#cedric of rotherwood
abybweisse · 1 year
I couldn't find a post that you have answered this ask before but, how in the world did claudia didn't change her name after getting married? And how the fuck does her children have her last name,not their father? Specially considering that this was victorian era and woman literally had no rights
Oh, I have lots of posts about this, including some asks.
She likely didn't marry
You see, if she had married Cedric, she would have likely become Mrs. Ros--. I'm not sure about this part, but she might have even been stripped of her title of countess. Not what would normally happen, if she married someone untitled (which I suspect about Cedric) but because the queen would be furious. I don't think the queen would allow Cedric to rise up to Earl.
Also take into consideration that servants had to get permission from their masters to marry, and, as the queen's watchdog, Claudia was a servant of the crown, not simply a random member of the peerage. Members of Victoria's household would need to ask for permission to marry, too, like Phipps, Grey, Brown (if he were even human, which I'm sure he's not), etc.
So, she either asked to marry Cedric, and the request was denied... or she knew it would never be accepted, so she tried to keep her relationship with him a secret. There's a slight chance there was a wedding ceremony that wasn't recognized by the church. The kids would have been scandalously born out of wedlock, either way.
Defying the queen in this way, as well as other ways (probably), is likely what gets Claudia killed when Vincent is only 15. It's like the queen waits until she thinks Vincent can handle the watchdog duties before she has Claudia deleted. And, to add insult to injury/death, it happens on a Friday the 13th, to symbolically tell Claudia (and remind anyone else who knows) that this is punishment for bearing children on a Friday the 13th (for a reaper). We know Vincent was born on a Friday the 13th, and I suspect Francis was, too. They are confirmed to be full siblings, after all.
The family tree that Sascha and Ludger view doesn't have anything to do with marriages. Just biological lineage. Technically, Claudia could have married someone else and then taken his name but then had an affair with Cedric. It's just that I don't think so, since her own father seems to be a Phantomhive. Due to her station and the Phantomhive legacy, Claudia might have been barred from marrying anyone (and taking their name). It's even possible that Victoria wanted the Phantomhives to die out, and Claudia kept that from happening. And, if there's an heir who can fill the role of watchdog, ah well. Guess we get another generation of watchdog.
I've also said before that I think Vincent and Francis/Frances were named in defiance of the queen. Vincent is a French name brought by the Normans, and it means "conqueror". Francis/Frances was also brought by the French, and it means "French-born" or "free". I'm reminded of how, in Ivanhoe, Cedric of Rotherwood was called a "Franklin" by the Normans, because he was a free man and landowner. In fact, he owned several slaves, including a swine herd and -- even more notably -- a jester (named Wamba). I'm also reminded that the "treasured" "Courage Badge" in Mother3 turns out to be the legendary "Franklin Badge" from earlier games in the series....
Anyway, I theorize that Vincent and Francis/Frances were named in defiance of the queen, perhaps looking forward to a time when the Phantomhives would be free from her control (and from her descendants).
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alienoresimagines · 3 years
I just finished Ivanhoe by Walter Scotts (the 1952 movie is THE movie of my childhood) so here's some shitty memes
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oldshrewsburyian · 3 years
Cedric of Rotherwood is a character who baffles and fascinates me, and by whose Disguised Shenanigans I am also terribly amused. Excerpts:
a sudden doubt struck Cedric
Cedric sallied forth upon his expedition
...answered Cedric, much embarrassed
...answered Cedric, impatiently
Cedric hastened not to reply
Cedric would have avoided pledging her in this ominous conviviality
Cedric [receded] as he spoke
Cedric would have inquired farther into the purpose which she thus darkly announced
...said Cedric, with deeper energy than became his character
[Cedric’s] action was suspicious
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xenowlsome · 4 years
A very niche thought but.... Balon Greyjoy === Cedric of Rotherwood
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butterflies-dragons · 2 years
So not only Jon Arryn had wedded a redhead Tully Lysa, he was also married to his cousin Rowena Arryn. Plus he only had one child and that from his Tully bride as he didn't have any child from previous brides. Seems like grrm is not subtle.
