#a rough draft
b0ringasfuck · 3 months
nanorecensioni sci-fi: A rough draft (2018)
La cosa più terribile del film è il doppiaggio in inglese.
B movie russo abbozzato anticomunista e anticinese.
Un'idea interessante ben pubblicizzata nel titolo ma portata avanti a cazzo come un fantasy recitato ammerda.
Davvero un peccato perchè l'idea principale del film avrebbe meritato uno sviluppo e invece si perde tempo a contentini depressivo/eroici/amorosi che ricordano i cliche di molti filmz russi.
E quindi vi spoilero l'idea e vi risparmiate il film che è proprio raffazzonato.
Diversi universi paralleli in cui uno usa gli altri per fare "esperienza" e evitare gli errori.
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Can write a quick drabble of Deliah meeting Lefty for the first time
A late night walk was always demanded and Lefty was happy to oblige, walking at night gave him a chance to think and relax.
After tucking his son into bed, Fetch ran up to him, his blue leash in his mouth, his tail wagging, no word needed to be exchanged as Lefty knew what he was asking.
Before he left home, he made sure to triple lock the door and activate the motion sensor so if something showed up at the door, he’d get an urgent notification to return home.
Fetch seemed to be in no hurry to return home, Lefty couldn’t blame him, he was usually cooped up in the house, in fear the neighbors would see him and report him, night time was the only safe time to take him outside, also Lefty could walk with him without the need for a disguise, he did have his black ring on in case he ran into a late night jogger because he knew they’d scream in horror if they saw him.
Fetch happily ran along the sidewalk, sniffing some bushes along the way, before stopping abruptly. Lefty stopped also as Fetch sniffed around.
“What do you smell?”
Fetch raised his head and made his way ahead, continuing to smell the air, seemingly having a scent to follow.
Lefty’s guard rose, Fetch could definitely smell something abnormal, usually hostiles.
“Is it Nightmare?”
Hearing no response made Lefty anxious, “Fetch, do we need to get out of here?”
Fetch pointed himself ahead, Lefty looked ahead, a dead end road with an abandoned looking factory, one that its door slightly open, like someone wandered inside.
He narrowed his eyes, briefly scanning the site, it looked abandoned, besides from a car parked out front. How odd, he thought, factory workers never worked so late, he wasn’t an expert but he was sure they didn’t work past seven pm and it was well past midnight, in fact, Lefty checked his system clock which said the time: 1:35 AM.
He knew he should head back home but something about that car struck him as strange. What if the driver had pulled over because they got lost and fell asleep? Worse, something else like a kidnapping was afoot, it would explain Fetch’s apparent insistence to go towards it.
The bush next to him rustled and he jumped for a moment, Fetch immediately turned towards it and growled loudly, Lefty grabbed his flash beacon, half expecting Nightmare or Funtime Freddy to jump out.
Instead the bush was pushed aside and Lefty looked down at the ground.
It was a porcelain doll, walking towards him.
Lefty had always thought of them as extremely creepy.
However this didn’t seem to be like the porcelain dolls he had seen before.
For one thing, he had never seen one move on its own, except for horror movies, which he regretted watching that particular movie with Michael as it made him paranoid for months, even with Michael explaining it was “just a movie”, Lefty now realized that it was likely dolls could be husks for agony and cause havoc.
“Uh, hello,” He spoke to it, wondering if it would respond to him.
He looked more closely at the doll, noticing the doll’s much more dirty state, the brown curls messy and the pale blue dress it wore had mud stains.
The doll’s head tilted up to him and that seemed to confirm it wasn’t a normal doll he was dealing with.
Fetch approached the doll and sniffed it, Lefty watched his reaction, knowing that Fetch’s reaction would dictate his next move, Fetch would immediately attack if he deemed it a threat.
Fetch’s tail began a soft wag which told Lefty the doll was not a threat.
“Do you belong to someone?” Lefty asked, “I’m sure your owner is missing you,” He now assumed this was some sort of advanced toy, he knew toys these days were advanced, given how scared he was of his daughter’s furby because it had once started screaming at 3 AM with no command.
The doll slowly walked down the path, towards the abandoned factory site, the doll then turned back to Lefty and Fetch.
“Do you want me to follow you?”
The doll nodded.
“Fetch, guard,” Lefty spoke, a command which switched Fetch into a much more alert mode.
Lefty followed the doll towards the factory, he then noticed Fetch seemed to get more anxious, looking around, whimpering and trying to pull Lefty along.
Something’s wrong here, his mind said.
