#bc being pregnant is one of my biggest fears
dustox420 · 11 months
finally got my hysterectomy 🥹 im full of holes and missing an organ but this is pretty cool
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saturnznct · 1 year
he holds the baby for the first time | nct dream
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➸ note; hehe bit of a long one bc i love my dreamies <3
➸ word count; 4313 words
➸ lucas, tengfei, moonbyeol, dalgun, chaeyeon, caihong & chunae; aged newborn
➸ warning(s); breastfeeding? labour, c-sections, stitches, injection mention, blood mention
nct masterlist (lnks will be added later)
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Mark’s entire world had been turned upside down in a matter of a few hours. Just four hours ago, he was working hard at dance practice, and now he was a father. He felt so many things, shock being the most prominent, shared with complete awe and love for you and your new son. The fact that he hadn’t held your newborn yet hadn’t even crossed his mind, he was far more concerned with both of your health and wellbeing, considering you’d had no pre-natal care. The hours dragged on, the amount of nurses and doctors coming in finally beginning to thin out. Your son had been laying on your chest for quite some time, having eaten and been burped already. You were so exhausted, a mixture of the birth and the late hour, but Mark was still wide awake, mind racing. However, managers and staff keep disappearing and reappearing, talking to Mark and whoever was on the phone in rapid speech. Mark could see the way it was affecting you, the way you move to almost protect your baby from the outsiders.  
‘You should get some sleep,’ he murmurs, noticing your eyes dropping closed and then opening again.
‘I can’t look away from him,’ you admit, ‘he’s so perfect.’
‘I know, baby, but you need to rest,’ Mark reaches out a hand and brushes your hair from your face, ‘besides, I haven’t held him yet.’
Your eyes widen a little, ‘oh, of course not, I’m sorry.’
Mark chuckles, ‘it’s okay, it’s important he gets to know his mama. I’ll keep an eye on him while you nap, okay? I’ll wake you if he needs anything.’
‘Okay,’ you sit up slightly. The handover is awkward, it being the first time you’d done it, but eventually Mark has the tiny baby in his arms, kissing your forehead before murmuring a ‘goodnight, I love you,’ and settling into the armchair beside your bed.
‘Love you. Please keep him here,’ you mumble, turning onto your side and closing your eyes.
‘I will, don’t worry sweetheart.’
Mark is quiet for a few minutes, gently yet stiffly rocking the baby back and forth, examining his face and all the details. The baby looked so much like him, and he knew it, feeling an enormous sense of pride at the boy’s identical nose and eyes, that he’d seen in baby photos of his own over the years. Once he’s sure you’re asleep, he begins to talk to his son, wishing the infant to get used to his voice.
‘Hey, baby boy,’ Mark begins, lightly shushing the baby when he fusses, ‘it’s okay, everything is just fine.’
You were just on the verge of falling asleep when you hear Mark’s voice, heart warming at the sound of the love of your life talking to your firstborn.
‘I didn’t even know you existed a few hours ago, but God, I love you. More than anything. You’re so perfect, such a beautiful baby, all from your mama. She did so well, didn’t she? Carried you for all that time… I promise I’ll be here for you, always. Everything I do from now on is for you and your mummy/mommy.’
You still lay awake, eyes filled with hot tears at the pure love that overcomes you. 
Mark is silent for a few moments, staring back into his son’s deep brown eyes, ‘I promise I won’t let you down. I love you, son.’
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This was the moment Renjun had been anticipating since the moment you found out you were pregnant. He’d been terrified at the time, the pregnancy was unexpected and Renjun wasn’t sure he was ready or capable of being a father. At the same time, Renjun’s thoughts were filled with questions and worries about your baby. What would the baby look like? How big would the baby be? Would they come during the day or the night? But his biggest fear of all, was that your baby wouldn’t like him. He didn’t have the best luck with other member’s babies; generally they would cry and protest in his arms. He tried to prevent this, doing any and every bonding exercise with your bump that he could think or read about, hoping that when your son arrived he would feel comfortable and safe with him.
‘Jun?’ You’d been holding the baby for over an hour, having some skin to skin and your first feed. Renjun froze a little at the expectant look on your face, like he knew what you were about to ask.
‘You should hold him.’
Renjun blinks, ‘are you sure? you’re bonding with hi-‘
‘Jun,’ you repeat, softly, ‘he’s your son. He’s not going to hate you. Besides, I want to see my boys together.’
‘Okay,’ Renjun reaches down for the baby on your chest, cringing when the baby whines and fusses, ‘hey, don’t cry, please don’t cry.’
Renjun rocks and bounces him awkwardly but to no avail, and he sends you a look screaming for help.
‘It’s ok, Jun,’ you smile, ‘keep talking to him.’
‘He doesn’t like me,’ Renjun begins to panic, ‘he was happy with you, maybe you should-‘
‘Junie,’ you retort softly, ‘he just doesn’t like that he’s been moved. Keep talking to him, he’ll know your voice.’
Renjun gives himself a mental pep talk, slightly relaxing when he looks at the face of his baby boy.
‘It’s okay, it’s just me, I’m your daddy.’
You give Renjun an encouraging smile, and so he continues, ‘I really hope you like me from now on. Most babies don’t.’
The baby is gradually calming down at his father’s voice, so Renjun keeps talking.
‘Good boy, do you know my voice? I tried to talk to you as much as possible while you were in there so I hope you recognise it.’
The baby is now settled, staring up at his father with big brown eyes. Your heart melts at Renjun’s wide, toothy grin.
‘He likes me,’ he says to you, before turning back to the baby, ‘I think you look like a Tengfei.’
‘I like that name,’ you hum, ‘Huang Tengfei it is.’
Renjun’s smile gets impossibly wider, pride filling his chest knowing he’d just named his firstborn baby boy.
‘I love you so much, Huang Tengfei.’
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You had never felt so at peace. You had just given birth to your first child, a daughter Moonbyeol in your bedroom at home a few hours earlier. Already, Moonbyeol was a very chilled baby, rarely fussing or crying. She was perfectly happy just laying on your chest, staring back at you. Jeno had been laying beside you for several hours now, engaging in hushed conversation with you about your newborn, all while unable to take his eyes off her. It hadn’t even crossed his mind that he hadn’t properly held his daughter, as you’d been snuggled together so close. As time passed, you grew more and more exhausted, the energy you had spent during the birth beginning to weigh you down. 
‘How long has it been since she fed?’ you wonder aloud, ‘the midwife said every three hours..’
‘I think it was at six,’ Jeno says, ’so three and a bit hours ago.’
‘She needs more,’ you mumble, sighing deeply, already pulling your top down to give Moonbyeol access. Jeno helps you guide her head to your chest.
‘Agh,’ the pain is sharp when she latches, and Jeno kisses and rubs your hair in encouragement.
‘You’re doing so well, look at how well she eats.’
‘It hurts so much Jen,’ Jeno’s heart hurts at the look on your face.
‘I know, I know,’ Jeno frowns, ‘it’ll get better, with time.’
‘I hope so,’ you say, ‘I feel sore all over.’
‘You’ve been so incredible,’ Jeno praises, ‘we did so well with her.’
‘Yeah, we did,’ you grin, the and the two of you settle into small talk while Moonbyeol eats. After some time, she pulls away, ready to be burped.
‘I don’t want to move,’ you admit, ‘too tired.’
‘Hey, I’ll take her,’ Jeno offers, ‘you can stay in bed. Plus, I.. I haven’t got to hold her yet.’
‘Oh. I’m sorry.’
‘It’s okay, don’t be silly,’ Jeno presses a kiss to your cheek, ‘I’ve been so close this whole time. You should get some rest.’
You suddenly realise how drained and exhausted you truly were, eyes and body heavy with fatigue.
‘I think I probably should,’ you mumble tiredly, ‘Moonie, daddy’s going to get all that horrible air up for you.’
It takes perhaps a little longer than it should have, but eventually the baby is successfully passed into Jeno’s arms.
‘Hey, Moonie,’ Jeno rests her on his shoulder, gently patting her back, ‘you’re so tiny.’
You move to lay down on your side and rest your eyes as Jeno talks to your daughter in a hushed voice.
‘You’re so beautiful,’ Jeno meets his daughters eyes, seeing his own staring back at him, ‘look at those brown eyes! So pretty. No boy will ever be good enough for such a beautiful girl.’
Jeno slowly wanders out of your room and into Moonbyeol’s nursery, wanting to give you some peace to sleep.
‘This is your room,’ Jeno turns the baby in his arms so that she’s facing the majority of the room, ‘this is where you’ll sleep, where you’ll play… I hope you like the way we decorated. If you don’t, we can change it later.’
Moonbyeol’s eyes flicker around the room, although her expression is blank.
‘Look, Moonie,’ he walks towards her unused crib, looking at the silver mobile that hangs over it, white and yellow moon and stars hanging down, ‘it’s like you! You’re our little moon star.’
Moonbyeol burps at that exact moment, and Jeno chuckles, not sure whether he should be offended or not.
‘Well, that says what you think of that.’
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Donghyuck naturally comes across as a conceited and cocky person, you know that’s just his humour. He’s cheeky and bold, but at the same time down to earth and a total sweetheart. He acted quite similarly when it came to his impending fatherhood, on the outside appearing as though he was completely confident, that he would take being a father in his stride. But on the inside, he was terrified. Sometimes he would catch sight of you, his pregnant wife, and would feel a deep sense of dread alongside the rush of love that would bubble up in his chest. When you went into labour while eating dinner together, he thought he was going to be sick, the crashing realisation that this was it. You’d done so well, going through hours of contractions before your son began to struggle, and you were taken into an emergency c-section. You were crying softly as they prepared you for the surgery. Donghyuck emerged from the bathroom in his scrubs to see you laying there, and you immediately you’d reached out for him. In that moment, he knew how much you needed him, how much both of you needed him. In that moment he knew he’d do anything to be the best father and husband.
