#also the bg song is from the soundtrack but it's a cover and not a version used on the show
flash-from-the-past · 7 months
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Full Moon wo Sagashite
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jsuika · 1 month
Your line art is so smooth and the colors too! How are u underrated
Thanks :]]
Actually I remember doing thick linearts before to make it look like y2k bubbly styled and I was thinking of going back again since I wanted to make logos or icons like this one:
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These ig were just a lil practice if someday I'll be making one (or more of these). Also this is just an example btw, these are artist-made game icons. Imo, if it were me to be commissioned to design one or if I was assigned by a game dev, then most likely its gonna look like something that y'all won't know who did that thing lol.
Besides, I'm pretty sure a lot of people were inspired by my artstyle. 😭 Also in case you guys don't know what these are, I'll show you guys mine. (NOTE: You can still check on archive, I don't mind though-)
Examples of my artworks with thick lineart:
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The first one was Hatsune Miku fanart
I kinda remember drawing this back in the day since 2023, the sketch version (on my other sketchpad) was discontinued. Supposed to finish it but, sadly I gave up because the hair was something that reminded me of an Inkling from Splatoon (rarely I noticed the first miku fanart also reminded me too lmao).
I wish I'd do this again hopefully if I could use my artstyle, then yeah. Watch here if you want to see the speedpaint :3 : https://youtu.be/sRE3-snDGkM?si=op3tISbGFTjLCcdB
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Next one is Bomb Rush Cyberfunk fanart
Okay LISTEN, I may not be good at anatomy but might as well tried especially RED's head. For the BG, I only duplicated the character + added a screenshot/fakescreenshot/whatever, to make it look related to both y2k & frutiger aero (same applies to Hatsune Miku).
Nothing to say much but I've been thinking of making more character concept arts in the future & maybe work on shoes since they look a bit too complicated much.
Overall, I'd say it isn't bad. I'll just leave as it is for now (until some BRC fan shows up and sees this).
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Last but not the least, my very first artist-made album cover
I remembered drawing this for future use if I ever find a music composer either if they can do DnB, game soundtrack or whatever but it slightly depends on them. Also shout out to Lxchee Music! They're the ones who compose music like these. They even commented on my speedpaint video!!! (after using their songs lol).
Such a shame that I am limited to drawing only however, I wish I also was a composer of this whooooooole album then everyone's gonna listen to my bangers. One time I used to make music in Beepbox.co (a website where you can compose there).
There are some music-composing softwares that most people use for their game making & also songs. I wish I'd even use FL studio or other music-composing. Reminds me, I also have one friend who makes music (unrelated to dnb or any genre) using accordian & any other instruments that he uses. I swear, he is so good in composing Nintendo Orchestra-music related I can tell.
No worries though, I didn't say I hate using thick lineart but its sometimes too much for the anatomy still and might not fit pretty well. I can still do another one hopefully just to focus on more y2k aesthetic. But if it were me to learn anatomy, might as well use thin lineart and just increase to make it look like there is perspective on it.
Anyways, ig this might be a long one but I do hope you understand what I mean-
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Everytime I listen to From Hell With Love by Beast in Black, I think of tmbaba Dylan reliving that night over and over again for the sake of himself and his friends.
after thoroughly listening to the song & adding it to several of my playlists, I've decided you're 101% correct. if I ever make an epic movie (or at least an amv or smthn), that would make a killer bg soundtrack
also I can't stop imagining Dylan as the person on the cover art riding werewolf Kaitlyn 💀
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anyway thank you! also appreciate the song rec :)
peace & love!!
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Witcher, Metal Version
Ever since I stumbled across Orion's Reign I was wondering which metal bands or artists have made songs about The Witcher. By which I mean game and books, so you will not find Dan Vasc's (really good!) version of "Toss a coin" on this list. There are, however, some bands or artists that made metal versions of soundtrack pieces, and some of those are listed here, too. A good source to bands with Witcher themes is this reddit post, btw! Without further ado, here it goes: Metal Witcher songs! (And if you have additions, reblog this post with them, please!)
BG's "Blood of the Elves" is the latest I know of dealing with Witcher themes. It is, of course, about Ciri. Also Blind Guardian are - I'm sorry I'm saying this so often - one of my top fav bands, so they are the first on this list :)
Yes, "Elder Blood" by Orion's Reign is dealing with the same topic. Dan Vasc is the singer here ;) I simply love his voice, and the song is epic!
Vader must have been one of the first, if not THE first, metal bands to cover a Witcher theme. Rightfully so, they are polish... "Sword of the Witcher" is about the first game.
What else can you expect from a band named "Kaer Morhen" than epic songs? This is, according to the "Encyclopedia Metallum", an instrumental duo, so this is basically symphonic metal (or, as they call the genre, "Epic Symphonic Metal", ok). This song covers the game theme for Kaer Morhen and enhances it in an awesome way!
Skar has a couple of Witcher metal covers. This is "The Wolven Storm". Check out this guy, he has awesome songs!
Miracle of Sound is another really, really cool project with many songs inspired by video games. There are a couple of Witcher songs, this one's the "Wake The White Wolf - Metal Version" (it takes a bit to get "metal" but it's really neat!).
"Wild Hunt" by German band Oversense is a sadly widely unknown song with a very nice melody and lyrics about Geralt. Their song "White Wolf" is also really nice!
Can you imagine me finding out there's this band "Hekseblad" with a couple of Witcher songs, including "The White Flame?" Yeah, sadly it's Trash metal, which I don't really like... but thanks folks, now I know there is an Emhyr song. Wow.
We can NOT, of course, miss out Percival Schuttenbach, which is also known as just Percival, but does a bit of different music with both projects. Percival Schuttenbach, however, is considered "Folk Metal".
Midgard is a Ukrainian metal band, this is "The Witcher". Whenever you hear them sing two similar words in a row, it's "Белый волк", meaning "White Wolf".
I really like Elvenking (check out "Black Roses For The Wicked One!") and I was thrilled to find they have a song about the Wild Hunt!
If you're hooked now, but not that much into metal - no prob, there's a lot of witcher inspired folk music out there. Check your favorite streaming service for Myrkur's cover of "Lullaby of Woe", and definitely look for Gingertail's epic covers, especially "The Wolven Storm". There are also a LOT of "Toss a Coin" covers, if that is your thing, I'd suggest to start with Dan Vasc but also look into the really good guitar version by  Luca Stricagnoli.
Here's my list with more Witcher songs, non-metal!
More Metal songs, Eastern edition!
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zaydatft · 6 months
Hihi! I ran into your channel while watching a deep dive into another series and I kinda ended up watching some of your vids??? Like go girl, your content is really relaxing and incredibly interesting to the point that when I tried having it in the bg I got too invested and forgot what I was originally working on... so I'll be cheering you on ^^
Anyways, I was popping in to ask... In your "So I kinda hate Dungeons and Dragons" vid, is it me or is the song on the intro a remix/cover of "Twister" from Twewy's soundtrack?
Awwww thanks!!! Honestly hearing feedback like this is super flattering since how I structure my videos for engagement is a big focus point for me so to see it working is sick as hell!
Also to answer the actual questions, yes that is a remix of twister! It was made for the twewy final remix release of the game and it’s by the super talented T$UYO$HI.
Fun fact: I originally considered using the version of twister from Kingdom hearts 3D for the video but went with that remix instead at the final minute!
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boojersey · 1 year
☕ fave mcr eras and albums?
