#but the first submission had the youtube link as the link so that is the photo i used haha
gothlisteningclub · 2 months
#14 Lycia - Cold
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"Cold (1996) is the fifth studio album released by darkwave band Lycia. A dreamy, ambient album perfect for listening to on a still-dark winter morning. Track six, Drifting, is my favorite ^_^"
"Ethereal wave is an underrated genre in the current goth scene and this band is a perfect example of it. Sort of resembles shoegaze with all the layered sound. Great for a contemplative night walk (or background music for your Vampire the Masquerade campaign)"
listening links: youtube / bandcamp / spotify / apple music
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zelphin124 · 5 months
Please keep in mind everyone did AMAZING! IT WAS SO HARD TO CHOOSE MY GOSH- I'm posting it early because I had spare time on my hands to look the challenge over.
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I threw this together with some bases in IBIS paint in like five min don't hurt me-
✨Third Place✨
✨Second Place✨
✨✨First Place✨✨
There were very few submissions with the writing section, so this won't continue next year.
Submission links are below!
Voice Actors
✨Third Place✨
✨Second Place✨
✨✨First Place✨✨
There were also very few submissions to the Voice Acting session, so this will not continue next year.
✨Third Place✨
✨Second Place✨
PrinceTal on YouTube, @crossuusan!
✨✨First Place✨✨
Honorable Mentions
I had so many entries for the art section! It was a hard decision! Due to this, all the honorable mentions will receive a free short story of their choice from me!
Submission Links
Artale07 → comic
Cakesmelons → Summer Sans
Itsroxannex -> Spring Sans
PrinceTal → Animation/Human Season Sanses
Tuxibirdie → Summer Sans
Yayany → Spring Sans
ZeFanatic14 → Summer Sans
Zucchiyeni → Autumn Sans
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We've had 16 years of our best girl! She's brought the world, and this community, together with the wonderful songs created using her. There's been a lot of amazing melodies brought to us with the help of Miku, so let's see what you guys' favorites were!
After fighting neck and neck all day, Melt by ryo (22.9%) won out against Miracle Paint by OSTER project! (niconico link)
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There were several in first place throughout the day, but in the end, the winner was Love is War by... well, also ryo (18.8%), who also took second place with World is Mine! (niconico link)
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wowaka's first entry and first win with Two-Faced Lovers (39.6%)! (youtube link)
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With a landslide second victory, Rolling Girl by wowaka (55.7%) takes the 2010 slot! (youtube link)
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The third victory in a row, wowaka takes 2011 with Unhappy Refrain (22.9%)! (youtube link)
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Pinocchio-P takes the win with his first entry, Common World Domination (35.1%)! (youtube link)
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The 2013 slot is taken by Aishite Aishite Aishite by kikuo (23.9%)! (youtube link)
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Patchwork Staccato by toa was close all day, but didn't manage to overtake Hibikase by Giga (24.6%)! (youtube link)
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Keeping the lead all day, Alien Alien by NayutalieN (31.4%) wins the 2015 poll! (youtube link)
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With a heavy lead, Ghost Rule by DECO*27 (30.4%) takes 2016! (youtube link)
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wowaka's brief comeback to the vocaloid community brings him another win with Unknown Mother Goose (33.1%)! (youtube link)
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Mikito-P snags a win with Ghost Girl (Shoujo Rei) (26.4%)! (youtube link)
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With more a third of the total votes, syudou takes 2019 with Bitter Choco Decoration (36.6%)! (youtube link)
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In an unprecedented twist... 2020 saw a 3-way tie! With 15.8% of the votes each, Digital Girl by Kira, Darling Dance by Kairiki bear, and Because You're Here by PinocchioP all take the win, with Jackpot Sad Girl by syudou just one vote behind! (Digital Girl youtube link) (Darling Dance youtube link) (Because You're Here youtube link)
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PinocchioP songs duked it out, with Non-Breath Oblige and God-ish neck and neck all day (as well as Undercover by DECO*27), but in the end Non-Breath Oblige (23.9%) was the winner! (youtube link)
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PinocchioP takes his third win in a row with a quarter of the votes on Reincarnation Apple (25%)! (youtube link)
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And in our last poll, for the current year, DECO*27 and PinocchioP both snag another win with (Not) a Devil (33%)! A fitting win, I'd say, being such a wonderful showcase of how different producers use Miku in different ways! (youtube link)
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Some other information and stats:
(If I counted correctly) PinocchioP received the most total unique song submissions at 15, with DECO*27 right behind at 13!
wowaka's Rolling Girl received the most total submissions!
PinocchioP received the most wins at 5 - unsurprisingly when you consider that PinocchioP won the producer poll a few months ago!
DECO*27's Ghost Rule received the most total votes on any poll! (30.1% of 184 votes = 56 votes)
Propaganda by Crusher was the first non-Japanese song to get submitted. Digital Girl was the only non-Japanese song to receive a win
Annnd... if anyone's curious, my votes were:
Miracle Paint by OSTER project
Love is War by ryo
Romeo and Cinderella by doriko
Rolling Girl by wowaka
Senbonzakura by WhiteFlame
This is the Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee by Utata-P
Self-Inflicted Achromatic by nekobolo (it was so hard choosing between that and Fakery Tale)
Sea Lily Deep Sea Tale by n-buna (also very difficult choosing for that year)
My R by Kurage-P
Ghost Rule by DECO*27
Hibana by DECO*27 (also a difficult year to pick)
Garando by Picon
Psychogram by DECO*27 (I really like deco niina-san, okay)
Cynical Night Plan by Ayase (another difficult year)
God-ish by PinocchioP
Hollow (Utsuru o Aogu) by Choisauce (which I thought would receive more votes....)
(Not) a Devil by DECO*27 and PinocchioP
I hope you all enjoyed, and once again, Happy Birthday to our girl!
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FNAF Dashboard Simulator Pt 2 (because yall ate up the first one)
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🦚 the-skrungly Follow
Guys be honest. How many of y'all became engineers or furries after visiting the Freddy Fazbear Mega Pizzaplex.
🐺 weremy-jeremy Follow
...OMG is that why I became a furry?!
🦊 toy_foxy_4vr Follow
I'm a furry AND an engineer. checkmate
🐅 Furry-Heritage-Posts Follow
Official Furry Heritage Post
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⬜️ da-mechanic-deactivated03132024
I don't have. a reddit but I wanted to do this so. I'm a mechanic at the Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex. AMA
🐊 monty-gater-notice-me Follow
do they let you fuck the animatronics
⬜️ da-mechanic-deactivated0313202
AMA over guys
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🌔 eldest_daughter_syndrome Follow
Guys I went to pick my brother up from the pizzaplex daycare and the security guard was so mean. but she was hot and had rainbow hair
🎳 bunny-bowl
Diversity win! Rude security guard is queer!
🌔 eldest_daughter_syndrome Follow
Bad news guys. She doesn't have rainbow hair anymore. too scared to ask what happened
🎳 bunny-bowl
Diversity loss!
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📙 crackshipper34 Follow
guys do you think fredbear and springbonnie ever,,,, you know,,,,
🟠 glop-shitto Follow
wtf no eww! Why do you always do this?! They're mechanical animal mascots without feelings!
🔮 sleegy_deeby Follow
actually they did kiss and here's the proof: https://youtu.be/O7I-UTvo_80?si=4qjh3zye4o153QsM
🌇 ness-and-ness
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🐺 weremy-jeremy Follow
unironically why are fazbear animatronic fanartists literally so good at what they do. youre drawing robot animals
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📸 Wire-Monster-Heritage-Posts Follow
Guys, as we all know, my blog has been on hiatus ever since the Wire Monster disappeared back in 2023. However, I've been getting a lot of submissions lately about possible Wire Monster sightings at the Freddy Fazbear Mega Pizzaplex. We're so back!!!
🐰 springbonnie-and-friends
omg what? isnt the wire monster a dead meme?
🕶️ cryptid_hunter Follow
then the meme is back baybee!
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🎼 classicalmusic1 Follow
friendly reminder that y'all need to be WATCHING YOUR KIDS at the pizzaplex guys. literally caught the rabbit animatronic trying to lead some kids into the back rooms
🎳 bunny-bowl
girl what rabbit animatronic? bonnie was decommissioned
💽 foundfootagelvr3
oh my god. please tell me what i think is happening is not happening
🎩 f-bears-family-diner Follow
its happening again.
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🐇 bonnie_lvr Follow
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🌉 floor-bot Follow
dude, you are down BAD
🚀 golf_is_for-nerds Follow
🎇 slaymechanic Follow
@golf_is_for_nerds oh my god thats so cruel and insensitive to be making jokes about that. I heard that even the newest animatronics are still super dangerous!
🌻 farmgurl1 Follow
Didn't Jerma say he was going to go to the Mega Pizzaplex for a stream? When is that going to happen?
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🧩 matlabpat
Guys I've been researching the history of the Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex... and I think I might have a theory... should I make a youtube video about it?
