#domestic svt
sluttywoozi · 2 years
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Header by @sluttywonwoo
Like a Cowboy Part 1 of 4 | kmg x reader
Rating: M (MINORS DNI) | Word Count: ~5.7k
Summary: Maintaining a homestead can be exhausting. Luckily, you've got a super hot cowboy husband who's got enough energy to do it all and take care of you once the work is done.
Setting: not modern, unspecified time period probs early 1900s idk
Reader notes: shorter than gyu, horny as fuck for their cowboy husband, a lil shy during sex, has a vagina and breasts, gets carried by mingyu
Warnings: they are super in love, like 2 spanks, some nipple play, fingering, cunnilingus, marking, he holds reader down, unprotected sex (p in v), he cums inside, size kink, aftercare, MINORS DNI I'LL KICK YOU
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You wake up to an empty bed, the cold sheets telling you Mingyu has been gone for hours already. As much as you wish you could open your eyes to his handsome face, you know he has tasks to complete.
Maintaining a homestead is hard work; your horses need to be fed and exercised, your cows need to be milked, your crops need to be watered. He insists on doing it all himself, saying that when you agreed to be his wife, he promised to take care of you always. You argue that with your help, the chores could be finished in half the time and you could spend more of your day together. Mingyu knows this makes sense, but in truth, he likes doing the work.
He likes crawling into bed with you at night, feeling the ache in his bones and the warmth in his heart, knowing he spent the day tending to the home you built together.
After getting up and dressing for the day, you begin to go about your own chores. With winter approaching, there is much work to be done. You start with the canning, sorting fruits and vegetables into categories that make sense to no one but you. It’s a tedious process but you know that, in the future, you’ll be grateful to have produce to eat once the freeze has hit. You move onto taking stock of your cellar, counting smoked meats and fish. The salmon is getting low, you note, counting backwards to decide how long you could put off your next fishing trip.
And perhaps also wondering if you’d be able to convince Mingyu to swim with you in the cold river, remembering how his muscles tensed as he shivered and pulled you closer-
Stop getting distracted!
You decide to work on the knitting next, knowing that Mingyu tore his favorite sweater beyond repair and will be pouting as soon as the temperature drops. The needles clack as your hands move and your mind wanders, a breeze from the open window providing relief from the lingering summer heat.
Your hair shifts with the wind and you glance outside - at the perfect moment apparently - as Mingyu lifts his shirt to wipe at the sweat on his brow. Your eyes glaze over a bit when you get a flash of his strong abdomen, your fingers twitching with the urge to touch his smooth skin. You stare for just a second more before shaking your head as if to rid yourself of the warm, syrupy feeling that overtook your body. You try to force your mind back to the task at hand; considering only briefly bringing him some water, simply because he needs to stay hydrated.
Not because of how he looks when he’s drinking! And definitely not because of how sharp his jawline is or how the tendons in his neck stand out or how he always lets water drip from the corners of his mouth down his throat to his pecs then down his stomach-
Anyway! You know that the less you interrupt him, the sooner he’ll return to you. And the sooner you’ll stop feeling so hot.
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Mingyu smiles to himself when he sees you get distracted by the little show he put on for you. Did he need to wipe the sweat from his forehead? Yes. Did he have a rag in his back pocket he could’ve used instead of pulling up his shirt? Also yes. He just can’t get enough of the way you react to him. He’d known (hoped) you found him attractive before you married, but it wasn’t until you’d moved into your home that he discovered just how you felt.
The hitch in your breath when he places his hand on your lower back to move past you in the kitchen. The heat in your cheeks when he pulls you closer in the bed you share. The haze in your eyes when he gently grasps your chin to tilt your head up for a kiss. The shiver that runs down your spine when you realize, for the millionth time, how much bigger he is than you.
Mingyu loves it all.
And does he ever reciprocate.
Falling asleep beside you every night feels like magic. Waking up next to you every morning feels surreal. Knowing that he can pull you closer, in the bed you shared, and that you want him to do so? That you like it?
His breath still catches in his chest when you smile at him, even when its the smile that tells him he’s just done something really stupid. Especially when it's the smile that tells him he’s just done something really stupid.
He still can’t believe you’re his wife. That you walked down the aisle to meet him, matching tears in your eyes, and promised to love him forever. He doesn’t know what he did in his past life to be blessed enough to have married you. He must’ve saved a village or fed the hungry or something, because every day with you is more than he’s ever wanted or thought he deserved.
Shaking his head, Mingyu returns his attention to tilling the field. He realizes he’s been going over the same spot for a few minutes now, and has to reorient himself before he can start again. Thinking about what seeds should go where helps him focus. He remembers how sad you were last autumn when the ground froze before the pumpkins were ready, and resolves to plant those next. Wiping the sweat off his brow again, this time with the rag, he goes back to his work, thinking about what you’ll make together for dinner.
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Once you are able to clear thoughts of Mingyu from your mind, you really hit your stride on his new sweater. Your fingers and wrists ache by the time you lift your head, only to realize that the sun is going down and you forgot to eat lunch. Wilting a little when you see that you’re barely halfway done with the torso, you curse your husband for being so tall and large and handsome and sweet. You set aside your project for the night and stand to stretch, lifting your hands above your head and jumping out of your skin when you feel arms wrap around your waist.
“Mingyu,” slapping his forearm, you turn in his hold quickly. “You scared me half to death! Why did you sneak up like that?”
“Baby,” he chuckles, tightening his arms around you. “I bumped into the doorway, the table, and the chair. I was making noise so I wouldn’t startle you, I don’t know how you didn’t hear me.”
Furrowing your brow, you squint up at him as if you don’t quite believe him. “You ran into three different things just to make noise?”
Mingyu flushes a little, eyes taking a quick trip around the room before admitting that the first was on purpose and the second two were accidents.
You nod, winding your arms around his neck and touching at his hair before grimacing at the sweat and pulling away. “That makes more sense.”
He playfully glares at you before asking, “What, baby, don’t like me sweaty?” and somehow crowding even closer to you than before.
Mingyu smiles at you, nose scrunched and canines on full display, and leans down to place gentle kisses on your neck. You feel his damp forehead on your jaw and cringe, trying to pull away before giving up, realizing you won’t be going anywhere until he releases you.
“Honey, I always like you but you’re literally dripping right now,” you whine and arch away as best you can. This presses your stomach tighter to his hips and you flush a bit when you realize he’s half hard.
His smile shifts into a predatory smirk, eyes half-lidded and tongue wetting his lips. “Funny, I like you even more when you’re dripping.”
You gasp, hitting his chest and feeling heat rush to your cheeks. You really shouldn’t be so scandalized; Mingyu has always been a flirt and he tends to be far more overt than you, but you haven’t even had dinner yet!
“Mingyu, it‘s barely 6 in the evening! We have things to do!”
“Honey, your point would be better made if you weren’t currently petting me,” his eyes flick down to your hand, which is still on his chest, caressing the muscle and flesh there.
Your eyebrows shoot up and you start to remove it, but Mingyu catches it in his much larger one and trails them both down, following the path your eyes took earlier. Your reservations melt away the further your hands move, your fingers catching on the warm ridges of his abdomen. Your eyes flutter when he pulls your hand under his shirt to feel his hot skin, his muscles tensing under your touch. His breathing grows unsteady when you begin to explore on your own, your fingers drifting down the center of his chest before tracing the sharp lines of his hipbones.
Mingyu’s hand stops yours at his belt, his eyebrows pinching together and his chin tilting up, “Thought I was too sweaty for you?”
You blink up at him innocently, your fingers playing with his belt buckle and your lip between your teeth. “You are, and seeing as you got me all sweaty too, why don’t we take a quick shower before dinner?”
Your stomach grumbles loudly, sabotaging your counter-seduction and sending heat to your cheeks once again. His brows, pinched before in challenge, furrow further with concern. “Baby, when was the last time you ate?” Your eyes flick up and to the side in an attempt to remember, before Mingyu shakes his head and says, “If you have to think about it, it’s been too long.”
Pouting, you allow him to remove your hand from his belt and pull you towards the kitchen. “How about breakfast for dinner?”
He grabs eggs from the cupboard and bacon from the icebox, placing both on the butcher block and turning to retrieve veggies from the pantry. You light the gas stove as he returns, moving to the sink to wash your hands and hearing Mingyu clear his throat before he settles his hands on your shoulders.
Your heart clenches, knowing that he didn’t want to scare you again. He squeezes, feeling a knot under his thumb and beginning to work it out. You sink into him, tilting your head away to give him more space. He speaks softly, gently, promising that his shower will be quick and he’ll be back down to help you soon. You nod and turn your head for a kiss, which he grants with pleasure, before he brushes his thumbs down the sides of your neck and leaves. He bumps his hip into the counter on the way out and you hear muffled curses all the way up from the second floor.
You giggle to yourself, picturing your husband sulkily rubbing the tender spot and trudging up the stairs. You set the bacon to fry in your favorite cast iron and begin chopping the vegetables. Now that you’re aware of your hunger, you’re starting to feel ravenous. The potatoes, onions, and peppers sizzle as they join the bacon, sending out a delicious aroma and making your stomach grumble again. You snack on some bread as you stir, shoving the rest in your mouth when you hear the shower turn off. You chew quickly, hoping to finish before Mingyu returns and scolds you for possibly ruining your appetite.
He rounds the corner just as you swallow, and you turn to send him a hopefully not guilty looking smile. He squints quizzically at you before you distract him with the eggs, requesting that he cracks them into the pan as you stir. He grabs three in each massive hand, winking at you and cracking them one by one. You stare at him flatly, stirring the breakfast scramble and wishing his hands were on you instead.
He sets the table as you empty the pan onto two plates, Mingyu’s portion almost double the size of yours. He gives you a look before spooning some from his plate onto yours. Admonished, you return the look before setting the plates down on the table as he pours you both water from the pitcher you keep full.
You eat quickly in comfortable silence, Mingyu shoveling three bites in his mouth to your one and playing with your fingers from across the table. You tap your foot on his, he lifts a brow at you and, at your shrug, returns to inhaling his food. When you first got married and moved into the farmhouse, you truly used to be concerned for him. To the point where you’d researched how to save someone from choking, should the need ever arise. Somehow, he never has and you can only thank your lucky stars because you aren’t sure if you could wrap your arms around him enough to help.
Mingyu finishes first, standing to wash his plate and begin cleaning the cast iron. You eat with haste now that his back is turned, knowing that the only thing standing between you and getting your hands on him is the food before you. Your speed rivals his now and you stand soon after him, going to wash your own plate before he snatches it out of your hands. “The cook never cleans,” he says authoritatively, turning to wash your plate and place it next to his on the drying rack. He dries his hands before reaching one out to you, and as soon as you place yours within his grasp, he begins tugging you toward the stairs.
You race up together, giggling and stumbling over each other, bursting into your room like newlyweds. Your hands immediately go to his shirt, itching to pick up where you left off and near desperate to feel his taut, warm skin. He stills your hands and you glare up at him questioningly. He shoots you a teasing smile, moving your hands from his shirt to your own, “Gotta wash up first, right baby?”
You let out a dramatic sigh but, knowing he’s right, turn away and begin to unbutton your blouse. He pouts behind you, having hoped he’d get to watch you undress but understanding you still felt the weight of propriety. You finish removing your shirt and he blushes as you fling it at him with a smile before heading to the bathroom to prepare for bed. In your absence, Mingyu begins undressing himself, hoping desperately you won’t notice that he’s already almost fully hard.
Sighing loudly, he runs his hand through his hair and begins turning down the bed, lighting the oil lamps on each side and fluffing the pillows. He speeds to the chest to pull another blanket out, expecting the temperature to drop tonight as autumn approaches. Mingyu’s not sure why he’s so nervous, especially considering the display he put on today and how he flirted with you after, but you just make him flustered; thinking about getting to see you and touch you and feel you… Thinking about running his hands over your soft skin, digging his fingers into the plush of your hips and thighs, hearing you moan and sigh and whimper for him. It’s almost too much, sometimes, thinking about the privilege of knowing you like this for the rest of his life.
Mingyu jumps when you open the door, looking gorgeous in your night dress and dewy skin. Your fingers play with the fabric, you seem almost as nervous as him. This releases the tension in Mingyu’s shoulders, the corners of his mouth turning up in fondness and hand reaching out to you again. You let him take your hand in his and he walks backwards, pulling you closer to the bed. You don’t know where to look, wanting to hold his gaze but feeling your eyes drifting down to his bare skin. Skin that's been tempting you all day, skin he teased you with. Skin that's now shifting over his muscles as he flexes for you, breaking the ice and causing you to let out a giggle. He gives you a petulant look, whining, “Don’t laugh at your husband, he loves you too much.”
You smile teasingly at him, “And I love him, especially when he puts those big, strong muscles to use and carries me to bed.” You extend your arms towards him, expecting him to wrap his own around your waist and walk you to bed as he so often does. Instead, you find yourself shrieking out a “Mingyu!” when he hoists you up over his shoulder, leaving you face to face with his firm, round ass. You’re trying so hard not to grab a handful when a loud smack echoes in the room and your own ass begins stinging.
Mingyu freezes, his hand moved before his brain could stop it, and he’s never hit you before. He’s about to apologize when he notices your thighs clenching together, and, on second thought, asks if he should do it again.
Your whole face heats, you’re almost certain he can feel it, but you can’t bring yourself to say no. You squirm a bit in his hold, wondering how much longer he'll keep you like this, blood rushing to your head and making you feel dizzy. Yes, that’s definitely why you’re dizzy, not because he spanked you and you liked it.
“I won’t do it again unless you say yes,” Mingyu prompts you with a soft, yet firm, voice. You blanch at the thought of being so open with him, but reminding yourself that he’s your husband and he loves you, you force out, “Yes, I liked it.”
He spanks you again, right where your ass meets your thigh, and you whine. You feel a shiver move through his body before he’s tossing you (with care) onto the bed. His canines flash at you as he smiles, looking a bit like a wolf with the sharpness of his teeth and the heat in his eyes. “That’s all you needed to say, honey.”
Mingyu’s hands start inching your nightdress upwards, fingers swirling against the skin of your legs and slowly pushing your thighs apart as he goes. Once your dress reaches your undergarments, he stops and shifts to hold himself above you. Holding your gaze, he drops his hips into the space between your thighs and grinds into you. His length presses against you through three layers of fabric, but you can feel his heat like there’s nothing keeping him from you. You have just enough time to wonder when exactly he grew to full hardness before he leans down and kisses you stupid.
Your brows raise and your hands fly to his face, holding him to you as if he’d ever want to leave. Mingyu groans into your lips, thumbing your chin and running his tongue along your bottom lip. You open for him, blooming beneath him and relaxing into the pillows as his tongue slides between your lips, gliding along your own. His hand cradles the side of your face and your hips rise to meet his. He presses back before hooking a hand around your knee and hitching your leg up on his hip; you take the hint and wrap both legs fully around his waist, feeling him lean into you further. You whimper into his mouth when his next grind catches your clit and he answers with a moan as his hand drifts down to your hip and pulls you up to meet him.
