#also leatherface would so not be jealous
cipheramnesia · 8 months
Genuine question from a newbie just dipping her toes into horror film: If Candyman isn't actually a slasher (which is all I've seen it called), what is it? And how come it keeps being misidentified as a slasher flick?
Candyman is probably misidentified as a slasher both because of its original marketing, landing in the tail end of the 80s video cassette slasher boom, and having two mediocre sequels.
Generally a slasher has a limited region and a victim pool mainly consisting of teens. For example the big three - Jason, Freddy, Michael - are all somewhat geographically fixed and almost exclusively kill kids. Usually the slasher is specifically intertwined with fears pertaining to the transition between childhood and adulthood such as increasing independence and of course burgeoning sexuality. The victims typically are killed for transgressions of the child-adult boundaries such as rebelliousness, drinking, sex and so on. By and large the slashers have a character which is malevolent in a way that's divergent from mere human emotions because they are often larger than life figures of mortality and social moral codes.
On the cinematic side, most slasher movies have a very consistent plot formula and even similar shots. Usually there is an early on warning, the harbinger. This is followed by stage setting the particular vices of the victims, and some minor fake out scares, before the actual killing starts in earnest. There's inevitably some kind of POV / voyeur shot, several similar victim chase safe / fake out death sequences. A slasher subgenre is not necessary predictable but by nature it is a little bit formulaic - it's a type of character and a plot structure.
Candyman is a different kind of movie. I'm not sure it falls into a specific subgenre. It could be called horror noire, urban legend horror, and in some ways it's almost a ghost story. However there are some crucial differences.
Victim type is obvious. Candyman is not teen exclusive - nearly all of the victims in the film are full adults. Not only that, but his purpose for existing is different. He is not a governor of the transition to adulthood or a symbol of sex and mortality. Candyman exists as an urban legend and is more symbolic of the hidden secrets of ourselves and our cultural history which we try to cover over and forget.
As a personality, Candyman is not malicious, but rather tragic and romantic. His history is as a wronged man, a brilliant man horrifically killed in an act of racist violence. People who call him are summoning this combination of a deeply intellectual and passionate artist, and the history of racial oppression in the USA. And his acts of murder are not brutal enforcement of social norms, but rather keeping his story and the horrific truth of our own past alive - being remembered.
There is nothing either metaphorically or structurally in Candyman that conforms to the slasher subgenre. The slasher killers irrevocably tie sex and death together because of how they are fundamentally linked in our lives. Candyman ties the past to the present, carrying a promise that even his victims are immortalized in legend. The slasher killers are tied to teenagers and related transitional spaces where morality and control are in flux. Candyman is tied to his own legend and the reflection of ugly truths.
Both Candyman and the slasher subgenre have deep and fascinating ideas under the surface, but they are not the same ideas, and structurally Candyman is only as passingly similar to a slasher as to any other movie. Incidentally the recent Candyman also gets this, and I highly recommend both movies. They tell horror stories that are very different from most others, and I think both are vital films to see.
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
literally anything with tommy hewwitt i just need something of this man and im out of ideas
Thomas Hewitt sfw alphabet
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Hi anon, have some headcanons for Thomas :)c. I love all versions of Leatherface, so Thomas is a fave of mine along with Bubba.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Thomas starts as somewhat distant or stiff when it comes to affection. He isn’t used to giving it or receiving it, but he loves physical touch. After the two of you grow more comfortable in your relationship he will be a lot more willing to give and receive affection. He mainly shows affection through physical touch, like hugs, holding hands, etc.
 B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He’s a quiet but very loyal friend. If you a truly his friend, he would raise hell for you if you were ever hurt or used by anyone. Not much of a talker but a great listener. You most likely met through work, maybe you got a job the same place as him? It took a long time of you talking to him and just being nice for the friendship to bloom.
 C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Thomas likes cuddles, though hes somewhat shy about it in the beginning. Please cuddle into his side and place your head on his chest, he loves it.
 D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I think Thomas would like to settle down at some point, if possible, that is. With his face and his less than blood free background. I think he would want to live away from too many people and just enjoy his time with you.
 E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Depends, if it was because you did something horrible, he would just break it off with little to no emotion. If it was for other reasons, he would start to grow more distant from you until he finally tells you.
 F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He would enjoy being married, but he’s also not one to rush those types of things. He gives it as much time as the two of you need, and its probably you who proposes in the end.
 G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
With you he is very gentle, knowing what he can do with his hands. He struggles with his emotions but tries his best for you.
 H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He likes hugs, though he might have been somewhat stiff and awkward about it in the beginning since he’s not used to being hugged. Later on he just wraps around you like a big teddy bear and holds you.
 I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It would take a while, and you most likely say it first. He would have thought it long before that but struggle to tell you.
 J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He doesn’t get as jealous as other slashers, but he does treasure you and get somewhat jealous if others look at you with too much interest or try and flirt with you. He goes more quiet than usual and either grows more distant or move touchy, like holding you a little tighter or standing right up against your back.
 K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Thomas doesn’t kiss a lot because he has his mask on, but his kisses are a little clumsy, but he has the enthusiasm. He learns over time and gets pretty good at it, so its like a real treat when he pulls the mask off to kiss you. He loves when you kiss his neck or ears. He loves to kiss your hands or forehead.
 L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
I think Thomas would be great with kids, if they weren’t scared of him. He would be scared of hurting them but would loosen up and end up playing with them, or just chilling with the more calm kids and maybe do some crafts.
 M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Thomas is the first to wake no matter how late he went to bed, but he likes to stay in bed and cuddle with you. He isn’t the greatest cook so hed probably just end up bringing you something to drink if he had to go to the bathroom or something.
 N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are spent cuddling but I think he falls asleep pretty quickly. In the beginning he always stayed awake until you fell asleep first, but now that he has grown more comfortable, he knocks out like a light when he’s in your arms.
 O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Thomas isn’t one to talk about himself that much, he would rather hear you talk. But you might pick up bits and pieces as time passes, and he might tell you some of it.
 P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He is pretty patient in general I think, but when he’s angry you better run for your life.
 Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He tries his best to remember important things and dates, even writes some of them down in his calendar. But he doesn’t remember the smaller details or things you’ve only mentioned once or twice.
 R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The many times you have never judged him for wearing a mask and never pushed him to take it off or change who he is. He might have made you a mask too if you’re comfortable with that, so you wearing that is also a good memory.
 S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Thomas is a protective lover, mainly because he’s scared of losing you. He has no problem of you being protective of him too, he might even be flattered.
 T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He tries his best at dates, even doing stereotypical stuff like going for walks on the beach and bringing you flowers. Thomas always gets you a little something for anniversaries. Even if it’s just something small.
 U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He most definitely sees himself as a monster or disgusting, or thinks of something as someone way below your league especially because of his eating habits. There are times he will spend hours just staring at himself in the mirror after work and hate what he sees, or times where he flinches away from your touch because he’s scared of hurting you.
 V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Thomas does not care about his looks, though he might keep himself somewhat presentable just for you.
 W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yes, Thomas would feel empty or like something is missing when away from you for too long. He loves to stay close to you since you make him feel so warm and loved.
 X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Thomas likes to crochet, it helps him calm down and help him keep his mind focused on one thing so his mind doesn’t start to wander. He has crocheted flowers and tiny animals into the collar of your jacket and the sleeves.
 Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He doesn’t like people who judge others based on appearance, since he has some experience with that. He also doesn’t like sour candy.
 Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He is a grabber in his sleep, there is no escape until he wakes up so you better have gone to the bathroom before getting into bed with him.
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demona-andariel · 10 months
A Simple Act of Kindness - 8 / ??
Fandom: Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)
Pairing: Thomas Hewitt (Leatherface) x OFC
Summary: Elizabeth wakes up in a stranger's home. Her fate to become another victim of the Hewitt family is all but sealed till a simple act of kindness changes her life forever.
Warning: (Encompassing the whole story in no particular order) dead dove, rape/Noncon, violence, forced marriage, kidnapping, cannibalism, explicit sexual content, loss of virginity, angst
Author Note: Minors DNI!
Word Count: 2,366
Chapter 8 - In Sickness
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Thomas' heart thumped wildly in his chest. He was afraid. He sat beside his bed, gently wiping Elizabeth's face with a damp cold washcloth. She wasn't dying. The doctor said she was just sick and needed rest. The only thing was he cautioned them that if her fever got worse it would be in her best interest to take her to a hospital. It was already dangerously high, although she did assure the doctor it was normal for her to get high fevers.
Thomas didn't want her to die, but he knew taking her to a hospital would end them. Sure, she was finally submitting and actually being active with him. She was talking to him and letting him know what she needed. Actually fucking him . But, it was a recent development and he knew he hurt her bad. The kind of hurt that, if given the opportunity, she would leave him. He couldn't help himself. He was so desperate to make her stay with him the only way he knew how was to get her pregnant. No woman had ever touched him the way she had, had ever looked him in the eyes without disgust or horror. Yes, he had scared her many times, and he hated himself for it. But it wasn't his face that she feared, it was his actions. 
She groaned, moving a little to get more comfortable. For a brief moment, her eyes fluttered open, glancing at him before she turned her back to him and curled up to sleep again. He got up and went to the bathroom to wet the warm cloth.
When he took her injured body out of her car, he couldn't help but be jealous of her handsome companion and angry that he couldn't have a woman like her. Neither of them were severely injured. She was the first one he took home, setting her on the couch instead of immediately taking her down to the basement. He wasn’t sure what possessed him to do that, but it had saved her life and enriched his.
His mother had been cruel, setting him up for his heart to be broken yet again by rejection. She had told him in the fake-sweet voice she used on “visitors” that they were going to have their new guest for dinner. In the back of his mind, he knew why she was doing it. To remind him that only family would be by his side and not reject him. And true to what they had expected, Elizabeth had turned away from him the moment she saw him.
It hurt but only confirmed what he already knew, but still, he secretly hoped that maybe there was someone out there who could see past his looks. Yet, he was too ugly for a woman like her to be nice to. When she first touched him during dinner it surprised him. So gentle and firm. Not shying away like she had first done. She apologized to him! She talked to him, looked at him with simple unafraid eyes. And then her scars. She was so beautiful but even she had flaws. He couldn't help but look at his mother in desperation not wanting to kill her. 
His experience in sex was limited. He was no virgin, but the few encounters he found himself in the women weren’t exactly receptive. But, considering the women also treated his uncle Hoyt the same way when he fucked him, Thomas had started to assume that was just natural. Hoyt had given him some pointers that night. 
Thomas cringed at the thought.
He should have been gentler, taken his time to explore her, get her to relax. He hated the tears that she spilled, the pain on her face. All girls feel pain, his uncle’s voice rang in his head. Just make it easy for her, go in quick and hard. Trust me, they all end up loving it in the end. She’ll be screaming your name and begging you for more. If you take it slow it only adds more pain.
He didn’t understand at first. He tried to follow his uncle’s advice, but when he was pushing into her, her face had contorted in such a way that it scared him. He didn’t want to break her. For the first time in a long time, he decided to not listen to his uncle and try to figure out what he needed to do himself. 
Finding the little nub that caused her body to move and her to gasp excited him. Exploring her body had been a delight and although she did struggle, it wasn’t nearly as much as it had been earlier. Sticking a finger, then a second and finally a third into her, feeling her soft, velvet walls, watching her arch her back and moan as her breathing deepened and hips moved as if she wanted to swallow more of him, he couldn’t hold back anymore. 
