#but get excited partners! Because yeehaw!
camelspit · 1 year
Hey! Guys! Official Brant [REDACTED] day on May 1st! Celebrate your pathetic meow meow on this momentous occasion!
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redjaybird · 1 month
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name(s): Yams Mun pronouns: She/her/they/them, but also don't mind whatever OOC Contact: DMs or D.isco (mutuals/people I vibe with only ask for my d.isco)
Who the heck are my muses anyway:
He's a little shit that causes problems and pisses people off for the heck of it. A bit of an edgelord (is that an understatement?), rude, vulgar, and extremely tough to crack if you want him in friendlier stages. Good luck. He's not going to make it easy for you.
Points of interest:
He has various verses, some things may change depending on what verse things are in. Details in his design are important and have stories behind them. In his main verses, he has extra strengthened abilities and a little extra chaotic surprise, sometimes. He has a lot of anger issues and is really shit at dealing with other emotions, often turning them into anger, too, because he doesn't know how else to handle things. He likes to think of himself as a villain, but really he's more like an anti-hero. And he's got a whole revenge case he's trying to deal out. He's got some emotional issues that he refuses to talk about, and others he will just spill because he likes to talk about himself. And he's got trust issues.
What they’ve been up to recently:
Well, this varies for people and verses. Things won't be following the same paths for everyone he interacts with. In in his main f.c5 verse, he somehow got himself in a position where he's gotta help protect the Seeds, because of the relationship he ended up in with Jacob. Everything in the B.L verses kinda got put on hold, but these days its after his Arena fell. A vampire verse, in the f.c5 land, has been distressing him. Bloody City (original) verse is getting more developments lately (yeehaw). Depends on what version you wanna deal with, really.
Where to find them:
In general modern times, usually Chicago. In the borderlands, usually Pandora. In F.C3, on Rook Islands, hanging with the pirates. In F.C5, Hope County, usually in Jacob's region. Frontier, the pirate is in Montreal in the company of Mr. Grant and Mr. Pond.
Current plans:
Plans? What are plans? We'll have to see what unfolds. Anything could happen.
Desired interactions:
Enemies to awkward found family member, enemies/rivals, slow burns of any kind of relationship (because its almost always a slow burn with him), helping him learn to cook maybe? (his whole fear of stoves and fire issue man), dad bird dad bird dad bird dad bird (has an accidentally adopted daughter in some verses btw), etc.
Offered interactions:
Uh, do you like problematic little shits? Do you like conflict? Stories are boring without conflict, after all. And it makes the good times so much more worth it, you know? If you for some reason want him to work with you, however, the price is gonna be a little different. Because he doesn't care about money.
Current open post/s:
Keep an eye out for random IC posts, they happen a lot, and are generally open to anyone if they don't have a tag. (I don't always tag ic posts but I do always tag any trigger warnings when I think they need it.) Some will have specific verse tags, sometimes, just so you know where things will be focused on but yeah, generally most things are open unless someone specifically gets @'d on.
Anything else?:
[I'm not super great at writing, and am especially bad at describing things in words, but Jay will make up for a lot in dialogue because he loves talking. Interactions can inspire art, lots of drawing going on here. Also things never stop developing. I've been running this character for 12+ years now and I'm still developing him.]
Tagging: whoev's wants to do this thing go for it, i tried
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
Since I didn’t want to keep on adding asks and answers to the original post on fan service, seeing as that post is already so long, I thought I’d make a second post since we got two more asks. I intended for the answers to be relatively short, but well, that didn’t quite turn out that way, lol.
From anon: Since you were talking about fanservice. In performances, no doubt those were somewhat fanservice. But do you think those vmin moments we get after BTS was called on stage during award season was also fanservice. Like the moment in your header and others in MMA 2019 Or the hug and lift in MGA 2018 or in SMA 2019?
I don’t think whatever the members do after the announcement is made that they won an award is fan service. That would mean their excitement and happiness is also just a staged thing for our entertainment, which sounds and is quite dehumanizing when you think about it. I think in those moments we simply see their raw reactions and natural interactions, like the times when Tae and Jimin would hug before turning and joining the group hug before they would go on stage together to pick up whichever award they’ve just won.
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Some of it is silly, like Jimin trying and failing to pick up Tae, but saying that’s fan service would imply that they decided in advance that they would do that but I doubt Tae would agree to it if he knew Jimin would drop him, lol. It’s simply a glimpse at their happiness and relief, at the members being excited together. Do they still guard their emotions and interactions to some extent? Of course since they are not only on camera but also surrounded by thousands of people in the audience watching them. But their smiles and hugs when going to pick up an award are still all real.
From anon: I saw the shipping war yesterday. So I would like to ask you for a post about the influence of BTS members on how they stand during the interview or who sits next to whom during the video shoot? Who decides who will be paired with whom during the photo session. That's why I ask, because I don't believe that the members choose their partners and common accessories for their clothing themselves. Thank you in advance because it's so annoying.
All that “drama” was sparked by part 2 of Lee Hyun’s YT video in which he takes on the role of being one of the BTS managers and accompanies them to the filming of the Dynamite and Butter performances for SeriusXM. There we see him check out the set, much the way any of the Bangtan managers and security would, and at one point he sits down on the sofa where we see name cards placed around marking who will sit where. Meaning that this isn’t something the members decide on the spot but is something that is decided by someone else.
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Why is it like this? I’ve never worked at a set like this but I would say chances are it’s because the filming crew rehearses the performance before the members even arrive on set. I could imagine that random crew members either sit on those spots holding up the name cards, or maybe the name cards themselves are enough, while the music is playing and they plan out how each member will be filmed, what the order is in which they sing, and which members might sing together and be worth showing together. This makes the actual filming easier and quicker, especially for the members themselves. And we still saw that they filmed several takes out of which the final posted performance is edited together. 
What does this mean? Not much, really. Just that ship theories based on x and y sitting together in performances often or insecure asks about why x and y don’t sit together often are both pointless. I wouldn’t quite call this fan service, but surely there are some deciding factors that go into those choices though it means that, since the members don’t care, and they don’t decide this since it doesn’t matter, we shouldn’t really care or make a big deal out of it either. It also means that whoever does decide the seat placement knows that everyone in Bangtan has so much chemistry together that regardless of who will sit next to who, it’ll be great either way.
Besides this isn’t high school where besties want to always sit next to each other and everyone is avoiding the nerds or losers. It’s seven guys who love and respect each other equally, so really, what does it matter if Namjoon sits next to Hobi or Jimin or Yoongi? And sure, am I happy when vmin or namjin sit next to each other during a performance? Obviously. Do I see any kind of indication of the state of their bond in them not sitting together? Obviously not, and now even less.
It’s also similar in photoshoots with someone from the crew deciding who will stand where and more or less what general poses will work best for whichever atmosphere is supposed to be created. We’ve seen it with the jacket sh*oting of MOTS7 for the subunit photos where Jimin talks with JK about how they’ve been in photoshoot subunits for a while now and JK says it’d be nice to shake things up a bit, so it’s a preplanned thing they have no say in really, or in the jacket sh*oting for BTS, THE BEST where a crew member placed Tae between JK and Seokjin. After all BTS are seven members, and just like I said with performances and concerts, if all of them were to just do whatever they want, everything would take an incredibly long time and be needlessly chaotic.
As for accessories, it’s the same case, as in a team of stylists decides who will wear what for whichever performance. Like during the NTV The Music Butter performance where most of the members wore the same bracelets, rings and earrings from Cartier. 
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Most likely the stylists, along with the set designers, decide on a theme for an upcoming performance and using that as guide, the stylists buy seven sets of outfits and jewelry that would fit it. Otherwise, if each members stylist would just buy whatever they feel like it, we’d end up with a mess, as in for instance Tae wearing only bright colors, Hobi looking like he’s a goth vampire, Namjoon went back to the 80s and Jimin emerged in something straight out of a dystopian movie.
Edit: As someone rightfully mentioned in the comments, I should’ve mentioned that the members surely have some freedom of input in the outfit choices and the possibility of saying no to certain things if they decidedly don’t like them. Same as with their make up where we know Jimin is very particular about how he wants his to look like. 
Are there sometimes exceptions where some members share some kind of accessories? Sure, like with vmin and the ear muffs during one of the photoshoots for Winter Package, as example. Or now in the preview for the Permission to Dance performance and Butterful Gateaway on NOW where they were those yeehaw cowboy outfits and vmin are the only ones with a single feather earring. Or in 2020 during the Grammys for their Old Town Road performance where Tae and Jimin shared brown and blue contact lenses, which I’ve never seen any of them do before.
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mommabird1772 · 3 years
Anonymous asked a question:
god, you really are so spoiled. boo hoo, you can't go through the asexual spongebob tag. and yet you use the word queer like it hasn't been used against you. man, is this what you think oppression is? (also the creator of spongebob didn't confirm him as ace, he made a joke about how he's "somewhat asexual" as a reference to spongebob budding and regenerating via asexual reproduction). you really are just homophobic. and transphobic to boot. yeehaw. now get the word queer out of yoru mouth.
Shout-out to my first anon hate for agreeing with @friendlyneighborhoodheretic 's posts! (If you don't count the anon who vehemently argued that Jared was "a sexual behemoth", not a puppy 🙄)
Me liking the fact that the SpongeBob creator said he was Asexual was *AGES* ago, dude. And, if people have the freedom to view their favorite characters as their sexual orientations, I'm allowed to view my characters as A-spec. For many people, especially teens and newly discovered Queers, seeing their comfort characters as canonically (or headcannon, IT DOESN'T MATTER) their orientation gives them proof that it's not wrong to be gay, you don't have to choose one gender over the other if you're bi, you're not confused if you want to transition, you're not broken if you're a-spec. Transgender and Asexual characters are really hard to find in media representation, because there's discourse not only among the cishet population, but also within the Queer community. Our very identities are constantly being questioned as to whether we're "LGBT enough" or "we're not just faking it for attention". Excuse us for getting excited when we finally do get representation.
Each of us has to go on our own journey to discover who we really are, and if along the way we take comfort in what we see that reminds us to express ourselves freely, who cares if the character is canonically that identity? Many people can view a character as having a certain gender or sexual orientation, and guess what? They can all be right. The community I'm part of now exists in harmony because we headcannon multiple identities and scenarios for our character. He can be a unhinged, bloodfreak he/they King and Queen of Hell power couple, or a Trans Femme witch living in a cottage with her Genderfluid partner and their toddler son. No one's idea is a bad idea here. We all love Sammy and we all want the best for him, so no one cares the exact label he has. That's how it should be among every fandom.
Also, next time you want to dish out hate, don't be a fucking coward. Come at me and see what happens. I have plenty of mutuals that have my back.
Also, to be clear:
@friendlyneighborhoodheretic @thegracefulq @fae-and-night @stuckysdaughter @softyshibu @moostiel
@i-ate-your-kneecaps @rxxliet @kkshowtunes @ask-fi @micho-p @jazzforthecaptain @rewrite-the-story @bean-witch @thequeenofsastiel @demiromantic-daily @aspecpplarebeautiful @respect-aspec @ptamomsam
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For the matchups if there's still room? I'm bi/pan, non-binary (she/they) and very extroverted. I love EDM, particularly dub and trap, as well as classic and heavy rock. I love to draw and do all kinds of crafts, particularly fabric crafts. I'm really into cyber/ravepunk and vapourwave aesthetics and basically my whole existence is rainbows. I have pretty bad anxiety and backwards seasonal depression, ie: summer makes me sad, winter makes me happy. I hope that's enough! Thank you!
I match you with...
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Donatello!! You two have a good amount of similarities when it comes to interests, and that’s initially what drew him to you! Your extroversion and positivity is also one of the big traits that appeals to him. You guys start off as friends, but over time it evolves into something so much deeper. He’s actually really caught off-guard when he realizes he’s falling in love. You’re his best friend, his partner in crime, how could he be falling in love with you? 
I hope you like staying up late, because his best time to work is... at night! He loves staying up late with you while he works on his newest invention/research. You’re his personal DJ. <3 Wear that title with pride, because he’s super picky with his EDM. 
Loves to mess with you when it comes to classic rock </3 If Dani California makes its way into your playlist somehow, he’s gonna fuck with you a little bit. The intro always makes him snort. Hit him with a pillow, do it.  And God help you if something like Lynyrd Skynyrd, Led Zeppelin, or AC/DC comes on.  “Pulling out the cowhand tunes, I see? 𝓑𝓵𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓫𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓪𝓷𝓪, 𝓼𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽 𝓛𝓸𝓾𝓲𝓼𝓲𝓪𝓷𝓪-“ “Shut UP” (He ‘yeehaws’ in a REALLY monotone voice sometimes, and it kills you every time. he sounds so apathetic about it.... ok king)
The heavy rock (and Queen) can stay though. He is Not Immune to Freddy Mercury. He’ll drop everything for Bohemian Rhapsody. 
