little and started to talk about the weather and the trees and he got really uncomfortable
“what gave it away?” “the hat” “it kinda smells like fish” “no, I’m pretty sure that’s you”
he told you that he never went home because there were 10 paparazzis parked outside his house
so he asked for your car and then you made a trade
you put his car keys on your sister’s bag and you two went to your grandmas car while hiding from the cameras
he gave you his sunglasses to hide even more 
when you escaped you started laughing and talking a lot
“you know, I’m gonna need my sunglasses back” “I don’t know… I kinda liked them” “you can have it later” “for reals? ‘Cause my friends won’t believe that I, Y/N Y/L/N, have actually got Tom Hollands sunglasses from Tom Holland himself! Would you autograph it for me?” “haha, very funny” “so how long do we have to stay away?” “just till the paparazzis leave the park”
so Tom suggests for you to do something and takes you to a tour in Londons best places ‘cause you have never went to those
he showed you the Big Ben, the Buckingham Palace and even bought a camera to take pictures of you and the guards
he wanted to take you to the London Eye but you told him you would throw up all of the toffee pudding you ate
then he took you to Madame Tussauds and took lots of pictures of you and his wax figure
you even picked at his wax figure nose
when you made a stop, you were sitting in Millennium Bridge and he snapped a picture of you 
‘cause you looked so natural and pretty that he couldn’t resist and then he took one of you two together
at the end of the tour, you already knew all of his ad lines and were quoting with him earning a lot of laughs
“you know, I really liked your poem” “really? I-I… I don’t have much support to write them and-” “why? That one was awesome and I know the others might be as well” “my parents doesn’t like them at all”
you didn’t know what to say, then you put your hand on his shoulder and caress the spot, reassuring him that it was okay
until you spotted the paparazzis following you again
Tom drove in another direction while you gave him coordinates
when you disregarded them you found yourselves lost in a forest and the car wasn’t moving 
then you saw that you were in a big mud puddle sinking the car
for your lives, you two jumped into the puddle and swam to the surface and out
laying on the grass you inhaled deeply and started to panic ‘cause the car was gone
and a anger took over you making you throw everything at Tom
“calm down Y/N, it wasn’t our fault!” “yeah, it was mine, because I was so stupid to help you in the first place” “what are you saying? Why don’t you like me? I thought that after today you would” “that’s the problem! You think everybody likes you” “it’s because they do” “no, Tom, they just want something from you”
you tried to wipe the mud off your arms and clothes and never saw the hurt look on his face
“you know, your life is not real, Tom. You live in a house that looks like a five-star hotel, have a shitload of cars and money and a girlfriend that you don’t even like” “I like her” “oh yeah? Then why you left her birthday to help a stranger?” “I… I don’t know!” “do you even want to be with her?”
After a deep exhale you saw the pain in his chocolate eyes 
“no. I don’t” “and can you even name two of your employees?” “are you telling me that you think I don’t give a damn about them?” “name them!” “Rose, Darcy, Jude, Carl, Sierra, Marcus and Jeanine. Want more?”