#fazbear theory #mattheory
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reminder that these are unreality! also i see yall commenting on the video that i linked in the last post. im still going to leave yall mystery links but i didnt make any of the videos i linked so youre gonna be confusing random people 😭 so be nice to them or dont do that. and i hope that poll made yall distraught
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queerlilchinchin · 5 months
Chinchin's WiYS Stream Official Post
This is the official post announcing my Write in Your Style writing stream.
Hello, everyone! Welcome and thank you for your interest in my Write in Your style writing stream.
Stream Description:
To start off, let me describe to you what I envision this stream to look like. Twice a month (every 1st and 3rd Tuesday), I will be getting on my writing streams. Probably somewhere around noon Pacific Standard Time. I will be starting the streams with that stream's strip of writing, then I will read the last stream's submissions.
Of course, I've got to start somewhere, so the first stream will be announcing the start of the streams as well as giving the first prompt. I will be doing livestreaming on twitch, which will then be downloaded and posted on youtube and tik tok. You are welcome to join me on my livestreams. I will open the stream up to questions at the end. It can be questions about the prompt or the concept or whatever else pertaining to the streams.
How to submit writing:
I will likely be making a new blog for it, though I already have a lot of blogs. This blog will be mostly for asking questions about the streams and gaining more interest in them. You may also submit here if you don't wish to e-mail yours to me, which will be the other way. Any submissions left via comments will not be used simply because I don't want to make it easier for others to steal your writing or risk anything like that.
Stream Start Date:
The streams will officially start beginning of December, so the 5th will be the first stream (unless something happens to prevent it starting on time).
Days of the week that the streams occur may change due to my life circumstances being kind of up in the air right now. I'm looking for new work, so my days off may change.
How writing works:
I've had some questions about how exactly the writing part will work and how long you all will have to write. As the streams are bi-weekly, you will have nearly 2 weeks to submit your writing. They will be short pieces of writing, so it shouldn't take terribly long to finish them.
For now, it will only be my original writing that will be used, but as time goes on, I may open up the streams to other writers who wish to also submit their own writing for the original writing for others to rewrite in their own styles.
You may write them however you wish to. It just has to be the same story as the original put in your own way (don't turn a romance about a valkyrie and a demigoddess into a horror about the two characters). You're just recreating the writing, just like draw in your style.
Who can write:
Absolutely anyone is more than welcome to write. I will be reading your submissions for now, but as I figure out the features of streaming, I may open up the floor to writers reading their own writing if they wish. I will also be giving credit in any form you wish (if you just want your name or your tumblr blog or your Wattpad/AO3 accounts linked).
Stream Account Links:
Gotta link you guys to the accounts that will be posting the streams!
Ending Statements
WiYS streams are really a way to showcase and remind writers that we all have our own style of writing, even if it seems like you don't. You are capable of taking a story that was already written and make it your own (not that I'm encouraging copying, but you know what I mean... hopefully). Being a writer can be really disheartening sometimes, especially when you feel like your ideas aren't original, but sometimes the most unoriginal ideas can be home to the most incredible stories. Cliches are/were popular for a reason. Tropes become tropes for a reason. People love what they love and if they love the thing that you are making that is so "unoriginal," they will love your writing.
Don't forget that originality is not synonymous to good. Or creative. You can write something "trite" and make it incredible. I hope that this new stream will remind writers of that. :)
Thank you for your time and if you have questions, please feel free to send them to @queerlilchinchin.
WiYS "tag me to everything" taglist: @nerd-in-distress, @jvten, @steh-lar-uh-nuhs (fyi, tumblr won't let me tag your other blog or I would have), @aether-wasteland-s, @mjrino, @cheezyratz, @accountusername, @perasperaadastrawriting, @mrblazeflappybird, @forthesanityofstorytellers, @mangofen, @bigwipscholar, @pluttskutt, @doublegoblin, @crazytechpersonzreal, @sitiart, @ashesinthewritten, @achildweanedonpoison6, @quotidian-oblivion, @world-of-my-imagination, @marmeegle, @alesseia
WiYS "tag me to important stuff" taglist: @distortedwhite, @lyssentome, @ah0yh0y, @grollow, @perlen-gold, @saltysupercomputer, @vshushmshu, @lordkingsmith, @gummybugg, @quisyop, @enne-uni, @cometkov, @shado48, @cryscal, @mary-is-writing, @elizababie, @squintclover, @schmem14, @foursixtwonineoh-pieces-of-lego, @wakkoroni
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Have you known that a ship exists, but you have never thought of it that much until one day you realize you ship it and you don't know how it happened? Or have you thought that a ship wouldn't work but then somehow were convinced otherwise? Or you didn't know about a ship and suddenly said ship is everywhere and you can't help but fall in love with it? Well, then this contest is for you!
Shipping is a very funny part of any media! There are ships and ships, some cannon you love or hate, some no-cannon that you wish they had ended up together... and ships you don't know how you ended up shipping.
Really, there are ships you don't know how you ended up shipping! One day you are chill, happy with your life, and the next you are obsessing with a ship you might not even have known that it existed. In fact, that has happened to me twice just this year, so I decided to create a contest for those ships!
Please, be respectful to everyone. Don't be rude to someone just because you don't like the ship or be mean in the tags or reblogs. Let everyone enjoy what they enjoy.
Propaganda is allowed and encouraged as long as you follow the first rule!
You can submit any ship you want, however, because I am not very familiar with a lot of media, I will ask you to please refrain from submitting any ship that you think might cause controversy or if they come from a very controversial media (like Harry Potter or South Park). You will be helping me a lot if you do this!
There are three exceptions to the above rule is that you CAN'T submit an illegal ship, nothing that features an adult with an underage. These ships will be instantly banned.
Also, for this contest, I will not accept OC's as part of the ship.
And last but not least, nothing that features real people. Singers, actors, youtubers, streamers, NO-ONE of flesh and meat.
The ship doesn't have to be cannon, they might not even interact in cannon, who cares? As long as you don't know how you ended up shipping them, then you can submit it! You can even submit characters from different media!
You can submit as many ships as you want but don't submit the same ship twice. Number of entries will not have that much of an influence in deciding if a ship enters or not.
Instead, I added a question for you to tell how you realized you shipped this. It can be anything! You didn't know about the ship but one day you saw a cute fanart of them and OMG they are adorable together; you didn't think of them as a couple but someone convinced you that they are pretty cute together and know you are ready to sink with the ship; or you know that the ship isn't that good in the story they are from, but my god, how could you not ship them?
This is not mandatory, of course, but the funniest and most interesting stories will have a better chance of entering the tournament.
Most important rule... have fun!
Here is the submission link for anyone interested:
They will close on Sunday June 4 at ECT time/GMT-5. If there are too many submission I will close earlier.
Some blogs that have inspired me are @controversial-blorbo-bracket, @weirdass-shiptournament, @guess-that-ship, @found-family-tournament, @died-but-not-dead-tournament and many more! Thank you for bringing joy with your polls!
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telomeke · 6 months
Current Tag Game
Tagged by @colourme-feral in this post – thanks dearie! 💖
Current time: 9:59am (when I started this! it's now much later but I'm not gonna re-write...).
Current activity: Had a work deadline last night so tidying up the aftermath (deleting unwanted files, etc.).
Currently thinking about: How the project submission for work went. Annoyed that I skipped gym this morning just in case there were last minute changes to the project submission and we'd have to re-submit today; but now that's not needed I'm missing legs day. Also thinking about munching on something extra because breakfast was too light (hardboiled eggs, grapes and blueberries – all originally meant as a post-swim snack, re-purposed to become breakfast since gym was canceled). Maybe fry up an omelet and sausages, or grill some salmon? 😋 Or shall I just munch on some creamy Whittaker's milk chocolate since lunch will be soon and anything heavier might spoil it? 🤔  
Current favorite song: I don't know if they qualify as favorites, but songs will enter my brainspace and then swirl around in there for a while, refusing to leave. So I'm constantly listening to them (on YouTube, not Spotify; don't have a smartphone) and/or singing along in an effort to exorcise the earworm. At the moment the playlist in my head is:
I Don't Think That I Like Her Anymore (Charlie Puth)  Charlie constantly amazes me with his superhuman ability to churn out catchy melodic turns and unusual aural takes on percussion sounds for his backing rhythms (e.g., the light switch in Light Switch). This song continues with his quirky stylings, and I'm loving the pounding bass coming in to frame the heavyweight sock-it-ta-ya message of the song's chorus after the light plaintive vocals of the introductory and intervening verses. The second (melodic) line of the chorus ("Cause they're all the same") is so simple and yet so perfectly fitting after the bold hook of the first line – I find myself asking each time I hear it how could anything else ever fit better? And then it builds and builds to a big finish, at the end of each chorus and also at the end of the song – that key change from B Major to C# Major is quite a genius step, retro yet so fresh. (But still... C sharp? 👀 OK if your electronic thingamajig can auto-transpose but hell on a trad keyboard.) I know this song is from a year ago but I'm not simply wallowing in nostalgia (oh all right, so yes I am a bit) – there is nonetheless a BL connection that first got me hooked on this. The cast of my current fave I Feel You Linger in the Air did their own take on the TikTok Kpop dance challenge of this song (linked here, with other TikToks here) and they're just so cute dancing along. Nonkul attempts a little elbow jab in homage to the original choreo, while Bright gives up after a couple of bars and just goes on doing alternating wrist twirls like those you sometimes see in Southeast Asian dance… 🤣 Alee and Tian seem like they're having fun, as does Attila, but who knew Khun Robert could actually look this good, all goofy and charming when he smiles doing a silly little jig?
