#cinnamon secondary
scryingworkshop · 1 year
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yippeedragons · 2 months
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opened up the scrying workshop, was presented w/ this dragon, and audibly went WOAH irl before rushing to save it + some variants (rust/tangerine/saffron, fire swirl)
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Fae Female
Tangerine / Cinnamon / Grapefruit , Flaunt / Foam / Koi
Plague Rare
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mookybear12404 · 1 year
MOOKY I NEED YOUR HELP should i wish for alhaitham or kazuha??? i have guarantee (woo!)
you are the resident alhaitham moot so i wanted your wise advice (;ω;)
HELLO HELLO YES I AM HERE TO HELP (ALSO HELLO BESTIE I WISH YOU THE BEST OF LUCK ON YOUR PULLS 💕) Okay so. I'm assuming since you are considering both that you like the designs and stories of both characters fairly equally, because otherwise I would suggest Alhaitham going for the one who you like best as a character!!
But if you are looking for my UNBIASED opinion! Kazhua propaganda: Easy to build. Easy to play. Gives a MASSIVE boost to your Kaeya main dps! His resistance shredding, elemental damage boost, and ease of building makes him a 10/10 support. He works on literally any team that deals primarily (swirlable) elemental damage! Alhaitham: HE'S SO POWERFUL HOLY MOLY even without any constellations, a 4 star weapon, and meh artifacts this guy SWEEPS every abyss I put him in. Legit even at level 60 he was outpacing my highest level characters. However! He is 1) a super greedy main dps that needs lots of field time and specific team mates. He only really works well with dendro or electro, possibly hydro if you've got a good hyperbloom for him. His element can't swirl, and his burgeoning/burning/bloom teams aren't that great tbh. 2) he's a difficult to master character, which I personally see as a huge bonus. I love a good challenge and feel SO much satisfaction when I can time his mirrors just right. However, the learning curve can be frustrating. He's surprisingly forgiving when it comes to timing, but just having to get your head wrapped around how his mirrors work can be annoying. Hopefully that helps :3
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miss-floral-thief · 1 year
lol idk if ‘wavy’/ridges adds to the taste since htey’re plain but these aren’t too bad 
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loversword · 1 year
my mead is finished fermenting and it is incredibly strong. half a wine glass will have you gone before you know it
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frogchiro · 1 year
🐙 here!
👀 me making my own plot in my head for a/b/o cod.
imagine being the only omega on the team, except no one knows. and honestly? it wasn’t that hard to hide it in the first place.
always wear scent blockers. mild pills help, but having a lotion to rub on scent glands? makes you practically scentless.
act competitive when necessary, and back down when you know your losses are going to be big.
be caring. make Simon tea in the morning and a small breakfast for those who don’t consume just caffeine in the morning. soap likes to deny his liking for sweets, but make him waffles or cinnamon rolls and he’s on his knees immediately.
smile and be sweet. have happy little conversations with gaz about his latest interests. about the latest conspiracy about the Illuminati or his favorite game he played as a kid.
but not docile. docile is earned through respect. alphas have to earn the right to see you so submissive and pliant.
give Simon small smiles and chuff and play wrestle with soap and Gaz. late nights with price and paperwork. cooking warm meals after long missions.
the only reason anyone began to suspect something wrong was when you got sick.
headcanon that any omega and alpha will begin to give off pheromones when they get sick. it’s a little call out to the pack that you’re sick and you need to be babied and taken care of.
not even the suppressants and the salve can mask the smell of sick omega. It starts with a small twinge. a faintly sour scent that makes soaps nose twitch.
they can barely smell it. but they can see something is wrong from the way you look. bags under your eyes, a slightly ghastly appearance.
the way you move is a big give away. slow and sluggish.
finally it gets to a point where everyone can smell there’s a sick omega somewhere… but where?
in which case price has to wake you up because you were late to training. he was annoyed. a little peeved that you had the audacity to kiss when he had warned you last time not to be late.
last time you were late because you overslept. so this time the captain was going to give you something to startle your day into.
A soured scent fills his nose. telling him that there’s a sick omega and…
sick mate sick mate sick mate protect protect protect
provide provide provide pro-
gosh. price can’t get the sight out of his head. of you tucked so cutely into a small nest of military grade blankets and two pillows. your body radiating heat as you’d nuzzle closer into the pillow you’re holding against your face.
his inner alpha chuffs at such a sweet and docile omega.
maybe having a sick day would be alright… especially with your pack to take care of you.
hello octopus! welcome back! and aww, the boys taking care of their poor sick omega :(( they'd be quite distressed I imagine!