She had to know that she belonged to him. She had to understand that they were meant to be. He didn’t want her to feel pain, so he did as his uncle told him to do and did his best to bury his cock quickly into her. The way her walls wrapped around his cock, the way she came for him…
Thomas swallowed hard, feeling his cock twitch. She drove him crazy. Walking back into the room, he set down the washcloth of her head, before patting her. His little wife. Although legally not married that didn't matter. Maybe they could have a real ceremony. His mother could fix the wedding dress he cut. 
She mumbled something, making him tense for a moment before he forced himself to relax. Did she even know that she used to call out his name while Thomas fucked her? Jason . Her voice was so sensual and needy. It got to the point where he couldn't handle it anymore. He, Thomas, was giving her pleasure, but she decided to think about the man who wasn't even her boyfriend. 
He couldn't say he felt bad for forcing her to fuck him in front of Jason. It was as much of a punishment for her as it was proof to that Jason that he could get a woman like Elizabeth. Cutting off the young man's aroused cock had not been planned, just an opportunity. When he found the young man dead the following morning he knew she killed him. Mercy or not, it didn't matter. It gave him some hope that just maybe she’d finally be free and focus on Thomas instead.
Elizabeth coughed and rose up, waving one hand in the air while covering her mouth with the other. He barely had time to hand her the bucket before she threw up the soup he'd help feed her in the morning. She groaned and turned, setting the bucket on the ground, and leaning over the bed, lying on her stomach. He gently rubbed her back. 
“Thank you,” she whispered. His heart jumped. She slowly moved so that she was on her stomach on the bed, setting her face in the pillow for a moment before turning her head to look at him. Her eyes were soft, thoughtful and half closed from exhaustion. “You don’t have to take care of me, you know.” The words barely left her mouth before she was asleep again. 
He sat up and picked up the washcloth that was beside her, putting it back on the back of her neck. He did have to take care of her. She was so small and fragile but she was his. A new anger built up inside him, and his jaw tightened. His uncle had tried to hurt her, tried to take her from him. Thomas had heard her scream from outside of the house. For whatever reason, his mother wasn’t around. He was glad he made it up to his room, seeing the two, the tension in Elizabeth’s body, hearing her scream in pain. It took all of his mental strength not to kill his uncle. Elizabeth was his after all. He did have a moment of doubt though, when Hoyt said she was begging for him. That was quickly dashed when she said the words that he’d been wanting her to say, “I belong to you”.
Thomas couldn’t help himself as he ran her hand down her body and rubbed her ass over the blanket. He needed her to get better. The last two times they had sex had both surprised and amazed him. He had been right, the moment Jason died in life he also died in her mind, freeing her to actually focus on Thomas. She’d gone from a lifeless doll to a vibrant, alluring sexual creature. 
He shifted uncomfortably and stood up, picking up the bucket as an excuse just in case, he went to the bathroom and closed the door behind him. He sat down, opening his pants to take out his already hardening cock. 
He had thought there really was only a couple ways to have sex. Boy, was he wrong. He wanted her to ride him again, wanted to watch her breasts move up and down, see her bite her lower lip, see her arch her back so that he could ogle her breasts, and give him that look of lust. 
He let out a little groan, slowing his movement around his cock. She made him touch her. It had come out of nowhere and surprised him so much, especially when he found dipping a finger in her she was wet. He had noticed the little moans of pleasure when he started to help wash her. But, he didn’t realize that it was exciting her. She fucked his fingers. His fingers! And it made him feel proud. He was glad that she demanded he get her to cum with his fingers alone. As much as he wanted to stick his cock in her, actually feeling her quiver around his fingers, her arms grasping onto him for support, her voice demanding and yet so needy for him, it turned him on. 
His breathing deepened as he stroked his cock harder. He thought entering her quick and fast was the right way to do it. Watch her face shift as he filled her up. He believed that was her pleasure face for being full of his cock. Boy, was he wrong. He groaned again, recalling the moment she asked him to go slow. He thought it was going to be difficult. But, it hadn’t been. Her mouth, her eyes, her goddamn body moved so differently, that he found himself savoring the moment. 
He actually enjoyed moving slowly into her, the way she touched him, smiled, moaned and groaned at their connection. The way she commanded him and took control.
Thomas leaned his head back, rubbing his cock harder and faster. She begged him to fuck her, clearly indicating she wanted him to go fast. He wasn’t sure about her, but that shower sex was one of the best ones they had. Her pussy clenched around him with such need. And he got her to orgasm twice , he didn’t even know she could do that. He just figured she needed some rest as he did.
He replayed the final moments in his head. Him ramming into her, her moving her hips back to meet him. She even touched herself again, letting her fingers touch his cock to let him know what she was doing to get pleasure. 
Thomas whimpered and moaned, riding his wave of pleasure, as he came. Letting out a heavy sigh, he grabbed some toilet paper to clean himself. He hated using his hand now that he had her. But, he had to wait. Getting her healthy was his priority, he had to take care of her because sometimes she didn’t take care of herself. After that, it would be back to making babies, or at least, experimenting. It made him all the more excited about their future. She had knowledge that he wanted to know. 
Looking in the mirror, he adjusted his clothes to be presentable again. He touched his face. He hated his look, the human mask was a great comfort to him. But, it disturbed her. She actually liked looking at him. Any time he put on his mask he saw her fear, so he kept it off for her. 
His eyes spotted the shower behind him. He never really understood taking a shower. It felt useless since it was always so hot and he only ended up sweating again. But she made them far more interesting. 
He quickly cleaned the bucket of her vomit, before walking out of the bathroom, to return to his seat by her side. At least, Mama Luda understood and was actually happy that he was being so vigilant. “She’ll be even more grateful to you. She’ll see what a wonderful and helpful father you’ll be.” 
He only wanted one thing for their children. To be as beautiful as she was. He had no doubt she would love their children if they ended up having the disease he had. But he wanted their lives to be happier and more carefree than his was. 
A soft knock on the door broke him from his musing. Getting up, he paused to put on his mask before opening the door.
“How’s she doing?” Luda Mae asked. She peered behind him then smiled. “Did she keep her breakfast down?”
He shook his head. She sighed in response but then smiled. 
“Well,” she said, patting his arm. “Don’t you worry. She’ll eventually be able to keep her food down and I’ll make sure she gets the proper nutrients to get strong once again.”
He felt a bit of relief by her words. He couldn’t help but agree with the others that Elizabeth’s weakened state, the reason why she got sick, was because she wasn’t eating everything she needed to keep her healthy and strong. But they were fixing that. She’d probably be a little upset, but at least they now knew, she wasn’t allergic to the special kind of meat. But, he wasn’t quite sure he wanted to tell her that.
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Chapter 9 - Enhanced Connection
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blot-squisher · 9 months
I just remembered about bubba! Can we have a SFW alphabet with him please?💛
He's so sweet, I'm so glad I get to do one for him! Also, in STG Leatherface is kind of a combination of both the Sawyer and Hewitt versions from the different films.
SFW Alphabet Ask Meme for Surviving the Game Leatherface
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)  Thomas is a huge love bug. He loves hugging people and if you're smaller than him (most people are) he'll pick you up and carry you around just because he can.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) You were nice to him, and now he's your best friend. Get used to having a giant puppy following you around! Thomas is going to be curious about everything you do, and if you invite him to help he'll do his best with whatever it is.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) Sitting, standing, laying down. Doesn't matter. If he can cuddle you, he will. He's especially fond of playing with peoples hair.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) If settle down means living and working on the family farm for the rest of his life, then he's already kind of living the dream! It's a little different in the Realm, especially without the rest of his family around, but he's making due. At least the house is the same. Thomas's definition of 'clean' is a place for everything, and everything in its place. Everything. You... probably don't want him to cook though.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) He would eat them. Literally. Just cause it's over doesn't mean he doesn't want to keep you around. Your femur would make a nice lamp come to think of it.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) Thomas knows what marriage is and what's expected of married people. However, he's not quite ready for that kind of commitment.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) Thomas is incredibly aware of his strength but has trouble reining it most of the time. Just politely ask him to ease up and he will. Only malicious if he thinks his family or friends are in danger, Bubba is usually a lot more aware of peoples feelings than some of the others. Until it comes to food anyway. He's not a picky eater and just doesn't get why so many of the others get uncomfortable when he offers them food.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) He loves hugs, both giving and receiving. Take a deep breath if you can, because 90% of the time he puts his all into his hugs.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) Very fast, but he'll be showing you instead of telling you. Handmade gifts are his go to.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) Thomas doesn't really get jealous, but he does get extremely protective. If you start hanging out with someone he thinks doesn't have your best interests at heart, he's going to make it known. And if they do hurt you? He's going to make a mask out of their face....
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss their partner? Where do they like to be kissed?) Although he isn't one to kiss others, a kiss on the cheek or forehead will turn him into a giggling mess.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) Bubba loves kids. They're usually super easy to entertain and they don't scream at him or call him rude names.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) Up with the sun so you can feed the animals and start the daily chores before breakfast.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) Relaxed. Bubba isn't much of a night owl, so a good hearty dinner, a bath, then bed is always a safe bet.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) Thomas will gladly show you every picture he has of his family the first time you come over. He misses them and getting to introduce you through old picture albums is as close to meeting them as he knows he'll ever get.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) Believe it or not, Thomas isn't a particularly angry person. Of course, the smallest hint of a threat to his home, friends, or family will have him swinging his chainsaw in the blink of an eye.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about their partner? Do they remember every little detail they mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) He remembers everything! Keeping traditions and memories alive is important after all.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in their relationship?) Food is absolutely his love language, and the first time you actually ate what he cooked for you will always remain as one of his favorite moments.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect their partner? How would they like to be protected?) You get so much as a paper cut and he's coming in hammer at the ready. Careful not to watch any scary movies with him, because the first time you jump or scream, that hammer is going through the TV... You want to protect him? You're going to make him cry. He's so used to being the one doing the protecting, seeing you stand up for him in any way will earn you one of his patented back breaking hugs.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) For you, all the effort. Because you're worth it.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) Just... stay out of the basement and leave that question unanswered...
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) There's a reason he wears a mask but it isn't really a vanity thing. Thomas was bullied and made fun of by a lot of people growing up. Wearing a mask makes him feel safe.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without their partner?) He's already lost his entire family. Losing his partner would be a very heavy blow.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) Thomas can speak but has a very bad speech impediment. It may have been something he could have lessened to a degree if he'd been provided with proper speech therapy at a young age, but it never happened.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) Don't barge in, always knock first. (He has a bad habit of just barging in anyway, but he's also not worried about catching a hammer to the dome)
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?) Bubba can and will pass out anywhere and in less than a minute. He tends to wake up just as fast and no one's really sure how the hell he does it.
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celiastjamesoscar · 7 months
love i found out what happened with my poor ankle (i think)
so i slept at my friends last night and she told me that i split off from the group with two others while we were being chased by someone dressed as leatherface who chased us with a fucking chainsaw and i tripped over so they had to run back for me 😭
also i just woke up anyway to see a message from my mum congratulating me on some kind of new anniversary shes only just decided to celebrate after 3years of it happening of me coming out to her ?! when i was 15 i went to a party on bonfire night and kissed a girl for the first time, i went home that night and came out to my mum while drunk ugly crying and luckily she was supportive :)
im going to bonfire night today so hopefully no crying but lots of kissing girls 😼
You were being chased by a chainsaw?!?! I feel like we are being a bit too calm about that part, even if it is all fake 😭 I’m glad that they went back for you, or else I would be having a very stern talk with them! But being for real, I hope your ankle heals up nicely <3
your mom is actually the best, and it makes me so happy to hear that is so supportive of you <3 the fact that she even remembered the day and sent you an anniversary reminder is so sweet of her!! She sounds like she is an amazing woman
Have fun at the bonfire love! I hope you pull all kinds of women!! 🤍 I’m secretly jealous of you but it’s okay <3
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mara-xx217 · 2 years
Reader asks their killer BF to not cum inside them; which killers would listen and only do so if caught up in the moment and which ones would go out of their way to cum inside their partner to “show them who’s boss”?
