#baby danvers x winn schott
midnightlizard · 2 months
Other side
Kara Danvers x gn!reader
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Summary: You and Kara have been dating for a couple of weeks and you've never been very affectionate in public, or in general. So when one night you get drunk, everyone is surprised when you can't keep your hands to yourself. Especially your girlfriend, who can't stop blushing
Warnings: alcohol intake, nothing else, just fluff
Word count: 1580
It had been a while since the Superfriends got all together, unable to find a day where everyone was free to hangout.
So, when the opportunity finally made itself present, you decided to spend the night at the alien bar.
All the gang was there, except for Kara and James who got caught up in work, but should be here soon.
"what's gotten into you?"
You raised your head from the shoulder it was leaning on to look at your best friend.
"what do you mean?" you slowly squinted your eyes, and Lena laughed at that.
"I haven't seen you drunk in years, and as soon as you drink again, you become the clingy soft friend I met in college" and to emphasize her words, she raised the hand you were holding, fingers linked together.
"Winn lost at beer pong so now he has to pay for my drinks" you explained "of course I'm taking advantage of it"
"and I'm not clingy, because I'm drunk" you clarified after a second, laying your head back on her shoulder "I always show you my love"
And if the ceo had a witty remark to make, she was stopped just in time by the brown haired man, calling your name.
"I want a rematch, you in?" it was only thanks to the alcohol in his system that he didn't notice the position you were in.
"you really think you're going to win, schott?" an uncharacteristic playful, loud voice coming out of your mouth "but if I win, again" you got up to get closer to the man "you'll pay for my drinks next time we go out too" you raised your hand, which was instantly shaken by Winn.
While the two of you were playing, Kara and James entered the bar, finding their friends at their usual table. As soon as they reached the table, your girlfirend noticed two heads missing
"where are (Y/N) and Winn?" she asked the group, causing James to look around.
"they're playing beer pong" answered Alex, leaning slightly into Maggie's side, stealing one of her fries.
"you should be careful with (Y/N) by the way" added the police officer, an amused glint in her eyes, but she missed Kara's confused face, to scold her girlfriend for stealing her food.
"what do you mean careful?" she furrowed her eyebrows, and turned to look at Lena when the woman opened her mouth.
"they tend to be a little..different, when they're drunk" she knew she could have explained it way better, especially since she has known you longer than everyone else, but she also wanted to keep the surprise.
And Lena knew the blonde didn't have to wait for long when she saw you approaching, with a wide grin on you face.
"hi baby" you whispered with a light slur to your voice, sneaking your arms around her from behind, resting your hands on her stomach. No one was able to hear what you were saying, except for the kryptonian of course, but your actions were enough to make everyone either laugh or hang with their mouths open. "I missed you"
"uh, hi (Y/N)" James spoke up quietly, as if he didn't know if it was really you
"hi man!" you greeted, raising one hand to high five him, the ohter still laying on your girlfriend. Time was moving a lot slower for you so when James spent a second too long to reciprocate, you turned to the blonde who was carefully watching your every move.
"I'm going to get something to drink, do you want anything?" you took a step back when you felt her moving aroung in your hold, making your hands drop to your sides.
"don't you think you've had enough?" she let her gaze shift between your eyes, noting the slight emptyness in them "why don't you sit down, I'll go get something myself"
Although your steps were secure, as was your balance, Kara still didn't feel like letting you walk on your own with your hands full of liquor, especially since she has never seen you act so 'unserious', or 'different' as Lena described it. And she definitely wouldn't let you drink anything else.
"oh no don't worry, Winn's paying for my drinks" you cheerfully rebutted, not realizing she wasn't worried about the money. That made the woman look at a Winn who was just as intoxicated as you, now groaning at what you said.
"besides" you resumed talking, putting your fingers under Kara's chin so she could look at you, and you missed the way her cheecks turned a bright pink at the touch "I want to treat my girlfriend" you winked, or maybe you just tried to close your eyes, but the action was definetly intentional.
The super rapidly blinked her eyes and when she came back to her senses you were already gone, Winn on your tail.
"don't worry, they know when to stop" vocalized Lena when Kara sat down next to her.
And she tried to listen to her friend's words, to believe you did know when too much was too much, but she couldn't help the pang of worry in the pit of her stomach as her gaze went back to you and the loud conversation you were having with her coworker, while waiting for the drinks.
As Lena predicted, after the beer you just ordered, you stopped drinking completely, and even refused to play another game with Winn when he offered.
"are you sure you're alright (Y/N)?" your girlfirend whispered in your ear after a minute of you silently staring in her general direction
You slightly leaned back to able to look at her, and flashed her a sweet smile "of course I am. You're just so pretty you make it hard not to look at you" you uttered out, removing a strand of blonde hair that fell in front of her glasses.
"uh- oh, thank you" she whispered, but she wasn't sure you were able to hear her.
And if she had any braincell still working properly in her system, it stopped working when you landed a soft kiss at the corner of her mouth, her infatuated red cheeks resembling your alcohol induced ones.
The rest of the night had the same light touches from you, with your hand resting on her thigh or a kiss to her face when she said something funny or smiled sweetly;
and the same hesitation from Kara in accepting said touches, loving the attention but not knowing when was the alcohol doing the decision for you.
Then it was time to go.
"give me your car keys" the blonde softly ordered as soon as you two stepped out of the bar, stopping in front of you, careful so that you wouldn't bump into her with your slow reflexes.
"why do you need my car keys?" you asked, but still held them in the air for her to take.
"because I'm not letting you drive like this" she answered, putting them in her back pocket "come on, I'm taking you home."
"do you need my house keys too then?" you tilted your head to the side, but she shook her head.
"no I was, I was thinking you should sleep at mine, actually." she started walking to her car "in case you start feeling bad in the middle of the night"
While trying to guess why you should feel bad at your own house you felt your hand being pulled, and found Kara back by your side.
"come on, let's go home"
The car ride was silent, the kryptonian did try to make conversation, but a couple of failed attempts later she focused on your breathing, noticing you fell asleep, probabaly as soon as she started driving.
Once she parked her car and turned the engine off, Kara tapped on your shoulder a couple of times, whispering your name.
You let out a little sound, and raised your head from the window "mh?"
She couldn't stop the smile that formed on her lips, leaning in to lay a kiss in between your eyes. "we're here" she whispered, never taking her eyes off yours.
When you entered her apartment she closed the door behind her, putting her bag on the nearby couch. As she raised her arms to take off her jacket you stopped her, grabbing the beige material yourself.
She let her hair down from the ponytail it tied was in, and feeling hands on her waist she turned around, automatically putting hers on your shoulders.
"what's going on with you?" she laughed lightly, and started running a hand through your hair when you crouched down to lay your head in the crook of her neck.
"I'm drunk" as if the reporter didn't know already "and I'm tired. Lena was right"
"yea I can see it" she didn't know what you meant when you mentioned the brunette, but she let it go "you've been stuck to me all night"
You raised your head, the grip you had on her shirt now faltering. "was it too much?" you could feel yourself sobering up a bit
"oh no (Y/N) it was okay" she took your face in her hands, her cheeks red at the memory "I was just surprised"
She laughed at the sound of relief you let out, hiding your head back on her neck.
