#another suggestion I got was to set up a Kofi and have people pay what they want so they could download and print their own posters
nosnexus · 1 month
Do you have any plans to make your fantasy high junior year book cover series into a series of prints that one could by once the season ends.
I’d like to! I have an INPRNT shop and have a few of the first few covers on there, but I’d like to put everything up there in bulk when the season ends :)
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
A Favour
Capullo!Riddler x GN!Reader, word count: 2.8k commission: reader is hired by eddie to work on some document forgery for him, but it's impossible to get anything done when he's standing there flirting and annoying them 💚 commission me here! request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: persistent eddie, desk sex, so much flirting, light misogyny
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Your skills had always been the source of trouble, the cause of, the start of. But they were also invaluable, and your main source of income. People could pretend Gotham was cheap all they wanted, but if you really wanted security, protection, peace of mind? You would be paying through the nose, morally, financially, physically… or all three.
Luckily, your connections to Gotham’s criminal underworld were palatable. They didn’t require you to pick sides, they didn’t mean that the GCPD, Batman or a rival kingpin were likely to turn on you. You made everyone’s lives easier, equally so. Forgery, documents, signatures, that kind of thing.
“A real, natural talent for it.”
Oswald Cobblepot had once said that as he smacked you on the back, a little to close to your rear for comfort, but you always held your tongue around these men. Better to be on the safe side when dealing with them, a rule you stood by regardless of the situation. Which is why there was only one rogue you had never agreed to work with. Someone you knew it would be impossible to keep your words to yourself in the presence of. But finally, he had caught up to you.
A friend of a friend, a favour of a favour. He owed Edward Nygma, and you owed him.
“He just needs some documents signed, someone to look over the papers and make sure they’re in order. It’ll be a two day job maximum, three at most... maybe… And you’ll need to be in the office for it, his office. He’s pretty insistent that we don’t transfer the hard copies anywhere.”
You had begged and pleaded, tried to reason with your friend. But they wouldn’t hear it.
“You owe me.”
And you did, you were aware of that. You were fine with that. But you wished you owed them your bone marrow or a kidney or your first born son. Anything other than having to spend time with that narcissistic, egomaniacal, riddling idiot. But there was nothing to save you from the inevitable fate. And before you realised it, your term of employment had begun, and you were based in the surprisingly unassuming office of Edward Nygma.
The two secretaries based on the desk looked up at your briefly, both of them getting up to walk you to the door. Their skirts were short, their shirts were tight, and the heels they walked in uncomfortable. You had no doubt this uniform was a requirement set by their unscrupulous boss.
“Come in ladies, always nice to see you come in, but even better to watch you walk away.”
Edward flashed a smug grin as he looked up from his desk, taking far longer than appropriate to size you up, his eyes leering at you, gaze moving from the top to the bottom, settling somewhere in the middle before he thought to address you at all.
“So, glad you could make it.”
“Good morning, Mister Nygma.”
“Oh… Mister… I like that.”
He winked at you, and you fought to keep your eyes from rolling to the back of your head.
“Where would you like me to sit?”
“That’s a dangerous question, baby. We don’t have an HR department here.”
Another wink, a disgustingly self-satisfied smile stretching over his face as you did your best to smile politely back at him. This was going to be a nightmare. A disaster. If not for the fact that, in spite of yourself, you actually felt flattered by his grossly inappropriate suggestive jokes.
“So, you’re doing this as a favour, yeah? What did he do for you that warranted this kind of work in return?”
“Does it matter? I’m here now. And I’m ready to get to work. So if you don’t mind…”
He stared blankly at you, waiting for more.
“… the files? That you want me to forge the signatures on?”
“Oh, yeah! Sorry, babe. Got distracted by you. Were you sent here as a ploy, come in here looking like that, take my mind off of all of my important files, steal my intel?”
You rolled your eyes and turned away but he was quick to catch up to you, placing his hand on your arm, pulling you around and closer to him.
“Because, honestly? All someone like you would have to do is ask, and I’d give you anything.”
You shook your arm free, taking a step back from him.
“Yeah? Can you leave me alone and give me the files?”
With a mischievous grin, he stepped back, clutching at his bare chest past his obscenely open shirt.
“Ooh, you got me. Mortally wounded.”
Chuckling, he turned from you and leant over his desk, kicking his legs up as he balanced his torso on it and reached into a drawer on the other side. It was painful to admit it, but he had a nice ass, and you wondered how he might look had you been underneath him on the desk, looking up into his bright green eyes. No. Stop it. Although, you hadn’t quite stopped it quick enough, because he had caught your eyes when he turned back around, flitting away quickly.
“See something you like?”
“Yep, the files in your hand. Please?”
You stretched your hand out, waiting for them. Edward passed them to you, but as you closed your fingers around the batch, he yanked it back, tutting and grinning.
“You really want them?”
“I really want to do the job that I have to do so that I can leave here.”
“Yeah, but do you really want them?”
“What is this?”
Rolling your eyes and sighing exasperatedly, you crossed your arms, one hand still outstretched for the papers.
“Ask nicely.”
His smug smirk was driving you insane.
“I already said please.”
“Please… what?”
Scrunching your eyes closed and letting out an irritated whine, you clenched your fists as you spoke.
“Please, Mister Nygma. Can I have the files?”
“Of course you can, sweet thing.”
He passed them to you, leaning in close to whisper in your ear. The hand passing you the files grazed over yours as his other fell to you lower back, holding him in to you, lingering as he spoke in the hushed tone.
“See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?”
You snatched the papers from him, offering a curt but definitely not genuine smile.
“And where can I work from?”
“My desk. Go for it, all yours. Mi casa es... no… mi… I don’t know the word for desk.”
“Of course you don’t.”
You brushed past him, attempting to avoid physical contact, but he was insistent on being as close to you as was possible. He exhaled sharply, almost a whistle, as he watched you walk away from him, and you could feel your skin reddening. Part of you was disappointed in the way you were responding to his pathetic attempts at flirting. The other part really didn’t mind at all. Something about him, the smug charisma, the dreadful stench of cologne, how boyishly handsome he actually was. It was all a dangerous combination culminating in what would surely be a disaster unless you could keep yourself focused on the task at hand.
But then again… there was always the chance that if you just gave into temptation, that he might leave you alone much quicker. Perhaps the chase was the thing that was distracting him most. If you would just grit your teeth and… enjoy it, then maybe you could save yourself some time. After all, you were almost one hundred percent certain that he was a ‘wham, bam, thank you, mam” kind of man when it came to sex. Very much a denier of anyone’s sexual pleasure but his own. You could let him go at it, rough, hard and-
Your thoughts were interrupted, mercifully, you felt, but Edward’s hands, suddenly falling to your shoulders. While you had been deep in lustful rumination, he had made his way behind you. His fingers squeezed, pressure surprisingly perfect, though you imagined he had done this before. There must have been a reason there was no HR department, otherwise they’d have a field day. Shrugging, you tried to shove him off of you, without directly saying as much, but he was persistent. You could feel a moan rising in your throat, the feeling of his hands, fingers moving much further down at the front than they needed to be, and you knew you had to cut this off.
“Mister Nygma, please. If you want this work done, then I suggest you get your hands off of me and let me focus.”
“Hey, look, I’m trying to pull myself away but it’s almost impossible. I mean, you’ve seen yourself, right?”
“In the mirror, every day.”
He leaned over, his face to your side, and winked at you. When you didn’t say anything, or do anything, in response, he huffed and stepped back, leaning against the wall behind the desk.
“Look, I’m just saying. You can’t come in here, dressed like that, looking that way. Cute face, thick thighs, tight shirt. It’s like you knew you would have an effect on me. And then you won’t even so much as offer me a smile? Such a tease.”
“No offence, actually… some offence… but it seems like anything could have an effect on you if you tried hard enough.”
With a quick shift, a small jump, Eddie was sitting on the desk, papers scattering with the motion. As you moved to grab them and reorganise the pile, he lifted your chin with his finger, bringing your gaze to him.
“I don’t have to try all that hard with you, though.”
Panic set in as you felt yourself move instinctively forward, leaning in to a possible kiss, cheeks a soft pink as you felt your heart begin to race.
“Oh my god! You’re blushing!”
You tilted your head away from him, breaking free of the tenuous grasp he had on you, but the damage was already done. And you knew that he wouldn’t let up now that he knew he had you.
“You are really blushing. Oh my god, you are so into this!”
He reached for your cheek, placing his palm against and feeling the warmth of your skin.
“Ha! Blushing and red hot, this is hilarious.”
“Stop it.”
“Come on! You can’t hide it now!”
Eddie tried to turn your face to look at him, but you pulled away, trying to refocus on the papers, shuffling them, looking for a pen, anything to try and distract you, to lessen the tension building in the pit of your stomach.
“Are you embarrassed?”
“Ok, I’m serious. Stop it.”
“Aw… are you ashamed that you might like it when handsome guys pay attention to you? When they’re being so nice about your sweet, soft body? When they’re just filled with compliments and-”
“You need to stop it right now, Mister Nygma!”
Slamming your palms on the table, you immediately blushed harder, cursing yourself for letting him get to you. But you hadn’t gotten to him.
“Oooh, you seem tense. How about you let Eddie take care of that, huh?”
He slid off the desk, heading back behind you. You wanted to fight it, to suppress the urge, but it was futile. You wanted him to touch you, you wanted him to ease your tension. And no amount of argument, internal or external, was going to change that.
Behind you, Eddie stood against the back of the chair once again, rubbing at your shoulders.
“You like this?”
You didn’t nod, but you didn’t say no either.
“Come on, a little slut like you is definitely not going to turn me down again, right?”
You stayed silent, but you let out a gasp as his fingers moved further down the front of your shirt, unbuttoning it slowly, letting his palms fall with them as he leaned into you. With his chin resting on your neck, he kissed and licked at your ear, soft sideburns grazing your cheeks as he le this teeth find your skin. His hands, now firmly on your chest, smoothed over the skin as his fingers grazed over your exposed nipples, teasing them, pulling them, rolling them between his thumb and forefinger as he listened to you mewling at the touch.
As Eddie kissed and bit at your neck, he pulled his hands away from your front, placing them on your hips and grabbing as he lifted you, helping you stand up from the chair. He helped you remove your pants, sliding them down over your thighs, kissing at them as he reached the floor, balancing you as you stepped out of them, kicking your shoes and underwear to the side, before he stood back up and unbuttoned your shirt fully. Once you were under his control, like a puppet for his pleasures, he bent you over the desk.
“That’s it, not putting up much of a fight now, huh?”
You bit your lip, trying to remain passive, aware that the pleasure you derived from it was seemingly matched by Edward.
“You’re going to be so good for me, aren’t you?”
He growled into your ear as he undid his belt and pants with one hand, fumbling noisily and clumsily until you felt his skin against your rear, soft, warm. You could hear him clattering around in the drawer, only aware of what he was doing when you felt the cool sensation of the lube against your entrance, bracing yourself as he pressed the tip of his short but thick cock against you, pushing himself in slowly, surprisingly gently, as he groaned in pleasure.
Eddie tossed his head back as he began to pump himself into you, grunting with every thrust.
“This is… hng… a lot of… overtime… we’ll need to get you a bonus…”
You could barely think straight against the force of his hips hitching against you, your own hips thudding on the edge of the desk with every movement.
“… or would a dirty thing… like you… ah… ah… be content with… receiving my load…”
In response to his question, not wanting to sound too desperate, you let out a long moan, trying to hold it in but instead, hearing it choke itself into a whine that echoed in the room, accompanying the slaps of Edward’s body against your own.
“Fuck… you feel amazing…”
He raised a hand and grabbed your long, soft hair, wrapping it around his fingers and pulling softly, arching your back and letting out a self-satisfied chuckle.