Your son Dalgun was eventually delivered through the C-section, laying on your chest for quite some time as you were stitched up and wheeled back to your hospital room. Donghyuck hates the look of discomfort on your face as you try to move around on the bed and feed. You’re exhausted, in pain and in need of a good rest, but you had to stay awake for your son.
Donghyuck tries to make himself useful, keeping the hospital room tidy and making sure your water cup was filled and you hadn’t bled too heavily onto the pad beneath you.
Part of him aches to hold his baby boy. He so desperately wants to just reach out and take the baby into his arms, shower him in all of the love he had to give. But at the same time, he didn’t want to. He was frightened that his son would be unsettled with him, that he would do something astronomically wrong like drop him. After some time, the nurse knocks softly on the door, coming to check on your surgery site.
‘Donghyuck,’ you croak, his heart hurting when he sees you laying there, exhausted and in pain with your son on your chest, ‘will you take him?’
‘Hyuck,’ you notice the way he freezes, but he melts and relaxes at your tone, ‘its okay. You’re his daddy. You did so well at the classes.’
Donghyuck shakes himself. You’re vulnerable, you’ve just had invasive surgery and you need him. And he’s terrified of holding his own baby.
The nurse helps with the handover as it pains you to lean too far, and suddenly there’s a seven pound baby wriggling around in his arms. Dalgun cries shrilly at being moved, Donghyuck cringing as he wails.
‘Dalgun-ah,’ he clumsily rocks the baby, ‘won’t you be a good boy while mummy/mommy gets looked after? I’m not a stranger, I’m your daddy.’
Donghyuck sways on his feet, soothing Dalgun, ‘your mummy/mommy is so so brave. She is so incredible, Dalgun-ah, she’ll be the best mummy/mommy in the whole world to you, I just know it. And I’ll try my absolute hardest to be the best daddy. I love you.’
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Jaemin thinks that his daughter’s birth was nothing short of perfect. You had given birth to Chaeyeon in a birthing centre, early in the morning in a birthing pool.
Jaemin had sat right behind you, in his swim shorts, with you between his legs, not even wincing when you near crushed his hands while you pushed. Jaemin had been the one to cut the cord, before the baby was taken away to be weighed and given her first injection.
Jaemin had felt new foreign feeling of resentment towards the nurse, who he knows deep down is just doing her job and ultimately protecting your daughter from disease, but at the same time, she made his baby girl cry.
Chaeyeon is bought back to you, now with a band-aid covering her injection site. Jaemin holds you in his arms, resting his chin on your shoulder and just soaking in your daughters face. For some time, the two of you get used to Chaeyeon, taking in her appearance and mannerisms and sounds. Jaemin doesn’t even really care how dirty the water is.
‘Y/N? Why don’t we get you cleaned up a little?’ the nurse suggests, and you’re more than happy to be helped out of the pool and herded into the shower in the conjoining bathroom. Another nurse had held Chaeyeon as Jaemin carried you bridal style into the bathroom and gently setting you down on the shower seat. He hangs around for a few minutes, eyes darting between you and Chaeyeon’s general direction, clearly conflicted as to who to stay with.
‘Go and be with her Jaem,’ you hum.
’Do you need me?’
‘I’m all good here,’ you answer honestly, ‘I think this may be quite gross, anyway.’
‘Okay,’ Jaemin leans over to kiss your cheek, ‘I’ll look after her.’
‘Oh!’ The nurse left in the delivery room is holding the little bundle in her arms, ‘lets go to daddy, shall we?’
Jaemin beams as his baby girl is handed to him for the very first time. His heart feels like it may burst out of his chest as she gurgles, tiny fists waving around above the pink blankets.
‘Oh, angel,’ Jaemin coos, ‘you’re killing me.’
Jaemin knew that this baby in his arms officially completely owned his heart. He knew it was over for him, that there was nothing he would not do for his little girl.
‘You’re such a pretty girl, Chaeyeon,’ his heart aches at her glistening eyes and nose that mirrors his own.
‘You’ll have so much love in your life. You already do. You have so many uncles who are just dying to meet you, you have a godfather who would do anything for you. I.. I would die for you, I love you more than anything in this world.’
Chaeyeon waves her arm around, peeling back the blanket slightly.
‘Oh, you don’t have any clothes on,’ Jaemin brings her over to the changing table, lowering her down as slowly as he possibly can.
‘Which should be your first ever outfit?’ Jaemin sifts through the folded up baby-grows in the small suitcase you’d brought along. He picks out a white one, patterned with little brown teddy bears.
‘Uncle Mark bought you this one,’ Jaemin buttons up the onesie, ‘like I told you, everyone loves you Chae. But not as much as I do!’
Jaemin nuzzles their noses together, before cradling Chaeyeon in his chest, pressing a kiss on top of her head.
‘I love you, angel. I’ll be here for you always.’
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Chenle was the best partner throughout your entire pregnancy. He did absolutely everything for you and your baby’s comfort, fulfilling your every need and wish, whether monetary, physical or emotional. 
It seemed everything had to be perfect, the quality of your care, your baby’s nursery, your birth plans, everything. If you showed any slight indication of discomfort at any point in your pregnancy, Chenle was instantly at your side, going out of his way to somehow alleviate your pain. He was almost jumpy in that sense.
He was strangely calmer than you thought he would be when you went into labour. You had been taken to the hospital where Chenle and his family had naturally made sure you would receive the best treatment, with a spacious private room and a dedicated team of familiar doctors and nurses. You laboured for hours on end. For nearly twenty hours, you’d suffered through some of the most immense pain imaginable, completely supported by Chenle who fusses over you and holds your hand through it all. Frustratingly, you had been dilating excruciatingly slowly, and eventually the doctors decide a c-section would be best for both you and your baby. 
Your beautiful baby girl joined you in the early evening. Chenle was so overcome with love for his daughter. You both knew that she would be his little princess, that he would spoil her rotten and that nobody would ever lay a hand on her. He came up with the name Caihong, meaning rainbow. She was the rainbow that brightened up his life.
When Caihong came out, they had taken her away briefly to be weighed and checked over, before returning her to you.
‘You did so so well,’ Chenle stands as close to you as he can get, still in his scrubs as they stitch you back up, ’she’s beautiful. I can’t believe it.’
‘I’m so tired,’ you laugh, having been awake for the entirety of your labour, ‘she’s ruined me.’
Chenle chuckles, ‘they’re going to wheel you back into the room once they’re done. We’ll turn the lights down. You can nap soon.’
‘M’kay,’ you roll your head back down to look at your baby, ‘she’s perfect.’
’She is,’ Chenle nods, leaning down and pressing kisses into your hair, ‘I love you both so much.’
The first hour with your daughter is so precious. You are taken back to your private room in your bed, Caihong resting on your chest the whole time. You’d done your first feed, burping her while sitting up in your bed. Once you’d finished, the nurses left, and the three of you were alone together for the first time.
‘Are you tired?’ Chenle asks, running a hand through your hair, fussing over you.
‘I’m exhausted,’ you murmur, ‘never been so tired.’
‘Why don’t I take her?’ he suggests, ‘you can lay down and have a nap.’
‘Are you sure?’ the offer is so unbelievably tempting, ‘I don’t want to just leave you on your own.’
‘I’ll be just fine,’ Chenle reassures you, ‘you just fed her. I can change her myself, if she needs you I’ll wake you.’
‘Okay,’ you nod, moving your arms so that Chenle can easily take Caihong from you.
He grunts dramatically as he raises her up, as though he was lifting some massive weight, ‘hi baby girl.’
Chenle holds Caihong in one arm as he helps you lay down comfortably, reclining your bed back down with the remote so you were laying down.
‘Comfortable?’ Chenle checks, rubbing your upper arm with his spare hand.
‘Yes,’ your eyes are already closed, ‘love you, Lele.’
Chenle grins, ‘I love you too.’
As you fall asleep, Chenle slowly does a few laps of the hospital room, rocking Caihong in his arms. Once he’s sure you’re mostly asleep, and that talking won’t disturb you, he speaks to Caihong in a hushed voice.
‘Hi my little angel,’ he stares into her shining brown eyes, absolutely entranced by her, ‘we’ve waited for so long for you. Ever since your uncle had your cousins, I’ve wanted a baby of my own. And now you’re finally here. You’re already so loved, Caihong. I’ll do anything for you.’
Caihong looks at him almost as if she’s listening and understands what he’s saying. Chenle’s heart seizes and threatens to break out of his chest, he loves her so much. 
‘You own my heart, Caihong. Daddy loves you so much.’
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Jisung was the first to hold his baby girl, and although it wasn’t for long, it was a fact he took great pride in. Jisung had completely frozen up when your midwife had asked him if he wanted to deliver the baby. His mouth had dried up, completely unsure of what to say, until he caught your gaze, face slightly screwed up in discomfort, but still encouraging him to say yes. He had taken the midwife’s offer, and under her guidance, caught your baby girl as she came out. Jisung had worried that he would drop her, due to the baby being covered in blood and various bodily fluids, but thankfully he manages to keep her in his grip, holding her up for a few moments before placing her on your chest.
