#but yeh bugs :]]
anemonet · 2 months
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has anyone here concidered listening to whisper by jack staubers micropop on loop
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knifefightandchill · 2 months
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daftpatience · 1 month
struggling to google anythig interesting about bugs like
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yeh i am mentally asigning the fnaf cast bugsonas now cus oooh what if they were little guys :]
Bill is a Long-Nosed Weevil cus like... look at them. They're also pretty common in the UK and they can infest stored foods and rot them- just like Bill does with people's lives!
Henry is a Mole Cricket cus crickets construct things and Mole Crickets have those strong front legs for digging. They're also pretty bulky. Crickets also sing and so does Henry :]
Mikey is a Roly Poly cus there's that parasite that can attack them and also they eat dead things. Mikey's whole deal is his closeness to death and him cleaning up after his dad so. Also Mikey would roll up into a ball like that if he could.
Paul's a standard Worker Ant. A cog in the capitalist machine. The poor guy.
I think Jerry's some kinda Nomad Bee. Easily mistaken for a wasp and solitary. Very bright and kinda shaped funny. Endearing little guys.
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muppenthings · 1 year
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(related to these doodles) The biggest fan. Quite literally. :3
Mkay I think I've gotten this out of my system. Just gotta mention that in this world the magic simply faded one day, leaving all the magical and mystical beings floundering. What were they supposed to do now? They had to get jobs like the rest of us. xD
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secretsideblogshhhh · 7 months
I don't even know if I feel empathy and I still feel like I feel more empathy then the self proclaimed "empaths" on tiktok
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Family Tomioka doodles 🫠🙃 because I cannot control my maladaptive daydreaming
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Gives baby Tomioka a little brother sksksksks
The thought of baby Tomioka with a little brother and doing the cliche anime thing of running around looking for bugs as kids was cute so I drew it. And then as I was drawing it thought of them being proud and wanting to show me but I hate bugs and it’d be a legitimate jumpscare lmao
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bornetoblood · 3 months
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I really wanna do more creature designs like this. Maybe tie them together with a feild guide when I haven enough of them. yeh :]] this guy doesn't have a name yet so if you have any suggestions hmu.
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late night quick doodle
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jasperakalucy · 1 year
Hi guys I know I’m still shadowbanned but I’m going crazy about c!adam hope that’s ok
Writing under cut bc I am purposefully describing uncomfortable feelings and bugs in a lot of detail
Part 1: Throat
Adam hated touch.
This was just a fact. It’s not like he wanted to hate touch, anyways. But hate wasn’t even a strong enough word. He despised it. He couldn’t bear it. He would avoid it at all costs. The way skin felt, warm and sweaty and squishy. The knowledge that underneath that softness, there was blood. Touch was hell. And Adam knew hell.
In fact, Adam knew hell better than most people. Of course he did, he was a demon, after all. But when people think of hell, they often think of fire and lava, whips and tortures. And sure, that was part of it. But the worst tortures didn’t involve pain.
No, the worst tortures… well, the actual worst tortures were now gone from his memory. He knows they happened, sure, he even knows the details of some of them. But he can’t recall his body at the time. It’s gone, completely gone. This is both a good and a bad thing. So perhaps the worst tortures are painful, but it’s not like he could tell you.
But there are others, ones he does remember. Things he experienced, or watched others experience, or both. And one of the worst was always the bugs.
It’s not quite fair to call them bugs. They don’t fit the typical human standard. No, they’re more like creatures, things with unknowable amounts of legs and eyes, hideous dark carapaces. They weren’t huge bugs either, horrifying because you saw them in disgusting detail. They were small, unknown. And they crawled. That was the torture. You sat, alone, covered. Things, constantly, inching over you. Not biting, no pain, but crawling, crawling, crawling. It drove you mad.
This was touch, for Adam. Crawling sensations, torturous. A simple brush of contact sent shudders over his skin. A hand, a meaty palm against his forearm, gripping tightly, would first send a wave of fire, and then the buzzing. The spot under the hand, then his arm, then his whole body, crawling and crawling til it’s almost numb, and he sees them, the bugs, in his mind's eye. But that’s better than the alternative, really, because the alternative is eyes. Eyes staring at him from a face far too familiar. And that’s much worse. His memory starts going. Touch him too long and he’s afraid the memory will overtake reality, suck him back into the past. Hands on his arms, his head, his face, throat, tight, too tighT FUCK LET GO PLEASE P̸̹̓̍̈̎L̵̝̪͈͖̑E̵̥͑Å̸̞̪̉̑͠S̵̠̫̾͒E̴̤̾̀̒͑ P̸̨̧̨͙̰̺̟̟̣̃L̶̢̨̫̟̮̘̇͆͒̇̇Ē̸̬͝͝Ä̷͈͐̈́̊̈̇͗S̶̨̛̭͖̤͓̺̫͛̓̀̓̿͘͘E̵̢̲̹͉͖̼̘͎͙̒̄͐̊
It’s odd to some. But he always preferred the collar. It was more possessive, but it wasn’t touch.
Anything was better than touch.
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8bit-mau5 · 2 years
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updated Opal sprites coming soon<3 recovery is slow going but steady nonetheless, and im able to draw for a bit again ; v ;
The sides of her head were always shaved, but i dont think i ever portrayed that well with how her hair draped around her face, and ive gotten SO much better at drawing curly hair since then 😭 Opal and Viserys have the same curl type, and it’s high time i show it off proper >:3
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newyorkkiss · 2 years
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i love being a girlboy! people who don't know me perceive me as a boy, people who know me perceive me as a girl, people im out to perceive me as a boy and im just this
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a funny jester that'sa my gender! truly the best gender experience
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 2 years
look ........ i get why everyone's suddenly excited for dw after chibnall's era and i'm not denying anyone that (i am also really fucking excited like u have no IDEA)
but... can people do that w/o shitting on 13's era lol??? (or even 11 or 12's since it's a lot of tenth doctor fans coming out of the woodwork atm lol) like we get it, u havent been interested in years, but some of us have so like ??? shut up plz lol
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hotpossumjam · 2 years
My wife @notyourcheezits and I had the most subpar experience last night at the old spaghetti factory, an lemme tell you, that was the best dang microwaved ravioli I ever had lmao
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sorrel-minis · 9 months
Me when they get there:
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The one on the left wears designer doll clothes and has a purebred pet roach. The one on the righr wears hand made clothes made from authentic human hair accessories. She also has a pet bee.
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