#Zenobia answers
olympianbutch · 10 months
Hi! I hope this message reaches you well :) (also, I don't mind if you want to post this) I am a beginner Hellenic Polytheist and having a little trouble. I am pretty chronically ill and live in a somewhat non-accepting house currently. As such, I would have difficulty participating in rituals, like leaving out food offerings. I would love to worship traditionally, but I have to make accommodations for myself in my worship. Is that alright, or would I have to stay out of traditional spaces because of this? Thanks for your time, and I hope you have a good day/afternoon/night :)
Hail, anon! I deeply apologize for the late reply! 🙏🏻😭
Though I am not chronically ill, I hope I can give you some helpful advice. Additionally, I open the floor to any and all Helpols with chronic illness(es) if they feel inclined to contribute!
I firmly believe that Hellenic polytheism is (1) incredibly accessible and (2) that the gods are nothing if not accommodating. At its core, Helpol is a religion of sharing with gods. Kharis (reciprocity) is the mechanism by which we maintain human-divine relationships. And if there were any "maintenance protocols" (i.e., rules for kharis), you'd find relatively uncomplicated work waiting for you.
Of the gifts humans share with the gods, food offerings are not the end-all-be-all. Performing devotional activities, lighting candles, wearing jewelry, etc., can all count as offerings, imo.
Not only will the gods accept accommodations, but you can also trust they'll make it known if an aspect of your practice needs changing.
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save-the-spiral · 2 years
I'm starting a wiz fandom ask trend and no one can stop me. What's a detail of your OC(s)'s appearance that you can't add with the in-game character details? I'll go first, Shawna has streaks of bright green in her hair!
(Please send this to as many people as you wish, I want to hear everyone's fun little details.)
oooooh, definitely the more natural hairstyles some of my characters like Ianthe or Fledge have that you can't get without stitching :( ALSO my character Morae's vitiligo (unless theyve added that and idk abt it oops) !! And Haley & Noah's moles/beauty marks T_T
For my Pirate OCs, Zenobia is TOO SKINNY and its so grating, like. first off she's a buccaneer, she has to have some muscle, and second off, she's also fat. pls.
Also Alexander's nose,,, pain. AND also most of the noses on my black characters for wiz,,,,
Also scars, of course, I give my ocs many scars. Also stretchmarks, but you dont see those obvi, and theres basically no character creators with those except for Sims custom content
I dont have the Spoons to ask other folks, so if anyone in the wiz/pirate fandom see this feel free to answer in a post of ur own/ask someone else!!
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rhikasa · 1 year
A, F, Z, and E for the OC alphabet soup ask game.
( @angsty-prompt-hole )
Thanks for the ask, @angsty-prompt-hole! ♥️ Since I don't have an OC whose name begins with an F, I chose the letter that follows it.
He is the son of King Kyllen and Princess (consort) Avalynn and the younger sibling of Rosalie, but he never got to meet his family since his kingdom was taken over by another, leading to the deaths of his father and sister. He was separated from his mother for his safety, but she died before the two could reunite.
Arlen became a ward of House Garnett, where he met his best friend Isladine, and his identity was kept a secret until he was of age.
He has an undiagnosed heart condition that didn't cause him issues until he was older. In the history books, he has the shortest reign and lifespan of any king, dying at the age of twenty-four to a heart attack about six years after he reclaimed the throne.
She is the last of six children total born to King Talieisin and Queen Vietna, and she is the twin sister of Aeris. Being born a woman, she was excluded from the line of succession and therefore was never expected to become the monarch.
Elisven is curious by nature and yearns to learn what her brothers are taught, but growing up she was only educated in "accomplishments" such as singing and playing instruments. Her brother Aeris luckily let her in on what he was learning, and she even got a seat in his classes for a time, taking notes for him when his arm was broken.
She becomes the first queen regnant in her kingdom's history, but this doesn't come to her easy.
He is the oldest brother of Kaylien (Radan's mother). Although he's more of a minor character in the story, he's one of my favorites.
Gareth was dutiful, and he was also loving and devoted towards his family, especially his younger siblings. He was rather protective of them, but never in an overbearing sort of way.
He was the rock of the family, and Kaylien's biggest supporter and confidant. She was utterly distraught upon learning of his death.
She was one of the archangels originating from either the first or second age (not quite sure yet, but she's older than most of those around during Guinevere's origin life).