you felt like shit after that, but didn’t let your anger go
and then,�� while you were arguing, he fell into the tall grass and you screamed for him
out of nowhere, he came back and grabbed you, falling into a lake
the water cleaned all your anger and threw it away while you two were having fun together
after a while, you two came out of the water and sat in a wooden stump while admiring the sunset
“I wish I could stay here forever” “why?” “’cause here is peaceful. Without paparazzis, parents, girlfriends…” “and why do you say that?” “just like you said, they all want something from me” “I didn’t mean it like that. I was angry about the car and…” “no, you were right, it is like that” “it’s just that your life is so different from mine and I don’t understand everything being so public” “not everything is so public” “like what?” “like this”
he started to lean in and his flushed lips found yours, sealing a gentle kiss that made it seem like everything else didn’t matter
nor Tom’s fame nor Y/N’s ordinary life
and you got goosebumps all over your body while his thumb caressed your cheek 
when you separated you looked deep into his eyes and noticed that look again
“you like me” “you wish”
while you two walked back to the park, your fingers were interwined the whole way, never breaking the contact
from time to time he kissed your cheek or pecked your lips, receiving smiles from you
but when two guys passed you running, he turned into a whole new person, putting your grandpa’s hat to hide from them
you feel bad to see that he keeps doing that
he doesn’t want to be seen with you and it breaks your little heart
“back to the real world, this ends here” “what’s ‘this’?” “this, us. You can’t tell anybody about what happened today, not even your parents” “why? It’s not like they would post it on Twitter or anything” “but you have to promise me. If anyone knows about this, the media will go crazy” “why would it go crazy?” “’cause I’m Tom Holland and you’re just an ordinary girl”
back at it again with the ordinary and celebrity thing
you try to go away but he stops you again, saying that he didn’t meant it like that, but you don’t listen
you tell him to leave you alone but he stops you again
“can you give me that camera? I wouldn’t want the pictures to get out”
you throw the camera in the grass and he picks it up
“I don’t want it to end that way” “how about this, Tom, we both forget about what happened today and live our lifes like before?” “you don’t understand, Y/N. If the paparazzis sees those pictures they would make up stories and turn everything beautiful into an ugly thing. They ruin everything” “they don’t have to, you already did”
you get your grandpa’s hat back and turn around, leaving him there with your heart on his hands
the rest of the trip you feel empty and sick, not processing any of what happened
your parents even took you two to London’s famous spots that happened to be the same that Tom took you and you felt uneasy
but you faked it really well
while walking you saw the cover of a magazine that reads “Tom Holland and Ella Marie breaks up” and felt a little bit of hope, but it fade away when you remembered about what happened
it was so hard for you to forget about the butterflies in your stomach that he gave you when you two kissed
when your trip came to an end, you hugged your grandma so tight, never wanting to let go
“oh darling, I know it hurts right now, but it isn’t as bad as it seems. Life has a way to make everything better” “you sure, grandma?” “take a look at me, I’ve been wanting to get rid of that ugly car since your grandpa died”
by the time you came home, there were lots of paparazzis in your front yard and you had to pass through them
your sister came running to the tv room and put on some channel that was showing Tom doing an interview
saying that he didn’t know you
“I don’t know who this girl is or what she’s saying about me”
Gosh, can’t he break your heart a little more?
and then he looked at the camera with his look and you felt like crying
so you just left the room and ran to your bed
for a few days the paparazzis were camping on your frontyard and you got sick of it, coming right at them
“Y/N, tell us about your weekend with Tom, we only want the truth” “you don’t want the truth, you want a story. You take a good normal person and turn them into your own reality show. You build them up into a celebrity so you can turn them down in public”
you just keep throwing all of your emotions at them and the noise stopped right away, listening and feeling sorry for themselves
“one more question, who Tom Holland really is?”
you wanted to tell the truth, to tell them all your thoughts, but you just couldn’t, so you lied
“the Tom Holland you want so bad to know about, I never met him. And I never want to”
when all of those impostors left your house, you spent the other days reading your books
one morning, when you felt like the weather was pure and clear, you grabbed a big book from your shelf and opened the front door to read it on the porch
but it wasn’t like the other days
‘cause that day, Tom Holland was in your porch, holding a piece of paper while his fingers were trembling
“fuck no”
you closed the door and heard him calling you again, opening in a fast move
“Y/N, please, listen to me” “why should I?” “you shouldn’t, but please, give me this chance”
you lick your lips and refuses to look him in the eyes, feeling uncomfortable in his presence
“I know I messed up, big time, but I’m trying to make things right. I’m trying to be more like a person, just like you told me to” “good to know, are you done?” “n-no, actually, I wrote you a poem, and I wanted you to hear it from me, not to read or anything like that. I wanted to read it for you. And please, just listen for it and then I’ll leave you alone, I promise”
Again, you inhale for a long time and the exhale, biting your bottom lip, nodding for him to go on
“I’m no superman I can’t take your hand And fly you anywhere You want to go I can’t read your min Like a billboard sign And tell you everything You want to hear, butI’ll be your hero ‘Cause I can be everything you need If you’re the one for me Like gravity I’ll be unstoppable I believe in destiny I may be an ordinary guy With heart and soul But if you’re the one for me I’ll be your hero”
you almost felt the blood taste in your mouth from how hard you were biting your bottom lip by now
you look deep into his eyes and feel that connection again, but now afraid to fall and to be more broken than before
“Tom, it was nice, but I’m already in pain, so if you could just go…” “I talked to your grandma, Y/N. She told me to come” “why does it have to do with any of this?” “she gave me this”
he shows you the hat in his hands and you feel a weird sensation in your stomach again
some tears starts to fall from your eyes and burn your cheeks but you don’t mind them
“I think I like you, Y/N. I’m not supposed to, but I don’t care anymore. I don’t care if you’re ordinary or not, to me, you’re special”
your heart skipped a beat and he takes off his sunglasses, placing them on top of your head and earning a big smile from your lips
“hey, Tom?” “huh?” “you’re an asshole” “it’s okay, you are too”
then, you smile at him and your lips meet again, in an embrace that you just wanted so much to feel again
“how about you get in here and have some lunch with us?” “that would be great”
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jinwoowoohoo · 6 years
Astro in DC~
Hello! I’m here to give you my complete fanmeet experience to the best of my abilities~ I’m going to preface this by saying I’d been feeling ill the past few days, so it took a lot of my willpower just to keep myself standing for a fair chunk of the show…. Which means 1) my memory is a bit fuzzy and 2) I just did not have the brainpower to focus on every member, so this is a very Jinwoo-biased fan account (not that any of you should be surprised tbh).
