#and gorgonzola cheese
ndostairlyrium · 1 year
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fattributes · 4 months
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Cheese Stuffed Butternut Squash
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daily-deliciousness · 2 years
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Olive garden steak alfredo
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Well. That was. Informative! Thank you for the reminder, Bruno!
Why did you feel the need to say that, again...?
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" buddy. "
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" What'd we say about using our words? It's awfully mean to growl at people. "
" If you're upset, take a minute to cool down. You don't need to respond to someone that says something ugly to you. If it makes you sad you can always talk to me about it, remember? I don't mind if you need to let it out but... You might make Peppino uncomfortable growling like that considering... everything. "
" It's okay to feel mad, but you can't growl at people. It might make things escalate, and I don't want to see you get hurt. "
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" You're a hot mess, you. But say, since I'm feeling better, maybe you could help finish prep in the kitchen. I'll be right behind you, I just gotta get the crust out of my eyes and freshen up a little from bawling. Ok? "
" OK. "
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( I don't think telling him everything is a good idea. I've only known him for nearly two months. I think I can level with him on one thing, though... )
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Long text under cut
Gus: You know when you told me the other day about him growling at Brick I thought you were just overreacting.
Peppino: Well now you see what I'm talking about. Maybe you should leave them at home from now on.
Gus: Did you understand what he said? 'Memento Mori'? Is that Italian?
Peppino: No, it's not. Zola, do you know what that means?
Gorgonzola: No sir, I'm sorry.
Peppino: That glob of undercooked dough gonna get a foot up its ass if it doesn't cut it out. I can't take much more of this.
Gorgonzola: Mr. Peppino can I speak to you for a minute, alone?
Peppino: I suppose. Gus, you should help with prep. If you start feeling uncomfortable come back.
Peppino: ...
Gorgonzola: ...
Peppino: Alright, what is it?
Gorgonzola: First and foremost sir, I'm sorry. I-
Peppino: Don't start. I don't want to hear you apologize. You can't control what that thing does.
Gorgonzola: ...Alright, well. I just wanted to talk to you a minute about that. I don't very much appreciate you calling him names, it makes him angry-
Peppino: Nonono, no. Don't. I will throw you out of this Pizzeria by the collar of your polo! I have been SO nice to it today! I let it lick the dishes, eat the old food out of the fridge, and it growled at me this morning because I turned the light on in the kitchen!
Gorgonzola: Sir he's not going to be nice to you after one day of being kind to him... somewhat. You beat him up and threw him off a building.
Gorgonzola: Of course I can't! I don't blame you at all, you were completely in the right to do so. I'm not saying that you were wrong to do any of what you did, but I'm saying that on both sides it was exceptionally traumatizing.
Peppino: Traumatizing for him? Right. His existence is traumatizing to me.
Gorgonzola: Sir he scares me too, you know that right...?
Peppino: What?
Gorgonzola: He scares me a lot.
Peppino: Well... then... why would you vouch for it the way you did when you convinced me to let it in...?
Gorgonzola: Because deep down I know he's just like me. Heck Mr. Peppino, the Tower runs so much deeper than a place we used to live in. That's where life started. There was no outside. Everything that was in there was all we knew, for me all I knew was circuses and shows, for him it was labs and darkness, the only food is rats and other, smaller, messed up versions of yourself. Everyday he has to live with the fact he's supposed to be someone he very much is not.
Peppino: ...
Gorgonzola: I'm not saying you have to put up with him, I'm asking you to have some patience and compassion.
Peppino: Which I've given a lot of-
Gorgonzola: I know, trust me I know. He's a lot for me too. I'm just asking you to have a little more. I can't tell you what to do or convince you that deep down he's a gentle giant, but if you give it time, I think you'll see him for what he is.
Peppino: Damn it. I knew I made a good decision hiring you for the front. [chuckles] You sure you're a clown and not a conman?
Gorgonzola: Being a clown requires a lot of social prowess, sir! Sorry.
Peppino: Ah. Forget about it. Just ... I suppose I'll be more patient with him or at least do my best. Just don't expect an immediate change.
Gorgonzola: I don't, sir. Thank you for hearing me out.
Peppino: Ti ringrazio, Gorgonzola, for talking to me.
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vegance · 7 months
there is soo much amazing vegan artisan cheese out there like....
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yes, most of them are not very widely available and still quite expensive (though its getting better) but it absolutely exists. and if they were to receive a fraction of the funding that the dairy industry gets, i'm sure they could expand more quickly!!
the idea that you can only make good cheese with mothers milk is just wrong, humans have been making plant based cheese for centuries!
