#and the REP THE REP !!!! there are like. 1 or 2 white ppl
4filen0tfound4 · 2 years
Just finished watching Wendell and Wild u guys should watch it you guys should make it the only Halloween movie u guys watch every year as tradition you guys should. Hey guys watch Wendell and Wild right fucking now .
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 2, Poll 8
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Shallan Davar-The Stormlight Archive
She's bisexual (word-of-god and heavy implication in text) and has DID (clear in the text). Her thirst for both men and women is somewhat legendary, as is her fractured mental state.
She's bi and has a nuanced representation of DID, along with other mental illness and severe trauma. She's also a rogue-slash-magical-knight with powers of light, illusion, and bad jokes under horrible pressure. She's cute, a great artist, and a great murderer too.
Anything Else?:
There might be other submissions of her (who knows); if they provide different image selections, please refrain from using one where her features look more white than East Asian, as some of the official art is whitewashed, and likewise lots of the fanart. Such is the burden of book fandoms. Anyway, thanks.
Mod Note: we tried to find good images, if anyone has better official art or fanart they would like to share let us know.
Hiccup Haddock-How To Train Your Dragon
1. The man is missing a leg 2. He's bi in fanon (and in my heart) 3. Blorbo original flavor. Need I say more?
He has a prosthetic leg, and at least in my circles is quite often hcd as bi
He's so cool. He builds his own prosthetics that interface with the prosthetics he built for his disabled dragon. First viking to ride a dragon. Chief that brought a new era of prosperity to Berk.
Probably one of the most popular physically disabled characters. And although I personally am not disabled, I have heard a bunch of disabled ppl say that they like him as rep. As he pretty much just exists with his disability. It is not ignored. He doesn't not always function the same as people with 2 regular legs. But it is not made into a tragedy. He just has a prosthetic leg after an accident which caused him to loose one. And nobody really makes a big deal out of it, which makes sense in the society they live in. Idk, here's a link to a video discussing the disability representation in httyd: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvwRhb_ocPM
The qualifications and propaganda paragraphs correspond, @flammableengineering is the first submitter.
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foxufortunes · 3 months
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From: unknown number you’ve been invited to a monsters ball lucky you rabbit
Finally, the fic is out, A Monsters' Ball the pro-exy team MSBY Black Jackals (ft Andreil and some rabbits). Details like team line up and positions, alt jerseys, layers and some backstories beneath the cut.
So, our team line up and some details (and yes, I do have a colour coded spreadsheet to keep track of all this, which Neil and Sakusa constantly mess up by being the wrong year for their age bc they're babies, but ages are rough because no everyone has a declared birthday/age) with some art breaks between:
#4 Captain Meian Shuugo - 29, backliner, 5yrs MSBY, 5yrs college, from one of the country's best high school teams, 1 season as captain, trying really hard to be mature and not find everyone's antics funny, eternal rival to Hirugami Fukurou, captain of the champions, the Alders.
#20 V.Captain Hirugami Shouko - 26, backliner, 2yrs MSBY, 5yrs college, from another top high school, middle child of 2 pro-exy players (two of the earliest adopters before it got big, probably ppl who went to uni with Tetsuji and Kayleigh), younger sister of Alders captain Fukurou, joined the Jackals out of desire to say fuck you to her older brother.
#2 Amani Kanoka - 23, striker, rookie MSBY, 5yrs college, from a private all girls high school that became the best in the country, known as the Queens of Exy, very shy, has a lot of confidence issues, that she handles by being the best on court.
#5 Nathaniel Wesninski - 24, striker, MSBY rookie, 1yr Baltimore Wildcats, 4.5 yrs EAU Ravens, 0.5yrs PSU Foxes, joined the Foxes after only a year playing in a nowhere team but was quickly poached by the Ravens at Christmas that year and was a regular member the team the next year under his real name, very flighty, big fan of secrets, no idea how to handle the Jackals' chaos (they're like the Foxes but without the trauma).
#12 Bokuto Koutarou - 24, striker, 1yr MSBY, 5yrs college, one of the top 5 strikers in Japan in high school, another top high school team, ultimate himbo, might have committed tax fraud, has a word of the day calendar he's trying really hard to use properly, known for super sharp angle shots and for just bodying people and the ball.
#15 Sakusa Kiyoomi - 22, striker, rookie MSBY, 5yrs college, championship highschool team several yrs running, one of the top 3 strikers in Japan in high school, collegiate MVP, Team Japan 2016 squad, Team Japan U19 rep, grumpy baby, very into properly folded handkerchiefs, do not touch, preferably do not interact outside of court, speak to him via his adorable cousin or not at all unless saving him from bugs.
Halfway through the team stats, time for some art. The Away Colours! Maybe the racquets change to white too, idk I couldn't be bothered to recolour them though.
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Ok, back to the second half of the team:
#3 Andrew Minyard - 25, goalkeeper, 2yrs MSBY, 3yrs USC Trojans, 2yrs PSU Foxes, best goalkeeper and rookie awards during his rookie season, didn't really tell anyone his plans after university just kind of vanished, only told a handful of people he'd signed for a team, Neil thought he was dead, he has a motorcycle now because city traffic is awful on his sports cars and the stadium is walking distance, sometimes plays defensive dealer.
#6 Inunaki Shion - 26, goalkeeper, 4yrs MSBY, 3yrs college (dropped out to go pro), middling high school only competed nationally once, the vodka aunt of the team, here to get people drunk, instigate drama with the monsters and then sit back and laugh, actually very soft on the youngsters, tolerates stupid nicknames like Inu-san and Wan-san (never get tired of that being translated Mr Dog and Mr Woof).
#9 Adriah Tomas - 27, backliner, 1yr MSBY, a transfer from European leagues, surprisingly fast for his size, just happy to be here, comes across as a bit of an airhead, but is usually right next to Inunaki instigating chaos and then pretending he doesn't understand the language enough to know what happened.
#10 Oliver Barnes - 30, backliner, 2yr MSBY, Team USA 2016/2012 Olympic squads, transfer from America, big friendly softie, dad of the team, actual dad of a 5yo girl, starting to consider retirement into coaching so is happy to spend the end of his elite career with these idiots.
#13 Miya Atsumu - 23, offensive dealer, 5yrs MSBY, Team Japan 2016 Olypmic squad, Team Japan U19 rep, from a top high school, considered the best dealer in Japan in high school, signed straight from high school, a particularly offensive dealer, easily doubles as striker, all rounder (all Jackals are all rounders but the dealers in particular), demanding and thoughtless jerk but not trying to be nasty, can come across as arrogant but is the first to accept his own mistakes.
#21 Hinata Shouyou - 22, defensive dealer, MSBY rookie, 2yrs playing street exy in Brazil, middling high school team on the rise, player backliner in high school despite wanting to be a striker, but learned to play all positions in Brazil, sometimes move position based on what team they're facing, general ray of sunshine, obsessed with exy, does meditation and yoga in the sunrise preferably on a beach.
Ok, team done, have some more art because yes, I did layer these team pics up slowly from the base dri-fit layers to the armour/padding to the jerseys.
