#but the good guy doctor cant be seen doing that
greatghuleh · 2 years
RTD's comments about the doctor not regenerating in thirteen's outfit is such garbage and I hate it.
RTD being RTD again.
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gayestcowboy · 9 months
hey this may be a weird question so feel free to never answer but how did you go about gaining weight? you're so happy with it and i think it may be for me too but i wouldn't know the first step towards that happiness so,,
i’m gonna be so honest it just happened naturally when i went on testosterone. i didn’t drastically change my diet or exercise, if anything i ended up getting more exercise from walking all over my campus (i started t before i started college), and i definitely need to eat more than i used to, but nothing drastic. it’s just how my body reacted to having more testosterone. i didn’t expect it at all going into it, although i’m very glad it happened, but some people lose weight on hrt and some people dont have a weight change ag all, it just depends on the person. since i did literally nothing to gain weight other than hrt, and obviously i have no idea whether hrt is something you even remotely want to do, and hrt isn’t even a guarantee your weight will change at all, i cant do much other than share my own experience 😭 but i wish you luck in whatever you end up doing, and i hope you enjoy your body!
and this might be a weird answer, but if you feel comfortable, you could always try poking around in a weight gain fetish community somewhere online. it’s not really something i’m into so i can’t say whether or not anything will come from it, but i know it exists and it’s a group of people who know how to gain weight, and i’m sure some of them post about how they do it. i won’t give out any more medical advice on tumblr, and i hesitate to ask if anyone else has any advice, but i’m sure the very best thing you could do is talk to a medical professional about it, and just make sure to take good care of your body no matter how much you weigh. weight and health will never measure your worth as a person, but you should always try and take care of your body as best you can. and eat your veggies 👍
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brokenhardies · 3 months
tbh as a six fan i feel so bad for thirteen fans
bc there are a lot of thirteen fans who are willing to defend shitty writing and poor decisions bc thirteen's their favourite doctor and there's no other way to say she's their favourite bc thirteen has only been off the air for 2 years at this point. thirteen also has the bonus problem of being the first female doctor which means a lot of her criticism is clouded by misogyny and other icky incel alt right shit
meanwhile with six, a lot of his problems had the benefit of the wilderness years, big finish, the expanded universe, and even people looking back at his doctor and realising that there was some good in his episodes. a lot of his fans didnt become his fans until recently and even most of his haters are quite clear that they hate the writing decisions and not the actor himself
like until jodie gets some good material - maybe big finish? theyre doing fugitive doctor and dhawan master stuff that might improve the problems with those - a lot of thirteen fans are going to be clutching at straws and trying to figure out why they like her and how to say so in a way that won't upset the predominantly male fandom, as well as won't disagree with common and very bloody obvious criticisms of chibnalls era
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softanddreamyhours · 2 months
🌷enhypen smau recommendations🌷
these are all fem!reader, my apologies !!!! pLEASE SENF ME RECOMMENDATIONS I LIVE LAUGH LOVE SMAUS
lee heeseung
a stoners guide to starbucks (completed) - @jayflrt lee heeseung x fem!reader, fluff, strangers to lovers. this was honestly the funniest thing ive read ever, i was properly laughing out loud.
verboten (completed) - @heesbaby lee heesung x fem!reader, fluff, smut, kind of an age gap? also kind of angst? girl this had me so hot and bothered, love love love.
poison (completed) - @onlyjaeyun lee heeseung x fem!reader, angst, smut, brothers best friend. my guy this was great i love lee heeseung and i also love user onlyjaeyun
park jongseong
strictly business (completed) - @onlyjaeyun park jonseong x fem!reader, fluff, smut, ceo!jay x secretary!reader i love a man in a suit ohmygosh also if you dont follow user onlyjaeyun youre doing it wrong, writing is immaculate.
park sunghoon
cold hearts (on going) - @onlyjaeyun park sunghoon x fem!reader, fluff, smut, friends to enemies to lovers i love toxic men unfortunately and sunghoon is mean in this one. i am so invested in this story its crazy.
the pleasure principal (on going) - @moonlighthoon park sunghoon x fem!reader, crack, smut, strangers to lovers this has been such a cute and funny read so far. cant wait for the rest.
fuck christmas (completed) - @jayflrt park sunghoon x fem!reader, crack, fluff, friends to lovers a quick read, but super sweet !!!
sim jaeyun
after hours (completed) - @heesbaby rockstar!jake x fem!reader, fluff, slow burn, smut. this had me hooked man, great writing !!!!!
hybe boy (completed) - @onlyjaeyun sim jaeyun x fem!reader, fluff, smut, strangers to lovers jake is honestly so cute in this story i love him so bad.
doctors orders (completed) - @heesbaby sim jaeyun x fem!reader, angst, fluff, smut. loved the angst in this one *chefs kiss*
kim sunoo
i havent seen a single smau for my baby, if anyone has recommendations PLEASE send them to me !!!!!
UPDATE! a sunoo smau has been sent to me wooo
let my love run wild - @jaeminvore sunoo x fem!reader, fluff, down bad sunoo, kinda mean reader? i was so happy when i got this sent to me, i binged it omg i love kim sunoo he's the cutest
yang jungwon
cupids conflict (completed) - @amakumos yang jungwon x fem!reader, fluff, enemies to lovers but only one of them knows they're enemies lol this was sooooo cute
kindred (completed) - @thatfeelinwhenyou yang jungwon x fem!reader, fluff, angst, enemies to lovers i binged this story !!! it was soo good and cute and good and cuuuuttteeee
nishimura riki
joah (completed) - @jayujus nishimura riki x fem!reader, fluff, crack, enemies to lovers?? so cute, theres kind of a love triangle ? tbh this is the only fic ive ever read for niki.
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yanderemommabean · 1 month
Hey beans! Bit of an update-
This post will include mentions of abuse so, please, don't read if that will harm you in any way!
Sorry for the lack of posts lately! With how weird my school is with testing and clinicals, I've had hardly any real time to feel like I could sleep AND create. On top of that, I am still in the unfortunate position of living with my abuser, along with the rest of my family who seem to be going downhill.
While I'm hoping I can get a job to save up to move out of this state, that's going to take time, and its time I fear I don't have some nights as just the other night while bringing home groceries, I was met with my step dads gun directly in my face, and him being mad I was "Coming home late at ten at night" when it was, in fact, only 9:15 and I made myself known as I walked up the stairs.
My grandma is also a big issue, she's draining as usual but its taking more of a toll on me by the day. I no longer get food stamps either which is a reason she wants to start in on me every day I walk out of my room. The verbal abuse is one thing but she's threatening again and if I stand up for myself I'm seen as the bad guy.