Mmmm spicy...
Who would listen/Only do so in the heat of the moment:
Max Thompson Jr./ the Hillbilly- An actual accident. He gets so wrapped up in the moment he gets carried away! That's why he like you to be on top and control the situation...
Bubba Sawyer/ Leatherface- How can he help himself?! You're so pretty and perfect... of course he gets lost in the moment! Also likes for you to take control of sex...
Who would do it on purpose/ To put you in your place:
Pretty much everyone else...
Evan Macmillan/ the Trapper- He's the man, you're the woman. You don't get to tell him what to do when possible heirs are concerned.
Michael Myers/ the Shape- Uh... Michael doesn't care about what you want. He's the only one that really matters in his eyes, and if your still alive after encountering him, then you shouldn't have a audacity to ask anything of him. Ever.
Herman Carter/ the Doctor- It's cute you think you have a say. Really, it is! There's nothing more satisfying than saying he won't... only to do it anyways.
Danny Johnson/ Ghostface- He thrives on torturing others. You tell him not to do "X", then he's gonna do "X". And he's gonna film your reaction. Every. Single. Time.
Kazan Yamaoka/ the Oni- Another hellbent on siring another heir. He's somehow more methodical than Evan is, and if you aren't pregnant after the first time, it's going to be some miracle...
Who's on both sides of the spectrum:
Frank Morrison/ the Legion- Yeah, he doesn't want to be a father, but also: sex feel good. And he's a jealous prick. So expect some ""accidents"" to occur at some point...
Philip Ojomo/ the Wraith- Kinda of similar to Frank. A part of him does want to respect those boundaries, then another wants to dominate you and show you who you belong too. Don't talk to anyone else, or an "accident" is going to happen...
Pyramid Head/ the Executioner- Well…. He's male oppression actualized. If he's decided that you don't deserve punishment, then that does mean something. ...but yeah, he's gonna do what he does, so, uh... yeah...
@prettycutebunny, @tachankas-whore, @kennbb, @slutwithadegree, @dead-bxxxtch-walking, @space-arsonist, @pink-soft-shadow
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libraryofsouls · 4 years
jealousy meter - masked slasher edition
masked slashers jealousy hcs + how to quell their anger.
Asa Emory / The Collector
controls his temper really well but the vibes he gives off just screams murder.
if you’re being hit on, he’ll step in before ushering you behind him. sarcastically asks the stranger if they needed anything.
if they're persistent, asa will get more ....uncivil by the minute. he won’t start a fight though.
if they touch you - he’s going to be PISSED. now it’s personal. he’ll waste no time in prying their filthy little fingers off you.
again, he won’t start a fight but he’ll have any notable features memorized so he can deal with them later on.
rating: 8/10. won’t publicly fight anyone but this man holds grudges. touching you = stuffs them in a trunk for his own twisted amusement. might even show it off to you if he’s feeling particularly immoral.
solution: distract him. cling to his arm and take his attention away from the poor idiot who tried flirting with you. not usually a fan of pda but he’ll have an arm around you for protection. no amount of sweet-talking will stop him from abducting the creep later on though.
Brahms Heelshire
unsurprisingly gets jealous of the only other person you get to talk to.
who takes this long to drop off some groceries? why can’t he take a bloody cheque and just fuck off already?
somehow, in some way, he’s going to figure out how to get that fool out of the house without being seen.
was he... hitting on you? gasp! THE NERVE-- starts breaking objects in other rooms. scatters rat corpses all over the man’s car.
brahms will either be grabby hands at you as soon as you’re alone or just stubbornly keep you in his arms until you make him feel better.
rating: 10/10. hates it whenever the grocery boy drops by, especially when he’s blatantly checking you out. especially if he’s still breathing. AWFUL tantrums during and afterwards.
solution: praise him while showering him with affection. hold him tight and tell him how much you love him. kisses make his anger melt away fast. let him glue himself onto you until the next week or he’ll get upset.
Bubba Sawyer / Leatherface
thinks he’s not exactly ideal boyfriend material and he knows how much you prefer not being a cannibal.
big boy sad. initially gets mad when he sees someone flirt with you, but he’s plagued with insecurities. maybe you wanted someone normal and nice-looking. maybe you’re sick of living with the sawyers.
snaps out of it if he sees you uncomfortable. bubba is quick on his feet! don’t worry he’ll save you!!! literally saws the man in half.
creeper? dead. meat? acquired. yee? haw. he’ll quickly check to see if you’re okay. doesn’t quite understand if you freak out on him.
chainsaw go brrr. bubby doesn’t hold grudges and he’s not mad at you or ...whoever this guy was! he’s a simple man: he sees a problem, he saws it in half.
rating: 5/10. not above keeping you in a room to avoid unwanted attention. just gets sad and insecure a lot. tries to “save” you from everyone.
solution: just as easily swayed. please keep reassuring him otherwise he’s just going to keep tearing himself down. usually just reminding him how much you love him will work but why not give him some extra cuddles while you’re at it?
Jesse Cromeans / Chromeskull
very possessive. confident in himself and your relationship but gets an ego boost every time he successfully adds to his body count.
he sees a threat, he eliminates it. simple as that. jesse has more patience than the rest but his violent tendencies tend to get the better of him.
very observant so he’s most likely already blocking you from a creep. uses his towering figure to lowkey cover you. what is he doing, you ask? oh nothing, dear. pets you.
if they still stupidly pursue, he’ll be an asshole about it. “exit’s that way, pal.”
if a stranger tries to reach out for you - it’s game over. let’s just say he might not care if his partner has a weak stomach.
rating: 10/10. bathes in the blood of your fallen admirers. if he feels especially sinister he’ll let them live to pour salt on their wounds. snogs you in front of them after he’s broken both their legs.
solution: literally nothing. jesse’s just the type to kill people for fun. trying to reassure him would just feed into his ego.
Jason Voorhees
believes that his protection is the only thing he can offer you so if he happens to fail at that, he’s going to blame himself for the longest time.
if you’re within the stranger’s reach, alarm bells are rapidly going off in his mind. too close. they might hurt you. silently hopes you run away.
they might not even be able to get a word out honestly? being tackled by jason voorhees probably feels like being hit by a train.
if he’s somehow preoccupied with other trespassers and found you a bit late, he’ll see red as soon as he discovers a horny trespasser had been harassing his beloved!
full speed ahead! all aboard the jason train!
avoids killing in front of you if possible. at the best of his days he’s still questioning why you even stay with him. you’re not afraid of him now but you might change your mind if you see him off someone with his bare hands. it’s a risk he’s not willing to take.
rating: 7/10. similar to bubba, he often tries to “save” you from everyone. he’s also got a lot of insecurities himself so he might keep you in his cabin as an absolute last resort.
solution: heavy dose of TLC. jason’s indifferent towards verbal affirmations - he’s seen people lie all the time. the best way to reassure him is through actions: holding him, mending his clothes, helping around the camp, etc. it’s the little things that have the biggest impact on him.
Michael Myers
the most possessive out of the bunch. stalks you all the time because he’s mike myers and that’s what he does.
hates people and tolerates you at best. people around you though? ick. talking to you and smiling at you? disgusting. doesn’t even smile at you himself, but it’s not like you expect him to. and that’s why you’re his tolerable little thing.
flirting with you? VILE. he’s already made his way inside the premises. mikey is going to back this person into a corner and take his sweet time.
also stalks anyone you meet regularly. don’t be surprised if they rant to you about the harmless but unsettling encounters with a “masked man.”
you are not free from michael’s wrath. he’s going to mark you up in any way he can. if he’s feeling especially territorial he might even show up maskless at your workplace to “pick you up.” (cue him rawing you in the nearest restroom.)
rating: 100/10. AWFUL. he’s gone off the charts, folks! all you need now is a leash and a collar and you’re all set. luckily this hasn’t crossed his mind yet.
solution: bold of you to assume he’s doing this for you. you better believe mikey’s just doing this for his own satisfaction. this man is simply a asshole and nothing can stop him.
Thomas Hewitt / Leatherface
middle man tommy is both insecure and possessive, but he does genuinely care about you. unlike bastard hands mcmike.
very similar to bubba. he’s haunted by his insecurities and believes well in the fact that others can offer a lot more for you than he can.
he won’t jump in with the saw right away, but he’ll immediately come to your side. just kinda stands there and looks as menacing as possible, just silently daring them to try something.
he’ll make sure to put himself between you and the stranger. if they persist then he’ll get to the wrangling. won’t kill them if hoyt isn’t around but won’t let them go unscathed either.
lowkey gets clingy after the ordeal. you need to be in his sights now at all times. won’t keep you around the gore but he’s always within earshot.
rating: 9/10. more likely to keep you in a confined space for safekeeping. you’re too good for this world and tommy’s not about to let anybody hurt you.
solution: very similar to jason, he needs a HEFTY amount of TLC. more actions instead of words. would probably get emotional if you whisper sweet nothings to him though.
Vincent Sinclair
very insecure and would bend over backwards for you. doesn’t get possessive but worries you’ll get tired of him.
he’s also going to convince himself that you’re much better off with a “better-looking” boyfriend that can give you a normal life.
if a victim starts flirting with you, he's already close by, listening intently. wax man sneaky. he’ll knock them out mid-conversation and pull them away from you. saves them for last so they can watch all their companions get waxed.
if they touch you though, he’ll jump in and disembowel them in two seconds flat.
either way - he’s not going to turn them into wax figures. please don’t ask him why. he’s too ashamed to admit his jealousy.
rating: 6/10. stews in his own insecurities and sulks a lot. only time he’ll get angry is if someone touches you inappropriately - then he’ll get extremely violent.
solution: keep him company. seriously, you don’t even need any sort of activity. just do your own thing in the basement while he works on his art and he’ll be more at ease. (but he also enjoys random kisses throughout the day too, he’s just too shy to ask.)
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mlmreaderfics · 3 years
Ahhh ill ask now about a few characters then so I dont make a fool out of myself in the proper request-
Bubba Sawyer (Or Thomas Hewitt, whichever Leatherface you might be familiar with), Sinclair brothers (mostly Vincent and Lester), and RZ Michael Myers are the ones I was mostly wondering about!
Slashers X Male Reader
Leatherface (Bubba Sawyer)
You weren’t planning on staying in Texas for long, just a quick stop to fuel up for the road ahead, but against all odds, you met the love of your life.
You were lying in bed together now, his mother permitted it when she saw how happy he was when you were with him. He was always giggling and flapping his hands. He had his big, soft arms around you, you nuzzling into his broad chest and belly. The healthy layer of fat that covered his body always made you incredibly comfy. Holding your cheek in his meaty, yet gentle palm, he kissed you slowly, breathlessly.
You could sleep in for a bit longer.
Leatherface (Thomas Hewitt)
He was gentle, shockingly so. After meeting you he was incredibly protective of you, and the family didn’t even know of your existence until a few weeks, when he slipped up and brought you past his mother. She was shocked at first, but let you stay with him when he begged her to.
