#don't want to work on schoolwork and this feels productive still
signalhill-if · 1 year
I made a ko-fi :)
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queenofcoquette · 4 months
academic burnout
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hey loves! recently i've been dealing a lot with burnout. im pretty busy with my schoolwork, studying and water polo practice 2 hours every weekday, and i've just been feeling pretty exhausted. im still getting 8 hours a night but i just feel so tired, so i've been looking into burnout and how to overcome it.
get to the bottom of it. try to find the source of your burnout. are you not getting enough sleep? are you studying for insane amounts of time? is it because your goals are too unrealistic?
getting enough sleep. this is easier said than done but during weekends i like to sleep in and even nap sometimes to pay my sleep debt.
taking time to relax/unwind. on the weekends i like to focus on my hobbies- i write, watch movies- but most importantly i just let myself relax and give myself some time to just really do nothing. we can't be productive 24/7!
don't overwork yourself. i know you can't always say no to certain school commitments, but try not to overwork yourself with extra work.
taking a little break. on friday i was so exhausted i just went home instead of going to practice, which i didnt want to do, but i sort of needed it- to have a day to just go home and relax and feel better.
re-think your habits. make studying habits that are more fun and effective.
take breaks. if you're really frustrated while studying, walk away from it and spend 10 minutes doing whatever. i hate putting aside my work, but sometimes i feel so exhausted and it's better to just put it away for a while and then get back to it.
stress-relieving activites. maybe reading, meditation, breathing techniques, etc. try different things and see what helps you relax and feel better.
academic burnout is really a horrible feeling, an its something that can be hard to overcome. as always you should stop yourself from comparing to others, setting goals that're unattainable/unreasonable, and stretching yourself out too thin. i believe in the importance of school but i also know that it's pointless if i'm not motivated enough to work hard. find balance, and with time you'll learn to manage your activities to be succesful while feeling good.
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morlock-holmes · 1 year
Notice in the post below that the only named task that the OP struggled with is homework?
Now, people diagnosed with ADHD or similar disorders often do struggle with tasks that we might actually want to do, but almost always, the diagnosis is linked in everyone's mind to an inability to do homework.
But homework is fucking bullshit.
I really think it's absurd to ignore that fact when talking about how you complete tasks.
"Gosh, my kid seems to have a lot of trouble focusing on dull make-work which I force him to do for two hours every single day, why could this be?"
I spent literally as little time in school as I could and still graduate. As in, by my junior or senior year the principal sat me down and said, "If you skip anymore school we aren't going to be able to graduate you from High School."
And yet... When I bothered to go, I got good grades. I did generally quite well on tests and did eventually graduate. I'm quite proud of that as an act of self-mastery but it does raise the question:
Why was so much energy spent on trying to get me to go to school for all that time when I was demonstrably able to get the benefits with literal years less work than they wanted me to put in?
Why was so much time spent trying to devote those years to schoolwork when it simply wasn't necessary for me to learn?
Homework is a microcosm of that whole question. I always wanted to know,
"So, if I can skip 60% of the homework and still get an "A" on the test, why do you try to force me to do it?"
And to this day I have never gotten a good answer.
So: I saw no value in most of my homework and that hasn't changed to this day.
So, here's a pop quiz for the people wondering why their kids with diagnoses don't do their homework no matter what planning and techniques adults supply them with:
What would your kid have to do to spend less of their valuable time on homework?
"Well, if they just knuckled down and got it done..."
BZZT! WRONG! You get a "D-" on this test and I really hope you apply yourself more to the next one, you have so much potential...
If they "forget about it" then they have to do even less.
Now, of course that means that your kid is in a state of constant stress from avoidance. They are thinking, "Man, I'm going to get in so much trouble for not doing this, but I just can't seem to force myself to do it, and anyway I don't fucking want to."
You think that they'd be better off spending two stressful hours on their homework and then being able to relax the rest of the time. They feel like they'll be happier not doing it at all and feeling a vague undercurrent of stress as they go about their leisure time.
What's the third option if they want to spend less time on homework?
Oh, nothing? Is it nothing whatsoever until they graduate from school?
This is infuriatingly counter-productive. We spend literal years teaching ADHD kids that avoidance and procrastination are the only ways to exert control over their lives in the face of unpleasant situations imposed from outside.
Now, in point of fact this is absolutely not the case for adult life, which offers a plethora of ways to reduce pointless make-work imposed on you by outside authorities and, in any case, rarely bothers to impose two hours per day of unpaid, unrewarding make-work on people anyway.
How much of the difficulty ADHD people have with cleaning the toilet or whatever is because psychologically, they still think of it as homework? Cleaning the toilet is not homework; it rewards you with a clean toilet at the end and it's entirely possible to defer it, or hire someone else to do it, or find shortcuts. But if the major psychological task of your childhood is homework, maybe it might take quite a long time to think that there could even be anything aside from homework?
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violetrainbow412-blog · 8 months
Day 23: coffee shop
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Masterlist flufftober 🎀
This one is even longer than my favorite and although at first I didn't have an idea, I loved the final result. I hope you like it!
The movie on your phone was interrupted by the bell ringing, alerting you that some customers had just entered.
Your aunt had owned the modest cafe you were now in for most of her life and now that she was too tired to take care of it anymore and the money was already enough for a comfortable life, she decided it was time to sell it.
The transaction was still in process and you were there that day to cover for her while she went to a doctor's appointment, hoping that the day would be calm enough so that you could finish the movie series you were watching and, perhaps, make some progress in your schoolwork.
“Good morning, how can I help you?”
Your friendly smile seemed to please the couple of girls in front of you and they took a moment to decide what they wanted, until finally they told you what they wanted. You had worked as a barista for a while elsewhere and it wasn't difficult for you to prepare the lattes that they waited patiently for, while they carried on a conversation that you heard fragments of, but didn't understand.
A minute later, when you took another look at the line, you realized that there was a man behind them and you stopped for a moment to look at him carefully. He was older than you but you also noticed that he was very handsome and dressed like an executive, very different from the kind of people who frequented the establishment.
