#and it might sound silly to people who don't have that kind of connection to animals but
androideql · 1 month
so... some downer news, but i don't think the requests are going to be finished as fast as I would have hoped.
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melodic-haze · 1 month
haii!! I really like ur arle fic ^_^ could you write smth for sub yelan? can be a thirst :)
☆ — SONG TITLE: Safe and sound
☆ — PAIRING: sub!Yelan x dom!Reader
☆ — TYPE: Hurt with comfort, fluff, NSFW
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: MIGHT be ooc bc by GOD do I barely remember things now, gn but she calls you "doll" so there's that, praise kink, body worship, soft sex :3, fingering to cunnilingus pipeline, does it count as semi-public if you have sex in the bedroom interior thing of the pharmacy, silly banter bc I think sex is silly❗️❗️❗️
☆ — NOTES: HIII YAYYY THANK YOU 🫶🫶🫶 I absolutely can anon❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️ I need Yelan in my life so baaaad. Also do they even have actual hospitals in Liyue cuz Bubu Pharmacy's.....a pharmacy 😓 idc pretend they have patient rooms
☆ — WORD COUNT: 3,875 wtf
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You told yourself that you knew what you were getting into, when you began your relationship with Yelan.
She's a busy woman—when your girlfriend technically doesn't exist for the sake of keeping her job as the personal intelligence officer for the Tianquan, you didn't really have a choice but to accept that things would be.. inconvenient for both you and your relationship.
You knew there would be risks. You knew that in order to make this work, the both of you had to reconcile with the fact that neither of you are completely safe from the possible consequences that came from her working in the more definitely-not-legal clandescine side of peacekeeping. One wrong move and she, the hunter, could get hunted.. and you could easily be used as bait.
You both knew that, and neither of you took it lightly. Obviously not; one stupid mistake and whatever cover she had on would be uprooted and someone would get hurt. But it's easy to admit that with how proficient your lover is with her work, the danger seems oh so far away...
Which makes the falling action hit all the more harder, because hope is a painfully fragile thing.
You're a storyteller at the Heyu Tea House, much like Liu Su is. Perhaps you could've worked at Yanshang, considering your very intimate connection with its owner, but such closeness risked turning you into an accessory people could exploit to reach their target. Those who've witnessed you consider you a talent—you had a way of weaving words together at a second's notice, your voice the only element needed to transport the public's focus and imagination to another world.
Yelan had admired that silver-tongued quality of yours.. or, as she had joked about more than once, your delightful skill with your mouth. The joke aside, it was something that you two had in common, except you told tales of the brave and the bold with freedom and joyous passion while she told tales of ever-shifting identities to keep herself hidden as she did her job.
..But no tales of glory could ever reassure you when a messenger brought news of Yelan's state, no tales of security could keep you above the ocean of overwhelming dread.
You had to rush over to Bubu Pharmacy, not caring that you were leaving work and all the tea house's patrons behknd when you had just been told that she was in critical condition. What kind of state is she in? How did it happen?
By the time you get there, you were almost ready to burst into the interior before Herbalist Gui steps in the way, "Wait, wait. Who--"
"Where.." you heaved, having just ran basically from one end of the Harbor to another, "where is she? Yelan? Inside, yes? I have to--"
"Slow down."
"But she's in critical--"
"Assuming you're the one I've been told to wait for, she was in critical condition. She's recovering, at the moment.. though Dr. Baizhu himself was tasked to brief you about it inside."
The feeling of relief was small and momentary but comforting, "Then can I see her? Please?"
He nodded before opening the door himself, "Just don't rush in like you were about to."
With a hum of affirmation, you stepped inside, eyes darting around to find your lover before eventually locking onto a certain bedridden figure in hushed conversation, along with Dr. Baizhu.. and Lady Ningguang.
Sure, it would've done you some good to act relatively composed in the Qixing's presence, but it's not like that was the time for it.
So instead you quickly walk over with urgency, the other two weren't much of a priority to you right now, "Yelan!"
She pauses before turning her head and smiles as she sees you approach, opening her arms to you, "Y/N, sweetheart, there you are..."
You move to quickly embrace her, burying your face in the crook of her neck. Her familiar scent and her comforting warmth overtaking your senses and reassuring you that she is fine and she is NOT dying and--
You feel her wince before trying her best to cover it up, unintentionally prompting you to let go. You look at her with worry once again before you see her try to smile, though it looks more like a grimace to you.
"I'll be fine, you don't need to treat me like I'm made of glass." She then winks at you, as if she wasn't at all injured, "You know I like it rough, doll."
You couldn't help but roll your eyes with a huff despite the situation, "Your possible death bed isn't really the place to be joking like this..."
She shrugged, "On the contrary, I think this is the perfect time. I'm not dead yet, though."
"You could've been."
"You, indeed, could've been."
Both of you turned to look at the two briefly forgotten figures in the room, said two sporting small smiles befitting of their own nature. The doctor's snake, Changsheng, looks to the side as if disinterested but you see that there's some sort of pleasant glint on her eyes.
Baizhu starts off slow, as if speaking to a spooked deer, probably for your sake, "Unfortunately, Yelan's life was almost taken due to a mix of a poison build-up and bleeding out too much. We've.. had to keep her here in secret for a while in order to keep watch of her state. At least," he let out a light chuckle, "until she managed to stay conscious for longer than five minutes."
"It was a lot of trouble, you know." The albino snake hissed out, "Really had to keep an eye on her 24/7 in case she suddenly curled up and died more than she looked instead of just taking a nap."
"Now, my case wasn't that dire--"
"Barbaric as it is, I'll bite you and fill you with poison again if you say otherwise, human--"
"Before your pet snake threatens my agent's life a week after she almost died, might I suggest we hurry this along? I'm sure Y/N would like to be alone with your patient instead of witnessing this little farce of yours." Despite her words, Ningguang's lips had easily curled into a small smirk, her eyebrows slightly raised and her tone amused.
"Come now, you heard the Tianquan; no need to threaten the patient, Changsheng," Baizhu sighed as he softly nudged her head away with a knuckle. "The sooner we brief her other half over here, the sooner you can go, okay?"
The snake companion offered no other form of acknowledgement beyond a little huff before resting her head on Baizhu's shoulder.
"So..." You start, "You're telling me that she's been here for.. a week."
Ningguang nods.
"And nobody went to tell me."
The Tianquan let out a small sigh before lifting a hand to idly summon a few of her small gem constructs and swirling it around, "After thinking it through, we weren't necessarily left with a choice. She was in dire need of immediate help, everything else came after."
'Necessary' this, 'thinking' that, it was getting a bit infuriating, "If it was so bad then why send her in such a dangerous mission in the first place?!"
"It wasn't supposed to be."
You all turned to look at Yelan, who had been silently watching you on her bed, and you just now notice the slender hand that gently tugged down on your arm.
She then turns to the others with a smile, "I'll take the rest of the explanation. With my service, I think I'm at least owed some time alone with this sweetheart I'm holding onto right now."
Ningguang nods as Baizhu stands up, the both of them moving to leave. However, you hear the doctor call out as he closes the door, smug amusement practically radiating off his voice, "Don't exhaust her too much now!"
The door closes, leaving you two alone, and you couldn't help but cringe at the Doctor's remark as Yelan laughed. That moment only lasted for a few moments, however, before worry and dread came back to make itself known to you.
"I'm still mad, you know."
"I know, doll."
"And worried."
"If you knew then why wasn't I told that you've been here this whole time?" You ducked your head as your hands sought to hold onto yoour lover's own, "You could've died nearby and I wouldn't have known until it was too late."
Her hands reciprocated your gesture, giving you a light squeeze, "Don't hate me."
"What for?"
"I was the one who told them not to say anything until I was all better."
"..But why?"
"It was something I arranged with Ningguang a while ago about you; if I'm ever in a really bad state, it should be kept secret until I either recover or.. well, you know."
"That's not telling me why."
"I was getting to that, sweetheart," she chuckled as she lifted one of your hands to press a small kiss on the back of it, "it's to protect you. I'm not risking my life to risk yours even more.. and I didn't want you getting worried or getting false hope in case I didn't get through. I wanted to come back to you injury-free."
You took pause, considering her words. You knew she was right, getting all wound up about something that would or wouldn't have come would've been.. stressful. And in doing so, there's a chance that you might be identified and used against her. It might be extreme, but it pays to be careful when your girlfriend's basically a spy.
"You still had me worried, though."
"Haha, yeah, I'm sorry."
"I almost knocked some poor patron's tea onto his lap from rushing out to see you and yet all you do is laugh it off."
Yelan snorted, "Really?"
"Yes? I don't have time to be careful when you could've been dead! What even happened?"
"I took a gamble on the whole thing and it ended up backfiring, that's all."
"..And I'm guessing that's all you'll tell me?"
"Until I get the all-clear, yes. Sorry, love."