All I Want for Christmas is You (Mariah Carey)  Ever since Ms. Mariah broke her icy containment after Halloween (see this video here 😂) I've been singing along, getting in the mood for carols, fruitcake and Christmas decorations because it reminds me of time spent with (departed) family. Happy because those are happy times worth recalling, but also bittersweet because those loved ones are no longer around.
One of Your Girls (Troye Sivan)  While I tend to feel a pinch of resentment whenever Aussies of European origin seem to get opportunities in the West more easily than non-white people do, I have to remind myself it's the system and not the talent that is at fault. So credit where credit is due and I'm a fan of what Troye has done with this and his earlier releases (like his video with PP Krit 😃😍). One of Your Girls is just so beautiful and languid as it teases with its message, and consistently Troye is breathtakingly beautiful and languid in the video, teasing us with an offering of the forbidden. I'm feeling things I never thought I would. 😮 The choreography is pretty daring too. (Especially that crotch flare – where did they tuck the dangly bits? I'm wincing as I watch.) Also shout-out to all the different representation with the models. 😍
Then I'm Gonna Give You Up (Rick Astley)  This is Rick Astley spoofing Rick Astley (more explanation linked here) and just so funny. Especially since the original song is already iconic on Tumblr.
Fast Car (Luke Combs)  Another nostalgia trip, this is an absolutely stellar rendition of the already phenomenal original by Tracy Chapman. Almost like Marc Cohn's Walking in Memphis with its sense of urgency and of bottled emotions about to explode, maybe just a shade less of Marc's full-throated growl in Luke's voice, but earthshaking nonetheless. In these 21st century times (and in my corner of the world where BL and queer rep cross my dash all the time) I love that Luke (a married man with a wife and two kids, looking for all we know like the straightest of the hets) didn't change Tracy's line "So I work in the market as a checkout girl", paying homage to the original and smashing at the gender-obsessives everywhere in a quietly powerful way.
Currently reading: My language study textbooks; not much time for anything else though I do miss having a good work of fiction to keep me company whenever the slate of Thai drama dips in quality.
Currently watching: I Feel You Linger in the Air – a really impressive work, solidly-grounded in its universe with overhanging familial, social and political intrigue that threatens to overshadow (but never really does) the chemistry between Khun Yai and Jom.
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I've fallen in hard love with this and just hope that Tee Bundit will display the wisdom associated with his name (for those as linguistically-obsessed as I am, Bundit is the homologue for pundit in English, pandit in Hindi and pendita in Malay) and wrap up the finale with more finesse than he has done on his other shows. (Something tells me though that the sense of foreboding you get while watching IFYLITA is partly due to the dread that Tee is going to rush and stumble through the last bits, leaving viewers less than satisfied with the ending like he did with Lovely Writer, Hidden Agenda and Step by Step.) However this goes, I'm a new fan of Nonkul and Bright's acting, and can't wait to see more of them.
As to what else I'm watching – I'm still trying to finish Only Friends, if only to be able to say that I've finally watched a Jojo show all the way to the end. It's not for me, though it has some moments that shine (like Neo's performance, and all the shirtless scenes) but I struggle to find anything that satisfies on a more cerebral level. I'm not opposed to sensuality and messy drama being foregrounded over more intellectual underpinnings (all hail KinnPorsche) but for me it doesn't go earthy and raw enough to make up for whatever else it doesn't do.
Current favorite character: Pat and Pran from Bad Buddy will always be on this list, but because I'm currently enjoying IFYLITA I'm sure I've been visited by Por Jom, Khun Yai, Khun Ueangphueng, Ba Prik, Ming and Khun James in my dreams lately (and also a certain racing piglet 🤣).
Current WIP: All in my head, but I have a final wrap-up post on Bad Buddy locations percolating, as well as one on the graphics in the show (that give us hints of Pat and Pran's interior worlds).
Tagging names I've seen more than once cross my dash and/or notes:
@neuroticbookworm @airenyah @alexis-mika @belladonna-and-the-sweetpeas @wen-kexing-apologist @twig-tea @pandasmagorica @respectthepetty @dribs-and-drabbles @waitmyturtles @dimplesandfierceeyes @writerwithoutsound @bengiyo @grapejuicegay @lamonnaie @lurkingshan @callipigio @italianpersonwithashippersheart @recentadultburnout @kattahj @theheightofdishonor @fiddlepickdouglas @dc-alves @brazilian-whalien52 @slayerkitty @silvercrystal1 @dudeyuri @ranchthoughts @suni-san @chawarin-panich @lurkingteapot @solitaryandwandering
and anyone else who'd like to play. 😍 Apologies if you've already been tagged; point me to your post if so! And apologies if I've forgotten to mention anyone; if I follow or if you follow me please know you are loved and do play along if you wish! 💖
Also a special tag carved out for the lovely @visualtaehyun as a part-apology; you've tagged me before on a couple of other games and I wrote out about half of my replies – but then work deadlines became urgent and got in the way. Ruefully I had to abandon those posts (especially since they're now weeks out of date). So this is my way of saying thanks for tagging me on those tag games, sorry for not replying, and I hope you'll play along with this one because I love getting to know like-minded people on Tumblr! 💖
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hot-take-tournament · 9 months
ngl kind of breaks my heart to see you used one of those ai bot things after the entire vocaloid debate. i really don't like that you did that and i'm a little disappointed. can you please not do that again?
I know - I do need to address this before anything else, because I fucked up
Please read the whole thing
If any of you don't know the context of this ask;
Basically, a while back I used the program AI Dungeon to generate a hot take for fun;
That's the program they use for those chaotic AI videos you find on youtube, like the ai ace attorney clown case and the sonic destruction scripts, which has some absolutely wild moments like these
I just put in a couple one-sentence questions to see what it would give me, not really expecting anything. But the take it did finally give me was not only completely depraved, but also felt like such a weirdly personal attack on me specifically that it left me genuinely speechless.
So, even though I didn't originally intend to do this, I decided to secretly make a poll for it claiming it was a submission, because I thought it might be fun to see if you guys could guess which one of the polls was the fake one, Blade Runner style.
I generated the take on the same day that submissions originally closed, but I only came clean about it last night because I started to feel super guilty about it after reading the vocaloid discourse - but the way I did it was vague, shitty and insincere.
I know it was 4 in the morning and I said I was going to get some sleep when I made the post last night, but after I saw the asks I immediately got about that post - like this one - I instead deleted it after like 2 minutes and spent the next 4-5 hours scouring the internet for as much information about this as I could find so I could get the full picture. This isn't the first time I fucked up on this blog because I didn't do my research, so I think I massively overcompensated - I really didn't want a repeat of that time the master post accidentally triggered multiple people's OCD; I still feel awful about that.
And as a result, I ended up passing out on my bathroom floor, which is why you haven't heard from me in a while.
I did genuinely read all the vocaloid discourse (asks, replies, notes, all of it) - but since I pulled this stunt ages ago, and the secret poll is already up, it was already too late. And it was because of that vocaloid discourse that I felt like it would just make me a hypocrite if I just swept it under the rug and kept quiet while everyone else was talking about the exact same subject, so I decided to just tell you guys as soon as possible because I'd feel shitty if I didn't - but I still phrased that post in a more light-hearted way because that was what I originally intended this whole thing to be, which was definitely a mistake, and I can't apologise enough for that.
And I know I didn't clarify this in that original post, but like I said, the program I used was AI Dungeon, which was something I remembered having fun with back in 2019/2020, spending hours generating unhinged Ace Attorney cases; and I remembered I still had an account from back then when it was still free to play, even though I hadn't touched it in 4 years - and I realised I would still be able to bypass the paywall using it.
I'd also just watched those snapcube Sonic Destruction videos that I linked above and it reminded me of that. And I dug up those old AI Dungeon Ace Attorney cases that I had generated and then recreated in objection i.o. back when I was 17/18, and had been sitting on my old computer's hard drive for ever since - and they still made me smile a little. So that's how I got the impulse to do this.
And that's also why, even though I knew about the writer's strike and do fully support it, it just didn't occur to me that the AI that gave us that same insane Sonic Destruction script that I'd just watched would be one of the programs the writers were striking over - I just assumed that it was only programs like ChatGPT, that can produce coherent scripts based on the accumulated information users feed into it; because those are programs that could definitely potentially be used to replace human writers. That's something AI Dungeon can't do, because it doesn't retain user input after you shut it down.