My mom who used to be a person I thought I could turn to is now down a rabbit hole about "Woke" culture and now sees anyone in the LGBTQ community as brainwashers, yet when I remind her I am bisexual, she seems to backtrack a bit and say "Well no, not you, you're a good one"
She's also back into worshipping the Christian God, which I have absolutely no issue with, but she's telling me that I cant have my tarot cards or my own craft in my room like I'm some 15 year old who doesn't understand religions, and not 24 and choosing my own way in life. She keeps insisting that I pray, that I thank God, that I'm a sinner, anything to make her feel like she's scaring me into "Changing". I keep telling her she's driving a wedge between us, but it seems to be for nothing.
Every day I feel like my support net is crumbling, and I feel like this trip to save up is going to be fruitless as I don't have my own car, I have to find a way to get the doctors I need if I even get to the state I'm moving to, and so on and so on.
Any who, I'm going through a lot and can't seem to catch a break but I love you beans! I hope you're all doing good and having a wonderful day!
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
I’m just picturing ushijima messing up a serve and it accidentally hits the reader who is filling up water bottles for the team. The hall hits them right in the stomach, knocking the wind out of them. And Ushijima is just absolutely devastated. This guy cannot believe that he just served a ball into y/n, who is a “frail kitten”
You’d think he killed you, well in his eyes he practically did. Even the whole team is shell shocked because it hurts to even return on of his serves, let alone get hit in the stomach by one. A large black bruise forms quickly after the accident, making him feel even worse then before. Ushijima makes it a rule that you’re not allowed to leave the blench during their practices.
The moment the ball hit you, everything came to a stop. The bottle you were holding, drops and you do as well, curling into yourself as you hold your stomach and start crying. That's when they all come running to you.
"Y/n? Y/n, are you okay?" Semi asks while Ushijima quietly turns you over on your back. You're just groaning in pain, crying as you shake your head, and Ushjima has to pry your hands away and lift up your shirt to see your reddening stomach.
"Shit." Tendou whispered. Ushijima simply picked you up and shushed you when you whined, running out of the gymnasium to the nearest hospital, with Tendou and Semi in tow, while the rest of the team stayed behind to explain to the coach what happened.
"Nothing's broken, so that's good. However, she did have some internal bleeding on her right side. We've fixed that but she will need a lot of rest, avoid strenuous exercises for a while. She might experience shortness of breath, abdominal pain and nausea for a while, but that's okay. But if she starts bleeding from her nose, eyes, ears or there's blood in her stool, she needs to come see me immediately." The doctor told Ushijima while you slept in the room.
Soon they brought you back to the dorms and Ushijima tucked you in bed, brushing the hair out of your face as a tear finally slipped from his eye. He did this to you. You have a large bruise because Ushijima slapped the ball out of court, and it hit you.
Wait. What were you doing near the court? Didn't he tell you to stay put on the bench?
You were filling up water bottles for them, and as sweet as it was, you almost died because of him. You're lucky the ball didn't break any bone, or else Ushijima would've actually thought that he'd killed you.
This is your fault as much as its his. He told you to stay on the bench for a reason, which was so that you dont get hit by the balls. And you didn't listen! If you weren't so bruised up, Ushijima might've finally punished you, but you need to rest.
He doesn't why you don't listen to him. Don't you know that he only wants the best for you? Does he need to tie down to the bench? Put a leash on you? Cant you see-
Wait. Leash. Ushijima's seen some parents putting leashes on their unruly kids.
Maybe that's something he could look into, considering how useful it'd be when you try to get lost in the sea of people during tournaments. Hell, he could even tie your leash to the bench.
Ushijima pulled out his phone and googled "child safety harnesses".
He's not losing his frail little kitten ever again.
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bubblepopsims · 3 months
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previous- next Noah and Josiah spice
Script under the cut
[Josiah: “*groans* We need to get up..”] [Noah: “No. I am drawing the curtains. We only slept for 4 hours.. maybe. Who fucking meets at 9am?”] 2.0 [Josiah: “*chuckles* A very very anxious sister and bestfriend.”] [Noah: “Well.. *chuckles before sighing heavily* That’s cute and all.. but after our flight being delayed Mulitple times yesterday. Might I add.”] 2.1 [Noah: “I am allowed to be grumpy.”] [Josiah chuckles and crawls his way out of bed: “okay little grumpypants.”] [Noah: “Hey, where are you going?”] 2.3 [Josiah’s thoughts: “Oh look at him!] [Noah: “If it’s coffee, I want some.Please”] [Josiah’s thoughts: “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! HE IS SO FUCKING CUTE!!! FUCK ME UP!”] [Josiah: “mhmm…”] 2.4 [Josiah: “You know what? It can wait.”] 2.5 [Noah: “*chuckles* oh yeah? Once again it seems like everything is going against me. First I had to get up early, and now I am being denied coffee.. how is this benefiting me exactly?”] 2.6 [Josiah: “I’m going to show you.”] 3 [Juju: “Why did you stop it?? We were getting to the good part!”] [Izzi: “Baby, by all means watch it in your free time.. But I cant see Josiah doing anything remotely filthy *laughs* fuck god. Him even just being sexy… No.”] 4 [Izzi: That fucker is truly a brother to me. I am all for him getting it on and being in love.. but I am okay..”] [Juju: “Well. I’m curious so ill be poking and you will probably too just because you cant help yourself from not knowing.”] [Izzi: “Fuck you*laughs* Valid. Alright we can watch it later.”] Ruby and Tobias portion [Juju: “I cant..”] [Izzi: “What?”] [Juju: “WHAT do you mean WHAT?? She is not real dude.. she is squatting…. What is that like..80 pound weights plus bar..i cant read what it says on the weight for shit..”] [Izzi: “To my surprise of not being surprised… the weights says 20…yeah 40 each, plus bar.. squatting atleast over 100 including the bread that baking.. Tobias calls it a bun. *Laughs*”] [Juju: “I want ti see tis woman in the ring… Fuck WHY couldn’t you guys just sucked it the fuck up nd TALKED sooner?!?!?!!?!?!? We could have seen her DESTROOOOYYYYY!”] [Izzi: “*Laughs* don’t worry. We will see her one day.”] 1 [Ruby: “You know I find you sexy when you are annoyed with me.. you always get this “I am debating on what I am going to do with you” look in your eyes..”] [Tobias: “I am very annoyed that this little thing that you are doing right now is Turning me on, making me forget that I am annoyed at the fact you are still working your body lie you are not fucking pregnant.”] 2 [Ruby: “Tobias, did you really think I was going to stop? The Doctor has yet to tell me to stop.. Soooo until that day comes, I the future fucking Mother of your dorky cute buns will be making sure that the buns are incubated in a unbreachable stronghold which is me.”] [Tobias: “Mmmm..Unbreachable? You sure about that? Mind if I take a chance at it?”] 3 [Juju: “*chuckles* Pervert. But if you must know.. Ruby totally blue balled him.”] [Izzi: “unapologetically at best.”]
