#Well not to dimitri bc he would think it was funny
Whump Week - Day 3
Day three for @week-of-whump!! Oops this was way angstier than I meant it to be? Miguel is @whumpr's boy!!
There's even a sequel right over here!
Prompt: “Nobody needs to know” TWs: isolation/loneliness, bullying
"You seem tired."
Manuel's voice drifted over the kitchen table. It snapped Mariano out of the blank staring he didn't realize he was doing. Mariano blinked.
He was at breakfast. The other war mages were looking at him. They had a drill in two hours, he was scheduled for a training session with Luis afterwards, and there was another drill that night.
He couldn't be tired.
"I'm okay." Mariano said, refocusing on his scrambled eggs and the fresh tortillas Izan had made. He sipped his orange juice. He didn't taste any of it.
Manuel's eyebrow raised. "Have you been sleeping well?"
Mariano's bedroom was on the ground floor, closest to the road. To the cars that passed by at night. To the streetlamp that flickered. The blinds sucked at their job, and the thin curtains only sort of filtered any light that came through.
He couldn't hang anything up to cover the window or get blackout curtains. Dimitri would make fun of him for being a spoiled brat. He'd already thrown a fit about Mariano getting his own room. He claimed that he didn't want to stop being roommates with Laredo when Mariano offered to trade, though.
Dimitri complained about a lot of things that he did.
"I've been sleeping alright."
Manuel frowned. He looked at Izan, then Laredo, and then Dimitri. Mariano still didn't know what the looks passed between any of them meant. It was too subtle, flew just outside of his grasp.
Mariano didn't try to figure it out anymore. He understood the signals they used in battle. That was enough.
He ate his eggs methodically, purposefully. Every bite had a certain amount of tortilla that was required to go with it. He finished both of them together like he did every morning, drank the last of his juice, then stood to wash his dishes.
"Thank you for breakfast." He said, drying his favorite plate and cup before putting them away.
Izan didn't say anything. No one stopped him from going to his room. They didn't ever come into his room, or knock on his door. He was grateful for that, at least.
The walls were bare. The room was spotless. His blankets, laptop, and spare glasses were the only things that pointed to it being his space. Mariano laid down on the bed, something unidentifiable swirling in his chest as he stared at the ceiling.
He hadn't slept there in weeks. Not since his last nightmare. Not since he'd woken up with his focus knife in his hand, pointed at the window and glowing like the sun.
A car had driven by.
Miguel hadn't been standing over him.
He couldn't stop seeing the swirling lights when he closed his eyes. He couldn't stop feeling the phantom rush of heat. Couldn't shake the feeling of dark eyes on the back of his neck as the two of them walked into the night to run an errand for Luis. Brushing his teeth and putting his hair up before bed still felt like silently saying goodbye to his parents every night.
He knew no one would care if he told them about his nightmares.
It didn't matter. Miguel would probably find a way to kill him if he told anyone. It was easier without the risk of adding another thing for Dimitri to make fun of him for, anyway.
Mariano wasn't a child anymore. He was a soldier. He was a war mage.
He could get over some stupid nightmares on his own.
Nobody needed to know.
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blueaiyuice · 6 months
mortal kombat x fe3h?
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these are definitely some questionable placements, but this is what role i feel like these characters would suit if they were in fe3h! i also did my best to try and balance them out a bit in terms of numbers
black eagles are ambitious and have strong moral compasses, with ashrah, mileena, rain, and bi-han all being characters with goals and strong convictions. as to who would be the edelgard of these four, i have no idea, but the closest i could say would be bi-han (which would be ironic, considering the association BE has with fire)
blue lions are more noble and righteous, with a hefty dose of trauma somewhere in there. everyone in this list is on the more collected and calm side, but can show terrifying vengeance and anger if driven to it, especially raiden and kitana. geras would be a bit more of a mercedes, while scorpion could perfectly suit the dimitri role (and thus, make the bi-han kuai liang rivalry even worse, which is perfect!)
golden deer are full of lighter-hearted characters, but everyone knows when to get serious, especially tanya who's the clear outlier of these four. everyone here is clever in some way or form, especially johnny. i would say the claude of this group would be either smoke or kung lao, as both can make jokes but also think up of plans on the down low. also being the neutral party between the brothers would extra suck
ashen wolves are outcasts and those that have been driven to the shadows for numerous reasons. everyone here is either radicalized such as havik and nitara or shunned by an outside group like baraka and reptile, making them the perfect group of wolves. would definitely say reptile is probably the (unlikely) leader of this group, as he shares a lot of similarities with yuri and is a kind soul at heart
church of seiros is essentially just the outworld entourage. as the church of seiros in fe3h is full of a wide variety of characters, there's a pretty colorful cast here as well. li mei would make a great seteth to sindel's rhea role as the archbishop, and shang tsung would be a formidable tomas or jeritza, as part of well, the real enemy along with shao and reiko
kenshi being byleth is definitely the weirdest pick here but hear me out. dude with a magic sword who gets blessings from spirits? along with a darker backstory of working for a neutral/bad party? that sounds an awful lot like a byleth to me. kenshi losing his sight could be part of the story and him getting it back with sento with the help of liu kang could be his awakening
liu kang being sothis is pretty self-explanatory i feel. i almost made geras sothis bc time associations, but liu kang doesn't really fit anywhere else, and he WAS a keeper of time, so i mean... either way, him being close with kenshi would be pretty canon too
some extra notes (with fe3h spoilers; exercise caution):
- ashrah is more of a representative of petra, being an outsider compared to the other three characters, and as someone whose ambition is more self-centered - while bi-han wouldn't be noob saibot, he would probably have some of his traits as part of his trauma on being experimented on by shang tsung. this would estrang him from kuai liang entirely and wipe his memory of being his brother - speaking of brotherhood, the dagger that's so important to the dimi-edel storyline would definitely be the ice dagger that bi-han attacks kuai liang with in mk1. i would say it stays frozen forever and is held by magic in order to not to be noticeable as ice and give away the whole story - raiden was definitely not put into blue lions because of his thunder magic i swear he wasn't nope ahahhaahaha just a funny coincidence - kung lao and lorenz are awfully similar in demeanor which is rather hilarious. tanya would also make a great lysithea, being the serious one that isn't taken very seriously - while reptile would be a great yuri, baraka and havik are both more akin to balthus in form while nitara is closer to hapi. also would love the idea of reptile triple-crossing his three house members in cindered shadows - reiko would 100% be aelfric, being the simp he is for shao. alternatively, he'd also be cyril in that sense, even tho sindel is rhea - fuck gender-locked classes, li mei would 100% be a wyvern lord - scanning amiibo and seeing the double byleths could actually just show two liu kangs, one from when hes not keeper of time and one from when he is canon classes? (assuming no gender locked bc fuck gender locked classes IM STILL MAD ABOUT THIS. that and ignoring final classes for the house leaders + byleth):
ashrah - swordmaster
mileena - assassin
rain - dark flier
bi-han - war monk
kitana - falcon knight
raiden - mortal savant
kuai liang - assassin
geras - gremory
johnny cage - grappler
kung lao - sniper
smoke - bow knight
tanya - holy knight
baraka - grappler
reptile - hero
havik - wyvern lord
nitara - valkyrie
li mei - wyvern lord
sindel - well technically she only has her personal class so uhhhh
shang tsung - also has his own personal class
shao - dark knight
reiko - grappler
kenshi - has his own personal class, but otherwise would be a swordmaster
liu kang - non-playable (we were ROBBED)
okay imma stop yabbering bc im gonna just keep on going for too long
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sheikahwarriork · 2 months
What would be your favorite dimileth dynamic??? (both in hopes and houses if possible)
okay i'll try to be serious for once lmao.
