#can you believe this is the first thing I've drawn in months
sermna · 5 months
going to make a webcomic about a horrifically abused young woman who is sold into marriage to One Direction a king/duke/knight. She's scared of her new husband (who is three to four times her size and has eight individual abs), but also is slowly falling in love with him because he is the nicest man she's ever met (doesn't beat her and feeds her several times a day 👍)
ummmmm I guess there should be a plot so like... maybe there's a dragon? or idk really I've been mainly focusing on the smut part 🤷‍♀️
anyway she's suuuuuper plain and skinny because her family only fed her moldy bread and also she looks like this in every single panel:
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sidekick-hero · 2 months
I'm a fool (for you)
Written for the Stranger Things Writers Guild daily drabble, prompt was 'meet ugly'. I don't know what happened here. warnings: implied cheating (not steddie) | tags: meet ugly, hurt Eddie, emotional hurt/comfort, love at first sight with the worst timing, hopeful ending | 1.2k | AO3
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April is Eddie's favorite month.
Winter is finally over and spring is breathing life back into the world. With the colors of spring, happiness seeped back into people's hearts.
As Eddie walks home from work, whistling his favorite tune, his heart swells with it. The sun still shines brightly, a gentle breeze carries the scent of cherry blossoms from the nearby park, and tucked in his pocket is his very first bonus check. He can't wait to tell David, the exhilaration of a beautiful day gives him hope that maybe they can have a nice evening with some wine and dinner before falling into bed together. It's been a while, and he knows it's partly because he works so much, but lately he feels like he and David are drifting apart.
Determined to surprise David with some quality time together, Eddie plans to come home early. Perhaps they could even use the extra money for a vacation, he thinks with a smile on his face.
Filled with hope and happiness, Eddie opens the door to their apartment, only to be greeted by a sight that shatters both.
A stranger, clad in nothing but black boxer briefs, stands in their bedroom doorway.
"I'm such a fool," Eddie murmurs, blinking at the unexpected sight of an almost-naked Adonis standing in the doorway to the room he shares with the man Eddie thought loved him.
The stranger mirrors his shock. "You're not David.”
A mirthless laugh escapes Eddie's lips. "No, I'm Eddie. His boyfriend. Or rather, ex-boyfriend. Guess he forgot to mention me, huh?"
When the man just buries his face in his hands and groans, "I'm such a fucking fool," Eddie almost feels sorry for him.
Almost, because it's his heart that's just been broken.
"Looks like we both are," he agrees with the stranger. He really is beautiful. Eddie can see why David went for him, he just wishes he hadn't.
"I swear, I had no idea David had a boyfriend or I never would have gone home with him. I'm so, so sorry."
The guy looks sincere and Eddie believes him. After all, it was David who decided to trample on their relationship. It must suck to be drawn into the drama of Eddie's imploding relationship, less cause and more casualty.
Closing the door behind him, Eddie steps fully into the apartment. "I believe you -" he pauses here, waiting for the man to tell him his name.
"I believe you, Steve. Where's David, by the way?"
"Buying condoms," he admits sheepishly, and Eddie rubs his hands over his face.
"Of course. How awfully considerate of him." Steve winces at Eddie's tone, but he's too tired to care. He takes a moment to think about what to do next. "I think it's best if you get dressed and leave now, I doubt you'll want to be here when David gets back. To be honest, I don't want to either, but I guess there's not much of a choice."
Steve looks at him silently for a second before turning and going back into the bedroom, presumably to get dressed. Eddie sighs and heads over to the kitchen to make himself some coffee. He's going to need it.
He's thinking about where he could stay tonight when Steve comes into the kitchen, now dressed in tight, light-washed Levi's and a white shirt that looks painted on. Eddie can even see the dark chest hair through it.
It's hard not to hate Steve for making Eddie feel even more inadequate.
"I know you want me to go, but if it's okay with you, I'd rather stay? Just to make sure you're okay. I've been cheated on before and I know what it's like to feel like the rug has been pulled out from under you. You shouldn't have to deal with it alone."
It's hard to hate Steve when he's so kind to Eddie.
"Do I look so pathetic that I need the man my boyfriend cheated on me with to comfort me?" He spits, more out of self-preservation than anything else. Anger is so much easier to deal with than heartbreak.
Steve's response, however, is gentle. "You look like someone just broke your heart and you could use a friend. It doesn't have to be me, I can take you to one of your friends. I just don't think you should be alone right now." With that, Steve walks over to the coffee machine and pours out a cup. "Sugar? Cream?"
Eddie plops down on one of the kitchen chairs in defeat. "Both. More sugar."
Steve prepares their coffee and then they wait for David to get back. When he does, clearly shocked to find his boyfriend and his hookup in the same room, they both confront him. Steve has Eddie's back the whole time and gets downright mean to David, while Eddie is mostly tired and disappointed. After their confrontation, Steve waits for Eddie to pack some of his things and, as promised, drives Eddie over to Chrissy's apartment.
They park in front of her building and Eddie thanks Steve for everything he's done for him, but before he can get out, Steve takes Eddie's hand and squeezes it.
"I'm really sorry, Eddie. Nobody deserves to get cheated on and I hate that it happened to you. I can understand if you want to be mad at me or forget I even exist, but if you ever need to talk, even if it's just about how small David's dick is, I'm here, okay?"
In the palm of his hand, Eddie feels a piece of paper, and he's pretty sure it's Steve's number.
Steve reaches over and tucks a lock of Eddie's hair behind his ear. "You'll probably think I'm weird, but I feel like I almost know you. It sounds crazy, I know, I know. I can’t explain it. I just want you to be happy, and I can't help but want to be the person who makes that happen."
At Eddie's stunned silence, he hastily adds, "Oh God, I sound like a crazy person. Or worse, a psycho stalker. I promise, I'm neither. And that's exactly what a psycho stalker would say, for Christ's sake. Please say something before I put my foot any further in my mouth."
This makes Eddie laugh again, and this time it doesn't sound bitter. Just a little confused, but mostly fond.
"Thank you, Steve. Really. I appreciate it. You... I have no idea what I'm feeling right now, or what I'm going to do, but you've made this totally fucked up evening suck less, and for that alone I don't want to forget that you exist or be mad at you. I just need some time, y'know?"
Steve's smile is warm, if a little sad. "I do. You should. Take your time, I mean. I really wish we'd met differently."
"Me too. Believe me."
Eddie starts to get out of the car again, and this time Steve doesn't stop him. Just watches him, his hazel eyes shining brightly in the light of the street lamp.
"Take care, Eddie."
"You too, Steve."
As Eddie climbs the stairs to Chrissy's apartment, he saves Steve's number in his phone.
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nakachuchu · 11 months
Blue | Gojo Satoru
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SYNOPSIS: A banished Kamo member who became a single mom was just what Gojo needed in his life.
WORDS: 1.1k
WRITTEN: 07/15/2023
WARNING: alludes to SA/R@PE (not from gojo dw)
NOTE: Thank you for requesting! This was the first request in months that I wanted to write. I've been in a gojo mood
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You were a Kamo clan sorcerer and a single mother, facing disapproval and isolation from your own clan due to your situation.
Though you carried the weight of their judgment, you remained determined to protect and provide for your child, shutting off any distractions that might divert your focus.
You were a semi-strict mother, as you wanted the best for your child. You blamed part of your rigid nature on your upbringing in the Kamo clan.
In the midst of this, Gojo Satoru, the enigmatic and powerful teacher from Jujutsu High, caught wind of your existence.
Intrigued by your strength and resilience, he found himself drawn to you. Gojo was used to captivating others effortlessly. But to his surprise, you remained unyielding, refusing to give him the time of day.
You hated how flamboyant he was, and the mere mention of him had a vein on your forehead bulging.
However, your son was a different story. He was utterly enamored with Gojo—mesmerized by his cool demeanor, incredible techniques, and the way he effortlessly wielded his cursed powers.
You never taught your son of Gojo's existence, so you were sure he caught wind of it through his evolving technique — 'Hear ye, hear ye,' the technique to be able to hear anything that is happening from anywhere.
Your son's admiration for Gojo was undeniable. As Gojo continued to pursue you, he began to understand the depth of your determination and the walls you had built around yourself.
Gojo's pursuit of your affection became an intriguing dance, his attempts to impress you met with your resolute indifference. But deep down, he couldn't help but admire your fierce independence and the unwavering love you showed for your son.
Though you resisted his advances, Gojo remained undeterred. He knew that breaking through your barriers would require patience, understanding, and proving himself to be more than just a charismatic and powerful sorcerer.
"Go away."
Gojo pouted, tucking out his shiny lip-gloss-coated lips at you. "Y/N," he cried.
You rolled your eyes. "I've things to do."
"I can do them with you."
"Please don't."
"Why not, Mama?" your son questioned, eyes twinkling in the same way Gojo's eyes were.
Just from the way they both looked at you, you would have thought Gojo was the father of your child.
Your shoulders sagged as you let out a loud sigh. "Fine."
One thing about being banished from the Kamo clan was you weren't under their protection and they were constantly finding ways to wipe you off from their family roster.
A disappointment was not needed in a clan where men ruled. To them, you had fooled around too much and gotten pregnant in the process.
No matter what you told them, they would not listen to you. Zen'in Naoya was someone they would not mess with and pointing fingers at him would harm their clan.
'But, I'm telling the truth!' you had shouted.
Your face stung from your mother's slap. Your ear was perfectly turned toward her now for her to yell at you.
'You think we would believe that Zen'in Naoya would lay a hand on you? You're not that special.'
You left with the clothes on your skin that night. You had been alone for months, giving birth to your son alone in a shabby apartment. You named your son Ao — 'Blue.'
His eyes were as blue as the sky you yearned to fly away to. He was the only one keeping you grounded.
At the sound of a banned Kamo member birthing her son alone, Gojo Satoru became interested in you. That was nearly a decade ago.
Ao's eyes ceased twinkling. He turned around in the direction of a line of trees.
You hummed, snapping open your fan. A slash of blood flew through the air, tearing off branches and leaves in the direction Ao was looking.
A difficult thing about trying to assassinate you was that you were not weak and neither was Ao. As much as he hated his father, he knew the combination of you and Zen'in blood contributed to his technique.
"You'd think they'd wait until you left, Gojo," you commented, amused.
He shrugged. "I guess they promised a big pay."
"You'd think they'd stop after a decade," you said. "Gojo, I trust you can take care of them? Ao and I have errands."
"Hey, what about me?" Gojo questioned.
You already turned to leave with Ao next to you. You looked over your shoulder and offered him a soft, cruel smile.
"Hurry up then."