P.S. I’m sorry I wrote a literal novel;;; this is largely to help me remember it all both now and in the future, but I also wanted to share!
(rip mobile users someone please teach how to actually make readmores work on mobile edit: never mind my iPad did the thing! Bless)
The Beginning:
The girl who did the cover dance absolutely rocked it, and the crowd had no problem hyping her up - she performed Again and we were fanchanting and everything~ And then when she finished the lights dimmed, she left the stage, and we all waited very anxiously for the real show to begin.
Now. I knew going in that Jinjin would be the first on stage with his dance solo, but that did not stop him from still completely taking my breath away (like I actually gasped and put my hand on my chest/over my mouth). It was the moment of realization that he’s real! And really here!! And he’s doing his thing!!! Like I’m still processing the feeling of seeing him in real 3D space, seeing his body as a real human body, with depth and warmth, not just a flat image (I hope that doesn’t sound weird??). And man did he kill that solo. I always love when he gets a chance to bust out his house dance skills 💕 (I should actually check cams from the other shows to see if he was doing a set choreo or going freestyle 👀). And then, of course the Rocko man himself came out, and proceeded to just destroy us all (and booooy was the crowd Rocky biased - the screams for him were REAL yall).
Once that section was done the rest of the boys came out and!! Myungjun was in just a black tshirt and jeans!!! How dare he attack me so soon into the show!!! 
They performed Again which was stellar as always, and then they segwayed into Baby. And things got LIT. Their demeanor changed, the crowd energy changed, it was just. Exactly the mood you’d expect from Baby~ The boys got really smiley and just looked like they were so happy! Just rainbows and sparkles all around haha
After baby finished they did their intros! Jinjin went first and of course intro’d himself as the leader and main visual. Eunwoo said a good bit in English but so help me if I remember any of it 😰 Moonbin gave his whole intro in English too! And you can seriously tell how hard he worked to be able to do so!! Like he really said a lot and you could tell he was thinking carefully as he was talking, I was so proud of him :’) He’s adorable, his voice is adorable, hearing him say ‘puppycat’ is deadly 😂 Mj introduced himself as the happy virus, and I unfortunately don’t remember the rest of his or Socky’s intros :( After intros, the staff brought out chairs and they sat down for q&a time!
If you had drawn a line directly from my seat to the stage, that’s where Jinwoo was sitting :“”“”“”) So basically I had the perfect view of him (even if I was like 12 rows back). I cant remember everything that was asked/said (im sure there are 100 fancams anyway) but some highlights include:
♥ The first question was who pays for meals the most, and they did the 3-2-1-point thing; everyone pointed to Jinjin. Then they said some stuff I couldn’t hear/catch, but it ended with Jinwoo saying something (in English!) about no longer having access to his mom’s card 😂😂
♥ Someone asking Bin his workout routine, and him genuinely telling us lmaoo And every time he would name an activity (running, weights, etc) Jinwoo would be in his chair just miming it out like a NERD 😂 (Jinwoo was just generally very animated and interactive, and he was smiling soooo muuuuuch you could just tell he was in a good mood!!)
