#YURI: 001.
wingedvictor · 1 year
where do you hide in a town so small, one where you'd find a familiar face in every nook and cranny?
where do you go when you want to run away, to a place where no one knows your name, and all the weight that comes with it?
for most, a flight out of town is the obvious answer. it's why he escapes to europe whenever mugunghwa feels a little too constrained; a little too suffocating. he can't, however, get on the plane whenever he wanted to—not with the new semester starting and all the responsibilities that came his way.
lucky for him, he's found an escape within the borders of mugunghwa, close enough to reach by foot, but far enough from his people—the rich, the privileged, the selfish—to never be found when he wants to hide.
largely disparate from the clean, polished neighbourhoods he and his circle of friends grew up in, this neighbourhood did not boast opulent mansions lined up in neat, perfect rows, much like the people living in them. instead, modest houses were scattered around the quaint neighbourhood.
it got relatively dark at night, with some lights out of order, others flickering, threatening to go out any moment now—unlike the brightly lit neighbourhood his family home was situated in, frequently maintained and upkept in tip-top condition, almost as if it was intentional, to deter the burglars eyeing the fancy mansions and their treasures kept within.
point is, you wouldn't think of finding nam minjun in a neighbourhood like this. not at the humble restaurant he's grown to love and frequent—where he had met her—nor this tiny convenience store tucked away into a quiet corner of the neighbourhood—where he was headed to, to find her.
he's never asked for her name—never had to. he sees it on her name tag every time she's working at the store, yet never had to use it. she knows whenever he's talking to her, because no one else would be around. it would be late at night, with the occasional customer popping by to get a late night snack or two, otherwise, it would just be them, alone, in their safe little bubble.
that's what she, her restaurant, and the convenience store, all meant to him—an escape. a place he could be himself, not nam minjun, or all that his name entails. he knew nothing of her, and her of him, besides the thoughts and ideas that filled their minds, some of which they're too afraid to share outside the safety of whatever their relationship was: a late night reverie, an unlikely friend, a soulmate.
the familiar chime of the doorbell brings a faint smile to his lips as he pushes past the glass door of the convenience store, eyes meeting the girl behind the counter. the store's fluorescent lights are a stark contrast to the dim streets outside, another reason for his visit to the store at this time—to walk her home, and prolong whatever conversation they'll have tonight, of which he already knows he'll enjoy.
"please tell me you've set aside one custard pudding for me. those always sell out so fast."
SECRET FOR TWO ft. @glassfilms
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THEORY: Sigmund Authen, Anya Forger, Yor Briar and Yuri Briar are all connected to Project Apple.
How is Sigmund connected? He was one of the scientists that worked on Project Apple way before or when it just started
First of all, his appearance is giving Albert Einstein to me, a famous scientist and as well his expression of Eureka-an expression popularized by a mathematician/scientist. He also used to teach in universities.
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There are a lot of other abilities being developed in project Apple. We have seen someone who has an unusual sense of smell in the cruise arc (I really think he was a product of some experiment). But I think Sigmund is a scientist that focuses on the mind's abilities. Why?
His name was probably derived from the famous neurologist Sigmund Freud. What does a neurologist do?  A neurologist is a medical doctor who's an expert in diagnosing and treating diseases and conditions of your brain, spinal cord and nerves. Sigmund is also the founder of psychoanalysis-which also studies the mind. Always connected to the brain. So he must be also the one who first conducted experiments in mind manipulation and mind reading.
Does this mean that Sigmund knows that Anya is a subject of that experiment? No, because he had probably already quit project Apple before Anya was brought in as subject 007 or before she even existed. It won’t fit the timeline if he was one of the scientists that experimented on Anya. (I also think that Anya’s number does not indicate the number of people that have been experimented on but the number of subjects that became successful, still just a speculation)
However, it seems like he doesn’t remember much about the experiment, (he doesn’t even remember the right way home). When he quit, maybe he cut all ties he had with the project, realizing how mean and cruel it was. He forgot about it like he was never part of it in the first place.
And then right after this chapter, Endo gave us that jaw dropping and mind-boggling four page short chapter that started to plague our minds since, indicating we were about to tackle Anya’s past. So I may have to agree that Sigmund could be Anya’s trigger to remember the past.
But how did Yor and Yuri got involved in Project Apple?
Yor and Yuri were once subjects of project Apple, the first successful ones. Where do we think Yor’s incredible strength came from? How about Yuri’s intelligence and resilience even though hit by a car or lost a lot of blood? I know, as the major genre is comedy, some of the scenes are exaggerated. But when it comes to Yor and Yuri, the difference they possess regarding their abilities was always highlighted.