Jisung didn’t get her back for another hour or so, not that he minded. You handled your first hour of motherhood expertly, Chunae was an extremely calm baby who fed easily. She was so intrigued by the both of you, as you both were with her, her brown eyes studying your faces. Jisung had never felt so many overpowering emotions at once. Firstly the feeling of pride that he’d been the one to bring Chunae into the world, and the fact he had a part in creating what he believed to be the most beautiful baby in the whole world. And of course, he felt such an overwhelming and intense love for both you and your baby, after watching you go through hours and hours of labour and delivery in his family home. You had been giving skin to skin for over an hour before you offered the baby to Jisung.
‘Hey, Jisungie,’ he is immediately by your side.
‘Do you need something? Water? Another pillow? The pad changed? Are you in a lot of pain?’
You smile at how flustered and caring he is, shaking your head, ‘no, I’m alright. I just thought you might want to hold her.’
Jisung softens, heart suddenly hammering in his chest, ‘oh, y-yeah. Yeah, of course I’d love to.’
Jisung leans down and gently picks Chunae from your chest, taking a few moments to get her into a good position.
‘Hi baby girl,’ he murmurs, strangely nervous, as though it was somebody else’s child.
‘Ah, good timing,’ Jisung’s mother suddenly enters the room, ‘I made soup for you Y/N.’
‘Oh, amazing, I’m starving,’ you welcome the bowl of hot soup with both hands.
Jisung wanders the room, rocking the slightly gurgling Chunae in his arms as he approaches the bedroom window. He doesn’t really notice you watching him, his thoughts all consumed by Chunae. His mother even points it out, catching your eyes and nodding towards him. 
‘Hi,’ Jisung shakily removes a hand from underneath her to play with her own tiny hand, melting when she curls her hand around his finger.
‘You’re so small,’ he whispered, ‘like a doll. And so well behaved too, you didn’t cry one bit when I picked you up.’
Chunae just looks back up at him, and Jisung gently wipes at the spit collecting at her mouth with a cloth.
‘I promise I’ll look after you angel,’ he nuzzles his nose against hers, ‘no one will ever hurt you. They’ll have to go through me first.’
Jisung suddenly can’t get the image of his baby girl as a teenager out of his head, his getting her heart broken by some worthless teenage boy. He imagines comforting her, giving her encouraging talks and building her confidence back up, utilising the skills he would have learned as a father to his little girl over the years. But for now, he knows nothing, only what he has read in pregnancy and parenting books.
‘I don’t know much,’ Jisung rubs his thumb up and down on her face, ‘but I promise I’ll be the best father I can possibly be for you. I’ll try so hard to do everything that’s right for you. I already love you more than anything in this world.’
Chunae yawns, tiny fists flailing weakly as she does.
‘Am I boring you?’ Jisung chuckles, ’you can’t be tired, not when I’ve just got you.’
‘You should sit down with her,’ you suggest, taking a short break from your soup, ’she’ll fall asleep on you.’
‘I think I may fall asleep also,’ Jisung chuckles, although settling into the armchair near your bed. 
‘Group nap?’ You suggest, your own eyes feeling heavy.
The group nap very quickly ends in Jisung’s mother removing the sleeping Chunae from a sleeping Jisung’s chest to lay in her crib. 
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dandylion240 · 5 months
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Jolene Reagan for Scarlett's Love is Embarrassing BC
Age: 23
Sexuality: Bi Sexual - she's been attracted to women but never been in a relationship with a woman. Technically speaking what she's had is a string of one night stands.
Traits: Adventerous, High Maintenance and Self-Absorbed. She'd also readily admit she has a fear of commitment. The closes she comes to commitment is to her career. However she does have a soft spot for family. She'll defend her family like a mama bear if she perceives a danger to them but she doesn't always see when she's being overbearing and pushing her ideals on them.
Career: Archealogist (she travels a lot)
Back Story: Ever since her parents got divorced Jolene has been seeking approval from her dad (Ethan). She was six years old when he walked out of their lives and it wasn't until three years later that he walked back into it demanding to see his kids. While her brothers didn't want want him in their lives, she did. She wanted to be his little princess again, his little girl. Her biggest dream was to live with him full time because he needed her to take care of him. But nothing she did was good enough. He always told her no.
She was 15 when she decided to sneak out and visit her Dad in San My on her own. It wasn't their scheduled weekend but she was sure he wouldn't mind her coming for the weekend. When she got their Ethan was anything but pleased to see her. And he wasn't alone. He had a whole new family. One she wasn't a part of and worst of all she wasn't welcome to be a part of either.
It was at that moment her heart shattered into a million pieces. Why wasn't she good enough to be his little girl? It was on the train ride back to Brindleton Bay that she had her first time. She was hurt and this guy made her feel better. It didn't matter she didn't know his name or how old he was she just needed someone to tell her she was special.
That nameless person on the train was beginning of a long string of one night stands. In high school she did have a steady boyfriend for two years but when he dumped to go to college all those old feelings of not being good enough came over her and...well...she knew how to get those feelings to go away. She vowed then she'd never be in another relationship.
Two years ago she was involved with the brother of one of her archealogy professors that resulted in her getting pregnant. It was on a dig in Salvadorado. When she told him about the baby he just laughed and said he was no ones daddy and he left. This time when the feelings of not being enough came over her she went home.
Her parents weren't happy she was pregnant but were supportive of her decision to keep the baby. Finally she'll have someone who would give her the unconditional love she's always craved. But it was harder than she thought it would be. It wasn't easy or convenient to bring a baby on dig sites not to mention to find qualified babysitters. A lot of times she wound of leaving her son with her parents.
Over the next couple of years she's felt her life has been lacking in meaning. Her best friend and favorite cousin has pulled away from her and telling her she needs to be more responsible. Her brother hasn't talked to her since he found out what she did when they were kids. Her parents are telling her more and more that her son needs her and that it's time for her to settle down and raise him herself.
Her professor suggested she talk to a professional. At first she refused but as the feelings of worthlessness overwhelmed her she admitted she needed help. It was after her second visit that she saw the advertisement for Scarlett's BC. She recognized her from the video she made outing her father, Theo. Jolene remembered how she thought Scarlett was gutsy for doing what she did and wished she had the courage to do that to Ethan. The only downside would have been hurting her dad's (Jonah) feelings and she couldn't do that to him. Silently she applauded Scarlett for what she did. Now she could actually meet the girl and she was so pretty. Maybe this was exactly what she needed to get her life back on track.
So she sent in her application against the advice of her therapist and her family. Who knows ... maybe she'd get her own show out of this even if she didn't win the girl???
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allsadnshit · 9 months
Out of curiosity wld you ever want to be a mom yourself In the future? I’ve only been following you for a few months but i relate a lot to the stuff you post about especially wrt health issues/family stuff but I don’t think I’ve seen you post abt that specifically before!!
(If this is overstepping don’t worry about answering!! I just ask bc I feel like we are v similar in our lives and that topic has been something that’s been a big part of my thoughts since being diagnosed w my own reproductive health shit in the last few years :0)
the idea used to repulse me the point where it made me feel sick to even think about it for a moment! I'd tell my partners UP FRONT I would never EVER ever have their kids! my biggest fear in the world was getting pregnant! it literally horrified me to my core and I even thought about getting my uterus removed!
but now I would love to have a baby with my husband down the line! I have to say a huuuge part of it has been getting in touch with my emotions and allowing some progression and release where there was so much blockage in therapy and I was quite surprised how important this topic was to me since I hadn't started therapy with any intention of it being something we talked about!
I've come to realize the idea of potentially being a mom would probably be the greatest pathway to healing in my life, most likely beyond what I can imagine.
I never saw any healthy romantic relationships in my life, and up until my husband I also chose very emotionally unavailable people who I knew deep down would never be suited for life partnership let alone having a child... but when I met my husband, even as super clumsy immature 24 year olds, I realized having a family with someone who you grow with, love deeply, adore passionately, and fit together with is actually probably one of the happiest things life can offer in whatever form it comes in!
but thats just me
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bisexualamy · 9 months
Transition Update #63: 7 years on T & hysto retrospective
Hi everyone!! The title says it all. I wanted to include all of my phallo consults in this as well, but a few items are last-minute up in the air, so I'll write a separate post for the phallo consults omnibus.
As always, please don't reblog or screenshot and repost. Links are fine. Writing transition updates over the years has been really good for me and I always hope someone finds them helpful. But at the same time, the larger public is awful about bottom surgeries and I'd rather not subject myself to that ire.
This post has a general content warning for discussions of sex, genitals, body image and body/gender dysphoria.
7 years on T
I stopped doing annual T updates a while ago, because after the first 2-3 years most of the bodily changes are basically the same bodily changes cis men go through as they age. This year I made a point to celebrate 7 years, because that's an absolutely wild number, and I think it's important to acknowledge my T anniversary when it comes around. Testosterone has fundamentally changed my life. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be here without it. I'm so grateful to be in a place mentally, physically, financially, and temporally that I can continue to access it.
I started taking Finasteride this year bc my hairline is getting a little thin. This is, again, more a factor of being in my later 20s than anything else. I didn't expect it to affect me as much as it did. It was one of the first times I experienced and male body image issue that had nothing to do with being trans. Normally, I'm so grateful to live as a man that most male body image issues don't affect me. I don't care that I'm short or a little round or I have wider hips. I'm so grateful to pass and live full-time as a man that it doesn't register. This one was different, and I'm not quite sure why, but I'm going to try and not obsess over it.
