Strigolactones are perceived by a protein complex containing an α-/β-fold hydrolase protein and an F-box protein (D14 end MAX2, respectively) (Figure 19.31).
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"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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colormush · 1 month
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sgrayonderii · 10 months
visitor to yomi
Even from across the universe somehow they are meant to be; because deep down, they were the same. RTN!Sasusaku AU
For Sasusaku Month 2023, Day 14 Jealousy.
It is not a surprise to see Sasuke at her doorstep after a long night shift, but Sakura does not expect him to be slumped over at her entryway half dead and unconscious.
Her heart stops.
On instinct, she runs to his side and checks him for injuries. There is always an unsettling feeling of dread whenever she sees him hurt.
Only him.
Sasuke is reckless.
Always so reckless.
And the dull ache in her chest becomes an unbearable torrent when she imagines how the light inevitably leaves his eyes.
She cannot help but breathe a sigh of relief when she realizes he is only severely depleted of chakra. Not ideal. But not immediately life threatening.
Sakura half considers leaving him there for making her blood run cold, for making her mind stray to dark places. But the logical part of her concludes that it would be detrimental to his recovery, so she hoists him over her shoulder as she unlocks the door to her empty apartment.
As she sets him onto her couch, there is something that bothers her about him she just cannot place. Something different. Something wrong.
But Sakura cannot find herself caring about what ifs and possibilities right now. All she knows is the comfort of the steady beat of his heart.
When her hands finally stop trembling, Sakura steels herself to perform a proper physical exam.
Sakura gently lifts his chin and listens to the faint puffs of his breathing. She watches his chest rise and fall. Placing her hand on his cheek, she feels for the heat flowing through his veins.
She can’t afford to miss anything.
As she unclasps his heavy cape and lets it fall away from his still form, Sakura finally realizes what was bothering her.
Sasuke is missing an arm.
Sakura moves him to her bed. Sasuke is too cold for her liking, so she wraps him in her comforter. When she is sure he is situated, she lies next to him. Not close enough to touch, but not far enough to miss his warmth.
Thankfully and surprisingly, his phantom limb is already well healed and well taken care of. The bandages are wrapped professionally and carefully. He smells like smoke and healing herbs instead of rosewater and sweat.
Even though she is glad Sasuke is not in any immediate danger, a small part of her burns with a not-so-foreign feeling.
How dare he show up on her doorstep weeks after he leaves for an escort mission only to return to her like this? More broken than when he left and smelling like another woman?
Sometimes she doesn't know why she tries. Sakura will always be the girl that everyone leaves behind. It is only a matter of time before this boy who smiles like flowers wilts away at her touch too.
But tonight, just for now, she pretends that everything is okay.
Sasuke does not wake the next morning or the day after. And Sakura stays by his side the entire time.
She holds his remaining hand as if it were an anchor.
Honestly, she should have taken him to the hospital. Or even to the Uchiha residence. But she deludes herself that the best place for him to be is right here. Sakura is a selfish woman after all. Hasn’t Sasuke always been well aware of that?
Perhaps that is why whenever he presents a flower for anyone other than her, an ugly indescribable rage bubbles up within her.
That gesture should be hers and hers alone.
When the gravity of her parents never coming home finally hit her, she realized how alone she was.
The village council decided that the daughter of the heroes of the village shouldn’t stay at a common-place orphanage, instead placing her in her own apartment room, away from the fox’s wreckage.
Occasionally a caretaker would come and take care of some household chores and made sure she wasn’t starving but otherwise, she was left to her own devices. There was much to rebuild after all, extra manpower should not have been allocated to just one of the newly made orphans. The fourth Hokage wouldn’t have wanted that of course.
During those early days Sakura doesn’t want to be a burden.
She found a way to reach the high-top stove with a wooden stool and three pillows stacked on top of each other so the lady who brings her meals does not have the come as often. She learned how to budget her measly allowance so she doesn’t have to ask for more funds when the village coffers were being emptied for restoration. Sakura even acquired the ability to swallow her overwhelming grief whenever it was just too too quiet.
Sakura is after all, as the progeny of the saviors of the village, she cannot dishonor their name by being useless and selfish when so many more people are less fortunate than her and lost so much more.