"come on, enough of tonight." she whispered, pulling you to bed "let's go to sleep"
Kara Danvers Masterlist - Supergirl Masterlist
General Masterlist
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ao3feed-supercorp · 1 year
It's A Love Story (Baby Just Say Yes)
by Vagrant_Lucy
She didn't expect to find a pair of green orbs looking at her intensely, let alone that those eyes belonged to anyone other than Lena Luthor, one of the most sought-after actresses in the world, in a gold dress that has Kara with the urgency of writing about it.
“Hello,” the actress greets her. "I hope I'm not interrupting, but I'm going to be interviewed before your performance and I decided to come and say good luck to you."
“Uhhh,” it was ironic how Kara was able to write and sing in front of millions of people the most profound words ever spoken and before a pair of pretty eyes she went completely speechless, opening and closing her mouth like a fish out of water.
Or, my take on a singer x actress au
Words: 2185, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Maggie Sawyer, Cat Grant, Querl Dox "Brainy", J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw, James "Jimmy" Olsen, Winn Schott Jr., Imra Ardeen, Mon-El (Supergirl TV 2015), Eliza Danvers, Jeremiah Danvers, Jess (Supergirl TV 2015), Jack Spheer
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Celebrity, singer x actress au, Secret Relationship, Attempt at Humor, Fluff, Eventual Smut, I Wrote This While Listening to Taylor Swift's Music, Title from a Taylor Swift Song, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/h9Fx1Kv via IFTTT https://ift.tt/h9Fx1Kv
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oneshotnewbie · 3 years
Supergirl x Metahuman Chapter IV
A/N: I didn't even know I already wrote a fourth part about eight months ago and didn't post it. Probably because I didn't liked it but I haven't had the energy to write anything today and I still wanted to put out something so.. Hope you still like it :)
(Again, this was five months ago, my writing skills weren't that good to that time. Sorry)
You have been branching out in this procedure for a while and the longer, the stronger the stinging pain in your chest became.
Again and again dizziness came over you and you couldn’t see the buttons of your keyboard if you wouldn’t already memorize the keyboard perfectly.
You reposition yourself in your chair over and over again. Your head was still hurting and the pain was getting worse by the minute. No matter how you sat, your ribs took your breath away.
And that hadn’t gone unnoticed.
“Are you okay?” someone asked from your left side and you looked up from the computer, totally lost in your thoughts.
“Hm? Yeah, I’m good but I can’t really sit comfortably because of this.” You said, pointing to your aching side. “It sucks.”
He stopped banging on the keys on his computer, straightened up in his chair and turned himself to you. “How about I help you to go to the med bay so you rest a bit? Alex said you shouldn’t work so hard but you’ve been sitting in this uncomfortable place for over an hour now.”
You sighed and raised your hand as a token of ‘let-it-sink’ and continued to work against the advice, even if you really felt worse than before and you promised Alex that you would stop.
A few minutes longer wouldn’t hurt.
But little did you know that Winn already took out his phone and secretly texted your red haired sister that you were not looking good and that you didn’t want to hear.
He knew there was going to be a fight with you if you would find out but it didn’t stop him from wanting the best for you.
You didn’t know exactly how many minutes or hours passed but suddenly it got dark in front of you and several agents, including you sister, stood with a trapped alien on the balcony, followed by your other sister and J’onn.
“How are you feeling sweetheart?” asked the blonde worriedly while she came walking towards you.
You wanted to get up, but you were too weak. Also you felt two hands on your shoulders, gently rubbing small circles on them as you looked up.
To the surprise, Alex had come behind you without you noticing it.
“I’m fine, a bit dizzy but okay.” You lied.
She wrinkled an eyebrow and you knew she had seen through you like she always did. Little did you know that she was looking at Winn who clearly showed her with a shake of his head that you were not feeling well.
Kara was not better either. She crossed her arms over her chest and looked you dead in the eyes. “I don’t think you are alright, you’re pale and really look not even close to good.”
“Please don’t stop, Lexie.” You said while closing your eyes and savoring the closeness and warmth of your sister.
“Maggie is on her way. She will take you home and take care of you while Kara and I are her at the DEO and when we come home, there is gonna be your favorite food and lots of cuddles, alright?”
“What? No. I want to stay here!” you spoke, annoyed by this statement.
“No you don’t. You’re going to change now, I’ll help you with this and then you will go home with Maggie. Alex is right, you need to rest and tonight there will be lots of Danvers sisters activities.”
“You texted them, didn’t you?” you asked as you turned around to face your best friend, your eyes narrowed as you started into his.
Instantly, he moved further down in his chair, his shoulders pressed against his ears as he looked at you and then quickly back to his computer. He knew that as soon as you would be back at the DEO, there would probably be a lot of stress and he could get a smack on the back of his head, but it was only about your well-being and he being worried about you.
You rolled your eyes as you stood up slowly. "Traitor!" you spoke and played hurt by putting a hand to your heart and looking at him sadly. But he and everyone else were right.
They didn’t want you to hurt yourself even more.
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fics-posts · 3 years
B!D Headcanons.
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Headcanons to all my baby danvers fics!
- Being an adopted alien, like Kara. Except your power allow you to control fire, vibrations, and shockwaves. Also flying and enhanced senses, strength and speed. Shapeshifting, but the downside to that is that it can be quite painful.
- Kara likes to roughhouse with you because she can. She likes that you can keep up with her. However, you guys have to do it outside. Eliza was furious the first time you did it because you both destroyed the living room.
- Growing up, Alex got insecure a lot because she had two superpowered younger sisters. But she got over it because you both are basically puppies. She would beat up anyone who messed with you guys.
- There was one time Alex found you staring at an electric can opener because you didn’t know how to use it. You almost gave up and were going to simply bite through the can when Alex showed you how to use it. After that, you went to her for help on everything.
- While you didn’t wear glasses like Kare because you didn’t have X-ray vision, you did wear discrete noise cancelling earbuds because your hearing would often got overwhelming. More so than Kara’s. But after a while, you got the hang of it and didn’t have to wear them anymore.
- Listening to your sisters heart beats. You don’t know why, but that is what often calmed you down. 
-When your sisters left for national city, you were right behind them. You didn’t want to be without them and they didn’t want to be without you. You moved into Kara’s apartment because she wanted to have you close. Cuddles were an almost nightly thing before you both went to bed. 
- Working at Catco with Kara as well. You had dabbled in photography as kid and Cat Grant hired you on the spot after looking at your portfolio. Which left you surprised.
- When Alex’s plan ended up going down, you saved it with Kara. The two of you ended up getting an ear full but the both of you agreed that it was something you wanted to continue.
- Originally, you were against telling Winn, but Kara gave you puppy eyes and you broke. You snorted when he thought she was a lesbian. Kara looked at you and you both simply walked over the edge of the roof. You felt bad for almost giving Winn a heart attack.
- You weren’t Kryptonian so your suit didn’t have the House of El symbol. Your suit was black with blue accents (much like alex’s suit.) Your cape was black on top but the underside was blue as well.
