#a desperation for love and acceptance
fanstuffrantings · 4 months
Finished fruits basket and genuinely, probably one of my favorite shoujos of all time. I enjoyed every minute of it, the emotional moments hit with me every time. This will be a bit long so under the cut let me ramble about my love for it.
Only a series as well written as that could make me cry during a scene of a character like Akito reaching out to Tohru without malice.
I think something that makes the ending work so well, is the knowledge that ultimately we don't really find out if everyone ends up forgiving Akito. I'm sure in the sequel series they reveal it, but we're left with the knowledge that some of that hurt is too great. That Akito herself is aware of this and willing to accept whatever comes with it.
I really did enjoy the characters and couples we got, it's a series that mixes realism with fantasy well enough that even for the ones I'd normally dislike I was willing to give into the romance.
Kyo and Tohru for very obvious reasons will always have a special place in my heart. Seeing Kyo go from a brooding teenager to one who openly expresses his love for Tohru with genuine smiles and tears was amazing.
I haven't actually gone out looking for it, but I also know Kureno is a divisive figure in the fandom because to some people I think they viewed the series as almost completely absolving him of any blame. I think a major part of his story involved the fact that he was self sacrificial to a fault and it was a bad thing. He made mistakes like everyone else and it led to pain. His guilt and pity kept him locked in place and I feel like one of the major messages is that love out of Pity can be so incredibly damaging. I viewed his character as someone who got suspended in that time of when he was a teenager just barely free of his curse, incapable of moving forward for fear of hurting someone. Unaware that staying was hurting more than leaving ever would.
Ultimately I have no doubt this is going to be a series I revisit regularly to watch. Tears and all it was a wonderful experience and I adored every second.
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simplykorra · 1 year
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their relationship is very important to me
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glyphes · 3 months
real subtle there, astarion
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etoilesombre · 5 months
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[id: a set of eight images from Black Sails. The first image shows Mrs. Hudson speaking to Woodes Rogers, with the text "She said you should trust that her commitment to you remains inviolable." The second image shows Flint and Silver together in Madi's house after her presumed death. The third image shows Eleanor in the fort firing on Rogers' ship, with the text "and that this is no betrayal..." The fourth image shows Flint taking the cache ashore on Skeleton Island, viewed through a spyglass. The fifth image shows Eleanor and Rogers talking in bed, with the text "...but an act of love." The sixth image shows Flint's face during the Dragons speech. The seventh image shows Eleanor lying dead in Flint's arms, with the text "An act she is determined to see through to its end." The eighth image shows Silver pointing a pistol at Flint on Skeleton Island. /end id]
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soullistrations · 2 years
The beginning of 17776 really is so interesting in the way that it sets up the rest of the story. The calendar backdrop was such a stroke of genius, because it forces the reader to focus on nothing but the passage of time and nine's increasing desperation and loneliness. and then when ten responds with 'i love you so much'--well, i still had no idea who these characters were, but i was already invested enough in them to feel anxious scrolling through the days where they weren't able to make contact with each other. and then, when ten tells nine not to contact them for 27 years, my first thought was, 'but that's a life! that's a life apart for two people who clearly care about each other'
and then the scroll through the days, once again forced to focus on nothing but the passage of time, leading straight into the reveal that these people aren't actual people with a lifespan of a century or less, and THEN the reveal that even humans aren't people with a lifespan of a century or less anymore, and the way that the reader has been interacting with the passage of time is so FUNDAMENTALLY different to how it works for the current denizens of the earth
just, what a great way to really bring out the focus of the story right from the beginning: how would we change, if the constraints and anxieties of finite time were lifted from us as a species?
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3cosmicfrogs · 4 months
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back to yelling into the void about my niexu(lan) bullshit
time is a circle you cannot escape (i am making it so)
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biigiiiii · 11 months
So this:
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Leads to this:
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Which leads to this:
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Which allows vecna to do this:
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Right? Right………. So then this:
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Leads to this:
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Which leads to:
???????????????? 👀👀👀👀👀
Will has had powers.