He stopped in front of the factory’s open door, he then quickly stepped towards the car outside, a quick peek inside confirmed no one was in there. On a bad gut feeling, Lefty decided to grab the car door handle, he pulled it, finding the car was unlocked when the door swung open.
Normal people would lock their cars, the owner must have left in a hurry.
He took a quick look inside the car, there was a duffel bag which looked full of clothes in the passenger seat, which suggested whoever owned this car was travelling away from home. There was a phone left on the driver’s seat and that raised his alarm, he knew humans were, in a way, attached to their devices, his own son wouldn’t leave home without his phone.
Fetch looked towards the factory.
It bothered Lefty that the doll seemed to lead him here for a reason.
Lefty knew he needed to know.
This was too suspicious.
Lefty unhooked Fetch’s leash, “Go Fetch!” He yelled, and Fetch darted off inside the factory, Lefty followed behind him, he knew Fetch had a scent and was chasing it.
Lefty lifted up his hat and dug out a bright flashlight, he clicked it on and followed after Fetch, he then heard the doll slowly following behind, so he turned back and lifted it up so it wouldn’t fall behind.
Fetch stopped at the opening of a drainage pipe, Lefty’s eye switched to his scanning mode and his system immediately detected something.
Knowing that, Lefty snapped his fingers, Fetch jumped down into the drainage pipe and Lefty followed.
He didn’t expect to spend his night crawling through a pipe that could barely fit him but he had a feeling something more was going on here.
Fetch crawled out the other end and ran out, waiting for Lefty to squeeze himself out, once he did, he looked around.
He was in a construction site, which had no fences. Lefty thought that was irresponsible considering the amount of construction site accidents he heard about being caused by civilians wandering into the construction zone.
Fetch put his nose to the ground and was sniffing again.
“Is it a monster? Bark one for yes.”
Fetch raised his head and barked, then he barked again, confirming they weren’t chasing a monster, Lefty was slightly relieved but he still wasn’t sure what Fetch was following.
“Do you smell a human?”
Fetch barked, Lefty’s eye widened.
“Well we need to find them, Fetch go!”
Fetch started sniffing around and slowly walked on a path, Lefty following behind, still carrying the doll in his arm, which he looked at, wondering if this doll had come to him to tell him that its owner was in trouble and he would need to help.
Fetch weaved around obstacles before stopping at a vent opening, he lowered himself down, whimpering.
Lefty knew he wouldn’t be able to crawl inside given his size.
“Fetch, connect,” Lefty held up his phone, the app on his phone named “FETCH CONNECT. PROGRAMME. V.1.2.0” loaded up.
“Fetch, track and retrieve,” Upon getting the command, Fetch crawled into the vent.
The app had a static screen before it fully loaded and Lefty was able to see what Fetch could, Fetch crawled inside the vent, sniffing around, crawling further in.
Lefty watched carefully, making sure Fetch was safe.
Fetch’s head scanned from side to side, Lefty could tell it was tight squeeze and he had for a moment feared his dog would become trapped in the vent, however he reasoned if Fetch did become stuck, he could just use his telekinesis ability and pull the vent apart at the seams to free Fetch if needed.
After a minute, Lefty noticed a strange black shape ahead in the vent, he was unable to make it out, until Fetch crawled closer.
To his shock he saw a shoe, and what he was certain was a leg.
Clearly Fetch saw it too.
Lefty watched as Fetch made the quick decision to grab onto the shoe in his jaws and pull it forward.
Lefty was convinced his dog had found a dead body and he started to feel ill.
Lefty was ready to call the authorities when Fetch had backed out, pulling the body out, an obviously still alive woman who groaned in pain.
“Oh my goodness, are you alright?” Lefty asked, concerned about how long she had been in there stuck.
She groaned again, taking a deep breath and pushing herself up.
“Do you need an ambulance?” Lefty reached out to her, wanting to assess her condition.
She held her head for a minute, her eyes opening fully to look up at Lefty and they immediately widened.
“Oh my god… I’ve finally gone insane…”
Lefty then realized he didn’t have his disguise on.
“Ah, I know how I look, but I’m not going to hurt you or anything, I just would like to know that you’re alright-”
The woman had looked at the doll Lefty was carrying and her face went pale.
“Oh my… god…you!” She shook.
“I beg your pardon?” Lefty was startled by this change in character.
“Why can’t you just leave me alone?! I’ve had enough of you tormenting me! What did I ever do to you?!”
“Lady are you alright?”
“You just keep coming every day at 1:35 AM!”
“Technically it’s now 1:57 AM-”
The woman stood up and pointed her finger at Lefty “Why did you bring that thing here?!”
“I don’t understand?” Lefty frowned.