“You’re doing such a good job… of taking me… pretty good for… fuck… someone who was… being so… cold… ah…”
As his free hand stroked against your ass, gripping the cheek and pressing his fingers in tight, you could barely contain yourself, screaming his name as he thrust harder, jutting his hips forward, banging against the exact right spot.
“Eddie.. oh my god… so… good…”
The praise was what sent him over the edge, his body pinning you down on to the flat surface as he picked up the pace, frantic and feral, rutting against your body as he breathed heavily in your ear, his long, red hair tickling at your shoulders as he bit your skin and licked at the marks he left behind.
“God… you’re so… this is…”
With a grunt, animalistic and so loud that it reverberated in your ear drums, he quickly removed himself from you, holding his twitching cock in his hands as he spilled his cum on your back, , your shirt held up by his now free hand as he left your hair to fall against your face. He let your shirt fall back down, rubbing your back with it, cleaning up his mess by making more of one. As you collected yourself, dressing in a hurry now that the ignorance of lust had passed, you turned to find Eddie slowly buckling his pants as he leaned against the wall catching his breath, brow sweating with exertion.
“That was… uh… really something, hm?”
You nodded, silently, trying to keep a straight face, which was impossible as you looked at Edward’s mischievous, toothy grin.
“Anyway, I really do have to go now.”
As you expected, all you had to do was give him what he wanted, what you wanted, or what you both wanted, and he’d leave you alone. It had been very worth it, you decided, as you watched him brush his hair back with his fingers.
As he walked past you, he placed a kiss on your cheek, and smacked your ass. The dichotomy of him, truly.
“Get started on that forgery work now. I’d hate to have to punish you if it’s not done by the time I get back.”
He left the office with a wink, and you sat back down in the chair, catching your own breath, smiling to yourself as you thought about maybe just leaving one of the documents unfinished, to see what else Eddie might have in store for you.
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duelistkingdom · 3 years
you’d come back to me
chapter fourteen: rebirth
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Summary: Seto Kaiba has been presumed dead for four years after the events of Dark Side of Dimensions. His return causes both unresolved feelings of grief to be brought to the surface and the past to be dragged right back up. In hopes of helping Seto move on and reintegrate back into society at large, Mokuba asks Yugi to work on Spherium II with Seto. Never one to leave a friend hanging, Yugi agrees. Over the course of the project, Seto and Yugi both come to terms with their mutual grief and grow towards a better understanding of each other.
Rating: T
Ships: Yugi Mutou/Seto Kaiba, Mokuba Kaiba/Rebecca Hopkins, Katusya Jonouchi/Mai Kujaku
Warnings: aged up characters, grief, references to suicide
consider supporting me on kofi / battle city tiers & above get first access to chapters!
Ever since Anzu’s birthday, each of the weekly dinners had taken on a distinct charge to them. Seto found himself revealing parts of himself to Yugi that he thought he’d keep to himself forever. He was knocked off his feet when he realized just how much Yugi had been paying attention to him. And yet still, Seto had no idea what Yugi was planning for his birthday. Yugi was evasive every time the topic came up and Seto was deeply troubled by the idea that Yugi might throw one of those annoying birthday parties. Mokuba was keen on the idea, too. “You know most people enjoy celebrating their birthday, Seto,” Mokuba remarked one day as he was dragged into going to a bowling alley. Rebecca had insisted that it was important that the brothers bond and had stabbed him with a sharp pointy nail when Seto tried to argue. “I don’t know why you won’t let Becks plan a party for you.”
Thankfully, Rebecca wasn’t with them so Seto didn’t have to hear another one of Rebecca’s quips on his distaste for social interaction. “I shudder to think the type of party Hopkins would come up with,” Seto remarked as he examined the bowling bowls, searching for one that would give him an advantage. If he had to play this silly game, he might as well put everything into it. Despite his best attempts, Mokuba was currently leading in strikes. “If I recall, this outing was also her idea. Do we really seem like bowling types?”
“Oh, come on, Seto,” Mokuba said with a roll of his eyes as he tossed back more of the greasy fries covered with cheese. Seto recoiled at the sight. Unfortunately, there was a shocking lack of food options at this bacteria infested hell. “Relax! Is this because you’re losing?”
“This game is pointless,” Seto said as he rolled the ball down the alley and only managed to knock down 8 of the pins. Once again, the impossible set up of two pins directly across each other. He wouldn’t be getting that spare. “I don’t see why we have to do this. Surely there’s other places we could… hang out at, as it were.”
Mokuba laughed. “Bro, it is so weird hearing you say ‘hang out’,” Mokuba remarked as he marked the sheet with the eight pins he’d knocked over. “But if you aren’t having fun, we can certainly go somewhere else after this game.” Seto was ready to mention a card shop he saw on the way before Mokuba cut him off. “Nothing Duel Monsters related. You need more than card games in your life.”
“Fine,” Seto said as he threw the bowling ball again, watching it miss both pins. “Can you at least tell me what Yugi’s plans are for my birthday?”
“Nope,” Mokuba said gleefully as he marked down that Seto had missed both pins, maintaining his lead. Perhaps this game would be more fun if Mokuba wasn’t clearly so good at it. How had Mokuba gotten good at it, anyway? It was another reminder that Seto made a huge mistake in how he’d responded to grief. Was it too late to rebuild his relationship with Mokuba? Would it always be like this? Seto wasn’t sure if this wall would ever go away. “Don’t worry, though. You’ll like it.”
Instead of trying to push more, he let the topic go. “When did you learn about this game, anyway?”
“Bex showed me it on our third date,” Mokuba said as if it was obvious. It was something that Seto should’ve been around for. In the past four years, Mokuba had found love and Seto hadn’t been there for any of it. It had been even harder to realize that Mokuba and Rebecca had been on their way to being something only a year before he left. Seto owed Rebecca everything for keeping Mokuba safe when he didn’t. “Hey, are you okay? You got that look you get when you’re overthinking.”
Some things must never change. Then again, Seto had given himself little chance to change. “I’m fine, Mokuba,” Seto said, more sharp than he intended. Mokuba did not look convinced and Seto sighed. “I was just… thinking… that I truly regret not being here to watch you grow up.”
Mokuba stiffened before shaking his head. “It’s whatever,” Mokuba said, a grin splaying across his face that seemed almost fake. “We can’t change the past. We can only go forward.”
It seemed a little too kind to let him off the hook like this. Seto frowned, trying to figure out how to press the conversation further. However, Mokuba made it clear he didn’t want to continue the conversation and well, Seto was still scared of losing Mokuba forever. He’d been the reason why their relationship was stilted now. Seto more or less deserved this consequence.
Seto had a pit in his stomach as he was forced to take the day off for his birthday. All it did was give him time to overthink all the ways he’d be forced to socialize. Strange how no one seemed to care that this was also the anniversary of his adoptive father’s death. Seto knew that for everyone else, they’d moved on. It’d been almost a decade for them. For Seto, however? It was still as if it was only four years ago. Or well, five years, he supposed.
What did aging mean when one had become an adult at fifteen? He’d been caring for Mokuba since he was a child himself. He was an adult now but he’d already been an adult as far as he’d been concerned. It was hard unwrapping what it meant to grow up. As much as Seto wanted to sulk about aging and his own trauma, he did promise Yugi that he’d show up to Yugi’s apartment for his birthday. He steeled himself for the worst as he knocked on the door. At least Yugi looked great, as always. Yugi’s smile was bright and Seto felt his heart constrict in his chest. He gestured inside and Seto stepped over the threshold.
Seto examined the apartment, baffled to see there was no one else around. The cake on the table was too small to feed more than two people. Yugi exited the kitchen holding two plates with a small grin on his face. “Happy birthday, Seto,” Yugi said as he set the plates down and Seto noted it was filet minogue. He didn’t even know Yugi could cook. “Come on, sit down and have dinner with me.”
“Where is everyone else?”
Yugi’s brow furrowed at this question. “No one else here,” Yugi said as he uncorked a bottle of wine. Seto was about to remark that he wasn’t old enough to drink that when he realized that well, yes, actually, he was. In every sense of the word. Today he was physically twenty. “I thought you might like a private celebration.”
Time was such a funny concept. Every single moment was merely just another moment away from when the Pharaoh had departed this world forever. Every single day was another day from the minute he reentered this dimension and discovered time moved forward without him. Still, he’d been dragged forward into a strange new future. The world had not let Seto stay stuck in the past. He took his seat, admiring the way the low light of candles added something to Yugi’s color. His skin tone was already so warm and in the dimmed room, he seemed to glow. “That was,” Seto said, trailing off as he realized he did not know how to react. “Thoughtful.”
Wine was poured into two glasses and Yugi passed one to Seto. The liquid inside was a dark red and Seto took a cautious sip. It was bittersweet. “Figured you’d like it,” Yugi said as if Seto had already admitted to being grateful it was just the two of them. He didn’t have to figure out how he was supposed to act. Yugi, for whatever reason, accepted him at face value. “I thought after we ate, we could try dueling with no holograms. Old school, as it were.”
Seto did not understand. He hadn’t dueled without a Duel Disk in so long that Seto had forgotten it was even an option. “Why would we do that?”
“Cause it’s been a while since I’ve gotten to Duel someone that has an actual shot at beating me,” Yugi said with a gleam in his eyes. “Unless you’re saying you don’t think you could do it?”
A challenge. “Are you suggesting that the reason you like Dueling me is because you want to lose?”
“No one wants to lose,” Yugi countered. “However, it can be a bit dull to Duel when there’s no challenge to it. The risk of loss is what makes a game fun.”
Seto didn’t follow Yugi’s logic but there was something nice about Yugi saying he liked Dueling Seto specifically. Perhaps that’s why he wound up agreeing to the casual terms that Yugi laid out in front of him. Seto was surprised to discover Yugi had a new deck this time. Once again, Yugi’s cards were cards that Seto had never seen before. He supposed that a close friendship with Pegasus and a grandfather that owned a game shop had some benefits to it. “Do you have a new deck every time?”
“I like to try new things out,” Yugi said as he activated a card called YuJo Friendship. Seto noted the card displayed a painting clearly done by Pegasus of Yugi and Jonouchi. It seemed to be recent. “Because I have Unity in the graveyard, you’re going to have to accept the handshake, Seto.” He had stuck his hand out and had a rather smug grin on his face. Seto hated that his hand was clammy as he shook Yugi’s hand. “It’s not sportsmanly to glare at me like that, Seto. Anyway, our life points are now half of our combined life points total.” Seto couldn’t understand how that would benefit Yugi, since Seto’s life points were so much lower. At least this put him back at full life points.
Despite that, it was difficult to get a single scratch on Yugi. It seemed almost like Yugi had a goal in mind as to where this Duel was going to end and was merely guiding them both to the destination. Still, Seto wanted to win. Would Yugi still like him if he managed to win? He couldn’t afford to think like that in a Duel. And yet… Yugi was right. It was thrilling to Duel Yugi. Yugi had a determined expression on his face and Seto desperately wanted to surprise him. He’d been surprised by the effect of Blessed Winds and the combination with Aromage Jasmine made Yugi harder to hit.
Yugi’s life points climbed up to 10,000 this turn and once again, Seto had no way of removing the problematic cards from the board. It didn’t help that all his traps kept getting bounced back to hand. “Fine,” Seto growled, examining the board from all angles. He had no way of getting a trap off but that didn’t mean he didn’t have access to spells. “I’m going to play Cards of Consonance, discarding the White Stone of Ancients to draw two cards.” If he could get out Dragon Spirit of White, then he could get Blessed Winds off the board. Then he could tribute for the Blue Eyes in his hand. He didn’t get far when Yugi’s smirk said he was missing something. “What now?”