And because she was such a good child, an example of a true loyal shinobi, soon the village deems her basically self-sufficient.
Soon they just left her to herself entirely.
On the third morning since Sasuke arrived on her doorstep, Sakura has to go back to work. She almost wants to call in sick but her strict work ethic prevents her from using her accumulated PTO when she does not really need it.
Sasuke’s breathing is steady now and the color is returning to his cheeks. She can even tell the thurm of his charka gain strength with each passing minute. Discounting his now missing arm, Sasuke probably just needs rest. Whether she is here by his side or in the hospital mattered very little.
With on last fleeting glance, Sakura leaves.
The hospital has a steady trickling of patients by the time she arrives. Sakura is quickly recruited to clinic to help with the incoming ninja for their routine check-ups.
While most of the time, a routine check- up before or after a mission was not out of the ordinary, but ninja are naturally skittish in hospitals. Besides the stench of blood etched into the walls and the screams that echoed down the hallways, most shinobi just hated being poked and probed, especially the ones with significant bloodlines. As a result, only certain high-ranking medical ninja or doctors were allow to examine them.
Sakura just happened to fit both criteria.
Her schedule is seemingly endless.
An Aburame clan member with his insects that were eating his intestines. A Yamanaka now hearing too many voices. A Hyuuga branch member with a splitting headache and a pulsing sealing mark. Several mauled Inuzuka with infected bites and torn limbs.
There is never a time for Sakura to even sit for lunch, let alone think about her house guest.
As the sun begins to set over the horizon, the nurse hands her a chart for the last patient of the day who had finally arrived after their escort mission. Before Sakura can even open the file, the patient saunters in like the world is his oyster.
“Hello Kitten, did you miss me?”
Sakura’s heart stops.
In one hand is a fresh cut single rose, dew still glistening on its petals. Sasuke uses his other hand to brace himself on the doorframe as he tries to lean seductively against it.
His other hand.
She suddenly feels very dizzy. From across the room, Sasuke watches her go pale.
“Sakura! Hey, are you ok?” He reaches for her but she flinches away as if he were a ghost. The hurt in his eyes is palpable.
Sasuke’s patient files fall from her hands. She stumbles backwards and Sakura all but collapses on the floor, no longer able to stand. Sasuke rushes to her side, his arms catching her before she can hit her head on the tile, encircling her in a warm protective embrace. His worried words increase in volume, drawing the clinic staff into the room. But Sakura can’t really hear anything.
Her thoughts are racing.
Because Sasuke is in front of her, alive and well. Uninjured. Perfect and whole.
Then who was the Sasuke she spent worrying about for the last three days? The one that is broken and lying in her bed like a corpse?
She isn’t sure what’s real anymore.
But the faint scent of rosewater keeps her from the brink of insanity.
Eventually, Sakura is able calm her breathing, brushing off Sasuke’s anxious embrace, and stands. She reassures the staff that she is fine, just a bit of hypoglycemia. Nothing to worry about.
Although it is enough to placate her subordinates, Sasuke is not convinced. He flutters around her like a worried hen, insisting that she sit down and eat something. Even digging up a melted candy bar and a few solider pills from his pockets to offer to her.
“I’m fine,” she reassures him, “Really.” Seeing him now, lively like this, warms her heart. “Don’t worry, I’m fine now.” She looks into his eyes, he softens.
“Ah, okay.” Sasuke gives her a half smile, so full of affection it makes her heart ache. He extends his hand to help her up, Sakura takes it.
A knock on the door causes them both to look up. The nurse at the door, pretty and blushing, glances at Sasuke shyly. “Dr. Haruno, Lady Tsunade wants you to take the rest of the day off. She can see the last patient if needed,” the nurse then looks to Sasuke batting her eyelashes, “Sir, if you would follow me.”
“No need my little kitten, I can reschedule. Besides this way I can see you lovely ladies again.”
Sasuke winks and the nurse giggles. His megawatt smile causes the young girl to blush even more.
Abruptly, that ugly sensation that Sakura knows all too well returns. It burns her to the core causing her to grind her teeth. Her fists clench, her nails bite into her flesh drawing blood.
Without a word to either Sasuke or the nurse, she gathers her things and brushes past them to the exit.
