#doin doodles and hiding lol
cerealmonster15 · 30 days
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while im here. take my stupid dog son and also sebeks there too this time. i think i decided he is in fact a first year in pomefiore and ALSO on the track team w/jack and juice. let him run. set him free. ok bye
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spoopywhiskers · 9 months
Oki Edward lore chunk o'clock: due to an "incident" his right hand is a spin doctor hand
Featuring my tumblrless frens OCs: Pear A. Graham and Sawyer Boehns (posted with perms) and old art doodles with my toons old outfit lol
Edward before the "incident" had two normal hands as one does but due to his penchant for individuality (and lack of general repair funs thanks to his father leaving behind horrendous debt for him to pay off after he went into hiding from the law and other tricky suits.) He doesn't really go for full repairs whenever he gets broken which is also why his right eye is permanently wonky after another workplace accident. The indecent that lost him his hand however was one involving a certain *ahem* racoon toon who just ran up to him and bit his hand off when Edward mistakenly tried to take food from him. His hand got bitten clean off by the toon which to Edward was quite a pecking shock since "normal toons" aren't really supposed to do that.
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[ Image caption: DEPICTED HERE IS THE BITE OF 23]
Poor man was in shock at the whole thing and loosing quite a bit of oil so unable to afford emergency repairs he went to his friend Sawyers house, who very kindly repaired him and gave him a new hand unfortunately the only spare he had was a spin doctor one. Edward is totally fine with this as it gives him more individuality from the other backstabbers as he always strives for and even though the size difference took some getting used to he wouldn't ever have it changed for a proper backstabber one it hold "sentimental value" now
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[ Image caption/conversation E: "Thanks for doin' this btw i had no idea toon teeth were capable of biting through metal..." S: "Don't worry about it friend! sorry that its mismatched" E: "No no… its fine thank you i'm just honestly still tryna get this through my processors... P: "Hey i knows that guy teh funny lookin' racoon right?" E: "YOU WHAT" ]
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Overall it hasn't really affected his work for either of his 2 jobs in anyway if anything his colleges are easily able to spot him in a crowd now and he likes that very much just another pushback against the system that's trapped him financially and physically. Hopefully he doesn't ever see that toon again or at least for a while. However he has a feeling he's more important than he seems...
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kaalamarii · 4 years
XOXO (MammonxMC)
This was written for @lumiere-morningstar 💛
Summary: From the chat where Mammon gets a letter he thinks is from MC. MC writes him a letter everyday and Mammon puts them aside, thinking they’re just from Lucifer.
Warnings: Sad Mammon, fluff
“Here,” MC said, standing in front of Mammon. He was sprawled out on the couch in the common room scrolling through his D.D.D. He looked up, cocking an eyebrow at the pretty girl before him. 
She tossed the envelope in her hand down to him and it landed in his lap. 
“What’s this?” Mammon asked, turning the envelope over in his hands.
“Just...read it in your room, okay? Not out here.”
Mammon felt his heart flutter as MC walked off, leaving him there to hold the envelope in his hand.
A sealed envelope from MC...that he was to read in his room? Mammon couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. A love letter...MC just gave HIM a love letter!
Mammon’s heart was beating, his hands shaking as he gripped the letter, speed walking to his bedroom and shutting the door behind him. He leaned against the door, holding the letter to his chest. 
An actual love letter. From MC. 
Finally, it was confirmed. MC felt the same for him as he felt for her. I need to get her a present, Mammon thought. Something nice. Something expensive. 
But first, he had to brag. 
(Mammon:) Ahem.
Oh boy, he couldn’t wait till his stupid brothers heard about this.
(Mammon:) AHEM!
(Mammon:) HEY! Someone say somethin’!
(Belphie:) No way. I get the feeling it’s going to be something annoying.
(Levi:) Yeah, tell me about it. 
Mammon scoffed. Rude. Every last one of ‘em. 
(Mammon:) A-H-E-M!
(Satan:)Okay, fine. I don’t care what it is, so just say it already.
(Asmo:) It sounds like he wants to brag about something.
Mammon smiled proudly, sending the ‘Yes!’ sticker. 
(Mammon:) Listen up and be amazed! I, The Great Mammon, have received a love letter from MC!
(Belphie:) Huh? 
(Levi:) He must be hallucinating again.
(Mammon:) I’m not hallucinatin’! It’s a letter inside a pretty lil envelope? What else could it be besides a love letter?
(Beel:) you mean you haven’t opened it yet?
(Mammon:) Well, it’s kinda sealed shut. Besides, can’t a guy savor the moment a bit before he opens it?
(Belphie:) Wow, I never pegged you as the type.
(Mammon:) Hey! Whaddya mean by that?
I’ll have ya know I’m quite the gentleman! Besides, MC told me to read the letter by myself in my room ❤
And that’s exactly what I plan on doin’.
(Satan:) Well open it up then, “Mr. Gentleman”
(Levi:) Yeah, I don’t think you will be savoring the moment for long after you take a look at what’s inside.
(Mammon:) Ugh, fine! Gimme a moment.
Mammon took a deep breath, shakily and carefully opening the envelope. This was it. He’d finally know for sure that she returned his feelings. Then, she’d be his, and only his. It was like a dream come true, he’d be able to hold her, kiss her, and go on dates with her.
He pulled the letter out and unfolded it.
The demon’s face fell, and he sank to the floor, holding the letter in one hand and the envelope in the other.
(Belphie:) Mammon’s grown awfully silent.
(Lucifer:)That is because the ‘love letter’ is from me. Although I call it an “official written demand of repayment.”
(Levi:)Ha! What a noob, lol.
Mammon felt an aching in his heart and tears started to fall from his eyes, landing on the long list of debts. Every ounce of excitement, of hope, every thought of he and MC being happy and in love, shattered. Mammon balled up the paper and threw it across the room.
He was angry at Lucifer, but he expected something like this from Lucifer. But not MC. MC didn’t make fun of Mammon like his brothers did. She never called him stupid or scum. She even stood up for him most of the time. Mammon couldn’t believe MC was a part of this cruelty. That hurt a hundred times more than anything his brothers could say to him, any torture Lucifer had for him.
Mammon wiped his eyes, getting up to grab his precious Goldie. He stormed out of the house, determined to max out the credit card to get his mind off MC’s betrayal.
“I haven’t seen Mammon in a couple days,” MC stated at breakfast, looking over at the chair next to her where the second born always sat.
“Oh, he ran off to sulk,” Lucifer replied nonchalantly. “I gave him a list of things he needs to pay off.”