Gojo grinned, and before you could even blink, he had already disappeared into the line of trees.
“Mama, why don't you just tell him you like him?” Ao asked.
“I think he knows,” you said.
“But what if he doesn't?”
“You should know, Ao. Gojo Satoru knows everything.”
Ao grinned. “You're right! I forgot.”
You chuckled. “How could you forget? You've idolized him ever since he came into our lives.”
Ao shrugged. “He's just always around us.”
Your son was right. Gojo Satoru was an extremely important figure in the Jujutsu world, but he chose to spend his time around a banished Kamo member who cried wolf and her illegitimate son.
Gojo was blessing you and your son with his presence unintentionally, but a blessing was a blessing nonetheless.
The first time Ao saw Gojo was when he was two. He was too young to know anything, but that sealed his fate. Gojo Satoru would be bonded to him.
The first time Ao spoke to Gojo was when he was six. He called out to the man whose thoughts he couldn't hear. Gojo was the only person in the entire world that Ao couldn't hear.
Drawn to the man who was a god in every way, all your lives were interwoven. There was no escaping your threaded destiny to Gojo Satoru. From one distinguished clan to another.
“I'm back!” Gojo exclaimed as he appeared next to Ao, putting your son in between you.
“So slow,” you said.
“Hey, that was fast,” Gojo retorted.
“I expect more from you, Gojo,” you said. “Right, Ao?”
“Right,” he said.
“So mean,” Gojo muttered.
“You're slowing down with age, Gojo. Though I suppose I can't tell gray from white,” you said, amused.
“Are you saying I have gray hairs?”
The man’s hands immediately went to his soft hair, patting every inch of it.
“I'm not saying you don't.”
Ao looked between you and Gojo as you two bickered. He smiled and squeezed both hands. You and Gojo stopped bickering and looked down at him.
At your quizzical stare, Ao shook his head and smiled. At Gojo’s bright laugh, your stare became even more confused.
The two boys who knew everything would keep their thoughts to each other: you were in love with Gojo Satoru.
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smartycvnt · 6 months
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Title: Inked
Pairing: Dominik Mysterio x Reader
Summary: Dom surprises Ash with a tattoo.
Word Count: 708
Warnings: none
"Alright man, you are all done." Dom slowly stood as his tattoo artist moved away from him. Dom looked proudly at the new piece he had picked out to represent his feelings for Ash. She loved his tattoos, and just a few weeks earlier had jokingly drawn that design on him with a sharpie. All Dom had done was have his artist make a different version of that to actually tattoo on his skin.
"Thank you man. I can't even begin to tell you how much this means. Ash is going to love it," Dom said. He gave the man a quick hug as he went up to finish the payment. It would be a little while before Ash would be able to see it, but Dom was certain that she would absolutely love it.
The few days that Dom was away with The Judgement Day doing shows was like hell for him. He just wanted to go home and show Ash his new tattoo. Especially once the other guys started to rip on him for being such a sap. They couldn't believe that Dom still acted like such a softie after going his rounds with Rhea.
Dom didn't mind their teasing. He loved Ash, and Ash loved him. If there was one thing that Dom knew for sure, it was that he was going to marry Ash one day. That was the woman that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, so he had to treat her right.
There was just enough time between Dom getting his tattoo and seeing Ash again for him to wonder if she would think it was stupid. He was nervous as he walked up to their house. They had only just moved in with each other a few months ago. They were still just dating, and Dom didn't even know if Ash felt as strongly for him as he did for her. That wouldn't matter though because Dom wasn't sure that it was possible for anybody to love someone else as much as he loved Ash.
"Honey, I'm home!" Dom called out as he pushed his way through the front door with his suitcase. Ash was sitting on the couch playing a video game, but she immediately paused it and set the controller down to go over to him. Dom dropped his bags at his feet to wrap his arms around Ash for a hug. Ash pressed a couple of kisses to the side of his jaw before backing away just enough to give him a kiss on the lips.
"I've got something to show you," Ash told him. Dom's interest was definitely piqued, but not quite enough for him to forget about his own surprise for Ash. "It seems a little extreme, but I was going stir crazy and was planning on getting something done anyway."
"Oh?" Dom placed his hand on the bottom of his shorts, fiddling with the hem. "I have a surprise for you too."
"Well, you can go first," Ash said. She leaned against the back of the couch and watched Dom slowly lift up the bottom of his shorts to reveal a tattoo on his thigh. Ash looked at it for a moment before she broke out into a huge smile. "Is that the one I drew on you?"
"Yeah, it is," Dom confirmed sheepishly. Ash jumped up into his arms and pressed several kisses to his face. "I take it that you like it?"
"I love it. It's so much better than the one I got for you," Ash said. She pulled her sweatpants down just enough to reveal a skull wearing a purple bandana over the lower part of its face with a 'D' carved into its forehead.
"That's for me? That's awesome," Dom said. He dropped down to his knees to get a better look at the new tattoo. Ash let her hand fall onto the top of his head, running her fingers through his hair as he took in every little detail of her tattoo that he could. "I love it. I love you."
"I love you too." Ash smiled down at Dom, and in that moment, knew she would never love another person like she loved him.
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just-jordie-things · 1 year
if you're still accepting blurb ideas: what about jkk characters liking you, while you have your eyes on some else from jujutsu tech? say, inumaki pinning on you when you're with yuuta, megumi dotes on you when you're into itadori, etc. maybe they have the wrong idea, maybe not — you choose. just cliche angst, who doesn't love it.
oooOh yes. ___
megumi's never believed in love at first sight, it's really not his thing. but when he sees you enter the main temple of jujutsu tech, he can't explain the way he feels drawn to you, instantly.
you're looking around like you're lost, which makes sense because he's never seen you before and the jujutsu society wasn't exactly a large pool of people. he's frozen in place for a minute until your eyes land on him and then you're approaching him.
he's panicking, eyes widening further the closer you get, until he can smell your perfume and see your bright smile up close.
"hey, i'm a little lost, could you give me directions?"
he probably looks like an idiot because he doesn't answer your question right away. his mind and body are stuck like someone accessed his pause button (you had, somehow) and now he's standing there silently staring at you. he thinks he's probably being a creep, but you're quick to explain yourself.
"i was invited!" you say quickly. "i swear, i'm not some weird stranger- oh, that probably made me sound weirder, huh?"
and then you're laughing, sheepishly rubbing the back of your neck and staring at the ground. it's cute, megumi thinks, and his resolve starts to melt as he finds his voice.
"don't worry about it," he says, and he even manages a smile. "where are you trying to go?"
"i was trying to get to the dorms," you tell him. "was i close?"
"not really," he chuckles, and you're laughing nervously again. "but that's alright, it's a confusing place"
"yeah, that's for sure," you mumble as you follow beside him. "how long have you been here?"
megumi looks at you, taken aback for a moment. jujutsu tech didn't get many visitors, and when it did, they weren't usually very interested in him.
although he wasn't usually very interested in them either. but you seemed different.
"i'm a first year," he says. "but i've been raised in jujutsu society pretty much my whole life"
"oh, that's neat," you hum. "i didn't know this all existed until, like, a month ago"
megumi's eyes widen, but he tries to keep his composure. who were you? what were you doing here if you were a non-curse user? he knows he should probably be giving you the first degree right now... but you were so cute...
"oh" is all he manages to say, before forcing himself to swallow the lump in his throat.
"yeah," you let out a sigh. "but it's been interesting to learn about, you lead very interesting lives," you smile at him then. "you're like heroes"
megumi thinks he's going to faint. there was no praise from non-curse users in this line of work, so it was odd to hear it now. he'd never considered himself someone who needed praise- much unlike his mentor- but hearing it coming from you now, he feels his face and chest warm with pride, and happiness.
"no one's ever said anything like that" he says honestly, and you seem surprised by that.
"really?" you hum. "well they should,"
and there's that warm feeling again.
"i'm (y/n) by the way" you say, realizing you'd skipped the formalities.
"megumi," he responds. "so... who are you here for anyways?" he asks, realizing they'd reached the hall of dorms.
"oh, right," you laugh, realizing you'd skipped all of the important topics. "i'm here to visit my boyfriend," you say, "yuuji"
megumi blinks, not saying anything for a moment. yuuji had a girlfriend and he hadn't said anything? and now of course you show up and he thinks you're his dream girl and you're yuuji's girlfriend?
he's silent when you approach yuuji's door, and he's silent when yuuji greets you with a wide grin and a tight hug. you're both laughing, smiling, sharing quick kisses and 'i missed yous', and it's all too much to take in at once.
megumi slips away before either of you could noticed, feeling awkward, and embarrassed.
because if realizing you were his best friend's girl wasn't enough to make his burst of feelings go away, he didn't know what would. ___
your boyfriend spent a lot of time away on assignments, being a special grade sorcerer and all, that was a part of the gig. and normally it didn't bother you that yuuta was gone more than he was around.
or at least, you did a good job of hiding that it bothered you. you didn't want to diminish his achievements, because you were proud of him and how far he's come as a sorcerer.
but the nights could be so, so lonely.
toge knew this, maybe better than anyone else, because he could see the rollercoaster of emotions you went through first hand. the overwhelming joy when yuuta would return would bring you to tears. but then when it was time for him to leave again, the tears would come back, and they'd always sit behind your eyes until he was home again.
you did a good job of masking it, keeping yourself busy with your own assignments, or training. but the days seemed longer when yuuta was gone, and you could only do so much to distract yourself.
toge had taken it upon himself to reach out to you more often, to watch a movie, or play smash bros, or get lunch, whatever it was he made a great effort to engage with you, to keep you talking and happy and mostly just distracted. at first he was just trying to be a good friend to both yuuta and you. he knew yuuta would appreciate knowing his girlfriend isn't sitting around being mopey in his absence, and he knew you appreciated a good friend by your side.
however it all started to derail when you fell asleep in his dorm one night, after spending hours watching comedies to keep you laughing, you'd grown tired, and felt just a little too comfortable in the warmth of toge's blankets surrounding you. you'd slipped into sleep without him noticing, until a weight pressed onto his shoulder.
he'd glanced down to see you sleeping peacefully on his shoulder, the light from the flickering tv casting over your features in a way that just made you look so pretty. your long lashes cast shadows over your cheeks, your lips slightly parted as you took shallow breaths. it made his heart warm, and toge found himself smiling as he stared at you.
and then it hit him. he was falling for you. he'd been falling for you, hell, he might as well already be deeply in love with you.
all this time he'd spent keeping you company, he was falling deeper and deeper. from the way your eyes crinkled when you laughed, or your hand grabbed his arm when you wanted to share exciting news, even the way you looked at him and listened when he spoke the few words he was able to, he had started swooning over you.
and as warm as you made him feel, as full, happy, content, safe, as loved as you made him feel, a sense of dread began to pool inside him anytime he lingered on those feelings a little too long.
it wasn't right. you weren't his to love. your heart belonged to someone else- and not just anyone- you were his best friend's.
after this realization, he didn't want to do anything to change your friendship. it would feel wrong to push you away just because he couldn't keep his feelings under control. but he vowed to himself he would never do anything to get in the way of you and yuuta.
it hurt, keeping it all hidden. but it was the only thing he could do to keep you both in his life. and he'd do anything for the both of you. ___
yuuta knew from the moment he'd met you that you were toge's girl. but from that same moment, he'd known he was going to fall for you. and he did, hard, and fast.
when he'd first come to jujutsu tech, you were the first person to reach out to him. you joined him at lunch, introduced yourself, and asked him to open up about himself too. it took a while for him to get used to this treatment, but he was quickly able to call you his best friend. you helped him train, and you helped him study to better understand the new world he'd found himself in.
essentially, you did everything you could to make him feel comfortable, and like he belonged. yuuta doesn't think he'd ever be able to repay you for that kindness.
but he's seen the way you and toge look at each other, they way you talk to each other without a hitch, as though you perfectly understood what he was trying to say. there was certainly no platonic explanation for that.
he never brought this up, until your birthday was coming up, and yuuta very nervously asked you about it.