“Hey wait for me!” Sasuke is already scrambling after her down the hallway.
Sakura spins around, surprising him mid step. Her glare could kill a lesser man, but he receives it so often that Sasuke is only mildly disoriented. “Go back inside. You are already here, go find Lady Tsunade and finish your physical.”
“But Kitten, you are not feeling well!” there is a slight tremble in his voice, an emotion she cannot really place. “Let me walk you home at least.”
She shakes her head. “Leave me alone.”
Because at the at the end of the day, Sasuke always does.
There is a certain spot behind the academy training grounds and further down the path, underneath the shrubbery and pine trees, that Sakura goes to cry.
When she first started school, the teachers all praised her for being so well behaved and well read. An excellent example of a model student. But when it came to the practical exercises, she struggled.
Unlike many of her classmates who had clans and bloodlines and secret techniques more ancient than the village, Sakura was just painfully average.
Her parents did not pass on to her any impressive justus before their untimely demise. Nor did they teach her much besides the basics. From the corners of the schoolhouse, her once-beloved teachers whispered that indeed the only child of the Hokage, despite her efforts, was quite the disappointment.
And the children were crueler.
They did not like the nepotism bestowed on her position as village darling, despite being products of it themselves, and they made sure she knew it. How her efforts amounted to nothing even if her parents were heroes. How no one would look at her if Sakura had not been born under a lucky star.
Her ugliness, her weakness, her uselessness; the reasons that her parents would rather die than come home to her.
Sakura never gaves them the satisfaction. In fact, it just drove her to prove them wrong. She studied harder than anyone else. She practiced longer than her peers. She is a flower that blooms regardless of adversary.
Yet at the end of the day, nothing really filled her emptiness. So she returned to certain spot behind the academy training grounds and further down the path, underneath the shrubbery and pine trees where the ugly, weak, useless girl does not have to hold up a world of expectations.
And then on that fateful day, a little boy the same age as her, stumbled across her hiding spot. Sakura still had tears in eyes and snot streaming down her nose. Her hair was a bird’s nest and her fingers bloodied from holding kunai.
The child was descended from a large influential clan and the epitome of everything she is not. His mother the head of his clan, his father the chief of police, his brother the once in a generation genius. Handsome, strong, and gifted. He was Uchiha Sasuke, the boy in her class who is all smiles and laughter.
But his expression was the one that Izanagi wore when witnessing the horrors and ugliness of Yomi.
Sakura whose fragile perfect facade that she worked fruitlessly to obtain was stripped away in a second by the one person who was her antithesis.
The anger boiled to the surface.
“GO AWAY!” But she was the one that runs away.
Sakura retreated back to her lonely apartment, she hid under the covers, where none of the dying daylight could reach her.
She must have fallen asleep because Sakura was awoken by a light tap on her window. A silhouette outside her balcony was illuminated by the fading twilight. Even though she continued to ignore him, the tapping continued until she finally acknowledged him.
And it was Sasuke Uchiha, the boy who has never lost anything. An outstretched hand held a single rose in full bloom, hurriedly cut from his mother’s prized rose bushes. The thorns had been carefully picked away, though in haste, so Sasuke’s hands match her bloodied ones.
She was flabbergasted. “Wha..?”
“For you!” he was flushed and red and very very sweaty, as if he ran the entire way to meet her. “When my mom is sad, my dad always gives her flowers. So here, take it!”
Gingerly she took the flower from his trembling hands. Sakura felt just as red as him now. “And if you are still sad, I’ll get you more! I’ll get you all the flowers in the village! No, the world!”
Sakura smiled then, then laughter bubbled up in her. He was so silly. So ridiculous. But yet her heart has not been this light in years.
“Thank you, Sasuke.”
Perhaps that’s when her world shifted on its axis.
Her neighborhood is quiet when she returns to her complex. As Sakura treads up the stairs, she can’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, the last three days were just a dream. A figment of her selfish desires and exhausted mind.
But as she unlocks the door to her unit, the faint smell of cooking rice and miso soup wafts past the entry way.
It is almost surreal.
Pinpricks of tears gather in her eyes. She has not come back to a home cooked meal in years.
Sakura takes a deep breath and rounds the corner to greet this imposter.