“Is that what was in the envelope you had me give to him?”
Leviathan’s laugh interrupted the conversation. “That moron thought it was actually from MC. As if MC would be interested in a scumbag like Mammon.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” MC shook her head. “You gave me a letter to give to Mammon so he’d think it was from me?”
“Of course. Why else would I have you deliver it?”
“I just thought it was because I’m always with him.”
“Sure,” Satan offered up, “But also if Mammon knew the letter was from Lucifer, he wouldn’t have opened it.”
“Exactly,” said Lucifer, agreeing with Satan for once.
“That’s kinda fucked up, don’t you think?”
“Mammon’s fucked up,” Satan responded. 
Asmo sighed. “Seriously MC, I don’t know why you’re so close with Mammon. He acts nice to you, but he’d sell you for a few Grimm.”
MC scoffed. “No, he wouldn’t.”
“Mammon is scum,” Levi spoke up again. “Don’t feel bad for him.”
“Wow,” MC replied, getting up to leave. “You should all really think about how you treat Mammon.”
Heading back to her room, she grabbed a pen and notebook out of her backpack and sat down to write.
I heard you wanted a letter from me. 
I’m so sorry that your brothers are dicks to you. I don’t think you’re scum, Mammon. I think you’re sweet and smart and funny, and I love spending time with you. 
You’re pretty much my best friend. 
Love, MC
P.S. Sorry for giving you that letter from Lucifer. I didn’t know what he was up to, I promise. Xoxo
She sealed in it an envelope and wrote his name with a heart. She snuck to Mammon’s room and set it on his pillow. MC was a bit embarrassed by what she wrote, hoping he wouldn’t find it creepy or weird. She wished that he’d be back soon.
Mammon snuck in late after being gone for a week, body and head exhausted and hungover, he crawled into bed and passed out. 
When he woke up, he yawned and stretched before noticing the letter on the bed next to him. He picked it up, scoffed, and tossed it across the room. 
There was a new envelope everyday. 
Somedays, MC would slip them under his door. Sometimes she’d hand them directly to him. They’d be waiting for him in his room, on his bed again, on his couch. Each time, Mammon would feel a pang in his stomach. He so badly wanted to open them. Maybe one would actually be a letter from her.
But of course it wouldn’t be. 
MC would never see him like that. Why would she? Mammon was nothing but a greedy, scummy, piece of shit. His brothers made that clear, and now they had MC joining forces with them.
So the pile of letters grew, a small mountain of various colored envelopes.
When he gets one with a lipstick kiss on the envelope, Mammon loses it. He grabs the pile of discarded envelopes and storms to Lucifer’s office, dumping all of them onto the desk directly on top of whatever Lucifer was working on.
“Mammon, what the f-”
“Ya gotta stop doin’ this to me, Lucifer. Look, I’ll repay everything. I’ll go get a job or something, but please, please, stop getting MC to give me these. I get my hopes up and I know they’re just bills and I can’t anymore. It’s killin’ me.”
Mammon was embarrassed at how emotional he was being, whining and crying to his older brother.
Lucifer stared at the envelopes. “Mammon, these aren’t from me.”
“Whaddya sayin’! Of course they are!” 
“No, they’re not.” Lucifer picked up one and ripped it open.
I know you don’t read these which I guess is why I keep writing them. I know that makes no sense. But it helps to write about my feelings for you. It’s a relief to be able to tell you how much I love you, cause I know I can never do it in person.
“Oh...um, Mammon. I think you should read these.”
“You guys are probably just playing tricks on me again.”
Lucifer shoved the letter in Mammon’s face. Mammon wiped his eyes and read over the letter, his heartbeat speeding up.
“This is really her handwriting,” he said in shock.
Lucifer nodded.
“The stupid human really wrote all of these.”
Mammon grinned like mad, gathering all of the letters and rushing back to his room. He threw them onto his bed and sat, cross legged, reading each and every one of them.
A few of them were simple doodles of the two of them and Goldie. Most of them had words of encouragement for him, telling him that she thought he was sweet and a good person (Despite being a literal demon). In every single one was confessions of love and appreciation.
Mammon brought out his D.D.D. and text MC, telling her to come to his room.
MC was thrilled to get a text from Mammon. They hadn’t been spending a lot of time together, and he had barely spoken to her since the day of the first letter. MC slipped on some leggings and an oversized t-shirt and got to Mammon’s room as quickly as she could.
When she saw the opened letters on the bed with him, she grew red. Oh shit.
“Um...you opened the letters.”
Mammon nodded. “Whaddya thinkin’, writing letters like this for me?”
“Mammon, I’m sorry...just f-forget you ever read them.”
“Are you kiddin’ me? You’re the only one who’s ever nice to me, ya know? And now I know how you really feel…”
MC groaned, hiding her face in her hands.
“Of course ya like the Great Mammon! Everyone does. But, uh, iloveyoutooMC.”
“Wait, what?” MC peeked from behind her hand. “Did you just say…”
“Yeah, yeah. Come ‘ere, you!” 
Mammon gently grabbed MC’s arm, pulling her to him and pressing his lips to hers. She smiled against his lips. They fell back onto his bed, ripped envelopes and love letters crumbled underneath them. MC rested her head on Mammon’s chest as he pulled her close, both of them smiling wide.
“Does this mean I can stop writing you letters?”
“Ya better not! I expect one first thing tomorrow.”
Mammon planted a small kiss on the top of her head. 
Finally, he knew for sure that the human was his. 
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juhihuji · 3 years
do u have any random facts or things about Depth of heaven and ur characters (sfw or nsfw 🤭) even if what you want never comes to light, I really enjoy reading the concepts and asks about ur OCs
Hehehe I haven't thought about the characters and their story in a long time, until recently...but I never put a huge amount of thought into them before either! I kinda just knew I...wished I could make something cool that had everything I wanted in that kind of game lmao. Even if it doesn't happen, I felt like I wanted there to be twists and secrets...if it never happens then nobody but me will ever know about them, huh! But, if it does happen then I'll spoil stuff for later! What to do...ah I'll share about it! But I'm giving it a spoiler warning for something that doesn't exist anyway lmao Also I'm not a writer or a scientist this is all wacky world rules ok xd also there might be inconsistencies idk I never wrote anything down I'll tell u their heights! June: 5'4 Puzzle: 6'3 Koa: 5'6 Adam: 6'1 Keizo: 6'7 Lloyd: 5'11 Static: 6' Cyril: 5'9 Holly: 5'7
In high school June and Puzzle were da weeaboos who listened to vocaloid on their phones at lunch. Puzzle wore cat ears, big headphones, and tutus to school. I think....I decided that because of her old bad design lmao. I thought I had a drawing of her in cat ears but I can't find it 😔 June prolly just wore hoodies and graphic t-shirts. They were each others prom dates! June wore a tux! Okay spoilery stuff ahead!