♥ Someone asked what the members needed to have when traveling. Rocky said mask pack, Jinwoo said Arohas love 😑, I didn’t catch what Eunwoo said??, I think Bin also said Arohas love, MJ said contacts and something else genuine, and Sanha said?? He brought Jinjin??? And Jinwoo was just like ???????????????? What are you talking about 😂😂
♥ Someone asked who’s the best cook/who cooks the most and what do they make. Immediately Sanha just goes “not me!” and everyone laughs. They said they really don’t cook much at home, but Bin likes to cook and wants to make food for the upcoming birthdays! :’)
After the q&a they introduced/moved into Run which, again, Jinwoo’s position was DIRECTLY in line with my seat for a lot of the song; I was #blessed. Also at the very beginning when they were passing the mic down the line, Eunwoo teased Sanha and almost didn’t give him the mic in time - the baby got a little flustered 😝 (P.S. Sanha is the most adorable and pure being on this earth, and I’m pretty sure his giggle could cure cancer. I still can’t believe I got to hear it in person.)
So Run was good, the crowd def didn’t know the lyrics as well as the other songs but the spirit was still there! And then then segwayed into Crazy Sexy Cool and for some??  reason??? I have very little memory of it…. I do remember the fanchants being STRONG though, esp for rapline haha
After that I think they took a short break while the MC did his thing, then they brought the boys back out for gaaaaame tiiiiiiime 😀😀
Game Time:
The first game was the mystery box one, and the members were divided by staff into Hyung line vs Maknae line. The grandpas being on the same team were, of course, being goofy and extra af lmao (And Eunwoo just stood there laughing as usual). They r/p/scissored to see which team would go first - it was Jinwoo vs Rocky, and Jinwoo decided to be Extra™ and do it by turning away from Rocko and sticking his arm out behind him. Rocky won, and I’m like 99% sure he totally cheated and waited a split second for Jinjin to throw his hand before showing his own….
But either way, Maknae team won so they made Hyung team go first. Before they brought out the box there was some hyping/smack talk~ Eunwoo said (approximately) in English “Just one thing: we win >:)” and then our precious child Sanha goes, also in English (approximately) “Just one thing: You lose!” It was seriously the cutest ah my heart 💖 So they brought out the box, and the thing they had to guess was…. Raw egg 😫😫 Maknae team peeked at what they’d have to guess and omg their reactions 😂😂 They were thoroughly grossed out and excited for the other team to suffer lmaoo
So Jinjin went first, and he took off his jacket and rolled up one shirt sleeve and he;;;; has a very nice forearm;;;;; You should find fancams for their reactions tbh bc there’s no way I could do them justice, but watching Jinwoo’s face distort in discomfort and hearing him let out a small scream was sure something 😂😂 Because it was raw egg it was suuuper wet and drippy and gross and you could seeee it dripping off his fingers when he took his hand out of the box 😣😝 (the staff had towels at the ready, don’t worry). He removed his hand from the box, wiped it off a bit, and then smelled his fingers and as soon as he did that we was like “…aaaaaaaaah 😈😈” so he probably figured it out right away. Mj was next and of course he had to be a little extra when putting his hand in, walking his fingers around the opening a bit before diving in. And then as soon as he touched it he just full on screamed 😂😂 And he kept screaming and making weird noises for a bit, then he got a little used to it and was like “ooooh 😳” I can’t remember anything he might have done after that 😩 Eunwoo went third and was def the most anxious. He stuck his hand in and I can’t remember if he even touched it or not before he freaked and pulled his hand back out 😂 Again that’s really all I can remember from him 😢 Then they had 15 seconds to collude as a team and settle on their answer, and they guessed it right!! Also once the crowd heard what it was they had touched we were all just like “eeeeww oh noooooooo!! DD: ” And then. And then the Extra Bros™ Myungjin start acting like chickens =w=;;;; There were fair amounts of butt wiggling. (MJ started it of course).
