#business card ideas
arianamortenson · 6 months
Creative and Unique Business Card Ideas That Work
In the fast-paced business world, making a memorable first impression is crucial. One powerful tool at your disposal is a well-crafted business card. While the traditional rectangular pieces of paper still hold their ground, a whole world of creative possibilities is waiting to be explored. Explore innovative business card ideas to set you apart in any networking event. Magnet Cards: Sticking…
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starppleb · 1 year
I need more Danny ‘No more hero’ Phantom, so here I will be reasoning why he’s an Anti-Hero (in Dp x Dc prompt)
Danny doesn't see Death as the worst thing. He's too familiar with it (He is Death).
Sometimes it's better than 'living'. It's like a 'new beginning', a chance to let go like he tried to he did.
He left hero things with everything in his hometown. Where no matter what, he's been The Villain, The ghost, the menace. 
People Humans only see in him what he did while being mind-controlled or forced to. Not that he saves them every day. They are afraid of him, of his power. 
Just how are people still like Superman and other heroes who are more powerful than regular humans? They get mind-controlled and forced to be evil sometimes too.
That isn't fair. 
And while They chose to save other people's asses because they wanted to, Danny didn't have a choice, if he didn't step in, the town would be destroyed in days. 
He hoped that his parents Fentons would finally realize why ghosts were coming into town, but they just blamed Ghost Boy for all of the wrongdoings and never considered they were wrong. 
So after 2 and a half years of hope, he burned out and just destroyed the portal, cleared out all of the ectoplasm, and left.
Now if ghosts wanted to 'visit' living they needed to go to Danny and personally ask.
This means no more Technus 'I will take over the world' and Emder 'I will make everyone love my music by mind-control', and just Technus 'I'll only check new tech stuff' and Ember 'I'll hang out with Kitty in the park and play some guitar', of course in more human form.
Danny himself decided to stick around Gotham because one - Bats are interesting, and two - ectoplasm (which he tries to clear out, at least a little bit). 
So now he messes with Bats and humans while he's Anti-Hero - Phantom.
And gets yelled at by people at Batburger while he's a regular worker - Danny Nightingale. 
But what will the Justice League do when Phantom will save the world from some big bad ghost with impressive ease, and just leave…
That powerful being is not just some generic troublemaker in the streets of Gotham.
He's the end and sawing of the world (and Infinite Realms). 
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obsob · 1 year
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drawings ive done this week for a competition!! probably the most ambitious thing ive drawn in my new style but im very happy with them! :3
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twelvedimensional · 10 days
incredibly weird episode that to my surprise has knocked out "boom" as my favorite of the season so far. some very scattered thoughts below:
"hey what if we had another dr-lite episode? what if sally sparrow was a supercilious spoiled brat?" - writer of this episode, probably
what LAYERS this ended up having. walked into it expecting a thinly veiled metaphor for "kids these days and their devices," ended up with a thinly veiled metaphor for "everyone these days and their devices and the echo-chamber bubbles they create for themselves that blind them to the real world injustices (and killer slugs) and enforce an artificial homogeneity."
from the start i clocked how White everyone in finetime seemed to be but at first i just brushed it off as the bbc making poor casting choices. then came the loaded statement of "don't worry, he's not as stupid as he looks." and then and then and then. did not expect that to be a plot point but my god. a busload of rich kids in the prime of youth lobbed at an "untamed" land to send resources back home? very uh, colonizer indeed (albeit an interestingly imperfect metaphor for colonization, leaving out those from less-wealthy backgrounds who seized the apparent opportunity colonization offered them to seize and claim land and status for their own)
how many times this season has the "villain" turned out to be "ai/computer/device that is supposed to help you now turning against you"? space babies, boom, dot and bubble makes 3/5 so far? not sure if this is meant to be a Thread. stretching it more broadly to "someone/something you trust turning against you" this encompasses 73 yards too (the way everyone turns away from Ruby after the old woman following her speaks!). that said the devil's chord bucks this pattern so i might just be reaching.