I have a general idea what I want the story to be, but right now I just see it as disjointed scenes in my head. I posted some June and Puzzle wearing dresses where I wanted a scene to happen in a casino on the ship. Cruise ship casinos are kinda lame though lol, but it'll be as big and cool as I want >:•3 and it's an excuse to have everyone in cool formal wear cuz that's always fun! The cult leader calls for a big party on the ship and everyone has to attend! It's also where he culls the herd...because not everyone is worthy of going to heaven...apparently Koa likes playing video games! He's on the top of the leaderboard for one MMO, and during one event the top prize was blueprints for an in-game item: roller skates! It would make for cool merch to put on your wall or something. There was a rumor among the playerbase that the blueprints could make skates that function as they do in the game. Koa won the prints then used them to custom build his own skates (they look kinda generic now but I haven't put a lot of thought into their design lmao). The combination of materials used and construction give them a magical quality that allows him to skate faster than any human could! He's always pushing his limits, and sometimes it gets him in twubble xd Keizo has an issue with bad dreams...at night he replays all the times in his life where people were rude to him or each other, how he needs to keep peace between them, he just really hates assholes! He has nightmares about them treating him badly and there's nothing he can do, because at his height and with his strength he'd come off as the bad guy no matter what! They push and push 'til he's about to snap...then he wakes up! The rage super heats his blood and his skin glows red and steam pours out his ears! His hair is all wacky cuz it holds it's shape on the pillow from all the heat lmao June and the rest of them find out about it when they see steam coming out from under his door at night. Don't wake him up though! If he's still glowing hot he'll sleep walk while in a berserk state. First, it makes him really rude himself lmao. He'll say all the nasty things he won't when he's awake! Second, if he sees someone doin' shit he don't like, they're gettin' these 🤜🤛 In his happy ending you'd see him with his hair flat for the first time wouldn't that be nice :•3 Adam is always doing experiments on himself, kinda just for shits, kinda because he wants to discover something amazing....!.....?!?!??! When he was younger, his sister, who he loved v much, died. He wanted to become a doctor, not because he wanted to find a cure for the thing that killed his sister...because she died in an accident! He wanted to find a way to make people invincible! He's always injecting himself with stuff hoping it'll make him stronger. He likes Keizo as a friend, but to Adam Keizo is a perfect specimen of an indestructable human. Adam's been fascinated with him for a while, but Keizo also just makes for a good subject for testing against! Also, they met when Adam was studying abroad and Keizo came up on a motorbike and attacked the wheels on Adam's scooter. Cute! :•) Keizo used to be a bad boy :•( Other experiments Adam's done: Eyesight like a HAWK Cat ears but for real Jelly bones(?) Longer ween 😳 Lloyd is a stinky tech wiz who likes playing around with AI's and robotics! He has myassive myega brains and he monitors many of the functions of the ship by himself in his server room. When the captain is captured and thrown off the ship, Lloyd uses his know-how and special accesses to make sure the cult doesn't make a mess of everything. He knows about and can see everything that happens on the ship...for fun he likes video games toooo! And plays with Koa! He likes buildin' lil gadgets n tings for fun too! They can come in real handy! nsfw! Stuff past here!!!!!!!!! June, Koa, and Lloyd are all inexperienced!
As a lover, Keizo tries to be gentle...but once he gets into it he can be a bit rough! If you're into it, just enjoy! Or speak up and he'll slow down! Hmmm I was inspired by a scene from the film Crying Freeman (which I haven't actually watched 8•|) of some ppl doin' it in a closet(?)...it's all dark and cramped and humid and their skin is so shiny and glistening it's probably the thing that awoken me to drawing people super sweaty. I just can't help myself 😳 def wanna give Keizo a scene like that. This doodle was inspired by it actually lmao
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Adam is patient and gentle! Lots of kisses and verbal reassurance and checking in w/ u. He's aware of his age and he doesn't wanna come off badly so he'll let you do all the pursuing. And June will pursue him hard if she has to! He's also gonna make you beg and ask, just so he's sure sure :•) He loves to sit her up on the examining table n do things wit his mouf n fingers 😳 I'd probably make it an option to call him daddy in certain scenarios...up to u if u choose it find out what happens for urself idk 😳😳😳 or don't
Koa likes to tease you, maybe bully you a lil, but when it comes to intimacy he's a wimp! I just like the idea of making the bully bend to your will, but he likes it. It just feels good to wipe that cocky smile off his face! Step on him! Make him whimper! I know June's a virg too, but Koa is just so easy to tease it makes it feel like second nature. BUT the more time they spend together, the more confident Koa becomes. So! Enjoy havin' him under your thumb while you can cuz it might not last forever! Lloyd tries to stay composed when June starts showing an interest. He's usually alone in his server room, but secretly appreciates her company when she comes by. At first he'll act like he's too busy. He's not used to being around women! As his interest in June grows it becomes harder to hide his feelings! So June notices...and teases him! Cuz it's just so easyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyYYYYYYY 😩 Seeing his serious expression crack when you put ur hands in his pants is lots of fun :•3 And he shows you a voice he's never shown anyone else before 🤤 He does his research and with your help he'll learn exactly how to worship u 😌 IF it ever happens there has to b a new game plus where u unlock threesome scenes with Koa/Lloyd and Adam/Keizo :•x That's all 4 now! Sorry I'm fuckin' gross and don't know how to type :•|
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Together With Fruit Ch. 9 (Snippet)
Omgomgomg I actually finished something omg
Obviously this is not the full chapter, but it’s a pretty major chunk of it, and because I’m just so proud of myself and happy that I actually got something I set out to write forever ago FINISHED, I am posting this snippet here as a one-shot (it’s...more than a snippet really, it’s like 4000+ words, and it’s mostly unedited so...ye’ve been warned lol)
Word Count: 4199 (yikes)
Enjoy! Hopefully I’ll have the rest of the chapter finished within the next week or so!
“We’re finally nearing the Grand Line…” Nami muttered, pointing at a spot on the map. “It looks like the only way into it is through Reverse Mountain here.”
“Reverse Mountain?” Hazel murmured, peering over the girl’s shoulder at the point where the seas intersect.
“What a pain. Can’t we just sail straight through it?” Zoro groaned, glaring from where he sat leaning against the rail. Sanji shook his head.