“Oh god, I need help or something!” The woman turned on her heel and ran off.
“Wait up! Wait!” Lefty started to chase after her, “I just want to help you!”
Despite Lefty trying his hardest to keep track of her, he somehow lost her in the construction maze, he looked around, unsure what to do.
He looked to the doll, who remained still in his arms. He then noticed a small name tag on her wrist, which he turned over, seeing the name “Ella” written in cursive handwriting.
“You’re not a normal doll…”
It had gotten really late, and with a heavy heart, Lefty decided to return home, although he didn’t want to, as he didn’t know what happened to that woman he had met.
He dragged himself home, arriving back at 2:35 am, dragging his feet inside, Fetch lazily trudging next to him, clearly tired also as he scampered up the stairs.
Lefty entered his room, closing his door, taking off his top hat and bow tie, and immediately collapsing into bed, falling asleep.
Lefty had forgotten the Ella doll until he woke the next day at 8:00 am and saw she was standing in front of his dresser table, her blue eyes staring at him.
“That woman’s name from last night was Delilah. She needs your help.”
Lefty nodded, Michael was definitely wrong about porcelain dolls being unaware.
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rs-hawk · 2 months
Working on my novel and couldn’t figure out why it felt so empty. I didn’t have any filler. It was all 100% plot. The characters only interacted when necessary. I didn’t prattle on about the scenery or how the birds sounded. I had all my fuller stuff that I loved saved in another file because I “didn’t need it”.
Y’all, I knew this existed in TV shows but it didn’t hit me until this that everything is being whittled down. We are so starving for filler that we snap up anything. I unload all mine on Tumblr or keep it in a massive Google Docs. It SUCKS.
Honestly? Death to plot necessity. Revive filler. Revive unnecessary interactions. Revive just vibing with characters sometimes. I don’t want to just consume the plot and I don’t want to just create the plot either.
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tojisun · 4 months
oh but bimbo!reader mssging simon (a military man) how theres a boy in campus (a frat boy specifically) who wont take no for an answer as he keeps tryna pursue you, corralling his frat brothers and even your cheer team to make up situations where you two could have an “alone time.” naturally, simon flies back to put the fear of god into this boy because what is he if not just a boy against simon’s bulk?
and since he is a pissy boy, you receive these messages from him:
from: dickhead
> bitch. you couldve just said your taken
> fucking cunt
to: dickhead
i did but you are just stubborn :/ <
also? it’s you’re* <
and thank you, btw. simmy loves it when i’m a cunt. the fact that you can’t handle me being one just proves his point :p <
from: dickhead
> fuck you and you’re ugly ass boyfriend
to: dickhead
your* 😭 <
simon, who pulled you to his lap the moment the first messages came rolling in, laughs before kissing you on your cheek.
“my smart cookie,” simon murmurs, nuzzling his nose along your skin.
you giggle, throwing your phone behind you before tackling simon and giving him a thousand smooches. simon catches you with ease, hefting you on top of him to slot you two in the comfiest position.
(simon snags a picture of you and him snuggling after sex, careful that all that’s showing is your after-sex glow and nothing more – not a sliver of skin past your marked-up neck – before asking permission from you if it’s alright that he sends it to ‘dickhead’.
your nose scrunches in confusion even as you nod, passing your phone back to simon. simon kisses your lips lightly in thanks, and arranges the message.
to: dickhead
[image attached] <
she’s mine, son. <
your number is blocked soon after by little frat boy.)
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dappermouth · 1 year
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You feel you've been here, once before — a memory that was not quite yours.
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rabid-mercenary16 · 6 months
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Corruption au
I want to start off by saying that this au is NOT finished yet and I’m still on the works of this but I’ll be working on this when I have the time
This all happens when one special day where a virus infects Caine and his program which makes him a pretty bad Apple. And when pomni arrives to the digital circus instead of a warm welcome she’s faced with instant danger of her digital avatar being corrupted, but not to fear! Zooble is here! Well as “here” they’ll get zooble is the only sane person left out of all of the members. Zooble will help pomni get out as soon as possible and maybe help the others free from their corruption!… but we can only hope
This is a rough draft but I wanted to get my idea out their 👍
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underfell · 8 months
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lilybug-02 · 5 months
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Wow. That could not have turned out worse.
Part 23 || First || Previous || Next
--Full Series--
This comic will be on Holiday Hiatus this December and January! While on a cliffhanger? What a scam! >:/
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nerdpoe · 1 year
The One Unaccounted For
Danny had never seen Skulker look so pleased.
Normally the ghost was always at least a little happy to duke it out with Danny, but this? The ghost was positively vibrating with excitement.