And it's probable that GRRM named Rowena Arryn because of Lady Rowena, the Saxon Princess and love interest of Ivanhoe.
Rowena was a ward of Ivanhoe's father, Cedric of Rotherwood, who forbid the romance between his son and his ward and disinherit Ivanhoe.
Disguised as the mystery knight, "Desdichado," Ivanhoe crowned Lady Rowena as the Queen of Love and Beauty of the tournament at Ashby.
The Tourney at Ashby is the blueprint for all the tourneys of ASOIAF, starting from The Tourney at Ashford Meadow to the upcoming tourney that Alayne Stone is helping to organize at the Gates of the Moon.
For all the people that claim that Arya is Lyanna 2.0, they often overlook the fact that the only Stark maiden associated with tourneys is Sansa Stark, while Arya didn't even attend the Hand's Tourney in honor of her father. "I don't care about their stupid tourney," she said.
Thanks for your message :)
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estestrechos · 4 years
O templário leu, então, o seguinte: Eu, Wamba, filho de Witless, bôbo de Cedric de Rotherwood, chamado o Saxônio, nascido pobre e livre; e eu, Gurth, filho de Beowulph, guardador de porcos… — Enlouqueceste? — exclamou Front-de-Boeuf, interrompendo a leitura. — Por São Lucas! — respondeu o templário. — Tudo isso está aqui escrito! E continuou a leitura: …eu, Gurth, filho de Beowulph, guardador de porcos do dito Cedric, acompanhados de nossos aliados e confederados, que fazem causa comum conosco nesta contenda, isto é, o bravo cavaleiro até agora conhecido como Le Noir Faineant, e o valente yeoman Robert Locksley, cognominado Rachador de Varas, a vós, Reginald Front-de-Boeuf, e a todos os vossos aliados e cúmplices, quaisquer que sejam, fazemos saber o seguinte: como vós, sem motivo plausível e sem declaração de guerra, injusta e violentamente, vos apoderastes da pessoa de nosso amo e senhor, o referido Cedric; bem assim como da pessoa de uma nobre dama, de elevada estirpe, Lady Rowena de Hargottstandstede; e de um homem também de nascimento nobre e livre, Athelstane de Coningsburgh; e ainda da pessoa de certos homens livres, seus cnichts; assim como de certos guardas e escravos seus; e de um certo judeu chamado Isaac de York, juntamente com a sua filha, a judia, e certos cavalos e mulas — pessoas nobres essas que, com os seus guardas, escravos, cavalos, mulas, judeu e judia acima mencionados, estavam todas em paz com sua majestade, viajando por uma estrada real; impomos e exigimos que as nobres pessoas referidas, isto é, Cedric de Rotherwood, Rowena de Hargottstandstede e Athelstane de Coningsburgh, com os seus guardas, escravos, cavalos e mulas e o judeu e a judia já mencionados, juntamente com todos os seus bens e pertences nos sejam entregues, a nós ou a quem encarregarmos de os receber, uma hora depois da recepção desta, sem nenhum dano físico ou em seus bens e pertences. Deixando isto de ser cumprido, nós vos fazemos saber que sereis por nós julgados como bandidos e traidores, e que nos lançaremos sôbre vós em batalha, assédio, ou de qualquer outra maneira, empenhando-nos por todos os meios em vos molestar e destruir. Pelo que, rogamos a Deus que vos tenha em sua santa guarda. Assinada por nós na véspera de São Withold, debaixo do grande carvalho de Hart-hill Walk, e escrita pelo santo capelão, servo de Deus, de Nossa Senhora e de São Dunstan, na Capela de Copmanhurst. [...] Sir Reginald Front-de-Boeuf e os nobres cavaleiros, seus