“Nope, from what the geezer told me, that’s the only way boats can enter.”
“How come?” Usopp asked.
“Cause it’s supposedly dangerous.”
“But how come?!”
“I don’t know any more than that!” Sanji yelled, glaring at the sniper. 
“Boys, please…” Hazel scolded, trying to stop any fights before they could occur.
“The reason for that is-”
“Alright! I got it!” Luffy interrupted Nami, pointing at the map. “Then let’s head straight into it!”
“Are you even paying attention?!”
“But it sounds fun!” Luffy insisted, grin never wavering. “Plus it’d feel way better going straight into it!”
“Fun or not, I’d like to actually make it to the Grand Line before we die,” Hazel told him, side-eyeing her brother’s enthusiasm. Nami shared the sentiment.
“Talking to you makes me feel like I’m gonna go crazy…” the navigator whined, palm to her forehead in exasperation. Luffy soldiered on, ignoring the women’s concerns.
“Anyways, let���s stop at an island first and get meat! Meat! Meat!” Nami reached a finger out to point at a spot on the map, and Luffy and Hazel both peered closer at the paper.
“There’s a famous city on this island...Loguetown.”
“Loguetown?” Luffy asked, puzzled look on his face as he tried to think. “What? Is it famous for its meat?”
“Also known as the city of the beginning and the end…” Zoro chimed in, thoughtful look on his face. “I’m pretty sure I’ve heard that before.”
“It’s where Gold Roger, the former Pirate King, was born,” Hazel supplied, appearing somber, “and where he was executed.”
“The town where the King of the Pirates died...” Even Luffy’s voice was tame, contemplation clear in his eyes. Nami swung her gaze to meet his, sly smile finding its way across her cheeks.
“Wanna go?”
“Yeah! I wanna see it!” As he spoke, his voice grew more excited, though it never lost its reverence. “I wanna see the town where the man who got the One Piece - everything this world has to offer - was born and then died!” Luffy stood up, grin fixed firmly back in place. “Nami! Set sail for Loguetown!”
As the crew scrambled to set their course, Hazel smiled at her brother’s excitement, though she didn’t share the enthusiasm. She didn’t really harbor any opinions on the former Pirate King, good or bad; there just wasn’t enough information available on who the man truly was. She had asked her grandfather once, considering what she knew about his connection to Ace, but after hours of pestering the only thing he’d told her was “don’t believe everything you hear”. Other than that cryptic statement, she knew about as much as anyone else: he was born in Loguetown, he circumnavigated the entire world, then turned himself in (to her grandfather, no less), and was executed in his hometown. For someone who was so famous, you’d think there’d be more to know about him.
Hazel looked down at the notebook in her hand, blank since Shells Town except for the notes she’d taken. She wasn’t going to let Luffy fall into that same level of anonymity. Sure, the boy couldn’t care less about the fame; his views on being the Pirate King weren’t shared by most other pirates, though she found his ideals to be more admirable. What she really didn’t want to happen, though, was for her baby brother’s name to be smeared by the media, with nothing to counteract it.
Which meant she had a lot of work to do.
“Well, before we get to Loguetown, I have to get to work. Which means I’m shutting myself in my room until I’ve finished writing about our adventure so far!” Hazel stated for all to hear. She ignored the odd looks sent her way. “So no one bug me, ok?” When she’d received satisfactory nods, Hazel made her way to the girls’ room, shut the door, and plopped herself down at the writing desk. She ripped out her pages of notes so she could refer to them easily as she wrote, then opened to a blank page, her pencil hovering above the paper.
An hour later and the page was still blank.
Hazel’s pencil had moved, at least. It’d been set on the desk, balanced on her nose (a failure on her part, but no one could see it so she wasn’t too pressed), twirled between her fingers, tucked behind her ear as she stretched in her chair (and changed position at least three times; currently she had her feet on the back of the chair with her head leaning on the desk). She’d doodled little pictures on her note pages; tiny flowers and crude renditions of her crewmates (note to self: hide these so Nami doesn’t see). There’s a reason she hadn’t decided to illustrate this book.
Another hour later and her legs hurt from how much she’d been bouncing them. The page remained blank, her mind void of ideas, and her eyes were fixed on the picture frame hanging on the far wall. Maybe some food would help? She didn’t think she ate much at breakfast…
As Hazel made her way on deck, she couldn’t help but smile at the sight that greeted her. Nami was lounging in the sun on the top deck, being served some fancy drink from their newest member. Zoro was, surprise, napping beneath the mast, his swords propped in his lap. Luffy sat on the other side of the ship, watching Usopp practice with his slingshot. Oh, that could be fun!
“Whatcha guys doin’?” Hazel asked, sneaking up behind the sniper, causing Luffy to laugh at the boy’s frightful shriek. “Oops! Sorry, Usopp!” He just glared at her in return.
“Usopp’s practicing his slingshot! See? We set up some targets against the other side of the deck, he’s really good!”
“Well, you see Luffy, I’ve been using a slingshot for at least 25 years,” Usopp boasted, ignoring the fact that he was only 17. “Which of course makes me an expert sniper!”
“25 years, huh?” Hazel snarked. “Well, mister “expert”, whaddaya say to a little contest? The closer to a bullseye gets you more points. Whoever gets the most points wins.”
“Uhh, ok, Hazel. But where are you gonna get a slingshot?” Hazel just pointed to Luffy. Specifically his arms. “Hey, now, wait a minute! You can’t use him!”
“Why not?” Hazel and Luffy asked, both with blank looks on their faces. The sniper spluttered.
“Because-! He’s not-! And you-!”
“Ok, look - we’re not going for power here, just accuracy, so it’ll still be a fair contest. And we’ll use the same ammo, ok?” She left no room for him to argue back, immediately grabbing one of the pellets from his hand and positioning her brother. Usopp rolled his eyes behind her, but sidled up next to the two, aiming his own slingshot at the first target.
“Ready...aim...fire!” Usopp let the pellet fly, smacking the target right in the center.
“Hey, nice job Usopp! But I’m gonna tie it up right here!” Hazel ribbed, tying Luffy’s fingers together to form a sling. She pulled them back, tongue poking out between her teeth as she aimed carefully. When she felt confident in her position she nodded, waiting for Usopp to give the signal, and then let go.
The target shattered to pieces.
“Oh fuck-!”
“WHAT ARE YOU THREE DOING?!” Nami’s shrill voice called, causing all three to wince.
“Luffy did it!” Hazel immediately yelled while Usopp checked the ship for damage.
“No I didn’t!”
“Now, Luffy, you know you shouldn’t lie.”