“I activate my trap card, Judgement of the Pharaoh by paying half my life points,” Yugi said as he flipped up the card and Kaiba stared at it. Yugi reached over to the tablet they were keeping track of life points with and deducted half from his own, bringing him down to 5000 life points. “Since I have YuJo Friendship in the graveyard, you cannot normal summon, set, flip summon, or special summon any monsters. You also cannot activate any monster effects.”
So that was why Yugi had that card in his deck. Seto glared at him before sighing and leaning back. He expected nothing less from the King of Games. “I still get the two card draw,” Seto said as he drew two new cards. A Blue Eyes White Dragon and White Dragon Ritual with no Paladin of White Dragon to use it on. “I end my turn.”
As the Duel continued, Seto couldn’t help but get distracted by how good Yugi was at what he did. Once again, he regretted ever doubting that Yugi was a worthy rival. He should’ve seen the truth ages ago. And for once, Seto managed to surprise Yugi when he’d managed to get a strike in. The Duel came to an end, however, when Yugi flipped up Ring of Destruction and targeted Blue Eyes White Dragon. Both of their life points hit zero at the exact time. Seto stared at the card in shock. A card that Seto had used himself, forcing them into a ceasefire. Yugi seemed aware of this and the stare he bore into Seto was intense. “We draw.”
So they had. And for once, there wasn’t a winner or a loser. For a minute, he said nothing before smiling. “I suppose I should have expected nothing less from the King of Games,” Seto said as the two of them locked eyes. Seto’s heart was pounding in his chest as he boldly said, “I think… perhaps we should turn in for the night?”
Yugi smirked.
Rebecca knew that Seto wouldn’t care much for being dragged into hanging out. However, she was certain that he wouldn’t say no if she pointed out that Mokuba liked when Seto was around. It had been difficult for her to accept that Seto wouldn’t just leave again. The longer he stayed, however, the more she knew the best thing for both Seto and Mokuba was that they had a relationship again. Not only that, she’d agreed with Mokuba to attempt to build a real relationship with his brother. And well, Rebecca actually did like the idea of having a proper family.
She’d only had her grandfather for the longest time. For the longest time, Rebecca had craved family and Mokuba had almost regretted he couldn’t give her more than himself. Now that Seto had stuck around for as long as he had, maybe she could actually have a brother too. Still, it seemed too good to be true. “Mokie,” Rebecca said as her arm snaked with his, her hand firmly grasping his. “Are you sure Seto isn’t mad at me?”
“Interesting turn of events,” Mokuba teased. “There was a point when you wouldn’t have cared about making him mad, you know.”
This was something she couldn’t deny. Rebecca had been so angry at Seto for leaving Mokuba. However, the more she thought about it, the more she almost understood how grief could drive someone to madness. What would she do to see her parents again? Rebecca didn’t know how she’d react if she could see her mother again, if she had the chance to hear her father read to her again, if she could just hold them one last time. “I suppose not,” Rebecca said softly as her head rested on Mokuba’s shoulder. “But… you’re right. He’s your brother and he’s all you have. I’m trying to be nicer.”
Mokuba gently kissed her forehead. “Thank you,” he said softly. He was well aware of her stubbornness and yet he never seemed to hold it against her. “I don’t think he’s going to be angry once he gets to see how Kaibaland’s grown since he last visited. I’m shocked we didn’t think of showing him this before.”
“You had to readjust to him turning up again after four years of him being missing,” Rebecca said gently with a grin. The car pulled up to Kaibaland. “Taking bets if he even shows up, actually.”
Rebecca supposed she shouldn’t have been surprised that Yugi also showed up. It was still awkward, as she still felt a bit weird remembering how embarrassing she’d been during the years she had a crush on Yugi. At least he didn’t hold her embarrassing preteen years against her. In fact, he never brought them up. Rebecca was grateful for considering how much Mokuba had come to rely on Yugi at work. “Hey, Yugi! Glad to see you came along,” Mokuba said. “Seto, are you ready to see the improvements that happened to Kaibaland while you were gone?”
Seto nodded stiffly. In fact, he always did everything just so stiff. “Let’s go.”
Agreeing to go to Kaibaland as emotional support for Seto was not one of Yugi’s smarter moves. For the most part, Yugi liked to avoid going to Kaibaland altogether. He often found himself dodging Duel challenges and admiring fans every time he went. Still, Seto still felt awkward around Rebecca. “There’s been a lot of changes,” Seto remarked with a frown as he noted the Duel Links terminals available. “I see Mokuba’s been hard at work.”
“He wanted to make sure that your legacy was kept intact,” Yugi said as he looked over the rides. Almost all of them had been updated to reflect the new meta. “A lot of work went into making sure it stays up to date with the current meta. Every year it’s evaluated again.”
Seto was about to respond when kids started muttering to each other, pointing at Yugi and Seto. Yugi was used to being swarmed with kids at Kaibaland, especially ones that were into Duel Monsters. He wasn’t surprised when one brave kid approached the two of them. Despite the amount of courage it must’ve taken to merely approach them, the kid was still bright red and stammering through his words. “Uh, Mr. King of Games,” the kid said, holding out a piece of paper. “Would… Do you mind giving me an autograph? You don’t have to say yes! I just..”
“Of course Yugi’ll give you an autograph,” Seto said, taking the paper and shoving it into Yugi’s hands with a pen. “Right, Yugi?”
Yugi was surprised by how soft Seto sounded. He’d never seen Seto act like this, actually. Seto had bent down to be eye level with the kid. “Sure,” Yugi said. He hadn’t planned on turning the kid down but he thought Seto would at least be aware that they might wind up stuck here for a while. “Did your friends want one too?”
The kid’s eyes brightened and nodded before turning to his friends, shouting, “Hey guys, it’s okay! He agreed to do autographs!”
Instantly a swarm of children appeared around them and for a moment, Yugi expected Seto to bolt. He expected a lot of things from Seto instead of what wound up happening. Instead, Seto spoke gently with each kid. Instead of the snippy responses he’d come to expect of Seto whenever the kids asked about the current meta, Seto gave thoughtful and insightful answers. Yugi liked this side of Seto. It was gentle. Yugi had never considered the idea of kids before but if it meant seeing this side of Seto more...
It took hours before the two of them were alone again and not once did Seto complain that the kids were taking up too much of their time. It made it easier for Yugi to feel at ease and relaxed despite the fact he never really liked acknowledging that on some level, he was famous. It was nice when Seto supported him. The entire time, Seto acted as if the two of them were a team, making jokes. It was difficult to refrain from kissing Seto at this point. This side of Seto was extremely attractive to him. The minute they were alone again, Yugi remarked, “You were really good with those kids.”
Seto stiffened and tried to pretend that it was nothing. Yugi didn’t bother fighting with Seto but one thing was clear to Yugi now. Seto really did have a heart of gold.
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sserpente · 5 years
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A/N: Request from @ilikebritsandbands. Here’s your long awaited Jack Sparrow fluff! ♥ I don’t know if this Imagine is historically correct but… let’s ignore that, savvy?
Words: 1616 Warnings: fluff, mentions of forced marriage
Fate was cruel—not as cruel as your father but cruel nonetheless. You refused to give up; you believed in your freedom. The more it was taken away from you, the more you fought for it.
They had attacked at night, taking gold, jewellery, expensive garments and other treasures. Pirates you had read so many stories about as a child. And all of your struggling, biting and scratching had been in vain when they took you, throwing you over their shoulder and carrying you back to a ship with black sails like a piece of furniture.
Your home was a prison. A safe and clean place your father kept you in until you could marry you off to an old and rich man for social reputation. The pirates expected a juicy ransom for your freedom—but by now, you had long left the haven and were sailing in midst of the seven seas, far away from help and civilisation.
At least they hadn’t thrown you into one of the dirty cells or tied you to the mast for the crew to gape at you like hungry animals. In fact… in fact the pirates who had taken you were by far the most peculiar bunch you had ever met—especially their Captain.
None of them were exceptionally cruel or ruthless. They made sure you had water and food, had even given you a coat so you would not freeze. The first mate—Gibbs, you believed he was called—had even apologised for all the inconvenience. You had almost laughed out loud.
You had been counting the days since your abduction, of course. Halloween was coming up, tonight. Back when your mother was still alive, you had always carved pumpkins and lit them up with candles, then cooked pumpkin cream soup and baked pumpkin pies together. You missed the times you were young, free and careless.
Now, you weren’t even on firm ground anymore. Around you, masses of salt water expanding all the way to the horizon and beyond it.
“Ha! Found me another bottle of rum, luv!” Jack grinned when he entered the Captain’s cabin, strutting into the small room proudly.
Your smile was sad. Jack Sparrow was a strange fellow. A pirate with a criminal history, yes, but also a man with a good heart. Besides, he was really handsome. You’d rather get betrothed to him than this greasy old man your father had chosen for you.
Jack had spent hours studying old maps last night. He was onto something—and whenever he was onto something, he would drink half of the ship’s rum supplies. He uncorked it with a silent pop, then handed it to you before sitting back down at his wooden desk.
“Ladies first?”
You shook your head with pursed lips. The taste of rum was disgusting. You did enjoy the occasional glass of wine when dining with your father but rum was too strong, too intense. Jack shrugged and took a big gulp himself. You did not realise you were still watching him until his dark eyes locked with yours.
“Why the long face, luv?”
You shook your head once more. “I’m homesick.” You admitted. What you did not expect was the hint of compassion and pity reflecting in his expression.
“We’ll be back in a week’s time. Yer journey will end if yer father agrees to our terms and conditions.” He remarked with a grin.
You snorted. “I don’t even know if I want to go back there. My father means to marry me off to some rich snot thrice my age.” But you knew Jack wouldn’t just let you go without getting anything out of it himself—and if one of your father’s servants was awaiting the Black Pearl to hand over the gold and pick you up, being trapped in your room until your wedding would be no better than being trapped on a ship.
“Sorry, luv. Yer welcome to stay with me, too. Wouldn’t mind the company. Gibbs always says having a woman on board is bad luck I think it’s worse without them.” He suggested with a smirk, taking another sip of his rum.
You refused to admit you were actually considering this. Perhaps one day, you would be able to go your own way either way.
“Where are we docking tonight? You said we would be filling up supplies.” You said instead.
“Tortuga? The… the pirate haven?”
“The very same.”
Your face distorted. You had heard stories about Tortuga. Bad stories. That’s what came with travelling with pirates, even if it was against your will.
“C’mon, luv. What can I do to put a smile on yer face?” You snorted.
“You could take me to a farmer to buy a pumpkin.”
Jack blinked, entirely taken aback. “A pumpkin, luv?”
“Yes. A pumpkin, to carve for Halloween. It’s coming up.”
The pirate looked at you like you had just stolen his beloved ship, eliciting a giggle from you. “Yer want to do what?”
“It’s called a Jack O’Lantern. To scare away evil winter spirits.”
Jack pouted into his rum bottle. “Could use some of that… So yer want me to buy you a pumpkin, luv?”
“Or steal one. Whatever it is you pirates do in situations like that.” The Captain grinned cheekily. “In return, I could make some pies with the guts?” Jack still looked a little disturbed. Usually, women would ask for jewellery or dresses… not pumpkins. But eventually, he agreed.
Tortuga wasn’t by far as scary as you had imagined it would be. There were drunks and prostitutes, yes, and people throwing insults and bottles at each other… and it smelled like urine, alcohol and smoke but apart from that… you had expected much worse.
Instinctively, when you passed a group of men who walked past bellowing obscene things at you, you grabbed Jack’s hand and held it tightly, causing him to wrap his arm around you and keep you close.
Ironic, really. Instead of trying to get away from your captor, you were getting even closer to him.