Off and on the last four years, but seriously the last two years, I started working out and lifting. At first, I mostly ran, especially during the height of the lockdown when it was the only safe way to work out. I love running but I always wanted to be strong and see what my body could do. The past two years I've been working with an online trainer and my strength has really improved!! I'm hitting personal bests in the gym and it's stopped feeling like a tedious chore. I'm actually excited to go now. That's an amazing feeling and I'm always really happy when my friends or family call me strong.
Hysto retrospective
It's been 7 months since my hysto back in January. The recovery for that was longer and more difficult than I expected. Being cooped up in the house and feeling really weak and gross, on top of the bottom dysphoria I kept experiencing having to constantly discuss lots of parts I hate having, was really hard on me. I feel like, over the last two months, I've shaken off a lot of the lingering depression from that. All that being said, I've healed very well, and I'm so happy I got my hysto.
One of the worst, dysphoria-inducing nightmares for me was getting pregnant. It was so bad, it prevented me from seriously dating cis men for years. T is not birth control, and even with protection and respectful partners, the fear and anxiety were just too much for me to handle. I knew that once I got my hysto, I'd probably feel more confident dating men, but I didn't realize the extent to which that would be true.
I've felt way more confident to date around and hook up since I got my hysto. I've gone on more dates with cis gay men than I ever have before, and even though they ultimately fizzled out, I have never had that level of dating confidence in my life. It's so, so gender affirming when cis gay men are attracted to me. I always felt like I lost something, being a bisexual man who was too anxious about being trans to participate in any kind of gay male culture in NYC. This is by far the biggest gift my hysto gave me and I'm so happy for it.
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vidalinav · 2 years
So nesta is pregnant and is about to give birth and the ic didn’t know about it, I loved it
But for 9/10 months nobody visited her on the house of the wind? That’s my biggest fear on the upcoming books, that she only stays in the HoW and unless somebody takes her for something she will be there and nobody will visit
In this fic I’ll spare y’all the drama of the horror show that was acosf where everyone had some beef for no reason.
In this fic, all of them are like wtf bc for 9/10 months Nesta and Cassian really have been making excuses as to why they don’t come to things and when they show up at the House they lie and say they’re somewhere else Lmao bc they want the experience of pregnancy to be mostly about them. Calm and peaceful without any stressful situations. Which you know is bound to happen.
Except Gwyn and Emerie know and also Azriel. Mostly bc well… for obvious reasons one being proximity and the other being best friends that you can’t lie to and will break down the door and probably already know anyways bc they just do. They get each other. So they know. Just not everyone else.
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infcinity · 1 year
post continued from here bc the new editor sucks :))) @mcrcki
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"you'll figure it out, really?" he asked, raising a brow at his mom. "I don't know how you're going to do that, you'll need a kriffing miracle, mom," truth be told, ben didn't think that she ever could sort anything out - especially not this. not after attacking allana - he was sure that jacen would hold a grudge against her forever. and ben didn't exactly blame him, he wasn't too thrilled at her attacking allana either. "maybe you could have, oh I don't know, spoken to the whole family before making a decision like that!" he snapped. ben knew all too well how corrosive and appealing the darkside could be - he'd spent so many years there, being twisted by hatred and fear - the same way that his mother was being pulled now. "you've lost your mind, honestly." he shook his head. "oh great, it will just be you and luke up against everything because you've pissed everyone else off and no one else will be there for you - is that what you want? to break every familial bond you have except for the one with luke? because that would be the stupidest thing you could do," he paused. "family is important and I know you're both trying to protect everyone, but you're both the galaxy's biggest idiots right now," he didn't care if she didn't like his words - that was a her problem, not a him problem - she'd just have to deal with him sharing his mind from now on. "because I told her not to mention anything to you," he rolled his eyes. "and on the subject of ariana - I really don't appreciate you threatening my pregnant fiance," he paused. "I can go wherever I want, you know that right? I'm not a little boy - I'm an adult," he paused. "I went to see him because he's my brother and he was hurt," when ben initially went to the hospital - he'd had no idea that it had been leia that had put jacen there, but he'd had a feeling that she was somehow involved - his mother was spiralling and now everyone could see it. "are you sure about that?" he asked. "he told me, yes," ben nodded. "but it doesn't matter either way, you should have just seen sense and walked away!" ben pinched the bridge of his nose. "I managed to do that without even hurting ari - and you managed to choke allana and stab jacen, that really just shows how weak you were to fall into that trap, to let whatever it was over power you and take hold." he knew first hand how easy it was to slip into the darkness, how easy it was to fall - it had happened to him, to his grandfather and now to his mom and uncle. they'd both fallen to the darkside and ben wasn't sure that she wouldn't have hurt them if it wasn't for whatever was making everyone crazy. a small scoff left his lips. "I'm not too sure about that anymore," ben paused. "I want to believe that - but, who's to say that you won't do it again? what if something like that happens again and you actually kill someone this time?" he asked.
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
I know kids are already envisioned and fleshed out for a few of them, but what about the rest of the Eddies with a r who doesn’t want children? Maybe she would consider adopting but is deadly scared of the pains of childbirth (like me lol), or she just doesn’t feel like she would be a good parent.
I feel like all of them would be super sweet and understanding, cause that’s just Eddie, but what do you think?
so I know you won't believe me, but being pregnant and child birth is quite literally my biggest and truest fear LMAO. literally watched one of my best friends pregnant with my godson and I was scarred. I will never produce a child bc the thought terrifies me.
so I feel like either they'd be good just not having one, like older!eddie he's good he's got brielle (pre-lilah obv). and rockstar!eddie if you really wanted kids would have a surrogate like half of hollywood already does or adopt. janitor!eddie is obv down with adopting especially foster to adopt for kids like him. and the rest would respect it. it's not their body, so they get it.
I don't think any eddie would be upset bc really there's always other options ya know? and every version of eddie spent time in foster care at one point, so they know that there's a lot of kids who need to be fostered and cared for.
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stevethehairington · 2 years
Hey ur in ur Steve feels so Im gonna share an angsty Steve hc I had yesterday: The reason Steve's parents are so distant is because Steve is the result of an affair his mother was having with someone else. His father was also having an affair but Mrs. Harrington got pregnant.
They decided to stay together and keep Steve to save face since keeping an image of being family-friendly is integral to Mr. Harrington's business. Both of Steve's parents tolerate him to maintain their status but truthfully they really don't like him.
Steve had no idea that Mr. Harrington wasn't his real father until he saw his birth certificate for the first time at age 16 while applying for his drivers license.
He spends years after that wondering why nobody ever seems to want him. His parents. His birth father. Carol. Tommy. Nancy. Why isn't he wanted?
hi!! omg i am SO sorry it took me so long to reply to this!! i saw it come in like right as i was heading to bed for the night, and then i kept telling myself oh i'll respond when i get home from work and then i would totally forget skfljs SORRY.
like, on the one hand i actually think steve would be almost a little relieved to know that he isn't actually related to his father, yknow? bc like one of his biggest fears, one of his worst nightmares is that he turns into his father. that he ends up being exactly like him. it terrifies him. and i think knowing that, genetically, they are not the same would serve as some sort of small comfort to him. like, it would almost make him feel like he has a better chance of not turning out like him bc like it's not in his dna, yknow? he would feel like he has more control over that.
but the on the other hand, god, finding out that his father isn't actually his father would be devastating too? bc like. that was his father. like they may not have had a great relationship and steve may not have liked him all the time, but i do think that steve did love him to a degree. like i dont think it would have all been bad. there might have been moments of his childhood with his dad that were nice. so finding out that those were built on a lie just crushes him. that he doesnt even get to keep the few good moments he has without them being completely ruined.
and like, just knowing that his whole life has been constructed around this lie? that he was just a pawn in his parents' weird, fucked up relationship drama and their perfect family charade. that they only kept him around to keep that up. ooohhhhh that would hurt.
and then oh GOD, nancy telling him that it's all bullshit, that he's bullshit, that they're bullshit, ohhhh, that would cut deep oh my god, it would cut so deep. fuck.
why isn't he wanted? 😭😭😭😭😭
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sassymoon · 8 months
Ah I thought you mean no more kids as no more breeding
I’m just being dramatic bc I don’t like kids lmao
Pregnancy is also one of my biggest fears so I’ll never actually get pregnant
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
holy fuck medical malpractice mpreg vader au. vader being incredibly confused and betrayed but like, this is par for the course yes? hes having even more emotiosn than usual bc of all the hormonal shit but eventually he just decides: ok. this baby is MINE. (or he decides ok this is not a baby i will not interact i have to dissociate or i will explode) i dunno, but like. im having EMOTIONS about this (also dysphoria up to eleven oop)
Context: this post, and this post
It's an interesting AU to work with because, like, I've done mpreg Anakin before.
His brain is a fascinating place, and I think his various neuroses and traumas about life and death and creation and the nature of reality would mean he'd arguably be very happy to create life instead of destroying it, and I feel like you can read him as having a very tenuous relationship with the idea of gender as it relates to his body, so I've done mpreg with him a lot.
Like... a lot.
Rexanidala ft. pregnant transmasc Anakin Anakin volunteers to be a surrogate My very hinged opinions on mpreg Anakin, ft. egg This post in Suddenly Omegaverse (chrono) This post in The Sexbot AU (chrono) This one isn't even mine but I did contribute
(And other, not Anakin pregnancies, like Vader Tries to Help, which is very dead dove and does feature the victim of medical malpractice mpreg being very, very upset by it.)
(I've also got a lot of AUs that are just. Anakin being Very Gender. Or trans pregnancies. Or both.)
And now the medical malpractice mpreg Vader AU, which I need to say wasn't even my idea.
