#Weird things in SPN Fandom
supernaturalconvert · 1 month
Just SPN fandom musing
Like I saw a particular account on Twitter calling themselves SPN cons something something (I don't want to actually name this individual)... Defending Jensen about the whole merch signing thing on Airport with the statement ending in Go To Cons. Obviously some people rightfully didn't like that with some saying it's on him to say no or how that's abelist both of which I agree with.
Out of curiosity I scrolled through their account where they were apolozing for initially indulging in drama and how people think they hate Jared coz their pfp is only Jensen. Obviously their account rarely features Jared except for pointing out to Jared fans how they may not have given photo credit on the pics that they are posting or on some other generic J2 posts at the most. It's heavily skewed even then. You know it's still perfectly fine with me that you have a preference and you show it to the world.
Then suddenly they have a post complaining how they don't have friends in the Fandom and how things are perhaps not going that great. Guess what the next post is;
@/jarpad I love you and I could use some words of encouragement
Couple of more similar ones after that. For some reason that irrationally pissed me off. You don't talk about the guy at all except for inconjunction to Jensen. You don't support his projects. Not one comment about milestones in his life but D gets a birthday post but yeah when you are having a bad day, you remember Jared and AKF.
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shallowseeker · 4 months
Truth & despair
"The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable."
Synopsis: In an attempt to tackle his grief, Sam rifles through the bunker footage to discover the truth of Castiel's death. The footage leaves him with more questions than answers. (The one where Dean's recollection of events...does not match the footage.)
Focus: Supernatural post-15x19 fic, TFW grieving badly, Bad therapy attempts with Mia Vallens, False memories, The Shadow is in love with Cas, Jack and Amara are AWOL
Characters: Dean/Castiel, Dean & Sam, Sam & Dean & Cas & Jack, Eileen Leahy, Mia Vallens, Chuck Shurley, Becky & the Rosen-Baron fam, Donatello Redfield, The Empty, Amara, Jack as God, Rowena MacLeod, Sam POV and Sam is blessedly annoying
Content warning: Major character death (Castiel), poor coping mechanisms (Dean), and encroachment of personal boundaries (Sam). Eventual happy ending.
Updates every weekend!
Proofread by @minalblood & finished for @tenderthunder
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Ch 01: (~4200 words, ~17 minutes) - In an attempt to tackle his grief, Sam rifles through the bunker footage to track down Cas’s last moments. The footage leaves him with more questions than answers.
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Ch 02: (~5700 words, ~23 minutes) Mia admonishes Sam for his breach of boundaries, and Dean suffers his first meltdown.
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Ch 03: (~5200 words, ~20 minutes) Sam leans into unhealthy coping mechanisms that nearly get them killed.
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Ch 04: (~4700 words, ~18 minutes) Snapped out of Chuck’s grand finale, Sam and Dean wonder what’s next.
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Ch 05: (~5250 words, ~21 minutes) In need of Becky Rosen’s laptop, Chuck and the Winchesters track her to a safe house in the recesses of the Wallowa Mountains, Oregon. En route, the roadways are riddled with mysterious sinkholes. Dean admits he’s drawn to them.
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Ch 06: (~7500 words, ~30 minutes) - Chuck shows his true colors, but Dean’s the real problem.
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Ch 07: (~7200 words, ~28 minutes) - Dean takes a leap of faith. Sam follows.
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Ch 08: (~7100 words, ~28 minutes) - Sam and Dean tunnel their way into The Empty. It's not empty.
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Ch 09 (~ 6200 words, ~25 minutes) - Unable to rid Castiel of the cooling Empty gunk, Sam and Dean transport him back to the Barons’ house and attempt to free him.
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Ch 10 (~ 6200 words, ~25 minutes) - Hoping to track Jack and Amara, Team Free Well returns to Washaway Beach to perform a potent locator spell.
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Ch 11 (~8000 words, ~32 minutes) - Sam and Chuck crash-land in a lush landscape and run afoul of Amara. She taunts Sam, promising that Jack will never return, at least not of his own free will.
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Ch 12 (~10800 words, ~43 minutes) - Jack's got everything he needs right here. Why would he ever leave?