“Yer alright there, luv? I’m quite known here. Yer have nothing to worry about, savvy?”
Well. Last time he had said this somebody had slapped him in the face mere moments after.
“There’s a grocery farmer right around the corner. Yer pick yer pumpkin quickly, toss him a coin and then we leave.” He warned you contritely.
“I pick the pumpkin?”
“It’s not me pumpkin, luv. As long as I get me pie.” Jack had the audacity to wink—and for some peculiar reason, your heart sped up unlike it ever had when meeting with your future husband. “And I owe him money…” He added quietly.
You giggled once more—not just because you were not surprised but also because as soon as you had purchased your pumpkin—the biggest and most beautiful one you could find—Jack Sparrow looked downright adorable carrying it back to the ship all by himself where the crew was already waiting for him to leave the haven again.
On deck, you got to work right away, earning you a few confused glances as you began carving a spooky face into the pumpkin with a dagger Marty had lent you and collected the sticky guts in a bucket. Something… something felt oddly strange as you set foot on the wooden ship again, the gentle waves beneath your soles somewhat familiar and reassuring.
Jack raised an eyebrow at you when you finished and grabbed some candles to place them inside the hollow pumpkin, lighting it up and promising to the crew how adorable your little creation would look at nightfall. But he only shrugged, suppressing an amused smirk. It was rather easy, making you happy. In some aspects, you reminded him of Elizabeth. A polite gentlewoman but not up the creek without a paddle upon being ripped from wealthy life… if he didn’t plan on collecting his ransom for you and drop you off back at your father’s… he’d even consider keeping you by his side; if you wanted to.
Singing an old Halloween song to yourself, you made your way to the ship’s kitchen to make those pumpkin pies you had promised Jack. It was only when you shoved it in the giant oven Gibbs had to help you heat up, you realised just what was so different. You didn’t feel like a prisoner anymore.
Jack was treating you gently, like a crew member with privileges. No one was cruel, no one was heartless… and now he had even bought a pumpkin for you.
“Me pumpkin pies ready yet, luv?” He appeared behind you, slurring a little. Only God knew how many bottles of rum they had taken with them from Tortuga. Greedily, Jack reached for one of the treats—and promptly cursed loudly as he tossed it in the air repeatedly until it had cooled down a little.
“Ow! Hot!”
“Jack…” You began when he took a bite, chuckling when he started moaning. “Jack?”
“Buying you that pumpkin was a good investment, luv.”
“I’m glad you think so… Jack?”
“Hmm?” He took another bite, already reaching for the next pie in the process.
“What happens when my father pays you the ransom?”
The pirate immediately stopped chewing.
“Yer not gonna go back to yer husband, hmm?” You shook your head in response.
“I… it’s not so bad here. Sailing with you…” And you slowly felt like living on the ship, sailing the seven seas was not deprivation of freedom after all… but much rather the incarnation of freedom itself.
Jack grinned. “In that case… welcome on board, me luv.” You smiled when he bit into the next pumpkin pie.
A/N: Check out my blog to find more Imagines and take a glimpse at my first (to be) published novel! Also, if you enjoyed this story, I would appreciate so much if you supported me on Kofi! ko-fi.com/sserpente ♥
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andrewmoocow · 3 years
Steven Universe Alternate Future chapter 2: Guidance (originally published December 14, 2020)
Author's note: I think I'm gonna try releasing new chapters every Monday, for Part 1 at least. Anyway, here's Guidance.
Synopsis: Steven helps the students of Little Homeschool get jobs, but they're not very good at them.
Zach Callison as Steven, Onion
Michaela Dietz as Amethyst, Blue Lace Agate,
Ian Jones-Quartey as Bixbite, Snowflake Obsidian
Michelle Maryk as Larimar
Aparna Nancherla as Nephrite
Charlyne Yi as Doc, Leggy, Army
Amy Sedaris as Teal Zircon
Kimberly Brooks as Zebra Jasper, Cherry Quartz
Natasha Lyonne as Smoky Quartz
Colton Dunn as Mr. Smiley
Dave Willis as Andy
On another lovely day in Beach City, Amethyst was walking along the boardwalk with a blindfolded Steven into Fish Stew Pizza. "Okay, two steps to the left." Amethyst instructed him as the two stepped into the pizza shop. "There's a chair right behind you." Steven did as he was told and sat down across from his sister figure. "Sit down aaaaand….okay."
When Steven undid his blindfold, he found himself inside Fish Stew Pizza with Amethyst in front of him and another Gem making pizza for them. "TADA!" Amethyst exclaimed with her arms excitedly spread out.
"Fish Stew Pizza? What a nice surprise." Steven giggled amusedly. "I mean, it has been a while since we last been here."
"No, that's not the surprise." Amethyst corrected him. "Notice anything different?" She gestured over to the Gem working with Kiki Pizza, perfectly slicing the toppings to pieces with utmost grace, laying them atop a crust that was put into the oven by Kiki.
"Oh, hi Steven!" the crab-like Gem greeted Steven.
"Bixbite? Is she working here?" Steven asked Amethyst.
"Yeah dude, and she's crushing it!" Amethyst answered. "Bixbite is an expert on slicing and dicing, and now she can put those skills to good use in a pizza parlor."
Another pizza came in fresh from the oven courtesy of Kofi, and Bixbite obediently brought it over to her friends. "Order up you guys!" she declared while setting the pie down. "So, any thoughts?"
"That's awesome!" Steven gasped at the pizza in awe of how well-made it was.
"Check out that 'za brah." Amethyst agreed, shapeshifting her hand into a ruler and a protractor to measure Bixbite's cuts. "Each slice exactly the same length, 45 degrees." She concluded, and then took a slice to eat. "Wow, pure perfection! I almost feel bad for eating this! You made me proud Bixie."
"Thanks for the compliments you guys." Bixbite thanked the pair. "And I couldn't have gotten here without you Amethyst."
As Bixbite walked away, Steven took a slice of the perfect pizza too. "I didn't even know she wanted a culinary career."
"Yeah, we talked a lot about her interests and experiences the other day." Amethyst revealed. "Then I set her up with Kofi, and here we are. Bixie is just the beginning y'know. I've been wanting to do something big for the school, so I've been helping Gems get human jobs, and everything is going amazing so far! I call it Gem-Human Excellence Mentorship, or G.H.E.M for short."
"I get it, like Gem." Steven came to a realization, much to Amethyst's mild frustration.
"No, I said Gem-Human Excellence Mentorship." Amethyst corrected. "Anote the H."
Suddenly, a Ruby clad in a suit and sunglasses burst through the door and let out a war cry while tearing off her sleeves, revealing the gemstone on her left shoulder before regaining her composure. "All clear my mayor."
Another Ruby dressed in the same clothes entered Fish Stew Pizza, wearing her shades over a yellow visor, by somersaulting into the room and stood alongside her compatriot. "All clear too." She repeated before allowing Mayor Nanafua to enter the pizza joint.
"You got Rubies in your program too?" Steven asked. "And why those Rubies in particular? I mean, they didn't try to kill me like Eyeball and Navy did, but they're still a little intense. Especially Army."
"I just found them to be a little more agreeable compared to those two." Amethyst replied while Doc & Army surveyed the area and Leggy helped the mayor to a chair. "Anyway, I got them working as bodyguards for the mayor."
"How many other Gems have you given jobs?" Steven asked again.
"Glad you asked!" Amethyst replied with a smile, and took Steven outside to show him her progress.
Amethyst took Steven from Fish Stew Pizza all the way to Beach City Funland, where she showed him just how many Gems she got to work there.
"Blue Lace Agate?" Steven gasped, seeing Blue Lace working at the ring toss booth and using her horns as targets, before discovering Biggs Jasper operating the Ferris wheel and Crazy Lace Agate handing out balloons. "Biggs? Crazy Lace? Have the Quartzes taken over Funland?"
"Yeah, I've been understaffed for so long so it was about time I had a few extra hands." Mr. Smiley said as he appeared behind the two Crystal Gems. "It could take a whole army to keep this park running!"
"An army?" Steven became worried, but then became distracted by what was going on in the sky.
"Hey check it out, Nephrite's doing some skywriting!" Amethyst cheerfully pointed out Nephrite drawing Steven's face in the sky with the smoke from Steven's cousin Andy's plane. "With all her experience flying dropships, it was only natural she do skywriting. Heck, she might even be better at flying than Andy! Still a bit of a perfectionist though."
As Nephrite crossed out her drawing, Steven began getting a little concerned with Amethyst's idea while they walked through Funland. "Um, Amethyst, isn't this a little on the nose?" he asked.
Amethyst however didn't pay him any mind, and instead pointed towards a pair of Gems giving a snowcone to the mayor. "Oh oh, look! Snowflake and Larimar found an ice-related job on the boardwalk!" she shouted while Snowflake Obsidian summoned a large pillar of ice for Larimar to scrape at, and the shavings formed a snowcone for Nanafua to enjoy.
"I still don't know about this." Steven muttered bemusedly.
"About what?" Amethyst asked him. "Everyone's doing pretty fine here."
"I mean, ice Gems doing ice jobs, pilot Gems piloting and guard Gems still guarding." Steven pointed out. "These are basically the exact same jobs they did on Homeworld."
"I swear Stee, these are totally different!" Amethyst nervously assured Steven, only for Leggy to walk by and prove her wrong.
"Wow, these jobs are exactly like what we once did in the old days." Leggy said before she high-fived Army.
"Thanks for the help Amethyst!" Army yelled to Amethyst.
"These are the jobs they wanted, I swear!" Amethyst continued nervously.
"Well sure, maybe they think they want to do this stuff," Steven explained. "but it's still up to us to get them out of their comfort zones!"
"I dunno man." Amethyst objected. "Comfortable can be good too."
"Bear with me for a bit here." Steven declared, and walked towards Snowflake and Larimar. "Hey you two, I just wanted to know what your duties were back on Homeworld."
"I dug ice trenches for the army!" Snowflake answered.
"And I made ice sculptures for the Diamonds!" Larimar added. "You should've really been there for some of my finest work, it was some of the best I've ever car-"
"So is ice kinda your default mode?" Steven cut Larimar off.
"Uh, yeah." Snowflake stated, sharing a look with the smaller Gem. "I mean, with a name like Snowflake Obsidian, what else do you think I do?"
"That's not the point I'm trying to make." Steven said. "Did you ever try doing something else?"
"Like filling ice trenches?" Snowflake answered, just as Nephrite coincidentally flew overhead on Andy's plane, giving Steven an idea.
"How about flying a plane?" Steven suggested.
Steven and Snowflake followed the plane to an open meadow where it landed. When Nephrite noticed Steven waving her down, she jumped out to see what was up.
"Hey Steven, what do you need?" Nephrite asked him.
"I'm gonna need you and Andy to talk with Snowflake here for a bit." Steven said, bringing attention to the Obsidian behind him. "I want to get her out of her comfort zone for a bit, so I think maybe she'd like to fly a plane."
"You sure about this kiddo?" Andy asked his cousin worriedly. "I mean, I already got a fine pilot right here." He patted Nephrite on the back, which gave her a smile. "But then again, I'll try anything once. Come on big guy."
Snowflake sheepishly got on the plane with Andy and began for take-off. "I don't snow about this." She punned while the flying machine quickly flew away.
"What's that, can't hear you!" Steven cried over the sound of the engine turning on and the plane finally leaving for the skies. "Have fun!"
Next, Steven took Larimar by the hand to the Appalachian, where Cherry Quartz was currently working. "I have an idea for you Larimar." He said to the little ice-carver. "You could operate the Funland roller-coaster. It's a great job, and you get to help people have fun."
"He's right, though I'd really like to actually ride it myself." Cherry agreed with Steven.
"Oh, what is that wonderful noise?!" Larimar asked excitedly while the coaster riders cheered from the adrenaline.