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mrgaretcarter · 1 year
Ted Lasso 3x11 thoughts
It really was very nice to see Ted around the neighborhood saying Hi to everyone again, I missed watching him be part of the community a lot throughout the season
I liked the selection of guys who went to get Nate back
I think it would’ve been nice to have seen something that indicated that shift for the team since the last time we saw them thinking about Nate was that disaster at the West Ham match but I’m also not that committed to this 😅 Maybe seeing the vote they mentioned could’ve been fun and illuminating
It felt true to Nate that he enjoyed working at the restaurant
They must’ve been late to practice waiting for 75 freaking kebabs to be ready lmao
Got a kick out of mama Lasso being the origin of the open peanut butter jar
Finding out Beard has to routinely go over to Ted’s flat to make his oven stop beeping was very fun
Had a real good time of Ted being so annoyed at his mom behaving exactly like him. The split shot where she’s heading for the stairs and he’s behind rubbing his face lmao
I cracked up at the press conference when Jamie said the goal should be scrapped from the records and “i apologize to everyone, especially the kids” lmao
Screamed at Ted’s mom being named Dorothy they are shameless
Rebecca was SO excited to meet mama Lasso it was so cute, the way she threw her arms up when Dottie dropped the “Winner winner BF Skinner” line was super adorable, it was also cute how low she had to lean in order to hug Dottie
“I can’t believe I’m finally getting to meet the woman who created one of the nicest humans I’ve ever met” was also very very cute and welcome, I would like a full detailed account of what Rebecca thinks about Ted now thanks (but also I wish that delivery had been more pointed somehow, more loaded, do you know what I mean? Not because I think it had to be, I just got shipper goggles on and that would’ve made me lose my mind.)
The way Rebecca laughed when Dottie said the thing about Ted popping out of her already asking the doctor if he needed anything made me laugh, and then how annoyed Ted was by it made me laugh even more
It’s also pretty cute that Rebecca was so delighted by mama Lasso doing the very things Ted annoyed her for originally, like, those are things she loves now because she associates them with him
Mamma Lasso charming the locker room was great
Ted and Rebecca off to the side in his office observing was also great. I love that Rebecca was delighted by mama Lasso but also aware that Ted was not having a good time (and she hit him with Oklahoma again!)
I laughed at the eyebrow hair joke cause I knew exactly what Ted meant 😂 I’ve annoyed my dad many times about this specifically
“Sometimes the truth can ruin a perfectly good story” “You should work for the daily mail” I cant explain it but this exchange delighted me, they seem so friendly and have such a good back and forth, it’s always a pleasure to seem them onscreen together, and I will never forgive them for not letting us see more of it this season
Rebecca Welton horse girl confirmed!
Ted said he didn’t eat the poop candy bar, but his mom said he did, but we know she has a tendency to embellish her stories, but Ted seemed eager to stop that one in its tracks, so what is the truth??
Trent jumping at the chance to interview Mama Lasso was funny as was her saying his hair is fabulous, real audience self insert moment
“Shouting is Roy’s love language”
I enjoyed Jamie’s boot room meltdown though it was a bit over the top lmao for a split second I thought he was gonna kiss Roy
“Will?” “Yeah” “You missed a good one” I was howling at this lmaoooooo and Will looked so disappointed too he is a nosy little bitch those boot room encounters are NOT an accident he wants that tea
I nearly started crying when Ted said “Man, this place is great, right?” Cause like is it Ted?? Is it really?? I haven’t felt that from you and why???? WHY
Again, wish we’d seen this vote about Nate coming back even more knowing Higgins was approached about it or maybe initiated it
I love that Beard and Dottie have a whole thing going on including nicknames and a theme song
Ted storming off lmaooo
On the one hand I’m very confused about R/K on the other I’m glad its confusing because it means they didn’t just skip their getting back together last week, it was just a hook up
Babs always delivers she is so funny
“Still running around in circles, making sure everybody’s okay without accepting a drop of help for himself.” Sure, but where was that this season 😅
When beard asked Dottie how she was and she didn’t wanna answer I immediately thought she was sick or something and spent the rest of the ep on edge about it
I still don’t get how we’re supposed to take Beard and Jane
Thought it was a bit much to directly quote soooo much of this be the verse
The ominous shot of Dorothy’s house spinning on the pinball machine I stg
Laughed at Ted trying to put the suitcase on the bed and his mom going not on the bed! And him having to redirect on the fly
“I’ve actually been talking to this therapist” “Oh let me guess, it’s all my fault” that was SO momcore. This scene where they talk about the panic attacks and therapy and Ted asks if she ever considered talking to someone was actually my favorite exchange between Ted and his mom in terms of the emotional stuff, that I really felt, especially when she says “And you know I love my tea” how heavy that felt and how informative it was, to me, of their relationship without overstating it
Nora telling Rebecca to stop using her jet is SUCH a fic thing I was losing my mind
Jamie not high-fiving the guy and just walking straight into his hand made me laugh
Of course Kenneth does drag
Keeley was weird in this episode but I cant say what the problem was
Everyone, and I mean everyone, at team movie night was so fun! Rebecca looked so incredibly good! She was wearing jeans!!!
Cracked up at Dani sussing out Roy and Keeley and Keeley being like we’re just friends! And Roy being like she just looks very nice!
Don’t care for the way they keep rehashing S/R 🤨
Ted saying Sleepless in Seattle is better than You’ve Got Mail is truly insane, terrible taste on the man.
Love to know Jamie has a very nice step dad and I loved his mum!
I saw people thinking it was weird that Roy kept staring at Jamie and his mum but to me it just seemed like Roy thought what he was seeing was weird
Jade grew on me, she and Babs were the only worthy additions this season (even if Jade is technically from last season)
The posters on Jamie’s wall sfdhglisfhg the ot3 is SO real this is crazy
They really gotta let Keeley speak, it feels like things have just been happening to her this entire season when will she be Keeley-fucking-Jones The Independent Woman again?
What the fuck was Roy trying to hug Jamie’s mum and blowing her a kiss and saying he loves her, was he drunk? I did not get that at all
Rebecca’s dad went to art school! Not sure why that’s exciting, but it is!