"so," his eyes stayed firmly planted on the grass you were sitting on, the two of you taking a lemonade break in the middle of your training session. "do you have plans for your birthday yet?"
you smile at him, shaking your head.
"no, not yet," you hum. "hoping to be asked to do something special, though" you add, peeking over at yuuta, only to find him firmly staring at the ground.
he looks nervous, and it makes you giddy with hope that he would ask you to do something. you take a sip of your lemonade to hide your blushing cheeks.
"toge hasn't made any plans yet?"
at first you shake your head, and then confusion seeps into your features, and you tilt your head at yuuta, trying to understand the question.
"no..." you trail off.
"cutting it kinda close, huh?" yuuta mutters, and he almost sounds bitter.
you furrow your brow, before a nervous laugh escapes you.
"i mean, it's a week away," you remind him. "since when was toge the king of birthday planning? he forgot about panda's surprise party last year"
you recall the memory with a laugh, remembering how everyone had jumped out and cheered, scaring the living daylights out of the cursed speech user whom they'd mistaken for the birthday bear.
"yeah, but, you know, it's you," yuuta says, unknowingly making your heart swell. "birthday planning is kind of a boyfriend duty, isn't it?"
at that your eyes widen, and your breath catches in your throat.
"what?" you practically gasp. "toge isn't my boyfriend"
finally, yuuta’s head shoots up, his eyes just as wide as yours.
"what?" he repeats back to you, his own voice barely a whisper.
you shake your head at him, your face splitting into a grin before you start to laugh.
"toge's not my boyfriend," you say between fits of giggles.
yuuta’s face starts to feel hotter by the seconds, embarrassed to have assumed that all this time, embarrassed he'd never explicitly asked about your relationship, embarrassed to have you laughing at him now.
"yuuta, we've known each other for months," you tilt your head at him. "you really thought me and toge were dating?"
"i mean- yeah- i just- i guess i always thought-" he drops his head again, gripping the grass but not pulling it from the ground, trying to calm his overwhelming nerves.
"i'm so sorry," you tell him genuinely once your giggles have subsided. "yuuta, i had no idea you thought that- i promise, i would've said something"
it's sweet that you feel so bad, he thinks. he can tell that your apology is authentic, and when he glances up at you again, he can tell from the furrow in your brows and the concern in your eyes that you do feel bad.
"no, i'm sorry, i never asked" he returns the apology sheepishly.
you give him a warm smile.
"honestly yuuta, i'm surprised you even thought that," you say, and now it's your turn to stare at the grass. "i mean, i don't know how many hints i can give you"
he looks like a deer caught in headlights when he looks up at you, uncertain if he'd heard you correctly.
"hints?" he repeats, and you're laughing again, nodding your head.
"i don't usually need these many breaks when i train with the others," you admit, gesturing to your glass of lemonade. "and... i don't write them letters when they're away on missions either," you giggle. "i just text them"
the pink in his cheeks spreading over his nose and creeping down his neck. were you saying...?
"so you..." he trails off, too nervous to finish his statement.
there's a certain gleam in your eyes as you smiles back at him, not saying a word. you doesn't need to, you'd made yourself perfectly clear, and you're certainly enjoying making him squirm a little.
you'd spent the last few months thinking yuuta would never make a move, but now that you knew why, you felt like you had him right in the palm of you hand.
"well, would you maybe, want to, um, spend your birthday... with me?" he asked, barely bringing himself to look up at you.
"oh yuuta, i thought you'd never ask" you giggle as you sip on your drink.
you're pretty sure yuuta's blush lasted the next three weeks.
xoxo ~ jordie
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mrghostrat · 5 months
Okay I cant -- I need to say it out loud.
I am 100% sure, at this point, you are my favourite artist so far. And I have to honestly thank you for a lot of stuff so let me get to the point before my anxiety takes me back --
I came across you less than a month ago. I don't remember if I saw your art before reading your fictions (Mon Horrible Cherì was my first) or the other way around, but both inspired me so much I can't describe it properly. Art itself is my absolute weak spot. In my past years I always struggled working on that, I was never happy with my results, and mostly had drawn to pay bills than for my own happyness. In the end I hated it at the point that every line I drew was a cut on my hand instead of a moment of joy. And that was horrendous.
But then I came across your art, at some point - and I was amazed. Your style is something I wished to achieve years ago, or very similar to that at least, so I was totally into looking for more, and more, and more. I can't produce art of that quality, but for the first time I wasn't envious of another artist's ability and talent, I was just... Amazed. I felt very happy, can't say why, but your style totally fascinated me. It still do. Anytime you post something new it gives me a shot of serotonine, it makes me feel happy and inspires me to get back on my Huion and draw something too. I started to push it through everyday, and in less than a month I grew a lot. You don't know that, but you pushed me into art with a passion I didn't had since I was 16, and I turned 30 couple months ago. Now it gives me joy everytime I draw. It doesn't matter if the art I produce is no good, or if I change my style everytime (I'm trying a lot of styles right now), the only thing that matter is the way I feel when I sit here and just let my inspiration go. And I feel happy. Happy to draw. Happy to experiment. Happy to share. Somehow I don't feel ashamed of my art anymore, and I was for a long time. I improved so much in these weeks. I watched carefully almost all of your timelapses (I am in love with all of them btw) and followed your tutorials more than once. Your examples, the way you work, is just inspirational for me. I've seen someone was thankful to you for the way you use references and says people out there to do it too: I want to thank you for that too. References was a taboo until last month for me, and I was SO wrong! Those helps so much!
So, well. I am not sure I wrote this all correctly, english is not my native language (I'm italian) and I may have done some mistakes, well, I do not care. I just hope I was able to express you my gratitude for all you did for me - I had to let you know how much this means to me everyday.
Oh also: I love every part of your art, but I could stare at your linearts for days and never get bored by that. And the way you color! Don't make me start on that. I could speak for hours. Not sure you'll want that, believe me.
So, thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for making me believe in myself again. Thank you for giving me back my passion. Thank you for reminding me everyday I can draw for myself, for my own happyness. And thank you for making me happy.
You are a great artist.
Thank you! <3
i put off replying to this because i wanted to draw you something, but i just haven't had the energy after work and dont want u to think im ignoring you 😭
but i dont have WORDS. i'm so fucking proud of you. i'm so happy for you. browsing your blog and seeing the sheer amount of art and AUs you're making is so inspiring. your happiness is contagious and i hope you only continue to grow, and continue to foster all that joy for art.
thank you <3
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April summary
Polls finished: 109
The pair with the most votes this month were Steve and Eddie from Stranger things with a total of 1472 votes for "I ship it!"
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And after them comes Zuko and Sokka at 1406 votes which is still more than 50 votes under Steddie. I never really got into ATLA so I didn't realize these two were so popular, at first glance I thought it would be a rarepair. But maybe the goofball and the edgy guy are actually made for eachother.
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The hidden gem title this month belongs to Keita and Thaniel from the book "The watchmaker of Filigree street" with this impressive ratio where only 0,5% of voters don't ship it. The rest of us don't like reading.
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I must give an honorary mention to Victor and Yuuri as well from Yuri on ice due to the cancellation of the movie. They were one of the first canon gay couples I saw in media and there is a special place in my heart for this anime, so it's sad to see that the movie likely won't be shown. You guys seem to agree with 72% of 413 votes for "I ship it!".
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And finally we have to go decide on the worst ship of the month, which appears to be Stephen Strange/Tony Stark from the MCU with a majority of 52,2% voting for "I don't ship it". Perhaps it's one of those things where there's so many different shows and comics that the non-believers just haven't seen the right one. Or maybe they just suck together. Idk.
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Blog update
There are almost 600 submissions now, so it can take up to a few months for your ship to show up, depending on how often I post. But I mostly pick from the submissions at random based on variety, fun reasons, and those with pictures attached since it's easier for me.
I've added a spreadsheet to this blog, since all the cool blogs have one. I'm planning to update it regularly with the results of every poll published on here. It also features a ban list so your submission isn't just ignored forever if it gets denied by me, but the list is very short. It's also subject to change over time. I'll remove it if it causes unnecessary drama, though.
Thank you for participating this month!
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lillazyboithings · 11 months
Cardverse AU
Hi y'all! I've been working on this AU for almost a month now, so I really hope y'all like it as much as I do!
A basic explanation is that Cardverse is an AU based on the 4 card suits. Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, and Clubs.
There are usually 3 major roles like the cards, Kings, Queens, and Jacks. There are also Jokers but i haven't drawn them yet
I decided to split the choir all up based on their connections, and I wanted to add Tammy and Ezra too just to make them all an even 12
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Details of my eternal brainrot below:
First of all, they're all organized by rank but if you see the colors, they're already assigned to one of the 4 card suits: Blue and Purple shades for Spades, Pink and Red for Hearts, Orange and Yellow for Diamonds, and every shade of green for Clubs.