One of the greatest archangels in history, she surpassed nearly all others in terms of power and beauty. She was an exemplary fighter, though this did not come to her naturally.
She is one of the few archangels to ever consider having a romantic relationship with a mortal, and she had many lovers throughout her lifetime, including the founder of the ancient House Harper.
Send me a letter of the alphabet A-Z, and if I have an OC starting with that letter, I’ll tell about them.
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cadburycreampie · 8 months
I don’t think I could fuck the 200 old twin witchs in spirited away because my grandmother instilled a great fear in me of very old ladies, but i also don’t think it would be the same answer if they were 150 years old
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cursedonyx · 4 months
Can I request professor fig comforting the MC?
Thanks for the ask! Hope this is what you’re looking for!
Word Count – 1.4k
Warnings – none
Professor Fig paced in his office, his hands behind his back. His eyes ached to close, itching with the consequence of several nights’ worth of disturbed sleep. His gaze roved over his cluttered desk, ignoring the important letters from Minister Spavin and demanding notes from Professor Black. He had no doubt that to continue to ignore them would result in their ire, but he didn’t have it in himself to sit down and try to focus on whatever drivel they’d decided to pen.
He had more important things on his mind.
His protégé had been absent from Hogwarts for the last four days. This wasn’t particularly unusual for them, they were likely investigating something to do with Ranrok or helping one of their friends, but then said friends usually knew where they’d gone. And they always, always told him if they were going off grounds so that he could make excuses to the other professors, something he was only too glad to do.
But they’d said nothing. They’d simply vanished. Fig had made the rounds of their friends, interrogating Sebastian, Ominis, Natsai, Poppy and Garreth, even going so far as to quiz those students who were less than enamoured with his pupil, the likes of Zenobia and Duncan. No one had the faintest clue where they were. He had a sneaking suspicion that Sebastian might know were they were, as his eyes shifted a little when asked, but he was insistent that he didn’t know, and the lack of information had resulted in several sleepless nights for Fig.
Fig didn’t want to involve the other professors if he could help it. It was too dangerous at this time for anyone else to know everything about the student. He still didn’t fully understand the extraordinary power they wielded, and he had no desire to put them at any more risk than absolutely necessary, though if it was up to him, they’d be put at no risk at all.
Fig sighed. The air was growing colder, and he suspected the first snows of winter would soon coat the Highlands, driving all but the most determined or most insane of students indoors. They were a talented magic user, one of the most powerful he’d seen, and he knew in his heart that they would be safe. But it didn’t stop him worrying. He hadn’t known them that long at all in truth, but he felt as protective of them as he imagined he might feel of a child of his own. They were as good as, after all.
Fig whipped around as the door to his office opened, and a soft gasp passed his lips. As if summoned by his concern for them, they had appeared, looking as exhausted as he felt, their hair tangled, their cheeks hollow, their robes wrinkled and dirty, as if they’d been sleeping rough. As if they’d come right to see him the moment they returned, instead of heading to their dorm to get some well-earned rest.
Fig crossed to them in three long strides as the door closed behind them, fighting down the wave of irritation that rose within him, unleashed by the palpable relief now that he knew they were safe.
“Where have you been?” he demanded. “I’ve been worried sick!”
The student didn’t answer as he stopped before them. They merely took a step closer and folded, their head landing with a bump on his shoulder, leaning into his chest. Instinctually, Fig raised his hands to their shoulders to try and prop them upright, and he found them shaking with suppressed sobs.
Fig’s lips parted, concern sweeping through him anew.
“What’s the matter?” he asked, but the student just cried, their hands rising to grip fistfuls of his robes. His face creased, and he wrapped his arms around their shoulders, cupping the back of their head gently. They stood like that a long moment as Fig swayed slightly on the spot, making soft shushing noises until the student had calmed enough to step back.
Fig led them to the cluttered sofa, using his wand to sweep debris to one side and conjuring a cup of tea for them.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked.
The student simply shook their head, clutching their tea and staring miserably into it. Fig bit back another question. Frantic as he was to know what it was that had upset them so, he’d been a teacher long enough to know that to poke and prod and pry would only make them clam up even more. It was difficult nonetheless. This student that he had come to think of as his own, the one that carried such a burden, he couldn’t bear to think of them so distraught.
