#blog overview
Roleplay blog: @le-brave-des-braves
Meta information
Owner: @neylo
First post: 28th February 2024 (https://www.tumblr.com/le-brave-des-braves/743594245757222912/bienvenue-you-have-reached-my-communication)
Current pinned post: https://www.tumblr.com/le-brave-des-braves/747279352345083904/bienvenue-you-have-reached-my-communication
Main character: Michel Ney
Regular appearances: his aides-de-camp Octave Levavasseur, Pierre-Agathe Heymes (both pictured here) and Antoine-Henri Jomini
Irregular appearances:
Supernatural characteristics:
This version of Michel Ney has been granted wings by an anonymous message and still retains them. He also carries marks of his execution in the form of dark spots in place of the original gunshot wounds that occasionally show under stressful conditions. This kind of state can also result in a temporary delay of another bodily death.
An ever-shifting tangle of sceneries. A somewhat stable Chateau Bessonies (currently vacant/undergoing reconstruction)
Stories (not exhaustive, regular size text for longer threads:)
-Assisted marshal Lannes who consumed a dubious brownie
-Received his birthday mail two months late and got covered in glitter
-Levavasseur confessed his feelings for his Marshal with a serenade, was rejected
-The Marshal was granted wings, immediately invented aerial fencing. Meanwhile, Jomini returned.
-Discovered Rammstein. This will play a role later.
-Jomini rediscovers the joy of mutual disdain with Berthier, would not apologise properly over his own dead body
-Ney's aides-de-camp are granted wings. Some of them are more happy with them than others.
-Everyone has beef with Napoleon, nobody wants to risk fighting and potentially hurting Lannes, so the Emperor gets out of it this time.
-Soult was turned into a dragon. Berthier's house is flooded by plants. Was it a good idea to start a fire? No.
-Fairy dust can heal burned wings. It also temporarily diminishes the ability to filter your words.
-the twice-heartbroken Levavasseur, after receiving lots of mostly dubious advice, decides to care as he always did. The Marshal does hold him dear.
-Ney is transformed into his 23 year old self
-The wings are healing too slowly, Ney is disheartened
-And gets pep talked by Soult of all people
-Meanwhile, Jomini pockets a potion and makes a bad decision
-Ney and his aides-de-camp move to Soult's domain temporarily. Their host is turned into a cat. Things get very awkward
-The Marshals have a meeting over being turned into female versions of themselves. The workplace violence that follows results in Ney's disappearance.
-To a seemingly idyllic place where all is preserved as it was in days of happiness. But not all is as it seems... (Ongoing)
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lixenn · 2 months
Since I’ve come out of my introverted gremlin cave and started to actually work regularly on my writing as well as posting my stuff on here, I’ve decided to structure my blog a bit. Mostly to prevent people from getting absolutely lost in this chaotic mess.  
I will try to keep this as updated as possible but there might be a bit of a delay between me posting new content and updating this, so please keep that in mind.
General info
My Ao3 account
Ask box
If you have questions about any of my projects or just want to randomly scream at me about any topic that comes to mind, my inbox is open. Bother me anytime!
Katekyo Hitman Reborn
The KHR discord server is now online! It's a general server for the fandom. If you want to join just drop me a DM and I'll send you the invite link.
KHR writing prompts
Prompts are open, just drop them in my inbox and I'll see what the nonsense generator can fabricate!
Prompt rules/intro
Dan and Celeste
Dan and Vlasta
The Housekeeping AU
#the housekeeping AU #khr daniele costa #khr dave #khr valerie rebner #khr vlasta gast
This is me playing around in the Varia sandbox, come and join me in my weird delusions!
Witness how the Head of Varia Housekeeping (my OC) is slowly but surely driven insane by crazy Assassin bullshit, meddling assistants (aka Dave), mountains of paperwork and Mafia politics.
(Btw the concept of my Varia Housekeeping was inspired by Umei_no_Mai whose worldbuilding is absolutely Godtier. I kneel before their greatness.)
Character profiles
Chief aka Daniele
Ottavio under edit
Valerie Rebner
The Varia Housekeeping survival guide (WIP currently updating on Ao3)
When you are the overworked and underappreciated head of Varia Housekeeping who is sick and tired of cleaning up your employees’ corpses and decide to write up an instruction manual for dealing with Varia's insanity.