This episode made me realize how much I missed seeing more of the matches, I watched this game on the edge of my seat like it was in real time
Higgins not wanting to move and jinx it 😂 Everything with Keeley, Higgins and Rebecca on the stands is always great and fun
I wonder what Jade would report Derek for lmao I like that she got Nate fired, again, Jade really grew on me
Jamie’s “Fuck you” and “Thank you” and Ted using it later on with his mom was good, though the pep talk itself didn’t necessarily work for me
Jamie acting like a prick and taking the hazing was great, it was also great to hear Jamie Tartt dododododo again, didn’t even realize I’d missed it. Their second goal was so exciting and the ManCity crowd later cheering Jamie was emotional as were the flashes of his mum watching the game. Anyway, everything Jamie was good as it’s been for the entire season.
Unexpected to see James Tartt in rehab
I didn’t like the Pep cameo, sue me lmao
Jamie saying goodbye to all the players was great, especially him saying he’s proud of Colin
My favorite Ted moment of the episode was when he changed Beard’s mind about Nate. I liked that it was a callback to when they all laughed when first watching Nate struggling with the sign and Ted turned it around and showed Beard how cruel it was to mock someones lowest moment.
Roy/Keeley/Jamie is extremely real, and I loved Ted passing them by and the parallel to season 1 when he sees Jamie with his dad
Beard forgiving Nate was easily my favorite scene in the episode. I loved Beard and Ted’s backstory and I really really loved “And then I stole from my friend, who forgave me, and gave me a job and a life. So to honor that, I forgive you, I offer you a job, and the life part’s up to you.” That really got me and Brendan’s delivery worked so well for me, the forehead touch and the hug as well, it felt like such a genuine moment, I was very happy with it.
Ted and Dottie’s last conversation didn’t land for me, but I enjoyed Ted cursing lmao and I liked “Sometimes you lose, sometime you win, but most of the time you just tie.”
I knew from filming that Bex would show up on Rebecca’s doorstep but Ms. Kakes was a surprise and I’m already SO excited about where this is going, I hope Rupert gets so fucked especially after I had so many issues with how he was handled last episode. Ps: I loved the sweater Rebecca was wearing in this scene.
The fact that his mom left with just a note was an interesting parallel to Sharon trying to do the same and to Deborah doing it to Rebecca
Hannah’s back looked so good in that dress
By that point I’d told myself a truth bomb wasn’t gonna happen and gasped when we saw Rebecca in his office even though I knew full well she didn’t have any truths to bomb him with
It’s so funny that she had this on her calendar or whatever, like yeah she had nothing but still felt the need to uphold tradition you know how it is lmao she’s ridiculous, @thesumdancekid said she should’ve told him something silly just to maintain the pattern and I agree and think that would’ve been cute
Again it is always such a pleasure to see them together onscreen no matter what they’re doing, my heart went off just from seeing them framed by that door
I swear next ep better start exactly where this one left off, I will cry real tears if we don’t get Rebecca’s immediate reaction to Ted saying he’s leaving.
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marymary-diva17 · 7 months
new life with her (2)
captain Rex x reader
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It has been two years since you and rex had left the republic had started a new life on neutral planet away from the war. It was a struggle at first but soon life had become good for the both of you, rex had been able to get a identity he kept his name but was no longer seen as clone trapper but a citizen of the galaxy. You were able to change you life as well starting over and finding new happiness. Now the couple had reach a new milestone and year in their lives, since they arrived here they kept in contact with ashoka to hear how everything was going even due they knew not that much has changed, Until now changed had come into the couples lives that will change everything forever.
Rex " ........" rex had never been this worry and nervous in his life then he had ever been even when he was fighting in war. He was standing in hospital waiting for any news about you, and your guys unborn baby. You had become pregnant and now you were in labor rex had about you to the hospital and now was waiting for any news.
rex " I have gone into battle for most of my life and that didn't scare me as that much as this right now" rex was not allowed into the room as doctor and medical droids are attending to you.
????? " rex" rex soon looked up and saw ashoka making her way towards he had called her and it seems like he, got here right away to be supportive of the couple.
ashoka " how is she doing"
rex " I don't know the doctors haven't come out and updated me, now im nerves wrack"
ashoka " it going to be okay rex you and y/n are the most toughest people I know and you have handle everything, that has come your way and now this a new battle or mission for you to experience"
rex " thank you ashoka" soon a cry had been heard that had gotten the duo attention, they soon looked towards the door and soon a doctor came.
rex " doc"
doctor " congratulations sir the labor had went well and your wife have delivered two health babies"
rex " twins are you serious twins" a bright smile had grown on rex face when he heard the news, ashoka was happy as well with the twins.
doctor " yes sir you can go see her now family and friends can see her now and once again congratulations"
rex " thank you doc"
ashoka " well go see her" rex soon went into the room to see the medical droids are with you, they were checking up on you and the babies. They soon made way for rex so he can be near you and the twins.
rex " hello my lovely wife"
y/n " hello my husband I will like you to meet our sons"
rex " we have sons"
y/n " yes two sons healthy and strong will you like to hold one of them" rex had nodded his head he soon took one of the twins and sat down in the chair.
rex " my boys hello my boys"
y/n " it looks like we have a family of our own now"
rex " yes we do and thank you my love for give me to wonderful children" rex smiled towards you and after a while ashoka had came into the room to see the boys.
ashoka " congratulations the both of you on your twins and start of a family"
y/n " thank you ahsoka and thank you for coming it good to have friends here"
ashoka " you two have always been there for me and now I'm here for you two"
rex " what should we name them"
ashoka " I say we should chose a R name so they can match with you"
rex " what about this one here Rowan and his brother Ryder"
ashoka " those are wonderful names welcome to the galaxy town and Ryder, cant wait to see what you two will be in the future"
y/n " I think they will be amazing and follow in their father footsteps"
rex " maybe your footsteps but whatever they do we will be proud of them" ashoka couldn't stay for long as the jedi council and anakin will be wondering, where she she had gone she did give a small gift for the twins and promised to come see the couple again. Later that night the couple had return to their home with their twins, rex making sure to be there for you and the twins. That day the couple had started on their journey of parenthood, as you both had become happy with your new lives here and wouldn't change it for anything.
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kendrixtermina · 5 months
Giving Doctor Who a New Chance, Part 3: The Giggle
It's nice that they're bringing back some classic villain, but I really wish they had the Toymaker butcher some other language. The gag is just not funny at all when you actually speak German
Ok, that's an illustrative montage of a mightyfine chaos
IDK what I think of this - set it up in a way that it can be reset again.
oooh, Mel is back! As a 6th Doctor fan, I appreciate this. Did not expect that. She still got that perky way of talking.