With no idea what was wrong, he set to worrying, his mind conjuring horror after horror. Was it something so simple as one of their Puffskeins in the Room of Requirement had taken ill? Had they fought with their friends? Or was it far more serious? Had someone from Rookwood’s gang caught up with them and held them prisoner? Had they been tortured? Had they stumbled upon a goblin camp and in trying to eradicate them, seen something so horrific it broke their mind?
Or perhaps it was far simpler. They were only in their fifth year, not even sixteen years old, new to the world of magic and everything that came with it, the good and the bad. On top of discovering their unique abilities, they were caught in the middle of the Goblin Rebellion, tasked with completing the Keeper’s Trials, and they had caught the attention of the nastiest criminal to darken the Highlands in many a year. And they were expected to study for their OWLs, despite having no prior magical experience.
Of course they were upset.
“Did you just need to get away from it all for a while?” Fig asked them, gently.
The student nodded, and took a sip of tea.
“It’s all a bit much,” they admitted, their voice small.
“If you need help, I’m here,” Fig promised, resting a comforting hand on their shoulder.
The student shook their head. “I’m fine,” they said, in a tone that indicated the opposite. Fig frowned, then took them by the chin and forced them to look at him.
“I understand this is hard,” he said. “I’ve never heard of anyone that’s been tasked with as much as you have, and with so little experience. But I know you. You are strong and brave, resourceful and cunning, loyal and hardworking, witty and clever. You embody all the traits of the greatest witches and wizards that have been and gone, and I believe in you.”
The student tried to turn away, their eyes filling again, but Fig held firm.
“You need to listen to me,” he said. “I know it seems that everyone wants a piece of you, that those asking for your help are asking too much, and that you’re not getting much in return. I know it feels like you’re being pulled in a hundred different directions, and there’s only so much of yourself you can give before you snap. I’ve been there, believe me. But you’re strong. You’re tough. You’ve made it this far, and you can keep going. I believe you have the strength to see this through, and then some. You’ve survived everything thrown at you so far, I believe you can survive more.”
The student sighed, and Fig let them go.
“It won’t be like this forever,” he promised. “The night is darkest before the dawn, after all, and I’m right here if you ever need anything. Merlin, I’ll even do your homework for you if it takes some of the pressure off you.”
The student managed a small smile. “I think I’d like that,” they said. They set their tea down and leaned on his arm, stifling a yawn. “I’m really tired, Professor. Do you mind if I sleep here for a bit? I don’t want to go back to my dorm looking like this. There will be too many questions. I want to wait until everyone’s gone to bed.”
“You don’t even have to ask,” Fig said. He made to rise and fetch them a blanket, but the student listed to the side, their head ending up in his lap. They were asleep in seconds, curling into a tight ball, their arms wrapped around their middle. Fig smiled down at them, his expression softening as he summoned a blanket and tucked it around them as best he could, resting a hand on their shoulder as they slept. With some luck, when the morning came, they’d feel a little more ready to face the challenges set to them, and he would spend every spare moment making sure he helped them in every way he could.
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gallifreyanhotfive · 17 days
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 44
Tw: suicide, lots of alternate universe stuff where the Doctor is generally being unDoctorly
According to Ruath, Time Lords and Vampires share 98% of the same genes. (Novel: Goth Opera)
Before graduating from the Academy, the Doctor lost a game of chess to Savar so badly that he almost cried from the humiliation of it all. (Novel: The Infinity Doctors)
A version of the Doctor from an alternate universe (who resembled the Sixth) was targeted by Braxiatel (who was Lord Burner, the personal assassin to the President) for erasure from history, so the Doctor killed Braxiatel. He fled Gallifrey, was eventually found and put on trial, and then became Lord Burner himself. (Audio: Disassembled)
The Master once helped deliver a baby just so he could convince the parents to name him Edward, so he could make a joke about "Ted with the tech." This would make their name T MEARS, which is an anagram for MASTER. (Audio: The Auton Infinity) As you can tell, this was a very normal thing to do.