She has seen Sasuke in the kitchen multiple times; he often helps his mother when he comes home early from the station and especially when Mikoto invites her over for teatime. But it is just jarring to see another version of him in her pink frilly apron stirring a pot of soup.
He faces her uttering a quiet “welcome home”, setting some plates on the table. The dead ringer gestures to her with his single arm to sit and eat. But all Sakura can do is stare.
This man is just as handsome but now seeing him awake the differences are obvious. His hair is slightly longer and a fringe covers the left side of his face. He does not hold himself with the brash confidence that she is used to. Rather his posture is a subdued sort of arrogance, like a beast staring down its prey.
Sasuke has always been strong, but this man was dangerous.
And his eyes. One of them the nostalgic gaze she is used to. The other, an endless lavender spiral-the pattern is something only spoken of in forgotten legends, is staring into her soul.
“Who are you?”
Without missing a beat, “Uchiha Sasuke.”
“From when?”
The man, Sasuke, spots a calendar on the wall. “A few years from now.”
She needs to calm down and think.
Time travel is not unheard of, there are even few forbidden Justus that are sealed away in the Hokage’s office that Sakura has researched. Space- time Justus are notoriously hard to replicate though, especially without a bloodline limit. But the greatest danger with those techniques are creating paradoxes. One simple singularity could destroy everything she cares about.
Two Sasukes existing at the same time surely would break the universe. Sakura clenches her fists.
She cannot the Sasuke she lo-…her Sasuke, be overwritten.
However, the planet continues to journey around its star. This man had been in their world for several days at this point. Both Sasuke and this alter ego did not seem to have any side effects of existing at the same time.
And perhaps most of all, she cannot think of any timeline where Sasuke would become like this; stoic, muted, and filled with what seems to be an overwhelming sorrow.
In the back of her mind, Sakura recalls a time where she was lost in an alternate world. She had been amnesia at the time, and even now it still seems like a midsummer dream. But Sakura still remembers it fondly despite it all.
A place where her parents are alive. The place where she, her other self, lives.
“From where?” He smiles then. Soft and gentle, so fragile. It leaves her breathless.
“Far away from here.”
Dinner is a mostly silent affair with only the clinking of utensils against porcelain as accompaniment. Occasionally he would refill her plate when she would be close to devouring everything. Strangely he must have known that she hadn’t eaten since breakfast.
Once he deems that she had enough to eat, Sasuke clears his throat awkwardly. “I assume you have many questions but before you start, I want to apologize for imposing.” He appears a bit lost, “I did not realize I was on so low chakra, so thank you for helping me.”
“It’s alright,” Now that she has something in her stomach, the anxiety has ebbed. Sakura does not know where to start but regardless of how or when or why, there is one question that she needs to be answered above all else; “Are you okay?”
On the surface, her words are very broad. Her line of sight however is focused on the man’s missing limb. This Sasuke understands her intention though. “Yes, I’m fine now. These are old wounds.”
Sakura lets out a sigh of relief that she didn’t even realize she was holding. No matter the universe, she hates seeing Sasuke in any sort of pain. “I’m glad,”
“Will you be staying long?” Even if they are not at risk for the universe imploding, having two Sasuke’s in close vicinity to each other might still prove perilous. After all, when Menma’s doppelganger had appeared, her wayward teammate caused a major terrorist incident.
“Just long enough for my reserves to recover.” Sakura nods, understanding that would mean soon.
She hesitates, but only for a fleeting second. “You can stay here… if you would like…until you recover” Sakura wants to think this offer is in the name of Konoha’s security and not her own selfish desire.
“Ah thank you, if you would have me.”
“Do you travel to different worlds often?” The are eating breakfast the next day at her tiny dining table. Sakura calls in sick today so she has the leisure of asking the other Sasuke everything that has been plaguing her mind.
“In a sense,” he pauses to pick out the bones from his grilled mackerel, carefully placing them in a small pile at the corner of his plate. Once he completes the task, he trades plates with her and removes the bones from her fish too. “There is threat I’m investigating; I’m just following leads.”
“Should we be worried?”
He shakes his head, “No, this world seems to exist in a different plane from what I can see. It’s probably why things are so different here.”
“Different how?”