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The Jackals provide uniform everything from base layers to padding to anything like compression sleeves, knee/arm pads and everything else. Armour is provided by them to ensure it's up to regulation and team standards, the Jackals require some kind of shoulder padding (most of the team has detachable shoulder pads, while Bokuto and Sakusa who prefer more shoulder rotation and just more coverage respectively, where seperate bicep/shoulder pads). I've talked more about armour on older wip posts, but they're based on lacrosse chest pads. Brief version: strikers were shorter, around the vitals, backliners generally are longer on the sides to protect the ribs, goalies have more coverage because duh, and dealers wear whatever they like. Every single one has either hollow rigid or extra padded piece over the centre of the chest because, especially in younger players, a ball to the chest can stop your heart.
And there we go!
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ihopesocomic · 2 months
Hi! New reader here! I just got to the part where Hope tries to open her injured eye. It was portrayed as rly cloudy, but I’m not sure how it got that cloudy so fast? It had happened Very recently, and while Vicious’s claws definitely damaged the cornea, idk if that was enough time for scar tissue to have accumulated so thick. It was more likely that it would have been swollen or misshapen, but not opaque/milky yet. As well, though the scar/injury definitely would make her ‘legally blind’ in that eye, it’s highly unlikely even w that damage that she would lose 100% of her vision. Corneal Opacity obstructs light/vision, but it’s quite likely that she would still be able to see brash lights and shadows, maybe some shapes (likely clearer toward the edges of vision, but perpetually out of focus there)
I point this out as someone who is blind in one eye myself from an injury as a child, and that generally we don’t really like the portrayal of “cloudy eyes=blind” in media. It’s usually used as visual shorthand, but bc ppl see it used that way, they think that’s what all blind ppl look like. I’ve gotten ppl who’ve tried and ‘caught’ some of my friends as ‘not blind’ bc their eyes weren’t white/cloudy, which is generally, not the case unless there is serious injury or disease in the eye. As for the 100% vision, we also get ppl who will wave or clap in our faces to try and ‘catch’ us (bc for some reason ppl just think ppl fake being blind for ‘benefits’—what benefits??) and we will always flinch bc 1) that’s the normal reaction, it’s sound and air close to your face, your body will instinctively flinch away from it. And 2) bc many of us still have some amount of useable vision, and getting that close is something even someone w very low percentage of useable vision could detect.
Not gonna ask you to redraw it of course, that’s entirely up to you, and it’s an ongoing, high-intensive webcomic and the page in question is quite a bit back there, but if we see it again plus the POV of Hope’s vision, if you drew a rough lining of that half of the picture, then filled it in with intense white/gray grittiness, more concentrated in the middle and a bit less on the extreme sliver of the outer eye (in Hope’s case, I doubt there would be too much of the eye that wasn’t covered by the scar tissue, Lion claws are huge and thick and at this point she’s had plenty of time to form a significant scar) and the vague impression of light/shadow, that’s a more accurate portrayal of blindness. The eye itself is almost guaranteed to be misshapen, that is, the iris and pupil, not the orb itself (it would have had to puncture through the cornea, and if that was the case she’d not really have an eye) something like a droopy part near the direction of the scar, and a bit more of an oval-ish shape (pics for reference can help if you can do that, otherwise not making it too extreme but enough that it’s visibly a scar and injury in the eye. These are all just suggestions! If you decide you’d like to do a more stylized version of this, just making the iris a bit raised and a little wider at the ends of the scar, and for POV just airbrush w a gritty texture and put some vague shading.
I really love this comic, and it’s portrayal of disability (Hope is just. I’ll cry) but that was just something that nicked me a bit. It’s hard to do everything right, and really hard for a personal project! You’ve done amazing, and honestly this is nitpicky of me I think, I just thought with the positive rep of limb loss I thought I’d give a little advice ig on blind rep, from a partially blind person myself. (thank you SO. MUCH. For not making her ‘mourn’ the limb she doesn’t have. She just doesn’t have it, it’s who she is. She’s not lesser or in parts bc of it, she deals w it, and though it’s still a disability and affects her as such, it’s not something she needs to cry over. She’s always been this way, and she’ll make it through.)
So, first of all: thank you so much for giving an informative and detailed input on this aspect of Hope's character. We truly appreciate it.
We've always intended to show Hope's eye injury gradually changing condition from her POV and her being able to open the eye slightly eventually, so we're not through with representing blindness or partial blindness through her.
As for your comments regarding what we've already shown, Cat did refer to references on that particular front as she did endeavour to get things accurate. While she is willing to admit that she may have got things wrong, the issue of people stereotyping blind individuals based on one form of how the condition presents itself doesn't mean that one form is not accurate or valid, if you feel me? The true issue here is people's ableism towards blind or partially blind individuals and assuming that a disability must present itself in a certain way to "count" (i.e. in a way they're familiar/comfortable with when stfu it's not about you?) when disabilities in general do not work like that.
But I also completely get that there is a need to break down the assumption that all eye conditions work like this. I know what it feels like to be held to a certain standard by my disabilities and it sucks. If there's one thing worse than just flat-out intolerant ableism towards disabled individuals, it's ableism under the guise of 'i understand your condition better than you do bc i saw it on TV once' ugh But yeah, we've put a pin in the helpful description you've provided and will take this on board moving forward because - like you've pointed out - this is how eye injuries actually work. We especially needed this input since we planned on having Hope being able to have the eye open eventually too. Cat certainly wants to go in and fix that panel with her eye opening in the relevant panel and make it not-cloudy, and what you said about the greyscale and filter idea for the panel afterwards where it's her POV will also be implemented. Thank you again for this advice and for explaining it so well, we always appreciate input like this. <33 And thank you again (again) for the kind comments on Hope's character. It's exactly why we opted to not have her injure the limb like Nothing did and have her be born with the condition instead. Not that we're opposed to that kind of representation, as we intend to cover it somewhat with Bronze and the loss of his limb and how he and the other lions of the Thundering Mountains adapted to it. But yeah, we felt like doing things differently a tad with our main protagonist. c: - RJ
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neechees · 1 year
I searched through your blog to see if you've answered a question like this before - if you have I missed it so sorry if I'm making you repeat yourself ^^
Are there things you see in Indigenous characters in media that you wish were less common ? What about things you want to see more in Indigenous characters in media ?
I dont think I have actually so you're fine! :)
So this is just my opinion obvi & some ppl might not agree with everything below, but here are some tropes or really common devices I see in Indigenous characters I hate and/or would like to see less of:
Interracial relationships but ONLY White person/Native person. I don't think this should stop or not be portrayed at all, but at this point it feels like we have more interracial relationships featuring a white person than we actually do depicting relationships between even Native people with each other. ESPECIALLY NATIVE WOMEN PAIRED WITH A WHITE MAN. God I am so sick of it, please give us Native/poc & Native/Native relationships for once, I promise it happens irl
That trope where a White person joins a Native tribe & essentially becomes one of them. For similar reasons as above, and again I don't think this portrayal should stop 100% & it's not necessarily "bad", but I'd like to see more diversity or a different approach to it. It seems like most of these are inspired by historical accounts of this happening irl, but most aren't historical depictions of actual historical people, which I actually WOULD like to see (White or not) more of, instead of just fiction. Also just kinda seems like wish fulfillment with White audiences who have a fetishization of Native people sometimes. Maybe I also hate it so much since it very often goes in with the white savior narrative too
Native women being brutalized on screen, oh my god. Seeing this over & over as a Native woman is literally so retraumatizing. A lot of times it gets to torture porn or voyeuristic, & wasn't even necessary to begin with. I don't care if it's to show how "bad" things are for us, I know, show it some other way.
White ppl making shit off of our Spirits & legends. Just leave us alone. They never get it right.