Like also, let’s think about it. The name of the experiment is Project Apple. What is Yor’s favorite flavor or food? Apple. What was the name of the assassin team she belongs to? Garden (Which is tied to Eden and of the forbidden Apple fruit but Eden’s connection with Garden and Project Apple will be dealt in another time)
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How about Yuri? Well, the SS is the one monitoring him. He was the youngest among the SS. The reason they hired him, Oh he was cute right? Said the man who recruited him. Yeah cute alright. They just knew how invincible he was physically because of the experiment.
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Ostania, through Garden and SS  is making sure that the Briar siblings remain at their fingertips, doing their purpose, using the skills the project had given them for Ostania’s advantage.
Maybe that’s the reason why their parents got killed. They died in an attempt to protect and hide them. I noticed that their house seems to be far from modern civilization, more like a small province not like a city that is crowded, compared to Loid’s town in Luwen.
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In addition, maybe that is why Endo made Yor and Anya to be the one who met Sigmund in Chapter 90. Because the three of them are bound by the same thing-Project Apple.
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gladosluver · 4 months
doomed yuri with lesbians who work at dangerous companies <3
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spellbcok · 6 months
@devilsmenu sent: ♫ + 78 for heiya to yuri (i’m so sick — apink)
“i’m so sick of it.” if the aggravation in her voice wasn’t proof enough, the pout of her lips emphasized her discontent. “is there any way to get memories back?”
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linagram · 6 months
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mrs sanada and mrs yoshioka reveal!! wow!!
i don't think i'll show everyone's family members, friends, etc, unless they're very important to their backstories and overall plot, but these two definitely play a huge role here. i haven't written full profiles for them, but you can still read some info about them under the cut.
Mrs. Sanada's name, Miori, is written like this: 美居 and it means "beautiful, pretty" and "to stay, to be in the present". Fun fact: she shares a kanji (美) with Aimi and Naomi.
Mrs. Yoshioka's name, Chihaya, is written like this: 知早 and means "knowledge, understanding" and "early, fast".
Both women were pretty young when they gave birth to their oldest children, Miori was 25 years old when Kei was born and Chihaya was 22 years old (Mahiru, I am so sorry.) when she gave birth to Eiko.
Funnily enough (in kind of a messed up way), Kei is also 25 years old right now (26 if we're going with the T2 timeline) and when he was asked what he thinks about children in his interrogation, he said that he wouldn't be surprised to find out that he already has a kid because of his "lifestyle". Oh, just to add to that, Kei wasn't a planned pregnancy. Same goes for Eiji. There's nothing sad or scary about it though, since Miori really was okay with having kids.
I probably should've revealed this sooner, but I wasn't sure how to bring it up. Miori and her husband actually have a quite open relationship, meaning that they're married, sure, but they're free to date anybody they like. Honestly, if I had to describe their relationship, it has both platonic and sexual elements, but they don't have any romantic feelings for each other. They're just friends who find each other very attractive and wanted to live together and that's it. They're so chill about it that it's honestly kinda sweet. (And now you can also see that one of the reasons why Kei doesn't really understand how romantic love works is because his own parents don't like each other in that way) So, where am I going with this? Well, uh. Yeah, there's a possibility that Eiji and Kei are actually half-brothers, it's just that both of them got all the genes from their mother. Their parents couldn't care less about that though and even if it did turn out that Kei and Eiji's biological fathers are different, Miori's husband would still love Eiji the same way. (A very subtle difference between Eiji and Kei's designs is that Eiji doesn't have any noticeable beauty marks and he's more pale than Kei and Miori)
"Then why did Chihaya have Eiko when she was even younger?" Sadly, she had to grow up too fast 😔 Yes, that's why her name meaning is like that. And that's also why her relationship with Eiko isn't really a relationship that you would expect a mother and a daughter to have, for example, Eiko calls her "the head of the family" and says that she "respects" her, but doesn't really "love" her. Chihaya basically had no choice but to have a child at some point in her life and Eiko is a walking reminder of that, so sometimes she prefers not to even look at her own daughter.
Eiko's little brother, however, was born because Chihaya genuinely wanted to have a child that she could love, but.. In the end, she still felt nothing for him. She should've expected it, really. She doesn't even love her own husband after all.
Just like Kei said, Miori really is a toymaker and she really does love to see children's face expressions when their parents buy them the toys they wanted. Her toys, however, are popular mostly with "weird" kids and teenagers because her toys can be cute, but they have this creepy vibe that scares other children, especially very young ones, and their parents. And honestly, good for them, because literally all Sanada family members are criminals in some way. Miori's toys are totally not dangerous in any way, trust me <3 (Some of her toys have tiny hidden cameras and yes, that means she's responsible for many cases of child kidnapping. Why did she have to kidnap them? For her husband's movies, of course!)