- Cat Grant named you Supernova. It was well known that you had no relation to the Kryptonians, but you were always partnered with Supergirl so Cat wanted you guys to have some kind of link to your names. It was fitting because you would set your hands on fire when you fought. Sprinkle in the small quakes and vibrations, it was a perfect name. 
- When you found out Alex worked at the DEO, you were hurt. more so than Kara. You and Alex would always tell each other everything. But, after a while, you understood. She was working at a top secret organization. She couldn’t exactly tell you that. 
- When Alex came out to you as a lesbian, you came out to her as one as well. The both of you sat in awkward silence for a monet before you started laughing. You pulled her into a hug then went off to tell Kara.
- Kara was confused at first but totally supportive.
- When you met Maggie, you smiled and thought she was good for your sister. She started calling Kara “Little Danvers” and you “Baby Danvers” Mush you yours and Kara’s dismay.
- You weren’t as invincible as Kara. While bullets didn’t hurt you, missiles and alien weapons could cause severe injuries. 
- When you were hurt, it was full stop for your sisters. They dropped everything to make sure you got better. If it was really bad, they’d panic and J’onn would have to force them out of the room, even though he himself was worried.
- The Superfriends were also super protective of you. At the alien dive bar one night, you were at the counter waiting for the drinks when a guy came up to you and started flirting with you. He placed a hand on your thigh and you looked over at your friends silently panicking. You wanted to throw him across the bar but you knew you’d get into trouble. 
- Alex slammed him against the bar with his arm pinned behind his back and James dragged him and threw him outside. Maggie threatened to have him arrested while Kara and Winn made sure you were alright. 
- When you met Lena ( I love supercorp, but I love the B!DxLena ship a lot.) The whole world stopped. Massive gay panic ensued.
- Kara and Alex would tease you non stop about your crush on her.
-They invited her to game night and eventually you worked up the courage to ask her out. She was very shocked to say the least. 
-After a long week, you and your sisters would have a sisters night. You would sprawl across their laps and Alex would run her hands through your hair. Kara using your stomach as a place to sit her potstickers on. You’d sigh contently and fall asleep to Wizard of Oz.
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malyce19 · 2 years
Chapter 6 has arrived! The plot came with it! Stay angsty, my friends!
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kj-1130 · 4 years
Let’s Chase
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Main Masterlist
December 7th
     It was another boring day inside the house. There was nothing for you to do, so you decided to go annoy your newfound sisters for fun. 
     Walking down the hall, you found Kara on the couch watching movies and Alex in the kitchen trying to find something to eat. You kind of got concerned when you saw her seeing as neither of them could cook. Like at all. Ever since you came into the household, you’d make food for them. You honestly didn’t even know you could cook at first. When you went to the stove one day it all just came to you naturally. 
     Walking over to the couch, but still keeping your eyes on the kitchen, you plop down practically on top of Kara. She grunts in response to the unexpected weight that just dropped on her. 
     Looking up at her with an innocent smile, you steal some of her popcorn. “What’s up?”
     She playfully rolled her eyes and pushed you to the other side of the couch. “I’m watching a movie and Alex was going to attempt to make something.”
     You barely let her finish her sentence before you sped off to the kitchen to stop whatever inevitable disaster that would follow if Alex started to cook. 
     “Put your hands above your head and step away from the stove!” 
     Alex jumped in surprise and stepped back from where she was. 
     “That is good, that is good. Now lower the spatula.”
     The oldest Danvers sister chuckled and shook her head. She dropped the spatula and started to chase you around the apartment. 
     “Kara! Kara, help me!”
     The mentioned simply ignored the chaos and continued watching her movie. 
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ynsimagines · 4 years
A List of Nicknames the Superfriends (mainly Alex, Maggie, and Winn) have Called B!D because she’s short. (Saw this in a Tik Tok.)
1. Itty Bitty
2. Tiny Temper
3. Teeny Meeny
4. Half-Pint
5. The Forever Freshman
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supergirlfics · 5 years
hi can you do one where B!D is having a lot of issues with Eliza (she’s comparing her to her sisters and telling her she’s not trying hard enough) and is feeling really anxious whenever she has to talk to her mom but she doesn’t want to be overdramatic or cause any problems so she balls it all up u til she has a panic attack? and she calls alex or kara and spills everything to them? and then some fluff or something? thank youuu!!!
“You don’t try hard enough! Your grades are horrendous. Your room is constantly a mess. When was the last time you even turned in your homework?” Eliza asked, glaring at you.
Head shaking, you took a step back. “Mom, I’m doing my best … It’s hard, I -”
“Your best? I hardly call that your best. Why can’t you be more like your sisters? They never gave me these problems. And Kara came here from another planet.”
“I’m not Kara. I promise, I’m trying. The material is too hard … You made me take those AP classes and I just don’t understand. And there’s so much homework. I don’t have any free time. At all.”
“If your sisters could handle it, so can you. Go do your homework. I expect you to get completely caught up tonight.”
“Mom, there’s like twelve hours of work.”
“No excuses. Go!”
You turned on your heel and ran upstairs to your room. You could hardly breathe, but you forced yourself to stay calm. You didn’t need anyone to know how stressed you were. Anyway, they probably wouldn’t care. Eliza certainly didn’t. 
You felt so alone. 
You couldn’t help the fear that had welled up inside you. The fear of failure. You’d already failed Eliza, you were failing classes. And if you flunked out? If you didn’t graduate? That would be the worst failure you could think of. You could already hear the sound of Eliza’s yelling, even as her words replayed over and over in your mind. 
It caused you to shake. To sweat. It felt as if a lump had swollen up in your throat. And you panicked. Panicked because of stress. Panicked because of Eliza. Panicked because you just couldn’t get enough air! You could feel your hands pulling on the collar of your shirt as if loosening it would somehow allow you to breathe again. 
You needed your inhaler. But it wasn’t around. You couldn’t go downstairs. Not only were you afraid to show your face, you didn’t want to deal with Eliza’s yelling. You couldn’t handle the yelling. 
Rocking, shaking, heart pounding, you didn’t know what to do. Without realizing, you found yourself with your phone in your hands and Alex’s name up on the screen. You didn’t put the phone to your ear. Just watched as it rang.
“Hello?” Alex’s voice came out loud and clear. But you didn’t respond. “Y/N? Is everything okay?”
When you still didn’t answer, Alex sounded a little more frantic.
“What’s going on? Are you okay? I’m going to call mom.”
“Whoa, okay. Hey, it’s okay. You sound scared. What’s going on? Are you having a panic attack?”
You didn’t need to answer. The sound of your breathing did enough. 
“Y/N, you need to calm down. Take deep breaths. Breathe with me.”
It took several minutes, but Alex walked you through the panic attack. She stayed on the line with you as you cried and struggled, speaking gently and reassuringly. 
“Okay,” You said eventually. “I think I’m okay.”
“Talk to me, Y/N. What’s wrong? Why did you have that panic attack?”
You hesitated, unsure if you should say anything. But before long, you found yourself spilling your guts. “It’s mom. I’m not doing great in school. Everything is stressful and she just yells and compares me to you and Kara. She keeps saying I”m not good enough and that I’m not trying. She put me in all these AP classes, but I have a hard enough time in regular classes. And so I’m failing like, everything. And I didn’t want these classes, but she blames me for it. I’m not smart, Alex. I can’t do this. She says I have to get caught up on everything tonight, but that’s at least twelve hours of work. I just can’t do it. She’s being so mean.” You were sobbing. Alex could probably barely understand you.