Having seen the eps he was in, slipping over a bottle of Vodka is exactly like Sabalon Glitz would die, but hey, at least he lived to a ripe old age.
Donna just landed herself a new job. I guess there's that duality in human's fluctuating confidence levels again cause she glibly asks for double but looks ecstatic that it worked
so, Donna doesn't remember in detail, but she got a rough glimpse
the guy playing the Toymaker IS pulling off the creepy clown act pretty well tho
I really liked that scene between Donna & the Doctor in the infinite cabinet with the Doctor re-evaluating his life choices.
That's another thing that's been missing, that fucking Chibnall didn't get - that the point of him, at the end of the day, is that he's just some guy. Somewhat wiser & tougher than a human, maybe, but still fundamentally just dude with wits & confidence. A trickster, a flawed person trying to do the right thing that through trickery ended up with this fearsome reputation. I used to think of RTD not getting it as much as Moffat did cause he did like overly savior-archetype-like plots sometimes whereas moffat emphasized the 'just a madman with a box' angle, but RTD gets it in this scene where we see the Doctor cringing at his past self for things he couldn't have foreseen & now he doesn't know what to do in a world that doesn't follow predictable rules
Because that's what they don't tell you about getting smarter, wiser or even just older - the price you pay for knowing better today is cringing at the awareness you used to lack. thats very real. you end up thinking you should somehow have known or done better even if you couldnt have.
there's certainly some thematic rhyming with the 'narrowmindedness-plague' afflicting the earth
Donna's dad is actually right. Good for him to be wary of the Hot Hand fallacy and its ilk. Missed a chance for an epic nerd reference
I dunno what to think about the concept of 'shift to fantasy', i wouldnt have done that & really turned more to harder & concept fanfiction, but i suppose it keeps thinks fresh without being repetitive (they cant keep destroying and un-destroying gallifrey all the time...) & the show has always been the very softest of sci-fi anyway - at leasts its set up in a way that it can be reset again or let future writers pick whatever they want. though i suppose it depends on how its done like, if possible without wholly throwing out humanist values. You can absolutely be a trickster in a fantasy story or fight crazy things with logic; Infinity train did it to great effect. I mean, the classics had far wonkier stuff like actual Vampires & whatnot.
i appreciate Donna rhyming while defeating the puppet
"jingsaw out of your history" thing imply that the timeless child thing was an in-universe retcon of sorts? Oh please. I mean I could kinda sorta accept 13 is she literally wasn't really the same character.
between this & the last episode it's pretty close anyway to the "every single backstory is true because of timey wimey ball" thing from the expanded universe fixed, on-screen canon. That I could live with. It's potentially deeply interesting that by virtue of getting tangled up in all the timelines the Doctor has in some ways been to many possible futures & possible versions of reality.
Former companions werent affected by the giggle thing cause it was a retroactive change made by the toymaker upon getting free
It's kinda sad that we'll never get to see the battle between the Master and the Toymaker because that must really have been something. Like two Jokers or Phantoms of the Opera fighting.
this is like when Q showed up on the bridge of the enterprise. Only much deadlier. I appreciate that the scene never stops feeling actually menacing.
I like how Mel also comes in to hold his hand, too, she's for realsies. (I guess this is how she makes up for making him drink all that carrot juice)
The "Alons-y" is a niftly little contrast/ bookend with 10s exit
My headcanon is that bi-generation absolutely WAS a myth, but that this is an extension of the whole breach in the logic/edge of reality storyarc being set up here, or really just the Toymaker thinking it would be fun to double them infinitely
I like how the Doctor mocks the Toymaker's fake accent with 'the ball' thing
The advantage with the ball game is, of course, that Fifteen has already seen it. He's fabulous alright.
I appreciate how they climb on each other at some point
I don't envy Kate, watching this absurd thing... humanity already got somewhat good at taking Sci-Fi threats on their own, but this they don't have context for. Maybe UNIT is gonna need a vault of magical artifacts now. I suppose you can play with that for a few seasons. Like how a contrast of fantasy & sci-fi elements worked in Madoka.
I like how Donna is casually putting her arm around 15
I guess 15 has reached that point where rather than cringe at your younger self you're able to have compassion. That's a good arc, actually.
aaand of course there's the obligatory sequel hook for the Master's return, to the surprise of no one
I like how the years with the lost memory weren't completely lost but Donna still learned something from them that allows her to send this message now
Soo Fifteen is basically taking advantage of the cartoon logic still being in effect until the end of the episode to duplicate the TARDIS. I bet it only worked because he picked the silliest possible hammer.
I appreciate how 15 makes sure to get one last Donna hug.
I do like that it kinda came down to self-love, self-compassion & knowing when to take a restorative break & all that. That's an important message these days.
So, the Nobles just deadass adopted the Doctor & Mel. Makes all the sense.
I always thought of Mel & the Doctor's dynamic as sibling-like (as opposed to Peri & the Doctor having a 'tsundere couple' energy & Ace who of course had a teacher/student thing), so I feel vindicated.
Also I appreciate how an older woman who didn't have kids but spent her life traveling & adventuring & doing what she wanted, & then ended up feeling a bit lonely because of it here simply ends up not lonely by finding friends / found family. Cause that's the fucking annoying gotcha they always hurl at you "Oh if you don't have kids & live the life you want you'll be lonely!" As if you can't have friends. Also, plenty of ppl who do have kids wind up lonely because the kids end up hating them.
I'm all for the Doctor catching a break. Very touching, honestly. & he's like actually a point where he wouldn't just run off & get side-tracked or brood on the inevitability of its end. (like he would have when spent those years with River)
Also sets an interesting background for 15 of course, as he'll be coming out of it 'fully rested', in a sense.
So, yeah, I do think I'm looking forward to what 15 will get up to. It was sort of a great way to introduce him in such a way that ppl will instantly like him for how he comforts his past self here.
It's also probably the ideal ending for Donna, cause, much like Rose & Clara she wanted to stay forever, & maybe now that she has a daughter & other responsibilities she won't want the big danger all the time, but the Unit Job & living with the Doctor in a house? That's prolly what she would have wanted.
