#captured unicorn
datgreenmonstah · 6 months
Thought I’d post some wip stuff that has been sitting due to busy with owed work, I touch on them when I have some down time
Been wanting to do my own version of the captured unicorn along with last unicorn fanart, and then some personal pieces
Might change up the coyote one a bit, apparently got into the whole triquetra emblem for a moment after the rabbits
Also wanted to add a new design for the celestial avium with a pine cone raven and the ring of fire eclipse happening the same day
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kifu · 1 year
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Sappho. I wanted to know if I could under layer shading with markers. That failed. HOWEVER, I took a picture of my greyscale marker drawing before I obliterated every ounce of shading with grotesque color so that I could play with it digitally. I'm ecstatic. She is GORGEOUS.
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sketchys-art · 2 years
Lofi Beats To Capture Children To! @dana-chan-the-control-brain I cried like 3 or 4 times while making this/gen
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liliumaa · 4 days
Fun fact of the day but the unicorn tapestries are most likely a metaphor for marriage. Someone commissioned this as a marriage gift with the husband reprsented by the unicorn. Unicorns were typically depicted as masculine for alot of history. The maiden and the unicorn being popular symbolism in chivalry. So sadly, the tapestries are not pinnacle of sadness, loss, etc but actually just a complex way of saying The Ol Ball And Chain!
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ulcus69 · 2 months
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spinningtusk · 1 year
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My cream unicorn cookie re-designs
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destroyusall · 5 months
I am very normal about Blacksommar (I am not) and I think I’ve decided that aesthetically it should be a gradient between hard sci-fi and medieval fantasy (with renaissance in between like an unholy concoction)
I’ve been reading medieval bestiaries and a part of it depresses me because they had such whimsy. That the sweet breath of panthers kept away dragons (nature’s biggest gay asshole that would swing on everyone) and I just don’t see that anymore
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potpiehead · 5 months
if I was good at web programming I'd make my blog theme look like a suspicious website covered in fake download buttons and click bait
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cherryfinolahobbes · 1 year
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Progress pic of my next mixed media picture <3 im sorry for everyone waiting on replies. My brain is on art mode.
There’s some minor touch ups as well as reinking the picture. I like to do a first pass with inking just because my pencils disappear so fast under all the layers of paint pen.
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bazpitch · 1 year
When i get my rainbow unicorn costume that is not rainbow or unicorn together for the costume party at the club i will post it on here with the caption that bitch who doesnt play about jerma or that bitch who doesnt play about gay sex i haven't decided yet
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life-of-eris · 1 year
Dwarf Fortress is the only thing keeping me sane this week. I can't control my mom's health or the economy or if the lady I have a interview with will fill the position before even speaking to me. But god damnit I can make sure these stocky little bastards have nice furniture and a thriving trade in wool and peach cider.
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flovverworks · 2 months
sorry i got overwhelmed with love for akira again
#stardust speaking !#they gave us one(1) anime headshot thats basically just the ingame one in the anime style#and im daydreaming#ITS DIRE OUT HEREEEEEEEEEE#also if we dont get animated canaria i Will be crying#sometimes i think of lesbian akira meeting canaria. falling in lov. abd then immediadetly finding out shes engaged#to a guy whos also named after a bird#the comedy for ME#i love akira. i love heartfelt akira whos a loser and keeps messing up in this new place and tastes the rain falling#'sage what r u doing we dont know if this rain is safe or not?!?' 'huh?!?!?!?!' JSJSJWJQKQKKWT.........AKIRA VS THE UNSEEN DANGERS#but also akira who DOES do cool stuff. akira who is scared and shaking but still shields owen when hes out of commission#against a UNICORN......(owen ends up doing the protecting but ykno). akira whos life is threathened but still#continues to speak to their wizards. akira who picks up shinos scythe to keep them safe#THEYRE SSOOOOOOOO scared and awkward but they do what they can#way more skilled at saying very sweet things and speaking from their heart. despite struggling with words when comforting ppl#theyre so charmy.................i lov akira............i lov both designs for akira......................give me an expression sheet for#anime akira NOW❗❗❗❗❗#im so excoted i desperately hope they capture the loser and the otome-route side of them#akira & cains back & forth stunning e/o with something smooth the other said is everything to me#i need that so bad#(its like always unintentional too!!! theyre both just speaking from their heart!!!!!!!!!!!#also rly need akira freaking out over how prettt everyone is. i NEED the 'are all of them models or something wtf' in there#guy who spends like 5 sentences in a row describing someone as handsome
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calico-heart · 4 months
I know unicorns in modern media are kind of relegated to cutsie, MLP, rainbow plastic toys, or shitting rainbows, 'lets go to candy mountain' but man. I WISH more fantasy media would put them in unironically. There is so much symbolic and narrative potential in a creature that is, depending on your mythology:
A guardian of wild spaces, the embodiment of nature untouched by mankind's industry and greed. Fewer and farther between.