So! They guessed right! Which meant if Maknae line couldn’t get theirs then they would have to do a punishment. So. The staff brought out the next item, which was white and round and squishy. Hyung line snuck a peek and they were just standing there poking it 😂😂 And then freaking troll Eunwoo said to the other team “guys be careful! Its moving! Its alive!!!” And Myungjin went along with him on it lmao Maknae line didn’t really know what to make make of them lol
Rocky went first, and he really Did Not want to stick his hand in there - you could just see the classic suffering smile on his face. He definitely yelled several times when touching it (not a scream, but a very Rocky yell haha) Once he was done he seemed to have an idea what it was, and started whispering in Bins ear. Sanha went second and he was… well…. Sanha lol Very squirmy, very screamy. Bin went last (I think, he and Sanha might be switched aaah I’m so sorry), and I don’t really remember Bins reaction while his hand was in the box at all. I do know that he was like full-on squeezing the thing and the MC was losin it at him, and after he took his hand out he sniffed his hand and then licked it =w=;;;;; and all of us were just like Bin no!!!! Then he went back and there was more Moonrock ear whispering.
Once all 3 went they had their 15 seconds to decide, and I didn’t understand what the answer they gave was (it was hard to hear Rocky and the MC didn’t repeat what he said for us) buuuuuuuut it was wrong! The right answer was a ball of mozzarella cheese~~ Hyung line of course started taunting them for losing (mostly led by Jinwoo) and even got the whole crowd involved 😂😂 And thus the losing team was introduced to their punishment: they had to spell their names. With their butts. Sexily. (And I was like you’re going to make the Maknaes do what?????). So Bin went first and he pretty much died of embarrassment one letter in, but he powered through! Rocko was next and he was also internally dying (and externally yelling 😂) but the dancer part of him took over and booooy does he have balance and body control. I’m pretty sure after he was done he ran and hugged Bin to deal with his embarrassment and the crowd LOVED that 😂 Sanha went last and the MC had to torture him!! And make him do his full name!! 😭😭 Of course it was more awkwardly cute than sexy, and him saying the letters as he went was unbearably adorable. (I honestly covered my eyes/turned away to laugh/cringe for most of the punishments =w=)
The next game was guessing the song based on choreo. They split up into teams by randomly selecting colored papers and somehow!! Binu still managed to be a team!! How many times has this happened now????? The other teams were JinHa and RaMyung. They were deciding who should go first and Bin said the “maknae” team should go first (referring to RaMyung) and literally everyone was just like what are you on about????? 😂😂 Fake Maknae MJ strikes again! They r/p/scissored for team order again and I’m like 80% sure Rocko cheated again 👀👀👀 But either way the order ended up as Binu, RaMyung, JinHa. Binu actually did really well!!! with Bin dancing and Eunwoo guessing, but I have to shame Woo for not getting Sistar’s Shake It like boy come on! I think they got 6+ right? RaMyung were…. less successful, but it was honestly more on Rocky??? I think he just like panicked and couldn’t straighten out in his brain what he should actually be doing with his body, then the ones he did actually do the dance to MJ was pretty hit or miss 😂 But they still got a few!! Aaaand then came JinHa… For some reason they decided Sanha should do the dancing, and well…. He passed like every other one, and I don’t think Jinwoo was able to guess a single one 😂 It was just a lot of panic and failure lmaoo So needless to say their team came dead last.
It was decided both losing teams had to do punishment, and that punishment was 40 pushups per team. However the MC said they could divide that any way they wanted, for example Sanha could do 1 and Jinjin 39. JinHa team went first, and Sanha volunteered to do his share first. And the kid got down, wiggled into position, did 1 pushup, and stood back up like “all done!” 😂😂 We got to witness Jinwoo’s legendary ‘possibly contemplating murder rn’ face 😂😂 But then Sanha got back down - and as he was going of course Jinwoo was starting to take his jacket off to prepare for his half but then we reached 20… And 21… And 22… And Sanha kept going all the way to 40! So Jinwoo didn’t have to do anything, and he seemed really pleased :) and was like *shrugs* alright then and put his jacket back on. Mj went first for RaMyung team and bless his heart he did the whole 40 too so Rocky didn’t have to.
The final game was random play dance and there wasn’t much to it really, they just ran through the point parts of 2 other group songs (BTS Dope and Apink No No No). They all did fine for BTS of course, but Binnie KILLED it with Apink lmao to the point where the rest of the members kinda stopped and just let him shine. The final song was one from Dream Part 01 but I cannot for the life of me remember which one it was 😩 I want to say Dream Night or Dreams Come True?? (Watch it be neither akdbsj)
And that was the end of game time! I think they maybe took another quick break, but maybe not idk;;; and then we segwayed into Breathless!