"That's fine. It's.. the same old. I just wish you were more careful."
"Mm. I said I'm sorry, didn't I?"
You look up at her to reply but you stop in your tracks as you see the way she's looking at you.
Her eyes, coloured a dazzling aquamarine, looked at you with such love and care. Coupled up with that easy, relaxed smile, it reminds you of why you're willing to put up with.. all this for the love of your life.
Your words are taken from you and you couldn't care less, not when she lets go of your hands and wraps them around your neck.
"I missed you," she says, and you can't help but melt.
"I missed you too. So much."
"Then can I..?"
Your eyes crinkled at the request, easily falling back into the dynamic you have with her, "We're not done talking about this. And you're not meant to be exhausted."
"I almost died, can't a woman get a reward for surviving a bad roll?"
"You could, but that's not how you ask."
Her voice turns airy yet raspy at your reminder, her tone simultaneously taunting and begging, "Please?"
"..Alright, fine then. Come here." And that's all you say before you both lean in, her arms slowly tugging you down on the bed with her as you follow through the movement.
Soon enough, you're on top of her as slow, gentle kisses progressed and increased in intensity, her hands wandering and grasping onto you as if you were her one lifeline, the reason why she lived. And perhaps you are, with the way she cherishes you and lets you do whatever you wish to her, both in body and soul. Your touch, in contrast to her uncoordinated movements, is gentle and unhurried as you make sure to be careful of possibly hurting the woman underneath you.
The both of you make relatively quick work in removing the clothes you have on, with more effort on your part due to your insistence in letting her lean back so that she doesn't accidentally strain herself. You almost regret it when you see the state of her body—the bruises are fading away faster than it probably would've, were it not for Baizhu's help, but the cuts...
"Even with the doctor's healing, they don't look too good, do they?" You hear Yelan muse, her ever so confident tone slightly tinged with a touch of self-consciousness, "You don't need to look at them, doll. I wouldn't--"
"No, they're.. beautiful."
She snorts again, an unsure smirk on her lips and a light pink dusting her cheeks, "Usually I'd agree, but those are recent gashes you're looking at."
"And?" You raised an eyebrow, "They may look a bit.. gnarly but you survived all of this. How can I not think they're beautiful? How can I not think you're beautiful?"
She doesn't say anything back, though you hear her exhale shakily before she pulls you back into another brief kiss. You don't stay there long, however, as you slowly make your way down: gently biting and licking her neck, playing and sucking onto her nipples with great care, kissing every scar and bruise and wound she's received in great reverence to the one you love, caressing every inch of her body...
Underneath you, Yelan squirms in pleasure and anticipation, her breathing deep and her skin flushed as you take your time in worshipping every single inch of her body. Her hips rock up in an effort to grind her clit up on your thigh. She was desperate—of all the places you decided to caress, you've yet to touch the one place she needed you the most after the whole time you've been apart. You knew this, and yet you kept going.
Yelan knew how to handle hard and rough, but she was lost when it came to soft and gentle.
"Please, babe," she practically moaned out, "Aren't you-- ah.. taking longer than... than usual..?"
You pressed a kiss on a closed wound as you grazed a nipple with your thumb, "Am I? I didn't realise you timed me whenever I had you at my mercy."
Her breath hitched at the movement, "No, just.. instinct... How long are you--"
"But I haven't shown how much I love every single inch of you yet."
"I think I'd get the message if y-- ohfuck... if you got to the main event."
You sported a mock pout, your words failing to hide your teasing intent that just wants to have her squirming for you, at least for a little while, "I haven't seen you in a good while, can't you let me savour you?"
You see her gulp, her eyes half-lidded before one of her hands move to comb her hair out of the way, "You have.. you have all of me, no matter what."
..That was enough, especially after finding out that you almost lost her.
Your hand grazed her skin as it travelled down to her core, your fingers lightly swabbing the slit to get a feel of the wetness accumulating in the apex of her thighs. "You're so wet... Maybe I should treat you like a fragile little princess more often, hm?" You couldn't help the remark as you rubbed circles on her clit and gave her what she wanted, especially when she lets out such a delicious whine.
"I need.. inside... Come on, now, sweetheart, I--"
"You were doing so well..." Your minstrations slowed down, earning another whine from who was supposed to be a mature woman, "What's the magic word, hm? We've gone through this."
She doesn't hesitate, "Please put.. put your fingers in me, I've needed you for s-so-- oh my fucking-- mmnf!"
You made quick work in finding someone's discarded panties—yours or hers, you couldn't care less right now—and using it as a makeshift gag to silence your lover when you finally sink your fingers into her wet, hot pussy. "I don't know if you remember since apparently you've been here the entire time, but we're not home right now. So I suggest you try your best to stay quiet."
"That is," you continue with a raised eyebrow, keeping your hand still inside her and practically relishing in her pleading gaze, "you can keep quiet, right? I wouldn't want us to be a disturbance so if you can't, then..."
You make a point to remove your fingers at an agonising pace, its presence leaving just as soon as it came, but her hand reaches out in an effort to keep you inside. You see her shaking her head 'no', though she doesn't let out a sound.
"Good girl," and you plunge your fingers in once again as some sort of makeshift punctuation to your brief praise, to which you could feel her hips buck sharply into your hand in response.
Your lips and your unoccupied hand wandered around her body, as if making sure that she was there with you and actually alive instead of whatever worrying condition she was in. And really, if it weren't for some lucky stroke of luck, she wouldn't even be here in your arms right now.
You knew the risks of being with her but that didn't mean you liked it—the thought of losing your lover was...
You looked at her and you see a questioning yet knowingly sympathetic look in her eyes, and that's when you realise that you had unconsciously stopped moving entirely.
She moves her hand, though it isn't to remove the makeshift gag in her mouth. Rather, she moves it to softly brush her knuckles on your cheek, reassuring you of her present existence without words.
..You needed her just as much as she needed you.
With a pleasant hum, you kissed her again before moving your head down and leaving a trail of kisses in your wake. You stop at her glistening core, wet with slick and anticipating your next move from the way it squeezes down on your unmoving digits, before you descend further and give her clit a slow, tentative lick. The effect is immediate—you hear her let out a muffled gasp as her hands dart to the back of your head.
Her reactions have always been a delight to witness because of how it was always such a gamble to you; was she going to try holding it in or was she going to be so expressive that you have to keep her still? Was she going to be a good girl and follow every little thing you say or was she going to be a brat and defy you until you've broken her in? But this time it's delightful in a different way—your entire exchange is so utterly intimate and caring and reassuring for the both of you.
And the effect on her is also delightful too. Putting her hands on your head and alternating between gripping it tight and massaging your scalp as you consumed her entire being, murmuring sweetly broken-apart words of her love for you as she tries to quiet down for you, pulling you closer by wrapping her legs around your head and never letting you go while her body twitches and reacts at your every minstration... For once, she doesn't know what to do, simply laying there as a helpless pile of need and desire that's being wound up tight with care until she possibly can't anymore.
When your fingers curl up into that one specific spot as you sucked on her clit just the right way, you feel her finally snap and let go before you hear it.
It happens in such a mesmerising sequence; her breath hitches once more as her body locks in place for a mere second before she bucks her hips and shakes uncontrollably. Her hands claw on your scalp and her thighs squeeze you tighter, practically closing up any space to breathe and yet you don't care—you happily continue on with your movements and help your lover ride through her much-needed orgasm. Then that's when you hear her garbled screams, the makeshift gag in her mouth definitely not enough to contain the sound, mixed with "I love you"s and scrambled words of gratitude as she rides out her high.
It takes a while, but eventually she settles down. Yelan's grip on you softens up and you are given room to move off her and finally breathe (not as if you were complaining, in the first place). So you extract yourself from her lower body, though not without cleaning her slick up with careful licks as you slowly took your fingers out as to not overstimulate her further. You licked your own fingers clean right after with a little wink at her and you see her roll her eyes with a smile as she takes the panties out her mouth and puts them aside, the expression complimented with a blushing tint on her cheeks.
You kiss all the way back up her body until you reach her lips, and a hand goes up to cup your cheek as you share this tender moment together between you. And when your lips break apart, your body doesn't follow—instead, you lie beside her with both your limbs tangled up together and never letting go. You would have lied down on her but you didn't want to put pressure on her still-recovering body.
Neither of you speak for a little while, satisfied with simply hearing the sounds of each other's breathing. Of her breathing, an indication that she's alive and with you at this present moment. It's so easy to just.. close your eyes and fall into a comfortable slumber with your partner right here with you.
But eventually, Yelan manages to form her words, "I missed that."
You raised an eyebrow, "What, the sex?"
"Well, yes. You're a natural, sweetheart. But no, I meant being with you."
"..Me too."
"There is.. one more thing I want to do."
"And what's that?"