They are the alphas, the providers and protectors and yet it completely slipped under their nose that not only you're sick but also a whole omega too?? Unbelievable >:(
The second they realize your secondary gender and that you're not healthy it sends them into quite a frenzy; they're suddenly overcome with bubbling hormones and instincts they most probably never felt before.
It also means much to them than you could imagine. You being a omega, a sick omega, letting yourself be all vulnerable and open with a pack of alphas? It means you feel comfortable and safe with them, enough to show them your soft and docile side :((
Be ready to be fussed over like crazy, especially by Gaz and Soap, together with you they're the youngest pack members and when they first saw you curled up in your small makeshift nest, stinking up the space with sick unhappy hormones and burning to the touch these poor babies genuinely thought you were dying :<
Luckily Price and Ghost were there to correct them before they could barrel into your nest and nudge you awake; you were sick not dead and the last thing you needed were two hot headed young alphas on you.
When you woke up you were sluggish and slow; the cold did its job and made everything fuzzy when you woke up until you started to regain your senses and noticed that you were no longer cooped up in your tiny room with a few military-issued blankets and hard pillows but in a real big bed filled with blankets, pillows, sweaters and other things that smelled of certain familiar alphas; safe and warm. Judging by the overwhelming smell of the room alone you guessed you were in Price's room, a nice musky and woody smell, undeniably masculine and alpha.
You were still alone so you decided to just go back to sleep and try to sleep of the cold. With a rumbling purr you slowly fell asleep once again, maybe sick days and being the pack's omega wasn't such a bad thing?
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ghostlynimbus · 2 years
i need to put together more thorough notes about cinnamon spice, i keep forgetting what info i've revealed in previous chapters and what i havent. xD
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paninidanini · 7 months
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This is what would have been of Yumi if I just skipped the first 3 seasons LMAO
Basically, I got into Demon Slayer bc I watched a thirst trap of the Hantengu clones and only got neuron activation with Urogi LMAO
I went to the comments of the reel to see which anime/name was and ivested 10 minutes into finding it. Once I found he was named Urogi I saw that he was from Demon Slayer... my genuine reaction was "Oh is from that one anime 🙃"
I hoped myself into it thinking he would appear on the first season but NOP, so I ended up eating idk how many chapters and lore
Ended up falling in love with a cinnamon roll of a man instead (ty Gotouge) and I have no regrets
I may have Urogi & Yumi as a secondary ship 👀
But yeah, basically Kyojuro stole my heart but I still love the Hantengu clones!
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myfanfic-urfantrash · 3 months
Honaki Star Rail A/B/O: Caelus As An Alpha
Cw: omegaverse, nsfw
Super popular with omegas and betas but completely oblivious to their attempts at courting him. Dan Heng and March often have to explain to the poor souls that try that he just thinks their attempts are of friendship not romantic and or sexual. Has left many broken hearts.
On the other hand he also has no idea how to court someone he does find interest in. He cares little of secondary genders and is more interested in the person and their scent. So while he doesnt know how to court properly his clumsy effort is so cute it's hard to reject him.
He'll present courting gifts out of order and give any omega he's courting a heart attack. One does not simply gift nesting materials without certain intentions after all. Then when they're finally together he might gift them foods or simple trinkets. It's such a headache but it's endearing either way.
Once he does realise how to properly court though his future mate should look out cause he's pulling out all the stops when if comes to his gifts. He's bringing them the softest nesting materials, bringing them their favorite snacks, and offering them the well scented clothes he's got.
His scent is still of citrus but its accompanied by cinnamon and the occasional smell of garbage if he's been digging through the trash again. His scent is delightful if he's just washed up though.
If he's with an omega he's going to take extra care of them during their heats. He'll be like their personal guard dog watching over their nest protectively and only letting in those they wish into their nest. He'll make sure they're well fed though some of the foods he brings them are questionable they at least taste good and are filling. Lives to please his omega and will knot them as much as they like but he might over exert himself trying to please them he's a bit reckless.
Should his mate be an Alpha he's open to being on the receiving or giving role, he has little preference and just wants them near. If he's receiving he'll let them claim him as much as they like so long as he gets to get a nip or two in return. If he's the one giving he's just sweet and treats them quite well though he might get a little rough since they could handle it. His bite marks are more focused on their shoulders rather than their neck. If he's on the receiving end he'll turn as pliable as an omega it's really cute though he might not take a knot unless the two discussed it first.