He breaks away to press kisses down your neck, nibbling along the way and continuing to grind into you. His lips reach your collarbone and begin sucking his mark into your skin, teeth joining because he knows it’ll make your thighs clench around him. When he feels the squeeze, he bites down further and you whine out, “Mingyu, please!”
He detaches from your skin with a pop, smiling down at you and brushing his thumb over the mark he’d just made. “Please what, honey? How can I know if you don’t tell me?”
You stare him down, nervous about being so candid but, knowing he can and will wait you out, you answer.
“Please touch me, I want you to touch me.”
The heat in his eyes grows as his smile shrinks, hands unwrapping your legs from his hips and moving to pull your underwear down.
“Whatever you want, baby.”
You lift your hips to assist him, returning his gaze as he lifts one foot out, then the other. Holding you by the ankles, he places your feet shoulder width apart and shifts down the bed to lay between them. His hands are smoothing up your thighs when he notices how tightly you’re holding them together and, sensing your self consciousness, rises to remove his own pants and underwear.
Your eyes valiantly attempt to stay on his face before they flicker down to the length hanging between his legs. His size intimidated you at first but now it just makes your mouth water as you remember the feeling of him stretching you out and filling you up. You unconsciously relax your legs as he climbs back onto the bed, his hands gripping your nightgown and his brow raising. You sit up and raise your arms, catching his grin through the fabric passing over your head, and settle back down. He passes his fingers over the mark on your collarbone again and drifts them down, his eyes drinking in every inch of skin before him.
Cupping your breasts in his hands, he presses kisses down your sternum and rests his chin there before popping up and pecking you on the lips. You giggle and he smiles back, returning his attention to your breasts. Your nipples had grown hard under his warm hands and he leans down to suck one into his mouth, lightly digging his teeth into the flesh and tugging. You squirm beneath him and he brings a knee up to give you something to grind on, moving to suck your other nipple and tweaking the one he just left. He can feel your wet heat pressing into his thigh and he clenches it on your next downward thrust, feeling gratified at your moan. He gives your nipple one last bite and moves to smooth kisses down your stomach, his leg leaving you in the process. You whine a bit and he shushes you as his fingers sink between your thighs, feeling at the wetness that had gathered.
“Oh, honey, baby,” Mingyu sighs out, “I shouldn’t have kept you waiting so long.” His fingers press deeper, one dipping into you shallowly, before moving up to circle your clit. Your hips rise up into his touch and your eyes flutter closed when his middle finger slides into you, curling up once his knuckles brush your pussy. You let out a little moan, Mingyu nodding as if he knew what you meant, “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll give you what you need.”
On the next thrust, his ring finger joins in and you can feel the metal of his wedding band graze your entrance. You whine and he moans back, fingers stilling deep inside of you and beginning to curl instead. “Eyes on me, baby, please.”
You force your eyes open and look down at Mingyu, holding in a whimper at the sight of him between your legs, looking at you with such hunger. He holds your gaze as he leans down and slowly flicks his tongue at your clit, groaning at the taste. His own eyes slide shut for a split second before he’s licking at your clit again, faster and harder and wetter. His fingers are still curling within you, searching at different depths to find the one spot that makes you-
“Mingyu! Again, please!” You breathe out, hips bucking up before he slams them back down and starts rubbing at that rough patch. His fingers curl into you again and again, lips sucking at your clit and pulling it into his mouth in pulses. The hand holding your hips down leaves you, only to wrap underneath your thigh and stretch over your stomach to press you into the bed. Your thighs shake around his head, his ears ringing with your moans and whimpers and his own groans vibrating into you. His tongue starts tapping your clit, even as he’s sucking it into his mouth, and your back arches clear off the mattress. You call out his name as he buries his head deeper between your thighs and shakes it side to side a little. Heat shoots through you and your thighs tense around him, the coil in your belly winding tighter and tighter, your pussy squeezing at his fingers.
“Getting closer, honey?” Mingyu asks while he catches his breath, reveling in the sounds leaving you and grinding his hips down into the sheets.
“Yes, yes, baby, please, I’m almost there. Please don’t stop,” you moaned out shakily. Sucking your clit back into his mouth, he shakes his head and you can almost hear him saying don’t worry honey I won’t stop. On his next pull, your hands leave the sheets, one flying to his head and the other holding tight to the arm banding across your belly. You keen as he works a third finger in, pressing and rubbing incessantly at the spot deep inside you. Mingyu whines into you, hips digging into the mattress to stave off his own climax, and starts running his tongue up and down your clit in powerful strokes. You break apart under him, release washing over you and curling your body up around his. He works you through it, slowing his fingers and lightening the pressure, keeping his tongue still for you to grind on until you’re finished.
Your thighs are still twitching and he can see your clit pulsing as he withdraws his fingers, sucking them into his mouth to get an extra taste of you. He kisses his way back up your body, holding your face in his hands and pressing a closed mouth kiss upon your lips. Your tongue slides between them, seeking out his own and he groans at the thought of you tasting yourself in his mouth. His hips press into you reflexively and he shivers when your legs wrap around him and his cock meets your wet heat. “Can you take another, baby? Do you want to?”
You’re nodding before he finishes speaking, digging your heels into his ass to pull him deeper into you and reaching down to stroke his cock before lining it up with your entrance. He has to take a steadying breath when he feels your small hand wrap around him, noting (as always) that your fingers can’t even touch each other.
Once he’s sure he won’t cum the second he feels you, he shifts his hips and begins to press into you. You let out a gasping moan and his head drops to your shoulder, panting at the feeling of your walls sucking him in. “Fuck, baby, just give me a second. Okay, honey? Just need to stay here for a second, just for a bit,” Mingyu manages to bite out through gritted teeth.
He’s so big inside of you, reaching so deep and filling you up so well, but you try to be good and stop squirming, stop clenching around him. The squirming, you can help. The clenching, you can’t. He moans out a breath, feeling your cunt squeezing around him and knowing it’s because he just made you cum, because he just split you open.
“Gyu, please move,” you whine, and taking a fortifying breath, he nods. He pulls his hips back until he can see his cock shining with your wetness, and sinks back into you with a groan. You tilt your hips up to receive him and that’s it, he can’t hold back anymore.
His hips pick up the pace until he’s pounding you into the mattress, one hand lifting your hip and the other bracing himself next to your head. Your gasps and whines echo off the walls and he can’t help but say, “Fuck, baby, I love you so much. Can’t believe you’re my wife, that I get to do this with you, that you want me to do this with you.”
Your wandering hands settle on his face and pull him down into a sweet kiss, juxtaposed by his hips bruising your own and his cock making room inside you with each thrust.
“Love you, Gyu. Wouldn’t want this with anyone else, just you,” you breathe out shakily, running a hand through his hair and cupping his cheek. He presses a searing kiss onto your lips before sitting up on his knees and hauling you into his lap. Your hands fall to the pillow under your head and push against the headboard as he picks up the pace, fucking into you so deep your head tilts back and you release a string of moans so loud, you’re thankful for your lack of neighbors.
“You like this, baby? You want me deeper?” Mingyu groans out, even though he’s bottoming out inside you and can’t go any deeper. He’ll find a way if you ask. “Yes, Gyu, yes I love it,” you whine. “Deeper, harder, please!”
Mingyu nods before hooking each knee in an elbow and bending down to kiss you with his hands beside your head, effectively folding you in half. You keen at the new angle, unable to keep up with his kiss as he starts to hit that spot inside you, the one that makes you gush.
He whines as he feels you get even wetter, easing his passage further and allowing him to fit that last little bit of his cock inside you. You whine back, feeling that familiar heat rising in your belly as your pussy starts to clench tighter around him, making him feel even bigger inside you.
“Honey, I’m not gonna last.” Mingyu forces out. “You’re close, right? I can feel you squeezing me.” You moan and nod in response, begging him don’t stop don’t stop don’t stop.
“Not gonna stop, honey, I won’t ever stop. God, I wish I could fuck you forever.”
He looks so beautiful above you; pink, plush bottom lip caught between his teeth, eyes scrunching closed then blinking open so he can look at you, hair brushing his forehead and dampening with sweat. You’re so entranced by him your climax catches you off guard, triggered by a perfect thrust and the hand that released your leg and drifted down unseen to rub at your clit. You throw your head back into the pillow and Mingyu groans at the sight, at the long line of your neck and his mark on your collarbone and your perfect mouth open in bliss. He keeps fucking into you long enough to help you ride out your release, until you start begging him to cum inside you.
“Mingyu, please baby, give it to me, I wanna feel you,” you whimper. He lets out a broken moan at your words and, unable to hold back any longer, empties his balls inside you. His hot cum spills deep inside, a warm feeling spreading through your lower belly and sending your hand down to press where you feel it. Mingyu buries his head in your neck and tries to catch his breath, arm shaking beside you and his other hand finding yours on your stomach. Your fingers intertwine and he shifts back to smile at you with so much love in his eyes you almost tear up. Then he lets your leg down and starts to pull out of you and you really do tear up, hand shooting to his hip, “Can you just stay inside for a while? Please?“
Mingyu looks into your teary eyes and his face softens further, “Of course, baby, whatever you want.” You send a watery smile back at him and wrap your legs around his waist again, arms snaking around his neck and hugging him to you. He settles in, bracing his weight on his forearms and stroking your hair with one hand, murmuring sweet nothings into your ear. Once your heart returns to its normal pace, you unwind your arms from his neck and start playing with his hair. He hums into your shoulder and rises with a sleepy smile, giving you a sweet kiss and asking if he can pull out and clean you up now.
You nod blearily back at him and he pulls away, leaving an emptiness inside of you and his cum seeping out of you. He returns quickly with a damp towel, cleaning you up gently before lifting you into his arms. You groan in protest but he just kisses your head and whispers, “Just gonna take a little rinse, okay, baby? Don’t want to sleep all sweaty.”
Sighing, you nod.
You know he’s right.
The water is warm when he steps in, still cradling you in his arms. He lets your legs down but holds you up still, swaying from side to side and rubbing your back. Suspended at his height like this, your hair doesn’t have to get wet and you can rest your head in his neck. “Will you stay tomorrow morning? I can get up earlier. I just want to wake up next to you,” you breathe into his skin.
Mingyu’s heart thumps under yours and his breath hitches before he answers, “Of course, baby. I want to wake up next to you too.”
He holds you closer, and with his big hands making their way up and down your back, it’s no wonder you’re falling asleep as he steps out of the shower. He sets you on the counter and dries you off carefully, making sure to be gentle between your thighs and kissing you on the forehead before picking you up again. He carries you back into the bedroom, miraculously not hitting you or himself on anything, and places you gently on the bed.
Pulling the covers over your body, he brushes the back of his hand down your cheek before climbing in next to you. You immediately roll over to face him, a sleepy smile on your face and your hands reaching out to pull yourself closer to him. He returns your smile, eyes barely open but full of love, and gathers you up into his arms. You both let out a twin sigh and, knowing he’ll still be holding you when you wake up, drift off to sleep.
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A/N: thank you so much for reading! this is the first real writing I’ve ever posted and I am begging on my knees for feedback and interaction 😩 if you like it, please let me know by any means necessary
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kmgkmg · 2 months
birds gave up - lee seokmin
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wc: 0.3k | pairing: seokmin x gn!reader | synopsis: morning w bf!dk
genre/s: fluff, non-idol!au, established relationship | warnings: none!
rating: pg
his arms are entangled in yours as you wake up, securely still in his embrace. you notice the weight on top of your legs and figure they’re just as twisted as your arms. there was no choice but to wait. the mellow rhythm in which his chest rose and fell ever so slightly was enough for you to know that he was still in deep sleep. you trail your fingers delicately on his arm, tracing figure 8s to soothe his already relaxed body. you look up at his face, taking in each feature as slowly as you could. the sunlight was creeping into the bedroom, illuminating his features, and making him appear even more serene, if that was possible. he mumbles something incoherently before nestling his head further into his pillow.
“what’d you say kyeomie?” you whisper, full of curiosity at your boyfriend’s sleeptalking antics.
his brows furrow at your question before he begrudgingly answers, “i love y/n toooooooo much.”
you feel yourself start to form a smile, before grinning like the completely in love fool you were for him.
“and why do you sound upset by that?”
“because they make it impossible for me to not fall in love more and more each day...” his frown deepens and he sighs before starting to snore once again.
you stay with him in bed, not willing to leave the warmth of his body or the inviting morning sunshine. when he finally stirs awake, you place a soft kiss on his lips. “good morning, my love.”
“good morning, baby. the birds outside are so loud now that it’s spring, but i think the birds gave up trying to wake me now too. but, any reason you’re in such a good mood?” he asks with his sleepy morning voice.
“i just want you to know how much i love you.”
he flashes his signature smile before professing, “i love you most!”
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mangocustard16 · 8 months
Lazy Days of Love💟💕
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| synopsis: After a hard week at work Mingyu's cuddles are the only thing Y/N needs to feel refreshed.
| pairing: idol bf!mingyu x gn!reader
| genre: fluff
| warnings: none
| w.c: 500
| a/n: this is pure fluff, mingyu is so in love with Y/N, cuddles and forehead kisses directly under the cut
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The sun cast a warm, golden glow across the room as you and Mingyu snuggled together on the couch. It had been a long and tiring week for you, filled with never-ending deadlines and challenging work situations.
"I want to spend the day with you doing nothing," you murmured, your voice soft and tired as you nuzzled into Mingyu's chest. Mingyu smiled down at you, his fingers gently brushing a strand of hair away from your face. "Nothing sounds perfect," he replied, his deep voice a soothing melody. "Just you and me" You let out a contented sigh and snuggled closer to Mingyu, wrapping your arms around him. "Cuddles?" "Absolutely" Mingyu whispered, planting a soft kiss on the top of your head. He shifted to a more comfortable position, pulling you even closer, your bodies fitting together like two missing puzzle pieces.
For a while, you simply lay there, basking in each other's presence, the world outside your little cocoon forgotten. Mingyu ran his fingers through your hair, massaging your scalp gently. You closed your eyes, your worries melting away as you enjoyed the sensation of his touch.
As the day drifted on, you found yourselves tracing shapes on each other's palms, a soothing and intimate connection that needed no words. Mingyu's long, elegant fingers danced across your palm, creating invisible patterns. It was a silent promise that he would always be there to comfort you, no matter what.
Your thumb moved in slow circles on Mingyu's palm, sending shivers of warmth up his arm. You looked up at him with eyes that spoke volumes, gratitude and love overflowing. "You always know how to make me feel better, Gyu."
Mingyu's heart swelled with affection as he gazed into your eyes. "I would do anything for you, Y/N. You mean the world to me." You blushed at his words, your cheeks turning a delicate shade of pink. "I love you, Gyu." Mingyu's smile was brighter than the sun streaming through the windows. "I love you too, more than you'll ever know."