Detective Dave is on the case (complete on Ao3 but might add something later on)
Dave has never been able to resist a good mystery, so when one of his informants was suddenly murdered under suspicious circumstances, what else is he supposed to do other than immediately stick his nose into other people's business? ("Can you for once in your life not poke the sleeping dragon with a stick?" "But Chief! A murder mystery! Delivered right to my front door!" "..." "Hey, we are you going? Chief? Chief! I still need you to sign these forms! Come back!" )
This is my crossover with Myell's Killer Whale AU, so if you aren't familiar with her 'verse this story might be a bit confusing, I recommend checking her stuff out first a then coming back to this one. (Shamelessly advertising my Buddy's story again hehehehe)
Unnamed Sequel (in planning stage)
Unlike the Varia survival guide, this work will hopefully have plot and a coherent story line. I’m still very much in the idea finding phase, so no clue when this is going to be published.
I now have a rough outline for the story, main plot plus romance side plot (I say side plot when the romance outline is much more detailed... *silently despairs*).
Current edited chapter count: 1/?
I will keep you updated on this project via completely unhinged ramblings, so… look forward to that (and yes, that is a threat!)
Dan and Dave's first meeting
Things Chief once said
The Couch™️
Fanfic recs
I've decided to indulge myself and finally make a list some of my favourite KHR fanfics, feel free to check it out!
Fic recs
How Uzushio was saved by drunken seal shenanigans (WIP kinda on hold)
The story of how Uzumaki Ren – explosion specialist, seal master and everyone’s favourite mad scientist – saves his village from destruction, revolutionizes the medical field, adopts a puppy, and gives his Kage an aneurism. Not necessarily in that order.
Note: I’ve updated this recently and I still have stuff for it prewritten (but nothing post-worthy just yet), but since KHR has overtaken all my brain space, I’ll probably won’t work on this for a while. I’m still super attached to my mad scientist baby Ren, so there will be more content! … Just in the very far future 😅
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darkcanid19 · 2 years
Woah you found my main! Glad to have you here! I only reblog memes, mutual posts, and/or cool fandom stuff that doesn't belong on my other blogs, but you're welcome here either way!
My ToyHouse | My Art Fight | My Newgrounds | Art trades
DNI IF: LGBTphobic, NSFW/kink blog, proship/anti-anti, NFT bro, racist, misogynist, or if you're a general asshole.
Other blogs under the cut!
Sonic the Hedgehog: @sonic-rebellion-official
Monster Hunter: @autisticodogarons
Pokémon: @pkmn-infernal-radiance
Bendy and the Ink Machine: @henrys-path-au
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: @donnie-autistic-swag
Five Nights at Freddy’s: @unauthorized-pickle-jar​
I'll add or remove blogs if necessary.
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lunawritingonline · 2 years
ੈ✩‧₊˚ Hello everyone !! this is a small introduction to my blog ੈ✩‧₊˚
Hello, I go by luna on this blog for all of my writing stuff. I mostly write for fun, so I am not well versed in professional writing. English also isn't my mother tongue, but I am trying my best :D
I want my blog to be a welcoming place for everyone, who enjoys mediocre fanfiction or fandom ramblings. People like TERFS, SWERFS, transphobes, homophobes, abelists etc. are not welcomed here and I want you to know, that I hate you with every fibre of my being.
Some of the stuff I write:
x reader fics
romantic fluff
found family
AU fics
Stuff I don't write:
Thank you for taking the time and reading this introduction. I hope it helped to create a small overview and if you have an further questions, don't be afraid to send me an ask !
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nopanamaman · 5 months
How does it feel knowing that there’s pafl content out there that you might never see?
How do YOU feel there's pafl content you will never ever see. Think about that
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the---hermit · 7 months
end of the year study masterlist
I have made this kind of post a few times in the past. I have lots to keep in mind and although I do have very specific to-do lists in my bullet journal I like to have a big list on here too to make me feel accountable. This helps me having a clear overview of everything I have to do and the progress I am making. I will be crossing things off as I complete tasks, and I will probably add more tasks every once in a while. This is meant to be a sort of preparation for winter exams to do list, I haven't given myself deadlines yet, but the more I get done soon the better. I also want to keep in mind that I am still doing the self care journey 3.0 with my friend @oneardentstudybuddy, so productivity is the goal here but I still need to keep an eye out to avoid burning myself out, and take time in my days to actively take care of myself.
English lit: this whole list has now been deleated because I decided to move my exam from January to April, so I will be working on all this stuff after my winter exam session.