aliados e companheiros, não recebem desafios das mãos de servos, escravos ou proscritos. Se a pessoa que se faz chamar Cavaleiro Negro tem realmente direito às honras da cavalaria, deve muito bem saber que se degrada em companhia da gente que o cerca, e que não tem credenciais para pedir contas dos seus atos a homens da nossa hierarquia. Quanto aos prisioneiros que fizemos, pedimo-vos, por caridade cristã, que lhes envieis um sacerdote para ouvir a sua confissão e reconciliá-los com Deus, pois é nossa intenção inabalável executá-los esta manhã mesmo, antes do meio-dia, de modo que as suas cabeças sejam colocadas sôbre as nossas muralhas, para que todos saibam do pouco ou nenhum caso que fazemos dos que se propuseram socorrê-los. Portanto, como vos dissemos acima, pedimo-vos que lhes mandeis um padre para os reconciliar com Deus, que é o único serviço terreno que lhes podeis prestar. Essa carta foi entregue ao escudeiro, que a levou ao mensageiro que aguardava fora a resposta ao desafio. O yeoman, tendo cumprido assim a sua missão, voltou ao quartel-general dos aliados, estabelecido, nessa ocasião, debaixo de um venerável carvalho, três tiros de flecha distante do castelo. Lá, Wamba e Gurth, em companhia do Cavaleiro Negro, de Locksley e do jovial eremita, esperavam com impaciência a resposta do cartel. A pouca distância achavam-se reunidos muitos bravos yeomen, cujos trajes campestres e semblantes afeitos às intempéries revelavam a natureza dos seus afazeres. Mais de duzentos já ali se encontravam, e outros ainda chegavam a todo momento. Os que êles reconheciam como chefes, distinguiam-se apenas dos demais por uma pena prêsa ao gorro; o vestuário, as armas e o equipamento que traziam eram em tudo iguais aos dos outros. Além dêsses grupos, uma outra fôrça, menos regular e mais mal armada, composta de camponeses saxônios das aldeias vizinhas e de servos e escravos dos extensos domínios de Cedric, já havia também chegado, para auxiliar a libertação do seu amo. Poucos, dentre êles, possuíam mais do que as suas rústicas armas de trabalho, que se convertiam, às vêzes, em instrumentos de guerra. Traziam, principalmente, foices, enxadas, pás e outras peças de agricultura, pois os normandos, adotando a política habitual dos conquistadores, não permitiam que os saxônios vencidos usassem armas. Êsse bando, pois, não era muito de recear por parte dos sitiados, mas aumentava consideràvelmente, pelo número e pelo vigor dos seus componentes, a fôrça dos sitiantes, animando, ao mesmo tempo, os que se achavam empenhados em tão justa causa. Foram os chefes desse pequeno e heterogêneo exército que receberam a carta do templário. —Walter Scott
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dorkshadows · 7 years
If Undertaker is Vincent and Frances daddy...his real name is Cedric. The name Cedric has a celtic origin. meaning: battlefield chieftain.// Characteristics: Humanitarian, Community-minded, Family-oriented (...). Cedric is of Old English origin. The name was invented by Sir Walter Scott for the character Cedric of Rotherwood in the book "Ivanhoe" (1819). It appears to be from Cerdic, the name of the traditional founder of the kingdom of Wessex. It's too good for being Undertaker XD
It is too good for Underdicker XD 
This reminds me of @midnight-in-town‘s research of the name back in the day haha. Whoever Cedric was, I think Yana meant for him to be a family man (even if he does turn out to be Underdicker!).