"That's just the screams of joy from everyone on this old thing." Cherry answered proudly.
"Human screams are my favorite of Earth's delights!" Larimar exclaimed happily. "I'll take his job, so I can hear them screaming forever!"
"Okay, that's a little creepy." Steven beamed nervously at Larimar's off-putting enthusiasm. "But I'm glad your heart's in the right place."
"One day, I shall make you scream Steven." Larimar said, before she was taken to the coaster's control room. "I suppose this must help it function, correct?"
"Yeah, you just pull the lever up and down to either speed it up or stop it." Steven instructed. "Why don't you give it a shot?"
"Give me the screams!" Larimar shrieked eagerly, pulling the lever up and making the riders yell louder, while Steven returned from the control room to see Amethyst waiting for him.
"See Amethyst? With just a few small changes, your plan is working even better than before!" Steven claimed, but the overcooked Quartz wasn't buying it. "Don't look so worried, let's go help more Gems!"
Much to Amethyst's dismay, Steven went around the town assigning the Gems new jobs far more different than the ones Amethyst gave them.
Instead of working at Funland, Ocean and Zebra Jasper were taken to work at Fish Stew Pizza. Bixbite, meanwhile, was now selling balloons. Army was now selling flowers, Teal Zircon was dragged out to become a taxi driver, Nephrite now worked selling snow cones, and Amethyst was still powerless to stop Steven.
"Wow, sure feels good to be helpful." Steven congratulated himself as he sat at a table at Fish Stew Pizza. "Hopefully everyone can get more experience outside of their comfort zones, but for now, I think I'm beat."
But just when Steven thought he could relax after a job well done, he instead got a pizza to the face. "Order up!" Zebra Jasper cried while she tossed more pizza at Steven and began messily cutting the pies up.
"Delivery, delivery, delivery!" Ocean Jasper yelled as she delivered pizzas by throwing them at passerby's outside.
"Here you go, and I'll take that." Leggy said to a downed person, handing him some flowers and taking his wallet. "Here you go." She added to a woman covered in pizza before taking her purse, and then triumphantly holding up the valuables while setting them on fire. "Yeah, mission complete!"
While Bixbite was handing out balloons, Ocean Jasper threw some pizza at her head, causing her to pop some of her merchandise and let the rest fly away. "Oh no, not the balloons!"
The balloons floated towards Andy's plane, giving Snowflake a shock and causing her to cover the aircraft in ice, making it lose control while the two screamed in fear.
Back on the ground, a car driven by Teal Zircon beeped loudly while it crashed into a lamppost, to the anger of her passenger. "Apologies sir, I have no idea how cars work." She apologized to her customer, who simply walked away in a huff. "Aw come on, not even a hug to make it up to you?!"
As Steven witnessed all the chaos he had accidentally created, he had only one thing to say. "I've made a huge mistake."
"Hit me with another Nephs." Amethyst ordered Nephrite to make her a syrupy snowcone at the arcade, oblivious to the chaos outside, when Steven came running in. "Oh hey Steven, want some?"
"No Amethyst, I need your help!" Steven panted in resignation. "Our brilliant plan is basically kaput. I tried to help all the Gems get out of their comfort zones, and look what happened!"
"See Steven, this is what happens when you don't listen!" Amethyst declared accusingly. "You didn't listen to any of my ideas today!"
"That's not true; the Gem mentorship thing is a great idea!" Steven tried assuring his friend.
"It was a great idea when the Gems were doing what they thought they were best at," Amethyst continued. "but then you came in and told everyone what you think they should do! Even me!"
"I was wrong." Steven admitted. "I should've put more trust in you with the program. I don't know why I thought I could just take it over like that! I'm so sorry for today."
"Well, I'm glad you came around Steven." Amethyst accepted his apology with a hug. "Cause right now, I think we have our work cut out for us."
Outside, Teal Zircon was trying her hardest to fix the car she crashed, but to no avail. When she noticed Steven and Amethyst looking at her, TZ changed her tune immediately. "Hey guys! Don't worry, I have this totally under control!" The car then burst into flames. "I'm being serious. Totally under control."
"Yeah, I can see." Steven replied sarcastically to Teal. "So what do you say Amethyst? Want to help me unhelp everyone I've helped?"
"Yeah, alright." Amethyst replied before noticing that Snowflake and Andy were close to crash-landing. With no time to lose, she dragged Steven by the arm out of the arcade, and they formed the chubby half-human fusion Smoky Quartz. "SMOKY!"
Summoning their yo-yo, Smoky Quartz tossed it at the plane and wrapped the string around its tail, but they accidentally cause the tail to break off and make everything worse. "Uh, oops."
While the plane kept spiraling out of control, Smoky bounded off Teal Zircon's destroyed car and summoned another yo-yo to keep them airborne. A third yo-yo was tossed soon after, forming a net that caught the plane and allowed Smoky to return it to the ground safely. "Hey guys, you cool?" Smoky giggled at their pun. "Get it, because of the ice?" The giggling soon ceased and they started panicking. "Anyways, I'm so sorry! You okay?"
"I'm fine." Snowflake answered while clambering out of the plane. "Except that I now have a fear of flying, so there's that."
"Seriously, my life flashed before my eyes for a bit." Andy added, adjusting his flight cap. "Good thing you came in for the save."
"Phew, thanks Uncle Andy." Smoky let out a sigh of relief before they turned to the havoc at Funland. "Gotta run, roller coaster on the fritz!" With that, Smoky made a run for the amusement park, in the process putting out the flaming car with the wind, where the Appalachian had now spun out of control.
"These are not the screams I was hoping for!" Larimar cried, unable to regain control of the ride.
Smoky Quartz began running faster as the coaster started to fall apart, all while having an inner argument with themselves. "Seriously, we're not gonna make it in time! C'mon, faster!"
"If you can save the universe Steven, then I can sure save a roller coaster!" Amethyst declared through Smoky.
"But saving the universe took time!" Steven replied hastily. "I don't have any time, and I sure won't take thousands of years to save this!"
As more of the coaster began falling apart, Smoky was in full panic mode. "Agh, what do I do?!"
"I don't know, I don't know!" Steven replied through their fusion, just as panicked. "Just give me a second!"
Suddenly, Smoky began turning pink thanks to the parts of them that came from Steven, and they suddenly started going even faster than before. Or rather, everything became slower.
"Whoa, cool!" Smoky gasped in amazement at their new form just as they made it to the Appalachian in time and jumped onto the broken rails. "Gotcha!" they exclaimed, but then they noticed how slow-moving everything and everyone had now become. With this sudden new power of slowing down time, Smoky decided to use it to their advantage.
At the front were Sour Cream and the ex-Mayor Dewey, whose hat was flying off his head from the intense speed. "Whoa okay, that goes there." Smoky muttered, putting the hat back on Mr. Dewey while borrowing Sour Cream's phone to take a picture of the three of them with, before returning the device to its owner. "Okay everyone, last stop!"
Smoky quickly got to work, taking all the humans out of the coaster, and safely returned them to the ground. As they were all tossed out of the ride and back onto the pier, they were dropped incredibly slowly due to the intense slowing of time. When Smoky rescued the last of the riders & safely returned them to the ground, time finally returned to its normal flow and they were no longer pink.
"Everybody's all safe and accounted for!" Smoky stated. "Now onto saving that coast-" They were too late to save the roller coaster as it went off the rails and launched off the broken rails into the ocean. "Ah well." They muttered. "Sometimes you can save the people from the roller coaster, but you can't save the coaster itself."
The coaster then combusted in the water, leaving a massive mushroom cloud in its wake. "And that's okay."
Later that day, Steven and Amethyst had successfully returned everything to normal and treated themselves to snow cones as a reward. Steven was mostly silent throughout, but Amethyst was ecstatic at how they had controlled time earlier as Smoky Quartz.
"Dude, that was intense!" Amethyst exclaimed. "We basically slowed time just like in one of those manga Lapis reads, but I'm bummed that it didn't come with the power to summon steamrollers. We were going so fast; everything almost came to a screeching halt!"
"Yeah, that was pretty nuts." Steven giggled anxiously.
"It was awesome!" Amethyst added, still super excited. The two of them looked around to admire what they fixed. Bixbite was back to working at Fish Stew Pizza, Nephrite was flying with Andy again, Teal Zircon swore never to drive a car again and the Rubies had now returned to defending the mayor.
"Now that I look at it, you were pretty spot-on with everyone's jobs." Steven confessed. "It just makes me wonder, you think I'm a bit too controlling?"
"Okay, maybe a teeny bit." Amethyst admitted to Steven. "As for me, I didn't just guess what everyone wanted to do. I actually sat down with all these Gems and asked what they wanted. Everyone has had a crazy history, so I felt they should be able to choose how they feel and what they should do in the future. I feel like I finally know what I needed to do; I just needed to figure it out for myself. But now, I feel like I'm just as good at helping Gems decide that for themselves."
"Yeah, you're right." Steven agreed.
"So, what about you?" Amethyst asked Steven. "Now that things are starting to settle down, what do you want to do? Come on, let's talk about your future! The doc is in, first session is free!"
"Thanks Amethyst." Steven laughed lightly. "But I don't know. I still want to help people, but I think I might be losing my touch."
Just then, Steven felt someone tap his shoulder, and he turned to see Larimar standing before him, with a large stuffed bear poorly hidden behind her. "Hello Steven, it's me, Little Larimar!" Larimar greeted Steven. "I got you a surprise. Can you guess what it is?"
"Uh, no." Steven answered, clearly noticing Larimar's bear, but he decided to play dumb to humor her.
"It's a teddy bear!" Larimar announced as she presented the bear to Steven, who took the toy kindly.
"That's so nice Larimar, thanks." Steven thanked Larimar. "But why did you get me this?"
"I got this for you as a way of saying thank you." Larimar responded. "I know I'm not great at handling the roller coaster, but I find myself excelling at giving things to others, like handing prizes to children! Oh, their joyous laughter warms me so. It sounds kind of like screaming!"
Steven and Amethyst were a little weirded out by Larimar's comparisons, but they were still happy she found something that made her happy.
"I think these Earth children quite like me too." Larimar continued. "I never felt so happy in my life."
Steven and Amethyst's nervous expressions turned into sweet smiles, but as the destroyed roller coaster drifted past them in the ocean, Steven made a shocking realization. "Oh my gosh, we forgot Onion!" he panicked seeing Onion still in the coaster, and Onion gave him a little wave, which eased Steven's nerves. "Eh, I'm sure he'll be fine."
Thanks for joining me for another chapter of Alternate Future. Like in Regular Future, Little Homeworld and Guidance were merely appetizers for what's to come, because the next chapter will be where things get really interesting. It will be a fusion of Rose Buds and Volleyball, and we'll even get our first hint of something, or someone, plotting against Steven and Era 3. What am I even talking about? Well, tune in next week to find out!
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jxckspxcer · 4 years
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bro idk what to do lately. it’s not just the blog, it’s my whole laptop, i just cannot bring myself to sit down at my laptop and focus on one website for an extended period of time. i reblogged that psa to admit to the natural reaction of finding it hard to focus when the worlds in chaos, but there are specifics i have wanted to talk about on here ! i wanted to make a nice update post ! maybe with art ! but my brain won’t cooperate, meds or no meds. so i’ll just make a SLOPPY UPDATE for now. Things.... on my mind.
Current Events: 
I live across the river from Portland & every day its the sound of sirens, firecrackers and revving engines in my neighborhood. I got friends protesting out there and I refresh the news almost every hour. I want to do my part to show support, but it’s also hard to focus on how to do that, with everything else on top of it.