“Like…” he contemplates, “like how my counterpart has two hands.” She snorts.
“What else?” He glances over to the picture on her book shelf, the team 7 photo. Where Kakashi looks half asleep, Menma scowling in a bad mood, her; rim rod straight trying to emulate perfect posture, and Sasuke who is winking into the camera.
“We call ours ‘Naruto’.”
“So Ms. Kushina really likes ramen in both worlds.”
He chuckles, “I suppose.”
“It seems like a fun place.”
“Ah.” The other Sasuke has that look again. The one that clouds over is otherwise statuesque face, one of yearning.
“Then why are you here? Why didn’t you go back there to begin with?” When she was somehow transported to the other world, Sasuke’s whereabouts were unknown. The other Ino, her alternate classmates, even Lady Tsunade avoided speaking about him as if he were a taboo subject. Back then, once she had regained her memories, her only thought was how her other self was so fortunate to live in the world where her parents were alive and she was so loved.
But now, Sakura isn’t so sure how wonderful that world is if it could make Sasuke, her definition of happiness, have such a sad face.
His gaze is far off and his voice barely a whisper, “…I wanted to see someone… but I’m not sure I should, she is happier without me.”
“What do you mean?”
“Another thing different about your world is that your version of Uchiha Sasuke, could make her…you… happy.
I’m just not…worthy of her.”
Sakura startles him out of his pathetic monologue by slamming his hands on the table and standing up angrily.
“That’s bullshit and you know it! In no world would any Sasuke be unworthy! You are just being a coward!”
Deep down she knows she is a hypocrite. She is the coward. But she even if she cannot have her parents or her Sasuke, she needs to make she that her other self doesn’t end up like her. Acrimonious and bitter. So ugly and hideous.
Because she finally realizes the look in his eye; the entire time he was looking for a fragment of his Sakura in her.
Hot tears threaten to run down her cheeks, because what she wouldn’t give to be in her other self’s place.
They eat the rest of the meal in silence.
-- By noontime, his charka is back to a healthy level.
Sakura knows that her time is up.
There were so many things left unsaid between her and her parents. Even if this was not her Sasuke, she doesn’t want it to end like this.
“I’m sorry for what I said earlier,” She crosses her arms awkwardly and looks at an interesting spot on the drywall. “I don’t know your circumstances and it was not my place to say that.”
“It’s alright, you were right.” Sakura tilts her head at him, his expression is gentle. “Thank you for everything.”
His strange purple eye begins to dance and a dark mist swirls behind him.
His portal to home.
To her.
As Sasuke turns around to leave, “And I think you should be kinder to yourself too. You and her are similar. In that case, he and I are as well.”
With those last words, his presence is swallowed by the abyss.
There is a tapping on her balcony window. A silhouette framed by fading twilight stands silently, nervously on her terrace. Sakura sighs, the turbulent emotions still swirling within her.
She opens her screen door to unsurprisingly find Sasuke there. She gestures for him to enter as the evening chill has already begun to settle in.
“How are you feeling?” In one hand is bouquet of daffodils, the other a packed bentou. He hands her the flowers which Sakura accepts with trembling hand. He sets the food on her table and begins to unload everything.
“When my mom heard you took off work, well you know how she gets,” he unpacks rice balls with umeboshi, karage, tamgoyaki, watercress, pickled vegetables…a seemingly endless spread. “Once you feel better, she wanted to have tea with you. Not that you have to, of course. I think she just likes having another girl around chat about girl stuff…”
He’s rambling now. Sakura grabs his hand, holding it like an anchor intertwining their fingers, halting Sasuke’s anxious chatter.
“You really scared me you know,” he confesses. The expression he makes now, is so similar to the one that another version of him made; one of longing.
“I’m fine now, I promise.” She squeezes their linked fingers, “thank you.”
And Sasuke’s smile, the one at this moment just for her and her alone, is all that she needs.