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retroldschooltv · 7 years
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Defender of the Crown es un juego de estrategia diseñado por Kellyn Beck. Fue el primer juego de Cinemaware, y fue originalmente lanzado para el Commodore Amiga en 1986, estableciendo un nuevo estándar para la calidad gráfica en los juegos de ordenador doméstico. The player assumes the role of a Saxon (Wilfred of Ivanhoe, Cedric of Rotherwood, Geoffrey Longsword or Wolfric the Wild) and tries to fight off the Norman hordes and wrestle for control of England. Eventually, the player must fight for control of all territories, and potentially those controlled by other Saxons, if they have become antagonistic. The player must amass armies and fight for control of opponents' castles. The player may engage enemy armies in battle, loot or lay siege to opposing castles. Territories can also be won in the periodic jousting contests. From time to time the player may attempt to rescue a damsel in distress and can appeal for help from the legendary bandit Robin Hood. The game's strategy boils down to a war of attrition as the player tries to amass larger armies than his opponents and manages to attack their territories at the right time. Due to financial strains, Cinemaware decided to release the initial version without all the features originally planned for because of their need for revenue. Some features were partially implemented, but were removed so the game could be shipped. Some additional features completed but never seen in the shipped game include flaming fireballs (launched via the catapult), more locations (more varied castles to attack) and more in-depth strategy. Some of these features were implemented in the ports of the game. James D. Sachs, the primary artist for the game, showcased some of these features on the Amiga during interviews after the release of the game. #defenderofthecrown #commodore #retroactRed #retroact #gaming #gamer #videojuegos #juegos #juegosretro #games
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abybweisse · 2 years
I imagine undertaker to be very bad with technology,like when he was still an active grim reaper he couldnt understand how to use them...cuz he is so old,unlike othello😂I really want to see how they interacted back then...
Undertaker doesn't get tech?
Hmm 🤔. Canonically, 136649 and Othello were registered at about the same time and went through training together, according to Othello in ch149.
And, if you look at their registration photos, they don't look much different in age. We still don't know for sure what the process is for creating reapers out of humans who committed suicide, but I theorize their souls are collected, judged for this "crime", and placed in new (baby) reaper bodies as a form of karmic reincarnation.
That would mean they go through some growth period before they are even "registered" or "recruited" as active reapers. That would definitely have to be the case, if they are basically reborn in reaper bodies. If that's true, then they are probably recruited/registered at about the same age, like late teens or something, much like when your average human first enters the workforce. That's when they would be deemed old enough to start serving out their long sentences as active reapers. And I use that wording because they remind me of prisoners with their registration numbers and their long years being punished for the "crime" they committed.
So... goodness. I don't think of Undertaker as being older (at least not as a reaper) than Othello. Othello and Undertaker would both be older reapers than Grelle and William, and certainly older reapers than Ronald and Sascha.
As far as tech goes, I'm not sure. Othello is more inclined to use high tech gadgets and equipment than Undertaker, but that might only be because Othello isn't cut out for collecting souls. After training, Othello went straight to the forensics lab, and 136649 went to soul collection.
Now... Undertaker might have been a total Luddite in the beginning. His choice of death scythe kind of suggests he's always been a bit of a traditionalist. If he's Cedric K. Ros-- (and I believe he is), then his parallel in Ivanhoe -- Cedric of Rotherwood -- also happens to be a bit of a Luddite. Neither our Undertaker nor Cedric of Rotherwood wants to do trade in the crown's coin. And Cedric of Rotherwood doesn't show positive interest in advances to agriculture or other industries.
The flip side of this is possible, though: Undertaker might be so old (even as a reaper) that the choice of his death scythe might have been the new technology at the time. We also have to consider the fact he's now utilizing extremely advanced tech for these blood transfusions for his most advanced bizarre dolls. Maybe he was once against technological advancements, but that doesn't seem to be the case now. It's true he might have someone helping him with the medical technology and equipment (like Druitt??), but this shows he's not opposed to it. Othello says this one (136649) didn't know much about this stuff, but that was what-- 50? 70 years ago? Things have changed, and Undertaker might have changed, too.