Once you were done you placed both drinks on the counter and the two girls, who had already held hands, thanked you and handed you a bill to pay.
“For a dollar more I can give you some cookies, we have chocolate and walnuts, would you like that? They will taste delicious with the latte you ordered” you offered kindly, showing them the product in the basket you had next to you “They are homemade and a sweet gift for a loved one.”
Your sales strategy seemed to convince them both and one of them gave you the missing dollar. You packed the things and before they left you wished them a good day, trying to be as polite as possible. When the couple left the place, the man walked to the front and you repeated the question at the beginning, a little nervous after noticing that he was even more handsome up close; he had slightly curly and messy hair, a discreet trace of facial hair around his pink lips, and beautiful honey-colored eyes that made you shiver.
“I wanted to ask you, is Mrs. Smith here?”
“No, she had to go to a doctor's appointment,” you responded, somewhat embarrassed. The idea of who he could be didn't even cross your mind, as you were too worried about recording as many details as possible about your attractive client “Who's looking for her?”
“My name is Spencer,” he replied. The name sounded captivating coming from his lips and there was something about his smile that made you feel nervous.
“I can call to tell her that you are here”
“No, if she's busy I'd rather come another time,” he murmured. The thought of what this man might want intrigued you and before he even turned around you rushed to say something, anything, to hold him back.
“Don't you want to drink coffee?” your words sounded small and rushed and you didn't even know why you had said them. That man would be, according to your calculations, about ten years older than you, but that didn't stop you from appreciating his beauty and wanting to be nice to him “You look like…” you began to say, feigning a thoughtful tone, “an espresso man. You know, something serious and strong”
Again, your attempt to attract customers seemed to be working, you knew by the small smile that formed on his lips.
“In fact it's quite the opposite,” he murmured, taking another step towards you that he had taken away “I'm a big lover of cappuccinos. The sweeter the better."
“Well, that's definitely a surprise,” you murmured, batting your eyelashes without even being aware of it “My aunt should be back soon and we have a cappuccino machine here. You can wait for her. If you want,” you added, hoping you didn’t sound too forward.
You saw him debate for a moment whether he should consider your offer or not and apparently something in your childish and kind eyes convinced him to accept, which you celebrated with a huge smile.
“Regular, vanilla, or mocha?”
“Regular, please,” he responded, walking to the nearest table so he could take a seat. All the furniture was shabby and rustic, with bright color combinations that had already worn out over the years “And you work here?”
“No, I'm just helping out today. There was an employee, but she had to resign for personal reasons and since my aunt is selling the cafe, we thought it would be more prudent for the new owner to hire whoever he wanted.”
“Huh, now there will be a new administration? Who is it about?" you weren't very used to sharing information with strangers, but you wanted to continue having this man's attention and if that was the way to do it, you would take the risk.
“My aunt said he is a Doctor Reid. I think she's known him for years because he comes here often for coffee and when he found out she wanted to retire... well, he offered” you could see him from above the counter and although you thought you saw a little smile, you thought you were just imagining it “Are you a frequent customer?”
“You could say so,” he responded and you swore there was a bit of mockery in his response.
You had already put the ingredients in the machine and now all you had to do was wait, praying inside that no other person would cross the door so you could have your little moment with that mysterious gentleman.
“I hope the new owner considers remodeling. There is a university near here and many young people could come if there were some more flashy things. You know, something that looks cute on Instagram”
“Instagram?” he asked, as if you were speaking to him in a strange language.
“The social network,” you answered obviously and he was quick to nod his head, as if he had just remembered what that was.
“Sorry, I'm just not very techie,” he apologized, with a sheepish smile. “But I think you're right, maybe this site could use a change. This way it would stop being full of old people like me and young people like you would enjoy coming.”
Was he describing himself as old? How old was he supposed to be? The question was drowned out on your lips because the machine announced that the drink was ready and you ran back to finish preparing it. You did your best to place a pretty design on the top of the liquid and then left the counter to hand the man the cup, accompanied by one of the cookies you had sold to the previous girls.
“It looks delicious,” he hummed, receiving the coffee from your hands and accidentally brushing your fingers. His hands looked calloused and big; the kind capable of holding you perfectly “Should I pay now or later?”
"Oh, don’t worry. It is courtesy of the house”
Again, you didn't even know why you were offering that to the man, and although he seemed surprised, he didn't protest at your show of kindness. You thought about how daring it would be to sit at the same table as him and in the end, you decided that the best thing was to return to your place behind the counter, now with no intention of watching your movie because if that were the case you would miss out on the good view that destiny had given you.
“If you need something else, you can tell me. We have some books on the shelf over there, if you feel like reading while you wait.”
Spencer thanked you and then you thought it would be best not to ask him any more questions or he would probably feel harassed. You saw him get up from his seat to listen to your suggestion and take a book, on the cover of which you managed to read Crime and Punishment. You wanted to tell him that you had read it for a college assignment, but instead you bit your tongue, reflecting that this information was something he clearly wasn't interested in. 
You stayed as composed as possible and he didn't seem to notice your gaze on him, or if he did, he didn't say anything of it. There were no customers the entire time he was drinking his coffee and when you thought about preparing something else for him, a clatter filled the air: it was your aunt, at the door, holding a shopping bag in one hand.
"Oh hello!" she greeted, both to you and to the man who was waiting patiently “Honey, why didn't you tell me that someone came looking for me?”
“I asked her not to, Mrs. Smith.” Spencer answered for you, getting up from his chair and leaving the book on the table, next to the empty cup “I didn't want to interrupt your activities.”
“Well, now I'm here. "Just let me leave these purchases and I'll be right back to discuss the contract, Doctor Reid.”
Contract? Doctor Reid? 
“I'll wait for you here” he smiled. Your aunt crossed the counter to enter the warehouse and you followed her like a lost puppy, trying to find an explanation for what you had just heard.
As soon as you were inside you stood next to the woman to get her attention, making sure to be out of the man's hearing range.
“Is that Doctor Reid?” you hissed.