With a Beta he's just as attentive to them as he would be with any other dynamic and is just as protective. Might even be more protective since bonds are more common with alpha/omega pairs than alpha/beta ones. So he might get into fights to protect what they have if anyone questions their relationship. Doesn't mind not knotting his mate but if they're open to trying he's super careful with them prepping them for days before even attempting to knot them. He just doesn't want to hurt them in anyway but the euphoria of being able to knot them makes him come more than usual.
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scryingworkshop · 1 year
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fantasyinallforms · 9 months
Hello! Can I request "warm beverages" with Bagginshield for fotfictember?? Pretty please?
Of course, you can! In typical Fantasy fashion, I did accidentally make a 1600-word one-shot instead of a drabble but oh well. I hope you enjoy!
To Warm A Heart-{T} Bagginshield- 1600 words
“Thorin, why are you staring at this apple tree?” Bilbo asked cautiously. 
“Because you’ve been shivering for two days,” Thorin replied curtly. 
“I’m now more confused than when I initially asked the question.” Bilbo snorted. “Are you planning on picking them? It’s a good season for it. In another month, all the fruit will have fallen down.” Bilbo reached for an apple on one of the lowest branches but couldnt quite grab it, even with his adorable little jumps. Thorin grabbed the branch and bent it low so Bilbo could take what he liked. 
“I take it you like apples?” 
“I love apples! This time of the year makes me miss the fall celebrations around the party tree. Bell Gamgee’s apple tarts are the year's highlight for anyone lucky enough to grab one before they’re gone.” Bilbo sighed and cleaned the dirt off the apple before taking a big bite. Thorin had to look anywhere else but his face as the juice dripped down his chin, begging to be cleared away. “They’re delicious! Thorin, you’ve got to try!” When he turned around, Bilbo handed him the apple, encouraging him to take a bite. He stifled a groan and took the apple, trying not to think too carefully about the fact that Bilbo’s lips had been wrapped around it seconds ago. It was sweet and perfectly ripe, as he had been told. When he confirmed this, Bilbo beamed and grabbed as many apples as he could carry to bring to their companions. 
Thorin went back to staring at the tree. The winds had become harsher as their elevation gradually increased. For the past two nights, he had witnessed Bilbo shivering even after he had offered his warmer coat. He needed something to warm him up from the inside. There was a recipe that the dwarves had adopted after their exile when food was scarce, and warmth was hard to come by. All provisions had to be used in their entirety, and if there was a secondary use, then that was even better. They had learned that if they boiled apple cores, it released the last of the juice, and if mixed with alcohol, it was hydrating and warming.  
Immediately upon spotting the apple tree, he halted their march and made camp. He could make Bilbo something to keep him warm, and he wouldn't have to use apple scraps to do it. He beckoned Fili and Kili over with the instruction to get every ripe apple they could down before moving on to speak with Bombur. He found the dwarf taking stock of his supplies, which now included a new apple. 
“Bombur a moment of your time, please,” Thorin called. The large dwarf looked up cheerfully. 
“Of course, what can I do for you, Thorin.” 
“I need a pot and to know what spices you have.” He gruffed. 
Bomber's eyebrows shot into his forehead. “Are you planning on cooking tonight?
“Cooking no. But I am making something. Your spices?” Thorin waited for Bombur to overcome the initial shock before reading into his bag to pull out a large tin filled with small compartments. I have the basics: salt and pepper. Some dried garlic and parsley. I have a few orange and lemon peels left, and Oh, I have a few cinnamon sticks, clove, and at least one nutmeg in here, it looks like.” Bombur looked at him questioningly, waiting for him to ask to use one or many. 
“I need the nutmeg, clove, and cinnamon. The orange peel, too, if you can spare it.” Bombur handed them over without question, knowing full well what the king was up to. The boys returned with their tunics pulled up to make makeshift baskets, bantering about who could carry more. They had brought more than he needed, which was good. They could dry what they didn’t use that night and use it later. Thorin surveyed the area and smiled when he saw Bilbo leaning against a tree wrapped in Thorin’s coat, speaking to Ori. There was a turning point on this journey when the concerns of that hobbit had become his. He had rebelled against it at first because all those who had traveled with him were his family now, but not like Bilbo. Bilbo was his beating heart living on the outside of his body. Handsome and clever, and stubborn and painfully vulnerable. More than all the others in this camp spare his nephews, Bilbo was his priority.
 The night drew in, and as expected, the air grew cold. Bilbo had fallen asleep against the tree, and Thorin could hear his teeth chattering from where he sat. He gave his pot a sip and then turned to his friend.