And boy let me tell you, Aroha get PUMPED for Breathless. Confession too tbh, like I don’t remember much from CSC but I definitely remember people just going hardcore with love for these songs haha And I’m pretty sure the boys could feel the passion for them too~ Also during Breathless when Moonrock have their dance bit and then it switches to a rapline dance bit, Jinwoo’s shirt came up a little bit and idk why that suddenly affected me so much but I literally like gasped said “oh my god” out loud 😳
They then moved into the final ment, which worried me at first as I thought maybe we had to skip You & Me due to time or something, but nope they just did the ment first!
Final Ment:
I don’t really remember much of what they said, but I do know Eunwoo said that when he was younger DC was one of the cities he dreamed of visiting, and that it was a beautiful place~ And I think it was MJ(??) who said DC Aroha are the best of the 3 shows so far of course~ 😂😂 Omg and Rocky, when he was in the middle of his ment (I think that’s when this happened anyway aksbaj my awful memory) he just stops like mid-thought and goes “I can’t see” and does the most epic hair flip to get the hair out of his eyes, then just stands there for like 10 seconds basking in his new-found vision. It was so majestic and unexpected I doubled over laughing 😂😂😂 They also said they know it’s hard for us to see them and they were grateful to us for waiting for them, and they would be waiting for us in Korea as well~
For You & Me they first asked if everyone knew the choreo, and enough people said yes that the were like “alright then, show us what you got!” and the music for the chorus played and we all did our darn best to remember the choreo (I failed, I didn’t refresh my memory beforehand and couldn’t remember it well enough =w=;;;) They seemed genuinely impressed by how we did overall though! After that they had Sanha teach us how it goes cutely, and yeah, it’s exactly what you’d expect from that sentence 😂 Once everyone had learned from Captain Sanha and practiced a couple times, they started the song for real! And I already posted about it, but it really is softest, warmest, sweetest experience. To have everyone in the crowd doing choreo and interacting with their neighbors whether they knew them or not it just, i don’t even know how to describe it, it’s just nice?? And lots of people were giggling and smiling, including my right-side partner, which was so fun to turn to each time 💕💕 I definitely got a little emotional during it (but I didn’t cry! Go me!) Edit: Also I forgot but when Jinwoo started to move to the front to do his rap, MJ pushed him out of the way and did it instead! Jinwoo was hyping him up and laughing his butt off 😂😂 And MJ genuinely did really well
 After Y&M they gave their official goodbye and left the stage, and almost immediately the crowd started chanting “encore!” and as expected, after a bit they came back out~
Our encore was I’ll Be There and they were throwing out bags of gummy bears. Also for the encore a TON of people rushed the stage, including like everyone to the front and right of me. Soooooooo~ When Jinwoo threw some into our area, there was nobody but me to retrieve it :’) (I maaay have accidentally body slammed the seat in front of me trying to catch it 😅) In my wildest dreams he threw it to me on purpose, but in reality he never actually looked at me so I doubt it (it’s nice to have dreams though 😂) Some people who were up at the stage got some great footage of Jinwoo getting right up into their camera’s business so I look forward to seeing those 👀👀
Once they ran out of candy and the song ended it was officially time for them to say goodbye 😢 They gave their last “Wanna be your ☆” and took a bow, then headed backstage to chill until perks began!
The staff decided to do hi touch first, and since I had both perks it took me a hot minute to realize I needed to get in line too (since I was sitting in P1 and nobody around me was moving lol) The girls I was in line with were very cute and nice - one of them was newer to the boys so she had a hard time telling Myungjin apart haha We tried to help her get them straight~ The line moved really quickly and when it was my turn my brain switched to auto pilot……
Jinwoo was first bc apparently the universe likes to see me Suffer. I don’t even remember what he looked like, all I remember is him seeing my shirt and saying “aaaah, slow~  😉” and all I could get out was a “yes!” 😂😵😵😭😭 Sanha was next in line but my brain was so busy processing the first interaction I have absolutely 0 memory of him, if I even managed to hi five him at all akdbaj like I completely just blacked out for a few seconds. Eunwoo was third and I regained myself enough to actually start looking at their faces, but I still couldn’t make my own sentences, so instead I started parroting what I was hearing from the members which was “thank you” - which is a fine thing to say and I wholly meant it, but I do wish I could have said a bit more… Bin was third and I also Do Not remember him, like, at all 😣 I’m so disappointed, he deserves better. But then came Rocky. There really must be something just inexplicably striking about Rocky, because I remember him pretty damn clearly all things considered! He had his big Rocko smile and it was strikingly beautiful 😪 Finally was MJ and I remember seeing him and thinking “I have to make sure he knows I genuinely love and support him!!” So I looked really hard at his face, but my brain was still *static noises* so all I could say was thank you :“) I tried to really sincerely say it and show him with my eyes that I meant it though!! And then it was over, and I took a big ole breath as I made my way down off the stage and back to my seat. And thus began the waiting for group pic. (The girl I had been sitting next to laughed when I came back 😂😂
Group Photo:
The line for P2 was pretty much a free for all, but the line for P1 was specifically done row by row. I was at the back of Orchestra Center, so I wasn’t first by any means but I was probably in the first 1/3. The setup was there were 8 chairs, and the boys stood behind the chairs. They were all doing different poses and switching it up for each pic while I was waiting in line (I’ve been told staff made them stop later on which is dumb af if you ask me like people are supposed??? To pose for pics??? Also have you met Astro aksbaj but ANYWAY).