“Yes, he didn't tell you?”
"No!" you squeaked, while she looked around for a folder with the documents she needed “I mean, he told me his name was Spencer, but he didn't tell me his last name. And since you said he was a doctor, I imagined a grumpy mister, not someone like him"
“But he is a mister, he is in his forties.”
"How many?" you screamed again, unwilling to believe what she was telling you “But he… he's so handsome! I thought he would be around thirty at most. How can he be forty?”
“Do you think he's handsome?” she asked and this time she did look at you. You had always had a good relationship with her, so her older woman's scowl judging you didn't offend you like it should.
“Of course,” suddenly your head seemed to remember an important detail and your entire face turned red, while your mouth opened in a soft oh “Damn, I even bought him a coffee! I just gave the future owner of this place a coffee, what is he going to think of me?”
“Youth, youth, you are becoming more and more indecent!” she murmured, half joking and half complaining. When she finally found her folder she grabbed it, ready to get out of it again, when you stopped her by her arm.
“Please don't go telling him that I think he's handsome,” you begged and she assured you that she wouldn't do it.
When you came out again, luckily, there were already some customers waiting and that gave you an excuse to escape from the amused look that the man you had been talking to had. The time you spent preparing people's drinks was enough for them to talk about the purchase and sale contract and for both of their signatures to finally be on the pages of paper.
“I know that this little corner is in good hands, I trust that you will take care of it”
“And of course I will, ma'am. While I was waiting for you, your niece kindly suggested a remodel and I think that will be the first thing I will do. I will keep the essence, but with a modern touch, right?” he smiled, giving you a kind look from his spot as if he were seeking your approval.
“I said it with the best of intentions,” you admitted sheepishly “If I'm honest, I didn't even know that you were the future owner, otherwise I think I would have treated you better.”
“Better than your friendly attitude, free coffee, and advice?” he asked and you almost thought he was returning your previous attempts at flirting, as if that amused him no end.
“What I want most is to see this place full of people again and I think a remodel would be perfect” your aunt smiled “Give me this week to take out my things and then the cafe will be all yours”
“Take as much time as you need, Amy. You will always be welcome here as if the place were yours,” he told her, with a sweetness inappropriate for a grown man, while he wrapped her in a hug. When he pulled away his eyes landed on you. “And you too, Miss Y/N. If you are interested in obtaining a permanent job, I would be happy to hire you. I’ll need someone young to help me give it that youthful touch.”
You wish you could say that his offer didn't flatter you, but that would be a vile lie. You looked at your aunt for a second and she already had a smile that bordered on disapproval of your victory, but she also hid some amusement at the situation.
“I need to talk about it with my parents and review my schedule at the university, but… I would love to, to tell the truth. Even if I am not a permanent employee I will continue to live here to shop”
And to see you, you wanted to say, but again you held back. 
“I'll look forward to your visits then,” he murmured, giving you a bright new smile.
From that moment on you knew that your aunt's old coffee shop would become the number one place for social gatherings, solitary visits to do homework and, with any luck, free afternoons to chat with the handsome and charming owner.
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taglist: @navs-bhat @reidwritings @tricia-shifting14 @spencerslove @vivian-555 @r-3dlips @rhiannonhippiegirl @taygrls @simp4f1 @sdddoobydoobydoo @taintedstranger @missabsey
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10:32, so
Puppeteer slowly realizing that the reader is falling into depression? But it's not too obvious; a lack of appetite (always insisting they aren't hungry, not realizing they are hungry but eating ravenously when forced to eat), they're setting timers for everything because they keep forgetting/needing extra motivation to do things, they're withdrawn, and--- most of all--- puppeteer just feels a little more energized when he's around them (absorbing depression haha). Maybe they aren't aware they're depressed, just saying that they "feel tired, not sad" and that it'll go away soon. The reader is a huge germaphobe so they still obsess over hygiene, and take that as a sign that they're fine (even though they keep postponing their showers and then waking up in the middle of the night feeling gross, forcing themselves to take care of themselves to avoid attention). It just feels like they're forcing themselves to continue going about their day in order to avoid worrying or disappointing anyone.
It doesn't truly take long for him to put the pieces together. You used to pride yourself on your schedule and efficiency, and now here you are without one at all, scattered and barely getting through your days. He notices immediately when you stop eating properly, and your late-night showers are also quite out of the ordinary. He wants to convince himself that you're still okay, that you aren't slipping into depression, but the more he looks at you and the habits you're taking on, the more he sees himself inside of you, and it gives him one thought he'd never wanted to consider...
Could he be the reason you're getting depressed? He's so used to being the cause of depression for his victims that he worries that you could be falling into depression with him around as well, which terrifies him and upsets him greatly. Although, the two of you have been together for so long that he tries to optimistically reason that hopefully, he isn't the cause. He doesn't want to confront you head-on and force you into a corner, as he knows that's not likely to work at all, so he tries to be more subtle about it. "How has work/school been lately? Has it been getting harder recently? Is there any way I can help?" "Have you been sleeping well, my dear? I always worry about your resting habits." "Have you been having any problems with your friendships or your family? You haven't been as social recently." He starts to subtly, over the weeks, question you about any life changes that could have been causing your sadness, and with his higher amounts of energy from being around you so often, he starts to help alleviate any stress he can pick up on.
He handles all of the chores in the house for you, and he takes over cooking as well so you don't have to worry about that. If you have any schoolwork or any work relating to your job you need to get done, he provides assistance and reassurance that you're doing a fantastic job. He tries to get you more regulated by having you shower with him so he can get you back on a schedule and he helps you clean yourself so you don't have to feel quite as gross, and he always compliments your looks, saying you look wonderful (as you always do to him no matter what), and that you smell lovely (because he can't get enough of your scent). He'll also try getting you some new shower products as well, testing them out with you and when they work well he lays on even more compliments so he can try and boost your mood. He also gets you back on an eating schedule. He cooks you breakfast, lunch, and dinner and presents them all at the same time every day, eating with you so you don't feel as pressured, and consistent food and hydration (as he's constantly bringing you glasses of water/your favorite drinks), definitely helps you out. He's not convinced himself that this will perfectly help you as there's no guarantee, but if he can do even just one small thing to try and help you, he's going to do it. You have looked happier in the last few days, and you seem to be enjoying his cooking and your new soaps, even if you're still tired, and even if some mornings you wake up extra early for another shower, there's an improvement, and that's enough for him. He'll do whatever he can for you, as long as he has to.