Still livin in an immunocompromised household, now with cases booming from the 300 when it started to the 1500+ we got now just in our COUNTY, I don’t go outside more than once a week at this point and I’m losin inspirational mojo. 
My dads been bedridden for like a month & it’s really, really, really, really, really, really really reallyreallyreallyREALLY upsetting to me, he says it’s fine & he just needs to get his oxygen count up like his doctor said but I’m having a micro panic attack every time I pass his bedroom. 
After two months of FINE weather, it’s officially getting hot & we have no A/C, just a buncha fans pushing around hot air. I wake up in pools of my own sweat every hour, so the sleep isn’t great. 
Due to future events, I’m doing a lot of cleaning up around the house. But there’s also a lot of supplies I’m missing at the same time. And space for storage. And knowledge of HOW to clean and organize on my own. It’s a slow, day by day, waiting for extra resources, drag of a job. 
Still unemployed! But I got that unemployment moneys! So I can finally pay for my own beans. I really, really need to upd8 my Kofi & any old donation posts. 
Future Events: 
My dad got me on call for a puppy. I’m getting a puppy in September, maybe October. It’s probably the best thing that’s ever happened to me (sad), but it hasn’t happened yet, so I’m constantly having heartache from yearning, anticipation and dread, worried I might not get my puppy or some other disappointment. I can’t properly wait for things, I have to distract myself from thinking about it, or my hype will overstimulate and upset me. 
In October, my dads church may have found us a house. Is this religious privilege ? Or is having a genuine community who actually cares about you just this nice ? AH ? But it’s TWO MONTHS OUT. ANOTHER WAIT IN PAIN ? It’s also not permanent. We’ll basically be housesitting for maybe four years. But it’s a fUCKIN HO USE. AHHHHH. I haven’t lived in a house since I was 12. I crave it. 
My dads B-Day is in two weeeeeks (it’s August 14th). 
Alternatives to Roleplaying: 
If you still wanna hang with your buddy Murmur, no doubt I will return one day for my Jack muse still clings strong, but there are other options. 
Play video games with me ! I got--- Minecraft ! Left 4 Dead ! WoW ! UHhHhHhh but I’m bad at videogames so just gotta accept that videogames is just another form of hanging out to me. Never any competition to know more about the game or understand the controls better, cAUSE THE WINNER WILL NEVER BE ME. Suggesting other games that are good for co-operative play would be appreciated. 
Talk to me about your day and your life. It is not boring to me. I find the perspectives of lives other than my own incredibly worthwhile. My hyperfixation is sociopsychology, knowing how you grew up & how you live now & how it all shapes your views, is beautiful to me, and I enjoy offering my perspectives in return. Though you don’t gotta go that deep if you just tell me u got a cat named Corn I’ll love regardless. 
Talk to me about your muse ! Our muses ! Passion projects ! I’m here to support ! And be interactive when I can. 
I was considering starting a discord ebook club for Ascendance of a Bookworm by Miya Kazuki. Each ebook is only $6, and I’d probably pay for a copy for anyone who can’t get it themselves, that’s how much I love the book. But it’s a lot of set-up still, and I’d have to find people interested, but *clenches fist* an idea.
Also under consideration: a discord D&D club, but also like, ic.... I’ve never DM’d in my life but it’s on my bucketlist & is therefore, under consideration. 
Oh hay I have a personal blog @heylinfanclub​ & Jack has an aesthetic blog @basementvillainy​.
If you can ASK, you can HAVE: My Discord, Snap, (close friends) Phone Numby. You gotta ask cause, bro I can’t assume who wants it, I can’t have that responsibility. 
No Denying that I SHALL RETURN, but uhhhhh it’s quiet uptown for now. 
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mousedetective · 5 years
Can I request a Tony x Pepper fic with "We're not naming our kid Morgan." Please? Thank you!
Okay. So this fic is purposefully set in my Sherlock/MCU series so it is in no way a spoiler for anything, but it helps if you read the completed fic in the series first (because it explains how this entire room full of people except Steve are related...for now). So please enjoy some cheer up fluff for the MCU! ANd if you want a cheer-up fic for the Week Of Feels, feel free to request one!
Bonding & Surprises (A “Just Pieces On The Board” Story) -Baby name discussions between Tony, Pepper and the extended family turns into a more special occasion when Pepper's baby kicks for the first time.
“We’re not naming our child Morgan,” Pepper said, her hand on her growing belly. This was not the first time they’d had this discussion, Tony knew, and he doubted it would be the last. Or at least, unless they came up with a name. The time was nearing when soon they’d have to have something for their son, or else he'd end up being Anthony Stark, II, and Tony didn’t want that.
“Morgan’s perfect. If we’re right and it’s a boy, perfect name. If it’s a girl? Still perfect.” He sat on the sofa and pressed his hands to Pepper’s belly, much to May’s amusement. Ever since the Starks had realized Pepper was pregnant, Pepper had had Molly, Sharon, and May over in the penthouse as often as possible. Tonight they were winding down from an extended family dinner, and Steve and Sharon were doing the clean-up while Peter and Sherlock were playing chess.
“Why not Anthony, though?” May asked, tilting her head. “I mean, I don’t know the whole story, but...”
“No, it’s okay,” Tony said. “My dad picked it out. My birth mother had wanted something else, and my mom wanted Howard II. I just don't want my kid to be another Tony, imitating my legacy.”
“What did my grandmum want for a name?” Molly asked.
“Edwin, after her friend Jarvis. And according to Angela, my mother agreed to it as a secondary name, but my dad put his foot down and I was Anthony. Honestly, I’m surprised I wasn’t Steve or Steven.”
“It’s a good name,” Steve piped up from the kitchen.
“But it’s yours and maybe my next kid can be a Steve or a Roger,” Tony said.
“So you’re already planning more kids?” Pepper asked, raising an eyebrow. “But...I like Edwin. Edwin Stark-Potts. But what about a middle name?”
“Morgan?” Tony said expectantly before pressing a kiss to Pepper’s belly and getting smacked in the head with a pillow by Pepper.
“I rather like it,” Molly said. “Edwin Morgan Stark-Potts has a nice ring to it.”
“Yeah, it does sound nice,” May said with a smile. “Very...posh.”
“Jarvis would have loved it,” Pepper said. “He had seemed the opposite of posh, but...I suppose Edwin Morgan Stark-Potts is something I could live with.”
“Sherlock’s got two middle names, why can’t my brother?” Peter asked from the game. Then he looked back as Sherlock said “Checkmate.” “Hey...”
“Pay attention to the game and I won’t cheat,” Sherlock murmured.
“This is why I never play against Sherlock,” Molly said with a laugh. “Wait until you play Cludeo with him. It’s best to hide the kitchen knives.”
“Suicide is a viable option,” Sherlock said defensively.
“No, it’s not,” Molly said, getting up off the sofa and kissing the top of her husband’s head. “But you could go really posh and do two middle names. Edwin Morgan...Stevens Stark-Potts?”
“Cap, no,” Tony said when Steve looked at them with a huge grin. “The kid won’t even be able to put his name on any official documents, not with his mom and I hyphenating our names.”
“When one of us who has children has a girl, are we having another Peggy in the family?” Sharon asked as she put the last dish in the dishwasher and then wiped her hand on a dishtowel. “I mean, I doubt I’ll be the one, but...”
“You don’t want kids?” Steve asked.
“Not that I don’t want kids, but I kind of need at least a boyfriend or a one night stand first.”
“Sharon!” Pepper said in a mock scandalous tone.
“I know what a one night stand is, Pepper,” Peter piped up.
“And how do you know this?” May asked, smirking slightly.
“Bad television,” Peter said.
“No more HBO for you,” Tony said, and Peter stuck his tongue out at his dad and Tony returned it. “Seriously though, impressionable ears, niece of mine.”
“Well, Molly’s already Margaret, so her naming her daughter Margaret would be weird, even if the baby went by Peggy,” Sharon said, sitting on the other side of Pepper. “So that leaves you two to have a girl.”
“If this is a girl, Margaret Morgan?” Tony asked, looking at his wife.
“You are so set on Morgan being a part of our child’s name, aren’t you?” Pepper said, cupping Tony’s cheek.
“Kind of, yeah,” Tony said.
“Fine. Morgan is the middle name regardless of whether we have a boy or a girl,” Pepper said. “If it’s a boy, his first name is Edwin. If it’s a girl, Margaret.”
“Good, because Molly and I already decided if we had a girl her name would be Natasha Victoria,” Sherlock said.
“Because if it hadn’t been for Nat leaking the files, I don’t think Sherlock and I would have gotten together,” Molly said, running her fingers through her curls. “And Victoria deserves to be remembered.”
“I think that’s lovely,” May said. “And if you have a son?”
“Unlike Tony, I don’t mind my son being named after me since I don’t go by my birth name,” Sherlock said. “We’ll call him William, or Will. And I’ll stay Sherlock.”
“You want kids, Cap?” Sharon asked as he came over.
“Don’t even know if I can, with the serum and all,” Steve said. “But adoption’s an option if I ever settle down, I suppose.”
“I would love children aside from Peter,” May said. “I mean...you know what I mean.”
“You do a fine job raising him,” Tony assured her. “I’m still getting used to being a dad to a teenager, but I don’t want to take his family’s place, so...I get it.”
“Good,” May said. “Would be nice if I had a date or something.”
“See? She gets it,” Sharon said.
“So I very much don’t know why I’ve never suggested it, but Steve, May, why don’t you two go on a date?” Pepper said, a sparkle in her eye.
“But I’m so much older than her,” Steve said. “No offense, May, but you don’t want to date a centenarian, right?”
“I don’t know,” May said. “I think I could do worse.”
“Take my Aunt out!” Peter said, nearly jumping out of his seat. “Please. She needs a life. If you don’t date her every shop owner in Brooklyn is going to try and date her and keep making comments and--”
“And just who is making unwanted comments about me?” May asked.
“Not me,” Steve said with a grin. “But I suppose...would you like to have dinner this week, May?”
“I think that would be nice,” May said with a wide smile.
“Let me make the reservations, please,” Pepper said. “And we’ll get you something nice to wear.”
“I’d like to go with you,” Molly said.
“Me too,” Sharon said, raising a hand.
“Then it’s settled,” Tony said. “Pep will make the reservation, the girls can have a girl’s day, and we’ll spend the week roasting our local centurion about finally having a social life.”
“Ha. Ha. Ha,” Steve said, but he turned and winked at May, and everyone laughed at that. “Just wait until you ask for a babysitter, Stark.”
“Oh, I’m going to enjoy this,” Tony said with a wide grin before pressing another kiss to Pepper’s belly, and then pulling back, his eyes wide. “He kicked!”
“He did,” Pepper said, her eyes wide as well.
“Oh, let me feel,” May said, moving and kneeling in front of pepper. Pepper took her hand and moved it to where the other kick had happened, and then May lit up the room with a warm laugh. “Oh, he’s active now.”
“Peaceful nights are now out the window,” Pepper said as the others came over. Tony looked on, his heart full of love for this room full of people who were his family, both by blood and by choice. He doubted there would be many moments where he was happier, but he was going to let this one stay with him as long as humanly possible.
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hazyheel · 5 years
WWE Smackdown Live 7/16/19 Review
Before the show started, Shane talked to Kevin Owens about how he is having a smackdown Town Hall to talk about people’s grievances. However, despite having that, he said that Kevin Owens has the night off because of his insubordination. Security was right there, but Owens did not attack. He walked out, and then we started with the Town Hall meeting. 
So, oddly enough, this stupid meeting was the debut of Buddy Murphy. He was just standing around with the rest of the cast. Others that I noticed that are almost never on TV include Liv Morgan, Asuka, Kairi Sane, AOP, Ali, Shelton Benjamin and Chad Gable. 