"Okay, okay, time out. What's going on, man?" Danny had to call out, launching himself above a shot and hovering there.
Skulker fucking giggled. Skulker. Giggled.
"I have been hired by the Observants to hunt down a formidable foe. Our battle-" "-Will be glorious." Danny finished, much to the confusion of the ghost who had not been around for such refined culture.
"Yes! They also insist I bring another ghost, just in case it is 'too much' for me. Walker will not leave the Zone, Ember is still angry with me, Johnny and Kitty told me to..." Skulker cleared his throat, glancing at Danny, "And the last ghost I can think of is you, and I know you'll come to at least watch."
Danny's curiosity was piqued, he wasn't going to lie to himself. He still had to act like he needed to think about it though.
"Uh-huh, and who are you going after?"
Skulker almost started vibrating as he began his description.
"It is a ghost who has continuously evaded Walker, and caused so much strife and mayhem that even the Observants seek to drag him to confinement. He hides in the mortal world, in the city that knows no day, and alters the memories of that entire city."
So Danny was actually a bit on board with hunting this dude, actually. Memory manipulation was not cool.
"This ghost loves to torture mortals and claims it is for fun. Once! Once, he altered the memory of a young boy hero, to make him think he'd been tortured, and then altered the memory of the boy's mentor to believe that the boy was dead, all so that the boy would be buried alive. For fun. Then he almost completely wiped the boys memories of his life prior to being buried."
Skulker was beginning to actually get angry just retelling the story, and Danny was right there with him. Graves were sacred, and any ghost knew that. There was a ghost that willingly desecrated them? No wonder Walker wanted him.
If anything, Danny had to think that Skulker had glossed over Walker because he was positive that the Warden was foaming at the mouth just thinking about this criminal.
There was just one thing.
"So why do the Observants want in on this?"
Unless this ghost was actively threatening the balance of Life and Death, there really was no need to go after him.
"Because he has interfered with and altered the denizens of that city so much that the majority of them, if not all of them, are becoming as your puny mortal friends. Can you imagine that? A Living, a Mortal, blessed with the powers of Death. There are reports that one twisted their own time so much, he is now forever alive."
"Okay, that's super concerning. How did he do that?"
Skulker floated closer, almost like this was a gossip session in a sleepover.
"We believe he may have hidden a portal or twelve in the city of Gotham. He wears the semblance of a deranged clown, and is obsessed with laughter."
Well. Shit. Danny knew who they were after, he just hadn't know that Joker was actually one of their own. Half of his own?
"Fuck it, let's go drag the dude into the afterlife." He swore he heard a quiet squeal from the giant robot, but elected to ignore it.
He had to figure out how to either outsmart or work with the Big Bat himself, and he wasn't sure which would be better.
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quirkle2 · 4 months
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a little bit crazy
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acidbathdraws · 12 days
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[Rough Draft] Our favorite and the three tallest puppets together. ^^ What r they saying I wonder? 👁️👁️
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karlydraws · 6 days
: let's get this already western themed media more western
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Showdown at Gunsmoke
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Ruby Ryder
(I know this rifle isn't going to work but I had to incorporate a cross somehow... I lack imagination )
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swagginmun · 1 month
Your LMK HEARTSTEEL!AU is just *chef's kiss*
O H Thank you homie! I have been slowly chipping away at them in the background... >B^D
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 8 months
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Heroes of Millennium (HoM) AU
Act 1: What was left behind. - Part 1 (page 1-5) -here- -> Part 2
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raginglesbian2006 · 3 months
what if Alastor had someone he loved accidentally killed in one of his "escapades" and they ended up in heaven. When Alastor dies, he knows that his beloved was too pure to end up in the depths of hell so he begins his journey of gaining enough power to try to get his love back, in turn making a deal he regrets and stumbling upon the Hazbin Hotel. He doesn't speak of this special someone often- only Husk, Rosie, and Mimzy know of them.
All of this is based on the presumption that Al is just a big ol' sap deep down. Albeit a bit....dubiously motivated.
Edit: Turning this into a fic very soon! :) Stay tuned...
A glimpse into my fic based on this random thought- Ne Me Quitte Pas
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muffinlance · 1 month
DELIGHTFUL news: you know that charity auction I put a prompt in? The winner asked for the next Dark Night in Ba Sing Se installment. So. That's officially in the works. Next part stars the cabbage man, Toph, and Zuko's deep and compelling hatred for The Guard Hat. Look forward to it! Outlining in progress.
Also! I am so close to finishing Scaled Over. Like, three short scenes and an edit read close.
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