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bengiyo · 1 year
My School President Ep 10 Stray Thoughts
Last week, we went to the beach! Sound learned about Gun's relationship with Tinn while they worked on songwriting, and revealed his feelings for Win to Gunn. Yak was there seeking redemption vicariously through his juniors, and managed to help them in spite of his overbearing nature. Tiwson was also there, and as far as I'm concerned was there for Por. Sound managed to confess his feelings through music, and Win acknowledged them. Tinn and Gun want to kiss so badly, but they are still holding to the rule. The unattached characters performed a cover dance.
Tinn had such hopes for dates with Gun during this break. I hope he managed to prepare for the entrance exams at least and didn't just regress to expressing his feelings through Scrabble.
Tinn's family home seems way too big for just three people. Glad they're doing well?
I can't believe Gun mushed Tinn in the face as a hug denial. Still, it's probably the right call begun Gun is falling hard for Tinn too.
I'm sorry, but the wireless earbuds just don't feel as intimate as crowding close together to share wired ones.
Tinn's mom woke up, sensed Tinn not focused on schoolwork, and had to come check.
These two are just so endearing.
New intro hype!!
Of course Kajorn is the reason she confirmed Tinn lied.
That's right, Sound. It's time for Gun to ask the big questions: Who are you? And What do you want?
I agree with @kyr-kun-chan that Gun playing along with Tinn about the holy Chinzilla, and then teasing about having many boyfriends is fun, because we don't often get playful pairs.
Gosh, I really love these two. The Wave 3 BL boys are doing a great job.
I'm glad we were warned in the preview about Gim falling at work.
Meningioma? A tumor??
I wonder how the secrets he's been keeping will blow up for Tinn.
Por knew he had to look cute to ask a favor of Tiwson.
Aof cameo? 1000Scores??? A Tale of Thousand Scores?? What is happening?!?
Can't even enjoy the boyfriend meal because Tinn is being eaten up by this secret.
Lot of head slapping and shoving this episode.
Tiwson remains the greatest supporter. Just the absolute best boy.
The Tiwson/Por crumbs continue to confuse.
Aw, and now Gun is thinking that he's not a priority, before even worse learning Tinn knew something about his mom.
Fourth is good.
I'm glad Gun knows all that Tinn has been doing for him, because I doubt Tinn would have ever told him.
Please drink the product placement water to feel better, not the nondescript water from the meal scene earlier.
Sometimes it's especially interesting watching stories like this when you're older. You know what the answers are for the characters, but they're young and it won't matter until they believe it themselves. Where is Natasha Bedingfield?
Not me crying over how much I love Chinzhilla.
Why is Tinn's phone unlocked??? Maybe it's just because he's at home. I will applaud the mom for not digging through the phone, but still she knows it's Gunn now.
Now Tiwson is making them scramble for shirts in 4 days? Look at the hustle on these boys.
Of course Gun's at the hospital. He might lose his mom.
Oh, gay boys and their moms. I love Gim and Gun so much.
I like Gun's song for Tinn.
Okay, I cried at Gim watching the performance before her surgery.
I'm so relieved they didn't leave us in limbo about Gun's mom.
I think I get the cliffhanger. It's the primary emotional hold of the show.
Back to the beach next week I see.
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synergysilhouette · 10 months
Remaking Miraculous Ladybug (Season 1)
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Oh, boy! Here I go again. Hello, all! I'm a Miraculous Ladybug fan, though my interest in the show has waned over the years due to it's writing. The film adaptation renewed interest for me, and it made me want to rewrite the series--similar to how I rewrote X-Men: Evolution (which I recommend you check out the posts for). Originally I was just gonna make a broad overview of the changes I'd make, but I decided to make it like XME and remake every episode...Yeah, I've got my work cut out for me. Some of these changes are influenced by fans' (not just me) opinions of the show while others are influenced by my own personal thoughts and opinions. As such, in this season, there's a lot of filler, so I'm actually removing some episodes that I don't feel add much to the overall show, possibly taking anything worthwhile and adding to it a different episode. I was gonna make this more PG-13, but I decided not to in the end. I hope you still enjoy it! Please forgive me if I forget/omit any important details due to a lapse in memory of translation changes, as I usually watch the English dub. Sorry in advance!
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Ladybug & Cat Noir (Origins-Part 1)--In my remake, the way Marinette and Adrien get their Miraculous is similar to the film version instead of how the show does it, along with Adrien already being a student at the school. While Chat Noir isn't as reckless, he still keeps his light-heartedness and quips, often using his many skills as Adrien to help Ladybug with battling villains. I'd also want more equality for the cat and ladybug miraculous; in this case, if only the ladybug miraculous can purify an akuma, than only the cat miraculous can destroy the akumatized object. Sounds fair, right? Otherwise everything plays out the same. Along with this, I'd like to think their outfits are a bit more detailed; Chat Noir's black outfit is complimented with green designs, and his hair is the same color as Cat Walker's (to avoid suspicion), and Ladybug's hair has red streaks, with it later being joked about by Gabriel that she copied Nathalie.
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2. Stoneheart (Origins-Part 2)--Gabriel is shown to be more sympathetic towards Adrien, explaining that he stopped Adrien's homeschooling as a result of Gabriel becoming emotionally detached following Emelie's death. The Ladyblog is more investigative, with Alya wanting to unmask Ladybug. It's revealed that Chloe bullied Ivan because he was nice to Sabrina, and Chloe fears Sabrina leaving her for "utterly ridiculous losers." It's also revealed that Sabrina is an Agreste fan herself (both of Gabriel and Adrien), and Chloe assumes she's brownnosing, but encourages it this time.