first, acadimileth has a special spot in my heart. i know some people dont like the teacherxstudent thing, but i think with dimileth works perfectly without too many moral issues: 1) dimitri and byleth are close in age, 2) it's not our modern world, but a fantasy/medieval ages-like, 3) him being a FUCKING PRINCE outclasses her being a teacher, in the "omg she has power over him" argument speaking. also, they dont do anything while dimitri is still a student, the in-game romance happens after 5 years of byleth sleeping, plus 1 year of war where byleth is not a teacher anymore.
so, acadimileth is one of my fav dimileth type. i love when dimitri is shy thinking about his professor and his inner turmoils, and i love that byleth slowly learns how to have friends, how to feel emotions, and how to understand that the funny feeling she feels in her heart everytime she thinks about dimitri is something more than "simple friendship" eueue :D also hot bc forbidden.
also for three houses, i like dimileth with feralmitri after the time-skip. i may be ace, but feralmitri makes me feel Things 👀 ahem anyway. the angst, the hurt/comfort, feralmitri making feral sex with his professor, it's just *chef kiss*
i also enjoy a good CF!dimileth lovers to enemies (to lovers), but i need my happy ending or i'll get sad t.t
as for three hopes, i love enemies to lovers, and reincarnation au!!!!! best if there's both! dimitri fights the ashen demon on the battlefield, but he's so mesmerized by her he almost gets killed, but then the ashen demon stops her sword, they look at each other... EUEUEUE yes i love hopes!dimileth a lot too. i wish the game had more dimileth itself but OH WELL thank sothis there are fanfiction.
i also enjoy a lot modern au. my fav type is work collegues, i dont even know why, i dont work in a office xD maybe bc this thrope can bring that bit of "forbidden" acadimileth has?
in general, i love mutual pining, especially dimitri pining for his professor, while byleth is not fully aware of her feelings and can even get jealous! i love soulmates au bc i'm a sucker for soulmates; in both canon and modern au. i love when dimitri gets feral for his beloved, and i love when byleth learns feelings thanks to dimitri.
so, yeah, i like almost every dimileth dynamic xD my only "turn-off" from a fic is a bad ending, and/or if dimileth is not endgame. i need them to be happy or i'll CRY for real cwc
oh, last note: i do enjoy established relationship and post-game fics, but i dont read them much often. i prefer the drama and THEN the happy ending with them getting together lmao
thank you so much for the ask anon!! if you have some fics to recommend, please go ahead! 💙💚
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figbian · 1 month
Tell Me of the dunmeshi wip 👀 that title bangs. also tell me about frat au and how much of it is based on The Frat.
dungeon meshi wip CONTAINS MANGA SPOILERS so putting it under a readmore. everyone else has to suffer thru frat au info.
frat au is only Sort Of based on The Frat (dear readers, this fanfiction author joined a fraternity and is a brother of [loud car horn]). due to the like ways fe3h works narratively, it felt a lot more true to a Good AU to be honest to an all-male fraternity, so it draws on The Frat's past (as we didnt haze, but hazing definitely used to occur) as well as info from other fraternities or fraternity-like structures (and a handful of How Do College-Age Boys Behave anecdotes coming directly from my real life college-age brother who is Not a frat boy).
sylvain, dimitri, and others are in a frat. their fathers (plus rodrigue lol) were in this frat. etc. not exactly explored but crucial to the narrative: how traditional fraternities uphold like lineage and legacies in college settings and why that creates bad gatekeeping etc etc etc. basically the ways fraternities suck on an individual level (hazing, unhealthy relationship to substances, pressure to conform to a certain set of standards, etc) AND the ways they operate on a structural level in a shitty way.
the plot however is: sylvain returns from some time off at university. in his time off, he's effectively ghosted his friends and no one knows what happened/why he vanished. felix is recovering from an injury that delayed his journey to become a professional tennis star (<- lol). they've known each other for so long, they both have dead brothers, but also how much do they really know about each other?
posting this snippet SPECIFICALLY for brothers of [siren wail]. i think youll all recognize the inspo for 'the green room.'
“maybe we should shift to explosions,” raphael said as he came back into the room, looking over at the car crumpling into a tree playing on the television. “for the vibe.” “the vibe,” agreed sylvain, privately wondering if there was that much of a difference between crashes and explosions. he figured that any kind of disaster suited the green room. the windowless room in the phi ep basement––named for the carpeting, which had, once, allegedly, been green (sylvain’s efforts to deep clean last spring had failed to prove anything except that one should always wear shoes in the green room)––was less of a vibe and more…well. the couches were all leather––easier to clean if someone puked on them; the ceiling had suspicious stains; the walls were covered in bad murals painted over several years of pledging––and sylvain would know they were bad, being an art history major; the tv sat on a pile of wooden crates. at least the sound system wasn’t terrible. when sylvain wanted to impress girls, he never brought them to the green room. he sat back on the couch and spread his legs. “yeah, fuck it,” he heard himself say. “explosions.”
dungeon meshi fic is suuuper rough rn. its Probably a 5+1 of 5 times marcille's friends died and 1 time they didnt (hahaha) but what i have written so far is all about chilchuck going senile and dying. the fic is very obviously tackling like "what happens when the people you love and remember as young and full of life grow old, and how is preparing for someone's death as painful as their death itself" BUT ALSO is about "what if the dragon part of falin makes her age at the same rate as marcille...and how is that, in some ways, worse than if she just lived as a human did?" bcs As You Know im always interested in the question "when is it true that living beyond when the narrative expects you to is worse than dying?" that part just doesnt have a lot written.
there is NOT a lot written that i posted for wip wednesday but here:
chilchuck has lost most of his teeth, so he has to eat porridge and other soft foods. “at least it’s not monsters,” he says to marcille every morning, which was funny the first few times and now is depressing. “yeah,” says marcille, pouring some sugar into his tea. it’s unclear to marcille––who, despite having half a century to prepare for this, feels unprepared––exactly when chilchuck seems to think it is. he keeps asking about his wife, his shop, his daughters, whether or not they could resurrect falin.  “have i reached out to her?” he asks. his wife, he means. mostly he seems to think they’ve just defeated the winged lion. marcille has not gained much patience in last fifty eight years; having to admit to mistakes she made fifty eight years ago every day for the last couple of years has been––hard. it’s been hard. “no,” she says, gritting her teeth. chilchuck’s ex-wife died fourteen years ago. marcille learned many mornings ago it’s best to convince chilchuck to write her a letter that cannot be sent rather than make him relive his grief every day.
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moe-broey · 10 months
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My Askr and Co. team!!!!!!! Sometimes I switch one of them out for story stuff (full immersion lmfao), but!!! It's them it's the OGs 🥺🥺🥺
Alfonse is still pretty much the same, but since the Dragon Flower limit was increased, I feel he no longer needs Fury! Which, removing it does synergize better with Florid Cane anyway, beyond the Canto gimmick (having an Atk/Spd bonus if kept healthy).
Biggest thing I needed to figure out though was who I was giving the special skills to (from an extra Acsended Mareeta and Felix). I WAS tempted to give them to Alfonse (head empty he means everything to me) but I came to the conclusion that Ruptured Sky works too well on him. I even think it's fun from a storytelling standpoint, where he's consistent almost to a fault -- can result in him being reliable, or juuust missing the mark (he's still adaptable as well though!). PLUS! Both are speed based skills, and even With my speedy Alfonse build, AND even with all those Dragon Flowers, Sharena outspeeds him at lower investment.
So it did come down to trying to decide which would work best between Sharena and Anna.
Sharena absolutely needed to be completely revised, since I realized I accidentally doubled up on Null Follow Up on her weapon and B slot (and her C slot was a wimpy Threaten skill lmfao). Ultimately I felt Felix's kit synergized better with Alfred's Arcane I gave to her -- espp Bulwark keeping her healthy! In this way I think I accidentally made her a tank. Especially with all the stat bonuses coming together, on top of a damage reduction special. Really my ONLY bit of grief here is she no longer has her special attack voicelines........... I'm SO sad about that 💔💔💔 (HOWEVER. IT. IS REALLY FUNNY.)