Loves your art! Whether its sketching from life, media, or from your head, he loves it. He keeps one of your pieces in his wallet, and one in the turtle tank as well. He likes those little reminders of you :) 
He has an affinity for the three dimensional, so he takes a big interest in your crafts & fabric crafts! He’s done his own fair share of sewing, although he isn’t all too good at it. (He sucks at hand-sewing, and he’s impatient when it comes to the sewing machine. He thinks there’s a more efficient way to do it, and there just... isn’t. He has a lot of respect for people who have the patience for fabric work.) It’s nice to work with him in the lab. 
He’s OBSESSED with vaporwave and cyberpunk. If you reflect that in your style... expect a fucking KISS. He thinks you look really badass. He definitely makes you some rad af iridescent clothing so you can get the futuristic look and rainbow look all in one. He likes to match with you, too. Matching jackets? Matching jackets! 
(He also makes Shelldon a little iridescent accessory... family style...)  King of sticky-note reminders. If you take medication for your anxiety, he’s really helpful at setting up routines to take it and remember it. If it has any side effects, he’s also the first to recognize them and help manage them. If you get by without medication, that’s also cool! He’s great at recognizing symptoms of panic attacks or just general anxiety, and he won’t hesitate to get you out of a situation when you need it. He’s very straightforward when asking what you need, and the calmness in his voice is a little infectious. 
I’m sorry, but he HATES the winter. He gets cold really easily, even compared to his brothers, so winter time is typically spent bundled up in his lab. And quite frankly, he might have undiagnosed seasonal affective disorder. But that’s actually kind of a good thing that you guys are reversed in that regard? Your happiness and positivity during the winter helps him out a lot. And in return, he’s 100% there for you during the summer time. 
One of his favorite things to do with you is dance on the rooftops at night. There’s something magical about dancing under the all-consuming cosmos with your lover, guided by the light of the moon. 
Nonbinary & Bi solidarity! He has both flags in his pen cup, and he likes to paint his cheeks & claws during pride month. He doesn’t have any pan flags since he IDs under bi himself, but he’s absolutely gonna find one for you! Pride month is so fun with him <3 
You’re the first person to know when he makes a breakthrough in something! And it’s so obvious on the phone as well: his words come out so haphazardly, still riding the high of discovery. 
PLEASE steal his hoodies, they’re so soft and warm. Plus, he’s legally obligated to kiss you if he catches you in one. It’s a win-win baby!! 
Huge fan of casual handholding. He also loves kisses on the hand: giving or receiving! His face will be so red if you kiss his hands, do it. 
[Hope this was okay!! I got so excited when I saw THE turtlemouse in my ask box <3 Like!!! <3 Sorry this took so long to post! D:]
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arcaneyouth · 4 years
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COOL ok so let me tell you the little tiny bit of info I have on my poly cowboys
They’re a gang of 6 who runs around doing crimes and being gay as shit and they’re all in love with all the others. I have 0 story for them so far because as I said in the post you replied to this on, I haven’t found any music for them yet 😔
Cowboy 1 - The Mastermind Basically the leader of the group and the only smart one. Very cold and collected, wears a suit and has slicked back hair, very fancy y’know? They still get really flustered around their partners tho, everyone loves flirting with them until their serious shell breaks.
Cowboy 2 - Chestnut - The Bomber - Design by @hershelchocolate​
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I haven’t totally figured out much about her yet, but she’s the one carrying around the explosives getting super excited about blowing things up. Shows her love by saying stuff like “you want me to kill that guy for you cause I’ll totally kill that guy for you”
Cowboy 3 - Fenris - The Puppy - Design by @bl00scl00s​
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Fenris is super soft and high energy. Like his nickname implies, he’s practically a puppy. Super cuddly and gay. Easily bribed with treats and kisses. He’s not exactly the smartest but he’s some of the brawn of the group
Cowboy 4 - The Thief The only one of them who’s actually good at being sneaky. Good at being quiet and stealing things. But when they’re not on the job he’s just as loud and rowdy as the others. He/they pronouns
Cowboy 5 - The Only Normal One Was not totally expecting this to be a crime gang. She just wanted to be a cowboy. Ride horses, yell “yeehaw” y’know? But all her partners like doing crimes so this is what she’s doing now. She’s usually the one with the getaway car horse. Like The Thief, she’s good at being sneaky, but she doesn’t do it on purpose. People just. Don’t suspect her of being up to something. And generally don’t hear her when she’s walking around. She keeps startling people on accident
Cowboy 6 - The Confused
How did they get here with all these lovely cowboys. Doesn’t know what’s going on 90% of the time
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harrysdimples · 3 years
evermore track by track review (reaction?)
you know what time it is babieeeeeee......
lovely little plucky guitar. I like the piano arrangement in the background. her vocals sound really lovely in the chorus and in the back of the second verse. i’m going to try and judge this as a separate project from folklore because it’s supposed to be just a complementary project but inevitably there will be comparisons. the 1 as an opening track is probably my preference over this I think on first listen. the bridge (?) is probably my favourite part of the song before the 90s trend line lol (just takes me out the song, kinda like the tweet line that’s in the lakes) but her vocals and how mature her voice sounds are just really light and airy and it’s nice to hear. but this is a lot more rhythmic than most of folklore which is something I appreciate and has enough dynamics so that you’re not bored, although the outro could’ve maybe been shortened a bit (but that’s a nitpicky thing lol). that’s her man!
ok I realised half way through happiness that I HAD PUT THE ALBUM ON SHUFFLE BY ACCIDENT WHICH IS BLASPHEMOUS AND SOMETHING I HATE DOING. I apologise sincerely lmao every song after this is in order with the album track list.
love a synth. ‘I can’t face reinvention’ ok bitch call me out ??? the lyrics are very lovely, as always. what’s/who’s this about ? lmao. it’s very pretty but not sure it’s going anywhere? more instrumentation could’ve maybe elevated this song just because I feel the lyrics are so flowery and beautiful that they deserve to either be in complete isolation (like from the dining table’s production) or some grandiose orchestral arrangement to properly show off how great and genuinely heartbreaking they are. I have no doubt at some point i’ll lie in the dark at some point and sob to this though loooool.
champagne problems 
ah bitch. the opening line already got me. again, the lyrics on this one are cutting me deep and I really like the production in the second half of the song, it really picks up the song when I was worried the production wasn’t going to be for me. the background vocals and harmonies are lovely. I think the lyricism of this song is so important and reminds me of what jack said in the long pond sessions about people with mental health issues never receiving proper recognition for just doing as okay as they can be because to other people, it’s either not enough or they just don’t get how difficult it is to maintain that level of ‘normalcy’. The idea of people dismissing things as ‘champagne problems’ is so poignant when you think of the fact that so many people disregard mental health issues until they’re directly affected by it in some way and treat others as outsiders/bad apples/something to only remember as a cautionary tale and to be forgotten otherwise. the numbness of trying to feel things (like going on the train) and participating in life and trying to believe that you deserve something good, a relationship, love etc but knowing that people are only waiting for you to fail so they can inevitably move on is so sad. my favourite out of the 3 tracks so far.
gold rush
good old jack antonoff production. girl how many people are wanting to get with joe ???? I really like the lyricism again, and the ‘what must it be like to grow up that beautiful’ bit kinda reminds of olivia’s instrumentation for some reason lol. I wish this hit a little harder because it’s on the precipice of greatness but doesn’t get quite there for me, kinda like the archer. loved the production, but I had anticipated it to have this big build up which it didn’t quite hit for me. I am listening to this currently at night with my blinds shut but I know that when it’s in the daytime/sun this will sound so good, so i’m excited to replay this one. update: it’s the next day and I LOVE this.
tis the damn season
hm. this one was pretty middling for me i’m ngl. I don’t think i’ve had enough love/life experience to really relate to this that much (which isn’t taylor or the song’s fault obvs) but I found it hard to ~connect to and the production didn’t really excite me enough to feel too passionate about it. very much enjoyed the “So I'll go back to L.A. and the so-called friends, Who'll write books about me, if I ever make it” line though lol!
tolerate it
I really like this. really encapsulated the feeling of trying your hardest to meet someone’s expectations of you/your relationship and fitting yourself into parameters to suit their needs/what they want and yet you’re still considered on the outskirts of their life. Trying desperately to make that person care as much as you do for them, but in reality your actions just further the reasons why they don’t want you and why your actions are ignored/silently belittled. Feels like this is a good companion piece to a lot of the folklore tracks and could’ve fitted on that album yet is still different enough to stand out. will def be coming back to this.
no body, no crime (feat. HAIM)
ok so taylor’s having her before he cheats moment?? someone should be working on a mashup asap. you know i’m a sucker for country yeehaw bops so i’ll definitely be playing this on repeat lol, so far probably the most upbeat track along with gold rush and this is probably my favourite track so far. the storytelling through the lyricism is fabulous and I really love the little production elements like danielle saying “she was with me dude” lol, I don’t have a lot of experience/references for “real” country music so if this is a little corny idk but I like it anyway lmao
this was a sweet song, might be completely off the mark with this interpretation, but I sort of viewed this as taylor speaking to her younger self and telling her how she can always go back to who she was after becoming too enchanted with fame and the troubles that come with it/experiencing the consequences of fame, and that inevitably it’ll be okay in the end. a nice reassuring, pleasant song. not sure how much replay value it’ll have for me personally but I appreciate it :’)
coney island feat. the national
I like this for the most part. I think it’ll be a grower but I can see this moving up in my ranks once I listen to it a bit more. the second half of the song after the bridge is definitely better than the first and I really like it, but the first half isn’t my favourite. I think within some of the lyrics there are some clunky lines and I’m not sure how well the dueting partner works (idk if that’s aaron dessner or someone else?) but I think another softer (?) male voice could’ve gone better with it, or just taylor herself. the instrumentation and production on this song is fantastic though and I really love the bridge (although the idea of joe and taylor coming together to write about all of taylor’s exes makes me lol)
the chord progression really reminds me of like 80% of folklore and idk if this track was “necessary” even though she’s perfectly entitled to her art obvs. but in the context of the album idk if this was needed, probably the most filler-like of all of them so far (for me personally). it’s sort of like a long poem to me and the subject matter of infidelity is always interesting when taylor covers it, but idk, this didn’t do too much for me on first listen
cowboy like me
this feels like a movie or video game soundtrack song, I always appreciate a good guitar solo and the instrumentation in this song is great. I don’t know how much this goes anywhere until the bridge but I love the line “now you hang from my lips, like the gardens of babylon, with your boots beneath my bed, forever is the sweetest con”. I think this has the potential to be a major grower on me though purely bc of how melodic it is and how “vibey” it is.
long story short
yeah this wasn’t really for me. I can appreciate it’s objectively a well produced song with some good lyrics, it just didn’t really click for me sadly upon first listen.
yeah so this made me sob. as some of you may know I lost my grandma two weeks ago suddenly so...yeah, this song just really hit me. this is a beautiful track.
what is going on here on this day lmao? reaaaaaaallly not a fan of the production and the synthetic (?) drums that were used on this track and I don’t think the use of repetition in the chorus’ lyricism really works that well here. idk it just feels a little unfinished to me
evermore feat. bon iver
I think this is too lyrically dense for my brain to properly intake after the long road it took to get to this track lol so I think i’ll need some time with it. I don’t think bon iver’s addition works as well as exile but I like the second half of the song which he’s in, in comparison to the first half, it does kinda feel like two songs put into one though. taylor’s vocals sound nice though. 
in conclusion:
favourites: tolerate it, gold rush, champagne problems, no body, no crime, marjorie
in between/grower: cowboy like me
meh: tis the damn season, willow, doreathea, evermore
didn’t really like: ivy, long story short, closure
I feel like i’m going to be crucified for saying this but this feels like a lover-fied version of folklore ajfkhsas if that makes ANY sense to anyone but my own brain. I said when I did this same kind of post for folklore that the album did what the concept for lover tried to do (the love letter to different kinds of love) 10x better and I was happy to see this kind of direction from her. I still love folklore and I think it’s a true piece of art and it ranks high in my tiers of taylor albums, but this just kinda misses the mark for me for the most part (on first listen). It’s very lyrically dense, which is nice, but much less accessible than folklore to me in terms of melodies and the overall structure of some of the songs, which is again, fine, but not necessarily what I had anticipated going into this album and generally usually isn’t my thing. for all that i’ve said about jack’s production in some songs on previous albums of taylor’s, his presence here is missed imo. I’ve expressed that I don’t particularly enjoy long albums because eventually the flow of the album is lost, and that is true here. around the ivy/long story short stretch it kinda loses ground which is a shame because there is some beautiful lyricism in there, but it’s even more susceptible to risking being brought down by the sequencing when it’s a sister album to another project and will end up being compared to that and the tracks there. given the style of music this is in, the fact that it’s a sister album and so long, it’s got a lot against it and I don’t know if it manages to overcome those hurdles for me personally. It’s like what harry said about sequencing, the track listing is so important imo to the purpose and arc of the album that you want to tell and I feel like there could’ve been a lot more “editing” of this project to make it stand up to the highs of folklore imo, or potentially editing down folklore to combine it with some of the really strong tracks on evermore like goldrush, no body no crime etc. I don’t know if the narrative of this album is unique enough to stand against folklore and some of taylor’s other albums for me. I will be returning to these songs for sure, but the sequencing and overall structure of this album kinda lets it down. I can’t help but ponder if this album will age well in comparison to folklore, or both albums will age well with the narrative fuelling it being created in quarantine and as a product of boredom. if folklore wins AOTY at the grammys (which it seems it’s secured to at this point), it’s going to be tied to the “corona year” so it’ll be interesting to see where these projects end up and how well received they are in years to come vs taylor’s other projects and how they’ve aged. we’ll see! i’d probably give it a 7.5/10 in comparison to the 9/10 for folklore. 