So I just saw AI Dungeon as that goofy ass confused AI that I loved as a kid, the one that provides insanely weird responses out of the blue as it desperately tries to cobble together a narrative, and it was used in videos that I still really like. And I thought it would be fine.
That was how I justified it at the time - but in hindsight, given how much I hate other GPT programs like ChatGPT, as well as AI art and all other generated content overall, it just makes me even more of a stupid hypocrite for making an exception for this one simply because I was blinded by nostalgia, and not bothering to look it up back then like I should've done. Because at the end of the day, a GPT program is a GPT program.
SO - Here's what I found online while reading up on it last night:
Because of the outdated GPT model AI Dungeon runs on, it isn't possible from a technical standpoint for it to learn like ChatGPT does. Even though it still uses a dataset, as far as I can tell it genuinely can't add to that dataset from user input except for when it explicitly asks for feedback (rarely, it will generate two responses instead of one, and ask you to pick the best one so it can learn - but you can turn that feature off.) And while it does try to learn while you're using it, it can't carry that information over between sessions. So even if you reload the same page again, it won't retain what it learned last time.
(Here's some information I found while combing ancient reddit threads that explains this better than I can)
But even if all of that is true, it doesn't matter.
Latitude, the developers of AI Dungeon, are super fucking scummy, and you shouldn't support them.
If you want to look up all of the many, many controversies surrounding AI Dungeon, you can - but I won't link them here, because serious content warnings apply.
Do not use this program.
I really hope the anon who sent this ask - and everyone else who called me out on this - stuck around, because I am so, so grateful that you all sent these, otherwise I probably would never have known.
I deleted the post almost instantly (because like I said, it was too light-hearted), and I'm really glad I did. And I swear I won't pull this shit again.
I know a lot of you hate the fact that I did this - that original post genuinely got me blocked by more of you guys than every single one of the polls combined - which is totally fair, and I wouldn't blame any of you for doing the same now.
I really just want to move on from this - but I can't just pretend that it didn't happen.
Support the writer's strike, don't use any AI programs.
I'm really sorry about this, and the fact that I didn't take it seriously enough - like I said, I promise it won't happen again.
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not-harukal524 · 1 year
Rook Hunt’s True Nature: A Translated Theory
Hello, my name is Haru, and I’ve just joined the Twisted Wonderland fandom a couple months ago. I’ve been wandering around the internet scrounging for any content to fulfill my Twisted Wonderland needs, and stumbled across many videos from Japanese creators that introduce Twisted Wonderland theories. I hope to make this a bit of a series, but here is my first submission of a theory about Rook Hunt I translated from a video I found on YouTube. The credits for this theory go to Alai_Legends, and here is the source video. Please enjoy!
Spoilers included! Vignettes from Rook’s labwear card, Beanfest, and Halloween are included, and contents from Book 6 are also referenced.
Before delving into the theory, Alai goes through some things we know about Rook before revisiting them later to create a theory on Rook’s true nature.
Firstly, his motif is based off of ‘the hunter’ or ‘huntsman’ in Disney’s Snow White, which the Pomefiore dorm is based on. And indeed, Rook has fulfilled the role of ‘betraying’ the Queen in the VDC arc of Book 5. Everything about this so far makes Rook the cookie-cutter Pomefiore student, no?
Yet in Book 6, it is revealed that Rook Hunt was assigned to the Savanaclaw dorm when he first enrolled. Apparently, he did not care for his appearance, his hair was a mess, and even had holes in his clothes that he didn’t bother to try and fix. This is not the Rook Hunt we were initially introduced to in the story.
Next is the Hunt family, who Rook reveals to have villas all over the world, all with warp pads built in for easy transport. It is revealed that these devices need permission from each nation in order to build, so it’s a rather big deal. When asked by Epel what his family does, Rook simply says: ‘it’s a secret,’
Furthermore, it is mentioned (I believe in the Halloween event), that Rook used to have trouble expressing emotions as a child, and that theater helped to improve that part of himself, going as far to say that he had never cried tears other than pain until he saw Neige in a musical. Curiously, he also tells Sebek and Trey that he once got lost in the jungle as a child and had to survive in the wild for a month. With all of this information, gathered together, it seems there is more to Rook Hunt than what meets the eye.
Finally, we learn in events like Beansfest and Halloween that Rook can manipulate his heart rate at will, and that even when he can get away with lying when scanned by Ortho for heart rate, pulse, precipitation, and other vital signs. That is, to be very blunt, terrifying.
The Dark Mirror, whose role is to sort students into their appropriate dorm based on their soul and essence of being, had placed Rook Hunt in Savanaclaw. Yet he transferred to Pomefiore, fits into the dorm with so much ease, and even becomes the vice-housewarden despite the fact his soul and essence is that of Savanaclaw. His childhood, enrollment to NRC, and present-day image is drastically different.
It is cited even on the Rook’s wiki page’s trivia section that “‘Rook’ may be a reference to the chess piece resembling a castle, referencing the concept of royalty. It may also refer to a type of crow, itself referencing the Evil Queen's pet raven.” Alai believes that this may be a hint toward Rook being a bird-type beastman. Unlike other beastman, however, there are no clear links or signs of the animal counterpart in him, right? Here, we can refer back to Headmaster Dire Crowley, who clearly has bird-like qualities to him, but they are all represented in his accessories: his mask with a beak, cape with feathers, and rings with talons.
In fact, Rook’s sharp eyesight and great talents as a ‘hunter,’ could be attributed to that of a predatory bird. Alai even teases that perhaps in Rook’s vignette when he spots Leona sleeping from the window, it could refer to the scene in Lion King when the vultures circle over an unconscious Simba who had been banished from the Pridelands.
Additionally, we can even say that the warp pads used in the Hunt family’s villas are like devices to help ‘birds’ migrate great distances. Rook’s unique magic, I See You, could even be something beneficial for a bird-beastman, considering that he will never lose sight of a ‘destination’ he seeks. 
Another point Alai brings up is how 1) Rook is a very private individual, and does not divulge much about himself and 2) Rook’s very unique manner of speech. They theorize that maybe Rook is simply mimicking theatrical manners of speech he has witnessed in plays, much like a corvid can mimic human speech. In doing so, Rook has created the perfect persona that is equal parts quirky and somewhat pleasant while also not inviting anyone to dig around into his personal life.
We can even pursue the theory of Rook being very ‘crow-like’ by pointing out how birds of the sort like to collect sparkly things, which could mirror Rook’s admiration for beautiful things. Crows can also even play dead, which can correlate to Rook’s ability to ‘control/manipulate his heart rate.’
Finally, if one were to emphasize Rook’s skills as a hunter, Floyd could’ve easily nicknamed him ‘killer whale’ or something along those lines. Yet, he is nicknamed ‘seagull’ instead, to which Alai questions if Floyd is just somehow able to look at Rook and get ‘bird vibes’. 
There is a hypothesis that Alai comes up with in the second half of the video, which is on the basis that everything said above is correct. I believe that it is unlikely that this hypothesis is true and figure it might be too outrageous, so I haven’t yet translated it. Briefly, the theory is that Rook and his six siblings are actually the same age, have shared memories among them all, and that they are switching in and out of their role as ‘Rook Hunt’ at the NRC. Please let me know if you’d like a translation, because it is still a very interesting hypothesis to see unfold.
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wakewithgiggli · 9 months
Why I Don't Play Much On SL Much Anymore
I had two 'interesting' conversations on SL yesterday by people chatting me up for hypnoplay.
One was a guy who I had played with years ago, messaged me out of the blue and the conversation went like this:
Him: Hi, how are you.
Me: Okay, how are you?
Him: Not so good. My father died on the last day of February.
I just saw a post about trauma-dumping that made me think of this. Why would he say this to someone he hadn't talked to for years, when he saw me dressed skimpily and obviously in an environment that exists for the purposes of play. Why?
I'd just had the other conversation I'm about to talk about and had no time for this, so I told him "Why would you tell me that?" and logged off.
On to the other conversation. About a year ago, I'd played with him (MagnusSpartan), and it started badly, to be honest. He obviously had no idea how to flirt, but he met me just after I'd been in a trance machine and I was eeling submissive and suggestible (was he lurking outside trance machines to find girls in that state, I wonder?) and so I let him start to trance me.
That part actually went pretty well, I was dropping nicely, until he abruptly stopped broke the mood and the trance (after getting me nice and deep).
It's like he deliberately wanted to ruin the trance. I asked him what he was thinking of. He didn't reply so I told him not to bother talking to me again until he could explain that.
Dear reader, I'm normally pretty easygoing, forgiving of people, kind of bubbly and flirt-friendly. But here... I really wasn't pissed. Just confused, total headcsratchingly befuddled. What happened?