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She's just standing there..... Menacingly........... (quite literally with the Menace skill too from the Summer Dimitri manual that's up for grabs. I'm not so sure if it Suits Her storytelling-wise but tbh it's funny. GO GIRL START KILLING‼️‼️‼️)
As for Anna! I actually haven't touched Anna's build in years, she's not a unit I ever use outside of the once a month free orb and sometimes for story... last I left her was with Life or Death 3, Vantage, and a Spur skill. I wanted to keep in line with this initial build though... bc I feel like it suits her.
Outside of this one time (very early on, before I really put a lot of thought into things) I Never use Life or Death (I'm too cautious HAHAH) so I was comfortable giving her a Life or Death 4 I had laying around. BEYOND THAT. IT WAS. SUCH A NIGHTMARE. To figure out What the rest of her kit should be. A Lot of trial and error, testing, troubleshooting, everything. Because the BIGGEST THING is I wanted to keep Nóatún on her. She gets INSANE movement from it, and I felt like if I could Just Get This Right, I could pull off something as gimmicky as my Hit and Run Canto Alfonse. You have to trade SO much power for that movement, and she's already made of glass and paper the way I'm building her (but I am SO committed to this idea bc it's EXACTLY how I conceptualize her character in my mind -- strong starter, hard hitter, high movement = speedy and lots of experience on the battle field!! And SOMETHING in her C and Seal slots to communicate teamwork and commanding.)
EVENTUALLY. WHAT I THINK WORKS. Spurn helps her Not Die As Much/As Quickly (thank you damage reduction), and I think the balance between Oath/Solo skills gets the idea across.
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LOOK at this. LOOK at how STUPID this is. How by giving Alfonse Odd Tempest HE IS. SO POWERFUL. HE MAKES A KILLER OPENING (EXACTLY AS HE ALWAYS SAYS HE WILL‼️‼️‼️). Reposition into Canto into look at him fucking go. He's fucking gone. Halfway across the battlefield. AND ANNA HAS FANTASTIC SYNERGY WITH THIS!!!!! Being able to get That One Extra Space thanks to Nóatún!!!!!!!! (Unfortunately this was a terrible matchup and she died instantly, but this is more for demonstration purposes 🫡)
I am a little sad that Sharena gets left on the back lines when this works out but. I think she's still doing her part. Esp since I'm testing out Ardent Sacrifice on her, where I typically exclusively only use Reposition and always have a healer. On top of eating hits, she also covers for her allies as well! Making sure they're okay :)
Finally! Takumi! I. Have no idea how he fits in here tbh I don't even know how Pathfinder works. But I love him so much so dearly and he's here because he's a highly respected veteran member of the Order of Heroes. Also everyone say thank you Alcryst for fucking finally giving him a usable weapon and decent skills (I have gone through SO MANY ideations of base Takumi builds and they have NEVER been on the level of stronger units he was ALWAYS WOEFULLY OUTCLASSED. Which is DEVASTATING bc I really like using base forms sometimes!!!!). I'm SO happy he's finally on par w stronger units now!!!! OH. AND. THE MAJOR THING ABOUT HIM ACTUALLY. Is once he gets the ball rolling he is procing Deadeye every fucking turn. Just like in Fates... 🥺🥺🥺 (killing and maiming and violence complete with a cheeky attitude and bravado!)
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butwhatifidothis · 1 year
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bl stans are sooo much stronger than me bc if someone said something so blatantly and heinously wrong about my faves like this i’d snap. like i’m so serious this would send me straight into my joker arc
(guess you accidentally put it in twice lol rip)
I'm not gonna address any kind of defense for Not Just Kills But Murders OP, we all know that the original tweet was silly. The fastest way to spot a clown is the funny clown nose and wig, but another, more subtle way is to watch if they've ever tried to make NJKBM anything but the accidental joke that it is.
But I kinda wanna actually talk about the Fleche one a bit, because there is such a weird amount of going-to-bat for her and Randolph that's actually kinda baffling.
Fleche and Randolph are bit characters. They barely even are characters. They are devices the writers put into the story so that specifically AM and specifically Dimitri benefit from what they give, which is a solidification of the message that letting vengeance be your one driving force will lead to your end. They are completely irrelevant to all other parts of the game, with Fleche even being completely absent in half of the routes save for one mention of her name as Randolph is literally dying. She loved Randolph so much that she was willing to kill Dimitri to avenge him, but apparently not enough to kill Seteth or Claude for doing literally the same thing.
Except, hey, wait a hingly-dingly minute there, that's not right. Seteth and Claude can only potentially be the ones to kill Randolph in their respective routes, while Dimitri is literally the only one hard-confirmed to not be the one to kill Randolph. Byleth does. They kill him. But Fleche still singles out Dimitri as to one to kill him - not threaten to torture like is the case, but to kill him outright. She calls Dimitri a monster, she hates Dimitri with all she has, she'll never forgive Dimitri, while not giving a single shit about Byleth despite them being the one to kill Randolph. She doesn't give a single shit about the multitude of other people that could have potentially killed Randolph in SS or VW.
Hell, it's not even clear how she knew about Randolph's death, only that she knew that a "monster" (aka Dimitri) was in the ranks of the army in AM, so it looks like she kinda just assumes "the monster" killed her brother without having any actual knowledge on who did what. And even giving the benefit of the doubt in that "well Dimitri MADE Byleth kill Randolph so same difference," that still doesn't explain Fleche's radio silence in the other two routes this can happen in. And still doesn't actually explain why Byleth wouldn't just be lumped in the vengeance quest for, like, still being the one to actually kill her brother outright?
Because we as players aren't meant to really care that much about her - she and Randolph are given no point in the story other than showing off to Dimitri why his quest for revenge is Cringe And Not Based like he thinks it is. They are literally meant to show off why Dimitri's misguided quest for vengeance is dangerous and unfulfilling, which is why when Fleche stabs and kills Rodrigue Dimitri comes to his senses and rejects vengeance as a motivation. That is all Fleche and Randolph do.
(we ignore the "Edelgard did nothing to Dimitri" lie - because at this point they've got to just be outright lying to cope - we know it's not true and we move on from it)
They are given no focus whatsoever on any other route because it is AM where their one, singular purpose is found. Even on CF, the route where you can actually talk to them, at best Randolph is given one cutscene where he dies and makes Edelgard Sadge before she immediately gets over it and moves on never to mention or think about Randolph ever again. And Fleche does literally nothing - she just stands there for the rest of the game as a lump on a log. So seeing multiple people saying "Fleche wasn't allowed vengeance when Dimitri was!" when Dimitri literally isn't allowed vengeance and always dies should he continue to strive for it is just weird. They're, again, trying to go to bat for two bit characters that are solely meant to encapsulate the opposite of what the batters are saying lmao
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randomnameless · 10 months
In regards to how much of the Church bad rhetoric is supported by the Fódlan games themselves, from what i've seen of Three Houses' JP script there isn't really that much support for those arguments there outside of heavily biased sources that the audience should take with massive doses of salt like Edelgard, Dorothea or Lysithea; i'd argue that it wasn't until IS and/or KT decided to, for whatever reason, take the lolcalized church-demonizing script and fandom reaction of EN 3H to heart when making Three Hopes that they really started believing they wrote Rhea and the Church as being the hidden villains of the verse, and that JP 3H is (mostly) free of the issue of making stupid arguments just to try and criticize the Church for things it can't be reasonably blamed for.
I agree with the things you say, but about the biased sources...
Well, the games of course hammer the player with biased sources, Supreme Leader and her court, Claude, the Abyss residents -
Which is doubly funny for the Abyss residents, because their "Church BaD" is completely bonkers, given how it's the Church who offers them a crappy, and yet existing shelter.