Just a lot of Native tropes in general because they're overdone. The Noble savage? Indian burial ground? Booooring. Unoriginal. Lazy.
Things I want to see MORE of:
This is just me because I LOVE history, but more historical Native settings BUT, set during Pre-colonization & precolombus. So many historic films about us are during colonization & being persecuted, & I think this is why so many Native people hate films with ndns set in history (in addition to making it seem like we ONLY exist in the past, which is fair), & other than that, makes it seem like our history begins & ends with being colonized
More badass Native ladies. I wanna see Native women who are femme fatales, wrestlers, assassins, martial artists, warriors, gunslingers, athletes, the works. I wanna see untouchable, dangerous Native women.
More fantasy & horror stuff I'm begging, I'm on my knees
The list for what we should STOP seeing in Native characters is honestly shorter because of 1. how severely underrepresented we are, and 2. Where we DO have rep has a lot of tropes that are very very overdone & constantly reuses those tropes, (besides the much lesser known, obscure stuff made by us for us, which isn't as high in number by comparison) so like the list for what we SHOULD try is literally so big I'll just end it here
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turtletoria · 1 year
not to clog up your askbox with south park bs but as someone with an sp friend the show itself is kinda insane like there's episodes with antisemitism and all kinds of shit ass takes but at the same time there's disabled characters which are treated well and gay couples who are really good rep and generally sensible takes about racism? mixed in with fatphobia and plenty of other bullshit no less, ig the few good bits is what makes ppl keep watching it
no worries i love complaining ^_^ also apologies for the length, but this is a very fascinating phenomenon because of how notorious sp is ?? yet it is being fandomized like literally any other blorbo show... it's like if people started legitimately blorbo posting about family guy or american dad or something of the same vein
anyways i got super interested in this topic and read a couple articles, but i like this one the most:
essentially, yeah, i can see what youre saying about the "good bits" but the biggest problem, as referenced in the above article, with this show is that 1) it's a super long-running old and influential show, and 2) satirizing or making fun of "all sides" or equating opposing political stances as if they're on the same playing field is disingenuous and dangerous to marginalized communities.
despite positive portrayals, this show is so blatantly an "equal-opportunity offender" that i honestly dont see that as a saving grace for this show, but more so why it's so problematic - this show is not focused on creating faithful or just representations of disabled people, LGBT+ people, or people of color. it feels more like these representations are there as a way to maintain the centrist ethos of the show, a no-sides taken approach. But this inclusion of marginalized people can only be shallow and disingenuous at best if the same show normalizes bigotry against those same groups.
I especially wanted to highlight this bit in the article:
"The truth is that no one seems to have really made much effort to censor South Park in quite some time. They are no longer the outsiders fighting back against the establishment: They are the establishment, two of the world's richest comedians whose signature show cost Comedy Central $192 million to renew back in 2015. But so long as they position themselves as underdogs, they risk empowering those who seek to use their invented victimhood as a smokescreen for bigotry. This is Fox News' gambit when they talk about the war on Christmas, Trump's angle when he attacks the "fake news" for criticizing him—bullies acting like victims to spark that particular, put-upon sort of outrage that ignites their base. When South Park acts like it's still the rebel throwing rocks at the establishment, rather than a platform for the grievances of two insanely rich straight white men, it's playing the same game."
and before someone goes "blah blah its just jokes why so serious (haha joker reference)" have you considered that sometimes jokes are unfunny? sometimes satire doesn't land, and for good reason. i just hope that people (especially younger people) eventually realize that.
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motherthroat · 3 months
What do you think of the consensus that most bylers are girls?
not wrong lmaooo
since u brought this up, i'm gonna talk a bit abt a related claim that is "most m/m ship fandoms are filled w fujoshis" which got sm bylers so mad. expected, fujoshi has a negative connotation nowadays that ofc ur knee-jerk reaction is to say "i'm not one of THOSE gross cishet girls"
maybe it'd be easier to swallow if it's worded as afabs n not girls (🙄) as if that made major changes. not living the cis guy experience is what made it thick here ─ idc if u are a bi/lesbian woman or if u don't identify as a woman, humans r curious by nature. most immerse themselves in shit they want to be a part of it but can't in real life. cis girls feel this way too even if they're comfortably girls, blv it or not. u aren't exempt from "fetishizing" a group u aren't a part of, u just insist on this distinction b/w a good n a bad m/m shipper bc it's much easier to "empathize" (+ much less acceptable to slander) w the Personal TM fixation of anybody who's not a cishet girl. other factors r brought in like the gen desire to see good gay reps (do y'all not think cishet girls feel tht), the desire to see urself in them (what'd i say bfr), etc etc. what is the goddamn difference really. is this desire gross? does the fact tht it's not actually exclusive to a group u can comfortably throw under the bus changes how u thought of it? idk, form ur own opinion 🤷🏻
does this mean girls sorry, afabs, can't like cis m/m ships at all? ─ ofc not. that'd be like me firing at everybody in the room. i don't automatically consider ppl fujoshis unless they 1.) behave in a way that is obsessive n a bit gross like the equivalent of frothing @ the mouth 2.) cannot bring themselves to give a fuck abt anyth else in the shipping-sphere other than (usually white) gay ships. most fujos hv a history w only liking ships tht fit a certain physical criteria.
esp in this fandom, u can't deny the hots towards the actors largely influence the shipping experience so. doesn't help beating the allegations at all. but hey, fujos r annoying at best n embarassing at worst. not the end of the world if somebody consider u one lol
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illumoonated · 2 years
Thoughts about Wednesday (the show)
I wished i liked the Wednesday show more. Truly. But...
...the writing felt half-assed. The characters felt lazy. The addams family felt not quite weird enough. It seemed to be a very safe (somewhat boring) reboot that ppl are groveling over simply bc they want winclair to be canon (which, fine do your thing -- but you're setting yourselves up for heartbreak bc these writers/showrunners give zero effs about making wednesday canonically queer). The love triangle was actually painful to watch.
There was throw-away "representation" with her being asked if she was into someone a "guy...or you know, a girl?" to get woke points. Someone else pointed it out too, but the black male mayor being told he doesn't "know what it's like to be not heard" was so incredibly tone deaf it threw me off. As well as the only real POCs having a personality being the actual Addams crew.
(The siren queen bee was cool but she like immediately became Wednesday's bestie after 2 minutes of a heart to heart at a dance? Idk she felt wasted/characterized too quickly to feel impactful when she helped in the last episode. There was no emotional "oomph" to her being on Wednesday's team.) ((Also there was the aapi vampire who smiled once and had a single line of dialogue or smth...? wish we got more from her bc that's a cool-ass concept of being stuck in a place like nevermore where ppl know you're an immortal--like I was waiting for a big reveal to be pulled from this vamp being like "hey I knew your parents when they went here, oh, that fancy book you need? I have read all the nevermore books so many times I can just rewrite it for you by memory, where's your typewriter?")) Basically none of the students "banded together" for Wednesday in a believable way. They just...did....?
And if the intent was to simply get a flavor of the month moody white boi as Wednesday's love interest -- fine, but you didn't even make them likeable (not the actors' faults, bc they were clearly given no direction other than "go and be in love w wednesday for no reason bc she's MC"). And Wednesday as a character would avoid the moody bois and possessive "nice guys" like the plague (pun not intended) and would find interest in a strange/true social outcast more. (If she's gotta be with a boy make sure it's like whatshisface in Addams Family Values who is nerdy and nervous and a true social outcast that Wednesday had a real banter/challenge with instead of gross obsession/ownership like fuccboi #1 and #2. Again, not the actors' faults.)