There was a knock at the door and you jumped, hurriedly throwing your phone across the room before yanking your books out of your backpack.
But when the door opened, it wasn’t your mom standing there. 
It was your sisters.
They rushed in, kneeling at your side before pulling you into a tight hug. “It’s okay, sweetie,” Alex assured. 
“We got you,” Kara said.
You leaned into them as you cried, letting all your emotions drain onto their shoulders. For the first time in a while, you felt safe. You felt at home. 
“She doesn’t stop yelling.”
You can feel Alex tighten her grip around you. “I’ll talk to her, okay? This is your senior year, it should be fun. And look at you, Y/N, you’re having such a difficult time.”
“And we’ll help you with you homework,” Kara offers. 
You started crying all over again as you grabbed your sisters tightly. “Thank you.”
“Of course, kid,” Alex said, placing a kiss on the top of your head. “But for now, you need a break. We’re going out tonight. We can get dinner, see a movie.”
You shook your head quickly. “N-no. No. Mom will yell at me again. She’ll be so mad. I have to get everything done right now. I can’t do anything until I get it done.” You could feel the panic quickly returning.
“Whoa, whoa, hey,” Alex said. “It’s okay. Breathe. Just breathe. We’re going to talk to Mom for you, okay? I promise, she won’t yell at you. We won’t let her.”
You didn’t say anything. Instead, you focused on calming your breathing.
“I’m going to go talk to her right now. Okay? I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
Alex left and a few minutes later you could hear loud arguing. You flinched at the yelling and buried your face against Kara with a whimper.
Kara pulled you closer with a hush. “I got you.”’
Eventually, the yelling stopped and Alex returned to your room. “Pack your things, you’re going to spend a few days with me. I’ll help you get caught up and we can spend some time relaxing. Okay?”
Your face lit up. You pulled away from Kara, standing and running to Alex. You leaped onto her in a hug. “Thank you! I love you, Alex.”
“I love you, too, sweetie.”
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wlw-in-space · 5 years
Baby!Danvers Reader
Prompt: R is Kara and Alex’s younger sister, and she gets food for them for when they come back from missions and stuff, but when she goes out to grab food she runs into trouble and goes back to her apartment really hurt. Then she asks Lena to help her out because she doesn’t know what to do so Lena patches her up for the most part and then when Kara and Alex get there, R has still got like something stuck in her leg and they have to get it out so they take her to the DEO to get it out and Alex is mad at her because she was really scared. Also R likes Lena and Lena likes R but it’s low key.
Word Count: 3,487 (it’s a long one ladies and gents)
Warnings: blood & cursing
(Also, this was requested on my Wattpad and I’m moving it here but I changed some minor things)
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You knew as soon as you limped back into the apartment you shared with Kara that you were in deep shit trouble with your sisters. Alex had told you not to leave the apartment because she and Kara had to take care of an alien. She didn't want you getting into trouble, but you always order takeout for Kara and Alex to eat when they get back from missions, and since you had called yesterday to order for them, the lady who works the night shift (her name is Nina) told you over the phone that your usual delivery man (Eric) was going on vacation, so he wouldn't be able to deliver your food, so you figured you could just go pick it up yourself since it was only a few minutes drive from the apartment.
Well, it was pretty unfortunate that the alien attack was actually two blocks away from your apartment and your car got totaled, with you in it.
Calling Alex or Kara wasn't an option, Maggie was probably with them, Winn was at the DEO with J'onn, and Lena, Lena would be there in a heartbeat.
You looked a mess. The sound your left arm made when your car crashed couldn't have been healthy, your wrist on the opposite arm had a cut in it, there's a piece of glass stuck in your thigh, oh, and don't forget about the tiny cuts on your face from the small pieces of glass from your windshield.
Luckily you hadn't been too far from the apartment, calling yourself an ambulance would have taken way too long because there's no way they would be able to get to you in the middle of all the chaos.
Getting up to your apartment took a while, it was hard to ignore your bleeding wrist and your inability to walk properly from the fucking glass in your thigh, but sweet relief came when you were finally able to flop down on the couch (after popping two Advil's, of course). Maybe not so sweet, considering, but you knew pulling out the glass would result in gushing blood and you didn't exactly know how to take care of that.
Quickly, you shot a text to Alex and Kara in your group chat.
Hey, so when you guys finish with your mission and stuff, please come back asap. I got hurt trying to get takeout for you guys cuz I didn't know that the alien attack happened to be on the way. I made it back home fine, but everything hurts. I love you guys.
You sighed, leaning against the armrest carefully. Maybe I should text Lena. Five minutes is what it took you to finally get the courage to send her a text, knowing you probably should have earlier.
Hi, Lee. I hope you aren't too busy. I got hurt trying to get takeout for the girls and I need your help. I'm in the apartment but there's an alien attack nearby so please be careful. I'm so sorry to bother you.
You bit the inside of your cheek and pressed send. It took just a few seconds before you saw the three dots pop up and you smiled softly.
I'll be there in less than ten minutes.
Lena stayed true to her word and you heard the door unlocking (with the emergency key only your friends knew about). When she turned on the lights you realized you'd forgotten to do that when you'd arrived.
"Oh my god, (y/n), what happened?" Lena rushed to your side as soon as she walked in, leaving her purse by the door and her coat along with it, not wasting time and grabbing the first aid kit from underneath the sofa.
"I crashed on the way to the takeout place getting food for Alex and Kara," You muttered.
"What's hurting? Besides your leg, obviously, I'd rather wait until Alex is here to take it out, it'll be easier and I don't want you loosing more blood than you already have," Just the look of concern on her face could probably take away all the pain you had.
"I think my arm might be broken, my wrist is cut, and my face is - well, you know." You bit your lip, feeling a tinge of shame as you spoke.
Lena hurried herself over to the refrigerator and handed you a bottle of water, "Here, I'm sure you're thirsty." Then she opened the first aid kit and pulled out the hydrogen peroxide and a washcloth.
"I don't have to tell you that this is going to hurt, (y/n), I know you already know," Lena spoke softly, taking your wrist into her gentle hand, "Tell me about what living with your sister is like, relax a little bit, and don't forget to breathe,” Lena said, giving you something to distract yourself with.
You nodded softly, wincing when the soft cloth made contact with your skin, "Living with Kara is fun, it - fuck, Lee,"
"You're okay, I'll be done soon," Lena continued cleaning the wound.
"Sorry, uh, it's good I guess, I feel safe with Kara here. And we don't fight just - god - just Alex and Kara do sometimes but not usually."
Lena nodded, putting the washcloth down and picking up a roll of bandages, "You did great, (y/n), I would've been able to use water and mild soap but it was really dirty and I'd rather you don't get an infection," Lena started to wrap your wrist in the bandage.
"Thank you, Lena."
"Thank me when I'm done," Lena smiled softly, brushing your hair out of your face and getting the washcloth to clean it, "This shouldn't hurt as much, it won't take me long either."