You continued your gentle palm tracing, lost in the beauty of the moment. Time seemed to stand still as you held each other, finding solace in the quiet rhythm of your hearts beating in sync.
As the afternoon turned into evening, Mingyu suggested you move to the balcony, where you could enjoy the cool breeze and watch the stars come out. You eagerly agreed and wrapped yourselves in a cozy blanket, your fingers still intertwined.
Sitting side by side, you looked up at the night sky, the stars twinkling above like a million tiny diamonds. You rested your head on Mingyu's shoulder. "Forehead kisses?" you murmured, your voice filled with adoration. Mingyu chuckled softly. "I couldn't agree more". And he placed a soft kiss on your forehead, his lips lingering there.
The night passed in peaceful bliss, with Mingyu and you sharing stories, dreams, and whispered promises. You talked about your future together, a life filled with love, happiness, and endless cuddles.
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x0x0josephinex0x0 · 8 months
The Hope in the Fault Lines, part 1
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Summary: after your sister and her husband are tragically killed, you become the guardian of their daughter, your niece. As you try to pick up the pieces of your life, you become aware that you need help. Desperately. So you hire a nanny. Enter Mingyu, an ex-agent-turned-childcare-professional with a past of his own.
Genre: fluff, heavy themes, (light) smut in later parts (minors DNI)
Warnings: (applies to most of the parts) descriptions of grief, mental illness, disordered eating, instant parenthood, loss of sibling, vehicle-related death, police investigation, child custody court, parental abuse
Word count for pt 1: 4.3k
part 2 | part 3 | part 4
Why aren’t I numb yet? you think to yourself.
Because really, you should be there by now. Hell, you’d even planned to be there by now so you could go back to work. But here you are — standing in your seven-month-old niece’s bedroom, crying along with her, the agony in your chest building like water that slowly heightens to a boil, its persistent, grief-tinged bubbles roiling in time with every pointless beat of your absolutely shattered heart.
You stroke the back of your niece Sara’s head and made soothing noises as well as you could around your own tears. Surely, at some point, she had to stop crying, right? Then maybe you could get back to sleep, which so far has been the only semi-consistent way to forget the grim truth of your reality.
Which was that your sister, Jeri — the proper mother for this fussing thing in your arms — and her husband, Jisung, were dead. That was why you were here, with a child who was missing the same person you were missing but had much less of a vocabulary to express it, so she just cried and cried and cried until you realized she was voicing your own internal monologue. Both of you were hoping that she’d walk in any minute and hold you and make the world stop its incessant spinning for a moment.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper. “I’m sorry you only have me. I’m sorry that’s the best I can give you.” You stifle a sob. “I’m sorry that she’s gone. I miss her too.”
Eventually, Sara’s wails quieted, and she slumped against your shoulder, exhausted. You collapsed into the chair in the nursery, exhausted enough to fall asleep immediately, holding Sara in your arms.
You were awakened by the sound of the door opening. Had you forgotten to lock it? You suddenly panic, gently placing Sara’s still-sleeping form into her crib before tiptoeing into the hallway, colliding with your best friend, Bora.
“Did I not lock the door?” you blurt in shock.
She looks you up and down. “No, you did,” she reassures, her worried look intensifying. “I’ve had a key for five years.”
You deflate in relief. “Right,” you say aimlessly, looking at her. “Okay. Um…coffee?”
“Girl, I should be making you coffee,” Bora said. She put a hand to your forehead. “You’re ill, sweetheart.”
You blink at her. “I am?”
“Undoubtedly,” she confirms, leading you back to your bedroom. “Don’t worry about Sara. I’ll be here all day, so you just rest, okay?” She nearly pushes you onto your bed, and pulls a blanket off the floor to tuck around you.
You take stock of yourself. Head aching -- that wasn’t new. Eyes dry and puffy -- same as always. No, the only difference you could tell from last night is a hollow, cavernous emptiness in your chest where the clawing agony used to sit. Right on cue, the numbness has begun to engulf you.
You pass the day in a haze, only briefly aware of the activities of Sara, who at seven months old is only fussy around strangers when it gets dark, and your friend. You simply lay there in bed, not sleeping despite your tiredness, not even able to muster up the energy to reach for the food Bora brings you at midday. In fact, the sun is setting before you’re able to become conscious, sitting up and rubbing at your stinging eyes as Bora comes in to check on you.
“What about Morrie and Cal?” you ask her, referencing Bora’s own daughter Morna and her husband Calvin. “Did you really leave them all day?”
Bora nodded. “Yeah, Cal’s got it. Which is what I wanted to talk to you about.” She brushes your hair out of your face in a motherly way. “You need help here.”
“I’m not getting married anytime soon, Bo,” you say dryly.
“I’m not talking about marriage,” she says. “I’m talking about a nanny.”
You bite your lip. “Are you saying I’m bad at motherhood?” you ask, and if you could sound hurt through all the nothingness you feel, you’re sure you would.
“No,” Bora says gently. “I’m saying you didn’t bargain for motherhood on top of dealing with your grief, and you still have a whole life ahead of you that needs your attention, outside of this apartment. You have a job you love that you really need to get back to -- for you, sweetheart, not for the company, because I know that the work you do makes you happy. You need more time like that, more time for you. I know there’s a big difference in the circumstances, but when I became a mother, having Cal as a partner made it really easy for me to do things outside of the house that gave me purpose. It really helped me get a handle on myself outside of motherhood so that I could maintain a healthy relationship with Morrie without resenting her or losing myself. And honestly, you need that. We all do. And since marriage isn’t the move right now, and you have the means, a nanny might be the best possible thing for you.”
You nod slowly. “So they’d just come watch Sara while I’m at work?”
She nods. “They can be here as much or as little as you want.”
“Okay. How do I make sure they’re not a child snatcher or a pervert?”
Bora snorts. “Well, I’d recommend interviewing them so that your spidey-senses can alert you to any potential creeps,” she advises.
“I’m tired just thinking about that,” you groan. The phone begins to ring, and you check the ID — it’s your head editor, Cory.
You answer. “Hey,” you say, trying not to sound as dead inside as you are. “What’s up?”
“How are you doing?” he asks, his tone hesitant. This was one of the worst parts of tragedy, you thought to yourself: the awkwardness. Suddenly there was no comfort anywhere. Nobody knew what to say to you, or how to address the event, so everyone skated around it and you in a cautious dance of embarrassment and pity. Part of you wishes someone would just acknowledge it -- “so, your sister is dead,” and then move on.
“I’m fine,” you lie. “I should be back to work...soon. I just need to find a nanny for my niece.”
“Oh, that’s...that’s good,” Cory says, sounding surprised. “I wasn’t actually calling about that, I was actually just...worried about you.”
You sigh. “Everybody is, Cory. But I’ll pull through this. I always do.”
“I know,” he says, “and I trust that you will. I just...wanted you to know that we’re -- that I’m thinking of you.”
You try to feel curious about his choice of words, but can’t muster the energy to care that much. “Thanks, Cory,” you say. “I’ll let you know if I need anything.” Another lie, but the last one you feel compelled to tell him. “Bye.”
Bora is looking at you with a raised eyebrow. “He seems friendly,” she says, and through the haze that seems to coat your brain you know she’s making an implication.
This is yet another thing you don’t have the energy to address right now, so you don’t. “So, I need to interview nannies.”
“Well, you could also have your assistant do it,” Bora offers. “She’d lay on train tracks for you. I’m sure she’d do a good job.”
The corner of your mouth twitches as you think of making Emily, your eager assistant, vet nannies for Sara. She was young and enthusiastic and proactive, and she’d do a great job. “I think that’s a good idea,” you say. “Thanks, Bora. I know I haven’t been -- well, I know you have better things to do than worry about me, and I’m s--”
“Don’t you dare finish that thought,” she says, holding her manicured hand up to silence you. “You have people around you who care about and love you. Me included. This is the time where you need to lean on those people. And we all want that.”
“Thank you,” you say again.
“Eat,” she says sternly. “I need to get home, but I refuse to leave Sara with you until you’ve got food in your body.”
You wrinkle your nose at the idea of putting something in your mouth and chewing, but you realize that Bora’s made you some kind of thick, creamy soup that requires nothing but small sips. It’s easy to eat, and before you know it, despite not really tasting it as it passed through your lips, you’ve finished the bowl. Bora nods approvingly, leaning in and kissing your forehead before standing up to leave. “I love you, sweetheart,” she says. “Call me in the morning, okay?”
And with that, she leaves.
Six days later, you’re somewhere that you never expected to be at this point -- at dinner with your friend Gwen and her husband, Chan. Bora had showed up, instructed you to get ready, and taken Sara home with her as the couple had showed up at your front door. “You need a night out,” she insisted as you halfheartedly protested.
You had taken her advice and asked Emily to start interviewing nannies, but so far, her search for someone who could be there during your required time period and had the right background checks and qualifications had come up with very few results. This was a bit disheartening, but you hadn’t really given up yet, hoping someone would pull through for you. If you believed in God at this point, you’d probably pray for it.
These are the thoughts that are consuming you at dinner with your friends, when you’re supposed to be listening to them talk. They, gratefully, are a comforting pair, who make a point not to look at you with the customary pity. Instead, they ask about work and Sara and even about your thoughts on how the funeral had gone, which is kind of a relief -- none of that timid skirting around the big, ugly elephant in the room. Maybe this openness they’ve pulled out of you is the reason you feel you can speak to them about your current issue. “Actually, I’m trying to get back to work,” you say. “Those bills aren’t going to pay themselves. The only issue is, I need to find a nanny for Sara, but my assistant has been having trouble finding someone who fits the bill,” you explain, picking at the food in front of you.
To your surprise, Chan’s eyes light up. “I might know a guy. He used to work with me, and he just moved back here after awhile.”
You stare at him. “Chan, aren’t you a federal officer?” you ask.
“Yeah,” he says.
“Why would a federal agent want to work as my nanny?” you ask him.
“Former federal agent,” he corrects you. “Turned nanny.”
“You know someone who quit being a secret agent to become a child-care worker?” you say in disbelief.
Gwen nods. “Actually, he’s really good. The family he was just with fell on some hard times, which is why he’s back now, but I think he might be looking for a new gig.”
You bite the inside of your cheek. “You got the contact information for this guy?” you ask Chan.
“Yeah. His name’s Mingyu. I’ll forward the info on to Emily.”
“Thanks,” you say. “Really, Chan.” You allow yourself to hope for a moment, which provides just the right amount of energy to finish dinner and make your way back home. Once you’re inside your wreck of an apartment, which hasn’t been really cleaned since the accident, you lean heavily against the door, releasing a big breath.
You head to Sara’s room before realizing she’s still at Bora’s house. You text her that you’re home, and before you know it, Bora is handing a sleeping Sara back into your arms.
“She was really good today,” Bora whispers. “How was dinner?”
“It was...okay,” you say, and for the first time, you’re honest. For some reason, you feel like this Mingyu person is the one who’s going to stick, and that leaves you with a modicum of relief. A change is coming, and this one feels like it’s bound to be better than whatever you’re trying to do now. Bora leaves, and you go to the nursery -- the one room that’s intact and clean -- and sink into the rocking chair with Sara.
“Sometime soon, we’re going to have someone to help us out, Sara,” you promise. “I know this isn’t the life your parents probably imagined for you, but I’m going to try and give you something close to what they wanted you to have. I mean that.”
Slowly, you pull her off your shoulder to look at her cherubic little face -- at the black curls that surround her face, her long eyelashes fluttering in sleep. She’s a darling baby, but what you notice is something that penetrates through the cloud of numbness: she’s smiling, her little dimples so reminiscent of --
“Jeri,” you breathe, and a rush of warmth hits you right in your chest for a moment before it’s once again extinguished by your grief, like a flaming arrow shot into a dark, black lake. You suppose, as you hold her close to you once again, that in a way, Sara has immortalized your sister.
You fall asleep holding Sara, who for the first time since she became yours sleeps through the night.
You’re standing in your sweatpants, braless, your hair thrown haphazardly on top of your head, feeding Sarah some baby food as she babbles happily in her high chair, when the doorbell rings. You check your watch in disbelief -- it’s seven in the morning, which is the time you had asked Mingyu to show up for his first day of work. You’d never met him in person, although you had talked to him on the phone, and you’d wanted to make a good first impression. But then Sara had had a blowout, and you’d had to change your own sheets because she’d slept in your bed with you, and then you’d had to bathe her (it was that bad), and you were finally getting to feed Sara. You hadn’t even eaten yet, and you’d planned to be fully ready and put together by the time he arrived.
But there was no postponing this -- you couldn’t just let him rot on your porch. So you head for the door, praying Sara won’t throw the spoon on the floor as she has been wont to do recently, and look through the peephole. When you see him, the only thing you can do is whisper “shit. Shit shit shit shit shit.”
Because how could Emily not have told you that the man was beautiful?
And he isn’t beautiful in like, your everyday way either. The man on your porch is tall, probably dwarfing you by both head and shoulders, with a broad chest that pulled at the simple black tee he wears and arms that the pre-accident you would have swooned over. His hair is cropped short like a fed, and he is dressed practically, and yet, he was a god. There was no other way around it. You look down at yourself -- stained t-shirt, sweats with holes in embarrassing places, hair in disarray -- and shrug. There’s nothing you can do but pull the door open. “Hi,” you say. “Mr. Kim?”
“Yeah,” he replies, and he doesn’t seem to register your haggard appearance, just smiles. “I’m guessing you’re --”
“Yeah,” you confirm. “Um, please come in.”
He does, carefully removing his tennis shoes and stepping into the entryway. “Sara’s in the kitchen. Probably throwing stuff.”
He chuckles. “She’s seven months?”
“Yeah,” you say.
“They do that,” he says conspiratorially.
It has taken you very little time to realize you might be in trouble. Mingyu’s smile is open and warm, his eyes full of life. He is nothing like the gruff, stern former agent that you were picturing in your head. You watch him crouch to greet Sara, whose face lights up at his friendly wave. “Hi, Sara,” he says, brushing a bit of blended squash off her nose. “You’re a cutie, that’s for sure.”
“I’m so sorry for the mess,” you can’t help but say. “It’s...it’s been insane.”
He looks up at you. “I get it. Your assistant kind of explained the situation. How are you holding up?” he asks.
You scratch the back of your head. “Well, Sara’s still alive, and that’s pretty much the extent of my current goals, so I guess we’re doing pretty well, all things considered.”
He nods sympathetically. “Honestly, great job. Becoming an instant parent can’t be easy.”
“I actually need to be at work at 8:30,” you suddenly realize. “Can I show you around? I’ll have to dash right afterward.”
“Yeah, sure,” he says, following you down the hall.