So I think Vader would have been ecstatic if not for the fact that:
Padme is still dead and he can't share this with her (he is very aware of this and dwells muchly)
He wasn't told ahead of time/asked to give informed consent (this is par for the course with Palpatine, and Vader pretends he isn't bothered, or is dissociating about that fact to the point where he kind of doesn't register he should be upset)
Everything hurts (he registers this and chooses to power through it because Baby, and thinks it's justified because... Vader)
Like. Vader might. Actually think Palpatine did this as a favor to him? He just assumes that Palpatine knew he used to wonder what it would be like to be the pregnant partner? What a wonderful gift from his awful boss (who definitely didn't intend this to be a gift, but is curious to see where the hell this goes).
Anyway yeah. I feel like he actually doesn't feel betrayed about this, because if he were still healthy, and Padme were still alive, and he'd been asked first, he would have 100% been down to do the thing. He sees the baby situation as a gift, and doesn't quite process that that element was intended to bother him as much, if not more, than the psychological strain of more grief over Padme and the physical pain that comes with this interacting with his existing injuries and chronic pain.
I forgot where I was going with this, but Vader's biggest problem is that he can't share this experience with Padme.
Also the fear of getting electrocuted by Sidious while pregnant. That too.
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apollostears · 3 years
group: BTS
pairing: BTS x daughter!reader
warning(s): swearing
request: can you do BTS reacting to their 15 year old daughter having a boyfriend/girlfriend?
requested by: @mela3340
oomfggg this was so fun to make!! thanks for requesting the first request of 2021 :) hope you enjoy love <3
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➝︎ jin
he’s literally dramatic af.
but no really, he’ll be shook to the gods.
like huh??? his child got a partner?!!!
my kid?!!! IN THESE STREETS?!
he would faint, then wake back up and shake her til she’s dizzy.
ok but on a more serious note, i think if he saw his daughter have genuine feelings for this person they’re with, he would support a 100%
definitely wants to meet them asap
would chaperone their dates but in a way that’s soooo cliché. i mean ugly ass disguises cliché.
will definitely have a heart attack if his daughters partner used the fake ‘yawn-over-the-shoulder’ move while at the movies.
all his daughter would hear is someone choking horrendously a few rooms behind them and instantly know it’s her dad.
will call the boys up every time she asks him to go on a date with their partner or if they can come over to hang and study.
“i’m at a lost here! it’s like i’m in the war!” jin exaggerates on the group call with his friends.
“hyung, i think you’re over exaggerating.” jungkook would say sheepishly.
with the straightest face, jin would hang up and contemplate his choice in friends.
after about the sixth month mark, i do think he’d let up a tremendous amount.
like he’s no longer breathing down her neck about them and allows them to go on dates without him, so long as she tells him where they’re going.
10/10 is the dramatic dad that goes through a midlife crisis when their daughter starts dating.
➝︎ yoongi
mans does not care.
ok lemme clarify, he doesn’t care to the extent that jin does. he trusts his daughter and her decisions and understands that this is an important part of her life. he’s gonna try his hardest to not overstep.
but deep down, he definitely is having a hard time coming to grasps that his daughter is in love and starting to enter the dating world.
he understands the pressures surrounding dating too, especially at fifteen. so he’s definitely giving a nice lil lecture about sex, safe sex, consensual sex, and commitment.
and yes, yoongi knows that most of these young love relationships don’t last long, but he wants his daughter to know that her relationship is legit to him. no matter how old she is.
will look intimidating af to their daughters bf or gf. he definitely overhears them discussing if yoongi likes them or not 💀
looks like he could kill you and will but is also such a sweetheart once you actually know him.
doesn’t do no undercover brother shit but will follow his daughter on their first few dates just because he’s worried. isn’t overbearing and keeps a good distance.
honestly, if anything it brings his daughter a lot of comfort to know her dad is there to back her up 🙂
100%!is the father that seems like they’re chill on the surface but on the inside is working overtime to not be overreactive when their child starts dating.
➝︎ namjoon
is literally the 😯 emoji
when his daughter tells him that she’s got a lover, he literally looks exactly like that emoji.
he’s like “love? what you know about that?”
is extremely confused the entire time. yes, he knows that at her age, children start experimenting with dating but he never actually thought he’d have to deal with it.
was definitely worried that he’d lose out on daddy-daughter time once she started dating.
that was his biggest fear. that his daughter wouldn’t need him anymore. she would no worries.
is deathly afraid of his daughter experiencing heartbreak. their s/o could be the perfect match for his kid, he still wouldn’t care. namjoon is going to be worried regardless.
constantly asks for updates on their relationship to see if he needs to give any advice on how to keep the relationship going.
he doesn’t see their love as something immature. namjoon values it the same way he would value an adult relationship.
which meansss giving them the birds n the bees. same as yoongi, a thorough talk on sexually transmitted diseases, birth control, safe sex, you name it.
was incredibly nervous to meet the person their daughter was dating 💀 like how you supposed to be the daddy but more scared than the actual date.
chaperones his daughter’s first couple of dates. doesn’t get in their way but definitely makes his presence known when does attend.
has a strict “have her home by 9 or else” policy.
won’t ground their child if they give them a heads up on why they would be late.
is 100% the type to be the “work in progress” dad that wishes there was a book on what to do when your teenage daughter starts dating.
➝︎ hobi
mans was like “awww my wittle baby likes somebody!”
was wayyy more excited about meeting their child’s s/o then what is deemed normal.
don’t get me wrong, he’s definitely protective of his kid but hobi understands that these things happen.
it was bound to happen that one day his daughter would start dating.
doesn’t hound his child with questions but is very curious to learn more about this bf/gf that their daughter has.
when he meets them, he’s very scary looking at first. switching into serious hobi, he intimidates the kid just a bit before breaking into a grin and letting them know he was kidding.
is the type of dad that would make their daughters’ s/o fall in love with him 💀
hobi gets along with virtually anyone so it wasn’t hard for him to bond with the s/o.
however, he does make it known that he is a father and while the kid seems to be an alright choice for his daughter, he still lets them know that he will go liam neeson on a motherfucker if necessary.
doesn’t follow his daughter on dates but somehow ends up attending some of them because they both want him around.
on the times he doesn’t go, there is a curfew in place and it’s 8 o’clock 😔
hobi is 100% the dad to become friends with their daughters’ bf/gf but still be a force to be reckon with when needed.
➝︎ jimin
probably the one who meddles in their daughters love life.
sees their daughter walkout of school with a guy and is asking fifty million questions on who he is and if she likes him.
all for her to turn around and be like “dad, i’m gay.”
and he’s like 🥺🥰 “good, boys are disgusting anyways.”
so now he’s scoping out girls that could be a potential match for his kid 💀
“what about her?”
“nah, she’s a little rude to me.”
“you know what they say! she likes you!”
“no dad. just...no.”
was not expecting the girl his daughter chooses but can totally see it once he actually gets to know her.
is constantly giving his daughter cute date ideas for her to do w her gf. definitely has a pintrest board of places for them.
will happily be a chauffeur for his daughter if necessary. this can be good and bad. good bc yayay free rides. bad because she has to deal with a jimin that wants to be on time or a jimin that makes them ten minutes late to a movie showing. there is no in between.
he doesn’t follow his daughter around. mainly because he’s always driving them but if he doesn’t, she still gives him a heads up on where they’re going.
doesn’t mind them hanging sleepovers or leaving the door closed but will totally pop up at random times to be nosey.
is definitely in his daughters corner anytime someone tries to give her and her gf a hard time for being together.
a 100% the dad that’s constantly involved in his child’s love life but not to an extreme point. is totally just excited to be there and apart of her world.
➝︎ taehyung
the motherfucker is all smug and shit talking about some “ i know ” 😏 when his daughter approaches him about her new partner.
lets be real; taehyung would know his daughter like the back of his hands. he would have suspicions that she’s seeing somebody but won’t pressure her to speak until she’s ready.
acts like the fbi when he finally meets their daughter’s partner.
is stalking all social media, finding where they work, who they guardians are, and where they grandma stay 💀🤣
but it’s really because he knows how dangerous people are and the last thing he wants is for his kids’ life to be in danger.
is definitely a hard ass to whoever his daughter ends up dating regardless of gender. will go major payne on a motherfucker real quick.
does not care if he gets caught watching out for his daughter while she’s on a date. will deadass sit there and stare them down as they look at him, completely unbothered.
after meeting their partner a few times, he’ll become a bit more loose in regards to their relationship but will still eye them wearily.
his daughter is very important to him and he’s just worried about any potential heartbreak she may experience.
“have you ever killed?”
“uh, no sir. i-i’m only fifteen...sir.”
kisses teeth, “would you kill for my daughter?”
*beat of silence, two horrified teenagers*
scoffs, “pathetic. d/n choose a new partner.”
seems like a hard ass and is a hard ass but it’s completely out of love.
is 100% the dad that gives their daughter’s partner a hard time and will hold such a passive face that they’ll never know if he likes them or not, but overtime will start loosening up and accept them for who they are.