Lena began wiping gently at your skin, cleaning the dirt and scrapes.
Your eyes met Lena's and she offered a smile, "I hope Alex and Kara finish up and get here quickly, we need to get this glass out of your leg, I can't imagine how much pain you're in right now."
"I took Advil," You shrug.
"You know damn well Advil isn't going to do anything to help you, (y/n)." Lena sighed softly.
"Alex and Kara are going to crucify me, Lena."
"They probably will," Lena nodded, "I would've too, but I know you don't need that from three people, you've probably learned your lesson too."
"I guess, I just want to be like you guys. Like, help people and all, I wanna learn how to fight and solve problems. I cause Alex and Kara trouble all the time because I do stupid stuff and I can't take care of myself, hell, you should be at home relaxing," You groaned, getting frustrated with yourself.
"I would much rather be here with you, trust me, I'd prefer that you weren't hurting, I hate seeing you in pain, but I'm glad that you asked me to help you," Lena backed away, having finished cleaning up your face.
"I'm really glad I did, too."
"I really should take this glass out, it isn't safe for you to have it there for so long, (y/n)."
Just then, Kara burst through the window with Alex in her arms, setting her down before the two of them rushed to you.
"Jesus, fuck!" You screamed, clearly startled that they'd come out of nowhere, not even bothering to use the front door.
"Language," Alex said. Although it wasn't like she didn't curse all the time.
"(Y/n) you are in big fucking trouble, but we'll deal with that later," Alex crossed her arms.
"And you get to curse but I don't? I'm an adult for Christ's sake."
"I'm responsible and listen to directions so maybe when you learn how to do that you'll get treated like an adult," It was pretty obvious that Alex was angry, but you could tell she was worried.
"Alex, hush," Kara finally spoke. You hadn't realized that while you were talking to Alex she was using her x-ray vision to see if you'd broken any bones. "(Y/n), your arm is broken."
"I think we can deal with her arm after, she’s a big shard of glass in her thigh that's been there since she got into the car accident and she needs to get it out immediately. I was waiting for you, Alex, she's already lost too much blood and I needed someone to help me just in case," Lena spoke up, her concern only growing by the minute.
"We should take her to the DEO, we'll be able to help her faster there," Kara started lifting you up into her arms.
"Kara, no!" You pleaded. "I want to stay with you guys."
"No one touches (y/n)'s leg but me and Lena, Kara. Take her quickly and -" Before Alex finished her sentence, Kara had left with you, and in seconds you were laying in the med bay of the DEO, "Gimmie, two seconds, (y/n/n)."
You closed your eyes and wait until you hear Kara land with Alex and Lena before opening them again.
"Kara, close the door," Lena hurried over to you and got ready to put an IV in your arm (the one that isn't broken) and hung you up on the heart monitor.
There was so much going on in the room, Alex was looking around for something, Lena was sticking an IV in your arm and Kara was trying to ask you something but you couldn't focus on her words.
As soon as your heart rate started speeding up you heard beeping coming from behind you and you started feeling overwhelmed and god, "Can someone just take the damn glass out?" You yelled, groaning as you had nothing to distract you from the pain, no Lena talking to you calmly, just a bunch of machines beeping erratically and people occasionally peeping through the window, wondering what the hell was going on. You turned your head away and felt your lip start to wobble and tears threatening to fall.
"That's why we're here, (y/n)," Alex huffed, sitting on a stool beside your leg, Lena right next to her.
Kara stood on your other side, taking your hand into hers and squeezing gently.
"Are you ready?" Lena asked.
"Yeah, just go," You squeezed Kara's hand tightly, seriously regretting trying to get takeout.
Lena readied herself, and when Alex pulled out the shard, she applied pressure to your wound.
It took everything you had not to scream. It's a good thing Kara was Kryptonian, otherwise you would've hurt her.
Kara gently wiped away the tears that had fallen down your cheeks with her other hand, "You did so good, (y/n). I'm so proud of you."
You chuckle softly, "So I guess we just decided against using an anesthetic?"
"Sorry," Alex offered a lopsided smile. "Let's leave this pressure on for a good fifteen minutes to be safe and then we'll clean and stitch her, yeah?" Alex asked Lena.
"Yeah," Lena nodded, biting the inside of her lip.
Fifteen minutes passed fairly quickly, Kara, Alex, and Lena made conversation with you to create a distraction and pass time.
Alex looked at her watch before looking back over to you, "Okay, I'm going to put some numbing gel on this thigh of yours and then we'll get it cleaned up for you before I stitch it." She said, before getting to work.
"Okay," You nod, looking down at your hand which was still in Kara's. She was tracing the freckles on your hand, what she usually did when she was worried or stressed. "Hey, Kar?"
Kara looked up, "Yeah?"
"I'm sorry for scaring you," You said, giving Kara a lazy smile. Kara smiled back at you and nodded, giving you an unspoken 'it's okay'.
"You too, Alex, I'm really sorry," You added, knowing Alex was listening to you.
You moved your head and looked at Alex, wanting her to at least look at you, but she kept her eyes focused on your thigh. You knew she could feel your eyes on her, you were right in front of her, and you knew she was mad, you just didn’t think she’d be so mad that she wanted to ignore you.
You screwed your eyes shut and turned your face away from her, feeling the tears that had gone away start to come back, but not because of the pain you were dealing with.
Alex just then finished with the numbing gel and turned to Lena, "I'll be outside talking to J'onn and Winn, come get me when you're ready for me to stitch (y/n)."
You heard the door close behind Alex and opened your eyes again, only to look at the ceiling.
"She hates me," You sniffled.
"No no no, (y/n/n), Alex does not hate you. She cares more about you than any other person on this planet. She's upset because you scared her so badly when she got your text that she almost started crying. You're her little sister, (y/n) -"
"So are you," You interrupted.
"I have superpowers, you don't. You're fragile and Alex worries about you every time we have to go on a mission. I know you love to act like the toughest person in the world, but we can tell that you're in a lot of pain, and you know Alex sees right through you. She wouldn't act this way if she hated you."
"How am I supposed to apologize to her if she wont even look at me?" You felt your lip wobble again, but you willed them to go away, blinking quickly.
"Lena page us when you're finished, please. I'll be right back after I go talk to her, and I'll try to find you a sling or something for that arm of yours," Kara smiled reassuringly before kissing your forehead and hurried out of the room, leaving you with Lena.
"And then there were two," You played with the bandage Lena had wrapped around your wrist earlier, noticing how you had almost bled through it and you would probably have to change it soon.
Lena looked up and smiled at you, "I guess the numbing gel worked? You don't seem to be in pain."
"Yeah, it feels uncomfortable but it doesn't really hurt," You nodded, watching Lena's face as she focused her energy on your thigh.
"I'm glad you aren't in as much pain anymore," Lena finished cleaning your leg and was about to hit the paging button on the little remote, but decided against it when she heard Alex and Kara yelling, sitting on the stool beside you.
"Now they're arguing because of me too," You groaned.
"It isn't your fault, (y/n). Kara is right though, I don't think you've ever really seen Alex super worried or scared for your well-being. She cares about you so much it's insane. And I don't blame her for being upset either. I totally understand how she feels. It's scary when someone you love is in danger and you don't know if they're okay."