“I’m not-!”
“ENOUGH!” Nami yelled again, interrupting the siblings. “I don’t care who did it, you’re just lucky the ship didn’t get damaged! You and you-” she pointed to Usopp and Luffy “-clean this up! And you!” Nami pointed at Hazel, making the older woman feel suddenly small. “You’re supposed to be writing right now! Not breaking things!”
“Well...you see...the thing is…” Hazel trailed off as Nami continued to glare at her. Huh. She didn’t like being on the receiving end of this. “I was hungry…?”
“Then ask Sanji-kun for a snack and get back to work. You told us not to bother you and we’re listening, take advantage of that!” At Hazel’s huff Nami smiled. “If you’d like, you can sit in the tangerine grove. I find it very relaxing when I need to focus.”
“Hmm...a change of scenery may be helpful. Thanks, Nami,” Hazel smiled, rolling her neck. “I better go bug Sanji.” But Nami held up a hand to stop her.
“Nope! You go sit, I’ll get it. I don’t want you to get distracted again.” The orange-haired girl walked away without another word, and Hazel was forced at that point to just listen to her. She made her way to the upper deck, finding a nice spot under the trees to nestle in. She reopened her notebook to the still blank page, and tapped her pencil against her chin as she tried to focus. The breeze up here was nice, as well as the sounds of her crewmates (Luffy and Usopp had made a game out of cleaning up her mess). The smell of tangerines wafted over her, muddying her senses. One of her curls was tickling her forehead.
She’d made zero headway by the time Sanji appeared with a snack. 
“Hazel-chwan!~ I’ve brought you a plate of delicious sandwiches, and a fresh glass of cabernet sauvignon,” the man said, brandishing a platter on one hand and a glass of deep red liquid in the other. She looked to the glass curiously. Despite having practically lived in a bar half her life, she’d never actually tried wine. Her alcohol tended to be of a rougher variety.
“Oh, yeah, alcohol. That’ll help,” Hazel muttered, hoping Sanji didn’t think her rude. For all she knew, it would get the creative juices flowing, so to speak. “Thank you, Sanji.” She smiled at the cook, his feet practically floating off the ground in happiness. He turned to leave her, and Hazel tentatively took a sip of the wine...only to immediately cringe when the bitter liquid hit her tongue. She glanced around in panic, hoping the blond didn’t see, and snuck the glass behind her back, hidden under the trees. “Ooh! Sanji, wait up!” she called, wine forgotten as she grabbed her plate and ran after him.
“Yes, my love?” Sanji asked, twirling around to gaze at her through heart-shaped eyes.
“I just realized that I never asked about what happened at the Baratie! After we left?” The cook’s expression had switched to confusion at her question. “In fact,” she continued, following him into the galley, “I don’t actually know that much about you. Tell me, what’s your dream? Your motivation? Your tragic backstory? Spare me no detail!”
For the first time since they’d met, Sanji wasn’t looking at her with adoration. In fact, he almost looked a little scared. His eyes darted around for half a second while she pulled out her best pout, gray eyes shining like a puppy begging for table scraps. Later, she’d chide herself for being so mean. After all, she used to practically torture Ace with that expression. But for now, she needed answers.
“Well…” Sanji started, pulling himself together before all the blood rushed out of his nose. “I am merely a humble sea cook, mademoiselle. I fought valiantly for my former home, and for the chance to gaze upon your lovely visage once again.” He flourished into a low bow.
“Uh huh,” Hazel chuckled, an amused smile on her face as she raised a brow. “Definitely humble.” Sanji rose back to standing, an easy grin in place at their shared humor. “Come on, lover boy. Sit with me awhile and tell me a story.”
The two sat and talked for a time, Hazel’s pencil scratching across the pages of her notebook as Sanji divulged all the details he felt comfortable sharing: how Luffy had bartered with Zeff for his freedom, the way he’d swatted projectiles with a single kick. She had a feeling he may’ve been embellishing his actions a bit, but having seen the way he’d toppled part of a building at Arlong Park, she knew it wasn’t all bluster.
He told her of Pearl, the man who’d covered himself in armor, only to lose his mind (and catch fire, apparently) at the first drop of blood. How Gin, the man he’d helped, had taken the old man hostage, and how he’d been willing to die to save his mentor’s dream. Hazel filed away that note for later, planning to ask about the clear devotion Sanji had for the old man, even if the blond tried to hide it behind snark.
She tried not to laugh when Sanji told her Luffy destroyed part of the ship. From what he was telling her, it was actually a brilliant stroke on Luffy’s part, and definitely contributed to Sanji’s outlook on the situation; but the way the blond’s curly brow furrowed over his eyes at the memory was, in her opinion, hilarious. 
“So, wait,” Hazel started, pausing Sanji’s tale of his fight with Gin. “How did you come to the Baratie in the first place? Zeff isn’t your father, is he? Why so devoted to preserving his dream?”
Discomfort crossed the cook’s face, as it had earlier, but whether it was his dedication to please the woman in front of him, or because he’d already come this far, he gifted her with the reason. “He saved my life,” was the simple answer. The follow-up nearly brought tears to her eyes. 
Hazel reached across the table, covering his hand with her own, and she sent him a soft smile. A light blush dusted his cheeks, and she allowed him to turn away to light a cigarette; she even grabbed the ashtray off the back shelf for him.
Just as they were about to continue, the door to the galley swung open, a rubbery body bouncing its way inside. “Sanji!! Food!” Luffy yelled, head turning frantically before his eyes finally settled on the cook.
“You just ate, you damn animal!” The cook scolded, and the somber mood was broken as Hazel burst into laughter.
“But I’m hungry! Food!”
“I’m busy!” Hazel took that moment to step in.
“It’s alright, Sanji. I can get the rest from you later. If you don’t start dinner soon, we may not have a ship to sail on anymore,” she laughed, drawing Luffy’s attention. The boy leaped onto the bench in front of her, taking Sanji’s place, and glancing at the notebook for a second without reading.
“Whatcha talkin’ about? Whaddaya need Sanji for?”
“He was telling me about your fight with Don Krieg, since I missed it.”
“Oh! I can tell you! There was a boom! And a woosh! And then I went ‘Gum-Gum Bazooka’! And then there was poison gas, but we’re fine, and then everything went boom boom boom boom! And then I got poked a lot! And then-” Hazel tuned out as her brother continued telling her all about the fight with as little detail as possible. Sanji shot her a confounded look over their captain’s shoulder, and the girl replied with a nonchalant shrug. When Luffy finally finished, he looked to his sister expectantly, proud grin wide across his face.