I am so torn as an ace person bc I want her to be aroace so badly (and I believe it would be an appropriate identity for her). I also don't want to be the ace person being like "no winclair shouldn't be canon" bc I want sapphic stories to be represented but I hate how any close platonic relationships are automatically romanticized/ran away with despite how the characters feel about the other person. Again, if this is a friends(roomates) to lovers story fine. But there's zero chance that'll happen with the writing where it's currently at (I mean, they can change this but rn I don't see it happening).
TL;DR 1. wednesday shows how thirsty we all are for true queer rep/romantic or otherwise
2. the love triangle trope (esp the cishet ones) have to be damn good in this day and age to be worthwhile (the triangles in 1899 come to mind as good, current examples involving fleshed out characters with chemistry)
3. the show is trying to earn woke points without committing,
4. the addams family is mischaracterized from the source material,
5. this reboot entry is safe, lazy, and predictable from a plot, character, and worldbuilding standpoint (I was expecting far out weird/spooky shit like the Sabrina netflix series tbh and was really disappointed in how safe this reboot played it)
6. I wish I wanted winclair to be canon but i don't and I wish I did so ppl don't think i'm being "too ace" or "anti-" bc anytime platonic relationships occur between two pretty ppl the internet loses its mind and disregards what the characters actually feel about each other (reinforcing that friendship < romance)
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queenie-the-writer · 2 years
heartstopper: a rant
don’t get me wrong i f*cking love heartstopper but i found some things problematic, specifically in the show and i need an outlet so here we are (don’t come @ me or i’ll come @ you *respectfully*)
ok. so. i read the heartstopper books 1-4 in two days and binged the show the second day. therefore, i got a pretty direct comparison between the two and found that a lot of the things that were handled beautifully in the books weren’t done so well in the show.
keep in mind, ofc i wasn’t expecting the books and the show to be perfectly the same bc ik that’s simply not possible. no hate to anyone who loves the show, don’t get me wrong i did too!!! i just feel like it’s important to point these things out bc some of them are just not ok.
i relate so much to his character and he is such a sweetheart. but to me, show nick came no where near as good as book nick. let me explain.
let’s start with book nick. he was always so nice and respectful to everyone, and wasn’t afraid to stand up for what is right. we can see some of these same qualities in show nick, although book nick didn’t care as much abt being seen with charlie.
there’s this one scene that i always come back to when making a comparison between these two versions of him. remember the scene in volume 2 when they’re at a rugby practice and charlie gets passed the ball(?) and then tackled? some of the dialogue is “sorry, charlie” and “i forgot you were so light” as charlie is dazed on the ground. next thing you know, nick is shoving past everyone and yelling “CHARLIE!”, then proceeds to help charlie up and away like they’re the only two people there. he also stays and helps tend to his injury.
this all happens a little bit differently in the show. ep 4, rugby against the buff team which quickly turns into rugby against the buff team in the pouring rain. also in front of a bunch of kids from school, including charlie’s friends. at one point, the dude with the ball(?) is running for the end zone(?) (sports lingo amirite) and charlie’s there and ofc now’s the perfect time to decide to tackle him but instead charlie basically gets punched and falls down. everything just kinda like stops and nick is just standing there like ten feet away from charlie on the ground for a solid five minutes as everyone starts leaving and what does he do? absolutely nothing. nick just watches as ppl help charlie up and away and i think you see my point right?
then show nick has the audacity to say he’ll go out with a girl he doesn’t even like in front of a crowd of kids from school. like, no no no sir.
anyways. book nick >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> show nick
i guess not in the show bc he’s kinda super white. not that joe locke didn’t do a terrific job with the role, but just a missed mark by the casting since i feel like that’s an important part of the diversity and rep of the series.
imo, a big part of nick’s character development is because of these ladies and their experience with coming out, which was lost in the show since they were also still figuring it out. it also felt kind of unnecessary to change it so much in the show, but oh well.
omg but the shot of them dancing at the party with the lights >>>>>
this is my biggest point and the one i found the MOST problematic in this whole thing.
when someone decides to trust you with their sexuality and / or the privacy of their relationship, one of the most important rules to follow is DONT TELL ANYONE. it’s not your responsibility to tell others. everyone’s journey is different and it’s up to them how and when they want to tell specific ppl, even if they’re also a part of your life. ITS NOT YOUR JOB. it’s a huge crossing of boundaries and grossly disrespectful.
this wasn’t an issue in the books, which makes me wonder why on earth they did what they did in the show.
i believe it’s in the third book that charlie decides to finally tell tao about his and nick’s relationship. though tao is the last one to know, it was still charlie who initiated the conversation bc he was finally ready to trust tao again.
in the show, nick and charlie tell elle when they’re out on a triple date with tara and darcy while tao is away from the table. so now tao is the only one who doesn’t know and when he shares his suspicions with elle about nick and charlie, SHE DOESNT DO ANYTHING. doesn’t deny anything, doesn’t even try to switch the subject. she doesn’t do anything to protect nick and charlie’s privacy and that’s what gets me so worked up.
again, don’t get me wrong—i loved the experience of reading and watching heartstopper. i just thought bringing the things i noticed to light was important bc some of the things represented in the show are just not okay. imo, the books are 110% better than the show and i highly recommend reading and also watching the show. it’s a great easy queer read with lots of amazing rep!!!
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statespoll · 2 years
Election 2022 Senate Prediction Map October 24, 2022.
My analysis is neutral, not biased. Based on
1) Presidential Election 2020 Fox New Voter Analysis  
2) Latest Poll(adjustment)
3) Voter registration statistics Trend + VBM
4) Oppostion Party’s Advantage on the Midterm
(more Rep % / less Dem % than Presidential Year)
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* My Party ID % By States speculation post:
https://statespoll.com/post/696993333852110848  (October, 2022)
Last Updated: 10/24  AZ/GA/NH/OH/PA
I. BattleGround States
1. Pennsylvania
1) My Party ID speculation, PA
with leaner: REP 47% / DEM 46% / IND 7%
2) Latest Poll
(1) CNN/SSRS 10/13-10/17, 703 LV
Poll results: Fetterman 51% / Oz 45%
My Adjusted %: Fetterman D +6.67%
Fetterman: R(47)x9+D(46)x97+I(7)x42=51.79
Oz: R(47)x86+D(46)x2+I(7)x54=45.12
White: Fetterman 49 / Oz 48
White College: Fetterman 59 / Oz 38
White Non-College: Fetterman 39 / Oz 56
Muhlenberg/Morning Call 10/12-10/14, 404 LV
PA 07 district Poll.(2020 Biden +0.6%)
Fetterman 50% / Oz 43% / Neither/Other 4% / Undecided 2%.  D +7%
Samples: R 44% / D 44% / Other 12%
Shapiro 53% / Mastriano 37%.
PA 07: Wild(D) 47% / Scheller® 46%.  D +1%
FYI) Muhlenberg/Morning Call 2020 PA-7(before redistricted)
September 2020 PA07(B4 redistricted): Biden 51% / Trump 44%
Actual results: Biden 51.8% / Trump 47% not bad, It was pretty accurate
And I don’t give much credit of ‘Wick Polling’
The funny things about 'Wick Polling' After ppl pointed out they oversampled Conservative/Undersampled Liberal too much.
