#and now any time she texts me i literally just want to tear my hair out like
today’s been a bad day and one of my friends is practically begging me to let him vent to me and my other friend is picking a fight right now and i can’t remember the last time i saw another person aside from my girlfriend. she makes it better but makes everything worse. i have a meeting tomorrow i swore i’d sleep early for but now i just. i don’t know what i want. 
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sturniolo-simp4life · 1 month
Call Me Back- Chris Sturniolo 
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Paring- Chris Sturniolo and Y/n 
Description- Chris has been ignoring you for a while, upsetting you, until one night he shows up at your apartment. 
Warnings- angst, crying. Remember everything is fictional! Nothing here applies to real life.
You had really been upset this past week. Chris had been distant this week. At first, you thought he was busy with filming and that he needed space. 
But it had gotten more complicated. 
He stopped answering your calls and texts. You could see his likes on other girls' social media.
Another thing- you didn’t care about whose posts he liked, whether they were girls or not.
It was that he was liking pictures of half-naked girls was what got to you. 
You could feel your heart swell when you got a notification. 
Chris.sturniolo made a post 
You clicked on the notification. A picture popped up. It looked like Chris was at a party. He had that big bright smile the one he would always show around you.
What really caught your attention though, was that his arm was clinging onto another girl's waist. 
The girl was leaning her head on his shoulder, and her arm was on his other shoulder. 
You felt your heart crack. Had he found another girl? Is that why he had been ignoring you? 
The girl did look perfect for him though. Golden brown hair. Crisp, green eyes. Big, perfect pink lips. You felt your heart crack even more. It looked like a match made in heaven. 
You hadn’t even realized tears welled up in your eyes until they started streaming down your cheeks. You choked a sob, as you sank into your pillow. 
You didn’t like your emotions getting the best of you but when they did, it was too late. 
What if you were just overreacting? What if she was just a close friend? 
But you saw how both their eyes showed happiness. Connection. Love. 
You cried yourself to sleep that night. 
Two more days passed. Two more notifications, each day. Each post with the same girl. The same bright eyes.
The same smile. The same pang of pain in your heart. You had tried calling him too, but he would just ignore your calls, or not answer. 
You decided that you did want to live a sob story, so you went to the grocery store, hoping to at least be productive and get some tasks done. 
You found yourself driving to target, hoping to buy some things. For one: food. It was always your comfort. 
You also needed to buy your daily necessities, like toilet paper and soaps. 
And you defiantly bought snacks and candy. 
You thought things were going well. You thought you could avoid any possible thought of Chris at all today.
You were literally finished checking out your items. 
But no. The world must really hate you. 
The way your heart shattered when you heard that laugh. As you saw those brown locks of hair.  
And you heard the female laughter following. That golden brown hair. Those deep, crisp, green eyes. That girl. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to move. At all. Who is she? Why do I feel like this? You couldn’t bring yourself to speak.
And the next thing you knew, they were right in front of you. “Oh hey y/n!” You heard Chris’s voice. You couldn’t utter a word. 
You couldn’t hear, you couldn’t feel you couldn’t speak. Are you alright? He asked. Are you okay?
I can’t do this. You finally snapped back to reality, and you ran. You ran right out of that store. You couldn’t turn back.  
He had ignored you for almost a week and a half. Hadn’t picked up any of your calls. And now suddenly acting like he cares? You couldn’t do this. 
You cried as soon as you got home. 
___---___---___---___---___---___---___  What time is it? Was your first thought as you woke up. You rubbed your eyes. Sighed. You needed to relax.  
You grabbed your phone, a blanket, and snacks from your kitchen, and made your way to the living room. 
10 things I hate about you. Thats what you decided to put. 
You wrapped the blanket around yourself, its warmth covering you, protecting you, keeping you safe. Why can’t they be Chris’s arms. 
You were about halfway into the movie and on your third bowl of popcorn when you heard a knock on the door. You sighed, not wanting to get up. 
The knocks wouldn’t stop, so you forced yourself to answer it. 
“What are you doing here,” you asked. Where’s your new girl? You wanted to ask. Why haven’t you broken up with me? 
“I wanted to see if you were alright.” he said.  
“You wanted to see if I was okay?” you could feel your voice rising.
“Oh Chris I’ve been great. I’ve just been ignored for a whole week by my boyfriend, not to mention that he’s been hasn’t been answering my texts of calls, and hanging out with some girl I don’t even know?” 
You were crying at this point. “So yeah Chris. I’ve been doing great.” He was silent for a moment, his eyes showing pure heartbreak. 
You couldn’t. You completely broke down. Sobbing. 
Chris knew you didn’t like crying. That’s why he was so shocked. It broke his heart that he made you feel this way. 
He pulled you into a hug, murmuring soft, reassuring words into your ear. “Shhh, you're alright pretty girl. Don’t cry. Please.” his voice cracked on the last word. 
Once you had calmed down a bit, both of you took a seat on the couch. 
“10 things I hate about you,” he said. “That’s always been your comfort movie.” You nodded your head. 
A few moments passed. “Look y/n, I owe an apology. I’m sorry I haven’t reached out in what feels like forever.” he sighed. “What about that girl?” you asked. 
That’s what was bothering you the most. 
“Yeah um, she's the reason. Ally. She was one of my best friends in middle school, and she surprised me by showing up out of nowhere. She moved away right before high school- before we even met. I was just happy to see her when she came. She has a boyfriend, you know.” 
“Oh,” was all you could manage with a voice crack. “I-I’m so sorry.” Guilty guilty I feel so guilty.
I felt a tear slip down my cheek, many more following. For the second time, Chris pulled me into a hug, kissing my hair and rubbing my back. “It’s not your fault pretty girl. Don’t cry. I promise you.”  
His touch leaves a trail of butterflies on my skin. “I’m sorry for ignoring you, my sweet girl. I promise you that won’t happen again.” 
You sniffled as you hugged him burying your face into the crook of his neck. He suddenly picked you up bridal style. “Lets get you showered and ready for bed, yeah?” 
You nodded your head. “Chris I love you.” 
He looked down at you and smiled at me. “I love you too baby.”  
tags- @tillies33ssss @theyluvme-2315 @alorsxsturn @maya555sblog
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lyjen · 2 months
I called pt. 2
Summary: When (Y/n) goes out to do a business check on a Self Storage building, she ends up getting attacked. Due to a technical difficulty the radio of (Y/n) remains on, so everyone including her boyfriend and brother can hear what is happening.
Request by: @shauna-carsley
9-1-1 masterlist • Part 1
Taglist: I was thinking of starting a taglist, so if you want to be tagged leave a comment or tell me in “Ask me a question”! ( @oliviah-25 )
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The attacker grabs (Y/n)’s arm and snaps it backwards. An ear deafening scream sounds through the building as she literally hears the bone snap. She feels how the bottom of the attacker’s shoe connected with the back of her knee as he kicked it. She lost balance on her right leg, so she tumbled to the ground and a loud cry fell from her lips.
Her body gets forced onto the ground by the power of his hands. (Y/n) falls face down onto the floor. In panic she starts touching the floor, looking for her gun with her only available hand that was working.
She could feel the man’s body standing over her. “Not this time.” she heard a low voice speak. (Y/n) turned around, so she was not on her stomach anymore, but facing the man with her back pressed to the ground, as she started crawling backwards. Trying to get away from the man.
The gun she was looking for, he was holding it right now, aiming at her. Her breathing became faster, her heart was racing, like it was trying to break free from her ribcage. “bye bye” he spoke as he pulled the trigger.
(Y/n)’s body flinched as he pulled the trigger, and within a second she was sitting right up in bed. Her body was drenched in sweat, she was on Evan’s side of the bed. That was the only place she would be able to fall asleep when her boyfriend was on a 24 hour shift and wouldn’t be back until the next day that afternoon.
She planted her head down on her hands, which were leaning down into her thighs as she tried to catch her breath. Tear after tear slowly made its way down her face. Her own scream is still audible in the back of her head, along with the sound of his fists touching her body and her bone snapping.
Why was she still having these dreams? It was like she had a dozen of these dreams, for weeks she had to relive the same dream. And now, she was dreaming of different kinds of scenarios. Of how it could’ve ended. “For fuck sake” she mumbled as she sniffled and wiped her hands underneath her eyes so she could wipe away her tears she shed.
She sighed as she tapped her phone on, three in the morning. Nice. Secretly she would’ve hoped Evan could walk into his apartment any minute, and to tell her that she would be okay, or to just put his arms around her, and hold her.
Part of her wanted to text Evan or her brother. But, they were on shift. They had more important things to do than to listen to her crying, telling the same dream. They couldn’t magically fix this, she knew that. But it was nice to know that somebody was listening to her. It was better than keeping it to herself, right?
“Get out of my head” she cried as loud as she could. But she could still hear her own scream echoing in the back of her mind, from that day. She wanted to shut out the sounds of her trauma, but she couldn’t. Her fingertips into her hair, it was like she was turning into a crazy person. She squeezed her eyes closed, as hard as she could when the sound in the back of her mind became louder, and louder.
Her breathing started to fasten, she had just calmed herself down and now her mind was doing this to her? Her heartbeat was starting to race again. “Oh god” she panted through her breaths as the tears started to stream over her cheeks again.
She threw off the sheets that were still covering her legs as she swung her legs over the side of the bed and ran towards the bathroom downstairs. She grabbed the sides of the sink as tightly as she could. Her face was above the sink as she was gasping for air, choking on her own cries.
“Just s-shut up!” she gasped, trying to stop her mind from playing the sounds that were going on inside of her head. Her eyes opened as she looked at herself in the mirror, she flinched at the view she got as a loud scream fell from her lips.
He was there. Her attacker was right behind her, in the mirror. Without thinking, she turned around. There was nothing to be seen. (Y/n) grabbed the thing closest to her, a full bottle of shampoo, and threw it against the mirror which was attached to the wall.
The mirror on the wall broke into a hundred little pieces of glass, as she let her back fall against the wall of the bathroom and slid down the wall.
“Dispatch to 118”
Bobby’s hand reached out for his radio as he was sitting in his team to go back to the station. “Go for captain Nash” he pressed the button.
“Please proceed to Nova Passage Apartments. A neighbor called because of noise complaints, but mentioned that she heard stuff breaking and screaming. Victim may be in need of medical attention.”
Multiple faces in the rig were pointed at Evan now. “Copy that dispatch, 118 enroute.” Bobby called over the radio and turned on the sirens of the truck. “Isn’t that..-” Chimney started. “..My apartment building.” Evan continued as his eyebrows furrowed. This was just a coincidence right?
Evan reached into his pocket as he slid out his phone and unlocked his phone. He quickly swiped to his text messages, there was only a goodnight message of (Y/n) from a few hours ago on which he replied but she didn’t read it yet. That was a good sign, or not? That could mean she was still peacefully asleep in bed and someone else was in need of help.
He swiped the messages app away and tapped onto the phone icon. Should he call her? What if she was finally asleep without having any nightmares and he interrupted it by being worried. “Buck? You coming?” Eddie’s voice asked Evan as he kept on staring at his thumb hovering over the phone icon.
Evan’s stomach turned as he realized the truck had already pulled to a stop and he was the only one still sitting in the rig. “Yeah, I’m coming.” Evan said as he threw off his headphone, basically jumped down the truck and closed the door behind him.
Eddie closed the hatch of the truck as he grabbed a halligan out of it, just in case. The team followed after Bobby, but as soon as they reached the floor of Evan’s apartment and he saw officers in front of it, he knew his gut feelings were right. The officers were banging on his apartment door, asking if someone was home. But no one answered.
Evan carried his house keys in case of emergencies with him, he felt in his pockets, trying to find the keys while his breath started to fasten. He had to know if (Y/n) was okay, in the stress. He couldn’t find the spare key to his house.
He shook his head, this wasn’t happening to him. Meanwhile Bobby was in conversation with the officers, collecting information about the call. Evan stopped searching for his key, as he walked towards the door.
“Hey (Y/n)... It’s me… I’m coming in okay. Stay away from the door.” Evan spoke through the still closed front door. He took a step back as he for a millisecond closed his eyes and yanked his shoulder into the door.
The door flung open as he quickly scanned his house with his eyes.
“(Y/n)?” He called out through the house, as he continued his way into the room. Everything seemed as perfect as he had left it that morning.
“Buck!” Hen called out as she was standing in the doorframe of the bathroom. Evan quickly made his way towards the bathroom, and his eyes fell on (Y/n) broken down onto the floor, curled up like a ball against the wall, with Eddie to her side.
Evan kneeled in front of her, pressing one of his hands onto her left shoulder and the other one resting on her arm. Her brother’s hand was lying on her right shoulder, trying to give her some comfort.
Her knees were pressed to her chest, with her arm secured around them and her head was hanging in the space between her knees and her chest. Quiet sobs are leaving her mouth. “Hey.. what’s wrong?” Evan asked when he reassuringly rubbed his thumb over her arm, just to let her know he was here with her.
She continued crying. “Did something happen?” Evan asked her. He knew something had happened, otherwise his bathroom mirror wouldn’t be destroyed like this.
When Evan didn’t receive an answer, “Baby.. can you please look at me?” he quietly asked her. Her breathing was trembling, as if she had trouble with taking a proper breath. But her head slowly came back up, as her red, wet, broken eyes met his.
It looked like she was looking right through him, she was that broken. “Good.. you’re doing great, baby.” He supported her. “Can you please tell me what happened here?” he calmly asked her.
Evan knew he needed to give her some time to react. “H-he.. w-was here” she stuttered as a single tear fell down her cheek. Evan’s eyes locked with Eddie as he continued rubbing his thumb over her arm. His eyes wandered back to her “The guy who attacked you in the storage unit?” Eddie mingled into the conversation as Evan didn’t know what to ask or say.
She nodded as her eyes focussed themselves on the broken pieces of glass, shattered down the bathroom floor. “”I-In.. the m-mirror.” she gasped through her breaths. Evan’s hands rubbed up and down her arms as he took a look over his shoulder.
“I’m sorry” she softly spoke with a trembling voice as she shook her head and moved her head so she was now looking at the ceiling. Evan’s head shot back to his girlfriend, who was still frightened sitting down on the floor. “The v-voices inside my head.. I can’t stop them. They’re c-constantly screaming.” she cries as her breathing starts to fasten again.
“Hey, hey, hey! It’s okay.” Evan says as his hands slid from her upper arms down to her hands. “Look at me.” he said. (Y/n)’s eyes squeezed shut as she gasped for air and pressed her nails into Evan’s skin. “Please.” He begged. He helped her out of previous panic attacks, but this one sounded different. He had never seen her so scared, so broken. Eddie’s hand pushed down onto Evan’s shoulder, as a sign to let him try and help his sister out.