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stacybloom · 4 years
Today, I took three and a half hours to revise and rewrite one to two scenes. Revisions have been taking me a long time, but it’s going to be worth it in the end.
Next up: I have one more scene in between, and then major revisions for the climax! The part of the story I loved writing possibly the most the first time around. The revisions for the climax are definitely gonna take me forever, because although it’s a great part of the story, it has so many problems. Still, I’m gonna take my time and try to make something great out of it. 
Here we go! Yeehaw! I’m so ready to tackle the climax and everything that comes with it. 
Revisions are fun? Dare I say it. Still, I’m having fun doing revisions for this book when I never thought I would have fun past the drafting stage.
Up next, though, is the self-editing stage. Yikes! I’m a little afraid of that stage, honestly. And then it’s off to my Critique Partner, so she can rip it apart and I can make it better. 
Big things are coming up soon, and I’m taking steps forward I never thought I’d get to before. So excited for what the future holds for my story! :D
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because I absolutely fail at the concept of a proper verse/plot name I guess.
The overarching plot of this verse involves Loki and his children, but side characters will obviously have their own tidbits. Loki came to Midgard after Angrboða was killed by Odin’s hand, fleeing to the one realm he felt his three children would be most securely protected. Since then, he has settled comfortably and his kids have grown and become their own unique individuals.
Muses/blogs involved thus far (minus this one):
@frostkingoftheapocalypse​ (Hætta)
@apogexn​ (Vasilija, Keir, and the kids)
@brazenlass​ (Nicole)
Mutuals are 100% welcome to get in on this as much or as little as they want tbh. Put them in the main plot if you want or somewhere on the side. Character’s personalities will be mostly if not exactly the same as they are in their main verses.
The only ship set in stone for this verse as of right now is Hætta and Loki.
The year is 1868 and Loki Iversen is a businessman who deals with railroads. He is not precisely as he seems (a suave, charming man with nice teeth for his presumed age) and neither are his three adult children: Eric [Jörmungandr], Helena [Hel], and Fredrick [Fenrir]. Some one hundred years before, Loki fled Jötunheimr with his children after Angrboða was murdered by Odin’s hand, assuming the planet was the only place his kids would be safe. Since then, they have respectively settled and Loki has made a name for himself as a businessman, his younger two children working alongside him.
Fredrick, the eldest of the three, made it clear early on that he had no intentions of taking on the business for himself. Instead, he travels and often finds himself in trouble with not merely the law but mob groups, unsavory cowboys, and debt collectors. It is not uncommon for Loki to bail his son out of tight spots (or jail). Fredrick eventually goes on to father twin boys (Harry and Solomon) and this alone is the needed push for him to consider withdrawing from his life of risk and settling down.
Unfortunately, an organized crime unit (that I do NOT have a name for yet RIP) has it out for Fredrick and his rich father and one night they kidnap the eldest Iversen. Fredrick remains in their custody for a couple of weeks before they send word to his father with their (ridiculous) demands and the painstaking instructions that must be taken in order to free his son alive. Despite Loki’s capabilities (e.g. his immense strength) he’s not willing to part with the extensive amount of work he’s put into his business, the one thing he feels will keep his children upright in this cutthroat world, so he places an advertisement seeking aid from some individuals capable of overturning an entire mob. Free his son alive whilst keeping his business unmarred.
This pair have been partners in crime (and time, if you will) since the middle most years of Vasilija’s reign as pirate. They have fought a great many battles, endured many an unsavory drunkard, and swindled equally as many rich buffoons. Vasilija is arguably the brains of the operation, not because Hætta lacks any but because she’s bossy and knows precisely what she wants and how to obtain it. Their shared inhumanness certainly keeps them together as well as an innate understanding of one another born from the decades spent in each other’s company. In this year of 1868, they’re notable outlaws, cowboys, who make their living taking on the unsavory commissions no one else wants to do (assassinations, threats, etc). They travel often, rarely lingering in a place for long.
During their travels they find the poster advertising the huge reward sum in return for locating a missing adult man. An address is posted but no other identifying information. The pair come to find out via well-placed questions that the advertisement was placed by a filthy rich businessman whose eldest son has gotten himself into a pickle with a local mob gang. The promising reward is enough to garner anyone’s attention, especially two prominent and skilled individuals such as themselves, but Vasilija thinks they may even be able to steal more from the businessman if they play their cards right. A risky move that would undoubtedly leave them rich enough to do whatever the hell they please until at least the turn of the century.
Keir is in this verse, as well, and aware of Loki’s true history. He himself is a raven posing as a man in the hopes of settling in society. He becomes Loki’s business partner and generally handles the less exciting but still equally as important matters that the others don’t have time for.
Helena primarily deals with the financial bits of the enterprise, finding comfort in numbers. She is headstrong and known for her quick temper, especially in the face of injustice and misogyny.
Eric has a head for daydreaming and doesn’t care to have a very in depth part in his father’s business. He helps where help is needed but prefers to paint and read.
Loki is rich businessman. Eldest son gets in trouble with a mob group. Loki seeks outlaws to help retrieve him for a hefty reward. Vasilija and Hætta are a duo of outlaws who want to take the job. Ensue whatever nonsense happens next. Room for lots of stuff in-between the lines, in the plot, or on the side.
Loki is not the Raven King but is still an alien. Keir is still a raven.
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streetsteel · 4 years
[K] Kink
Just going off one, because he does have many but we like to elaborate: Jay likes size differences, which is pretty handy since he’s a shortie himself. Anyone over 6′0′’ is a good candidate, and it’s even better if they look strong enough to snap him in half. Regarding penetration as well, be it with toys or not... He likes when it’s a tad bigger. Nothing against people with smaller stuff, he KNOWS they can satisfy him too, but if he can feel the stretch and maybe even a bit of tightness in his lower abs, he’s gonna be thrashing. Positively, of course. 
[S] Stamina
He can actually last a decent time for a round, and has energy for a few rounds little relaxing time in between. If he plans on going at it multiple times with the same partner, he’s not going to stop once climax has been reached first. There’s other things to do, hands and mouths that are more than enough to keep excitation up. He’s normally in for a g o o d time. 
[C] Cum (anything to do with it)
He cums an average, and shoots more than dribble. Then again, it’s not anything crazy, he gets it on his abs and SOMETIMES on his chest. He doesn’t mind swallowing either, nor does he mind his partner kissing him after giving HIM head. 
Another little tidbit which might border on the kink as well, but he likes when a TRUSTED partner (aka, one that he could go without a rubber with, which is rare) cums inside and then plays around a little more, either with a plug or just going back in with their fingers.
But that not something he’ll ever say. 
[X] X - ray (what do they have going on under their clothes)
Exactly what he advertises. Muscle obtained from sports, parkour, climbing around and working out. Not a lot of body hair except from the armpits, groin and legs, since Johtonese men aren’t particularly known for being hairy. Tattoos. A nice, taut butt. Regarding the other part of machinery, it’s proportional with the rest of his body. He fits in the lower part of average, but it’s not BELOW average. Knows how to use it. Trimmed hair, manscaped a little, just so no one gets anything stuck in their teeth. Overall, a nice bod yeehaw
[U] Unfair (how do they tease)
He likes to tease a little, sometimes purposefully touching everything BUT what his partner wants touched, or when time comes to push in, he’ll simply just tease for a few seconds, pushing the tip in and backing out. He also. Really, really like the banter. Friendly trash talking is where it’s at. 
[Y] Yearning (how often to they think of sex, how long can they go without it etc)
[Answered here]
[M] Motivation (turn ons etc)
[Answered here]
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gldncge-blog · 5 years
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         ❝  ----------- 𝖆 𝖌𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖈𝖆𝖌𝖊 𝖎𝖘 𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖆 𝖈𝖆𝖌𝖊
                                    illya masnik. luke hemmings. twenty four. bianchi aligned.
【  ✞ ———— 𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 】
◟ * ◊ ─  luke hemmings + cis male + he/him » * believe it or not illya masnik is working for the bianchi family. they are 24 years of age and are known to usually spend their time around buena vista apartments. the singer, who has been a part of the alliance for 2 years, has been living in victoria for 5 years. the people closest to them describe the pansexual + pisces to be + stolid and + conscientious as well as - equivocal and -resentful » ◦ ° delphi, twenty, she/them, est◝
【  ✞ ———— 𝕠𝕠𝕔 】
first name illya. last name masnik. middle name regret. which,, honestly same. wow hi i’m super excited for this. this is what ive been waiting for and y’all look hella talented. hi hello i’m delphi and as expected i’m late to the party :’) this is my bb illya who should probably be dead by now. yeehaw. my muses??? they exist to suffer. thats the sparknotes version of it. but ill put a whole unnecessarily lengthy thing about him below sdlkjsald. i’m in the est and i’m currently working full time but im so happy opening is on a sunday because i can actually be here for it sjkdas but enough about meme !! 
【  ✞ ———— 𝕙𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪 】
BORN IN KIEV, UKRAINE - illya would be the eldest of four children. his mother an adventurous american woman, and his father a man who had never left his homeland. their son was a happy child who spent most of his days and nights at the local church. a fate one could not avoid when their father was the church’s ever dutiful music director. it shocked no one when the eldest masnik boy soon became a constant fixture in the youth choir. looking like he may have found his niche, his parents pushed him to hone his talents. his free time not spent in worship was reserved for vocal lessons. in time, illya outgrew the pews. as a teenager, he instead chose to perform in festivals, cafes, and the venues that would have him. while he was successful in ukraine, he’d soon decided he’d like to finish his studies in the united states, believing there to be better and bigger opportunities in america. 
AT NINETEEN - he found a home in victoria, florida. his mother’s hometown. his studies never truly panned out like they should have, wasting a year majoring in theology before officially throwing in the towel and returning to music full time. the next few years were spent building up a resume. odd jobs that barely paid the bills. things only began to turn up when he began landing jobs as the backing vocals for groups. it had started small, not much money in it nor recognition --- but he slowly climbed the ladder. an undeniable talent. in time he landed a job as the backup vocals for a band famous enough to earn him some status. the band embarked on a small tour around the states, and while it had been fun, illya quickly came to realize it wasn’t the life for him. in actuality it was not the spotlight he desired, no, he’d come to miss the little things about his passion. the smaller cafes and venues often led to tighter bonds. a more humbling experience that allowed him to truly connect with his audience. like the days back home, under god’s watchful eye. 
TWENTY TWO - and life as he knows it ends. for better or for worse. a flame in his life plants the idea in his head. the bills were starting to pile up again and desperation seemed to be a constant state. PLAYERS. it’s no place he’d normally be found. the sort of joint he’d sooner cross the street to avoid. but his lover promises security. stability. burdened with a touch of naivety, he’s sold.
PLEAD IGNORANCE - all he wants. he knew what he’d stepped into the moment he crossed the door’s threshold. there were no gods here. no savior. no salvation. you’d be eaten alive.
IT PAYS - wasn’t that all that mattered. most days he’s good at turning a blind eye to what happens behind closed doors. a false picture of innocence. skin with no traces of ink or metal, liquor that never makes it to his lips. the constant struggle to not lose the boy he was back home. but no one there was innocent, innocence was a lamb to the slaughter. two years in and he regrets it. of course he does. three long years since he’s seen his family. the masnik’s youngest now refuses to speak to the long-departed illya. birthdays, graduations, holidays, funerals, he’s missed them all. bitter, he longs for home, but fears he’s found himself in too deep. innocence was a lamb to the slaughter, and he could not afford to be the lamb amongst wolves.
