#ateez seoghwa
hwaightme · 1 year
Family for Hire Series Masterlist
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Hi <3 this is an experimental venture into the world of domestic!au, so do let me know what you think, and, if interested, don't hesitate to ask to be on the taglist!
☀️ pairing: single dad!seonghwa x business woman!reader ☀️ genre: romance, family, domestic, fake marriage, slice of life ☀️ summary: You hit the ceiling, and it seems there is no way of getting the promotion that would make your career. No way, except one. One that would mean placing all you stand for, and know, under question. How far are you willing to go in your game of family with Park Seonghwa, the father of a kid you are about to call your own, and your old flame? ☀️ warnings/tags: language, family relations, arguments, past family drama, might have smut or might stay suggestive, office, caring for a kid, bsf yunho, ex-frat boy seonghwa, business, humour, twenty-somethings surviving ->JOIN TAGLIST HERE
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quick nav: ch.1 | ch.2 | ch.3 | ch.3.5 | ch.4 | ch.5 | ...
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☀️chapter 1: promotion proposal
sometimes all you need is a not so gentle nudge from your friend to reconsider a four year silence.
☀️chapter 2: catching up
after a nerve-busting pep talk from your favourite menace, you bite the bullet and face your fears in the name of business, while Seonghwa is searching for a way to rewind time.
☀️chapter 3: pocket edition ceo
who knew that meeting a toddler could be so testing, a parking lot to an activity centre was the equivalent of a gladiator ring, and that sometimes it all could lead to awakening fears you did not know you had?
☀️chapter 3.5: starting something
adult to adult conversation should be easy, except when it is with someone who you are definitely not indifferent about, and who you had just spent a family-style day with. what will a conversation under the stars bring?
☀️chapter 4: when croissants fly
settling into a new routine came with its challenges, of course, but you expected that. what you did not expect, however, was for seonghwa to completely derail your plans for quietude.
☀️chapter 5: ...
coming soon...
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justhere4kpop · 1 year
Idol!Seonghwa x Reader
You come back from Vacation with your partner and as you're setting the home back up, he comes to a realization.
w/c: 1103 (I know it's short I'm sorry!!!!)
taglist: @hwaightme <3 &lt;3, @starillusion13, @yunbug
a/n: Finally! A Hwa-ne shot! Forgive me for the length! I love this one it's very very very fluffy, like practically tooth-rotting, I'm proud of it though. Inspiration for this is from me being super busy yesterday doing basic things and Only by LeeHi coming on, great song, mentioned probably a few times here. Hope you enjoy it!!!
“Darling.” came his gentle voice. “We’re back home” he nudged me lightly softly waking me.
“Hmm?” I murmured returning to the real world from my light dreamscape.
“We’re home.” he smiled gently as I turned to look at him.
“Hello.” I smiled.
“Hello love.”
“You were in my dream.”
“Oh? Mind telling me what happened?”
“The usual, you were holding my hand as we were talking about our lives.”
“Old and married on the front porch? Just like you wanted?”
“Yes, you told me I about how radiant I looked in my wedding dress.”
“I’m sure you look stunning, I probably cried.”
“Oh you wouldn’t cry.”
“I would over you my dear.” he picked my hand up and kissed it. “Ready to return to normal life?”
“I guess so.” I chuckled and stretched slightly before getting out of the car. “I suppose we should start with laundry, then probably decide on dinner, I’m sure we need to straighten up, we certainly didn’t have time before we left…at least we took the trash out….probably need to clean out the fridge, make a grocery list. You know…the usual.”
“The usual.” he chuckled.
Everything felt good to start, he started cleaning out the fridge while I took the luggage and went to start on the laundry, luckily we got in early enough in the day to feel like we can do things. Seonghwa and I have been together going on three years now, we’ve had a few rough patches sure, it’s natural to have differing opinions you’re two individual people. I wouldn’t trade him for the world, he’s my whole world. Out of every difference or argument or anything of the sort we manage it. We did break up for a while at one point because we were both too stressed out and it…you know when something needs it’s time, like a good egg in your ramen. We tried again and I have never been more grateful for how patient and attentive he is. He made me a playlist when we decided to try again and we named a star after him for his birthday. He makes me feel loved and warm and so so important. He’s my whole world.
“Hmm?” he looked up from scrubbing a shelf.
“Mind if I turn on music?” I was hanging up laundry outside on the balcony.
“Go ahead.” he chuckled.
“Yes darling?”
“I love you.” I smiled and turned around. He doesn’t always say it back but I know he always shows it, sometimes I don’t give him the chance to say it back either.
I would hum along here and there to some of the songs, it was a day for our slower playlist, full of emotional songs and some we’d slow dance in the kitchen to at 3am waiting for fried chicken. I started to clean out one of the cabinet looking at what we could eat for dinner, we had some rice ready to microwave and looked like some Spam.
“Hwa? Do we have eggs still?”
“A staple.” he chuckled.
“We could do rice bowls tonight, any other protein besides Spam?”
“None that smelled edible.”
“Damn.” I chuckled.
“You don’t have to cook dear.”
“I want to, it’ll be like a welcome home, besides I always cook after you come back from tour.”
“Yes but this was a vacation together.”
“I know, but it feels right.” I pecked his cheek. “Okay well we’ll go grocery shopping tomorrow.”
We made a list of the most important things we need from the store to get our fridge not so barren and went to a convenience store just to pick up what we could, like drinks and snacks.
“Finally. Now we’re home for the evening.” I said putting up the groceries and humming to the song currently playing over the computer speakers. “I’ll cook right after this is put away and hang up the last of the laundry.”
ONLY by LeeHi started playing and I was finally hanging the laundry and heating up the pan for eggs and spam. Seonghwa had stood up and watched as the song played gently.
Be my only one
이제는 숨기지 않고도 말할 수 있어
그렇게나 말하고 싶던 I say I love you
I turned since he sounded so serious.
“I Love You, darling.” his eyes sparkled with what could only be described as pure adoration in that moment. He looked at me as if I had hung the moon and stars in the sky just so we could look at them together, he made his way to me a bright smile on his face, placing his things on the counter to scoop me into his arms.
“I love you too Seonghwa….why are you acting like you haven’t seen me for months.”
“I’m sure for the first time in forever, that I don’t want to loose you again my love. I don’t tell you nearly enough how much I love you.”
“Oh you tell me every chance you get.” I chuckled and he brought himself to my lips, I could smell the slight vanilla black orchid fragrance he wears and I could feel his smile and I wrapped my arms around his neck.
“Marry me.” he whispered resting his forehead against my own.
“What?” I chuckled.
“Marry Me?” he said louder. “I don’t have it right now but I’m sure I want to spend every waking moment with you my dear, My Only Love. Marry Me?”
“Of course idiot.” I said now feeling tears roll down my face, I really wasn’t expecting to get proposed to today.
“I Love You.” he smiled and kissed me again.
~18 Months Later~
“I couldn’t imagine a better first dance song than the one where I realized how absolutely in love with you I am my dear, Our forever starts now, until we’re old and sitting on that front porch and reminiscing about this day. I love you.” he smiled and came to take my hand as again, Only by LeeHi played once more.
“I didn’t think you’d actually cry at me walking down the aisle.” I whispered in his ear.
“I told you I would, you look beautiful my wife.” he smiled and the photographer certainly was getting everything we paid him for.
“Hopefully Hongjoong doesn’t get any embarrassing shots to blackmail you with.”
“Oh you know he’ll hold me crying like a baby over my head for years.” he chuckled. 
“To Our Forever?”
“Forever” I smiled and kissed him once again, as my husband, as my partner, as the love of my life. 
My Only One.
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phenomenalgirl9 · 11 months
Jeong Yunho x Reader: Hair Do?
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Summary: Parenting a child alone is tough. Yunho mostly manages the most but problems arise when his daughter comes home crying that her friends were laughing at her hair style. Lucky for him, you, a hairstylist were his neighbours.
A/n: Yunho.. 🔥... Dad Yunho...🔥🔥🔥 There's an easter egg which you would find if you've read my other Ateez fics (its a certain character). Anyways send an ask if you figure it out.
"No papa. This looks so bad" Sarang whined. And Yunho felt like hitting his head on the faucet as his 5 year old sat on the sink, whining about her pigtails. "Sarang-a I told you that day to get a pretty hair cut instead. Daddy doesn't know how to do hair" he tried to reason with her. "Daddy needs to learn doing hair. When Sarang does not know something daddy says learn. Daddy learn!" She said. He just nodded and said "okay, if Sarang listens to daddy today, then daddy will learn"
She seemed to lomder on the thought and finally nodded. Yunho finally managed to leave the apartment on time. He smiled at his neighbour on his way. 
"Hi Sarang" she chirped. "Hi Y/n unni!" She replied, grinning. "ah. Um. Mr Jung, can I… um" Y/n fumbled.
"Yes?" He said confused and then noticed Y/n looking at Sarang's pigtails and he scratched his neck shyly. "May I?" Y/n asked and Yunho immediately sighed in relief and said a small "sure".
Y/n gave her bag to Mika and kneeled down to Sarang's level and started fixing her hair. After being done, she pulled out her phone and showed it to her and Sarang cheered in joy. The two walked off and Y/n watched them with a smile. 
She walked into her apartment to find her best friend Mika on the couch. "What took you so long?" She asked, to which Y/n explained what had happened.
"So that's the cute child and the hot neighbor you always talk about?" 
"Cute child, yes, but I never said Mr Jung is hot," you said. "So you're telling me he isn't hot?" She said, while following you inside your room. "Of course he is.." you answered and she went "hah!". "Mika. No." You warned. "Fuck. Yes" she said. "His wife died!" You said, trying to make reasons. 
"Yes, four years ago" she said. "How do you know that?" You asked in surprise, "you've told me!" She defended. "Y/n, he could be interested in you. And what's with this Mr Jung?" She asked. You shrugged and said "I don't know, he just calls me Mr L/n" you said and Mika shook her head. 
In Office 
"Dude you were almost late" Seonghwa chided
"At least I'm not late," Yunho said and walked off to his work. 