"The Church wants us gone" Dude, if they really wanted you gone, Rhea would have deployed the knights to evacuate the Abyss as fast as she organised her expedition to put the Bishop of the Western Church to the sword.
Doubly funny bcs the Big Boss of the Abyss, Yuri, is sekritly Rhea's agent!
Of course being a secret agent, he can't tell people to use their mind and think - if the Central Church wanted them gone, why are they sheltering you all here, under Garreg Mach the most important site to them, and giving you, albeit in measly quantities, food and water? Rhea is the one who named the class "Ashen Wolves" - it would be pointless to give a name to the class of abyss resident who are considered unofficial students of the officer's academy, if she really wanted to purge the Abyss, right?
I understand in CS this was used as a red herring for Aelfie, who is akshually the one who runs the Abyss and spreads the "Church BaD Rhea BaD" sentiment because of his own agenda and opinions, but with 3 (counting the DLC) routes having biased narrators against the CoS in FE16 (out of 5) you'd have to wonder what was the point -
Was it only to sell Hresvelg Grey? To sell Billy becoming God and the "new" head of Church being a necessity so the former has to suck?
FWIW, Nopes gave us one (1) NPC who, from the start, says something positive about the Church rebuking the biased statement everyone is throwing around, Mark the NPC, who says accusations of corruption of the Central Church and wyvern poo, since Rhea and Seteth both punish people who take bribes or commit crimes...
And yet, for one Mark, we have many lines spoken with bias against the Church, and no one bothers to correct them (the church forces you to marry ? Uh, no, I've heard the story of a woman who left her land to marry a foreign king! - Church forces you to have responsabilities through crusts : no? Almyra and Brigid have royalty, and Brigid royals want to protect their people thinking it is both their duty and something they want, and yet the Brigid royal line has no crust? Ditto for Almyra? - crusts are the reasons why nobles act like asses : No, Kleimann offed Lambert not because he was jelly Lambert had a crust, but because he wanted more lands and opposed the King's reforms?)
KT wanted their golden route, but because Supreme Leader is the main thorn to any Golden Route (tfw the person who wants to conquer neighboring lands has to work with the people who don't want to be conquered and are fighting for survival in a war the previous person started :( ) everyone has to ally against a common enemy, and it fell on the CoS (with Dimitri getting the nonsensical Zahras scene) - is it it because Nopes follows an Agarthan narrative, as opposed to FE16 having Billy stand-in for a Nabatean centred narrative?
I still find it hilarious that the Nopes writers bent Dimitri, and, arguably Clout, in bonkers versions of themselves to justify Nopes, but couldn't find a way to, uh, have Supreme Leader realise the Mole People are the biggest threat to the world and the Lizards aren't that evil to begin with, provided you don't try to kill them ; that's why Supreme Bullshit started to be something interesting, Supreme Leader targets the Mole People first, but then it became a traditional Supreme Leader route, erasing the lizards took precedence over everything - even if she knows Uncle and pals are still slithering around since she never caught him - so the second she can become Emperor, she returns to her original plan, not giving a fig about Uncle and hunting Lizards to MAGA.
Compare this to Rhea, in the very same route, at the end, who has to fight against the Empire (who's out for her head) and the Mole People - and Rhea dgaf about the Empire anymore, the biggest threat to Fodlan are the Mole People - she doesn't target/aim/attack Supreme Leader and Barney in the ending cinematic, she flies over them, to defeat the "real" enemy, Thales.
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okay so a whole of 5 people (and then myself so i could see the results) have answered yes to the poll SO. we'll start with the strange ones and work our way backward
(p.s. it feels important to preface this by saying first of all it's 3 in the morning and i've been working on this post for the better part of an hour and have gotten sidetracked several times during it so i'm not sure this is at all sensical to anyone but me lol . i MIGHT try and clean it up a little and make it a little more comprehensible at some point, but i make no promises.
second of all this very much so blurs the lines of just straight factual canon BUT i think most of it is reasonable to assume in turn with real canon. but also please keep in mind im working on a reboot of the trilogy and may have gotten some of THAT canon mixed up in there so please take this with a grain of salt lol.)
my little reason why ; lisa hannigan (steven universe)
dimitri about the cooper gang i think. admittedly this one is mostly just about vibes and the last lines* but it makes me Emotion so you get it anyway. i can also see this as the panda king just less so
*"My little reason why / You make me want to try / Loving you"
rambling in-depth breakdown/analysis below the cut ! for being a spur of the moment association bc i thought about dimitri with this stuck in my head, it works surprisingly well <3
er. to me anyway.
so im gonna talk about this like it was written for this intended purpose and like it's all just a big metaphor even though it most certainly was not lol
"Cold palace walls / And endless empty halls / Haunted by echoes of laughter"
metaphorically about the klaww gang. like they were a TEAM sure but i doubt they really liked each other, y'know? i cant imagine bison and the contessa putting up w dimitri any more than they have to.
i take the "haunted by echoes of laughter" in part as dimitri being like the outcast of the Klaww Gang so the others are laughing but dimitri himself is not, hence the haunting and the echoes. but that's not CANON canon so like who's to say. but i think it's not a far fetch all things considered. but the halls could very well be haunted by echoes of laughter post-klaww bust where they've been disbanded if that's more your jive!
"You gave the pull / And suddenly they're full / You've thrown the gates open after you"
continuing with the Palace is a Metaphor For Teams thing im doing presumably the "you" is sly & the rest of the cg! the halls are full and the gates are open because they actually like care about each other and don't view each other as means to an end. i point out sly specifically bc he's. well. the leader of the team (or at least who you would assume as the leader at a first glance but that's a ramble for another day) and also bc he's the one who talks to dimitri first.
and probably the first one to like befriend him but that's blurring out of factual canon. but if you want to continue blurring those lines then "throwing the gates open" could be read as like. if sly's the first one to get comfortable with him presumably that's going to encourage the others to as well so it goes from work acquaintances -> work acquaintances and sly -> friends/found family
"And swept in with the throng / Comes this wonderful song"
okay this part i dont have much for i was honestly just gonna put it with the last part or the next part lol BUT it could be framed as dimitri's redemption* arc of sorts . like i said i have the least abot this and is there a mouse above me hold on
(it was not. leaving that though 'cause it's funny.)
anyway. like i said i have not a lot about this part and less that's actually fit into just straight canon but like consider it as dimitri swept into the throng and the wonderful song being. well in a literal sense the next few lines. but also in a less concrete way metaphorical heart singing about finally fitting in in a team that doesn't suck ass you know. like i said not very solid. but it makes me Feel Things so.
"My little reason why / I'll never make you cry / Oh, I have got the sweetest things to tell you every day"
again more about his redemption* arc. something about not making them cry anymore bc he's not a sucky dude anymore. my gay found family heart says it's about the found familyness .
also the "sweetest things to tell" is just him getting comfortable enough with the crew to infodump about boats /j
in a more serious sense (though not by much) i cannot imagine a world in which he does not talk a very much. so i am sure he does certainly say a lot of sweet things every day . and again i can't imagine the klaww gang putting up with him beyond the necessities so i imagine he says a lot more sweet things to the cg than he did to them but as is to be expected with me that is Blurring the Lines still so .
"My little reason why / You make me want to try / Loving you"
again with the redemption* arc . still blurring my lines here but i'm sure if the klaww gang weren't fond of each other than dimitri is definitely not going into the cg with high hopes . but as he bonds with them he learns that they don't suck actually. so he's coming out of his metaphorical shell (sorry bentley) as he learns that the cooper gang is not just a team or "cold palace walls and endless empty halls" but they're like actually friends/family. so he can try to (platonically, in case you couldn't tell)** love them.
*redemption played fast and loose here bc he is still definitely part of a team of master thieves and therefore still on the unredeemed side of the law but redeemed as in working with sly/the protagonists, ya dig? of course ya dig.