“Thanks Luffy, I’ll make sure to write that down.” The boy nodded, then looked back at her notes from Sanji’s story.
“Looks like you’ve gotten a lot done!” Hazel flinched, grimacing into her palm.
“Yes and no…” Luffy just looked at her, confusion in his eyes, and Hazel gave a heavy sigh. “To be honest, Luff...I don’t really know where to start.”
“At the beginning. Duh.”
“Wow, I never thought about that,” Hazel deadpanned. “And get your finger out of your nose!” As Luffy stuck his tongue out at her, something struck her. Hazel’s eyes widened, an invisible energy urging her hand to move across the paper. “Actually, Luffy, you’re a genius! Thank you!”
She vaguely heard him say something in agreement, but her mind was too focused on the idea it had. Start at the beginning...she was surprised the thought hadn’t occurred to her earlier; after all, she’d only just told the story a week ago.
Foosha Village had always been a peaceful town. Even when pirates had settled their sails at its docks the year previous, the villagers had yet to deal with much past the occasional bandit or two. Our lives had been much the same, short as they were; filled with fun and laughter and play. Then one day, the stuff of legends became real, and peace would be known no more.
The sun had shown brightly that morning, though my brother and I had already been up for hours. We always had trouble sleeping the closer to Shanks’ departure. In only a short time, the red-headed man had wormed his way into our lives, and our hearts, and my brother especially was determined to join him this time.
So it was that we stood on the deck of the Red-Hair Pirate’s ship, the hustle and bustle of supplies and crates being loaded around us. A few of the men were singing songs - definitely inappropriate considering the children in their company - but we’d already spent the last seven years in a bar. There was nothing in those songs we hadn’t heard before.
I had been listening to Benn Beckman’s tale of their last voyage when Shanks’ voice had called our attention to the figurehead. Standing atop the dragon’s maw, my brother Luffy stood glaring down at our pirate friends. Unfortunately, none of us had taken his declaration of strength seriously. Not until he drove the knife beneath his eye.
The paragraphs flew quickly out of her hand, the day in question clear in her mind. Hazel took a moment to shake out her wrist, feeling stiff as she read over her work so far. She liked it, she really did. Now to keep up this momentum.
The door opened once again, and Usopp and Nami wandered in, talking about something she couldn’t hear. Hazel was still glaring at the page, chewing her cheek as she thought about how to word her next sentence. She heard Sanji mention dinner would be ready soon, Luffy’s excitement sounding through the room, then Usopp’s hiss for him to be quiet.
“Don’t distract her! She’s scary when she’s mad!” the boy whimpered out, much to Luffy’s amusement.
“No she’s not!” he laughed, drawing the sniper’s ire.
“You didn’t think that when she made you take a bath!” Hazel stifled a snort.
“Speaking of which,” Nami chimed in, holding a hand to her nose. “How long ago was that?”
“Actually, Luffy, you are due for one. Zoro too,” Hazel said, looking up at her surprised crewmates. What, did they think she couldn’t hear them at all? “Why don’t you go wash up before dinner. Please?” Luffy groaned, glaring at the navigator, but dutifully made his way to the bathroom. Despite what he said, he didn’t want to push his sister. Again.
Hazel took that moment to stand up, stretching her back with a loud pop, grabbed her notebook, and made her way outside to tell their grungy swordsman his bath was after dinner. She couldn’t see him at first when she stepped outside, but after glancing around for a moment, she finally spotted him. She blinked when she saw his bare back, mesmerized for a moment at the way the muscles rippled as he did push-up after push-up. A second later, she blinked the distraction away, and walked down the steps to the grass-haired man.
“Hey, your turn for a bath after dinner,” she told him, practically hearing him grit his teeth at the notion. “Dinner’s actually almost done, by the way, so you may wanna wrap it up here.”
“Not done,” he grunted, prompting her to raise a brow in his direction.
“Well find a way to be done. We’re hungry, and you’re sweaty.”
“If I’m gonna get stronger, I can’t cut training short. I need more weight.” His gray eyes swung up to hers, and Hazel got the distinct sense he was sizing her up.
“What do you want me to do about that?” She regretted asking the instant she said it. Zoro gestured to his back. His extremely sweaty back.
“Climb on.”
“Excuse me? What are you insinuating here?” She crossed her arms, trying to decide if she needed to hit him for calling her fat or not. She caught him rolling his eyes.
“You’re all muscle, it’s heavier. Climb on.” Hazel chewed her lip, weighing the pros and cons. Then, deciding she had nothing to lose except her hygiene (and really, she could do with a bath herself), she stepped closer to him, cautiously sitting down when he paused for her. He reached his arm around, causing a startled squeak as he adjusted her position, then he resumed his training, a new strain in his breath.
While he worked, Hazel puzzled once again over her notebook. Disappointment flowed through her as she stared at the four lone paragraphs, the struggle for where to take the story next staying her hand. She’d gotten nothing done today, and it was difficult not to take it to heart.
“What are you sighing about up there?” her cushion grunted below her. Hazel rolled her eyes, but decided to humor him by answering anyway.
“I’ve been working on this all day, and somehow I have nothing to show for it.” Zoro was silent except for his heavy breathing, but for some reason she pushed on. “What kind of record-keeper am I? What kind of storyteller can’t tell a damn story? I don’t even have to make it all up, it’s all stuff that happened…” A puff of air escaped her as her eyes began to sting. “Maybe I’m not cut out for this…”
She hadn’t meant to say it, at least not out loud, and was startled when her chair suddenly stood up. She cried out as she fell, but before she could hit the floor, Zoro’s arms came out to steady her. She looked up at him in shock, affronted at the small glare he sent her way. “Read it out loud,” he said, pointing to the little book in her hands.
“Eh?!” Hazel shrieked, appalled at the very notion of any living being actually hearing her work out loud.
“Read it out loud,” Zoro said again, shrugging his shirt back on. “Then I can tell you if it’s shitty.”
“No way! It’s not ready for human consumption yet!” she yelled, glaring as he sat below the mast. “Besides, who are you to tell me if it’s shit? You wouldn’t know good literature if it waved a sword at you and said ‘boy, speak your name’!” Zoro rolled his eyes at the reference, but leveled her with a steady gaze as it dawned on her the trick he was trying to pull. “Stop it, it’s mine. Why should I share it with you?”
“Because I like the way you tell stories.” He said it so simply, like it didn’t carry nearly the weight for him that it did for her. Hazel felt the blood rush to her cheeks, but she didn’t look away. Something held her gaze on his, something she couldn’t possibly name.