1. revenge (obviously i mean look at me i am drenched in black and red at all times and gerards hair was just so nice) specific parts include flour face gerard and that photoshoot with the blood covering his hand in a building with brick walls and arches it looked like a church basement and the vampire one for kerrang where its a girls back and theyre covered in blood and hes biting her neck hehe, reasoning for it being my favorite is it has only one song i skip (ghost of you) and every other has a lot more that i usually do and just how theatric and dramatic but also edgy everything was, tbp is more theatric BUT theres more Hope vibes and this is that but with despair and blood and guns and coffins and that just appeals to me fundamentally way more especially when im in my bag. it probably has my most favorite songs too, like to the end cemetery drive jetset life and HANG EM HIGH OR MOTHERFUCKING DIE. maybe my favorite mcr song but im not thinking too hard when i say that
pic of my closet below lmao two of my favorite drawings ive done (theyre for sale wink wink! dm me if interested anyone, gerard is blacklight reactive)
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2. bullets, its just so suburban i feel like I'm back in Jersey its October and im walking past cul de sacs and the sunset is bright fucking orange its fantastic its art in every sense and its full of sorrow bc its the closest album chronologically to 9/11 and gerard had the least sureness in the future but he was so confident and it just bleeds into everything so hard, my favorite moments in life are majorly moments similar to what i described. wearing a hoodie and jeans and converse and observing the way the streetlights color the concrete and asphalt, especially if theres been rain. chinese food from family restaurants and rolling rock beer and sitting at neighborhood playgrounds on the swingset rocking back and forth with the carbonation buzzing in your brain. favorite moments include the pic of frank and gerard smoking on pool chairs and that pic of them in some grandmas house with wooden walls and a china and tchotchke cabinet and lace curtains and im pretty sure mikeys sitting on the leg of a couch.it was my desktop bg for a year or two.
3. black parade; i really appreciate the death topic and i will admit i struggle to get on the Hope wavelength throughout esp in famous last words ykno the keep on living part but there are some of my favorite fucking demos like emily and all the angels and im Pretty surE desert song but smack my ass and call me a moron if its wrong. i will say visually other than the marching band outfits its the least interesting era, the white hair was just kinda there to me and no one else had anything outstandingly russling my jimmies. frank did have some cute hair curls on his bangs tho sometimes. i do rlly like the whole haunted vibe tho bc of the paramounts effect on them tho, when i notice it in songs and lyrics it is pretty effective in makin my spine straighten with the hollow eyed, sleepless and frankly a little scared nervous energy. house of wolves has been in my rotation the past month or so bc it reminds me of trevor gta a lot. wttbp i skip every time just about. i save that song for when people are trying to be emo allies and queue it on the aux or when it comes on the radio or in public. blood is AMAZING and reminds me a lot of the song air from the hair soundtrack, and i wonder if gerard was trying to specifically mimic that songs vibe because if u ask me thats very gerard. i think overall the concept and the lore of the album's fruition appeal to me more than anything else, i also love mother war and some of the other various character designs.
4. current era; im saying this because foundations of decay is literally that promising of a single and the shows' outfits are so wonderful and the energy and love and happiness is just so fucking palpable that i already know this is where the new album is gonna sit for me. its gonna be so fucking good. we all know this so well. favorites include nurse gerard the mikey fuckin way shirts and that slicked back hair gerard mmf yum
5. danger days; im SORRRY i just. the songs only appeal to me on a surface level aside from destroya and i always just get rlly bad feelings when i see pics of gerard bc i know he said he was starving himself and it makes me :/ more than anything else seeing him. i feel Bad saying he looked hot. this is also the only album with songs i actively dislike within. i will say that when i say i like destroya. i fucking Love destroya. its so good its so fucking good its everything to me. OH and im gonna include the killjoys comic in this and say that even though i love it so fucking much its not enough to put it above current era. its not that i dislike danger days. its that every other era is so strong compared in my mind that since something has to be last it will be this. favorite moments include the videos of them behind the scenes for na na na laughing and having fun the photoshoot with the backdrop where they're all underneath it and gerard looks like a fucking otherworldly being level insane like hes made of porcelain and the mv shots of them in the trans am at night especially going in the tunnel speeding ass out of town. i will add that i discovered mcr thru sing bc it was on a rhythm game i owned at 11 and i still remember the two days before mcr broke up when i finally remembered to give them a listen and openly cried watching them all die in the killjoy vids so theres a nostalgic rawness that part of me wants to leave preserved like an artifact at a museum.
anyway novel over those are my full thoughts on the mcr eras
things i didnt mention that i shouldve include the bat buckle the infamous stage kiss the spitting and gerard palming his cock through his jeans on stage lmao
oh also dewees is great and needs more recognition
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kanmom51 · 3 years
with all do respect. but it's amaze me how you have been fighting all this past years for proving jk is a very smart young man when army claimed that he doesnt know the lyrics of the bg song used in gcft .and now you're doing the totally opposite. are you questioning the fact that jk is smart enough to notice that the upsed down V in his hand tattoos could be passed bye the half of the fandom that's ship him with his bandmate which happened to be named V .if you gonna say yes that the same will be aplayed to the JM according to your logic .please don't underestimate jk smartness or ours .
My logic must be off then anon.
With all due respect, as you yourself put it anon, how is knowing and understanding meaning of lyrics to a song the same as knowing, in advance, that fans will think an A you have tattooed on your hand (in a font that is used ALL OF THE TIME WITH SOOOO MANY WELL KNOWN LOGOS, a font used in many of the tattoos done in the parlour you are having your tattoo done) will be taken as a V?
I can ask you anon why wouldn't he think that it would be seen as an arrow signalling form the heart to the crown, more than as a V? Why wouldn't that, per say, make more sense than the A (again, in a well known font used in many logos) is an upside down V???
GCFT, is all about JK's film editing skills. The fact that he created this clip, edited footage he took and placed a very specific sound track to his creation. He took footage, put it together, added the soundtrack to create GCFT. One creation. One message.
Troye Sivan is a gay artist JK loves. He had recommended songs of his in the past and even did a cover with RM to his song Fools. He knows exactly what those songs were, their lyrics, what they stood for. And he chose 'There for you' as the soundtrack for his creation. He knew exactly what the song lyrics were and the meaning, and he edited not only to the beat but also to the lyrics. It was no coincidence that JM is on screen walking, at times away from JK, to the lyrics "I'm running running running just to keep my hands on you..." , just for example.
Now to the tattoos. I would call them his creations too, even if we don't know who actually designed them. As such, they all have a special meaning for him, and I would assume he knows what they look like (as they are, not upside down, turned around and flipped inside out).
If you look at the tattoos as his creations, well then each tattoo was a creation of it's own. Each has a meaning as he had them done.
JK's first hand tattoos did not include the J.
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So, logic would say that ARMY stood for ARMY, unless your logic anon is that when JK had ARMY tattooed on his hand he was actually tattooing V, 'the love of his life''s name on his hand??? And then I would know that every single word I am saying is in vain.
But, if that is not where you are actually going anon, then I can continue...and if every tattoo is a creation of it's own, then that was it. ARMY for ARMY. Not members names.
Now, if the ARMY was intended also as a representation for all members, where were JM, Jhope and Jin (not to mention JK too)? Do you think it is logical that with all the mind athletics needed to fit the members names in that tattoo, he actually forgot about them? The three members he is actually closest too?
No anon.
The logical conclusion would be that ARMY stood exactly for that - ARMY.
The J on his ring finger over the M, the pluses, they were added later. They came after another, separate, thought process.
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So, his intelligence has nothing to do with this anon. These were two separate tattoos. Two separate thought processes. Two separate meanings and reasonings.