Eddie kneeled down onto his knees, as he took Evan’s place and Evan himself switched to Eddie’s place. “(Y/n). Please, listen to me. You’re having a panic attack.” Eddie’s voice sounded calm, his hand was still on her right shoulder. “Just breathe okay? Breathe from your abdomen, not your chest.” he continued as (Y/n) was still gasping for more and more air.
Evan could hear (Y/n) trying to fight herself, trying to fight the attack she was having. “Just sh-” she cries as she could hear more voices, and more. “I need you to touch four things okay.” Eddie commanded her as she tried to fight. “Please! I can’t-” yelped through her sobs.
She placed her hand onto the floor, and the other one against the wall. “F-floor. W-w-wall.” Her eyes scanned the room, and she placed her hand down to the medic bag which was between Eddie and Evan, and she touched the radio. ”B-bag. Radio” she gasped.
“Okay. Now, three things you hear. Just listen.” Eddie went on as (Y/n) grabbed her brother’s wrist and Evan’s upper arm to steady herself. “I hear y-your voice. m-my breathing. And peop-ple on the hallway.” she stuttered over her words. “Good. Now two things you smell” Eddie continued when she answered his command.
“S-shampoo. And cologne.”
“And last one, one thing you can taste.” Eddie could see the pain in her eyes as she quietly said the word: “Fear.” She bit down onto her lower lip when it started trembling and more tears were streaming down her face. As if she didn’t shed enough tears already. “You’ll be alright.” Eddie said as his sister pulled herself into his chest. His hand tried to give her some comfort by softly and slowly up and down her back.
Evan kissed the top of her head as he tried to keep it together himself. “We’ll work this out.” he mumbled against the top of her head.
After months of therapy, and recovery, (Y/n) had finally been cleared to go back to work.
But not like she wanted to. She has been put on desk duty.
(Y/n) has been working on filling in some papers, until she feels a hand touching her shoulder. (Y/n) felt herself flinching at the touch, but as soon as her eyes met two familiar ones she knew it was alright. “Oh my god.. Athena, you scared me.”
Her hand went up towards her left part of the chest. “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to scare you like that.” Athena apologized. “How are you holding up?” Athena asked when (Y/n) pinned files together and closed the file she was working on. She took a deep breath, “Taking it day by day.” (Y/n) nodded.
A smile appeared on Athena’s face as she recognized the look she had in her eyes. “You can’t wait to get out there again, do you?” she softly laughed. (Y/n) looked down at her own hands as she started to fidget with her fingers and pick her skin. She nodded at Athena’s conclusion. “I understand. Working behind the desk wasn’t for me either.” Athena admitted.
(Y/n) softly smiled at Athena. “Yeah, but maybe it’s for the better that I'm on desk duty instead of out there.” she sighed. She missed the adrenaline, god she actually missed turning on that siren and stepping on the gas. “I’m not sure if I'd be ready to get out there again.” she continued and grabbed a new case file.
Athena nodded, understanding what she was saying, but she could see the urge to go back out there in her eyes.
“You know what.. Let's go for a ride hmm?” Athena’s voice spoke as she patted (Y/n) on the shoulder and started to walk away from the desk. (Y/n)’s head shot up at the sudden request from the sergeant. “But sergea-” (Y/n) didn’t even get the chance to end her sentence as Athena turned around in her tracks, and basically started walking backwards. “It’s already taken care of!”
She turned back around as she continued walking in her tracks. “You coming?” Athena called over her shoulder. A sound of doubt and hesitation fell off (Y/n)’s lips as she looked after Athena. What did she have to lose? She slid the chair backwards and hastily followed Athena.
“Where are we going?” (Y/n) asked as she was in the passenger seat of the police cruiser, with Athena behind the wheel. “You’ll see.” Athena spoke as she steered the wheel to the left to make another turn.
The car ride was silent, not awkwardly silent, but comfortable. (Y/n) watched trees, buildings and streets flashing by every second. Until the car pulled to a stop.
Athena put the car in park, as she unbuckled her seatbelt. “Athena.. What are we doing here?” her voice asked, disappointed. “We’re going back to the place it all began.” Athena said as she opened her own side of the door and shut it close.
(Y/n) fidgeted with her fingers as she saw Athena walking through the window towards the entrance of the building. She felt her heart race in her chest, and swallowed loudly. Her throat suddenly felt dry, and she took a deep breath.
Her hand unbuckled her seatbelt, and she slowly opened the passenger door of the police car she was in. (Y/n) could feel her legs almost caving in underneath her as she walked to stand next to Athena, who was in front of the large opening of the studio self storage.
“Why did you bring me here?” (Y/n) asked as she stared in front of her. She could feel the adrenaline rushing through her veins. “To overcome your fear, you first have to face it.” Athena spoke loud and clear. “So I brought you back to the place where it all began.” she continued.
A moment of silence fell between the two of them.
“Look. I know how hard it is to go back on the job after a horrible accident. Trust me, I’ve been there. And if there is one way to go back and get back your confidence, this is the way.” Athena said as she pointed at the building.
Her hands were pressed into fists, (Y/n) could feel her nails cutting through her skin as she anxiously looked at the garage door frame on the outside of the building. “You’re not alone sweetheart.” Athena spoke as she looked into her eyes and squeezed (Y/n)’s upper arm.
She felt another hand press onto her shoulder, when she looked over her shoulder it revealed her boyfriend touching her shoulder and his team right behind them. “That’s what happens if you call for backup.” Athena says.
(Y/n) sighed as she nodded at the studio self storage, “Let’s do this.”
Evan’s hand slid off her shoulder as she stepped forward, and made her way onto the concrete stairs.
She looked up at the dark night sky, as she let her eyes wander over the building. She let oxygen enter her airways as she took a deep breath. It was time to face her inner demons. Her nightmares had finally stopped, and the screaming inside her head had faded away.
Her foot stepped over the threshold, as she followed the hallway inside. She slid her flashlight out of her belt and switched it on as she made her way through the halls. The deep, dark, creepy halls that had haunted her day after day.
After a while, of making her way through the building, she turned to the left. This was it. This is where the nightmare began. Some garage doors had been dented by the pressure that the attacker had on her body. Her body was slammed into multiple of these doors.
She shone her flashlight on the dents that were left on the doors and traced her fingers over it. A scream roared through the back of her mind. (Y/n) aimed her flashlight down to the ground as she kneeled down and inspected the little old blood spot that they missed when they cleaned the scene. A groan from her lips and gunshot rang through her ears, as a high frequency tone slowly faded out of her hearing.
(Y/n) clicked her spine back in place as she stood back up again, and nodded at the scene. She finally made peace with what happened in here.
When (Y/n)’s face was lit up by the light of the moon, a smile appeared on her face as she heard the sound of people clapping and cheering. They knew, she had overcome her fears and she wasn’t afraid. Not anymore.
She felt a hand slid down her waist as she gets pulled into her boyfriend’s chest. His warm breath hoovered over her ear, “I’m so proud of you.”
< Back - Part 1
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dazed--xx · 11 months
SKZ reaction: S/O has childhood trauma (Hyung Line)
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T/W: mentions of childhood trauma, mentions of bullying, mentions of abandonment, mentions of dead best friend, mentions of neglect, arguments, crying etc…
A/N: I’ll be posting the rest of the members soon then I will be posting the Jeongin angst request next then chapter 2 of one more time then I’ll start posting Cardinal, thank you so much for the support and requests are open
Chan: school bullying
“I JUST DON’T GET YOU!!” He shouted, veins popping out of his neck as he stared at you in anger. Your bottom lip trembled between your teeth as you held onto your weak figure. You couldn’t even figure out what set Chan off, but he was utterly pissed. “Chan what are you talking about? That’s all I’ve been trying to figure out why are you yelling at me?” You exclaim after 30 minutes of his ranting your voice shaky, eyes burning from tears as your boyfriend spewed venom in your direction about how inconsiderate and disrespectful you are. He growls as he pulls a magazine out from the coffee table you had never noticed he had placed there. “Stray Kids Chan GF sends threatening messages to old schoolmates?!” The headline reads. Your eyes widen in shock “C-Chan I can explain this!” You defend yourself. “Explain? How the hell do you expect to explain this?! How can you justify any of this? You called my fan a hopeless despicable piece of crap and that she deserves the shitty life she lives now! How can you sit there and act like that’s not a problem!” He growled, tossing his phone across the room the case shattering as it hit the wall.
A panicked squeal is released from your throat as your hands cover your ears and you drop to the ground. You head shakes rapidly as you stared at your boyfriend. “You’re irresponsible and completely fucking stupid to do something like this! What the hell went through your head?! Did you even think?” He continues, your anger bubbling up in your stomach as he continues to throw harsh insults toward you. “ITS WHAT SHE FUCKING DESERVED! HOW DARE SOMEONE THAT FUCKING TORTURED ME FOR YEARS!!! YEARS OF MY LIFE! SHE DESTROYED MY SELF ESTEEM, SHE HAD ME LOCKED IN A STORAGE CLOSET FOR A WHOLE WEEKEND! SHE CUT MY HAIR AND MY ARMS AND THEN TOLD THE COUNSELORS I WAS SUICIDAL SO ID GET LOCKED IN A PSYCH WARD! SO YEAH, I FUCKING SAID WHAT I ALWAYS WANTED TO SAY WHEN SHE TEXTED ME ASKING ME FOR MONEY! MONEY TALKING ABOUT HOW MUCH I OWE HER MY LIFE BECAUSE SHE WANTED TO KILL ME BUT DIDN’T BECAUSE SHE FIGURED ID BE USEFUL LATER IN LIFE! SO, FUCK YOU BANG CHAN! YOU DIDN’T EVEN ASK ME WHAT HAPPENED! YOU DIDN’T CARE SO YOU CAN GO FUCK YOURSELF ALONG WITH YOUR LITTLE FAN THAT THREATENED ME AGAIN!” You snap, venom spewing toward him as he stood there his mouth hung open in shock as guilt filled his eyes. “Babe…” he called an apology on the tip of his tongue as he made his way across the room “I-I didn’t know—y-you never told me—I’m sorry I’m so fucking sorry” he cried as you held your hand up toward him stopping his march in your direction “Please just…just give me a second I thought out of anyone in this world if anyone would understand anything it would be you but you didn’t even give me a chance to tell you what I did literally last night. And I just I can’t believe you would say those things about me please Chris just—just leave me alone for a bit” you explained tiredly as you made your way to your bedroom leaving your boyfriend in the living room with guilt plastered on his features and sadness in his heart.
Minho:death of best friend
“I-Is it nearby or do we have to keep going?” Minho questions, you could feel his nerves from beside him as you point to a small light a few yards away. “It’s at that light” you smile at him gripping his hand. You felt nervous, you’ve never brought anyone here, to your safe space. You stare at the man beside you, your heart races at how ethereal and beautiful he truly was. You’ve never known anyone so understanding, so deeply determined to get to know you for you. You couldn’t understand him at first but now as you stare at him you can. You can understand the want; the yearning feeling of wanting to know every single thing about someone you love. You’re pulled out of your thoughts as you feel Minho’s arm wrap around your shoulders pulling you into him. “You okay, precious?” He questions, concern laced in his tone as a pout form on his lips. You nod a small smile form on your lips “I’m okay…… just lucky to have you” you confess as your hand wraps around his pulling him toward your destination.
A small giggle is released from Minho’s lips as his legs speed up to keep up with your pace. Finally, you reach the small angel light seated on top of a marble headstone. Your smile grows wider as Minho kneels in-front of the stone placing a page of sheet music, “your song is beautiful” he states “I hope you don’t mind that you don’t mind that I sang it to Y/N, so she’d go out with me. It really spoke to me and explained how I feel about her.” He apologizes softly. “O-Oh! I’m Lee Minho, I forgot to tell you who I am.” You stare at your best friend's grave. “He’d be happy you came honestly I talk about you all the time.” You confess. “Is it inappropriate for me to ask where his family is?” Minho questions. “His mother still comes to see him every day. His dad can’t.” You explain, as you look at your boyfriend “too much guilt, me and his dad were the ones that found him” Minhos eyebrows scrunch together in confusion “H-how did you say he died again?” You shook your head “I didn’t. He committed…you know when we were 14. He had gotten into this huge fight with his dad about wanting to go to a music high school and came to my house crying when his parents showed up to my place he just disappeared, and we found him a week later in our clubhouse in my backyard. I could have sworn I checked there every day until we found him but yeah.”
You feel a strong hand gripping yours as you eye your boyfriend “I’ll make sure she’s okay. She’s going to be okay with me, so I’ll come see you again. And if you want, I’ll make sure your music gets heard. I-I’m an idol I can do that for you, my leader Chan really liked your song. We’ll make sure you’re not forgotten.” He states to your friends' grave as pride swells in your chest. “Thank you for coming with me” you state with a peck to his cheek. “Thanks for letting me” he beams at you.
Changbin: neglect
“I just don’t get why it’s such a big deal?” Changbin questions his tone laced with sadness as a sigh is released from your throat. “I just don’t like my family Bin, they’re not good people and to know that they tracked you down makes me extremely uncomfortable.” Your voice is shaky as the memories come flooding back into your brain. “What happened?” His voice is only barely above a whisper as he wraps his arms around your waist pulling you into his strong figure. “They’re just not good people. Please understand that at least.” You groan your hand rubbing against his forearms. “If you’re not ready to tell me that’s fine babe I just want to make sure they didn’t hurt you. T-they didn’t hurt you right?” He asks almost as if the answer would hurt him. The question left you puzzled. Did they hurt you……… Not physically, they’d have to actually be around for you to be physically hurt; no, you weren’t beaten by your parents. Sure, they rarely were home, but they never laid a hand on you. For a while you and your birth givers were quite…. cohesive. They’d leave enough food for you to make sure you didn’t die, nothing that was hugely sustainable, but you had been able to figure it out. From a young age, you knew how to shop for your own groceries, make money, apply for government assistance and just get by. You were sustainably independent all from the ripe age of 6 years old. Honestly you couldn’t for a moment remember a single conversation with your parents where you weren’t reminded of how unimportant you were in their lives.