“This is the guest room,” you say. “It hasn’t been touched for a minute, but this is where you’ll sleep if we ever need you to stay overnight. I occasionally have business trips.” You lead him further down the hall and up the short staircase, opening the door to the nursery. “Right there is the bathroom. This is Sara’s room, so when she goes down for naps, this is where you can put her.”
You look at him, and his face is thoughtful as you point down the hall. “Door at the end is my bedroom,” you say, remembering what an absolute disaster it is. A blush rises in your cheek. “And please,” you say, going back down the stairs. “You can make yourself at home. Feel free to use the TV while Sara’s napping, or eat what’s in the fridge or pantry if you’re hungry.”
“Okay,” he agrees.
You pull out your wallet and hand him a card. “This one is for you. If you ever feel like eating anything or going somewhere with Sara, you can use this. I opened it for you specifically -- I figured it’d be easier than reimbursing you.”
He pockets it. “Sounds good,” he says.
You stand there, feeling awkward. “Well, I think that was all.”
He nods. “Go get ready,” he says reassuringly. “If I need something or have any questions, I’ll shoot you a text. Is that okay?”
“Of course,” you say in relief. “Thanks.”
You nearly sprint upstairs and jump in the shower. It takes you two minutes to do everything you need to do -- you’ve been taking micro-showers since you took Sara in, terrified that something would happen to her in your absence. Watching the time, you blow your hair dry, apply simple makeup, and change into a comfortable pair of black slacks and a white button-up. You arrive downstairs to see Mingyu at the sink with Sara, having sat her in the crook of his arm so he can wash her sticky face.
The sight of them warms your heart. “Okay, I’ve gotta dash,” you say. “Please, reach out to me if you need anything.”
He smiles. “I will. Drive safe.”
“Okay,” you say, bounding out the door and into your car.
The office hushes a bit when you walk in. They knew you were coming back today, but it must be surreal after the three months you’ve been gone, especially when this is your magazine -- you’re the only person at the company who’s been there since the beginning, because you started it. Cory is quick to hop to your side. “Hi, boss,” he greets. The rest of the office goes back to their activities as you enter your large, glass-paneled office.
“Hi, Cory,” you say. “How are you?”
“I’m good,” he says, seemingly lost for any other words. “It’s good to have you back.”
“Thanks,” you say. “So, update me. Where are we at with the Serena Williams feature?”
“She was super understanding, and the publishers were too,” he says. “Ruby wrote a great piece, though, so as soon as we’ve got the green light we’ll start the launch. I’ve got Jojo on the social media build, and she’s got a two-on-one scheduled with us later to go over it.”
You nod in approval. “Okay, sounds good. I’m gonna contact Park Seojun’s agent today, so I’d like a list of writers you think could write that story well before our meeting with Jojo. I’m thinking we use someone in-house, but I’m open to contracting out if you’re worried people in the office already have too much to do.”
Cory gives you a thumbs up. “Got it,” he says, heading back to his desk.
You breathe in your office air, feeling some of the tension in your shoulders dissolve. You can’t say you’re happy, per se -- but you aren’t as empty as you have been. Bora had been right -- getting back to work is going to be good for you.
Toward the end of the day, though, you begin feeling a strange pull -- a pull toward home. You know Mingyu and Sara have been fine, because Mingyu has been texting you periodically throughout the day:
MG: hey, we’re out of wet wipes over here. do you have any extra boxes?
You: yeah they’re in your bathroom under the sink!
MG: okay I should’ve thought to check there, thanks! You saved my life haha
You: no worries! Is everything ok?
MG: yeah its good, no need to stress. Sara just needs a diaper change.
You: ok, sounds good! Thanks!
MG: sara reeeeeeeeeeeally likes pears
You: oh yeah they’re her favorite lol
He’d sent you a video of Sara screeching with joy as he put a spoonful of pear mush into her mouth.
MG: like i’ve never seen anyone so enthusiastic about pears
You: i love it when she screams at her food, that’s the best
MG: me too its so cute haha
MG: ok i forgot to ask
MG: how long are her naps supposed to be
You: tbh I usually let her sleep an hour or so...i should probably do research on what’s developmentally appropriate
MG: lmao nah i gotchu
Then a few minutes later:
MG: so apparently huckleberrycare.com suggests 2-3 hours of daytime sleep for kids sara’s age
You: damn, that’s a long time
You: well, i guess let her sleep? She might not stay down that long, but we can adjust her routine a bit to try and get her there
MG: sounds good. Is she a light sleeper? She’s on me rn and i don’t want to wake her up if i move her
You: oh no you can totally put her in her crib lol she won’t wake up
MG: ok thanks haha my arm was kind of going numb bc i was too scared to change positions lmao
You: hahaha yes you’re totally fine to put her in as soon as she goes to sleep usually
MG: great to know, thanks lol
And more throughout the day, littered with photos of Sara in varying states of ridiculousness. You found yourself actually smiling as each text rolled in, grateful for the updates, knowing you would’ve felt a lot more anxious if you hadn’t heard anything.
Still, you didn’t want to keep Mingyu waiting too long. He was supposed to get off at 6, and you wanted to make sure he didn’t feel like you were taking advantage of him. So you left work earlier than normal, beating the rush hour traffic and coming through the door to see Mingyu playing with your niece on the floor. He looks up at you as you come in and waves you over. “She rolled over just barely,” he whispers excitedly. “Watch!”
Sara struggles, whining a little bit, before rolling from her stomach to her back. You clap excitedly, lifting her from the floor into your arms and kissing her pudgy cheek. “Good job, Sara!” you coo, and she burbles happily, touching your face with a fat hand.
Suddenly, you notice something -- the house is clean.
“Mr. Kim,” you say slowly, “did you clean my house?”
He suddenly looks sheepish. “Uh, yeah, I did,” he says. “I’m sorry if that was...I don’t know, not my place.”
“Are you apologizing for cleaning?” you ask him, amused. “I feel bad you felt the need to do that! I shouldn’t have -- have let it get so bad.”
He gives you an extremely gentle look that you are sure he didn’t intend to make your knees go weak. “You’ve been through a lot recently,” he says. “I think you should be kinder to yourself. Also, there was a time when I was in college and living with roommates, and it was way worse cleaning up after some of them.”
“Well, at least there’s that,” you say, returning his smile with Sara propped on your hip.
You stare at him for a minute, and then shake yourself. “Well, I’m here now, so I guess you can...go?” You make a face at your phrasing. “I’m not trying to kick you out. I just don’t want you to feel like you have to stay past your hours.”
He chuckles. “It’s okay. I get you. Have a good night.” He heads for the door, calling over his shoulder. “Actually, I made some fried rice this afternoon. The leftovers are in the fridge. Help yourself.”
Your jaw drops. “Wait a minute, Mr. Kim,” you call after him, following him on his way out.
He turns around, smiling at your tone. “You can call me Mingyu,” he offers.
You nod. “Okay, Mingyu. You cooked, cleaned, and took care of Sara while I was at work?”
“Yeah,” he says, a laugh in his voice. “Is that so odd?”
“I never managed to do all three in one day,” you admit ashamedly.
“Well, I’m not mourning the loss of my sister,” he reminds you, and his voice is a bit stern. “That kind of thing takes a lot of energy.” He rests a big hand on your shoulder comfortingly before opening the door. “See you tomorrow.”
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wuahae · 9 months
congratulations cat my beloved !! 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
“mingyu + 2:08 am + the kitchen” for the milestone event 🩷
[2:08] / the kitchen
peering through the glass to check for anyone inside the apartment, you lift the window slowly, pane sliding quietly against the frame. the motion is jilted, your breath catching as a particularly harsh motion has you wincing, hand flying to your side as you try to ride through the wave of pain.
fuck. this really wasn't how you pictured your night to go.
it was supposed to be a simple job—stop the drug deal, get in, get out, go home. you'd done it hundreds of times before, everything was practiced motions from the moment you got to the scene. that was, until the backup that came later made very clear that this wasn't just a solo op, and you were in way out of your league.
it's really the only explanation you have as to how you've ended up here—on the run, bleeding out, and sneaking into mingyu's apartment through his kitchen window at two in the morning. (in retrospect, one of those was not like the other, but you'd rather go back to that drug deal and take your beating eyes closed than to hear jihoon's extremely blatant and obvious "i told you so" when he inevitably hears about this whole debacle. if it was happening sooner or later, you choose later.)
opening the window was the only thing you managed to do somewhat gracefully, because your next step weaving your leg through the window has you half-stumbling half-crashing onto the floor of his kitchen. you try to stiffle the yelp of pain that tries to shoot out of your mouth, but you only manage to quiet it down to a low grunt instead. the light flickers on in his bedroom, unsurprisingly, and you brace yourself for what's about to come next.
there's a beat, and then two, and then mingyu comes rushing out into the kitchen, the silhouette of his favorite lamp held up threateningly. "who's there!"
"hey—" you hold your hands up in surrender, the leather of the mask pressing against your cheeks more than it seemed to before. "calm down, i'm not gonna—"
"what do you want, money?" mingyu shakes the lamp in emphasis. "i don't have anything worth much in here, i just have an airfryer!"
"no, can you just—"
"you can't take my airfryer!"
"that's not what i—"
"what am i doing, i'm calling the cops—"
he stops, eyes widening. a breath. "how do you know my name?"
frustration curdles in the back of your throat. you think about strangling out some lame excuse, all of which would probably just end up with you in a worse situation than before, so you just let out a sigh, slipping off your mask. "it's me."
as soon as your unveiled eyes meet his, mingyu falters, the hand holding the lamp dropping to his side, the panic in his eyes vanishing only to be replaced with shock—shock? confusion? hurt? betrayal? it's hard to tell in the dark.
(it's months of lies and deception and blatant secrets washing over him, all at once. that's all it took for him to look at you like a stranger—one flimsy leather mask.)
you know he has so many thoughts flitting through his mind, so many questions to ask you. of course he does, how could he not? but instead of grabbing onto any of the emotions flashing in his eyes and throwing them back in your face, mingyu instead says: "you're bleeding."
ah. you'd almost forgotten about that small thing in the middle of everything else.
mingyu scans your body silently, pursing his lips and knitting his brow, before grabbing one arm and slinging it over his shoulder, leaning your body against his as you hobble your way into his bathroom—first door to your right.
you end up sat on the edge of his tub, top half of your uniform stripped off to reveal the worst of the damage on your upper body, your head a little too light and vision a little too fuzzy to be normal as mingyu takes out his supplies. (that's why you came to his apartment, right? because he was an emt? because he would know what to do?)
there's a tense silence, one briefly interspersed with the practiced motions of a needle and thread and your restrained hisses of pain as mingyu stitches your open wound back together. it's awkward and stiff and not at all what you're used to with mingyu—for the first time, his apartment seems cold, and you hate it.
"don't worry," you try, after he's finished with the sutures. mingyu reaches for the bandages, and you resist the urge to cringe at how nonchalant you sound. "i made sure no one was following me before i came here."
mingyu's lips press into an even thinner line (you didn't even know that was possible) before making a small noise of acknowledgment. anything you had planned to say after that snuffs out before the matches even gets the chance to get lit. he finishes up fixing the big, gaping wound at your side quickly after that, moving onto the smaller cuts and bruises littered throughout the rest of your body.
and after what seems like forever of the same, frozen quiet, mingyu finally asks: "who else knows?"
it catches you offguard, hearing him speak so suddenly. and then you swallow your tongue, teetering on a narrow line—how much could he know? how much could you tell him without him piecing out other secrets by himself? "jihoon," you eventually decide on. you figured at least that would be okay to tell him, right? it wasn't as if you told him any secrets that weren't already yours. "that's it."
mingyu lets out a wry laugh, short and slightly bitter, and you wonder how many new sides of mingyu you'll bear witness to tonight. he feigns disinterest, focusing on treating the cut on your cheek, but the alcohol swab dabs a little too harshly for the act to be convincing.
"you know," mingyu says distantly, peeling the plastic off the back of the bandaid. "usually you're supposed to tell your best friend about these sorts of things." you brace yourself when he places it on your cheek, but he smooths out the bandaid out with his thumb, gentler. "or could you not trust me enough?"
you whip your head to him the second he finishes placing it on your cheek, the brief touch gone in a flash. "don't do that," you bite out. "you know i couldn't tell you."
"if not that, then what else?" mingyu counters. "you seemed perfectly fine letting jihoon in on your big secret."
you really don't have the energy to explain to him the absolute mess that was jihoon finding out about your secret identity, nor could you go on to explain how at the time you really had no choice but to let jihoon join you. but that required jihoon developing a secret identity of his own, splitting his life into two, becoming so encompassed in necessary lies that everything else would become tangled in between. it happened to him, and it happened to you, and that was the last thing you'd ever want for mingyu.
"that's different."
you snap, words flying out. "if i knew you were going to react like this, then i never would have come!"
"then why did you come!"
"i—" you start, heat lying beneath the syllable, but it dies almost as soon as you speak. why did you come? reasonably speaking, you could have gotten help from jihoon, his verbal lashing be damned, or you very well could have made it back home and stitched yourself up without bleeding out completely. but you didn't—instead, you hauled yourself through mingyu's kitchen window because (your head buzzes)... because—
"i didn't know where else to go," you tell him, but that's not quite right either. you had other options, this was just the one you chose.
mingyu blinks, and you can tell he catches your lie from how he draws in a breath, quiet, only to release it tiredly. he's been catching you in too many lately, but like all the others, he doesn't press you on it. mingyu pulls away, skin brushing against yours, and you know this is it.
you're watching as your blood washes down the tub drain, remnants of the dirt and gunpowder from your uniform falling all over his tile floor, and all you really want to do is have this be over with. but you know if you do, if you let him pull away and shut him out again, mingyu would carry that festering hurt with him into everything moving forward. it would be the end of this—whatever this was.
(and really, wasn't this the point? didn't you come here because you were tired of shutting him out, of lying to him? you want your honesty to mean something, for once.)
"hold on, i—" your hand shoots out, grabbing him by the wrist in a sort of panic and desperation you didn't think you had in you. "the real reason i came was...i didn't want to be anywhere else but here. with you."
mingyu stops. he doesn't say anything else, just continues tending to your wounds. mingyu avoids your eyes, and somehow the rejection feels worse than the wound you came in with.
"thanks," you say quietly, after he's finished getting you patched up. you're back at the kitchen, pushing open the window. you couldn't leave through his front door like this—not when you were more vigilante than friend to him now. you're not even sure what to say to him anymore, the hurt wedging the distance between you. "sorry about the bathroom. if the blood stains let me know."
turning to the window, an apology threatens to creep its way up your throat, a last ditch effort to mend the gap. "and if it means anything anymore, i'm s—"
"wait," mingyu interrupts, and you freeze. he grows quiet again, grappling over his next words. "i... have you eaten yet?"
your eyes widen, turning back to him, window abandoned. "what?"
he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, shifting his gaze to the kitchen. "it's been a long night for you, i'm sure. i can make you some ramen, if you want." he hesitates, before offering. "you should stay for the night."
you must be gaping, because mingyu starts to ramble, talking about how he has a set of spare clothes if you need it—of course you need it, you're covered in dirt and oh! you probably need to shower too and he can totally sleep on the couch tonight so—
"mingyu," you gently interrupt. maybe he feels it too, the way you'll scatter away like a wounded dove if you both leave it like this. it's why the offer feels like an olive branch—a forgiveness, an apology. and so you grasp onto it gently, letting him guide you back home.