The fact that you and many in the fandom see the A as a V (or more like want it to be a V), well I'm sure he is well aware of that by now. Did he see the A as a V when he had ARMY tattooed on his hand? I highly doubt it. It is too much of a stretch, when considering, again, that it's ARMY and ARMY alone that he had tattooed on his hand to begin with.
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starmakerdotcom · 4 years
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MISSION 4: MARS is the fourth mini album by smk group SOLAR released on june 30, 2020. it’s their longest album so far, with eight tracks in total, including an english version of the title track, MILKY WAY. the title track was promoted from june 30 to july 20, along with two bsides, PITPAT and DAY BY DAY, from the female and male subunits.
MILKY WAY (title) insp
PITPAT (female subunit) insp
DAY BY DAY (male subunit) insp
FLARE insp
MILKY WAY (english ver) insp
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bitchhhhh they did not come to play this era fr
there were a lot of more popular groups promoting at the same time so they were a little overshadowed ?? they still managed one win though !
and the mv got 5m views in the first 24 hours !!!
their promotional period was a lil shorter than usual and they said it’s bc w the new bg smk is debuting soon they wanted to give the spotlight to them :((
and there was SO MUCH CONTENT this era we fuckin won
dance practices for milky way , fly me to the moon , pitpat , and day by day were uploaded !! the other songs that had dances they just spoiled a lil on vlogs
at one point leda and milo tried to choreograph in interpretive dance for flare ?? it was stupid
SPEAKING OF FLARE they uploaded a live studio version and they had bloopers at the end and the bloopers were just all of them straight up crying it was :((
that song was dedicated to fans and it just meant so much to them :((((
can i just talk abt how much the hairstyles slap for a second
min cut her hair short and dyed it purple !!
eri still had the same shoulder length hair but dyed it blue !!!
milo lightened his hair to a bit of a lighter brown come on just go blonde coward
leda had bright pinkish red hair and it was GORGEOUS she looked like a mermaid
beth brought back the brown to blonde ombré and all i’ll say is YES
posie was still strawberry blonde but she dyed it light pink a little into promotion ! it faded quickly but it was so cute
mj had dark red hair ! so still not fully black like he wanted but we’re gettin there
and orion went back to light brown !
it was like . vv summery outfits but also kinda keeping w the theme of their last eras ?? just brighter and cuter tbh
the pitpat stages omg . so much pink . and glitter . they looked like they were having so much fun it was so cute
AND THE DAY BY DAY STAGES . it was adorable they’re adorable
they did a fly me to the moon stage aswell !!! but it was just the one but fans ate it up and half of the fandom was like . THAT should’ve been the title track cmon
the makeup was so bright and fun !!!
and ofc their iconic cover stage of signal by twice . that was . adorable and amazing and it was so cute mwah
the vlogs this season were hilarious i swear they started off the season with the maknae line breaking into the food court in the smke building and stealing some sandwiches
that was funny
but also the behind the scenes content for the jacket shooting and mv making was 🥺🥺 they all looked so happy and it was the best
they had a few viral moments lemme just : milo busting a lung on weekly idol playing cleopatra , orion accidentally uploading a cover of a minecraft parody instead of the original song , when they dropped their playlists and leda’s was the entire animal crossing soundtrack , posie almost getting crushed by beth when they were standing near those confetti things on the show , and mj saying “gay rights” on vlive
icons dare i say
even tho this wasn’t their most successful era ? they had fun and tbh that’s all that matters
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jercythesiscrying · 5 years
Five Flavours | Poly first-years, T, 1.3k
NaNoWriMo Day 30: Free Day Combo Shuffle Challenge, Social Media, and Dialogue-only fic.
Summary: Yet another collection of ficlets/drabbles featuring my favourite first years.
Rules: 1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like. 2. Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle. 3. Write a ficlet/drabble related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it’s over. No lingering afterwards! 4. Do ten of these, and then post them.
TW: Canon-typical anxiety.
Read on Ao3
A/N: Decided to go with another Shuffle Challenge because I will single-handedly resurrect this meme. Apparently, I will also fill the first-years OT5 tag loooool. Un-beta’d once again and it very much shows  /o\
Gold Rays – Vinyl Pinups
They go to the beach the first chance they all get. Summer heat beats down on everything, water glinting under the sunlight.
Hitoka brings swimming tubes for her and Tobio because neither of them can swim. Kei teases Tobio endlessly about it but helps him out nonetheless when the three of them decide to go swimming.
Shouyou and Tadashi stay on the beach to build a giant sandcastle. The craftsmanship is clearly Tadashi’s doing, but Shouyou vehemently insists that he helped with the shovel work.
At the end of the day, Shouyou posts a photo on his account:
littlegiant.10 • 3 minutes ago perfect!!!
(Image: Shouyou, Tobio, Tadashi, and Kei surrounding a large sandcastle. Hitoka sits at the centre with her legs crossed. All of them beam wide at the camera.)
Cough Syrup – Young the Giant
Kei catches the flu because his partners are awful and spread the infection to him. He stays home from classes one day because his head cold is so bad he can’t see straight.
He lies in bed for the majority of the day, sleeping underneath his bedsheets sweaty and uncomfortable, but what other choice does he have? He can barely sit up straight, much less move around like he’d much rather be doing. Akiteru would probably drag him back to bed if he tried anyway.
He stirs up from his nap at some point, awakening to see four pairs of eyes blinking down at him. Their faces are hidden by medical masks, so their eyes are really all he sees in his fever induced haze.
“Kei-kun?” a sweet voice says. “Are you okay?”
He coughs, which seems to be answer enough for all of them.
“We brought cough syrup, Tsukki!”
“It’s on the bedside.”
“Sorry for getting you sick, I guess.”
Kei can’t distinguish the voices from each other, but he returns to sleep with the familiar, comforting sounds of his favourite people in the world.
Boy Without A Heart – Jojo
Kei is much colder than Hitoka ever realized.
Everyone warns her, that she missed the awful time when they all first began playing together and Kei was the most infuriating person they’d ever met, that by the time she came around he dialled down his angst and snark. Tadashi tries to defend him, of course, but eventually even his protests are silenced by the others.
“Yachi,” Tobio says gravely, “are you sure you want to date him too?”
“Yeah, we’re happy with Yamaguchi already,” Shouyou says.
Kei rolls his eyes, walking out the room. Hitoka takes this as her cue to follow him. She walks out the door, sprinting to catch up to Kei.
“Kei-kun!” she calls out. “Kei-kun, wait!”
He doesn’t listen, continuing to walk away. When he turns the corner without a word, Hitoka stops, slightly shocked. He’s never ignored her before.
“Told you,” Tobio says behind her, and she turns around to she see both her boyfriends catching up to her.
“He just...” Tadashi begins, struggling. “Needs time.”
Hitoka bites her lip, unable to help herself when she stares back down the path where Kei disappeared.
Love Story – Taylor Swift
Their love isn’t forbidden like in fairy tales, or romance dramas, or the cheesy light novels they all know Kei likes to read sometimes.
The five of them grappled with their feelings for a long time before they ever came to any sort of understanding, even longer until they achieved the comfortable relationship they have now. First, there were boundaries. Then, there was the fact that Kei, Shouyou and Tobio usually wanted to tear each other’s heads off if they had the chance. And, of course, Hitoka and Tadashi had their anxiety to deal with. It was a huge mess until they sorted everything out.
They couldn’t even consider the larger picture about how everyone else would feel about them, too caught up in their emotions about each other to care about what society would say. But they each knew they wanted this, were willing to put up with whatever came their way as long as they got to do it together.
