shootingstarrfish · 6 months
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some silly guys!! the silliest guys around!!!!!! :)
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sweetlullabyebye · 1 year
Every day I wake up and remember Liam Dunbar was underdevelopped by the showrunners
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why-am-i-hereagain · 7 months
Im on the lost hero, i fuckin love leo. Heres some leo for everyone (also one Rachel because she is a queen)
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imminent-danger-came · 11 months
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MK: "No way! I may not understand your irrational love of noodles, or working hard, or being angry all the time—but you are always there when I need you, so it's time for me to return the favor! Because Pigsy's Noodles, are noodles worth fighting for!"
(2x04 Sweet'n Sour)
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Subodhi: "Zhu Bajie was a stubborn one too." Pigsy: "Oh! So you think we're the same just cause we're pigs huh, bet you think I'm just a disgusting little monster too." Subodhi: "Zhu Bajie had his vices, however, like all the companions he grew up. He struggled the most, but he worked hard, not unlike yourself. Although he didn't start out this way, in time he became a deeply caring and protective creature, and a powerful ally—one of the best in fact. The heart you have in abundance, the power? Why, you've barely scratched the surface of your potential! And that's saying something."
(4x09 Roast of the Monkie Kids)
Gettin' emotional over my favorite hard working Pig man.
#Thinking too hard about s2 pigsy rn don't mind me#Like. In 2x03 he definitely does feel he can rely on MK. But by the end of 2x04 he knows he can#So then going from 2x03 ''Classic MK. Goofs off and screws around all day!'' to ''You've earned a break kid'' in 2x07#To then chewing SWK out in 2x10 on behalf of MK#Growth#Also omg in 2x04....is that MK being their for a friend when they need him??? 3x10 and 4x02 anyone#Actually Tang in this ep too. ''Some day I will become someone they can depend on...the way I can always depend on them!''#And here he was being someone Pigsy could depend on#Really I think that's tang's motivation in 2x02 too#What I mean when I say this show is so well thought out#Like. Pigsy was closed off until Subodhi mentioned how he ''works hard'' because that's something Pigsy really values#Could even relate ''the heart you have in abundance. The power? Why you've only scratched the surface!'' to 1x09#''You're hearts in the right place bud! We can work on the rest.''#Like. Don't look at me#Pigsy had a mini Zhu Bajie arc in s1 and the first half of s2 send tweet#*Pulls out conspiracy board* MK Mei Tang and Pigsy are all dynamic characters. They change in distinct ways#Sandy however is very static (with the exception of resolving to fight in s3) and while there is nothing wrong with a static character#I THINK SANDY IS WRITTEN THIS WAY FOR A PLOT REASON. SUBODHI POINTED IT OUT IN 4x09.#AND HERE'S WHY OG SANDY IS CURRENT SANDY-#lmk#lmk parallels#lego monkie kid#lmk Pigsy#hmmmm. s4 dadsy fr fr
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eccentricmya · 4 months
I have nothing much against Arwen and Aragorn being Beren and Lúthien come again. Except that it seems like an almost lazy parallel. Moreover, my personal gripe relates to how the two successful human/elf unions that we know of (barring Aegnor and Andreth because that one was neither 'successful' nor a 'union' so to say) came about from a mortal man—who ages and becomes wiser— and an immortal woman—who never loses her beauty. I do not prefer the ideal that this seems to perpetuate.
Which is why I personally like to imagine Elladan or Elrohir choosing the mortal path instead of Arwen. This would not only provide a parallel to Elros and Elrond — where one twin is Eldar while the other Edain — but also lend a contrast twice over. If this choice is made for the love of a mortal woman, then not only does it deviate from Elros' choice (which, as far as we know, was purely personal and not romantic), it also reverses the Beren and Lúthien imagery. History would repeat itself: a peredhel twin leaving the other behind, and also, an elf choosing the gift of men for love. And the union would be such that the man stays preserved in his beauty while the woman withers and dies.
If only there were mortal women around for this to come true. Sigh.
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ghost-facess · 7 months
nubbins sawyer is so precious to me.