【  ✞ ———— 𝕤𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕖𝕤 / 𝕕𝕦𝕞𝕓 𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕥 】
essentially illya was born in ukraine. his family was super religious and he spent a lot of time in church, also due to the fact his father was the music director there. he obviously had a natural talent in the choir and his family helped him pursue music by getting him lessons and stuff. he does a good handful of cool stuff in ukraine and decides he wants to study in america ( where his mother and her family are from ) and also sees it as an opportunity to grow musically. obviously the scene in america is pretty hard to get into, so he still does small cafe like things until he starts doing backing tracks/vocals for bands. starts off really small but he starts to work for bigger bands/companies until eventually, he gets enough recognition to go on tour with a well-enough known band. don’t imagine them to be super famous, but enough to have a handful of radio hits. 
decides he’s not crazy about the touring band life and wants to return to working in smaller more personal venues. works for a bit until the money starts to run out and then his partner at the time suggested applying at players ( they would have been part of the gang so it was his in ). he does so ( obviously ) gets in and likes to play innocent but he has a pretty good idea of what he’s getting into, don’t be fooled. still kind of churchy / anal, doesn’t do the whole tattoo, piercing, drinking, wild life. he’s more reserved if anything. he’s really still trying to hold on to that holy life. newsflash, asshole. it’s gone.
now he’s starting to regret everything :) #somerugrats but obviously, he’s going to be super tightlipped about that and just carry on. in reality, he’s super homesick and he knows his family life is suffering. he’s missing giant milestones for his siblings back home and now his youngest brother won’t even talk to him so yeehaw. but uhh he’s not really sure he’d be good to just up and walk away because he’s in a bit deep now, two years deep. he’s probably seen some shit. 
if he was brave enough to tell his family something was up it would probably go something along the lines of “ mom, i think i joined a cult ” 
he wants to be that peace out gif THIS one,, yeah
he’s gonna die,, dumbass is 100% gonna get himself killed. but for now, he’s gonna fake that shit till he makes it. no chill. 
【  ✞ ———— 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 】
pen pals / old friends ; okay since his mother was american - i’d imagine he’d come around as a kid to see her family ( his grandparents and stuff ). give me something cute like they hit it off as children and kept in touch all these years. or maybe his mom used to be friends with your muses parents so they met that way. 
someone toughen him up ; he’s awful. there’s a murderer out there and god i hope these string bean legs can run because self-defense???? we don't’ know the meaning of the word. gun?? not in my good christian server. someone just hELP him.
someone he takes home / travels with ; head out of the gutter. could be someone at players or they live in a similar location, and with a string of murders, it’s probably safer to not travel alone. so maybe they drive each other home on occasion or walk together. just keeping each other safe. 
 bad / good influence nonsense ; obviously he’d probably be the good influence on someone because he’s not really the bad type. so he might try to look out for someone he really sees burning out and going down a super bad path. vice versa, give me someone who really wants him to get a tattoo or take that shot. someone remind him to live a little or do bad things. honestly,,, i’m a sucker for angst and stuff so it could even be more like getting him to stop being so paranoid about the darker aspects of the gang. if you think he isn’t turning around and hauling ass outta there when he sees a back room being used for beating someone or some other violent nonsense
someone who is suspicious of his doubts ; obviously he’s trying to play his cards pretty close to his chest and doesn’t voice his concerns to anyone. but i’d love to see some people who question his hesitance or might be on to him having doubts about continuing to be in the gang. he’s not going to own up to any accusations but this could add some interesting tension and make for interesting interactions.
people he avoids at all costs / fear ; these would be the more violent members of the gangs. maybe your muse has a reputation. this is probably suitable for characters who are out there committing murder in the name of the gang or commit violent acts. he tries to steer pretty clear of that but they’re likely passing through players and stuff. they’re bound to run into each other. bonus points if they’re not actually as dangerous as they seem - illya’s just paranoid, maybe he walked in on something he shouldn’t have and i- OOP
the flame that got him involved in the gang ( 0 / 1 ) ;  really i was just gonna throw this up as a wc but sdjsadj ill stick it here as well. really this could be an exes plot, probably with a lot of resentment on illya’s part. he may have been open with them about wanting to go back home, and blames them for his situation even though he knew what was happening. its just bitter bitter bitter. 
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brahms--heelshire · 5 years
Red and Silver and Green and Gold (USUK)
(A/N): The only reason that this is so rushed is because I was trying to finish it so it wouldn’t need to be a multi-chaptered fic. Luckily I succeeded. Yeehaw.
“Alfred Jones,” I called, lifting my robes over my ankles to run after the boy sprinting ahead of me, “No running in the corridors!”
“You’re breaking the rules by running after me,” he retorted, running backwards so he could look at me while he talked.
I knew what was going to happen before it did. Alfred wasn’t facing where he was going. A stairwell turned and… Alfred fell like a bag of bricks. The stairwell hit him in the head. I cursed under my breath, running as fast as I could to check his pulse. I let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding when I felt a steady pulse. But the nasty bump on his head didn’t look too good. I needed to get him to Madam Pomfrey.
Unluckily for me, I was weak. As strong as my magic was, I was not very physically strong. It took me a few tries before I realized that I could use magic to carry him.
And I didn’t explain to anyone I passed why I had an unconscious Alfred was suspended in the air with me until I got Alfred to the nurse.
“He’s nothing but trouble,” she mumbled as she checked his vital signs.
“You’re right, ma’am.” I nodded.
“You’re no better, yourself, Mister Prefect. Despite your title, you can’t manage not getting into petty fights with him.” She gestured towards Alfred, who was still lying on the small bed.
I didn’t reply, choosing to sit in one of the chairs situated near the cot and stay silent. It was late, so all of my classes were over. The only reason I was wandering the corridors at all was that I was getting my nightly tea. Needless to say, I didn’t end up getting my tea.
I pushed my eye mask from the top of my head back to my eyes.
“Wake me up when he’s conscious,” I mumbled drowsily.
“So you do have a soft spot for Mr. Jones,” she commented.
“No, I just… it’s my fault that he got hurt, so I need to apologize.”
“Okay.” She sounded skeptical.
I ignored her, falling asleep surprisingly fast.
I woke to Madam Pomfrey shaking my shoulder. I pushed my face mask onto the top of my head.
“Alfred’s going to be perfectly fine, except for one thing…” Her voice trailed off.
“What is it?” I asked, looking over to where Alfred was sitting up on the cot.
“He seems to have a bit of amnesia.”
“Anything else?” I asked.
“Well, he’s made a few incorrect assumptions about why you’re here.” Madam Pomfrey kept her voice quiet so that Alfred wouldn’t hear, “He seemed quite happy about it and I didn’t have the heart to correct him.”
Alfred’s face practically lit up when he noticed that I was looking at him. “Babe! You’re awake! I just got up and I don’t really remember much about anything that’s happened since my first year here at Hogwarts, but I’m sure it’ll come back eventually. So don’t take it personally that I don’t remember too much about being with you. I totally recognize your face though. I just can’t place it in my head. It’s weird.”
I knew that people with strong feelings about someone could sometimes faintly remember that person despite amnesia, but I didn’t know that that hate was a strong enough emotion. I was tempted to tell him the truth, but when I looked back at that purely happy grin, I couldn’t bear to.
“Oh! Yes. I, too, am quite sad that you forgot about everything we did together, but don’t worry. We can make more memories, love.” I mentally slapped myself in the face. I was talking to my enemy, Alfred F. Jones, a Gryffindor, like a lovesick idiot.
“You’re right! Let’s go!” Alfred kicked the covers off of himself and got up, reaching for my hand. I let him take it, accepting my fate.
“Don’t let him get too far alone. He might get lost. Gradually try to reintroduce him to things from his life,” Madam Pomfrey told me.
“Okay. I’ll try my hardest,” I replied, giving her a salute as Alfred and I left her office.
“So what do you want to do first?” Alfred asked once we left the room.
“We have classes in a few hours, so it’s time to get some rest. Go ahead to the Gryffindor common room. We have our first class together, so if you’re confused about where to go, I’ll meet you at your common room in the morning.” I ran one of my hands through his hair, trying to act more romantic. “Try not to miss me too much, because I know I’ll be missing you.”
“If even amnesia won’t let me forget that heavenly face of yours, I know that time without you will eat away at me.” Alfred gave me a smile.
Once I got back to the Slytherin common room, I silently panicked. I knew that someone would let Alfred into the Gryffindor common room. Despite not being a Prefect, he was practically their golden boy.
That’s why we fought most of the time.
He was a classic Gryffindor. Brave and strong. Definitely heroic. But dumb as shit.
I was a classic Slytherin. Snappy and rude. Sarcastic as hell. But unlike some other Slytherins, I wasn’t bigoted or anything. I didn’t want to be a Death Eater. It was annoying how people assumed that about every Slytherin. I didn’t care that Alfred was muggle-born and I was a pureblood. We fought because we disagreed, not because of prejudice.
It didn’t help that Alfred was rather handsome and I was rather gay. I couldn’t help finding him somewhat attractive. Hormones and puberty made it weird. Every time we argued, I couldn’t help but notice his masculine charm.
I tried not to bang my head on my nightstand. Pretending to date Alfred would be a struggle. Especially with not taking advantage of him. I knew for a fact that Alfred had never kissed anyone- I mean, neither had I, but that wasn’t important- and I didn’t want him to lose his first kiss to someone who he only dated because of a misunderstanding.
I fell asleep with a foggy mind.
Once I woke up and got dressed, I rushed to the portrait that marked the entrance to the Gryffindor common room, leaning on the wall as I waited for Alfred.
He rushed out very last minute, waving as he spotted me.
“Hi Arthur!” He took my hand awkwardly and I noticed that his palms were quite sweaty. “I’m not one hundred percent sure how to tie my tie.”
I sighed. “That’s okay. I’ll do it for you.”
I felt the eyes of every Gryffindor who hadn’t already left for class on us as I tied Alfred’s tie for him. I could almost hear their thoughts. Wondering why Alfred and I were getting along. Wondering why our faces were almost close enough to touch and we weren’t screaming at each other. Wondering why he intertwined our fingers the moment I finished tying his tie.
I tried to push the thoughts from my head as I walked with Alfred.
“So tell me about you,” he said.
“What do you want to know about me?” I asked, fixing my eyes on a point in the distance so I wouldn’t have to make uncomfortable eye contact with Alfred or any other student.
“What did you like to do with me? If I’m setting up dates and stuff, I at least wanna know what you like.” His manner of speaking almost made me smile. It just sounded so irrefutably Alfred.
I tried to think of a quick lie. Something that we would enjoy doing on a date. And it clicked. “Well, we liked to stargaze. You would get so excited over pointing to the stars and telling me which ones they were. And we would sit up on the roof where none of the professors could see us and kiss until the sun rose.”
“Sounds nice. I might not remember that specifically, but I do remember the names of the stars. Maybe if you wanna do it sometimes, I’ll make it a night you won’t forget.” Alfred winked at me.
I tried- and failed- to hold back my laughter. “Your amnesia puns are truly… unforgettable.”
And we laughed all the way to class, where we walked in together, fingers entwined.
I pulled my hand away from Alfred’s when we walked in.
“Mister Kirkland. Mister Jones. You’re late for Potions class.”
“I’m quite sorry, sir. You can ask Madam Pomfrey if you need testimony as to why we were late.”
“It’s okay, Arthur. I know you have stuff to do in the mornings, but I must be taking ten points from Gryffindor for this.” The professor favored Slytherins. It was obvious. I almost didn’t want to take the bullet that would be defending Alfred, but I knew that no-one else would. And if Alfred defended himself, he’d end up in more trouble for back-talk.
“Ask Madam Pomfrey for Alfred’s excuse. He’s late for the same reason that I am,” I grumbled reluctantly.
“Yeah! Me and Artie were late for the same reason.”
I cringed at the nickname, but continued to my seat nonetheless. Alfred took the seat next to me.
“Since you two are the last ones to arrive, you’ll be partners for this experiment,” the professor said.
“What are we doing today, Professor?” I asked, sitting up straight in my seat.
“We’re doing potion identifying. Each pair has a cauldron in front of them and the assignment is to identify the potion. There is just one rule. You’re not allowed to drink any of the potions. Your time starts… now.” He started a stopwatch on his desk, leaning back in his chair to read something off of a scroll.
Alfred looked distressed.
“Something wrong?” I asked, looking at the color of the potion. It wasn’t unique. I knew hundreds of potions that could’ve been.
“I don’t remember anything about potions,” Alfred whispered.
“Don’t worry. That’s not the amnesia. You never paid attention in potions class.” I licked my lips as I investigated the strange steam coming from the liquid. “Just leave it to me.”
“Okay. I trust you.” He pulled parchment and a pencil out of his bag, not wasting money on a quill and ink.
The steam and the color didn’t signify any particular potion, so I took a whiff. The intoxicating smell alone should’ve clued me in on what it was, but I wanted to tell exactly what I smelled. And it was perfect.
Old books, earl grey, and something inherently masculine. Like Axe shampoo mixed with sweat.
I glanced at Alfred, tempted to try to prove my theory. I leaned over to smell his hair and it was the smell. I silently cursed as I looked back at the potion.
I raised my hand and the professor called on me almost immediately.
“Yes Arthur?”
“The potion is Amortentia,” I grumbled.
“And can you tell me how you got to that conclusion?” He asked.
“The smell. It smelled like things that I love. That, coupled with the color and the steam, was all that I needed to know what potion it is.” I kept my answer as vague as possible. I didn’t want anyone knowing that I realized it because I knew I was falling for Alfred F. Jones.