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abybweisse · 2 years
Imagine unsertaker coming back few years after claudia's death and he sees vincent working for the womab who killed his mother ....a parallel to cedric of Rotherwood and his son
Cedric and Vincent Vs Cedric and Wilfred
If this general parallel holds up, it might be more like Undertaker immediately starts helping Vincent as soon as Cloudia/Claudia dies. Vincent was 15 and already at Weston when his mother dies, and he inherits her title, etc. Apparently, if he's not lying, Undertaker wouldn't be able to help Vincent manage the estate, but Tanaka was already on the payroll before then, so Tanaka would have helped with that, just like he's helping (and burdening) real Ciel now. In this version of the possible parallel, Undertaker keeps his distance while Cloudia/Claudia is alive and then swoops in to help however he can, as soon as she's gone.
Another possibility is that he's helping Vincent (starting whenever) but they have a heated argument over Vincent's loyalty to the queen, and then Undertaker takes off for a while. Just like Cedric of Rotherwood's partial reason for disowning his son is the son's loyalty to King Richard. This could even be why Undertaker wasn't around when the attack took place. He might have been too late to make amends with his son, which would be an interesting twist on the situation in Ivanhoe, where Cedric of Rotherwood doesn't help his son and make amends until Wilfred is imprisoned. Wilfred of Ivanhoe is saved in time, but perhaps Undertaker tries and fails to do the same.
There's another reason why Cedric of Rotherwood disowns his son: his ward, Rowena. Rowena had apparently been orphaned and Cedric was charged with her care, as his ward, but he was extremely, possessively protective of her. Not for himself, of course, but he was basically "saving her" for some Saxon lord in high standing. A guy called Athelstane. (A total loser, if you ask me.) Athelstane is happy with the betrothal, but Rowena is not. Wilfred wanted to marry Rowena, but Cedric didn't think his own son was worthy of her.
At one point, Athelstane seems to have died in combat, and Cedric himself sees to the undertaker duties, preparing him for funeral and burial. Funny scene, really, and good thing Cedric hadn't done anything to the body... because Athelstane wakes up in the coffin. Turns out he wasn't dead, just stunned or something, and some monks swindled Cedric into believing the guy was dead, just to sell a coffin! Anyway, by then tensions had died down between father and son, and Athelstane says Wilfred should get to marry Rowena, as Wilfred deserves her as his bride (and Rowena is over the moon about it 💕).
It's entirely possible that Undertaker wasn't originally ok with Vincent selecting Rachel to be his wife. Her poor health? Some disagreement about one or the other being worthy? Or they could have argued over an earlier young woman Vincent had his eye on. That's a real stretch, but it's still within the realm of possibilities.
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abybweisse · 1 year
Why is undertaker's scythe an actual Scythe unlike the other reapers?? And do grim repaers have their scythes specially made for themselves? What is so special about him that they decided to give him an real scythe?
Undertaker's scythe, revisited
All of these questions have been discussed in my blog before, in some fashion. Perhaps try searching it for stuff like "agriculture" or "agricultural". Or "Undertaker's death scythe" or "Cedric of Rotherwood".
But, for quick answers, I'll break it down like this:
1. That's what he chose. Either that sort of scythe was new technology when he first became a reaper (Cedric of Rotherwood from Ivanhoe parallel) because he's really that old... or a death scythe that looks like an actual scythe is the regulation version that reapers usually get once they complete their training. And he either didn't modify it after turning it from sickle to scythe, or he only modified it a bit, like adding the skeletal details.
Since I think he's very old, and because he was the "epitome" of a reaper, I think this is the only design he would have wanted.
2. It's explained in the manga that once reapers complete their training, they get to modify their death scythes. Othello's sickle is a training version because he never modified it at all. He admits that to Grelle when we are first introduced to him.
Grelle's most-recent modification apparently wasn't made until working with Madam Red inspired the chain saw design. One of the reasons William arrests Grelle is because of this unauthorized modification. That means it's new. Grelle later gets the modification approved. Ronald's modification is also fairly new, probably made just before we meet him, and he had to chat up a lady from the reaper HQ's modification department (or whatever) to get it. Honestly, I think both of them have ridiculous designs for death scythes. Not only is it gruesome to hit a person with rotating blades, but any death scythe that relies on rotation is easily disrupted: we've seen Sebastian stop Grelle's with a wool coat, and we've seen Layla/Al stop Ronald's with what might be regular scissor blades. Ludger might have a similar weakness in the design of his hedge trimmer.