#will has powers#no - he had powers. he probably displayed them when he got taken in to the upside down. and vecna wanted those powers. so he took them.#this also opens up to the possibility he could get them back somehow. with el it was through memories of her mom when she was born. love.#when she relived her younger self opening the gate for the first time through the power of love#so Will could get his back through strong feelings of love. just saying.#stranger things predictions#stranger things theories#byler#byler tumblr#so the cool kids can find this 😌#I HAVE ANOTHER THING TO SAY!!! Els powers are strong from negative emotions - hatred. anger. vengeance.#but they’re even more powerful from feelings of love - familial and platonic love (mama. hopper. max. etc)#so if Will did show his powers to vecna (accidentally) when he got taken then those would have been from his most common negative emotion#fear#El is anger. hatred. will is fear. anxiety.#so will will get his powers to their fullest strength only with Love. romantic love. feeling wanted. useful.#familial/friend love was something El needed in her life and she against all odds managed to find it#she got the love she desperately needed and deserved (not romantic like the Melvin’s seem to think)#will has all that in buckets. he has friends who love him. the best mom and brother anyone could wish for. but he feels unworthy of love.#feels like all the bad things that happened to him were deserved. so him receiving and accepting what he desperately needs and deserves#will fully unlock his powers - if he has them.#thank you for coming to my Ted talk
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hajihiko · 2 years
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every time I come across Content that isnt my own I get the thoughts and thinks. Too tired to do anything about it except this ig
#Coming to terms with the fact that I can share shitty dumb doodles and tag them even and it's not a crime#I'm not quite Ants In My Brain levels but the brains are scattered rn.#Anyway I love a relationship that is unlabeled and unknowable but gosh damn it is sincere and devoted#I was thinking of that 19 days bit. 'you're the strongest most badass little mo' or sth#ANYWAY! Not confident enough to tag this w my art tag so#Fuyuhiko kuzuryu#Hajime hinata#Kuzuhina#Attempting to go full ramble in the tags after the actual posting bc I just got shit to say I guess#Not valuable shit but shit nonetheless#They're good for each other they build each other up. Fuyuhiko was putting so much faith in Hajime from the get-go#Hajime is like dont give me too much credit no I dont wanna think about my talents. And Hiko is like nah man you're great (in his own way)#And Hajime encourages so much growth in Hiko which is WHY I think Hiko is so passionate in his loyalty#Hajime makes Fuyuhiko smile and laugh and reflect on his behaviour and talk about his experiences#They laugh TOGETHER in the middle of the killing game which is v sweet#Fuyuhiko is DESPERATE to prove that he's changed and that he wants to do good now and Hajime is just like 'okay you got it'#Like thassit. And then when they find out Hajime wasnt a talent student Fuyuhiko is like 'oh ok'#They accept each other very readily and they trust each other so much and idk maybe my brain is broken but#I FEEL like I feel a sincerity in their friendship#Like it's for life man they're already making plans for the future when they're friends (hiko especially)#Yeah I guess I'll save these tags. Idk I'm a little Ill of the Brain rn
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clotpolesonly · 4 months
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Call Down The Hawk ch 19 // Call Down The Hawk ch 64
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dramarants · 8 months
i only want love triangles if it's whatever fucked up polygon junmo kicheol and euijeong have going on
#the worst of evil#ranting#idk how to articulate how juicy it is#junmo's fierce protectiveness of his wife - he trusts her but can't help his jealousy fear or frustration while trapped in the situation#euijeong hurting but putting her own life on the line worried for her husband while unpacking the memories of her first love#she can't help but sympathize with kicheol and what he's endured; haven't seen much of how she feels rn but it must be c o n f l i c t e d#(not necessarily even in a romantic way but wanting to root for a person chasing their goals who was once so important to you)#(all while grieving her mother without the support of her literal goddamn spouse by her side)#and kicheol. also grieving and trying to establish a place for himself and his crew yet drawn to junmo despite the red flags#his panic and desperation when jungmo bled out on him which must have triggered his own memories of losing taeho#junmo who has every reason to despise kicheol barely concealing his general rage but protects him like it's second nature at every turn#all while conflicted as a bystander to atrocities (and now willfully leaving another cop to die to protect himself his wife and the mission#getting mentally and physically pummeled left and right just bc his superiors demand it from him#all to please euijeong's family by using the promotions to prove himself and get rid of the stigma weighing him down#like !!!#and haven't even touched on kicheol wooing euijeong against his buddy's wishes and in such a pure heart fluttering way#accepting the risk for a second chance to bathe in the bright light she used to shine on his life#OMG AND BIBI'S ENTRANCE!! junmo realizing her interest gives him leverage and agency but struggling to use it to his advantage#it's soooo messy and i'm obsessed#that funeral arc is gonna haunt me for years#as is the tension during the pat down which def was supposed to be like a gang pride/dignity/lack of power against the jp folks thing#also testing their relationship and responsibilites as leader subordinate#but felt charged around whether kicheol would protest or junmo would accept the manhandling in totally different 👀 ways#goddamn i wrote an essay and this doesn't even scratch the surface of the meat of the show#tldr; i have many many feelings and for once the 'love triangle' isn't making me gauge out my own eyeballs#it's about power it's about raising the stakes and revealing things about the characters w/o dominating the plot
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brittie-frog · 6 months
I'm living purely of the joy of that date but also on the verge of crying over q!Tina wanting to be perfect and her insecurities. I so desperately want Tina to do lore where she finally confronts/remembers some of her past. She needs to at least talk to probably IronMouse about their demon-hood again and why Tina hates it so much.