The Third Doctor was forced to fill out an application when he started working with UNIT. This displeased him greatly. He kept telling them to ask the Brigadier for the answers and admitted to having no idea what a national insurance number was. (Novel: The Time Lord Letters)
The Doctor once lost a bet with Oliver Reed and subsequently had to swim naked in the English Channel. (Comic: The Betrothal of Sontar)
In an alternate universe, the Doctor committed suicide to escape being captured by the Time Lords after stealing the TARDIS. The new incarnation called herself Susan Foreman and drank heavily. She was captured eventually. Originally, her punishment would have been exile, but it was elevated to death. She was sent to the TARDIS, where she was supposed to stay for the rest of her life, and if she attempted to dematerialize, she would dematerialize permanently as though she never existed at all. She was eventually told via letter that this is not the case and dematerialized, but she had no idea if this letter was true or not. (Audio: Exile)
The Sixth Doctor's trial on Space Station Zenobia was arranged by Vansell. Vansell also played a role in appointing an Inquisitor and a Valeyard for the trial. (Novel: SynthespiansTM)
In another alternate universe, the Doctor killed Eric Vollmer for the greater good and to cover up super-soldier experiments. The Doctor promised he would take care of his daughter, Ruth, as a surrogate father, but twenty-seven years later, Ruth found out the Doctor had killed her father. She also found out that this Doctor planned on killing her as well as she began to learn more about these experiments. She let one of the still-surviving, mutated experiments named Flint shove the TARDIS key down the Doctor’s throat and break his neck. (Audio: Full Fathom Five)
What followed this was regeneration. Confused, the new incarnation introduced himself and asked who Ruth was, so Ruth also introduced herself and said "goodbye" before shooting him, causing him to regenerate again and leaving Ruth wondering how many more regenerations he would have until he was dead. This incarnation of the Doctor has the shortest tenure - 11 seconds. (Audio: Full Fathom Five)
Griffin manipulated the Eighth Doctor’s biodata to a point where he could no longer perceive UV or violet. He later claimed to fix it and have "his violet back." (Novel: Unnatural History)
This was a lie, obviously. The Eighth Doctor would eventually admit he still could not perceive violet and was thus immune to mind-controlling paint. (Novel: To the Slaughter) This biodata abnormality was never fixed in canon (to my knowledge), so the Doctor was probably unable to perceive violet at least until his regeneration.
The Time Lords are incredibly strict on their policies on non-intervention (with, of course, some exceptions...). This policy is ingrained in the mind of every Time Lord, and breaking this conditioning will typically result in memory loss, the shutdown of parts one's personality, and potentially madness. (Novel: Time and Relative)
The Obverse is a pocket universe where time and space never was and never will be. (Novel: The Blue Angel)
In the Obverse, the Doctor's mother is a mermaid. 🧜‍♀️ (Novel: The Blue Angel)
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butchybats · 4 months
hi i'm here for butch!armand headcanons please if you have some to spare 🥹🫶🏼
OF COURSE <33 I love her so much thank you for asking!!!
Okay so my thoughts for her start in venice, and I can see it going differently depending on what version of Marius this is. Either way, this is when Armand realizes she’s a lesbian
If this is canon Marius then I think it’d be really weird for Armand because it’s not like she’d know about sexual orientation, so anything he’d try she’d either be uninterested in or try to make herself enjoy it, especially if she was promised the blood (when she first sleeps with Bianca is when she connects the dots that oh hey she is attracted to women!)
Or you could go the less angsty route with fem!marius, which I think would play out a lot closer to canon with Armand being more confident in her sexuality and learning earlier on about lesbianism
Whatever version you choose, Marius is going to dress Armand in men’s clothes when they go out. In canon he does it with both Zenobia and Bianca, he’s for sure going to do it with Armand. Only, she finds that she’s more comfortable dressing like this and takes to doing it in the palazzo and cuts her hair short
Fast forward to Lady Harlech attacking Armand, Armand is turned, fast forward to children of darkness! Armand’s focus is solely on surviving and running the paris coven, and along with the rules it’s not like she can do much of anything with her presentation
Until Lestat comes along!!! Extravagant wolfkiller Lestat who disbands the cult and teaches them to live among mortals (also I think that lesmand hate fuck in Nicki’s house which would probably change the entirety of vc but let’s pretend it doesn’t lol)
Armand’s go to outfit for a long time after this is suits that she steals off her victims (big moments of course like the palais ball, date with louis in the tower, locking daniel in the cellar HGHG but even in the in between moments. Just casually wearing a suit)
I’m skipping forward so much but devil’s minion time aka the dyke’s minion: butch Daniel!!!! Armand watches this woman play Louis’ story who looks like her!!!! I think it would be one of the first times that she’s seen a masculine woman that like wasn’t just in passing and she’d be so fascinated (likewise for Daniel who sees this short butch wearing a suit who fucking locked her in a cellar and she’s instantly down so bad)
I’ve said it over and over and I will continue to say it: gender and sexuality talks during the chase years <3 Armand finds Daniel at a lesbian bar and wants to know everything about it and why Daniel went there, they talk about how their gender presentation and what it means to them, and their experiences being lesbian especially when it felt like they both were the only one and it’s really something they bond over even though Armand’s answers are always more brief and cryptic than Daniel’s
They share clothes which works out great with Armand being short and fat and Daniel being tall and skinny so they fit even though they fill them out in different ways and this is just me setting it up so that everyone can imagine Armand in Daniel’s wife beater and rolled up blue jeans <3
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cillianwilder · 3 months
Imagine if companies didn't have to answer to shareholders...