"okay," you accept quietly. mingyu's shoulders sag in relief. "i'll stay."
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smileydk · 5 months
I already knew I was hot
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Pairing: Husband!Mingyu x OC
Summary: Jiwoo has a horrible fever. Mingyu tries to get her to rest. She refuses to accept that she has a fever.
cw/tw: fluff, cheesy nicknames (Mingyu calls OC baby/my love/love/princess. OC calls Mingyu Gyu/baby)
Note: Just... you know, Husband!Mingyu on the brain
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The sun shone through the blinds as the clock neared 7 in the morning. As cliché as it may sound, the birds were chirping outside the window.
Mingyu smiled and stroked Jiwoo's hair as she slept on his chest. He couldn't understand how he managed to marry such a gorgeous woman.
Hell, she was even gorgeous when she slept.
Jiwoo had a habit of just laying on top of him, listening to his heartbeat, before falling asleep. Or she'd have her arms around his neck with her nose burried in his neck. Mingyu couldn't understand why she liked it.
What he did know however, was that he didn't mind it. Her weight was comforting. And if it made her happy, and sleep well, he would never be able to deny her it.
As his fingers brushed across her forehead his eyebrows scrunched. He laid the back of his hand against her forehead. His eyes widened.
She was on fire.
He gently shook her shoulders. ''My love, wake up'' Jiwoo only mumbled something incoherent. ''My love, you're on fire. We need to fix your fever''
Jiwoo whined but rolled off Mingyu. ''I already knew I was hot, no need to blame it on a fever''
''Baby, you're burning up'' Mingyu ignored her comment and headed for the kitchen.
He found a glass bowl and filled it with cold water. He opened the freeze and threw a couple of ice cubes in as well. He found a rag and walked back to the bedroom.
''Gyu, I'm fine''
''You are such a stubborn woman. You are burning up, love'' Mingyu dipped the rag in the cold water, squeezed out the excess water, and placed it on Jiwoo's forehead.
Jiwoo pouted, but accepted the cold rag.
''Look, I have to go to work. I'll do my best and get off at lunch. I'll bring home some food and medicine. Do not move'' Mingyu pointed a stern finger in her direction.
Mingyu nodded. ''Good'' He started changing out of his gray sweatpants and into his office-wear. ''Change the rag when it starts feeling less... cold. That's the only thing I'll allow you to do, changing the water in that bowl''
''Yeah yeah, hurry up or you'll be late'' Mingyu chuckled and nodded. He tied his tie and leaned donw. He pressed a small kiss to Jiwoo's cheek before he headed out.
As soon as Jiwoo heard the car leave the driveway she sat up. ''He can't tell me what to do. I'm a grown woman'' She mumbled and stood up.
She completely ignored Mingyu's order and started cleaning the apartment instead. She was humming to herself as she vaccumed.
She then started doing the dishes and before she knew it the front door opened and Mingyu stood there, staring at her. ''I gave you one order''
''Gyu, I am a grown woman. I don't have to listen to you''
Mingyu sighed and put down his bag by the door. He undid his tie and walked over to his wife. He turned her around and wrapped his arms around her waist.
''I just worry that you're overworking yourself with that fever. I care about you, baby'' He kissed her forehead. ''Now let's get you back to bed''
''I don't want to~'' Jiwoo laid her cheek against Mingyu's chest. ''I don't like laying in bed, being... useless''
''Fine, sit, I bought food'' He held up a bag of McDonald's.
''Can we watch "Rain Man" while eating?'' Jiwoo smiled sweetly.
''Anything you want'' Mingyu chuckled and headed for the living room. Jiwoo cheered quietly and followed him.
As they started the movie Mingyu handed Jiwoo one of the sodas. He'd bought her a coke and himself a fanta. As Jiwoo took a sip she slowly turned to her husband.
''Wanna switch?'' Mingyu asked with a chuckle. Jiwoo nodded shyly. She knew he loved fanta, but she wasn't feeling the coke.
''You don't have to-''
''Here'' Mingyu removed his straw and held out his cup to Jiwoo. Jiwoo smiled happily and removed her own straw and accepted the cup.
''Best husband ever. Love you!'' She kissed his cheek and sipped the fanta happily.
Mingyu smiled as she smiled. Anything to make her happy.
As they finished the food, and the movie continued rolling, Mingyu dug out some medicine for Jiwoo. ''Deny the fever all you want, but take this now''
Jiwoo sighed. And he called her stubborn. ''Okay... only because you gave me your fanta''
The movie continued and Jiwoo's eyes started to get droopy. She laid down in Mingyu's lap. ''Tom Cruise is an ass''
Mingyu chuckled and stroked her hair. ''Yeah he is''
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A couple of hours later Jiwoo woke up in their shared bed. The cold rag was back on her forehead and Mingyu was nowhere to be seen.
But she could hear the shower turning off. She wrapped herself in a blanket and walked into the bathroom.
There he stood. Kim Mingyu. Her husband. Dressed while drying his hair with a small towel.
''Look who's awake! Slept well, my love?''
Even if it was a bit reluctant, Jiwoo nodded. ''Yeah. I might have a bit of a fever. Thank you for forcing me to rest''
Mingyu smiled and wrapped his arms around her blanket-covered body. He rested his head on top of hers. ''Of course. Can't let my wife die to a fever''
''You're so dramatic, Gyu. I want oranges. Do we have any?'' Jiwoo looked up from his chest.
''Yeah. I bought some earlier''
''Ooo!'' Before Jiwoo could take another step, Mingyu wrapped his arms around her waist, threw her over his shoulder and carried her back to bed and laid her down.
''Don't move. I'll get your stupid orange''
Jiwoo groaned but nodded. Mingyu disappeared down to down to the kitchen.
As he stood in the kitchen he stared at the orange for a minute. ''Should I peel it? It would be weird to bring back an unpeeled orange, wouldn't it?''
He argued with himself for another minute. But soon he was back in the bedroom, with the orange, on a plate, peeled and ready to eat.
''Wow, you peeled it for me. Why? I could've done it myself'' Jiwoo questioned and ate a slice.
Mingyu blushed and shrugged. ''Dunno'' He sat down next to her on the bed. ''I just thought I'd be nice... and I know you got your nails done the other day. I didn't want you to ruin them because I know you're picky when stuff get under your nails. And your sick... and it felt weird to give you an unpeeled orange when I said I'd get it for you''
Jiwoo's jaw was on the ground. She must've hit the jackpot or something when she chose to marry this man.
Mingyu blushed a deeper color of red as his wife kind of just stared at him in pure adoration. He didn't know what to do. He just hid in the first pillow he could find.
''Stop staring at me like that'' He mumbled and peeked up from the pillow.
''Kim Mingyu. You are the cutest man on earth. And the best husband ever'' Jiwoo leaned over to Mingyu and hugged him tightly.
''Alright alright, eat your orange. Then sleep''
''I am 25, I can decide on my own when I sleep'' Jiwoo said in a determined tone, but she continued eating the orange.
''A 25 year old who loves when her husband peel oranges for her. And when her husband changes sodas with her because she didn't feel like drinking coke that day. And when her husband forces her to rest even when she's a stubborn asshole who won't accept she has a fever. Want me to continue?''
Jiwoo glared at him. ''My fever is not that bad. I'll live''
''That's not the point. The point is that you're to stubborn to rest when your body literally screams for it. So eat orange. Then sleep''
Jiwoo pouted but nodded. ''Only if you're sleeping with me. Because no way in hell am I sleeping alone at 10 p.m''
So she finished her orange, put the plate on her bedside table and laid back down on her back. Mingyu stared at her with a pout. What the hell was she doing?
''What?'' Jiwoo asked and turned to her husband with a smile.
He patted his chest and held out his arms for her. ''Here''
Jiwoo giggled and shook her head. ''Why do we even have a king sized bed?''
''I don't know. You chose it. Now come here!'' He grabbed her and somehow pulled her on top of him. ''Much better''
''You're cute''
''I know'' Mingyu winked and wrapped his arms around her waist. ''How's your "not-fever" feeling?'' He laid his hand on her forehead.
''I'm fine Gyu''
Reluctantly Mingyu agreed. Her fever had gone down. For now at least. ''Fine, but that doesn't mean you can do stuff. Sleep''
''Love you~'' Jiwoo smiled and laid her head against his chest.
''Love you more''
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notarshia · 1 year
How they would react to you putting makeup on them :)
Hiphop unit and performance unit coming soon <3
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Summary: Basically how the vocal unit would react to you putting makeup on them/doing their makeup. I am very new to this sorry if it ain't that good :/
Genre: established relationships! Domestic svt! Fluff
Warnings: I don't think there are any but if there are please do let me know
A/N: please do give feedback if you want too<3 love you say it back
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Let me tell you this man would sit there looking all pretty literally staring into your soul. We all know how big of a tease he is. He would be so into it but at the same time tease you sooo much that you might actually end up regretting doing this. He would just stare at you with so much love and adoration to the point you can't even think straight. Would be the type to be like "why don't you put the lipstick on yourself and then kiss me to get the perfect shade?". THE TEASE THIS MAN IS SKSKSKSKS.
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He would absolutely love the idea because we know what kind of hopeless romantic he can be. Would be the type to make you sit on his lap while rubbing your waist and drawing circles on your back while you wOrK yOuR mAgIc ✨. He would suggest you becoming his makeup artist because his makeup artist never gets his skin shade correct. He would so be in love with the idea that we would constantly ask you to do his makeup like hello???? Would give you reward with kisses all over your faces getting lipstick allllll over your face without missing a spot.
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He would soooo shy that it's adorable. Like he would be a bit hesitant at first but he trusts you enough to lend his beautiful face for a day. He would constantly ask if you are done so he can go back to working on a song. Would actually end up really liking your work and would even go ahead to buy you makeup without asking so that you would experiment on him. He would never admit it but he loves seeing the pout on your face when you are concentrating and might even kiss it while you put eyeliner on him ;)
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Probably would be the one suggesting you put makeup on him like please. He would get all giddy and excited when you actually agree. Would tell you what type of concept he is going for because we love a decisive man. Would even help you get his shade correct (someone please help their actual makeup artist get their shade right). Just like jeonghan he would ogle at you with his big eyes filled with love and adoration. You don't think anyone has ever looked at you that way. Would do an entire photoshoot to show you off.
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Bombastic side eye. Would be all sassy and say "can your makeup skills make me look prettier than I am?". Nonetheless would give in eventually and let you do his makeup. Would check the mirror every 5 minutes to make sure you didn't ruin his face. Would be so dramatic when it turns out great and say "the only reason it looks great is because it's my face". But after all the sassiness and drama he would appreciate your skills and might even hint that you should do it on him more. Would flaunt to his members later about having a very talented S/O.
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nihyunluvskookie · 10 months
my love
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Seungcheol one shot
Pairing: Choi Seungcheol x Female Reader
Genre: fluff
Word count: 2.5K
Warnings: no warning, since it's fluff
Author’s Note: So, the reader is desi, and meri jaan is an endearment word that means my love or my life, in Hindi. These two words sound so cute and beautiful. I imagined Seungcheol saying these two words and I almost malfunctioned lmao; hope you like this fluff, because it's his birthdayyyyyy.
happy Seungcheol dayyyy
happy reading :)
“Shua, it’s all done and now we just need to go pick this sulky baby. Jeonghan is with him, right?” I turned to look at Joshua who was checking the decorations. “Yes, you need to go.”
“I still wonder how the ac and the heater broke in Jeonghan’s apartment suddenly and that also today? God really planned something for these two today” Luna laughed all of a sudden at my words, “You are right, this trio is inseparable” She looked at Shua, and Shua just smiled.
“But thanks to them, we met each other right?” both me and Luna nodded at Tia’s words. I remember how Jeonghan was excited and nervous to break the news of him dating Luna, his co-worker. But by the time I started dating Seungcheol, Shua was already in a relationship with Tia.
“Tia saw more bromance than us” I looked at her, “enough talking about us, we need to check everything and it’s almost time, go get ready Nishi, you need to pick him up” I checked the cake one more time, I was really nervous with baking this cake, I can trust Luna in decorating the cake with cherries and icing because she bakes a lot and I love her baking.
“Go Nishi, you can’t be late” Luna came and gave me a hug, the bonding I formed over with her is something, makes me so happy here. Like having Seungcheol by my side is something I can never thank enough anyone for but having Luna as my bestfriend here, with whom I can share almost everything without feeling embarrassed, I just feel so happy. “Okay, okay” I saw Tia talking with Joshua, they looked happy. I smiled at them and went to change clothes, I brought. Sometimes, my clothes are in his closet and some of my essentials, because according to Seungcheol, why shouldn’t I leave my traces here when I’m already his, that doesn’t make sense but it makes sense to him. I walked towards the mirror after changing into the dress, I applied nude makeup and fixed my hair, I just kept it neutral and natural, he shouldn’t know that we are having any birthday party for him. it’s supposed to be a surprise party.
I walked down and saw three of them laughing at something, they turned to look at me. “oh woah, so domestic” I looked at Tia shyly, “please Tia”
“what? You look pretty.” I went to stand infront of her. Luna came and held my shoulders, “good luck with bringing him home and I just talked to Jeonghan, he said he is waiting for you because everything is settled up” I nodded.
“And don’t worry about anything else, we will manage everything. Just text in the group once you leave Jeonghan’s house.” I nodded at his words.
“Okay, so I kept cherries on the kitchen table and there’s frosti-
Luna didn’t let me complete, “go now” she pushed me towards the door. “and flower bouquets are right here so don’t worry about them as well, we will make this surprise, one of the best surprise Seungcheol ever got, okay” I nodded and smiled.
“I’m leaving then” I waved at them and went towards my car.
I started driving towards Jeonghan’s house. On the way, I was wondering what do I tell him? just tell him that I was passing by or just tell him I came because I missed him? how do I tell him without ruining, I need Jeonghan’s help. I need to tell him, I was up for some work and just returning and was on the way to buy something, making an excuse is driving me crazy, really.
I was trying to calm myself down, I called up Jeonghan, without second thought. he picked up in the first ring , “what excuse do I use? To bring you both home together?”
“I can tell him I want a sleepover at his house?”
“Yoon Jeonghan, god.”
“I know I am”
“You and your god complex, anyways you need to handle that. I will reach in few minutes. Once you see my car just come down and he can come after you”
“Okay” and he hung up.
After almost fifteen minutes, I pulled infront of Jeonghan’s apartment. I looked at the clock it showed me 11:20 pm. I sighed in relief. I dialed Seungcheol’s number.