**no offense to everybody who ships him with people in the cg thi just personally reads found family to me and i just want to make that clear lol .
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saviourkingslut · 2 years
funny how "this is how they would act without by/leth" somehow translated to "only Claude is actively an infinitely worse/dumber person without them" considering he was by far and away the lord with the least player pandering given to him 🤔 Dimitri is given a better support group, Edel/gard actually gives a shit about her friends, meanwhile Claude is. well. You Know lol
i think the whole 'this is how they would act without by//leth' is faulty in the first place bc it insinuates that by//leth not being present is the only difference between this game and throuses while that's just. not true lol. i mean, going off of ag, if by//leth had been there or not, rufus would still have started a rebellion in this au. by//leth never would have anything to do with him deciding to do that, and his rebellion is the reason the blions stop going to the acadamy and that dimitri is crowned king pretty much at the start of the game. i think people put too much importance on by//leth as a major deciding factor when in this instance it's other people's actions that result in the entire context of the story being different and thus characters existing in and acting on that context. like, it's conjecture, but imo even if by//leth had been in shez's place, the rebellion still would've happened and the lions would still have left the acadamy, which would've left by//leth in shez's place: a random merc who gets to take up a commanding position in the army bc they have a mysterious power. and that would've been a really different position from 'professor in a mentor position appointed by the archbishop herself' and so i feel that it would've resulted in a very different relationship to what we're accustomed to in throuses
anyway yeah the whole 'this is how they would've acted w/o by//leth' is bonkers on another level bc they're not consistent with it. dimitri gets a better support system bc with by//leth's absence there's room for the blions to take up that position. haven't played sb but edelgard doesn't get hit w/ the 'my teacher' syndrome so i can guess that not having half her world revolving around by//leth has some influence on how she interacts w/ the people around her in this game. and then claude goes 'what if i acted completely different from how i acted in throuses to the point that i go against my belief system and do the kind of stuff that i professed to never do in that very game, not even to achieve my life-long dreams'. like even with him not learning everything about the church that he does in throuses (eventually) he's doing such ooc stuff that by//leth's presence wouldn't have made a single difference if you ask me. i mean, i've already said that i don't think they would be in a position to be have a steering influence as in throuses, but even if you believe that they would attain such a position in thropes... they messed around with claude's core beliefs and characteristics, and at that point you've just created a different character. saying that 'this is how he would have acted w/o by//leth' is just an excuse at that point, especially since their absence doesn't have such devastating effects on the other lords and their actions.
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queen-of-bel · 11 months
some general fe3h thoughts now that i'm at like month 8
starting with the bad and i feel like this is a very severe flaw but this game is not well put together at all. they force you to make all these choices with no context or supporting information and then you just pray it turns out okay
i tried this game first like a year and a half ago and could not stand to finish it. i didn't like anyone in my faction and ed*lgard's vibes were rancid as hell and the idea of pouring like 50+ hours into a game where i want to throttle half the cast was not appealing to me in the slightest
then i tried out dimitri's faction and immediately fell in love with ashe and dedue so i was motivated to keep playing. ironically i think dimitri's vibes are gross as hell too but i genuinely like every other person i have in the group
a choice as big as who you spend the entire game with should not be made after just speaking with the characters for like. 3 sentences. it really will make or break your enjoyment of the game and it's baffling that you're forced to make such an important choice after only 15 minutes of playing
this complaint doesn't just apply to the story, it's towards the gameplay too. the chapter 6 map was complete dogshit. all the warping tiles would've been manageable if it weren't for the fact that you also were on a time limit. i have no clue what the right way to warp is and i have to just pray that whatever i chose is the right answer. i had to restart that battle like 3 times bc i kept choosing the wrong direction. why in god's name am i supposed to be rawdogging this map like that like WHO in the good lord's name thought that was a good idea
and then the devs obviously did not bother to integrate the support scenes into the main game at all like it's actually really laughable. like man i would've expected maybe at least an attempt...
i think ultimately the game is horribly disjointed in a lot of ways and it just feels like it's a bunch of random gameplay mechanics just slapped on top of each other and the game doesn't even bother to try to tie any of it together in a way that's cohesive or even pretends to have it make sense
that being said, it's not as big of a complaint as it normally would be for me bc i actually am (for the most part, dimitri can choke) really enjoying each of those pieces.
i do think it's funny that you can permakill team members with zero fucking fanfare and minimal announcement. rip to sylvain but i didn't even notice he had died. no clue when i lost him 🫡
it's pretty amazing, despite having a lot of my biggest pet peeves in video games, i actually am hooked to this game and can't put it down. quite the definition of high highs and low lows so far, but the highs are outweighing the lows by far
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jackienautism · 11 months
hi again!! been a couple days with no update, time got away from me hahah. i've been playing a lot with my brother, playing a bit on my VW playthrough (although i think i'm like. really in it today and will probably play a lot more on my own). i also finally let myself start looking for fic and fanart and stuff a couple of days ago. so happy to say that linhardt finally clicked for me and i really like him now. i liked him before, and he's still somehow my least favorite eagle but. as i've definitely mentioned before i love all of them.
YEAH. idk it really just feels... wrong to pair ingrid with any guy romantically? idk beyond the fact that she is a lesbian To Me (for reasons similar to posts you've rbed and made) even if she weren't it's just like... uniquely nightmarish. especially considering i think the only options i had recruited on that run were. felix and sylvain. and while in spite of myself sylvain really grew on me, and felix is. idk he's fine. like i said her ending up with either of them is kinda.... the worst lol. i didn't even get to the b support with her and felix bc i ended up googling around and seeing general opinions on some potential paired endings i could've gotten on my last run and made the choice to keep ingrid single and intentionally kept her away from both of them lest i got their ending on accident lmao.
hmmm i definitely got the petra and bernie supports as well as the dorothea and bernie supports last playthrough! those two in particular i really wished had an a support. bernie and dorothea especially, their supports were some of my favorites! i only got one with ingrid and dorothea, and i think only one with bernie and ingrid? i know there were a handful with edelgard that i only got to b but that actually had an a support (which i'll def get on my next CF playthrough, if my brother doesn't get them. and probably if he does lol). definitely bernie i only got to b with her, and i think maybe the same with dorothea??? but that might be wrong. i would check but my brother is playing rn LMAO. marianne didn't really have like... any supports with girls who i had on that playthrough which was soooo annoying. i got lysithea after the timeskip but barely used her so i dont think i even got their c support that playthrough?
yeah i would love to recruit hilda but like. the desire to side with edie outweighs my desire to recruit her, especially since i just.... like all the eagles more on average than the lions and like hearing them talk during the story DFSKKF plus you don't have to kill hilda or claude who i also really like. i'll def try that with dedue because i do actually really like him despite like. barely interacting with him so far.
yeah by character perspective i do mean leveling from what like.. makes sense for their character to me! and for battle stuff, before i really knew how supports worked i would like put certain characters together bc i was like "oh this character probably likes being around this one" or "this one feels safer if another character is in front of them, and this one is probably more inclined to pick up on that and get in front of them" so that's how i usually try to play my battles lol. which works out pretty well in terms of supports, i'm just a little more conscious of that now.
update on my brother's playthrough!! he's recruited over half of the lions which is kind of funny to me like. okay dedue and dimitri are unrecruitable but LMFAO im picturing class for the blue lions now that it's just those two and ashe. he's also recruited some of the deer as well (marianne, lysithea and ignatz i think? and he's planning on recruiting leonie too lmao). win for both of us..... he likes bernie now!!!!! we haven't reached the timeskip yet but i think some of her b supports got her to grow on him. i have a feeling he's gonna side with edie, but the biggest thing that might stop him is that he REALLY likes hilda and wants to recruit her. but i think the fact that he likes edie might outweigh that?? here's hoping at least! he also really likes annette a lot. i made him make a tierlist and his favorites right now are annette, petra, edelgard, hilda, lysithea, and caspar, in that order.