This is not a political post.
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This is a post about how, if I was the owner of Capcom, there's no way in hell that all the company's money would go toward some investors' pockets until I had an exact replica of the Spencer Estate. It's where all the employees would work. Offices up top in a cush mansion atmosphere, programmers in the basement labs like the geniuses they are, groundskeepers in the cozy cabin with the killer plants, etc.
I want the whole thing and I want everyone to have a blast and live in a fantastic little video game world while they work.
The best part? People could pay to tour. More income for the company. More video games for us.
What's that? The company needs even more money? Please, take a cruise on our ship, The Queen Zenobia. The last night of every cruise is what we call "survival horror zombie laser tag night." It's a blast.
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It was just a thought I had and I quickly came to realize how badass it would be. I had to type it out and keep it before it slipped away.
Anyone got any other good ideas?
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rypnami · 11 days
i’m going to assume this is for the character ask thing ahaha. anon you have just opened the pandora’s box of my brain i hope you’re prepared. probably your intention to be fair. i mean look at my blog LOOOOL
How I feel about this character
All the people I ship romantically with this character
i kinda already answered this for the sebastian one but i am so firmly in the prewlow camp ahahaha. idk why even they just feel so right together to me yk?
all interpretations are valid tho!
My non-romantic OTP for this character
i think he and poppy would be great friends. he is certainly the type of guy who likes beasts 🥺
also garreth. the besties ever. two ginger sunshine gryffindor boys; it just works <3 <3
My unpopular opinion about this character
he is SOOOOOO over-hated. it’s died down a lot but howwww do people dislike him?? (everyone is allowed to have their opinion ofc!!). also i think that zenobia is lying about him being a bully- she seems like a total hater and is just spreading slander of everyone 😔
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
i wish he had a proper companion quest SO BAD. i know i know, herbology and all that, but like a real quest, like the other companions, that’s longer and we get to know him better. most of the ‘canon’ info is just stuff i’ve made up inside my head due to lack of source material. I NEED MORE OF HIM IN MY LIFE and i would die happy if the supposed summer features included more content of him
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poetrylesbian · 9 months
favourite poem(s) GO GO GO
this is insanely difficult but I will try. I'm just gonna list all of the ones that have been my favourite at some point or another, starting roughly from when I was a kid first getting into poetry
a dream within a dream by edgar allan poe
alone by edgar allan poe (still gets to me sometimes)
la belle dame sans merci by john keats
sonnet xvii by pablo neruda (was obsessed with this poem when I was like 11)
caged bird by maya angelou
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in] by e.e. cummings (i am not immune to this poem)
dulce et decorum est by wilfred owen (i do believe this is the best war poem ever written and one of the best written of all time)
litany in which certain things are crossed out by richard siken (ahhhh!!!!)
snow and dirty rain by richard siken (where my blog title is from)
scheherazade by richard siken (THESE, OUR BODIES, POSSESSED BY LIGHT!)
recreation by audre lorde
i go back to may 1937 by sharon olds (MAKES ME INSANE)
after midnight: toowong by zenobia frost (it's literally about the area I've lived in on and off my whole life so. It's so good. And it mentions bush stone curlews which are my favourite birds)
okay i had a notes app note with all of my favourite poems I've read in the last like two years and I can't FIND IT so i will reblog this when I find the note and continue this answer
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kcvulpinestudios · 2 months
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Zenobia's having a good time at Needles CA along Route 66.
But who's going to tell her? Reblog your answer and help spread his presence on Tumblr.
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olympianbutch · 8 months
How do you reach a level of confidence in Greek polytheism when you’re like “okay, I know enough. I can teach others about it.” Because I don’t feel confident about it myself.
