#artist: MOSTA
animepopheart · 1 year
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★ 【MOSTA //】 「 桜島麻衣 」 ☆ ⊳ mai // rascal does not dream... ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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satirn · 1 year
[[ask thing in question]]
thank youuu!! *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚
this is more just my fic ideas thejn anything but i have this thing were dib as an attempt to get zim to like earth shows him a bunch of his cds/cassetes/vinyls or whatever of just pure music, im talkin all the classics[music i listen too and think is cool]. i think he would mostly enjoy jazz type stuff, jazz gets very expiremental and can either pleseantly acend you to the heavens or blast out every one of your senses until the next fortnight, never know what your gonna get, very exciteing and an intense expirenece :D
i think music is a beutiful thing and we were right for putting music on that golden record they shot off into space, music can connect and inspire people better then any words alone can. as self proclaimed liker of all genres and artist i can attest to this, hell mosta my work comes from albums and music i like. music is one of the greatest creations of earth.
also give that boy some form of joy in this tiring world. i think escapism through music is a wonderful thing to share. he deserves some harmony, melody, and rythm ♫♫♫
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mosta42 · 3 years
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Henlo, here my meet the artist, and yes, I'm essentially a muppet. Doing this i could see some evolution of my art style and of myself as a person too. 
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pyjamac · 6 years
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clownwix · 4 years
Tbh I thought it was well established in art tumblr that when artists like you quite rightly say "hey please don't repost my art" they mean like,,, everything other than reblogging. Reposting and reblogging are two completely different things and mosta the people on here are aware of that. Your post was absolutely clear enough
Thank you, I appreciate the reassurance  from everyone :’) I have a tendency to second guess myself
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awwnimewaifus · 5 years
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Artist: Mosta Lo1777789
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johnnymundano · 5 years
Night Fare (2015)
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Directed by Julien Seri
Screenplay by Cyril Ferment, Pascal Sid and Julien Seri
Story by Wahid "Tarubi" Mosta
Music by Alex Cortes
Country: France
Running Time: 80 minutes
Jonathan Howard as Chris
Jonathan Demurger as Luc
Fanny Valette as Ludivine
Jess Liaudin as the driver
Édouard Montoute as the police officer
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Alighting from the stale fart and sweaty sock ambience of a London-Paris coach, Chris (Jonathan Howard) is reunited, after a two year self-imposed absence, with Luc (Jonathan Demurger) and Ludivine (Fanny Valette). Ludivine still resents Chris for leaving her without any whiff of warning, and has shacked up with Luc in the meantime. Luc is understandably a little edgy about this, but even edgier about the reason Chris left. After the trio’s internal tensions spoil the initial part of the evening’s partying, Ludivine begs off and goes home, taking Luc’s car. Determined to make sure the night is one to remember Luc cajoles moody Chris into accompanying him to another party. Increasingly unsettled by Luc’s  blatant drug huffing and overbearing passive aggression Chris complies, because Chris is English, and thus believes confrontation must be avoided at all costs. Unfortunately the pair take a taxi and dun the driver on the fare; Luc as a hilarious joke to show Chris who is in control and Chris, because he is English and follows the path of least resistance. Big mistake. The driver takes umbrage to excessive levels and stalks the bickering pair through the eerily unpopulated Parisian night, a night in which interpersonal conflicts will be settled forever and one person will discover an unexpected future.