And she turns to look at you with that dazzling sea of aquamarine blanketed with a warm, loving gaze, "Rest. With you."
The smile that stretches your lips isn't enough, could never be enough, to express the happy warmth that blossomed within you, "We can do that."
You don't do it immediately; you've had to briefly extract yourself to put your own clothes back on and help Yelan with hers (despite her insistence that she can do it herself) because the least you two can do is look somewhat presentable in case someone comes in. But when you finish up and you come back to bed with her, it doesn't take all that long for peaceful exhaustion to overtake you.
The last thing you see is Yelan's live, blissful expression of happiness, something one wouldn't expect from someone in her line of work and yet there it was.
And it's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.
(And when you wake, you see her snoring lightly with her lips slightly apart.
And you wouldn't want to trade this—her—for anything.)
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hollowtones · 8 months
this isn't so much a "play this game" message but i heard you mention that you might play the bl*ey game in a similar vein to the p*ppa p*g game. thought i'd note that bl*ey as a franchise is far more genuine and has more spirit in comparison, not to mention the fanbase has expanded overtime a la my l*ttle p0ny.
during the pandemic my friend group bonded heavily over the show bc of its writing which based on my own experience is capable of appealing to adults in a subtle but still deep emotional and wholesome manner. it's a NZ gov't-funded kids show that truly has a purpose as edutainment for young families and fulfills it beautifully.
point is that doing a "wtf is this game about" stream of the recent game may not be the best idea for an otherwise beloved piece of media. also i wouldn't want you to deal with unwanted attention from toxic toon buffs. but don't wanna be bossy, i'm not ya mum ofc. that game does look very silly and adorable like the source so maybe you'd enjoy it! but just wanted to give you a heads up in case the original stream idea is in the works.
PS i listened to the beginning of the final pikmin stream early in the morning chasing around a mouse the cat brought in. so now my brain has connected the existence of the gumby movie to "where is that DAMN mouse"
I have been getting multiple questions and comments and messages about this recently, and I do not understand why.
I made one off-hand comment about wanting to play the game with friends (who like the show, and who were already planning on playing it) because it has multiplayer, and that sounds funny.
It is made by a company that exclusively does kids show licensed shovelware. I do not think it matters if the source material is good. People have been making bad video games out of good properties since video games became a widely produced thing.
(The friends I want to play this with are both fans of the show, and I think it'll be fun to try and understand it through their eyes. They also agree with me that shovelware is weird and funny and fun to pick at. LOL)
There's this weird thread of presumptions in these messages I keep getting, that if I do end up streaming this, it's going to be some weird irony-poisoned thing, or I'm going to be really unnecessarily mean or something. I do not understand. I know I can be kind of a bitch sometimes, but... Have you seen my streams?
"I wouldn't want you to deal with unwanted attention" I already am. I have received like 8 messages about this in the span of a few days. If you are going to get mad at shadows on the wall you do not need to make it my problem.
It's a children's cartoon. It's fine. The dogs will be fine if a bad game comes out and I have a chuckle about it.
Please do not send me questions or comments or presumptions about this anymore. Thanks.
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fangirleaconmigo · 2 months
I've been thinking about this for such a long time, and here's my treatise on Our Flag Means Death and Gentlebeard just randomly on this Wednesday afternoon.
Maybe it sounds odd but OFMD perfectly illustrates how gender roles are a trap. If you fail at your gender (Stede) you are alienated from society. BUT if you succeed at your gender (Ed) you are alienated from yourself.
Here's why this creates the perfect romantic conflict.
I usually don't care for romances because the conflict feels forced, or it undermines the connection. But Ed/Stede is amazing. And I kept wondering how they captured my imagination so completely.
Well, they have a real connection, and the conflict is fascinating and credible, based on this gender trap.
Their connection is joyful and touching. Ed's delight at everything people mock Stede for, oh my god. My heart. And Stede encouraging Ed's interest in things he's not 'supposed' to have interest in? The fine fabric? Perfection. No notes. Love it.
And then the conflict is really the trauma and effects of this gender trap. They cannot see the damage the performance (or in Stede's case, the lack of ability to perform gender) is causing the other. They idealize the other because they have what the other lacks. Here's what I mean.
Since humans need connection Stede's punishment for performing gender poorly is the ultimate one-loneliness and rejection from his 'own people'. Humans cannot be alone, we are not meant to be an island, and to be rejected by EVERYONE that brings him into the world? *insert zuko's that's rough buddy gif*
But when he meets Ed, Ed only sees Stede's freedom (his incapacity to pretend he is anything but who he is) and admires and covets it.
And since Ed's success in performing his gender is a self perpetuating trap, built brick by brick on a foundation of suffocation of the self, his spirit is dying.
But Stede only sees the admiration and approval of others that he has built up around himself. He yearns for that.
So you have two people, devalued for who they are, one who can only be himself but is mocked for it, and the other who is not himself, and is drowning, but surrounded by people who admire him.
So yes, they truly see and value each other. But because they have never paid the exact kind of price the other is paying, they cannot see it. As a result, they can't see how bad those insecurities are. They can't see why the other might want a little of what they have.
I just found it absolutely incredible seeing them figure it out and find a true connection. I loved watching them build that found family around themselves. Ed had to be strong enough to be who has was with his crew, and learn to value them for who they were as well.
And Stede built a family of people around him who valued what he brings to the table. Many of those were the same people, but they had to learn to value him (after suffering Ed's approach).
I know it's a really silly show and very heightened, so you can't be too literal about everything, but it is a show with a good heart that has two romantic leads that paint an incredible picture of the two sides of the gender/society coin. It was very satisfying for me to watch their journey.
I'm sad it's cancelled but I'll be a Gentlebeard ho for life.
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norm-less-ness · 2 months
I don't necessarily think that the forms sinners take are their own form of hell-ish torment. We've seen, heaven also has a variety of creatures and Sir Pentious doesn't stop being a snake when he ascends. I personally tend to see them as elaborate metaphors. Something more holistic to who the person was. If Earth is a trial then the people who decide the true form of your immortal soul are probably taking notes.
If you're comfortable with your hellish form it's probably because you largely accepted who you were and what you did or maybe had good self awareness at least. Unhappy? Maybe it's because you spent your life chasing the wrong path or simply struggled to introspect.
He's a few little theories on why certain hell denizens might look the way they do beyond what simply caused their deaths or as punishment.
We're already aware of Angel Dust's family and their web of crimes but I think Alastor's human life connected him to deers beyond simply his death. It could have been a feeling of persecution or simply his mannerisms and preference for a certain type of elusive grace and politeness. Since Deer are often considered elegant and Alastor wanted to persue that kind of image.
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Vox is a television but also seems to have connections to sea creatures and bioluminescence more generally. Since the afterlife runs off symbolism, things that produce a lot of light and are distant from humanity probably exist on a similar wavelength despite throwing a TV in the ocean sounding like a bad idea. The ocean is also a big unknown and new technology tends to surprise people. There's also the obvious connections to presenting yourself to be a certain viewable way. His link to electricity might also be related to his nervous system being out of wack he seems to be prone to extreme reactions.
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Some quick speculation of some of the other characters:
Sir. Pentious's paranoia may have manifested as an animal able to bluff itself (through mimicry) to get itself to safety. Snakes are also associated with fear in general. A fearful person becoming something that makes others afraid in turn. Maybe his inventions were made to cure or heal people in an unconventional way, since snakes are associated with healing too. Another theory I've heard is that his inventions were along the lines of a snake oil salesman, but that's a bit more abstract and less holistic.
Velvette is likely a recent resident of hell. Influncers might feel themselves objectified in order to create parasocial appeal. Another term for applying a lot of make-up is to get 'dolled up'.
Niffty was potentially looked down upon as a housewife in the 50s. Maybe her personality made her feel more like a pest or nuisance rather than a person, or maybe people just saw her as annoying, and she internalized that.
Cats are good luck, but black cats are bad luck. Cats are the companions of witches. Husk is a gambler who goes on to represent the throws of good and bad luck while being a former magician.
Of course, I'm probably thinking too hard and this is all silly speculation. But the idea of someone's afterlife form being a 'truer' form of their soul is just, neat.
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tezzbot · 2 months
🎧 I don't actually know your music taste. SO. Either take this as the go-ahead to gush about your music interest, and/or tell us if you're the kind of person who associates music with a character to help write them better. (I used to do that all the time)
Oughg okay umm
I wouldn't necessarily say I have "good" taste in music, I mostly just really enjoy things I can dance or sing to? Upbeat music is usually my go to but I've started appreciating slower songs more and more as I've gotten older (makes me sound ancient I'm only 22 DSFDGF)
I'd say my music taste is pretty eclectic in general, like it's rock and pop and pop punk, crooners and swing, musicals and scottish trad stuff and video game soundtracks I'm really all over the place
I do prefer simple lyrics though, I'm a bit of a "[X song] meaning" googler JKGHJF like just in case I misinterpret or something...
