#but also bewildered
erythroniumseedling · 1 month
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kerimcberry · 2 days
Hello! ive always been a silent fan of your work (Lyla is just so LOVABLE! 💛 and your Seb is honestly a breath of fresh air - love soft!Seb) so ive decided to break my silence just to offer you these favorite facts i know of otters 💌🤭
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Bawww thank you so much! It’s lovely to meet you 🥹💕
When I saw your ask, I IMMEDIATELY needed to draw out the second one! It’s so adorable 😭🦦
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This is Lyla and Sebastian in their twenties! Lyla 100% holds Seb’s hand when she sleeps 💛💚
Also, imagining Lyla carrying around a “special rock” is so funny to me LMAO 💀 I will def be drawing that scenario too 😂
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stinkythehutt · 4 months
also. something about palpatine being so adept at seeing into the future that all of his successes feel completely joyless by the time he achieves them because he’s just going through the motions… how fucked up and nihilistic and brutal that would make you…
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nico-di-genova · 6 months
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Lance Stroll witnessing the infamous chaist grabbing and immediately clocking them was my favorite part of the Brazil GP thus far.
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krakenattack · 5 months
Mild spoiler for The Last Graduate ahead, but:
Having just reread the whole series, I love how at odds El and the Scholomance are. Like, El's pessimism is a great way of making your narrator unreliable, since El is sometimes right and sometimes wrong always expecting the worst response from everyone around her(a thought worthy of another entire post), but it becomes very funny once she realizes that part of the problem at school is that she can't do small spells? Like, she spends the whole first book being like 'this school is the devil tempting me to evil, it wants me to become a maleficier, I can't even ask for a simple cleaning spell without getting horrible spells for summoning mortal flames and enslaving an army of people, I hate it', and meanwhile the Scholomance is flipping frantically through its catalogue of spells gathered over thousands of years, desperately trying to find a spell in a language El knows that she can also cast with her affinity for working incredibly large and powerful spells. El's over here driving a bulldozer and saying, 'I would like to build a Jenga tower' and the Scholomance is looking at her with the weary despair of a preschool teacher knowing they're going to be suffering through a temper tantrum soon but unable to stop it.
El, a furious teenager who doesn't know as much as she thinks she does: I don't wanna summon a mortal flame! I want my room clean!
The Scholomance, a giant building that cleans its own hallways, floors, dishes and various and assorted other workings with mortal flame: Why is this child testing me
Also hilarious in retrospect is El's blithe statement in the first book about how no one would ever give her that much mana to do these high volume spells bc mana isn't free or easy to acquire and so the school is clearly telling her to turn maleficier and kill her fellow students all while Orion is humming to himself as he kills mals and dumps oodles and oodles of mana into the New York power sharers.
El "I'd rather die than ask for help" Higgins: I won't do these spells bc no one will give me mana
The Scholomance, as loudly as a building who may or may not be partially sentient and who can't speak human languages: Wow, those sure are some HIGH MANA VOLUME spells you got there! If only there was SOMEONE around who would be able to provide you with a NIGH LIMITLESS FLOW OF MANA so that you'd be able to cast them!
Orion: :)
El: *hisses like a feral cat*
Orion: :(
The Scholomance: oh my freaking god
Hilarious. Top tier humor.
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snivyartjpeg · 4 months
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and they were roommates
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loopnoid · 1 year
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the beejcage...
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aaandbackstabbed · 8 days
Scrooge: I’m not that in love with Goldie
Huey: you are doodling your wedding invitations
Scrooge: no, this is our joint tomb stone.
Huey: …my bad
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Everybody is excited to see Buck being the jealous one for once but honestly I just feel sad for him.
There's no one Eddie trusts more with his son but Chris is growing up and he's going to need him less. Buck's already being left out of big moments.
Buck's not really a guest in Eddie's house but when he has a girlfriend is that still true? Will he still be welcome if it's not just Eddie's house?
Buck was the guy that fixed things but Eddie isn't broken anymore. He doesn't need Buck to take care of him.
They're "best friends" but there hasn't been anyone else to complete before now. If Eddie has other better options will he ever choose Buck?
Everyone always leaves and he's never been enough to make them stay. Why would Eddie be any different?
Buck is still unsure of his place in Eddie's life and afraid he's going to end up alone.
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perelka-l · 5 months
I was rereading second half of DN this weekend and I swear to god I can't believe anime just skipped this particular plot.