this is getting SO long but. as for my playthrough! i finally decided who exactly i wanted to recruit (and recruited them all today!). i decided to get three from each other house, and ended up with caspar, petra and dorothea from the eagles, and sylvain, annette, and ashe from the lions. i was going to get mercedes but after watching my brother get their b support i thought to myself. wouldn't it just be awful if they got that b support and i only recruited one of them. and so that's my plan! i think i'm gonna do the opposite on my next CF playthrough and just get mercedes. i'm really undecided on which paired endings i'm going to get, because i'm enjoying so many of the supports.... almost everyone i have has multiple supports that i'm actually interested in with characters i really like this playthrough! which is great! last playthrough i barely had any interesting ones with marianne. now i've got a team that's basically evenly split by original house, which is really fun (i've been going with my six out of house recruits, hilda, marianne and claude, and byleth, and i've been really enjoying it).
i know i said i really wanted the dorothea and petra paired ending (and i still do), but i'm considering s ranking dorothea myself this playthrough? although i might save that for my next CF run, or if i ever choose to go through with silver snow. i don't really know how all of the paired endings turn out, and i haven't gotten super far into the supports, but i'm liking caspar and ashe's supports so far, and i liked hilda and caspar's first support. if i choose to s support dorothea, i might go with caspar and petra again though? although i've also heard her supports with ashe and claude are good. but if i don't s support dorothea, i'll probably s support claude.... and i might pair him and hilda if i don't?? i'm liking their dynamic so far. although i'm ALSO liking hilda and marianne's supports. i really like annette and lysithea's supports, but sadly those only go to b... once again a loss for a supports between girls everywhere.... sylvain is gonna end up alone this time around for sure because while i do want to get his supports with dorothea again because i enjoyed them, i have like. multiple preferred endings for her lol. and i think the only other person he can get to a with that i have recruited is. byleth. who i also have other options for lol. lorenz is gonna end up alone because i don't like him lol and i don't want a character. raphael and ignatz... idk i like them and so far their most interesting support to me is with each other! so that's probably the route i'm gonna go. although i am enjoying a lot of raphael's supports in general so he's kind of my wildcard rn. as for annette, there are three characters i like who she could potentially get paired endings with? but i haven't seen enough of their supports (or any in some cases) to like. have a solid plan yet. i could probably keep going on but this is already SO long omg!!! basically the point is. i like so many of these characters now and i'm enjoying a lot of the dynamics! hope you're having a good one :)
HIII SO SO SORRY FOR TAKING A WHILE TO RESPOND. I KEPT PUTTING IT OFF AND FORGETTING THAT IT WAS IN MY INBOX 😭😭 SO VERY SORRY AGAIN thats still so awesome that you get to play w/ your brother.... its sooo fun watching others play the game, especially if its a route you're particularly fond of. AND OOOO LOOKING FOR ANY SPECIFIC FICS OR FANART IN PARTICULAR? OR JUST GENERAL FE3H STUFF? either way, have fun w/ that!!! theres sooo much awesome stuff out there. AND YIPPEEE WIN FOR LINHARDT ENJOYERS!!!!!!!! GLAD THAT HES FINALLY CLICKED FOR YOUUUU hes just an autistic dude w/ chronic fatigue and i love him. hes my boy, lvoe him lots
NO FOR REAL!!!!! IM RLY GLAD THAT YOU AGREE AND THA TIM NOT BEING DRAMATIC OR W/E 😭 there's just... theres no way that girl DOESN'T like girls. its just. its so There yk. esp her being like 32234 feet inthe closet. i dont know her endings w/ either felix or sylvain but .... yeah. i dont think i could do either for personal reasons kfkdgg unless, like you said, i get it by chance. YEAH fair enough, in regards to ingrid and felix. their b support is jus t... idk. i know felix is an asshole like thats his whole thing but god. the shit he says to ingrid really infuriates me. i totally agree that it was better to leave ingrid single. the only way to get their endings is if you get their A supports i believe. the only time its random is if you have Multiple A supports from the same character. i could be wrong though
OH THEY DONT HAVE A SUPPORTS? i didnt realize that. i still think that its a waste of time if characters that can support dont have an A one........ its just dumb imo. esp if their C + B supports are rly good and fun, its just. grrrr it makes me so mad. theyall deserve supports post timeskip!!!!! good luck getting the rest of the supports w/ edie! i know off the top of my head that both bernadetta and dorothea have A supports w/ her, which is cool. and yeah ): i dont believe marianne has many supports w/ girls outside the golden deer? IF she even has any? but yeah. i know she has an A support w/ hilda but ofc you cant recruit hilda in CF. lysithea and marianne's supports are ok i guess, they couldve been a looot better. im actually currently writing a fic for like a mock A support between the 2 fdkndfg you said you spared lysithea during the bridge of myrrdin (?) battle right? makes sense why you didnt hav emuch time to get her supports
YEAAH fair enough, i def feel the same dfgndf in terms of wanting to side w/ edie more than anything else. the black eagles are so <3 theyre so fun. i totally agree w/ you there, i love listening to their conversations dgnjfdg they r very silly. andmm righr thats true. i totally forgot you could spare hilda, pretty sure my brother had marianne kill her 😭😭😭 and i like how you can spare claude as well. and yeah :D good luck w/ dedue!!! hopefully my memory serves me right
makes sense! esp since i know the characters do have a like canon path they go down in terms of classes, which im sure you already knew, but if you ever need ideas / inspiration id def check that out! and OOOO THATS A VERY INTERESTING WAY OF GOING ABT BATTLING.... i like that a lot! and like you said im sure thaat helped a bit w/ getting certain supports. thats def not a bad idea . plus its such a cute thing fr ): to think abt what the character would want and feel safer w/.... you are so cool for real
YEAAAAH it is really funny to think abt what the other classrooms look like dkffdg esp after recruiting like their entire class. must be so sad for them </3 happy that hes recruiting a bunch of the characters though... does he know that hes gonna have to most likely fight them in the later half of the game? or is he doing it just cause he likes them? either way, good for him. OOOO ANOTHER WIN FOR BERNIE ENJOYERS YAAAY makes sense that watching more of the supports helped her grow on him... since thats usually where you get the bulk of their personalities and development. I HOPE THATHIS LOVE FOR EDIE OUTWEIGHS THAT.... if it doesnt though i totally understand, he would prob enjoy azure moon since he'll be abl eto recruit hilda, but he also prob wouldnt like going against edelgard so hm. OOO ANNETTE HUH? def a good choice. thank you for making him make a tier list jdfgdg always interested in other ppl's faves. AND LYSITHEA!!!!! YIPPPEEE
NO WORRIES ON IT GETTIGN LONG!!!! I RLY ENJOY READING YOUR THOUGHTS! glad you were able to decide on how youre gonna recruit :D atleast that stress is gone for now. and whose b support did you get w/ mercedes? i assume all three of them? ashe sylvain and annette? regardless, YOURE SOOOO EVIL (lighthearted) FOR ONLY PURPOSELY RECRUITING ONE OF THEM FDKGDFG but then that means more angst and pain and angst an dpain can be super good. esp in this game. mercedes my beloved<3 makes sense that you just get her your next CF playthrough! and so even then you get to separate her from her blue lions (specifically annette) and ): pain. and yeaah it can be pretty difficult to choose which endings you wanna go with. i ended up just getting to A between all the golden deer and letting the game decide for me jfdgnjgd that way you get to enjoy all the supports without feeling pressure to choose just one A support :] but i also understand wanting to pick out the ending youd rather see more... so good luck deciding! and im glad that youve really been enjoying the supports! the supports are usually sooo much fun... and you get to learn more abt the characters which is just awesome. i assunme you mean youve been going out into battle w/ those characters right? thats so epic... have fun w/ them!!!!