“Don’t you want to go home or what? Or just stay with Jeonghan whole day.”
“Where are you?”
“wait for you, come out please” I sounded so normal,
“What are you doing here?” and here he goes with asking me, “and that also after 11pm” right this is kind of my first time picking him up at late night, it’s usually him but it’s fine to exchange roles for a day. “I’m just doing what you do. You didn’t take your car, you texted me this morning when we talked. So I thought I could give you a ride on the way back home.”
“Coming my love” I hung up the moment he said that word, god, my heart can never stop doing summersault whenever he calls me my love. This word have such an huge impact on me, he will never know it; he can never understand how insane my heart gets when he calls me ‘my love’
“So are you ready?” I almost got an heartattack the moment Jeonghan shut the door, “Jeonghan?!”
“You scared me”
“Sorry Nishi, I didn’t mean to. I wanted to get inside the car before him.”
“Still, gosh”
“what did you tell him?” he asked me, “I told him I came to pick me up, since I am on my way to home.”
“Good, he was being lowkey sulky today since he thinks we are not celebrating his birthday”
“That’s something……..” I trailed off, “nice” and smiled at him. we high-fived each other and just laughed at eachother, Seungcheol was taking a bit of time, more like he was locking the door and everything, according to Jeonghan, he just gave him this work because he wanted to talk to me before Seungcheol gets in the car. I told him others prepared everything.
“But did your heater and ac got fixed?” I asked him, “yes, Seungcheol was complaining about it when he entered my house, like the cold air hit him like what” he started laughing about it.
I saw the door open, “Hey”
“Hi” and he sat and closed the door, “you came before me” Jeonghan just showed his smiled.
“How are you? I didn’t see you for days and who knew I would be picking you up while being on the way home”
“Awww, meri jaan” I abruptly stopped everything, I thought I was hearing things, ‘meri jaan?’ Seungcheol would never. I eyes widen in surprise, I felt like screaming, “He said meri jaan” I looked at Jeonghan and then Seungcheol back and forth, my mind couldn’t process anything, “Seungcheol!!!” I called out his name because I couldn’t hold back anymore, “he said meri jaan” Jeonghan repeated again, I couldn't believe my ears,
“he said meri Jaan” this was Jeonghan repeating for the third time, and I was trying to get my shit together, he just can’t trigger me off with one word and wrap me around his fingers like this.
“What did you say?” I looked at him
“meri jaan” his eyes oh jesus christ, his tiny voice would make me lose my mind.
“meri jaan?” I repeated myself he nodded, “yes meri jaan” he should know these two hindi words can make anyone lose their mind and specially mine because yes, that’s my language and how am I supposed to deal with it. It’s his birthday in half an hour or something and he is making me lose my mind.
“Where would you learn that from?” Jeonghan asked Seungcheol, leaving my dumbfold,
“Where would you learnt that from??” I was in shock
“what do you mean, she calls me everytime?”
“No, I never called you meri jaan before” I just called him once, “It was just once!!” I felt so exposed, “She loves these words” I wanted to hide somewhere, he was exposing me infront of Jeonghan .
“But-But” I wanted to defend myself, he should know that him calling me, ‘meri jaan’ is something very, my mind just blank for a moment when he gave me a quick kiss all of a sudden. “You two, please let’s go home” I heard Jeonghan, this would count as his favorite act, because he never kissed me infornt of his friends till now. I was way too flustered to even start the engine, “Nishi, we need to go back home” I nodded, “Ye-yes”
I started driving towards his home, I checked the time, it was 11:28pm I took a deep breath before driving and I didn’t forget to text Joshua about it. I wanted to change the topic, “Jeonghan are you staying overnight with him today as well?”
“yes, I like his house” we burst out laughing, I was being very conscious the whole time, I was driving because the way he was stealing glances at me wasn’t helping me to concentrate, “were you at work?” I nodded, “I had overtime today” and the truth is I took a half day at work for him.
I stopped the car at the traffic, I looked at him once, he was talking to Jeonghan, the way he looks like my daylight, he lights up everything around me, he just made everything so better for me.
Seungcheol entering my life was the most life changing thing that happened to me. I never knew I could fall in love again like this and so beautifully with a person who would be my constant like this. His smiles are the reason I smile now, his words always find ways to me, to make me feel better when I am having a bad day. He just knows how I find home in him.
I started driving again and I made it by 11:50pm, we still have 10 minutes, before I let him inside.
“It’s late meri jaan” I turned my head to look at him, how can he say those words casually? “Seungcheol” I looked at him, I can’t explain how it alters my brain chemistry, I love it when he calls me meri jaan, I might get addicted at this point, and he is just…. Being adorable with that, “meri jaan” here he goes again….
“It’s late, are you sure you will drive back home right now? Why don’t you stay overnight?”
“Seungcheol, she can go back home, she can drive.” Jeonghan replied instead of me, I almost apologized Seungcheol for lying, how can he be so adorable. “Jeonghan, I can’t let her drive way back home at almost midnight, it’s not safe” he genuinely looked concerned which I felt he was; he was always this concerned for me about everything, for him my safety and comfort came first, never have I ever been treated like this.
“It’s okay cheol, I can manage” I just knew Jeonghan was trying to hold back his words and laugh.
“Or do you want me to drive you back? you already worked overtime today. I can drop you off”
“And then what about you? Who will drop you off?”
“I can stay with you” he smiled and gave me a quick peck.
“Seungcheol, enough let’s go inside” If Jeonghan didn’t speak I would've been lost in him, how can a human being be like this, “oh reminds me I need water, can I get some water then I’ll leave” he pouted, “sure, why not. Let’s go” I looked at the time, it was 11:58pm; didn’t know time flew that fast, we just barely exchanged words.
I parked my car and walked with him, he held my hands and I just smiled at him. I love the way we are, we just need to hold our hands to understand eachother.
Jeonghan stopped right before, “open the door Seungcheol rather than smiling at your girlfriend”
“Yoon Jeonghan you’re so annoying, you won’t even let me look at my Nishi, oof” The moment he opened the door, the clock struck at twelve.
“SURPRISE~” Joshua’s voiced echoed, I felt even his neighbors could hear Joshua’s voice
Seungcheol stopped where he was, “Happy birthday” me and Jeonghan said in unison.
“Let’s go inside” I held his hand, he looked so happy.
Luna switched on the lights, and Jeonghan gave her a hug.
“Guys, I didn’t expect… like thankyou so much”
“You deserve it all” Jeonghan said and gave him a hug, Joshua joined soon after that. Tia came to stand beside me, “they look so happy together” I nodded.
“OKAY YOU NEED TO CUT THE CAKE SEUNGCHEOL, NISHI BAKED IT” I looked at Luna, she ran to bring the cake.
The cake was fully decorated and it looked so cute, I loved the way Luna decorated it.
I lit up the candles, “time to make a wish” he closed his eyes and blew the candles.
“happy birthday Seungcheol”
Everyone looked so happy and the moment I saw him smiling at everyone, it felt like my life flashed right Infront of me, after he cut the cake and everyone ate it, although they urged me to the first one to eat, he fed others and he looked so happy.
I can never get tired of his smile, they heal me. everyone was talking and gave him gifts, that’s when I remembered, I kept his gift on his bedroom. I held his hand and took him to his bedroom, everyone else was teasing but I didn’t care. They just want to have fun.
“Nishi…” I dragged him inside his room. “Wait here” he looked at me, “this is my room” I nodded, “yes I know, so wait for a second” I went to the table, and brought the flowers and the gift.
Only the night-light was on, I walked towards him, “Happy birthday my everything” I gave him a quick peck and gave him the bouquet first, “thankyou meri jaan”
“Cheol” I pouted, “what?”
“I might get addicted to your ‘meri jaan’, do you know how harmful is it for me?”
“I might learn all the words for you now, meri jaan. Your language is beautiful” I shook my head, I can’t with this boyfriend of mine.
“here’s your birthday gift” I brought him a watch, he opened and looked happy, “thankyou so much”
“this is beautiful” he smiled at me, he suddenly held my waist and pulled me closer, “thankyou so much for everything” if I could I would just drown in his eyes, I put my arms around his neck, “meri jaan”
“See you called me, meri jaan”
“Because you are, you’re meri jaan” I kissed him after telling him, I just love him so much, I loved him more than I ever could.
“I love you.” I smiled at his words, “I love you too, Happy birthday my love” and then he kissed me.
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woozingie · 2 years
pillow talk
pairing: woozi x female reader word count: 1.7k genre: smut! minors I FORBID YOU content warning: intercourse! fingering! and some boring food/grocery talk note: as promised... my first ever nsfw content because after a challenging academic event, let’s have a challenging fun time! written all in lowercase because i don’t know why and now i can’t be bothered with changing that </3
you’re perfectly toasty in bed tonight after a satisfying evening of self-care, keeping you busy until your boyfriend came home. ever the efficient guy, he went straight to the bathroom, getting his bedtime routine out of the way to join you quickly. when jihoon slides under the covers next to you, his hands immediately find your cheeks, guiding you to meet his lips in a slow kiss. he smells like toner and tea tree spot treatment, and it’s hard to resist his embrace.
he moans in relaxation as your hands trace the muscles of his back while he places open mouth kisses along your neck. "had a good day?" you ask with a smirk. it’s not out of character for him to be all over you like this, but it’s rare enough to make the most of it. jihoon’s hands are squeezing at your waist now, and the worn out fabric of your night shirt is the only thing keeping him from bringing his tongue to your breasts. your eyes follow his every move as he comes back to kiss you some more, short, deep kisses almost distracting you from the slender fingers pulling at the elastic waist of your sweatpants. he looks up at you then, asking softly "can i?" before you nod and lift your hips enough to allow the clothing to come off. lying on your sides, facing one another, jihoon decides he should be a little more caring, or at least less desperate for your touch. in between soft pecks, he explains, "i had such a great accidental nap in the car earlier," one hand travels along your side and lands on your ass, stroking the skin in appreciation. "i feel so well-rested, i thought we could enjoy some quality time?" the warm smile illuminating your face gives him the quiet approval to slide his hand up to your lower back and pull you flush against his body. 
the room is always cosy; it’s the one place entirely dedicated to you as a couple, where no one else can interrupt your cuddles, arguments and belly laughs. but tonight, the carefully picked furniture and framed pictures only make the slow teasing of his tongue on your bottom lip that much more delicious. you can feel him harden in his sweatpants, so you lift your leg to rest on his hip and slowly grind on him. he hums in pleasure, speaking into your mouth, "busy day today?" if you were in the middle of hooking up with anyone else, you’d tell them to stop teasing and shut up. but this is lee jihoon, and you know he’s really striking up a conversation right now. it’s his brand, catching up on all the small talk you can’t exchange during the day while making sweet, sweet love to you. because of course, when he rolls on top of you, effectively laying you on your back, the comforting weight of his new personal bests at the gym grounding you to the mattress, he still expects an answer. "it was alright actually. i rushed everything in the morning but ended up having so little to do in the afternoon, i went shopping and took a bath before you came home," by the time the sentence is over, your t-shirt is bunched up at your neck, and jihoon is leaving a trail of kisses from your collarbone to your stomach. "did you have the leftover chicken for dinner?" his tone is so conversational, if you were only eavesdropping, you would never know he was in the middle of triggering some exceptional tingling sensations everywhere his mouth and fingers went. but you are right there with him, and you’re still rational enough to notice how he makes sure you’re not lost in his touch, still up for a chat. talk about wanting to have your cake and eat it. 
your hands travel from his shoulders to his sides, hooking your fingers into the material of his sweatpants to gently pull them down. "yeah, and i had the last of that strawberry ice cream for dessert," his eyes don’t leave your face while his pants land on the floor, proving you have his full attention. the hand you place on his erection leaves him choking on his laughter before he manages to compose himself enough to comment, "the last of the ice cream? the one that was still half full?" teasing your inability to share your favourite flavour of ice cream is risky, but jihoon chose his moment particularly well; it sounds affectionate now, like he might even love it when you give in to your cravings instead of enjoying your favourite things with him. like maybe, he loves it because he just loves you. "good, i got a new tub on the way home anyway."
when his fingers dip into your underwear to finger you, jihoon is surprised to find you so wet already. "does it turn you on to picture me grocery shopping at late o’clock for your damned strawberry ice cream?" the two melodic sounds of laughter come together in the quiet bedroom, and when you throw your head to the side in amusement, jihoon plunges to nip at the skin of your neck lovingly while two fingers work you slowly. he leaves yet another kiss, this time right by your ear, and you think you might be in heaven when you hear him laugh so closely as you reply, "it’s just that i’m thinking about all this ice cream i’m gonna eat…" your chuckles die on your boyfriend’s lips, and you decide he’s kept you waiting long enough. you moan suggestively into the kiss as you wrap your fingers around his dick inside his underwear. he gets the message and rids your bodies of the remaining pieces of clothing. to your surprise, he hoists himself up against the headboard and once a condom produced from his bedside table is rolled onto his cock, he sits there prettily, cheeks flushed, patting his own thighs. thighs that could probably break your neck. thighs you wouldn’t mind sleeping on. 
"oh, so i’m doing all the work?" your words of protest carry little weight when you sit up and settle on jihoon’s lap, hovering slightly to allow your hand to bring his cock to your delightfully aching entrance. you stay there, his tip barely entering you, until he groans and guides you onto him with soft hands on your hips. in this position, he’s not only reaching deeper into you; you’re face to face, lost in the texture of each other’s skin, tempted by red lips, safe in loving eyes. he guides your hips once more to draw tight circles against him, and it’s not much action, not enough to get off, but it’s what you were seeking in the first place. the feeling of his presence so close to you, your tight walls making him feel pleasurably light-headed, the complete absence of self-consciousness allowing you to communicate through your bodies just how much of yourself you’re willing to give one another. always on the same page, always respectful of one another’s desires and boundaries. making love so casually like this felt like reliving all your most intense realisations of love within seconds, without a word. and the feeling wouldn’t be complete without some oddly timed banter. just as you’re thinking of quickening the pace after jihoon’s cock hit a particularly sensitive spot inside of you, he observes, "if i turn on the tv right now, it’d be heaven on earth." you snort in disbelief, playfully slapping your boyfriend’s chest. "and i don’t deserve some entertainment?!" from the controlled look on his face, it’s easy to guess he has actually been preparing this comeback for a moment. "doggy style is too much work right now, you’ll catch up on the show later." no one has ever made you throw your head back in laughter while you ride them until lee jihoon. but when you try to argue further, he gets you on your back, head resting on the opposite side of the bed, and quickly inserts himself back inside you. "if i make you come, will you let me watch tv next time?" he awaits no answer before quickening the pace, lifting your leg by the back of the knee to give him better access to that spot he knows will get you good. his free hand traces patterns on your stomach, climbing slowly to your sensitive left nipple, thumb rubbing the delicate bud with expert technique. you’re in the perfect mood to react to all the right buttons being pushed, and you don’t need to rub at your clit for long before your back arches off the mattress, presenting the expanse of skin to jihoon who ritually lowers his lips to the spot right above your left breast, feeling for the beat of your heart under the flesh and ribs. the rhythm of his hips goes uneven as the way your walls squeeze his length brings him closer to his own high. that’s when you give that meaningful tug to his elbow, and you come together in one final intense kiss, lips only coming apart to whisper i love yous. 
you take a moment to bask in the afterglow before duty calls: a quick stop by the bathroom to clean up and avoid any discomfort tomorrow morning. jihoon stretches with a groan so loud you can tell exactly which limb extends in which direction from your spot in front of the sink. you come back to the bedroom, scolding him for his lack of elegance, but you’re greeted with sleepy eyes, extended arms, and: "my woman!" you stop dead in your tracks, staring at your boyfriend in disgust. "eww, don’t ever call me that again!" you get into your side of the bed, giving the man in a laughing fit a seriously heavy side eye. "wow, you’re exhausting," you mumble as your turn off your bedside lamp. jihoon does the same, and from your position, facing the wall, back towards him, you can feel him shuffling into big spoon duty. he knows he must pay for his crimes. "teasing you after sex is like fresh kimbap with the right sauce, it makes a good thing absolutely divine." you snort at the vaguely romantic quality of his comment. "forget song lyrics, this is the most romantic thing you’ve ever said." jihoon stretches one last time before planting a noisy kiss into your hair. "you inspire me like that." 