Shane could hardly get a word out over the crowds insistent booing, but he eventually just asked who wanted to go first. Roman Reigns came out and said that no one respects Shane, and told him to kick his ass. Since he was disrespectful, Shane fined Reigns, and then asked for Charlotte Flair to talk. Charlotte just said that she was grateful to the McMahon family for all they have done for her, because she deserves it. As Charlotte was talking, Liv Morgan actually got on the mic and called Charlotte a phony, prompting Charlotte to ask who she was and if she actually works on Smackdown. Ouch. Morgan then started to say because of people like her, they don’t get enough opportunity, but Shane cut her off. Shane then welcomed Buddy Murphy to the mic, and Murphy said that he doesn’t Owens help, and would be happy to fight Owens if he kept mentioning his name. Cool, so Murphy loses his first match. Shane was happy to say that Murphy will be getting a match soon, and then welcomed Apollo Crews to the mic. Crews said that everyone agreed with what Owens said, but Zelina Vega interrupted and called him a coward, and challenged him to a match with Andrade for later in the night. Elias then interrupted everyone with a guitar strum, but he was quickly interrupted from the New Day, who called him a jackass. Kingston then said that Owens made some good points, and that the people on the stage were not getting enough opportunities. Shane then cut off Kingston’s mic and then concluded the town hall meeting. However, Cesaro then came out, and requested a rematch with Aleister Black. Shane granted it, and I was happy with that. But as Shane was about to leave, Kevin Owens showed up and nailed a slightly wonky stunner to leave Shane laying there. 
Grade: C+. Not the greatest segment in the world, unless they are actually going to change something. It set up quite a bit of the show though, so it was certainly a productive segment. I don’t know how self aware WWE is, but if they are willing to acknowledge their problems, then they should be willing to solve them too. Give this a slightly negative grade because I am skeptical, but it could be a step in the right direction, maybe. And that is a big maybe. I think it is super clear that Owens vs. Shane is happening at Summerslam too, so thats nice.
We went right into that rematch, Cesaro vs. Aleister Black. Black destroyed Cesaro with kicks early on, sending him to the outside. The match was much shorter than their pay per view match, but Black nailed Cesaro with a high knee and then a black mass that sent Cesaro’s mouthpiece out of his mouth. Nice visual. 
Grade: B-. Harmless extended squash. Black should be getting over soon. 
Backstage, Dolph Ziggler talked to Shane about having a match with Owens. Shane was apprehensive, but Ziggler said that they both were hit with stunners recently, and Owens needed to pay for that. Shane said that he would do it, if Ziggler could get Owens to compete. 
The then showed Daniel Bryan being absolutely pissed off about losing his Tag Team Championship, saying that if he wants to change the world, he has to aim higher than he ever has before. He looked crazy, it was really cool. I wonder where this is leading him. 
Then we went into Charlotte Flair vs. Liv Morgan. Morgan was showing off some of her offense, including a nice double foot stomp to the back of the head which looked brutal. However, she was mostly a sacrificial lamb. Charlotte nailed a huge powerbomb, and then tapped her out with the figure eight in under five minutes. 
After the match, Morgan stole Graves headset and said that Charlotte was right when she called Morgan fake, so when she comes back she will be real. How fun, but I like her gimmick, so this may suck. 
Grade: B-. Another extended squash that was fine. Nice to see Morgan back, and Charlotte too. I don’t know where this story with Morgan will go, probably a simple gimmick change, but I don’t know what it will be. 
Then we had Fire and Desire vs. Ember Moon and a mystery partner. Her mystery partner ended up being Bayley. Right at the bell the heels attacked quickly, taking Moon off the apron and then beating down Bayley. However, the faces quickly got the advantage and started to beat down the heels. Ember went up for the Eclipse on Mandy Rose, and Sonya Devlle ran in to attack her. Bayley caught Deville with the Bayley to Belly, and Moon hit Rose with the Eclipse. 
After the match, Bayley was interviewed about who her next challenger will be. She wanted someone who deserved the belt and someone who she never fought before. She then looked at Ember, who accepted the challenge.
Grade: B. Another match that wasn’t much of anything, but that announcement after the match definitely bumped it up. Moon deserves this, she is a great wrestler, and she did just win a match against some of the top women in the division. I hope she gets some wins on TV leading up to it to establish her as a more legit competitor to the rest of the fans. Should be a great match, and one that I have wanted for a long time. 
Backstage, Shinsuke Nakamura was interviewed about winning the Intercontinental Championship, and Ali walked up to congratulate him, and then ominously walk away. I would so be into that. 
Then we had the New Day come out, with all their gold. They put themselves over for both defending the WWE Championship, and winning the Smackdown Tag Team Championships. They then said that they are willing to accept Daniel Bryan and Rowans tag team rematch for right now. Bryan and Rowan came out, but they walked backstage.And then they came back out, but Bryan seemed oddly out of it and refused to speak, and went back. He came out one more time, looking absolutely pissed at the pro New Day crowd. He then dropped his mic and left for good. However, Samoa Joe then came out, and said that as long as the New Day is giving out title shots, Kingston should too. Elias then came out, and asked for a title shot of his own. Randy Orton came out to ask for the same. Elias pointed out that they can’t all have championship matches tonight, and suggested a 6-man tag. The New Day accepted, but Randy Orton wasn’t into it. Until Kingston insulted him for not wanting to fight. 
That 6-man tag was next, New Day vs. Orton, Elias and Joe. The new day showed off their 6-man tag team prowess, before the heels bent the rules a bit to get control. Woods was beaten down a bit, but eventually hit a huge missile dropkick to get back in the ring, and gave Kingston a hot tag. Kofi hit a crossbody on Orton, only for Elias to break it up. Big E then gave Elias a belly to belly, only to eat a lariat from Joe, only for Woods to attack Joe. He fought him a little bit, before low bridging Joe and hitting a tope con hilo. Woods was going to get back in the ring, but Joe pulled him off the apron and into a coquina clutch. Big E tried to break it up, but ran right into a high knee from Elias. Elias then ran in the ring and ate a trouble in paradise to the kidney from Kingston, but Kingston then ate an RKO for the win from the heels. 
Grade: B. Pretty good match, definitely picked up in the end there. It gave Joe some of his momentum back, and made Elias look good too. Orton was the next logical challenger, and although I am not usually a fan of champions losing, at times like this it makes sense. I need this feud, and although I think Kofi should drop the championship soon, it shouldn’t be to Orton. We will see though, I may change my mind. This was the match of the night. 
Backstage, R-Truth was hiding in a broken washing machine, and Carmella had to help him get out of it. She then suggested that they go to Comicon. That will be fun. I can’t wait. 
Then we had a match for the Women’s Tag Team Championships. The Kabuki Warriors vs. The IIconics, Asuka and Kairi Sane vs. Peyton Royce and Billie Cay. The Kabuki warriors started out with some high speed offense, only for the heels to slow it down a bit. Asuka knocked Cay out of the ring, and the IIconics opted for a count out loss to retain.
After the match, the faces beat the crap out of the heels. And stood tall.
Grade: D-. Why the hell do they still have those belts? I don’t want them to lose them at summerslam, because the IIconics do not deserve to have a Summerslam match. They aren’t good enough. The Kabuki Warriors should win on TV sooner rather than later. The only reason that this isn’t an F is because Asuka and Sane showed some really good stuff before the bullshit ending. 
Then we had Apollo Crews vs. Andrade. Andrade attacked as Crews got in the ring. Right when the bell rang, Andrade attacked again with some stiff knees and kicks. Andrade nailed the double knees in the corner, but Crews reversed a pinfall into a crucifix for the win.
Grade: B-. Jeez, are any of these matches going to be legit? Again, a harmless short match, but there are a lot of these this episode. 
And in the main event, we have Kevin Owens vs. Dolph Ziggler. Owens went for the stunner right away, but Ziggler was able to avoid it by rolling out, so Owens nailed him with a Tope con hilo. Owens did not stop there, hitting two swanton bombs throughout the match, but only near falls. After the second swanton, Shane came out with the entirety of the heel lockerroom. They surrounded the ring, and as Owens yelled at Shane, Ziggler nailed a zig zag for a close near fall. Owens continued the match, with dodging a superkick and nailing Ziggler with a stunner. Shane pulled him out of the ring, only to eat his second stunner of the night. The heels then chased Owens out of the arena, and presumably lost by countout. 
Shane then was interviewed about Owens, and said that he could definitely pay.
Grade: C. A pretty meh main event that didn’t even really have a winner. The feud with Shane is not being built up in the best way that it could be, but it is still kinda entertaining. The match was alright, but not particularly need to see. Should be an interesting Smackdown next week.
Overall Grade: C+
Pros: WWE may fix the product; Bayley vs. Moon for Summerslam; 6-man tag
Cons: too many squashes; women’s tag team championship; main event
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Yes hello, I’m desperate
Hi everyone!  It’s me, your friendly neighborhood Bear.  And once again, I”m just gonna ask for some help because I don’t know what else to do.
I’m about $200 shy of having my rent and bills paid.  I need your help.  I’m working full time and looking for a second job, but what I have isn’t enough.  I just can’t make it with what I have.  I need some extra support, until I  can make it through.  Like I said in my last plea for help, I don’t really have any seriously marketable skills.  I can sing and I can bartend, and I’m a decent receptionist, but that’s about it, and right now all I’ve got it the one job that I barely make ends meet with as it is.  I am looking for a second job, but with my schedule always changing at the one job, finding a second that can accommodate me is difficult, especially around this time of year.  And even if I find a job today, I wouldn’t get paid for another two weeks at the very least, and then I’d be two weeks past rent and the loan payment, and a week past my phone and PG&E.  There is a 5 day grace period on rent, so technically I have until the 5th to pay, but without some help, I won’t have it regardless of when I have to pay it.
So here’s what I can do for you if you can help me, using my set of skills, which, granted, are not awesome:
I can create you a personalized drink!  I’ll look through your blog, ask a few questions, and come up with a drink that’s all yours!
I can come up with a craft beer flight for you!  Same deal, I’ll look through your stuff, ask some questions, and suggest 3-5 beers that you may enjoy.
I can sing you a song!  I know a fairly wide array, and if I don’t know one you’d like sung for you, I can try to learn it!
I also am pretty good at editing!  If you have a resume or a fic or anything you’d like read and edited, I can do that for you!
I don’t have a KoFi because...I just...I don’t have one.  I don’t want to start a GoFundMe because I feel like those are more long term?  I have a PayPal, and I have VenMo, and those links are below.  I just need some help, y’ens.  Any help.  I’m scared and depressed and anxious and losing weight that I don’t have to lose, especially because in order to pay bills so I still have a roof over my head and a phone to contact people, I’ve had to skimp on buying food.  Which, I know, isn’t ideal, but it’s what’s necessary right now.  Besides, when you’re stressing about how you’re going to make sure you have a place to live next week, you’re not particularly hungry.  So yay me?  I guess?
Anyway.  Here’s my PayPal: https://paypal.me/TerryDownward
And here’s my VenMo: https://venmo.com/code?user_id=1579463301136384798
I just...I need help.  I don’t like asking for help.  I’m “No I Do It” toddler-stubborn, and it bites me in the ass on a regular basis.  Kind of like now.  If you can help, even a signal boost, I would really appreciate it.
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Late Night Chivalry
Peter Parker x Reader
🕷🕸 Anon Commissioned on May 15th :  A fluff Peter ParkerxReader 1.5k words. Sumthin like Peter and you been really good friends (you know his secret) and he ends up savin you from gettin mugged as you’re walkin home from hangin out with him earlier that night and he comforts you cuz of how scared you were and just him bein the little sweetie pie he normally is. Take as much liberty as you want, I just want sweet and savory feelins after intense action. I’ll donate on kofi, knows it’s me from the signature -🕷🕸
Word Count: 2400ish. Anon paid for only 1.5k but the story wanted to be longer :) That’s on me and I’m happy with the result :)
Trigger Warning: harassment, potential assault, mugging, language
Mobile Masterlist / Ko-Fi (anything helps to pay the bills <3)
Wanna commission a fic like this? Click here!