➝︎ jungkook
he was thoroughly surprised.
like...she might as well had told him she was pregnant.
jk needed a moment to comprehend that his daughter...his precious jewel was dating.
just the thought sent chills down his spine with his dramatic ass.
immediately demanded to meet the person who stole his daughter from him. and when he found out it was the bad kid from school??!!! mans was heated.
i mean really? the juvenile delinquent of ALL people?
he feels this way mainly because he remembers how he was as a kid and he knows how anal teenagers can be. really just wants the best for his kid.
is present for their first date. why is that? because it was at their house with him sitting on the opposite couch, watching them like a hawk as they attempted to watch a movie.
after that, his daughter had a serious talk with him about personal space and independence.
jungkook didn’t like the fact that he had to have this talk, but he understands it’s importance. him and his daughter have a sacred bond with one another that he doesn’t wanna risk breaking all because of his overprotectiveness.
that overprotectiveness does come in handy though because their daughters’ partner is always on time when it comes to getting her and dropping her off. honestly, if his daughter ever tried to convince their partner to skip curfew, their partner would text jungkook to snitch 💀
“so...you tried to skip curfew, eh?”
“wha-? how do you know this?!”
smirks, “i see all d/n. besides, your partner knows not to cross that line with me.”
“i literally cannot stand either of you.”
this has definitely led the daughter to question if she has a relationship or if her dad has a relationship with her s/o.
after about three months of them dating, jungkook turns into a pretty chill dad to be real. at that point, he understands that he can’t protect her from pain. so, he might as well just try his best to support his daughter through everything she does.
is 100% that is overly dramatic at first and comes off as incredibly scary but eventually comes down to earth and becomes a big teddy bear 🥰
❧ join my taglist: @olamidey @knjkitten @pimpnameyannie @sweeneyblue1 @sunrayyellowhalo @exomama-random @simplyskz-maya @valkryienymph @supop @namjoonswifeyy @asparagusclifford
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sparkie96 · 3 years
Me, half asleep: hmm chreon
Me, suddenly galaxy brain and wide awake: Chris leaves for edonia before leon can tell him that he's pregnant, he never gets the chance to tell him, chris loses his memories, leon has their baby and then about a month later re6 happens and he and Chris reunite but it's bittersweet bc Chris doesn't remember who leon was to him, cue to the angst of leon having to deal with being alone and thinking chris was dead for his entire pregnancy, and then them mending their relationship as chris heals, and Chris meets the baby and they become a proper family
Me, exhausted from this apparently v taxing thought and now half asleep again: hmm chreon
It had been a long and tiresome six-months plus the oh so fun trip to China...which Chris lost his entire team twice to the same woman who had had an indirect hand in nearly killing his mate and his mate’s partner as well as said mate’s adoptive daughter and the key to stopping the C-Virus. And a tiresome couple of weeks where he took some time off to himself.
Chris shook his head as his escort drove him out to the ranch Leon supposedly now owned thanks to the late Adam Benford. The agent said he had a surprise for him and Chris was practically vibrating in his seat, wondering just what the surprise was. His memory was still a bit fuzzy, so he remembered Leon and wanted to get back to him the whole time he was in Edonia...he just didn’t know his name or the reason why he needed to get back so badly. And then there was...something else. It involved Leon and a grainy picture of some sort...but try as he might, he couldn’t remember what it was. 
Hopefully his memory would kickstart back to normal by the time he got there. He really wanted to relive “Memory Lane” with his beautiful Omega. He wanted to experience the emotions that came with those memories. He wanted to remember them too, cursing his broken memories and his damned Amnesia. 
The truck pulled up to the ranch, surrounded by miles of grass and fields of corn. Chris’s heart pounded in his chest as he gazed upon the breathtaking sight, unable to believe that this very beautiful but kind of isolated property was now his home too. The truck pulled into the driveway, the driver; Nadia, informing him that they were here. Chris stared out of the window, butterflies beating their wings inside of his stomach and making it churn nervously.
“Captain?” She asked, “Everything alright?” 
Chris drummed his fingers on the door, eyes staring at the front door of the home anxiously, “Y-Yeah,” He lied, “Just...nervous...that’s all. My head isn’t so good right now so…” 
She gently laid a hand on his shoulder, “You’ll be alright. Agent Kennedy’s been filled in on the situation that occurred over the last several months by Captain Valentine. He’s a good person. He’ll understand.” 
“I know,” Chris replied with a slight cant of the head, his other hand toying with his seatbelt, “I just...I don’t want to disappoint him or upset him if he brings up something and I can’t remember…” 
Nadia gave him a reassuring smile and a squeeze, “You couldn’t if you tried. He loves you.” 
Chris looked to her, smiling a small smile back before giving a nod. With a deep breath, he undid his seatbelt as she unlocked the door to let him out. She bid him farewell and good luck, waiting until he was completely out of the truck and had shut the door behind himself before pulling away. She gave a friendly honk before driving back in the direction of HQ. 
Leaving him in front of the house. 
Chris turned to it, timidly walking up the gravel and to the wooden porch. He ascended the three steps there, pausing to stare at the door once more. He didn’t know why this was so hard, nor did he know why he was so nervous. There shouldn’t have been something ominous about this whole thing. This was home...his family was inside. His mate and their silly cat. Though, there was a little voice in the back of his mind saying that that was not all that was inside...that he was missing a little detail. 
Opening the screen door, he raised his fist and knocked on the solid front door. And then...he just stood there...waiting. He didn’t try to peek through the glass in the door, figuring that would have been rude or it would have ruined the surprise planned for him. 
There were footsteps on the other side, Chris holding his breath as they approached the door. Through the frosted glass, he could see a mass of blue and white and beige and brown. He could hear every click of the locks as they were undone, Chris taking another deep breath as the pounding grew louder in his ears. 
His breath was caught in his throat again as the door opened, Leon’s smiling face looking up at him, blue eyes clearly filled with tears. 
“Hey…” Chris greeted awkwardly, but then gave a soft “Oof!” as Leon nearly tackled him, hugging him tightly. 
“Hey, Big Guy.” Leon’s muffled voice replied in his shoulder, the Omega’s face buried in the fabric of Chris’s shirt, “We missed you so much…” 
“I missed you all too.” Chris replied, hugging him back as Leon pulled away, the two meeting for a soft chaste kiss, “You and that goofy cat.” 
Leon looked up at him as they parted, canting his head to the side, “...You don’t remember…” He paused mid sentence and gave a nod, “Wait...of course you don’t. Sorry, my mistake. The Post Traumatic Amnesia…” 
“What don’t I remember?” Chris asked a bit too quickly, his heart still pounding in his chest. This was exactly why he didn’t feel like he was ready enough for this. This is why he had been putting off coming here for weeks. His worst fear was happening...he was upsetting his mate. 
As if sensing his distress, Leon shook his head and carefully cupped Chris’s cheeks, holding his face in his hands, “No, no, no! It’s okay! It was my mistake! That’s why I had a surprise for you!” 
Chris calmed down a bit, taking more deep breaths and counting in his head to ten, “Right. You said there was a surprise…” 
Leon nodded with a warm smile, “Yeah...I have someone I want you to meet.” 
Chris furrowed his brows but let Leon take his coat for him, the Omega telling him that it was okay to take his shoes off by the front door. While Chris did that, Leon shut the front door and locked it, waiting until Chris was settled before taking him by the hand. Chris allowed him to lead him further into the house, going down the hall and to one of the rooms at the end of the hallway. 
“You probably don’t remember this,” Leon began, “But...a couple months before you went to Edonia, I was pregnant.” 
Pregnant...Leon had been pregnant? Chris thought about what Leon had said earlier...about how “We missed you…”. We…
Leon let go of his hand, opening the door with the little characters on it, looking back at him with a smile. 
“Chris,” Leon began, pushing the door open and revealing the crib inside, a little red-headed baby staring back at them, giving the biggest smile he could manage with a pacifier in his mouth, “I want you to meet your son: Oliver Kennedy-Redfield.”
Chris’s heart was fluttering...but not out of nervousness. The Alpha was in awe, smiling as tears welled up in his eyes. He had a son...he had a family who had been waiting for him all this time.
He was home at last.
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hobiiwan · 5 years
the mandalorian with a pregnant s/o
⇒ pairing: the mandalorian x reader
⇒ summary: pretty self-explanatory
⇒ warnings: brief mentions of some nsfw spicy times
⇒ notes: based on this anon (thank you!) thought the gif would be fitting. this could potentially be extended into dad!Mando (although that’s already kind of shown in the show👀so let me know if yall are down for some MandoBaby bc i definitely am) also i kinda went overboard, but who am i if not extra
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you’re not quite sure how it happened
i mean, okay,,,,
you knOw
but you can’t seem to fathom how one day you were just you and now you’re you’re carrying a little person inside you
it comes as a surprise
even though the signs were all there
the other day, you’d snapped at mando for the tiniest thing
twenty minutes later you were practically on him
not to mention the morning sickness
thaT should’ve been your biggest red flag
yet you simply chalked it up to the fault of questionable cantina food
however, now with the pregnancy test in your hands with the double red lines mockinG you straight to your face
there’s no denying it
you’re pregnant
you hate that your first thought instantly jumps to doubt
how are you going to raise this baby?? your life was not one for a child
you would never want your child to grow up in a constant state of danger
and what would mando think??? what if he doesn’t want to keep the baby; what would you do then?
you haven’t even seen his face, how are you going to raise a child together
will the child be raised a mandalorian????
so many questions
but under it all, you were happy
you’ve always wanted a family of your own
not that baby yoda doesn’t count as your child bc it totaLLY DOES
although this isn’t exactly how you expected it to happen
you’re determined to let your baby grow up surrounded by love
you just hope mando is too
when you tell him, it’s not a big occasion
it’s another day, he’s checking the ship’s controls and you’re curled up on the seat next to him
he instantly knows something’s up
because for once, you’re quiet
you gnaw on your lip as your knee bounces up and down
the anxiety is radiating off of you and it’s starting to get to him
never one to beat around the bush, he asks, turning to your huddled form, straight to the point
“what’s wrong?”