You shook your head after some time. “Not physically no” your eyes drift to the ground. You feel your hair being brushed to the side as Changbin placed his chin on your shoulder. “You don’t have to say anything else if you don’t want to….” His grip on you tightens “I love you; you know that right?” You nod in response “I love you too, but I want to tell you. They just didn’t really act like I existed; they made sure I had just enough food to not die but nothing enough to actually help me feel okay. When I turned 6, they just stopped coming home every night and I’d see them once a week maybe…. I don’t know I just—they made sure I knew that I was a mistake I guess and I just kind of figured everything out on my own.” You confess. Your head hung low as your boyfriend rubbed your hair. You could hear his breathing grow heavy as his grip on you tightens “well you’re not a mistake to me, I love you so much and I’m happy that I have you and you have me too, okay? I will never hurt you in anyway” he declares pressing his lips against the back of your head as you nuzzle against his strong frame.
Hyunjin: abandonment
“Come on! Please just talk to me” Hyunjin pleas behind your front door. You sat with your blood boiling; arms crossed over your chest at his nerve; the audacity of this man to have disappeared for 5 months only to try to saunter back into your life like nothing happened. The fact that he couldn’t answer your calls or texts nor the final voicemail you had left for him ending your 2-year relationship said everything about how he feels. You couldn’t for the life of you understand why he finally decided your presence was once again needed. The pounding on the door intensifies as your nerves grow weaker and weaker. With a growl to yourself you force yourself up from your seat in your couch and stomp your way over to your door, forcing it open so hard it almost comes off its hinges. “What?! What could you possibly want?!” You snap, you notice the guilt and sorrow all over his features. His lips formed into a pout as he reached out for you only for you to slap his hands away. “I asked you a question, Hyunjin” your eyes form into a scowl as you cross your arms over your chest as you glare at your ex. “Babe…come on—don’t call me that!” You growl.
The look on Hyunjins face is almost as heartbreaking as his abandonment. “W-what?! Babe please let’s just talk about this! I just heard your voicemail. I’m sorry I’m so sorry please I don’t want to break up!” He pleads upon deaf ears; you scoff in response “you should have thought about that before you disappeared for 5 months Hyunjin. Doing whatever the fuck you were doing!” “I WAS ON TOUR! You figured that out at some point, right?” He argues “yeah… through fucking dispatch I found out you were in America after 3 MONTHS! 3 MONTHS OF NO CLUE WHAT WAS GOING ON! 3 MONTHS OF COMPLETE AND UTTER CONFUSION HYUNJIN!!—Sshhh please don’t be so loud” he cuts you off gesturing you to go into your apartment, his hands firm on your waist shoving you softly back. Your hands find their way to his chest as you shove him out the door. “No! You don’t get to come in here! You don’t get to waltz back into my life after I’ve already became okay with you not being in it anymore! You’re just like my parents; you used me up until I had nothing left to offer you then you just tossed me to the side like I am nothing! Well, I do mean something, and you can’t just abandon me and then show up when it’s convenient for you! I’m tired of shit like that happening and I won’t allow YOU to do that to me!” You growl. Tears stream down Hyunjins face “I didn’t—I didn’t mean to. I-I know it doesn’t mean anything but please know I thought about you the whole time I begged my manager for a new phone so I could call you because I left mine here! Please don’t break up with me I want to be with you!” He cries as he dropped to his knees his arms wrapping around your waist as he buried his face in your stomach “I’d never abandon you! I could never abandon you I love you I love you so much please I didn’t know what your parents did I don’t want to leave. I’m sorry” you stared at the man whose heart lay on the floor. With gritted teeth you sigh “fine come inside but don’t think I’m not still mad at you” he nods quickly hoping to his feet before wrapping his hand around yours pulling you into his large frame. You feel butterflies as the familiar feeling of his soft plush lips connected with yours, putting every ounce of emotion into his kiss. Your cheeks grow a bright scarlet as he pulls away, a small smile creeps on your lips. “Still mad?” He questions jokingly. You scowl at him “don’t push it.”
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xmorguekittyx · 7 months
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Ever Locked
Part 6: What More Could You Want?
Part 5: Now You Know From What
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pairing: Older!Leon Kennedy x Ex!Coroner’s Assistant!Reader
warnings: masterbating, cowgirl, peepingtom!Leon, stalker!Leon, talks of drugging, talks of sex
Dead Dove Do Not Eat
extra: gonna shoot for once a week updates for as long as i have 10 hour shifts, im hoping in december they stop. i really can’t stand this job you guys and i feel like my writing reflects how little time i have but don’t give up on me! im not giving up and i really want to get immersed into this world im creating for Leon and Reader!
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Everything. I couldn't tear her down, tell her about the horrendous creatures I saw that god awful night. She didn't realize how much danger she was in, those- those people- they didn't help any. Mary, Marie, Marina- whatever her name was, she was one of those people, watching as they ate. My pretty girl rolling her eyes as the blue haired girl spoke, pointing her fork at my sweet bunny. Sweet, saccharine bunny. She was so far but so close, it's like her scent intertwined with mine, keeping her just in my mind enough for my peace to stay fleeting.
The device sits on the desk, the dark hotel room, once again, a comfort for a passing moment. Ice tapping on the glass, a sound to break the stoic silence as the glass rolls on the edge of the glass, fingers directing the liquor to tip from side to side. Screen flashing as texts spiral in. 'Leon, you're a literal asshole. Rebecca's worried and least you could do was tell us why you're in Seattle fucking Washington. Can you not get a good feel of Washington in D.C.?.', a scoff came from the back of my throat, of course. He always thought i needed to be baby sat, needed someone watching my every move like a rat in a cage. D.S.O could survive a few days while i got my plan in place. The rim of the glass pressed to the scruffy part of my bottom lip, cold and smooth before i lift it higher, downing the liquid, feeling it burn the back of my throat as a moan left my lips.
Slipping my fingers under the device, flipping it open to show the keypad. Fingers typing quickly as the buzz filled my mind. Can't lose the confidence i had quickly built, by the time my fingers had finished the message, the feeling of untouchable power slipped away, before hitting the button to send it to the woman who threw my mind in a pandora's box of thoughts. The bubble stays for seconds, then minutes. Surely, she's seen it. She hadn't been too dismissive of my return. Answering my call and talking to me, almost edging me into a state of euphoria to know that maybe, just maybe, i'd dug myself into her brain enough to keep her baited.
Thoughts of hopping on my bike and barreling to the little home, pushing my way into the door way to find her... all prettied up for that damned boyfriend she had. My head lulled into the crook of my arm, the warmth of my own skin causing a flush to come across my cheeks, heating up the skin, flushing it, bending my back into an uncomfortable arch. Wondered what she felt like, if she was still embarrassed when she stopped nude, if she'd grown confidence and thought she was as beautiful as she always had been. I just wanted a taste, a lick of her delicate flesh, watching the skin as it dimpled under my fingers, causing her eyes to roll back and her words to become less than whispers. Her needy little moans cut off prematurely as i felt for more, pressing into the skin more as she whined.
  With those questions came more, did she like the way he was with her? Was he soft and sweet on her, caressing her delicate skin with his tongue and grateful for every second he had the chance to touch her? He wouldn't have it long, not much longer and Od finally have the moment of weakness and snatch her away. Maybe drug her, maybe let her fight back. A pulling at the corner of my lips curled into a smirk, thinking of her holding up a knife and trying to stab at me, unlike the night she froze, staring from the corner of her doe eyes, watching a big bad wolf show its fangs so deathly close to the fragile bunny. To kiss death and fate so tenderly before succumbing to its hand- or in this case, a mug. The sound of her head cracking against the glass then floor rant through my mind. I couldn't help it, she was so... idiotic and pretty. A simple minded creature needing guidance in a world full of snakes and predators, looking for easy, pretty, temping prey.
  My eyes flicker to the phone once more, expecting anything, something from the prey. Nothing, not a damn thing. No 'don't message me ever again's or 'im going to call the police, Leon's. Nothing. That, that made me feel a nasty pit in my stomach, the thoughts of driving over to their home and seeing for myself what had her so airheaded she couldn't reply to a message. Maybe even see how Ryland- Ryan- touched her, was he too delicate? Did he know that she does like it rough, at least a little? Was he too rough, leaving her nervous and frightened? The thought kind of turned him on, imagining how leaving him did nothing but potentially put you in another psycho's arms.
  The thoughts became actions as the keys jingled from the grip i had on them, maybe i was still a bit more protective than i needed to be. This was for her safety, damnit. Nothing beat trying to keep those predators from her, than a predator himself. Every red light felt like it was hours long, leg bouncing, waiting for the light to change into that 'go' green. Eyes watching streetlights become blurs as the distance closes from between her and I. I can almost feel her, almost taste that sweet taste that only she can produce for my senses to take in.
  My heart ramps up as i get to the small drive way, turning off the lights to my bike, parking up at the tip of the path. Couldn't let her get a peek, she knew too much. I liked to rush things, like letting her see me and talking to her, setting up what i wanted to be a comfort, letting her know i'm not angry at her for leaving me, she didn't have to stay with this guy anymore, now. Maybe it was the alcohol talking, as i feel the ground shift, legs nearly buckling as the only window with lights stemming from it, catch my attention. Guiding my wavering stance to push forwards, as my fingers wrap around the frame, it hits me. Seeping into my ears a soft 'Ah, ah, ah, Ry~', muffled by the wall separating us, her voice was so dirty, something enough to send me straight to hell for the things i think of her. A temptress shied away into a human body.
  "Ryan~", my eyes snap up at her voice, my eyes nest pop out at the scene. "Yeah, did he make you feel this good? Bet he didn't.", Ryan's deep voice, echoing around the room as soft slaps of flesh on flesh sound out. His hands dug under her thighs as he assisted her in riding him. Keeping her pace for herself and him, watching his cock head nearly slip from her hole had my cock weeping. Her hair falling over that face, eyes closed and head back as she whined, crying silently as he abused her little cunt. How is wanted to just walk in there and force my way into those velvety walls and take what was and IS mine. Her whines were accompanied by a smack, landing on her ass as she bounced on him. "Dirty bitch- can't have me loving on you sweet and soft-", Ryan's head tilted back against the pillow, their black bed sheets all bunched up and messy. "Gotta be treated like some cheap slut.", he groaned as her hips bucked up. "Dirty bitch...", i couldn't help but repeat, seeing how her hips filled out in 7 years, watching her tits bounce and her arms tense as she struggled to keep herself upright on his cock. Her cunt- MY cunt- sucking him in with a squelching sound, her moans followed by a whimper as she lost her rhythm. "Good girl- fuck-!", his hands dig into the plump of her hip, "gonna snap my cock in half, pretty.", the huff of air falling from my nostrils fogged the glass as i hadn't realized i'd moved so close, watching as my girl, my bunny, came apart on another man's cock. It made me fucking sick.
My fingers came up, flipping the phone until it opened, scrolling to get to my camera before snapping a picture of Ryan, who now has moved to bend her over the bed, snapping his hips quickly into her. The picture was shitty quality, but it DEFINITELY got the point across as I hit the send button, patience is a virtue i never really had. Eager impatience, sheer excitement causing me to become annoying as a rookie. The muscles in my jaw ached, from biting back a moan as i palmed myself over my jeans, also aching from how tense i'd been while watching. The stiffness of my cock had be aching for some type of pleasure, pulling my jeans to my knees as i whip it out. Looking at it in the moon light, it was so flushed pink, begging to find a home in that pussy, eyes lingering on his hips as they lost themselves into a bliss, his bunny's face pressed into the mattress, just an opening from her eyes and he'd run. He felt his palm heating up as he pumped his aching cock, watching her lips part into a wince/moan. He felt his cock twitch, spilling white sticky ropes over a plant by the window. "Shit-", i hissed, realizing this is definitely evidence i was here, but it was meant to rain more tonight, he'd be fine. He always was.
  Now she didn't care to look or open her eyes while her love was blowing back shot after back shot into her right pussy. Ryan's hand ran her back, easing her up into his chest. "Good girl, my good slut.", his hands brushed down her hair, comforting her after such a rough scene. I wanted to scream, that should be me, holding her in my arms, coaxing her into relaxation. I have a house, much bigger than this that she can have entirely to herself, one I built for her. She'd be so grateful if she'd just talk to me. Just let me "repair" the damage I'd caused. I wouldn't totally rush her, but imaging a world where she was swole, child on her hip and cheeks rosy from leaning over some food she'd been preparing, her eyes wide as I walk home and get to place a huge kiss on her lips, tasting the food on her lips, as she cooked his favorite meal.
  My hand slowly pumped out the rest, watching as she reached up for her phone. Ryan holding into her as she grabbed it and yelped, she must've see the photo. The phone in his pockets dinging as he used his non cum covered hand struggling as to not drop the phone but as soon as he opens the device. Bunny's name, her contact completely, the same from 7 years ago as it flashed on the screen, he ducked, quickly, laying in a thorn bush. Damn Chris, always blowing up my fucking phone for some sort of reaching out to get me to come back or explain myself… how do i explain what i’m doing? "Fuck~", I whined, looking up as I saw my bunny close to the window looking off into the distance, looking for me as she buttoned up what looked like one of Ryan's shirts. It hurt... but what more could i want? what more could you want, bunny?
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weird-is-life · 1 year
Hiii for your requests: how about reader being prone to procrastinating and she’s still in college and gets into these almost episodes the days leading up to due dates and because of that she doesn’t answer any of Spencer‘s text and he get really nervous and worried and goes to check on her ?
(Hiii, thank you for this request 🤧i hope this isn't too far from what you had in mind and you like it, 0.9k)
You weren't answering your phone. Spencer left you like a hundred messages and called you so many times, that he thought his phone was going to give out.
He didn't want to think of the worst, but he couldn't help it, not when he faced the worst things on the earth every single day in his job.
Sure, sometimes you wouldn't pick up the phone, too busy with college. But you would always at least send him a text, to let him know, you were okay and he got nothing now.
So he did the only thing he could think of, he got in his car and drove to your apartment. It wasn't too far away from his home, only an hour drive.
He knocked on your door and waited. You didn't open, making him worry even more. He pounded at the door again and called out your name.
When you didn't immediately open, he was ready to kick it down. Thankfully, he didn't have to do that. Your carefully cracked the door open, peeking to look at the person, that was trying to break your door.
"Spence?" you quietly asked, you were surprised to see him.
Your hair was a big mess, honestly even bigger than his own. You were in your pyjamas and his sweater, eyes red and swollen. But you didn't seem hurt, you just looked super exhausted.
"Hi, sweetheart..."he breathed out a sigh of relieve. You slowly worked on the door chain and let him in.
His warm hands were on your cheeks in seconds, stroking them lovingly and checking you over for some hidden injuries," are you okay? I thought, that something happened to you...-god, i was so worried."
You tried to keep the tears in, but your lip wobbled slightly and Spencer instantly picked up on it, " What's wrong, sweet girl?"