The day their landlord handed them the keys to their own place—a huge apartment that could fit all five of them, their first ever home—they celebrated with a quiet night in.
Reading Letters – P.S. I Love You Soundtrack
Hitoka opens her old high school notebooks, reading letters she both wrote and received.
Bittersweet nostalgia hits her like a wave, and she smiles through her tears when she finally reaches the last page:
A photograph of all five of them.
Pretend (Reprise) – Lights
Some days, the anxiety wins.
They each handle those days differently. Shouyou and Tadashi prefer to have the others doting on them with sympathy. Tobio and Kei prefer to seclude themselves so they could sort through their feelings first, careful because they don’t want to hurt their partners in their angst. Hitoka prefers a little bit of both.
At the end of the day though, all of them want their lovers close by so they could welcome a better tomorrow together.
BG Låten [8-bit Remix] – Spelling Phailer
Shouyou naively announces having a video game competition, so Kei easily hands the other boys’ asses to them. They all knew that Kei was better than Tadashi, and infinitely better than both Tobio and Shouyou.
Hitoka was a true dark horse.
“I, um,” she squeaks, cheeks flushed red when she sees everyone’s jaws hanging, “I like to play on my phone sometimes? And I’m comfortable with consoles since I do computer stuff a lot.”
“You beat me.” Kei’s tone easily conveys his shock.
“AMAZING, YACCHAN!” Shouyou yells, jumping onto her.
The others follow him, piling on top of their girlfriend in a giant heap. She giggles, delighted to accept their congratulations.
Sour Candy – Carly Rae Jepsen ft. Josh Ramsay
Kiyoko loved Hitoka.
Hitoka was passionate and eager, anxious but headstrong. After she first recruited Hitoka, the younger girl hung onto Kiyoko’s every word like she hung the stars. Kiyoko loved watching her grow and appreciate the sport, fall in love with the team and their camaraderie.
She didn’t expect that Hitoka falls for the team in a romantic sense too.
She and Hitoka tried to make things work after Kiyoko’s graduation, but they both knew the distance was too hard for them. Their relationship ended amicably, and though it hurt Kiyoko so much more than she could have ever anticipated, she knew that Hitoka was in good hands.
She watches in the distance when the five of them pass by—hands and arms happily clasped onto one another—and smiles.
Otter Pop – Shawn Wasabi
“Here you go: popsicles! Blue for Tobio, orange for Shouyou, lemon for Hitoka, strawberry for Tsukki.”
“Thanks, Tadashi-kun!”
“F’ank yhew!”
“Ah, so refreshing!”
“Tadashi-kun, are you gonna eat yours?”
“Oh, yes!”
“What flavour did you get?”
“Aw, lemme try!”
“Okay, just don’t get your slobber over it.”
“I won’t!”
“He will.”
“Shut up, Tobio!”
“Guys, can we just enjoy ourselves, please?”
“Apparently not without a fight.”
Best Starships Ever (Nicki Minaj vs 1D) – Remix by Mikolo Mashups
They go to the beach after graduation, inviting the entire volleyball team to celebrate the end of the year as well as wishing the third-years goodbye.
Shouyou and Tobio are in charge of games and music, Tadashi and Kei in charge of food and drinks, and Hitoka covers all planning and decorating. The first- and second-years offer to pitch in with the prep but the five of them insist on doing this for the rest of the team.
They have a wonderful time by the sea, getting sunburnt under the sky, salt and sand lingering on their skin after playing in the water. They stay until well into the night, lighting up a bonfire at Shouyou’s request.
Portable speakers blast the best pop songs of the year, and they dance around the flames with laughter and smiles on their lips.
(More notes on Ao3.)
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uniformbravo · 5 years
anime-related facts abt andy that i got too carried away to leave in the tags of that rb lol
he looked up how to read hiragana/katakana so he sorta knows his way around it but he didn’t actually go as far as studying anything for real so he’s rly bad at it & also knows 0 kanji
he honestly doesn’t really watch that much anime tbh like it’s definitely smth he enjoys in his free time but he has other things he tries to put more time into, like music
he watches subs when he’s on his own but on the rare occasion he watches smth w/ chrissy they do dubs bc chrissy can’t pay attention w/ subs, & also he talks over everything so it’s easier to just have the english audio in the bg to make things less complicated lol
andy’s a big sap who loves a good romance but he’s embarrassed to admit it esp to strangers so if/when asked he usually says smth more mainstream & “acceptable” like bnha or whatever
loves some good mid-late 2000s anime, big nostalgia factor at play
he was very much “middle school anime phase” (yes he’s v embarrassed about it and yes he still 100% unironically loves the shows he watched back then even if they suck now)
((chrissy is a danger and a menace bc, having known andy in middle school, he now has the power to kill him instantly by bringing up anything particularly embarrassing from that time))
his roots are in shounen & the hype is fun but nowadays he tends to prefer either more low key and heartfelt stuff or more mature stuff like. idk re:zero or smth (i havent actually watched that one but i feel like he’d like it??)
he doesn’t really get attached to specific characters all that much, more the overall story & how it resonates with him; he likes characters for the stories they’re a part of rather than their own individual appeal
that isn’t to say he doesn’t get attached to characters at all, he just doesn’t go apeshit seein pics of his faves online or w/e
he plays piano so he does covers of his fave anime songs (secretly he wants to upload them to yt but he doesn’t have the confidence :( )
he loooooooves anime soundtracks; sometimes he’ll watch an anime just bc he heard it had a rly good ost, & he likes to make piano arrangements for his fave bgm tracks (honestly prefers them to ops/eds most of the time). he’s listened to osts from shows he’s never even seen before, but mostly he prefers to have some kind of story association like “oh this was the part where x happened” bc the emotional attachment makes the songs more meaningful to him, which he cares about a lot
can u tell ive thought about this a lot
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yharnamopossum · 5 years
@catsbreads​​ listen... no matter how hard i tried i couldn't actually like. list rank the bloodborne bosses... i love them all so much...... so instead let me offer u personal ratings in chronological order:
cleric beast: A STELLAR START!! sets the stage for the game!! yharnam's poster child!!! a beautiful baby beastie!!! challenging in all ng cycles while avoiding becoming a grueling nuisance, like woah!!! 10/10, iconic, beautiful, fluffy, screeeeeeee
gascoigne: fave song in the soundtrack, so handsome, heartbreaking story, handsome, phase 3 can be beaten by. walking. which is, eh. but!! handsome, and has a nice voice, and,, handsome,,,,,, 9/10 cus fuck those tombstones
blood-starved beast: BAPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! one of my fav fights!!!! a sweetheart, so beautiful!!! can be punched or torched to death, so great for when u want a simple but fun challenge!!! so speedy!! slender and toothy and flopsy and perfect!!!! 11/10, best baby, best fight
paarl: SECOND BAPY sweet electric puppy how i love you so...... a hell of a hassle when underlevelled but otherwise fun as hell. speedy!! 8/10, points deducted cus i get a genuine pain in my heart every time the zappies go away & she does the sad whine :c why does the game make me torture this poor pup :,C
vicar amelia: STOP FUCKING HEALING 9/10, she’s beauty she’s grace she wanna smack yr face
witch of hemwick: like. is this even a fight. 1/10 bc of that one time i somehow managed to kill the second witch before the first one and skipped phase 2 entirely and some rando said gg in the stream chat and made me feel good abt myself
amygdala: SUCH a good alien baby. lov the weird face. p sure we've all wanted to rip our arms off when upset. also, hello?? cutest lil feeties in the world???? oh man..... 7/10 cus looked cooler in the alpha + can be tricked into a visceral loop by running through her legs........ dumbass
shadows of yharnam: no. 0/10 fuck you
rom: MAMA HOW I LOVE YOU SO!!! why are you such a hassle in chalice dungeons!!! why are you in chalice dungeons to begin with!!!!! i feel so bad for mama rom, she's just so cute and kind and minding her own damn business all covered in dandelions....... 8/10 fight itself is annoying + she deserves better v.v
the one reborn: sky baby. the cutest collection of goofy goopy body parts you ever done seen. makes weird noises and flails wildly, as any good sky baby should. 5/10 cus horrendously easy
micolash: shut the FUCK up you chef boyardee spaghetti arm awoo-ass cage-head bastard i am TRYING to pick up the goddamn moon rune and needing to mash through your FUCKING dialogue in order to pick shit UP is the ONLY REAL THREAT IN YOUR FIGHT CUS I KEEP GETTING KILLED BY THE FUCKERS IN THE STAIRWELL REEEEEEEEE 6/10 tie your damn shoes
martyr logarius: speedy grandpa. phase 2 is absolute bullshit. alfred sweetie why do you idolise this guy again?? why the fuck can I fall off the roof but HE can't???? 5/10, crusty but satisfying as hell to beat
celestial emissary: another non-boss. what are you even doing here. you're the emissary huh??? a diplomat???? no wonder nobody in the church could figure out all the weird kin bullshit. 0/10, jimmy neutron-lookin ass
ebrietas: S P A G E D D Y....... so so sweet and pretty, i wanna give her a big soft smooch and a nice warm hug.......... 7/10 cus the fight is literally just button mashing
mergo's wet nurse: god you look SO fucking cool with all the feathers and swords and the facelessness and shit but just. that's the fight?? really??? that's it??? that’s the whole thing???? 6/10 cus design is incredible + music box playing in the bg is neat & eerie as hell
gehrman: can be easily parried to death, everything can be avoided with a backstep or two, spends most of the game crying and yelling "SCRAM!!", like... go home grandpa you're drunk. 4/10 cus good god i have SUCH a grudge left over from fighting him with neil...