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Ch 13 (~8000 words, ~32 minutes) - Sam awakens in the shallow waters of Washaway Beach...alongside the prone body of Jack Kline.
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Ch 14 coming soon (~10200 words, ~40 minutes) - Maybe Sam can't fix everything. Maybe that's okay.
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Epilogue coming soon (~?words, ~? minutes)
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poorlittleyaoyao · 3 months
Beefleaf isn't canon. Mxtx has said she doesn't like to write another gay ship different from the main (she struggled with svsss)
I have heard about this! The content I saw was just so insistent about Beefleaf that I wondered if maybe I was misremembering and the "no same-gender side couples" thing applied to MDZS only. (I have gotten similar vibes from Moshang and from whatever Yue QIngyuan and Shen Jiu's ship name is, but I've now obtained Vol. 1 of SVSSS and plan to read it, so if those two aren't actually canon, don't tell me! It can be a surprise!)
The "no side couples"--or, in MDZS's case, "no queer characters AT ALL besides the protag, his love interest, and the disgraced goth weirdo who annihilates himself to resurrect the protag"--thing confuses me, because... I guess I don't get the point of it? I totally understand not having the bandwidth to develop more than one couple. The challenge of adequately building up other relationships fully independent of your main couple without detracting from the exploits of your protagonist and his love interest could be daunting, as would expanding the story's focus and juggling multiple equally-prominent lead characters for an effective ensemble piece. But here it seems like people picked up a vibe between the characters from what was already there in the text and then MXTX was like, "oh, no, they're not a couple! there's just the one couple!" and THAT I don't get. If she's disinterested in writing women, but has a cast of attractive men who are all obsessed with each other, why not toss a romance in there between some of the guys? Again, you can keep it entirely as-is and just toss a kiss in there or confirm in interviews that yes, they were in love, and you're so happy readers picked up on that even though you didn't get to tell their full story on the page.
I am extrapolating based on the Xiyao situation specifically, so maybe this doesn't apply to her other works! But it is a choice that confuses me. A couple doesn't have to be that developed; Xuanli certainly aren't, but their existence is a major plot point. I should think that the presence of other m/m couples would bolster the main couple, if anything, because it sets a precedent for them existing in their world. There are situations where adding an expressly romantic element would change something fundamental about the relationship, but there are just as many where the addition of a romantic element changes nothing or makes it make more sense (case in point: Xue Yang's freakout after killing Xiao Xingchen).
Like I said, I get not wanting to devote energy to it, and I also get that sometimes a work or performance is received by the audience in ways the artist didn't intend (this is the Destiel website, after all), but to make it a conscious choice to have One M/M Couple Only? Based on what I currently know, this perplexes me.
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quietwingsinthesky · 8 months
Do you agree w/ the fandom interpretation that john was so homophobic he’d have beaten up and abandoned his sons for being gay? Cause sure, he grew up in the 60s as a mechanic and then later became a marine during the vietnam war, but i also don’t think homophobia would’ve necessarily been a priority for him? Like obviously he’s not gonna be the full on supportive and politically correct loving dad, but i think that the fandom’s general opinion on that is pretty warped by people’s relationships w/ their own fathers
I do think this is one place where people tend to project. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that; working out our issues through fiction is healthy and good! I don’t think there’s any canon proof of it beyond, as you said, him being a marine from the sixties who would probably not be super knowledgeable about being queer, maybe a little apprehensive about it from what he’s absorbed through the culture he grew up in. I think we’d be correct to point out that if Sam or Dean were queer, he might be uncomfortable about it, he might try to avoid the topic, which is in of itself hurtful.
The thing about me is: I fully disagree that John was ever physically abusive towards his kids. At most, I will bend this interpretation to say he was probably too harsh on them while teaching them to fight and that maybe he and Sam have traded blows before when arguments got too loud (by blows, I mean, probably shoving with the yelling, you know, assertion of physical space. It seems realistic to me that two people who have been using violence for a long time to protect themselves, and for John, his family, down to the hierarchal power he’s put in place of him -> Dean -> Sam, would resort to it when things got too heated.)