"I-I-I..." you tried to speak, but your voice broke down. And before you knew it, your head was buried in Spencer's chest. He held you tightly as he whispered sweet words to your ear.
You cried quietly to his chest, soaking his shirt. Spencer couldn't care less about the piece of clothing, he just wanted to know what'd upset you so much.
He didn't ask, not until your sobs quietened down and the only thing, that could be heard was your sniffling every now and then.
"Want to talk about it?" Spencer softly asked, running his hand up and down your back.
"I... -yeah" you sniffled one more time and led the two of you towards your room. Spencer stopped at the entrance to your room, surprised by what he was in front of him.
To say the room was a mess, would have been an understatement. Your books were everywhere, on your bed, on your table, on the floor, just everywhere. Your laptop was on your bed as well.
"I thought, i had enough time for the assignments, like weeks. So I did everything else instead of them. I didn't realise h-how much time passed. I just.... -It got bad Spence," another sob broke out of you, "i have so much stuff to do and no time."
Spencer's heart literally broke at the sight of you. You stood small in the middle of your room, big tears running down your cheeks, hiccups shaking your body.
He walked to you, carefully wiped away the tears with his sleeve and said," oh sweetheart, i'm so sorry. I didn't know."
"H-how could you, i didn't say anything" you said, giving him a small sad smile.
"But i should have known. I should have sensed something was wrong, just from your texts. Please call me next time, yeah?" he said, smiling at you and you nodded.
"Good," he took your face in his hands again and caressed your cheeks, " my sweet girl, what will i do with you, huh?" he cooed, " we should get some food into you..."
Spencer was 100% sure, that you haven't eaten anything all day. He was tugging you after him to your kitchen, but you didn't move.
"S-spence, i have to g-get back to the assignments..." you solemly said, another set of tears appearing at the edge of your eyes, you were overwhelmed by the idea of getting back to the studying again.
"Nope. You are going to the kitchen with me and then after you feel better, i will help you with your assignments, yeah? " Spencer simply said, not giving you a choice. It had you swooning at your feet from how sweet he was.
"Spence?" you said once you got to the kitchen.
"What, sweetheart?" he asked, turning his head around to look at you from the fridge.
"C-could you give me a kiss, please?" you shyly asked.
"Of course" he grinned at you and with quick steps, he was in front of you. He kissed you and you finally felt some of the tension leave your body, totally forgetting about the school.
You protested, when he pulled away, it made him chuckle, " Sorry. I'll give you so many kisses, that you'll be begging me to leave you alone, but after you eat something. So sit down and let me take care of you."
You did, what he said. You sat on the kitchen stool and watched Spencer make you sandwiches. Meanwhile, he told you all about his day.
After you ate everything, Spencer did as he promised. He helped you with most of your assignments and kissed you every few minutes. You didn't know what would you have done if it wasn't for him.
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theplanetplu20 · 1 year
I’ve got you
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pairing(s): Larissa Weems x gn reader
summary: You have been having a hard few days but it’s larissa to the rescue :)
Warning(s): depression
word count: 1.8k
A/N: sooo i wrote this super quick at like 1am and didn’t read it over so if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes i am so sorry but i literally cannot get enough of this woman so I had to write something and if u couldn’t tell it’s been a hard couple of days lol (This is in your pov the whole time)
I stop and stare out of the window by my bed watching the rain come down outside wishing I could just sleep so I didn’t have to stay here staring at nothing. I feel like a thousand pound rocks are laying on my chest and I haven’t moved from my spot since yesterday night. I haven’t even moved to check my phone which I fear might worry Larissa if she chose to text me but I just hope she’s been busy running Nevermore to check up on me. Me and Larrisa had only started dating a few months ago and it has been everything I could ask for and more. She's incredible. We had met when I took up a new teaching position at Nevermore and eventually after a lot of pining on my end (and hers) she ended up asking me out. ME of all people i know i was shocked too for someone as elegant and beautiful to be interested in little old me, but it’s been the best couple of months of my life. Recently though i’ve been really feeling my depression, I used to have really bad depression and mental health issues although with a lot of therapy and work i’ve been in a really good place. Until a few days ago, I could feel myself slipping. I had another teacher cover my classes so that I didn’t have to get a substitute that would just worry Larissa and she already worries enough. I’m pulled out of my thoughts by a soft knocking at my door. I sigh knowing exactly who it is.
“Darling, are you in there? Can I come in?” I hear Larissa say just loud enough so I can hear her through the door. I stare at the door contemplating whether or not I should let her see me in my messy and hollow state. I want nothing more than her arms around me whispering how everything will be alright, but I don’t want her to think less of me. That’s such a silly thought I know but we’ve only been dating a few months, only ever mentioning how bad i can get but never witnessing it. As well as it’s happened before in past relationships so I just lay there half hoping she’ll go away and half hoping she’ll come in anyways. “I’m coming in.” she finally says after I say nothing for a few minutes, giving me time to protest if I really didn’t want her there before opening the door, but both of us know I need her right now. “Oh baby” is all she says when she sees my disheveled form and the very prominent dark circles under my eyes. She comes to my side and brushes the stray hairs out of my eyes that I just never bothered to move. She moves to cup my face with her hands slowly rubbing my check with her thumb. I was expecting to see disappointment or disgust in her eyes but all I can see is love and concern immediately makes my eyes well up with tears threatening to fall at any moment.
“I’m sorry” It comes out barely above a whisper though not my intention.
“Don’t be silly, my love. You have nothing to be sorry for.” she quickly pushes me up so she can get into the bed behind me pulling me back down to the rest of her chest. I turn to barry my head into her breathing in her perfume and detergent to bring me comfort. “I’ve got you now it’s okay if you're not feeling like yourself today you don’t have to pretend to be okay or do anything i’ve got you.” she runs her hands through my hair and i let my tears fall finally, having all my emotions just build up over time pushing me to my breaking point. Larissa holds me close, running a hand through my hair and down my back leaning close to press small kisses against my head. After I slowly calm down and regain my breath I look up from her chest to look into her eyes even though I know for a fact I look like a whole mess right now.
“Thank you” I say and lean up to press a hard kiss to her waiting lips hoping she can feel all my gratitude and love through it. Larissa kisses me back just as hard leaving me breathless and smiling like an idiot when I pull away.
“There’s that beautiful smile, i’ve missed it.” she says half jokingly and I rolled eyes and settled back onto her chest trying to push myself further into the tall goddess. “How about I run you a bath with lots of bubbles and some candles, how does that sound?” She says knowing I haven’t showered for the past few days i’ve been feeling like this. I’ve never been the best at taking care of myself during times like these.
“Will you join me?” I pray she’ll say yes even though it felt like a long shot.
“Of course darling, anything you need” and she really meant it. I could tell in the way she was looking at me that I could just let go and be. “I’m assuming you haven’t eaten so after we’re going down to the kitchen I'm going to make you whatever you want, love.” she promises and then pulls me in for another searing kiss. She pulls back away just to come back to peck my lips one last time before getting up. “One second I’m just going to run the bath for you, I’ll just be a minute” I really didn’t want her to leave my side but I really could use the bath so I just watched as she walked into the bathroom attached to my room. I sigh starting to feel slightly better already being in her presence. After what only felt like a few seconds Larissa is back by my side rubbing a soothing hand in circles on my back. “Okay love, i’m going to pick you up now is that alright?” I wasn’t really expecting that but now it’s all I want so I quickly nod my head wanting to be pulled into her strong arms. She lightly pulls me up into a sitting position and presses a light kiss to lips before picking me up bridal style then walks me carefully into the bathroom. Once in the bathroom she sets me down on the counter. “Can I take off your clothes?” She knew I would never say no to her but my heart flutters every time she asks before doing anything. I love how she never wants to make me feel uncomfortable or pressured. It can get really adorable at times when she’s simply asking to hold my hand with a light blush across her face and ears.
“yes please” Feeling like I don’t even have the energy to sit up i slump against her waiting for her to pull up my shirt while she quickly takes off her jewelry. I lean back a little and raise my arms for a quick moment when she goes to take my shirt off. She smiles at me after and goes in for another kiss. Larissa is surprisingly clingy or just very affectionate while it’s just the two of us. It makes me want to get on one knee and just marry her already but alas it’s far too soon for that. She lifts me up to quickly pull my sweats and underwear down my legs before setting me back down on the counter yanking them the rest of the way down. I shiver being a little cold naked against the cold marble countertops but Larissa is quick to undress herself and lower us into the tub with me leaning back against her chest. Her hands roam my body but in no way sexual just wanting to provide a little comfort. A small sigh escapes my lips as she starts to massage my shoulders. We sit in the tub for about an hour before my stomach starts making grumbling noises reminding Larissa I still haven’t eaten today and probably yesterday too. She makes quick work of washing my hair and body making sure to leave kisses wherever she could. After she pulls the plug on the tub she pulls me up and into a fluffy towel drying me off. I gaze into her eyes quietly while she starts to do my skin care routine.
“You remember my skin care routine?” I ask chuckling lightly not thinking she would ever have paid attention to it while I have either gotten ready for the day or night with her.
“I mean it’s fairly simple and I don’t know I guess I just like knowing things about you even if it’s as silly as your skin care routine” my eyes start involuntarily filling up with tears at just how much love we have. I quickly pull her down slightly by the neck, needing her lips against mine after her sweet words.
“You are a marvel Larissa Weems” I say as I pull away to rest my forehead against hers. she blushes fiercely and I giggle. She always looks absolutely beautiful red faced and embarrassed whenever i compliment her. She leans back into my lips and I’m just enjoying being here after feeling so horrible the past few days. That’s when my stomach thinks it’s a great time to start making noises again causing us to break apart laughing.
“Okay, okay I think it’s definitely time for food. Your stomach is basically yelling at me at this point” I laugh and shake my head at her and she brings me into the bedroom again so I can get dressed. After I throw on a quick comfy outfit I return to Larissa’s warm embrace missing being in her arms already. She pulls me in tight and we sway a little and she hums a song she’s been obsessed with recently. “Are you feeling at least a little better now darling?” she asks, sounding hopeful.
“i’m feeling so much better thank you honey” I mumble into her loud enough so that she can still hear.
“Good, don’t be afraid to come get me or text me when you're feeling like this, you know i’ll be here for you.” She says her lips pressed against my forehead for a kiss lingering for a while.
“I don’t wanna bother you, you're a very busy woman” She chuckles a little knowing I'm just teasing her a little for being a lowkey (highkey) workaholic.
“I’d drop anything for you, you know that” she says, pulling away just enough to look me in the eyes to make sure I know she’s being genuine.
“I know but you shouldn’t have to” I say looking down a bit. She lifts her hand to my face lightly lifting it to look back into her captivating eyes.
“I want to, Okay?” she says prompting you to say okay back
“okayyy” I say, dragging out the end hoping to maybe hear her beautiful laughter again, it alway makes my days brighter. And as I had hoped she laughs lightly at my stupid jokes pulling me back into her.
“Ready to get food?” She says still holding me close.
“Oh fuck yeah I’m starving”
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fuck-customers · 1 year
a fuck my manager/coworkers rant:
store manager got a new girlfriend back in October and since then work has been his second priority (EVEN DURING THE HOLIDAYS). Which is understandable in some regards but him and his ex literally broke up over him wanting to prioritize work. So often he goes off on two hour lunch dates with his GF we can see (at the shitty brunch place across the parking lot) when he said he was just going to go run the deposit to the bank. And he doesn't fucking COMMUNICATE anymore. One of my coworkers was given 5 days to completely rearrange a section of the store that was due last month but no one knew bc he never TOLD anyone and now he wants it done before Inventory is due. This entire month our rewards program is doing a special double points when purchasing a certain brand. I didn't find out until TODAY (the 20th) when I saw it on the TV image slide thing. The assistant manager didn't know until the Eighth.
He ignored and denied phone calls from our shift lead when on Valentine's Day when a customer was screaming at her, SM claimed that his sister was in labor and he was with her (dude you can step out of the room for five minutes) but we ALL know he was at V-day dinner with his GF (it was 5pm.)
He's on salary and should be working 40 hours and is technically on the clock all the time but he ignores people's text messages and shows up to work 15-30 minutes late every day and tries to leave early. He randomly goes out of town and only tells people last minute. There's no way he's making his 40 hours and NO ONE can do anything about it. He's been reported to our district manager several times and when she comes over to talk to him about it they just spend an hour in the back room giggling together because she doesn't care and loves him! All that matters is the store is doing well numbers wise.
... well it's not Anymore. because he's been so out of WACK that no one wants to put in effort working anymore. Bye bye 4.15 UPT and 40 DPT goal. have fun with the average 2.5 UPT. We've been consistently missing our sales goal. Oh well. Sorry buddy.
My biggest irritant though is that we are a pet store and like I don't care if my coworkers wanna slack on sales, but when they slack on caring for our animals is where I lose my mind and I'm sick and tired of having to pick up everyone's slack in that regard bc the management doesn't care either, they won't check over how animal care got done and so I have to be the one to make sure our animals aren't literally standing in soiled bedding 24/7.
I hate it here. In May it will be two years and I'm making minimum wage still, because every time the MW goes up, I lose any raise I had received. I should be making more than the hire we got two months ago but I don't. It makes me want to tear my hair out. I want to strangle our DM because she is the only thing keeping me from getting promoted, she wants me to have a car but company policy says 3/4 managers need a car. Everyone else does!! I would literally be lowest position anyways, I'm just there to pick up management slack I'm not there for big issues.
hate it here.
@staff I HATE the new text editor!
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kaunis-sielu · 2 years
A Payment: 9
You’re in the air within an hour of the shots. The fact that it was some weenie named Jasper who mistook your car for one of another companies is literally so infuriating that Steve has to threaten to handcuff you again to keep you on the plane. He’s not letting it go, but he does refuse to allow you to handle it on your own, which you feel is highly unfair.
Instead you fly home and after texting Daisy who promises to send you your things and to take care of Jasper for you, you attempt to relax. After all, it was one of her girls that found out so quickly who it was that had taken the shot at you.
“What?” He gives you a little half smirk looking far too pleased with himself.
“I asked if you wanted something to eat.”
“No.“ You’re too angry to eat right now.
“What about a snack? Just something small? I know you haven’t eaten yet.”
“Fine.” You agree checking your email again to see if there’s any new news from Daisy.
“Come on.” Steve says holding out a hand for you.
“Leave your phone, come cook with me.” You look up at him in confusion and he grins down at you. “Come on, I won’t bite unless you want me to.” You roll your eyes at him but still stand and he takes your hand leading you from the front of the plane to the back where you’re surprised to find a miniature kitchen.
“Wait, you cook?”