“Correct. Ten points to Slytherin.” The professor smirked as he added my points to the chart.
I couldn’t help but think of that Amortentia every time that I looked at Alfred after that. During that week, my daily routine was just helping Alfred and avoiding any kisses from him. And classes, but those were far less important than managing Alfred.
It was all going perfectly until one night.
“Why won’t you kiss me?” Alfred asked, pointing a finger at me.
“I just feel like we’re moving too fast,” I lied.
“Tell the truth!”
“You don’t understand anything!”
“Well then maybe we should break up!”
And shouting at each other on the roof, I saw something click in his head. Memories. That’s all it took. Shouting at each other like we normally did. Alfred’s brain was so used to fighting with me that that was all it took to trigger his memories.
“Alfred,” I whispered.
“Oh wait, I guess we can’t break up if we were never together in the first place.” He paused, glaring at me. “Couldn’t you have told me the truth from the beginning?” he shouted, “Instead of just trying to embarrass me?”
“Shut up! You don’t know anything! I love you, you idiot. And you looked so happy when you thought I was your boyfriend. I couldn’t hurt you like that.”
“Well I remember everything now.” He took a deep breath. “And you know, since you love me too, I think that I wanna keep dating you.” Alfred pulled me closer to him. “Look, a shooting star.” He pointed up and, lo and behold, there it was.
I silently wished for Alfred to kiss me. He gently pushed my hair out of my face. I knew it was the right moment. Our lips got closer until they finally touched. And it was glorious.
And as we kissed under the stars, I thought that maybe that imaginary stargazing date was finally ours.
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toiletpapernoose · 5 years
tagged by @commoners-coffee
Long post incoming, sorry yall
What was your last 
Drink: dr. pebber 😔
Last phone call: my boyfriend !!!!!
Last text: sent a doodle i made of me and him to my boyf !!!
Last song you listened to: cavetowns cover of self control by Frank Ocean
Last time you cried: today
Have you ever dated someone: ye
Been cheated on: yup.
Kissed someone and regretted it: yup
Lost someone special: yup once again.
Been drunk and thrown up: never thrown up from it
List three fave colors: purple, indigo, blue. grey as well, just to add a 4th
In the last year have you…
Made a new friend: yah
Fallen out of love: less out of love and more out of a very toxic relationship
Laughed until you cried: tonight when me and Tyler said something stupid while zazzed
Met someone that changed you: yeah, and he's amazing for it.
Found out who your true friends are: I wouldn't say so.
Found out someone was talking about you: yes
Kissed someone who follows you: nah
How many of your followers do you know irl: 10 and up?? Maybe??
Do you have any pets: not where I currently live but technically 3 cats and a dog
Do you want to change your name: yes
What did you do for your last birthday: I am 90% sure I was in the hospital, but I don't remember my birthday at all
What time did you wake up today: around 9
What were you doing at midnight last night: hopefully asleep, can't remember
Name something you CANNOT wait for: bed tonight, I am so excited
Last time you saw your mother: don't remember ahfbsnjs
What is one thing you wish you could change about life: to be selfishly honest, me
What are you listening to right now: Riley snoring
Have you ever talked to a person with the name Tom: yuh, my brother
What’s getting on your nerves: people giving obvious advice I didn't fucking ask for.
Most visited website: insta, I guess, just to pass time.
Nickname: anything people wanna call me
Relationship status: in the best relationship I've ever been in, and extremely happy about it
Zodiac sign: leo
Pronouns: any
Fave tv shows: I don't really watch TV, but I guess Aggretsuko and The Office?
Hair color: natrual dark brown and soft orange
Long or short: shorter side of medium
Height: 5′2 , yeehaw.
Do you have a crush on someone: I'm dating someone so technically yeah
What do you like about yourself: not in a place to think of things I like, edgy gang
Tattoos: not yet, but I have designs I'm looking at
Righty or Lefty: left
First surgery: none
First piercing: ears at 12
First best friend: Julia
First sport you joined: swimming, then cheer, then lacrosse, then field hockey, then volleyball, then track and field
First pair of shoes: def a pair of chucks
Right now
Eating: nothing
Drinking: nothing
Listening to: snoring
Want kids: in the future, yes
Career: anything in the arts. preforming arts, digital arts, musical arts, literally anything where I can create.
Which is better:
Lips or eyes: eyes
Hugs or kissed: kisses
Shorter or taller: taller bc I'm a bottom. also it's not hard to do, I'm fucking short.
Romantic or spontaneous: I myself am more of a romantic, but for my partner I don't mind either/or
Nice stomach or nice arms: arms, my boyfriend has the best arms ever
Sensitive or loud: loud because I'm sensitive and people won't notice if I'm loud
Hook up or relationship: relationship.
Troublemaker or hesitant: when I'm with people my impulse control is gone, so troublemaker.
Have you ever:Kissed a stranger: yeah basically
Drank hard liquor: yes, love it
Lost glasses/contacts: 100%, for as blind as I am my glasses rarely stay on my face.
Sex on a first date: i don't feel any sort of way towards this
Broke someone’s heart: I don't think so
Had your own heart broken: yes
Been arrested: nah
Turned someone down: yup
Cried when someone died: real life, no. my body shuts down and I can't. movies, all the goddamn time  
Fallen for a friend: everyone I have dated I have been friends with first
Do you believe in:
Yourself: no, I don't deserve to
Miracles: miracles are subjective, but in my own way I do
Love at first sight: yes, I think sometimes you meet someone and you just know.
Santa Claus: nah
Kiss on the first date: sure, why not
Angels: maybe?
tagging @knivxsanddespair @pagan-wave @kenmarlenn and anyone who sees this that wants to do it (tag me if u do!! if u want!!)
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glassbangtan · 6 years
Handwritten Notes {Kim Seokjin}
  Words: 8k
  Summary: The mysterious notes being left in your locker had been appearing for a year now. You once thought that you had no interest in finding out who it was writing them, but as time passes, you grow more and more curious.
  Genre: fluff
  Warning: nothing
  Notes: masterlist – yeehaw
    The letters started appearing some time the previous year.
   You weren't entirely sure what they meant when you first started reading them, and whenever you told people this, they often called you oblivious. Because it was written in brilliant, black cursive what the letters meant – you just couldn't quite believe they had been sent to you in the first place.
   The first time you had opened your locker to see the foreign blue card stuck in the vents, you had truly believed there had been some mistake. There was no way in hell anybody would be sending you secret cards of admiration – that kind of thing was only ever seen in the movies, and your life was far from movie-worthy.
   You had crumpled up the piece of paper, tossed it in the bin and hoped that the secret admirer would eventually realise their mistake and put their next note in the right locker.
   But it was every other week after that, and soon, it was clear that the person was making no mistake.
   Some people asked you if you were creeped out by the secret admirer – you weren't. In fact, a part of you, a sad part of you that you often tried to ignore, was downright flattered with the attention. You had always seen yourself as a pretty independent person, which was why you never bothered to mope around whenever you didn't get asked to prom, or whenever you had your first kiss a little later than everyone else. But you had to admit to yourself, now that you had a taste of what being admired actually felt like, it was fairly pleasant.
    Seokjin scowled at you whenever you sat down in front of him. A whole year later and you were still walking up to your usual lunch table, a beaming smile on your face as you held one of the all-famous blue cards between your nimble fingers. As soon as Seokjin saw you approaching him with the monthly-admiration-card, he rolled his eyes and ducked his head down.
   “I really wish you wouldn't go parading those around like that,” he said as soon as you were seated in front of him. “It makes you look braggy.”
   “Oh, give it a rest, Seokjin,” you chuckled, still reading the note over and over again.
   You looked beautiful today.
   “How do you not find those cringy as all hell?” asked Seokjin through a mouthful of pizza.
  You looked up at him then, stuffing the blue card in the front of your backpack. “You're in a mood today.” You reached over, plucked a chip off of his plate and started eating. “What's wrong? Mr Lee bullying you again?”
   Seokjin scoffed. “You say that like it's not a criminal offence for a teacher to bully a student.”
   “He gave you a detention once, and it wasn't as if you didn't deserve it. He's not being a bully. He's doing his job.”
   “You're my best friend! You're meant to be taking my side!”
   “And I'm also meant to be enlightening you on how stupid you are.” You grinned, dipping another chip and popping it in your mouth. “I think I've done a pretty decent job of doing such a thing.”
   Seokjin rolled his eyes, gently nudged his plate closer to you. This was why you loved him; he cared for you, even whenever you both took the piss out of one other constantly. You had never been comfortable with a person quite like how you were comfortable with Seokjin. Having known each other for a good portion of your lives, you couldn't imagine not having him by your side, couldn't imagine not having someone throw constant teasing comments your way, couldn't imagine having not fallen head over heels in love with him.
    But that was a secret, and would have to remain a secret until further notice – perhaps forever. It had happened as an accident – you had just fallen. No warning, no sudden, rising feeling in your chest. You just looked at him one day and realised that you would quite happily spend the rest of your life with him, that you would quite happily cuddle up to him at night, kiss his lips whenever he was sad, let him comfort you whenever it was the other way around.
   But again, that was a secret, and a fairly big one at that. Seokjin had every girl in the school hooked on him, and he had gone out with a fair portion of them – all of them except you. From what you could tell, he had never even looked at you in a romantic manner. That was why you stayed silent, why you put up with the line of girlfriends who came in and out of Seokjin's life; he was being a teenager, experiencing heartbreak and love. How could you be mad at him for that?
   It wasn't him you were mad at, though. Not really. It was more yourself. You were mad at yourself for settling, for letting friendship go on for so long that now you were shackled to it, never to reach the next stage.
   “Oh!” Seokjin suddenly exclaimed, snapping you out of your daze.
   Your eyes snapped up. “What? What is it?”
   “I meant to ask you something!” he flustered, reaching into his bag. He pulled out a yellow slip of paper and placed it on the table between you. “Mrs Kim set my class this assignment that requires a partner for it – I was gonna ask you ages ago if you wanted to help me, but I kind of got distracted by the cringy note you were holding.”
   You looked at the piece of paper, chewing thoughtfully as you did so; it was an explanation sheet, detailing a practical assignment Seokjin's class had been set. Apparently they had to bring in an outside source and teach them how to cook a certain meal, something to test out their ability to teach other people their recipes.
   “Do you have plans to become a HE teacher?” you asked, looking up at him.
   Seokjin shrugged. “It's a possibility. But I plan on just handing you over the recipe and letting you do it yourself. I'm trusting you to get me a good grade here.”
   “You know I can't cook.”
   “That's the point!” Seokjin snatched the paper out of your hand, pointed at it dramatically. “I'm supposed to teach you. Which is why you're gonna make the best damn spaghetti bolognese Mrs Kim has ever tasted.”
   “Spaghetti bolognese. Perhaps the easiest dish for a person to cook.”   Seokjin grinned, proud of himself. “Yep.”
   “You're gonna fail.”
   He nodded. “Yep.”
  There were many words in the dictionary that could be used to describe Mr Park Jimin.
   Loyal. Friendly. Funny. Cute, just to name a few, but the one you were deciding to label him now was the very simple adjective of: annoying.
    Downright annoying.
   You two only ever spoke on the bus ride home. With him being three years below you, you hardly ever interacted in school. He was only in his first year of being a senior, and you were far too busy with your more advanced exams to even think about taking time out of your day to speak to someone whose only worry consisted of getting into senior lunch before the juniors stole all of the pizza rolls.
   Saying that, Jimin was a good friend of yours. He saved you a space on the bus, had told you that he had once nearly gotten into a physical fight with a third year who wanted to take your seat. He had even fed you on multiple occasions, allowing you into his home whenever you both got off the bus.
    You cared for him, and he cared for you, but there were times when you truly wondered if the guaranteed bus seat was worth the chuntering that he always projected into your ear.
    Today, the topic of discussion was one that had you rolling your eyes.
    “Does your brain ever shut off with these conspiracies?” you asked.
   Jimin grinned broadly, revealing a single crooked tooth amongst his row of immaculate teeth. “It's hardly a conspiracy at this point. I think most people who see you and Seokjin together can see that there's something else going on.”
   “Then you and them other people are very wrong.” You shot him a sideways glance, sticking a Twizzler in your mouth. “These other people don't happen to consist of Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook, do they?”
   Jimin pursed his lips and oh-so-innocently turned his head to the window. Rain was spattering down upon the pane at this point, the winter weather of Korea showing it's ugly face; well, Seokjin always said it was ugly. You adored the rain, adored the pitter-patter of it against the concrete and the way it sent a chill running through your bones. For a moment, you ignored Jimin's suddenly suspicious aura and allowed yourself to simply gaze out of the window, tracing the delicate pattern of rain drops against the pavement.
    “Have you been given any new messages lately?” Jimin asked, his head snapping around to look at you with a sense of desperation.
    You flinched away at his excitement. “Calm down.”
  “But have you? You told me you'd tell me if the notes continued, and it's been over a month-”
  “Would you hang on?” you grunted, already bending down to reach into your bag where the note was hidden away carefully. You pulled the blue card out from the front pocket and quickly handed it over to Jimin.