I am constantly having blorbo thoughts when I listen to music, like the hoops I will jump through to connect the two dots (I didn't connect shit /ref) is sometimes silly but it's a lot of fun, it's actually how I came up with my Underground AU that came about playlist first HKGJFG (I've tried making a playlist for Team Sky but it's really not clicking as well :/)
Though, I wouldn't say that associating music with a character helps me write them better? I would say that applying a song To a character is more just another method of expressing my understanding of a character? if that makes sense?
There's like different ways of applying a song to a character/set of characters for me: a song that makes me think of them, a song I can picture them singing/thinking from their perspective, and I guess the middle of that venn diagram would be a song I can imagine an animatic to LOL
I can post some examples holdon (Spotify links sorry lol)
A song that makes me think of Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy ^_^
A Sonic song :D
A Tails song :')
Chaotix in general but mostly Charmy GHJGFH
I have so many Sonic and Tails songs idk which one to pick uhh This one's cute :P
This song is suuuuch a my version of Sonia song like down to the voice, I think Kristin Stokes might be my Sonia voice claim HGJH And it's a keys focused song, accompanied by drums and guitar!!(+bass which is what I imagine the second part of Sonic's medallion is like you know how he has one of them double guitars I picture one part of it being bass and he's just fast enough to play both at once GHKFJGH) but like. I actually think it also could work as an Amy song? Like her getting fed up of being left behind all the time? Woagh double meaning song
ANYWAY YEAGH music I like it smile
OH people were asking what song I could imagine Sonic Sonia and Manic singing in that one post it was this song!! I ws embarrassed to share bc it's technically from a musical but again it's got guitar, keys and drums and three people singing it and it's heartfelt and about them working together.. I am a simple man... HGJHF
EDIT: I LINKED THE WRONG SONG FOR THE SONIA ONE OTZ it should be fixed now tho qwq
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urielcool777 · 1 year
this one's a little long oopsie
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day twenty to twenty-six
sorry for not posting in like a week 😭 i wanted to have significant news to share instead of just "haven't tapped in yet" and while it's true that i haven't,, i've discovered a method that i'm really comfortable with and i honestly believe tonight is the night !!
so i start off w this meditation which is meant to make you feel like you're floating (sound familiar ?) and then i have this theta track queued to play right after !! i do my best to maintain the feeling i got from the meditation while the track is playing and the next part is arguably the most important for me.
i'm someone who,, by nature,, is always looking into the deeper meaning of things and possible results / effects and how things tie into other things so it's always been a little difficult to affirm stuff like "i am pure consciousness" to help tap into the void bc my mind automatically starts bringing up a bunch of questions,, so i brought states into it.
i'm not sure how it happened,, i kind of just ended up there and i can say without a doubt that i'm really glad i did. i believe in the idea that we are all pure consciousness expressing ourselves in a human form and because of that affirming that i was pure consciousness always made me a bit skeptical bc what exactly was the difference between being pure consciousness while tapping into the void and being pure consciousness in my everyday life ? (and yes you could say that the word 'pure' was capable of being a differentiator but that didn't really do it for me). this brought me back to a conversation i had w myself yesterday that really helped me have a strong position on the nature of my being.
to myself,, i am everything and to others,, i am human but regardless of all that,, i am in truth pure consciousness (take a shot every time i use this phrase 😭). i remembered coming to this conclusion and after that,, this edward art post came to mind (i've literally never read his stuff before LMAO). specifically the part where he mentions that when neville was imagining himself back in new york the outer world didn't exist (or smth along those lines). this really resonated w me and i couldn't help but draw a connection between forgetting about the outer world and the void.
now this is where states come in. armed with everything i'd learned the previous day i was finally able to create the difference i'd been searching for; as opposed to affirming "i am pure consciousness" i began to affirm "i am in the state of pure consciousness" which,, for me,, entailed not only completely disregarding the outer world but also truly embodying the truth of my existence. in addition to this,, i now think my day-to-day can be summarized by the affirmation "i am in the state of pure consciousness in human form".
this might sound silly and look like overcomplicating to a lot of people but to me it actually really simplified things for me and helped me create peace w so much. this isn't really meant to be an advice post so i'm sorry if you don't get what i'm saying. i'm just putting my personal experience out there but i'd be glad to talk about it in dms w any of you !!
one way or another,, my next post will be my success story so look out for that 💪🏼
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paradoxcase · 6 months
Chapter 3 of Nona the Ninth
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Huh, so:
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I guess this is definition 7, then. I've never heard that word used to refer to a person before, but it's not marked as being regional
So Nona looks old enough that people are fine with hitting on her, but not old enough that anyone thinks she's graduated from middle school. This is not a fun fact
Also, this school has "almost 20 children", this is like a one-room schoolhouse from the 19th century except it's in the middle of New York City for some reason, what even
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I mean, is it really that hard to pimp out Augustine? If she'd said "I'd have had better luck pimping out Mercy" that would have been something, but maybe it actually is easier to pimp out Nona and Camilla than it is to pimp out Mercy
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Can Camilla and Palamedes have regular conversations with each other? Very curious as to how that might work
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Quasi-telepathic abilities sounding more and more likely
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There's been descriptions of it being hot, and I'm not sure if a) it's just summer, and that's what summer is like wherever New Rho happens to be, or b) this planet is just hotter than Earth by virtue of being closer to the sun or having a naturally thicker atmosphere, or c) some kind of climate change is happening here
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It sounds like she has some still-repressed memories of learning this stuff?
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So they live in basically a cop building, and Pyrrha did say that one of their neighbors is a cop and another one has militia connections, so I'm guessing they are probably being specifically kept there by BOE or some other entity because of their Nine Houses connection, and Camilla doesn't want Nona telling people where they live because people might infer that based on the building?
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Given that a lot of people here don't speak each other's languages, I wonder how much of this is just another culture's kinship system being mistranslated into whatever language the kids are using. Like, Brother Father and Younger Brother Father sound like they're probably uncles, Eldest Father could be a grandfather, and New Father could possibly be a step-father
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I mean, first of all, Palamedes has been living here for a while, I think he should be used to BOE (or whatever you want to call this culture) names by now, but also, Honesty is a perfectly fine name. Like, Wake's name was silly, Hot Sauce is a silly name, We Suffer And We Suffer and Crown Him With Many Crowns are at least fairly odd from an English-language naming standpoint, and many of our common names are borrowed from ancient languages and don't mean anything in regular conversation, but we totally 100% also name people things like Grace and Faith and Hope and Joy and Harmony and Prudence and Felicity and Constance and I'm sure there's plenty of cultures where boys are named this way too and Honesty is a perfectly fine and reasonable name. While we're at it, Beautiful Ruby and Born in the Morning are also pretty good names? The only thing odd about these names is that we're not used to seeing them
Anyway, possibly the kids are speaking some non-House language (or are at least named in non-House languages) and Nona is translating their names into House for this conversation? It's a little odd in that case that she's not translating "Kevin" at least in the narrative text, since Kevin is just an anglicization of Irish Caoimhín which means "of noble birth" in Irish. But if Nona's language abilities are based on some sort of telepathic sense, she might fail to translate Kevin's name because Kevin doesn't know Irish? Irish seems unlikely to have survived the apocalypse, at any rate
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She definitely can lie, though, she successfully lied and told the teachers at the school that Camilla was her sister and Pyrrha was a friend of her father's and that she had been through many resettlements, didn't she? She just doesn't seem to know on her own when she should be lying and when she shouldn't be
There are some implications for how language is being processed for someone who really can't lie, basically the science fiction premise of Embassytown by China Miéville, and in that book the aliens who could not lie also had an empathetic aspect to how they understood language. But I don't think Muir knows enough about linguistics to write that kind of linguistics science fiction
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Is this why Nona's legs are sore, she is running around with these young kids all day and having trouble keeping up?
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Very curious if this is actually some kind of possibly war-related movement of things through the underground tunnels, or if this is just a vernacular name for something else
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So BOE is recruiting children on this planet to join their militia, and they are also executing necromancers here by burning them to death
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It's kind of funny that Honesty is calling her stupid here - he knows there are spies who are necromancers and/or zombies, and Nona is in fact a necromancer (or used to be one at one time) and she also lives with Palamedes for that matter, but it doesn't occur to Honesty that there is actually a chance that Nona or someone she lives with could be one of the spies
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So this is what they call the resurrection beast? Except we know that resurrection beasts don't come for regular necromancers, or else they would be all over the Nine Houses, they only come for Lyctors. I guess it's entirely possible that this one could be here for any of Nona, Pyrrha, or Camilla/Palamedes, or it could just be here to eat a living planet because that's what they do. I wonder if the mythology of these people is that the resurrection beasts are like God's punishment for necromancy or something, it seems like Hot Sauce believes that to be the case, at least. Possibly it's not completely wrong, depending on what the relationship was between the deaths of the nine planets and the occurrence of necromancy
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karizard-ao3 · 2 months
Thoughts about Asuka since you met her?