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I don’t want to be too hard on Night Fare, it does a lot of things very well indeed for most of its run-time after all. In fact if it had just stuck to the psycho-stalk cabdriver premise it would have been a nifty little movie. Unfortunately someone didn’t think that would be enough, and the last third of the movie shifts gears way too abruptly, the back door swings open and coherence’s seat belt snaps and it tumbles out, becoming just a bloody snail trail in the movie’s wake. But before that happens, Night Fare is pretty good stuff. Obviously you have to buy into the rules of the game: you can’t just knock on anyone’s door for help; the police will be dicks; there will only be one police car and it will be the one full of dicks; the cab driver will be able to find them as though the pair were programmed into his SatNav; and, as ever, people being chased by a car must always run in a straight line for an unseemly amount of time before belatedly realising this is a really bad idea. This latter is fine, a familiar part of the filmic furniture for anyone who has seen Christine (1983) or The Car (1977). The police, well, we all respect the police obviously (good evening, officer) but since Luc is an obvious wrong ‘un, their attitude is understandable. As for just not knocking on the nearest door, well…I don’t know about Paris but I was once down that there London, and we (I wasn’t alone; well spotted) got the tube out to an outlying district, which was a massive mistake. Apparently big cities have these large areas that are just made up of offices and sandwich bars that serve the office workers. After a certain hour they are deader than Guinness, the dog I had in the 1970s. Seriously, it was like The Omega Man (1971), but without the albino afro vampires or Charlton Heston. Eerie stuff. As for the cab driver being able to find them all the time, well, that’s just what happens in these movies, so go with it or get another movie.
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So, yes, Night Fare is an efficient and enjoyably tense thriller with a keen eye for style, which effectively transforms the city at night into a sodium lit hunting ground, and it also has some thrillingly brutal action sequences where sharp editing makes up for a lack of budget. I am delighted to report that the acting is spot on by all involved. I particularly enjoyed the fact that Jonathan Howard was allowed to have a proper English accent (“Thays a fukkin bin ovah thurr!”). Fanny Valette  has little to do but does what little she has to do very well. Jess Liaudin is convincingly implacable as the cabbie with a mission. And Jonathan Demurger convincingly travels from one-note rogue to faceted human being, but no one could travel past that to the extent he is expected to do and remain convincing. Night Fare is good, solid genre fun right up until, well, right up to the point it isn’t.  If Night Fare was just a movie about two cheeky scamps who rip off a taxi driver who then stalks them through the Parisian night with violence on his mind, then it would be pretty great. Unfortunately Night Fare abruptly decides that’s not enough and makes a hard turn into some sort of comic book origin story. This just confuses things far in excess of anything the movie’s initial, elegantly simple, premise can bear. About the only bit of foreshadowing that supports this whiplash inducing change is that dogs like the driver and he doesn’t kill a cop who behaves decently. It’s not enough, son; as my Dad might say. Ultimately Night Fare doesn’t lay enough groundwork and thus chokes on a massive exposition dump that seems to jump out of nowhere like an angry cab driver in the Parisian night.
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In Night Fare’s defence though I could well have missed something, as quite a bit of it is in French. There were no subtitles so I naturally assumed this was an artistic choice. Both Chris and I could be as equally bemused by the goings on around us, both of us limited to drawing only the broadest of inferences from the opaque chatter around us. This did work quite well. Initially. The party scene was just meaningless noise neither Chris nor I felt part of. When the cops stop our cheeky chaps and the encounter takes a counter intuitive route, we were both unbalanced and non-plussed. And when Luc seeks shelter with his gangsta pals the initial air of threat is suitably discombobulating. Clever stuff I thought. Or I did until the ill-advised animated (!!?!!) exposition dump narrated entirely in French. Even I figured out at that point that someone had just neglected to put subtitles on the version I was (legally) streaming. Luckily, despite being monolingual, I am able to draw information from the moving image alone (as is any normal human being) so I could pick up the gist of what I was seeing. Unfortunately the gist of what I was seeing suggested that Vlad the Impaler turned into The Count Of Monte Cristo and after a daring escape, washed up In Japan, where he stole rice until a Samurai caught him and trained him to become a weapon of justice. Not only that, but also to be part of a secret order of human justice weapons which ultimately reached their modern day incarnation in our disgruntled cab driver. Yeah, just…no. And full disclosure here - I’ve read comics since I was 5 years old, so God help anyone normal with digesting that stuff so late in the movie.