Hm? You want to know what Eiko's parents do?.. Well, for certain reasons I still can't tell you much about it, but what I can say is that they got a new job recently. And no, they still were criminals even before that. If you want a hint.. Pretty much all main characters and side characters have never seen or heard of each other (not counting the established dynamics like Akio and Arata, Kei and Ruka, etc) since they come from different towns, cities, etc, but these two actually knew Takame when she was in her twenties and even spent some time working together.
Just a fun design note: Kei and Eiji look a lot like their mother, however, Eiko and Chihaya don't look that similar. Only when you take a closer look, you can notice that both of them have some shade of purple as their eye color and also Chihaya has a hair gradient as well, it's just that hers is a "reverse" version of Eiko's. And Sanada brothers have a very close relationship with their mother even if Eiji hates her, meanwhile Chihaya and Eiko honestly act more like coworkers.
Some information about their husbands: Kei and Eiji's father has been mentioned to be half-American and he really doesn't look that much like them. He's also younger than Miori. Meanwhile Eiko's father is older than Chihaya, has a hair color that's similar to his daughter's (though he lacks the gradient and it's a bit darker/more "dirty") and wears glasses.
Eiko's younger brother's hair color is very similar to Chihaya's, but just like his father, he doesn't have a gradient and he also got his eye color from his father.
The reason why Miori is.. like this is because YAY, HER FAMILY ALSO WAS DYSFUNCTIONAL! She had a lot of generational trauma to deal with (and is now inflicting it on her sons) and she grew up not knowing how to be a child, but also not knowing how to be an adult. She also got the "pain=love" belief from her own parents as well, except she really does love her sons and doesn't know how to show it in a more healthy way.
Eiji had to protect Kei from her because he didn't want Kei to grow up and become like her, since the older boy was already showing signs of it and Eiji wanted to show that it's wrong and begged Miori to leave his brother alone. Except Kei got jealous because he started to think Miori loves Eiji more and he still grew up to be exactly like her.
She still had some oddly cute moments with her kids. For example, she made some toys for them (no, they were completely safe) when they were little and they slept with them too (Eiji still has one hidden under his bed. Yes, he finds his mother terrifying. Yes, he still loves her). When something really bad happened to Kei in school, she took him to his favorite cafe and talked to him about it. And when Eiji got his heart broken because the girl he liked turned out to be dating someone else, she suggested that they make her the star of his dad's new movie- Ah, that one is probably more scary, but still, she cares.
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mangoob · 2 years
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Quick stranger things intermission because I found my old notebook with some drawings I never posted, and it’s been a minute since I reminded everyone that I’m a Henry Creel apologist
Also yeah everyone’s friends now, what are you gonna do about it?
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streunerhund · 4 months
it had been tremendously more difficult to acquire a weapon on the island than dias had originally thought.
   with the so-called stars in power, and their ability to strip most of the citizens of their abilities and weapons, it seems that simply buying a sword as he's used to was nearly impossible to do. and now that he has one, he's uncertain whether he can trust it or not. he's been practicing since buying it in fibonacci the day before, getting used to the weight in his grip and the heaviness of the steel.
   but there's one easy way to truly discern its quality. walking through the crimson lane, there's plenty of potential targets that he's sure he could take care of even with the wooden sword he was given upon arrival ... but he grows curious first, then determined, at the sight of a man who walks with ease and confidence.
   as well, of course, as a sword on his hip.
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   ' you. ' pointing his own blade at him, dias tilts his head almost questioningly. his voice is firm, allowing for little room to move or flee, even if his intentions aren't necessarily dangerous— he simply needs a sparring partner. ' fight me. '
@darkenforcer / sc
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im-goin-mad · 2 years
when i say "vecna is hot" i don't mean 001 i am fully talking jamie in the body condom
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ofsyzygies · 1 year
◤┆✕ ° ○  001. LILY ·╱჻ [RETROSPECTIVE PARA]
DATED 15/01/89 TRIGGER WARNINGS; blood, substance abuse/self medication, implied accident, nightmares, suicide mention, implied depression, mental illness, auditory and visual hallucinations, trauma, ptsd, disability mention.