(I also think that sometimes fandom’s insistence that John had to be physically abusive can sometimes get a little insulting because it perpetuates the idea that emotional abuse does less harm and can be overlooked and for flattening out John’s character in a way the show very literally pointed to and said He Did Not Do That. This is the entire point of Max’s episode in s1, for the show to point out that their experiences of abuse were different. How well it was handled is arguable, but I take it as clear evidence that when we talk about John’s relationship with his sons, the focus should be on the emotional abuse, the codependency he developed with Dean from a very young age, his neglect of them both, his attempts to suppress Sam, etc. And I appreciate this about the show, because you can’t talk about any of those things without also talking about why they’re happening, why John thinks this is necessary, how he loves his sons and isolates them to protect them and ends up doing more and more damage that will never leave them through their entire lives.
I’m sure there’s depictions of John being physically abusive that handle it with the same amount of nuance that the show handles him being emotionally abusive in canon. I have not seen them, unfortunately. I’ve seen John being physically abusive 90% of the time just being used as shorthand for him being Bad and Evil and A Terrible Father. Which does not interest me. So I will remain here as a staunch defender of He Would Not Fucking Hit His Kids.)
Sorry, okay, we got off topic there this is about gay shit.
The point of All Of That was for me to be able to say, John’s not going to react to his sons being queer by beating them. He’s definitely not going to abandon them. Hello? John Winchester? Abandon his kids? John Winchester, the guy who has been keeping them in warded up motel rooms their whole lives and moving them across the country out of paranoia the demon who killed his wife could find them if they say anywhere too long? John Winchester who only trusted one or two people to ever look after his sons when he went on a hunting trip too long? We think that John would ditch his kid because they’re queer???
Like I said, I think the most realistic reaction for John, (if not just flat out him going ‘that’s fine, now load this gun while I time you because that’s more important for me to know that you can do’, because. He kind of has bigger priorities to worry about here. Like werewolves.) would be discomfort and pushing it out of his view, ignoring it. Which would still fucking hurt! And would have horrible effects on Sam and Dean both, would encourage Dean to repress it if he thinks his dad is ashamed of him, would push Sam away if he trusts John with this fact about himself and can’t be accepted easily.
I just think this is truer to John’s character.
Anyway. If nothing else here persuades anyone reading that John Would Not Fucking Do That, well. He thought his kid was demonspawn, remember? He thought Sam was corrupted and might not be able to be saved. I don’t think you can get more clear queercoding than that, and you know what John’s very telling response was to that information, to finding out something a thousand times more terrifying than Sam being gay ever could be? To refuse to look at it. To insist to himself that whatever Hell wanted with Sam, he wouldn’t let it happen. To tell Dean to take care of it, because even when John is certain that his son might literally become a demon, he could never bring himself to pull the trigger on him. Because he loves Sam.
So like. He literally would not do anything for the much smaller realization that Sam is gay. His son has demon blood that might turn him super evil, and John still wouldn’t hurt him.
I guess what I’m trying to say here is, I try to keep the fact that John loved his sons at the forefront of my mind when I’m writing stuff about him, because I think if you let that slide out of your head, you can very easily make him much worse, much more flat than he was in canon. The real picture of him is just an extremely flawed man in a terrible situation who fucks up his kids as much as he protects them.
And also he wouldn’t care about them being gay because JohnAzazel real and true and they fucked sloppy in that hospital basement-
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shallowrambles · 3 months
So I've been thinking. It's funny how enjoying meta is somewhat embedded with trust.
Like, if you're "friends" and have followed a person for a long time, you have more a sense of their values, and it's easier to read their difficult meta because you trust more that they're being charitable/nuanced.
If you don't know them, it's harder to trust that they're not funneling difficult topics into rationalization of liking/supporting gross shit.