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Nobody involved in Night Fare disgraces themselves, and let’s be fair, until the final act everyone positively excels. Night Fare is undoubtedly a stylish exercise in tension with some remarkably personable characters you can really root for. That is, as long as you watch a version with subtitles, and as long as you stop at the bit where someone makes a very difficult choice (you’ll know it; don’t worry). After that...eh, yeah, you’re on your own. You might like it; it’s possible. Crossed fingers, eh?
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cchilyoja · 6 years
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nicknames: dada, and like no other one tbh
zodiac: leo
height: I’m 167 cm, if you use feet, it’s like ??? too lazy to google it
time: 8;54 pm
favorite band / artist: too many but I am listening the hell out of anything b.a.p rn
song stuck in my head: exid - i love you
last movie i saw: crazy rich asians
last thing i googled: something about mosta x but I don’t remember
other blogs: only this one, and ya think I’d be more active, but work has been killing me and I finally feel like I’m top of my shit
do i get asks: rarely, mostly memes, but like all the anon and non anon nice things that I get sent, I save them in my inbox bc they make my day 
why did i choose this username: well bc I am hella original, I was like his alias is healer so let’s use that bc this is how you say healre in korean, if google did not lie to me so yeah
following: 113 and I need more people to follow just bc its always cool to find new writing partners
average amount of sleep: depends, around 7-8, sometimes less, somtimes more.
what i’m wearing: my pjs e.g. black t-shirt and pink bottoms
dream job: whatever those people on insta do, where they just travel the world and don’t seem to have a job whatsoever
dream trip: hong kong, korea, japan, thailand all of asia, and also more of europe
favorite food: i could live only eating gyoza
play any instruments: i used to play guitar when I was younger bc I was really into trying everything, but yeah that did not work
eye color: dark brown
hair color: dark brown/black but since I dye it, redish, sometimes purpleish
languages you speak: english, german bc I had it in school, wouldn’t say I’m fluent by any means, spanish I totally understand, teaching myself korean and mandarin bc why not, a girls gotta do something
most iconic song: this one is gotta be up there
random fact: I am craving polvoron so much right now, you guys have no forking idea
describe yourself as aesthetic things: smell of wood, sound of rain, fluffy blanket, violin playing, long walks, park, forest, nature, branches, early autumn, cold breeze, being able to see your breath when you exhale, dark chocolate, ice coffee, 6 am, empty street
tagged by: no one bc hello I’m shit at being online or at least I was / please do it if you see this on your dash, I love reading these tbh :)
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animepopheart · 1 year
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★ 【MOSTA //】 「 art 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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wallpaperpainter · 4 years
Ten Ingenious Ways You Can Do With Pastel Abstract Art | Pastel Abstract Art
The Delicate Society of Malta is captivation its 12th anniversary exhibition at Ir-Razzett tal-Markiż Mallia Tabone, Mosta until October 27.
Sixteen artists are accommodating in this year’s exhibition and 41 paintings will be on display. The artists are Frank Ancilleri, Mary Clare Albanozzo, Cecilia Buhagiar, Grace Cassar, Anthony Lucian Cauchi, Erika Chircop, Elena Degenhardt, Joanne Fenech Portelli, Martin Formosa, Anthony T. Mamo, Pauleen Micallef, Frank Schembri, Mario Scicluna, Ramon Vella Bamber, Joe Spiteri Staines and Deborah Musu. 
The paintings accommodate portraits, seascapes, landscapes and abstruse art. The Delicate Society of Malta’s aim is to advance the use of delicate and to accredit the art-loving accessible to acknowledge the versatility and adorableness of this medium.
The exhibition is accessible from Monday to Saturday from 6 to 8pm and on Sundays from 10am to noon.