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3. Stormy Weather--Abandons all stalkerish elements, and Chat Noir is the one to break the parasol with his cataclysm instead of using it on the billboard. I'd also probably put more depth on akumatizations from here on out so that only people with truly angry/sad/envious etc. emotions can be akumatized rather than simply saying to ignore/get rid of negative feelings. Perhaps Aurore had wanted to be a weather girl for a long time and the poll results were closer, causing her to be even more upset that she lost. Otherwise everything plays out the same.
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4. The Evillustrator--Lady Wifi being in Marinette's dream is discarded, since production-wise, her episode occurs after this one. When Nathaniel is sent to the principal's office, Marinette realizes that despite sharing classes together for some time, she's just now noticing him. Sabrina, trying to emulate Chloe, jokes at how ironic it is, given that Nathaniel has a crush on her similar to Marinette's crush on Adrien. This makes Marinette feel guilty about not paying attention to Nathaniel, as well as losing hope that Adrien would see her as more than a friend. It's revealed by Sabrina that Chloe is actually good at schoolwork when she was younger, but when her mother left, so did her interests in academics, resulting in relying on Sabrina. Chloe begins to tell off Marinette and threatens to disown Sabrina if she doesn't do what Chloe tells her to, but Adrien overhears and gives Chloe a similar ultimatum of being nicer or he'd stop being friends with her. Sabrina later begs him not to do that, and he feels guilty that he phrased it like he was trying to control her like she controls Sabrina. The Sabrina and Chloe argument doesn't happen here, with Marinette and Chloe arguing instead while Sabrina does all the work, making Marinette feel guilty about putting her own feelings before the group's. It's also revealed that part of the reason Chloe made fun of Nathaniel was because she was worried Nathaniel would be seen as Ladybug's #1 fan instead of her if she saw his work. Chat Noir doesn't flirt with Marinette, acting like Adrien. The Evillustrator more compassionate with Marinette. As the Evillustrator and Chat Noir battle, Marinette wonders if she could be akumatized from unrequited love. When he deakumatizes, Marinette decides that combined with their shared artistic talents and inspired by his passion, asks Nathaniel if he wants to go out sometime, to which he accepts. When Adrien tries to ask Marinette about her time with Chat Noir, she states that he was polite, but when she tells him the reason she's going on a date with Nathaniel, Adrien decides that he needs to be more passionate to win Ladybug's heart.
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5. Lady Wifi--Alya doesn't really believe that Chloe is Ladybug, instead suspecting Nathalie (or surmising that she's Nathalie's daughter), but believes that Chloe may be the link to finding out who Ladybug is, given that Chloe upsets enough people that they become akumatized and want to find her, resulting in protection from Ladybug and Chat Noir. While stalking Chloe for any signs of akuma-inducing events, she gets caught and is still suspended. Chloe, once again threatened by another "Ladybug superfan," manipulates Alya into converting her curiosity of Ladybug into frustration, blaming her for getting suspended, making Alya want to expose her. Once akumatized, she goes after Chloe anyway, stating that she pretty much has the heroes on speedial at this point (as well as Lady WiFi's), and embarasses her and Sabrina dressing up as Ladybug and Chat Noir. Most of the episode plays out the same, though Chat Noir narrowly prevents Alya from finding out Ladybug's identity, telling her that Ladybug is someone who doesn't go to the school. Deciding to trust him, Alya decides to turn her attention away from school suspects, and Marinette vows to tell her someday. Everything else is the same.
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6. Princess Fragrance--Marinette has to turn down a date with Nathaniel for Tikki instead of Adrien in this version. Sabrina reads Rose's note, stating that she has a crush of her own and wants to know how to tell them, then destroys it. Chloe doesn't try to flirt with Ali, being more interested in Adrien, but tries to steer Sabrina his way, reasoning that anyone she crushed on wouldn't be good enough for her (Chloe), and Ali was a good way to trade up. Nathaniel tries to reason with Princess Fragrance, saying that what she's doing was the wrong way to get someone to want to be with her, but she ignores him, saying that it worked out for him in the end. Due to Chat Noir's cat sensitivity when it comes to smell, he grows irritated by the fragrance rather than brainwashed by it, helping Ladybug defeat Princess Fragrance. Ali is rattled by Rose's akumatization, and she apologizes for trying to make him love her, and he says that they can just be friends for now.
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7. Dark Cupid--Includes the flashback from "Derision," and any Adrien-related romance subplot is removed since Marinette is with Nathaniel. Kim tells Chloe that he's had a crush on her since their bonded over "pranking" Marinette, which inspires Chloe to have him prank Alya, still not over the events of "Lady WiFi." Chloe inquires about who Sabrina's crush is, but she states that Chloe wouldn't be able to guess. Kim becomes akumatized after Alya avoids his prank and Chloe rejects him, giving him a vendetta against Alya. Pretty much everything else is the same.
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8. Pixelator--Luka is formally introduced, and it's shown that he and Juleka (who ARE twins) are Jagged Stone's children. Pixelator instead vows to use them to get revenge on Jagged Stone. The sunglasses subplot and the hat designing contest from "Mr. Pigeon" are conflated here, given that I'm not a fan of MP, with Marinette giving Jagged Stone a whole new look, which takes inspiration from Pixelator. Luka and Adrien bond as he distracts Chloe long enough to let him transform (which Luka sees). At the concert, Kitty Section makes their debut appearance, though the costumes are more professional and Rose and Ivan are not part of the group. It's also noted that Nathaniel was asked to do the concept art for Jagged Stone's next album.
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9. The Bubbler--Nathaniel and Marinette team up to make a poster of Adrien and his friends (signed by all of them), along with Marinette's scarf. While Chloe forgets a gift for Adrien, Sabrina gives one to him from both of them. Nino and Chloe are permitted to go to Adrien's mansion, but after being rudely treated by Chloe and Adrien lashing out at him (following an upsetting conversation with Gabriel) and causing him to be akumatized. More emphasis is put on Adrien's few friends, especially since Nino is realizing how severe Adrien's situation is. Gabriel also doesn't take credit for the sweater, instead tailoring a custom outfit that happens to go with it. Elements of "Simon Says" also occur here to focus on Adrien and Gabriel's dynamic.