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Between binge-watching Netflix and a few video game sessions, you and Peter still managed to work on a school project. Just like any other Saturday night for you nerds.
It’s past midnight when your eyes finally feel heavy with exhaustion. Peter catches you dozing once or twice, your legs tangled in his blankets on the bottom bunk of his bunk bed.
“I should go,” you say, rolling off the bed and nearly falling to the floor. Peter chuckles and groans. He hangs from the top bunk, his feet hooked on the rails so that he can dangle upside down while he watches you collect your things, stuffing textbooks and papers into your bag with no regard.
“You sure you don’t want to stay here tonight? I’ll give you the top bunk” he offers.
“As nice as that sounds, Pete, I gotta get home. Mom and I are making pancakes tomorrow morning. You know how important that is to her…”
“Yeah,” Peter shrugs with a frown well aware of your current home situation. He cared for you mom as much as his own Aunt May. You had grown up living in the same building as Peter ever since he came to live with his Aunt May. After your parents’ divorce, you and your mom had had to move; both he and May had felt the loss of their friends and neighbors.
“Still...I wish you didn’t have to go.” Peter starts climbing along the wall and up to the ceiling. He does it so casually around you now that you’d known his secret for a year or so now. He starts dangling from the ceiling. His apparent desire to stall your retreat has you taking a seat and munching on some cheetos. “Hey, remember when your mom and May would let us have sleepovers?”
“Yeah, and remember how they stopped letting us do that when we were each other’s first kiss. You really think they’ll let us have a sleepover as teenagers? What with having gone through puberty?” you roll your eyes. Your mention of your shared first kiss carried no awkwardness with it.
“Yeah. Puberty was pretty rough on you too, huh?” Peter teases and you throw a cheeto at him. He catches it in his mouth and chews. You can’t imagine how he manages to chew and swallow while upside down. “I’m kidding. You know what I think of you.” Your blush is faint and barely noticeable. Having grown up together, the two of you had entertained the notion of dating once or twice. The timing was never really right and luckily it hadn’t affected your friendship. “I just worry about you. That’s why I don’t want you to go. I don’t like that you live so far away now.”
“I know, but that’s how it is now, Petey. Mom couldn’t keep the apartment when Dad left. We had to move away.” You roll up the bag of cheetos and set it aside. Shirking on your backpack, you look like you’re ready to leave. You tug on Peter’s shirt to make him drop from the ceiling; you didn’t tug hard...like it’s not like you yanked him from the ceiling...it was more like a tug on a rope to signal your descent...he knew what you meant.
“Then maybe we shouldn’t be doing these late nights anymore,” he suggested, straightening out his clothes and hair.
“If you don’t want me hanging around anymore, Peter, just say so,” you tease, always only half joking.
“No! That’s not it at all! I just don’t like the idea of you walking home alone.”
“Don’t worry. I have pepper spray. Dad gave it to me...before I went on my first date.” You tap Peter on the nose. He sighs.
“Oh, I thought you were going to say that’s what he gave you before he left.”
“Well that’s just sad and mean. No, he got me a new cell phone that day.”
“Ouch.” Peter slings his arms around your shoulders. Talking to him about your dad, someone who’d decided to leave with little regard for yourself or your mother, wasn’t such a heavy burden with Peter. You could tell him anything and he’d understand the serious undertone at the same time as he’d try to make things better. That’s one of the things you loved about him. “Just promise me, you’ll be safe and use that new cell phone to call me when you get home?”
“Of course! The new place is just three blocks away from the train station.”
Peter slips his feet into a pair of sneakers. “Okay...just let me walk you out, at least.”
Peter probably went out on a nightly patrol as Spider-man when you left. You didn’t think much of it. You didn’t worry for him as much as he’d seemed worried for you. But why should he worry? You’d grown up in this city--granted you’re in a new neighborhood but hey! Spider-man had made it a safer neighborhood, right?
The train ride was short and uneventful. You weren’t the only one there. Maybe a few older teens, a nurse on her way home, an old lady with a paper grocery bag (at this time of night? Sure why not?). You kept to yourself--obviously--and thought nothing of your short commute home until you were off the train.
You assume the four men at the stop are waiting to board the train you’ve just exited. You give it no passing thought. But when you start heading down the street, away from the platform, the muffled sound of their voices alerts you to the fact that they never did board the train. You hope they’re heading somewhere else but what are the chances?
“Hey, baby!” one of them calls out. You ignore them, pretend you have headphones in and you can’t hear them.
“Hey sweet thing! Hold up!” another one of them shouts. You can’t pretend you didn’t hear that. They say so themselves. You bring your backpack in front of you, opening the pockets to search for your house keys. The pepper spray is a keychain. Why didn’t you walk home with this already in hand? Because you were delusional to think you’d be safe after midnight in Queens? As your fingers curl around the key ring, you hear the heavy footsteps rushing towards you.
“Hey babe, why not answering us? You got somewhere better to be?”
They start to circle you, even as you press forward.
“Leave me alone,” you protest in an even voice, despite the fear and adrenaline rushing through you.
“Nah, you can’t just walk away. You just got off the train right? You gotta pay the toll.”
“What are you? Freaking trolls that live under a bridge? Leave me alone!” You stand up for yourself, shoving past one of the men and brandishing your pepper spray. They curse at you, lunge for you and grab at your backpack. You hold onto it out of instinct. The only thing worth anything in there is just your wallet. Why are you fighting for it? Defiance in the face of weakness, that’s why.
They get too close to you, overpowering you, one of them holding you back while the other two wrassle away your backpack. You yank your arm free just for a moment and aim your pepper spray at the closest man.
“Ah!! SHIT!” he yells, letting go of your bag. His friends are startled enough to loosen their hold on you and your belongings. You grab them and run. Just one more block! You tell yourself and your pounding heart.
“Get back here bitch!” one of them shouts. A quick glance over your shoulder and you think you see the glint of light bouncing off a blade.
“Hey! That’s no way to talk to a lady!” someone else shouts.
You’re stomach sinks--both with relief and fear.
Someone’s coming to help you.
But you know that voice.
You hide behind a bus shelter and finally turn around to look for your assailants. Right away, the whimpering man whose face is red and streaked with tears...he’s taken care of. His hands are still covering his face as he tries to relieve the pain. Instead, Spider-man’s webbing covers his face and hands, effectively gluing them together.
Spider-man swings in and rams into the same guy, knocking him off balance and into a wall. The other two, they turn to face the brave teenaged Avenger.
“You’re far from your turf, bugboy!” one of them growls as he lunges for Spider-man. He jumps out of the way and onto the side of a building. He shoots twice from wrists. The man is knocked off balance by his near miss and Spider-man is able to stick one foot and one hand to the ground.
“This is my neighborhood too. I can’t have you going around and mugging people!” Spider-man...Peter...jumps off the side of the building and lands a few feet from the third assailant. He stands up at his full height with his shoulders tall and chest out. “And I definitely can’t have you attacking my friends.”
Contrary to his usual style, Peter runs at the man straight on.
“No! He’s got a knife!” you shout. It doesn’t seem to register or matter to him. Peter is stronger than he looks. He tries to punch the guy but he blocks it and tries to restrain him with his webbing. But the mugger uses his knife in his other hand to cut the webbing and break free.
“Spider-freak!” The man shouts as he swipes at Peter. Peter jumps back, seemingly avoiding the blade. But you see his hand rush to his abdomen. He’s hurt! And he’s distracted enough that the mugger lands a few punches to lay Peter out on the floor. “Spider-man? You’re just a loser kid. Now get out of here!”
“No,” Peter groans, struggling to get up. The mugger sets his sights on you. You’re frozen, unsure of whether to run to Peter or to run for safety.
“Peter,” you whisper, too quiet for anyone else to hear.
“Karen! Taser web! High voltage!” Peter shouts and his suit responds. Peter extends his left arm and his webshooters let loose. The taser web fires in two strands and hits your would-be attacker in the back. The man loses his voice as he tries to cry out at the pain of voltage surging through him. He convulses and drops to the ground. Another release of his normal webbing and the mugger’s is stuck to the pavement.
Peter collapses too.
You’re supporting Spider-man’s weight as you take him home with you. He’s keeping his hand on his side and you’re concerned at even the slightest sight of blood.
“Peter, you idiot. Why did you do that?” you hiss, tears are running down your cheeks despite your best effort to keep calm.
“Idiot? Didn’t I save you?”
“Yeah, but...now you’re hurt! How did you even know?”
Despite his condition, the two of you are quiet as you enter your apartment building and head for your front door. Your mom is working a night shift. She’ll be home soon, just in time for breakfast.
“Um...I was following you...obviously. Like I said, I was worried about you,” Peter admits as you bring him inside and towards your bedroom.
You urge him to sit on your bed. You try to make him lie down so you can look at his wound.
“Stop fussing, Nurse Y/N. I’m fine. I’ll heal.” He even says this just as he uses some of his webbing as a bandage. You jab at his shoulder.
“Of course I won’t stop fussing! You scared me half to death! I was so worried about you getting hurt, Pete!” Your body is tensing up, the adrenaline in your veins dying off and bringing you back to the verge of exhaustion. Your knees feel like they’re about to give up but you feel like you can only muster enough strength to scold your friend for risking his life.
Peter pulls off his mask and taps his chest to loosen his suit; it pools around his waist where he’s sitting. You can see the bruises beginning to form on his cheek and stomach, and again the large gash in his side from the knife currently bandaged with spiderwebs.
He tugs on your hand and makes you sit on your bed beside him.
“Are you alright? Are you sure?” he asks you. You nod but it only takes another second before you start hyperventilating and shaking. “Oh geez,” he sighs and wraps his arms around you. “Don’t worry. I’m here for you.”
“The way they came after me...and then…” you gasp, “then you showed up and I was so scared for you. Peter...I know you’re Spider-man. I know you can take care of yourself but I don’t see you that way, Pete! You’re my friend and all I could see was my friend putting himself in danger for me. I was…” you tremble…”I was...scared,” you admit. Curling into his bare chest and he holds onto you even tighter. He hums and shushes you.
“It’s okay. I’m here for you. I’ll always protect you. I’ll always follow you like a creep, I promise,” his comment elicits a small chuckle from you both. He tries to lay you down but you cling to him. Eventually, you release him, allowing him to strip out of his spider-suit and into a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt he’s likely left behind in the past.
“Please don’t leave me,” you whimper as he climbs back onto the bed with you and opens his arms again. “Don’t leave me. Don’t be like him.” Peter’s chest fills with a sharp intake of breath. He’s solid and stable, enveloping you in his warmth and comfort.
“Never. I’ll never leave you. I’ll always be there. As your friendly neighborhood Spider-man and as your best friend.” Peter kisses the top of your head. “I’ll make sure nothing ever happens to you.”
A moment of silence passes as you relax and your tears of shock dry on your cheeks.
“Will you stay with me tonight?” Peter’s arms encircle you even more, cuddling you.
“Of course.”
Your mother comes home tired and ready to crawl into bed, but not before she has pancakes with you.
She peeks into your room and sees Peter sleeping next to you. She doesn’t say anything.
She naps on the couch until you wake up on your own and when only you come out of your room she asks, “Will Peter be joining us?”
She doesn’t say much more, doesn’t question his presence at the dining table as he stuffs his mouth with chocolate chip pancakes. She knows he’ll always be here for you. That’s all she could’ve ever hoped for.
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