Later at lunch Seonghwa found him watching hair tying tutorials. "What's up? New demands?" He asked. "She wants daddy to learn how to do hair," Yunho said. Seoghwa laughed and patted the younger's head. "What's up?" They both looked to see Wooyoung. "Nothing just a dad tryna meet his daughter's demands"Seonghwa said as the third male sat down. "Are all the meeting materials ready? This one is really very important" Wooyoung asked Yunho who nodded and said "I think we'll get the deal, if everything goes well-" and before he could complete his phone started ringing. "It's Sarang's school" he said and picked up the call. He spoke for a while and hung up. "I didn't know they had a half day today, I missed the notice, the meeting is in 20 minutes. Fuck! What should I do?!" He said, holding his head. "Wait. Wait. Let us think" Seonghwa mediated. "Hey! My girlfriend could help out, she's free today!"Wooyoung said. "Would she really?" Yunho asked, he knew Wooyoung's Girlfriend, she had helped him on many occasions before. "She loves kids and she loves Sarang. I literally fell in love with her after I watched her babysitting Kyungmin. She was so-" Wooyoung was interrupted by Seonghwa, "We know, we know, call her please" 
"Oh yeah" Wooyoung said and called his girlfriend. "Hey babe, can you pick Sarang from her school and look after her?..... Okay… Okay! Thank you so much babe!" He hung up and said "Yunho, send her the school details and tell Sarang's class teacher" Wooyoung said and Yunho nodded. "I owe her a big one," he said. "Don't worry about it" Wooyoung assured. 
Near school
"Are you here to pick up Sarang?" The teacher asked. "Yes," Mika replied, "Wait. Sarang?" Y/n asked in shock. "Mika, Wooyoung's friend's daughter's name is Sarang?!" Y/n asked, still in shock. "You know Sarang? Oh my god! Yunho is your neighbor! How come I never thought of it?" Mika said and as Sarang came running calling "Mika sukmo (aunty)!!!" And hugged her legs. "Y/n Unni?!" She then noticed you, "Hello Sarang" you said, patting her head as she smiled widely at you.
"So I got sukmo and she's unni?" Mika grumbled. 
So, Sarang, Mika and you walked to your apartment and had fun, eating, watching Frozen when Y/n's doorbell rang. 
"Dude I still can't believe you call Y/n, Ms L/n" Wooying said as he walked inside your house like its his own, even though its his first time visiting your house.
"Right? I never knew Yunho lived here" Mika said as Wooyoung added to how shocked he was to know that I was Yunho's neighbor all this while. And the two of you shook your heads. 
"Where is Sarang?" He asked. You pointed towards the couch where Sarang was watching Elsa sing Let it go. "Was she good?" He asked and you replied "She's a very good child, Mr Jung. You're a good father" you said. "I think we can come on a first name basis? Call me Yunho?"  He asked, offering a charming smile and you returned it.
Few days later in the Morning
"Morning Yunho" you smiled, "Morning Y/n" he said as your eyes met and you both offered a smile. 
You were in the kitchen when you hearx whines from outside, you went up to the door and opened it, because the voice sounded like Sarang.
"Daddy promised a nice hair style!" She stomped. "Sarang please, daddy has important work in the office" Yunho, trying to yet again reason with his 5 year old and looked at Sarang. His eyes almost cried for help but he was too shy to ask for it right away and he looked away. 
"Yunho, why don't I fix Sarang's hair and drop her. I don't have work yet so I'll manage" Y/n said.
"No, I can't ask that of you, '' Yunho said grimacing.
"Yunho. It's not a big deal, styling is my job and I am free" she assured him. He took a sigh and glanced at his watch, and said "okay. Thank you so much" he said and kneeled to Sarang's level "is it okay if Y/n does your hair and take you to school?" And she nodded excitedly. "Be a good girl okay?" He said patting her head and after thanking her again he was about to walk away when Y/n stopped him as saud "you can ask for help if you'd like. You don't necessarily have to be alone" to which Yunho nodded. Y/n took Sarang in and quickly did her hair into a pretty double braid. "Unni?" Sarang called as you made her braid. "Can you do my hair everyday?" The baby asked. Y/n didn't know how to react to that and said "we'll ask papa about that okay?" And Sarang nodded. Dropping Sarang to school was not even a hassle. You were driving back, when you received a call and went to work. 
"So you do her hair everyday now?" Mika asked and you nodded. "You all also have dinner together while watching Tangled with his 5 year old" she asked yet again and you nodded. "What are you two?" She asked again and this time you said "We're just friends Mika. What do you mean?". "Friends?! Friends don't eye each other like that?! Yunho sighed when he saw you laugh at Mingi's joke. You should have seen his face when Mingi gave your ice-cream order when you were in the washroom and claimed he knows you as well as I do" all this information seems too good to be true. 
"You read them wrong. Cause how come we spend so much time together and he never made one move on me?" You said and the two of you shut up. That was when you heard the very drunk Wooyoung giggle. Yes, Yunho and Mika invited you to their monthly friends' get-together dinner. You already knew Mingi through Mika, and you met San and Yeosang as well. "He likes you~" Wooyoung said and giggled from the back seat. "He is just nervous because being with him also involves Sarang" he said in a sing song manner. "But Sarang loves her and Y/n loves Sarang!" Mika told her drunk boyfriend. "That's what we told him,'' Wooyoung said and passed out, with a dumb smile on his face. Thus, a plan was made 
A few days later, in the evening you walked up to his foor and when he opened you asked "Yunho, do you wanna go out for dinner with me?" 
"I would but Sarang is not home, Mika invited her to have a sleepover with her niece and nephews" he explained. "Yunho, I am asking YOU out" you repeated, almost taken aback, now you felt nervous, were they wrong?
 "Oh. Um. su-yes. Yes. Lets I- I will see you in fif-fifteen minutes" he stuttered and bowed and closed the door. 
You smiled to yourself and muttered "cute".
You and Yunho walked to a near by snack bar and ordered. "So you know Mika since college?" He asked and you nodded. "We met in our elective art class in the first week" you said. "And Mingi?" He asked. "I met him through Mika and we became good friends" you said smiling at your fond memories. "So when did you both… um… get together?" He asked and you choked on your food. "Hey! Are you okay?" He got up and came to your side immediately patting your back. "Me and Mingi? Where did you get that idea from?" You asked, finally looking at him. He was taken aback and fumbling with his words, man he was so cute when he got nervous "No- he just. The way he reacts, it's just-" he was interrupted by your laugh. "Yunho, no. We aren't a thing, it's just a thing he does to tease Mika cause she declares she knows me better than my mother. Besides, why would I ask you on a date if I were with Mingi!" You said squinting your eyes. "We're on a date?" He repeated  "wait Yunho, I thought I made myself clear when I asked you out. Fuck. Did I make you uncomfortable?" You asked. "No. But thank you for clarifying. I'm glad you asked me. Sorry my senses have blunted, I haven't done this in a while, since I got together with my wife." He said smiling. "What was your wife like?" You asked, "she was really brave and kind and one of the most amazing women I met. She loved me and Sarang" he said. "You love her alot too" you said looking down at your hands on the table, almost feeling bad for your decision and yourself. You felt Yunho reach for your hand and said "this feels nice, thank you. I have been meaning to ask you out on a date but I was chickening out" Yunho admitted, making you smile and blush. "You know, dating wasn't really an option, with Sarang and work, together." He said. "She's a very sweet girl and you've been doing such a good job with her. But you do know that you deserve to get out there too you know, let loose a little bit. You're not alone and I would love to help you with Sarang" you said, your sincerity shining in your eyes and Yunho smiling at you. "You are a blessing to me," he said. 
He was surprised how you do it, how you understand him and Sarang so well, before you know they became a daily part of your life as you become theirs. It's been 4 months and now Sarang has a drawer in your closet and her Mr Dolphin for when she naps at your place. You also had a drawer in Yunho's closet for things you might need or left when you spent the nights over. It took him 3 more months and an almost beating from Mika for him to get the courage and ask you to be his girlfriend. It's beyond saying that you said yes and Sarang was more than happy to have her Y/n unni over more often. 
Soon that dreaded day came on Yunho's life, his wife's death anniversary. He was shocked when he found some daisies on the dining table, your ex-wife's favorite flowers. He almost cried when you offered to go with him to her grave. You stood there that day and promised her to love Sarang as your own and to make sure these two are always taken care of. You felt glad that Yunho brought you with him, somehow this year, Yunho didn't cry, didn't feel broken, he thought the wound his ex-wife's passing brought him will never be healed but it is little by little with you. He held your hand and promised to never let go of you to never let anything hurt you. 
A few weeks later you received a call from Sarang's school that she wanted you to go get her. You talked to your boss and took time off to pick up Sarang from school. Her eyes were red hair was a mess, there was chewing gum stuck to her hair. Seeing her state pained you, she was so quiet, you called her name twice but she turned her head away, indicating she doesn't want to speak yet. All you knew was she had a fight in school, according to her homeroom teacher. You reached your apartment building and slowly slipped into Yunho's apartment with Sarang in your lap.
You made her sit on the couch and finally asked in the softest voice you could muster "do you wanna talk Sarang? You don't have to, you can just tell me what you need me to do for you?" You reached out for her and she let you hold her shoulder. She looked at you with her big eyes filled with tears and then rushed into your arms, her little hands hugging your neck.
"They said mean things about ma, dad and you. They said I look hideous and spoiled my hair" you did have the chance to look earlier but now that you see the gum was stretched across a few sections of her hair.
"Don't cry baby, it can be fixed, you are the prettiest girl that there is out there" you said, "do you want me to call daddy?" You asked, reaching out for your phone and she vigorously shook her head no. "No no, daddy will scold me for fighting" she started sobbing into your shirt again. "Sarang, love, daddy won't scold you, but if you don't want it, I won't call him. But you will tell him once he comes home okay?" You said and she nodded.
"Can you fix my hair?" She asked, sniffing hard and smiled and nodded. You had your stuff and hair kit in your purse as you just came from work so you pulled them out and took her to the washroom. You first gave her a warm bath and then untangled her hair, minimally chopping the parts with the gum. Then giving her a hair cut her hair was shorter than before now. The smile she flashed at you when you said it was done was priceless. "I look pretty," she said and hugged you. By the time it was 7pm both your and Sarang's nerves were wracking. The clock turned 8 but still no sign of Yunho, while he should have been home an hour ago. It was after 9 when you were preparing dinner that Yunho walked in, he looked tired. "Hi" he greeted you with a back hug and hearing the door Sarang walked in. "Sarang didn't go to the day care? You brought her straight home? Did you get off early or somethi-" he stopped when he looked at Sarang and just said "Y/n can you step out with me for a moment?" You turned around in confusion and nodded. You put the stove in low heat and walked out with Yunho, he looked like he was fuming that was something so unlike him. Of course you've had misunderstandings and quarrels but he never looked this mad. "You cut Sarang's hair" Yunho asked, "Yes she wanted it and needed it. Sarang will-" before you could complete Yunho interrupted you raising his voice "You couldn't even asked me or tell me? How could you just decide she needed it?!" He asked sternly. "I-Sarang-" you mumbled, "You can't just decide these kind of things! You're supposed to ask me, you're not her mother" he said and his eyes went wide so did yours. Tears stung your eyes and Yunho saw the hurt behind them, but it was done, the words were out there, already been said. "You're right, I'm not" you said and rushed to his apartment to gather your bad and phone and walked out. "No Y/n- wait" he tried to say but he had said enough and you were done listening, walked into your apartment and threw off the bag on the couch and crumbled down in tears. How could he say that, you loved Sarang, you knew you were not her mother, but she loves you and you love her as if your own. You love him like nobody else. 