The sound of screeching tires and the flash of headlights attacked her senses; the woman was underwater, pressing her palms up against the glass, trying to break it before she ran out of breath. This happened nightly. On the other side of the glass were images; always the same: blood, glass, lights, lights, lights, and mangled metal. Every night, there was this glass wall she was trying to get through and on the other side was a limp body on the dashboard, and then every time, when the glass was just starting to GIVE, something happened——
She ran out of air, whatever oxygen she’d been trying to trap in her lungs escaping, and —
And Yuri woke up, just like that, every night. With heaving breaths and cold sweat clinging to her skin in a thin film. Cold sweat made auburn locks cling to her scalp, matted and messy and the soft skin of her face was always roughened by dried-up saltwater. It was so hard to breathe at first; she normally sat up hyperventilating for fifteen minutes that went on like those lazy, long days that refused to end and give way to the lull of nighttime. When she finally felt like she had caught her breath, she pushed herself off the bed, swinging her feet over the side. In her wake, there was a damp depression in the mattress from all the tossing and turning of her sweaty body. The British native walked over to the bathroom on shaking legs, now quite accustomed to this routine. After all, the nightmares had plagued her just like this for the past four years since her accident. Before, the nightmare was different, but the symptoms were the same, and those had lasted fourteen years.
She had come to despondently accept that being haunted was simply to be her reality.
When she left the bedroom, she made sure to slip out quietly as a force of habit. In the earliest years, when she was still living with her parents, it was always imperative not to wake anyone in the house. There was nobody she felt like talking to, anyway.
One clammy palm met the edge of the sink, coiling her fingers around it as she looked at herself in the mirror. Phantom pain travelled up an imaginary limb that had long been lost to her. The face that stared back at her was, as always, deceptively pristine, though dark circles resembling bruises were beginning to form around her eyes from the lack of sleep she had suffered over the past few days. Her skin, which was always snowy, was even paler from a combination of too much alcohol and too little sleep. The only splash of colour was the persistent flush that she had come to associate with her dependency on pain medication. A shaking hand found the knob of the faucet, clumsily palming it until it began running the cold water; she allowed the ice-cold water to fill the palm of her hand before splashing it onto her face. Yuri then turned off the faucet and faced the bathtub instead. Her breathing was still laboured and it felt like there was something stuck in her throat. With a frown tugging down on her full mouth, she pushed the stopper into the belly of the tub and turned on the water, allowing it to begin taking purchase within the stone-resin container. 
The entirety of her body was trembling, and she had to use whatever strength she had to hold herself up. She observed the water’s smooth cascade into the sink and thought she understood, for a moment, why Virginia Woolf was drawn to the water, then she thought about her mother and pulled out the stopper. When she was sixteen and had first attempted to do away with herself, following her return home and the crushing realisation that her life would never be the same, her parents had taken her to a therapist.
The doctor had explained to her suicide was unnatural. Even after the young girl said it felt like the only way to get uninterrupted quiet in her chaotic mind, he’d assured him that no matter what, she’d always end up pulling herself out of the water. Every morning, the doctor was proven right. The most base instinct was one of survival. Then there was all the horrors she saw with her eyes closed and water filling her ears. The bad things that happened, the very demons she had been attempting to escape. Splitting pain excited her temples, her stomach, her aching ribs as she thought about it. It was like watching her life shatter over and over and over again, like an unstoppable train crash—one she could neither face nor look away from. 
In a strange way, failure had taught her to stop chasing death as though it would hold all the answers. She began chasing life instead.
— — —
—The sound of screeching tires and the flash of headlights attacked her senses. Images filtered in through the water, creeping past her eyelids and behind her irises, making her see: lights, lights, lights, glass, blood, and mangled metal. A gasp made her mouth fall open, oxygen escaping her lungs in bubbles, and she clenched her fingers around the sink to keep herself down. Just a little longer. Just long enough. The insides of her body were a city fast crumbling down; the bricks of his esophagus disintegrating, the iron dome of her lungs breaking apart, and her heart, her ever faulty heart was the city siren wailing, beating so fast it almost drowned out the sound of the sirens in her eyes, and everything was breaking down so fast it was blocking out the images of the person she had left behind in the car, a person whose face was obscured at this angle. A face she could never see no matter how hard she tried to. Perhaps if she could get around somehow she would be able to see the face that haunted her so.
Just as she was about to break that final wall, she woke up again, the need for air within her dream so powerfully realistic that it made her gasp for oxygen. Spluttering breaths escaped her lips in heaves and wheezes. “God,” She moaned, hot tears stinging her eyes. “Oh, god.” The anxiety was back, clawing through her every breath, and her face was dripping wet, droplets sliding off her chin and hitting the crumpled bedsheets. She slowly opened her eyes, and they widened a fraction in horror when she realised what her face was covered in, what was dripping onto her hands and her sheets—blood.