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justmochi · 1 year
pairing :: rosie x dino
word count :: 0.8k
synopsis :: rosie isn’t feeling good.
a/n :: italics are cut out of the episode and not in the final cut. hopefully this makes up for me not having anything to write for ep 3.
taglist :: @cafemilk-tea @cixrosie @moonlight-additions @cosmicwintr @astraw-astro @ateezjuliet @fromfreesia @succulentmom @kimhyejin3108 @enhacolor @multiplums​
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Seungkwan and Rosie arrived back at the site after their jog. She felt a bit gross from sweating and also being in the rain for the majority of their run, so she showered as soon as she reached the lower house.
She had no idea why that during her shower, her stomach started to cramp. It may have been from her lack of exercise in the past or that her period was on its way. Even though she wanted to get out and socialize after, she couldn’t exert herself. She clothed herself, going straight from the bathroom to the bedroom. She tried her best to get comfy, propping up several pillows and setting her phone against one as she watched videos.
She was able to doze off and sleep the pain away but was awoken by Dino sitting at the edge of the bed and poking her forehead. She furrowed her eyebrows, groaning and covering her head with the blankets.
“Hey, we haven’t seen much of you today.” He smiled, patting her hip. Now she couldn’t even open her eyes, even the light peeking in from outside the blanket was making her head throb.
“My head and stomach hurt so bad.” She whispered, trying not to speak too loud to make it worse. He quickly adjusted his tone as he began to worry for her.
“Are you okay? Is it your period?” He ran his fingers over her wrist as she shook her head.
“It could be.”
He frowned, watching as she took the covers off her head. “Can I get you anything? Hyungs made food earlier and we kept some leftovers.”
“I don’t think I can eat anything. I’m sorry.” She apologized, feeling terrible for not wanting to eat the food that her members made. “I didn’t bring much. I don’t even have pain relievers.”
“I can go and check with Jeonghan or Seungkwan if they have anything. They usually have that stuff loaded.”
“Please.” She let out a big exhale, burying her face in the pillow as she wrapped her arms around herself.
“Of course. I can see if I can find a hot water bottle. Maybe that would help?” He offered some suggestions as he stood up, tucking the blankets in under her feet and making sure she was comfortable. “I could bring you some tea?”
She could only nod her head, trying to force a smile as he was on his way, turning the light off before leaving.
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After a while, Dino came back to the room with his hands full. She tried her best to sit up, her head only pounding more.
He set the hot teacup on the nightstand, along with some pills. Before sitting down, he grabbed a water bottle out of his pocket and a sock.
She widened her eyes, pursing her lips. “Don’t make me laugh.”
“No, just wait.” He slid the hot water bottle into the sock and started swinging it gently. He snorted at himself as she covered her face with her hands, trying not to laugh. He pulled the top of the covers lower, pressing the new invention onto her stomach. He looked up at her for any indication that it may have worked. “Is it warm?”
She nodded, smiling at him endearingly. He grabbed her hand, placing it over the water bottle before reaching for the teacup and pills. “Jeonghan had some. The tea’s not too hot, just be careful.” He turned the cup so she would be able to grab it with the handle. He held open his hands as she grabbed each of the tiny pills.
She blew on the tea before sipping on it. She nodded her head at how good it tasted. He knew exactly how much honey she liked in her tea. She quickly downed the pills, washing it down with the warm liquid.
“Hopefully this will make you feel better.” He brushed his fingers through her hair, sympathy peeking through his smile as he looked at her. She nodded, taking big sips after another and finishing half of her tea.
“Come lay down.” She patted the free space next to her on the mattress. He couldn’t say no.
Turning off the lights, he went to the foot of the bed before climbing in next to her, sticking his legs under the covers and adjusting pillows for himself. He propped himself up with his elbow, watching her finish her tea and putting it on the nightstand. She scooted her body down on the bed, laying on her side and keeping the water bottle close to her stomach. Dino slipped his arm under her pillow, his other hand resting over her stomach and rubbing slow circles over it. The DIY heating pad and his gestures were enough to help her fall asleep again.
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sluttywoozi · 2 years
for the prompt thing (bc I'm a sucker for literally anything you write oops)
sungkwan + “where’s the new coffee mix?” “i’ll tell you if you tell me where you put the keys?” “i TOLD you i don’t know where—”
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Word count: 936
Pairing: Seungkwan x reader
Prompt: “where’s the new coffee mix?” “i’ll tell you if you tell me where you put the keys?” “i TOLD you i don’t know where—”
You and Seungkwan are an interesting pair. Interesting is the word he would choose, rather than the words your friends all use to describe the two of you. You’re so alike it’s almost scary, even down to your MBTI and nighttime routines. In the beginning, you’d both been so high strung around each other that you made a date of going to the grocery store to check your blood pressure, and then bickered about whose was higher as you traversed the aisles (not that he, nor you, could remember what the machine said). 
It’s no surprise that as you got closer, bickering became one of your shared love languages. Seungkwan couldn’t help that he was so reactive sometimes, and you couldn’t help that you were equally as defensive. It was a match made in… well, probably not heaven but maybe, like, purgatory? Seungkwan’s not sure. 
He is sure that he can’t find the house keys though. He’s looked everywhere, in every little decor bowl in the house, in all of your purses and all of his pockets, in the car, in the garage, under the bed, next to the shoes, on top of the-
“Boo, where’d you put the new coffee blend? I don’t see it in the cabinets or at the hydration station,” you ask absentmindedly, still looking around the kitchen with assessing eyes and wiggling fingers. 
“I’ll tell you if you tell me where you put the keys,” Seungkwan responds, raising a challenging brow and fighting to keep the petulance out of his voice. 
Your eyes dart over to him, catching the set of his brow and hearing the pettiness in his words no matter how hard he tries to hide it. Your eyes narrow, hands settling on the island across from him, ready to square off. 
You’d already argued about it this morning, not bickered, argued. It hadn’t escalated far, not even to the point of sassiness or raised voices, but if he wanted to bring it up again you were prepared to defend yourself. 
“I TOLD you, I don’t know where the-”
“You had them last!”
“I put them in the bowl!”
“They’re not in the bowl!”
“I’m aware!”
You exchange words in rapid fire, both adamant the other was wrong. Your eyes are screaming at him, one lid twitching just a little and your jaw tensing in pulses as you try to stop yourself from reminding him of the time he lost the car keys in a dumpster after assuring you he had good aim. 
On the other side of the island, Seungkwan’s trying not to become frantic, but he can feel it rising in him, feel it bubbling to the surface, and through deep breaths, he tries to calm himself down. He doesn’t have a pressing need for the keys, doesn’t plan on going anywhere today, but he hates not knowing where they are!
Because if you don’t have them, and he doesn’t have them, and they’re not here, that means it’s happened again. 
And Seungkwan isn’t sure he’ll survive it this time. 
You seem to come to the same realization, matching horror rising on your face, and he skirts swiftly around the quartz to hold your hands in his, pulling you close. 
“It’s okay, we did it once, we can do it again. We’ll call the locksmith tomorrow and get them changed, and get new keys with a tracking device and maybe even a tiny lockbox only we know the code to,” Seungkwan tries to reassure you, feeling guilty already that he’d blamed you when something much more sinister was afoot, something he should have seen coming, something he should have prevented, especially after the last time. 
Seungkwan groans, remembering the dinner party you’d hosted last week to celebrate your kitchen remodel, and how a certain someone drank too much wine in the first half hour, and wandered over to faceplant (and drool) in the couch, and left a few hours later with a far too innocent smile. 
Kwon Soonyoung. 
You know it as well as he does, know that if you don’t fix this soon, Kwon Soonyoung will eat you out of house and home, swallow your expensive gummy vitamins by the mouthful, smear hot cheeto dust on your pristine white couches, restart all of your favorite shows, leave tiger print items throughout your meticulously decorated house. 
But this time, Seungkwan doesn’t want to give in. This is his house, your house, your home, goddamnit, and he will not bow down to someone who sleeps in a tiger onesie every night. 
You’re on the same wavelength, as always, your eyes filling with steel and hands becoming iron fists within his. You communicate silently, eyebrow raising and chin tilting up, asking Seungkwan if he’s really willing to do this. He rolls his shoulders back, squaring them, and swipes his tongue at the inside of his bottom lip. That’s all the communication the two of you need, nodding decidedly at each other and racing to the closet to pick matching black spy outfits. 
As soon as Joshua arrives to watch the house, you’re off, racing down the highway (safely) and formulating a plan to break into Soonyoung’s apartment. 
You’re getting the keys back tonight, one way or another. 
And if Soonyoung’s not willing to give them up, Seungkwan has a picture of a certain little tiger plushie, left behind after a sleepover, that just might help. He’d left it sitting primly in the newly upgraded oven, and on the drive over, he secretly hopes he’ll get the chance to try the remote preheating feature you’d both been so excited about. 
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mangocustard16 · 8 months
Sunrise Sweetness 💝🧡
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| synopsis: When Y/N mistakes her idol boyfriend Xu Minghao for a thief in the early hours, their reunion turns into a cascade of cheesy kisses, rekindling their love at sunrise.
| genre: fluff
| pairing: idolbf!xu minghao x gn!reader
| warnings: none
| Word count: 550
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The clock on the wall ticked loudly in the dimly lit kitchen as Y/N groggily stumbled out of bed, her sleep-addled mind struggling to make sense of the situation. The early morning light seeped through the curtains, casting long shadows across the room. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.
With cautious steps, she tiptoed to the kitchen, clutching a heavy cast-iron pan in her trembling hands. The silence was broken only by the faint hum of the refrigerator. Y/N's heart pounded in her chest as she rounded the corner, ready to defend herself against any intruder.
But what she saw froze her in her tracks.
A figure stood by the kitchen sink, facing away from her. A tall silhouette, clad in a dark hoodie and jeans. Panic set in as she tightened her grip on the pan, ready to strike if necessary.
"Who are you?" Y/N's voice trembled as she demanded an answer, her voice barely a whisper.
The figure turned around, and in the dim light, Y/N could just make out a pair of tired, but familiar, eyes. It was then that she recognized that disheveled mop of hair, the same one she'd run her fingers through countless times. Her heart lurched as she dropped the pan with a loud clatter.
Xu Minghao's face broke into a tired but relieved smile as he stepped closer, pushing back the hood of his hoodie. "Hey, babe. Miss me?"
Y/N's eyes widened, and the adrenaline coursing through her veins gave way to a rush of emotions. She couldn't believe her boyfriend was standing in her kitchen at the crack of dawn.
"Is it really you?" She blinked, her voice a mixture of disbelief and excitement.
He nodded, his eyes never leaving hers. "I missed you so much on tour, I just had to come back early and surprise you."
Y/N's initial shock gave way to a surge of happiness and longing. She rushed into his arms, feeling the warmth of his embrace and the steady beat of his heart. Minghao held her tightly, burying his face in her hair, and she could hear him softly sighing in contentment.
"I can't believe you're here," Y/N whispered, her voice filled with awe. "I thought you were a thief or something."
Minghao chuckled, his breath tickling her ear. "Well, I guess I'm a thief of hearts then, stealing yours every day."
He leaned down and kissed her, a tender and lingering kiss that spoke volumes about how much he had missed her. Y/N melted into his embrace. She'd missed him more than she could put into words.
Their lips met again and again, each kiss expressing the depth of their feelings. It was as if the world had ceased to exist, leaving only the two of them entwined in the soft morning light.
As they finally pulled away, Minghao whispered against her lips, "I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too", she replied, her heart brimming with affection.
The reunion they had both yearned for had come at the perfect time, and they knew they had many more stolen moments to look forward to.
With Minghao back in her arms, Y/N couldn't help but think that sometimes, the most beautiful surprises come when you least expect them, even if it means nearly bonking your idol boyfriend with a pan.
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I watched Tangled yesterday....i'm sorry i had too
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un-love · 2 years
one of my domestic dreams: its a peaceful evening, you’re laying on Hannie’s bare chest while listening to his heartbeat. my heart is so for him🥲
(first of all i yelled GOODBYE at my phone when i saw this)
no bc picture it being a sunday. the worst of the sweltering month has passed and the both of you finally have a day off from work. since your schedules barely overlap, you've been waiting to spend a day with him and tick some things off the little list on your phone: visit the new book café / go on a date etc. but when the weekend sets in, the full extent of the week's exhaustion comes crashing down too.
having been away from you, he'd be in an unusually affectionate mood, his eyes following you across rooms as you step into the kitchen to cut up some watermelon slices :( “can you come here now? i haven't seen your face in forever”
the ceiling fan above your head moves noisily as you lay on him, with your face pressed against his chest and legs wrapped around his thigh. it's one of those moments you want to steal and keep in your back pocket, one that you'll come back to when he's away for work and the distance starts feeling tangible again. you've never felt more at home than in this moment— his fingers running gently through your hair, while you try to fight sleep for just a few more moments with him. as the warm sunlight lights up his features, you can't help but trace your fingers over his face, almost like you're committing it to memory. brown eyes, the slope of his nose, the roundness of his cheeks as he smiles at you, his soft mouth. he watches sleepily as your hands settle on his chest.
“i like listening to your heartbeat. is that weird?”
“the beating of your heart, your skin on mine. it grounds me, knowing you're here. in my arms.” you feel him press a kiss to the side of your head. “always yours.”