“Dwalin, what’s in your flask?” Thorin barked. 
“Something I’m not sharing,” Dwalin replied. He pulled out the flask to take a sip, and Thorin snatched it from his hands. He gave it a sniff. 
“Whiskey. That will work.” He dumped the flask's contents into the pot and stirred it. 
“You mind telling me why you just dumped the last of my fucking whiskey into that experiment you’ve been working on,” Dwalin growled.
“It’s cider like they used to make at the camps after Erebor fell. It’s too cold, and we have few supplies to keep warm after the goblins.” Thorin stood up. With the alcohol added, the drink was done. 
“You know there are easier ways to warm someone up.” Dwalin cast his eyes at Bilbo. “You’re coats big enough for both of ya if you’re close enough.” 
“I would not be welcome,” he had barely finished the sentence before Dwalin snorted.
“I forgot you’re stupid. Look. The nights are only going to get colder as we reach Erebor. Too cold for anyone to sleep alone. So is it going to be you sleeping next to that little thing, or is he going to have to curl up with Bofur instead?” He was being bated, and he knew it, but Thorin’s eyes still found the miner to check his proximity. He growled at himself as much as Dwalin for taking the bait. 
“If he wanted to share a bedroll with me, he would ask. I will not impose myself on him and call it convenience.” Thorin looked around for two mugs and ladled the cider into them until they were full. He carried them over to the Hobbit and sat them down on a flat rock. He regretted having to wake him. Despite the chattering teeth, he looked peaceful. His hair had fallen in front of his face, and his nose twitched even in his sleep. He was slumped in an odd position he would definitely be unhappy with come morning. With a hand on the side of Bilbo’s head, he guided him into a sitting position. “Master Baggins.” He said his name more firmly than he meant to, and his eyes flew open, slightly startled. 
“I didn’t mean to fall asleep. Did you want your coat back before you turned in?” Bilbo stretched, and Thorin turned away so as not to ogle him. If he had it his way, he would never see that coat again unless it was wrapped around the hobbit's shoulders. 
“I came to bring you something for the cold.” Thorin placed the cup in Bilbo’s hands and watched with satisfaction as he curled his hands around its warmth.  
“Oh, I’m fine. It’s not too cold out.” Bilbo argued,
“Bilbo, the entire camp can hear your teeth chattering.” Blush spread across Bilbo’s cheeks as he sipped the cider. The moment it touched his lips, his eyes went wide over the rim of the cup. He drained half his mug before coming up for air. 
“This is amazing! Did you make this?” Bilbo took another big gulp and looked contented. 
“I did. I thought you could use something to help you sleep better.” He took a sip from his own cup and was pleased with the result on such short notice. When he looked up, Bilbo was staring at him, blushing all the way to the top of his pointed ears and blinking rapidly. “Did I add too much alcohol? I wanted there to be enough to keep warm. It was Dwalin’s, and knowing what he drinks, I might have overdone it.” Thorin took another sip to gauge its strength. If anything, it was a bit weak. Bilbo didn't seem to want to elaborate, so they sat in silence for a little while, just enjoying the sounds of the woods around them, now free of chattering. When Thorin saw Bilbo’s mug get empty, he leaned into reach for it, intending to get him a refill. To his great surprise, Bilbo took that moment to lean forward as well, intentionally surging up to meet his lips. Thorin’s senses went white with bliss, and all his mind knew for the next moment was the taste of Bilbo's breath. Warm, soft lips and that slightly upturned nose pressing into his cheek. He was dumped back into reality as Bilbo drew away in panic, covering his face.
“I-I’m so sorry. I-I don’t know what came over me. That was wrong. I thought maybe…. No.. no excuse, please forgive me.” he made to get up, and Thorin quickly leaned forward, trapping the hobbit against the tree. 
“Wait, please don't leave.” He hated that he saw a hint of fear in Bilbo’s eyes, but he couldn't let him up. Not until he knew what that was. 
“I’m really sorry, Thorin. I misunderstood.” Bilbo babbled. 
“Did you kiss me intentionally?” Thorin asked. Bilbo nodded sheepishly. That was all he needed. He gathered Bilbo into his arms and returned his kiss with all the passion he could muster. The richness of the cider had never tasted better or warmed him so deeply than on Bilbo’s tongue.   
And if he heard Dwalin shout, “It’s about fucking time.” He ignored it. 
I have decided that at the end of the year, all the drabbles I've done for events will be going into a 2023 collection on AO3. Also, I don't love the title of this fic and might change it later.