Jinwoo was last this time, which meant if I wanted to be in front of him I had to be #1 in the group of 8. Well, they counted us, and I was #7. The girl behind me was 8, and her friend ended up being #1 of the next batch. The two clearly wanted to go together, and I wanted the #1 spot, so when staff wasn’t looking we quickly switched! And I got to sit directly in front of him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And he of course remembered me from when I did the hi touch like ~10 minutes ago lol I made sure to look at all the members again as I was walking up, esp Sanha since I missed him the first time! And again I’ve got Nothing on Bin (rip 😢), but Rocky’s smile seared itself into my psyche yet again 😂 When I finally walked up to Jinwoo I said “I get to sit by you! :DD” and he was like “yeah!” We sat down (god I wish I had actually clearly looked at his face, I have no memory of it from either interaction 😢😢😢) and I kinda tried to do a hand heart with him but he had other plans and was like “let’s do this instead!” (retrospectively I think maybe the girl behind me was also a Jinwoo stan so he wanted to do something with us both). So he LEANED DOWN BETWEEN US SO HIS FACE WAS SEVERAL INCHES FROM OUR EARS and made finger hearts for the first pics, then he said “cheeeeese!” (or it sounded like that to me anyway) and switched to peace signs for the second. I honestly have no idea what my face was doing the whole time soooo the pics could be fun >w>;; (I WAS JUST FOCUSED ON THE FACT I COULD FEEL HIS PRESENCE/BODY HEAT HOVERING OVER MY SHOULDER AND HIS HANDS WERE RIGHT NEXT TO MINE AKSHAJ). And then we were done! And I think I turned and smiled at him one last time as I was heading off the stage, and I think he smiled back, but who knows!! Certainly not me!!!
And that was that.
I went out into the theater hallway and just….existed for a bit (and yelled into all my chats lol) and more than one fan came out hysterically sobbing :( I think it was a mixture of happy and sad tears, like some people overwhelmed with happiness and others crying cuz they didn’t get the place in line they wanted.
All in all it was an amazing night, and completely worth being absolutely nuts and dropping everything to fly literally halfway across the country to attend. 100/10 would give all my money to these boys again (I mean they already own my heart and wallet anyway)
Also I didn’t know where to fit these tidbits in, but the members overall:
Jinjin - I mentioned it already but he was just a goofy happy boy! So many smiles, so many silly actions. I didn’t think I could love him even more and yet :”)
MJ - He sunshined a number of times but overall seemed really tired, which is COMPLETELY understandable (I really feel like he’s an introvert, and I can imagine how draining an international tour would be) and I just hope he’s feeling ok and was able to enjoy himself!! 😣
Rocky - He was also quite lively and just giving fanservice left and right! I didn’t watch him too much but even then I could see him waving and throwing hearts and smiles to people 💕
Eunwoo - I really didn’t watch him at all but I’ve been told he was also giving out just tons of personal fanservice~
Sanha - My favorite son, he just had us all cooing and giggling the whole night. He really did seem to be in good spirits!
Moonbin - I’m sorry Bin stans….. I’m sorry Bin….. I don’t know why my brain just decided to completely block him out but 😢😢😢 I barely remember anything he said/did besides what I already talked about. His muscles were probably too powerful 😣😣
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