Wick Poll AZ/GA/PA all overmsapled Con/undersampled Lib
(vs 2020 Fox Voter Analysis) What kind of pollster? hmmm
PA: Con 43.7 / Lib 22.7 -> Fox 2020: Con 37 / Liberal 29.5
GA: Con 54.8 / Lib 19.6 -> Fox 2020: Con 42 / Lib 26
 AZ: Con 47.2 / Lib 22.4 -> Fox 2020: Con 39 / Lib 28
 Now They hid their ideology samples(Con/Lib/Mod)on the topline Q13,Q14 disappeared from the topline. something very fishy.
(2) InsiderAdvantage/Fox 29 10/9-10/12 550 LV
Poll Results: Fetterman 46.3 / Oz 45.5
1. Other race(mainly Hispanic/Asian) Oz 77.7 Fetterman 16.7?
Oz is winning Hispanic/Asian by +61% margins? with ‘36 LV’?
I highly doubt it.
(Biden won PA Hispanic by +42% margins)
Considering Black&Hispanic/Asian samples are not realistic
Fetterman Got 69.4% among Black and 16.7% among Other(Mainly Hispanic/Asian in PA). I’m stick with Lean D rating
FYI) Telemundo PA Hispanic Poll released Oct 4 2022
(surveyed in late September)
It was
#PASen Hispanic: Fetterman 53 / Oz 35
#PAGov Hispanic: Shapiro 60 / Mastriano 24
compare to Insideradvantage October PA (Hispanic&Asian) ‘36 LV!’:
Oz 77.7 Fetterman 16.7
(3) Trafalgar 10/8-10/11, 1,078 LV.
Fetterman 47.2% / Oz 44.8%.  D +2.4%.
Oz lost 1.1% from september Trafalgar Poll.
Oz: 45.9%(Sept Trafalgar Poll) -> Now 44.8%.  -1.1%
Plus, according to Trafalgar PA Poll
Oz got 32.1% among Black voters. Which is so unrealistic.
Trump got 5% in 2020 PA(Fox voter analysis)
I guess Oz’s number is about 2.7% overestimated of @trafalgar_group Poll.
So actually it could be sth like @JohnFetterman 50.9% @DrOz  42.1%. 
(4) AARP 10/4-10/12, 1400 LV
Fetterman 48% / Oz 46%
(5) Marist 9/19-9/22. 1,043 LV
Fetterman 51% / Oz 44%
My Adjusted %: Fetterman 49.9% / Oz 43.6%. D +6.3%
Fetterman: R(47)x7+D(46)x93+IND(7)x55=49.92%
Oz: R(47)x85+D(46)x3+IND(7)x33=43.64%
(6) CBS/YouGov, 9/6-9/12. 1,194 RV.
Poll results: Fetterman 52% / Oz 47%.  
Adjusted: Fetterman 53.2% / Oz 46.6%. D +6.6%
Fetterman: REP(47%)x13%+DEM(46%)x95%+IND(7%)x49%= 53.24%
Oz: REP(47%)x87%+DEM(46%)x5%+IND(7%)x49%= 46.62%
3) Pennsylvania Sen Race 2022 Forecast: Lean D
2. Arizona
1) My Party ID speculation, AZ
with leaner: REP 50% / DEM 42% / IND 8%
2) Latest Poll
(1)  Federalist/Susquehanna 10/14-10/18
Poll Samples(Self ID): R 40% / D 30% / IND 30%  R+10% Samples imo slightly oversampled R
Poll results: Kelly 47.7% / Masters 44.5% D +1%
Plus Susquehanna slightly underestimated Biden in AZ 2020
Susquehanna 10/19-10/22, 2020: Trump Trump 47% / Biden 46%
(2) Co/Efficient 10/20-10/21, 1,111 LV
Results: Kelly 47% / Masters 45%
(3) Trafalgar 10/16-10/17, 1,078 LV
Kelly 47.4 / Masters 46.4
DEM: Kelly 85.7 / Masters 9.4
Trafalgar understimated Biden among DEM in AZ 2020
Arizona: Trafalgar 10/25-10/28, 2020. 1,002 LV
Trump 48.9 / Biden 46.4
DEM: Biden 82.3 / Trump 13.9%
Fox Voter Analysis 2020, AZ.  DEM: Biden 96% / Trump 3%
Considering those, imo actually which is a kinda Lean D Poll results
(4) CBS News/YouGov 9/30-10/4, 1,164 RV
Kelly 51% / Masters 48%. D +3%
My Adjusted %: Kelly 50.16% / Masters 49.1%.  D +1.05%
Kelly: R(50%)x11%+D(42%)x97%+I(8)x49%=50.16%
Masters: R(50%)x88%+D(42%)x3%+I(8)x48%=49.1%
3) Arizona Sen 2022 Forecast: Tilt D
3. Georgia
1) My Party ID speculation, GA
with leaner: REP 51% / DEM 43% / IND 6%,
2) Latest Poll
(1) Data for Progress 10/13-10/17, 984 LV
Poll results: Warnock 48% / Walker 47%
My Adjusted %:
Warnock: R(51)x6+D(43)x98+I(6)x47=48.02
Walker: R(51)x89+D(43)x2+I(6)x40= 48.65
(2) Landmark 10/15-10/17, 500 LV
Walker 46% / Warnock 46%
(3) Civiqs 10/8-10/11, 717 LV
Poll results: Warnock 49% / Walker 46%. D +3%
My Adjusted %: Walker® +6.59%
Walker: R(51)x94+D(43)x4+I(6)x36=51.82
Warnock: R(51)x2+D(43)x95+I(6)x56=45.23
FYI) Civiqs’s past 2020GAPres records
Civiqs/Daily Kos Oct 23–26, 2020. 1,041 LV
Biden 51% / Trump 46%. Biden +5%
REP  Biden 6% / Trump 91%.  R +85%
DEM Biden 97% / Trump 3%.  D +94%
IND   Biden 62% / Trump 33%.  D +31%
FYI) 2020 Fox Voter Analysis GA
REP  Biden 7% / Trump 92%.  R +85%
DEM Biden 97% / Trump 2%.  D + 95%
IND   Biden 57% / Trump 30%. D +27%
 3) Georgia Sen 2022 Forecast: Toss up(Run off)
4. Wisconsin
1) My Party ID speculation, WI
with leaner: REP 50% / DEM 41% / IND 9%
2) Latest Poll
(1) Data for Progress 9/20-9/23, 999 LV
Johnson 50% /  Barnes 48%
My Adjusted %: Johnshon +5.29%
Johnson: R(52%)x93%+D(43%)x3%+IND(5%)x46%= 51.95%
Barnes:R(52%)x5%+D(43%)x97%+IND(5%)x47%= 46.66%
(2) Trafalgar 9/15-9/19, 1,087 LV
Poll samples: R 45.4%  D 43.2% IND 11.4%
Poll results: Johnson 48.7% /  Barnes 46.5%
3) Wisconsin 2022 Sen Race Forecast: Likely R
5. Nevada
1) My Party ID speculation, NV
with leaner: REP 47% / DEM 42% / IND 11%,
2) Latest Poll
(1) CBS/YouGov 10/14-10/19, 1,057 RV
Poll samples:  R 37.9 / D 35.2 / Other 26.9
Poll results:  Laxalt 49% / Masto 48%
Adjusted %: Laxalt 50.3 / Masto 47.1   R +3.2%
Laxalt: 47%(REP)x93% + 42%(D)x4% + IND(11%)x45%= 50.34
Masto: 47%(REP)x5% + 42%(D)x94% + IND(11%)x48%= 47.11
3) Nevada 2022 Forecast: Tilt R~Lean R
6. New Hampshire
1) My Party ID speculation, NH
with leaner: REP 47% / DEM 42% / Pure IND 11%
FYI) 2020 Fox voter analysis NH: REP 48% / DEM 45% / IND 7%
FYI) 2018 Fox voter analysis NHGov: REP 42% / DEM 42% / IND 15%
2020 NHPres wasn’t a competitive race. and Still It was R +3
This year is a Biden Midterm + NHSen is being a competitive race.