“So how does me reading it aloud help me write it?” Her voice was so quiet, she was surprised he could even hear it.
“Just write it how you’d say it,” he answered, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. And when he said it like that, it did seem obvious, and Hazel could kick herself for not thinking of it sooner. Before she knew it, she felt herself nodding, sitting beside him beneath the sail.
“Foosha Village had always been a peaceful town….” she began, reading from the beginning, and surprising herself when her voice continued past the last paragraph. He’d heard the story before, but still Zoro sat, listening with rapt attention. Her voice slowed as she wrote, not allowing herself to forget what she’d said, what phrases she used that flowed from her mouth like water.
At one point Hazel glanced beside her, surprised to see the swordsman’s eyes shut. She let out a sigh, finishing her sentence, but not continuing on. She found herself rolling her eyes at the sleeping swordsman, irked that he apparently found her so boring.
“You stuck again?”
Hazel turned to him again, meeting his gaze through half-lidded eyes. She let out a half chuckle, shaking her head in amusement, before diving into the next paragraph.
It was only Luffy’s call of “Dinner!!” that finally drew the two inside.
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popatochisssp · 5 years
I know asks are closed and all but I just gotta send this before I forget lol. I was reading through your master post and I saw the scientist S/O asks and well, how would the skells be if their S/O was more into the arts? The fine arts and/or illustrative kinds. Even out that questionnaire playing field ya know aha XD I also wanna ask what if S/O is on passionate on both but I feel that the skells are just excited and happy cuz sib and s/o gets along aha
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Combining these because they have a similar gist to them– the boys with artistically-minded/craft-making s/o’s! (As opposed to a scientifically-minded s/o…)
Sans (Undertale): Hey, that’s pretty neat! Expect him to be a great cheerleader whenever you’re in the middle of your latest project, telling you that this or that’s coming along great and that you’re doing a really good job. He’s a very supportive guy as long as you don’t expect him to get up or do something. ;3
Papyrus (Undertale): He’s starry-eyed…or he would be, if he had eyes! He thinks whatever you’re making is really creative and cool and definitely wants to get involved somehow. If he can’t help physically, he at least has a lot of ideas and input for different techniques you could try, or hey, it might turn out even cooler if you did this… He can actually get… a little intrusive… but it’s hard to stay mad at him when he’s so genuine about it!
Sky (Underswap Sans): He gets pretty invested, too! He’s very curious about all kinds of hobbies and projects and crafts so if you’ve got a way you like to express yourself, he wants to know about it. He’d like to participate, too, but he’s respectful of boundaries. If you work better solo, he’s okay with that– he’d still like to see how you do it so he can have a good place to start, himself, but he’ll leave you to your own thing if that’s the way you like it. …Aside, of course, from interrupting you every couple of hours to make sure you’re hydrating and sitting properly and the lights are actually on because he knows how you creative-types get when you’re on a roll and you gotta take care of yourself!
Paps (Underswap Papyrus): He’s interested but doesn’t try to involve himself. If it’s something that he can watch easily, though, he’d really like to do that, just to see your process a little bit. He’s actually great to have on hand because he doesn’t mind being an assistant if you need a tool or a skein or a different pen passed to you but don’t really wanna get up or risk losing your flow. He can quietly watch you making a thing for hours without saying a word and he considers it time well spent.
Jasper (Underfell Sans): He’ll leave you alone whenever he comes across you making something, but don’t assume it’s because he doesn’t care or isn’t interested. He’s just a little cautious ‘cause he’s pretty tsundere about his own crafts and isn’t sure if you’re the same, or…? But if you’re open about whatever stuff you make, he’d be happy to take a look at it or receive it as a gift or however you want him to be involved. He definitely gets the satisfaction to be had in creating something with your own two hands, even if he’s not the most creatively-minded and he’s honestly a little touched that you want to share that with him in some way!
Pyre (Underfell Papyrus): Dedicate it to him. Whatever thing you’re making, whether it’s a song or a story or something as utterly weird to dedicate to somebody as a felt hat, he will be so happy and proud and sing the thing’s praises to anyone who’ll listen. …But that’s just an excuse, he would do that anyway, whether you dedicate it or not. He boasts loudly and often about his creative artist of a datemate because he thinks it’s the coolest thing ever– no matter what you come out with, even if you’re certain that it’s the worst thing you’ve ever made in your life, he loves it and will gladly point out everything you nailed about it while waving off its flaws as you being your own worst critic. And if it’s really so bad… doesn’t that just mean you should practice more? Go on, make another thing! It’ll be even more amazing this time, he’s sure of it!
Mal (Swapfell Sans): ………He’s jealous. He won’t take it out on you, ever, because he knows that would be messed up but he really is jealous that you’re good at this creative thing that he has no talent for whatsoever. It’s kinda compounded because his brother’s also really good at artsy stuff and he…sucks at it. It’s not important, it shouldn’t matter, he’s good at other things, him sucking at this obviously has no correlation to his worth as a person, but seeing you be all…creative, making cool things when the closest he’s come to anything decent is a few poorly-whittled animal figurines that he keeps stuffed in the bottom of a drawer… He’s a little jealous. Do your best not to rub it in his face that he’s not the creative type, he’ll try to hide it but it’d actually really hurt his feelings if ever you criticize him for being unimaginative or stodgy.
Rus (Swapfell Papyrus): Ohhhh, he loves it, whatever you’re doing, he loves it and thinks is so awesome. If it’s at all possible, he’s likely to suggest some kind of collab project– something the two of you can work together on, combining your skills to make something neither of you could do alone– but if your medium is such that you can’t quite make that work, he’s happy to watch and compliment you on whatever thing you’re making. If he’s familiar with the medium, he may offer up a tip or two, hesitantly, if it seems like you’re stuck somewhere, but otherwise he’ll mind his own business. It’s probably a common occurrence to find yourself in the middle of something and suddenly Rus is there, too, doodling away at a project of his own in the same space as you.
Slate (Horrortale Sans): He’s another one who likes to watch but instead of straight-cheerleading, he likes to ask a lot of questions. ‘what’s that for?’ or ‘why’re ya’ doin’ it that way?’ that kind of thing. The intent isn’t to annoy you, he’s actually trying to help you with a bit of rubber duck debugging– and he’s the rubber duck. He’s good at picking out details of things and he likes knowing more about stuff, even if there’s a good chance he’ll forget it later, so he figures he may as well use that as a force of good and do it so that maybe you’ll realize another, cooler thing you could do, or how to work around that mistake you may’ve made back there, or inspire yourself because while explaining it to him you just figured out the best possible thing to do next! He likes feeling helpful like that.