#meta thoughts#case in point - so much of the wincest community still comes off super classist to me and it sorts of...leaks into their meta#you'll be going alone with an interesting character study and then you read stuff that just BOOM classism about family ties#then you go to their page and you find that yes they're into that shit and there's typically a desert of thoughtful cas military angels etc#they tend to like benny cause benny is an idealized brother substitute / sam parallel and it's given the most uncharitable reading#just because you choose a partner than is familiar and like your fam members does not mean you're into your family members oh my god#and sure there's tons of visual and overt racism in SPN in general but to me that at least gets discussed#the classism inherent to narrative fangirl obsessions with incest? not as dissected#familism and community are seen as Weird (TM) to them and they kind of tell on themselves with that imho#and like with racism there are just some things you can't overlook to enjoy a series if you're black because that's your day to day life an#with classism it's hard too bc sometimes you can't escape the reminders of day to day life#and when ppl in the fandom see the villain's monologues as TRUTH you just wanna shake your head but know it's not worth arguing#communal living is more normal than america wants you to think...rich folks want it labelled *weird* bc they want you separated and drained#i am begging us to deconstruct suburbia instead of defaulting to TEEHEE incest bc shitting on pooled resources is paramount in a rigged gam#I find the inherent isolation of american living-to-work without any time to visit each other VERY isolating indeed...also...#like how did we get here#where we're so afraid of labels like*cults* and *helicopter parenting* and *enmeshment* than we isolate as a form of hallowed independence#american success culture has a dark side too#and separating low class families is the aim#get them to spend more $$$ and go for lofty ideals in pursuit of american dream instead of pooling their resources and meeting their needs#meanwhile rich folks do so much respectable nepotism and pretend they're *self-made*#to me that's what the symbol of zachariah is ALLLL about#and if you're blind to what his taunts ACTUALLY mean...i'm very suspicious of your worldview#if resource sharing and co-living becomes shameful and *incestuous* for lower classes then they won't pool their power at all#american exceptionalism#spn + class#class#class warfare#giving up college dreams to be a caretaker seems way more common in poor families too#i suspect we see the incest reading less from brown families / hispanic fams...cause familism is more common
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lloydfrontera · 6 months
holy shit i completely misgendered raphael i genuinely thought he was a she/her oh my godddd
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oswinsdolma · 1 year
not to sound like an old woman shouting from her porch, but it feels like a lot of people, particularly on tiktok seem to be trying to reinventing fandom into this weird dichotomous hybrid of "good" and "bad" fandom?? don't get me wrong, the more widespread acceptance of fandom, with people openly wearing stranger things or mcu merch or whatever is cool, and i love that it's becoming destigmatized to an extent. but there also seems to be a kind of "us and them" attitude that has become attached to fandom. like "oh, i like this thing but i'm not one of THOSE" fans. and i get that this is not a new phonomen, and i think all of us have probably been guilty of saying this at some point over the years, but some of the things i've seen in the last year or so is just abhorrent. like,, there are full grown adults making reactionary tiktoks to children in stranger things cosplay and pointing and laughing at them. there are "marauders" fans who think they're so much better than the bog-standard hp fan just because their fandom isn't directly rooted in the source material. everything has just become so much more factionalised. maybe being predominantly in the merlin fandom for the last couple of years has just lulled me into a false sense of security because things are generally pretty chill over here, but what happened to live and let live? why are you so worried about being dubbed as "cringe" when you're doing basically the same things as other fans, just in a way that society has for some reason dubbed as more socially acceptable. because fandom IS cringe. fandom IS weird. fandom is for the freaks and the queers and the ostricised. it's a community of mutual interest where you don't have to be judged and can write stories and make art or read smut or whatever you want to do with your experience. you don't have to do all of those things, and you certainly don't have to fit into a certain stereotype in order to be considered a true "fan", whatever people might say. but don't you dare make fun of people who do. you're not better than anyone else just because you sneer down your nose at people who are, quote unquote, weirder than you are.
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👀 A fic that you love a normal amount
There is ahem in its lonely and ramshackle head by objectlesson which is mwah spicy and compelling. One of the few Explicit Hobbit fics I have bookmarked but nobody stalk my bookmarks and contradict me (kidding. Go for it.)
For Cook and Cutlery by CoffioCake  this oneeeeeee I love the cultural difference trope which is so appealing in Hobbit fandom particularly.
Psittaciformes by tiamatv is on like seven different rec lists I've made does that speak to it. I'm compelled by misunderstandings even when there isn't a cultural difference. Thank you, Dean POV.