3. At the time, nothing about Undertaker (136649) would have seemed special at all... beyond him refusing to go by his name. I suspect that he's really that old. All the reapers long ago would have probably used death scythes that look like scythes.
What's so special about the (relatively) newer reapers -- like Grelle, Ludger, and Ronald -- that they'd be approved to use power tools as death scythes?
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abybweisse · 1 year
I'm not understanding the queen finding out that Claudia being romantically involved with Undertaker AKA Cedric K. Ross was a bad thing. Were they not in the same society class?
Undertaker's social status
They were not in the same class at all, since Undertaker is a reaper and therefore completely outside the Victorian class system. If he tried to fake being in the upper class, let alone a noble, he would have to dress as he does for the Weston arc.
You'd think that undertakers would be respected in Victorian society, considering how much people typically paid for their services, but they were not. Quite the opposite. Undertakers were considered one of the lowest positions, simply because they were dealing with dead bodies, which was considered somewhat dignified but extremely gross and dangerous. Many resented undertakers because of the high costs of funeral services, but that wasn't really the undertakers' fault. People had come to expect lavish services because it was fashionable... and that is a demand for expensive goods and services, not price gouging.
If you want to point a finger at the person who made lavish funerals so darn fashionable? Point at Queen Victoria. She set the goal, other affluent people made it trend, and the lower classes tried their best to achieve similar results.
Anyway, Undertaker wasn't truly in the same class as the Phantomhives, even if he put on a nice suit and fashionable hat and fancy tie.
But that's not the main reason why the queen wouldn't approve of them being together. John Brown (if no one else) would have informed her that Undertaker is a grim reaper, and the queen wouldn't have approved of that. If you ever watched s2 of the anime, notice that Claude convinces Alois that Sebastian was the one to destroy his village (when it was really Hannah). A possible parallel in manga canon would be that John Brown has Queen Victoria convinced that Undertaker had something to do with Prince Albert's death... or any other number of scenarios that the queen has accepted as fact. Maybe the queen thinks Undertaker collected Albert's soul (even though he wasn't an active reaper by then). Or perhaps she blames Undertaker for what another reaper has done simply because she thinks of him as a representative of the entire reaper organization, and he was unable to retrieve Albert's soul/revive him. Ok, this is getting into major crack theory territory now.
But I do believe that Queen Victoria knows Undertaker is a grim reaper, and that she specifically doesn't want her watchdog to get involved with such entities. Let alone to have children with one. And I believe that it has something to do with whatever John Brown has made her believe. I just don't have the details about that... yet.
I also don't know for sure what Cedric's last name is, but considering Cedric of Rotherwood from Ivanhoe, I tend to think it'll turn out to be more like Rosewood or Rosedale, not Ross. And, based on William T. Spears' "T" coming from a staff nickname for him -- Takaeda, meaning "high branches", a reference to his death scythe -- I think Cedric's "K" might come from an un-divulged (for obvious reasons) staff nickname for Undertaker -- Kama, simply meaning "scythe".
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abybweisse · 2 years
Stop the fighting, addendum
Oh, there’s something I left out in the previous post.
When I mentioned the lockets, I forgot to talk about their own item parallel in Mother3, which is the “Courage Badge”… which turns out to be the legendary “Franklin Badge”. If our earl or someone else uses Cloudia/Claudia’s locket (or any of those lockets, I guess) to convince real Ciel to stop, that also works as the plot parallel to Mother3.
You see, in the game, after Hinawa convinces Claus to stop fighting, Claus makes one last attack. However, he aims his last PK Flash directly at the Courage/Franklin Badge Lucas is wearing, knowing it will ricochet off the badge and hit him instead. And this attack is lethal, so Claus uses his last breaths to apologize to Lucas as he dies (again?) in Lucas’ arms.