i can't make heads nor tails of ricky september but it was wildly amusing how he seemed to almost show up out of a different genre. the presumably heroic pop star who's Not Like The Rest Of The Milieu -- he turns off his dot! he reads in his apartment! he's different and flouts rules in a way that makes him more desirable -- not different in the way that makes the people of finetime look down on the doctor. and oh, swoon, he tries to protect lindy from the ugly truth of everyone on homeworld being dead, oh, he tries to protect lindy from dot until lindy throws him to the metaphorical wolves. because if you are lindy pepper-bean, if you think you are better, most worthy of being saved -- of course you would, even to someone as within the norm as you.
the fact that the doctor couldn't even get INTO finetime -- i have to wonder, is it that the technology protecting finetime from the outside is SO adept at its inbaked racism it could even keep the tardis out? horrifying!
throughout the episode i was also wondering at how mystifyingly patient the doctor was being with these people. by twenty minutes in i was waiting for him to chew lindy out for being so stupid, so narrow-minded, so resistant to self reliance. we've seen the doctor do this before -- it's not the first time they've tried to save someone utterly intentionally inept or someone hostile to them, it's not the first time he would have yelled at a human for being a "stupid ape!". but i wonder now, with all these pieces in mind -- did the doctor realize from the start that finetime was biased against him? was he playing that deferential balancing act marginalized people often feel they have to resort to in an environment dead set against them? listen to me right now, I'm not a threat to you or your view of the world. i just need you to listen to me right now.
and of course the doctor keeps on trying to save them because the doctor always has hope that people can change, even the most awful ones. it could have been possible for even some of the people of finetime to recognize the cruelty of the sort of society they'd built, the biases that have been entrenched in them. it's possible for all of us to realize these things. but finetime says no. finetime says, thanks for saving us. finetime says, that was your duty. and finetime says, fuck you.
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evandered · 11 months
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flame blade
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upsidedownsmore · 6 days
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deck of playing card-sized prints I ordered from artscow just came in a couple days ago! (of this piece)
gonna try handing these out at tennocon this year! I might also order another deck or two since I'm pretty happy with this one (though i might make some adjustments if i have the time who knows)
(oh yeah and these prints are secretly just on the backs of regular ass playing cards cause it's cheaper (and maybe a bit gimmicky?) lmao)
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I was inspired to go with playing cards partially due to people's suggestions on the original art post, but also because of this small outer wilds nomai print I got randomly from Fangamer alongside my copy of Tunic for switch! I just really like the idea of a smaller print having rounded corners I guess (the artist is Elliot Bouriot btw)
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it's very cool I like this outer wilds print a lot :)
idk hopefully it'll be a fun thing to pass around at tennocon, would be cool to try and expand upon the idea in the future though! just might require a lot more work to feel like an actual product if I ever intend on selling this kind of thing lol
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endofthe1980s · 2 months
Imagine the discussions about patrick bateman we could have if we were on forums
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gallifreyvn · 11 months
its been so weird rewatching tenth doctor episodes after getting diagnosed with autism earlier this year cos like as a kid, and even later as an adult, i had no idea whatsoever that ten was actually kinda rude, apparently. like he can be perceived as arrogant and he says and does things that are off-putting and his companions often have to give him looks or apologise on his behalf or explain his behaviour to others.
ive seen a few people point stuff like this out more recently as reasons for not liking his character which im fairly certain is the only reason ive noticed it this time round. and im pretty sure this might actually be part of the reason ive always loved him and connected with him so much tho cos apparently i also say the wrong things and come across as arrogant and i had absolutely no idea about that either until very very recently.
there’s a social awkwardness to him that i had no idea i was even connecting with all this time. little ten year old me just thought he was the coolest guy in the world.
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whisperingrockers · 8 months
i think hawkshaw is one of those people who ‘chose’ to be alone because saying it was her choice is easier than stomaching the fact that no one really wants to get to know her.