"Trust me, I know the feeling," You chuckled. "I think we should let them know that we're done."
Lena nodded softly and pressed the button, kissing the top of your head (it reminded you of how Kara did it) before leaving the room.
You felt relieved in a way. All this talking to other people was getting annoying and you just wanted to be alone, but you knew the last thing you'd be for the next few weeks was alone.
Your heart clenched a bit when you saw Alex pass the window and open the door.
"Hi," She said softly, grabbing her stuff and bringing it over to you.
"Alex, I'm honestly so -"
"Why didn't you listen to me, (y/n)?"
You bit the inside of your lip, "I didn't think anything bad would happen and I just wanted to get you guys something to eat, like I always do."
"Listen, you know I appreciate you going out of you way to get us food, but when I'm asking you to do something so you can keep yourself safe, please, do it. I don't know what the fuck I would do without you," Alex started working on your stitches, and you were so glad your thigh was numb.
"I want to learn how to fight like you and Kara," You blurted, knowing that Alex wouldn't want to hear that, but you needed to say it.
Alex shook her head, "(Y/n) -"
"Al, please, I know I can do it I just need someone to teach me. I wanna help people like you guys, I just don't know how," You knew asking her for this wasn't a great idea considering the situation you guys were in, but there wouldn't exactly be a better time to ask her.
Alex stayed quiet for a bit, but you could tell that she was thinking, you could almost see the gears turning in her head, "Fine, but Kara, J'onn, and I will be the ones to train you. You are not getting hurt like this again. And this could be good for you, you'll learn how to defend yourself if you get into trouble and if I trust you and your skills enough, I'll consider getting you a job here," Alex said, a smile teasing at her lips. "I am proud of you for wanting to do this though, especially after everything you've endured tonight. I know it's been a long night for you and I shouldn't have treated you badly, I was worried."
"I know you were, and I'm so sorry for making you worry about me. You're the last person who needs stress in their life. And so you know, you don't have to do all the things you do for me, but I really do appreciate it so much, and I love you so fucking much, Alex," You sniffled but stopped caring about the tears running down your face now.
Alex cut the thread and set her things down before moving in to hug you gently, being careful not to hurt you. When she let go she wiped your tears before wiping her own.
"I love you too, babygirl." Alex chuckled wetly. "I'm staying with you and Kara tonight."
You usually hated when Alex called you babygirl, it was a thing she'd picked up when the you were younger, but you couldn't bring yourself to care and maybe it was growing on you.
"So, am I forgiven?" You asked hopefully.
"Yes, but I better not hear you complaining about not being independent at home while Kara and I have to take care of you," Alex laughed.
Kara and Lena walked back in with Winn and J'onn a few minutes later.
J'onn looked relieved to see that you were better (he'd seen what your leg had looked like when Kara brought you to the DEO), and Winn just looked excited to see you (and happy that you were okay, of course).
After a few minutes of J'onn talking to you, Lena, Alex, and Kara about what had happened and about how you wanted to start training at the DEO, he left the room, leaving Winn inside, "You know, (y/n), chicks love scars."
Alex nodded, "He isn't wrong, you'll get so many more girls now."
You chuckled softly, feeling your face heat up because you hadn't exactly told Lena that you liked girls, and you hoped that she wouldn't take it the wrong way or anything (not that she was the type of person to do that, you had complete faith in her but there's always doubt). Now that she knew, it might be easier to figure out that you liked her, which wasn't exactly what you were aiming for, the goal was to keep quiet about it. She was your best friend, ruining the relationship you had with her was not something you planned to do in a million years, especially not for a stupid crush on her when you didn't even know if she was gay.
You were a bit confused when you saw her blushing, and when the two of you made eye contact, you started blushing too, so you laughed it off.
You made it back to the apartment with Kara and Alex at 2 in the morning, which wasn't ideal.
You told Lena that she could come too, you really wanted her to, but she seemed to want to go home, and you felt bad enough for keeping her the whole night and making her deal with your problem.
That, of course, wasn't the real reason Lena hadn't wanted to go over to your apartment, Kara, being your sister and Lena's other best friend, knew that you both had crushes on each other, and Lena found herself uncharacteristically nervous around you, so she told Kara that she didn't want to go because she didn't want to embarrass herself.
Although you would've loved for Lena to be there with the three of you, you were happy to be sitting on the sofa, wedged in between your big sisters and watching The Real Housewives of New Jersey.
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nymp21 · 4 years
This post is for your requests for fanfic about supergirl’s character and reader. I write for :
- Babydanvers imagines
- reader x Lena
- reader x Alex
- reader x Kara
- Supercorpdaughter reader
- reader x Winn.
And many more 😊.
I also writh smut 😏😏😏. Don’t be shy send me requests and ideas of fanfic and I’ll try my best 😊
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joyfulpeanutsworld · 5 years
Alex: It's a Beautiful gay, don't you think, Kara?
Kara: ...Do you mean day?
Lena: I think it's crystal queer what she wanted to say with that.
Kara: What? What does that even mean?
Nia: Guys, I think we have to trans-fer some knowledge.
Winn: I'm sure this'll pan out.
Kara: I'm bisexual.
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Heart of Steel
When you're born into a family of genius scientists, with a superhero sister blasted to Earth from the stratosphere, not everything is destined to be easy. Frankie, youngest of the three Danvers sisters, had known that from her first day in the world. What she hadn't anticipated was that adult life wasn't going to get much better.
Ma main man, a Baby!Danvers/Winn Schott work in progress.
Archive: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12987267/chapters/31794351
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/119721641-heart-of-steel-~-winn-schott-x-oc
FF.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12977897/1/Heart-of-Steel
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ao3feed-supercorp · 2 years
When I catch myself I do a 180
by 420thc
While there are many things that Karas SuperPowers protect her from, they can’t protect her from love and manipulation
Lena is low key a bad person but Kara still loves her
Words: 1053, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Alex Danvers, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Lucy Lane (DCU), James "Jimmy" Olsen, Lena Luthor, Lex Luthor, Lillian Luthor, Maggie Sawyer, Kelly Olsen (Supergirl TV 2015), Nia Nal, Winn Schott Jr., Cat Grant, J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw, Jack Spheer, Eve Teschmacher, Samantha "Sam" Arias, Andrea Rojas
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Additional Tags: Love at First Sight, the big 3 are back together, oh yeah crimes WILL be committed, au where the plot is made up as I go, won’t follow canon x, Could consider this perhaps a sugar baby au?, Will add more tags x, #monelh8r, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Kara is obvious and oblivious, The DEO still exists in our hearts, dare I suggest this may also be a stockholm syndrome AU
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/SCE9Qzg via IFTTT https://ift.tt/SCE9Qzg
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oneshotnewbie · 5 years
Could you do a oneshot where B!D passes out?
Words: 846
It was one of the hottest days in National City and the sun was shining and showing it’s sunbeams in full shape. Everyone seemed to enjoy this day. You saw families walking in the park where you always walked past in the morning and even the streets were more crowded than normal.
Only you didn’t like the heat. You were never the type of summer, you were more excited about the winter but since the climate got worse every year, the summer was a real torture for you.