Papy (Horrortale Papyrus): Very supportive! He also wants to be involved somehow because that’s such a cool hobby/skill you have and he’d like to be part of this thing you like! He asks a lot of questions about it, too, but the very first one is going to be something along the lines of, ‘Can I Help?’ because he’d hate to butt in on anything you wanted to have just for yourself. If your answer is yes, he’s a fantastic student paying eager attention to every little thing you tell him about your craft. He may go off privately for a bit sometime after, once he’s ready to try making something on his own– he’s a little too embarrassed to show you his first and assuredly disastrous attempts– but he’ll get the hang of it quick and come back to show you what he came up with. Maybe you can do something together next time, or he can just watch you, or help you out! You tell him, he’s just happy to be part of it!
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cranberrysoap · 5 years
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Lias, with hair long enough to hide in
was doin some wind down doodles and thinkin bout how to draw his stick legs lol
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pwnyta · 6 years
Time for all my (non All Might) BNHA doodles. Lots of everything lots of sketchy lots of... Tokoyami...
Lets start off weak so when you see something better you can be like ‘wow what an improvement!!!‘
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Dont listen to Iida when he says he can handle the scary movies. HES LYING.
But maybe Ojiro been knew and just wanted to cuddle?
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Never lose track of your excitable boyfriend ever again!!!!
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Ojiro cant lift his boyfriend but at least hes good to rest on.
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He lost his game Iida! You animal.
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The girls recognize Iida as best boy so he gets to come to their girls only hang outs. Hagakure is naked. Dont tell him that tho.
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Iida tries to be a proper boy but when he sits properly his engines dig into his legs. His bfs are pretty ok with it tho.
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Sleepy bfs after prom (or w/e the movie is doing)
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Iida: This is the first one I caught!! IDK hes just so cute! And such a strange color for a Tangela!!!
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Todo: .... He caught you.
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Iida: This is my second Pokemon! He seems kind of cold but he’ll warm to you after a while!!!
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Todo: YOU!!!! YOU SHOULD TEACH IT FIRE PUNCH AND ICE PUNCH!!! Iida: Thats a great Idea!
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Iida: And this is my last one so far!!! Shes a special color too!!! Ocha: IIIIDDDAAAAA IS THAT ME?!!?!?
Iida: What’d you guys get!?
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Now Iidas favs will find Poke-Iida... but where to start?!
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Todoroki is rewarded for his bad manners....
Now for Tokoyami!!!!
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Look either Kuroiro dresses in all black and looks like a full shadow all the time or he wears obnoxious colors to really stand out. I will believe nothing else.
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Kuro, Toko and Dark Shadow band together to create a monster!!!!
Toko: Like this? Kuro: Yes perfect... now lets go freak everyone out! Shadow: YESSSSS!!!!!
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Foiled again!!!
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Aoyama and Tokoyami would be the worlds most extra relationship. Let these dramatic idiots be together. Id imagine them all grown up like Gomez and Morticia Adams... tell me you cant see that.
....I think I was trying to make a comic where Monoma is bein a dick but instead of being hilarious he hits a little too close and a little too hard... and actually hurts Tokoyamis feelings. 1-A doesnt fuck around if someones fucking with one of their own.
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Toko has a hard time sleepin... even with his two big bfs.
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Mineta, Kaminari and Sero: ehehehehe Shouji: ????? !!!!
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Shouji: Do you have a problem with the way I choose to sleep with my boyfriends? Sero: CHOOSE?! Kami: IF WE KNEW IT WAS ON PURPOSE WE WOULDNT HAVE SAID ANYTHING!!! Mineta: ITS NOT FUNNY IF ITS ON PURPOSE!!!
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Toko: ....??? What the hell is happening... Shouji: They woke you, huh....
3 fools who didnt really mean any real harm: ;;;;;----;;;;; SHOOOUUUJIIIIIII
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Sato and Ojiro know better.
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Iida, as always, is doin his best.
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Soft beaky boys.
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Tokos the smallest of the spoopy kids... even adding Class Bs Kuroiro, Kamakiri, and Yanagi! Even adding Shinso!!!
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Sometimes Toko is dramatic angsty... sometimes hes ‘I literally almost killed a bunch of my friends‘ angsty.
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Tap your beaks together monster boys!!!!
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I was makin a bunch of bird phrases/sayings/words and makin them ships... but I got lazy. Shoujis was ‘A bird in the hand‘ but I didnt like the way it was turning out so w/e. I like OchaTokos the best!
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Small boys are awkward and have feelings at each other. More news at 11.
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Ya know the eagle face meme... where Eagles only look cool from the side and look really sad and confused facing forward? LOL
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Small boys cuddle.
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Some TokOjiro... Ojiros pants hole reveals some Woodstock undies!!!
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Sometimes Dark Shadow is clingy and jealous!!!!!
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Mirio and Tamaki play together by a pond and Tamaki turns into whatever Mirio thinks is cool!
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M: Are you nervous!? T: Mirio... should we do this... M: Y-yes!! T:... You dont sound so sure...
M: .... I’ll talk to him first...
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NE: Mirio.... tell me whats wrong... why are you upset? Who hurt you. Are you in trouble? M: /////sweating nervously NE: MIRIO!!! TELL ME.
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NE: .......... M: J-just be nice to him please.....
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NE: >:\
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M: Im sorry Tamaki... it just... all came out at once....  We can come back again later ok? We dont have to do it today... T: ...No I can do it...
M: Tamaki... T: For you! .... For you I can do it...
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M: Really we can just come back later when hes had time to think about it... T: ...It means a lot to you so I--
NE: !!!!! M: SIR?! NE: Its sweet of you to face your fears for Mirio....
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//Overly protective but supportive dad Nighteye.
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Momos disguise was too cute on her!!!!
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Everyone is a little bit gay for Momo.
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Only respectable folks get to tell Momo how beautiful she is.
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GlamRock wedding!!! Papa Jirou is crying while playing ‘ While My Guitar Gently Weeps‘ and mama Jirou rubs his back and tries to help him hide his tears so he looks cool in front of the guests.
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Tsuyu didnt let anyone else have a chance at the bouquet! ITS HERS! AND SHES GONNA MARRY OCHAKO WITH IT!!! NO ONES GONNA STOP HER!
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ANIMAL CROSSING!!! Its hard to make the frogs look.... not freaky...
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I forgot these too~~~
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Some DekAoyama.... I think someone requested Deku and Aoyama dancing at some point and I never fuckin finished it OH WELL
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