This is a wonderful question and a topic I’ve been stewing on quite a bit recently. To begin, I try to be very honest about the fact that I started teaching way sooner than I should have. To put it into perspective, I technically started worshipping the gods in 2018 and took to TikTok in 2020. That same year, I found viral success and soon started “teaching” about Greek mythology (I put teaching in quotes because I didn’t know nearly enough to educate anyone. During this period, I frequently made the mistake of relaying myths from books like Bernard Evslin’s Heroes, Gods and Monsters of the Greek Myths, the back of which explicitly states it’s a “reimagining of ancient myths”). Between 2020 and 2021, I stumbled across #classicstok and developed a deep love for ancient Greek religion. I spent all of 2021–2022 learning as much as possible (as fast as possible) about the field of Classics—especially the specialized study of ancient Greek religion. By then, I’d already cultivated a following of tens of thousands of people, and the expectation that they looked to me for guidance expedited my learning process. The sheer speed at which I became a teacher tremendously inhibited my growth in my private worship. And that’s because I put more stake in knowing about Hellenic polytheism than I did doing Hellenic polytheism, thereby destroying my confidence in my ability to cultivate a practice. Being informed is one thing, but Hellenic polytheism’s precedent (i.e., ancient Greek religion) emphasized ritual action. In the wake of my religious inaction in 2022, I stopped practicing altogether. At the behest of Zeus, I spent much of 2023 simply earning sufficient ritual experience. All this to say, I was overly confident from the start, which disadvantaged me. 
I believe I’ve since grown into my own as a practitioner and teacher, but it came with many unnecessary pains. And I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t still growing, but I can positively say that’s because I’m still young, and learning itself is a lifelong endeavor. There’s nothing I can do to change what happened, but I think I could’ve saved a lot of hurt if I didn’t platform myself. That is the one thing I would sternly advise anyone not to do (especially on TikTok). Instead, I think it’s wise to integrate yourself into Hellenic polytheist spaces before you entertain the idea of teaching because teaching doesn’t stand alone—it goes hand-in-hand with content creation, which is labor—and labor with little to no material reward. If someone asked me what qualities [I think] make me a capable teacher, I’d include my capacity to do arduous, time-consuming research in exchange for seemingly no gain. And I would principal the patience it takes to engage with fellow learners, a patience I’ll readily admit I’m still working to cultivate. 
Being a capable teacher entails understanding that teaching is work. You have to develop a sense of how much you can handle and set boundaries with yourself so you don’t overextend. It also comes with understanding and embodying that you are a lifelong learner before you are a teacher (you can certainly be both, but being a learner always takes precedence). As learners, it is our responsibility to constantly engage with each other so that we’re perpetuating dialogues and building understanding.
That’s about all I have to say on the matter. I hope this answer is useful to you, and please [everyone] feel free to send clarifying questions if something is unclear or if you require additional information (or if you simply want to chat over this topic).
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lupinobi · 30 days
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Lupi’s Masterlist
Hello there! I’ve gotten to the point where I think it’s better to have a masterlist to make navigation on my profile way easier in case you’re interested in what I post!
As of right now, I am posting either fanfics for my active fandoms or fanarts, but I’m also interested in posting my HC for the fandoms I’m a part of.
Check my fandom list HERE
Also, feel free to join my Choices Discord Server HERE
Ask the writer tag HERE. Feel free to ask, I’d love to answer bc constant boredom 🤭
From now on anon asks are deactivated. But feel free to ask things anyway if you don’t mind showing your face💛
List under the cut!
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Choices: Stories You Play
The Crown and The Flame
The secret wedding (Lene Stirling x Bakren Alcantar)
The drowned prince (Baltair Nevrakis)
How beautiful it is to be cruel (Zenobia Nevrakis)
Contemplation (Amira Castleroy)
Alt Hinata Hyuga
Hashirama Senju
Minato Hatake (OC)
House of the Dragon
Alicent Hightower
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Choices: Stories You Play
The Royal Romance
The Pretty Lies, The Ugly Truth - Liam Rys (AU)
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Stardew Valley: The Henderson Siblings
NOTE: feel free to suggest drawing or writing ideas if you have one. I’m open to messages and questions!
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hoarding-niffler · 1 year
Your Hogwarts Legacy OCs
I want to learn about your OCs! So let’s do a little ask game. Tag someone and let them answer the following things for their OCs. Only if they want to, of course. 