You were preparing dinner when he came in from behind you, his heavy footfalls making sure you weren’t startled when he wrapped his arms around your waist, leaning into the back of your head. You greeted him hello and he kissed your hair, his stubble scratching the back of your neck.
If he was going to be here, he might as well help.
Vincent Sinclair
It was a simple pose, one you could hold for quite a while. It made it easier for him to truly capture your likeness. He was stroking wax-you’s cheek, and you crossed your arms.
He looked up at you sharply and put away his tools. He looked scared, scared that you were jealous of the sculpture. You simply laughed and walked over to him, taking his hand and guiding it to your real, living, warm cheek. He stroked it even softer than before, and you pressed a quick kiss into his palm.
Lester Sinclair
You sat in his lap as you were watching a movie, his head resting on your shoulder. He wrapped his arms around you and squeezed whenever something scary would pop up. You would just giggle.
Then, a big jumpscare happened and you shrieked, hiding in the crook of his neck. He stroked your hair, and turned off the TV for now.
RZ! Michael Myers
You woke up in the middle of the night, thinking he had broken in again. He didn’t actually need to, you gave him a key, but the late-night rustling was unmistakable and honestly, getting kinda old. Also, wasn’t he supposed to be done with the dirty work after Halloween? What was he doing still up? You walked over to the kitchen, flicking on the light.
He quickly turned around to face you, his long blonde hair covering his eyes but the expression still unmistakable. He was digging through last night’s trick-or-treater candy, throwing out all the peanut ones. He quickly swallowed, and you smirked, getting closer to him. You leaned in quickly and licked a spot of chocolate off his lips.
Thanks for the request!
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sourtartsoul · 5 years
Thomas Hewitt SFW/NSFW Relationship Headcannons
Here’s some lovin’ for my favorite Leatherface 
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+Thomas is a big man and he damn well knows it. Hulking out at 6’5 and over 260lbs he’s careful around you. BUT! That doesn’t mean that he doesn’t like to be playful with you. If there’s any playful roughhousing he’s genuinely super careful when pinning you down or when he’s got you in a bear hug from behind or If he’s throwing you over his shoulder. You’ll know when he’s done roughhousing because he’ll nuzzle into the crook of your neck and loosen his grip
+Wears his leather strap over his face more than his human face masks when he’s around you as he knows that you want to see more of his face. Thomas also has more of a sense of himself since you’ve come along. Wearing the masks are now more for when he’s hunting and killing victims. He’s still too embarrassed to be without any mask in front of you unless the lights are off. Getting him to take off the mask in front of you will take a very long time as he is afraid that you’ll leave him if you see how much the disease has eaten away at his face
+Needs constant reassurance that he’s the only man you love and will ever love
+Quid pro quo. Thomas, an eager pleaser, will return any favor you give him. With his big, strong hands he gives the best return back massages
+Melts into you when you play with his hair or touch his neck. Also, loves it when you feel up and down his arms. He knows he’s got some muscle and it makes him feel like a man having you appreciate his strength
+Being jealous is an understatement. If any drifters come on the property or while you’re at work at the family store and flirt with you, rest assured that his fist is wrapped tightly around a sledgehammer from the next room. He stands there calculating when the best time to strike is. If the man, or men, dare touch you though…. Thomas sees red and is on them before you realize what’s going on. No one flirts with you, let alone touches you and lives more than another minute. He makes sure that you know that if another man does catch your eye that he would kill them before you would ever dare leave him.  No woman close to his age has ever made him feel so important or loved. He won’t ever let you leave
+You get first pickings on the victims’ belongings. A shiny gemmed ring from one victim catches his eye and he uses a tiny box that he had found from another victim and sets it up. If it doesn’t fit, he’d kill a hundred people just to find your size. Accepting his proposal is your only choice anyways
+Thomas won’t leave his family, but does compromise on living in an RV or trailer on his family’s property with you
+Whether or not you participate in the killing of victims Thomas doesn’t care. He enjoys releasing some pent-up anger now and then and it’s what the family taught him to do. He will seek out your approval afterward
+Sometimes Initiates intimacy after he’s made a kill as his adrenaline is high and he becomes aroused. This is when the love making can be animalistic and rough
+Otherwise he prefers more tender intimacy. With you on top most of the time as he’s afraid to crush you if he’s on top, not that he’s not strong enough to hold himself up (except after he loses his right arm). He just overthinks it. He enjoys seeing all of you on top, touching at your breasts. His favorite sex position is face-off as he can embrace you in a hug and kiss or nip at your neck while you’re still on top ensuring your own pleasure first
+Gets off easily on your breathy quiet moans in his ear, after observing your O-face or if you whisper in his ear that you want him to cum deep inside of you
+Sex toys won’t be needed. Thomas has the stamina of a rabbit and if he stops getting hard, he’ll use his fingers to pleasure you. Sometimes just feeling that you’re still wet for him will jumpstart his erection
+Loves tasting you either on his fingers or with his tongue. Not gonna lie, Thomas has a long tongue and after brief practice knows how to use it
+Is not a pull-out method type of guy and does not like the hassle of condoms, but will wear them if you make him. He does expect you’ll want to have his kids at some point
+Enjoys cuddling after sex. In fact, it’s a necessity. This can be with you on your back and his head on your chest or vice versa or with him being the big spoon, but he will not ever be able to be the little spoon. That’s one thing he won’t be… besides he’s too damn big to wrap yourself around him
+After sex when cuddling he loves touching your stomach, gently rubbing it imagining it bigger and full with a child. Yeah, we all know that he has a breeding kink
+Get ready for some major family pressure because Luda May will be asking every. Damn. Day. If you’re pregnant yet, once she finds out about your engagement. Even Monty and Hoyt will question it with some suggestive eyebrow raises. Hoyt will go on to ask Thomas if he needs any special magazines to show him which positions are the best for conceiving. In reality everyone knows that the magazines are just porn magazines. Jedidiah won’t question you two because he’s the “baby” of the family and enjoys any motherly attention that you give him
Maybe Michael Myers will be next?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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tawneybel · 4 years
Earlier this week I was supposed to have a horror movie marathon with a friend and tonight I was supposed to go out. And, also thanks to the coronavirus, I’m not sure if I’m going into work for the next week or so. My hands are getting dry from all the washing. Also, I may have to break Lent now, ugh. 
Good things:
Even though one of my friends is home from college because her school closed, we’ll probably get to hang out soon. 
Lady Gaga released Stupid Love. Sometimes all a music video needs is a bunch of people in rad outfits dancing. I want her pink spiky belt. Chromatica comes out next month. 
The Birthday Massacre’s Diamonds comes out this month. Two new albums from my favorite musical artists, yesh. Sadly they’ve had to postpone their American tour, though. 
Yesterday I was down to clown and watched Joker and the first half of It: Chapter Two. The first one was fantastic and tied everything so neatly into Batman. Good job, DC. I already have Birds of Prey on hold at the library. Need more clown fuel. Tonight I’m going to finish It and read The World of It.
After reading the first three volumes of My Hero Academia, I have a crush on the handy guy in need of moisturizer. 
Oracea seems to be working. I’m on my period but I haven’t really broken out. 
Okay, movies I want to talk about!
I watch way too many horror movies to get easily scared by most of them. But Orphan was actually terrifying. Esther is a grade-A abuser, which made her a great villain. She did have a good point about euthanizing the bird, though. Her glow-in-the-dark paintings were cool, too. Nightmare Fuel Coloring Book is a great horror trope. 
Kate actually had a good way of telling Max about the stillbirth. One thing I didn’t like was how nobody thought to use a breathalyzer. 
The Blob 1988
The theater scene seemed like it should have had a seizure warning. 
I was surprised that I preferred the 1958 original. (Still a better movie than Ghostbusters II, though.) But the remake is scarier ‘cause the Blob doesn’t just absorb. It visibly digests. I watched this while it was raining. I assumed it wouldn’t like being rained on, but the Blob can swim. 
The characters could have made jewelry from the frozen Blob pieces and given it to people they don’t like. 
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
I’d been wanting to see this for a while. I already know a little about the production history, so I felt bad when Sally was screaming at the dinner table. Leatherface appears thirty-five minutes in. The grandfather was the creepiest character. I like how Bubba looked after him and pat him gently. And tried to help him brain Sally. 
Hm, not really sure what to say about this movie. I’m not the only one who seemed to think this seemed anti-meat industry. XD
Velvet Buzzsaw 
Modern art galleries… so much pretentiousness… Better art online. 
Since Spider-Man: Homecoming I’ve been into Jake Gyllenhaal. I wish Mr. Gyllenhaal would lounge around nud3 in my living room. :( That scene where he goes to see Josephina and learns she hooked up with Damrish was amazing. 
I didn’t recognize Natalia Dyer with glasses.
So much for top Naz/i assasin, eh Karl? He would have been so cool if he wasn’t a Naz/i. Disfigurements, mask, armor… DARN IT. 
Uh… I didn’t really write a lot of notes for this. I like how jealous Hellboy was of John. Some good one liners, like the protagonist’s “prudishness.”
Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark 2010
This movie reminded me that I prefer smooth peanut butter. Crunchy makes me feel like I’m eating baby teeth. 
In that atmosphere, if a voice told me to reach down, I simply would not do it. Even if it sounded like it belonged to a really sexy man. Uh… I’m just going to make a bulleted list. 
Teddy bear was nice. 
Sally’s mom taught her to hate gluten, but not stranger danger?
Malevolent fairies! :D 
When I first saw the trailer I was afraid of the dude under the covers. Now that I’m a grown woman, I would give him a disciplinary hug. 
I want that mural. 
Kim gets corrupted off-screen, for anyone who’s into that. 
They made a book. And I also want to watch the original movie. 
Suspiria was great and I really liked this a lot, too. Sometimes the plot doesn’t have to be the point of a movie. The lighting! More movies should strive to be this atmospheric. Needs me some more giallo. I’m just going to do another bulleted list. 
I like how Rose doesn’t bother taking her clothes off before submerging herself.
It’s nice to know beauty queens aren’t entirely unblemished.
Poor Carlo. He just kept a scared lady company without flirting.
Them still cat eyes.
Elise is a coward but at least she admits it. 
I wish I had a clowder of attack kittens.
My least favorite character ended up being Kazanian. Too bad the cats couldn’t be saved but at least rats can feast on his corpse.
*queue operatic rock when Mark follows the kitty*
Well, I was expecting Varelli to be the waterlogged corpse at the beginning.
I would probably try to suckle and spit out injected poison too, Mark.
Song of the Day: “Brave New Love” by Alien, from The Blob soundtrack.
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{Headcanon} Butcher Boys
I~ love Leatherface. I doubt that’s a surprise to anyone at this point, but what may be a surprise is--well actually I don’t have a good segue from that point to the point that I want to write about him, today. I’ve been obsessing over him again, so I wanted to talk about him because he doesn’t get talked about enough.
Anyone could likely guess that’s why I started paying attention to him in the first place. Boy stirs up my Mama Bear like nobody’s business for lots of reasons.
Now, I should mention I sort of split things up a bit differently than what is considered “canon” in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre universe--there’s actually two Leatherfaces: Bubba Sawyer, and Thomas Hewitt. In my head, when it’s just me and my embarrassing thoughts, I merge the two together because it’s easier, but in terms of roaming about the Haus, Bubba and Thomas are both here. Why, you ask?
Because twice is nice, and two adorable Leatherfaces are better than one, why are you asking me stupid questions.