Yunho cursed into his pillow, he had two important people in his life, and he hurt one of them, he hurt the person he promised he'd protect. "Daddy why are you crying? Where is Y/n unni?" Sarang asked as she walked in his room, the room him and Y/n shared for the past few months. He didn't even notice he was crying until Sarang pointed out. "Daddy messed up bad Y/n will hate daddy now" Yunho said. Suddenly something struck Sarang's mind and she started telling Yunho what had happened today at school as Y/n has told her to. Yunho was stunned, he burst at you even without knowing why you did what you did. He felt more guilty, he remembered from the time that he and you went for your first date. He couldn't let you go, he won't! He will win you back. 
Mika almost threw a bottle of tomato sauce at him when she saw him. Thank god Wooyoung calmed her down so they could talk. It's been 3 days since the fight, he and you ran into each other yesterday, you greeted Sarang and walked away, not even sparing a glance towards Yunho. So the plan was set, Mika forced you to get dressed and go to this cafe she wanted to take you too. You were sitting when she said she'll come from the washroom. Suddenly, you see a very familiar figure run to you and instantly cling to you. "I missed you'' she said, "I miss you too Sarang. Why are you here? Where is Yunho?" You asked. "I came running to you Mommy" she said and you choked on your saliva. "What did you call me?" You asked shocked. "Mommy. Sarang's Mommy" she said, hugging you and you held her. "Yes, Sarang's mommy" you heard the voice from behind you, and looked behind to find Yunho sitting on one knee and your eyes went wide. "Don't worry I'm not proposing, not yet, not for marriage I mean-I" he stopped and took in a long breath. "Y/n you have been an immense support of me for the last 9 months, and I stick to my words, you truly are a blessing to me. I know what I said was offensive but I never meant it. Today when I asked how Sarang would feel on this matter, the smile on her face said how important you are to her, not only to Sarang but also. I see a future with you. So, here I have a promise ring and a promise, to never hurt you, to try my best to be your comfort and pillar as you are for me. I promise" he said, eyes on you, he was really sincere, you shook your head and just rushed to hug him. The truth is, you missed him like crazy, the past few months, you've grown used to being and even sleeping with him so you couldn't even sleep properly at night without the warmth of Yunho beside you. He immediately wrapped his arms around you "I'm taking that as a yes?" He said, just to make sure and you lighty punch his chest and laugh. "Sarang" you called her and extended your arm and she joined you two. "Finally!!!" You heard and found Mika, Wooyoung and Mingi with little poppers and Yunho slid the ring on your finger. 
Yes, you finally moved in and Sarang was so happy. You both divided chores, sometimes Yunho would do your part if he sees you stressed. Of course his monthly haircuts were now given by you, he'd even let you dye his hair. Sarang was happy to have a mom now. 
It's been 3 years since and today, it's your wedding day. It would have been a year ago but you had a difficult time convincing your parents. He was originally a bit apprehensive towards the idea of marrying 'a man who has a child' but when they finally agreed to him and Sarang, then saw the three of you together they agreed, they just wanted you to be happy. 
So here you are with your bridesmaids Mika and Flower boy (Mika and Wooyoung's son) walking down the aisle to get wed to the love of your life. His eyes glisten as he saw you walking towards him, his best man, Wooyoung beside him and Sarang the ring bearer with him. You were ready for your forever. 
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justalesbiankpopstan · 2 months
Ateez 9th member
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Roux’s dynamics with each member:
Roujoong: Hongjoong and Roux bonded over their shared love for music production and songwriting. They often spend late nights in the studio collaborating on new tracks, drawing inspiration from their diverse backgrounds to create music that resonates with fans worldwide. Also Hongjoong is constantly giving her tips on everything, if Seoghwa and Roux have a brother-sister relationship, what Hongjoong have with Roux is a literal dad-daughter relationship. He is quite protective of her.
Rohwa: Seonghwa is like a protective mother to Roux, always looking out for her and offering guidance. They share a love for traditional Korean culture and often explore the streets of Seoul together, trying out new foods and visiting historical landmarks. As a mom would do to her child, Seonghwa is constantly talking about life and the dangers, always making sure she is safe, and god forbids Roux get sick, he will be the one that will cook for her, bring her medication, make her company and all that.
Yunroux: Yunho and Roux have a golden retriever black cat dynamic, constantly teasing each other and engaging in friendly competition. They push each other to strive for greatness, whether it's during intense dance rehearsals or impromptu rap battles backstage. They also share a great friendship full of big hugs, tips about life, and funny moments.
Yeoroux: Yeosang and Roux share a quiet bond, often finding solace in each other's company during hectic schedules. They enjoy deep conversations about life, love, and the pursuit of their dreams, supporting each other through the ups and downs of idol life.
Sanoux: San and Roux share a fiery passion for performance, electrifying the stage with their dynamic energy and powerful stage presence. They often collaborate on choreography, pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation with their electrifying dance routines. They are also very close since both of them are close to Wooyoung, often spending time together, or should I say, Roux third-wheeling 24/7.
Rouxi: Mingi and Roux are the same, just different genders. They both bond for their love for hip-hop and street dance. They often freestyle together, exchanging verses and moves as they express themselves through the art of music and dance. They are also very similar style wise. They are often wearing outfits from each other, overall a twin relationship really.
Youngroux: Wooyoung and Roux are the chaotic duo, always finding ways to make each other laugh and lighten the mood during stressful times. They enjoy exploring Seoul's nightlife together, dancing the night away and creating unforgettable memories. They share the same rumor, fans also love to say that Wooyoung is babygirl coded and Roux is daddy. They often play around each other and act together like they are 16, always making Hongjoong question why he made the decision to be a leader.
Roung: Jongho and Roux have a strong bond rooted in their shared dedication to their craft. They often support each other during vocal training sessions, offering constructive feedback and encouragement as they strive for vocal perfection. They are also the maknaes of the group.
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Pairing: OT8 Ateez x Reader Fantasy AU
Synopsis: You get summoned into a fantasy world by a group of runaway misfits, (who strangely look like your favorite idols) who claim you to be an ancient forgotten War God, and they need your help to survive while being hunted down by a tyrant King.
Warnings: Heavy Religious themes, member x member, eventual smut, slow burn, gore, death, language, torture, angst, fighting, magic, mentions of past abuse, rituals, blood rituals,
Let me know if i missed anything! More warnings will be added as the story goes.
A/N: I haven’t written in a LONGGG time and I don’t know what I’m doing so bare with me here, I can’t promise it’ll be great. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! Also this is kinda short.
Masterlist, Chapter One
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They were running away again. Their clan was found again. Wind was rushing past Hongjoon’s ears, small branches scraping his face as he weaved and ducked through the brush. He could hear the soldiers yelling at them to stop, but of course they wouldn’t. If any of his clan members stopped, a fate worse than death would await them, he was sure. He still held onto Seonghwa’s hand, the closest person to him when Mingi came running into the camp frantic, yelling to alert everyone of the guards invading their little camp. Seonghwa was Hongjoon’s best friend, he would do anything for him. Hongjoon had helped Seonghwa run away from the castle, risking his life in every way possible to help the runaway prince, and he would do it a thousand times over again. It’s at times like this, however, as his clan’s lives and his own we’re at such a high risk, does Hongjoon wish he’d stayed and took over his family’s Magic shop in the town. As much as he hated it, at least he wouldn’t have been on the constant run from death.
Leaping over yet another log (or rock maybe, he wasn’t paying enough attention to care), he was praying that the rest of his members were behind him. Hongjoon could confirm one of course, still grasping Seonghwa’s hand so tightly he feared he might break it, he still couldn’t look back to check. If he risked it and stumbled, not only would it be over for him, but Seoghwa too. He might accidentally drag him down with him, so he only could pray. Hongjoon was beginning to tire, his sides and legs painfully throbbing, his ragged breaths and rapid heartbeat pulsing in his ears preventing him from hearing much else. Seonghwa was in the lead now, pulling Hongjoon along as he began to inevitably slow down. The leader stared at his friend, none of them knew these woods, none of them knew where to go. If only he had hid his clan better, had been a better leader they could’ve avoided this. If only-
Seonghwa looked back.
Surprise and fear was strewn across his face as he whipped his head around.
He tripped. He fell.
And he brought Hongjoon with him.
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It was just another day for you. Groggily waking up, you checked your phone. 9:00 AM. Ah, today you had to film with your dance team in public, a few full dances, maybe some TikToks. It was all for fun, as it wasn’t your job. While you love performing more than anything, realistically speaking you knew you could never make it in the industry, so you settled. You stuck to being the head chef at a restaurant, and volunteered at an animal shelter every so often. Being a chef payed well, considering it was a nice restaurant, and it allowed you to afford any props and costumes for your dance crew. You were even able to get your own house to yourself! While small, it was perfect for you. You finally got out of bed to get ready for the day, as you would be performing for a good while to entertain people as well as filming. You ate, showered, brushed your teeth and such. You did your makeup as best you could, a more natural style with red eyeshadow underneath your eyes. You slipped on a black bodysuit, it was a sleeveless turtleneck with an oval window on your chest to show off your collar bones. The lower half being cut in a way it showed off the skin of your hips freely. You then threw on black cargo pants, various graffiti designs in white printed on them, and black fingerless gloves long enough to pull up to your mid bicep. Silver earrings with asymmetrical chains dangling off them and a solid thick wire necklace with a single hoop in the middle as a nice touch.