BBH said that demons can reset themselves to remove illness (such as his radiation poisoning) but it would scramble their memory library. So either Tina reset herself knowing this would happen due to something else or she was just way more willing for the memory wipe to work on her. Which begs the question of whether she still has her memories and they're just scrambled or are they completely gone??
Much like BBH's stream when he returned from purgatory of wondering about in that dream scape place I need one of Tina in her mind palace unlocking her library and pulling a random book of a memory but panicking and not wanting to know more and trying to run or if she's more comfortable about remembering to be better for Bagi she starts to organise it and remember her life.
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whyismangososour · 1 month
okay but is anyone in the stranger things fandom going to ever talk about the weird phenomenon that is byler shippers’ propensity towards falling into conspiracy theories????? I’m not saying it’s bad or anything (if you’re gonna fall into a conspiracy theory I’d much rather it be over fictional characters than over thinking taylor swift is a lesbian or anything even remotely related to qanon or something like that) I’m just… I’m so confused like where is this coming from
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psalmsofpsychosis · 1 month
real talk though; if i could surgically remove the Bruce & Alfred scenes out of Gotham TV and make an entire separate Batman project out of them i would, because they're so distinctly different from the rest of the show and from the common Batman comic narratives, it floors me everytime. If we take the whole show as a body, the heart is placed in Bruce Wayne and it bleeds into his relationships with people, but most importantly with Alfred. It's such stark and exciting constrast to how Batman comics generally portray Bruce Wayne or the Batman persona; Gotham!Bruce is so tender and bare and transparent, heart beating and bleeding so close to his skin, you can see when it taints through his shirt, and his moments of absolute irrational sentimentality are not played cheap or like missteps in a planned protocol rational persona, they're utterly sincere and every emotion he expresses is as integral to his character as his moments of analytical calculation.
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nativehueofresolution · 5 months
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when he's killing you but you'll stay because he gave you a ring
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ladsofsorrow24 · 1 month
i think some of you are too used to genre conventions, you guys forgot to question the worldbuilding that many authors painstakingly made to question the subject of death and life in a more nuanced manner than just "wow resurrection is so romantic!"
#like yeah i do love romanticizing horror tropes at times#but there's a reason why it is a horror trope and not a common romance plot#necromancy... especially mixing an individual's soul with that of another species is something that can be disturbing#doesn't matter if the one who's doing the resurrecting or the one get resurrected is in love#think about how falin feels knowing that even though marcille and laios loved her they ended up taking a decision#that not only hurts her physically but also emotionally#being stripped of control from your own body... not being able to do anything but follow your master's command...#falin did not asked to be the chimera#but that's what makes her decision to take the red dragon with her before she wakes up so cathartic in some ways#she also acknowledged that the red dragon did not ask for this to happen... just like how she forgives the lil guy she also#forgives her brother and marcille for taking this very... bad decision because she understands they're just as desperate#as she is when she tried to save them before she died#it circles back to the theme of accepting death and how resurrection magic ended up making people too comfortable#with the act of mindless killing of other living creatures#but yeah sadly people only see the surface level stuff but don't actively tried to understand the significance behind the plot#i can't really blame anime-only but people who read the manga tho...#if you only understand it as a romance trope and be like 'oh everyone else is just stupid' maybe you need to reread the manga#at least once a month#to understand ryoko kui's writing better#tmi tag
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tofumarinado · 9 days
none of that aesthetic instagram "i'm healed and mature bullshit" i will live my life as a fucking raccoon , i will cling desperately to the things and the people i love, and i will cherish everything and hope that everything good lasts forever, and when it does not and it ends, i will not "accept it and move on", i will fucking cry my eyes out, be depressed, devastated, struggle to eat and shower for some weeks and maybe at the end i am over it, but maybe i will never get over the pain and that is fucking okay. i prefer that to being detached, to being "accepting" or "at peace", i will feel everything at its fullness, and if it kills me then so be it. there are some things we are not meant to survive.
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