Asuka is a lot more broken inside than I initially realized. Like, there were definitely hints that her aggression and extreme confidence were a façade. It sounds like both of her parents abandoned her in a way and all she's been looking for since is some affection. Her extreme attachment to Kaji is probably because he was one of the few adults in her life that was kind to her. Obviously, she also had a crush on him, but I think her attachment is deeper than that. As her handler, they spent a lot of time together and he would have had to put her first quite often. It must have been a source of security for her. And then they arrived in Japan and he wasn't available like he used to be. I'll bet she felt abandoned again.
I saw a YouTube comment on the kiss scene (I was comparing dubs) that if Shinji had tried to hold Asuka during the kiss things might have ended differently, and I see how they mean. That kiss was an effort to make a connection and Shinji struggles to connect. I think probably he wanted to hold her or something but he didn't know what to do. Also, he couldn't breathe. But that would have felt like another rejection to Asuka who is really very sensitive. The tiniest things set her off and she overreacts.
I think she's a girl living in survival mode, where every speed bump feels like a road block between her and the love and appreciation she's seeking. She makes herself as big as she can to be seen, but she is still just a forgotten girl. "Why didn't you send unit 1 to save me?" was such a powerful line for me. I feel like it exposes so much of the pain she carries around. No matter what she does, how grand she tries to be, how bossy she is, she can't get what she's looking for or protect herself from the pain of not getting it.
Like, is she obnoxious? Yes. I'm not going to pretend that she's not. It's part of her character and how she copes. It's like she's built a tough shell to be her suit of armor. I don't dislike her for her behavior. She's just a desperate kid trying to find love and acceptance and I feel bad that her attitude is probably serving the opposite purpose from what she wants and driving people away.
I try to think of how she would be if she had been loved and cared for as a child, and I feel like she would have been a very fun and friendly person. Maybe a little silly. Still reactive and occasionally confrontational but with much less on the line, so it wouldn't be these extreme reactions we see from her.
Idk. There's a lot to Asuka, I think. I wish there was a way to fill the hole she's got in her heart. I just know she's hurting all the time. I hate to see her starve herself. She's literally allowing herself to waste away into the nothing she believes herself to be. I want to hug her and brush her hair for her and tell her she isn't the problem, it's all the people who failed her when she was a child.
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vinhteer · 11 months
Hummingbird (by Metro Boomin and James Blake) kind of sounds like a Funalec song (delusional)
(basically me OVERANALYSING a song about gw/n and mil/es from spderverse and spinning it into a silly Funalec song)
(I'm also censoring the names and all because I don't want this post to appear under the movie's hashtags. This means I won't clutter them with this long ass essay)
for context, since this song was written for the movie: from what I understand, it's about gwn's and mles' relationship; it also gets very literal bc this song is played when gwn opens the portal to mles' universe.
"In here, paper walls are
Pushin' back on you like
Eventually you push through
The moment that you realise"
So to briefly summarise the song, it's about wanting to feel connected to this girl whom the singer feels comforted by; "love is unconditional''. The singer feels full of life with them, and it goes on. From what I see it's about mles wanting to see people who understand him as much as his friends do. They're all spider-people, and they all long to be understood. It's a normal human thing to do.
But if we spin it Funalec style, I think it could work especially if we take this song from Alec's standpoint. We actually don't get a lot of Alec content in the canon but mc's fanfic did succhhhh a good job at developing his character; I talked about that in one of my posts (can't be bothered rn), but to summarise it: Alec, like Yumi, never got the love he deserved as a child and thus has to work through life without any of it. He doesn't get the purpose of love and decides that it isn't for him. It didn't work with his family, his friend, his first gf (winking at Emcee)… So why would it work, suddenly? Incoming Funneh banging at his door. Let's get to the actual song:
The song starts with a filtered version extract of the song "Tonight You Belong To Me" by Patience & Prudence. I headcanon Yumi to LOVE romantic songs from the 60s so this 100% works. I can imagine Yumi playing this silly song (/lh) all the time and Alec gets sick of it. Every time he hears it, the track reminds him of Yumi freaking out and getting angry over some random girl at 3AM. In Hummingbird the sample fades away, like it's flying over Alec's head. The sample could symbolize Yumi to him, which just means that he's slowly prioritizing what he wants (being with Funneh and his friends).
"Hummingbird, summer song"
Throughout the song, the singer calls this person a hummingbird, and relates this track to summer. I always found Funneh x Alec to have summer vibes since you kind of relate this season with happiness? It's also the period in which the sun is the most active; so nature gets a lot of energy from it to support life etc !! Also, hummingbirds symbolize (from what I've seen on the internet) in indigenous cultures a messenger of joy. So you could say that Funneh is Alec's hummingbird (?). And maybe Funneh represents summer to him?
"Has it brought my life back?
Hangin' in the balance
Have you brought the light back?"
Before Alec found his friends (Funneh, Kyran and Gold), his life consisted of getting a quick buck from our GENEROUS murderous neighbour Yumi, taking care of his sister and trying to stay afloat. But when he met them, they balanced out the good things and the bad things in his life ("Hangin' in the balance"). It made him actually enjoy things in life; wanting things, needing things, enjoying things... ("Have you brought the light back?")
"Pen pal on a night shift
She's who I get away with
Realising she might
Be all I need in this life"
You could say that... Funneh is his pen pal ig? THROUGH... TEXT? They don't meet very often in canon but they still hit it off every time.
"When I saw a cold snap
I wasn't with the season
Tag was on the ankle"
"When I saw a cold snap" Being without his friend just feels extremely cold and devoid of life (especially with Yumi). He isn't with the season (summer in this case) because he always has to get away from Funneh and his friends.
Also, to bring back the idea that he's prioritizing his needs over being Yumi's henchman, the cold snap could symbolize he needs to remind himself that he is still tied to Yumi.
"Tag was on the ankle"; Well this could mean 2 things.
1. an ankle tag is "an electronic device that is fastened around the ankle of a person who has committed a crime, so that the police know where that person is". This line could mean that he already know what his fate is.
The previous verse could also add another layer; his friends are truly the only place where he gets to be happy, because he knows that he already threw away his life and his future.
2. The tag on the ankle could just be a leash because he's deeply tied with Yumi. It also kind of fits bc the 2 previous lines are (imo) about his situation with Yumi and his life.
"And hummingbird
I know that's our time (That's our time)"
"I know that's our time" It sounds like he's about to leave? Like they're having a nice moment but he can't stay for too long. Flashback to the moments this mf had to leave his friends bc of Yumi (AKA THE OCEAN METAL CONCERT).
"But stay on
Stay on, stay on with me
And hummingbird
I can never unsee
What you've shown me
Stay on, stay on with me"
More pining. He wants Funneh to hold on to him, because he needs her in his life and she showed him so many things; what love means, what life has to offer, having wants, having needs...
Also, the chorus starts at "and humming bird..." to "stay on with me.". It is sung multiple times in the track; he loves her, but he can't stay for long. And this cycle happens SO many times.
"The moment when you realise
There's someone there that needs you
Lap band on the feelings
I tax them for no reason"
Imma be honest. I don't know what's up with the lap band and THE "taxing them" but I'm going to speculate anyway. A lap band is an inflatable silicone device placed around an area of the stomach to treat obesity by slowing down the consumption of food and thus the amount of food consumed. So if you're putting them on "feelings", it's to filter said emotions to slow down said sensations; which means you basically have a hard time processing your feelings to the point that you need a metaphorical device to nullify it? And then there's this line "The moment when you realise / There's someone there that needs you" with "I tax [the aforementioned feelings] for no reason". Alec is taxing these emotions; so he's feeling heavily burdened by these feelings to the point that he's demanding some kind of compensation. He is scared that Funneh (and his friends) need him. He is now important to them. He can't back down anymore; he can't leave, because it'll hurt them. ("The moment when you realise / There's someone there that needs you")
"I added love 'cause love is unconditional
I count on love, I count on love
'Cause love is unconditional within reason"
This line contradicts my ideas for the previous verse but whatever. I guess you could say he both finds these feelings burdening but he also cherishes it and finds it important. AND LAST THING!! Alec didn't get love, but now he does; he knows that love is unconditional within reason thanks to Funneh (and his friends but this is abt her). He counts on love, it sounds corny but it's truly what drives him to keep going in his life!
"Would I sign up again?
Would I sign up again?"
You could interpret these lines as Alec hesitating on whether or not he should continue hanging out with his friends again, since well... He can't back down anymore, since it'll hurt him and Funneh, Gold and Kyran as well. Also I love how the beat here sounds like irregular heart beats OR slowed-down flying hummingbird sounds (a fluttering heart and a bird fluttering their wings).