Fighting down the bile rising up her throat, the woman scrambled out of bed like she’d been burnt, dragging her shaking limbs toward the vanity where she made for a small bottle of vodka she had concealed in her dresser, knowing that it was the only thing that would make her mind calm down. It was the only thing that disappeared the blood on her hands, rendered her hands clean enough to fool her for the day.
When she was finally drunk enough for the noise in her ears to be replaced with a buzzing hum, and her eyes to feel heavy-lidded and halfway asleep, she reached for the diary she always kept on the bedside table. It was leather-bound and the name LILY was etched into its face. 
Yuri never drank enough to be noticed, she drank until the shaking stopped just enough for her to function. It wasn’t something she was proud of, especially as a doctor, her dependency on substances she knew did more harm than good. After eighteen years of suffering, however, one tried just about anything to make the pain stop.
Sometimes, it felt like the pain was a part of her; an invisible appendage, a part of her biology. What else could explain the fact it never went away, no matter how much she tried to dull her senses with whatever she could?
Her bony limbs came crashing back down onto the bed, the diary falling open onto her lap where a pen was already inside. Her hands shook as she began to write, viscous black ink staining the pages in trembling cursive.
Dear Lily,
I think I dreamed of you again. I tried so hard to see your face, but I couldn’t. If our eyes meet, will you let me go? Will you finally forgive me? —
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lizzie-boo · 2 years
Guessing Stranger Things Characters
So basically my fiancé has only seen a couple of episodes of Stranger Things. Like maybe three or four episodes across all 4 seasons. So I made up a list of a bunch of pictures of characters and asked him who he thinks they are, if they are alive or dead, and what he thinks they are like. I gave him a couple of easy ones that he knows and then threw in a couple of hard ones that I know he has never seen before. Below are each character, his answers for each, and then my thoughts on his answers. Enjoy!
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Eleven, she is crazy. Alive. 
This one he kept short and simple and refused to elaborate more. 
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Eddie, looks like he would kill you in your sleep. Gives off Breakfast Club vibes. Dead
There’s a lot to unpack with his thoughts on this one, but I gotta say he is right about Eddie looking like he should be in The Breakfast Club. Like can we get a crossover with Eddie in it? I’d pay to watch that, lol. 
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 Ellana Barker, cougar. Dead. 
I like the effort of giving her a last name, even if he was wrong with both. But what he lacks in naming he makes up for with his spot-on character description, because what is Karen besides a cougar. We all saw her trying to pick up Billy. 
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Samantha, a nerd, most likely bullied, is definitely dead. 
I mean he’s not that far off on this one but also Barb deserves all the respect in the world. I love her very much and he didn’t have to go so hard on her. 
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Ted Bundy, he gives off the same vibe so that’s what I’m guessing his name is. psych ward patient. Alive and on the loose. 
I really enjoyed how unhinged his answers for this one were. Like he really took the image and ran with it and I am here for it. 
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Tod, just an extra who is dead because he couldn’t run fast enough. 
First, the Bob slander that is taking place has me rethinking this whole marriage. Secondly, I’m gonna need him to watch this whole season with me just so that he knows what a great guy Bob was.
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Mary, gives off strong bitch vibes. Seems like she would be stuck up. Is gonna live to the end. 
I mean she is kinda a bitch but mostly she’s a bad bitch. And she better live to the end cause if she dies, then I’m dying with her. Also, she doesn’t look like a Mary so he needs to work on his naming skills. 
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Nancy, the unofficial mother of the group. Alive. 
I’m surprised that he remembered her name. Also, you can tell he doesn’t watch the show much if he thinks Nancy is the mom of the group. We all know that role belongs to Steve and Steve alone. 
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Dr. Smith, important business guy, evil. Is alive for the story arc. 
I mean he got the doctor part right so I’ll give him that. Plus he is kinda important for the story arc so he did pretty well with this one. 
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Billy, yeahhhh, school bully, bullies the nerds, dead. 
Context for this one, I showed him the shirtless pool picture of Billy. Which is why we got a really enthusiastic yeah. Which in the moment made me laugh so hard that I cried. I genuinely love that he enjoyed the picture that much. 
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Alexei, funny guy, best side character there is, Russian spy, dead. 
So this is one of the few episodes he’s seen. He was very excited to see Alexei make this list and he knew him right away. I’m pretty sure that if Alexei were a real person my fiancé would leave me for him instantly. And honestly, I respect that very much. 
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Tucker, cop guy, definitely alive and kicking butt. 
Hopper and Tucker are similar so I can see where the name came from. He really struggled with the name and tried very hard to convince me to tell him. I also enjoy that he thinks highly enough of him to say that he’s off kicking butt somewhere. Side note, that phrasing is just great and I’m glad that out of all the things he could have said with the same meaning he chose that. 