{Here is the reference for your outfit :) it was difficult to describe}
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You checked the time once again, 10:30 am. Right on schedule for once, you check your backpack to make sure you have everything. Phone, portable charger, tripod, deodorant etc. Wow, you really had yourself together for once! You were so used to somehow always being late or forgetting something, maybe today would be a good day for you. You felt optimistic. Walking up to your door, you slipped on your favorite black combat boots to match your outfit. After locking the door to your house you slip into your car and set up some music. K-pop of course, you gotta get yourself in the mood to perform like an idol, right? As you drive towards the town square where your crew would be performing, you were able to have some time to think to yourself. You hoped your teammates would be on time and prepared, you had worked hard to find good dancers and to put this group together on your own. You used to do everything yourself other than filming. Teaching choreography, video editing and promotion, you did it all. Now with your wonderful teammates, they took a lot of burdens off of you, taking some of those jobs and helping the best they could. You took pride in your group, from winning competitions to just seeing the amazement of bystanders in the audience, it was something you absolutely adored. You were able to make people happy and inspire them this way, and that's all you ever wanted to do. You made sure to keep yourself as in shape as you could. Often working out at the gym, doing skincare and taking care of yourself to make sure you looked your best. You wanted people to see it was achievable, as you once hadn’t been this way and struggled for a long time to properly care for yourself. You were doing so much better than back then, and you were proud of yourself. You could hold your head high, you now had confidence in yourself and your capabilities, including self defense. You enjoyed taking martial art classes, originally just for self defense in the case that something happened, but you ended up enjoying it more than you thought. It was a wonderful de-stresser, and it played a main part in your confidence. You felt you could be someone people could look up to now, and you hoped that people were able to take inspiration from you.
You pulled into a random parking spot on the side of the road close to the town square. As you got out with your bag, you took in the scenery. Your crew has performed here many times, as do many others since it’s a popular spot. Brick buildings surrounded you, small shops and Cafes, boutiques and more, all being used by the many people that now walked the streets. It was midday, a perfect time to entertain as people were out of their jobs for lunch or simply out and about enjoying the day. As you walked to the meeting spot looking for your team, you started to feel a bit odd. You could see your team now, them waving excitedly at you, their Captain, however; your vision was blurring, swirling. Colors seemed to suddenly turn gray then back to normal again as you stumbled. You weren’t focused on your team anymore, what was going on with you? You felt just fine before, in fact you had felt great all day up until now, so why are you suddenly feeling so faint? You wanted to throw up, your stomach in knots as you knelt on the sidewalk. You were sure people were staring but you didn’t quite care. A loud ringing filled your ears and blocked out all other noise. Everything was mushing together, you couldn’t tell what you were looking at anymore, couldn’t feel the hands trying to pull you up. You couldn't keep a coherent thought. All of your senses were focused solely on the ringing in your ears. What was happening?
It was just another day wasn’t it?
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misswoozi · 5 months
I was watching some Ateez variety show with my kid(yes I am a mother,a young one at that)
And she said Seoghwa is pretty 🥹
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Seonghwa IS pretty! One of the prettiest boys I've ever seen!
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resiadew · 3 years
Wooyoung, working his night shift: Can I get your order?
Yeosang : I don’t know, can you?
Hongjoong, working his night shift: Can I get your order, sir?
Seonghwa: Do you come here often?
Hongjoong: Yeah, I work here?
Seonghwa: (staring with his flirty eyes)
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atinytokki · 4 years
𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐀𝐥𝐥
Chapter 6: Eden’s Confession 
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(Warnings: Blood, character death)
Hongjoong cursed his stupidity.
In the three seconds he spent gaping at Eden, he had drawn his gun.
Hongjoong had to bite his lip to stop it from quivering. “This is a dream.” The words were ghosts stealthily escaping as puffs of air. “I’ve dreamed it before.”
Something shone in the eyes of the other, but his gun remained directly aimed at Hongjoong. If he heard him, he said nothing.
That’s when Hongjoong realised— this couldn’t be Eden.
His Eden would never point a gun at him.
Hongjoong drew his own gun with quivering hands.
“How dare you wear his face,” he meant it to come out harsher than it did, a growl dying in the back of his throat. “Show your true self, coward.”
Finally he spoke. 
It was the tone of voice that meant authority. No more fooling around, because the stakes were life and death when Eden spoke that way.
Perhaps Babylon’s impersonation was more accurate because he had actually known the person he was pretending to be.
“You’re the one wearing the face of someone else,” Eden gritted out and stepped closer.
Hongjoong’s eyes narrowed. How many levels of deception was Babylon playing with here?
“If you think I won’t shoot because you look like him, you don’t know me at all.” Even as Hongjoong said the words, he wasn’t sure he could do it. Maybe if he closed his eyes like he had when Babylon looked like Mingi...
“Alright, here’s how this is going to go,” Eden was still advancing, a fire growing in his eyes. “I’m going to give you five seconds to tell me where Hongjoong is.”
Hongjoong’s brows furrowed at this. Why would Babylon bother asking when he knew Hongjoong was right in front of him? A sliver of doubt entered his mind that he immediately tried to chase away.
What if this was the real Eden?
He had taken too long.
A bullet zoomed past, startlingly close to his face, and Hongjoong’s arms came flying up to guard his head, his own gun clattering to the ground.
When he cracked his eyes open, the smoking gun had lowered and Eden was looking at him in confusion.
Again, the thought invaded. It might actually be him...
Eden sprung forward suddenly and Hongjoong realised this was it.
This was the end.
Jongho was going to find his dead body in the hallway of Babylon’s tower and report it to Yeosang, heartbroken. Yeosang would be terrified, he wouldn’t know what to do except to go home before anyone else was killed. The two of them would be numb from the shock.
Then they would row back to the ATEEZ. Maybe they’d bring his body with them for a proper burial at sea. 
They’d relay the tragic news with tears in their eyes. Maybe they’d be too shocked to cry. 
Wooyoung would be upset that he’d been left behind, he’d run through all the possible outcomes if he had come and blame himself for obeying orders. Hopefully he wouldn’t lash out against Yeosang and Jongho.
San, when they figured out how to bring him back and destroy the demon, would be so confused. It would be like waking up from a deep, deep sleep to find the world burning in chaos and blood. Everything you once knew, gone without apology or explanation.
Mingi would try to be strong and take over as Captain, but he wouldn’t know what to do or where to start. The responsibility of all the lives onboard would weigh heavily. He would feel lost and scared. Probably for a long time.
Yunho wouldn’t be able to accept it. Maybe he would have to work through the trauma for years, and he’d always be changed by it. He would wonder what he could have done and wish that he had done it.
Seonghwa... Seonghwa would shut down. He’d close himself off. And then he’d shove away his own grief and shoulder everyone else’s.
Hongjoong wished— his final wish, he realised— that Seonghwa would forgive himself. That he would let himself feel the loss and help the others to do the same. That he would protect the family— Hongjoong’s family— from the threats that still existed against them and also from themselves.
Would they be angry with him?
Would they seek revenge for his death?
For all his confidence and all his past victories, his encouraging words and inspirational speeches about how they were all going to survive together, and remake the world to be a place where they could be free...
He had simply been gunned down in an instant. Not even defending himself because he had thought maybe— just maybe— this person was Eden. And he couldn’t bring himself to shoot.
A hand closed around his wrist.
Hongjoong opened his eyes again. It seemed he wasn’t dead.
“It’s really you.”
Eden was staring, wide-eyed, at the burn scar on Hongjoong’s wrist.
“Babylon wouldn’t know about this.”
It was true, Hongjoong thought as he let Eden pull him to his feet.
Babylon had been marooned before the Navy ambushed them. He didn’t know about the fire ships and the mast which fell on Hongjoong’s wrist, pinning him to the deck...
Only Eden and Hongjoong knew about that. Which meant both of them were real.
It took a few blinks at the ceiling and a hesitant grasp on the man’s very real hand for it to hit Hongjoong. He was real. He was here. This was him. It was finally happening. He let himself be pulled into a gentle hug and exhaled everything. 
“I’m sorry, I-I really thought you were Babylon,” Eden was stumbling over his words. “I almost shot you, you could have died...”
It wouldn’t be the first time.
Eden laughed a watery laugh. Hongjoong must have spoken out loud. He let Eden pull back to get a good look at him.
Eden looked equally shaken to see a figment of his imagination alive and breathing in front of him. Misty eyed, he scanned Hongjoong’s face. 
Suddenly, Hongjoong remembered what he had come here to do. The real Eden was somehow in front of him, which meant Babylon was still—
“In the infirmary!”
Yeosang fought the pull of sleep on his eyelids the longer he waited.
It was a losing battle, no matter how intently he gazed at the stars or listened to the nighttime noise. Eventually, he got up and began to pace. 
The island was small, home to only one building. The tower at the top of the cliff was most likely the best vantage point, but Yeosang didn’t want to attempt to scale the rock face as Jongho and Hongjoong had all by himself. He decided instead to walk around the perimeter of the island.
There was a whooping call of some unrecognisable species of bird that piqued his interest, but he didn’t follow it into the brush. He had a job to do and he refused to be distracted.
Hongjoong and Jongho were already taking too long and an anxious feeling was once again blooming in Yeosang’s chest. They should have killed him by now. It was a quick assassination, a one and done type operation, and they must have run into some complication if they hadn’t reappeared yet.
As Yeosang rounded the eastern face, something caught his eye. 
A singular rowboat, like theirs, abandoned on the beach. It looked like it had been manned by one person only and then dragged up and left there until that person returned.
Yeosang’s stomach clenched with uneasiness.
There was no way to warn the others that they might run into someone else, so he had no choice but to move on. He hummed a song quietly to relax himself, unsure where he remembered it from.
The southern end of the island gradually sloped into a hill and, welcoming the exercise as a distraction, Yeosang ascended it and was faced with the back end of the tower. 
Suddenly feeling very exposed, he crouched in the foliage and drew his weapon. He felt much more helpful here, close to the scene if Hongjoong or Jongho had need of him.
Just when he had begun to think he was overreacting to nothing, a movement came from a first story window.
The shutters opened slowly, whoever was inside attempting to be quiet and not draw attention to themselves. Yeosang trained his gun on the window. It could be Hongjoong or Jongho, but it could also be Babylon. Yeosang was ready for either scenario.
A hand appeared on the windowsill, and then a body followed it. Yeosang leaned forward ever so slightly to catch a glimpse. 
It was Babylon.
He was struggling with a bandage wrapped around the side of his face that was slipping off. 
Yeosang steadied his breath in a moment of hesitation and then fired.
Jongho opened the door knob and entered the first room. There weren’t any windows and it was too dark to see anything, so he groped for a lantern and slammed into what felt like a bookcase. 
He jerked back in surprise and felt something swinging just above his head. A lantern.
After feeling around for some matches and striking a flame, he blinked at the invasion of light and studied the room. 
It was more of a closet than a room, the only object occupying it being the bookcase.