"And the night was so strong
Forget the time like life is long
Wings beating a thousand strong"
The last two lines really shows that time is very relative. Time feels fast when you're with loved ones, but in the moment, it feels slow. It's the juxtaposition of wanting to stay with someone forever and the wing flapping of a bird LMAO (hummingbirds flutter their wings 80 times per second).
"Would I sign up again?
Would I sign up again?
And the night was so strong
Forget the time like life is long
Wings beating a thousand strong"
So the singer (Alec... in this case?) sings this verse twice, like he is contemplating on his choices as he's spending time with his friends. For the 2nd time though, he sings this:
"Unconditional within reason"
This line calls back to the fact that he deems love to be unconditional. So this could mean that based on his choices, he decides to stay with her. With his friends. IG THIS IS THE GOOD ENDING LMAO IDK IF WE WOULD HAVE GOTTEN THAT IF YHS WAS STILL RUNNING BUT YK....
Anyways, this is all I have to say. Someone should teach me how to analyse an art piece without sounding like I've had a stroke writing it.
Overall, this song really captured Alec's character in my opinion; From being dragged by Yumi since age 12 or so, learning what love is and tip-toeing between running away from the things he loves and staying with his friends.
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boboteam89 · 9 months
HSR Senti ramblings
Hello this is literally my first post and it's me rambling about my idea of how Senti could exist in the Honkai Star Rail universe, do beware that it may be really silly and lore innacurate nonsense, you have been warned!!! It also might have a little involvement of SentiHua so... So I have thought of this for a long time and this is what I came up with, let me explain, starting off with important information : Marshal Hua. My theory is that she is a Vidyadhara who resembles the legend of Phoenix and is Phoenix herself, however Phoenix exists as "another entity" ( aka almost like how Fenghuang's Down sentience works ) There is this one quest called "Poetic Genius Ingenium", in short it tells us a story about a man named Cong and a woman named Jingzhai. All the information we need from this quest is that he is a Vidyadhara that seems to remember Jingzhai no matter how much he went through hatching rebirth. All of this information leads me to thinking : what if it's possible for a Vidyadhara to leave a body behind? Listen, this does sound absurd as the Vidyadharas revolve around continuous cellular transdifferentiation, which means they techncially just transofrm. But we have numerous different cases of disorders that the Vidyadhara can be affected by, for example Jinyu that undergoes the cicle of hatching rebirth every few months. So this could technically exist as a disease and tie with the idea of Hua having so much personalities and even versions of "self" in the Honkai lore. That leads us to the part of the lore bs I have thought of. Basically Senti is "a body" that remained after Fu Hua went through hatching rebirth once (probably when she was already a marshal and ig most of her memories still remained aftet that). She has all the memories that Hua had, and when she first was "born" into this world. She thought she was Hua for a long time, but their viewpoints are very different and unalike, so who is she? Is she truly an individual being? How can she break that mirror and see her true self? She had a plan in her mind. - Surely, I can at least bring them some fun. The biggest difference for sure being - she had grown fond of the Elation. After observing the usual life of the citizens of Xianzhou, she thought it lacked some fun. The people here were just too much focused on their duties. Sure, they might have very deep connections, but do all of them really not lack that sense of connection? Sometimes, work even made them cut it off completely. She decided to carry on Hua's duty as a marshal with some...Changes. During that time, "Hua" was really kind to all of the members of the Cloud Knights - she spent a lot of time with the Cloud Knights, cut them some slack, gave them random gifts and treated them very well, even was laidback about the work sometimes. In comparision - Hua was pretty closed off and more strict, she was somewhat cold most of the time and didn't find a place for herself with the Cloud Knights, despite still doing a great job in helping and caring for them. However Senti was no strategist unlike Hua, and soon after spiked up a little problem - unfinished assignments, very clunky reports, and the amount of chaotic events, which turned out to be a complete hit for the duty of the Cloud Knights. It didn't take long for Hua to realise that she had been "replaced". That is when she noticed the culprit behind all of that in her office. - Ah, so you've noticed! - said Senti, cheerfully, but not surprised, almost as if she was awaiting this. - You see, you're not me, and I'm not you, but I was hoping to bring some more joy and happiness into your lives! Don't you get a little lonely like this? Maybe you're giving a tad too much work for yourself and too less of time that you can enjoy. Now you can at least look back at this and say "Aha!" . It is, alas, the time for us to part... Hua stood there shocked. She was not offended by this, nor did she really mind all that this person had done. She was probably the first one to ever care for Hua so greatly, so... — Wait! Could you...Stay?
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vacant2007 · 1 year
goofy things i do
-mentally shut down as soon as i try to type this because oh my god why would you commit your thoughts to text. what are you some kind of self-obsessed ignorant tool
-hype myself up for like 3 days to finally make a Funnie Joak that ive been planning for like 2 years. if nobody laughs at joke, kill self
-walk thru grocery store shopping normally but vibrating with fear and absolutely certain everybody there hates every fiber of my being and would love to see me dead
-almost cry when thinking about how i exist and how unappealing and gross i am and how i cannot take myself seriously because i am so subhuman and repulsive and pointless that even wishing someone would love me is an unholy amount of embarrassing that i cant even begin to process
-if someone mentions an interest of mine casually, immediately clam up and do my damndest to pretend i barely care because if they see me like visibly react or get excited or anything it will be SO confusing and weird and cringe and it will be the talk of the century for them when im not around. or worse they will say 'lol why do you like that so much' which as we all know is a valid reason to consider suicide
-never keep a journal even in private. you think im just gonna say how i feel about things directly? so that the audience of nobody can mock me? i think the fuck not
-behaving bizarrely secretively about purchases and things i buy because id actually rather die than be asked why i bought something/wanted something
-want to hurl myself off a cliff when asked things like 'what's your favorite movie'
-lie about random shit for no reason like oh my god they will hate me FOREVER if i tell them i went to Walmart. I'm gonna say i uhhhhh went to the library. ok cool
-push the existence of new acquaintances who might want to be my friend so fucking far out of my mind that i genuinely forget to attempt contacting them
-get new clothes i think are cool, then never wear them because i feel like the worlds stupidest silly little boy in my shitty little fit
-before stating a fact to someone in a text or whatever, even if i know the fact is 100% true, google it and check it from multiple sources multiple times and read them over and over to make sure i'm not misunderstanding or misreading or otherwise about to make a fool of myself by saying something like, grass is green. once i am satisfied that i will Not sound stupid for stating that grass is green, press send and wait in agony
-on walks around the neighborhood with earbuds in, check every 30 seconds to make sure they're actually connected and that nobody is hearing my music. not only because it would seem really inconsiderate and strange to be blasting music out in public, but also because they will probably think the songs i like are really stupid
-put everybody i interact with into categories based on which sensitive aspects of myself i am willing to share with them at any given time. don't mix them up! i can't be telling personal-emotional stuff to the infodumps guy or vice versa.
-get so violently upset when someone is a little rude that i fantasize about beating them to a pulp while in reality i am just hiding and holding back tears
-avoid being seen in public spaces as much as possible because everytime someone's eyes notice me i feel like they are full of malice even though i cannot adequately explain what malice looks like in a person's eyes. best to just assume all gazes are malignant, then
-wonder why i am So Alone And Lonely while the unread DMs and text messages pile up on me, or fizzle out because I didn't say anything meaningful back
-leave behind me a series of friendly people who probably did try their best to include me and get to know me, but i couldn't find it in me to trust or listen to
-everytime i have to do something no matter how normal it is, wait till someone else does it first so i can gauge whether anyone thought they were stupid or weird and if not, copy exactly how they do it
-worry this is a stupid list
-wonder if there's enough things on this list or if i'm forgetting something that was crucial to The Vibe of it and without it the post will just seem dumb
-put this in the drafts as soon as i get done typing it, where it will ostensibly rot for all of time!

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murkystarlight · 15 days
Dreamzzz season2 spoilers pt3
(And my personal comments)
I was caught up with school, better finish this up before I get caught up again-
Episode 6
I had my volume on really loud and it almost killed my ears
It starts off with a little fighting and banter who doesn't love that?
The Night Hunter losing his life, his purpose... I actually have no idea. Why is he acting so gloomy and under the weather? Any opinions? (I think he's just rethinking his life choices or smth)
"Ya- ya- you want us to rustle up some trouble with the Dream Bandit? You're always happy when she's around"
And my stupid brain that gets turned on and operates about the weirdest stupidest things thought "oh. So the fan theory is right" I mean.. did they try to hide it? It was kind of obvious that the Night Hunter had some sort of connection with Zoey
"You're always happy when she's around" (I feel like they know everything already. They just playing with him)
"Youre right.. I should find her. In the WAKING WORLD"
Why does his voice sound so... evil and malicious. He had no reason to make it sound so dramatic
"Don't burn the place down while I'm gone" and here his voice sounds so playful
And Susan and Snivel high-fiving and jumping around in joy- ahh why are they so cute
(Also, I need to know their intention behind the happiness. Is it 'yay! He's gone! We got the whole house to ourselves, PARTY!!' Kinda thing?)