THATS WHAY I DID DURING VERDANT WIND!!!!! I S SUPPORTED DOROTHEA AND OUHHHG I LOVE HER SO MUCH..... S supporting claude is ofc also a good choice.. good luck decided on what you wanna do! i suppose once you have that figured out everything else should fall into place in terms of endings and whatnot. i still gotta get those supports you mentioned... glad to hear that youve been enjoying them so far though! i cant say mcuh abt petras supports w/ ashe or claude unfortunately. ive only got petras c support w/ claude and i thought it was funny. but i know that almost all of ashes supports are very sweet, sinc ehes a very sweet guy. a claude and hilda pairing makes sense! their dynamic is certainly interesting fdjgndfg plus i think they complement each other well. hilda and mariannes supports are very good... since you get to see another side of marianne that you dont rly see anywhere else. in terms of clumsiness and whatnot! I HEARD LYSITHEA AND ANNETTE'S ONLG GO TO B!!!!! WHY DOES THIS GAME HATE THE GIRLIES SO MUCH!!!!!!! RIP<//3 yeah far enough for sylvain fdndfgg esp if youu have better ending plans for both dorothea and byleth. YEAH LMAO. LOWKEY FUCK LORENZ but you didnt hear that from me. the only support chain i didnt get of his (of the golden deer) is w/ claude.... and i wont lie going through his supports made me like him a TINY bitmore, but still, hes just. euugh. to me yk. raphael and ignatz def have good supports! i def liked them a lot, i esp enjoyed ignatz and marianne's. once again, good luck figuring out your paired ending plans!!!! i know its been a bit since you sent this in, but still! wish you the best of luck! dont stress yourself too much though :]
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pascal-oswell · 2 years
Hi, friend 💕
Me again. I'm here to give you FE3H and TOH of you want ✨
YAAAAA NESSA!!!!!! i do want to i like talking about things i like hiii
fe3h -
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) : its not that true anymore but ill still say edelgard considering how much i lost my shit over her back when i was actively playing the game. also dorothea
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) : idk probably bernadetta. i kinda dont like how exagerated her behaviour can be at time for funsies value but also id tuck her in and kiss her good night and kill anyone who wishes her harm
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) : where's the manuela love. i love this mess of a woman. her tag is SO dry i still cant believe it. and WHY is she only ever with hanneman dear LORD
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) : i have no idea. maybe the monastery's cats. its been too long for me to remember a char like that 😭 i wont say that one guard bc hes far too well known to count
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) : i mean i feel like edie fits the controversial part but she doesn't feel like a poor little meow meow. i dont like dimitri i cant say that. whos a poor little meow meow in this game??? is linhardt one?? ill put him here just so people know i like him. there u go.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) : i am throwing lorenz into the meat grinder as we speak :-) hes funny but hes funnier when terrible things happen to him
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell) : idk. rhea maybe. not in a mega hate way though i dont have anyone i viscerally hate really. or annette's dad etc etc.
toh (i still havent finished s2) -
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) : mmmh idk..... i dont have any HUGE fav bc i like most chars honestly but i do have a special fondness for lilith
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) : i like king :)
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) : do the blight twins count. i remember liking them theyre silly. the school's principal also i think hes a nice guy
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) : god only knows
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) : i feel like if u stopped at s1 i could still say lilith but otherwise. idk. who the hell even is controversial
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) : funnily enough. also lilith. put that lady through situations RIGHT NOW
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell) : BELOS????? or that one guy who was trying to capture the not-luz creature i forgot their name
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playgirlpontius · 1 year
furry au stuff for the crew yippee wahoo, defo not the entire crew but most of em that I know of!
Jeff: grey wolf!!!! I think I’ve talked about him, Dimitry, and Rachel being funny wolf pictures before but yeah the 3 of them r all grey wolves xD early JA days he definitely gives off the vibe of chill wolf boye. He likes to bite PJ sometimes, as wolves bite as a form of affection, and PJ’s herbivore ass is like WHAT THE FUCK LMAO…Jeff’s definitely gotten headbutted multiple times bc of it 😭 ALSO….imagine wolf Jeff with a mullet... That is all <3
Spike: defo a weasel. He gives off this sneaky slinky-like creature vibe. Not too much for him to be a cat but not like a ferret and I think a weasel is super fitting for him. Weasels are super sneaky and like ferrets look super cute but are actually really fierce. I mostly got this from that fight him and Jeff had in 4.5 where Jeff was like no he’s sneaky about it and Spike jus fuckin goes at him 😭. Him and Dave r mustelidae buddies <333
Dimitry: grey wolf as well!!! Wolves r very social animals so defo him and Jeff r wolf buddies ^_^!! The two definitely just randomly punch or bite each other as a form of affection they’re like brothers who fight all the time tbh LMAOOO
Manny: a lion obvi!! He’s definitely a predator considering he’s a predator expert, and his long hair is like THE perfect lion design… Also! In WBZ he touched a lion’s tail, and I think that’s cool as fuck! Also it would make sense w/ how manny doesn’t mix well with colder temperatures and why prev to WBZ he hasn’t seen a lot of predators that live in colder habitats and such. He’s part of the kitty squad with Chris, Lance, Trip, and Ehren! ^_^
Kosick: skunk LOL…entirely based off how angry he was after he was forced to smell PJ being covered in skunk spray in the car xD…
Cliver: this was a tough decision but he gives off this like… red fox vibe >_<!! Red foxes are really good at hearing so defo he’s super alert when on set and if someone’s trying to prank him. He part of the fox squad with wee man ^_^
Lance: cat!! Idk he gives off kitty vibes ^_^!! He and Spike share similar mischievous vibes only Lance is less sneaky so I thought he’d fit as a cat. Also he has pretty silver hair, so yeah! And stylistically, I like the idea of that helmet he wears in 3D having cat ears on it :3
Trip: defo a tiger! Idk why, he jus gives me those vibes ^_^ big cat vibes like how Manny nd Chris do. Apparently, tigers have been known to imitate the call of other animals to lure them closer, so sometimes he’s known 2 make some weird noises jus to get a laugh outta people XD
Gooch: sea otter! He likes surfing n stuff so I thought it’d fit him pretty well :3!! Him and Jasper r sea otter buddies!!!
Loomis: he's not officially part of the crew, BUT I wanted to include himb. <3 I think that he'd be a possum! This is mostly based on the concept of a ferret with bright green hair, I think design-wise he’d look cool as hell! Possums are also clean creatures, they don’t get rabies unlike a lot of other animals, so surprisingly they’d find that Loomis is super clean compared to everyone else xD
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daz4i · 2 years
Bestie. Bestie. I know I've already sent him for a character meme before, but that was a long time ago and also this one is ~detailed~ so. Takuto, if you'll indulge me? :3
Also! If I may, I'm sending Akechi too 'cause we all want to talk about our blorbos ^^ <3
mwah thank you bestie 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
What I like about them: he’s genuinely such an interesting character. his role in the story is generally such a sexy one (anti-villains are p rare from my experience so it’s so cool to see one). i love his confidant and even his class questions and his presence is genuinely very calming
What I dislike about them: why are you me. i’m me
Favourite moment: that one scream after the fist fight. you know the one
Least favourite moment: hmmmmm not sure if i have one i particularly dislike but ig while they’re very plot and character important, his one on one conversations with the thieves can be a bit slow and at times even uncomfortable to watch bc of second hand embarrassment lmao 
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more: i really wanna know what happens to him in his reality! we see him basically become a nobody, the thieves don’t recognize him, and i assume it’s his doing? so i’m curious, once everyone’s happiness is actualized, what does he have left to do?? what does he do??? pls i need answers
An interesting AU for this character: curious to think abt how thing’s would’ve gone if he told akira from the start he knows they’re the pt and abt the metaverse and cogpsi. like, how would the thieves react? would they be more guarded around him, or more open? would he become a confidant to them all? idk it’s interesting!!!! idek if it counts as an au bc it’s more canon divergence but eh.