“What were you expecting Darlin’? That I’d bring Wanda with me wherever I go so that someone would have to cook for me?”
“Honestly, yea kind of.” You admit and he laughs, “I don’t think that my father or Grant even know the difference between a sauce pan and a frying pan.”
“I like cooking, I’ll make ya something small.”
Steve makes you a little quiche, which is far more extravagant than he needed to make but you have a feeling that he was just showing off a bit. Honestly as he should, because it’s a fantastic quiche.
You can’t seem to stop thinking about your near miss. Something about it isn’t sitting right with you, what are the chances that the one time that you’re out late, in Boston where you’ve never had any issues, someone takes a shot at you? Much like the police, you don’t believe in coincidences. You’re staring out the window, your arms hugging yourself when you feel Steve come up behind you. You don’t move as he steps closer, his chest pressing against your shoulders as he wraps his right arm around your shoulders, his left hand rests on his right wrist up by your neck, the hair of his beard is ticklish on your cheekbone but you find yourself relaxing into him.
“What are ya thinkin’ about Sweetheart?” He murmurs before pressing a kiss to your temple. He’s gotten awful handsy and you should be fighting him about it but you can’t find it in yourself to. You don’t want to tell him what you’re really thinking so you ask him something that’s been bothering you pretty much since day one.
“Why me?”
“Why me Steve? You didn’t just pick me because my brother is a jackass and owes you money. So, why me?” You feel him tense slightly, you’re not sure why he does but you don’t want him to lie to you. “Don’t lie to me.” You warn softly and he lets out a long sigh.
“Because of your mother.”
“My mom?”
“She was best friends with my mom. Before she died she came to my mom and asked her to keep an eye on you if anything happened to her. My mom told her nothing was going to happen but she promised anyway and she made me promise that I’d get you out of there before you were sold off to someone else.”
“But why now?”
“Because of Ward, Grant, he was looking to make some quick money and one of my guys heard about it.”
“He really doesn’t care about me at all does he?” You’d held out a tiny little bit of hope that your father had cared a little about you.
“I’m so sorry Queenie.” Steve murmurs and you bite the inside of your cheek to keep from crying. Your father isn’t worth your tears, clearly to him you were just something to give away to the highest bidder. “I think I can understand why you think mob men cannot love their wives.”
“My father killed my mother.” You admit to him and you feel him tense up once again behind you.
“In front of me. He thought that she was attempting to betray him and so he killed her.” Steve doesn’t say anything but he doesn’t relax so you continue, “He told me that was what would happen to me if I put a toe out of line. That Mob husbands don’t need disloyal or untrusting wives. When I asked him he loved her he scoffed and said that she didn’t give him better than he already had. What use was a female child to him? I left the midnight of my 18th birthday and never looked back.”
“I can understand why.” He murmurs into your ear, “I’m so sorry that was your experience.”
“It made me stronger.”
“But it also hurt you.”
“I’m fine.”
“It’s okay if you’re not Sweetheart.” He says softly, “You’ve been so strong it’s okay to break sometimes.” He’s so gentle, so soft and has proven to probably care for you more than any other man in your life, well except for Lance he’s been your constant for so long that you can’t imagine your life without him. “Sweetheart you’re shaking.” Steve mutters and suddenly you’re crying. It’s like you’re grieving everything that you’ve felt you couldn’t for so long. You turn and bury your face into his shoulder, wrapping one of your arms up around his and clutching the back of his shirt as you sob. His grip tightens on you, his fingers are gentle on the back of your neck as they make little circles in your skin.
You’re not sure how long you cry for but it’s long enough for your tears to go dry and for there to be a wet spot on Steve’s shirt. You pull away from him,
“Oh, Steve, I’m so sorry I ruined your shirt.”
“You can ruin every shirt I own and it wouldn’t bother me a bit Sweetheart.” He says cupping your face in his hands, his thumb brushes away a stray tear, “I’m yours. Okay? Whatever you need I hope you’ll come to me first.”
“I, this is all new to me.”
“What is?”
“Having someone care about me. Someone who holds power I mean.”
“I can be patient. I won’t lie to you, I want more than just this, I want all of you but I can be patient. I can go at whatever pace you need but I’m all in.” You grab the front of his shirt and pull his mouth to yours.
It might have been a moment of weakness on your part but one that was well worth it when he groans low in his throat and buries his fingers in your hair. Steve is making a thorough exploration of your mouth, consuming all of your senses.
“Aw Jesus.” A voice says and you rip your mouth from Steve’s, “This isn’t going to become a thing is it?” Bucky gripes and Steve throws his best friend a dirty look.
“Get fucking used to it jackass. If my wife wants to kiss me she can kiss me.”
“I was told to tell you that we’re about to land so everyone needs to be buckled.”
“Aright.” Steve says, he drops into a seat and pulls you down with him, then buckles you both connecting two seatbelts together.
“I don’t think that’s what the pilot meant but whatever.” Bucky says rolling his eyes at how Steve has you perched in his lap. He then goes back to the front to sit next to Lance who is watching the interaction with a small smirk on his face. You roll your eyes at Lance who laughs then turns forward.
“Sorry about him Sweetheart.”
“He’s just doing his job.” You defend Bucky, you’re more amused than annoyed than anything with him.
“And annoying the hell out of me like it’s his job.” Steve grumbles and you laugh softly before relaxing back into him.
“I’m exhausted.” You murmur from where your head is resting on his shoulder, you only got around three hours of sleep last night, which is your own fault, but still.
“Go to sleep Darlin’, I got you.” He says and you know, deep in your bones, that he does.
Tag list:
@andahugaroundtheneck @connie326 @also-fangirlinsweden @lumar014 @loving-life-my-way @pagina16ps @emdying @dumblani @valsworldofcreativity @blackwidownat2814 @sky0401 @dontbescaredtosingalong @abschaffer2 @patzammit @inkedaztec @newdaynewyearnewlife @sophham
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winchester-books · 2 years
Eye for an Eye
based on: outer banks
characters: jj x reader, past john b x reader, kie
warnings: messy breakup, language
w/c: 1.7k
summary: When things between you and John B end bitterly, you’re surprised to find JJ of all people taking your side... and suggesting revenge. 
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To say you were pissed would be an understatement. Your relationship with John B had ended in nothing short of disaster. You’d caught him gawking at Sarah Cameron one too many times and had finally lost it when you saw him scrolling through her instagram profile while he had his arm wrapped around you on the couch. 
“Are you kidding me right now?” 
He quickly swiped out of the app, rolling his eyes like you were the one being ridiculous for calling him out, “What now Y/N?” he huffed, letting his arm fall off your shoulder, “Am I not allowed to see what other people are posting?”
“Sarah Cameron… really?” you gave him an incredulous look, “I’m literally sitting right here,”
“Don’t be so dramatic Y/N, it’s just instagram,” he brushed you off.
You scoffed at him, “You’re an asshole-”
“You’re gonna sit there and tell me you don’t look at other dudes?” He snapped, raising his eyebrows.
“You’re seriously going to flip this on me right now?” you shook your head, “You’ve been staring at Sarah for weeks, I’ve bit my tongue and not said a word… I convinced myself it didn’t mean anything- but that’s such bullshit,”
John B stood up from the couch, running his hands through his hair, “You’re being ridiculous, I-”
“It’s like I don’t even exist to you anymore,” you stood up and faced him, glaring at him as you spoke, “How about you grow up and break up with me so you can be with her since she’s all you can think about,”
“Y/N, cut it out okay?” He exhaled sharply out of his nose, rolling his eyes, “You’re overreacting-”
“You can’t even spend time with me! You’re staring at her pictures with your arm around me- your girlfriend!” You dropped your arms in exasperation, searching his eyes for any sign of remorse and coming up empty. 
“What do you want me to say?” he snapped, looking down at you, “Yeah she’s hot- it’s not a fucking crime for me to think that! I didn’t do anything wrong, it’s just a stupid picture- get over it,”
“Get over it?” you blinked at him, your feelings of hurt and anger apparent on your face. “Screw you,” you finally managed, blinking away the tears that were beginning to form. 
“You think I don’t see you entertaining all the tourons who eye you? You’ve done the same thing, if not worse.”
Your hands clenched into fists as he twisted the situation so you were in the wrong. The John B you fell in love with and dated for nearly a year was not the manipulative asshole standing in front of you right now. 
“I think you should go,” you said lowly,walking over and opening the door.
“Oh, so now you’re done talking, huh?” He rolled his eyes, “You’re gonna sit there and blame me, but the second I mention that you're in the wrong you’re done?”
You bit your tongue, refusing to engage with him anymore and let him paint you as the villain. “Leave, John B,” you repeated, ignoring the tears welling in your eyes as he walked toward the door.
He brushed past you, mumbling something about you calling him when you were done being a bitch.
“You know what?” you narrowed your eyes as he glanced back at you from the porch, “ I’ll save you the trouble of breaking up with me since you’re too much of an asshole to do it yourself- we’re done.”
He opened his mouth to speak, but you were already slamming the door in his face. 
Now, you found yourself tossing back shots of Vodka, indifferent to the burn each one sent down your throat. Kie had practically dragged you out of the house, going on and on about how going out would make you feel better and pick up your spirits.
 It had been one week of you shut up in your house, at first you had been wallowing in self pity and regrets. Then, you received a text from Kie that caught your eye, and you simply couldn’t ignore like the dozens of others she had sent. 
“y/n. i’m sorry but i have to ask. is it true? did you actually cheat on him??”
You had stared at the text for a while, your sadness and self-pity quickly shifting to anger. He had been obsessed with Sarah for weeks and now he had the audacity to go around saying that you had cheated on him? You were fuming. Fortunately, Kie had taken your side right away. 
Going out might have actually been good for you- if you hadn’t walked into the party to see John B twirling Sarah in the sand as they danced together. 
It had barely been a week. 
You were hurt. Heartbroken and embarrassed that you’d loved him as much as you did. Angry that a piece of you still managed to want him back even as you watched him move on so quickly. 
Alcohol was an easy answer to your problems, even if it was only temporary. 
“Easy there, Y/N,” You turned to see JJ eyeing you as you set down your shot glass. “Trying to finish the whole handle alone?”
“Maybe,” you brushed him off, pouring yourself another, only stopping when you felt JJ nearly pressed up against your back from behind you.
“Mind sharing?”
“So, you don’t hate me?”  You asked, pouring him one as well and handing it to him.
“Hate you?” he shook his head, his brows creasing, “Why would I hate you?”
“Well, John B’s managed to tell the whole fucking island that I cheated on him. You’re his best friend- I kinda assumed you’d be jumping on the ‘screw Y/N’ bandwagon,”
“Ouch,” he joked, “I thought you knew me better than that- since when have I been one to just follow everyone else?” he held out his blunt to you, silently asking if you wanted a hit. You happily obliged. “I didn’t believe him,” he said with a shrug. 
“Really?” You widened your eyes, feeling a wave of relief that not everyone fell for John B’s lies, “Good… because it's complete bullshit,” Your gaze shifted toward John B and Sarah who were still dancing together.
JJ noticed you were staring. “I told him he’s a dick for that,” he piped up, nodding toward the two. “I don’t know what’s gotten into him, but he’s been a total asshole to you. I’m sorry,” he offered you a small smile, grabbing the joint back and inhaling, “Sarah’s just gonna break his heart like she does to every other guy she dates,”
“Yeah, he deserves it,”
You frowed, surprised that he was agreeing with you, “So much for being his best friend,” you joked. 
He only shrugged, “We aren’t talking right now,” he said simply, “I told him he needs to get his shit together- usually I’m the one that makes bad decisions, but letting things end with you? That’s a mistake I’d never make,”
You weren’t sure what to make of that. You wouldn’t lie, thoughts of JJ had always crossed your mind- but he was supposed to be John B’s best friend, didn’t that make you off limits?
“Shot?” JJ spoke up before you had the chance to say anything back, and you were grateful. Nodding, you grabbed your glass and tapped it to his, “Fuck Sarah Cameron,”
You grinned at his words, “Fuck Sarah Cameron,” you repeated, downing the liquid. 
God knows how much you had to drink. 
You and JJ had really taken on the challenge of finishing the entire handle of Vodka. Deep down you knew you’d be feeling it tomorrow, but you couldn’t care less. For the first time in days John B was the furthest thing from your mind. 
You and JJ had always gotten along well, he was funny and charming- and attractive. What was there not to like? But things were different between you now. He was touchier, and this time, his flirty comments felt like they carried more weight than normal… Not that you were complaining. 
JJ’s hand was laced in yours, the two of you laughing about something as he practically dragged you down the beach towards the water. The two of you plopped down into the sand, his hand landing on your thigh as he pulled you closer to him. 
JJ took a hit, blowing smoke into your face and flashing you a smile. He lifted the blunt to your lips and you inhaled, letting your fingers rest on his for a moment as you took the joint from him. 
He flopped backward into the sand, staring up at the stars and drowning out the blaring music coming from behind you as he listened to the waves crash, “This is amazing,” he breathed out, “Why the hell haven’t we done this before,”
You laid down beside him, “Because… my boyfriend was an insecure little bitch,” you laughed, your words flying freely in your intoxicated state, “God- if we’d ever done this before he’d probably be telling everyone I cheated on him with you,”
JJ sat up suddenly, a grin plastered across his face, “Oh my God, Y/N you’re a genius!” You eyed him from your spot in the sand. “John B is an asshole,” 
You nodded, “Tell me something I don’t know,”
“He treated you like shit. And now he’s lying to everyone and saying you’re the bad guy, when it was literally just him being a dick-”
“Okay, what are you getting at here?” You sat up, not really enjoying listening to him recount the hell that you had been living. 
He shrugged, “Let’s return the favor,”
You tilted your head, silently questioning what he meant.
“Well…” he glanced back to the beach, “He’s already hooking up with Sarah, right? I say an “eye for an eye,” You gotta hook up with someone to get back at him,”
“You volunteering?”
Your words were merely a joke, but JJ was quickly nodding, “Who better to hook up with than his best friend?”
“I...” you closed your mouth, blinking at him. You couldn’t lie, it wasn’t a bad idea. It got you the justified revenge on John B, and it’s not like you weren’t excited at the thought of hooking up with the blonde sitting next to you. 
“I’m definitely not opposed…” JJ added, cocky smile on his lips when he saw you contemplating it. 
You bit your lip, undecided. This could get messy- really messy. Thinking about Kie alone finding out made you question if this would be worth it. But he was hot… so hot. And clearly into you. And hell, John B had been awful to you, who could blame you for wanting to get some revenge?