Keep in mind that Claus is the older mirror twin brother, he had apparently died earlier, and he was turned into a “heartless” Fascinating Chimera. It really is just like real Ciel being the older mirror twin brother, dying, and being turned into a “soulless” Bizarre Doll…. Claus is also the more outgoing of the two, trying to protect his younger brother, just like real Ciel.
Anyway. In Black Butler, the mourning lockets could be used in a couple different ways:
Whoever holds the lockets displays them and convinces real Ciel to stop fighting. I mentioned this in the previous post. Again, it might not be too convincing, since neither of the twins met their paternal grandmother. And we don’t even know who the other six people were. Will they mean anything to the twins? Likely not. Our earl saw their death certificates, and he didn’t react to them. Real Ciel probably wouldn’t recognize them, either.
Like in the game, the locket becomes a physical protection against attack. The badge is able to reflect lights and lightning attacks, like PK Flash, but that’s not what would be used in this manga. Here, we could end up with a locket stopping a bullet. Clichéd, I know, but it would still be a cool way to both use and destroy the locket. I mean… even if the lockets don’t have souls in them, they still remind me of the horcruxes that Voldemort intended to make (one of them was even a locket). 😆 But seriously, who else here thinks that Undertaker’s mourning lockets will pretty much need to be destroyed in order to make Undertaker let go of the obsession that has such a hold on him?
Something else I like to remind people when I talk about the mourning lockets paralleling the Courage Badge/Franklin Badge: If Undertaker is Cedric, then Cedric K. Ros— probably is a character parallel to Cedric of Rotherwood from Ivanhoe. And Cedric of Rotherwood is a Saxon lord. The Normans called these Saxon landowners “Franklins”. Meaning they were “free” (as opposed to feudal peasants or slaves) and owned land and their own titles. And Francis/Frances basically means the same thing….
In Black Butler, Undertaker calls the lockets his “treasure”. In Mother3, Nippolyte says the “Courage Badge” is Flint’s “treasured” family heirloom. Flint is the twins’ father; he’s alive, but he’s not actively involved in Lucas’ quest for revenge. Instead, Flint obsesses over Hinawa’s death and Claus’ disappearance by going back and forth between visiting her grave and searching for Claus. He doesn’t find any closure until he finally sees Claus (returned as a Fascinating Chimera) with his own eyes.
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abybweisse · 2 years
Hi abby!^what do you think about undertaker's age? I remember that in the anime it was said that he collected the soul of robin hood so he must be pretty old...just wanted to know ur opinion on his age...
Undertaker’s age
In s1, William is the one to gush over Undertaker, calling him the “legendary reaper” who collected the souls of Marie Antoinette and Robin Hood.
Well, in my posts about him being a parallel to Cedric of Rotherwood in Ivanhoe, I’ve said he might have been a human as early as the late 12th century, since that novel is set in 1194. It’s the earliest literary setting for a Robin Hood character (Robin of Locksley). Cedric of Rotherwood has to scheme with Robin in order to save his own son, Wilfred of Ivanhoe. Take note how similar “Cedric of Rotherwood” is to “Cedric K. Ros—“.
Then I’ve also got posts where I explain he could have been “recruited” by the reaper organization as far back as 1366. I theorize that 136649 could mean he is the 49th reaper to be registered in 1366. Because I’ve worked in a state-run lab for nearly 15 years now, and when I worked in Newborn Screening (9 of those 15 years) this is pretty close to how we accessioned specimens that arrived. We did year + Julian date + leading zeros + number starting with 1. But that’s because we had 3000+ specimens per day. It wouldn’t be nearly that many reapers registered per day, so they could easily just do year + number starting with 1. It could also mean the 9th reaper registered in April of 1366: year + month + number starting with 1.
I like the idea of him being registered in 1366 for a few reasons.