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Vladimir, crazed Russian, dead. 
He wouldn’t give me any other thoughts than that. But he did kinda get the basics right so I can’t complain. Besides at this point my hand was cramping from writing down what he said so I was here for the short and simple answer. 
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Steve, cool guy. Alive because he’s gotta be and he’s still slayin’. 
If you can’t tell he really likes Steve too. One of the few characters he knows but I respect that out of all of them he knows one of my favorites. Plus it’s safe to say he loves Steve just as much as the rest of us do. 
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Dumbledore, crazy eyes, probably tries to get kids into his van by offering candy. Dead. 
I find it funny that his default answer to alive or dead is just to assume that everyone is dead. Which for a show like Stranger Things is understandable. Overall, there is a lot to unpack with all of his thoughts. I mean his eyes are a bit crazy if that’s how you wanna look at it. I’m not sure what is giving off the vibe of a child predator but apparently, something here is. I’ll make him watch this season and he can reassess his thoughts then. 
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K.C. but no one knows what it actually stands for. The cool guy that everyone likes and that everyone gets their drugs from. High all the time. Is the human version of Bobby from The Goofy Movie. Alive. 
First of all yes he gives off the same vibes as Bobby and if they ever make a live-action Goofy Movie I want him to play Bobby. Most of his assessments are pretty accurate. Also, I agree that he seems like the type to have a mysterious name that no one knows what it stands for. 
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Molly, scared and always screaming. Has to be alive to keep screaming. 
I enjoy that one of the few people that he thinks are still alive is Sarah and for the dumbest reason. Why they would keep around a character that only screams, I don’t know. Yet, he thinks they would. I appreciate that he stuck with his answer and elaborated on it to give us his ridiculous wonderful answer. 
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Will, in love with Mike. bowl cut guy. The group worrier, nerd. I don’t trust him, he is suspicious. 
Hey, hey, hey someone who has only seen a handful of episodes has also picked up on the fact that Will is in love with Mike. Let my boy Will be happy already. Why he thinks Will is suspicious is unclear, he refuses to explain his reasoning. Also he had to throw in that low blow about the bowl cut, oof. 
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Julie, school crazy that is dating Eddie. On some kind of drugs and probably selling them too. Seems kinda terrible. 
He added in a bit of matchmaking that I wasn’t expecting. I now wanna know who else he thinks is dating. Maybe I should get him to give me who he thinks would date based on pictures. I think it would be fun, let me know if you wanna see that. Also, his assessment of Kali is way off but it is fun to see the version of her he created. 
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Billy? Older brother of someone. Has to be dead, I haven’t seen him in a while. Seems like he has wise ideas. 
So does this mean he doesn’t actually know how Billy is and that he’s just been guessing it for all the older brother characters? At least he knew that he is an older brother, so he gets half credit for that. He is very quick to assume people are dead. And does he really have wise ideas or is it just the drugs talking? 
That is all I have for my fiancé’s thoughts on Stranger Things characters. Let me know if you liked this and would want to see more of it. I could probably do another with ST characters or if you wanted I could do it with other characters from whatever you would want to see. I had a lot of fun doing this so hopefully, you all liked it as well. 
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ghostlynimbus00 · 2 years
i think its time to add some s4 characters to my soulpet au
So! that means figuring out soulpets for
Eddie Munson
Chrissy Cunningham
Jason Carver
Wayne Munson
Dmitri Antonov (Enzo)
Yuri Ismaylov
Patrick McKinney
Fred Benson
Eden Bingham
Suzie Bingham
I'm thinking some sort of dog for both Jason and Wayne but not sure on the specifics. Also I'm thinking a monkey of some sort for Yuri...
Suggestions welcome! (or questions, or if you just want to talk about this au or whatever, my inbox is open. <3)
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spellbcok · 7 months
soo-oh ( @youllalwaysbemyporcelain ) said : ❛ hold still. this might sting a little. ❜
yuri's nostrils flared as the human tended to her wound. a low growl in the back of her throat when he touched it. "do you even know what you're doing?"