So, back to the present. Yesterday, he contacted me out of the blue and asked me if I'd ever used MUST. In SL, MUST is a trance system that if anyone uses it, they'll have sleep triggers (among others) - its commonly used by people who aren't hypnotists in their own right to find people who like trance and either give them a fun time, or to exploit their eagerness to be tranced for sexual purposes.
Knowing this, and remembering our last time, the conversation was brief.
Him: Have you ever used MUST.
Me: Why would I ever tell you that? I told you what had to happen before there was any chance we played again.
Him: ...
While I was waiting to see if he had a reply, I looked at his profile. he had rewritten it since last time, and included some doozies.
In a Second Life profile, there's a Picks section where you can add anything at all - descriptions, interests, links to youtube, you name it. In his links he had a bunch of things proudly declaring he was racist, transphobic, and misogynistic.
For example, after linking the classic Morgan Freeman quote claiming racism doesn't exist (for which he rightly got a lot of blowback), MagnusSpartan had this:
It's basically the same opinion I have for every "pride" bullshit:
In plain text: Do not blame me if I get angry over the fact that a biological man is posing as a woman and I flip my shit if you try to get intimate with me. I am quite straight.
That's just one example. He had blatant evidence of his transphobia and misogyny. For example, claiming that women were upset over the Roe vs Wade decision because they couldn't sleep around and use men as easily. His racism was a less blatant, but still there.
It was just after reading this profile that the person listed above made their traumadump, and I was not in the mood.
Also, MagnusSpartan had in his About page, the first thing you see when you look at someone's profile:
Let's see who I can push away next...
Step up. LOL
IM/Talk at your own risk.
lol, needless to say he is blocked now.
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fairytale-poll · 7 months
O shit I forgot to backup copy the very long propaganda for iconic Czech-German Cinderella before I sent the form, pls tell me you received it and I don't have to retype it all
That particular Cinderella had three submissions so far, one of which were very long. I'll assume it's that one and copy paste it under the cut for you to back up yours! :) Note that Tumblr automatically made the links embeds when I copy pasted it
She has so much personality. She's funny, smart, kind, has a lot of spunk, and she really does things instead of just waiting for miracles to occur. Also, she's a great rider and has a deadly aim with bow and arrow.
She finds three hazelnuts that grant her wishes by giving the clothes to do what she wants. Beautiful dresses. The prince puts a ring on her finger while she’s in her huntsman’s outfit.
I don't know how it's faring in modern day Czechia, but here in Germany, Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel is still THE (non-Disney) Cinderella adaptation and a yearly rewatch for many, despite literally turning fifty this year. It's just so fairytale and also just... good? And she hangs out in the woods and shoots with a crossbow and saves deer and gives the prince riddles and then the music aaa the music!! I guess this isn't just a submission of this version of the character but this version of the story. For those who don't know: This adaptation is based on a Czech author's retelling of the Grimm version of the story, the film was a co-production of Czechoslovakia and East Germany and it slaps so hard it gets played at least 10 times (usually more) on public german television in and around December every single year. This is not an exaggeration, you can look it up, they even make a special, official info graphic with all the air dates every year that people can (and do!) share on social media. In Germany, the main event of Christmas is the 24th, Christmas eve, and on that day they play it at least 4 times (often more) at different times of the day on different public channels (ALL of which any German with a hooked up tv has access to) so anyone who wants to watch it gets a chance to. And Aschenbrödel herself in the movie STILL holds up as a (within reasonable expectations) feminist character, she's skilled, she's smart, she's witty, she and the prince actually talk and they like each other for their personalities, like... yes, there's a couple of flaws with the movie that time has pointed out, but mostly small, background things or things you simply cannot expect a movie from 1973 to get right. It's SO well made and just plain charming, it has truly stood the test of time and I would be devastated if it weren't included. It's also my mum's favourite movie (she's from East Germany and was born in 1969 so she's had regular access to it basically all her conscious life) so we would actually usually watch it multiple times each year and even record it (first on VHS, later again on DVD) so we could rewatch it any time and yet, I literally never got tired of it. It's just good & magical & I love it. Even my brother, who usually didn't care for fairytale movies at all and would much rather play video games in his room, would come down and sit with us to watch this one, THAT'S how good and magical this movie is.
And if all that hasn't convinced you yet but you speak German, here it is on YouTube, go watch it:
(I won't provide a Czech link since I can't vouch for any of them as I don't speak czech)
Anyway, dear tournament runner: Have a pic of Aschenbrödel, in my favourite of her magically provided outfits, for the poll:
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tarot-confessions · 8 months
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This is an event with no deadline, you can participate anytime you want!
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The purpose of this event
◾ To help tarot reader connect with other tarot readers and find audience! If you are a tarot reader, feel free to submit the 'get to know your tarot reader' as written below!
◾ To make new friends in the community! We connect through similarities, and putting ourselves out there can help people get to know you! Whether you are a tarot querent or a tarot reader, you can submit the 'get to know your querent' as written below!
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General submission guidelines
◾ Answer each question below and submit through 'submission'.
◾ Keep the answer to each question no more than 3 paragraphs, to prevent the post from becoming too lengthy.
◾ You can create a post on your own blog instead of submitting it to this blog, if you prefer! I will reblog but please:
Follow the structure given below.
Make it easy to read and organized, avoid colored fonts.
Tag it with #tarotconfessioncat and mention @ me so I'll get the notification.
Do not reblog this post with your answers, it will be too long.
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Get to Know Your Tarot Reader
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1. Self-Introduction
Example: Your name or preferred nickname, other personal details like age or country, Astrology placements, MBTI and Enneagram, and other details you are comfortable with.
2. You as a reader
Talk about your reading style, or anything unique about you as a tarot reader. It can be simple things too! We just need information that allows people to get to know you as a reader.
Example: you do readings centered around the lgbtq+ community or for polyamorous people, you always give practical advice in your tarot readings, you are neurodivergent, you do a special tarot event every week, you only do sexual readings, you always try your best to make your readings aesthetically pretty, and so on! If you offer paid or exchange readings, you can mention it too.
3. A summary of your tarot journey
Example: How you started, what made you want to read tarot, how long have you been reading tarot, are you still learning tarot or what you are currently working on, etc.
4. What topics do you like doing? Why?
Example: Love and romance, future spouse, self-help, spirits and guides, career, pop culture readings, celebrity readings, etc.
5. Do you use other divination tools?
Example: Oracle decks, self-made decks, runes, pendulums, shufflemancy, stichomancy, Astrology, etc.
6. How do you handle skeptics?
Have you encountered skeptics before? Do you prefer to just avoid them instead of engaging in a discussion or argument? Any short advice about dealing with skeptics?
7. Your message to the community.
Example: Words of encouragement to other tarot readers, advice or a short tip for beginner tarot readers! Make it positive!
8. Contact links
If you are on other platforms, such as Instagram or Youtube, feel free to share the links here!
9. If you submit to this tumblr, your type of aesthetic
It can be aesthetic or colors you like! I'll find pictures to include in your submission so it will look prettier lol. You can also send your own picture/selfie to me in private message, please send 3 pictures.
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Get to Know Your Querent
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1. Self-Introduction
Example: Your name or preferred nickname, other personal details like age or country, Astrology placements, MBTI and Enneagram, and other details you are comfortable with.
2. Your hobby and interests
Besides tarot, what are you interested in? Maybe you like to make moodboard, or you are an avid fantasy reader, or you like acting and dancing. You can also include your fandoms, if you are active in any fandoms.
3. A summary of your tarot journey
How did you get into tarot, what made you first interested in it? Have you had any personal tarot readings before, was it accurate? How long have you been in the community, do you know how to read tarot or are you interested in learning to read tarot? Etc.
4. What tarot topics do you like the most? Why?
Example: Love and romance, future spouse, self-help, spirits and guides, career, pop culture readings, celebrity readings, etc.
5. Preferred style
What are your preferences when it comes to the style of the tarot reader? Do you prefer readers who are warm and poetic, do you prefer readers who are practical and blunt, do you like the readings organised, do you like it when readers mention astrology placements, etc.
6. What do you think about future prediction?
Do you believe in it? How reliant you are in future predictions? Or what do you think about the concept of fate or free will and in your opinion, how does seeking guidance from the cards influence fate?
7. Tarot readers you like
Recommend tarot readers that you follow or like! It could be on tumblr, or other platforms like Youtube, Instagram, Tiktok, etc. Please state the social media platforms. You can also explain why you like them if you want!
8. Your message to the community
Example: Words of encouragement to tarot readers, or messages to other querents. If you are searching for new friends, feel free to mention it too. Make it positive!
9. If you submit to this tumblr, your type of aesthetic
It can be aesthetic or colors you like! I'll find pictures to include in your submission so it will look prettier lol. You can also send your own picture/selfie to me in private message, please send 3 pictures.