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Pastel Con (23) by Adam Zafrian, Acrylic on 23 x 23 canvas .. | pastel abstract art
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Pastel Abstract Art – Colorful – Wallpaper by lyssagal on DeviantArt – pastel abstract art | pastel abstract art
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Pink Blue Pastel Abstract, Pink Pastel Art, Blue Pastel Abstract .. | pastel abstract art
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Being An Artist Is Hard and Scary | Artist Fears and Risks – pastel abstract art | pastel abstract art
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5 contemporary abstract artists working in pastel that you .. | pastel abstract art
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Pastel Abstract Art Print – pastel abstract art | pastel abstract art
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Michael B | pastel abstract art
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85 best Abstract pastel artists images on Pinterest .. | pastel abstract art
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Abstract Painting – WeNeedFun – pastel abstract art | pastel abstract art
Free Images : chalk, color, art, creative, drawing, design .. | pastel abstract art
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Abstract Art Lesson – Abstract Oil Pastel Composition – pastel abstract art | pastel abstract art
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Bente Hansen Fine Art: Pastel Abstract Samples – pastel abstract art | pastel abstract art
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sm07-pink-blue-soft-pastel-blur-gradation-wallpaper – pastel abstract art | pastel abstract art
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Abstract PoP Art Style Unique Pastel Painting Contemporary Art by Megan Duncanson by Megan Duncanson – pastel abstract art | pastel abstract art
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Large Abstract Painting big original acrylic & oil pastel on – pastel abstract art | pastel abstract art
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Quick sketch ink on paper ~8"x11" | Rysunki, Rysunki .. | pastel abstract art
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Pink Blue Pastel Abstract, Light Pastels Modern Abstract, Purple .. | pastel abstract art
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Abstract Painting, Pastel Abstract Original Painting, Large Abstract Wall Art, Peach Coral Pink, Drip Painting, Pastel Painting, 23×23 – pastel abstract art | pastel abstract art
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Art is Basic– Art Teacher Blog: Abstract Oil Pastel Trees .. | pastel abstract art
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Pastel Abstract Art, Beach House Art, Pink and Mint Art, Printable Wall Art, Abstract Nursery Art, Acrylic Painting, Inspiration Abstracts – pastel abstract art | pastel abstract art
Painter Legend https://i2.wp.com/www.painterlegend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/layering-techniques-for-expressive-abstract-painting-pastel-abstract-art.jpg?fit=731%2C492&ssl=1
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mosta42 · 2 years
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Idk how this works. Sorry for being this intense :_)
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wicked-honktraband · 7 years
S - O - U - P
2 habits- I often dance around a little while I be baking, an I def rap in the shower :o)
Where would I like to travel- I ain’t ever really thought about goin nowhere fancy or nothin, but Disneyland would be fuckin cool. Could take my mates an wrigglers an shit an have a blast an we wouldn’t even have to go all that far. Cause we be living in California on Earth already.
Favourite time of year, and why- Hmm I gotta say here on Earth it be fall. Cause it’s like nice an crisp outside and everything smells real neat. I ain’t a big fan of the heat which is what it be like here mosta the “year”. So the fall is a nice refreshing change from that.
What kind of music I like.- I be real into rap like this Earth artist called MGK an Childish Gambino. Also I really dig on electro swing an trap, favorites there have gotta be Jamie Berry an Marshmello. :o)
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x-exol · 7 years
I also live in europe and its sucks cuz not only exo never come but noBODY EVER COMES THEY DONT EVEN KNOW WE EXSIST
there are artists who have visited europe before and they do it now like i know mosta x and gd are holding concerts rn but yea i wanna see exo 
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lizamarth · 7 years
I didn’t get tagged but it seems fun!!
nicknames: Ralucabbage 
gender: Female
star sign: Aquarius 
height: like 5′5
time: 18:52
birthday: 28th January
favourite bands: EXO, Moodoid, Megadeth and Monsta X (stan talent stan Mosta X!!) (but also Pink Floyd cause of personal reasons)
favourite solo artists: PUNCHNELLO!!!, Changmo, DPR LIVE aaand Tiger JK
song stuck in my head: Fanxy Child by Zico
last movie I watched: I don’t like watching films oops
last show I watched: does anime count? if so then Boku no Hero Academia
when did I create my blog: like 2 decades ago but only started using it recently
what I post about: Chanyeol mostly
last thing I googled: French occupation of Vietnam
do you have other blogs: yesss but I am not active (sorry @returntxsender )
do you get asks: lol no
why did you choose your URL: it’s been my alias for like,, 6ish years??