•Kings are primarily in charge of both the kingdom and are the generals of their own armies
•Queens are in charge of the kingdom's navy, they check and balance for the king's decisions, and can basically rule on their own as a Queendom if the king is not found yet. Usually Queens are from aristocracy/one family line but in some special cases, they're also commoners
•Jacks are in charge of the finances and policies of the kingdom, they also check and balance the king's decisions like the queen, and also work as ambassadors for other kingdoms
•the role of the joker is kinda conflicting but some portray them as evil trickster gods set on causing chaos throughout the kingdoms, some believe they're there to keep order in the kingdoms, the common thing is that they're rarely seen and have been there since like...forever
•The Black joker can see back into the past, they watch over Spades and Clubs
•The Red joker can see into the future, they watch over hearts and diamonds
They all have marks all over their body to identify their ranks, the card suits also have traits:
Spades: Power {placement of mark}
•King - Ocean { left wrist}
•Queen - Constance { right cheek}
•Jack - Ricky {back of left hand}
Diamonds: Wealth
•King - Hank {right palm}
•Queen - Astrid {left palm}
•Jack - Trishna {neck}
Hearts: Emotion
•King - Mischa {right hip}
•Queen - Noel {back of right shoulder}
•Jack - Corey {right calf}
Clubs: Luck
•King - Penny {left upper arm}
•Queen - Tammy {left shoulder}
•Jack - Ezra {left ankle}
Passionfrenchrap (Mischa x Noel x Corey [shoutout to clem])
The ships are:
CDplayer (Penny x Tammy)
Sugarspace (Ricky x Constance)
Lovebite (Hank x Astrid)
Tags section (thank you Gay Taco Bell for making the brainrot so strong that I had to flesh it out):
@theoneunidentifiedbody @meowelgroober @zstarcatsz @undercoverbumblebeee @fucking-gay-frogs @joeseventies @m1sch4-b4ch1nsk1 @finleyforevermore @cardinaldust @dyne-osaur + everyone else who's in gay taco bell but I'm too shy to tag because idk if y'all would like it (kiss kiss mwuah to everyone there)
Btw, should i make a dedicated blog for this au? like for infodumping, art, and also make it an ask blog. (pls let me make this, i literally have a goofy idea about how mischa became king-)
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mrswinnie04 · 5 months
Hey I'm new to J2 tinhatting and looked on your blog and noticed you're fairly new to it too. I'm like really new to it like a week lol. Do you ever have doubts about them and say to yourself this is just wishful thinking? I only say this because I've RPF before and it never ends well but I can say their relationship is quite unique to others. Like I'm also trying to look at it in a logical way, and maybe they are just like brothers, the existence of their kids also complicates things too, etc. What are you thoughts?
Hello Anon!
First off, welcome to the SPN and J2 Tinhatter Community! I think it's super cool that you found my blog and are interested in some of my thoughts :)) so, thank you for your question!
You know, this is such a good question and I completely understand where you are coming from. As a blogger, who is only 4 months into being in this community, your question is something I have asked myself constantly.
In the beginning, I struggled with constantly needing solid proof to quench the doubts in my mind of J2's relationship. Even to this day there are times where I find myself questioning my solid belief in J2's romantic relationship. I think this is because I come from a family that is so demanding of "solid" proof. My mother is an opinionated attorney and my father is a man who doesn't believe in things until he sees it with his own eyes. So, for you anon, and anyone out there who wants to believe in J2 but struggles with doubt, I understand. I have done it too.
During this past summer, when I first entered the tinhatter community, I was consumed by the need to search high-and-low for blogs that did deep analysis on J2's relationship or did Proofs of their romantic connection. I did this because, even though I believed in them, a part of me was so used to needing to have proof to believe in something. I also received a lot of hate from a certain part of SPN's fandom as well. A lot of those people tried to tell me I was "stupid" or that I was "delusional" for believing in something that wasn't real because there was no actual "proof".
In simpler terms, a lot of people around me wanted me to be doubtful. So I was.
Nevertheless, it is my strong belief that someone is drawn to the tinhatter community for a specific reason: you see the connection between Jared and Jensen.
It is true, to some extent, that one reads J2 content or is drawn to tinhatter content because you have noticed things about J2. You notice the looks. The touches. The chemistry and connection.
This idea alone is what kept me believing, because even though so many people wanted me to doubt J2, I knew I was drawn to tinhatter content/the community because I saw something and felt something about J2 that went beyond brotherhood.
As these past four months as a tinhatter has progressed, one of my favorite bloggers has constantly encouraged and supported me in my journey with J2. @brookesallow is such a wonderful writer and person. Their content is always insightful, accurate, and encouraging. Anon, or for anyone interested, I always recommend looking at @brookesallow because their content has kept me believing in J2. This blogger always posts proofs, theories, and beliefs. They are kind and very welcoming, so definitely check them out! I feel that their blog posts do a great job of explaining J2's situation with their wives, kids, and their own romantic connection.
In the beginning, I doubted J2 a lot (even though I really wanted to believe). However, @brookesallow and so many other amazing bloggers have done an amazing job of showing me that I can believe in J2's love and not feel shame for it.
Bearding is such a big thing in Hollywood. So many actors and actresses are pressured by the industry to hide the fact that they are apart of the LGBTQIA+ community. This is beyond tragic and sad. Can you imagine how many actors and actresses we love and adore are forced to be away from the people they love?
As I've done more research, it's clear that there have been plenty of famous actors who have been married + with kids who were actually gay. But because of the movie industry and PR, they were forced to pretend they were heterosexual.
This fact has made me believe in J2 a lot more.
But I want to reiterate my previous idea that those who are drawn to J2 tinhatter content are here for a reason: they believe in something.
In the beginning, I knew I saw something about J2 that went beyond more than brotherhood/friendship. There was just something about their relationship that was infinite and beautiful. And even though I doubted them at first, what kept me believing (and continuing to believe) is the fact that I can see there is just such a powerful and timeless connection between them.
Jared and Jensen are soulmates. You can see it in the way they look at each other; act around each other; touch each other; and love each other. Jensen's first choice will always be Jared. And Jared's first choice will always be Jensen.
So, even though J2 have wives (beards) + kids, it is clear (to me) that they are together. That they love each other, more than just as friends.
I think it is natural to doubt J2 at times. We live a society that demands "proof" but as the famous movie Scarface said:
"The eyes, chico, they never lie."
Looking at the photos below, the way J2 looks at each other is enough for me to believe. In these past four months, as I've grown as a blogger and tinhatter, I know I believe in J2's relationship. There is something about them that is deeper. Something about their relationship that doesn't feel like simple "brotherhood friendship".
Jensen once said that he'd take a bullet for Jared in an interview.
Jensen once went down fighting in a bar brawl for Jared.
J2 would do anything for each other, and I don't think there is anyone I've ever met that would do that for a mere friend. Unconditional love like that stems from a type of love that goes so much deeper than friendship. To say that you would "take a bullet" for someone is serious. It would mean that you feel that, if that person were threatened, that your life (and anything you value in continuing to live) wouldn't matter in that second---you would give that all up for that person, regardless of your own happiness, because that's how much that other person means to you.
That kind of love is special.
But there are so many instances I can think of between J2 that have convinced me of their love. So many that there isn't a enough space here for me to share, but I definitely recommend @brookesallow. Their blog is amazing and so informative!
Anyway, I'm sorry I went on a rant.
Anon, I just want to say that I understand the way you feel. I have been there. The point of this post isn't to force you to believe me or anything. I think discovering your own confidence and belief in J2 (without anyone forcing you) is what makes the tinhatter journey beautiful. As these past four months as a blogger have progressed, I have found so much joy in finding my own confidence in J2 myself. By doing this, I have opened my heart to the fact that I don't need a "confession" to believe in them. I can believe in their love because I can see it. I can feel it.
I believe in it because I believe in J2.
It is my hope, anon, that you have a wonderful and welcoming experience into the tinhatter community! I hope you have a wonderful journey and please ask me if you have anymore questions!
Farewell! AND THANK YOU AGAIN for your question. I'm really honored and grateful for your curiosity.
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robindaydream · 10 months
Alright, I've been meaning to do this for a long time, but I'm finally starting a patreon.
I've spent the last ten years doing shitty retail and food service jobs and honestly it got pretty bad for me for a few years, and it was hard to do anything besides work and eat and sleep.
But I've been doing better this year! And I want to make things. My own things. I'm feeling inspired and like I actually love drawing for the first time in a long time. And I want to hold onto that and keep going. I want to do things I actually care about and believe in and even if this doesn't fully replace having a job I can spend more time doing art and less time making coffee for strangers.
There's not going to be a bunch of big fancy tiers to the patreon just yet. I mostly plan on using it for posing design and concept work for projects I want to work on. If that's something that sounds interesting to you, or if you've ever appreciated the various gay horses and lesbian animals I've drawn over the years, please consider throwing a few bucks a month my way.
Thanks for everything!
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ninja-muse · 6 months
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This month's last-minute review is brought to you by something of a reading slump. I've read a fair number of good books this month, if you look at the ratings I've given them, but no books that I've gotten excited about, that I've felt were unexpectedly good enough that I had to talk about it.
Until now.
Lovecraft Country was my first Matt Ruff, and it's not going to be the last. It's well-written, with strong characters and good humour, and a really interesting structure. It's a smart book, and feels very grounded and real. Is it an astounding book? No, but it does its thing very well and I enjoyed reading it more than I thought I would.
Let's start with the structure, because that's one of the things that impressed me most. It's a novel-of-stories, with each chapter being a different character on their own adventure, but there's still a narrative arc for the book, clues the characters gather and the readers pick up on, and nastiness that builds and builds until the final showdown. It's a tough structure to pull off, but Ruff's done it.
I also liked that the structure lent itself very well to a sort of puzzle-box story. You get all these clues and hints about what's truly going on, even if you don't realize that till later, and even though you kind of know where the book is going, watching everything slowly slot into place and trying to put everything together before the characters do is a good part of the fun. It's a lot like watching good SFnal TV, which Ruff's author's note says this was meant to be; you get invested in the characters and the individual "episodes", but there's meaning in that key, that comic book, that thing in the forest. Surely there must be, but how?
And the characters! I loved all the point-of-view characters—they're smart, opinionated, complicated, aware of the forces acting against them and doing what they can to avoid them. I was scared for them, I wanted them to succeed, all that good stuff. The white people are also believably drawn, in that they're self-important, greedy, and used to power, but also, when the story allows for us to see it, sympathetic and complicated all the same.
It's hard to say whether this is science fiction or fantasy, but it's definitely in that wheelhouse rather than being a straight-up historical novel. There are ghosts and monsters and grimoires and secret dimensions and a lot of other stuff you might expect to find in a book that's influenced by pulp fiction and early sci-fi and horror. But, as with a lot of genre work that tackles such things these days, Ruff has fun with this stuff while also adding a social twist to them. In this case, having a Black cast allows Ruff to illuminate and comment on the racism inherit to the 1950s. There's humour to it, but in a way that helps the points hit home.