I’m planning on doing dual headcanons so I can talk about the difference and similarity between the two boys, and really just allow me to gush about them because I need to. I’m going to be writing them with the ‘you’ perspective being a random member of the Haus wanting to read more about Leatherface; I’m not sure how Moni feels about the boys (they absolutely adore her already, but I told them they have to wait until I get the all-clear) so I won’t throw her onto their laps...
L E A T H E R F A C E The Texas Butcher
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First things first, we need to talk about the physical differences between Bubba Sawyer and Thomas Hewitt, because it’s one of the easiest ways to tell them apart, and that way you’ll know who I’m talking about when I refer to them by name for the rest of the headcanons.
And just, you know, because staring at them is nice. ♥
Bubba Sawyer
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Bubba’s a big boi
He’s doughier than Thomas is
Round belly and thick thighs, this Texas Cinnamon Roll is A+ for cuddles
Bubba runs hot (boy’s practically a furnace 24/7) but doesn’t seem to notice the heat
0/10 affected by the cold
Don’t let the squishy boy fool you, though; he hauls meat for a living and he does heft a full-sized chainsaw around every single day
There’s fat, but it’s just insulating muscle
Bubba’s got biceps to make any man jealous, and those thighs may jiggle when he walks but they’re tree trunks that have to support his towering frame on top of the bodies meat he hauls day in and day out
If you’re worried about Bubba’s physique being a hindrance, don’t
Bubba’s hair is shorter than Thomas’s, but that’s mostly because it’s curly
Thick, bouncy, unruly dark brown curls that he doesn’t do a thing with
Seriously, someone needs to wash this boy’s hair, I promise it’s worth it; he’ll giggle and try to sit still, but he’ll bounce a little, excited just because you’re paying him attention
Bubba wears a full face mask, always made of someone else’s face/skin, held together by thick leather twine that he ties at the back fo his head
Thomas Hewitt
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Thomas is another Biggun
Thomas appears taller than Bubba, but that’s because Bubba is wider
Thomas would argue he has more muscle than Bubba, but there’s really no way of telling; this argument is touted mostly just because Thomas’s muscle is easier to see
Another round belly boi, though Thomas’s chest is broader and his gut is smaller than Bubba’s
Arms, arms, arms
Thomas’s forearms are the stuff wet dreams are made of; thick and veiny, because he’s another butcher who spends his days hauling meat and victims back and forth
Legs like tree trunks, a back broad enough to sleep on, and since Thomas is heavier-handed than Bubba is, his fists really carry the appearance of sledgehammers
Thomas has the power and desire to back that up
Thomas’s hair is longer than Bubba’s and it’s straight--except during humid weather, when it gets a little wavy
His hair is black, not dark brown, but just as thick as Bubba’s
Like Bubba, Thomas doesn’t give two shits about his hair and you’ll need to wash it for him if you want it done
And he does want you to do it, because that means you’ll be close to him
Thomas wears a partial face mask, that has to always at least cover his deformed nose, jaw, and chin. Unlike Bubba, Thomas will wear regular leather, and since it isn’t a full face mask, it doesn’t have facial features, simply an open slit for his mouth
What makes them both Leatherface:
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Both Thomas and Bubba suffer from facial scarring and disfigurement due to a degenerative disease and self-mutilation
Bubba’s scarring is more pronounced, as his disease is more aggressive and he’s more prone to self-mutilation than Thomas
This is due to two reasons; one, Bubba is an abuse victim with horrific self-esteem issues, and two, he’s a masochist who enjoys the sensation of pain
Both men suffer from heavy disfigurement in their noses, which leaves their noses all but gone--
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Bubba is easily the shier of the two when it comes to his face; he wears a full face mask vs Thomas’s half-mask, and he will not be seen without it if he’s not around someone he loves and trusts
Thomas also wears his mask faithfully around the Family, but he seems to exude a different aura than Bubba so one might assume he isn’t as shy--don’t let the Big Guy fool you. If you’re not one of the two people he loves and trusts, any attempts to take his mask off will result in aggression
Growling, squaring his broad shoulders, and glaring as he pushes your hand away from his masked face
Bubba will just blubber and whine, and duck his head out of your grasp until you stop
Any attempts to remove either of their masks from anyone outside of the Family will get the motorized end of the saw
Bubba is the teddy bear of the two; he’s squishy, cuddly, and eager to please. Because he’s been abused the majority of his life that’s led to a Pleasing Complex, where he is constantly, desperately searching for acceptance and to know he’s done a good job
Thomas comes from a family that was more supportive and he doesn’t have Bubba’s pleasing complex as a result, but that doesn’t diminish Thomas’s need to provide for the Family and ensure he’s doing his part
Thomas is more the quiet protector or enforcer out of the two; he observes, he’s defensive and overprotective of what’s his, and he is dangerously unforgiving
Loyalty and Family are both incredibly important to both men, and neither one will hesitate when it comes to killing to protect or defend anyone who calls the Haus home
Because of the abuse in Bubba’s past, he is quick to over-correct bad behavior and will overcompensate to correct even the slightest mistake
Both Thomas and Bubba share an incredibly strong work ethic, which has been ingrained in them by their original families for years and years
Both men are mute as a result of their degenerative disease
This has led to incorrect assumptions that either or both men are slow or retarded; there’s been no proof of this.
Bubba cannot read as his family never tried to teach him (as they themselves treated him as though he was retarded) and Thomas never put much stock into school (he didn’t/couldn’t attend due to his disfigurement) but he is able to read simple words and sentences
Bubba can recognize his own name when it’s printed
Thomas knows ASL but most aren’t aware as he doesn’t usually sign back--this is by choice, by the way, not because he can’t
Despite not being able to speak, Bubba is a noisy boi
Giggles, sighs, inquisitive noises, moans--Bubba likes to express himself and will do so in any way he can
Thomas is the quieter of the two, as Bubba prefers to babble like a toddler, expressive even though he can’t actually speak
Some mistakenly believe Thomas can’t make noise but that isn’t true. His noises are deeper than Bubba’s, and he prefers grunts and groans to giggles and soft sighs
Bubba is not afraid of expressing emotion
Thomas is more reserved about the showing of emotion, but if he is shown emotion he will reciprocate immediately
Bubba answers to any variation of his name, but sadly he will also respond to any negative names people call him due to his family taking to call him “Retard” when he was growing up
Do not call Thomas anything negative if you like your head where it is
In fact, just call Thomas by his name; no nicknames outside of Tommy, just to be safe
Both men answer to Leatherface
Quirks / Traits
Both Thomas and Bubba prefer chainsaws over any other weapon of choice and it’s become something of a security blanket for them both, as it’s a way for them to defend themselves and the Family
While he’s working, Bubba prefers hammers and butcher knives
Thomas prefers meat cleavers or his bare hands
Bubba is an excellent cook
Seriously, let this boy cook for you and you’ll have a belly to match his in no time; he’s been responsible for cooking for the Sawyers for years and it shows. He knows his way around any and all cuts of meat, and if you praise him a single time over his cooking he’ll be trying to feed you constantly
Thomas knows how to cook, but he prefers to prepare the meals and leave the actual cooking to Bubba or someone else. It’s not that he’s against cooking, it’s just he’d rather do the hacking and slashing. He likes his hands dirty
That is also where the boys differ
Bubba was raised to believe it’s Family against the world, and was taught to murder through abuse and thus was never actually taught it was wrong. Any attempts to tell Bubba that killing people is wrong will be met with confused puppy head tilts and blubbering to the contrary
It can’t be wrong if it’s for the Family!
As a result, Bubba is fiercely protective of the Family and the Famlly property, and he’s a saw first, ask questions never kind of guy
Be patient with him, he doesn’t know any better and he thinks that’s how it’s supposed to be
Thomas, on the other hand, knows better. He was raised to understand right from wrong and he knows that, on some level, killing and cannibalizing people is “wrong” in the eyes of the law
But the law is wrong
Thomas won’t care if you try to change his mind about that; he likes the way people taste and he doesn’t care about anyone who isn’t Family, so you may be wasting your time trying to convince him otherwise
Besides, Thomas is a butcher, and he slaughters farm animals all day. There’s no way that’s right but killing people is wrong. He’s a simple man but he’s not stupid
Bubba does not leave the Haus properties; he has a wide array of masks but all of them are made of human flesh and he can’t exactly leave the safety of the Haus properties wearing someone else’s face
Thomas will leave the Haus properties; he might get weird stares wearing his half-masks but he’s a hulking behemoth anyway, so he’d be stared at regardless
Bubba enjoys classical music, especially when he’s working
He knows he’s hideous (why do you think he hides behind someone else’s face?) but the music is so pretty it makes him think of pretty things, like flowers and sunshine, and for a little while he can forget his own face while he sits and listens
Thomas prefers bluegrass or rock
He needs something loud, and he likes that some of the songs he can relate to on a more emotional level. Music can help him express himself as he can’t speak, and he likes the way it feels
Bubba only likes cold drinks; sweet teas, sodas, milk!!!, and beer
Thomas is fine with anything; he will drink black coffee, and he prefers darker ales when he’s drinking beer
Both boys are absolutely touch-starved and crave affection, so there’s never a worry anything is considered “too clingy” for them
Bubba is unused to positive touch at all, so he’s going to be over the moon with the smallest gesture
A pat on the head? He’s cooing
A hug? Hope you don’t have anywhere to be as he’s not letting go
A kiss on the cheek? You’re not crying, he is
Bubba will openly seek out and ask for affection, and he’ll be clingy even when he shouldn’t be, as the boy isn’t afraid of being hit or pushed away
Unlike some abuse survivors, Bubba isn’t discouraged by anger or shows of aggression, so even if you try to push him away, he’ll shuffle to the side and then immediately try again
You’ll have to forgive him; he’s touch-starved and in desperate need of some TLC, preferably 24/7
Thomas doesn’t come from an abusive background (per se) but he also was never really given affection so he’s just as touch-starved as Bubba is
Thomas won’t seek out affection like Bubba, but he’ll make it clear that’s exactly what he wants
Oh, you were putting your hand there? Well, his just happened to be there before yours
Were you going this way? That’s nice, so was he, and you won’t mind if he walks close to you, right?
You’re going to bed? He’s already in bed waiting for you, you’re the little spoon, good night
Thomas is always the Big Spoon; that’s just his preference as he prefers to curl his body around yours, one arm beneath your head, his other arm curled completely around your middle, and he’ll sleep with his cheek against yours
Thomas sleeps between you and the door always, because he’s distrusting and overprotective, which makes for an overbearing combination so i hope you don’t mind being smothered and also never out of this man’s sight just in general
Thomas is a wall of muscle and he’s pretty intimidating up close, especially since he can’t speak...and he likes to stare at you until he falls asleep
You’re just...the prettiest thing he’s ever seen, and he’s a man who has known a lot of ugly in his life. You can’t blame him for wanting to appreciate beauty now that he finally has it
I hope you used the bathroom before you got in bed, because Thomas’s grip is like iron. You’re not getting up without him
Bubba will switch between the Big and little spoon; depending on how his day went or what mood he’s in when it’s time for bed
When he’s the Big spoon, he prefers to sleep with you facing him, but given Bubba’s a big boi he’s plenty tall enough to bury his face in your hair, his arm around your lower back and the other around the middle of your back, keeping you locked to him all night
Remember when I said Bubba’s a furnace? This boy generates heat
You really won’t need any covers with him, but he likes snuggling under them with you anyway
Please don’t try to leave him in the middle of the night; if he wakes up without you, he will panic, and he will be a blubbering mess by the time you come back to bed--it doesn’t matter if it’s just to go to the bathroom, wake him up to tell him because the fear of losing you terrifies him
If Bubba’s the little spoon, he still prefers to sleep facing you, so anytime he opens his eyes you’re the first thing he sees. He sleeps with his head buried in your chest, his arms cinched tight around your middle
Other sleep arrangements include--
Sleeping on Thomas’s chest
Bubba half-crushing you by insisting he sleeps on top of you (especially if you are prone to getting out of bed without telling him)
Being wedged between both bois, trapped with zero hope of moving until both of them are awake and ready to let you go for the day
You don’t need me to tell you, do you?