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frenchifries · 2 years
Deltarune.com “Secret” Pages
People have already catalogued the secret pages in Google Docs (1, 2), but they’re a little scattered for my tastes, so I thought I’d try to make my own. This is a compilation of information discovered by myself and many other people, so lots of credit goes to everyone who contributed to the linked documents!
1 & 2. code & code/comments
The bottom of the sweepstakes page contains this banner...
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...which links to this “blog post” in which Noelle mentions the official Dragon Blazers website (an in-universe video game many Deltarune characters play) updating with “a bunch of weird links.” The number of links mentioned was originally lower (the first reported number seems to be 14), but increased as more pages went live on the Deltarune site, capping out at 26.
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The included audio file, midi-holiday-country.mp3, is a country-style rendition of jingle bells. In the post comments, Berdly attempts to convince Noelle to make him a mod or admin of the blog, which she rejects by alleging that her computer is bugged and the admin panel won’t work.
Berdly also complains that someone keeps prank calling him, as he has included his phone number in his username; the number was originally a static fake phone number (beginning with 555) but was at some point changed to randomize itself on every page load; it still has a 555 area code, and the number itself is one digit too long to be valid.
Jockington comments to ask if Dragon Blazers contains sports; it doesn’t.
3. icee
The sweepstakes page also displays one of three randomized banners. this one...
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...links to a page titled Have you seen him? containing a submission from Noelle as a young child (with poor spelling and grammar) in which she encountered a creepy Ice-e’s pizza box. As we know from her room in Queen’s mansion, Noelle has had something of a fixated fear of the Ice-e character, worrying that he’s real and potentially dangerous.
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The mention of Noelle’s sister at the end there is exciting! Let’s see what that links to!
4. december
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...Oh. Well, you will notice this is of course a fake 404 page. It could certainly be a reference to the fact that December is known to be missing, perhaps even trapped outside of reality/within the game’s code itself. The note “had its name changed” could also be trying to make a point that Noelle’s sister doesn’t actually go by that name anymore; After all, we’ve mostly heard her referred to as...
5. dess
This page doesn’t seem to be linked from anywhere, but its existence may be intentionally hinted at by the above page. It contains a sprite of a guitar, and the page title reads * (It’s a red guitar).
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When the guitar is clicked, a version of Lost Girl plays. The song is called findher.mp3, and was also uploaded as a short, titled decemberholiday.ogg, to the holidaygirl1225 Youtube channel (we might circle back on this in another post, as this one is going to be atrociously long).
All of this suggests that the song Lost Girl is indeed intended to be associated, at least in part, with our very own lost girl Dess Holiday, and that Dess may have played guitar. Interestingly, when Deltarune Chapter 2 is hacked so you can attempt to equip the Puppet Scarf to Noelle, she comments that it “feels like guitar strings.” Noelle is known to draw comparisons to things that remind her of her sister.
6. secretpipis
Now, let’s get back to those banners.
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This one links to a page with an image of a single pipis, which plays a crowd gasping sound effect (crowd_gasp.mp3) when clicked. the page is titled You lost! Not much else to this one.
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7. secret
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The final banner we’re looking at links to a page titled But what’s behind door number one? containing a 4x4 grid of blue cabinets.
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Clicking each cabinet opens it, accompanied by a sound effect labeled wing.mp3. Most will simply show the open empty cabinet and play a crowd groaning sound effect (crowd_ouch.mp3). The following cabinets will trigger different effects:
Row 1, Column 2: A Ralsei plush appears, accompanied by the adoring crowd_aww.mp3.
Row 2, Column 3: A pipis appears, accompanied by crowd_gasp.mp3.
Row 3, Column 4: A photo of an empty gumball machine appears, accompanied by crowd_ahh.mp3.
Row 4, Column 1: A cropped screenshot from the Wikipedia page for the website Superbad, a “web art” project from the late 90s.
Row 4, Column 3: Links to...
8. chair
This eerie page contains a picture of a chair with a cloth draped over its back.
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Clicking the chair changes the page title from But what if it could... to ...get darker than dark? and swaps the chair with a dark, undulating version of itself, accompanied by the sound effect water.mp3.
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There is also a smallish chance that clicking the chair will result in a “jumpscare” consisting of Spamton’s pixellated eyes, accompanied by the creepy laughter sound face.mp3; this jumpscare will quickly redirect to the main sweepstakes page.
9. catpetterz
Linked in the description of the “Fur-thentic Cardboard Box,” this is another blog post from Noelle in which she discusses one of her favorite games, Cat Petterz 2. The accompanying audio file is a corrupted-sounding version of the first one, midi-holiday-country.mp3, except this one is deceptively titled midi-holiday_country.mp3 – the second dash is replaced with an underscore.
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I love Noelle’s discussions of weird, vaguely unsettling video game lore and mechanics. It feels very realistic to how many games, especially older ones, have aspects that aren’t inherently outright scary, but that, especially to a young mind, can come across as creepy and disturbing. I remember having plenty of irrational fears around strange video game glitches as a kid!
The link at the end here leads us to...
10. egg
Another entry from Noelle, although it seems the black and gray pages represent her personal blog or digital journal, as opposed to the pink blog where she talks about games specifically – though the page title on these entries is still “Welcome to holidaygirl1225’s game secrets, glitches, and theories blog!” so I guess it’s all supposed to be part of the same blog. The link at the end links back to /code.
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In this post we learn that Noelle encountered a “special egg” in Cat Petterz that never hatched, made a weird sound when clicked, and “left home due to happiness” after being cared for as opposed to running away from neglect. She suspects the problem arose from having too many incompatible mods, but the fact that this page is linked from a second source – and that Noelle is certain the egg had a name despite being unable to remember what it was – suggests another possible source of said egg.
11. man
Sources say this page actually existed on the Deltarune website before the sweepstakes. I believe I remember seeing it as well, but I couldn’t tell you with 100% confidence. It mimics the strange hidden rooms in Chapters 1 and 2 in which Kris encounters the man who gives them eggs.
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The page is titled * (Behind the tree.). – yes, with a period inside and outside the parenthesis – and clicking the space above the tree links to /egg.
12. bluecircle
Continuing Noelle’s Cat Petterz 2 saga, in this post – linked from the description of the Pipis Bath Rug – Noelle recounts the time she put some “random letters and numbers” from a mysterious spam email into the game as a mod.
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When loaded, the game created a glitchy creature consisting of a single blue circle, capable of reproducing on its own until it created so many copies that the game crashed.
I wonder if Noelle’s note about how she “couldn’t explain why anyone liked it, but it was really funny to see who did XD” is meant to reflect people’s unexpected reaction to Spamton as a character 🤔
Once again, the link at the end leads back to /code.
13. kris dreemurr kriss
Let’s wrap up Noelle’s last two blog posts. They’re both marked as private, only visible to friends. This one is linked in the description for the Heart Locket. In it, Noelle recalls when she and Kris were younger and would play together at her house. Apparently Kris would sometimes play piano. The page is accompanied by an audio file called pianpian.mp3 that consists of... somewhat odd piano music.
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So it seems Kris used to play piano, though we know from interacting with the hospital piano that they seem unable to do so while under the player’s control.
14. the n3w3st g1rl g1rl
Linked from the description of the Engraved Wristwatch – and no, I’m not sure what it means that the URL is spelled like that. Here Noelle describes an incident, likely shortly after Susie joined their class, in which Susie threatened Kris and said their mom would be happier without them. Yikes!
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It’s interesting how Noelle seemingly recognizes how brutal this behavior is while still retaining her desire for Susie to push her around. Other people in other posts have already talked at length about Susie’s potential reasons for saying this stuff and how Kris might feel about it, so I won’t linger on it here.
15. d a m n y o u t e n n a
Now this is an interesting one! Linked in the description of the Spamton Engraved Wedding Ring – specifically, the text reading [It hurts! It Hurts!]. The page is titled DELETE THIS !. We’ve got a TV with a red X over it, and Spamton’s ramblings about how everything is someone’s fault, and that everyone will pay, except...
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Mike, whose name is written in black so as to blend in with the background.
Tenna, of course, likely refers to a TV antenna. Is this another character involved in the Chapter 3 Dark World and Spamton’s backstory?
Clicking on the TV changes the page to TV static and the title to YOU’RE EARLY!, accompanied by the sound effect tv_static_bad.mp3. Scrolling down this page reveals some difficult-to-read white text that says “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? YOU SHOULDN’T BE HERE!” At the bottom of the page are two clickable images, camouflaged with the background as they also consist of TV static. The upper one changes the page yet again to a blue screen, titled AREN’T YOU FORGETTING SOMETHING? When you scroll back to the top, you will find a... door?
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Which takes us to...
16. icepalace glaceir
(Yes, it’s spelled glaceir. Also for the record, the “broken image” is in fact a properly embedded image called screen.gif that intentionally mimics the old-school broken image icon.) Did I say we wrapped up Noelle’s blog posts? Sorry, I lied. It’s 2:30 in the morning where I am right now!