following: 241
followers: 53 (out of which 60 are porn bots)
favourite colour: red and pink
average hours of sleep: 9-10 
lucky number: 4 (I am very judgemental towards numbers but 4 is very good!)
instruments: I am the least musically talented person you’ll ever meet like no lie
what am I wearing: @lampooncartoon ‘s Adventure Time hoodie
how many blankets do I sleep with: 1????
dream job: historian, diplomat, (professional poker player))lmao)))
dream trip: I really want to go to Japan next summer 
favourite food: brownies, mac n cheese
nationality: Romanian
I tag @missihavenoidea , @oanakenobi (sorry man you’re stuck with me now), @lampooncartoon, @returntxsender and @kpopworldofzodiacs if they want to do it,,,
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wishedraven · 7 years
20 Questions Tag!
I was tagged by @markhyuck-is-real-af thank you sis!!
I have to answer 20 questions and then tag someone
Nickname: Nallino(mama nallino), Nai, Nalli...
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius!^-^
Height: 1.70(tho I'm the smallest one in my family?!)
Orientation: Pan
Nationality: Spanish
Fave Fruit: Banana, apple, strawberry, peach... 
Fave Season: Winter, I loooove Christmas
Fave Book: The Lord of the flies, don't know why
Fave Flower: Lavender or water lily
Fave Scent: Lavender, chocolate, the sea...
Fave Animal: Wolf, fox(desert fox Inseong!), narwal...
Fave colours: Blue, pink and purple
Coffee, Tea or Ho Coco: HOt CocO YAaSSs
Average Hours Of Sleep: 7-10
Cat or Dog: PUPPEERRS!!!!
Number Of Blankets: 2
Dream Trip: I've always wanted to travel around the world
Blog created: No fucking idea, 2 years? 1?
Number of Followers: 102 which is incredible cause I DONT DO SHIT like really wowie LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH
Fave Bands: Gfriend, Blackpink, NCT, EXO, BTS, Seventeen, Shinee, Dreamcatcher, Sistar, 2ne1, Red Velvet, EXID, Pristin, B.A.P, Day6, GOT7, Mosta X, History, Astro, SF9, Pentagon, VIXX, Nu'est, IOI, Wannaone, SNSD, Mamamoo, Great Guys, Varsity, Divicio, Efecto pasillo, Maná, Little Mix, Queen, Nancys Rubias
Fave Solo Artist: ALEJANDRO SANZ!!!, SAMUEL!! you better stan my baby, Dean, Ailee, Ed Sheeran, Malú, Luis Mariano, Michael Jackson
Last Movie I Watched: Atlantis the lost city
Last TV Show I Watched: Gym Tony
When Did Your Blog Reach It's Peak: *insert shrug emoji here*
Do you have any other blogs: Nope*I walk a lonely road, the only one that I have ever known*
Do you get asks regularly: Nope*I walk a lonely road, the only one that I have ever known*  
Why Did You Choose Your URL: It's the meaning of my name and surname more or less I should change it to something related to Kpop I KNOW
Following: 215
Posts: I have no idea cause TUMBLR WONT LET ME SEE IT YOU BITCH probs seven hundred something or 800
Pokemon Team: MYSTIC
Lucky Number: 16
What Are You Wearing rn: My pajamas with a panda 
Dream Job: Of course singer or actress, my friends say I'm good at both, or working at the Government
I tag: @ultswenjunhui @viralvernon @uxuuutxu if anyone wnats to do it tag me plis
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@ilvolomusic By Malta Wedding Photographers #Facebook Il VOLO Malta 2017 Concert - MFCC Photography by Alison Galea Valletta of Gino Galea Photo Artist Studio (Mosta) Tel:21422371 #ilvolo #throwback #Malta #nottemagicatour #thankyouforsharing #ilvoloversdelmundo #ilvolomundialoficial
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