Everything is bigger in Texas
You don’t need to worry about any disappointments in the bedroom when it comes to the Sawyer boys, because the downstairs matches everything else
Girth, length--it’s all designed to leave you shaky, sore, and pregnant
Bubba’s cock has more girth, but Thomas has him beat in length
Bubba will stretch your walls to the point of discomfort and he won’t know any better, because he’ll be too busy burying his face in your neck to stifle the needy, wanton cries he’s making because you’re so tight
Thomas will knock your bottom out and he’ll take your scream to mean it’s good, he’s good, keep going--and he will, because he can’t stop now that he’s finally, fully inside you
Bubba, despite being raised on a farm, has very limited sexual experience. He’d seen his uncle’s magazines that had been stashed under the bed when he was living back home, but he didn’t understand what he was looking at
But what Bubba lacks in experience, he more than makes up for in eagerness
This boy is a pleaser in every sense of the word, and you’re going to have a fight on your hands if you’re wanting to please him for once, because he can’t keep his hands, his lips, his body off of yours long enough to understand there’s things you can do to him
Thomas has a little more experience than Bubba; he was also raised on a farm, but he paid more attention to the animals and he knows what breeding looks like
And trust and believe, Thomas will breed you
You’ll barely be able to get ahold of the edge of the mattress to steady yourself on your hands and knees before Thomas is drilling you into it, perhaps misunderstanding that the deeper he is, the more likely you are to be pregnant
You’ll have to forgive him, he’s just so needy...
Bubba is a S/switch, but he’s predominantly a submissive
Bubba’s kinks include praise, humiliation (abuse has unfortunately warped his masochistic tendencies into thinking this is love), S&M, littlespace (Bubba is both a little and a Daddy, depending on the situation/day) edging/orgasm denial, incest (Bubba comes from a close Family), forced feeding (you’ll be on the receiving end of this, every time), lactation, roleplaying (he’s got a wildly overactive imagination, so he’s extremely good at this), marking, necrophilia, and cannibalism
Bubba will pretend that he doesn’t like when you fight him, but he’s spent his whole life chasing down victims; he gets a thrill from the chase and the capture, so if you run from him, he will chase you down
If you don’t expressly tell him not to, he will chase you down with his chainsaw
But don’t worry, he won’t hurt you with it! He’ll just make you sit right on top of it’s vibrating handle until you’re a shaking, sticky mess, terrified of the spinning blade and trusting the iron grip around your middle not to let you slip and be split right in half
After-care is hugely important for Bubba even after normal sex, especially if he had his mask off during
Kisses, cuddles, letting him hold you as tightly or as closely as he wants, taking baths together, eating together--it doesn’t matter what you do, just be there with the Big Guy and he’ll be happy
He just needs you
Thomas is a Dom. Full-stop, he does not submit and he will expect you to, eventually
Thomas’s kinks include DD/lg (Thomas is a strict but caring Daddy Dom), edging/orgasm denial, S&M (Thomas is both a sadist and a masochist), forced feeding (again, this one is entirely you), breeding/forced impregnation, rape, necrophilia, marking, cannibalism, pet play (Thomas has a thing for collars and leashes) and bondage
Bubba doesn’t exactly like you in his workspace (it’s dangerous! What if you get hurt?!) but Thomas likes you down there--but on his terms. You’ll either be strung up on a meat hook (hung by a rope, not impaled--unless you tell him you want to be) with your feet barely touching the ground, so he can touch/fuck you as he likes while he works, or you’ll be lying in a pet bed beside his workbench so he can drop onto his haunches and feed you scraps through the day
Like Bubba, Thomas enjoys chasing you down, and even if you tell him not to...he may still chase you with his chainsaw. He’s pretty attached to the fucking thing, and he likes how wet you get when you’re scared
Thomas loves when you fight him, so go right ahead
Thomas takes aftercare seriously, and please don’t forget that he’ll need some of that, too. Thomas is a Dom but he’s also a man with a broken soul, so he’s going to need you to stay close to him, to stroke his hair or let him brush yours, to take baths together or let him slowly come down by marking you as much as he wants. It makes him feel better, to know you’re his
No matter the situation, the boys will have rules for you, and they do expect you to follow them
Bubba’s rules include do not talk to strangers, no leaving the Haus property without telling him, do not eat without him, do not go to bed without him, do not get out of bed without him, and no going into his workspace without him
Thomas’s rules include no talking to strangers, no leaving the Haus without him, do not go to bed without him, do not get out of bed without him, do not leave his sight if you are not with the Family, do not cover up his marks
Punishments for rule-breaking generally means a spanking, and both boys have hands calloused and large enough to count as a paddle, so you’re really not missing out on anything since they don’t use toys
Bubba prefers to bend you over his lap, but Thomas will bend you over any surface or even force you against a wall
If you continue to break the rules, the punishments will escalate to orgasm denial, branding (yes, that kind of branding), being tied to the bed/restrained, forced orgasms, and even forced impregnation
The boys will never punish you in a way that separates you; neither of them could stand the separation
Bubba doesn’t actually like punishing you (well...maybe he does, a little) but Thomas is entirely fine if you want to challenge the both of them left and right. They’ve both got a heavy hand--
But you knew that, by now, didn’t you?
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clown-bait · 6 years
29 Neibolt ST (Monster Roommate AU) CH12
Ok so bear with me this chapter is the GOOFIEST. But you had been warned and you’re all still here. So prepare for dancing, Abba, new characters, fluffy Penny trying hard to do human dating, sad Babadooks, fantastic choreography, and general deadite fuckery.
Chapter 12
Date Night
The entire nightclub was packed with monsters for the occasion. It was a monster owned place ran by the Cenobites one of the few places they could all gather without interference from humans. Leatherface had yet to show up it was going to be a huge surprise for him to see half the monster population there just to say happy birthday to the lovable behemoth.
Pennywise had gone early and was busy setting up the balloons for the occasion since that was his speciality and because the girls (plus Drac) kicked him out of the Neibolt house while they got ready.
He was weary leaving them there with The Evil still floating around but he figured with at least Freddy and Drac there they'd be somewhat well armed. Leech wasn't completely defenseless either, she had come a great long way in her lessons. The young vampire was more than capable of hunting for herself now but she seemed to be putting it off due to her fear of dying and taking that important final step. The clown was still proud of her though, with his and Dracula’s help she’d be a force to be reckoned with someday.
Penny was lost in thought when he bumped into a large dark figure in a top hat. It turned and grinned widely at him.
“Oh! My apologies Baba! Wasn't looking!”
The Babadook reached out its hand almost tenderly to the clowns injured eye.
“ah yes that, uh incident with some um pipes.” he was embarrassed to reveal that he had let Deadites infest his house. If people found out that the clown had been slacking off he'd be a laughing stock. He was the untouchable Pennywise after all, the apex predator of this realm and feared by all! Pennywise nervously chatted with the Babadook about his wound trying everything he could to hide the fact that a lesser demon was able to get the best of him. He was also pretty sure the grief monster had a giant crush on him as well, seeing how he kept reaching out to look at the clowns injury with great concern. It was not a great situation for Penny to be in all around.
Just as Pennywise was in serious need of rescue the nightclubs front door opened and the girls (plus Drac) began to walk in. Tiff turned around to tell Leech some last minute thing and Drac adjusted her jacket. They stepped away dramatically in some sort of big reveal much to Leech’s embarrassment. The clown had smelled her sweet scent almost instantly and turned around from the Babadook a big goofy grin lighting his face when he realized his favorite vampire was here. And boy she was perfect. He pushed the Babadook aside with a quick “excuse me” leaving the tall grief monster slightly sad looking when he saw Pennywise smile at the vampire.
He crossed the room making a beeline for her and Leech attempted to meet him wobbling on her heels like a newborn baby deer. She failed spectacularly nearly falling down the steps. Pennywise had brought his hand out to steady her and she gripped the fabric of his costume for support.
“Careful there firecracker” he chuckled “wouldn't want to ruin that dress.” he plucked the tag off the back of it and Leech grew red in embarrassment. Penny chuckled somewhat relieved she was just as nervous as he was “Is it new?”
“You said wear something nice.”
“I like it” the clown whispered so only she could hear causing the vampire to blush. He rarely complimented her like this and she had to admit it was nice.
“Thanks Pen~” she pulled him down and kissed his nose causing the clown to scrunch his face but he still smiled in annoyance. The two stood there awkwardly for a minute until an ear piece in Penny’s ear buzzed to life.
“Oh!… right!” he held out his elbow which Leech took with a questioning smile. They were still standing there the clown unsure what to do next.
“Um are you going to eat it? Or should I take it back?”
“My arm.”
“Why would I eat your arm Pen?”
“Chucky told me to give you my arm, its no big deal I can grow it back”
Leech snorted and laughed hard. “You’ve never done this before have you?”
“I- um no”
“You offer your arm to me so I can hold onto you Pen. In Drac’s time the men would lead the women to the party but now its more just a sign of affection or respect…” she smiled mischievously at him “……and to let all these bitches know you're all mine” the clown felt a twinge of excitement from that. Chucky whispered something in the radio from around the corner where he was posted up for the night with Dracula. They were both on a mission to make sure the clown and his lady love had a successful first date. Pennywise took the advice and grinned at his date.
“Why would they be staring at me my dear with you looking like that” the clown cooed using the dolls line.
“Pfft you should change your name to Pennywise the smooth talking clown. You big flirt” she punched him in the arm.
Pennywise gave her a big bucktoothed grin. “Shall we kitten?” he purred as he began to walk with her to a table. Unfortunately for Penny, all the ones with regular chairs were full so he improvised leading her to a couple of couches. The clown stopped for a second, processed something, then pulled the entire couch back and gestured to his date to sit. Leech was trying her hardest not to break into laughter. He was trying his best after all.
She decided to humor him and sit down “thanks” she smiled, the clown beamed “nailed it” he whispered. Chucky and Drac peered out from behind the corner groaning. “He doesn't have a clue” the doll smacked his own face
“This is a nightmare” the vampire despaired.
Pennywise sat down next to Leech looking at her awkwardly a drop of drool falling from his lips. He was completely unsure of what to do next. Desperate for help he looked over his shoulder mouthing the words “what do I do?”
“TALK TO HER YOU IDIOT” Chucky hissed from the headphone
“ok ok right……” he whispered
“Um soooo what’d you end up getting Leatherface?” the clown began almost nervously.
“You're not going to like it” came her reply.
“Why not…” Penny narrowed his eyes
“Weeeeell, we kinda got him a drum set. I know, I know loud noises, BUT you saw how much fun he was having playing that game he's going to love it! A little creativity for the big guy will be good for him”
“And just how did you afford that? I know you don't have much you've been late on rent for 2 months now”
“Good thing I'm banging the landlord right!?” She elbowed him hard with a theatrical smile.
“I knew it! You've been using me for free rent” Pennywise teased in mock offense.