I’ll start and because I barely know anyone in this fandom yet, I’ll tag the first HP blogs I followed on here: @sallowsunshine @shenko @magicalicefairy​
Let’s go:
Name: Faye Laurel Nickname: Fee Pronouns: She/Her House: (and where they a Hatstall?): Hatstall between Slytherin and Hufflepuff. Hufflepuff, eventually. Favourite subjects: Defence Against the Dark Arts, Flying, Beasts Class Family: Abusive, narcissistic father Pets: A cat (Madame Snippysnap) and a Niffler (Snuffles) Friends: Sebastian, Ominis, Anne, Poppy, Deek Crush/Relationship: Ends up in a relationship with Sebastian Sallow Rivals: Imelda Hobbies: Reading, spending time with her friends and pets, flying and sparring Strengths: Reliable, loyal, never breaks a promise. Has a special bond with animals and beasts alike. Is convinced that no magic is inherently good or evil and is willing to try everything at least once.  Weaknesses: Loyal to the point where she’s on the verge of betraying her own principles. Tends to get tunnel vision and is incredibly stubborn once she sets her mind on something (or someone).  What do they do after saving the wizarding world (can either be immediately after or years later): She tries to further hone her skills and understand the ancient magic she absorbed while living together with Sebastian somewhere near Hogwarts (as friends at first). They learn spells together and he supports her research while she helps him with his guilt and eventual redemption.
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Name: Alyssa Everglade Nickname: Lyss or Lyssie Pronouns: She/Her House: (and where they a Hatstall?): Slytherin Favourite subjects: Charms, Potions, Herbology Family: Orphan, views Professor Fig as a (grand)father figure Pets: None Friends: Amit, Natsai, Zenobia, Sirona, Everett Crush/Relationship: Has a crush on Professor Sharp Rivals: Garreth Hobbies: Stargazing, exploring, spending time with her friends, drawing Strengths: Very resourceful, great at staying objective when it comes to other people’s problems, charming, always able to coax an extra reward out of people Weaknesses: Abandonment issues and anxiety. Hates to lose control and needs to plan everything, even if it’ll slow her down. She tends to mistrust people at first.  What do they do after saving the wizarding world (can either be immediately after or years later): She regrets how many people were lost and her lack of skill regarding healing spells makes her feel responsible and guilty. She pursues a career as a powerful healer and potions master, determined to take away pain in ways that won’t endanger anyone (and to find a cure for Professor Sharp’s leg injury. Pure altruism, I’m sure). 
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ellecdc · 6 days
thought you might enjoy this 🤭🤣
(also, I hope I don’t bother you with my requests for a whimsy! slytherin I feel like I’ve sent a lot unless they got eaten by tumblr )
omfg Sebastian my looooovvvvveeeeeeee he's fucking funny. Also I hate Zenobia like with unadulterated loathing just, pure rage the second I hear her voice ffs (so embarrassing being a 27 year old reduced to rage at the sound of a fucking third year but!!!!)
and not at all babes! I've got them and have pocketed them. I don't think I've ever been bothered by a request - even one's I've passed on or not answered, I love hearing your guys' ideas!
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multi-muse-transect · 30 days
Muse Bio: SpaceGodzilla (Monsterverse version)
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Name: Titanus SpaceGodzilla (formerly Titanus Zenobia)
Age: 700 million years old
Tyrant Queen Of The Monsters
Destroyer Of Cities
Absolute Menace
Queen Bitch
Description: Born 700 million years ago, the individual that would be known as SpaceGodzilla was born as Titanus Zenobia who arose through the ranks of her species and becoming the apex predator of out all of them. She birthed a son who would become Godzilla as she saw Earth as her territory and any living thing as her subjects who had zero care for. Zenobia fought many titans and destroyed many ancient civilizations including Atlantis on purpose or by accident due to her recklessness. She soon "disappeared" with legends stating that she was taken into the sky and orphaned Godzilla who was raised by Dagon.
Now she returns to Earth mysteriously and isn't pleased by Godzilla and mankind's advancements.
Personality: SpaceGodzilla is known to be temperamental, spiteful, classist, reckless and arrogant at the same time. She will destroy anything that gets in her way with extreme prejudice. One of them is the human race in general who she sees as inferior. Many titans were even afraid of her presence due to her status as queen of the monsters at the time. SpaceGodzilla's answer to all problems was through wanton destruction, evidenced by the many lost civilizations.
She has a disdain for anyone who tries to usurp her including Ghidorah and Skar King while sharing a rivalry with Shimo.
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