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10. Rogercop--It plays out essentially the same, except giving more focus to Sabrina as she becomes angry with Chloe for trying to get her fired, though Chloe lies and claims the bracelet she was missing was one that Sabrina gave her and that it meant a lot to her. More hints to Sabrina's mystery crush is dropped, though not explicitly stated. Some of Roger's akumatization is also due to Alya being critical of the officers being unable to defend the city against akumatized villains, thus creating a more stressful environment that could lead to more akumatizations.
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11. Gamer--Almost identical, though Chloe is the cause of Max's akumatization rather than Marinette, given that Marinette is with Nathaniel, and Nino reveals his crush on Alya, Luka is also revealed to be a good gamer, taking Chloe's place.
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12. The Puppeteer--plays out the same.
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13. Reflekta--plays out mostly the same, but puts more emphasis on Luka and Juleka's sibling relationship and hints at a romance between Juleka and Rose.
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14. Antibug--It's revealed that Sabrina had a crush on Adrien as well, and Chloe angrily humiliates her in front of the whole school, as well as denouncing their friendship making her wish she was invisible. Most of this plays out the same, with possibly some references to self-harm, making Chloe regret her cruelty towards Sabrina, and Adrien secretly gives her a kiss on the cheek, telling her that he hopes she doesn't disappear (though stating that he didn't see her as anything more than a friend).
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15. Kung Food--It's explained that Marinette knows conversational Mandarin, but Adrien helps her with any complexities, and more emphasis is put on her Chinese heritage and history rather than it being done so quickly. Chloe is genuinely ignorant of Asian cultures, something Adrien corrects her on and she implements, as she does personal insults, not broad, racially insensitive ones. Here, Nathaniel and Marinette share the soup with her uncle, with Nathaniel happy to learn more about his girlfriend's ancestors' culture. Everything else is the same.
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16. Volpina--It's revealed that the fox miraculous Lila has is the real deal, albeit stolen, and she uses these powers to make her lies and disguises legitimate. Adrien also suspects his father of being a superhero fan and investigates the Miraculous book. Ladybug flies off the handle at Lila, this time for making unflattering lies about Ladybug. She also uses her powers to make it seem as though Adrien and Marinette have been dating behind Nathaniel's back, causing them to break up (as Marinette can't disprove Lila's illusion), resulting in them having to defeat the Illustrator as well. In the end, Lila despises Ladybug and Nathaniel despises Marinette. Lila also learns of Adrien's warning to Chloe in "Evillustrator," and since she hasn't adhered to it, makes an illusion of Adrien that severs his friendship with Chloe.
Lemme know what you thoughts! I may revise this before I do season 2.
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ilaiyayaya · 8 months
A lot of the effects and trauma from my time of isolation are a bit weird to think back on, and to really acknowledge, because there isn't really a single traumatic event that changed me or anything, it was a slow, long process of 3 years that slowly changed me, so slowly that a lot of the ways I changed it took a long time to even realize were different, and even now I'm sure I'm significantly different than I was before that time in ways that I still don't realize that wouldn't be like this had I not been a shut-in.
One kind of weird effect I've noticed is how it's affected my interest in certain things and my hobbies, I want to make clear that I still play video games, and I still like making art and do occasionally do it, and want to do it more in the future, but my interest and ability to do both has been majorly affected by those 3 years. Video games are the less major of the 2, I still play games, I still enjoy games, but my interest and passion in the medium has definitely dulled a lot after doing pretty much nothing outside of playing games during the most miserable period of my life, all because I didn't have much motivation to do anything else, and so now sometimes playing games, especially specific games I don't really find nearly as much enjoyment in. Art is the much, much bigger issue and possibly the thing that has affected my life the most and likely will affect my life the most long-term, I love art, I love making art, I've always wanted to do a career in art at some point, and to this day I still want to eventually get to the point where I can, however to get there I have to eventually start doing art again, which I don't really do much anymore, and haven't in nearly 4 years. The year or so before I became a shut-in was possibly the most productive year of my life for art, I started learning 3d art, I learned a lot in 2d art as well and I was doing it nonstop, and for the first few months of being alone I continued that, but about 6 months in that stopped pretty much all of a sudden all at once. This is one of the extremely few actual traumatic specific moments I have from that period, there was one day where I had a ton of school work to do (which I also for my entire life pretty much forced myself to do perfect in school, and if I ever did even slightly less than perfect I would feel completely horrible and stress myself out over it), I wanted to do at least some 3d modelling each day, and I had started playing Monster Hunter World with a few friends 2 days prior, and so I agreed that I would play it with them that day too, and so basically I had a bunch of stuff I felt obligated to do that day, this was about 7 months into the isolation and it's pretty much the day I broke. My friends wanted to game really early in the day, pretty much immediately after I woke up, so that was what I did, very reluctantly, I already didn't really want to play it nearly as much as they did as often as they did, but I didn't want to be selfish and say anything so I pretty much got stuck in a like 10 hour play session, during which I was extremely worried about being able to get my other obligations done afterwards. So after we finished and I could finally start doing other things, I had the option of: not sleeping and maybe getting both my art and school work done, or doing 1 and failing to do the other (which was not an option in my mind), or the secret 3rd option, say fuck it have a breakdown from the stress and loneliness don't do either stop doing schoolwork entirely for the next 8 months and nearly fail my last year of highschool and stop doing art altogether for years. Of course option 3 is the one I went with and it was the true start of the snowball that would be the most horrific time of my life that I spent extremely depressed and often suicidal.