And that brings me to the last thing I need to mention: that this is a book about Black people written by a white man. It's also written primarily for white people, as far as I can tell, because while the characters take redlining and sundown towns for granted, Ruff doesn't assume that his readers will even know what those are or, if they do, be aware how they actually impact people. However, Ruff's also done his research and tackled the subject thoughtfully. The characters don't conform to stereotypes but are definitely informed by their pasts. The stuff they face goes beyond the usual talking points of Black History For White People; there's mention of boycotts of racist businesses, the Tulsa race massacre, the intricacies of buying real estate while Black, the difficulties of loving science fiction when everyone who writes it hates you. And of course he acknowledges that dealing with racist BS on a daily basis and constantly being underestimated puts you at an advantage when there's some really massive BS going down. I thought Ruff handled it all very well, without being heavy-handed or going into anything that he couldn't do justice. (Well, maybe Ruby's story. I need to think about that one more.)
So yeah, I was surprised by this book on a few fronts, and I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. The humour and love of SF tropes, balanced with the antiracism and social commentary, was right up my alley, and the way Ruff told the story was the cherry on top. Like I said, it's not an amazing book—it might have pushed the boundaries of speculative fiction when it came out but it certainly doesn't now—but it entertains and enlightens and does so cleverly. This won't be my last Matt Ruff, like I said above, but I'm also not likely to pick up another one for a while. Maybe in a year or two when I get a hankering for the sort of stuff he does.
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daandyli0n · 6 days
alright, so. because i've thought about this way too much:
how games/gameplay would be different in my Fnaf Rewrite
@that-darn-clown because i told you about this earlier
(also note: this is just an explanation of how the games would be different in this rewrite. any plot points that are mentioned won't be explained in too much detail; just enough context for something to make Some kind of sense.
however, if you Are curious about certain plot points...you can always send an ask :] aka Please Send Asks, I Wanna Ramble About This)
Fnaf 1:
mostly the same, but lore stuff is more...fleshed out? easier to understand? things are still vague, we aren't given all answers, but the main pieces are mostly in place at this point. main character(s)/protagonist(s) are different: Andrew Schmidt (Night 1-5) and Michael Afton (Night 6).
Phone Guy has a name and is a character: Alexander Afton. jokes around often with the nightguard, seems anxious and lost in thought often, seems to space out as he's reminded of...past events. dies on Night 4, with a heavy implication that he knows which of the spirits wants him dead so badly, before he's suddenly attacked and the call cuts out. another employee takes his place on Night 5, describing what became of him: he was found in the Backstage area, the top quarter of his head, the right side, bitten nearly clean off. his left eye in open wide in fear. what's more, they found "that old yellow bear thing" sitting nearby with its mouth bloody.
William is, in a way, referenced. while he goes by "Dave Miller" as a fake name, Alex will sometimes accidentally refer to the man as "dad" or "my father/dad." he is also described rather...suspiciously. as though he's hiding something. whenever he is brought up on the call, the newspaper easter eggs are activated. speaking of which:
Newspaper Easter Eggs!! first night - describes the disappearance of two young girls; Naomi Everest and Gabrielle Franklin-Martinez. second night - two more disappearances, this time of two young boys; Baker Fitzgerald and Felix Smith. (familiar last names, huh?) third night - one final disappearance, this time of another young boy; Kelsey Schmidt. however...it's not at a Freddy's, it's at "another local kid's pizza place." (wonder where That is?) fourth night - a newspaper article that appears to have been vandalized, showing a crying child's face drawn over a large portion of the actual article, obscuring many details. what is visible, however, tells us as follows: "Local Preteen Found Murdered Outside of Freddy's: The community was shaken today....the girl, Charlotte Emily....12 years old...appeared to be locked out...birthday party...found by her brother and father, as well as a family friend, Mic...fton.....loss has shocked the public, especially friends of the girl...The Father, [obscured] Emily, devastated, decided to close the pizzeria for the next week...give time to grieve...funeral will be held this weekend..."This is a shock to us all, and we will be doing our best to pick up the pieces and make sure this tragedy will never happen again." -Co-Founder, [obscured] Afton" fifth night - article describes how four of the bodies of the missing children were found, except for Kelsey's. article talks about how the pizzeria will close down in a few months after this, per the decision of the owner. we are told that while the restaurant might reopen someday, but there will be new management...he's passing the responsibilities onto another owner. the tragedies are starting to hit too close to home for him. we are told that the "tragedy" (MCI) took place three years previous to the article, and the article is dated in 1985. sixth night - not a newspaper article, but a paper simply repeating the phrase "YOUR FAULT" (believed to be a manifestation of Michael's guilt). this paper appears after the employee on the phone says "Listen...you haven't had an easy time in over a decade. You've gone through a lot of heartache, and this...horrible tragedy with your brother has probably dug up a lot of that pain for you all over again. We're terribly sorry for your loss, and I hope that things start getting easier for you. Genuinely." there is no newspaper article for the seventh night, as the seventh night isn't canon to this rewrite (there would still be a custom night, but there's no lore; just for the player to fuck around with).
motives given for why the two nightguards are here: Andrew blames himself for a currently unknown event (but is, at this point in the series, implied to be Kelsey's disappearance), and effectively has a death wish/is passively suicidal, probably hoping the animatronics will just kill him and get it over with (basically mentioned by Alex over the phone before his death, saying things along the lines of "L-Listen, I get it still hurts, that you feel like it was your fault, but we were all still kids back then! You were like, what, twelve?" and "T-Those things will kill you if they get in! You need to be careful, okay? ...Why did you go quiet? I, wait...that's...that's not your plan, is it?"). Michael is stated to be there until a replacement for Andrew's shift is found; turns out Andrew got promoted to the dayshift.
Golden Freddy/Fredbear is merely a hallucination, and is not an actual threat (can't kill the player). however, Fredbear will cause hallucinations to worsen in the office as long as he is in there, including causing the cameras to falsely flicker (basically making it appear as though the animatronics have moved when they haven't), so getting rid of him quickly is an important thing. you do this by quickly flipping the camera up and down; not lingering either time. lingering basically resets the process.
hallucinations are basically the same, with the addition of auditory hallucinations ("It's Me", "Save Us", "It Hurts", "I See You", etc) and the False (Camera) Flickers i mentioned earlier
all in all, not much is changed, but lore is slightly more fleshed out and the main pieces are in place, and there's some extra hallucinations.
Fnaf 2:
again, pretty similar to the original game, but with a few extra lore bits added in there. night guards are: Jeremy Fitzgerald (Nights 1-5), Michael Afton (Night 6), and Fritz Smith (Night 7; seventh night IS canon in this game).
Alex is still the Phone Guy, but he sounds...younger. he's more skittish, he stutters more often, and will beat around the bush when talking about rumors of what happened at the pizzeria a few months prior. he seems...more nervous, in general.
hallucinations!! we're bringing those back!! sometimes a missing child's poster will appear in the office, showing a different one depending on the guard that night (Jeremy will have Baker's missing poster show up in the office, Fritz will have Felix's. Michael won't have a missing poster show up; this time it will be the newspaper discussing Charlie's murder). the auditory hallucinations are back, now with extra sounds like "Save Them", "Help Them", and "They're Still Here", now said in a young girl's voice, whereas the others are more ambiguous. False Flickers are back!! sometimes, when the paper pal appears in the office, a missing poster for either Naomi or Kelsey appears.
the minigames are. a bit different now. while a lot of the death minigames stay the same, a few have some extra lore bits thrown in: with "Take Cake To The Children", the child standing in the upper left-hand corner (closest to the door, as we can guess) doesn't seem interested in the cake, having a straight face and never turning red. mid-murder, the boy suddenly seems curious, walking towards the door, as though he heard screaming. as Afton drives away and the boy (very likely Sammy, Charlie's brother) reaches the door, the Puppet (Marionn) jumpscares and the minigame ends. in "Foxy Go Go Go," two of the children stand out, seeming noticeably different; one has what seems to be a bunny headband, and the other has a reddish-orange striped shirt and appears to be frowning. during the second time in the minigame, the boy with the bunny headband is gone, but everything else is the same (not meant to imply that Baker was taken while watching Foxy; just meant to show he was taken before Felix). and during the third time, the boy in the striped shirt is gone, and Foxy starts walking noticeably slower, similarly to Freddy in the Cake Minigame once things start going wrong, before Withered Foxy jumpscares the player (showing that Felix possesses Foxy). "Save Them" and "Give Gifts, Give Life" are basically the same.
LORE MINIGAMES!! second night - you play as Jeremy with his brother, Baker, following close behind. you are told to "Go To The Arcade." upon getting there, Jeremy will stand in front of a game and, presumably, start playing. however, after several seconds of this, Baker will wander away a bit, only to be lured off by O'Hare (Springbonnie). Jeremy does not seem to notice this, and the minigame ends. third night - continuation of the previous night's minigame. Jeremy is now given the task "Find Your Brother." after exploring the building, he comes across the Backstage door before Withered Bonnie jumpscares the player (clearly meant to show that Baker possesses Bonnie), ending the minigame. fifth night - less a minigame and more of a cutscene, showing Jeremy sitting on a curb, presumably outside of Freddy's, crying into his hands as another person, presumably a friend of his (it's Michael, but the game would never explicitly say this), tries comforting him. sixth night - "Save Them" Minigame, but...different. you play as Fredbear, awakening in the Parts & Service room only with the goal "FIND HIM." as the player exits the room and explores, entering one of the Party Rooms shows Freddy lying on the ground, with Afton standing over him. Afton suddenly turns around to see Fredbear, and the text in the corner changes from "FIND HIM" to "FOUND HIM" for a split second before the minigame cuts out. seventh/custom night - you play as Fritz. Fritz is shown outside of a car with the text/task "Find Your Son." Fritz enters the building, entering Pirate Cove, he sees O'Hare leading Felix away. the task now changes: "Follow Them: Get Your Son." however, Fritz is blocked by the children crowding around in the hallways and rooms, and is eventually blocked off completely. the minigame cuts off after this point.
Jeremy is confirmed to be the Bite of '87 victim; mentioned in Night 6's newspaper, which also mentions the restaurant's closure.
everything else is just about the same; again, lore is just slightly more fleshed out during this game.
Fnaf 3:
again, mostly the same, with a few small changes. nightguards: Samuel "Sammy" Emily (Nights 1-5) and Michael Afton (Night 6).