“Free rent and my apparently extreme coulrophilia” Leech placed her hand on his leg to lean up and kiss/nip his jaw. Before Pennywise could comment his ear buzzed again this time Freddy had stolen the radio and was giving terrible advice.
“Tell her you have a balloon animal in your pants and you want her to help you blow it up!!!”
Pennywise turned to glare at them eyes flashing dangerous yellow until Leech grabbed his face turning it back to her.
“Why do you keep looking back there?”
“It-its nothing. Tell me how you were able to get the gift.”
She sighed. He REALLY wasn't going to like this.
“Ok first you have to promise you're not going to get jealous”
“Leeeech what did you do” he growled
“Promise me Penny.”
“We’ll see.”  
She took a deep breath  “Ok well you know how Drac has Renfield as his familiar right?”
“….go on”
“Weeell… I kinda picked up one of my own today, his name is Jim he's scrawny metalhead kid that works at the music shop”
“Hiiiisss name?” the clown sneered he was clearly getting jealous anyway.
“Look he's not like my close friend or anything he looks like barely out of high school. I told him I’d make him a vampire if he got me the drum set thats it.”
Pennywise growled. “ and why am I not your familiar? Shouldn't I be the one you're most familiar with? You're my mate after all.”
She rubbed her temples he clearly didn't get the definition of a familiar.
“So you want to be my servant? Because thats basically what this is.” Pennywise was still glaring at her. “Pen I know you're excited but save that talk for later when were alone and you can be my little slave all night” she gave the clown a wink and wicked grin in an attempt to deflect his anger with humor.
Somewhere in the building Pinhead’s eyes went wide.
“Don't get sassy with me dear” Pennywise warned. Leech rolled her eyes at him for how ridiculous he was being over this.
“Lighten up Pen its a party. You really have nothing to worry about anyway I don't even think regular humans can satisfy me anymore beyond being food.”
He growled putting his arm around her possessively “Good.” Leech leaned her head back against him. “We’ve got to work on your jealousy issues.”
“I don't have issues.”
“Sure Penny.”
“You're such a brat”
“Yeah but I'm your brat” she nuzzled against his ear earning her a semi-annoyed grumble. He hated when she did cute things like this to him in public.
Pennywise looked behind him to find the leader of the Cenobites approaching him.
“What is it Pinhead I'm busy right now”
“I hope you will take me up on my offer this year and join the after party this all hallow’s eve.”
“The answer is still no.”
“Do not deny yourself my gifts. I heard your pain….your…pleasure… your suffering is most welcome in my establishment.”
Pennywise groaned in embarrassment. “Great of all the people to know about that, it had to be this guy.”
“Oh shit an afterparty! We sh-” Leech began excitedly
“Not a good idea” the clown replied putting a gloved finger to her lips.  
“We shall be expecting you.” Pinhead sunk away.
“Why is it a bad idea?” Leech asked when Penny pulled his hand away.
“You can ask Freddy about it later, he still has the nipple piercing from the eleven minutes he was there” Pennywise said holding his head in his hands
The night continued on Leatherface was terrified at first when everyone in town jumped out to say surprise. Turns out monsters don't really know how to surprise in a friendly way.  He quickly grew excited when he saw that everyone was there to say happy birthday to him. Leech made sure to stop by and give the giant a huge hug before running outside to grab his gift.
Jim pulled up outside the night club nervously. He was a scrawny looking guy with shaggy hair, a denim battle jacket, and piercings. Typical music store metalhead.
“Jimbo!” Leech called out to him waving.
“Oh hey um….. master? Mistress? What do I call you?”
“Huh good question. Stick to master till I come up with something better. You got my drums?”
“I wrapped them like you said”
“Excellent, be a doll and bring them in for me will ya”
“When will I get to be a vampire?”
“Soon enough you gotta work for me a bit first Jimmy boy.”
Pennywise had suddenly appeared behind Leech and grabbed her waist causing her to yelp in surprise. Jim looked at the demonic clown in shock and fear screaming “WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT” Pennywise flashed him a fang filled grin.
“Oh right introductions, Jimbo this is Pennywise my uh-“
“I'm her mate.” he sneered gripping Leech tighter
“Was going to say eldritch horror boyfriend but that works too.”
“Wait you're dating this thing?”
“Thats right Jimboree, its actually our first official date! Isn't he just adorable?” she flicked one of Pennywise’s bells while he growled and drooled behind her.
“You got some weird kinks master.”
Leech frowned and Pennywise began giving off a low hiss.
“Just deliver the drum-set Jim-jam I’ll call you if I need anything else.”
“I dont like him” The clown sneered
“Wow um thanks man I'm standing right here” said Jim who was unloading the truck. He was still terrified of the snarling monster who was eyeing him in a way one would eye a cheeseburger before taking a bite.
“Pen you don't like most people,”
“I eat most people.”
“You eat Jim and I’ll stop making you red velvet cupcakes.”
The clown panicked a bit before grumbling something to himself “Fine. He can live”
“Go inside you big idiot and I’ll come dance with you. And I'm serious leave the human alone.”
The clown snarled one more warning at Jim and vanished. Leech sighed and adjusted her wig “If he gives you any trouble at all come find me, Pen’s got a bit of a possessiveness issue we’re working on. He seems to respond well to positive reinforcement though.”
“um o-ok….”
She left the terrified human to go back inside, deciding to grab a drink first before finding her date who was sulking in a corner Chucky and Tiff were chiding him for something and the clown was not having it.
“You're gonna blow it man!” Chucky hissed
“I am not I was just showing that Jim guy she's mine”
“Possessiveness isn't attractive sweetie” Tiffany added.
“You need to lighten up. I got an idea go take her to the dance floor and wait for my signal.” Chucky said looking up at the DJ booth.
“Ugh fine.”
He walked over to Leech who was casually chatting with Freddy and sipping a bloody marry he had two girls on his arm from the werewolf sorority a few neighborhoods over from Neibolt.
“Dance floor.” The clown growled  taking her hand.
“Can I finish my drink?”
“Later.” he pulled her away
“Whats his problem?” Freddy asked
Pennywise led Leech to the dance floor she began huffing and complaining wondering why Penny was in such a sour mood all of the sudden. “What the hell’s gotten into you Pen?” she asked. She knew he was prone to mood swings but his attitude was all over the place tonight.
“I-I’ll tell you later.”
“You fucking better you're acting really weird right now.”
“Just dance.”
Pennywise got the DJs attention and motioned for everyone to clear he moved Leech to the edge of the circle while smirking. He was clearly up to something.
He grinned as Get Lucky started to play. As soon as he started to move people cheered Pennywise the dancing clown definitely lived up to the name. Leech stood at the edge of the circle in awe. Without a doubt the clown was definitely getting lucky tonight. Part way thought he grabbed Leech and danced with her, this time she was actually able to keep up with him a bit. Her annoyance at him melted away into laughter. The two finally began having an amazing time.
His dance finished and the party swarmed him as he bowed. Say what you will about him but Pennywise was legendary on the dance floor. Leech shoved her way through the mob of people to pounce on him kissing him hard. “You, me. Nearest storm drain. Right fucking now.” was all she said before grabbing him Freddy gave the clown the thumbs up as she dragged him to the exit.  
The couple passed a table. There was a man sitting alone in the booth a book in front of him his face hidden by the darkness of the club. Leech’s primal instinct told her to get out of there as quickly as possible that this man was pure danger. She gripped her clowns hand tightly, flirty steps turned to panic and she led him away from the exit.
“Leech what the fuck was that” Pennywise grabbed her when she finally stopped in a less populated area of the club.
“You reek of fear you're practically drenched in it actually….it smells delicious by the way…. but thats not my point.”
“That guy at the table by the exit. Somethings-somethings not right.”
“What do you mean that guy Leech.”
“I- I felt something calling me to him, h-had to get out before…” she trailed off
“Am I allowed to be jealous now? Because the only person allowed to make you this terrified is me.” Pennywise growled in the direction of the table “Stay here. I’ll take care of it” he leaned down and kissed the top of her head wile deeply inhaling the scent of her fear before walking off. Jim came over to her now nervously.
“You're still here Jimbo?
“I-I cant seem to leave every time I do someone else grabs me. That guy with the nails in his head keeps asking me to go to a party with him I don't wanna go man I'm gettin’ bad vibes here. Baaaaad vibes”
“Jimmy, buddy just stick with me and Pen I got a feeling some shits about to go down anyway.”
As if on cue demonic screeching erupted from the direction of Pennywise as the man with the book vanished in a shadowy mist, only to reappear by the exit. He turned to wave at Leech before walking out the door clearly having just created some kind of distraction. The clown found himself walking to the dance floor somehow losing control of his current form. In fact the entire Neibolt residence plus the Freddy Drac Party Shack (as Freddy refers to it) were all making their way to the center of the dance floor.
“PEN PLEASE EXPLAIN WHAT JUST HAPPENED” Leech called out to him unable to control her own body
“S-something… the book…” was all the clown was able to say he was fighting what ever was manipulating them as was Freddy, the demons were having a way easier time with it than the others. The club all stood back as if possessed, creating a circle around the group on the floor.
“Does this have something to do with your friends from the bathroom Kruger” Chucky hissed
“Ok first off not friends, second probably.”
“How do we stop it?” Tiff asked.
“I got a guy but you aren't going to like it.”
Music began to play and they all began to dance.
“Is this fucking Abba?” Leech turned her head to the group.
“Oh dear they turned this into a…a..…a musical….” Drac said in horror.
They were in formation now singing together unable to control their mouths “YOU CAN DAAANCE YOU CAN JIVE HAVING THE TIME OF YOUR LIIVVEES”
Penny and Leech broke forward from the group to point at each other “OOOH SEE THAT GRIL WATCH THAT SCENE DIG IN THE DANCING QUEEN”
“what the fuck” they hissed at each other while grooving back. Penny’s face had begun to split open from the struggle.
Tiff and Leech then spun around and began to sing and dance “FRIDAY NIGHT AND THE LIGHTS ARE LOW” they grabbed their mouths in shock.
“LOOKING OUT FOR A PLACE TO GOOO” the boys returned faces filled with pure embarrassment.
They continued the number. Everyone shooting looks of panic to each other trying hard to regain control of the situation while sporting killer dance moves and choreography. At one point Penny even caught Leech in the air dirty dancing style. Dracula looked like a dancing grandpa with a tambourine. Chucky and Tiff spun each other around during the chorus while Freddy and Leatherface (who was the only one somewhat enjoying this) danced together behind them. The group came back together ending with Pennywise doing and epic death drop before pulling himself back up. The song ended people laughed and cheered thinking it was planned. They regained control of themselves and the entire group bolted to leave.
“It was that fucking guy!! Pen what did you say to him” Leech turned to the clown who was in a state of shock and confusion.
“What fucking guy?” asked Chucky
“This guy in the corner freaked me out Penny went to go take care of him and suddenly we were dancing and the guy was gone”
“R-read s-something.” Pennywise was obviously not able to handle what had just happened. The clown seemed to have a real problem being rational when his ego is wounded.
“Those Kandarian fuckers are stronger than I remember.” Freddy cracked his back.
“Ok lets just go home call that guy and wait this shit out” Chucky suggested
“They got in…. not supposed to get in…. be-become prey now…. lesser… l-loser.” Pennywise was on the ground knees against his chest.
“Jiinnngles, you ok?” Chucky waved a hand in front of the clowns face
“L-loser…..I’m a…a..l-loser”
“Oh boy he's gone” Leech groaned going over to check on her clown.