A/N:Originally I was going to write for D13 Bodyguard but it became too convoluted and work got super crazy. Fortunately, I found my old draft for this instead which fit the Jealousy prompt very well. This was the initial WIP for trials of izanagi but it was scraped because I thought Charasuke would be more fun to write, although he doesn't show up much here. I'd like to think this is a prequel/companion piece to that.Thank you for reading! Happy Sasusaku month~
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kikodora · 5 months
Huawei unveils MatePad Pro 11 and MateBook D16 2024 in China
Huawei has unveiled their latest tablet in China: the MatePad Pro 11 2024. Along with this, they also revealed the MateBook D16 2024. Huawei MatePad Pro 11 2024 The Huawei MatePad Pro 11 2024 sports an 11-inch OLED display with 600 nits peak brightness and 16:10 aspect ratio. It comes with six speakers and an aluminum chassis. Powered by a Huawei Kirin 9000s chipset, it comes with 12GB of RAM and…
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huongnghiepsv01 · 10 months
Khối D14 học ngành gì để có nhiều lựa chọn nghề nghiệp trong tương lai?
Khối D14 học ngành gì để có nhiều lựa chọn nghề nghiệp trong tương lai, bạn đã biết chưa? Khối D14 là một tổ hợp môn thi mới được Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo đưa vào xét tuyển đại học – cao đẳng từ năm 2019. Khối D14 gồm 3 môn chính: Ngữ Văn, Lịch Sử và Tiếng Anh. Nếu bạn thi khối D14, bạn có thể học được những ngành gì? Các trường đại học nào tuyển sinh khối D14? Để giúp bạn tìm ra câu trả lời, bạn có thể sử dụng ứng dụng tư vấn hướng nghiệpAskany, một nền tảng thông minh và tiện lợi cho bạn trao đổi với các chuyên gia, giáo viên và sinh viên của các trường đại học. Askany sẽ giúp bạn hiểu rõ hơn về các ngành học, các trường đại học và các chương trình đào tạo liên quan đến khối D14.
Xem thêm: https://tinhte.vn/thread/khoi-d14-hoc-nganh-gi-de-co-nhieu-lua-chon-nghe-nghiep-trong-tuong-lai.3691540/
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joehaupt · 11 months
Vintage Zenith Royal D14 (My Radio) Ultra-Miniature Solid State Lapel Pin Radio, Model RD-14, AM Band, Made In Hong Kong, Circa 1972
Vintage Zenith Royal D14 (My Radio) Ultra-Miniature Solid State Lapel Pin Radio, Model RD-14, AM Band, Made In Hong Kong, Circa 1972 by Joe Haupt
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skybristle · 1 year
alright gamers do you think i can beat D14 before chp 15 comes out
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horny-slvt · 4 months
Introduction and guidelines!!
Hiiii I'm Tara. I turned 18 on January 4th 2024, I'm a virgin! I like both men and women so anyone can message me if they want!!!
Brown hair, sometimes curly sometimes straight
Cup size D14
Big ass
My likes:
- mean doms
- rough cnc, noncon, dumbification, humiliation, age gap, degradation, misogyny, pet play
- being called degrading names
- switch, though I prefer being a sub
- don't try to meet up with me irl
- don't try to find my address
Anyone without an age in their bio is blocked
♥ I'm okay with everyone's kinks/fetishes, don't be afraid to send threats of what you will do to me and include those fetishes/kinks!!!
If you want to follow my patreon it is: https://patreon.com/Horny_Slvt?utm_medium=unknown&utm_source=join_link&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=copyLink
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Quando o Shaquille O’Neal foi pro Miami Heat em 2004-05, o time tinha acabado de ter uma temporada com 211 enterradas. Depois do primeiro ano com o Shaq, esse número saltou pra 499. Um aumento de 136%. O’Neal e Jason Kidd são os únicos jogadores cuja chegada fez o time mais que dobrar a quantidade de enterradas de uma temporada pra outra.
Sabia disso?
Interessante lembrar também que o Miami chegou bem nos playoffs de 2005: varreu o Nets na primeira rodada e também varreu o Wizards na segunda rodada. Acabou perdendo nas finais de conferência pro Detroit depois de sete jogos. No ano seguinte, o Heat enfrentou o mesmo Detroit e de novo nas finais de conferência, mas desta vez venceu, passando para a final e conquistando o troféu depois de vencer o Dallas Mavericks. Foi o quarto e último anel do Shaq, o único dele que não veio acompanhado do troféu de MVP das Finais, que acabou indo para a jovem e genial estrela da equipe, Dwyane Wade, então com 24 anos.