History of enlightment philosophy:
finish attending lectures (and stay on track with fixing my notes everyday)
additional post-holiday lectures 1, 2, 3, 4
finish reading book #2
read book #3 (since it's digital see if I need to write down some notes while reading it)
reread important passages in books (1,2,3)
notes of the main points of each book (1,2,3)
highlight presentation notes
big reread of all notes
list of key words
review out loud (1,2)
practice answering exam questions out loud
Power practices and men theories in the modern era:
reread and highlight lecture notes
fix notes by adding the infos I originally annotated on the texts
read and annotate book (intro, ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4, ch5, ch6, ch7, ch8, ch9)
write down list of key words
review out loud (1, 2, 3)
make sure to check all the images and pictures that were discussed in the lectures because they could come up during the exam
guest lecture stuff:
brain dump
get back all my thesis diaries and other tumblr posts where I talk about my experiece in detail to see if there's useful elements to talk about
guide lines to have a coherent speech
rehearse or smt idk
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essektheylyss · 3 months
Okay I did get distracted by a grade being posted and I am about to be both a nerd and a millennial but god ngl I do hate classes where you get full points on all your assignments but don't actually get any actual feedback on them. What is the point. If it's a class where everyone gets passing grades for making the effort but you get actual feedback and comments, that's great! But I would genuinely rather get points docked and get extensive comments on what I did well and what needed improvement and why than this.
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robo-dino-puppy · 3 months
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horizon zero dawn | the jewel 2/?
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faboover · 23 days
Jaune Arc has been one of my Favorite Characters in RWBY. In this video, I get into Jaune's Story and Journey as a Character over the course of RWBY Volumes 1 through 6. Capping the video off with an explanation as to why I got so interested in Jaune to begin with and what I wished we got to explore more with Jaune.
This video was also originally made as a part of my Final Thoughts Video for RWBY Volume 6 I put out late last year, which is linked below. Know that the script for this video was written and recorded before RWBY Volume 9 Premiered and the Full Final Thoughts Video was put out long after RWBY Volume 9 end. If you enjoy this video, please check out my previous video talking about Ruby VS The Furious Cat and the Final Thoughts this video about Jaune was originally a part of.
Previous RWBY Videos:
Ruby VS The Furious Cat - The EVOLUTION of Shot | Reverse-Shot https://youtu.be/Cvri0c3doww
Final Thoughts - RWBY Volume 6 https://youtu.be/t9deNZf0zVo
Another Video about Jaune and Ruby you should check out that also covers them in RWBY Volumes 7-9!
Hello My Name Is Joe  - Jaune is Ruby's Ultimate Foil https://youtu.be/u2xK76mBG04?si=2iVOp77cuBPchGl0
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scarefox · 1 month
The Playboyy related tags on my blog getting out of hand
Besides #Playboyy the series, the ships, actor duos and actor solo tags, there are also
Playboyy bts
Playboyy interview
Zouey being sus
doggo mystery
playboyy reaction
Playboyy Polycule
playboyy cast music
Playboyy goodbye party
Shin Chan Vivit
Playboyy yoga
Playboyy WWE
Sparkle MV
nong bear
oh well, if I am already making a tag collection post:
shelldech, oatkorn, aunparm, jeffyfay, boatvivit, winview, jackchat
omg here we go:
Prom x Nont
Aob x Puen
Jump x Porsche
Teena x Zouey
Soong x First
Keen x Captain
Nuth x Phop
Nont & Nant
Prom & Porsche
Prom x Nant
Nuth x Nant
Nuth x Nont
Aob x First
Teena x Nont
Teena x First
Soong x Zouey
Soong x Keen
Keen x Phop
Keen x Puen
First x Puen
Puen x Captain
Jump x Tutor
Jump x Nont
Jump x First
Jump x Zouey
Tutor x Jump x Porsche
Jason x Aob
(and that aren't even all combinations we had)
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growingsucculents · 1 year
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it’s been a while.
here’s my favourite place of our room. his Ganesh figurine on top of a small crocheted table cloth from my great grandmother 👩🏼‍🤝‍👨🏽
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mxanigel · 6 months
new pinned post
Hi! I'm Ani (they/them), I'm a queer scientist, and I'm here to boost friends' creativity. Alas, I tend to panic over my own. I enjoy sending asks to support others' brainrot; I love getting asks, too. I tend to write about queer characters in my favorite universes where my blorbos can find a place they belong no matter what baggage they carry.