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405blazeitt · 3 months
has anyone made a list of tv networks that allow some or all of their programming to be streamed internationally without a vpn? or ones that work with just a vpn (ie no street address/id required)?
i've found lists of public broadcasters, but going through and checking each one seems like... a lot...
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softverkwan · 1 year
baby, good night
rating: g
pairing: seungkwan/vernon
word count: 1,6k
setting: established relationship, fluff
summary: seungkwan is trying; he's learning how to phrase things better.
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babyleostuff · 1 month
when you look at them with love and adoration | ot13
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fluff 𐙚 established relationship 𐙚 idol!svt x gn!reader 𐙚 headcanon + dabble
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𐙚 seungcheol  
tries to act unbothered. key word: tries. you have no idea how the look in your eyes makes him feel - how he instantly melts under your soft and loving gaze, how he would do literally anything for you just because of the way you’re looking at him. he always jokes that he has you wrapped around his little finger, but who are we kidding. plus, we know he tries to act tough and manly most of the time, but cheol is a baby, so he immediately turns into the biggest blushy mess on the planet. besides, it’s so crazy to him that someone can look at him with so much love and adoration, and the fact that he gets to call you his?  
[ ☁️ ]
“what?” you laughed, brushing away the hair from his forehead. 
“stop looking at me like that,” he muttered, hiding his head in your neck, too shy to look you in the eye. 
“like what, hm?” you joked, waiting for the whines, and pouts from your boyfriend. 
seungcheol could act all tough as much as he wished, but you knew the real him - the blushy, shy, and adorable him that turned into the biggest puddle in your arms, just from the way you were looking at him. 
“i love you,” you heard a quiet whisper, followed by a gentle peck on your shoulder. 
“i love you too, my dumbass.”
𐙚 wonwoo
does not know how to act, because how is it possible that he’s suddenly feeling so shy, and… so loved? and just by the way you’re looking at him. but the look, oh the look you have in your eyes. wonwoo isn’t sure it should be even humanly possible to have so much emotion just in your eyes, but yours, yours are filled with so much adoration. you’re looking at him like his the most beautiful thing ever created, and he does not know how to react to something like that. 
[ ☁️ ]
wonwoo could see you standing in the doorway to your bedroom from the corner of his eyes. it was weird, because usually you’d come in and stand behind him, sometimes you’d warp your arms around his shoulders or kiss his cheek, but now you were only standing there. 
pausing his game, he took off his headset ready to ask you if everything was okay, but he was immediately struck by the look on your face when he turned his head. 
“wha- what’s up?” he asked, his voice shaking. why were you looking at him like that. what was going on? 
“nothing, i just came to check up on you,” you smiled, tilting your head. 
in that moment, wonwoo felt like the luckiest man alive.
𐙚 mingyu  
his instant reaction is waddling over to where you’re standing and wrapping himself around you. he knows how much you love him - whether you convey it by your words, actions, touch. but to mingyu, the deepest confession of love is definitely the way you simply look at him. anyone can see the way your eyes are filled with nothing but adoration for the man standing in front of you, and to mingyu that’s the loudest “i love you” you could ever say. nonetheless, he always turns into a big fluff of shyness, and giggles when he notices your love struck expression. 
[ ☁️ ]
“baby,” mingyu whined, his lips forming into a sweet pout. “don’t look at me like that,” he mumbled, before setting down the pan, and going around the kitchen island to wrap his strong arms around you. 
“i’m just watching you cook, gyu,” you said as a matter of fact with a small smile on your face, like you didn’t just melt his heart, turning him into a whining mess.  
you knew exactly what you were doing, and how your boyfriend would react, but you couldn’t help yourself. being with him like that was so… domestic. it made you feel like home. 
“i love you, baby,” he said, his voice muffled.
𐙚 vernon
if wonwoo doesn’t know how to act, then i don’t know how i’m supposed to describe vernon’s reaction. no thoughts, just puppy eyes. i doesn’t matter how long you’ve been together, vernon always freezes whenever he sees that look on your face. the look that says more than a hundred “i love you’s”, the look that never fails to make his heart beat faster, the look that says “you’re mine forever”. he never comments on it much, because - what is he really supposed to say in a situation like that, but it always, always makes him feel like the luckiest person alive. what he doesn’t know is that whenever you give him a look of pure love and adoration, his eyes are filled with as much affection as yours.
[ ☁️ ]
“should we order the pizza you were talking about last week, or the usual?”
when you didn’t answer him like you immediately would when it came to food, vernon raised his head to make sure you were still listening to him.
“baby are you-,” his voice immediately fell silent when he saw how intently you were looking at him. but it was more than that.
you looked at him like he was the only person in the world you wanted to look at.
the voice in his head tried to explain it by saying that you were actually alone in your apartment, so there weren't many other people for you to look at, but... that look, it was something else.
“yes, vernon?”
“um, the pizza, or the usual?”
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𐙚 jun
his default reaction is to run and hide. jun cannot fathom how much love your eyes can hold, and adding the fact that he's the one that makes you look like that??? yeah, no, he’s good. he just ends up staring right back at you, eyes big and sparkly, not knowing he looks at you with the same amount of adoration, which just makes you chuckle (seriously, he couldn’t get any cuter). to protect his heart, he’d try to turn the situation around into a joke, but jun would just stumble over his words (adorably) and end up with a big blush on his cheeks, and a shy smile
[ ☁️ ]
jun refused to look at you, not after how he caught you looking at him with that look, no. he would not let you see how shy it made him. 
“junnie, please,” you giggled, and cupped his cheeks that were dusted with an adorable blush, which you’d never get tired of. “why won’t you look at me, hm?” you crooked an eyebrow at him. 
with his little pout and sparkly eyes, you couldn’t help but smile widely. what did you ever do to deserve such a precious human being? 
“stop looking at me like that,” he muttered, as his eyebrows furrowed at your amused expression. 
“like what?” you teased.
𐙚 hoshi
starts giggling like crazy - he always gets all smiley when you look at him, but when he catches you with this particular look that says “i love you” so loudly, hoshi just can’t contain himself. he’d skip over to you like a little girl, and hug the shit out of you, while vibrating with love himself. he’s just so happy to have someone that looks at him like that - like he’s their entire world while he’s doing the most mundane things ever, he just has to convey his love and adoration right back
[ ☁️ ]
“kwon soonyoung, what are you doing?” you laughed, as your boyfriend threw his arms around you, not in a gentle way. 
you didn’t get a proper response, just a bunch of hoshi sounds - giggles, laughs, and something even you couldn’t understand. the usual. 
“i love youuuu,” he said, and even though you couldn’t see (thanks to his not so gentle hug), you could hear the smile in his voice. that was probably what you loved about him the most - you weren't sure whether his next hug would almost suffocate you or whether it would be as delicate as a feather.
after a while, when his sudden burst of love had passed, he grabbed you a little gentler and pressed his cheek to the top of your head, and as you stood there, you couldn't believe that a simple look could cause such a reaction in him.
𐙚 minghao
gets so so so shy. minghao sees himself as a very composed person that’s very in touch with his emotions, and while usually he’s good at hiding his feeling when he has to, the second he catches a glimpse of you staring at him like he hung the stars and moon, he’s gone. he blushes like crazy, immediately turning away from you because you won’t catch xu minghao blushing, suddenly acting like the packet of ramen is the most fascinating thing in the world. poor bub just doesn’t know how else he’s supposed to act (he’d be a bit clingier than usual throughout the day, though, it’s his silent way of saying “thank you”)
[ ☁️ ]
you were in the middle of making a late dinner for you and minghao when you felt two familiar arms wrapping themselves around your waist. 
“the dinner will be ready in twenty minutes, honey,” you said, not paying much attention to your boyfriend’s sudden clinginess. 
“mhm,” he hummed, and placed his chin on your shoulder, pulling your body closer to his. you couldn’t help but smile - there was nothing better than minghao in teddy bear mode, especially with how gently, but securely he was holding you. 
“i love you, you know,” he said, and placed a soft peck on your cheek, nuzzling his face further into your neck.
𐙚 chan 
would melt on the spot, and turn into a puddle of love and fluff. he’d look at you with sparkly puppy eyes and a tiny pout, because how dare you to mess with his poor heart like that - no amount of “i love you’s” could ever express how grateful he is for having you in his life, and that he’s able to call you his. chan always gets so cuddly and giggly after catching your lovestruck gaze, it's like his entire being is filled with your love, and you can be damn sure he’d stick by your side for the rest of the day. you’re the best at bringing out the maknae out of chan
[ ☁️ ]
“i love you.” 
“i love you too baby, but this is like the tenth time you’ve said that in the last fifteen minutes,” you laughed, brushing away the hair from his forehead. you looked down at your boyfriend who was currently happily occupying your chest, getting his daily dose of afternoon cuddles. 
“i know,” he sighed, happiness clear in his voice. “and i’m going to keep saying that.” 
you could only shake your head in amusement at chan’s antics, as you fell back into a comfortable silence once again, both of you focused on the show you were watching. 
“i love you.” 
“lee chan i swear to god!”
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𐙚  jeonghan 
little (shy) gremlin activated because jeonghan will tease you with a hint of a blush on his cheeks (he mostly does that to distract you from how shy your stare made him). but after some snarky (lovingly, of course) comments, he’d just cling to you, and nuzzle his head into your neck telling you how much he loves you. no words could ever express how that look - so full of love and adoration made him feel. it’s just the feeling of being so… loved. yeah, that does things to him
[ ☁️ ]
“what is it jeonghan?” 
“nothing,” he said sweetly, not tearing his eyes from you. 
you rolled your eyes at your boyfriend’s antics. you weren’t sure what you did this time to deserve his usual teasing, not that it really mattered, but you couldn’t help but get a bit annoyed by him staring so intensely at you. 
“you know i love you, right?” he said after a while, just when you thought he’d proceed with his day, and leave you alone. instead he wrapped his arms around you from behind, and put his chin on your shoulder. 
you turned your head around, kissing his nose. “i know, honey. i love you too.”
𐙚  joshua 
smiles fondly right back at you with the same amount of adoration (to be honest, joshua always looks at you like that, it’s his default setting), but when he catches your lovestruck gaze he just cannot help but scrunch his nose cutely, and smile with just as a smitten expression as yours. from the third person's perspective this might look a bit scary weird, because why are you just staring at each other smiling like that? but you, you are just wrapped up in your little bubble of love
[ ☁️ ]
“do you think we look weird?” you asked, your eyes glued to your boyfriend’s adorable face. you’ve been sitting like this for the last five minutes, looking at each other unable to tear your eyes from each other. 
“no?” he smiled, his eyes scrunching cutely. 
just a second later the door to the bathroom opened and closed, and coups emerged from the hallway. “um, you guys okay?” he asked, suspiciously. 
you and joshua just proceeded to burst out laughing, leaving your friend very concerned, and very confused.
𐙚  woozi
woozi in his woozi fashion tries to act unbothered, but there is no way he could ignore your look full of nothing but adoration. for a second he gets so overwhelmed by the love that’s radiating off of you, because it’s so crazy to him that all of that affection is dedicated to him. jihoon would maybe try to turn it into a joke to hide how shy you made him, or just not comment on your lovestruck gaze at all, but no worries - the image of you and your love filled eyes would stay with him for the rest of the day
[ ☁️ ]
“hey, baby? what is this?” you asked, sliding the piece of paper that looked like it was about to fall apart over to your boyfriend. he looked up from his computer, scanning the paper quickly. 
you didn’t mean to snoop around his office at home, you just wanted to clean his mess a bit so he wouldn’t have to worry about it after coming back from work, only you didn’t expect to find what you did. 
“it’s just some silly lyrics,” he shrugged. you would’ve believed him if not for the small blush creeping up on his cheeks. 
“mhm, sure,” you smiled, knowing exactly who the lyrics were about.
𐙚  seokmin
seokmin has one of the most romantic souls in all of seventeen, so it’s no surprise he always looks at you with the most lovestruck expression, no matter what you’re doing. at this point you’re so used to it that you don’t comment on it anymore, but the situation is so much different when he catches you looking at him with eyes filled with nothing but love. dk’s immediate reaction is to kiss you all over your face with soft pecks, and then bear hug you and tell you how much he loves you. he just has to convey his love right back to you, he can’t let you think that he doesn’t notice how you look at him
[ ☁️ ]
“baby, let me go,” you whined, for the hundredth time, after your boyfriend got one of his love surges when he just had to take it out on you. “no,” he huffed, and kissed your cheek. and again. and again. 
you both fell silent for a while, a nice, comfortable quietness surrounding your intertwined forms. “you’re not bothered by me, right?” 
you swore you’d kill him one day for thinking he’s a bother. “lee seokmin,” you grumbled, and pinched his arm. 
“auch,” he whined, rubbing his arm. “what was that for?” you took that opportunity to untangle yourself from him. “shut up, and kiss me or i swear to god.”
𐙚  seungkwan
boo gets a bit sulky, because how dare you to look at him like that? and what is he supposed to do now? no hugs, kisses or words could ever convey how grateful he is for you. he settles for waddling over to you with a small pout, and sparkly eyes to first - whine “don’t look at me like that”, and second - kiss your cheek and wrap his arms around you. sometimes he thinks he’s not worth enough for you to be looking at him like that - he’s just making a snack, so why are you looking at him so lovingly? at the end of the day, your lovestruck look fills him with so much love and reassurance, and he could never thank you enough for that
[ ☁️ ]
you were used to your boyfriend’s random bursts of affection, but you didn’t expect him to hug you like his life depended on it in the middle of cooking. 
“you okay?” you asked, a bit concerned. 
“mhm,” he mumbled, his cheek squished against your shoulder. you figured he was just feeling clingy today, not that it bothered you. “i jus’ love you,” he added. 
you cooed at him, and turned your head to kiss his cheek. 
“i love you too, boo.”
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taglist (if you want to be added, check my masterlist): @jeonghansshitester @weird-bookworm @sea-moon-star @hanniehaee @wonwooz1 @byprettymar @edgaralienpoe @staranghae @itza-meee @eightlightstar @immabecreepin @whatsgyud @hyneyedfiz @honestlydopetree @vicehectic @dkswife @uniq-tastic @marisblogg @aaniag @daegutowns @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @embrace-themagic @ohmyhuenings @nidda13 @hrts4hanniehae @k-drama-adict @isabellah29 @f4iryjjosh @bangantokchy @mrswonwooo @bangtancultsposts @lllucere @athanasiasakura @chillseo @onlyyjeonghan @haecien @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @hannahhbahng @valgracia @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @mirxzii @hhusbuds @wonranghaeee @rosiesauriostuff @gyuguys @aaasia111 @tomodachiii @veryfabday @lilmochiandsuga @asasilentreader @mrsnervous @bewoyewo @sharonxdevi @wondipity @gyuguys @raginghellfire @treehouse-mouse @waldau @wonootnoot @hellodefthings @dokyeomkyeom @sourkimchi @bbysnw @haneulparadx @zozojella @hoichi02
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