Por favor, considere apoiar a continuidade da existência do HBNSB! Apoia.se/HBNSB ou PIX: [email protected]
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jozzyart · 6 months
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Inktober d14 : castle
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colormush · 19 days
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probablybadrpgideas · 8 months
I work in a game store, and we have two buckets of dice: one normal, but no full sets, and one weird.
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We also have d30, d13, d22, d24, d14, as well as other numbers I'm sure I missed.
wish my local game shops had buckets of weird dice
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sswiftiestars · 8 months
hi! d14, maybe with d1/5 from the smut list w dom ani please. luv ur writing sm <3
face f*cking + rough s3x + dirty/sloppy s3x
Heavy!dom!Anakin skywalker x Fem! reader
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warnings: smut. you have been warned. oral (m), heavy degrading (ani is just straight up mean), slight praise, humiliation, whole lotta dirty talk,Anakin being absolutely filthy, a lil bit of slapping, aftercare !!
w/c: 0.6k
a/n: thank u anon!! i absolutely love this request <3
When Anakin would come home with you after a especially long mission together, he wouldn’t be to kind when it comes to his needs. especially because you’d tease him the whole mission, “innocently” bending over right in-front of him to “pick something up” or, you’d randomly spark up conversations with other men. but really, you did it because you knew what would happen when you and Anakin finally got back home.
“fucking whore.” he growled into your ear before slamming you against the wall, causing you to whimper softly in response. “you fucking teased me the entire mission. i had a damn boner on the battlefield, and i couldn’t even do a fucking thing about it.” Anakin whispered into your ear.
“i can.” you smirked.
“shut the fuck up.” he hissed, and used the force to make you get on your knees, “don’t get smart with me, y/n.” Anakin sneered, as he unbuckled his belt, causing his pants to fall to the floor, leaving him in his boxers; which, you could clearly see the outline of his incredibly hard member.
you were quick to take off his boxers, revealing his dick. it was already sliding pre down the tip. how long has he been this hard? you think to yourself.
you practically moaned the sight, and quickly placed your lips at the very tip of his length, teasing him, causing anakin to let out a low groan of pleasure and frustration.
it didn’t take too long before he muttered a few curses, and suddenly he thrusted into your mouth aggressively.
“fuck, baby. take it. choke.” Anakin groaned, and continued to thrust in and out of your mouth. sook enough, you felt tears in your eyes from choking. as tears started to roll down your face, Anakin grabbed the back of your head with his mechanical hand, and bobbed your head up and down, letting out soft groans and some praises.
You start to let audible sobs and whines as he quite literally fucks your mouth. Anakin looks down at you with that look. the look that proves you’ll do whatever you ask of him, because you’re his whore, and he knows it.
“stop crying, y/n.” he demands, and smacks your face, making you moan against his dick. Anakin smirks in return, and continues to thrust eagerly into your warm and wet mouth.
as you continue to sob pathetically on his dick, he growls the most degrading shit he can think of, such as;
“i bet you’d let any other man do this to you, huh? let them fuck your throat like a cheap whore.” “cant believe your such a fucking slut for me, crying on my dick.”
“you look look so innocent to be doing all this shit. maybe i should start making you call me daddy since your such a pathetic slut.”
as he said these things, he’d continually thrust your mouth, causing your own saliva to drip down onto his balls. “ ‘gonna fucking cum, baby.” Anakin moans. he continues to thrust into your mouth roughly, as tears still pour down your face.
soon enough, he cums down your throat, letting out a loud groan of your name as he does so.
“swallow.” Anakin demands. and you do as he says, as usual.
he kneels down to reach your level, and he puts his boxers back on.
“i love you, babe. you know that, right?” Anakin says softly and wipes away your remaining tears. you nod and nuzzle your face into his neck. he smiles softly in return, and rubs your neck comfortingly.
“i’d never hurt you, y/n. i’ll always protect you.” he whispers into your ear and runs his fingers through your hair.
“i love you too..” you murmur, your voice course from not so long ago. Anakin chuckles softly at the sound of your voice. “cmon, lemme get you some hot tea to soothe your throat, yeah?” Anakin responds quietly and kisses you.
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