Phone Dude!! we actually get more of him, plus a name: Daniel Scottson. we only get two training tapes during Night 2 and 3; one describing Springlock Suits and how to wear them safely, and another mentioning the suits being taken out of use due to "incidents." not...failures, but incidents. Phone Dude gets more worried throughout the nights, mostly about the new..."attraction." (our boy Springtrap) on Night 6, he basically does the Fnaf 2 thing of "Why are you there?!" Dan seems worried...hasn't Mike heard of the Hare? how...dangerous it is?
"Good Ending" minigames still require the player to "unlock" them, but will take place at the end of the night before the "regular" end-of-night minigames instead of happening right as the correct items are clicked and then resetting the night. the minigames also end showing which child was given cake via the masks the child wears: Mangle's was Felix, BB's was Gabi, Chica was Naomi, Fredbear's was Kelsey, and Shadow Bonnie's was Baker. upon getting to the "Happiest Day" Minigame, it is shown that there are seven children, and only one without a mask standing next to Kelsey. minigame ends as normal with this maskless, unknown child (Cassidy, but this wouldn't be revealed yet in the games) gaining a mask similar to Kelsey's and then ending with the masks falling and the balloons rising like the normal minigame. it is implied that Michael is assisting with these minigames after Sammy completes his shifts.
Regular End-of-Night Minigames: these are a bit different. the animatronics (or, the children possessing them) are lured using the things that lured the children the first time, with Wiliam luring them through the room entrances and exits: Gabi is lured using a cake, Baker sees O'Hare and decides to follow him again, Naomi is lured with what appears to be a dog (but is just a toy that can make noise), Felix is lured by William in a mask (he knew Afton had disguised himself, so he sees someone in a mask almost taunting him and of course decides to investigate). on the fifth night, an unknown child is leading another unknown child (Cassidy and Kelsey respectively) towards the back room where Afton is. the rest of the minigame continues as normal.
at the beginning of Night 6, it is confirmed that Sammy set the place on fire, but probably attempted to make it look like an accidental, electrical fire ("You know what to do, right, Mike?" "Yep. Loud and clear, Sammy." "I've got the matches ready. Keep him distracted, and then run out the door as soon as that clock strikes 6. If this doesn't work...Christ, not sure what to do at that point...*sigh*...Hope you're free now, Charlie...")
Fnaf 4:
quite a bit different, but has the general format of being based off of dreams that someone is having. Protagonist: Michael Afton during some point between 1994-2000. the exact timeline placement isn't clear. perhaps it doesn't need to be; the "nights" are just nightmares that give some idea of what Michael's mental state is like
end-of-night minigames are relatively the same, just with a few differences: we are given names (CC is Cassidy, Michael is the person speaking to us through the Fredbear plush, and Alex is Foxybro), Elizabeth is shown to not be around anymore, with Michael not mentioning much about her besides the information "It's been a year...", the minigame where Cassidy is trapped in the back room has extra dialogue from an unknown character in faint yellow text saying "Shh....I'm here. It's okay.." (this is Kelsey) and has a scene at the end where Michael comes in and and tries to comfort Cassidy while yelling "Alex, what the hell is your problem-?!", etc. smaller things, but y'know. Lore
each night takes place in Michael's nightmares, representing different periods in his life.
first night - represents Michael's childhood post-Cassidy's birth/Mom's death. the closest to original Fnaf 4. animatronics are grotesque and terrifying, resembling the original Fnaf 4 animatronics, and include: The OG 4 (Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy), Fredbear, O'Hare, Harriet (basically Circus Baby, but Hare), Blackjack (basically Lolbit), and Marionn (reminder; the Puppet). gameplay includes running and hiding from the animatronics. while all animatronics seem to terrify him, oddly enough...the animatronics that are Henry's creations (all except for O'Hare, Harriet, and Blackjack) seem to try and "comfort" him in some way ("Come on, Matey! Don't be so scared! A little adventure never hurt anyone!" "Come one, Kiddo! I just wanna give you a cupcake, sweetie! Wouldn't that cheer you up?" "What's the matter, scared of the dark? Come over here, I'll play ya a song, Kid. That'll calm yer nerves a bit, right?" "Do you want a gift? Gifts make people happy, right..?") (Lines are said by Foxy, Chica, Freddy, and Marionn respectively), whereas William's creations mock and taunt him for being scared and running. while not a noticeable detail, it would certainly give some perspective on how Mike viewed Henry and William, if a bit subtly.
second night - a mix of three incidents: Liz's accidental death, Charlie's murder, and the MCI. Michael hides in the building from "O'Hare," in a similar structure to the Ballora Gallery section of Sister Location (if the sounds come close by, hide/stay still). going near animatronics causes them to make noise and move, potentially alerting O'Hare if he's close enough. all of the animatronics seem to be leaking blood or have bloody spots, and Marionn can be activated by approaching the window, where they will jump up at the window and scare Michael from outside, playing "Pop! goes the Weasel." while Michael can approach the Backstage room, there is blood coming from under the door, and Mike seems to shake the closer he gets to the room. he will refuse to enter. there is the constant, faint sound of a young girl screaming in the background. no matter where Michael goes, the sound never gets any louder or any quieter.
third night - Michael is in a dark, abandoned hospital. looking at signs around the place, he seems to specifically be in the ICU. this type of memory seems to effectively come out of nowhere; the only knowledge we have of Michael potentially being in a hospital in the past is the fact that his mother died in childbirth (something i feel the minigames would briefly mention). so...this memory can't be of his mother's death; she wouldn't have been in the ICU. he is chased around by the OG Four, who have empty eyes. the only sounds any of them make are laughter and the phrase "Your Fault." but...Foxy has more lines; "Coward," "People-Pleaser," "Give Him A Kiss!" and, most notably, "Our Fault." there is a specific room that Michael refuses to enter to hide in. when prompted, we are simply greeted with the response: "You don't want to go in there. You're afraid of what you'll see when you open that door."
fourth night - seems to be based around the events of Fnaf 2. there are balloons floating around the building, obscuring any possible threats. Mangle is almost impossible to really hide from; crawling on the ceiling means they can see wherever Michael is, regardless of the balloons, meaning that once they approach, Michael can only really hide under tables to get away from them. sometimes, he sees IVs and hears a heart monitor beeping in the background (Bite of '87 Aftermath; Mike witnessed Jeremy get bitten).
fifth night - this is basically just Fnaf 1 but with Dream Logic and hide and seek. that is all.
sixth night - Michael is trapped in what seems to be a Parts & Service room. there are the sounds of a bustling party, but, more notably, the sounds of a screaming child is in the background. the door to the room suddenly opens after several seconds of this, and all of the sounds stop. the building is dark. Fredbear is up on stage, frozen in time, blood covering his mouth and teeth. he has a spotlight on him and in front of him. the one in front shines on four abandoned masks, the Foxy one bloody, and a bloody Fredbear Plush. Michael approaches Fredbear, the suit seeming to constantly let out the words "Your Fault," and upon picking up the plushie, the room goes dark and silent, and Michael pulls out a flashlight. from this point onwards, the player must find keys to leave the diner while warding off Nightmare, who is almost relentless. exiting the diner completes the night.
Sixth Night Minigame Cutscene: this shows a different minigame from the original game. Cassidy is shown to be in a dimly lit party room. there is a heartbeat monitor in the background. there are other kids around in the background, but Cassidy is shown sitting on the ground up front, with Charlie standing next to him. they start talking, and it sounds like Cassidy wants to help free the souls, with Charlie telling him that he doesn't have to if he thinks it will be difficult. they hear a voice (Alex) apologizing to Cassidy, as well as Michael begging Cass to wake up and not die, and Charlie promises that she and the other children are still Cass' friends, and that she's still there. Cassidy wakes up in the hospital, with his father and siblings there. everyone is overjoyed that he's awake again, but Cass stares at his father, narrowing his eyes at him before the minigame fades.
seventh night - this one isn't a dream...it's a memory. you walk through the woods, brambles cutting up your legs, sounds of nature accidentally scaring you. there aren't any true threats here, just tension as you walk through the woods. you come across a clearing, walking towards a makeshift grave. there are poppy flowers laid on top, and a small stone acting as a gravestone. Michael will sit nearby the grave once you get close enough, and will stare at the grave for several seconds before the screen goes black...and a minigame cutscene starts.
Seventh Night Minigame Cutscene: Cassidy is shown sitting beside the grave, staring down at the Earth. Charlie walks up to him and takes his hand, leading him away through the woods. they are both translucent. as they walk, Charlie looks down at him, saying "Don't worry, Cassy...we'll make him pay-" He cuts her off; "No. I'll make him pay." Charlie goes quiet for a second before saying "Well...in any case..." The screen fades out, showing Fredbear in the Backstage area of Freddy's. Charlie finishes her sentence: "I will put you back together." Fredbear "wakes up" (eyes now have white pupils) and the minigame ends suddenly.
and there's the ending to the game.
Fnaf Sister Location:
hoo boy, this is where the gameplay REALLY changes here. like a LOT. this is practically a different game. Michael is, of course, our protagonist.
takes place in the now abandoned Fredbear's Family Diner: Fredbear and O'Hare (now Springtrap) were moved back to the building after Freddy's closed (the current Fazbear Entertainment CEO just chose to ignore the WHOLE ROTTING CORPSE IN THERE because they've gotten bad at this point).
sort of in the same "format" of OG Sister Location: you have to complete tasks to complete the night.
imagine BUNNYFARM from the Walten Files but Sister Location edition and not a video game.
Family Reunion!! :D (< this is NOT a good thing)
Blackjack is an animatronic fox and is effectively Lolbit. y'know Showbear from The Walten Files? Blackjack is Showbear and Michael is Sophie, to give y'all an idea of the dynamic here.
Blackjack works as Michael's guide throughout the nights, as well as the one who reminds Michael of his past (of which he has repressed HEAVILY. for understandable reasons).
each night ends with a minigame cutscene from Michael's past, typically being the one that BJ tries to help him remember throughout his shift that night.
Night Four is interesting, though: this time, instead of Michael uncovering a memory, it's Cassidy telling him what had happened the night he died: William had strangled him to death in his sleep because...well, to put it one way, he knew too much. Michael and the others had been told that Cassidy had simply died unexpectedly in his sleep.