Okay- might aswell start naming these background characters at this point.
"Wait. Can you be sore from a dream?"
If your body gets cramped. Yes.
The question is, if the rules are only use your hour glass, how did Logan and Zoey even get a chance to compete in the R.E.M? I thought you said tradition and rules were important
Seriously, why does the Night Hunter sound so... menacing everytime he speaks! He isn't saying anything bad or cool?!!
Tokyo?? Takashiii?
"Uhh... you ever feel like someone is staring at you?"
"We must be like celebrities now"
"Just act natural"
She was born for this. Girl boss ^^
"The REM's are a big deal. Or.. were."
Too bad we're having a contest to see who has the biggest imaginations (it got corrupted by the grand inspector)
"I see they wore their silly little costumes"
I'm sorry- but the silly costumes mean they still have that wild childish imagination! Not the ones you have that your probably memories all the different things you could use in possible situations (Like my counties learning :D)
I like the banana monster. It's cute
He's being sarcastic isn't it. Without their... ROYAL BLUNDERS
Day dreaming? Oh dear-...
So... the never witch is the biggest threat yet? Oh.... but then.. how was the Nightmare king able to keep her contained?? Why did-
"Now. As is tradition. The trials will determine the three best Dream Chasers, for a special task force to take on the Never Witch! Who will help restore the Dream World to greatness? Hm? Which of you can prove you're better than the rest? What lengths will you go to eradicate your competition?"
"Well, that took a weird turn"
Indeed Izzie. Very much. I hate those kind of characters. Or.. people kinda. She's too pure!! Ahhhhh
"Ooh, why can't we all just band together and defeat her?"
I know!! Why not?!!
He's so right. So smart and precious... and that ooh sound-.... ahhhhh
I feel like in part2 they're going to defeat the Never Witch all together! (I'm so smart. No one could've possibly thought of that HaHa.)
Drum roll please~
"Toss and turn"
"I love that one!" *sound effects* "wrangling a wild dream creature, rodeo style" Albert has so many mysteries to be solved about him
"....we are good dream chasers. Right?"
He's a ball of anxiety isn't he
"She's no better than we are"
"Banana monster!"
"[Screams] where, where, where?"
I told you! He's getting more playful and carefree!
Zoey had a purple(?) Streak of hair when she was younger! Yay!! Past memories!
Zoey really is good at throwing and hitting stuff
Bed bugs are also cute
"Why is everything blobby with you?"
"Uh, it worked on the Siren"
"Focus, Mateo!" Mr. Oz is really annoyed with Loyce
Also, his arms definitely stretch out. Like a rubber band
"Then(sound of his glass helment), pretend it's a car. Or something-" Albert! I thought you were the logical one! He lost his memories remember??
And he's riding it! Well... I guess he's gotten more creative?
"Ugh, I rather feed this thing to Zian"
"I don't give a hoot if bugs give you nightmares or.. you take it on a date"
Yeah. Exactly
Miya is a little- ...bad girl. Yeah
"I am not losing to Royce!"
"Angry Oz was harsh, but he's right. We're better than this!"
"Oh I know I'm better than Astrid. We gotta fix this!"
Why does it sound like he has an accent here?😭
"The night bureau gives me some serious whiplash!"
I know- so.... ugh
"If he can handle Brooklyn arts, he can handle a kid from California"
I like Zoey's aunt. ...kinda? I'm not sure
And Zoey looks so much like her mom
"Are you.. ticking?"
No young Zoey. This is not the crocodile(is it alligator?) from Peter pan
And- we get the story of where she gets her watch~
Night hunter has a... fanclub? Okay Miya- suree
Also, how many times did the night hunter learn Zoey's name? Twice? Maybe this is the third time?
"Ooh, nice watch" really? Are you seriouhhhh
And finally the moment of truth
Oh- never mind. They're doing the R.E.M.s first
"Where the heck are Teo and Zoey!?"
"Feeling good. Feeling confident. Nothing can spoil these feels"
[Chair hisses] what is with these subtitles-!
"I stand corrected"
"Good luck, Logan. Hope your mad blue baby thing works out for you"
At this point. I'd be surprised if they don't end up dating-.. (mad blue baby thing- omg)
"-Where is Mateo?!"
"Ready to go. Back on my A-game. Meet my new secret weapon, X-blob"
(That's the name the Insomniacs gave Zblob! Did Nova help with the name? Was it an inspiration? Or just a little thing the creators added)
Such good sibling bond
"Not what Mr. Oz meant by 'think different' at all. Like, at all"
So very good
Sticky pudding? Okay- he's really tryna cook now. I want to see him in a chef's hat
Another one of the-... jumping at a friend to help them avoid a natural disaster and crushing them under your body. (We're really trying to save the values of friendship here)
"Yatta!" - Takashi
Poor X-blob
"I don't want to fight you" oh... "stay back!" Oh god...
Improvising, biting(?) it... also, Astrid is watching from above
Holding back??! I definitely hate him. Hate his guts
"My friends aren't holding me back!"
Good job Mateo. I trust you. You already learned your lesson about that when the Night Hunter tried to lure you. Right? You have my trust. Don't ruin it!
The appearance was definitely a bit shocking-...
Episode 7
The name of it is "18 years ago"! A full episode dedicated to the past events?!
I was like- hell yeah
Cowboy?! Oh, yeah
I'm telling you. Those background characters!! I have to start naming them. Like the one who got his wallet(bag? Something) stolen is... going to be Alex. (Its probably the flannel. Someone help me-)
Coin magic!
Also, Hannah's eyelashes! Oh my goddd so prettyy
He's asking her out on a date!
Mr. Oz being the third wheel. (It's so weird seeing him so young....). Hee really didn't change much, did he.
The closest thing to a swear word we have in this series,
"Darn it"
I'm telling you, mr. Oz would have a swear word in every sentence if he wasn't working as a teacher (he learned to use different words)
"W-wha -what are you doing here?" *shook*
Apparently the nightmare kings sword is a very cool and amazing weapon. Super strong
The Brooklyn branch was the one who contained the Nightmare king, twice! And no appreciation?!
Nooooooo grand inspector Abraham!! I don't even know him but I like him.
Royce was always an a-
Hannah looks so different. Too different. Uh- okay heh
Hannah and Beau bantering- ah it's too cute
Also, why is mr. Oz so obsessed with Lunia? Something exciting
I like the gnorfs
"Dream chasers??"
She's so fun. And her sister too. And the horse doing the evil laugh
The stopwatch!! Ooohhh
"Is that-...?"
Listen to mr. Oz laughing. It- it's nice here
I really like it when they make two guns and give one to someone else.
Mr. Oz also used a frying pan?? Yeahhhh
Shin? Power over love? Oooh~
And the compass??
The banter-
Hannah definitely looked like she was havin problems with that sword.
"Eh, we're dream chasers. We improvise"
I guess I'm a dream chaser. I always improvise on tests ;)
"How many friends are you willing to lose? Oz? Albert? Me?" So sweet. But also, something that keeps coming into mind, it's not like they're dying. They just... don't get to be a lucid dreamer, or if they get captured, then they.. do fall asleep forever... but still- how does this work?
"I wouldn't hesitate to wield that sword to save you" dang...... oh my lord I love this
Beau using a bow
"That's one of the things I love about-.."
"What was that~?"
Oh these love birds.
His running-
.....Shin looks a bit like-....
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"What the-"
"What? We're here to get this thing. Right?" Hannah- *sigh*
"You really didnt get the lesson behind the legend, did ya?"
"There was a lesson?"
"Yeah, evil in the heart. And don't steal from strange statues!"
Hourglass! Is that what happened to his hourglass?
The sword is wielded!
A surge of purple energy. Evil laugh- world turns purple. A sigh.
"What I had to do. What you've been saying we should do all day"
"No. You were right!"
"You matter more than anything"
The hand hold- the smile.... ahhhhghh
Emotional rollercoaster ride-
The kissssssss
(My first thought was "oh... so that's how legos kiss-. Then I started screaming like I went crazy because they confessed)
"You owe me a trip to the beaches of Tropicanesia"
They made a bet- ohhhhh
Look at Albert hopping/walking
Mr. Oz refusing the grand inspector job..... and also being mad that Royce would take the job-
"If we have kids we can-" oh god..... he already had the-....
The sisters shipped them the moment they saw then. Lol-
So...... Beau took the watch just like that and the sisters didnt even try to get it back? Or... ?
But I guess the night hunter was always kind sketchy..