taking a deep breath you force the words out your mouth
“i’m pregnant, mando.”
your throat burns as your eyes well with tears
he goes absolutely silent
even the usual rhythm of his breathing through his moderator goes cold
his helmet is turned towards you, but you feel as though he’s looking anywhere but at you
the second the first teardrop spills down your cheek, that’s when he finally moves
whatever was on hand is dropped as he goes to take your hands in his
“i—” he starts, continues with a waver, “do you want this?”
his voice is gentle, more so than you’ve ever heard it before
mando’s thoughts are soaring
he can’t believe this is real; you’re real
he takes a moment to thank the maker for gifting him with you, and now your baby
he swears all the planets align when you nod
you’re smiling now and even with the tear tracks drying on your cheeks, mando thinks he’s never seen anything more ethereal
his hands tighten around yours as he pulls you close to him
“but what about—how can we raise a child like this?”
at this moment, he sounds so vulnerable; so open with his fears that you can’t help but love him a little more
you press your forehead against mando’s helmet
closing your eyes, you know he does too
“we’ll find a way.”
it’s in the way that he allows you to place your hands just where his helmet meets his shoulders, fingers brushing against the sliver of exposed skin
the way his own hands are heavy against the small of your back, keeps you grounded in this moment of euphoria
he doesn’t have to say it; neither do you
the words hang in the air, unspoken yet heard
you know your baby will be loved
mando ups his protectiveness to the goDS
not one haiR on your pretty little head will be harmed on his watch
he won’t let anyone get close to you, and his awareness has been tuned to a whole new level
it’s to be expected; you know he’s just doing this because he cares
but,,, manz forgotten you can take care of yourself just fine
the first few weeks, he’s a little paranoid, to say the least
but once he sees you slam a slimeball who got a little too handsy into a wall, he relaxes a bit more
still, don’t expect to do anything on your own bc for the next 9+ months, mando’s signed up to be your new butler
most days, he’ll have everything you want on hand; whenever you have cravings, back pain, swollen ankles
he’s got u
on the days you have terrible all-day morning sickness, he’s right there holding your hair up and rubbing your back soothingly
when you slump against the toilet, you swat him away because you don’t want anyone to see you right now
he doesn’t give a flying damn
cuddles are a biG thing (which surprises both of you since you’re both quite reserved people)
most nights you’ll fall asleep to his hand tracing over your growing bump and not gonna lie,,,, it’s kinda great
unTIL your bump really starts to grow and you can no longer reach down to pull on your own boots or sleep on your back
that’s when it really hits you
by the time you get to your third trimester, you’re ready for this baby to be out of you
you can’t say you particularly enjoy feeling bloated 24/7 and not being able to frequent your beloved grimy cantinas
but you’re also really excited to meet your lil baby!
you wonder how he or she will look; like you or their father?
what will their name be? 
you probably should have planned these things out by now
but since when were you and mando known for planning?
eventually mando sets up a little nursery on the ship; baby yoda’s going to have a sibling very soon
you have yet to discuss the whole helmet issue with mando
hell, you don’t even know his real name
what you do know is that you want your child to know the face of their father
but you also know how important it is for him that his face is kept hidden
mando knows the conversation is bound to happen one way or another, yet he’s still a deer in the headlights when you bring it up
he sighs heavily, and tells you he’ll think about it (despite that usually being a half-assed answer from anyone else, you know his to be genuine)
you don’t bring it up for a while afterwards; you don’t want to push him
until one day,,,,,
you’re chilling with the Child (not your own) (yet), who’s happily cooing in your arms, when the father of your actual child comes stomping in
you blank, eyebrows furrowing in confusion; the Child mimics your expression with full emphasis on the eyes
“come again?”
he sighs, (a common occurrence nowadays)
reader, you’re exasperatinG (but in a good way)
“my name,” he tries again, “it’s dyn. dyn jarren.”
your eyes widen comically as it dawns on you; that is noT what you were expecting today
he would’ve chuckled at your expression but this was noT the time
“dyn,” you breathe out as a smile grows on your face
you like it, it’s suits him perfectly
that’s when he decides he likes his own name, if it means he can hear you say it again
you lean up to press your lips against where his own would be under the helmet
“thank you,” you murmur with a softness he still hasn’t gotten used to
suddenly mando feels ready to reveal his whOLE life story to you
this is a hugE step obviously, and you can’t help but still call him mando from time to time
force of habit :’))
but when you feel that first wave of sharp pain piercing your lower back, his name is the first thing that escapes your lips
after the first ‘oh shit’ ofc
he’s by your side within a span of ten seconds
you still manage to tease him about the cacophony of clanging metal as he runs through the ship
but then the next wave of contractions hit and you’re 200% sure you blackout (mando tells you later that you didn’t)
because the next thing you know, (6 hours later, mando says) there are about 4 medical droids around you
they’re telling you to push
you didn’t think you had it in you
mando didn’t think he had it either, as you crushed every single bone in his hand
you’re also mildly cursing him
that’s a lie, obviously
there’s a pause as you gasp for breath
you’re knackereD
suddenly there’s a little cry
the droids clean your baby up and they hand him to mando
it’s a,,,,,,, drumroll please
girl !!!!
his heart stops when the baby, your baby, meets his eyes, or rather, his helmet
at that moment, mando knows he’d do absolutely anything for this little person
he’d take his helmet off a thousand times if it meant he’d get to love her properly, the way a real father should
that’s exactly what he decides to do
within the next few days, you’re back home
one morning, you wake up, suspiciously well rested
that’s weirD,,,,
you realise your daughter never cried last night
you bolt upright as quickly as you can in your state, alarmed
motherhood is wiLD
you stumble outside, eyes darting for your baby when they land on something that makes your heart stop
there he is, dyn jarren, the mandalorian, holding your baby girl in his arms, bathed in all the glory of the binary sunrise
but that’s not what gets you
his back is turned to you, and you can see the back of his head, tufts of unruly dark brown curling around warm, bronzed skin
there are tears welling in your eyes as he turns to face you
your gaze meets his own, not the reflection you’re so used to
but his eyes, rounded and dark; the ones you see on your daughter
as soon as your face breaks into a grin, he knows he’s made the right decision
your breath hitches as his lips curl into a smile; it’s a little uncertain, a little nervous
but it’s one you know you’ll never get tired of in this lifetime
he’s taken it off.
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dodgefred · 3 years
(u wanted questions sooooo) If you could rewrite the spring awakening musical, what things from the play would you include? (and what from the current musical would you eliminate?)
this is such a good question it took me a rlly long time to figure out how i wanted to answer lol but basically i just wish the musical included a lot of the important points the play established. the musical does this fun thing where we see the outcome of a lot of the things the play brings us to, but we don’t see the buildup that the original play had.
for example, the beating scene. in the musical, without any context at all, it seems like just a weird random bdsm thing and melchior runs away out of fear of being caught. that’s how it’s perceived by a lot of audience members because we don’t get to see the context the play builds up. the play establishes melchior as having a nightmare that he hit his dog and then spiraled, and we find out that this is his biggest fear. therefore, after that scene he’s so disgusted with himself and he is a lot more resentful. he doesn’t want to cause anyone genuine pain- and this even works with how sater romanticized the hayloft scene! obviously he shouldn’t have but it’s kind of silly he didn’t use this plot point to humanize melchior even more than he did, because again with just the context we are given in the musical, melchior is still a really gross person and not a kid who has made mistakes and has fears just like every other kid.
i also wish the musical kept a lot of the smaller details. i really wish moritz’s death monologue was longer. i studied it for class recently and it’s such a heartbreakingly good monologue and i think sater could have definitely brought more into that scene in the musical. my favorite part of that scene, though, and the reason i bring it up is when moritz burns frau gabor’s final letter to him. i think that’s so impactful to moritz’s arc especially and i wish it had been kept, whether they used physical fire or not.
i wish the vineyard scene was longer, and less portrayed as a joke. hanschen and ernst are foils to melchior and wendla and while melchior and wendla are openly discovering their sexuality with each other, hanschen and ernst are doing the same thing but much more privately and much more tentatively due to the society they’re in. therefore hanschen snd ernst’s interactions, while hanschen does get some sexual innuendos, seem to be a lot more innocent and are perceived as much more tender, and i think this is an awesome contrast to how queer men are typically portrayed in terms of the homophobic predator stereotypes and all. this is why the vineyard scene is so impactful in the original play (esp bc of the time it was originally written!!!) and why i wish steve had made it longer and why i wish actors milked the beats a little bit longer than they do. the scene is so brief but it could say a lot and i wish sater took the time to do that.
i also wish ilse was included more. her arc is so interesting and we barely get to see it at all. she runs away from her abusive childhood home, only to move in with artists who are probably older men and who probably groom her and drug her up every day and we don’t get to see that beyond her small scene with moritz before his death.
there are a lot more things like that but they’re mostly much smaller details and stuff. as for stuff i’d keep, i really like how the mama who bore me scene is at the beginning. i think it’s really impactful foreshadowing and it was such a strong decision to establish right from the start that sex education isn’t taken seriously by society. i’m obsessed with the way the audience is treated as society throughout the show and when we laugh at a joke onstage, 9/10 times that means that society wouldn’t be taking it seriously either. and that especially works here, in this scene, where we’re currently laughing at how frau bergmann is avoiding teaching wendla about sex, but we aren’t laughing at the end when wendla is pregnant and being dragged to an abortion against her own will. the parallels between mama who bore me and whispering are literally CINEMATIC, especially how wendla’s first and last lines while alive are “mama.” i think that works so well. sater is so so so smart when it comes to small callbacks to other songs and that’s a quality i’m obsessed with in musicals.