moon presence: pretty sure the only time i ever died to her was in neil's file lmao?? once she does that 1hp move like. you've won?? she just. sits there??? u can rally all ur health back from her before she starts moving again??? and by then she's staggered for a visceral??? like???? 8/10 cus gorgeous and spooky and intimidating as hell but way too easy for a fancy secret ending boss :/
ludwig: listen. listen. look. listen. it's fucking ludwig. best design (handsome!), best music (well... second-best but still!), fight requires skill and timing and learning preps and patterns and is everything i love the most!! the game does that thing where mechanically he's a beast in form 1 but a hunter in form 2 and i fucking cry every time!! that monologue!!! beautiful voice, handsome face!! sword!!!! horse!!!!!!!! TEETH!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAA 10000/10 but were u really expecting anything different from me lmao
laurence: the most grueling 2nd & 3rd phases of all time, good fucking grief. i can't get past him in +3. he's the reason i can't progress to higher ng cycles. he is ALWAYS the biggest issue in EVERY run. dumbass bitch in canon. ruined yharnam. whiny bastard. fuck this guy. 10/10 cus i'm thirsty + his music makes me cry & you forgot him in your list >:(
living failures: can be cheesed with a cleaver and some beast blood. v cool lanky six-fingered hands but otherwise?? honestly?? i mean gross incoming but??? they look like a botched circumcision. don't lie. they absolutely fucking do. i fucking said it. they do. 3/10 cus sometimes they break so badly that one'll follow you thru maria's fog gate lmao
lady maria: i mean. we're all gay. so, points. but also, idk i find her fight obnoxious?? timing is jank and that hunter bone nonsense is... ugh. 6/10 cus she is SUCH a fucking hassle & was way more interesting as a chara in the cut content :/
orphan of kos: i LOVE this baby bitch okay. like!! top fave fights, hello!!! timing and precision and prediction and learning prep patterns and safe boxes and spacing and aaaaAAA everything i love in from fights!!! has that weird poison knife glitch where u can make him stand there as ur friend!!! he is bapy!!! let him s c r e a m!!!!!!! 9/10 cus phase 2 can genuinely be beaten by just. walking. also he's gr0ss
oof alright that’s it there’s my takes for u uwu~
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transtarks · 6 years
Tumblr media
FINALLY i’ve finished @actualbird‘s christmas present! since they live on the other side of the world from me and sending them a physical present would cost both my life savings and my firstborn, and i don’t know how to draw and i’m in a writer’s slump at the moment AND i’ve already made them a mix, i decided to put together the soundtrack i had in my head for their fic, is this a forest? ‘cuz there sure is a lot of pine (yes i know there’s a comma instead of a question mark in the picture but i’m too tired to go fix it). the art is by @savedbythemell (xx)! also, since the fic hasn’t been finished yet, this is technically a work in progress. merry christmas, bird! <3
unfortunately, spotify didn’t have a couple of the songs on the soundtrack so i made the playlist on youtube. 
check out the soundtrack here!
the soundtrack explanation is under the cut. 
Ayuz - Rico Blanco
Second chapter. Michael finds that song on spotify, goes to school listening to it. Camera shows him listening to it at his desk in his room or something, his foot tapping to it as his face morphs into a pleased expression. As the first verse plays, you see him texting Jeremy on his phone. Jeremy is asking him where he is, probably, because for some fucking reason Jeremy is early to school. He has a text convo with Jeremy that gives some insight to their relationship with each other and how Michael is pining before the chorus hits, Michael huffs out a sigh, shoves his phone in his pocket, swings his backpack over his shoulder, and heads out the door. Cut to him in school, the camera focused on his back as he does his little dance-walk through the hallways, people passing by maybe kind of looking at him strangely. The song fades as he comes into contact with Jeremy at the lunch table, sound focused on Michael singing it.
Your Universe - Rico Blanco
End of second chapter. Even though Michael doesn’t find this song until he’s home after being at Jeremy’s, it still plays as we’re shown them hanging out and havin’ a good time. When we finally see Michael at home, he’s in bed with his headphones on, laying on his stomach and staring at texts from Jeremy again, face expressionless. He sighs and sets his phone down, rolls onto his back, digs the heels of his hands into his eyes and the camera is looking down on him. As it pulls farther away from him, the scene fades out with the music, “I’ll always be the lucky one.”
Hope You Do - Cinders
End of chapter three. The song comes in, Jeremy saying, “What are gagos for, right?” and Michael laughing in response. The guitar comes in as Jeremy heads up to the kitchen to get the brownies for Nikki. Lyrics start, Michael leans in the hallway and watches Jeremy and Nikki with a small but sad smile on his face. Nikki looks at him, and in the silence between, “i want your heart and i hope you want mine to, but it’s just so hard to tell you,” and “but I hope you do,” Michael shrugs, and the camera immediately cuts from him to Jeremy’s face as he talks to Nikki. The scene fades out. Episode ends.
Henrietta - The Fratellis
Beginning of chapter four. The episode starts out silent with Jeremy in class, where he finds out that Christine has been assigned his partner for their English project. He seems to be fine, but the second that he hears Christine is his partner, the smile falls from his face, his eyes widen, and he looks over at Christine who’s looking back at him with a smile and a wave. The guitar at the very beginning of the song starts as he looks over at her, and you can see the color drain from his face as the camera switches to show Christine smiling at him. She waves, and the camera flicks back to Jeremy right as the little, “Hello!” comes in. Cut to a bird’s eye view of Jeremy sulking through the hallways on the way to lunch, then cut to Michael at their lunch table waiting for Jeremy to join him. Jeremy sits down and the song cuts off right before the lyrics can start. Queue Jeremy screaming into his backpack. That’s all that plays of this song.