(I wonder if they'll end up running into Martha & Mickey at her job, since Donna & Martha were buds that time they met. )
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rockintapper · 1 month
the um
te sec2ond one
ok so basically i say whar i think about rhythm heavem chatacters. starting with Tengoku brcuase why nawt
readmore ebcuase this posr long as hell!!!!! please work this time
karate joe: hi kasper the he <3 i wana hug him,
hair vegetables: what Thr fcuk
sarge: idk. attention march
squadmates: petar
air batter AIRBATTERR 💕💞💕💞💕💕💞💕💞💕💕💞💕💞💕💞💞💕💞
space umpire: perpetual smiler
the clappy trio: your sequel stinks!!!! /sillay i love your wigs
sneaky spirits: get bow and arrow'd l plud ratio /j
samurai steve: hi sage hes really cool actual6 #chilling
yokai (the thingies the samurai slices): pe uliar little cratures. up to no good
rats: thr cheese
ms. whiskers: THE FIRST CAT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!
sick beats doctor/dr. cutlery: hes vibing ong. why do you hsve an endless game
thr viruses: leav that litlle guy alone >:(!!!!!!!
yellow organism (sick beats): little guye :) dj yelo
the donpans: theyre all dating your honor
yagura-chan: spiteful luttle child i love her. may she grow up and pan
mahou tsukai: hi rocket The WIZARB!!!! magic autism
ojou-chan: flowers autism
the monster (wizard's waltz): STOP EATING MY PLANTS
pengiuns (showtime): yhe dillays i love them they deerve the worl
monkey (showtime): i just read about him. gonna make him explode now
rabbit: boing boing boing boing boing b
tram and pauline/poline: hi cheese THE FOXES the foxes ever hth foxes ever the
space gramps: i widh he was my grangpa 💔 /j
space dancers: pa-pa-pa-PUNCH! put some respect on my boys plea
q maou: AAGH. AAH. AAHHG. AG
contestant: hi 56 hes. hes jist like me frfr /hj
play-yan: hi sunny i really liek. his uh level. minigame. wharever it s called its like. really calming. unless im Going for a Perfect!
mini chounin (power caligraphy): the dancing dancers
akai mono (polyrhythm): i uh. i dont have anything about these thangs. what
urakata aki to ki (bouncy road): my children. i love them. i would Kill for th
spheroids (bouncy road): you have a page? on the rh wiki? what?
ninja and the lord (ninja no shison/ninja bodyguard): augh
toss boys: hi ninety The toss bous. they hehheeh3he hugs ao-kun
yuka: YIPPR YIPEEE YIPEE YIPEEEE YIPEEEOEIRIRJ HI T YUKAIEJEBE ^_^ totally isnt dating a tall tapper shes totally not dating a tall ta /lie
giraffe: dont fucking look at me like that
kanojo: ypure in good hands. mostly. (cant get the fast part of ninja reincarnate)
waru mono (ninja reincarnate): w,,ario?? w
cosmic girl: Rude™ (/hc). may also be the commander in amrching oerders 2,
cosmic dancers: space dancers HATE THEM! /silly
MAN-K: mN i lovr him hes so cool dud e whaha
biribiriuo (night walk 2): STOP ELECTROCUTING PLAY YAN 💔💔💔💔
usamimi maki sensei: i love the face she makes whe n i press a button too earlu/late. may also be cosmic girl
space rabbits: ive seen you in waroiware.... pets yu
buta-san (tengoku remix 7): pigy :]
barista: i hc his voice is jasmine wright's from the rh iceberg
people at the café: only (canon) black person in the entire series helooo
neko machine: meow. meow. meow.meow owah owah mah? mah? o-mah? m
honse machien: wha,
love-san: suki (cheering)
mr. upbeat: hi tomano tucking him in giving him a goodnight kiss and a glass of milk <3
mannequin; i wonder what game yoyll be in the futue
anata: hi 56 i love his goofy ass smile go girl give us everything
drum girls: wait whered they come fro
samurai drummer: no way. it Tsunk
samurai drummer's band: i did not know you existed hello??
oba-chan: protect. protect. protect.
pwner: Kill. Kill. Kill Kill. Kill. Kill. Ki
producer: who tf are you? what? wait lemme rrad about yo7 furst
im back. music autism
ok thats all the characters in rhythm tengok!!! thanks for Did yiu read all of tjis? zamn!! congrats dude /gn
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gemwolfz · 6 months
SORRY IM A BIT LATE FOR THE EPISODE REQUESTS BUT 238B. IT HAS A DINOSAUR GUY. the A part is funny too it involves giroro getting arrested
BY ZIV SUGGESTION: two of the most promising synopses ever
i will be viewing part A first of course because thats how i work
im not sure ive seen this version of the intro yet lets GO NEW KERO MARCH JUST DROPPED (<- several years old) (<- edit i have seen this intro already but only once. durr)
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arbitrarily chosen- PURURU SPOTTED HIII PURURU. giroro doesnt even fit at the thingamabobber he could fall at any moment. injustice in the court of space law
ohhh i get it this is like. like the movie. the classic movie i haven't watched. i get it
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i cant say i understood that reference necessarily but i sure do recognize it!!
PURURUUUU it would probably be nice if i had already watched her introductory episode but who give a shit pururu hiiii <3
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really good academic discussion going on on the whiteboard back there. Mfs didnt even refer to giroro by name
Keroro sir im going to fucking lose it what is your problem. has this mf just been waiting his whole life to go to court just to cause drama
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what is your problem!!!
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YOOOO THEY GOT SPACE PIZZA sorry im tired and adhdridden. Free my mans he has brain damage and should probably see a doctor. I like pururus voice btw its very normal compared to some anime girls ive met
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ykw he makes a fair point giroro seems like the kind of person to give himself brain damage out of frustration. still what is your problem
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FR9G PHONE REAL i hit image limit hang on
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cloudcountry · 5 months
Sometimes I wonder what the ikerev cast and I would have as a dynamic
There is the fact that I don't drink and neither does Jonah seemingly, unless I'm missing smth ; so I'd have a sober buddy thank god.
Lancelot would have to adjust to the presence of someone who is so similar to him that it might be disturbing on the first few interactions
Zero just sounds like a good guy. Plus he's your man so I'd probably see him around if you're around too, which I wouldn't complain about .
Blanc seems like a pleasant fella, haunted by something which is a mood. I hope he has a good day .
I'm hiding the alcohol and forcing these men into trying out a sober month though , so I'm not so sure the drunk doctor will like me (sucks to be him, I'm not letting anyone have an unchecked unhealthy relationship with alcohol)
Also idk who luka is but he seems sweet.