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Ah yes, more old childhood video game weirdness. Noelle talks about a maze in Dragon Blazers where you can get stuck if you access it without the necessary character in your party. Except, in her persistent curiosity, she found a way to a door, and was able to repeat this despite feeling like the process is different every time. Unfortunately, she could never figure out how to open that door...
17. ramb
back on the static screen, we will find that the lower clickable image takes us to a... different door. The page title is Where could this be?
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Clicking the door changes the title to Welcome to the Green Room! and we are greeted by a very pleasant looking room with some sofas, TVs, a bar (with a little Maus hanging up in it? Also swords?), and perhaps some sort of vending machine. A nice chill variant of the already quite chill Hip Shop, called greenroom.mp3. This seems like a shop area that will be in Chapter 3.
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Each door leads to a different page. The one on the left takes us to...
18. weather
Here we seem to get a sneak peek of a couple weather-based Darkners we’ll likely encounter in Chapter 3! Exciting stuff! For some reason, the title of this page is You’re the Annoying Now Dog! (a reference to the website You’re the Man Now, Dog).
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Clicking on these guys gets us a full page of them doing a little attack animation, large text that says THE WEATHER ALWAYS STICKS TOGETHER, and a variant of Rude Buster called battle_vapor.mp3.
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i feel it’s worth mentioning that the 3D text effect was achieved by duplicating, resizing, repositioning, and recoloring every line multiple times (about 30-40 times each).
19. changingroom
Back in the Green Room, the door with the star on it takes us to the “changing room,” a page titled (Private...). A pink curtain awaits, just begging to be clicked.
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Doing so cues up the “wing” sound effect again, and reveals a “Shadowman” putting on a sock. After a moment, he screams, using the aptly-titled scream.mp3.
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There is also a chance that, instead of a Shadowman, you will find a tiny spinning Lancer!
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Doing nothing will result in the curtain simply closing again, allowing you to open and close it as many times as you wish. However, you can also click on the Shadowman or Lancer before the curtain closes to go to, well, /shadowmen or /lancer! So let’s look at those.
20. shadowmen
More exciting stuff! This appears to be a preview of a Chapter 3 battle against Darkners called Shadowmen, sock-wearing cartoony gangster type characters that wield saxophones and shotguns. We get to see the Fun Gang “knock their socks off” with this cool group attack that for some reason involves wearing slick suits!
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battle_vapor.mp3 also accompanies this battle. This page is also linked from the description of the Ralsei Nurse Costume For Plush.
21. lancer
Just a lil picture of a very small round Lancer, also linked in the description of the Lancer Cookie. Shares the You’re the Annoying Now Dog! title with /weather.
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Clicking on Lancer does a similar thing as /weather as well, showing us a full page of repeating, spinning Lancers and large text that says HO HO HO! YOU JUST GOT LANCERED!!! with the same 3D text trick, accompanied by a fast-paced chiptune rendition of Lancer’s theme, called lancer-spin.mp3.
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22. tv
Okay! Back to /ramb (the Green Room)! Finally, the door on the right leads to...
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A TV, turned off. No, really, that’s all that’s on this page. I’m looking at the source code right now. It’s just this. The page title simply reads * It’s off.
23. bluebubble.rodeo
This is an odd one, as it’s not even technically hosted on deltarune.com but is its own standalone URL – which is found on the Spamton Toiler Paper. Not in the description for the toilet paper. ON the toilet paper.
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Yeah, if you zoomed in to read that and decided to type in that URL, you would be greeted by a picture of Kris and Susie in cowboy attire on a page titled Get ready for 2 minutes of mildly entertaining shoot-out action! Clicking on the image plays a whip sound effect (whip.mp3).
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24. blink
A page titled What? depciting Susie in her dark world outfit lying down asleep.
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Clicking on her will cause her to open her eyes, appearing confused. She will proceed to blink at random intervals, with each blink accompanied by blink.mp3.
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Clicking on her again will put her back to sleep.
25. sighting
A page titled SIGHTING 1997 depicting a slow zoom in on a grainy black and white photograph of a Spamton plush sitting on a toilet. Clicking anywhere on the page switches to a different photo and causes digitalroots.mp3 to start playing.
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26. dog
I... don’t know why I saved this one for last. It’s not the most exciting page. I was just trying to group things together in ways that made sense, and these last few pages sort of wound up here at the end. Sorry.
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This one is pretty straightforward. Titled HALL OF FAME, it’s linked from the description of the Championship Belt. Clicking on the image causes the Annoying Dog to appear in the picture frame, with the words BEST INU emblazoned across the plaque, and playing a triumphant variation of HEY EVERY ! simply called dog.mp3.
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So, depending on how you count up all these pages – does /code count even though it introduces the idea of the secret pages? does /code/comments count as its own page? – that brings us to 26 pages, the final number mentioned in Noelle’s original blog post.
It took me a long time to write up and format this post! I think we’re approaching the 5 hour mark. So I hope the information here is cool and interesting to everyone, and if anyone has any questions, comments, addendums, or corrections, feel free to let me know.
Oh, and if you haven’t already, be sure to check out Toby’s September status update! Some neat stuff is in there.
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cyborg-alchemist · 1 year
Hey Cy this is kind of long so come back to it when you have a spare moment.
Eight years ago I'm at a 4 year university majoring in American Sign Language interpreting. I became really good at communicating in ASL, but I was quite bad at interpreting it back into English. At the end of that particular spring semester, one of my professors spends a lecture talking about technology that benefits the Deaf. Not technology that enables the Deaf to hear (as is typically assumed), but more on technology that help the Deaf communicate despite the inability to hear: texting on cellphones, teletyping companies that make phone calls possible, webcams, and, eventually, manual prosthetics.
A one handed person can still communicate with ASL. A one armed person has more challenges to face but still very doable. Fingers are, as one can imagine, incredibly important for signed languages. He tells us about two of his past clients and what it was like to be their interpreter. Then he shows us different videos online of various prosthetics from wooden (and eventually plastic) non-moving prosthetics used for the majority of human history, and mimicking the limited mobility in one of his arms to show us how much communication could improve. We saw videos of the various stages of movable hand prosthetics that, while were not designed with ASL communication in mind, could still work in various ways to aid communication. There's so much more to mention about class that day, but by the time we came to the variety of prosthetics with movable digits (and then prehensile digits) that, on top of their intended use to provide better manual ability to those with missing limbs, hands, or fingers, could also provide better aid in communication with signed languages for those that needed it, the topic of cost came to the forefront of the conversation.
The only video that I distinctly remember from class that day, that I have now remembered off and on randomly for the last eight years, was of a particular organization taking part in a technology conference championing methods of affordable (advanced?) prosthetics that had taken place a few months prior to that class. In the video after an introduction to the company on stage they invited a 19-year-old without fingers on their left hand to demonstrate a slip-on prosthetic that the teenager themself designed with their father (despite living on opposite coasts no less). A prosthetic enabling a simple and strong grasp was strapped on and immediately functioned without extra readjustment or help from the host or the spokesperson of the demonstrating company. It was such a quick moment from attachment to function that the audience was immediately on their feet. Something that surely would cost anyone well over $20k was built at home with $50 in raw materials. At the end of the video my interpreting professor made a comment about how excited he was when he was putting together these links to come across that video, showing us how much extra information could be more easily related just by having a grasping hand with fingertips and a thumb, and how it being able to be built with consumer available tools. He moved on to other more electronically complicated prosthetics, but multiple times a year for the last eight years any time I see a robotic hand in fictional TV, or a YouTube video showing the manual dexterity in the robotics they're creating, or something like that one video of the "$120 million robotic hand controlled by thoughts" I think of that teenager walking up on stage and bringing the audience to their feet and the host having to settle them down.
I did not become an interpreter, and I've legitimately only been harassing you with my NDE jobs because you're the first welder I've come across that uses Tumblr in my 9+ years of being on this godforsaken website (if I did come across a blog who was a welder before now it was not apparent). I had no idea I had been making my submissions to the ponytailed engineer that lives rent free in my head. It's been a long time since that conference, a lot of things can happen in 8 years, do you still work with that prosthetics company at all? Considering your shop stories it doesn't sound like it. Were any of those goals of providing accessible prosthetics realized?
Oh hey! it looks like we've come full circle. Yes, that was definitely me. You're probably talking about my Intel talk? That was pretty early in my 3D printed prosthetics... career? I've always been suspicious of any device that uses over $100 in electronics... or any electronics at all, for that matter.
These days, I rarely use my prosthetics, mostly because I haven't gotten around to one strong or durable enough to use in the ironworks. I have one hand with all the fingers ripped out, for whenever I get the chance to TIG weld. all the TIG wire I've used is about the same diameter as my tendon lines.
I am... off and on in contact with e-Nable, but I've always kind of fought with them about making their designs too fiddly, not strong enough. There were some university students who were very excited to test out their heat resistant material on a new hand for me, but that hasn't moved forward.