   You studied his facial expression. For a moment, he just stared at it – genuinely just stared at it, as it was clear he had done reading. The note was short and to the point, but Jimin seemed to be overanalysing every single little letter printed upon it. His tongue peaked out from behind his lips and his eyebrows were screwed together in the centre.
   “It's not written in code or anything,” you said, tilting your head to meet his eyes but he didn't once look up from the blue card. “Earth to Park Jimin? Is everything okay?”
    “You looked beautiful today,” he read. “They're sounding a bit like a stalker now, I think.”
   You rolled your eyes and snatched the card out of his hand, stuffing it back into your bag. “I think it was cute.”
   “And you're not a little bit curious as to who is writing them? It's been a year, Y/N, and you've gotten nowhere.”
   “I like the mystery,” you replied, shrugging casually. “Of course I'm curious, but I'm in no rush to find out who it is. At least not until exams are finished.”
   Jimin scoffed. “I can tell you're lying. You're just as eager to find out who it is as I am – at least I have a theory.”
   “A theory that makes no sense.”
  “How does it make no sense?” Jimin gasped, spinning around and slapping your arm as if he couldn't quite believe you would think his well-thought-out conspiracy was something not worth pursuing. “It makes perfect sense! The most sense! You and Seokjin have been friends for years, he knows everything about you, you're basically glued at the hip. How is it so impossible for him to have fallen for you in the past year?”
    You stared dead ahead, trying to keep a calm enough expression on your face. You didn't want to give a reaction, didn't want to reveal anything that was already deeply hidden within you – it wouldn't be worth it. You and Jimin may not talk very often, but he could read you like an open book. One twitch of the lips, one not-so-subtle frown and he would unravel the entire story in a heartbeat.
   Jimin sighed whenever you refused to elaborate on his theory. He slumped back in his seat, folded his arms over his chest and continued to gaze out at the dripping rain. “Have it your way then. I'll spend the rest of my life gathering proof that it's Seokjin writing you them notes. Just you wait and see.”
   “Okay, so what do you need me to bring?” you asked, pressing the phone to your cheek as you inspected the contents of your fridge. “I have gone-off cream, half a block of cheese – oh wait, no, that needs thrown out – uh, some yoghurt, a celery stick, some old Pepperami's that I never ate-”
   “We're making spaghetti bolognese, you idiot,” said Seokjin. “Look, just leave the ingredients to me, okay? You just need to show up.”
    “I wanna feel helpful!”
   “You are being helpful!”
  You knew he was just flattering you, trying to get you as far away from the fridge as humanly possible. You sighed, shutting the door and wading back into your living room. “Fine. You can sort out the ingredients, but I want absolutely full control whenever we're actually cooking.”
   “Why do you care so much? It's my project. I thought you'd be trying to sabotage it or something.”
  You scoffed, unable to fight off the grin forming on your face. “You really do underestimate just how good of a friend I am, don't you? I want you to do well! Home Ec is one of your favourite subjects and I know you want good grades-”
    “I've been getting perfectly good grades in Home Ec up until this point, thank you very much.”
  You rolled your eyes. That was Seokjin for you – forever the one to boast about his achievements. It was one of the reasons you loved him; it wasn't just his own ego he always boosted. If Seokjin liked you, it was close to impossible to think badly of yourself, because he never allowed such a thing.
   You remembered the amount of times you had walked into school and complained about how badly your skin was breaking out, or how your hair was a mess, and Seokjin would simply glare at you through the tips of his eyelids, like a mother giving her child a warning look. That was often all it took for you to start giggling, totally forgetting whatever self-conscious thoughts that had once been swirling around in your brain.
    “Just show up, okay?” Seokjin continued. “I'm hoping you know all the basic hygiene rules, so I don't have to hold your hand through that part.”
   “Wash my hands, hair tied back, apron on, sleeves rolled up, no nail polish-”    “Absolutely no nail polish,” Seokjin confirmed, sounding exasperated. “My mum wears nail polish every time she cooks dinner and it makes me squirm.”
   “Oh, suck it up,” you chuckled. “I'll be there. 9am. Tomorrow. Outside Home Economics 3.”
   “9am sharp, please. I don't want to have to go around looking for you.”   “You won't. I'll be there.”
   “Good.” It was silent for a moment. You busied yourself with fluffing the pillows on the sofa. Neither of you wanted to say goodbye, it seemed like, and you were perfectly content with sitting in silence for a little while.
   But then Seokjin coughed, breaking the silence.
   “Well, I better be off,” he said. “I'll see you tomorrow, Y/N.”
   “See you tomorrow, Seokjin,” you replied, before the line went dead. You held the phone to your ear for a moment longer after the tone signalled the end of the call; you nibbled on your bottom lip, fighting off the blush that so desperately wanted to rise to your cheeks.
    An entire morning spent cooking with Seokjin, something you had only ever done on weekends and it had always been some kind of half-assed joke. Pancakes on Pancake Tuesday that never turned out right; Seokjin always ending up telling you to just go sit down so you wouldn't mess up whatever dish he was making. But tomorrow, you would be by his side for the entire morning, his grade entirely in your hands.
   You hollowed out your cheeks, letting the phone drop to the sofa before you followed after it, unsure as to why the butterflies in your stomach had enhanced ten fold since the phone call shut off.
   You were extremely quick to conclude that 9am cooking lessons were perhaps your least favourite way to start the morning.
    You tugged on the strings of your hoodie, making the hood tighten around your face to hopefully obscure your exhausted features. Three hours of broken sleep was not good for a human being, and you were truly beginning to feel the effects of such a lousy rest.
   Seokjin was waiting by his desk when you walked into the kitchen. Plenty of other chipper students were also mingling, waiting for the entire class to arrive. A few of the students even had their aprons on and their hair tied back, sleeves rolled up to their elbows with amazing, dazzling, Listerine infected smiles already plastered onto their faces; you nearly scowled right at them. If it wasn't for the hood currently squishing your cheeks, you were positive they would have seen the disgruntled expression on your face as you made your way over to Seokjin.
   He burst into laughter as soon as he saw you.
   “Shut up,” you grumbled, nudging him with your shoulder. “Where do I put my bag?”
   “How much sleep did you get last night?” Instead of answering your question, Seokjin busied himself with pulling your school bag from your shoulders and tossing it under the bench himself.
   “Not enough,” you replied. “But I'm ready for anything.”
  “Ready to cook?”
   You blanked. “I'm ready for . . . uh . . . most things.”
  Seokjin rolled his eyes, before taking you by surprise by wrapping his long arms around your middle and resting his head in the crook of your neck. The action was so unexpected that you very nearly yelped at the suddenness of it; you most certainly stiffened, heart hammering against your rib cage at what felt like a thousand miles per hour.
   Seokjin didn't seem bothered – of course he wouldn't. This was something normal for him, him never being one to shy away from displays of affection with his best friend. He neatly folded his fingers over your stomach, and you were fairly certain he could feel the butterflies erupting beneath his hands.
    You swallowed thickly, tried to play it cool, but you could feel his breath on your neck, could feel his fingers tapping against your shirt, could feel his chest pressing into your back as if it were the most casual thing in the world, and it was driving you insane. How you would ever get through this lesson was a mystery.
   You abruptly reminded yourself that Seokjin was your best friend. Of course you could get through this lesson – you would get through this lesson, and you would do it well. Seokjin would get full marks. That was the goal, and for now, you would concentrate purely on that. Not on the fact that he was breathing directly into your ear, not on the warmth that was engulfing your entire body, not on the way his fingers very nearly touched the lick of bare skin between the waistband of your trousers and the ridden up material of your shirt-
    His fingers pressed into your hips, making you squeal and lurch away from him. He laughed that squeaky laugh you loved so much. You span around, glaring at him.
   He shrugged. “It's karma for not being fully rested.”
    “I hate you.”
   He grinned. “I love you, too.”
   The lesson started not long after that, and you had finally managed to calm your breathing down. You had taken your hoodie off to reveal a plain grey shirt, which you covered with a plastic yellow apron; you had tied your hair up, rolled your sleeves up to your elbow, had washed your hands perfectly with Seokjin standing over you to make sure you got everything. You were fairly certain he was going to make you wash up to your elbows just to make sure you were extra clean for this practical.
    The teacher explained the rules, and then you and Seokjin were released to do your own thing.
   It was a disaster at first.
   You didn't know what you were doing, and Seokjin was too busy stressing over the nail polish adorning your fingernails to remember that his job in this entire thing was to tell you what to do. So as you struggled to measure out the perfect amount of pasta for two people, Seokjin was shaking his head and trying to grab plastic gloves from the drawer, saying he needed to hide the bright red nail polish.
    “Seokjin, come here!” you hissed. His head appeared from the drawer he was searching through, eyebrow arched in questioning. You cautiously tilted the pan towards him, showing the pasta you had measured out so far. “What do you think?”
   He waved a hand in your direction. “I didn't have breakfast this morning. Add as much as you want.”
   You gritted your teeth. “Can you just stop looking for gloves? The teacher doesn't care about the bloody nail polish!”
   “But I do!” Seokjin hissed, though he closed the cupboard door anyway and reappeared at your side. He was hovering over you, one hand on either side of you as he watched you measure out a few more strands of pasta. “Have you put the water on to boil yet?”
   You turned around, suddenly flushed. “What? No. You didn't tell me to.”
  “I didn't tell you to measure out pasta, either.”
   “It's spaghetti bolognese!”
   “And how do you think you're supposed to make pasta without boiled water?”
  You groaned, tossing the pan of pasta down onto the counter. You pushed past Seokjin, grabbed a second pan and filled it up with water. “Fine. Fine, I'll boil water. I'll boil fucking water.”
  “Hey, calm down.” Seokjin's voice had simmered to a whisper now, though there was a hint of amusement in his words when he spoke. “It's not that big of a deal. It's not that tough of a task, either.”
   “I've never made this kind of thing before,” you said, placing the water to boil. “I have no idea what I'm doing.”
   “Making pasta is common sense.”
  “For you.”
   “For most people.”
   You rolled your eyes and slumped against the counter, brushing your hand through your hair slowly. You hadn't been expecting to feel so stressed – it was spaghetti bolognese, for crying out loud. It was hardly difficult to make. Seokjin was right – making pasta was common sense, because you barely had to do anything. Boil the water, add the pasta and stir until it was soft enough to eat. That was literally all you had to do, and yet you felt like the world was crumbling around you with the stress it brought along with it.
   Seokjin watched you. You caught on to his amusement, never being able to miss such an emotion on his face. Though Seokjin hid his sadness fairly well, his amusement always showed through plain and bright as day; his full lips would be twitching as he struggled to keep a grin from forming on his face, and his eyes would turn into little crescents. Sometimes, his crooked fingers would come up and cover his mouth, just for added affect.
   You glared at him. “It's not funny.”
   “I never said it was.”
   “What? Like you never said to boil the water?”
  Seokjin laughed. “You're cute when you're frustrated. That's the only reason I'm laughing.”
    And there your heart goes again.
   You hid your emotions fairly well once again, folding your arms over your chest and glancing down at your shoes. Seokjin chuckled, stepping closer to you. As always, he was hovering over you, looking down at you with that stupid amused grin plastered across his features that always managed to drive you absolutely insane.
    “You've done good so far. Nothings been burned.”
   You looked up. “Nothings been cooked, either.”
    “But it will be. And it'll be delicious. I have the utmost faith in you, okay?” He grinned down at you, and for some reason, it brought comfort. “Now, lets get the mince on the stove, shall we? Add oil to another pan and we can start on that.”
    The hour passed by in a flash.
    You had very nearly spilled an entire jar of bolognese sauce, had nearly knocked Seokjin out with a frying pan twice, and your apron had been set on fire once, but the finished product didn't look all that bad.
   You and Seokjin stepped away from the counter, looking down at the creation in awe – whether it tasted good or not was completely out of your head in this moment. You simply wanted to gawk at the sight of it first – a real dish. Something edible. Something you had created with your best friends help that made you feel a lot more accomplished than it probably should have done.
   Seokjin placed a heavy hand on your shoulder, giving it a little squeeze. “You did a good job. And my teaching probably helped a little bit.”
   You grunted a laugh, shoving his hand off of your shoulder. “It was all my raw skill, I'll have you know.”
   “Right,” Seokjin chuckled. He took a step forward, grabbed a pen and paper from his bag and started to write on it.
   For just a second, you didn't even pay him that much attention. You were still so in awe with your own creation that you didn't stop to think about what it was he was writing, why he was writing anything in the first place – this was a practical lesson. You weren't even meant to bring pens into a practical lesson, let alone use them.
    As soon as you realised what he was doing, you stood on your tippy toes and read over his shoulder.
    It wasn't the contents of the writing that caught your eye, though. It wasn't the words themselves that had you freezing, had your heart blazing like a fire in your chest, had your hands suddenly growing sweaty with abrupt realisation.