My speculation Party Breakdown in NH R 47 D 42 IND 11
2) Latest Poll
(1) Fabrizio(R-internal) 10/20 600 LV
@SenatorHassan 49% / @GenDonBolduc 47%
Poll samples: With leaners D 48 / R 47 / Other 4
My Adjusted %: Bolduc 49.4% / Hassan 46.6% Bolduc +2.8%
But this one is a R-internal poll. So I need to see another Polls(Toss up at this moment)
Bolduc: 47% + 6(I-D) x 40% = 49.4%
Hassan: 49% - 6(I-D) x 40% = 46.6%
(23) Boston Globe/Suffolk 9/23-9/26, 500 LV
Poll samples: DEM 30.6% REP 29.8% IND 37.6%
Poll results: Hassan 49.6% / Bolduc 41.2%  
Adjusted %: Bolduc 48.16% / Hassan 47.68%.  R +0.96%
Bolduc: REP(47)x93%+DEM(42)x2%+Pure IND(11)x33%=48.18
Hassan: REP(47)x5%+DEM(42)x94%+Pure IND(11)x49%=47.22
3) New Hampshire Sen 2022 Forecast: Toss up
7. Colorado
1) My Party ID speculation, CO
with leaner: DEM 43% / REP 42% / IND 15%
FYI) DeSantis Endorsed O’dea (10/23)
2) Latest Poll
(1) Civiqs 10/15-10/18, 600 LV
Poll results: Bennet (DEM) 54% / O’dea (REP) 41%.
Poll samples: D 39 / R 29 / IND 32 D +10% (imo oversampled D)
My adjusted % :Bennet 49 / O’dea 46  D +3%
Bennet: D(43)x96+R(42)x2+IND(15)x46=49.02
O’dea: D(43)x2+R(42)x92+IND(15)x44=46.01
(2) Marist 10/3-10/6. 983 LV
Bennet 49% / O’dea 43%
My Adjusted %: Bennet 49.4% / O’dea 45.9%.  Bennet +3.45%
Bennet: D(43%)x93%+R(42%)x5%+I(15)x43%=48.54
Odea: D(43%)x3%+R(42%)x90%+I(15)x40%=45.09%
(2) Marist 10/3-10/6. 983 LV
Bennet 49% / O’dea 43%
My Adjusted %: Bennet 49.4% / O’dea 45.9%.  Bennet +3.45%
Bennet: D(43%)x93%+R(42%)x5%+I(15)x43%=48.54
Odea: D(43%)x3%+R(42%)x90%+I(15)x40%=45.09%
(3) Data for Progress 10/3-10/6, 1,005 LV
Bennet 50% / O’dea 41%
My Adjusted %: Bennet 49% / O’dea 45.8%.  Bennet +3.2%
Bennet: D(43%)x93%+R(42%)x4%+I(17)x43%=48.98%
Odea: D(43%)x3%+R(42%)x89%+I(17)x42%=45.81%
3) Colorado Sen 2022 Forecast: Lean D
8. Ohio
1) My Party ID speculation, NC
with leaner: REP 54% / DEM 41% / IND 5%
FYI) 2020 Fox analysis, REP 54% / DEM 41% / IND 5%
2) Latest Poll
(1) Marist 10/17-10/20, 1,141 LV
Poll samples: REP 37 DEM 34 IND 28
Poll results: Vance(REP) 46% / Ryan(DEM) 45% / Undecided 8%
My Adjusted %: R +8.35%
Vance: R(54)x87+D(41)x6+IND(5)x41= 51.49
Ryan: R(54)x7+D(41)x91+IND(5)x41= 43.14
(2) Cygnal 10/18-10/22, 1,547 LV
Poll samples: 
Poll results: Vance 46.9 / Ryan 43.3
My Adjusted %: R +6.81%
Vance: R(54)x84+D(41)x5+IND(5)x40= 49.41
Ryan: R(54)x8+D(41)x88+IND(5)x44= 42.6
3) NC Sen 2022 Forecast: Likely R
9. North Carolina
1) My Party ID speculation, NC
with leaner: REP 50% / DEM 42% / IND 8%
FYI) 2020 Fox analysis, NC: R 50 D 44 IND 6
And NC Voter regd have shifted as Trend R +1.6% since nov,2020
2) Latest Poll
(1) SurveyUSA 9/28-10/2, 677 LV
Poll samples: R 35% D 35% IND&Other 28%
Poll results: Budd(REP) 43% / Beasley(DEM) 42%
Adjusted: Budd(REP) 48.4% / Beasley 40.74%.  R +7.66%
Budd: REP(50%)x87+DEM(42%)x5%+IND(8%)x35%= 48.4%
Beasley: REP(50%)x4%+DEM(42%)x85%+IND(8%)x38%= 40.74%
(2) Civiqs, 9/17-9/20, 586 LV
Poll samples: R 36.8% D 36.1% IND&Other 27.1%
Poll results: Beasley(DEM) 49% / Budd(REP) 48%
Adjusted: Budd(REP) 52.0% / Beasley 45.1%  R +6.9%
Budd: REP(50%)x94+DEM(42%)x3%+IND(8%)x47%= 52.02%
Beasley: REP(50%)x1%+DEM(42%)x97%+IND(8%)x48%= 45.08%
3) NC Sen 2022 Forecast: Likely R
10. Connecticut
1) My Party ID speculation, CT
with leaner: D 49 R 42 IND 9
FYI) 2020 Fox analysis, CT:D 53 R 41 Pure ind 6
FYI) 2018 Fox analysis, CT: D 47 R 40  IND 13
  2) Latest Poll
(1) Fabrizo, Lee & Associates (R) 10/10-10/13, 1,200 LV
Poll samples: D 39% / R 26% / 33.75%
Poll results: Blumenthal 49% / Levy 44%
Adjusted: Blumenthal 49.8 / Levy 44.4.   Blumenthal +5.4
Blumenthal: D(49)x85.7+R(42)x10.9+IND(9)x36.5= 49.856
Levy: D(49)x8.3+R(42)x84.6+IND(9)x53.8= 44.441
REP  Levy 84.6% / Blumenthal 10.9%
DEM Levy 8.3%  /  Blumenthal 85.7%
IND  Levy 53.8% / Blumenthal 36.5%
3) CO Sen 2022 Forecast: Likely D~Solid D
0 notes
kosmo-mckogane · 2 years
Is it bad that i am kinda salty with the Keith is poc hc? Like it's a good hc but every time someone tries to criticize how vld treated it's canon poc vs Keith it's always like "But Keith is a poc! He is mixed rep! You can't call this show racist just becuz other characters were shafted cuz otherwise they would have shafted him too!" (Also even the supposed mixed rep was just bad, like oppressed not trusting a race of colonizers is not racism allegory, it's wat white ppl think reverse racism is)
okay reading your first sentence immediately got my guard up but then i realised what you were saying and omg i agree with you so much. because, while in my version of vld, keith is and always will be asian, a lot of people seriously need to understand two important things in regards to criticism of canon, which are:
1) the way he was written and treated in vld canon, keith has always been portrayed as a white character. it is abundantly clear from the way his character developed throughout the story, the weird white saviour thing they had going on, and the way they purposefully left any information on his actual race very vague and unconfirmed (only listing him as human/galra in the handbook), that regardless of fandom hcs, the creators never really saw or treated him as anything other than white. this is why he was constantly favoured over characters like shiro, allura, hunk and lance, who were pushed aside and/or treated like shit.