“You better be a good kisser…”
JJ’s smik grew, “Oh, sweetheart, I’m the best,”
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Omg I love your writing so much 😭 can I request more mercy x Fem reader (gender neutral if you're not comfortable with it). Maybe smth fluff like reader is so tired from studying or smth 🥺thank youu
Awwww, thanks! Absolutely! Good luck to anyone in school right now! You're doing fantastic!
Rest Matters Too
Pairing: Angela Ziegler x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Unhealthy sleeping habits, feelings of inadequacy
Word Count: 873
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School is hard. Plain and simple. It's a little different for everyone but everyone finds something difficult during their time in school. Your education induced torment just so happens to be studying. Which is fantastic considering you have a big midterm exam coming up.
You had promised yourself that you were going to actually commit to studying this time. Winging it wasn't an option, not this go around. You wanted to- well that doesn't really matter. No. What matters is studying this god forsaken material and here you are distracting yourself. Again.
Alright, alright, alright. Focus.
You can do this. Just focus.
Focus and read.
God, this is impossible!
You rub a hand down your face. Ugh... Might as well check what time it is.
Umm, why can't you read it? The clock shouldn't be blurry. You check the paper in front of you again, finding the text on it also difficult to read.
You groan in frustration, thunking your head against the desk. The test is two days from now, how on Earth were you going to do on the test if you can barely read your notes?
As that train of thought continues to reek havoc in your brain, the door to you and Angela's shared room opens.
You hear her sigh, "I figured this would happen."
"Hi Angel" you say, attempting to fix your position to make it look like you weren't just beating yourself up over your studies.
"Liebling, do you have any idea what time it is?"
"Uhhhh..." You look at the clock again, your tired eyes finally focusing on the numbers displayed on it.
It was nearing one in the morning.
Mercy's voice takes on a pitying quality as she walks over to your desk, making sure to drop her doctor's bag by the door. She takes another chair and sits beside you, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, a concerned look on her beautiful face.
"This has to do with your exams doesn't it?"
You sigh, no point in trying to lie, the proof is all right there for her brilliant medical mind to find. You wouldn't be surprised if she was diagnosing your problem right now. She was just so smart. Why did she have to make everything look so easy?
"Darling?" she asks, pulling your attention back to her.
"I just- I really want to do well, you know" you respond. Technically not a lie.
Mercy raises an eye brow and it's enough. You know she knows that you didn't tell her everything. She's going to keep looking at you like that unless you tell her. Okay. Okay, fine.
Tears well in your eye, whether they be from stress, anxiety, sleep deprivation, general frustration, you aren't sure, but that doesn't really matter does it?
"I just-" you pause, attempting to keep your voice even but it's hard, "I just wanted you to be proud of me."
Mercy looks at you stunned.
You continue, "You're a medical genius, a miracle worker. You dress up like a literal angel for goodness sake! I just feel- I wanted to prove to you that I-"
Angela shushes you, wiping the tears from your eyes and then takes one of your cheeks in her hand, the other one squeezing one of your hands.
"Darling, I am proud of you all the time."
"You work so hard. You are working to make the world a better place and trying to get your degree at the same time. That is a near Herculean task, darling. I am inspired by you everyday."
You sniff, "You're just saying that to make me feel better."
Mercy smiles at you, wrinkling her nose in that same way that flutters your heart every time she does it. "I'm a doctor, that's my job. But seriously, I mean it. You are amazing, schatz. You don't have anything to prove. Not to me, not to anyone."
She kisses your forehead and says, "You are brilliant, kind and capable of so much good. I love you so much."
She smiles, knowing everything is going to be alright once she sees you smile.
"Now," she says, "We are going to get you some water so you can rehydrate and then, you are going to get some rest. We can worry about you studying in the morning."
"But," you protest, "I really do need to study for this."
"Not at 1am you don't. I will quiz you tomorrow, after you have had a good night's rest."
"Doctor's orders."
You laugh, "Okay."
To her word, Mercy helped you study and stay healthy the next day, making sure you slept properly, ate well and quizzed you periodically throughout the day. You surprised yourself with how much material you remembered! And anything you didn't quite get right, you were close. Mercy quizzed one more time before you both went to sleep, to help you sleep on the information.
The next day, you went in, took the test and came out feeling very confident in yourself. You may not have aced it, but you were pretty confident that you did just fine.
You and Angela enjoyed a nice lunch date out, the doctor once again, incredibly proud of her girlfriend.
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Liebling = Darling
Schatz = Darling
Request Rules/Character Sheet
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okaylikesmomo · 1 year
Chapter 4: Second Concert
You wake up still in Sana's embrace. She was still asleep, her arm resting on your body as she faced towards you. You watch as her body moves up and down with every breath, soft snores exhaling from her body. You had spent enough nights with her to know that she usually never snored, it was only when she was physically tired. You think back to a couple of months ago when you were filming one of the Time To Twice episodes, Sana was so tired you had to literally carry her from the car to her bed.
You gently move her hair from her face, giving you a better view. You watch her for a couple more minutes before you remove her arm from your body, making sure not to wake her. It was early and the girls had a long day ahead of them, tonight was their second concert in LA. You let her sleep as you get dressed and head to your room.
You give her one last look before closing the door behind you, letting out a sigh. In the beginning it was easy, you were hired by the company as a personal manager for the girls because JYP wanted someone close with them to make sure any problems they had were being addressed earlier rather than later. After the Mina situation, the company elevated the importance of their health. In fact, you were the one who Jeongyeon first opened up to, and you were the one who led JYP to get her the help she needed. It was easier back then because all you had to do was listen and gain their trust and confidence. You were educated, so you had decent credentials, and you were actually quite good at your job. It didn't take long for the girls to learn they can open up to you without fear of consequences.
As you got closer with them you quickly came to understand that these girls had needs that couldn't be fulfilled with just words. They were young, attractive, and some of the most desirable girls in the nation. When you brought your concerns to the company, they explored the idea of hiring people to help, but after some discussion you mutually agreed that it would be better to first try seeing if it could work out with you. The logic being that you were already close with the girls, they trusted you, sex would have a greater value if it was with someone they were close with rather than random people.
At first you had your doubts. It was hard to begin. Not because they weren't your type, you were definitely very attracted to the girls, but because you were scared it would ruin the bond you created between them. You decided to be open with the girls, letting them know that you were available to them whenever they asked, making sure they knew that there was no pressure to do anything they didn't want to.
It ended up not being as bad as you thought. Even though they were idols, they were also young women filled with hormones and needs. All of them had varying responses to your new situation. Some were eager, their drives insatiable, while others would only do enough to satisfy curiosity.
The hardest part now was that you had to remain impartial. It helped when you told yourself this is your job and you must stay professional, one of your core values; however, at times you knew you had begun developing feelings for some of the girls.
You arrive at your room and refocus your mind. You had some work to do at the venue to clear up some of the hiccups from the first night. You get dressed, skip breakfast, and head to the venue.
Sana wakes up and notices you are gone. She frowns slightly, feeling a pit in her stomach. She lays there on her side, not understanding why she is feeling this way. To her surprise, a single tear slides down her cheek. She quickly wipes it away and grabs her phone, seeking a distraction.
Two texts.
CY: I think I went too hard, my ass is killing me
SN: kekeke silly Chaengie, this was your idea to begin with
She opens the second text
Y/N: Hey, decided to let you sleep in, I had to head to the venue early today, love you
She smiles at the message. Feeling a bit better, she replies with a simple heart emoji and gets out of bed, heading to the shower.
You fall onto one of the sofas placed backstage in the dressing room. You had been working for hours to make sure all the problems from the first night were addressed. You didn't realize how bumpy it was since you spent most of the first concert outside watching, but tonight they increased the amount of staff and you were going to be backstage helping keep things smooth. You check the time and see you have time for a quick nap before the girls arrive, and without a second pause you pass out on the couch.
You feel something on your cheek. It keeps pressing into your skin. You open your eyes and see Dahyun sitting on the couch next to you in her stage outfit, poking your cheek.
"Wake up sleepy head," Dahyun whined, "it's almost time for us to go on."
Your eyes adjust to the light of the room and explore the surroundings. When you fell asleep there were only a few other staff members, but now the room was filled with teams of stylists. The members were all in various stages of their hair and makeup. The girl next to you was seemingly done with her makeup and she looked gorgeous.
"Wow, you look so pretty tonight," you admire.
"I am the prettiest aren't I?" She replies while bringing a hand under her chin and posing, however you notice her cheeks gained a rosy tint.
"I thought you came early to work, not to sleep."
You turn to where the voice came from and see Sana sitting on the couch across from you. Momo was also on the couch, but she was fast asleep with her head resting in Sana's lap. Sana is looking at you with her phone in her hand, she looked ethereal tonight. You pause and just admire her beautiful face.
She raises an eyebrow while looking at you, "you know I was just kidding right?"
You snap back into your senses, "oh yeah right uh...."
Dahyun gives your arm a light hit, "yah, you were just complimenting me and now you are gawking at her, can you stop flirting so easily," she scolds you.
"Look it's not my fault you are both so pretty," you defend yourself, "and I'll have you know I was working all morning!"
Sana smiles and looks back at her phone, "whatever you say," she adds playfully.
You look over at Dahyun again who is pretending to be angry with you, sitting there with her arms crossed and glaring, "but you are still the prettiest."
Happy with your comment she lets down the facade, "I know." She pulls out her phone and starts browsing, "but you could say it more often."
You smile as you stand up, looking around for Chaeyoung. You spot her and start walking towards her before pausing next to Sana. You lean down and quietly ask, "are you okay by the way, it doesn't still hurt, right?"
She looks up at you, "no, it's fine now," she says softly, "but I think Chaengie had it a bit worse."
You sigh, your suspicions confirmed. You give her shoulder a light squeeze before heading over to the makeup station Chaeyoung was sitting at. You pull up a chair and take a seat next to the girl.
"How are you feeling?"
She puts her phone down on the dresser, "oh not bad, my ass was only burning all morning."
You frown, feeling bad for the girl. You feared she would have it worse than Sana today because of how tight her body was.
She notices your concerned expression, "don't worry, I am fine now." She gestures towards Mina who is at the station next to her, "Mina unnie helped me out this morning with some lotion, I can barely even feel it anymore."
Mina looks over and flashes you a cute smile, her eyes crescent shaped when she does. "I am so proud of Chaeyoung, she told me about how-" she looks around quickly to make sure none of the other staff could hear, "she told me about how hard you fucked her tight little ass."
You chuckle at her abrasiveness, "well you made the right choice by going to Mina, she is very experienced," you say, pausing after the word very.
Mina gives you a wink.
The three of you make some more small talk about the concert, you can tell they are excited. Soon, their stylists return to finish up, and you head back to the couches. Dahyun and Sana were still there, but Momo had left to get ready. Nayeon, Jihyo, and Tzuyu had joined in. You sat down next to Dahyun and listened to the conversation they were having.
"Oh but what about the penguin onesie, she was also there with her Mina sign."
"Yeah hers was so cute! There was a male Once in this green full body suit covered in lights, he wasn't at soundcheck but I could see him when I peeked at the crowd."
"I remember so many of the signs from the last concert."
You could feel their excitement. The girls were probably more excited than the fans in the crowd right now, but you look over at Dahyun who is quiet. She seems to be listening to the conversation, but her leg is shaking slightly. Dahyun was amazing on stage, she was full of charisma and confidence, she had by far the longest English speeches because she was easily the most confident member when it came to speaking English. She worked hard and knew how to get the crowd hyped. She was also full of fan-service, making her one of the crowd favorites alongside Sana.
However, you did hear from the company that she would get very nervous before going on stage. All of the girls would, but you think Dahyun had very high expectations put on herself. It was briefly mentioned in their documentary, too. Since you joined after their last tour, and you weren't backstage during the first concert of this one, you had forgotten about this detail of her.
You grab her hand, steadying the shaking, "you're going to do great tonight."
She gives a faint smile and doesn't say anything.
"Dahyun, I was outside last concert when you guys were doing outfit changes. When they played the intermission videos, you should have heard how loudly the crowd would cheer for you, and that was when you weren't even on stage," you tell the girl, trying to offer words of encouragement, "you will be fine."
She takes a deep breath, her shaking has calmed down a lot. She still doesn't say anything but you know she appreciates your words. Her expression of determination now, excitement building.
"Okay everyone in position!" A staff member shouts, "The Feels has started playing!"
All of the girls immediately get up and head over to the lifting platform. Nayeon, who was sitting next to you, waits behind for a second and turns to you.
"Same place tonight," she whispers
You nod, giving her butt a subtle slap so no one else notices, "right, now get going, I'll see you later."
You watch her run up to catch up with the rest of the members. You head to the fridge in the changing room, grab a drink and take a seat on the couch, watching the big TV screen showing the stage. You hear the music turn up, the walls vibrating at this point, and then the stage rises and the nine of them appear on the screen.
The concert ran smoothly, it seemed your attention to detail this morning helped make sure there were no hiccups this time around. During the intermissions, the members had to do full outfit changes very quickly. You were assigned to help Momo. There was a level of order to the chaos during these breaks, everything looked hectic but it actually ran like a well-oiled machine. This also meant the girls were extremely professional during this time. You would help Momo get in and out of extremely attractive outfits, but there was no time for any lewd thoughts as she would be in and out so quickly. The only time you had to chat with the girls was during the subunit performances. The six members not currently on stage would sit around with you, watching the performances on the screen.
Eventually the show came to a close as they performed the last song in the encore. Before they could head back, you quietly grabbed a towel and snuck out of the dressing room, heading down the hall to an empty side room. This room had a desk and some couches with a screen that showed the stage outside. You watch as the girls ride the stage lift down, waving to their fans one last time before disappearing below.
About a minute passes before you hear someone open the door. In walks Nayeon, locking the door behind her, before running up to you and connecting your lips. You kiss briefly before she backs up, breathing heavily as if she was just running. She stood in front of you wearing a simple shirt with a skirt and knee high boots. She looked incredibly sexy.
Before the tour started, you and Nayeon were spending a night together drinking. She made you agree to a deal that night; the deal was that after every concert in this tour, you and her would sneak away for a quickie.
"Come on, we don't have much time," she pants.
"Nayeon, do you still want to do the thing Chae was talking about yesterday?"
Her eyes open wide, she clearly forgot about the conversation in the restaurant. "I... I don't know..."
"How about we save that for next time?" You suggest. She seems to like this idea. You grab her and bend her over the desk, "but I'm still going to fuck you."
She reaches back and lifts up her skirt, exposing a pair of bright pink underwear. You waste no time, grabbing them and yanking them to the ground. She is already wet, Nayeon was easily the most wet of the members; she was also the only member who would regularly squirt when she came. You lift her left leg up and place it on the desk that she was bent over, giving you better access to her body. You reach a hand down between her legs and feel between her folds, getting your hand covered with her juices.