The worst part is that even though I'm not a shut-in anymore, and I'm not nearly as lonely or depressed, a lot of things that remind me of that time make me extremely stressed, this is what I was getting to earlier when I mentioned that I don't do art often anymore, I occasionally do, very, very rarely and usually for only about an hour, but the process of starting to make art, pulling out my drawing tablet, opening the program, and drawing the first few lines is by far the hardest part, not only because starting anything is already inherently the hardest part, but also because the idea of me doing art again, gives me a ridiculous amount of stress and anxiety, the thought that I'm not allowed to do art again after giving up on it so abruptly years ago, how what if I get into it again, then give up again and get depressed because of it, leading into another spiral of misery, realistically that probably wouldn't happen, but trauma isn't rational and the trauma of those years has easily had the biggest impact on my ability to do art more than anything else. I really want to do art again I love doing art, it is really the only thing in this world that gives me passion, but specifically the visual 2d medium of art has just been ruined for me and I really hope that someday I can overcome that and finally get back to it, that day however is not today, I am a loser baby and anything that distresses me even slightly I kinda just wanna ignore so like, maybe later lol
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theclowntapes · 5 months
entry five and six
i'm doing two in one because this time i intentionally missed an entry. i just graduated high school!! pretty proud of myself, especially because i had been putting it off so long. i am, well- was homeschooled. school was a very important thing on my resolutions list. i can cross it off now, and that feels good. i came out with pretty decent grades too. i wish i had paid attention more. i hated high school, though i love learning. thankfully, school isn't the only learning experience one can have. i still have plenty of time to learn and grow so much. at least now, i can gain whatever knowledge and wisdom i want instead of whats required. i feel an ounce more free than i felt yesterday. i don't have much to report about the past two days, i was working tirelessly on schoolwork and that's honestly it. i've missed out on doing a few productive things here and there, but i felt that finishing school was more important. a high school diploma can get you a lot more than a clean face can, besides, i think the only reason i have a bit of acne right now, (i've never had acne until recently,) is because of stress. well, i've one less thing to stress about now. i feel pretty good about it. i'm going to wash my face now, maybe take a shower... watch some tv i think, and then call my wonderful wife. i've not had a fun day, but i'm about to have a good night and an even better week. until next time-
xo sparky ⋆
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codegengar · 6 months
schoolwork has slowed (as there are no pressing deadlines until starting next week, but i have not done any catching up on the lectures i have skipped...) and i am unemployed as of this week, so i have had a lot of time to myself once again.
there is such a striking contrast, now that i think about it between last week and the past few days. although those volatile, anger filled emotions from last week were facilitated by my job, i sometimes recoil in mental shock from the state of dissociative dread i relapse into once i do not have any form of human contact (besides my partner) throughout the week.
i felt that i was actually pretty stable the last two days as i had a lot of chores to do, as well as the fact that my partner was happy with me as i let him have sex with me. for the most part, i have refused most advances (basically everyday) and i feel like it does affect how his mood. this has happened early in our relationship, but i feel a little worse as now that we cohabitate together. besides the potential to contract more utis, i just feel so ugly. i do not have any desire to engage in any sexual activity anymore. although he might argue otherwise as i still masterbate, it's more as a habit for a quick dopamine hit (like doom scrolling on social media) than something i actually wish to do. today is another day where i refused in the morning, and he did not give me an enthusiastic good bye as he left for work.
i have this aggravating tendency to have my mood be dictated by how i perceive how people treat me. so i think this set the tone for the rest of today — just feeling a bit worthless and lost. i had done a lot of chores for the last two days, so there is nothing easy to throw myself into (another task that i need to do is organize / tidy up the two desks we have, but that will take up a lot of mental energy), unless i want to do the dishes for the 6th time this week (it is only wednesday!).
i feel like i tried so hard to set myself up for success, but i just disappoint myself every time. i bought an ipad, a floor desk, new stationery... yet i am paralyzed by the very thought of being productive in any capacity — whether it be a creative hobby, chores, schoolwork, or weight loss. eating pasta at 9pm for dinner definitely did not contribute to the latter.
how can i find the motivation to live life how i want to? i have asked this in therapy and i have thought about it a lot (but maybe not as much as i should), but moving away from your toxic, dysfunctional family does not make everything suddenly better. hell, maybe i hold the delusion that by being away from them five out of seven days a week, i suddenly do not have mental illness. even bigger hell, now that i have put forth these thoughts into a physical reality, i am treating and comparing myself to the capabilities of a neurotypical person. but i can be doing better. (that's the perfectionist in me talking.)
as my university friends start to graduate one by one, the more mentally isolated i feel from my peers since i am not only older but that _i don't care about academia_. maybe if i was younger and more passionate (and less cognitively damaged) i would fair well in university... but at this point i am just going because my parents want me to be academically credited for something as if that would help me in my future (well, it is better than nothing, i guess).
side note, i just realized that my spotify wrapped is out and seeing the music artist messages really helped me a lot. i feel kind of cheated that two of my top artists french composers though. i only listened to classical piano songs to help me sleep early in the year. gymnopédie by erik satie does slap though (but does it really need to be my number one spotify song for 2023?).
i'm playing valorant with some online friends, so i'll cut these thoughts short for tonight. maybe more later.
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leewonkyeom · 7 months
Wait we already decided gyu as Thor right? And Seungkwan could be Rhodes maybe?? And omg Hoshi as beast is so perfect even though beast is not a part of Avengers 😭 but if not beast than maybe he could be black panther? I would've suggested vernon as Bucky if we didn't already put him in as Spidey
The situation is same worldwide 😭 all the women I know are hopeless romantics and even though there are men who genuinely want to be in relationships majority of them enjoy it
I was in this discord server where both enemy and k-pop fans were so I saw them transition and become one too lol
I understand i should also be trying to reduce my screentime but most of my school work is on my phone so T^T and with the university headache coming soon I think I'll be sitting in front of the screen even more :') (i need to start working on my portfolio)
I was a proud SoundCloud user before Spotify lmao and even during Spotify it used to be so fucking annoying with the ads and shit I eventually got the mod version and now I can listen to music peacefully (well not really since Spotify doesn't have songs that I want them to have)
wait you're right😭😭 i should've written this down. i'm not a hugeee marvel fan so i don't remember who rhodes is, but i trust your judgement😌 but omggg yess !! hoshi as black panther omggg that is literally so perfect
it just sucks cause men turn 30 and decide they want to settle down with the first person they see😭😭 and like women are proven to be happier single than in a relationship, but still we're the one who want them the most🥴
aha, that makes sense !!