Especially in the tight suit of the DEO you were in a stupid situation. It stuck to every part of your body and felt like you could swim in it by your own sweat.
„Jesus, that heat!“  You folded your arms on the table and rested your head on top of it.
You heard a grunt from your right and looked up slightly. Your best friend, Winn, sat in his chair and hid his fat grin behind a hand he held in front of his mouth as he looked at you.
„Don’t laugh so stupid, how many degrees do we have right now?“
„102.2 to be exact.“
„TOO MUCH!“ you cried out loud as you threw your head back on your arms.
A wave of dizziness came over you and you stood there for a while, hoping it would retreat soon. But when after a few seconds the dizziness still didn’t got better, you pulled yourself up and clawed yourself with full force to the table.
Apparently, Winn had noticed that something was wrong when in your washed-out look, his face turned from a happy to a worried look in seconds.
He got up and walked around the table, put an arm around your shoulder and pulled you slowly with you. „Alex, something is wrong with her.“ Winn spoke as you walked through the door of the lab where you eldest sister worked.
Immediately she threw aside the things she had in her hands and jumped in front of you. With her index finger, she brought your face up to look at you. „She looks pale, let’s get her to the med bay so I can check her out.“
But you didn’t get that far. Shortly after your sister uttered those words, the corners of your eyes darkened in a deep black and pulled you along in a deep sleep.
Trembling, you woke up and looked around as your eyes accustomed to the light. You were right where your sister wanted to take you, in the med bay. The beeping of the machine next to you took your full attention and you looked up. You were connected to a heart monitor followed by a rod and a bag of saline solution.
Again a deep cold pervaded you and you looked at your body. You were no longer in your suit, instead in a shirt and a pair of shorts. Cool packs were under your knees, on your sides and under your armpits, followed by your neck.
„What the hell..?“
„You are awake, how beautiful.“ A bright voice noted and your startled to the exit of the room. There was standing your alien sister, her arms crossed in front of her chest, slowly walking towards you. „You don’t know how you scared the shit out of Alex and me. She’s really mad at you that’s why she isn’t here right now.“
Confused, you looked up, not knowing what she was talking about. „What happened?“
„What’s happened? You were pretty dehydrated and overheated. When did you last drink something?“
„I don’t know exactly. The heat makes it hard for me and takes any desire to eat or drink.“ You said softly.
„You don’t know? You know that you used to have kidney problems in the past. You were about to have kidney failure and almost lost your life. Alex and I.. Mom.. We almost lost you.“ She spoke, almost screaming and you flinched, you were not used to it.
Kara walked to the table at the other end of the room and poured you a glass of water. Walking around you, she sat down on the edge of the bed and held out the glass. „Drink.“
You did what she told you and you gave her the empy glass back. You backed away and knocked your hand on the empty seat next to you. Immediately she understood and layed down next to you with a smile as she embraced you in a tight hug.
„I’m sorry I scared you both, it was not on purpose. I didn’t want that to happen.“ You mumbled as you buried your head into her chest.
„It’s okay, Alex and I know you didn’t do this willingly and I am sorry that I was so loud, I was just scared for you. It seems like I have to take better care of you and make sure you drink enough.“ She laughed and poked you in the side. Laughing, you twitched and kept hiding in her.
You had the best sisters you could ever imagined.
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dreamersdreamloud · 3 years
The Duke & I
Duke Reader x Lena Luthor 
*loosely based on the tv series* 
Warnings:  Reader's tough past with their father , gender bending, and disowner-ship
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The Queen - Cat Grant 
Lady Danbury (because why not.) 
The Luthors (Elite social family) 
Lady Lillian Luthor
Lord Lex Luthor 
Lena Luthor
The Danvers (Elite social family) 
Lady Eliza Danvers 
Lord Alex Danvers 
Kara Danvers 
The Arias 
Lady Patricia Arias - Aunt 
Samantha Arias 
Ruby Arias - Sam’s sister 
The Olsens 
Marcus Olsen - Father
Sarah Olsen - Mother 
James Olsen 
Kelly Olsen 
Other Characters: 
Count J’onn J’onzz 
Countess M’gann M'orzz 
Lord Kate Kane 
Lord Jack Spheer 
Lord Morgan Edge 
Lord Maxwell Lord 
Nia Nal 
Andrea Rojas 
Sir Russell 
Sir Brainiac “Brainy”
Sir William Dey 
Sir Mon-el/Mike Gand 
Sir Winslow "Winn" Schott Jr.
It was a dark stormy evening. The weather has been nothing but gloom and showers for endless hours. Today was no ordinary day in the (Y/L/N)’s Estate, the Cleyvdon castle was much more than just water dripping from the skies across, a woman’s pants and screams can be heard from the inside. (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N), the Duke of Hastings, has been notified right away that his duchess is due for birth. 
The Duke and Lady Danbury, a woman who was very close to the duchess, had rushed inside his wife’s confinement room. The duchess screamed in pain once more, ready to push their shared baby. It was not the first time that this woman has gone through this process. The duke and duchess were not blessed enough to produce an heir right away unlike other elite families in the country of England. The couple have been trying to conceive throughout their 15 years of marriage. After two failed pregnancies and two stillbirth babies buried, your father’s exasperations had met its limit. The duke went to London for a weekend to go hunt for the most highly respected and intelligent physician to help conceive a son. A son he dreams to help carry on his legacy. Your father handsomely paid the physician to quit his practice and temporarily live with the duke and duchess to complete his given task.  
It took three months for the duchess to become pregnant again. Your mother was well taken care of during the pregnancy. Her most trusted maid and nurse would follow her around, Lady Danbury keeping her company, and the hired physician makes a visit everyday. The duke was very eager to have a son soon in his shadows and thinks about how the dukedom would remain the next decades in (Y/L/N) hands. 
It was time. The duchess screams in pain once more but much more frequent. The nurses and maids tried their best to comfort the woman as well as the doctor. It was a moment of truth, the Duke paces around the room and the doctor directed the duchess to start pushing. The head came out first then the shoulders. From the looks of the baby, it looks too far being a boy but when the remaining body comes out, the discovery was astonishing. The duchess have given birth to a intersex baby. 
The Duke was devastated to not have a true son. He blames God for not giving him a child he wishes to raise for his own sake but he’ll deal with what he has. The nurses, maids, and the physician speculate the duke who’s holding his baby in his arms. Lady Danbury looks at the man while still trying to confront your weak mother. The duchess fell in love with her baby the moment you came out, she was overjoyed to see that she has birthed a healthy one despite the discovery of the mixed gender.
The duchess silently praises your being and hopes for the very best for you in the coming years. She continued to bleed until she became unconscious. She slipped away just moments later as she saw Duke hold her baby in his arms. 
Lady Danbury weeps quietly into your mother’s unresponsive body. The duke mourned as well. The rest of the people in the room stayed quiet. He looks down on his prized possession. 
“You are a (Y/L/N). If God was willing to give a child but not a son. I will make you into a son.” He declares. 
Lady Danbury and the rest of the people in the room grew worried for the baby and hoped to God that you’ll be alright without your beloved mother. 