April 2023 update: Day Job has taken over my time (my life, really), so I'll be relatively quiet here and delayed in updating fanfic for a while.
Current fandoms: Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin), Pillars of Eternity, Umineko no Naku Koro Ni. (Forever fandoms include Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and the Legend of Heroes series.) Expect additional random content from various anime, manga, video games (like Potion Permit!), and novels. Plus lots of flailing reblogs showing off what others love. I like to ramble in the tags sometimes!
FYI, I'm making progress in Pillars of Eternity but am somehow still in Act 2 of my first BG3 run, so I am behind in my knowledge of these worlds, haha.
Main OCs I talk about here: Shion Miller (Attack on Titan), Natsuki (Pillars of Eternity), Vix Ternion (BG3), Neri Surana (Dragon Age), Lynn Shepard (Mass Effect), Winter Shepard (Mass Effect). Of these characters, I'm actively writing for Shion and Neri. I have a post to add/remove interest in being tagged for Shion's fic here. And this page offers a more detailed overview of my various OCs! This blog isn't always a positive space because real life is hard, but I strive to uplift others more often than not. My philosophy is people first: I adore seeing folx love on their favorite characters/ships/stories; I'm not here to take down real people for their tastes in fictional ones.
Ship art by the amazing @/lilithkb below~
OT3: what we have is each other (Hange/Levi/Shion, Attack on Titan)
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OTP: what's unnamed still connects us (Neri/Anders, Dragon Age)
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Confused about who I am? Me too.
But with this list, you can find all the things I am known for!
ANY WEATHER is my Night At The Museum fanfic series.
AGAINST THE WORLD is the sequel series for AW.
I am not as active on instagram as I am on Tumblr.
My ask box is always open for messages, questions, fanart, and even requests. As is my message box.
There is NO GUARANTEE I will draw any request sent to my box. I only take requests when I feel like drawing what is asked.
I do NOT take NSFW art requests OR commissions
NOR do I take fanfic commissions IF YOU WANT TO ROLEPLAY WITH ME PLEASE SEE MY JULIA BLOG. There is no chance that I will role-play with any person on my main blog. And no guarantee even that I will RP with the Julia blog if I am not up to it.
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sorrowssinger · 5 months
I am on mobile and I can’t find your muse list anywhere
So this is actually a mixed blog. It's mostly a hub for my other rp blogs and a blog for my OC characters as well as Tolkien muses I want to try out.
My semi-active OC list:
Mithenaro (Noldor Elf)
Sarnaro (Sindar Elf)
Amaurea (Half Telerin half Noldor)
Turelio (Amaurea's brother)
My other muses/blogs (I do have more but these are the most active of them and so got listed)
torturedbrilliance (multi-fandom multi-muse the listed muses change here a little but it is a mixed bag with Assassin's Creed, Dragonlance, Naruto, and others)
lordsxfgondor (Tolkien Humans from Gondor)
thiefxking (Zelda blog currently Ganondorf main but also Link both OoT inspired)
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moonsua · 10 months
@baeseongyeob tagged me to post my top songs of the month! please don't make me explain whatever is going on here, I don't understand it either
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i am tagging @juyeonis @minchanz @awek-s @morshiberna @dahyun @gunuk @haknyeoni @itzyblr @jisungshotfirst @kimsmingyu @lovejoshua @floweruna @sunwoonis @jjaez if you'd like to do it! 🌷🩷
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somewhatstupid · 3 days
Help a guy out
Hi, I binge-read Houseki no Kuni and I'm not sure I understood everything. I get that it was about buddhism and generational trauma, but there's things still confusing me. Is it also supposed to be about how humans are all inherently evil and can't make peace last?
Also, you know how Sensei was revealed to be in with Aechmea's plan all along too? Was I the only one who thought it didn't add up to how he acted during the whole manga? It came a bit out of left field to me. Was he and the gems other than Phos just as bad as the rest of humanity in the end?
Another question, if Lunarians are all meant to be the worst of the worst of humanity, why were Barbata and Cicada nice? How does someone like Cicada end up there?
Also, rape tw - I might be stupid cause I saw people saying Aechmea is a morally grey character and that it's bad to fully villanize him, but. Wasn't he the villain of the story? Like, he sort of... raped one of the characters, is that not enough to consider him a villain? And on that matter, why does everyone hate Cairngorm/Welegato so much? Aren't they supposed to be a tragic character since they were abused?
Those last questions are more directed to the fandom, really. But the manga in general still confused the heck out of me.
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