It makes him a really old and experienced reaper, which fits with his death scythe and also fits what he says about having done the job for such a long time. It also fits Othello’s assessment of 136649 being the epitome of a reaper… until he rebelled and became a “fugitive of legend”.
Him being a really old reaper helps explain how he would learn something about the reaper organization or realm that would cause him to rebel in the first place. A newer recruit has no reason to doubt the organization’s motives and m.o.’s. They are more likely to feel happy about their new lease on life, their chance for salvation. Just look at Sascha’s cheerfulness regarding the reaper life. A newer recruit hasn’t had the opportunity to learn things they aren’t supposed to know. But a reaper who has been around long enough to learn a highly guarded trade secret or two? Sure.
If Undertaker was registered as a reaper in 1366, then Cloudia/Claudia’s death occurs 500 years later. Maybe not on the same day of the year (we don’t know), but that doesn’t matter quite as much as the “500 years later”. That works well with the idea that her death is (partly) punishment for him. It could be the 500th anniversary, but that’s not necessary. 500 years later and on a Friday the 13th is symbolic enough, considering that one of her kids (probably both of them) was born on a Friday the 13th.
I like the idea of him living and dying as a human significantly earlier than being registered as a reaper, too. That’s mainly because I theorize that when humans commit suicide, they are not immediately turned into reapers. Instead, their souls are collected and sent off for judgement. Then the “judge” sentences their soul to karmic reincarnation as a reaper. Their soul gets placed into a reaper baby, and the baby has to grow up, taught the entire time that this life is a punishment but also a chance for redemption. How long does it take for each of these individuals to grow up and be registered as a reaper? How slowly do they mature? How slowly do they age? 🤷🏻‍♀️ I like the idea that he grew up as a reaper, possibly with only part of his cinematic records from his life as a human. What do they recall about their past lives? Are those memories even real? 🤔
Anyway, I say he’s very old. Hundreds of years. Othello, too, since they trained together. Besides, Othello is also an old literary reference! Othello was written in 1603 but was likely set in the 1570’s. However, Othello’s registration number should be very close to Undertaker’s, since they were registered about the same time, possibly on the same day.
This makes it no surprise when Undertaker expresses the thought that 30-some-odd years feels like nothing (ch151). Undertaker and Othello speak casually about 50 years ago, even 70 years ago. How Undertaker’s rebellion roughly 70 years ago was after a very long time of collecting souls day in and day out. If 30 years feels like yesterday, and 50-70 years ago isn’t much, either, then a “very long time” must be a VERY long time. Easily hundreds of years on active reaper duty before he’d had quite enough.
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abybweisse · 3 years
Idk if this makes sense or not, but in book of atlantic (in sebastian's flashback) when sebastian brings ciel hot milk and honey, ciel tells him that his grandfather used to say that it'll spoil his teeth. If ciel knows his grandfather, who is cedric K.Ross, then I doubt that he wouldn't be able to identify undertaker if he was cedric. Cedric K.Ross and Undertaker are different people.
It makes zero sense 🤦🏻‍♀️
I’ve had asks about this before, and this is why I keep telling people to read licensed translations, though depending on the language, the licensed translations do vary in their correctness.
It’s Tanaka, sometimes “old man Tanaka”, or “gramp”, because they called him that. Even Bard calls him “old man Tana” in ch130.
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But only because he’s old and kind to them. The twins know Tanaka isn’t really their grandfather. He’s a servant, but he has a grandfatherly attitude. It’s made completely clear that they are talking about Tanaka:
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Yana-san tweeted years ago that Vincent was raised mostly by Tanaka. When the twins were little, Vincent might have even told them that, so that would make it even more “natural” for them to view Tanaka in that way; he was like a father figure to Vincent, so he’s more like a grandfather figure to the twins.
So, guess what? You fell victim to a bad translation, and your argument is invalid.
Undertaker could very well be Cedric K. Ros— (probably something like Rosewood, not Ross, btw. I have posts about that tagged #ivanhoe and #cedric of rotherwood).
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