Hm. I honestly don't know enough about these men to write much but the ideas are funny
EHEHEHE i know right??? i cant speak of jonahs alcohol habits but i DO know that zero doesnt usually drink because he gets sleepy when he gets drunk. so he tends to avoid it unless kyle (the drunk doctor guy LMAO love how you described him like that) drags him into it. like i remember in edgars route most of the officers hang out in the kitchen and start getting drunk and zero gets ORANGE JUICE and i was like. hes so real for that i want some too.
honestly i think lance might keep an eye on you. he puts up a lot of emotional walls so it'd probably be unnerving for him to have someone who can just Understand him so easily. hes like a cat istg
Zero just sounds like a good guy. Plus he's your man so I'd probably see him around if you're around too, which I wouldn't complain about.
i have nothing to say these are the most perfect two sentences ever written <33333
he's the BEST guy. he's THE guy. he's always defending and protecting alice even if it isn't his route he's always looking out for her and he's always working so hard to make sure the people he cares for are safe and happy AAHRGARRGHHGRHGRA
blanc is absolutely haunted by something. idk what. but he is. and luka is really sweet!!! ive . only read bits and pieces of him through vio's screenshots but what i've seen is SO PRECIOUS i get the hype.
KYLE WORRIES HE WITH HOW MUCH HE DRINKS,,, especially since my family doesnt drink at all and ive never touched alcohol in my life?? like yea alcohol is okay sometimes but it seems like he drinks EVERY NIGHT which is really,,,, worrying.
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Abbott Elementary S03E07 thoughts
Melissa having a spare room baring in mind we’ve seen her house feels fake sorry - How will she have a room mate but noone look at her pictures and keep control of her kitchen. I get its gonna be for plot but i don’t buy it
I’m w ava that’s a woman who just found out she’s not pregnant - that’s a woman who’s been successfully slutting it up (how’s she gonna slut it up with a roommate)
“I know its gods will but hes gotten awfully creative” 😭😭😭😭😭
I love it when Mr johnson lore gets unlocked
Manny and the beard whew 😮‍💨 I was literally wondering where he was so I’m glad they’re using him again
Janine ur SO SMART this is such a good idea and not like a janine unnecessarily fixing a problem like an actual good idea- good job babygirl
Not ava spilling the tea to the whole room
Ponytail melissa at home is so personal to me, I love that this continues from s2, this is just who she is, she throws her hair up when she’s at home. I like that she’s wearing the eagles hoodie we’ve seen before too. Love the hair, makeup & costume details on this show
“I only know how to cook for 12” 😭
Finally mel talking about her breakup! Damn maybe it really was “im not bringing this to school” this whole time
Also Gary being a dead ringer for her dad?? I’m not saying my headcanons are more correct than the show but I disagree with this statement. Gary is not schemmenti coded.
Omg the jacob melissa work momming work sonning ive been dreaming of
“And dont forget theres a 3 booked limit 😒” barb is PISSED and i LOVE IT
“Oh i know what a google doctor is 😤”
Barb really is the best character on tv im sorry noone can do it like sheryl lee ralph like they just cant Shes everything
Janine forgetting the key term (pottery wheel) in her analogy she is so me
“Jacob if u dont like my ziti just say so and i will heave myself out that window” 😭😭
“I went to find mr johnson but he was still crying” NO 😭💔 hes just a sensitive guy 😔
“Mrs howard i blew down the house” 🥺🤏🏻 I love the kids being so central in this ep, I’ve missed that recently, and the kindergarteners are soooo cute
“🐷 I am a pig 🐺 i am a wolf 😄 and im a librarian who thinks she can just change everything around here 👋” IJBOL no please give sheryl another emmy I beg
“This programme is more of a distraction than an improvement” that’s teaaa actually. Thats so often what councils etc do, distract with new flashy things rather than fix the real problems. Even though in this case it’s well meaning it does make u think how big a priority should the library actually be? But actually children reading is super important and what did they say last season? The librarian was an alexa in glasses? 🤣
“You okay? You look like raven having a vision” 😭 you don’t understand how often i say this
I have thoughts on Barbara’s intentions and my instinct is gregory needs to keep her name out his mouth. I do think it’s really important that Janine stood up to Barbara, just maybe gregory made barbara seem worse than she was
“It’s been a rough week I could use the pick me up” i just love mr johnson
My immediate reaction was this one of my favourite episodes of the season - lots of excellent Barb moments, the kids, more mr johnson, story arcs I enjoyed and felt completed.
Janine standing up to Barbara was a really big deal for her considering her hatred of conflict and worship of barbara as a mother figure. It made me really proud to see how far janine has come.
But the longer since watching the less I like it. And it’s two main things:
- the jacob melissa room mate situation feels like jumping the shark for plots sake and not something realistic for those characters. So as much as I enjoy them and their dynamic and their growth it just feels fake.
- I dont care about the librarian. The set up feels like she could stick around and I just don’t care for new characters, I like my main people. (But then the same apprehension was had w the district people and they’ve not seemed to be around much).
I do still really like this ep and it definitely ranks highly in the season, just idk, some eps I enjoy more over time but this has made me feel more confused as to what will happen next I guess.
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smollro · 3 months
hi, its my first. please be kind. 🥹
he’s dead. she’s alive.
thats the first thing she hears from the door. loud enough for the empty office to hear. she and Strauss make eye contact as she delivers the news that she’ not actually dead.
It was Clyde and Strauss’s decision for her to be legally dead, for the team to be safe and to be out of Doyle’s radar.
in slow motion, she saw how their faces went from shock to the look of betrayal in dave’s face as he looks at his not-so-secret-fling, betrayal on Derek’s, anger in Spencer’s, shock in Penelope’s, sadness in JJ’s. She knew all phases and faces of Aaron but no this.
Aaron knew of-course, but the weight of it of the knowledge that he never tell anyone, not even Jack or her mother was the reason he took the job in pakistan.
im alive
im sorry
i love you guys
She stares at him. She took him all in. Saw that he lost weight. Is into something thats not a suit and so out of character for him to wear. She sees how his face turns into an angry to loving look and somehow she thinks he’ll bear the news.
As he tries to walk towards her, he sees Penelope rush for a hug and Emily tries to brace her body. Penelope doesn’t register this, she just wants to feel and touch her to make sure that Emily is really alive. As Penelope is about to give her a bone crushing hug, they hear a loud cry. Penelope’s eyes go comically big.
Emily tries to soothe the baby, as Clyde laughs. “Well, the baby really is your mini-me, wanting attention all the time.”, easing the tension, “Shut up Clyde”, as Emily replies as she playfully rolls her eyes at him, and tries to rub the baby’s back. She cant look at him. She’s afraid of his reaction. So she looks at Clyde instead, who gives her a loving and reassuring smile.
“Did you know you were pregnant?”.
No, I only knew after.
“He touched you?”.