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Bc a) Mello has more active part in story and actually had his own way of using Near b) those two kinda cooperating is sexy as hell c) more Mogi bc Mogi is amazing
(I really like the Polish translation of this moment "He is manipulated but not necessarily with he notebook" which imho has slightly different connotations)
Also, this fucker doing this I love him so much the little bastard
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And this
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(also Near and Light just hating each other so much is so so entertaining, like honestly their dynamic is 👌)
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screebyy · 3 months
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babygirl (affectionate) vs babygirl (derogatory)
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jorisjurgen · 3 months
Very glad that Ush's beef with Jurgen-Crepins has now been acknowledged outside the Remington comic's insane interactions between Ush and Joris, and Wakfu OVA.
Genuinely the best scene in the history of this whole franchise.
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introspectivememories · 3 months
okay so i know that dash baxter barely gets any character development in the show but like the idea that danny hates dash? boo, lame, overdone!!!! danny who can beat dash up and dash knows this and everyone knows this but by god danny needs something normal to cling on to so dash shoves him in a locker everyday?? yeah that's the good shit
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diver5ion · 3 months
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writer-room · 11 months
I think there’s some real untapped comedy potential between Imperium and the Ninja’s crazy abilities and history.
Like, the Ninja can summon elemental dragons. Does anyone remember that? Conquering their fears and summoning dragons? This is like, prime bait and switch material here.
Picture this. Imperium is trying to steal dragons. They found a horde of them and started trapping. The Ninja show up, save the day, etc etc, and Kai gets the brilliant idea to summon his elemental dragon. Imperium people have never in their life seen an elemental dragon. Far as they’re concerned, its just a cool looking dragon. Its one the Ninja seem to like, so they all target it.
All of the dragons escape. Except for this red fire dragon. The Ninja leave without it. Score! They’ve at least got one dragon to take home, and its a funky new kind of dragon! So they pack it up and start to head back and where the fuck did the dragon go. What do you mean it VANISHED INTO THIN AIR. What do you mean it DISSIPATED. Is it invisible?  Nope, it’s just. Gone. Completely. Poof. Did it teleport? Can dragons teleport? When was that a thing dragons could do. How. What the fuck. 
This happens four more times before all of Imperium starts avoiding shifty magical looking dragons like the plague, no matter how many normal ones are around. They don’t mess with spooky teleporting dragons, no THANK YOU
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skaldish · 4 days
Oh my god I just had a horrible realization. It's a really personal one so please bear with me but I need to share it because…Idk, maybe it's not just me.
But I realized. I didn't actually grow up being a part of any culture. I grew up with seeing culture around me, and sometimes participating in culture temporarily, but I was not raised with a cultural identity of any sort whatsoever.
I identify as an American only because I live in the US, not because I'm acculturated American. I only have the cultural senses I have because it just so happened to be what I was surrounded by.
None of the stories told to me, none of the food I ate, and nothing I wore, were used to convey "This is who we are as people" by my family or community. Stories were just for entertainment, food was just for eating, and clothes were just whatever I liked wearing from the department store. These things weren't, in any way, identity, outside of things I could use to express my own personal identity if I wanted to.
Fuck, I wasn't even given the cultural knowledge associated with the class I was raised in. No leadership skills, no business sense, nothing.
"But what about religion?" No religion either. My family has culturally Catholic leanings, but it's residual and unrecognized.
"What about being white?" The fact that I can't describe what "being white" even means—beyond how I've heard it described—goes to show you my expertise in the matter.
"What about subcultures?" I only know how to participate in subcultures as either a spectator or as a guest. No culture has ever identified me as belonging to it, despite welcoming my participation, and I can't consider myself part of cultures if they don't claim me.
In terms of my cultural identity, I'm completely blank. It's like I have no name.
I write all this because I was thinking about why some Scandinavians would be upset at me using "Heathen" (as well as bigger questions of cultural appropriation in general) and came to this realization.
For the record…I don't consider myself Heathen because I identify as part of Scandinavian culture. That would be absurd. I use "Heathen" because I accidentally befriended a Heathen god. Loki hid his identity from me for years, and I was very upset when when he finally told me who he was—I felt like he betrayed me, and also like I was going insane, because my worldview prior to that did not support the existence of gods.
I dug deep into learning about Norse paganism because I knew understanding Loki within his cultural context was vital to understanding who he is. The reason I started digging around in Scandinavian culture directly, though, was because—surprise!—nothing we have published in the US actually has this context.
…I'm embarrassed to admit I wasn't aware "cultural appropriation" describes a situation where one person walks into another person's culture and says, "Yes, this is my home now," like a cuckoo taking over another bird's nest. I always thought it was a function of mishandling a culture—using it in ways that was careless and ill-informed—but no, it's taking away other peoples' identities in the name of playing dress-up for yourself.
"You're robbing me of myself for your own stupid aesthetic desires!" That's how I imagine it must feel.
It disgusts me to think that's how my actions may have looked.
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