   It was his handwriting.
   His handwriting. How had you been friends with this man for so long and never stopped to look at how good his handwriting was? How had you known each other your whole lives, and yet you still couldn't stop to describe what his words looked like written down on paper?
   But now you could see them. You could see them clearly, because you had been reading this very same handwriting for a year now – this very same handwriting that was sprawled across blue cards and stuffed into the vent of your locker.
   You swallowed thickly and stumbled away from him. He didn't seem to notice you standing behind him, as he hadn't once looked up from the sheet of paper that he was scribbling your names onto – Y/N L/N and Kim Seokjin – Spaghetti Bolognese. He smiled down at this piece of paper as he propped it up against the plate of spaghetti and sauce, before he took his place beside you again.
   “There. Added the final touches.”
   You could barely speak to give him a reply. You swallowed thickly once again, but it wasn't enough. Your throat still felt tight, like it was coated in some kind of gel that was catching the words and stopping you from saying anything at all.
    The teacher drifted between tables, inspecting and tasting every dish. Whenever she arrived at your table, she asked questions that Seokjin was forced to answer as you continued to get lost in your own mind – surely something was wrong. Maybe him and the admirer just had very similar handwriting. It wasn't impossible, but it definitely seemed unlikely. How could two sets of handwriting be so similar?
    “Very nice, Miss L/N,” Mrs Kim said. You managed to snap out of your shock just long enough to give her a grateful smile, but you were pulled back under whenever Seokjin intertwined his hands with yours and gave your fingers a congratulatory squeeze. “As always, Seokjin impresses me, even with his teaching skills. Was he a good teacher, Y/N?”
   You swallowed. “He was great, Mrs Kim.”
    She grinned. “As expected. You two can clear away now. Mr Kim, I'll get your grade to you by the end of next class.”
  Seokjin bowed and the teacher stowed off.
   You grabbed for your bag beneath the desk, very nearly knocking the stool over in the process of trying to pull it out from underneath it. Seokjin looked over at you, startled by the sudden action, but you just needed out. You needed to be away, needed to find Jimin and tell him what you had seen because he was the only person who seemed to be making even a lick of sense at this moment.
   “Where are you going? We still have a bunch of pots to clean up,” said Seokjin.
   You had already thrown your apron off and was tugging your hoody back on. “I've just remembered I said I'd meet Jimin in the library at quarter past ten. I'm gonna be late if I don't leave now. You don't mind, do you?”
    “Park Jimin?” said Seokjin.
   “Mhm. A few years below us, lives on my street, gets my bus. You'll know him if you see him.” You were talking too fast. You were making it obvious that you wanted to leave rather than needed to leave, but you didn't care. Not right now. Not whenever you had so many questions.
   Seokjin's expression screwed into confusion. You swung your bag over your shoulder, grabbed the piece of paper that was leaning against the plate, waved a final goodbye to Seokjin before you were storming out of the classroom in search of Park Jimin.
   “I bloody told you.”
   You groaned, ducking your head into your hands. You really hadn't been imagining things – even Jimin could see the resemblance between the handwriting, and he was taking his sweet time taking the piss out of you for it.
   “I told you!” he repeated, much louder this time. The piece of paper was placed between the two of you, and on top of it was the smaller, blue card that you had received the day before. Looking at the two now, there was no denying that the handwriting was extremely similar.
   “Okay, I get it,” you said. “You told me, and I ignored you.”
   “Yeah, yeah you did,” Jimin mocked, nudging your arm repeatedly. “So?”
   You looked over at him, raised a brow. “So?”
   “So what do you think of it!” he persisted, nudging your arm even harsher now. “Your best friend has been head over heels in love with you for a year now! He's been writing you all these cute notes, and you're only just now finding out! It must be – like – a big deal.”
    Oh, it was. It definitely was, only you couldn't say that. Not without revealing every single emotion you had been bottling up for years now, not without making yourself out to be some kind of liar for denying you had been feeling the exact same way towards Seokjin for years.
   So instead, you shrugged.
   Jimin scoffed, slumped back in the plush green seat and folded his arms over his chest. His eyes were boring into the back of your head, willing you to say something, do something, but you couldn't move. You kept your head in your hands, palms pressed into your cheeks, eyes staying firm on the two pieces of paper in front of you.
   “I think it's cute,” said Jimin, finally. “Maybe you should tell him that you know it's him writing the notes, though. Put the poor kid out of his misery.”
   “How am I meant to do that without completely shattering our friendship?”
   Jimin raised a brow. You could feel it – that judgemental look. “Are you kidding me? I may be three years younger than you, but I'm not stupid. It's obvious you like him back.”
   You very nearly choked on air, eyes widening. You span around in your chair so fast that the back legs rode up and slammed back down onto the carpet with a bang. The librarian hissed at you, but you ignored her as you stared at Jimin with wide eyes.
   “What are you-”
   “Don't play stupid!” Jimin exclaimed, totally ignoring the angry librarian now shooting daggers at you both from across the room. “It's obvious! If you tell Seokjin that you know it's him writing the notes, you two can finally get together and it won't be awkward at all – you'll just be two teenagers in love.”
  The idea made your stomach flip in the best of ways. Imagining something more than friendship with Seokjin was a thought you had always shoved to the side, because you never thought it was realistic. You truly believed it was more-so your brain just taunting you, conjuring up images of things that could never be.
    “Are you gonna tell him?” Jimin continued, leaning forward. “Or I can do it, if you want. I don't-”
   “No!” you exclaimed, before wincing whenever the librarian whisper-yelled your name. “No,” you said, a little quieter now. “I'll – I'll figure out some way to do it, okay? You don't need to get involved. It'll be better coming from me than it will coming from you.”
  “You're acting like the lad is gonna be mortified,” Jimin chuckled. “He's probably been wanting your oblivious ass to catch on from the first note he slipped into your locker. I honestly can't believe you've spent every day with him for the past year and not had a glimpse at his fucking handwriting.”
   “Well it's not the first thing that's on my mind whenever I'm with him,” you said.
   Jimin raised a brow suggestively, making you realise just how cringy those words had truly sounded.
  You looked down at your folded hands. “You know what I mean.”
  Jimin chuckled, placing a warm, comforting hand on the back of your neck. “Oh, I know what you mean.”
   Seokjin sat with his knees bunched up into his chest, the movie playing innocently in front of you both; why you thought you were in the right state of mind to invite him over to your place was completely beyond you, but it was done now. He was here, eating your popcorn, watching your television, and most likely going to end up staying the night on your sofa.
    You chewed nervously at your nail, sitting on the far side of the sofa. He had offered to share the thin, grey blanket with you, even going as far as tossing it over your knees himself, but you had shaken it off of you and let him have the whole thing; feeling his body heat was overwhelming you.
   You needed to tell him. You had told Jimin that tonight would be the night, that you would inform him of your knowledge of his notes and that would be it – whatever happened after that would happen, and you would put up with it.
   But the movie was nearly over, and the sun had long since gone down, and you two had done nothing but joke about stupid stuff the entire night. Not a single word you had meant to say had come out yet, and now you two were just sat in silence as the movie reached its climax.
   Seokjin was engulfed in the screen, chewing away at his popcorn without a care in the world. The shaggy grey blanket was draped over his knees, one side of it thrown over his shoulder and resting against his cheek. He looked tired, ready to doze off at any given moment.
   You watched him closely, forming and reforming the same exact sentence in your head over and over again – you just needed to tell him. It shouldn't have been this difficult. You told Seokjin everything else, so what was so weird about this?
    He seemed to notice your gaze burning into the side of his head as he slowly turned around to look at you, his mouth full of popcorn. “Have I got something on my face?”
   You quickly looked back at the TV. “No. You just looked tired, that's all.” Idiot! You should have said something then
   Seokjin grunted and stretched out his arms, his black shirt riding up to reveal a lick of tanned skin. “I am tired, actually. Mind if I crash on your sofa for tonight?”
   “No. You always sleep on the sofa anyway.”
   “But it's just manners to ask, isn't it?” He didn't wait for you to respond before he was groaning and standing up, acting like an old man getting out of a chair after many hours. You watched him as he waded into the kitchen with the now empty bowl of popcorn hanging limply in his hand – he always acted so at home whenever he was in your house, and it warmed your heart.
    No. The situation was too perfect to ruin. You could tell him at another time, whenever things were a little less dreary and your mind was more clear. He was tired now, anyway. What kind of friend would you be if you dropped this kind of news on him whenever all he wanted was to go to sleep?
   You would tell him some other time, you promised. Some time soon.
   A month had passed, and you had instead been trying to completely ignore the information you had once wanted to pass on to your best friend. After multiple weeks of trying to find the right words to confess, you had failed miserably and, in the end, decided on just leaving everything as it was. You would continue to receive the monthly-notes, pretend you had no idea who they were from, and continue on with life as usual.
   It was Jimin who made it extremely difficult for you to do such a thing.
   Every time you slumped down beside him on the bus, he would ask you if you had told him and then give you one of his famous disappointed head shakes whenever you informed him that you had, in fact, not told Seokjin a damn thing.
    But a month had passed, and you knew it wouldn't be long before the next note was appearing in your locker.
   Even though you knew who the culprit was, the excitement still hadn't worn down. In fact, it was almost enhanced with the idea of it being Seokjin – you would be reading his words and be able to put a face to the person who was feeling such a thing for you. That was crazy to you, and it made you buzz with an unexplained excitement.
    You walked down the hallway on this particular morning, hood pulled on up over your head, as per usual, and backpack hauled on over your back. You were exhausted from yet another night of broken sleep, and the hallways were much too loud for your liking. You just wanted to lean your head against a desk and go to sleep – that was why you were relieved to have Mr Lee first period. That man was as blind as a bat, and his lessons were boring and unimportant enough for you to be able to sleep in the back row.
   You made your way to your locker, pushing through the crowd-
   And you froze whenever you saw Seokjin himself busying himself at the door of your locker.
   Your eyes widened, panic flurrying in your chest. You didn't know what to do – had you just caught him? After nearly a year, had you finally caught him putting a note in your locker?
   You froze. A few kids hissed at you at the abrupt halt you had taken, but you ignored them and continued to stare. Seokjin was most definitely up to something – he had a Sharpie in his hand, a blue card in the other and was hurriedly scribbling his message onto it. His lip was between his teeth, his hands trembling as he finally put the lid back on the pen and stuffed the blue card into the vents of your locker. He took one, oblivious glance around him before he was scrambling off in the opposite direction.
   Your feet were carrying you before you could stop yourself. Adrenaline had punched itself into your chest. You couldn't believe it. You had caught him. Caught him red handed, after an entire year.
   Your hand was wrapped around his wrist before you could comprehend what you had done. It was the feeling of his skin beneath your own that finally shook you to the true reality of what you were doing, and as soon as Seokjin whirled around to face you, his eyes widened and his skin grew flaming hot beneath your own.
   You were too close to your locker. He knew you had seen. There was no way you hadn't seen him, and now you would have to come out and confess.
    “Wait,” was the first thing that came out of his mouth. “You weren't meant to see that.”
   The bubble had been burst. The wall that had been built up had been completely knocked down, and you needed to take this chance. You needed to.
   “It's been you this entire time?” you asked. “An entire year, Seokjin?”
   He shook his hand out of your grip, stuffed it into his pocket. “I don't – I have no idea what you're talking about.”
   You grabbed his wrist again, whirled on your heel and stampeded back towards your locker. He swung his head back like a child having a tantrum, groaning out your name as if that would make a difference. You could barely hide the excited smile on your face as you arrived at the door of your locker, pulled it open and caught the blue card between your fingers.
   “Are you seriously going to make me stand here whilst you read it?” he asked.
   You didn't respond, simply flipped the card over and started reading the beautiful, cursive handwriting printed on it.
   I haven't seen you smile in a while. I hope everything's okay. I want you to be happy.
   Your chest flourished, cheeks heating up despite yourself.
   Seokjin groaned again, tugged his hand out of your grip. “Okay, maybe that was a bit stupid, but-”
   “An entire year, Seokjin?” you cut him off. You whirled around to face him, eyebrows raised. You felt at risk of crying for some reason – a heavy weight was on your chest, and it only got heavier whenever you looked up into Seokjin's face and saw him looking awkward for once. The confident aura he always gave off had evaporated, replaced with a man who didn't quite know what to do with himself.
   He awkwardly looked down at the ground, his bangs falling in his face. He scratched the back of his neck, uttering incoherent words under his breath.
   You leaned forward. “What was that?”
   “I said-” He inhaled deeply, closed his eyes. “I'm sorry if this ruins everything for us. I honestly didn't mean for you to find out it was me.”
    You nibbled on your bottom lip. Was now a good time? In front of all of these people? You wanted to confess so badly. You wanted to tell him that you had loved him for years, that he was the best person you had ever met in your entire life. You wanted to tell him just how much he meant to you, but you knew you would be at strong risk of bursting into tears, and that wasn't something you wanted to risk at this moment in time.