A crossover: i’m ngl my brain is flat out of ideas. fuck it. the bible. biggest crossover of the year. ig it’s technically already canon but anyway
OTP: takuto x you u3u 
Other ships?: takurumi ofc! and i think his ship with zenkichi is cute! 
BROTP: shibusawa true bro xx
NOTP: whatever his ship with akira is called. for obvious reasons
An assortment of headcanons! (but this post is long enough as is so i’m limiting myself to one): that man lives in the lamest ass apartment you’ve seen in your life. he does NOT get paid enough to afford more. rip king 
What I like about them: the mental illness(es) and everything else also
What I dislike about them: uuuuuuuh ig he’s got some moments that give me second hand embarrassment?? esp in his detective persona. i’m sorry goro you posted cringe you’re gonna lose subscriber
Favourite moment: any time he’s being unhinged during the third semester 😍 but esp as a navi
Least favourite moment: genuinely can’t choose bc any moment that may be cringe is just so funny or i’m simply too happy he’s there that i can’t bring myself to dislike it. ig in his original confidant some of the ranks were a bit boring? so just pick one of those rank ups where he just says how interesting it is to talk to akira despite us never seeing them talk 
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more: you know that deleted content from royal where he’s in a rehab center? yeah i wanna know what’s up with that and have more information and see how he heals and how he is afterwards
An interesting AU for this character: actual detective goro........ him solving crimes he didn’t commit himself.......... solving mysteries........... connecting dots and following leads...... perhaps with a trusty partner who looks great in drag called watso- *gets shot* 
A crossover: i’m making him besties with dimitri fire emblem even if it’s the last thing i do 
OTP: my special little polycule of goro x akira x haru x yusuke. but also just akeshu 
Other ships?: akekita, akeharu, ryugoro
BROTP: futago and anngoro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NOTP: recently found out some ppl actually ship him with shido and well. i’m not here to police anyone’s ships but Keep That Shit Away From Me 
Extra headcanon: autistic king. masking expert and hyperaware of people’s perception of him due to years of trauma. his special interest is featherman. stims by fiddling with his gloves. i’m right about this 
send some characters?
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lgbtq-fire-emblem · 2 years
hiiiiii um marianne and seliph for the ask game please !!
of course they have blue hair and pronouns... it's actually funny how attached I am to blue haired FE characters compared to my average thoughts on other blue hair characters. Putting this under a cut bc you picked two characters I could talk about forever gjhdjkghd
My general thoughts & opinions on them - Marianne is one of the best characters in 3H imo, the character growth over the timeskip, the beautiful design, a good unit, interesting character. I do still wish the game had beast or dragon units though and she was one of them
Favorite moment of theirs - The Raphael support where she is just talking to birds "This bird just happened to be… speaking human." I love her... disney princess!
Favorite support chain - Raphael or Ignatz's. Obviously I like the Hilda one pretty well but I am very tired of people hating it to claim Hilda is abusive ?? lmao. so the discourse has soured my opinion on it
My dream FEH alt for them - new years! I'd love to see her in a kimono
Headcanons and/or ships I have - I like nonbinary Mari for self projection reasons ehehe. MariHilda is my favorite ship but I also like her and Leonie a lot. Edelgard, Dimitri, and Igantz are some others I like but don't think about very often.
Favorite art of them - The marihilda summer duo special attack art <3 the cipher card for her as a dancer is also beautiful
My general thoughts & opinions on them - my little guy.... my little dude... Idk they really just packed EVERYTHING into this guy. He's got the dead parents, he's lived his whole life stuck in a war, he's got a bit of the imposter syndrome. He's not the only FE lord to get sad over killing some of the enemies but I just... in the world of fe4 which feels so dark and tragic compared to the other games he is such a shining light !
Favorite moment of theirs - The hidden scene in the final chapter where he gets to talk to his parents for the first and last time :,)
Favorite support chain - I haven't gotten to the 2nd half of the game yet so I haven't read any of the convos <3 Idk probably one of the convos with Lewyn bc Lewyn moments.
My dream FEH alt for them - Valentine's Day! I want him and the whole family <3 Also the angst would be incredible.
Headcanons and/or ships I have - Hmmm I don't think I really have any I'm super invested in. Maybe once I finish the game ! I could explain the elaborate fe4 nft bro universe me and a couple friends have made (naoise and alec are into NFTs and sigurd takes emotional damage. this extends to the 2nd gen somehow) but I will spare you guys
Favorite art of them - Fuck it, I already did a readmore, so I'll post it! WAAAAAAAAAAH I hope that explains why I love it
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chiaki-c · 2 years
played the blue lions route on three hopes, both with and without byleth and now i must word vomit for a bit!!!!
I get that not many people played this (i got the game second hand myself bc...yeah i can't really justify to buying it at full price) but!!! How are people not losing their minds about this!!!!
Like, is it mostly fanservice stuff? Yes. Is it everything i ever wanted? Also definitely YES!!!!!
In the first half especially i really had lots of fun with the story. The last few chapters dragged a bit but i had moments where i was like man i wish 3 houses was more like this actually :/
I can't believe they gave me so much good dimitri/dedue/felix food??? Was this done for me especially????????
I distinctly remember writing here that i really wanted more interactions between dedue and felix in a king dimitri context.....WELL HERE IT IS
The dimidue cutscene......i can't believe they just Did That. I was so blindsided by it i couldn't believe it I WAS SO HAPPY 😭
This is definitely a more sanitized version of the story but i'll take it, yknow!!! It was nice seeing dimitri and felix being a team and relying on each other. Something about them filling the roles you only see glimpses of in 3 houses was especially satisfying
Oh and talking about shit that blindsided me!!!! Dimilix A support???? HELLLOOOOO???!!!! AGAIN WAS THIS DONE FOR ME ESPECIALLY
If you told me in 2k19 we would see felix picking up dimitri and carrying him to bed....unbelievable!!!!!
So many little nuggets here and there that are just. Dimitri Has 2 Hands
funny that a dimilix cutscene exists and is also sooo good but it's rodrigue's death. they're cutely bickering and rodrigue dies (again)!!! and it comes with additional bonding for them now that they're all out of father figures. like lol they must always be sooo tragic!!!!! well lucky me that's what i'm here for
Oh and playable rodrigue was also soo much good food!! All the dads content!!!!!! Matthias!!!!!
GLENN'S LETTER!!!!!!!!!!!
Bitter that we still don't have an official glenn design :/ no i will never shut up about glenn
Dimitri is super cute in this....... i love his stubborn streak!! so kingly!!!! then he turns around and tells you he doesn't wanna name his horses cause he might grow too fond of them :(((
Again, everything was much more...easygoing in this game BUT i think the effort to have dimitri still be dimitri, with what makes him compelling, is commendable. I don't necessarily think it's like...this great writing achievement they got going on but as far as intsys sanctioned fanfiction goes, i enjoyed it!
The other lions are. There. Unfortunately they are just literally there :(
I enjoyed some of the bonus supports, but nothing mind blowing. Sylvain and igrid's was verty cute!! Annette/mercedes was disappointing
Also did they...somehow make cathmir even more canon or is it just meee!!!!!!! but all the church people got done dirty
what really makes me happy about this game is that, with byleth out of the way, the characters relationships can really thrive. i mean shez is much more what i want from your protagonist character. they have a personality + aren't the be all end all of every character's life. i assume this is very unpopular but i can't stand byleth as they are in houses
that said shez's story is so messy...the last chapters were so whatever!! if you somehow didn't have the main game lore as context i imagine non of it would make the slightest sense. but i mean i'm not here bc i care about shez or the lore really!!
this is honestly just good fun if you wanna see more of your faves + some good nuggets of additional backstory here and there!!
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