2) the half-galra thing was the literal shittiest metaphor for race and racism. you're absolutely right in linking it to what white people refer to as "reverse racism" because that's exactly it. they even topped it off by having a black woman as the primary perpetrator of said "racism", with her instinctual distrust towards a race of colonisers as a survivor of their genocide, and having to overcome her apparent "bias" because #NotAllGalra
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pcktknife · 3 years
Not hate!! But just wondering how you'd explain ur edits (like why you do em) to others? I tried to explain it to one of my friends but she took it as being as racist as white washing (cause I couldn't explain it super well)
cause i want to and its fun! we could stand to see a little more rep out there for dark skin folk in all media
also 1) cant be racist to white people. society literally favors white folk/proximity to whiteness, even in many cultures of color. oppression cannot go both ways. 2) whitewashing is a product of white colonialism. lots of brown ppl are self conscious of their skin tone and ethnic features bc of it ^^' + whitewashing started being used as a term used for race in the 90s 'blackwashing has no noted official definition outside of racists on the internet so like...its not real ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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fandomshatewomen · 2 years
Not really a question but an observation related to the white passing post. I think it’s important to note that Hailee Steinfeld is not “white passing” but just a white woman. Ethnically she’s Black and Filipina (because of her paternal grandfather), but racially white. Her dad is half white and her mom is fully white. I bring this up b/c a lot of people are saying she’s a Filipino person and this is representation for this community. When in reality mixed and biracial Filipino people make up majority of the actors in Hollywood , when there should be more darker skinned Filipino women and men taking these roles. This goes for Cassie Steele for voice actor of Raya & Shay Mitchell in Trese . Both are mixed Filipina women could have let these roles go to full Filipinos .
OK so a few things:
1) Hailee is a WoC. I will broker no discussion on that. Because if you're saying that she's white because she's only 1/4th nonwhite then that's a problem.
2) I see what you're saying wrt to calling Hailee Filipino. No she's not I didn't know ppl were calling her Filipino. She didn't grow up in the culture.
3) Just because white ppl wanna be dumb about what is and isn't Filipino rep doesn't mean Hailee's white.
4) I also agree that those roles should have gone to full filipinos but the reality is that colorism exists. But then thing about calling someone "full Filipino" is that the Philippines was colonized for some 400+ years. They are a very mixed people. That's not me justifying that hollywood choose mixed filipinos just saying that like any postcolonial country the lightest and most eurocentric are always gonna be prioritized over the darker less ambiguous.
Finally 5) Hailee is definitely whitepassing. But the fact that she's open about her ancestry means she's proud of her ancestry. Don't take that away from her.
mod ali
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. no but fr why would rachel set up artemis as persephone's first real friend but then quickly undermine it for eros of all ppl (who basically drugged her and had her kidnapped???) and random nymphs like daphne and now just spends all her time shitting on artemis for not being omnipresent and not kissing hera and hades' feet any chance she gets? like oh no, artemis is her own character, doest know whats happening bc no one tells her, & doesnt follow hades & co's status quo, shes so awful for that!
2. the "immortal dating pool" also isnt small lmao?? like oceanus alone has 3k daughters and 3k sons, any several other gods and goddesses have innumerable children and descendants fairly large, especially compared to other pantheons. LO too even shows there even MORE nymphs and creatures than actual myth so the dating pool is even bigger?? that excuse is so stupid because its like "oh hades had no choice but to date a 19 year old!" like ok thats his problem then?? get immoral tinder, you weirdo??
3. I think a big test of actual representation is see if you remove it from the story that is suddenly breaks the story and/or character. If it doesn’t break anything and can be reminded with no fuss, then it’s not representation. Let’s try it with LO;
- the only mention of Eros being bi was cut as a deleted scene and only put on twitter, so it’s not even in the text. Echo and Hera is not a couple that affects the story, so it can be removed easily. Athena and Hestia have importance in the maiden society, but their relationship can easily be removed as well. So LGBTQ+ rep is not in LO.
- Psyche being a woman of color is purely aesthetics, so that could be cut and effect nothing in the story. So BIPOC representation is not in LO.
- Hephaestus’ disability has no effect on the story or his character. I’ll say it counts on a technicality, but I doubt any actual amputee feels “seen” with how LO depicts him. He’s is merely a pawn over an actual character.
- The only body diverse characters are nameless nymphs, so they could also be cut with no problem. Body diversity is also not in LO.
I’m sure there’s more I’m forgetting, but it seems LO is stacking up to be a very white, very straight, very un-diverse work. 
4. its wild an excuse for the age gap is "well rachel HAD to keep it that way it was that way in the myths" like first off no it wasnt?? persephone in the myths is OLDER than athena and artemis so if theyre adults persephone would be older, but second rachel changed so much about it that even if that big of an age gap was myth canon (its not) then what excuse is there for her to not make her 119? 1019? she changed everything else, why would that have to keep that the same then? make it make sense.
5. One of the biggest failings in LO is it refuses to let Persephone grow up. If she confronted she has darkness in her, then that's a huge sign of her accepting who she is and maturing, but the narrative actively doesn't let her do this, and Persephone does nothing but let herself be coddled by everyone else and be passive. She doesn't stand up to Demeter, to Hera, not even to Hades. She is not allowed to grow up, and she doesn't want to change that. How is this suppose to be our Dread Queen?
6. thats also it too. i dont think rachel is very comfortable (nor has the skill) to depict serious moments with the nuance they need. she did it a few times in s1 (the assault and the birdcage specifically) but it seems the farther into it she gets, the more she undercuts serious moments with her "humor" to keep the mood up. i get why she does this, but the mood swings are very jarring, and it just makes it seem like she doesnt actually care and theyre just there for "serious" points and that's it
7. im not giving her the pageviews but yall best be lying rachel is not seriously using ARTEMIS to blame for persephone's mass murder too?? in what way??
From OP: Hades used Artemis/Apollo’s AoW as an example/defense as to why Persephone should get a light punishment. However, it still fails to take into account that:
Artemis and Apollo didn’t cover up their AoW and did talk to Zeus, Persephone’s was covered up. Zeus even said it’s more about the cover up than the AoW.
Persephone hid from the law and used the Olympus Underworld treaty to keep herself there. (I can’t really see her in a sympathetic light after she tried to avoid the consequences of her actions in the first place. NOW, she wants to take accountability and yet it took her mom being taken in and the court date being announced to do so.)
There was a river of souls for Persephone’s AoW vs the 13 Artemis/Apollo killed.
That’s not a good comparison.