Night Five is supposed to be Michael's last day. he doesn't know how much more of this he can take, as well as the fact his father's still in the building with him. his final task before quitting is simple: clean up the mess in the Dining Room. put the tables and chairs back. a simple task...were it not for the fact one of the tables (with several chairs stacked on top of it) is basically the one bit of protection from his (now INCREDIBLY unhinged) father. but...it is part of his duties for the night. he literally moves Every Other Chair And Table first. like. He Does Not Want To Potentially Put Himself In Danger Because He Has No Idea What Might Happen If He Unblocks That Door. nobody is giving him advice on what to do here: Cass, Liz, and BJ are being uncharacteristically quiet tonight. he doesn't know what to do. like in the actual Sister Location, there are two endings depending on what Michael does:
Moving The Table And Chairs Back: Michael decides to move the table back, praying for the best. he shakes the whole time, trying to act fast. for a few moments, everything seems fine. Mike laughs; he was just being a bit paranoid, maybe his father wasn't even aware he was here. and then he hears the door open, and the voice of his father coming from behind it. i feel like the ending would cut here, only to pick up in Michael's bathroom. he's breathing quickly, clearly panicked. Jeremy knocks on the door, asking if he's alright, and Mike rolls his sleeve down to reveal a really bad scratch on his arm. (this would be considered the "Real Ending")
Not Doing Anything And Leaving Instead: Michael decides to leave the door to the Back Room blocked, and instead decides to tell his siblings goodbye. he tells them that he'll free them, even if doing so could kill him. with that, he leaves. there is no scene after this point. (this would be considered the "Fake Ending")
there is a sixth night that i can best describe as Playing Hide And Seek With Springtrap. you play as an unnamed employee who was tasked with finishing Michael's work, considering he clearly hasn't, as the table is still against the Back Room door, just slightly moved out of the way (showing that this takes place post-Real Ending). the employee has to hide in the building while accomplishing their goal- moving the table and chairs back -while also Not Dying. at the end, we are gifted a monologue from Michael to his father that is similar to the one from the OG Sister Location (basically saying "Hey Dad, What The Fuck, I'm Gonna Come Back For You," y'know?)
there's the game, basically! Michael doesn't die!! he's alive!! more traumatized now, but alive!!
Fnaf 6/Pizzeria Simulator:
almost identical, really. with a few changes like with the Lore Arcade Games (slightly different due to lore changes: specifically due to Midnight Motorist Shit; it basically got split into two different games, one that fit the Aftons and one that fit the Schmidts). once again: Michael's the protag.
so!! Arcade Games:
Fruity Maze: the same, but less gruesome. during the second go-around of the game, some of the fruit will still appear to be dogs, but the girl in the screen (Naomi) will appear more surprised than sad. same thing happens the third time, and instead of Afton luring the girl away with the promise of taking her to her dead dog, he instead promises to give her a puppy, if she follows him. the game ends.
Security Puppet: the same, but with a small section at the end where two people, one with orange text and another with red (Sammy and Michael), seem to be talking with each other, searching for "her", only to seemingly come across Charlie's body. they both go quiet. the screen goes dark, and text comes across the screen: "...Wait, is that-?" "...Charlie..?" the game ends.
Midnight Motorist: follows Afton. game is the same, just without the implications of Afton being drunk (in the rewrite, Afton was never an alcoholic). he returns home the night after he kills Charlie, where he is confronted by the rest of his family. he seems to be trying to act natural after what happened, and trying to find Michael, who we learn was upset that he couldn't go to Charlie and Sammy's party earlier after William "mysteriously" wouldn't take him or Cassidy, who also seemed disappointed. after finding Mike's bedroom door locked, he seems to get slightly worried; Mike almost never locks his door. he goes to Michael's bedroom window outside, discovering that it's open and that Mike isn't in the room. William simply comments that he knows where his son has probably gone, and the game ends.
Bear Race: this is basically the other half of the Midnight Motorist, but showing a drunk, potentially physically abusive parent; this follows Mr. Schmidt, Andrew and Kelsey's father. the "normal section" of the game has you playing as a blonde-colored Freddy (not Fredbear; looks closer to a pixelated version of Fnaf 1 Golden Freddy, but paler) racing against two other Freddys for several laps through the woods...until your character reaches a cabin. the minigame suddenly shifts; you're now a man with light blonde hair, moving slowly through a small, almost empty house. a woman sits nearby on a couch. approaching her gives you the following dialogue, labeled "New Girlfriend," where she says: "Ya gonna yell at him again? The kid's been having a bad day, and I'm sure you telling him that he should be dead ain't gonna help." you then move to the back of the house, coming to a closed door. this is where the "drunk parent yelling at their kid's bedroom door" section of the minigame occurs. Mr. Schmidt eventually kicks the door open, entering the room, where it is revealed that Andrew isn't in the room and that the bedroom window is open. furious, he heads back to the other room, where he demands an answer. there, his girlfriend admits that Andrew went to go stay with "that Afton kid again" (Michael) and might be back at some point. she sighs, telling him "You know it's been hard for him, especially since...look, it might be hard for you, but imagine how hard it is for him." this places this specific incident post-MCI, where Kelsey, Andrew's younger brother, had been murdered, hence this unnamed event that Andrew would be "taking really hard." the game ends after this point. (this also has some fun food for thought: Andrew is unknowingly staying under the same roof as the man who killed his brother, and thus effectively ruined his life :))
everything else is relatively the same...except for the ending.
there's a final cutscene after Henry's speech, and after he gives Mike a match to light and then drop. Michael attempts to beg Henry to come with him, to keep living. they can leave his father to burn, and they can live out the rest of their lives In Peace...but Henry says no. it started with him and William, and it will END with him and William. Michael, not able to convince him, runs. Henry and William are left in the building, and what happens next is unknown, at least from Michael's perspective.
aaand there's the ending! we get another cutscene afterwards. Michael comes to a small grave on the hill; Cassidy now has a proper grave, next to Charlie's. Michael talks to them both, talking about how they're both at peace now. he talks about how things have been getting better for him, for everyone else. he tells Cassidy that he loves him, and that maybe, just maybe, he can finally sleep well for once...
...until we see Fredbear in the dark, "waking up." and there's the ending. (leads into UCN)
UCN literally doesn't change besides possibly adding some fun death minigames in there, but i haven't thought to deep into those yet.
now!! GAME TIMELINE (aka, when everything happens):
(* could be switched)
Fnaf SL Night 1 Minigame (shows Liz's death) (April 1982)
Fnaf 2 minigames (May-June 1982)
Fnaf 4 minigames (except for Night 7) (1983)
Fnaf 4 Night 7 (as in, this around when the memory would've happened) (Sepember 1983) *
Fnaf 4 Night 7 minigame (September 1983) *
Fnaf 2 (1987)
Fnaf 1 (1993)
Fnaf 4 (the game itself; the nightmares are based off of memories) (1994-2000)
Fnaf 3 End-Of-Night minigames (late 1994-early 1995)
Fnaf SL (2001)
Fnaf 3 (2012)
Fnaf 6/PS (+ Fnaf 3 Happiest Day Minigame) (2014)
UCN (2014 onwards)
we ain't getting into Help Wanted onwards. i've got ideas but they aren't concrete, so they aren't going here for now.
anyway!! this took me a few days because i kept getting distracted, please enjoy!
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moonspirit · 5 months
Hello! I'm super late to the aot and aruani train (having just binged the entire show start to finish like 2 months ago over 4 days lmao) but I just gotta say that I really enjoyed your Fort Salta series! Annie and Armin were legit my favourites already during my first watch of the anime, and it really saddened me to know that it seems alot of people online really hate Annie? Like (no hate on any other characters) but Annie is legit best girl how tf can people hate on her ;-; Anyways, I've been ecstatic since I've found your fics and blog along with many others (shoutout to distortedclouds and flailingkittylover too!!) bc it felt like I finally found my people - good to know I'm not the only one brain-rotting from this show and especially over these two xD I've been dying to talk to someone about this recent discovery of mine since I've started reading the manga though...did you know that Armin has been taller than Annie since even before she was crystalized?? In the anime he's like the shortest person pre-timeskip beside Historia, but turns out it's not the case in the manga! In volume 8 when Armin confronts Annie in Stohess, he's clearly drawn to be slightly taller than her in the scene - I thought it was just a perspective error, but it's drawn that way over multiple pages so it's definitely intended! Makes the whole height/size difference thing even more adorable omg ;-;
Ahhh hello there! First off: Welcome, welcome to the Aot fandom, and the AruAni fandom in particular! No time is too late, we're all happy to have one new aruani fan join in haha xD
I agree that while it's very sad seeing the Annie haters, it's best to ignore them. They may have their reasons or not (tho tbh, those of us in the Annie/AruAni fandom would say they just have a very poor or nil understanding of her character). Annie's an extremely well written character honestly; @distortedclouds and I once had this conversation where she was talking about how Isayama managed to give Annie flawless character development in spite of portraying her as the non-typical badass female (in that she doesn't have huge, heroic ambitions and etc) - and I agreed wholeheartedly. Annie's very strong and lethal, but in her vulnerability and desire to be loved and wanted, I think we can all see a bit of ourselves.
Wait I digressed xD My point: Annie's best girl, and we stay away from the haters and stick to worshipping her. Strengthening the Temple of Annie Leonhardt must be our ultimate goal.
I would go on a rant about Armin too being the best, bestest, bestestest boy, and of our other goal of strengthening the Temple of Armin Arlert, but that is for another post, maybe xD
Regarding the height difference! I believe it's an established fact that Armin has always been taller than Annie, right from the beginning. If I remember right, the official Character Guidebook (2014) which was based on the first 11 volumes of the manga, listed Armin as 163cms while Annie was 153. While he's one of the shortest among the boys in general (and post-timeskip he's taller than Levi), he's been at least a whole head taller than Annie ever since they joined the military. Post timeskip, he's 169cms while Annie remains apparently unchanged, so the gap is larger, and likely to grow an inch or two more (since he's only 19). Anyway, yes it's fucking cute, and don't get me started on the size difference 🫠🫠🫠
Once again, welcome to the aruani fandom here, there's lots of lovely people with great blogs writing fics, making art, brainrotting 24/7 and posting about AruAni all the time, and we're very happy to have you be a part of it, here!
And thank you so much for reading the Fort Salta series T/////T I'm very grateful.
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spoilerqueen · 1 year
K guys, have an idea here and i need some feedback if you know anything about wuxia, Xianxia or just a single danmei, y'know how Kung fu panda is actually based completely on not only Chinese culture but heavily inspired by the wuxia genre as well? You can even see the resemblance on some things, the qi being just like spiritual energy than CAN be stolen, like what happened with kai on KFP 3, the wuxi finger is basically a forced qi deviation, the power that you can cultivate by training, the way that oogway literally ascended to a heavenly realm as a god after years of cultivating spiritual energy, like we only needed Po to bleed from his mouth and we have literally everything for it to be an actual wuxia/xianxia story, so i was thinking, why not make a fan comic of the story of the movies as an actual wuxia/xianxia with human characters and a bit more blood and exaggeration????