Landslide - Oh Wonder
End of chapter four. Okay, so like, the thing with this chapter is that in all the parts where it says “The thing about [character name] is,” I imagine it as Michael like, writing this in a journal to himself. Like throughout the episode, we’d hear Michael’s voiceover saying the whole “Here’s the thing about Jeremy,” but since it’s Michael writing, there would be “I”s and “Me”s instead of “he”s and “him”s when referring to Michael because, well, he’s referring to himself so you get it. So we hear Michael’s voiceover throughout the episode doing that, and for the last one—the one about Christine—we cut to Michael in his bed writing this in some journal he’s never used before because he’s always thought the whole write out your feelings coping mechanism was bullshit but he’s sort of desperate at this point. So we cut to the, “My point is, Christine, should she ever like Jeremy back—” and this song is playing. The weird pulsing sound at the beginning started playing when Jeremy laid his head on Michael’s shoulder. So the first verse is playing as he’s talking over it while writing, and then the chorus hits and he just kind of shakes his head and groans and closes the journal and lays down, tries to go to sleep. The episode fades out.
Nothing Lasts - Bedroom
K, so, this episode (chapter 5) begins with no music, and that lasts until after the incident where Michael tries to text Jeremy while he’s at the mall. Then this song starts playing as confusion comes to Michael’s face, wondering why Jeremy won’t reply to him. Transfer into a, like, semi-montage with this song playing in the BG of all the incidents where Michael is trying to get Jeremy’s attention and failing. It cuts off abruptly when the camera quickly cuts from Michael looking all antsy in the hallway to a closeup of their hands as Michael grabs Jeremy’s wrist.
Some Boys (Demo) - Death Cab For Cutie
Okay so since this song starts out kind of abrupt, like SUDDENLY IMMEDIATELY THERE’S A GUITAR y’know, I’d change it so that it fades in. This is what plays when Michael has his panic attack in the bathroom! It doesn’t seem fitting at first but like, the lyrics are p good for it and also if you think about it like I am, it’s pretty fitting. So like, Jeremy leaves, the door closes. The song starts fading in as Michael locks it. We see him stare at the door handle, see his eyes well up, and see him sink to the edge of the tub. Then the camera changes to a bird’s eye view of the bathroom and like, we cycle through seeing Michael in the tub, at the sink staring in the mirror, curled into a ball against the door, hyperventilating in the middle of the room with his hands in his hair, and then finally leaving when “some boys don’t know how to love” is sung. The song fades out as the camera cuts to Michael backing out of the driveway and driving off, the screen fading to black as well.
Oo - Up Dharma Down
This is here for obvious reasons. It’s the song that comes on Michael’s spotify when he’s smoking and going through burning shit Jeremy’s given him. It plays again at the end of the episode from his headphones, but then fades in louder as the episode closes out of the hospital room with Michael sitting next to Jeremy’s bed.
Midnight Movies - Saint Motel
Chapter 6 opening. Michael and Jeremy are back at school, it seems like things are more or less okay between them. We focus on Michael in a sort of montage as he goes through a couple weeks of interacting with Jeremy and doing his best to make things normal again, but we always see him falter when Jeremy isn’t looking or when one of the kids from the squip squad talks to him. At one point, we see one of the kids asking Michael if he wants to come hang out with them; the music quiets down just enough to we catch the gist of the exchange. When the music officially fades out, it’s when the camera pans down on Michael trying to light his cigarette by the bleachers after having been asked to hang out and Christine approaches.
O Pag-ibig - Bailey May and Ylona Garcia
This is playing on Michael’s car stereo while they’re on the way back to Jeremy’s house after school. I think it’d play again at the end of the episode while Michael is thinking about how everything is going to be okay after Jeremy snuggled him in his sleep.
Green Tea - Observer Drift
Chapter 7, after everyone sits down at lunch with Michael and he starts to get a little overwhelmed. Christine offers to watch a dog video with him. The song starts playing as Michael leans over to watch it, a smile forming on his face. Jeremy’s fingers are touching his wrist, the table is laughing, and Michael looks a bit more content now. We see Christine sneak a glance at him as she shows him the video, her own smile mirroring his own. It’s soft and resembles something like pride.
Cut To The Feeling - Carly Rae Jepsen
Michael picks Jeremy and Christine up, Christine plays this song in the car on the way to the arcade.
Sporting Chance - Observer Drift
The very end of this episode as Michael watches Jeremy head over to the air hockey table. Seriously the lyrics in this fuck me up. Make a list of all your friends— close your eyes and walk away from me. I couldn’t ask you this just one time; did you write me down? Doesn’t matter how many we have, what matters is how much they care. The episode fades out with this song.
Ligaya - Eraserheads
The only song in chapter 8. Michael’s guitar cover of this at the end of the chapter fades into the actual song as the episode closes.
audioscan - ambient noise transformed into music
Chapter 9 opens up with Michael staring at the shelf of condoms in front of him at 7Eleven, this playing on his headphones. (Thanks, Jenna.)
Major Tom - Peter Schilling
Really this is just strictly for comedic purposes/background noise. This is what’s playing on the store’s speakers after Michael takes his headphones off and starts to (accidentally) text Rich. It’s got a weird floaty feeling to it and I imagine it’d be, like, subconsciously calming to hear while having a crisis in a 7Eleven.
Start Somewhere - A Yawn Worth Yelling
Okay, so like, Major Tom ends and after Michael talks to the cashier and goes to leave the store, he stops outside and takes a deep breath. This wasn’t written in the chapter but it’s what I’m imagining if this were a TV show. This song starts playing as he exits the store, and he stops outside for a second to get his bearings. The drums kick in right as Michael takes a deep breath, gets this Well, guess I’m really fucking doing this look on his face, and continues to march towards his car. We see him drive away, and the episode cuts to the next day or something where we see Michael sitting and making the flowchart of this chapter. The song fades out.
Silakbo - Milesexperience
The song that comes on Michael’s Spotify right as he’s about to confess to Jeremy in his car.
Soft Clouds - Parks, Squares and Alleys
Plays right as Jeremy says the last words of the chapter, and the camera pans out and above the car up into the sky before the lyrics can start. The episode ends.
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broken-endings · 6 years
digimon tri dub
i’m a bit bummed.
i watched the first movie
and although we had a number of returning cast, and at least a couple of the new voices weren’t too bad
but overall i’m missing the main thing i wanted from the dub. NOSTALGIA
i wanted it to feel just like watching the old digimon
one of the huge factors to make that happen would be the soundtracks
that orchestral score they used in adventure and zero two ALWAYS gives me chills. everything feels so emotional and epic
i think this reviewer put it best 
that this dub hardly did anything beyond a direct translation of the sub. I remember trying to watch the original adventure sub years ago, and i just couldn’t do it. main reason? the music. the music is near and dear to my heart.
the orchestral swell of horns and strings, the light and plucky winds’ solos,
even the actual songs with lyrics. i still listen to “hey digimon” and “kick it up” and “change into power.” and i want that same digital sounding electronic music from the background of the original “digimon digital monsters” song to be the music for the digivolutions.
they should’ve done remasters or covers of what made the original dub great in the first place.
maybe they tried and couldn’t get the rights to the music, but even then, make new stuff to emulate all the old stuff you couldn’t get. the one original song was completely lacking of anything that made the originals good.
watching the dub was barely different from watching the sub. which isn’t what i wanted.
the dub also always came up with more dialogue than the original to fill in the gaps. The silence and stillness works fine for the sub. it’s the style. But having it in the dub just feels out of place.
that orchestral score will STILL bring tears to my eyes during wizardmon’s death, leomon’s death, during the reunion with andromon in 002, blackwargreymon’s death, and oikawa’s death. I get chills just remembering the sound of the score while typing. Even the whole exposition with azulongmon. the score MADE it. that is some of my favorite exposition ever, even though it’s almost the whole episode.
i wish someone could even just take the dub as is, and swap out the bg music. i love butterfly, but it’s not my nostalgia. I didn’t get into that theme until a decade after my childhood with digimon.