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teeth-go-clink · 1 year
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Diversity win! The fungi on your cheese are not having sex
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morethansalad · 9 months
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Vegan Gnocchi with Gorgonzola Cheese, Spinach and Smoked Salmon (Oil-Free)
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sbnkalny · 8 months
A horn will sound when it's clearly Brie time, baby.
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cheese-tournament · 2 months
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Round 1
It's red, dutch and semi hard
It's blue mold but got a based name. Why do the Italians always have the best names
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vegan-nom-noms · 2 months
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Vegan Homemade Gorgonzola (Blue Cheese)
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superbeans89 · 4 months
“Average person eats 34 pounds of cheese a year” is actually a statistical error. Average person eats 4 pounds of cheese per year. Spiders Georgonzola, who lives in a cheese cave and eats 3593 pounds per year, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
It’s me. I’m Spiders Georgonzola
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sapybara · 7 months
Gorgonzola is literally the best cheese I've ever had
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fattributes · 7 months
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Arugula Walnut Cranberry Salad with Raspberry Vinaigrette
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necco-wafer-official · 8 months
her medusa so cheesy call that gorgonzola
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How does Bruno comfort people? If he can comfort them
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magazynkulinarny · 6 months
Sałata ze szpinakiem, kalafiorem, gruszką, awokado, Gorgonzolą i czosnkowym winegretem
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No to w końcu kalafior czy brokuł?! Czym jest ten podobny do kalafiora, a smakujący jak brokuł atrakcyjny przybysz z Włoch, Pan Romanesco?
Kalafior, brokuł, kapusta głowiasta, brukselka, a także kalarepa to różne odmiany tego samego gatunku Brassica oleracea i jako takie mogą być poddawane krzyżowaniu (naturalnemu lub sztucznemu). Tak powstało szereg roślin uprawnych i ozdobnych.
Istnieją dwie formy Brassica oleracea, które można określić jako brokuł, jednak obie biologicznie uznawane są za odmiany kalafiora (Brassica oleracea var. Botrytis). Pierwsza z nich ma kształt zwykłego kalafiora, tego, znanego u nas i lubianego od lat. Druga charakteryzują się stożkowatymi, niezwykłymi fraktalnymi wzorami różyczek. Ma żółty lub żywy zielony kolor. Ta druga to właśnie odmiana Romanesco.
Zawikłane? Może trochę. Mimo to warto czasem zagłębić się w materię tego, co mamy na talerzu - szczególnie dotyczy to nowości - choćby po to, by wiedzieć co wkładamy do ust. Zdarzają się bowiem potrawy toksyczne - nawet podane z uśmiechem na złotej tacy - od których należy bezwzględnie stronić. Szczęśliwie ta sałata do nich nie należy. To samo zdrowie!
mała główka Romanesco duża garść młodego szpinaku gruszka awokado ok. 100 g Gorgonzoli sól i czarny pieprz do smaku
Czosnkowy winegret łyżeczka musztardy Dijon łyżeczka miodu 2 łyżki soku z cytryny łyżka octu jabłkowego 6-7 łyżek oliwy z oliwek e.v. 2 ząbki czosnku sól i czarny pieprz do smaku
Opłukać kalafior, gruszkę i szpinak (jeśli potrzeba). Szpinak osuszyć w wirówce.
Kalafior podzielić na różyczki wielkości kęsa, a łodygi pokroić w podobnej wielkości kostkę. Awokado rozciąć, wyjąć pestkę, a następnie połówki miąższu i pokroić w kostkę, starając się by wielkością zgrał się z resztą. Skropić sokiem z cytryny. Ser pokroić w kostkę. Gruszkę pozbawić gniazda nasiennego i również pokroić w kostkę.
Do średniej wielkości garnka wlać niewielka ilość wody. Wstawić sitko do gotowania na parze i wsypać na dno części twardsze, a na górę różyczki. Przykryć pokrywka i gotować kilka minut (ok. 4), aż warzywo straci surowość, ale pozostanie chrupiące.
Przygotować winegret. Czosnek rozgnieść płaską stroną noża, obrać i maksymalnie rozdrobnić. W sosjerce połączyć czosnek z musztardą, miodem i dobrze wymieszać. Dodać sok z cytryny, ocet, odrobinę soli i pieprzu i ponownie wymieszać. Cienkim strumyczkiem wlewać oliwę, cały czas mieszając aż do uzyskania emulsji.
W misie wymieszać wszystkie składniki, podlewając odpowiednią ilością winegretu.
Podawać z opieczonym pieczywem.
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