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thecindercrow · 2 years
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Mob Psycho 100 3.02 | “Yokai Hunter Amakusa Haruaki Appears! ~The Thread of a Hundred Demons!~
“Incredible power like that exists in this world... ? I’m so envious.” “You’d think it’s worth being envious of, right? But to them, apparently, it’s not incredible at all.”
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thecryptidart1st · 8 months
*painstakingly goes through multiple files and extracts individual characters to make a new business card for Lightbox Expo*
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toruandmidori · 7 months
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“I bring a sort of hopeless, dystopian vibe to Christmas that my family doesn’t really like”
Go dark this holiday season with our range of bleakly funny Christmas cards!
Great xmas gifts for gloomy friends and the perfect alternative to traditional greetings cards.
Shop the full range here, individual links below: 
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flakytartart · 9 months
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finally....the babes (2/3)
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poekiidokidoki · 4 months
I'm two seconds away from writing the most atrocious crack-ridden fanfic with with all kind of typing errors about the Cobra boys and Daniel going to a fucking Anime Con because Daniel wanted to go.
I would set it in the late 2000s early 2010s,(they'd still be teens) the high of glomps and fucking caramelldansen and someone screaming "I lost the game-"
They enter one of the gaming rooms and it reeks and their like "what the fuck is that smell?" And Daniel goes "That's what Cobra Kai's dojo smelt like"
They look around the dealers room and Tommy gets himself a waifu pillow and no one knows what anime it's from or what the purpose of it is. (But they know)
They look at all the Gundam and they buy one each unsure of how to build it.
"What do you mean I gotta build this robot?" - Johnny
They scope out the girls who are cosplaying and are like "that's weird but I'm into it---"
Bobby somehow gets a con girlfriend just for the day they are there.
Daniel tries to buy something for Mr. Miyagi but it's some cruddy ass merch from some unknown obscure ass anime.
They accidentally enter a yaoi panel and are terrified of the girls there. And when they try to sneak out the panel,the girls goes wild seeing there a bunch of pretty boys in the room. And they make them do shit (aka an awakening in Daniel and Johnny LOL) "Whose the seme??? He's totally the uke!" 😂😭
They keep getting called the "Bishie 's"(aka Bishonen) of the con.
Daniel gets a group of girls fangirling over him along with some guys telling him "We must protect Bishie-kun" and Daniel is highly confused but too nice about it. "Thanks guys, really I'm okay-"
They get asked for photos. Ooohh imagine if they showed up while wearing their gi's and everyone asking what anime they are from. 😂😂😂😂
Okay I'm done for now.
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I would absolutely love to read a hannibal/mcu crossover
Like imagine bucky having a string of incompetent therapists and he's finally introduced to hannibal and his sessions actually help?!!
And then he and steve need to hunt him down because he was caught eating his patients :,) bonus if will graham is brought in to help the avengers catch him idk
('Kaecilius from Doctor Strange Became A Psychiatrist Instead' AU)
Hannibal is actually a decent psychiatrist, when he's not trying to manipulate people into killing other people.
But I think there is a real danger of him trying to persuade Bucky that a Classic Revenge Spree is the answer (Book-Hannibal style) ...which isn't necessarily in Bucky's character.
I also can imagine Hannibal would drop hints that he's not what he seems, throughout Bucky's sessions with him, so that when Bucky finally figures out he's a killer Hannibal can use it as a teachable moment. As if to say 'see? despite what Hydra wanted you to think, you're not a bad person, they didn't succeed in turning you into a monster -- because I'm a monster and you clocked it.'
The other real danger, given Will Graham's aesthetic, is that Bucky is SO Hannibal's Type. 😳
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op3ra · 1 year
Activates your trap card XD may I request a Rusty :] - Mutie
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cowboy rusty came to me in a vision today so this ask gets to be his vessel
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