i like how there are less characters? this is a super dumb one but i literally cannot keep up with the play WHO is robert WHO is lammermeier WHO are these people.:.... but i like how in the musical it’s a much smaller ensemble and there’s a clear Boy Squad and Girl Squad. we have enough ensemble to paint a picture of various people’s views, but we don’t have too much ensemble to be overwhelming. i like that choice a lot.
i like the way he cut the mysterious man holy shit the mysterious man is so strange and on the roundabout workshop album he freaks me the fuck out so i’m so glad he was cut LMAO. he’s an interesting narrator but i don’t think the story needs a narrator. i think the kids can and should tell their own stories.
this is getting to be super long and it’s just a bunch of word vomit that prob doesn’t make sense so i think i’ll cut it off here but thank you for this question anon it made me think a lot (: the play and musical both have their redeeming qualities and i don’t think i favor one over the other but i think it’s really interesting to look at the differences between the two, esp in terms of characterization. someday i’ll talk in-depth abt how queer-coded moritz is in the original but for now i’ll shut up abt the play LOL
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esotericakit · 3 years
Fancy ranting about why you love kit snicket?👀 tbh I never found her character that compelling but I’m extreme open to changes of opinion hhh? pls feel free to ignore this hhgkkgkg
oh my god i’m so sorry i’ve been super busy I only just saw this but ahhh I love this question ((also sorry if some of thisk doesn’t make sense, i just got off a 7 hour bus ride and I am sleep deprived)). also a tw here for some discussions of painful stuff like death, loss, grief, implications of suicidal thoughts (nothing graphic)
okay so that’s valid bc she doesn’t get a lot to work with in tpp BUUUUUT what you do get is very rich. so basically it’s all tied in with vfd and what they’ve done to the sugarbowl gen. every member of the sugarbowl gen has been ripped from their family extremely young and recruited into this organisation, forced into life threatening situations, kept from loved ones for long periods of time (like kit and lemony in atwq) and have sort of convinced themselves, to varying degrees, that it’s important because the organisation is important. with lemony, he’s disillusioned and disappears after heartbreak. with beatrice and bertrand, they decide to pull away and leave. with jacques, he buries himself so deeply into his work with vfd so that he doesn’t have to reckon with what they did to him. and then you have kit.
with kit, I think she isn’t as sold to vfd as jacques and can still be somewhat critical of it, but also recognises that she’s trapped and always will be at their beck and call, and it’s not easy to break out from this illusion of the mighty organisation she’s a part of. she’s a quick thinker, she’s a mechanic, she’s resilient, she’s quick-witted, she’s as good a volunteer as they come, and so they exploit that and use her gifts (like building the queequeg and having her make the poison darts). for the most part, she buys into vfd’s bullshit, but i think it’s a sort of defence mechanism where she knows that resistance is going to be harder than compliance, so she puts her head down and does the work.
and this leads her to do things that she maybe wouldn’t have done of her own free will, like aiding in the murder of olaf’s parents. we don’t know exactly what kit and olaf’s relationship was like, but from what’s given in their interaction in te, i think they were young sweethearts, i think kit did genuinely care for him, and i think that it was vfd that ordered the murder, and not beatrice and bertrand, as many people have implied. so, by giving beatrice and bertrand the darts, she chooses the organisation over her relationship, and it can’t have been an easy choice. this then re-ignites the schism, olaf becomes a firestarter and kit has to watch as her brother is framed by olaf for crimes he didn’t commit.
and then lemony dies, or so she thinks. i’m of the mind that kit never learns that her brother is actually alive, and dies thinking she lost him. and we know that family is one of the most important things to the snickets; “we snickets look out for their own”, and I imagine kit going beside herself trying to find ways to protect lemony from all the attacks, the frame jobs, the rumours, only to have it be too late, and she’s lost her brother forever.
and so she’s left there, mourning lemony, and all she has left of her family is jacques. and she loves jacques but his first priority is vfd, it’ll always be vfd. she has beatrice and bertrand, but they’ll leave to the island soon, and they’ll leave vfd after that, and be largely out of her life for good.
she starts building the queequeg and at last, her vfd work seems to be doing some good. she meets ink, monty’s latest discovery, and at last, it seems that other members of vfd are doing some good. and then she hears about the medusoid mycelium, and the illusion of vfd cracks a little bit more. she desperately tries to stop gregor from creating the mycelium, only for that to fail. another loss.
then, we don’t know the nature of kit and dewey’s relationship so again, going off what we have with the fact that she is pregnant when we meet her and that dewey’s last word is “kit”, not to mention the way that she explicitly asked about dewey’s wellbeing when she meets the baudelaires on the island, the implication is heavily that she and dewey are romantically involved. and I think she found a lot of solace in dewey. dewey, in his own way, had lost a lot, from his parents to his brother (joining the firestartera), to his own identity, all to vfd, and he understood where she was coming from in terms of being disillusioned but also being trapped.
and then the baudelaire fire happens, and it’s very clear to everyone that olaf was involved (whether he actually was or not is a different debate). so this is now 3 people who kit has loved that olaf has had a hand in their deaths. someone she loved killing other people she loved, and it’s the most painful thing.
we don’t know where kit is for the events of asoue, but regardless, she has to hear how other associates and friends have died or been killed at the hands of olaf, and each one hurts more than the last, because she can’t stop or slow down how many people she’s losing, and I think there’s an element of not being able to help but blame herself for his actions, because if she hadn’t helped kill his parents, maybe he wouldn’t be doing this.
and then jacques dies, and it’s the biggest blow yet. she just lost the last member of her family she had left, and she can’t cope, she stays in bed and decides that, despite dewey, despite her child, she’ll never leave her bed again.
what does make her leave, however, is vfd business; the message from quigley. she knows that she can’t even take the time to mourn her brother, she has to keep moving, and the pressure to carry the whole “good” side of vfd, to continue what her brother started, is on her shoulders, and that’s immense.
and so that’s when we meet her in tpp, and she is a broken person. she has lost so many people, been put through so much, had her entire worldview and foundation turned upside down, and she’s still doing all of this work, putting her life on the line over and over again, for an organisation that has done nothing but take things from her and hurt her, but there’s absolutely nothing else she can do. she’s pregnant and she can’t allow herself to be happy or excited about that because she just doesn’t have it in her. all she knows is that she has to get through this as quickly as she can, losing as few people as she can. her conversation with the baudelaires is interesting too, and is so exemplary of how she’s mourning; she remembers little details about beatrice and bertrand (like the feathers on bea’s shawl) and reminisces about how much the children look like them, and you can tell that it’s extremely painful to go through
she then leaves the baudelaires and risks her life again trying to rescue the quagmires, and it’s unclear whether it was a success or not but regardless, when she finally pulls herself up onto that stupid book raft she insists on making, she’s so so so so tired. she’s in labour, she doesn’t know what’s happened at the hotel denouement, she doesn’t know whether she’ll return to the city and find more destruction or not. i think the only thing stopping her from giving up while on that raft is the thought of her child and dewey, so she holds on.
she washes up on the island and the baudelaires are there, which means they’re alive, so that’s something. but then she hears that dewey’s dead. that the hotel went up in flames. that all that’s waiting for her in the city is more pain and more loss. and that’s the final blow, that’s the moment that she knows that there is nothing can happen that can repair the damage created by what’s been taken from her. she refuses the apple, citing fear that it would harm the baby, but I think the truth is that she couldn’t bear to consider continuing her life after all that’s happened, even if it means sacrificing a life with her child.
and then olaf shows up and he rescues her from the raft and she’s suddenly face to face with the reason for so much of the loss she’s faced. it was him who killed so many of her associates, her friends, her brothers. and she doesn’t forgive him, because she knows she isn’t big enough to do that. we can also hypothesise about whether or not olaf could be the baby’s father (i like to headcanon that she doesn’t know either way but it’s either dewey’s or olaf’s, and the stress of that makes this moment even harder). but she also doesn’t have the energy to be angry at him. she knows these are her last moments, and she knows that olaf was a victim of vfd, just like she was. so she touches his tattoo and chooses instead to recite poetry, because it’s easier than being angry, it’s easier than hating him. he recites poetry back, and then dies. and despite the fact that he’s hurt her so much, she did care for him once, it’s one more person she’s lost, when she didn’t think she had anyone else to lose.
and then she gives birth to her daughter, using the last ounces of strength she has left. it’s a horrendously sad thing, because i think she could have had the capacity to love her daughter, to be a good mother, but the pain won out and she stopped being able to want to help herself, if that makes sense. so she gives her daughter life, the only thing she has left to give her, and then dies.
I think it’s so staggering to think about this person, who could have lived a life full of colour and fire, and see her completely beaten down to what she ended up as in tpp. she’s a prime example of what vfd does, she’s the last one standing of her generation, and the toll that takes on her is immense. i think the juxtaposition of her recklessness and her grief against the fact that she’s pregnant and about to become a mother is even more heartbreaking. she’s such a compelling character and so gorgeously written, even though what we see of her is so brief. she’s a person who so desperately wants autonomy and control over her situation, things she’ll never truly have, so she does reckless things that endanger her life, to get that control back and because she truly stops caring about her well-being.
and it’s a little comforting i guess? i tend to project onto kit a lot because of some of my own life experiences and losses and i understand where she comes from a lot of time time and it’s such a difficult place and my heart just hurts for her a lot
i’m sorry that this was so long, i got carried away lol thanks for the question though!!
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