Yes, obviously, but not like that. He just wanted to kill me.
“How did she survive? How far along were you?”
Doctor’s said I was 3 months along. She’s very strong and brave, literally.
“Who’s the father?”
She sees the cogs in Aaron’s head turn as he tries to math the math. His face slowly turns into a big goofy smile, something that’s reserved for Jack and her.
They weren’t anything. They had nights here and there. Whispered confessions of “I love you, I wish I could tell you” when the other was asleep. They both knew, they both felt it, even Jack asked them if they were getting married. Obviously the team didn’t know anything about them. They just thought that Jack wants to spend all his time with her (it’s actually Aaron).
“He is a 6-foot tall, FBI agent. I think you know him. He has a perpetual frown and very rare dimples, both which this baby has when she’s hungry and when she’s-“
“I knew it! Give me your $50s”, she’s surprised that it’s Derek. He wasn’t angry or sad. They were all groaning of the thought that hey were losing to Derek but they were all very excited.
“You’re not angry or sad or whatever?“, Emily asks unsure if she has read this wrong.
“Nope, Not at all. I have seen the two of you sneak out from bars and hotel rooms and none of them believe me. And to make things better, Strauss is in on the bet.”
“I will have you know that I did suspect but the two of you are very good at hiding, which made sense.”, Strauss tries go defend herself.
“I don’t care if you guys will be the aunts and uncles but I will be the Nonno.”, ever since she told him about Rome, he became the father she never had. The title only fitting him.
“Ok, but guys, who’s the father?”, Spencer asks again. “And you call yourself a profiler.”, Derek comments.
Aaron is at her side, one hand on his spot on her back, the other on the baby’s back. He peeks st the baby’s face without trying to disturb the sleep.
“Do you want to hold her?”, he’s not even sure if he did respond to her, he just wanted to hold her, their baby. “It’s a girl? Jack will want to have her all to himself.”, she just nods, unable to find her voice with the sight in front of her.
At this she feels that she’s home. To them. To him.
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stoopid-noah · 10 months
Watching The Crowded Room and going in completely blind..
Haven't seen a trailer, no idea what it's even about lol
Here are my thoughts as I move along..
After watching Ep 1, I think:
Danny and his brother where SAed as children, maybe by the stepdad.
Ariana is a sex worker?
His brother either died due to abuse or offed himself because of it.
Ep 2:
Ariana was sexually abused too, I think.
Danny might have Multiple personalities and seems to be unaware about it.
Some charracters might actually be part of his system?
Is the "ghost house" actually his mindspace?
Ep 3:
Yup, multiple personalities!
Yitzhak is definitely one of them!
Jonny probably too & if he is, so must Mike.
Ariana might be aswell, maybe she's his sexual protector & SA trauma holder.
Did he ever have a twin brother, or was he also part of the system?
I love Yitzhak, best protected ever!!
I think Rya, the psychiatrist might suspect him having DiD, but isn't sure yet & the police has no idea.
But how did eye witnesses see Ariana?!
Ep 4:
I think Jack is also part of Danny's system.
Jack seems to be a protector aswell.
I can't tell if his brother was another alter or his actual brother?
All the drawings in his (burned) sketchbook might be of alters.
Oooooo shits 'bout to go down!!
Ep 5:
Gee, straight to the intro, no little scene before that? Is that a good sign or a bad one?
I really hope his mother didn't know what her children where going through.
I love Mario, he's cool!
I feel so sorry for his mom (Candy?)  too, she just wanted the best for her baby.. :(
I think Adam was his first protector & trauma holder, not his actual brother.
Ep 6:
I hate how the police officer is talking about poor Danny. :(
I hate the psychiatrists son, he's a brat and a nuisance lol
Hell yeah Jonny, get right outa those cuffs!!
God, I love this woman.. she's an amazing doctor and I NEED her to succeed!!
Why do I kinda like his lawyer?! He's such an asshole lmao
Oh, Danny.. My poor baby.. He's so scared :(
Ep 7:
Yayy, Yitzhak is back!!
Jack, Jonny, Mike, Yitzhak and Ariana confirmed alters, yay!!
Goddam Jonny... At least try to keep it together man >:(
These "psychologists" are so insufferable.. and so is the judge..
I love Yitzhak so much.. please don't let him be gone gone AAaAaa <3
Oh god.. please help him, poor puppy boy :(
Ep 8:
I hope Marlin rots in hell, fucking piece of shit.
I love the directive so much!!
Candy, how could you? How could she cover for that piece of shit?
Oh, I feel bad for Arianas boyfriend.. and for Ariana :(
Why should they try to "get rid of the alters"?? I know that this plays in a different time, but it's so frustrating that the alters aren't really seen as whole ass human beings by the professionals.. :(
Jerome is so sweet and kind, I cant- I want them to be friends forever AAaAaa
If that boy doesn't get the help he needs, I'm going to scream...
Ep 9:
I hate him. I hate Marlin so much.. why do I have to look at him right now?!
How can candy live with herself, protecting this pig????
I hope she fucking turns around and stands up for Danny in the end :(
Stan is such a good guy, I hope he's a great lawyer too.
I hate it.. D.I.D. is real for fucks sake.
The trial just started and  I'm already crying..
I'm starting to hate candy, she's acting like a real bitch right now, ngl..
Aaand she went home.. goddamn it..
Yay Jerome is back!!
Goddamn.. she's a really good psychologist.
I swear to God Candy, if you mess up again I'm going to scream.
Danny, baby.. no :(
How dare you end the episode like that?!
Ep 10:
Jesus Christ, please don't let my baby die.
God damnit Jack..
I hate his smug fucking grin.
I hate him. I hate him. I hate him..
Oh, If Danny can come back, so could Yitzhak, right? I miss him. :(
"Adam is me" I'm fucking crying again wtf..
I'm on the edge of me seat, please don't jail this boy!!
I can't stop crying aaaaa
If Danny can forgive Candy, I guess I should too.. but I don't wanna >:(
He looks so cute, with all the paint on his shirt. <3
Don't try and make me feel sympathy for Candy.
Hell yeah, no forgiveness for Candy!!!!
I love the friendship of Danny and Rya, they have such great chemistry!
Last thoughts, after doing some research:
They handled this whole theme so respectfully and good!
Tom also did such an amazing job portraying his roles, it's amazing!!
Especially considering that this series and the movie "Split" where apparently based on the same case.. I fucking hated how DiD was portrayed in Split.. Like it's something to fear. Like it makes people violent. And as something fucking supernatural.. I fucking hated that.. But "The Crowded Room" is so honest and respectful.. It's beautiful!
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