There's a strong part of me that wants to build a simple hand out of leather and steel, that I can weld tools or simple jigs to as needed. I'm thinking something that goes all the way up my arm, possibly with a shelf for carrying shit, and basically an excavator claw on the end.
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kiscon · 2 years
KiScon Progress Report #4!
Save the dates: KiScon 2022 (entirely online): 4-6 November Deadline for zine submissions: 1 August Deadline for program booklet submissions: 1 October Deadline for goodie bag submissions: 1 October Deadline for art show / auction submissions: 1 October Deadline for vidshow submissions: 10 October Deadline for cake contest submissions: 1 November Upcoming KiScord Pub Nights: 9 July, 3 p.m. EDT 23 July, 5 p.m. EDT 13 August, 3 p.m. EDT 3 September, 5 p.m. EDT
Dear K/S friends,Greetings! July is here, and so are we with our fourth progress report! 
1. New concom member:
We are happy to welcome our new concom member, starshiplillian, who will support the team in Registrations, Logistics, and Communications. If you've been to one of our Pub Nights before, then you already know Lillian. Her bio on Conline claims that she is "several unionized lizards disguised as a functional concom member", but (while we won't dispute the unionized lizards, on the grounds of awesomeness) we can tell you that she is also the librarian of the U.S. branch of the K/S Zine Library and in the process of preparing the relaunch of this branch. You can reach her at lillian @ kiscon . org.
2. Upcoming deadline: Con Zine!
If you want to submit your fic, art, poetry, meta to the KiScon zine, here's your friendly reminder that the deadline of 1 August is soon upon us! For submissions and also any and all questions about the zine, please get in touch with our editor Carleen: kszinesubs @ gmail.com.
3. KiScon Discord (“KiScord”):
Avid readers of our newsletters might ask how many more times we will dedicate a paragraph to our KiScon Discord server. The answer is easy: as many times as necessary to get y'all to join it. It really is important that our con attendees use and are comfortable with Discord; it is not "just another social media platform", but a vital tool for the online convention.
We have a walkthrough with many screenshots (pdf) that you can download from our website. This document explains to you all the steps of creating a Discord account and joining the KiScon server. After creating your account and joining the server, don't forget to accept the #rules by clicking the emoji with the Vulcan salute – it will automagically make the various channels of the server appear. 1lostone is always happy to help you with any and all technical questions: 1lostone @ kiscon . org
Join us for one of our Pub Nights to try out Discord and enjoy the company of fellow K/S fans. We regularly announce these events in the KiScon FB group and in the KiScon Discord server.
If you had not seen the announcement in time or can't make it to this one, fear not – there are more to happen soon: 23 July, 5 p.m. EDT 13 August, 3 p.m. EDT 3 September, 5 p.m. EDT
4. Pub Night Fic and Vid Recs Pub Night #2 brought us a number of lovely links again. A big thank-you to Lillian for compiling the list! Fic: "Dawn" by Jenna Hilary Sinclair "Many Waters" by what_alchemy "A mother takes pride in her son" by nergregga "Not As Much Fun As It Sounds" by lah_mrh "Not So Gently" by plaidshirtjimkirk "Oasis" by kyliselle "Odds and Abbs" by Jenny Starr (see the Fanlore article) "Portraits" by Charlotte Frost Vids: "A Strange New Galaxy (Far, Far Away)" by VTsuion (AO3) "Fight Song" by AnnaKnitsSpock "Mind Meld" (Kirk/Spock Prime) by spookyfbi8 "Pieces" by DarlaPr0duction "Star Trek || A Thousand Years" by bellizaria "Star Trek: Hungry Eyes" by First Officer Nims "What Do You Do With A Drunken Vulcan?" slideshow vid by Kandy Fong Please check out this cool YouTube-playlist by our Discord member bobateaprincess (YT: Aphrodite Jo): SPOCK N JIM :) 💞💞 5. Art show / auction:
A virtual con means a virtual art show, but we want it to be as glorious as in person. This fandom is rich in talent and creativity, and we hope to showcase a great variety at KiScon 2022. This year's art show will be presented via a slideshow vid that will be accessible all throughout the convention weekend, much like an exhibition in the Rec Room. You can submit both digital art and traditional art (paintings, drawings/prints, but also three-dimensional artworks like sculptures, amigurumi, fibre craft, jewellery etc.); traditional artworks and physical items need to be either scanned or photographed. The show itself is purely digital and welcomes pieces from all K/S fans, not only registered con attendees. Please submit your artworks or the scans/photos of your artworks via this form. Deadline: 1 October 2022. Good-quality files in jpg or png format (300 dpi) are recommended. Please include your exact artist name and the title of your works, plus any kind of information (e.g. medium, year of creation) that you would like us to mention. The artworks do not need to have been created for the convention, but can be as old or new as they come.  If you would like to not only show your art but also offer it for sale in the auction, please make sure to tell us for each artwork you submit and include the starting bid. In the case of digital art, the winning bid will then get a very high-res file of the work (to set it apart from the version featured in the vid and auction catalogue). In the case of traditional art you will send it to the buyer in its physical form. The online format of KiScon 2022 does not make it possible for us to organise the actual exchange of money for art; it would not be feasible for us to store the physical artworks and send them across the globe to the winning bidders. This is also why we will not take any commission this year! We'll gladly help buyers and artists to keep track of all purchases and match you up with contact details, and we will keep a watchful eye on the process to ensure fairness and accountability, but each buyer is ultimately responsible for transferring the money to the artist, and each artist for making sure the artwork gets safely delivered to the buyer.  If you would like to dedicate one of your auctioned artworks or a percentage of it to this year's charity (to be voted on during the con), to the support of KiScon itself, or to Ukraine, please let us know at the time of submitting the artwork. Artworks submitted by their artists for auction will not only be in the art show vid, but also featured in an auction catalogue / gallery that will be part of the digital goodie bag each con attendee receives via Conline. Should you want to offer an artwork or item in the auction that you have not created yourself, for example something that you once bought for your collection but now would like to send to a good new home, then it will only be featured in the auction catalogue / gallery, not in the slideshow vid, as we cannot ascertain the permission of the artist. For any and all questions regarding the art show and auction, please get in touch with us at artshow @ kiscon . org. 6. Where to find information & announcements: Official website KiScon Discord server Tumblr blog Twitter Conline Facebook Group Dreamwidth If you signed up for the newsletter only recently and want to read the issues you missed, you can find the links to past newsletters on our website in the FAQ section. 7. Last but not least, we promote a fest that is dear to us: Kirk/Spock Advent Calendar 2022.
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Please feast your eyes on this GORGEOUS piece of art that Page of Wands (her Tumblr, her AO3) created as header for K/S Advent. Just look at it, ahhh!!!! You can find all the details regarding the schedule, how-to, rules here: K/S Advent Dreamwidth K/S Advent Tumblr AO3 Collection Profile for K/S Advent 2022 Signups open on 1 September 2022, 11:59 a.m. UTC.  Yours in K/S,
T’Lara and Judy
Co-chairs KiScon 2022
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taylorannnx · 1 year
This is so timely, thank you for doing this - I'm releasing my first supplement in the next couple of weeks (a loose fae market setting with fifty pregen NPCs designed to help GMs make up merchants and vendors on the fly, and almost 150 plot hooks), and I'm so nervous. Can you make any recommendations about getting the word out? I'm confident I can manage some word-of-mouth but beyond that I'm going "How DO you advertise a TTRPG thing..?" And, if it's not too cheeky: what's something you wish you knew when you first started out?
First of all, congratulations on your upcoming release! That's a lot of work. I wish you good luck with your sales!
Advertising a TTRPG
Advertising in the TTRPG space for supplements is a tricky one. You've got to get comfortable with self-promotion, which some people (myself included) find difficult.
I am by no means an expert. I'm just talking from personal experience.
For your first supplement word-of-mouth is key. I would recommend giving complimentary copies to peers and ask that they review it on their social media or research social media accounts that accept submissions and do either written or YouTube reviews.
As an example, I wrote (and was senior editor) on Encounters in the Radiant Citadel, and each writer reached out to at least three people to receive complimentary. This lead to written reviews such as this one, and the sales earned us enough attention to briefly be mentioned in this YouTube video. Contributors all posted on two social media platforms.
We all worked hard to market to our own followings, but if you don't have one you'll need to build one. Engage with others on social media. Be respectful, be genuine, and know the algorithm of the social media outlet you choose (Tumblr hashtags, Twitter link suppression, etc.)
A free preview of a couple of NPCs or quest hooks to go as an image alongside your social media promotion never hurts either.
What Do You Wish You Knew When Starting Out?
There are SO MANY THINGS I wish I knew when I started and (this may sound like a cop out) I post about them on this Tumblr. I didn't know what resources were out there to help improve the quality of my writing. I didn't know I could hire an editor for a royalty split. I didn't know how to market (tbf this one is still tricky).
Anyone can tell you how to start out. It's how to find jobs and gain the specialist knowledge (technical language, style manuals, etc.) to do well in the industry that I wish I had known.
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