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usarei-arts · 7 years
What's your cup of tea for music?
Hello there, and thank you for the ask!! i love it when people ask me these kind of questions because i will write an essay and won’t shut up
I can listen to absolutely any genre except music where they sound like you pushed over an infinite loop of shelves with lots of plates and cutlery on them  and heavy rock/metal i’m gomen to their fans but i guess i haven’t gotten used to it yet
1. Jazz
blues is my fav, lo-fi hip hop is my second preference and swing is also really good
i find jazz such a sexy and romantic genre??
imagine any of your otps in a dimly lit room with jazz playing softly in the bg, they start slow dancing or conversing softly on the couch giving each other light touches on the hands, shoulders, back etc. or going even further than that
you swear you had clothes on before the music started
i jam to Bioshock and Fallout jazz music when i draw or do any work!!
my mum hates it bc it makes her feel old and sleepy
my dad loves it tho so i guess i inherited that from him
i will never switch off my Lucio jazzy skin ever
2. Musicals
musicals have singing, dancing and acting in them what’s there not to love
fell in love with them as a small 6 year old kid because my dad had a cd full of Andrew Llyod Webber’s stuff and he would play it a lot in the car
boooooi Memory, Music of the Night and Don’t Cry for Me Argentina stuck out to me the most
Mamma Mia! (i watched this musical a total of 11 times i love it so much ok), Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserables, Into the Woods, Oliver!, Cats etc. are hella nice too
i’m still getting through a list of popular musicals tho the bf said Newsies and Rent are rly good too
i wasn’t even enrolled in this goddamn course or school but i joined the bf’s show choir class just because i really wanted to sing musical songs
we sang JEEEESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR and Evita (((rly good shit that’s when i found out Don’t Cry for Me Argentina came from that
i recently attended Matilda The Musical and bought their official soundtrack it’s SOOOOOO GOOD
3. Original Soundtracks
i’ve got lots from Deemo, Maplestory, V.K, DRAMAtical Murder, Free! etc.
i need drama in my life and OSTs give them to me
shamelessly owns every Monster Hunter OST album as well as their ethnic and jazz arranges too
their music is both epic and has that traditional vibe to them it’s perfect
4. Japanese Modern Folks/Traditional
i’ve been listening to lots of these but never knew the name of it only until recently–
tbh i’ve always been a sucker for the traditional/oriental genre i always feel so classy when listening to them
5. Idol Hell
i love singing AND dancing so naturally i love idols and would copy their enthusiasm
i’ve kinda migrated from lovelive to idolmaster cinderella girls music because dayum the range of genres they have is crazy
cute girls so hell???? yes???????
been a vocaloid fan since 2011 yo and still am
idk man i listen to anything by Kagamine Rin and Len so that covers a lot of genres
7. Oldie Songs (1950s to 2000s)
brings back lots of memories for me and my brother screeching out every single song on the radio bc boi you’ve spent 8 years of your life listening to the same radio station that only played 1950s to 2000s songs
Whitney Houston, The Bee Gees, Mariah Carey, Dolly Parton, Elton John, Air Supply, The Carpenters, Cliff Richard, Westlife to name a few
my mum will always say ‘do you know this song is older than you’
this playlist is most of the things we listened to
not really considered oldie but my dad thought it’ll be cool to buy Black Eyed Peas Monkey Business and Elephunk albums for my brother and i because YEEEE RAPPING AND BEING COOL
both of us loved them so much we began remembering the lyrics without knowing what they meant and my mum wasn’t happy to say the least
8. Techno
first point says everything
i play techno when trying to rush for deadlines it gets me really pumped up because honestly if i play jazz when i’m in a rush i’m never getting anything done
SO YE those are probably my top tastes in music!! tldr I can listen to anything except for heavy rock/metal
thank you for reading my essay it’s 6.30am
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lvtvr · 7 years
Deepest Shade fic playlist
i made one bc i am Basic™. updated as i go along! it’s gonna be so fuckin long lads
note: the final song on this playlist is instrumental music that gives off the noir vibe i’m going for, so it’s good to just have on in the background while reading!
read the fic
listen on youtube
listen on spotify
Feeling Good - Michael Bublé
Donatella - Lady Gaga {warning: potentially triggering lyrics re: eating disorders}
Autumn Leaves (jazz standard)
La cathédrale engloutie - Claude Debussy
Reflets dans l’eau - Claude Debussy
Nights Of Love - Papa Roach
Toxic - Britney Spears (Postmodern Jukebox cover)
Blow Your Mind (Mwah) - Dua Lipa
Runaway (U & I) - Galantis
How To Be A Heartbreaker - Marina and the Diamonds
Ain’t My Fault - Zara Larsson
Gambling Man - The Overtones
Desire - Meg Myers
The Man - The Killers
Call Me Devil - Friends In Tokyo
Chandelier - Sia
Dazzle - Oh Wonder
Casual Affair - Panic! at the Disco
Just (Tap) Dance - Lady Gaga (Postmodern Jukebox cover)
Kung - Samir & Viktor
Heaven Knows - The Pretty Reckless
Hit & Run - Hayley Kiyoko
Fever - Peggy Lee cover by Sloane Skylar ft. Shaun Canon {original version on Spotify}
Million Dollar Man - Lana Del Rey
I’m A Wanted Man - Royal Deluxe
I Don’t Care - Fall Out Boy
Runnin’ - Adam Lambert
BLUE - Troye Sivan ft. Alex Hope
Hotter Than Hell - Dua Lipa
After Party - Adore Delano
Stay - Zedd, Alessia Cara
Trouble - Valérie Broussard
Oops!... I Did It Again - Britney Spears (Postmodern Jukebox cover)
Still Falling For You - Ellie Goulding
Buy The Stars - Marina and the Diamonds
Constellations - Adore Delano
No Money - Galantis
Symphony - Clean Bandit ft. Zara Larsson
Ambient jazz music
more notes/thoughts about each song under the cut! ♡
Feeling Good: This was the song that inspired the fic. It was originally going to be a oneshot, and this was my soundtrack for it. Love that big band swing. Also I’ve heard from a reliable source that it has a James Bond vibe, which is just *ok sign*
Donatella: I’ve listened to this song so many times while writing this. So many. It was originally my sassy Lance song, but is also an A+ Lotor song ksdlgjsg
Autumn Leaves, Reflets, Cathédrale: Played on the piano by Lance in ch. 1. I picked the Debussy songs because they’re both water themed.
Nights Of Love: HOLY SHIT THIS SONG. A forgotten gem from my long-buried emo phase, this song is ridiculous and a bit embarrassing and incredibly indulgent. This song is this entire fic in music form. I am so happy. *wipes tear*
Toxic: Look, you just don’t need to explain why Toxic is on a smut fic playlist. Ever.