Probably thee sobsicles fic of all time in my opinion is six hundred sundays (and many more) by sobsicles it's just everything to me personally
The Goldenrod Revisions by aethylas script style fix it.
There's definitely tons more, but those are the ones that come to mind at the moment. Thanks for the ask, lovely <3
Fic Rec Ask Meme
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dykekakashi · 8 months
every time i hyperfixate on something and then i enter the fandom and then the fandom turns me off the hyperfixation and the thing i loved becomes tainted by bad fandom experience forever. i do this over and over again and i can't be saved lol.
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soullessjack · 9 months
every day I remember that this fandom simply does not care about autistic people and, much like every other fucking thing I experience as an autistic person, the concept of it being a collective found family becomes increasingly alien to me. love this place.
#we really just can’t win I fucking hate it here#like this is my special interest. this is my community. I’ve met so many people through it that ended up becoming lifelong friends#I’ve been here for almost ten years and it’s meant everything to me for ten years. it’s kept me going through so much shit.#it’s more than just a show and more than just a fandom and it’s one of the best things I’ve ever been apart of#and like I didn’t realize I was autistic until like late 2021. I didn’t even realize SPN was my special interest until then either#I didn’t realize JACK was my special interest. but knowing that he is autistic means so much to me#and its meant so much to other autistic ppl in the fandom. somebody at MomentoCon even mentioned it to Alex last weekend for fucks sake .#it’s real and it’s special and it’s important to us but#but no we can’t have that. make him a fucking baby. toss every interesting thing about his character into a fucking volcano#and relegate him to being a fucking prop for everybody else.#I don’t know how else to tell you this but you are literally infantilizing an autistic person. you are being ableist. intentionally or not.#and the way you all seem to just. idk. double down on your own ableism? or excuse it?#or literally ignore autistic ppl who try to point out how ableist and weird your behavior towards an autistic character is?#it’s a lot of things. it’s so many terrible things and terrible feelings. but above all it’s disheartening.#it hurts to know that even in this space where everyone is family and everyone belongs. I’m still on the outside looking in.#I’m still not /really/ a part of everything else. it’s a horrible feeling and I don’t wish anyone to ever go through with it#but maybe you fucking should. maybe then you’d realize what you’re doing. or maybe you won’t. maybe I’m screaming into the void again.#which I literally always am w this topic anyways. nothing but screaming into a vast empty void that’s supposed to be my big special family#but whatever I guess.#spn#supernatural#spn fandom#spn family#spn famdom#jack kline#autistic jack kline#tfw2.0#destiel#sam and dean#castiel
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laurelwinchester · 9 months
Is it just me or has the spn fandom gotten even worse over the past few months? There's an influx of people shipping Dean with (wait for it) John (puke) and a bunch of new J2 and Cockles tinhats and I feel like every post I read is delusional and talking about a show that didn't even exist.
i'm about to ruin your day but all of this is extremely normal for the spn fandom.
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quicksweetdreamer · 1 year
Me, going out in three layers of clothing, the top one being a brown leather coat big enough to have been owned by Sam Winchester in another life, looking like a female version of Jake Peralta:
no mom I’m completely straight I swear.
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mybrainproblems · 2 years
No but like. 11x23 is kind of just the resolution to the Princess Luna arc in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic except it's Supernatural
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orpheuscas · 1 year
not to gatekeep. but as a former stranger things blogger who left the fandom after s4 came out because the fandom was becoming annoying and it was no longer the same show i loved so much. i am deeply and irrationally annoyed by all the stranger things ships being on that list for the FIRST TIME this year lmao
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gonzocoded · 1 year
guys i gotat be honest. i am aalittle bit drunk and i am typing on my computer right now
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wormieapple · 3 months
i very, very genuinely do not understand y people h8 the actor men so much??? or by association the characters the actor men play???? does this enhance your enjoyment of the show, is that why??? does dividing yourself from others to fight them on relatively menial things bring more dopamine to people and that’s why they get up in arms abt j2 and hellers and all these other things that i just genuinely cannot see a meaningful goal to????
it is inch resting
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