   So instead, you tucked the blue card into the front of your bag to free your hands and gently ran your fingers through Seokjin's hair, brushing his bangs out of his eyes. He didn't look up, didn't open his eyes, but you could feel him tilting his head into your grip, chasing the feel of your fingers against his scalp.
   You smiled dumbly to yourself, but you didn't care. This was a good moment. A defining moment.
    You leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek – only a teaser. Nothing special, nothing that would get your feelings across quite as strongly as you wanted them to, but it would have to do for now.
   Seokjin stiffened under the graze of your lips, finally opening his dark brown eyes to look at you. Everyone else in the hallway melted away, and it was just you two, and you truly could have jumped on him then and there, burst into tears with how relieved you were to finally have some closure, to know that your feelings were completely reciprocated.
   But you held yourself back and instead pressed another kiss just below his ear. He shivered.
   You pulled away. “An entire year, Seokjin. It took you long enough.”
    You clambered onto the bus, heart full and feet dragging.
   Jimin stood up as soon as he saw you, waving his hands around frantically, as if he wasn't sat in the same seat he always sat in. You made your way over to him, unable to hide the hop in your step and the smile gleaming your face.
   “Somebody looks happy,” Jimin exclaimed as soon as you sat down.
  You nodded. “I am happy. I told him.”
  Jimin gasped. “Finally! I just want to thank Jesus, and my parents for this-”   You swatted him on the shoulder before he could continue his dramatics, and the two of you burst into a fit of tiny giggles.
   Although the day had been great with just the knowledge of Seokjin's reciprocated feelings, you hadn't seen Seokjin since the moment you shared at your locker. Your classes had been muddled up, and you had been forced to take junior lunch whilst Seokjin was still stuck on senior lunch, meaning neither of you had seen each other all day.
   And now you were heading home with no confirmation as to what it was exactly that had happened today anyway.
    Jimin demanded to know all of the details, and you told him. It was easy talking about it, like a fresh weight was being swept off of your shoulders. All day you had been filled to the brim with ecstasy, unable to hide your smile – it had gotten to the point where you had been too excited to sleep in Mr Lee's lesson, which was a very rare occurrence for you. All day, you had just wanted to see Seokjin again, and it was the thought of seeing his face that had kept you smiling.
     Jimin listened intently, cutting in only to gasp or say I told you so every now and then. All the while, the bus stayed parked at the edge of the curb, letting in the flood of kids who were all excited to be heading home at long last.
   It was only after you had finished retelling your tale that Jimin shook his head, slumped back in his chair with his hand over his heart, looked out of the window and-
   “OH MY GOD!”
  You jumped, bag falling from your lap with the suddenness of your movements. Your eyes wide, you span around to look at Jimin. He had pressed his palms flat against the window and was gazing out at the school grounds with his jaw wide open.
   “Get off this bus right now!” he exclaimed with little to no explanation as to why. You went to ask him what he meant, but he was already spinning in his chair and shoving you off of the bus seat. You stumbled into the aisle, looking back at Jimin in shock.
   He groaned, stood up and shoved you forward that little bit more. “He's waiting on you! Don't keep him waiting!”
    You didn't get a chance to ask anything else before the bus driver was asking you if you were getting off or staying on.
   “She's getting off, ma'am,” replied Jimin, shooting you a warning glare. You had no choice. You were too stunned to question it further as you slowly clambered off the bus, backpack hugged close to your chest.
   You turned and watched the bus leave – oh great. How were you supposed to get home now?
   Jimin gave you a thumbs up out of the back window before the bus was disappearing completely over the hill. You stood on the curb, watching it go for a moment longer before a pair of hands were winding around your middle and a chin was perching itself in the crook of your neck.
   “Seokjin!” you exclaimed before you could stop yourself.
   You span around, dropping your bag because the excitement had gotten the better of you. After being eager to see him all day and being unable to, you refused to let your chance slip away now.
   Seokjin was startled whenever you broke free of his grip, span around and launched yourself at him. He grunted, catching you as you wound your legs around his waist and engulfed him in the biggest hug you could manage – because you had missed him. Because you loved him.
    He chuckled, hugging you back. “Hey. What's got you so excited?”
  You pulled away but kept your arms wrapped around his shoulders. “What do you think?”
  Seokjin grinned. “I think you promised me something earlier on today.”
 “Well, you never actually promised it, but I was really hoping there was more to your little speech than what you gave me.” He stared down at you, waiting for you to catch on. Whenever you said nothing, he rolled his eyes. “This is why it took an entire year for me to confess to you. You're oblivious.”
   You shook your head. “I just want to hear you say it.”
   He blanked, face paling as if you had just revealed his worst secret to a crowd of people. You continued to watch him with a grin, legs still wrapped around his waist and fingers messing idly with the hair at the back of his neck. Although he did a good job of hiding his pleasure, you could feel the goosebumps arising on his skin at the gentle touch of your fingertips.
   “Well – uh – not to sound needy or anything, but you kissed me on the cheek. Just the cheek,” he said, before flushing. “Of course, if that's all you had in mind, I'm not gonna argue or force you to do something you don't want to-”
   “Did you think I would kiss you anywhere else?” you asked.
   Seokjin nibbled on his bottom lip. “Well, I was hoping-”
  You didn't let him finish before you swooped down and pressed your lips to his.
   The moment was surreal to say the least, short-lived but everything you could ever have hoped for. Your lips pressed against his quickly before you were pulling away, and you giggled at the way his lips chased your own, as if he had expected you to linger for a little while longer.
   His eyes snapped open, flared wide with shock and a fresh coat of passion you had never seen in him before. His grip on your waist had tightened automatically, and he was staring up at you as if you were the only living being on the planet.
   You stared at him in the exact same way.
    “Thank you for the lovely messages this past year, Seokjin,” you muttered, still messing with the hairs on the back of his neck. “They really brightened up my day.”
   “I know,” Seokjin gravelled. “That's why I kept writing them. You always came down to the lunch table with the biggest smile on your face.”
   “And you always pretended to hate them.”
  He shrugged. “How else was I supposed to pretend I had no idea who they were from?”
  You chuckled, leaned forward and rested your head in the crook of his neck. He hugged you closer to him, letting out a breathy sigh of relief as if this was it – this was the weight removed from his shoulders and he was finally able to just admit to his feelings – that was certainly how you felt. You felt ten times lighter than usual, like you could just do what you wanted at long last. It was a good feeling.
    But an even better feeling was Seokjin's lips pressing against the skin just below your ear as he whispered the words, “I love you,” so quietly you barely heard them.
248 notes · View notes
swntiwnt · 5 years
arena day 3 ;; one shot
morning of the third day spent in the arena. and jude proulx was still alive. how? no one was quite sure.
as the lights came on he blinked the sleep from his eyes, stood up and looked around the room. no murderous mannequins, at least. looking out to the arena, jude felt the need to move about, do something – even if he didn’t know what. but he felt lazy, he wasn’t used to sitting around stressing all day. back home, there was always work that needed to get done, even if it wasn’t his own. besides, the peace after the bloodbath was starting to make him feel a little paranoid.
with the backpack over his left shoulder and the sleeves of his lovely jean jacket rolled up, jude left his hiding place and started walking around the second floor. but just as he was about to take a turn, he heard footsteps and then –
“what the –” jude barely had time to react, before a tiny ... something started running towards him. “hey, hey buddy. hey!” thankfully, the thing had tiny legs so the running wasn’t the most effective. but as it got closer, he started to understand what really was after him this time. first, he noticed it was a doll ( because the mannequins hadn’t been enough apparently ) and then the smaller details started to register: the tiny cowboy hat ( adorable! ), the red bandana ( yeet! ) and the brown leather boots ( yeehaw!). that had to be the cutest thing he had ever seen his entire life and, for a moment, jude forgot he could get killed at any moment.
“howdy partner,” he exclaimed in a cheery tone. but then the doll looked up, the brim of the hat raising and wait ... did the doll’s face look exactly like his own, very human, face? and was the doll holding a knife? just like that, his moment of bliss was over.
jude started backing away but as his back pressed to the wall, the doll version of him started coming for his shins. when it got close enough, jude did the only thing he could think of. he picked it up, keeping the thing at an arm’s length so that the knife couldn’t come anywhere near him. “wow. this is so weird, you look so much like me.” he hadn’t had a proper human interaction in almost three full days and, honestly, talking to a doll that looked exactly like him seemed like the best option at that point. “can you maybe ... stop? that’d be nice.” but the doll didn’t listen, it kept flailing its little arms and legs around, twisting its head from side to side.
he kinda wanted to keep it. it was cute after all, and it came with a free knife! that was exciting right? “um, do you have an on and off button?” he tapped the dolls forehead, looked everywhere but nothing. there was only one thing he could think of doing. “okay, sorry buddy. this is weird for me too.” being careful to avoid the knife, jude grabbed onto the doll’s head and, like he remembered doing when he was a kid ( just once though, his sister was very upset ) pulled the head straight off.
the arms and legs stopped moving and he held both the halves in his hands. this really was strange. he pondered which part he should hold on to and in the end decided to stuff the head in his backpack and hold the body, since that was the part with the knife and he didn’t really feel like destroying it further.
and just like that, jude proulx moved on, holding a headless body in his arms.
1 note · View note
addymelroses · 5 years
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{ MARGOT ROBBIE, 27, cisfemale, she/her } can i get a yeehaw? i think it was ADELINE “ADDY” MELROSE i just saw on the slopes. the BAR MANAGER has been staying on the mountain for FOUR MONTHS and are originally from CHICAGO. there’s always talk around town about how CHARISMATIC they are, but they can also be IGNORANT. their favourite winter activity is SNOWBOARDING. let’s hit the slopes! 
hey everyone! i’m lily (20, pst & she/her) and i’m really excited to be joining this rp. i’ve had my eye on it for a while so i figured i’d just go for it today. anyway, this is addy. i love her a lot and i’m really looking forward to plotting & getting started with you guys! feel free to message me for plots and i’ll post a starter call a bit later!
so, some info about addy:
she’s originally from chicago, born and raised
has two younger brothers who are seven and ten years younger than her from her mother’s second marriage to her step-father
she never got along with her step-father though she really loves her brothers
when she was 23 she got into the bar business and started out as a bartender after trying to go to college and study to become a teacher but realising she hated it. one of her best friends at the time got her the job.
she got into the business quick and realised that she loved the job
when she was 25 she had an affair with the bar manager at her current job, though, and when his wife found out, he fired her. heartbroken bc she kind of had feelings for the guy but mostly heartbroken bc she lost her job, she packed up and moved to new york.
she worked as a bartender for a few months in new york before she ended up getting the bar manager job there and she realised that she loved being in control of it all and managing things.
but just after she turned 27, her old manager and the man she had an affair with in chicago turned up at the bar looking for her – he and his wife had divorced and he wanted her back.
hearing from a friend that a bar in wintergreen needed a manager, addy packed up her stuff and moved to wintergreen to start her career over and hoped that her manager wouldn’t follow her.
now she’s living in wintergreen and working as a bar manager and she loves it. she learnt to snowboard when she arrived so she’d have a hobby and turns out she’s a big fan of it, too.
but she’s also always ready to pack up and move again if he shows up.
she doesn’t really know why she wants to keep moving around because she did like him, but it just feels like the right thing to do, so she does it
overall, she’s a very friendly person. loves being around people, loves hanging out at the bar. even if she’s not supposed to be there working she’ll probably still be there hanging out and chilling.
but even though she’s very friendly and happy, she can be a bit blunt and ignorant of peoples problems; people have called her selfish before, but she calls it self preservation.
she’s 100% a slytherin.
she used to be a hopeless romantic but now she’s not so sure.
also, if they’re human & breathing, she’ll probably love ‘em straight away. big flirt.
here’s some ideas for plots that i had while writing this:
obviously the biggest one would be her ex/manager from chicago. if anyone wants to pick up another character, he’s probably followed her to wintergreen and wants to get her back. and then we can plot if there’s still feelings there or anything!! but lots of angst and drama ofc.
a total partner in crime/bestie – someone she met when she moved here and just clicked straight away. they hang out a lot, talk shit about people a lot and probably cause more trouble than they should. but they’re also 100% there for one another whenever they need to be.
someone she sees at the bar all the time and is kind of friends with. they’re not besties, but they’re more than just acquaintances. they know a lot about each others lives, though, bc they always end up hanging out and chatting about random stuff at the bar.
to cause ~drama~ maybe someone new that she met on the mountain and has feelings for, but she’s totally torn bc of what happened with the affair and also bc she doesn’t wanna get attached but like, this person is totally fine and she kinda wants to go for it. and if her ex shows up, even more drama.
friends with benefits, bc why not?
someone that’s a good influence on her because she no doubt needs it in her life.
and vice versa: someone that she’s a bad influence on.
okay, that’s all i’ve got so far but pls hmu if you wanna plot with addy or we can brainstorm other stuff. i’m thrilled to get started & you all seem super lovely so let’s do this!!
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