The duke did not bother to raise you in the early years of your childhood. He simply had better things to do then to stay in one place to take care of your small form. He handed you off to a trusted nanny and surrounded you with maids while Lady Danbury supervised. Your father had gone off to London to work on his duties at the mighty Duke of Hastings. 
By age 3, when you finally started to have a sense of talk and knowledge, your father decided to come back to the Hastings residence to start your duke education. It was better to start early than later. He bought you a pony, a custom made gun for hunting activities, and lines of tutors for every subject that England has to offer. 
You were a very bright child but had issues behaving a certain way. When your feminine features were starting to show, your father hired stylists and dressers to maintain a boyish look to continue looking for the son has made. They would constantly trim your hair cut short and force you to wear binders to compress the growing breast. You wore the finest clothes that only rich men would wear, to impress the elite and common people. It was aggravating as time went on. You never fully understood why you did this but your father keeps insisting that you are a man and will continue to be his son. 
You never relax around your father. He would belittle you, point out your mistakes every time he sees you. You knew how important it is to him to become the next duke in line despite you being a intersex. When you went to private school in your early teen years, you heard about females becoming lords. It was unheard before since lords are only meant for males who own property or have become the head of their family if their father has passed. 
You told your father about these talks but immediately shut you down for your nonsense liberal topics. You simply let it go and continued to be your father’s puppet and endlessly dream how it could have been different if your birth mother were still alive. In the on going years of your studies and resuming to excel in almost every subject, you befriend a man named Lex Luthor. He was equally bright as you but tends to be on a more reckless side of certain matters. 
Lex became your best guy friend. You told me about yourself that many do not know which made you two closer. He was a supportive brother to you. Helping you get around and taught you how to be a “man.” To live freely. To act foolish when your father is not around. It was splendid. Lex helped you build confidence to woo a few women, experience them in their most utter beautiful form. 
Eventually, your father found out about your reckless acts. He brought you into his library and lectured you for hours. The maids and butlers were just outside, listening to your father belittle you once again. They felt saddened for you. You had enough. 
“I don’t understand you, father! You told me to man up yet you scold me for my way of living. Since I am a “man” I am allowed to experience myself with women. Go out and socialize with my colleagues!” 
“You are no man! You are a damn woman with a man’s genitals! I have told you to just focus on your studies and your training as a duke!” 
“Yet you still label me as your son?!” 
There was silence between the two of you. Your father thinks and never thought he would say it. 
“You’re right. I shouldn’t call you my son. You’re not my son nor a child of mine. You are an unforbidden creation from God which I wish to not hold any longer in my estate! You are to leave at once and never come back!” 
Tears nearly fell from your eyes. You left immediately without looking back. You made your way to the yard and saddled up to your horse. The evening skies were dark gloomy and threatened to rain any moment. You didn’t give a damn and made your escape. Not looking back, you knew a safe place to stay that only one person knows where to find you. 
Lady Danbury heard every single word through the heated exchange of words from your father and you. She aches for your struggles and your feeling of being unwanted. She watched you from afar, seeing you achieve so much within these past years. For her, she saw that you were turning out fine as a gentleman. She was amazed how you were able to keep up your act as a man. 
She was shattered and can’t believe that the Duke has disowned you. It was his loss. Lady Danbury wanted to go after you and convince you to stay but she knew it wasn’t the best option. She’ll have to deal with the Duke with your absence. Hopefully she will help you succeed in life. 
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supergirl-writingz · 4 years
B!D x Superfriends
Request: I love your writing and I was wondering if you can do a B!D where she’s covered in tattoos and she looks super scary and rides a awesome modercycle and she meets the super friends for the first and and they’re a little scared of her but she’s actually a really big softie like a bigger softie then kara😂
Warnings: none
Note: ty for saying u luv my writing <3 means a lot thanks for the request! this was fun and simple to write ALSO I JUST REREAD WHAT I WROTE I SAY WICKED SM LOL SORRY its the new england in me hahaa
“What if they don’t like me?” you asked, pacing anxiously.
“Y/N stop worrying! What’s not to like?” Kara said warmly.
“True.” you said grinning.
Alex rolled her eyes, “Yeah besides that big ego of yours”
You just laughed, and thought about the fact that tonight you were going to meet your sisters’ friends for the first time. You’re going to be meeting Lena Luthor, Nia Nal, James Olsen, and Winn Schott. From what you have heard, they are all super nice, but you are still wicked nervous. They were all coming over for movie night at 6pm. You got ready and tried to look good to set a good first impression.
Soon enough, 6pm rolled around. The first person to show up was Lena. She gave her hugs to Kara and Alex who was waiting for her at the door. Then she looked at me and smiled. You could tell she was caught off guard by your tattoos. You don’t blame her... you did have a lot of tattoos. 
“I know, pretty crazy tattoos right” you laughed, trying to make sure things weren’t awkward. 
“I’m so sorry for staring, it’s so impolite of me. I love them they look great” Lena said kindly.
You smiled back at her, “Thanks, I’m Y/N Danvers”
She reached out her hand, “Lena Luthor”
You ignored her hand and went in for a hug, which was a surprise to Lena, but she hugged you back. You couldn’t help it, you just liked hugs. Then one by one, the rest of the gang showed up. They all were taken back by your tattoos, but none of them were rude about it. You found it wicked funny how they were all scared to say anything about them. 
“Alex, did you get a new motorcycle?” James asked, trying to fill the silence with conversation.
“No actually, that mine” you spoke up, smiling.
James gave you a quick smile, “Oh okay”
You could tell it was a little awkward, but you liked them. They were a little intimidated by you, but they were wicked nice about it. You knew that things would get better once they got to know you. They picked out the movie, ‘The Notebook’. You were okay with it. You knew it was sad, but you have never seen it before. 
Before you knew it, you were sobbing at the movie. Not just crying... like sobbing. Ugly sobbing. Alex started laughing. 
“Y/N are you crying?” she said smiling.
You smiled at her through your obvious tears, “No?”
Alex laughed again.
“Okay fine I’m crying! How are you guys not crying, do you even have hearts?” you said through your cries. 
You were expecting someone to laugh, but nobody knew what to say. Finally Lena spoke up.
“Wow. You’re a bigger softie than Kara” she said and chuckled.
You took a second to react. All night, this was the first time someone made a joke to you. You smiled big and looked at Kara who was also laughing at Lena’s joke. Eventually the rest of the gang started laughing to. 
Nia spoke up, “I’m really sorry it was awkward in the beginning Y/N, but I’m really happy we met”
“Yeah, you were a little intimidating before we got to know you, to be honest” Winn added.
“It’s okay guys,” you laughed, “I get that a lot, it was a little awkward but you guys were still super nice.”
“She tries to act all tough with her tattoos and motorcycle, but she’s just a baby” Kara said in her mocking-baby-voice which you hate. She tried to squeeze your cheeks but you slapped her hand away.” 
“Shut up Kara” you said laughing. 
“Yeah shut up Kara, let’s finish the movie, Y/N didn’t finish her sob session” Alex said smiling.
Everyone laughed at Alex’s comment, including you (AFTER you rolled your eyes). You were really glad with the way tonight turned out. You loved Kara and Alex’s friends and you were happy they gave you a chance. You knew that before long, you would fit right in.
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