The shelves were completely full of bottles, vials, jars, and boxes of all manner of unusual things. Jongho perused through metalwork instruments, severed tentacles, and hand crafted jewellery before remembering what he was supposed to be doing. 
He returned the sparkling potion he held to its place and turned back to the door.
The knob wouldn’t turn.
Jongho jiggled it again, but still it resisted. Perplexed, he pushed on the door itself and groaned when it refused to open. Something must be stuck on the exterior, or maybe a hinge was loose.
Jongho faced the shelf again, this time to check if there were any enchanted swords or sceptres to help him get out. His little knife wasn’t exactly ideal for slicing through a door-sized slab of wood, and he didn’t want to waste the gunpowder.
Spying a little weather beaten book on the top shelf, Jongho reached for it. A little light reading while trapped in this closet wouldn’t hurt. And if Hongjoong took too long finding him and letting him out...
Well, Jongho didn’t see why he couldn’t just smash the door down.
When Yeosang opened his eyes, the body was slumped over the sill, unmoving.
It had felt like when he tranquillised San, but not. That was a real bullet, and Babylon was really bleeding to death.
Something hardened inside Yeosang and he got to his feet. His hands didn’t shake as they usually did and he walked with purpose to the body.
Babylon’s mouth remained pressed into a firm line as Yeosang dragged him all the way out of the window and laid him on the grass. He lowered his mask and let the sorcerer get a good look at his killer.
“You were an honourable man once.”
“Weren’t we all?” Babylon gritted out between waves of pain, the red stain on his chest growing quickly.
Yeosang pulled the sorcerer’s sword out of its sheath and placed it in his hands, cold fingers wrapping around the hilt. “My Captain cared for you then. That is why I’m allowing you to die with some dignity.”
Babylon’s lips remained pursed, no plea for forgiveness in his eyes as the light began to fade from them. Yeosang leaned in closer and lowered his voice, almost to a whisper.
“You ruined my life,” It was spoken as an undisputed fact, and both knew it. “You’ll understand why I took yours.”
Babylon grunted once from the pain, words trailing away as his stamina waned. “It will be pointless in the end. You- You cannot escape judgement. The obstacles are laid... all around you.” He took in a shuddering breath. “Tell your Captain— his time is running out.”
With that, it seemed Babylon’s time had run out. The final breath like a single grain of sand, hitting the bottom of the hourglass with a note of finality. Yeosang closed the clouded eyes of the dead and turned away.
A massive load had just been lifted from his shoulders. The final image of Babylon replaced the picture Yeosang had burned into his mind; the corrupt sorcerer from out of his worst nightmares come to life.
He turned with surprise towards Hongjoong’s voice, shaking off past memories to see his captain climb through the opened window.
He was followed by a man Yeosang vaguely recognised from drawings. Eden.
“Is that really...?”
“Yes,” Hongjoong confirmed, breathless, before kneeling next to the dead body in the grass. “You killed him?”
“Um, y-yes,” Yeosang’s gaze was still on Eden. The stranger didn’t meet his eyes but hung back, deferring to Hongjoong. “He came through that window a moment ago. What were you doing in there?”
“I ran into Eden,” Hongjoong looked up, amazement lingering in his own eyes. “We got... held up. Babylon tried to escape, I see.”
Yeosang’s jaw tightened. It was a good thing that he had pulled the trigger when he did.
“I stopped him before he got anywhere.”
“Fortunate you were here,” Hongjoong stood and smiled at him. Yeosang needn’t doubt himself so much, bringing him had been the right decision. 
Yeosang glanced back over at the window. No one else was climbing out of it. “Where is Jongho?” 
“He must still be upstairs,” Hongjoong immediately turned back the way he had come, gun already drawn. Yeosang followed him through the window to watch his back. The light footsteps behind him indicated that Eden was following as well.
Yeosang didn’t know how he felt about Eden. The man hadn’t spoken a single word yet he could feel waves of something akin to shame rolling off of him. 
The Eden of Yeosang’s childhood was a mysterious and deadly pirate, the hero of Hongjoong’s stories and the promised harbinger of his own future.
This man was so grave and silent, Yeosang might have mistaken him for a scholar. Not a fighter.
Stealthily, Hongjoong led them through the infirmary and back into the hall, then up the stairs into another hallway. 
“This is where Jongho and I split,” he whispered, eyeing all of the closed doors carefully. 
Just as Yeosang went up to one, hand reaching for the handle, a loud crack sounded right next to his face. A fist had punched through the door and wood splintered in all directions.
Yeosang stumbled back and watched in awe as Jongho kicked several more times, enough that the door barely remained standing. When his entire body finally made it out he huffed at them in annoyance.
“The door was jammed.”
“I can see that,” Hongjoong laughed. “Shall we?”
“Is that everyone?” Finally Eden spoke. Jongho flashed Yeosang a look, a clear question in his eyes that Yeosang shook his head subtly to. Hongjoong answered in the affirmative and began back down the stairs and out of the building.
“Captain, I’ve found something of interest,” Jongho went to Hongjoong’s side, leaving Yeosang with the silent Eden.
He could feel his eyes on him, sizing him up. There was no ill intent, but the gaze pierced through and laid him bare. Eden seemed to be quietly contemplating, as if Yeosang had told him all his deepest secrets. 
“This book,” Jongho was saying. “It has relevant information on demons. I think we may be able to help San.” 
“Where did you find it?” Hongjoong turned it over in his hands as they crept down the staircase. “That closet I was stuck in,” Jongho explained. “It contained all kinds of magical things.”
Again, Hongjoong let loose a quiet giggle. “That’s three things that have gone right for us this time. Babylon finished, Eden found, and a solution for San. Good work, both of you.” Here he turned back to nod at Yeosang as well. 
Yeosang pulled his mask back up to hide the blush. “Rarely do any of our operations run this fluidly,” he mumbled by way of explanation to Eden. 
“I’m still expecting the Navy to pop out from behind a door and shoot at us,” Jongho joined in, drawing his gun just in case.
“Actually, I did see a boat on the eastern side of the island,” Yeosang suddenly recalled the sign that had brought him up to the tower in the first place.
“Mine,” Eden reassured him. “I suppose I’ll have to hike over and fetch it.”
“No need,” Hongjoong called back as he swung the front doors wide. “You’re coming with us, aren’t you?”
“If...If you’ll have me,” Eden answered haltingly, as if it wasn’t obvious. As if Hongjoong hadn’t spent the last couple years of his life preparing for this moment.
The four of them stood outside Babylon’s tower. It was well past midnight, and the moon shone through clusters of clouds, illuminating the beach below.
“It would be better to go around the back than try to climb down that thing,” Yeosang advised. Jongho nodded along and Eden chimed in, “I agree. There’s something I want to do first anyway.”
Silently they marched around to the back of the house where Babylon’s fresh corpse was already attracting flies. “Let’s send him off in my boat,” Eden suggested. “And head back to the ship on yours.”
He shouldered the body and began down the hill. The others followed at a distance, for privacy’s sake.
“How exactly did you just find him inside that mansion?” Jongho muttered in Hongjoong’s direction.
“Eden’s been following us. He was there to kill Babylon too,” Hongjoong answered carefully. “At first both of us thought the other was Babylon disguising as one of us. By the time we figured it out, he had escaped through the infirmary window. Yeosang shot him there.”
“He came to kill Babylon? Making up for his past mistake, then?”
Hongjoong shushed him as they reached the eastern beach. A respectful silence settled over them as Eden placed Babylon’s body in the boat and sent it off to sea. The birds would have their share of him once he hit open ocean.
No one spoke or protested, and as soon as Eden turned to face them they all proceeded to their own longboat without comment.
It was even more difficult to keep his eyes open once Yeosang was sitting again, and Hongjoong encouraged him to sleep. Eden had rowed them just out of sight of the island when he finally spoke.
“You built all this?”
He wasn’t referring to the insignificant rowboat they were on. His eyes were on Yeosang and Jongho as they settled into sleeping positions.
“Ah, yes!” Hongjoong beamed, genuine pride for his ship and crew shining through. “My ship— you’ll see her soon—she was much, much smaller at first. But it’s grown. Grown into a family, in fact.”
A long forgotten innocence returned to his expression, the smile an unshakeable fixture as Hongjoong watched the sleeping faces of his friends.
“You’ve been through trials together.”
“More than I could count,” Hongjoong murmured, pulling Jongho’s head into his lap to make him more comfortable.
“Imprisonment, deadly disease, wild sea monsters, hallucinogenic fruit, horrible weather of all kinds, an entire slave island run by a dictator, multiple battles and chases with the Navy, the frozen tundra in the North itself, now demon possession in one of our own... So many scrapes with death, and yet we’re all here.”
Hongjoong’s eyes shone, the brilliant stars reflected in them and washed among gathering tears. Tears of happiness for once. 
“Now we have you, so... So we really are whole again.”
Eden smiled, a little brokenly, but genuine.
“The North is a frontier best left to its own devices,” he sighed, remembering his own encounters with some of the enemies the ATEEZ had faced. “Unless you seek death, or have the means to explore it, stick to the sea.” 
“When did you travel there?” Hongjoong was eager for more stories. It was like being a child again, and begging to hear about all the adventures Eden had experienced.
“The crystal necklace I gave you— I got it in the North. It’s a key to the treasure I buried in the—”
“—In the East! We found that treasure,” Hongjoong lowered his voice so as not to wake the others. “I didn’t realise you procured the crystal key yourself. It was quite the ordeal to reach that magical cave when we had to destroy it. It was stealing Jongho’s memories.” 
He glanced down at the sleeping boy, petting his hair gently for a moment while considering what could have been if they were unsuccessful in that quest.
Eden nodded along apologetically, but a darker shadow crossed his face and made Hongjoong uneasy again. “There are many things you don’t know about me.”
It was cryptic, but worse, it was ominous. As if the things Hongjoong didn’t know could hurt him, and possibly the others.
Some of his bubbling excitement at being reunited faded. It was time to start asking the questions that had been building since his visit with Maddox.
“What happened, Eden? How long have you known I was alive?”
There was a long pause before he spoke, only the rhythmic sounds of the oars breaking through the silence.
“After the ambush, I took my crew and we escaped to the East. Many men were lost along the way, almost all of them. Even Maddox was captured by the Navy. I don’t know where he or any of my surviving officers are.” Eden’s eyes were in his lap as he pulled the oars, a faraway look in his eye. “I buried my treasure and intended to live out my days on that island.”
“Life was very dark, you see,” his voice had become a tortured whisper. “I resigned myself to die there. That was my punishment for my failures.”