-----FP Spoilers/Mention-----
8. if rachel seriously throws leto under the bus to write herself out of apollo r//ping persephone i might actually lose it. you dont get to claim youre the beacon of feminism and care so much about empowering women when you take a victim of attempted assault in mythology and instead use her to excuse and "redeem" a r//pist in your stupid story because you were too arrogant to think about any of the fallouts from your stupid story and hamfisted plot ideas your tumblr fans suggested in 2017. 
9. FP// Why are the comments more angry at Hades being upset over P being assaulted than him overstepping his boundaries, eavesdropping on P when she thought she was in private, and forcing her to tell him about her assault when she wasn't comfortable with doing so? He forced her to tell him about something she was not ok with doing so and SHE's framed as the one who needs to claim Hades down. There's so much in that scenario to call him out for (like his weird controlling ways) over his reaction??
10. listen yall even the most functional couples ever still have disagreements and fights. the fact lo hades saw persephone turn his ex into a plant right in front of him and nearly killed her w/ no pushback or even reaction and she has to put up with his temper tantrums and treat him like a child to claim him down is so?? yall both suck so bad sorry to say.
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frogsthoughtss · 3 years
The new spirit movie being made, simply put, isnt all that great (originally, I’d put trash, but I thought that was too strong a word to use on the internet.) Heres why: To start off, I’d like to give synopsis (summary??) of the first movie.
In the original, Spirit, the horse, is captured by the colonizers and separated from his herd. These colonizers attempt to “tame” him. Claiming all horses can be tamed, including stallions with enough power and control. The colonizers breach onto the horses land and are expanding westward, which is how they even get near the herd in which spirit is in. The only reason he even nears them is because he doesnt know who the colonizers are and is basically confused as to what they were. So now because theyve captured Spirit, they think that ‘oh he’s just a wild horse, we can tame him by showing him whos boss” they dont. Spirit is, as its said, an untamed soul. He CANT BE TAMED, or as Little Creek put it, shouldnt be tamed. Because his place is with his herd, running free. The eagle in spirit is a symbolism of the freedom. Whenever the eagle is there, it serves as a reminder not only to the audience, but to Spirit himself that he is a wild horse, a Free horse.
Now, Little Creek, the Lakota native american, shares ALOT of similarities to Spirit(which is where Im getting at). Natives as we know, have been treated terribly, in the most inhumane ways. Theres alot said about helping out poc, but ppl always seem to forget that Natives count as Poc and are barely, if ever, helped out. The fact that theyve been continuously pushed out of their areas and contained in small groups with others of their tribes, after having had their land stolen from them, is disgusting. Back to the point tho, Spirit. Little Creek and spirit share that, in the time which this movie took place. Theyre being pushed from their areas and ppl are trying to “tame them”.
Now, again with the history. This wasnt included in the movie but Natives back in the day, when they were younger, would be taken from their tribes and colonized. Theyd rid them of the rich culture and try to perpetuate the white, colonized ways. Colonizers would change their names to the basic boring meaningless names, forbid them from speaking their native tongue, and have them grow up as a white, eurocentric person would. In other words, colonizers take away what made them different and attempt to get them to become like them. Which, while not included in the movie, is important to know! Bc it shows the parallels between a wild stallion, and a native american: 1- taking their land until barely any is left for them. 2- ridding them of their ways of being, until yheyre the way that is seen as presentable to the majority (whites)3- attempting to tame them.
Natives were seen as animals. As feral creatures less then human and less than the dirt being walked on (WHICH IS NOT TRUE). The fact was, euros saw them as ppl that needed to be ‘educated’ on the ways of man, which they saw as the was of WHITE man. In trying to educate them, it can almost easily be seen as them trying to ‘tame’ them, as they would a horse. With strength, power, and Force.
So going on ahead, when spirit meets little creek, theyre two sides of the same coin, going through the same thing, but its seen differently primarily because one is human and yhe other, well, a horse. And its troubling. Because even tho Little creek escapes the center where they were both held at, it was an interest type situation. Spirit let himself be handled and captured afterwards by the Lakota, only because they held the same view that horses could be tamed. However, despite the attempts to tame Spirit, Little Creek realizes soon that even tho their methods of taming a horse are to show that they are equal to to the human and not below (such as the whites were trying to impose) he knows that spirit, a free stallion, isnt going to be tamed. He sets him free. Spirit is somewhat hurt, bc these humans, treated him kindly. And he saw how kindly they treated other horses. He was reluctant bc of how honest and humane they were, but left anyways bc spirit also knew that he wasnt going to let himself be tied. Even if it was by an honest group.
My point in all of this is that In Spirit:The Stallion of Cimarron, it beautifully captures the similarities of natives, and in this movie horses. Both were struggling to maintain their land and their freedom, and the new movie doesnt. Its no surprise that good representation in movies is little to none for poc, but its even less in native americans. If you can name 5-10 movies with good native rep, I’d like to know but I can assure you that at the top of your head, you probably couldnt come up with more than 2. So when I heard of this movie coming out, I had to know if it kept the relation between the natives and animals in it.
It did not. In fact, from what Ive seen (the trailer) it removed the natives and instead replaced them with hispanics (presumably mexicans as rodeos originate from spanish/mexican influences). Now, mexican/latino and hispanic rep is good! I completely encourage making it bc its good! However this was not the movie for that. They took away the aspect of how freedom isnt something that can just be taken. How, the liberty that comes with your own deeply rooted course, cannot just be changed- how it SHOULDNT be changed. And in this new movie they did. This hispanic girl, for some horse riding event somehow tamed spirit, whose ‘soul could not be tamed’. Like, did we watch the same movie directors???? Producers????Bc the point of spirit the stallion of Cimarron was that freedom should be maintained, not stripped for the wants of others simply because,according to them, its “beneficial” and goes along with what they consider to be the social norm. It was about the connection that humans could make with animals bc they didnt place them below them, but rather treated them as equals. And for that to be taken away??? I feel like having tamed spirit was the wrong call for them to make.
Overall, it appears that Spirit Untamed (its literally in the title cmon) stripped the basis of the original movie to create the basic horse girl ‘saves’ horse and is the only one who can ride him bc she’s the only one who can ‘understand’ his trauma. Like, watch any other horse girl movie and thats what you get. But spirit wasnt supposed to be that. It was sooo much more and the fact that they dumbed it down to that?? Smh
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unholyplumpprincess · 3 years
i have loved apex from day 1 just cuz of their character rep. Like compared to other shooters, their roster was amazing. Like off the bat they had 2 black women, a nonbinary person, and a gay POC. Meanwhile overwatch STILL doesnt have a black women, and had to be put in a chokehold to squeeze out two cis white gay people
Honestly Apex is such a revolutionary game for any representation for both people of color and LGBT+ peeps and also a combo of the two- but ALSO that u don't need to know ANY lore outside of what is in the game to get the gist of a lot of that! Gods know in overwatch the only reason you'd know Tracer or Soldier were gay was bc of Twitter + comics
Meanwhile Gibraltar in game talks abt his ex boyfriend explicitly and there's load screens abt em, Loba has voice lines explicitly talking abt her love of men and women, Valkyrie talking abt girls in hers, etc!
My only complaint i got abt it is that Bloodhound is their token nb that on Twitter they always tell ppl they're nb, but literally why would anyone Know if u only play the game? I still say they need to add lines for Hound talking abt being nb or modifying Gibraltars Sister/Brother line to Friend or Buddy for them and Lobas "Get a move on boys and girls" to include "And Bloodhound ofc" if they're on a team with her.
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