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hkthatgffan · 1 year
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So yeah, I'm kinda in love with Bluey now😂😭
This show is so good, omfg!🥺
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l0v3c0r3e · 10 months
i need opinions on the barbie movie from the ppl who have seen it as i really want to love and understand this movie more but i can't
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emptythrones · 2 years
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Hello tpot community take my offering
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soup-or-who-lock · 3 months
frightful thought: Noah could be Alice's son from the future.....like I'm just saying, time travel is genetic in this house...and his mom is allegedly a Backstreet Boys super fan? And Alice listens to the Backstreet Boys? Questionable. I'll also say, Casey Goodwin said something about "maybe that's why I'm here," so now I'm a tad paranoid about time traveling teens
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I still very loathe the Media Trope of ‘’cold genius man doesn’t feel emotions and never has relationships... UNTIL.. one random relatively bland Preddy Woman comes along and warps his entire personality and ability to think, his heart has grown and his seeming asexuality has evaporated, he is now Normal :)” or whatever like... AS a walking generic hermit archetype myself.. we would NOT act like that .... just let people be detached weirdos in peace, you cowards .. OR, don’t bother to write one in the first place if you find us too boring to exist realistically in our natural state lol.. pathetic 
#the only exception to this is its okay if he develops some pesudo-romantic psychologial fixation on one of his long suffering male sidekicks#or assistants or whatever (since this character acrhetype ALWAYS has some sort of like Straight Man Every Man helper to follow#him around and be an audience stand in. sometimes multiple like a whole team of assistants. sometimes just one etc.)#like a strange not-entirely-romance-but-mutualy-unhealthy-comedic-codependence w someone you worked w 25+ yrs COULD be in character. sure.#ASIDE from that one exception though..... just keep them aromantic and asexual.. why would someone who has been that way for their#entire fucking life suddenly be like ''well I've known this woman three weeks but she's really hot! whoops!''#''guess I'm going to act completely out of character! sometimes booba so booby it fundametally alters the dna of me personality. you know ho#w it is'' .. like shut up.. explode#It's not that I project personally onto these characters (writers are bad at writing them and they're generally annoying as shit) BUT just#like... coming FROM the perspective OF a cold detached ''robot'' seeming hermit freak.. like textbook scholar wizard man locked#away in a tower somewhere type personality... You just watch shows sometimes and you can SEE that the writers are trying to write#the Character Archetype that is your actual realworld personality and you're just like 'we do NOT fucking act like that!!!' lol#you know ? like .. i don't actually care about the characters themselves but more just.. the principle of the thing. staying true to what#has been set up. You can't be like ''oh yeah this is your typical cold detached hermit weirdo with zero interest in human relationships for#the most part blah blah blah'' and then 5 minutes later be like ''WAIT GUYS!! LOOK! they're still NORMAL! look they love booba#too!!! haha hashtag Relatable!!'' .. what have you done to him.. you've massacred the archtype.. cowardly fool#Also I'm referencing them as male because this character archtetype is usually male but the same thing can apply for other gendered versions#of the archetype. it's ALWAYS annoying. no matter what it is lol. GOD AND IT'S even worse when they're supposed to be like hundreds or thous#ands of years old like.. some sort of supernatural being who's ''above it all'' because they've seen the world's cycles for so long#and blah blah and then it's like ''omg.. suddenly into romance.. for some reason all 900 years of my life nobody has ever been good#enough but YOU.. random ass person who I met 30 minutes ago and are completely average in every way or maybe you have like one#special power or are smart or something but apparently somehow I've lived 900 years without ever meeting a single other smart person#or whatever but WOW.. you... instant soulamtes.. I am no longer aromantic and asexual. I am also no longer smart.''#at least if it's a human with a normal lifespan you can be like 'well they were only 30. maybe they genuinely did just have their first#sexul awakening' or something but.. you're telling me like.. 900 years??? 1000 years?? and NOW they're like 'whooa!!' lol#Which obviously all aroace people are different.. all people with autism or schizoid pd or any other mental illnesses that can sometimes#lend people towards that type of 'weird hermit' archetype are all different. plenty of these people WILL have relationships and sex and desi#re those things. but it's like.. if you are OBVIOUSLY  setting out to write that one VERY specific archetype within the broader archetype#then GO ALL THE WAY!! you cant have someone be like HALF-detached partial-hemrit sometimes-maybe-genuis or whatever#or I guess you can but like. it should be that way from the beginning. it's the random sudden shift in personality thats jarring
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hateful1979 · 2 months
u dont even know how much i hate summarizing books
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lecliss · 3 months
I kinda feel like Seph's FMV model from the original game was more intimidating than his 7R model is. Like in the original he had these huge inhuman bright eyes that stared directed into your soul but the remake model is just like. Some guy that actually walks around dressed Like That. I can't take him seriously. He's just A Guy. That's A Person.
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beatledumpster · 1 year
Paul loves enjambments
Enjambment is the continuation of a sentence or clause across a line break. For example, the poet John Donne uses enjambment in his poem "The Good-Morrow" when he continues the opening sentence across the line break between the first and second lines: "I wonder, by my troth, what thou and I / Did, till we loved? Were we not weaned till then?"
These are the examples that I could think of right now of Paul hopping across lines (well, if you agree with where the cuts are placed, as lines in a song can be written in several ways, and if you agree that the breaks in syntax are unusual enough to be considered poetic/interesting enjambments) :
I've just seen a face I can't forget The time or place where we just met
I was alone, I took a ride I didn't know what I would find there Another road where maybe I Could see another kind of mind there
... Ooh, you were meant to be near me Ooh, and I want you to hear me Say we'll be together every day
And it really doesn't matter if I'm wrong, I'm right Where I belong, I'm right Where I belong
There beneath the blue suburban skies I sit and meanwhile back In Penny Lane there is a fireman with an hourglass
And when the broken hearted People living in the world agree There will be an answer Let it be
Mull of Kintyre Oh, mist rolling in from The sea, my desire Is always to be here Oh, Mull of Kintyre
Feel free to add more if you can recall any!
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luna0liekki · 7 months
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Have been feeling like this lately.
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maxiismp · 1 year
so are we all gonna ignore how dante’s model in DMC 5 is bricked up
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