Slowly his head raised.
“And then... then came word of Babylon. A messenger bird sent to me by the mystic who advised my journey. A warning that he was alive and upsetting the magical balance of the universe. It took every last drop of resolve left in my blood to convince myself to track him down. But I remembered what he had almost done to my crew, and I bent myself on exacting revenge. That is when I discovered you survived.”
“You found us when you were following him.”
Eden looked at him curiously. “You knew I was there? All I had left was that puny little rowboat, I shouldn’t have been spotted.”
“We found your compass,” Hongjoong smirked at him, pleased that he’d been able to surprise his mentor. “It pointed to you. You were following Babylon and Babylon was following us.”
Something burned low in Eden’s eyes, smouldering embers of regret and not the blazing anger from before.
“But I don’t understand why you didn’t reveal yourself,” Hongjoong’s voice softened here, and he stopped petting Jongho’s hair for a moment.
Eden shifted uncomfortably, more scared than Hongjoong had ever seen him. He was losing control now, his carefully constructed persona- the man Hongjoong had known, dissipating before his eyes. 
“We chased you halfway around the world, Eden, me and my crew as well.” The words held no bitterness, only confusion. “So that you could give them what you promised me.” Why did Eden suddenly close himself off, especially at such a joyous time as this? 
What was he hiding?
“Piracy is no life for you.”
Hongjoong blinked, taken aback. “Don’t you think it’s a bit late for that?”
“You shouldn’t have been aboard that day. You shouldn’t have been involved with us in the first place,” Eden’s voice shook with fear. “It was my fault, all of it.”
Hongjoong clutched Jongho tighter. He needed to know what he was hiding.
“Why do you say that?”
“I should have told you long ago.” 
Hongjoong fell silent. He didn’t dare ask.
“It all started that night your parents died.”
“I don’t see how. I didn’t meet you until after that,” Hongjoong ignored the twinge of recognition in the back of his mind.
Eden shook his head, unable to meet Hongjoong’s eyes. It took him far too long to get any words out, and Hongjoong began to feel sick. It was not going to be good, whatever he had to say. 
“I was there. The night they drowned, in the storm, I was there. I saw it happen.”
“You— what?”
The eyes. 
The eyes that watched him become separated from his parents in the tempest.
The eyes that watched his parents die and did nothing to stop it.
“I wanted to save them. Hongjoong, you have to believe me, I did. But I’m a wanted criminal, they would have recognised me, they would have turned me in—”
His voice was barely audible over the waves but it boomed in Hongjoong’s ears as he reeled in disbelief.
“You let them die— you killed them— because of what they might have done? Because they might have gotten you in trouble?”
Eden was shaking his head in remorse but Hongjoong could barely see it through the gathering tears.
“Why did you seek me out after and teach me? How could you? How dare you?”
His voice broke and he began to feel lightheaded but he needed an answer. He was still holding his breath, waiting for Eden to laugh and tell him he should see his own face.
But Eden would never joke about such a thing.
“I thought... to make up for what I did...”
“So all those things you said... about my potential. They were all lies.”
Every time Eden told him his skill was extraordinary, every time he told him he was proud.
Hongjoong could no longer trust it.
This entire ordeal had been illusion after illusion, and Hongjoong was ready for the curtain to fall. 
Eden didn’t answer. There was no answer that would be able to hold together the shards of Hongjoong’s heart as it shattered.
“They were right,” he grit out around angry tears. “All of them. Maddox, Seonghwa, even Babylon— they were right about you.”
“I realise now that piracy is no place for you...”
“So you’re going to take that away, too?” Hongjoong hissed through his teeth, quiet enough not to wake Jongho. “The sea— the one thing I had to help me cope and now you’re telling me I should never have come?”
“It’s not like that,” Eden’s voice rose in volume. He pulled the oars harder and the boat moved at a faster pace. “I put you in so much danger to rectify my mistake. I thought you died Hongjoong, you have to understand... it was selfish and irresponsible to try to bring you along. I stayed away because I felt- felt guilty. It should never have happened, I should never have approached you, I’m sor—”
“Well, too late,” Hongjoong whispered brokenly, slumping back into his seat in a sudden wave of exhaustion. “I’ve built this despite your misgivings. And I don’t intend to stop now.”
He looked past Eden and saw a looming shape in the water.
It was the ATEEZ, but all the lights were out. All the lanterns extinguished and no colours being flown, so she was only recognisable by her sails.
“There she is,” Hongjoong breathed, sitting forward slightly even as Jongho began to stir in his lap.
“What?” Eden slowed to a stop in confusion, finally relaxing his grip on the oars. 
“The ATEEZ. There she is,” Hongjoong pointed over Eden’s shoulder. 
Their argument was tabled for now because the longer Hongjoong looked at the ship, the more concerned he became.
Something was very wrong.
Taglist: @serendipityunho @nightynightnyx @celestial-yunho @theinvisablessed @yeosangry
A/N: Hm I’ve had parts of this chapter written since July at least but it was a really difficult one for some reason. Yall are not ready for the next part and that is all I will say about that 👀 Feel free to come yell at me and/or share your theories and questions on my twitter and cc @tiny_tokki and have a great day :)
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hellborn-ateez-cb · 3 years
✫𝔚𝔢𝔩𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔢 𝔗𝔬 ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩✫
𝐸𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑒𝑒𝑝𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑡ℎ𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝐻𝑒𝑙𝑙, 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒. 𝐹𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑔𝑜𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠, 𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑔𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑖𝑒𝑟𝑦 𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑙𝑑
𝑊ℎ𝑜 𝑚𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑒 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑠 𝑏𝑒? 𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑡𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 ℎ𝑎𝑖𝑙 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚? 𝐴𝑛𝑑 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑚 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑞𝑢𝑒?
𝐴𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑙𝑙, 𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑙 𝑑𝑜𝑒𝑠𝑛'𝑡 𝑜𝑛𝑙𝑦 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚...
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Kɪᴍ Hᴏɴɢᴊᴏᴏɴɢ
Pᴀʀᴋ Sᴇᴏɴɢʜᴡᴀ
Cʜᴏɪ Sᴀɴ
Dᴇᴍᴏɴ Sᴛᴀᴛᴜs
꘎Each of the demons are pan/poly so please don't be discouraged if they seek out other relationships.
꘎Flirting does not equal a relationship and relationships started in roleplays do not translate to dash unless explicitly stated.
꘎Wasteplay, tentacles, watersports and ballbusting are a hard no across the board
Reblog either this post or a profile and send a message confirming your chosen demon(s)
Please send a plot. After all, admin can't do all the work.
❊All roleplays will be done on discord, please dm me for an invite
❊Rps are preferred to be written in third person past-tense, ie:
Seonghwa scoffed, laying his head on his head with a sigh. "Surely you could've thought of something better than this?"
Dash interactions can be done in any form.
❊Be respectful to the admin and the demons. Just because they're from Hell, doesn't mean they're heartless
❊Please don't try to rush relationships. Just because the demons are pan/poly does not mean they are obligated to return your affection
❊It should be mentioned that even though my muses may flirt with you on dash that does not in any shape or form mean that they are in an established relationship.
❊This is for cb x cb and cb x oc, admin will be very picky with y/n's
❊When sendings asks please be specific on who you're speaking to
❊Be sure to say if you'd like to keep the rp sfw and the demons will respect your decision
❊Please don't interact if you are under the age of 16
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ericssmile · 3 years
She Showed Me All The Stars
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Pairing(s): jeon soyeon x reader; park seonghwa x reader
Genre: fluff; major angst; slow burn
Warnings: swearing; female!idol x female!idol; that's all I got so far
Plot: After leaving YG Entertainment once her group DESTINY had disbanded, Y/N joined KQ and is now working towards a solo debut. With her promising skills of being a self-producer and song writer it's bound to happen sooner than later. But what if along the way, she gets herself caught up in not one, but two scandals back to back? Will it impact her awaiting debut? Will she find a way to come clean about everything? Or will her dreams just come tumbling down all because of false rumors?
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none at the moment
Starting : THUR 19 AUGUST 2021
End: ???
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Introductions | Introductions II |
part 1: jeon soyeon; rap god and a god send
part 2: jackson wang, pls don't see this
part 3: we have to what now?
part 4: feel the wrath of lee hui
part 5: hell begins now
part 6: i wanna watch the stars too (with you)
part 7: i fucked up
part 8: dumbass
part 9: sinner || sinner part 2
part 10: i didn't just kiss her || i didn't just kiss her 2.5
part 11: the worst is over
part 12: secrecy
Part 13: ???
Part 14: ???
Part 15: ???
Part 16: ???
Part 17: ???
Part 18: ???
Part 19: ???
Part 20: ???
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TAG LIST: @flowerboykun @marsophilia @teti-menchon0604 @notbeforelong
© ericssmile, 2021/2022/2023; please do not take or repost
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neogotmycity · 3 years
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eu só quero chorar, passar uns dias cuidando de mim, sumir um pouco e respirar.
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hwaightme · 1 year
Family for Hire (Ch.4)
(family for hire ml) (join series and/or permanent taglist!)
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☀️ pairing: single dad!seonghwa x business woman!reader ☀️ genre: fluff, romance, family, domestic, fake marriage, slice of life ☀️ ch. summary: settling into a new routine came with its challenges, of course, but you expected that. what you did not expect, however, was for seonghwa to completely derail your plans for quietude. ☀️ ch. wordcount: 4.7k ☀️ ch. warnings/tags: language, questionably edited, hwa being one jealous boy, a ton of coffee, implied missing breakfast, food/eating, a wild woo and yeo appear, rash decisions, implied lack of sleep, let me know if anything else! ☀️ perma-taglist: @doom-fics @legohwas @acciocriativity @justhere4kpop @honey-lemon-goose @byuntrash101 @shakalakaboomboo @starillusion13 @hongthoven @cqndiedcherries @uwuheeseungie @hoshischeekss @frankenstein852 @charreddonuts @miriamxsworld @mingigoo @michel-angelhoe (can't be tagged: @ate-ez) ☀️ a/n: in anticipation of seonghwa day, hope you enjoy some more single dad hwa~ much love, any reblogs, comments, thoughts, feelings appreciated! apologies if the chapter is chaos, but hey... croissants and coffee!