The ideal of "Purity" made manifest, elusive and powerful and hunted for fruitlessly by many a person. To kill. To actually kill. Living symbol of the oh-so-coveted Purity, not treated as a sacred thing to protect, or even predated for food to survive off, but a trophy for knights and lords to boast about.
So absolutely fierce and deadly that no one smart dared to fight it fairly. A gentle maiden had to betray it into resting in her lap so that a man could spear it while its guard was down.
Able to heal any wound no matter how severe - it promised miracles, if you could find one.
A creature who's magic vanished if it was captured or killed. In trying to take control of it, you destroyed it. Some things can only be given by free will, and no amount of personal desire or brute force can change that.
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gggoldfinch · 4 months
Please write more for Ole Munch. Your story is absolutely incredible and I'll read anything you write about him whether it's a sequel of sorts or a oneshot or completely different story. You write him so well and honestly the "reader" felt very me so you unknowingly captured my voice as well. I really love your writing of him. I know he's a difficult character but you really did him justice
I would very much like to write more for him!!!! Maybe it’s the brainrot talking but he’s def one of my new super favs. Maybe a little series of spinoff oneshots (not nearly as long as You’re an Angel ofc) or smth? Idk I’ve never finished a fic like this before, I’m all empty and lonely inside 🤣 I have a few ideas as to where I can take a couple short scenes tho
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goatblare · 1 year
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Annith, my favorite from Captured By The Unicorn. She is precious to me!!!
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laurasimonsdaughter · 21 days
“The first thing you need to know,” the stable master announced loudly to the gaggle of school children trailing behind her, “is that these are not unicorns.”
Eleven-year-olds tended to be loud. Their silent scepticism was deafening.
“You cannot keep unicorns in captivity,” she continued. “These are all crossbreeds, mostly with specific breeds of horses.”
There was a small murmur of curiosity and a gangly arm shot up into the air.
“Only mostly horses?”
It was always fun when some of them paid close attention. “Only mostly horses. I only deal with European breeds, and they tend to cross well with horses. See this here is a cross between a grey Thoroughbred and an English Unicorn. They’re large, and reasonably docile.” They also had that champagne sheen most showy folk preferred. “For people who come here looking for a steed, this is their best bet. Although I've only ever seen it done by people who personally broke them as yearlings.”
By now she definitely had the whole class’s full attention.
“But this French Licorne cross is actually half fallow deer.” She gestured to the pasture beyond the fence. “Look at them. Slight build, slender legs, built for speed and agility. They need a lot of space but they are beautiful to look at, and they’re relatively easy to tame for the pure of heart.” There was still something distinctly deer-like about them and they were all so beautifully cream coloured that they almost took on a silver hue.
“What’s those hairy ones?” a voice piped up.
“That’s a Unicorno/Shetland mix, from central Italy. Traditionally they tend to be crossed with Monterufolino, but they are hard to come by and make their coats even darker.” Unicorni were naturally built more like ponies, some with considerably shorter horns, and their coats were often a much darker gold, or even brown. They were less flighty than the French breeds though, even if they showed blatant favouritism towards certain caretakers. They would even pull a carriage if properly motivated.
“Do you have any bigger ones?”
The stable master turned around. “What was that?”
One of the boys was standing behind her with a determined look on his face. “Do you have any like that but bigger. With the beards and the furry hooves.”
“Feathering,” she corrected automatically and the boy nodded eagerly. She frowned. “What exactly do you mean?”
“There’s really big unicorns,” he pressed. “With wild manes and tails and split hooves like the French ones but hair like those ones!”
“Buddy,” she laughed, “what you’re describing there is a Scottish unicorn and let me tell you, they cannot even be crossbred into domestication.”
The little face fell.
“Any offspring of an Aon-adharcach will be as wild as they are no one can capture them with their horn still intact, not on your life. You go near one of them with a halter and it will skewer you.”
She smiled at the boy, who still looked rather taken aback, despite this proof of his favourites superiority.
“Tell you what. If you want to see something unhinged and imposing, I’ll take you to see the Eenhoorn/Friesian cross we’ve just got in from the Netherlands.”
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