You may be thinking "why tf would you want to do that with a kids movie" or even just "why?"
And my answers are: because i love Chinese fantasy and kung fu panda so i want to combine them further, and for the second question i would like to say that just because i want to...but that's not the case my fellow internet people... It is because the human versions of the furious five that i always come across on Pinterest i hate with a passion 🕴🏻
Not to say anything bad about the artists skills or to bash their designs at all, but i would love it if people weren't so forgetful about the fact the furious five are you know... Chinese I feel like people isn't taking advantage of that culture at all
And not only Chinese, we're talking about historical periods of old china were no one was allowed to cut their hair or show skin below the neck
Like why would po wear a tiny shirt? Why would po be bald? Why would monkey be black? (It kinda rubs me the wrong way how some people make specifically monkey the only dark skinned character i think it reads racist ngl 🤨) Why would tigress have a pixie cut? Why would viper show so much skin when she's the daughter of a respectable warrior and would basically be very close to being a princess? Like- things like that are completely fine, nothing wrong to the vision they have on the characters, but to the neurodivergent hyperfixating me, the fact that no one overanalizes anything about this kids movie about a panda eating dumplings is outrageous, it's not them, it's me 😔✊🏻
I've spent a few months organizing ideas on how i believe a more wuxia/Xianxia design of the characters would look like
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I've been trying to keep the design closer to the animals they supposedly are but it's kinda hard (◎_◎;)
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For Po i keept his body shape and decided a bun or any kind of high hairstyle would be ideal for him since he was a cook and still cooks a lot, a ponytail or half up hairstyle would get on his way a lot. I decided to give him vitiligo to mimic the panda spots on his original design, crashing his weight, height and skin to add the unique factor that was present on the movie by him being the only panda on the valley, He's the only one I've actually drawn yet but it is still in development
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For tigress or however tf you spell it, English isn't my first language. I decided to go for a sharp and serious look
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To keep it simple, I'll be giving her a light brown shade of hair, i want to avoid giving them vibrant hair colors but still having some nods to their color pallets on the movies, giving her an almost reddish light brown hair and mostly red and orange robes with black accents and accessories as well keeping her original outfit with a few changes. I wanted to give her a ponytail since i don't feel like she'd put all of her hair up; and instead of claws, she will have a variety of knives at her disposal for battle
Next, for viper, my favorite gal
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I wanted to make her look significantly more elegant and younger that the rest of the five since, like i said, she is from a prestigious family, i wanted to accentuate how pampered a girl from a good family could look, i also decided to keep her ribbon dance plot, the only reason to why i gave her arms, since i love the idea of her fighting with her legs but that ribbon dance so i decided to give her congenital hand differences as her disability, turning the "her family uses fangs to attack and she was born without them" to "her family uses pressure points to attack and she was born with mostly dysfunctional fingers", this way she would still be considered an exceptional warrior with ribbons that she can control with her wrists and arms. I also want to give her a really really dark forest green colored hair :D
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For monkey i wanted to go for a little more adult vibe as well as for mantis; i wanted to give him some scruffiness since he started out as a prankster until oogway found him...yeah that family friendly story isn't going to work, let's face it, monkey was living in the streets stealing what he could for fun, my man was a criminal and homeless, he wasn't a good person and even po said so while telling his story to the kids, so, I gave him a style that would resemble someone who once was carefree and from a low social position that still doesn't care much about material things, but cares enough to not disappoint or dishonor his masters. I will be giving him a more yellow and light brown wardrobe to resemble his colors on the movie and as for attack, he'll use a long cane like he sometimes does in the canon
Now for crane (≧∇≦)/
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Crane is very simple to imagine as a human so there's not much i can say about his design other than the fans, i decided to give him a pair of fans as weapons, using them to cut down enemies as if they were blades and also to give him the stability to fly, since i won't take away his ability to fly as it is something common on wuxia and or xianxia stories, i like to think he is the only one who trained this flying technique by watching real disciples on temples he'd clean, but still needs his fans for stability and to be able to carry and support the weight of multiple people hanging onto him
LASTLY ~mantis~
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The mature vibes~ i wanted to keep him looking a bit more like a warrior since that was his job before training under shifu's roof, he had a reputation and prestige, so i thought he might look a bit more professional; I'll also give him green robes but i haven't decided if he'd use a weapon or not 🤔 I'm also keeping him a short king
So, what do you guys think? Should i go more bold with the designs? Have any feedback or opinions? Because I'd love to hear it! (≧∇≦)/
I'm prepared for this post to flop so bad omg
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bellaswan-kinnie · 6 months
jack antonoff being messy pt. 3,546
forever icon jack antonoff has given us some earth-shaking information to commemorate the release of you're losing me on streaming and once again my understanding of the midnights album has been upended. she's truly the album that keeps on giving!!
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(everything i'm about to say is speculative i realize i don't actually know this woman i just treat her music like a scholarly text)
when midnights first came out i went along with her sneaky deception that the songs were just reflections on sleepless nights from her past for the sake of a cool concept album, not really considering why she'd be fixating on past relationships and events. then when the news broke in april that it was joever, the album made so much more sense to me. i believed that taylor was reminiscing on these nights to understand why her current relationship with joe was unraveling, examining her psyche both independently of and in the context of dating. the album is her asking herself "who am i and how did i get here?"
after the revelation that you're losing me was written and recorded on december 5th, 2021, almost a year before midnights was released and a year and a half before the breakup was reported, i still think my second assessment is likely accurate, but it muddies the waters when it comes to when exactly they broke up.
i kind of always suspected that april was not the real end date of their relationship, since the announcement was largely spurred on by joe's noticeable absence from the vip tent at all of the eras tour shows. originally i assumed they had broken up just before the tour started, but now i think it was mid-late 2022, around the time midnights was finalized and then released.
(remember it took 5 months for the public to find out about their relationship in the first place. my girl can hide things when she wants to!!)
the fact that taylor didn't release you're losing me until after her breakup with joe was public tells me that she wasn't ready to admit that her and joe weren't going to make it at the time of the album's completion. she also probably didn't want to share the details publicly, since the breakup was much fresher in relation to the album's release than it typically has been in the past (also more drawn out and difficult).
labyrinth now sounds to me like it was written during a breather from the turmoil, "i thought the plane was going down, how'd you turn it right around." the lyric "oh no, i'm falling in love again" could imply a rekindling of the honeymoon phase in their relationship, a new "lavender haze" she wanted to cling onto against her better judgement. she knew there were major problems, but she had put so much time and effort into their life together that she kept trying to make it work anyway. "do i throw out everything we built or keep it?" also the consistent use of "you" in the song instead of a "him" vs. "you" situation tells me that it's about one man, not her falling in love with a new guy after a breakup.
i used to think maroon was a reflection on the relationship with jake gyllenhaal since maroon is a darker shade of red, but now i'm fully on board with it being about joe. first of all she calls the man poor again, and i can't imagine jake gyllenhaal having a roommate at that age and point in his career. the lyrics also imply a bit of infidelity on her part, "the mark they saw on my collarbone, the rust that grew between telephones," which i've theorized was a major factor in the beginning of their relationship (hiddleswift u will always be iconic).
anti-hero and dear reader show that (at least at some point) she really blamed herself for the failure of this relationship, both songs being filled with self-loathing and self-doubt. mastermind and you're losing me also reference her tendencies for scheming and people-pleasing.
you're losing me is the most explicit illustration of why they eventually broke up, but it's point of view kind of goes back and forth. she switches between past and present tense, still unsure if it's really over yet. i've seen people talk about how it was written a week after taylor visited joe in panama where he was filming a movie along with a bunch of other songs, so that time of separation must have been very eye-opening to her.
there's a lot more re-re-fathoming i'm gonna have to do but i'm understanding more and more why this album is kinda confusing in its storytelling. that woman was going through it!!!
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b-ritney · 1 year
At The Airport With Eddie Before He Leaves For Tour
not proof read lmao
The entire crew sat by the windows watching the planes as they took off and landed. A huge family of metalheads getting ready to travel the world together, saying their final goodbyes to the ones they'd have to leave behind, which for Eddie included you.
Normally he would have loved to watch the planes, he had never seen one up close before but all he cared about now was soaking up every last second with you. He had tuned everything out, right now he was focused on the color of your eyes and the soft curves of your lips, the freckles on your left cheek that looked like the little dipper. You were his baby and as excited as he was it still didn't stop the ache in his heart knowing he had to leave you for so long. The person operating the overhead speaker called out the first boarding group, that's when he noticed your hands were trembling, he pulled you into his lap whispering little encouragements to keep you strong. You wrapped your arms around his neck and nuzzled into him for the last time.
"I can't believe I've gotta get in one of those things." he said nodding toward a plane that had just landed outside.
"I think you'll like it, it'll all be worth it when you get to where you're going in two hours instead of ten."
the next boarding group was called
The tremors in your body continued as you held in those unspoken words. The reality you never dared to utter out loud, holding off until the very last second to accept the fact that he was leaving.
"You know we wouldn't be able to do this without you," he said smiling down at you.
"What are you talking about?"
"If it hadn't been for you running around with all those hand-drawn fliers every weekend we never would have made house band... and if that never happened that agent never would have been called to check us out."
"That's really sweet Eds."
His boarding group was called
He rubbed your leg one more time to politely tell you it was time to let go. He slung his carry-on over his shoulder as the group made their way to the gate. "Can I tell you something?" he asked. You nodded in response, he bent down and whispered through your hair, "I don't wanna do this without you." when he pulled back his eyes were brimming with tears, the undeniable force of emotion finally breaking through the barrier you had both built to protect you from the pain of this moment. He interlocked your fingers and squeezed your hand tight, willing with all his might for you to be connected.
"I'm so scared Eddie. It could be six months before we see each other again," you said, the cracks in your voice making Eddie's chest tight.
He cradled your head against his chest as he waited in line to board, every beep of the ticket scanner was a bitter-sweet reminder he'd have to let go soon. "It'll be ok sweetheart, I promise." he kissed away the tear that cascaded down your cheek as the attendant scanned his ticket. "I love you baby, be brave for me ok? I'll call you as soon as we land."
He kissed you deeply holding your face in his hands, "I love you too, have the best time, please be safe." He pressed one last kiss to your forehead, letting go of your hand. For as much as it hurt to see him go, you knew it was what he had always wished for. Now that he had his dreams within reach you couldn't bring yourself to be truly sad.
What you didn't know was Wayne was one step ahead of both of you, back at the trailer he was loading up his car right now, with his luggage and two tickets to Corroded Coffin's first show in Florida. All he needed now was for you to get home and pack your bags. :)
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