Chapter 4: When Croissants Fly
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Had you known that if you were to make it into the office on time and keep your promise of taking a certain kid to kindergarten, you would have to get up at hell o’clock in the morning – with hell being anything before six, you would have, respectfully, just left the conversation with standard goodbyes and not offered something out of the blue. Nothing could prepare you for the sheer amount of noise that a child could produce that early, when you were used to having an apartment to yourself, a nice, steaming, hot cup of coffee, and the human right to have fifteen minutes of sheer panic as you would realise if you did not hurry up you would be late. But even that panic was independent. You were not holding anyone up, no one was holding you up. You did not have to answer to anyone, nor did you have to be sitting there, in the driver’s seat, praying for a certain someone to ‘just… chill… out…”. Even though it had already been a three, now four days of you driving back and forth, back and forth like an expensive school bus, you still had a lot to get used to.
You glanced back as you stopped at a red light, catching Nari in deep conversation with her father about some drawing homework – something you were suddenly very jealous of. Why couldn’t adults have drawing homework instead of taxes? But nonetheless, no matter how simple the conversation was, each syllable was like a bass boosted hit of a dubstep remix in your cranium. Biting your lip, you attempted to focus on the sound of traffic outside and wondered if your fellow passengers would quieten down if you were to turn on the radio. You caught yourself hovering between being glad to be on better terms with Seonghwa and mini-Co, and wanting to let out an elaborate string of curses that had accumulated since your coffee machine broke this morning, and you, being a silly optimist when it came to appliances, had no alternative of source of energy fuel. This discomfort was apparently obvious enough for Seonghwa to pick up on it, and at the next red light you hear him tell his daughter to wait a second, and call out to you:
“Y/N, are you okay?” the note of concern in his voice made your heart ache and guilt for being so inwardly irritated spread through you. Peering out at the concrete jungle, you tapped the arm rest a couple of times, pondering the question before asking one back.
“What, do I look unequivocally dubious?” you tried to remain as neutral as possible, since Nari did not need to know what passive aggressive behaviour was, so early in her childhood, however Seonghwa was too finely attuned to emotional landscapes for your own good. Perhaps he could even give Yunho a run for his hard-earned ‘through thick and thin’ friend money.
“Oh, no! Not at all, it’s just that, um, I mean, this routine is quite new and must be very troublesome, so-”
“Do I look tired, is that it?” you interrupted gently, Seonghwa’s obvious beating around the bush turning out to be rather amusing, alleviating some of the headache that the day had been providing you with so far. It was hard not to notice how his upper body stiffened as he stared back at you through the rear-view mirror. Deciding to not keep up the limbo of whether he offended you or not, you cracked the brightest smile you could muster, and winked, “I know I do, don’t worry. I am an early bird by caffeine, and the love of my life broke today.”
“The love… of your life?” Seonghwa repeated cautiously, acutely reactive to your particular choice of words. Choosing to not mention how he leaned closer to you, with even his daughter shooting him an inquisitive glance, you simply elaborated on your morning ordeal.
Amidst your dramatic recounting of your battle with the ‘coffee monster’ you had made Nari burst into a fit of giggles, which was a win in your unpaid parenting work experience, though judging by Seonghwa’s unchanging pained expression, something about the moral of the story seemed to not quite fit the unspoken fairy tale standard, and as such, you trailed off into an awkward silence.
“Did you have… breakfast, at least?”
“Okay, then what was it?”
Somehow in that moment you felt as though you were not supposed to be sat in the driver's seat, and instead in a detention, or in a dim corner for a long timeout. One step away, and you could almost hear Seonghwa saying ‘I promise I am not going to get mad at you if you just tell me the truth’, a notion that made you shudder. What if, unbeknownst to you, he was the kind of parent that would snap too? There was no guarantee that he wasn’t. Many a times you had seen perfectly happy and peaceful kids coming home to… much less than happy families, so if he was going to shout at you, you should just take it. Your grip on the steering wheel grew tighter and you bit your lower lip. The thud of your heartbeat in your temples returned as you pressed on the gas pedal and accelerated, only a couple of blocks away from Nari’s kindergarten already.
“Good stuff.” You brushed the interrogation off, not because you were uncomfortable with your choices, but because it was more than likely that Seonghwa would be, and as such, you ran the risk of exploding in a defensive mode and exposing Nari to a not so pleasant argument. And you were not about that life. You were not into recycling old experiences into new hurt.
Fortunately, Seonghwa got the hint instantly. Like father, like daughter – Nari, upon seeing the young man’s reaction, took it as a sign that she needed to stay put and reserve playtime for later. The rest of the journey crawling through the somnolent sunlit streets was spent in complete silence. You watched and waved back to a once again excited little gremlin, as she hopped out of the car and shouted for her dad to stay back, because she was ‘grown’ and ‘independent’. He had inadvertently shot you a glance upon hearing the words, enjoying the game of pretending that Nari had taken after you a bit too much. You had not looked back, and even how you were supposedly following his precious girl’s run to the front doors had transformed into a thousand-yard stare. Once again, you were in your own world.
“Hey, mind if I move up front?” he pointed at the seat and tilted his head, jolting you out of your turbulent musings.
“Yeah, sure thing. Okay.”
At this proximity, you swore you could catch a hint of his perfume. The vanilla, floral notes and something you could not quite put a finger on was very memorable, and very him. You took a deep inhale and leaned back into the driver’s seat, ready to commence the journey back.
“You can… actually you know what you can drop me off in the business district!” a weight off your shoulders as he suddenly changed your plans for a smoother ride. Masking your relief, you asked for the handsome man to confirm.
“Are you sure? You will need to switch lines… once if I am not mistaken?”
As he ran a hand through his hair, fighting a pesky strand that was threatening to get into his eye, you took the opportunity to study him. Black shirt with a just barely visible patterned design, and the top button undone to reveal three silver necklaces, carefully selected to complement one another. Black trousers, a loose straight cut, falling onto the chunky black and white converse sneakers. And again, that damn perfume that you could not explain to your brain. You did not want to be creepy, but tilted your head towards the man to try and figure out what that mysterious note was. At least you had your question going for you, and your leaning in could be interpreted simply as interest in his response.
“True, but I have some business, ha-ha wow apt, to attend to in the area so…” did not sound like it, but you were not about to argue just when you were in hot water about your morning.
“Okay.” You rolled out of parking, and drove back out onto the street, now bound for your not quite beloved office.
Ever since Monday, you had cemented yourself as one of the first to arrive in the office, and almost always the first to arrive within your assigned team, which had definitely left a good impression on your manager who openly praised you for being so diligent – much to the dismay of the co-workers who enjoyed gossiping about you. But you could not care less since you and Yunho did the exact thing except in reverse. There were some benefits to waking up at hell o’clock, even if it came with socio-gastronomical sacrifices. Which apparently, Seonghwa made his mission to reverse as he sharply turned his head and made a pointing gesture.
“And I’ll buy you breakfast. Y/N don’t you dare argue with me I have access to some dark magic.”
“Here comes the airplane. Wildly effective. So, if you decline then do expect a projectile croissant.” He threatened, stifling a chuckle.
“What if I want to see a croissant fly?” you countered, shaking your head and gleaming, the greyness of the streets which you navigated not appearing so soul draining anymore.
“Well then I will organise that just for you.”
Seonghwa was not sure what had gotten into him, but his desire to step in and help was nearly unbearable. You were every bit a business person, rushing and dedicating your life to your career even if you did have friends and family. But as he knew from having been working together with someone who had an awfully similar mindset to you, such people often forgot to take care of themselves. It was as if you deemed yourselves either not worthy of time spent, or you never felt the need nor the appeal of caring. And if you were to be acting in the role of his wife, the last thing Seonghwa wanted to see was you masking a perpetual misery. You were striving for best behaviour when you were interacting with Nari, showing a playful and easy-going side of you that he thought that he would never get the chance to see again, and generally were working hard to impress his daughter. But it seemed that you needed a push in the right direction of how exactly you could make him even happier than he already was.
You were dangerously attractive when you were driving, he concluded. The unwavering focus on the road, paired with reflexive movements as you reacted to what you had probably predicted ages in advance was making Seonghwa unreasonably flustered, and he had to force himself to look at the lines on the road instead of constantly looking at you. You had been one of the few people in university who had been a ‘designated driver’, along with your closest friend through the years, since most of the others dismissed the skill as something for a ‘later time’ and not immediately important for studies. It had amused him when these same people would then beg for you to effectively become a carpooling service. Even more amusing was that you had always had the guts to decline.
Now, your driving style had gotten even more refined, more natural. It was clear that you had long passed the stage of novice driver, too many miles and experiences under your wheels to still be considered a learner. Cruising through the city, cruising through life. Seonghwa doubted that you would remember, but there had been one time when you two had been sat, just like this, listening to some indie music that you had said helped you focus. But now the silence you shared was heavier, the impact of every action having the potential to cause greater damage. As such, he kept the memory to himself, instead drifting into the pleasant rumble of the car engine.
Right when the sun washed over Seonghwa’s side of the car after having hopped out from behind a skyscraper, forcing him to flip open the visor, it hit you. Coffee. Of course that last note had to be coffee.
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With a croissant in one hand an a steaming takeaway cup of coffee in the other, mother goose in the form of a cheery Seonghwa ushered you towards your office, wishing you a good day at least twice, while you kept on trying to explain the best way to get to the metro station as, clearly, he had not planned his ‘business’ out in the slightest.
If you had been aware that his business was to make sure you had at least some form of nourishment and perked up to a satisfactory level, you would have probably thrown hands, so the young man had to resort to being cryptic, rocking on his feet, hands stuffed in his pockets as he said one last goodbye to you and followed your form as you entered your building, crossed a large reception area, passed some security turnstiles and finally, were swallowed by an elevator. So this was how this life was.
He closed his eyes and listened to the industrial noise. The whirring of cars all around him, construction of a new residential complex, designed not for aesthetic purposes, but to eventually raise the land price, the chatter of people who made the financial world, and as such the world itself turn, the whistling of a strong breeze that hit the top floors, zooming past antennae, wiring and air conditioning exhausts. A beautiful, cold world that he had previously imagined himself in. Seonghwa peeked out once again to take in the surroundings: the glossy windows, the sleek modern architecture and abstract expressionist sculptures installed in miniature street squares. Funny how, as he had seen you enter one of the many ant houses, a sense of clarity washed over him. This was your habitat. Your home. Not his. And he should not beat himself up over it. Especially when you were so much more passionate about it, and as such so much more deserving of the best space here.
You were there, behind one of the many windows, working hard for success. And now, he was part of that strenuous operation, at least by a fraction. That was what he could do, and how he could contribute. The possibility of you and him collaborating in enviable synchronicity was an exciting prospect, now that he could feel the space in which you worked. He could handle his tasks, you could handle yours – the domestic daydreaming left him breathless as he began to amble in a random direction, not taking his eyes off the bright blue sky.