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linagram · 6 months
Lina... Update me on your thoughts of t2 Akio x Ichiro, Aimi x Akane, and Kei x Daisuke? :D
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but okay okay more thoughts under the cut <3
the mental image of akio and ichiro discussing their crimes is still so funny to me. ichiro tells akio the truth about his crime and akio realizes that ichiro's motive was actually a LOT more sympathetic and he's like ". oh no. oh NO" and ichiro is like "so uh. what about your crime" and akio is like "why should i tell you. get out" (bonus if akio was the one who suggested talking about their crimes)
but also. the implications that both akio and ichiro didn't completely hate their victims and actually liked them in some way. sobs... ("why akio calls chise by his first name" well WHY do you think he calls him that)
t2 akio and t2 ichiro bonding over their pain. sobs again
would love to know how ichiro would've reacted to akio's suicide attempt especially considering that something like that is just.. not what you would expect from someone like akio? bro really got rejected by his crush and went "okay. guess i'll die" /lh i wonder what would ichiro think about riku too?
something about ichiro seeing his victim vs akio seeing his victim is so. like. yes this is more t3 but can we talk about how ichiro sees his victim as someone who cries without his attention and immediately smiles again when ichiro actually does pay attention to him. can we talk about how akio sees chise as someone who would try to get his revenge and kill him (though it wasn't actually a ghost of chise, but rather akio hallucinating and hurting himself in the process) and sees him in his t2 mv as someone who just silently watches his execution. an implication of ichiro possibly being a good older brother. an implication of akio actually feeling guilty and thinking that chise would be mad at him. can we
HHHHHHH I WOULD LOVE TO TALK ABOUT T3 AIMI X AKANE BUT. GOTTA KEEP THINGS SECRET FOR NOW. but it's fascinating to me because it's like.. aimi would stop talking to most prisoners but she would still continue talking to akane. she knows that her brother probably wouldn't like akane that much but he's no longer here, so who cares, right? oh, but akane better still be careful around her. one wrong word and aimi will stare at her and go "ahaha, come on, akane-chan, friends don't talk like that <3"
if aimi ever learned about akane's crime, she would be very understanding and she would actually admire her a lot and say that her father got what he deserved. and then she would go "haha, so our crimes are actually very similar!^^" it's okay, akane, just continue thinking that she's talking about her classmates. her relationship with her brother was so healthy and normal, trust her.
it also breaks me to think about how akane's case is more "obvious", like you can clearly tell what kind of person her father was, it's hard not to sympathize with her and all, meanwhile aimi's case is much harder to understand. she mentioned her brother in her first interrogation and she said that she likes spending time with him. she claims to have a good relationship with her family. it seems like her classmates were her only problem. and then she casually mentions that her brother's dead and implies that she killed him. and then she calls him a freak during her second interrogation and says he wouldn't let her live a normal life. girl do you wanna talk about it
also akane having really bad problems with money and aimi secretly being a rich girl and both of them still being bullied, just for different reasons. i wish i could say "if only they have met each other before milgram" but honestly.. i don't think akane would've liked the person aimi was before milgram. there really was a reason why her classmates hated her so much (to be honest, they were more.. afraid of her, actually).
something about aimi still acting so nice to akane while hiding the truth about her past and her plans for the future is so. HHHHHH. like yes, she will go "akane-chan, do you want to hang out? :D" or "akane-chan, thank you so much for helping me with akio-kun!". yes, she also hates almost all prisoners now. yes, she's planning to do something to them. just don't worry about it, okay, akane?^^
imagine t2 kei and t2 daisuke talking about their crushes before milgram. kei listens to daisuke and then he's like "woah ryuto sounds really cool! now check this out" and shows him a photo of ruka (don't ask why he has one) all beaten up and covered in blood. what would daisuke's reaction be. what would daisuke's reaction to kei and ruka's whole relationship be actually. imagine you're t2 daisuke and you have to listen to kei talking about how his bf likes to think he's a walking corpse.
hold on i have to put the image of daisuke seeing the way kei is treated by shun and eiko and still walking away and kei looking at him and trying to ask him for help or get his attention (but like "oh daisuke hi!! long time no see!! i know we've seen each other like ten minutes ago, but- hey! hey come on buddy, i'm talking to you! hey that's really rude!") but failing into your head real quick
this probably wouldn't be possible but them watching each other's mvs is still such an interesting concept to me. though it's also really funny to me because daisuke would probably be. at least a little bit surprised to see kei like that, meanwhile kei would be like "wow that was cool :0". that's it. that's the only reaction you're getting from him daisuke.
something about the way daisuke and kei think about their jobs is so interesting to me. if i'm not wrong and my memory is not being weird, daisuke was seen kind of as a softie, right? and i wouldn't say that he was like. a huge fan of his job. meanwhile kei was both good as a "normal" photographer and whatever he was doing for his dad's friend and he liked doing both things as well. (fun fact: even kei's boss thought he's weird, since his boss wasn't really that sadistic and mostly did it for the money)
this is mostly about t1 daisuke and t1 kei but i still think it's funny how if daisuke asked if kei wants to smoke with him, kei would say yes instantly but he also would look like he's NOT having a good time throughout the whole thing and would also look like he doesn't even know what he's doing. and he would also go "ahaha oh i'm just. more into vaping haha" while thinking "I HATE BOTH OF THESE THINGS". oh btw kei also has an alcohol-related trauma. never let him interact with noa please
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chibigo-ma · 2 months
He's... Quite Obsessed With His Sister, Don't You Think? [Y.Briar] Preview
Max was an orphan experimented on by an unknown organization, the same one that Anya was in. Max was known as "Test Subject 001", who possesses telepathy and such intelligence that no person can outsmart them. They got out of that facility by the age of five and have been living in the streets every since.