You free your penis from your pants and use her juices to lightly coat yourself, making it easier to penetrate. You step forward and without further ado, enter into her. A soft moan leaves her mouth.
"Ooooh this is all I could think about during the encore," she coos, "I couldn't wait to feel your cock inside me."
You don't take your time. You immediately grip her cheeks and begin plowing into her. The sound of wet flesh filling the small room. You fuck her hard, making her lose the ability to make any noise as she stands there bent over the desk, mouth wide open and eyes shut. More wet slapping noises fill the air.
You keep pistoning into her, never slowing down your pace. This was not a love-making session, this was raw, unfiltered, animalistic fucking. It doesn't take long for you to feel yourself reaching climax. You hold on, making sure she finishes first. At this point there is a whole puddle of her juices on the ground between her legs. It only takes a couple of minutes before she speaks up.
"I'm... about... to... cum..." She moans out between your thrusts.
You bend forward and move your grip from her ass to her shoulders, for the first time since entering her you change pace. Usually when one of the members is about to cum, you just continue whatever you were doing, but you knew from experience that Nayeon's favorite way to finish was with hard pumps. You do exactly that. Your hands holding her shoulders for support, you thrust your entire length into her. One time. Two times. By the third thrust she had gone over the edge. Her pussy flowing liquid onto the floor beneath her.
Two more thrusts and you feel yourself about to cum, too. You pull out from her and her pussy turns into a hose, no longer being plugged by your cock. She squirts hard. You start stroking yourself and within seconds you cum on her ass cheeks. The first splash of your cum flies out with intense velocity, leaving a line of cum from her ass halfway up her back. You aim down slightly, not wanting to make a mess on her clothes. You watch your cum pile up on her cheeks while her pussy finally stops flowing.
You reach over and grab the towel that you brought earlier. You first quickly wipe the back of her shirt. "Sorry about that, I went a bit farther than expected."
She looks back at you and giggles, "you're going to get us caught."
You look at her, then down at the puddle of her juices, and then back at her, "right, I'm definitely the one leaving a mess."
She laughs again as you wipe her legs dry before cleaning the pile of your cum off her ass. You pull her skirt back down and hand her underwear to her. She puts on her underwear as you wipe yourself clean to the best of your ability.
"Could you come to my room tonight," she asks shyly.
You look at her, she seems embarrassed by something. You know she's not shy about how wet she gets, so you wonder if it's something else.
You send her back to the dressing room to join the rest of the members while you quietly head out to the vans to try and avoid any suspicion. The seating plan for the vans are the same as last time, but this time you share the backseat with Nayeon and Sana. You are sitting between the two this time, while Momo and Dahyun are in the middle seat.
The two girls next to you are browsing their phones on the ride back to the hotel, when Sana suddenly squeaks, "look it worked it worked!"
She shows you and Nayeon her phone. On the screen there is a clip of Sana sitting on the stage. The video clearly shows up her skirt, her panties peeking out briefly.
"The outfit you chose worked!"
Nayeon smiles, "you are going to get in serious trouble if you show more than that."
Happy with herself, Sana leans back into her seat and starts reading the comments.
"Oh by the way, Y/N are you going to sleep with me tonight to make up for how you abandoned me this morning," she says casually while still reading her phone.
You look over at Nayeon before answering her, unsure if she just wanted you to visit her room or sleep with her that night. Nayeon gives you a little nod.
"Yes my princess I can," you answer.
Sana notices your exchange, "umm, did you and Nayeon unnie have plans already?"
Nayeon gives the girl a reassuring smile, "nothing like that, I just need to borrow Y/N for a bit before, but he'll be free by the time you go to bed."
Sana looks slightly concerned, worried that she was ruining something.
You reach your arm around her and give her a small peck on her cheek, "don't worry, I'll head over as soon as I'm done."
She relaxes a bit, still curious about what was going on but lets it go.
In the middle row Dahyun is listening to the conversation while looking out the window. Ever since the other night she has wanted to get your attention, but she never found an opportunity to get you alone. Not wanting to cause trouble tonight, she decides she will try asking you to sit with her on the flight tomorrow.
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(gif credit: @steverobin)
In Memoriam // Hunted (Prologue)
warnings: none
The street's a liar
I'm gonna lure you into the dark
My cold desire
To hear the boom, boom, boom of your heart
The danger is I'm dangerous
And I might just tear you apart
Oh, ah, oh
I'm gonna catch ya
I'm gonna get ya, get ya
Oh, ah, oh I wanna taste the way that you bleed, oh
You're my kill of the night
an undisclosed amount of time from now, sometime in the possibly near and/or certain future…
Lizzie 1. Inter-dimensional Demonic being 0. Maybe all those springs doing cross-country weren’t completely pointless after all. One more turn of a corner, and she’s finally put some distance between them. With all this running down the halls of the high school, she just wishes she wore running shoes that weren’t as pinched at the toes.
Something that looks like a man, but isn’t a man is hot on her tail and they aren’t letting her get away so easily, without a fight.
Another mad dash around a corner, when she suddenly bumps into a heavy, solid figure. For a second, she thought she was screwed, but she’s relieved to find it’s just you.
“Oh hey Mrs M,” the teenage girl says, between winded breaths, as you hold onto one another for balance.
“Lizzie.” You’re out of breath yourself, having just taken care of this guy’s friend.
“Right behind me,” she blurts out, just as the humanoid, figure materializes and reveals it’s hideous, inhuman face. Before letting out one of the loudest, death rattling scream you’ve ever heard.
You quickly, push her aside so you can take care of it.
“Got it.”
Without wasting any time, you whip out your blade and drive it straight through them. Watching as they explode into a cloud of ghastly, black smoke.
Your favourite part about the hunt. Watching their physical form disintegrate when you send them back to Hell. Least favourite is probably the sulphur smell.
“Nice one, Mrs. M.” Lizzie lowers her arms from her face, as you realize she’s on the floor. She nearly gags from the smell.
“Come on,” you say offering her your hand, before pulling her up with ease.
“One more down. Only a thousand or so to go.”
You know she’s exaggerating, but you can’t help but grimace. “God, I hope not.” You’re growing tired of the constant threats on your life and the town as of late. At the same exact time, Hope and Josie appear around the corner of the school.
“All good, guys?” The way Hope still looks at you, even now. Like she’s afraid you’ll disappear.
“Yeah,” you say, sheathing your weapon back in its holster. Smoothing a hand over her hair, you smile at the young girl.
Lizzie starts brushing off her clothes. “Being bait and unable to defend yourself is literally the worst thing. Outfit’s ruined,” she adds.
“At least you were cute bait.” Josie attempts to cheer up her sister.
“Thanks sis...But seriously? I mean we can siphon a demon, but our magic is useless against them. Who comes up with this crap? There should be someone downstairs we can talk to about this.”
Hope and Josie exchange amused glances.
“Alright ladies.” You begin directing them back toward where you all came.
“Let’s get back to the school before anyone notices you’re gone. I don’t want your dad laying into me again.”
Lizzie folds her arms. “Ugh, who cares? He complains about everything.”
“I follow his rules, out of respect for Caroline and the two of you. Plus, I made her a promise…”
“You didn’t follow his rules tonight,” Josie reminds you, with a devilish smirk.
“No, I didn’t,” you admit. “But it was an emergency. I’ll follow em, next time.” You pat Jos on the back in a teasing manner, as the four of you start walking toward the exit.
"Maybe text him at least, to let him know you aren’t dead," you add.
If you know Alaric as well as you think you do, you know he’s likely noticed something was up by now. Your eyes fall to Hope up ahead, chatting with the other two girls.
Call it a parent’s intuition.
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wikiangela · 10 months
thoughts on rwrb as I was watching:
under the cut bc spoilers lol
(also, I was gonna reread the book before watching but i didn't manage, so I don't remember a whole lot lol maybe for once I won't be biased when it comes to a book adaptation haha)
damn i miss June
Taylor as Alex is just such perfection, I love him already and I'm not even 10 minutes in - just purely Alex vibes through and through lol
Nicholas as Henry is amazing too, the casting is really so good
Zahra is already stealing the show sns 😂
the initial animosity and the overall dynamic between Alex and Henry is just hilarious and I'm loving it lmao
they cut the cornetto scene??? wasn't there promo with it?? whyyy did they cut it, it was so iconic wtf 😭
wait what?? aren't Alex's parents divorced in the book?? I got so confused I had to go make sure I wasn't making it up lol (after finishing the movie I get it, having him there wouldn't impact the story in any way whatsoever haha)
omg the texting!! and the phone conversations!!! loving it!!
I'm loving how their relationship progresses rn, as they just get to know each other, it's so fun to see
the chemistry between Alex and Henry jfc, the LOOKS, they haven't even kissed yet and I'm already feral over them lmao
aaaaah, the new year's party and the KISS!!! that whole convo!!! screaming!!!
I love Nora so much, she's amazing and so cool, and I love her relationship with Alex! (still missing June and our White House Trio tho 💔)
who tf is Miguel, I don't like his vibe sns
the way Henry grabs Alex's hair when they're kissing omg 😩🥵
my god they are so smitten already, just the looks between them feel intimate lmao
oh my god the sex scene!!! I felt like I was invading their privacy lol, like, it was sooo intimate - the chemistry between those two is really something, and omg the HANDS 😭 "most people are" 😭 why do I wanna cry during a sex scene 😂😂😂
I adore Ellen's accent, it's so pleasant
Henry calling Alex "dear" has me weak every single time 😩
"technically I'm the spare" pls Henry is so fucking funny and sassy, I love him 😂😂😂
"the B in LGBTQ is not a silent letter" CRYING 😭❤️ istg the bi rep in media lately is so good and so validating and I love it so much 😭 and the way Alex was so hesitant and could barely say "I'm bisexual" to Henry, and now he's laughing and casually telling his mom "I'm bi" 😭 so happy for him but also so jealous, I want this 😭😂😂😂
"you need to figure out if you feel forever about him" one of my fave lines from the book tbh, I love this so much
Ellen is the coolest mom lmao
I miss June lol
the karaoke!!! did Alex just realize he in fact feels forever about him 😩 or at least that he's in love?? god 😭 and it was literally all in his face, so good, give Taylor all the awards, he's amazing
"it's like there's a rope attached to my chest and it's pulling me towards you" 😭 and Henry's face oh no we're getting to the "break up" point 😭
also, both those actors are just so talented, you can see every single emotion in their faces jfc
"what difference would it make if I did" baby nooo I'm crying
the argument, the museum scene, "I can't help falling in love with you" the dancing, the way they're so soft with each other, and so in love - I am in tears
"history, huh?" 😩 I LOVE THEM
noooo the emails 😭 I knew this would happen but omg nooo
Alex's speech with the montage of how awful things are for Henry are bringing me to tears again - and the ending montage was so cute omg
Alex is so in love jfc it's literally radiating off the screen lol
Zahra is just amazing lmao - "you might be lousy at keeping secrets but I'm not" 😂 I'm in love with her 😂
"I'm white and upper-class so my affection comes with strings" again, he's sooo funny 😂😂
the crowd under the palace!! Henry's reaction!! I'm sobbing!!
crying, sobbing, screaming rn, I loved this movie so fucking much
okay, so final thoughts:
it was great, I loved it, I enjoyed it, so much of it was just perfect, the casting, the chemistry, the development of their relationship - amazing
obvi they had to cut a lot bc limited time etc but I'm still bitter about June and the cornetto scene lol - I saw people say that it should've been a limited series, and I lowkey agree (plus the emails! obvi it's a different medium, and there were a few, but with how big impact they had on the story at the end, a series could devote more time to them fr)
I also saw some people say that the pacing felt rushed but i didn't feel that tbh, it was great
overall, immediate impression: fucking loved it, I cried, I laughed, it kept my attention the entire time (which is difficult lately lol) and now I really wanna reread the book even more haha
it was a fantastic queer romcom, I still wanna cry over it - there were quite a few changes to the book, which always kinda sucks, but as someone usually lowkey critical of adaptations bc I can never get over the changes lol, this one won me over pretty early on, it was just such a great watch, definitely gonna rewatch at some point - maybe after I finally reread the book 😂
also, Taylor and Nicholas need to get all the awards for the best on-screen couple or chemistry or whatever the fuck there is, bc jfc they did amazingly 🔥🔥😂
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travelerswoes · 13 days
Minors / Ageless DNI
Today has been… weird.
I had to check out of my last motel, and while I thought about getting another week at that one I decided not to because of how insanely rude the staff was to me there.
So instead, I walked to target and got a backpack and food and then I walked to the mall because they don’t care about people just sitting in there doing nothing. I was able to charge my phone and stay out of most of the rain, however because it’s memorial day the mall closed a few hours earlier than normal so I walked to Waffle House in the POURING rain. I was absolutely soaked when I got there that it’s crazy. But I got some food and was able to wait off most of the rain until I got to a different Motel 6.
The first one I was at was $240 for 3 days, this one was literally only $500 for TWO WEEKS!
I’m going to go up to the front office after I get off of work tomorrow and double check what my checkout day is but I might reup it before then if it’s still that cheap.
Someone sent me $100 through venmo and I’m putting that directly into savings to be put towards a car, because at least a car means I’ll have protection from the rain. My biggest worry will be insurance, but I think getting a car through FB marketplace will help cut down on car payment costs - if there even is any - and then I can just put insurance on my credit card again.
I have some blisters on my feet even though I wore socks because of how soaked they got.
My mom has sent me a few different homeless shelters in the area and even told me that if needed she can pick me up from work and take me to one but I know they tend to only allow people in for a certain period of time so I hope that if I end up having to go to one, I am able to get in since I get off at 9pm.
I’ll go more into depth into what I got at target for only $107:
1 Backpack from the travel section
1 32oz water bottle
1 container of hydration tablets for my water
8 things of those tuna and chicken snack packs (half chicken, half tuna)
A value pack of craisins (comfort snack of mine)
A value pack of jerky (easy protein, takes up very little space)
A pack of 400 hair bands
A bottle of shampoo
The only thing I didn’t get that I wanted to was a charger for my battery pack, so that’s still currently useless. Thankfully it takes a type-c charger so I will be able to find one easily AND that means I’ll be able to charge my THC pen! Which has definitely been something I’ve needed.
I keep wanting to cry. Even just writing that singular sentence made me tear up again. Everything is so… not hard, but confusing. I am so unsure of myself and what I need to do and where I need to go.