Except his blissful state of ideation did not last long enough for him to plot as far as he would like. Two men in what had to be designer office wear were standing next to him at a pedestrian crossing, waiting for the light to turn green. But that in itself was harmless. It was the fact that the shorter of the two, the one who was explaining something very animatedly to his colleague, practically painting a scene with his hands, suddenly mentioned your name – each syllable resounding like a gunshot.
Could it be someone else? Maybe there was another Y/N out there, in this same district – there were thousands of people in these offices, so the chances were definitely not zero. But as Seonghwa discreetly listened in, it became clearer and clearer – these were your colleagues, and they were talking about you. And in a way that set off every single alarm bell in Seonghwa’s totally mission-focused brain.
“Look Yeo, I’m telling you she is super cute. And I don’t give me that look. So what if she agreed to a meeting only on Friday? It doesn’t mean you have zero chance.”
Sure you do. Seonghwa mentally responded, but furrowed his brows as he realised that he was being protective of someone who was not actually his someone, but a fake someone who, in reality, he was conducting questionable business with. Technically, that meant that you could date in secret – as long as it was hidden from the eyes of your superiors. Would you do it? There wasn’t exactly any infidelity to speak of if you did, since he was just an old college friend and a complicated present social tie-up. No. No you couldn’t. This kind of connection would risk your promotion, wouldn’t it? Whatever these fiends were plotting could very well ruin your career, and he, acting in the role of your husband, had to think of a strategy to put a stop to this.
“It just means that she is a busy woman, on her grind, achieving and thriving – just your type, isn’t that right?” the enthusiastic man who, much like Seonghwa, was dressed head to toe in black, and sported a long parted fringe that framed his beaming face, continued his encouragements. Except the mention of types, he was right, at least. You were busy. Too busy to consider them, so they should make their damn exit.
The stubborn light was still red as cars continued to dash past the trio. The man by the name of Yeo, which Seonghwa assumed was an abbreviation or a nickname, was good looking enough for him to be irritated. A muscular physique, with perfect skin and impeccably styled locks that highlighted his features that looked to have been sculpted by some aesthetic deities… yes, this man had to disappear out of yours and Seonghwa’s shared life immediately. Seonghwa did not need a man he ‘did not have to worry about’ right there in the same office space as you.
“Mm, right.”
A man of few words, huh? Maybe that was his problem. Then there was a chance that you would drop him fast as lightning – you liked your philosophical discussions, always did and if he could not formulate an opinion, he was automatically out of the game-
“But I do not wish to be a burden for her, Wooyoung. As much as I admire and respect her, I am only a slot in her timetable at the moment. And whilst I appreciate your support, we should remain realistic and pace ourselves.”
Shit. His voice was deep and dependable. And he had fantastic rhythm to his speech. Uh oh. Seonghwa suddenly wished that he was still in the café with you, and had, instead of letting you go to have the strong double shot of bitterness at your desk, insisted that you spent some more time together. Then he would not hear this atrocity, and since the café was not far from the building, they might have detected you in the shop front window.  Would have been a win-win situation. Alas, this Yeo, and his equally ambitious friend Wooyoung had to be combatted in more creative ways.
Seonghwa’s hands moved on their own accord as he took out his mobile phone, scrolling to the contact he had saved as ‘wife’, with not one but two upwards graph emojis as an ode to your job, and clicking the call button. As he heard you answer with a cautious, whispered hello and an elaboration that he should wait a second as you moved to a conference room, the initial wave of panic subsided and he relaxed into your tone.
“What is it, Hwa?” if only he could loop how you said his nickname and listen to it whenever he wanted… no, he must remain focused.
“Hey, Y/N!” he purposefully spoke louder, spotting in his peripherals that he had caught the attention of the duo. Their conversation had lulled, and they were pretending to be looking at the light to cross, but in reality, were tuning their imaginary antennae to pick up more of the conversation.
“Yes, ‘tis me. And we literally just spoke, what’s up?” he heard a sliding of a door, and the ambiance changing to that of a closed space, giving your voice more space to bloom and show its colour. Seonghwa smiled, stalling a bit before picking up a simple conversation topic, but pointing towards a mock level of intimacy that a certain Yeo should never reach.
“How’s the breakfast?” he refrained from chuckling as he saw Wooyoung appear particularly bewildered.
“Honestly it was exactly what I needed right now, I am already feeling so much better. Thank you for it, and for treating me, really.”
“Oh, not a problem at all! Anything for you.” Even though he inwardly cringed at the phrase, it seemed to have a desired effect on his audience who exchanged confused glances. At the same time, you moved the phone away from you and snorted in laughter.
“You sound so awkward right now what the hell? You good?” he needed to think fast. How could he avoid saying that he was ‘overstepping boundaries and barely a week into a fake relationship was acting lowkey possessive of you to the point where he felt the need to assert dominance over people who simply mentioned you’? That was right. What was going to annoy you enough to let go of his questionable behaviour?
“Uhm… well, could you point me in the direction of the metro again?” Bingo. The groan that you let out, and undoubtedly followed by a rolling of the eyes, was enough for him to confirm that you fully bought the little fib. He swore he heard that same man, Wooyoung, scoff, while Yeo remained suspiciously quiet.
“Are you kidding me? I literally just explained that from the café, you take a right, and then-”
“Ah, a right… so that’s where the problem is…” he continued, intentionally adding sprinklings of cluelessness to his act.
“You can’t be serious… Park Seonghwa where are you?” strict, but adorably concerned for his wellbeing, you asked.
“At a crossing.”
“What crossing?”
“There is a fancy fountain on the other side of the street.”
“You’re there? Damn, you know what, stay put, I will walk you to the station seeing as you are directionally challenged.” And with that, he could make out the sound of footsteps on a carpeted floor, a rustling as you probably pressed the phone to your shirt, distant ‘I’ll be back in a bit’ and, in a matter of moments, clicking and a much stronger echo to each sound.
“I’ll take that label and wear it with pride, Y/N. Then, see you soon, yeah?”
“Uh-huh, oh directionally challenged man. I’ll be there in five. Stay put and don’t get lost in the square please. Like, find a bench or something and don’t move.” A ding of an elevator. You ended the call. And now, each stride like that of a victor in a ruthless battle, he overtook the two men who were not so discreetly gawking at him, with the goal of finding some bench in the square to sit on and await your arrival.
Seonghwa thought that his performance was over, and relaxed into the seat that he had stumbled upon: partially in the shade of a green maple, but still welcoming some of the more amiable sun rays. But little did he know that, instead of this being an epilogue to the indirect interaction with your colleagues that threatened his pride, he had just inadvertently completed a tutorial, and now was in for a game of a lifetime.
“Uhm, excuse me? Pardon for my very rude behaviour, but I believe I overheard you mentioning a certain Y/N that works around here?”
Seonghwa raised his head, which had previously been resting on the back of the bench, only to discover that the two men he had perceived as a threat to his status, in particular that Greek statue in the form of Yeo, were standing right in front of him, expectant.
“Yes… I did indeed. And who are you, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Ah, before we introduce ourselves, would you confirm if this is L/N Y/N you were talking to?”
“…Yes?” Seonghwa stood up, in a last-minute effort to be polite towards the gentlemen, who only a few minutes ago, he wanted to erase from the planet, or at least from your plans. They accepted the gesture and gave him space.
The sun was beating down on Seonghwa more aggressively than before, making him wonder whether this was due to it actually getting hotter, or because he was more and more enticed by the idea of the ground opening up beneath him and letting him exit the conversation.  
“Right, sorry for the suddenness. It’s just that we are her colleagues. Well, from different departments but still. I am Jung Wooyoung. Human Resources.” A bow, another bow. Wooyoung did not look too pleased, clearly reading his every micromovement.
“I’m Kang Yeosang. Cybersecurity.” Passive enough, neither of the two cared enough to try and be threatening.
“And you?” Wooyoung inquired, raising his eyebrows.
“Ah yes, apologies. Park Seonghwa. Department not found.”
Polite chuckles. Dead silence. Wind whistling. Where were you? The three fumbled for anything to say, finally settling on the weather, and then moving towards neutral work topics. Evidently, Wooyoung had a lot more to say, and with each passing minute, the coil on which said questions were contained was being wound tighter and tighter, until it was ready to damn near detonate.
“What is this gang meet up, huh?” finally, you appeared from behind a tall hedge, your work pass hanging around your neck from a lanyard, swaying with each step you took. Once you approached the group, you looked at each member of the trio, pausing when you saw Yeosang.
“Ah hello! You must be Yeosang, right? I guess we are meeting sooner than expected.” Chuckling in pure corporate, you nodded in greeting.
“Indeed, we are. Nice to meet you.”
“So, Y/N, care to explain… this mister Seonghwa?” Wooyoung interjected, his curiosity getting the best of him.
This was deeply disconcerting, you concluded. There was an element to this ordeal that you were missing, and this element was crucial to understanding how Wooyoung was going to proceed. He was smart, perceptive. You could even dare to say ‘cunning’. And it was apparent that he had caught onto something, and was not going to let go until everything came to light. You bit the inside of your cheek as you glanced at Seonghwa, who was doing everything in his power to avoid eye contact. There was one clean way out, and one that was inevitably going to make you, and the man in front of you snowball into something only fate could decide the outcome of. While chances were slim, nevertheless you took the first option…
“Well, you already got to know one another. I’d say that’s enough. Now, I need to take this man to the metro so if you don’t mind, we will be heading over yonder-” …only for it to fail miserably as Wooyoung saw through you.
“Oh no, no, like… who is this? A friend? A boyfriend? I need details, you are having breakfast and stuff together… who is he?”
If looks could kill, then you would be a fake widow. It did not take much brain power to figure out that the conversation you had over the phone had been staged for whatever reason. And now, you were in a mess where your little sitcom for a promotion might shut down… unless you committed. Fully. Wooyoung was staring you down. Yeosang had one eyebrow raised and arms crossed, judging. And Seonghwa was only a few levels away from impersonating Edvard Munch’s ‘The Scream’. To hell with all of this. Deep breath in. Breath out.
“My husband.”
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myloveateez · 4 years
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riverdalerandomness · 2 years
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the holy mf trinity of murder my ass😭 someone i need cpr
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j4ycore · 3 years
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⌗ 𝗦𝗲𝗼𝗻𝗴𝗵𝘄𝗮 𝗣𝗮𝗰𝗸𝘀
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@jhsun_ on twitter.
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suga007 · 3 years
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Happy Birthday Seonghwa!
this is my original fanart please do not copy.
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