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fantastic-fr-scries · 11 months
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Skydancer Male
Cinnamon / Rust / Terracotta
Earth Pastel
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snapthistiger · 2 months
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exercise 04162024
bike ride to the gym
3 x 10 lat pull
3 x 5 dips
3 x 10 tricep press
3 x 10 row
3 x 10 seated press
45 minute spin class
worked lifeguard job 6 hours
bike ride home
the gym workers and some of the lifeguards received Hershey kisses
ate an apple before spin class and 2 boiled eggs and a clif bar after spin class
for the first 3.75 hours of work i was the primary lifeguard so i was on the stand watching swimmers. for the next couple of hours there were only a few swimmers and i worked on secondary / clean up duties
a lady in spin class asked if i would be able to continue spin class while one of the senior lifeguards is out for surgery. yes, they plan to schedule around my spin class. i thanked her for asking. it's nice to have people who are concerned about you
received another compliment about my lifeguard work from a lady who walks on the indoor track
peanut butter sandwich and orange and a cinnamon roll for lunch
top left = Peanut is 10 years old this month. she is a rescue so we aren't sure of her exact birthday
bottom = gym had some electrical control issue and the lights would go off in the exercise room periodically
hope you have a peaceful afternoon and evening..
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Complete fics posted on AO3 this day
1. An Early Reunion by SurgeonScorbus [E, 2k]   *typo
►Harry comes home from a long work trip 2 weeks early and surprises Draco in the shower.
2. When a Black falls for a Potter (again) by FloraFiona [E, 3k]   *typo
►Shagging your son's best friend's dad might not be a big deal, but it's an entirely different story when you find yourselves falling in love, especially when he's your childhood enemy.
1. Amorous As This Lovely Green by Anonymous [E, 14k]
►Harry hates being a celebrity. Draco cannot find a single model that fits his vision for his latest line. They both make the debatable choice of trusting one PA extraordinaire/best friend, Pansy Parkinson. What could possibly go wrong? ★ Harry/Draco Career Fair 2023 | @hd-fan-fair
2. Cinnamon Spice (And All Things Nice) by @annanother-thing [E, 5k]
►Harry finds out that wizards have a secondary gender when he goes into heat in the middle of the Welcome Feast. Once he gets used to it, it turns out to be a very unexciting year, until all of a sudden it isn't... ★ HP Kinktober 2023 | @hpkinktober
3. Right as Rain by Anonymous [E, 12k]
►For Harry Potter, post-war life is boring, lonely, and insomnia-inducing. When Professor Trelawney makes another prophecy, this time about his love life, Harry dreads going out in the rain for fear of running into his soulmate. He'll weather the storm, though, every time he can find a good reason to visit Draco Malfoy at the potions shop where he works. Malfoy's practically always in that potions shop, safe from the rainy English weather. Will they ever run into each other outside, exposed to the elements? Maybe even...in a rainstorm? ★ HP Drizzle Fest 2023 | @hpdrizzle
4. the strays by Anonymous [T, 13k]
►Draco befriends stray animals in his back garden, unknowing that one of them is actually an animagus. ★ Unleashed! Fest 2023 | @unleashed-fest
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guardiandogstruelove · 3 months
today is a double anniversary!!! let's talk about my two special selfships!!!
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the obvious one of the two original f/os that remained!!! aka, the f/o i had the longest!!! i loved how he cured my boredom to finally get me into kfp in the first place!!! at first, he was just one of my secondaries, but after kfp4 was announced, he drastically became my #1 ultimate main!!! he is my closest soulmate of all!!! our relationship will be blessed with inner peace, wisdom, support, and understanding forever and ever!!!
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the other one of my two original staying f/os!!! my first ever non-reformed villain f/o i ever had!!! tbg became my favorite movie of 2022 not only for how good the writing and story is!!! it is also because of the characters, especially this guy, who lit up my heart!!! yes it was so hard to confess it becos of how some people do not like him. however, i am lucky that ppl can accept my love for him!!!
and to u all in the taglist and to those who r following me, thanks for interacting w me!!! let's celebrate one year of struggles and support!!! taglist: @selfshippery, @frozenhi-chews, @fomybeloved, @sapphicseal, @deltagf, @damianselfships, @reeselovesfoblog, @sinningvin, @leonsdearest, @botanists-little-cookie, @deathnot-e, @cinnamon-phrog, @sugurushusband, @wynorrific-lovers!!! ask if u want to be added to the taglist of this thing!!!
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