I know for sure I need a car and that is my big goal that I am now saving for, because again a car is shelter and then I won’t be confined to a Motel 6 but can sleep pretty much anywhere. Plus a car means I can look for low income housing, because the low income housing in my area is either booked out pretty far, for seniors, or for single mothers, so a car means I can look a bit further for housing as well!
My mom has been texting me all day that she’s worried about my safety and that she loves me, and I try to keep her updated but it’s hard and I’m conflicted.
Idek how to explain why, but she’s my mother and i love her but she’s hurt me so repeatedly over the past few years and I don’t want this to be the reason why we get close again because this is such a shitty reason for it to be but at the same time I just want my mom. I need her. I love her so much and it hurts me so much that our relationship has deteriorated because of things that have happened on both sides.
I wish we could’ve gotten closer because of normal reasons, like me finally having my own place and inviting her over and us just having one on one time that way, but that’s not what I got and I wish I did and maybe I’m selfish for wanting that but I feel like I get to be selfish in some of my wants, right?
But all of that is still burdened by this wish that I had a better family, one that didn’t hurt me and cast me aside and value people we aren’t even related to above me. I’m tired of feeling like something extreme needs to happen for my family to give a shit and even then it’s not my family giving a shit it’s my mom.
I want my sister to be better. I want her to not have hurt me the way she has, and I want her to also reach out to me and ask me if I am okay. I would let her know myself but so many times my texts have gone unanswered until she needs something from me and I don’t want that pattern to continue. I don’t want to be the one constantly reaching out and being ignored only to be reached out to when it benefits others. I want my family to want me, yknow?
Idk, I haven’t really sat here and grieved my lost relationships with them because I guess I always figured there was a chance it would be repaired in some way, but only one person is attempting to fix it and only one person is showing me she gives a shit and that almost hurts worse than if no one did because why can she care but the others can’t?
Or at the very least, why can she show that she cares to me and the others can’t even if they do?
Like you can’t send me a text asking me if I am okay but you can comment on my FaceBook posts? You can tag me in things on there? Is it just a show for the public?
i just cried and typed all that out. i sometimes hate the word vomit that comes from this, but fuck it. It’s how i felt, and even if tomorrow i feel differently that doesn’t take away from the validity of my feelings.
I also need to get this out;
A lady asked me for a lighter today and I gave it to her. I was sitting outside of the mall under a tree before I went inside waiting for the rain to lighten up so I wouldn’t be soaked heading inside. It was just a simple white lighter, but she looked so happy and then looked even happier that I said she could keep it. That was my highlight for the day.
Then… 30min later, this man walks up to me and just starts to talk to me. I try not to adopt a “hate/fear all men” mindset because even though, yes, men have decided to abuse their power over me in the past not every man is my father, yknow? But this guy gave me such an icky feeling and I didn’t know what to do about it.
He asked me what I was doing and I told him immediately that I was waiting for a ride from my family, so at least he would think someone was expecting me to be in the area even though no one was. He kept asked me about my tattoos, my hair, my bag, and my phone. I answered his questions politely and he kept inching closer to me. Like every other question he would take a step closer to me and I would take a step back, but I didn’t feel like I could be anything other than polite to him because the area we were in didn’t have any cameras and even if some were pointed towards us we were under trees so it would’ve been blocked anyways.
This guy came back to his car and watched us for a second and the guy very noticeable created a massive distance between us - he took like seven large steps backwards - so I grabbed my bag that was laying on the ground that he was standing over and just started to walk to go inside of the mall. He followed me, asked me for my name so I gave him a fake one, but as soon as we were within visibility of the cameras he quickly turned and sped-walked away from me.
Literally so fucking creepy???? I haven’t told my mother about this because I don’t want to worry her further but I’ll be honest when I was sitting in the mall I kept watching for him but I didn’t see him again.
I saw another homeless person on my way to Waffle House doing some panhandling, but I’m too afraid to do that. I know how the cops in my area can be - especially since most of them know me because of my dead sister - and I want to limit my possible interactions with them as much as possible. I read online that they sometimes send homeless people to california if they get arrested and I truly do not want to be back in Cali unless it’s my choice.
I’m from there, and I have family from both sides there, but I don’t know that family well and I wouldn’t want to put anyone out. And the state is SO EXPENSIVE. Yeah minimum wage is high but what if I can’t get a job?
I also read online that they’re opening a cooling shelter in my area! I was wondering when we would get one since we have a warming shelter and it’s actually the same church that’s doing it! I, personally, will probably not utilize it much since I’ll be at the Motel or work, but it’s something I’ll keep in the back of mind just in case I do need it or if I need to direct someone to it.
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j0kers-light · 3 months
His Lighthouse: Coordinates to Home (LedgerJoker x f!reader)
Coordinates to Home - Oneshot
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In light of this post, I give you Joker with tattoos! Don't tempt me, cuz I’ll write it! I did not use this mini oneshot to stall writing the next chapter. I had to get this out of my head and onto digital paper before I lost it my marbles. Child I literally wrote this at my desk so I apologize if there’s anything errors. I hope you enjoy!
@blackreaderatrisk @twinkledinkle @clemdango04 @l3ejm @tears-of-amber @what-an-angel @darthjokerisyourfather @thatsnoteii @dollster @cheetahspy @kaidennnnn @urdariingdoll @motivation-idontknowher @ins0mniac-whack @spaghettificationandpretzels @reneisance @alittlesmartcookie @ninacutebee16 @carydorse @jaysmentalspace @she-could-never @that--thing
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You had to be seeing things because there was no way Joker, of all people, had a tattoo.
It didn’t make sense given that tattoos were so unique. They were used to identify people for crying out loud! Was he really that careless? You found it hard to believe that J would have one given his illegal (and wanted) status in the world.
Unless.. he acquired them before becoming The Joker. If so, you had to know what it was!
For a moment you thought it was just a trick of the light. Another blemish, for a monument to his hard life was etched onto his skin already. What was another mark to a man like Joker?
Old scars, deep battle wounds, and one gnarly area below his rib cage, ‘a bomb gone wrong’ he told you, made identifying the possible tattoo difficult. It just blended in with his silvery skin.
Additionally, you had to pretend that you weren’t intrigued less Joker would feel your gaze and thwart your attempts. He had come a long way to be confident with his body, more so around you.
In the beginning, he didn’t remove his clothes at all if you were nearby. Now Joker practically walked around nude. You definitely weren’t complaining yet this was the first time you looked at him in great detail.
What could you say? When Joker took off his clothes, your mind quickly became… distracted.
It was a peaceful morning with the sun pouring in through the windows and Gotham had yet to begin its corruption. Not like it ever took a break.
You and Joker were safely tucked away in the comfort of your bed.
J was knocked out, flat on his stomach, and for once you woke up before him. It was rare to see Joker asleep, so you took the opportunity to admire your lover while it lasted.
The stress of his title was far removed from his features. His face was bare of any greasepaint and surprisingly his hair wasn’t dyed its signature green. J had promised not to color it when around you, thus his natural sun kissed hair was askew all over the sheets.
A gentle smile curled the corner of his scarred lip, and the sight made you copy the action. Joker looked at peace.
Any other morning you would’ve counted his freckles or kissed his nose—today you were on a mission.
Joker was an extremely light sleeper, causing you to move with caution until you straddled his lower back. There you had full access to view his most vulnerable side. A ray of sunlight hit Joker just right and you held back a sigh, seeing all the pain he endured over the years.
Some other time you would kiss them one by one.
Your fingertips grazed the site where you first caught a glimpse of his potential tattoo.
And much to your surprise, a sentence in a language unfamiliar to you was written out in red ink. It almost blended with his skin and if you weren’t intentionally looking, you would’ve never found it.
“Everything burns.”
You jumped hearing Joker’s sleep filled voice recite the text. He turned his head toward you, groggy from sleep but still handsome as ever. Right now, he resembled a grumpy cat deprived of sleep.
You had the decency to be guilty. “I didn’t mean to wake you, J. G-Go back to sleep.” You whispered.
Fat chance of that happening.
Once Joker was up, it would take an act of congress to get him back asleep. Both of you knew that. He yawned and rolled onto his back, extending a hand to hold your hip steady during the position change.
“J… I’m so sorry for waking you. I know you’re exhausted from last night and…”
Why were you still talking? The damage was already done.
“Hush Bunny.” Joker blinked away the last of his sleep to finally rest his eyes on you. Being woken up this early was worth it if this was the reward.
You bathed in the morning sun, gazing down at him like a deity. How did he get so lucky? His thumbs rubbed soothing circles on your hips, as he hummed.
“Mm. I got such a errr curious little Bunny. Did ya find what you were uhh, looking for?”
The sound of his voice so early in the day should honestly be illegal— but you shook your head clear to focus. Now was not the time to be horny.
You did in fact find what you sought out for, but its discovery only opened more questions.
“What language is it in and.. um why use red ink?” You asked.
How did he get access to ink? Was the tat written his native tongue? And it was so tiny, no bigger than your index finger in length. Who can tattoo that small? Joker could see the swarm of questions buzzing in your head.
“Now, now Bunny. Tattoos are powerful messages! Red ink is perfect for uh hiding them in plainnn sight. Why, you’ve seen everyyy inch of me doll and you didn’t notice it.” He stopped to smirk, “Or the others.”
Your bunny ears perked up, “Others?”
Joker thought you were the cutest. He could see every emotion you displayed in real time. He winked at you.
You neglected the fact that Joker didn’t fully answer your question. You were on the hunt for the others. Joker hissed when your cold hands came in contact with his chest but chuckled at his bunny’s avid curiosity.
“You won’t find them like this, my Light. Be a dear and move?” He playfully bucked his hips, causing you to lose your balance.
“Oh!” You fell over and watched as Joker sat up and presented his back to you. It was an honor indeed and you kissed J’s cheek for the amount of trust he gave you.
You hardly saw his back given it was a sore spot for him. But sure enough, the sun’s gaze illuminated his skin for your search, and you saw it all.
Joker inhaled and your eyes dropped down to a patch of skin in wonder. “It’s white ink!” You gasped, “I never seen white before..”
You found a set of dates (no surprise, missing the year), a line of coordinates, another phrase in the same looking foreign language, and an exaggerated smiley face but in black ink. Each little gem was a rabbit’s hole into Joker’s character. You were almost afraid to touch them, it didn’t seem real.
He spun around to kiss you, but you wouldn’t be distracted.
In between kisses and gasps for air you asked, “What do they all mean?” It was your turn to shiver when Joker’s hands came in contact with your body. He was removing your night shirt when he huffed in irritation.
“Do they neee~eeed to have a meaning Y/n?” He pulled back to let you moan out in want. His hands were making it difficult to string sentences together.
“N-No but..” you wavered, and J used your hesitation against you.
“But nothing.”
He pushed you down on the bed and grinned at the hazy look in your eye. You wanted this too. Joker rubbed your knees until you got the message and parted your legs for him.
Joker slotted himself in the space you created and guided you to wrap your legs around his hips. Your hands traveled up his shoulder blades and down to where you now knew his tattoos resided.
With each mind-numbing kiss, you worked hard to memorize every bump and ridge. You weren’t letting this go. If Joker wouldn’t tell you, you’d find out for yourself.
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This was dangerous and probably one of the dumbest things you ever did.
Joker was out terrorizing Gotham City tonight, leaving you home alone and burning with curiosity. It was safe to say that you were obsessed.
J gave you plenty of chances to study the grooves of his tattoo with all the sex he instigated. It didn’t matter that you had to learn it backwards, you needed to know what his tattoos meant! You drew what you could duplicate in your notebook and hoped it was correct.
At first you were confused. Joker’s tattoo resembled Braille with its raised font; however, one engine search later found that prison tattoos or ones of lesser value, were not the best and scarred the flesh worse than a professional.
Joker’s tattoos were literally carved into his skin. His threshold for pain was a cause for concern.
After shivering in disgust, you opened a latitude and longitude finder and started entering the coordinates by trial and error.
You were excited to learn more about Joker even if your methods were a bit unconventional. Perhaps it was his old childhood home or the town where he was born! The coordinates were next to tiny Roman numerals for a date, so you assumed that was the meaning behind his tattoos.
Something this important on a man like Joker was bound to be epic.
He certainly went to great lengths to keep it concealed. It was located on his back, in white ink, and no bigger than three to four inches in diameter. Whatever it was, you would solve it.
You were biting your lip in anticipation when the map completed its search. The results shocked you. “Huh? That’s…”
You screamed upon hearing Joker right behind you. He had a habit of sneaking up on you, but today took the cake.
“Joker what are you doing here?! You almost gave me a heart attack! I thought you were staying in Amusement Mile tonight?!”
He ignored all your panic induced questions to focus on your computer. A GPS tracker had finalized its results and dropped a pin smack dab on your apartment. He glanced at your notebook where your handwriting matched the tattoos on his back.
His Light was too curious for her own good.
“If ya want-ed to know.. you could’ve asked me, Y/n.”
“Oh! I know you lying!” You asked him what they meant weeks ago, and he didn’t say! Now he wanna speak up? This man know he got on your last nerve!!
You had the urge to throw something, but you kept your cool.
Joker seemed to enjoy your irritation. He shrugged off his coat and made himself comfortable at your desk. He chose to ignore you calling him a liar, though.
“Are ya done, doll?” He mused.
“No, I’m not!” you tapped the computer screen, “Why does it point here?” You asked.
Joker twirled around in your desk chair, throwing you a ‘are you kidding me’ look. He was having a grand old time acting like a whole kid; you were waiting for an explanation.
He was making you dizzy so you reached out and stopped his little merry go round ride. J laughed and waited for the room to stop spinning before grabbing your hand.
“I uh de-cide-ed to keep a.. permanenT record of home on me should I ahh, ever get.. lost. Smart huh?”
Never mind the fact he couldn’t see it, you were touched.
You caved and walked straight into Joker’s lap. His hands found their rightful place on your hips as he looked up at his Light.
Your hands busied themselves in his hair, curling wayward strands around your fingers. “I-I’m home to you?”
J just nodded and quickly regretting the motion after spinning around so much.
“And the date?”
His lips pecked your exposed midriff before he rested his head against it. “The uh.. day we met.”
How do you respond to such a heartfelt confession? Simple. You don’t.
All you could do was blink back tears and pray that Joker didn’t hear you crying. Maybe he did since his grip tightened around you. Silence enveloped the room. Hidden within the scars of his past was a reminder of a brighter future.
Joker was grateful you didn’t poke any further and deduced the other portion of his tattoo. He told you the first half that was written in red ink, but not the added line in white.
Underneath the coordinates to home and the day he found his light, a vow was etched in a language he long since forgotten.
Everything burns, but not her.  
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