Blow Your Mind (Mwah): Possibly one of the most Klance songs ever. Just look up the lyrics trust me on this. Also the video is kinda gay and full of hot girls like can blonde pixie and camo shirt both date me pls
Runaway (U&I): God. This is so Lance I die. “I know that I’m rich enough for pride” GOD leave me alone
How To Be A Heartbreaker: I fuckin love this song and I can’t believe I didn’t put it on here earlier, so thanks to the asker who reminded me that I should.
Ain’t My Fault: Just ... a good thirst song in general.
Gambling Man: Self-explanatory. Recommended bg music for chapter 2.
Desire: It’s just. Sexy. And honestly reflects what I imagine Keith’s sexuality to be like? Very wild, untamed, yet needy as fuck
The Man: This was recced by Yulivee @AO3 as a good song for Lance and the act he puts on!! 
Call Me Devil: The Lotor song holy shit im dyin scoob
Chandelier: Langst™ Dazzle: THIS SONG IS SO IMPORTANT THIS SONG WAS MADE FOR THIS FIC I HONESTLY CANNOT DEAL IM A MESS PLEASE LISTEN TO IT. Also this was originally from Ruvi’s playlist for this fic!!
Casual Affair: This is what I listened to while I was writing the first scene in chapter 5. I love it so much. Also from Ruvi’s list.
Just (Tap) Dance: That’s right!! From Ruvi’s list!! Why don’t I just put u in charge of the fic, mate. Also I like this version better than the original tbh
Kung: Okay listen I’m sorry but I couldn’t resist......... this is basically a trashy Swedish party song about living like a king and there’s one line that goes “boys who struggle, cry and fight / no one can lose it like we do” and I just. Listened to it a lot while thinking about Lance and Lotor. It’s an open secret that I love trashy pop music so just indulge me here DJSDKGJdg
Heaven Knows: Gives me a Keith vibe just in general???
Hit & Run: I love this song so much. Inspired the piano bar scene. From Ruvi’s list.
Fever: This is what Lance plays at the bar and I would DIE for this version I love it SO MUCH.
Million Dollar Man: This is about Lotor. Got dam. (thanks Ruvi im just stealing all of ur recs jsgjsdg)
I’m A Wanted Man: Also gives me a Keith vibe. Good for when I’m thinking about his backstory.
I Don’t Care: I listen to this to picture Keith thirsting for Lance tbh
Runnin’: GOD I love this and you can actually interpret it as being about any char but for me? It’s Lotor. Most definitely.
BLUE: Keith’s feelings for Lance. catch me crying in the club
Hotter Than Hell: Listen I’m always here for that good sexy content and this is it aaa (also this artist is like my age im???? wow)
After Party: the actual best lancelot porn song bye
Stay: This was recced by Sky, and, well, Klance.
Trouble: I love this song so much?? Just the vibe and her voice and everything? I mostly put it on here to indulge myself. (Also, I found it via that space cowboys AU by Mytay on AO3, so check that out if y’all wanna!!)
Oops!... I Did It Again: Lancelot!!! Also I fuckin’ love these covers, goddamn.
Still Falling For You: Okay so I couldn’t resist putting this on here too, because it’s like... the quintessential (heh) Klance song. If your Klance dynamic doesn’t fit this song, you’re not doing Klance right; that’s just an objective fact.
Buy The Stars: The Lancelot Song, pals. oh my god. ohhhhhhh my god.
Constellations: this is for a scene that hasn’t appeared in the fic yet but oh boy am i crying
No Money: This is a Lance song and I’m not telling you why.
Symphony: Sky linked me this one too and I have been crying ever since I think y’all can figure this one out for urselves aaaa
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benedictgolde · 6 years
My weekdays in songs.
Day 17
I don’t know why but I felt the need to push out a 10 miler today. The air was crisp, there was frost along the fields and when I returned to my start point 8 miles in, I just kept going and looped another two. Such a liberating feeling, to know you can just carry on because you feel like it. Just shy of 100km over the last 7 days, better have a rest day tomorrow although (if you’ve been reading the other posts) we all know how I feel about them...  Saturday again, luckily I have a good agenda for the weekend with plenty of plans to keep me busy from the anxieties that come with the shift of routine. Tonight the band play in Salisbury, a city I’m actually quite fond of. It’s a quaint place with lots of little traditionally British buildings, it’s residents are humble and always very welcoming to us whenever we’ve played. 
Now, I don’t like to live in the past; my focus is very much fixated on the present and, unfortunately, probably a little too much on the future. However, today I am going to reflect on the weekdays gone by, using a song to outline how I felt about each day. This week was a relatively average week in the grand scheme of life events; I ran, I went to work, I went to the gym, I did a few activities, saw my Nan etc. I think it’s important sometimes to reflect on what seems to be ‘general’ life time. When it comes to mortality, no time should be considered ‘general’ and if you dig a bit deeper, I always think you can realise that in every day there’s unique moments. “Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.” Said John Lennon. But what if, “Life is what happens you’re wired on caffeine and endorphins on a Saturday morning, chatting nonsense on the internet”. - Only one way to find out. 
Monday: I try not to have favourites, but if I had to chose: Monday would be my favourite day of the week. This week started with an 8 mile run, in somewhat colder weather than we’ve been getting here in the UK recently. Work was good; I have some nice classes on Monday. Someone said to me that my job reminded them of Jack Black in the School of Rock, except I’m paid to be the slightly bonkers teacher who forms a rock band with the learners - it’s a pretty accurate description of what I do on a day to day. So Monday’s song can be the “School Of Rock” anthem. 10/10 movie, if you haven’t seen it. 
Tuesday: 8.5 miles, another slightly chilly one so I was wearing a silly hat. Another good day at work being faux Jack Black (the considerably healthier version). I was very productive on Tuesday, it being my busiest day, I still managed to record the video for the song I released on Wednesday - don’t forget there’s going to be videos every Wednesday from now until (at least) the end of the year - so Tuesday’s song can be the on I uploaded (shameless). 
Wednesday: It was liberating knowing that video had gone up. I know it’s a cover and a very simple video but it’s the start of something I’ve been meaning to do for years. The hardest part of any idea is the execution to make that idea into a real product. I read an incredible book about start-ups called “Zero to One” - a solid recommendation for any entrepreneur and/or creative. For that, Wednesday’s theme tune can be the famous 368 (Casey Neistat’s YouTube show) soundtrack, as a shout out to my favourite entrepreneur.
Thursday: Thursday I woke up pumped from the video dropping and I had also seen my Nan the night before, and she’d made me an incredible homemade Rice Pudding. The music class I take on a Thursday got a question I asked about Green Day wrong, I told them that we had to scrap the lesson plan and instead do a full comprehensive study on punk rock history so that their music taste’s could be re-educated appropriately... (obviously we stuck to the plan in the end). Thursday’s song can be this absolute banger, although a little solemn, an anthem that belongs to the month:
Friday: My Friday is somewhat opposite to the majority of Mon-Fri workers. I don’t go out, I go to bed around the same time I do every other night, I don’t drink so there’s no alcohol or anything involved, I eat ice cream and dessert almost every night of the week so I just have a relatively normal night - which I absolutely love. My lovely girlfriend came over and we watched Masterchef for whatever reason? I guess sometimes you have to take some decompression time. Friday’s song goes out to her: <3
What an incredibly hilarious post. Your challenge, reader, is to sum up your week in songs - make a playlist and send it my way if you want. Music education is important.  Peace & love. BG 
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