“Great he's like the only thing we could use to stand a chance against these assholes too. Theres probably something wrong with him to let a lesser demon get to him like this.” added Freddy.
“Then we need to snap him out of it” Tiffany shouted
“He hasn't been feeding as much could that be it?” Leech was trying to get a hold of the clowns face to hold him still.
“Possibly, someone get him to eat something. Leech he's your boyfriend go get him some food.” Freddy said getting his phone out to scroll through his contacts.
“Wait what?”
IM SO SORRY! I had to do it I had to do the Beetlejuice esque dance number to an Abba song. BUT I finally got to introduce Jim who’s a neurotic, tired music store clerk that just wants cool vampire powers so girls will like him. And dont worry about Baba guys, he’s finds someone to love him eventually. Next chapter is Leech heavy so I apologize ahead of time. Its about to get fucked up friends! Also I’ll be posting some side drabbles sometime today as well now that Jim’s been introduced. So yay for more content!
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clown-bait · 6 years
29 Neibolt ST (Monster Roommate AU) CH 11
WhoooOOOOooooo’s ready for some domestic monster bullshit?! So I head cannon that Penny is a secret plumbing expert from living in a sewer for centuries. Also finally introducing one of the main antagonists hope you guys like horror comedy because its about to get GOOFY AF. 
Party Prep
Pennywise had been insufferable all day. It seems like ever since he finally was able to get a date with Leech the clown was on cloud 9. Normally having him in a good mood would be a positive thing but when its mixed with an ego boost and pride he became a cocky asshole hell bent on showing everyone how fantastic he is. “What’s the matter Freddy? Jealous that I'm the one with a beautiful woman on my arm this time?” he taunted. They were both attempting to figure out the plumbing situation after Tiffany threw the rampage to end all rampages when Penny “forgot” to fix the problem overnight.
“You know I thought having you in a good mood for once would make things better.”
“You’re so jealous.” the clown sneered.
“I don't know why you're so smug, you know you're going to have to tell her you love her eventually now that you're dating and we all know that you cant handle feelings” Chucky said pretending to help so Tiff would get off his back. The girls were out shopping with Drac, leaving the rest of the boys to figure out the plumbing issue.
“I can put it off.”
“PFF famous last words Jingles this is a chick we’re talking about here” said Freddy
“Like you've ever been in this situation.”
“I’m not a commitment type of guy clown”
“Look Pennywise trust me, girls go crazy for that touchy feely stuff. You need to say something sooner or later or she's gonna end up stabbing you in the heart.” the doll said.
“Was that a metaphor or something that actually happened to you?” asked Freddy
“Ok what to get a homicidal maniac with the mind of a child.” Leech and the rest of the gang were down town attempting to accomplish the simple task of shopping for someone other than themselves.
The three monsters were struggling, they needed to surprise their enormous roommate with the perfect gift but it was proving difficult to shop for him since Leatherface never spoke. They knew the giant liked sweets and already had plans to bake a bunch of them once the boys figured out the plumbing issue, but they wanted to get him something special that wasn't just another chainsaw.
“Perhaps a pocket watch?”
“Drac sweetie the 1600s ended a long time ago.” Tiffany rolled her eyes
“We could just pool out money and get him an iPad like most parents this day and age”
“We all agreed this is going to be special Leech, you cant half ass it this time.”
The vampires groaned. “Why is this so hard! Lets just get him a giant pumpkin for Halloween or something they had some at the grocery store earlier”
“Ah! I got it a new hat!”
“Between the out dated advice and your half baked ideas it'll be a wonder if we accomplish anything at all….” Tiff sighed
They stood on the sidewalk of the down town shopping area overwhelmed and exhausted with each other.
“Ok, lets just go store to store till we find something. If we fail completely we can just get him a new meat cleaver or something.” The younger vampire said
“An excellent plan! Let us begin in the vintage clothing store yes?”
“Drac, we are here to get a gift not a new blouse.” Tiff said.
“I do not wear blouses”
“You totally do” Leech sneered at him with a mischievous grin. She’d been hanging out with Kruger and the clown too much.
“Do not think your sass can work on me apprentice. Your beloved clown may let you get away with being unlady-like but I will not tolerate such behavior.” The elder vampire warned.
“Ok he’s not my beloved were just dating”
“You lie to your own heart my dear. Open yourself to love!”
“Dracula's romance novel in the works aside, where are you guys with that any way?”
“I mean…. I guess I might love him? I don't even know if he's actually capable of returning my feelings since it took me screaming at him to actually get him to go on a date with me. He did call me his mate though, so progress I guess?” Leech blushed and fidgeted with her wig.
“You must make his heart realize its true feelings! He knows not why it beats for you!” Dracula sang out.
“I bet we can get him to admit it! Come on hun I got an idea! Drac! come’re!” the doll whispered something into his ear.
“YES! this is an excellent plan we shall begin immediately!”
“Aren’t we supposed to be shopping for a gift?”
“Like you said well find something along the way!”
Tiff pushed Leech into the nearest clothing store Dracula excitedly fowled behind.
“Guys I really don't need new clothes”
“NONSENSE! Your’s are in shambles my dear! Look at them! Your jeans are ripped and that tshirt is drab!” The elder vampire said grabbing garments off the racks.
“Excuse me but I happen to like ripped jeans and t-shirts thank you very much”
“Besides the club were going to would never let you in like that you need a wardrobe update…. and maybe some makeup to hide those dark circles.” said Tiffany
“Penny likes my dark circles”
Dracula sighed “We shall make a lady out of you yet my dear!”
“Move Kruger, you're going to do it wrong” Pennywise grabbed Freddy’s face to shove him out of the way
“I worked in a school boiler room for years I know my way around pipes”
“Excuse me, I LIVE in a sewer I think I'm the most qualified here!”
Chucky rolled his eyes so hard he was worried they were going to fall out. The two had been arguing over pipes for a good half hour now. The living doll had been texting Tiffany out of boredom. (this is a rough translation as Chuck and Tiff communicate almost entirely in emojis)
“Babe save me, the clown and Kruger haven't made any progress. :’( “ he typed
“</3 aw poor baby were having a much better time.”
“>:( no fair what trouble are you getting into.”
“giving the baby vampire a make over for her big date tonight xoxo”
“omfg i should do that with the clown maybe it'll shut him up for a bit >:) ”
“YES! we have to get them together be home in a few hours <3”
“see you soon sugar tits <3<3<3”
“gross Chucky”
“ ;)”
Chucky put his phone away in his front overalls pocket to look up at the scene in front of him Freddy was shooting water into Pennywise’s face laughing as the clown roared and hissed at him. Tiffany had the easy job he thought to himself.
“Alright how does it look, I cant see it so you'll have to help me out here”
“PFF you look like my grandma” Tiffany snorted
“Enough with your laughter girl doll, she looks like a true lady!”
“This thing itches and I can barely breathe.” Leech clawed at the fabric.
“Lets try something else hun. Something more casual and simple, less ballroom”
She grabbed a simple black dress tight at the top and pleated at the bottom a large belt around the waist. “all we need are some boots!”
“Wait Tiff I cant walk in heels!!”
“Ok clown when she arrives at the party you have to offer her your arm and pull out her chair for her” Chucky instructed.
“Why would I do that? Leech is more than capable of doing all that herself I don't need to do that for her.”
“Its the gentlemanly thing to do idiot ”
“ Human customs are so strange.”
“Focus! Do you have anything to give her?”
Chucky sighed “ok so human females are obsessed with jewelry give her something shiny and you'll pretty much be in the clear, don't you have like a giant pile of crap in the sewer? grab something out of there.”
“Shiny. Got it.” The clown was barely paying attention.
“Don't forget to tell her about your massive dick!”
“Kruger! You're not helping! Were trying get the clown laid here not punched in the face!!”
“But we've already mated several times?” Pennywise turned confused.
“No, no, no! This time its going to be different, this time you're going to be in love and its gonna be way more intense. Trust me.” the doll said.
“I don't love,,,”
“PFFFT THATS A LOAD OF HORSE SHIT” Freddy laughed loudly.
“Most importantly don't insult her and do everything you can to impress her. Do that dancing thing you do, chicks dig that”
“Look I don't see how this will be any different than the other times we've been together”
“It's a daaattee Jingles! Girls put special meaning on that word. You aren't just hanging out, you’re…. well you know” the doll raised and lowered his plastic eyebrows
“Wait if a date is just a fancy way to begin mating then why am I doing all this? Seems like a waste of time to me” Pennywise complained “I’ll just show up in her room like usual!”
“Clown its because girls fucking like it” the doll groaned giving up on this lost cause.
Suddenly the shower head turned on without warning, water blasting out of it with tremendous force. It turned and sprayed Chucky so hard he fell off the counter while a storm of toothbrushes and tools flew around the room. A screwdriver stabbed Pennywise in the eye causing him to roar in pain. Meanwhile Freddy was being strangled by Tiffany’s hair care appliances frantically trying to cut the chords with his clawed hand. Pipes unexpectedly broke apart and started spraying water everywhere, the cabinets banged open and shut, and the toilet had begun laughing at them. In fact the entire bathroom was laughing at them. The gang yelled and shouted in confusion “WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?” screamed Chucky
“MY FUCKING EYE” Penny howled in rage
“YOUR BATHROOM IS HAUNTED AS SHIT CLOWN” Freddy roared still wrestling with the hair dryer
“YOU FUCKING KNOW THEM?” the clown roared trying to get the screwdriver out of his head his current form becoming less and less held together.
Everything stopped abruptly as if something was sucked out of the room. Appliances turning back to normal as if nothing ever happened.
“First of all you jackasses, Dracula is my roommate. We have an odd couple thing going ok?”
“Kruger! NOT the time” Chucky shouted.
“…..H eE Lp” Pennywise gurgled out barely maintaining a human voice.
The door opened downstairs.
“Hey boys were home!” Tiffany called up to them.
Leech climbed the stairs and made her way to her room but froze when she heard moans of pain and a large puddle of water coming from the bathroom.
“Jesus guys how'd you fuck up this ba- WHAT THE FUCK”
“Hold still I'm going to pull it out.” Leech gripped the screwdriver in Penny’s head “ok on the count of 3” Pennywise’s good eye flicked up at her.
“One….. two… three! ” the clown gurgled and grabbed her hands and they pulled together. The tool finally dislodging its self from Pennywise's head causing him to howl in pain blood floating up from the wound.
“Shit Pen you ok?” she cradled the side of his face not caring about cutting herself on the razor sharp teeth splitting his cheeks.
“…H u RT” he managed to say starting to put himself back together.
She ran her fingers though his hair and kissed the top of his head. Pennywise winced at first but leaned into her touches shutting his one good eye and purring faintly at her comforting him. As powerful as the eldritch horror was he was a complete baby when it came to pain sometimes.
“We leave you alone for 4 hours and not only do you guys flood the bathroom again, you end up stabbed and strangled in the process. What the fuck happened?”
“It's a Kandarian demon” growled Freddy “someone read from that damn book again”
“How do we get rid of it?” asked Chucky getting up off the floor
“Find out who sent it”
“And just how do you know all this Kruger?” Pennywise asked finally somewhat back to normal minus his eye.
“I owe it money.”
YEAH EVIL DEAD MOTHERFUCKERS! So fun fact Evil Dead was the horror series that literally saved my life so it holds a very special place in my heart. And yes Ash is going to show up. Stay tuned for more deadite fuckery, including musicals, mutilation, and insults! Also bringing in a new OC next chapter who I think everyone will like! So get hype friends!
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