She became one of the most famous spies alongside their colleague, Twilight. They were given a mission to investigate and get close to their target but in order to accomplish this, they have to get married to someone and have a child.
Max, not liking the idea of getting married, just sticks to just getting a child but further problems happen. What would happen if a certain problem is fixed when she fakes a marriage with her neighbor?
Yes, inspired a bit of Stranger Things with One's Backstory and used Max as the name.
Draft: 29/07/2022
"Don't tell anyone about your abilities, One," a scientist told her as she looked at him. She saw two other scientists standing beside the main scientist she grew up with. She has no memory of her parents but
she remembers seeing them die from an assassin. She remembers her name, where she's from, how old she is, and her birthday, but no memory of her parents or if she had siblings or not. She was merely a four-year-old. She doesn't really know what a "normal" four-year-old would be doing.
"Now, it's test time, One," the scientist continued. "But I want to play in the snow," One, also known as Max, protested. "This is more important. This is for the sake of world peace. There isn't a need for childish pursuits," he reached out a hand for Max, and she grabbed it. She gasped as she was pulled out of her room and dragged to wherever the man was taking her. They finally got to a lab and Max gulped as she saw a single chair in the middle of the room.
"Alright," the scientist lifted Max up and sat her down on the chair. "I want you to be a good girl and sit still on this chair, okay?" Max nodded and watched as he placed an EEG Cap on her head. "This better work," she heard his thoughts and looked over to the mirror to see her little figure sitting on a seat that was five times her size.
"Pressing this button, then this one..." she heard another person distinctly think as she winces from the number of thoughts that were in that room. All of a sudden, she screams as waves of electricity flow from her head. She gripped the handles tightly as she was afraid to take the headwear out of her head. "Just need to rearrange so that her brain is focused more on her intelligence," she heard the scientist as she felt tortured by the treatment. The voltage got higher and she gripped the handles tightly as it felt like an eternity when she sat there.
Blaring red lights came around the facility as running scientists/doctors came up and down the stairs. Max breathed heavily as she hid somewhere no one could find her. She was finally outside of the building and this sudden intelligence she had for a year was amazing. It was like she can tell what a person's life story was, deduce what they've done recently, or know certain answers that a little kid like her wouldn't know. However, that was a whole year of torture with the voltage raising higher and higher as the days go by.
She constructed a plan after being tested and abused a lot, and her plan was foolproof as she could notice or hear everyone's thoughts on whether they are or not. Max quickly jump up off the wall and grabbed a brick that was sticking out of the wall. She jumped over the wall and landed on the ground with a roll. "I think it came over here!" She heard a man shout behind the wall as she quickly grabbed a big leaf and ran down the hill.
She slid onto her back and slid down the snow as the big leaf left out her tracks and footsteps from behind. Who knew a second-year anniversary would be like this? Not them that's for sure. She giggled as she slid down until she could see a train station. She quickly stood up and ran as she noticed a train slowly moving. She quickly climbed up an open cart and held onto the door as the train accelerated.
She watched as the facility she was in was still blaring red lights and was starting to get smaller and smaller until she couldn't see it. She finally sighed and shook off the snow that was covering her. Once that is done, she closes the door slightly and hits on the floor. She held onto the backpack and closed her eyes to try and get some sleep. She rode the train for so long until she got to the country of Westalis, very far away from the facility she once was.
That's all you get 💀
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fatened · 2 years
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❝     hey,   yuri  -  bird.     ❞     arms   stretch   above   her   head   as   she   wills   a   yawn   down.   swallows   the   sigh   that   threatens   to   follow.   gaze   turns   to   @loerchik​.     ❝     did   you   mean   what   you   said,   about   comin’   home   with   me?   showin’   me   that   fishing   rod   constellation?   ‘cause   i’ve   been   thinking,   and...   i   wanna   go   home.   with   you.     ❞
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bebx · 1 year
Which Stranger Things characters have this dynamic?
(Sound on, poll below)
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