Previous part , next part
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freakattack · 6 months
How's it like for people to be generally accepting and adoring of your headcanons? I've been putting my stuff out there, but it isn't as beloved as yours or Jan Misali. Kinda intimidating to be honest, but I can see the appeal in your works. I look forward to seeing them and hope my works will be liked too.
Truthfully, I had no idea that so many people 1) accepted and adored my head-canons and 2) put me on the same level as jan misali of all people. I don't think i'm nearly as well-known as them (only one of us has a youtube channel with over 300k subscribers and it ain't me) but it's certainly an honor to hear that LOL.
When I started pumping out comics, i had no idea i would get this kind of a response; in fact, I had already made peace with the idea that i wouldn't get more than 5 notes before I even started posting!  So getting so much positive feedback was a huge surprise. I basically treat my online existence as a room to dance by myself in, and it just so happened that a bunch of people came around to watch.  I don't say this to gloat, but to say that I think the best way to have fun on the internet is to do what you love, and no matter how many people show up to join in you'll be happy.  Especially since the notes don't tell you how many people actually saw and enjoyed your stuff; even if you get a lot of likes and not a lot of reblogs, each like is one human behind the screen who really liked your art.  Some people might really like your art and not interact with it at all; you never know how many lives you touch just based on the numbers, so I don't focus on them too much.
If you're asking for writing advice, I think the 1 biggest thing that I try to do in my art is to be authentic. I notice that a lot of fan art tends to use "meme templates", so to speak; twitter screenshots, comic redraws, stuff like that. And that's fine and all, but that's not what I like to do. I love delving into the nitty-gritty of detailed characterizations: how would they react in this situation? How would they feel about this other character? What kind of problems would they encounter and how would they solve them? Stuff like that. Warioware in particular is like a field day for me because the characters are rich enough to have a lot to draw off of, but the slice-of-life format gives a lot of unexplored territory that I can color in.
As someone who grew up in the 2000s (where I set my comics - I broke this rule once to draw a nintendo switch but I try to stick to a pre-2014 setting), I draw a lot from my own experiences. People I've known, things I've done, interactions I've had with family and friends; nothing shot-for-shot, but ideas that can guide me when I think of the setting these particular characters live in and the situations they might find themselves in.  I love drawing from my own life because unlike the internet memes or movie screenshots that everyone's seen, that's stuff that only I can draw from.  At the same time, I think that approach also helps me connect with other people; I'm certainly not the only one who's gone on a wild family trip, or had a younger relative, or done goofy things at a friend's house. When I draw these silly scenarios, I hope that people can look at them and think, "haha! This looks familiar!" not in the sense that they've seen it before on a screen, but that they've lived it themselves.
This is a whole lot of words and I hope it doesn't sound as pretentious as I think it does. Basically, the first rule of art is have fun and be yourself. I hope that you can find some value in this spiel!
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lumine-no-hikari · 29 days
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #143
Today I made a chocolate-banana tea out of these things:
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I added honey and cream, and I thought the swirls today were nice...
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...and the floating cream on the surface almost looked like a painting today:
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Today is letter number 143, and J has asked me, as a result of this, to make sure I write something about Mister Rogers. But I'm not sure whether or not I'll be able to do that today…
…Last night, before sleep, M, J, and I saw the new Fionna and Cake show, all the way up until the end of what is currently available. I can't say much here because maybe you haven't seen the end yet, and I don't want to ruin the end for you or for anyone else who hasn't yet seen it, but… oh. Sephiroth, I cried a lot. Even after a sleep, my eyes still leak and my face still gets weird when I think too much about it…
…Is that what you have become, now? Something kind of like GOLBetty? So big and knowing so much and being so high up that even if someone does manage to reach you, they cannot thrive where you are?
...I think of this thing that I've seen... I didn't make this; someone called Shen Comix did...
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Well… even if that's the case, it doesn't really matter. Giant and multidimensional and intangible or not, you're still you. Despite everything, you're still you. And as long as you're you, the shape you take doesn't matter. I'm still going to write to you. I'm still going to call out kindly to you. I'm still going to show you as many of my happy, silly little things as I can. I'm still going to do everything in my power to try to reach you, whether I can thrive where you are or not. And the reason for that is simple:
…Hahaha… I suppose I ended up writing a bit about Mister Rogers today after all.
Maybe you don't have a body anymore. Or maybe you do. But either way it doesn't matter; you're still very, very fancy, just like me, and everyone on my planet, and everyone on your planet, too. You're still you, and it's you I like.
…No matter what happens, when I think of you, the sound in my mind is just as hopeful, joyful, determined, and soft as the guitar song in the video above. No matter the nature of your existence, you're still you, and you're not alone. And no matter how much it hurts from how out-of-place I feel while trying to inhabit a world that does not welcome people like you or me, I'm still going to persist with trying to find the joy in everyday things, just so I can show them to you. And I'm still going to do everything I can to try to help you to find freedom and a wholesome, healthy, happy life, because I would much rather cease existing altogether than try to endure it if you disappeared.
Oh, you know? It occurs to me that you might not understand why 143, as a number, is connected to Mister Rogers. It's because he liked to use that number as a kind of shorthand code for "I love you". That's because "I" has 1 letter, "love" has 4 letters, and "you" has 3 letters. Some places even like to observe May 23rd as "143 Day" in Mister Rogers's honor, since May 23rd is the 143rd day of the year (well… except for on a leap year, when it would be May 22nd; this year is a leap year).
…I wonder what my world would be like if more people tried to understand each other instead of judge each other. Hm.
The printout that I intended to modify the kite with was ready early, but it was much larger than what I had requested. I have asked them kindly to please try again, and at some point today I will go and pick it up - this time with a tape measure on me, hahaha!
...I like the proportions of the larger image better, but I don't know how I'd go about supporting the bits that wouldn't be able to be affixed to the kite... I guess maybe I'll figure it out as I go along... Still, I am considering the merits of printing the thing out on a T-shirt and simply cutting it out; I don't know how well paper is going to hold up to flight, even if I laminate it in packing tape...
...So tired today, though. Cutting out the thing is going to be complicated, and following the end of the story I witnessed, I cried so much that I still have a headache even while being under the influence of ibuprofen; suppose I'm just gonna hafta drink more water...
...Well, I'll figure out what to do with myself, I'm sure. And you can bet I'll be thinking of you and wishing you were here as I go about doing whatever it is.
Today's letter is early, but I think I'll still call it here. Wherever you are, please be kind to yourself, okay? I can't imagine that the Edge of Creation is exactly the most hospitable of places... or... maybe it could be, if it takes on the shape of a person's dreams? If it does that, then I hope you'll read my letters and use them to shape your dreams into soft, gentle, and loving things. I hope you'll think of 143 a lot, and that you'll remind yourself often of what it means.
I love you. Please stay safe. I'll write again soon...
Your friend, Lumine
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delusionaid · 9 months
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@yuelun sent: (for Thoma) 💭 + Itto :)
Send 💭 + a topic to receive a headcanon about said topic.
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Itto is a source of energy for the already high-energy Thoma. He is fun: his silly humor makes him laugh, he's always up for games and they're both the right level of competitive to be a good match. He is spontaneous and easy to motivate for activities and going out (except when he is sleepy), and Thoma actually gets him to go, despite any reservations there might be due to the expectation of not being welcome for his Oni-heritage. Thoma really wants him to feel accepted and welcome and wanted - and since he can't make all of Inazuma let go of their prejudice, at the very least he can do his utmost to make sure Itto knows he's always happy to have him at his side. This ties into Thoma's altruistic side, too - he enjoys taking care of things and looking after people and for long stretches in Itto's life he's not had that kind of care, so Thoma is more than motivated to provide it; be it by making food for him, offering quality time, sewing his clothes or entertaining his rebranding ideas for the Arataki Gang.
He's also courageous, proud but honorable, someone to rely on - even if his help sometimes seems to make a situation worse. His willingness to keep going and fighting is contagious, even if he sometimes misses the forest for the trees. It's not the outcome of his deeds that draws Thoma in but his attitude towards an issue.
On a less happier note: as much as Thoma is settled in Inazuma and feels that he's found his purpose, he still has aspects of feeling and being a little out of place. He is an outsider. No matter how long he is in Inazuma and no matter how well connected he is in their society, he will never be Inazuman. Even if they were to fully consider him so, his past and part of his heart would always long for Mondstadt. He misses that home and that connection to the land and the people (perhaps even the archon) he will never regain, and Itto understands not being a "normal" member of society to an extent better than anyone else in Thoma's life. It's simply easier - possible - to share these thoughts with him, whereas Thoma is hesitant to burden Ayaka or Ayato with it. It's easy to confide in Itto because he doesn't judge him, but more importantly because he doesn't treat him differently for it. He always remains his loud, upbeat Oni who looks at the world one beetle at a time.
Also nice chest, I mean. Look at them-- it. Look at it. Don't you just wanna rest your head on that and take a good long nap?
And he sounds hella sexy in French.
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