reducing screentime is hard though😭 my schoolwork is also online, but i try to limit being on my phone outside of that, but also... it's just so difficult😭 esp. if i write and i want to feel productive, that all happens on some screen🥴🥴
ohhh good luck😭😭 have you figured out what you want to study yet? (just bc i'm a curious lil mfer😭)
i also use soundcloud (as a secondary music streaming platform). i needed a list for all of dokyeom's unreleased covers😭😭 (also dino's unreleased songs and the mixtapes🙏🙏) but the quality isn't even that good and i need to listen on my computer so i can use adblock lmao😭
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sesmantelar · 7 months
today is bad vibes all around, but good halloween vibes. it hurts my soul that I have worked every holiday since I graduated college. each passing day shows me just how much disdain I have for the medical field and makes me more exhausted. I hate feeling this way. I'm trying to find another position as of next year, because I need way more money and I desire a change of scenery. I feel like I'm being taken advantage of a lot of the time. the only saving grace (I feel) would be for me to switch back to night shift. day shift is way too overstimulating. I want a block schedule, more than 3k a week, and plenty of ice time and time to study. I don't have even another year of full time nursing left in me. I have zero compassion, I'm burnt out, I'm exhausted, I dread going to work even if it is easy, I feel like life is being sucked out of my soul. I need to write daily to release whatever I am feeling, as it usually keeps me on track. I also need to force exercise on myself, because when I get like this I decompensate so fast (doing nothing but sleeping, either over eating or not eating therefore losing conditioning, strength and flexibility). I really need to do some kind of overtime because I leave for travel at the end of next week. when I get like this, I am irritated constantly, and it won't go away until I lock myself in my apartment and cocoon for at least a day. Im not even doing my schoolwork. november, I'm going to force myself into overdrive because my future is waiting on me. If I don't, I will be stuck in this never ending nursing loop. and death sounds like the better option than continuing this cursed career. I hate every single day as a nurse.
on the bright side, outside is so chilly and spooky feeling. Halloween hit right on time despite it being so hot the past few days. I wish I could go home, eat spooky foods and watching The Craft. I still may watch the Craft while golden and enjoy my evening. but every day must be productive. art books study business travel agent figure skating harp hair/skincare. this currently feels like it's too much but it really would not be if I stuck to a routine and followed through on promises. I have no clue how I'm going to rebuild my discipline again.
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capslearning · 2 years
Tactics for Students to Balance College, Work and Social Life
Here are Tactics for Students to Balance College, Work and Social Life
Organize your time.
It can be tempting to fill your schedule with interesting activities, but college is a time to try new things. Just keep in mind that there are only 24 hours in a day. You'll burn out far more rapidly if you try to squeeze in too much. Take your time instead. Don't stress about cramming everything in; you still have years left in college. Your studies should be your top priority while in college; after all, it is a higher education facility. After a few of weeks of classes, determine your priorities—whether they are sports, socialising, music, or any other college opportunities—by accurately estimating how much free time you have.
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Instead of studying harder, study smarter
Many students believe that productive study requires spending numerous hours at the library reading endlessly. They erroneously believe that the more time you spend studying, the more you learn. The exact reverse is sometimes true. If you study for too long without taking breaks, you won't learn anything. Get out from behind the books and take a stroll. You'll return feeling revitalized and prepared to study.
Experts in psychology agree that studying more effectively—rather than working harder—improves memory retention and application skills. For genuinely putting this idea into reality, they provide the following advice:
• After you've studied something, wait a few hours, days, or even a week before going over it again. This practise of "spacing out" improves memory.
• Test yourself—and not just in disciplines like science where it's simple to utilise flashcards.
These two study-enhancing techniques should be used at all times since they improve your memory and give you a tool to find and fill knowledge gaps.
Set Goals
I adore making goals for myself because it helps you to adopt the appropriate perspective. Write down your objectives for the term at the start of each term. Make a goal and write it down, whether it's a particular grade, better time management, or something related to the coursework.
Simply putting it in writing will make it more official and consequently more difficult to ignore. You may keep your goals in mind and stay on track by posting them somewhere you'll see them every day, like on your computer or mirror.
Learn to say No
Getting active in college is really simple, despite what it can seem like at first. And if you participate in a few different school organisations, it can quickly become too much for you to handle. You can manage the overwhelming aspects of college life by using the aforementioned tactics, but eventually you'll need to master the art of saying "no."
Saying "no" to an event or volunteering for a club you belong to will first make you feel extremely FOMO (fear of missing out), but it will grow easier. Additionally, you'll be positioning yourself for improved grades, and everyone will be understanding if you have to miss something.
Make Time for YOU.
Sometimes, between the myriad tasks and responsibilities, you neglect the most crucial thing—yourself.
In a given day, you ought to finish your schoolwork, study, work, and hang out with friends, but if you aren't caring for yourself, none of those things will be done. They advise you to put on your oxygen mask first before helping people around you, just as on a flight. Making sure you take care of yourself will give you the energy you need to balance everything else, so do that first.
Setting a time aside for it will help you remember to do it. You might want to schedule these self-care activities in your schedule:
reading a book
Calling friends and family
watching Netflix
Taking a stroll
Find the activities that fill you with joy and energy, and arrange them into your day. Getting outside, even for only 20 minutes, can completely transform your day.
Food is a crucial part of taking care of oneself. You can better balance the other components of your busy schedule by making sure you fuel yourself with nutrient-dense food and drink enough water.
Alot of times it can get quite overwhelming to balance your schedule, and things can get quite exhausting to manage everything all at once, but if you take the necessary measures, you would be able to manage most of your things most of the time. Being a student can be a little hard sometimes, when you have to balance studies, friends and taking out time for yourself and your family but once you get a hang of a few things, you will excel at balancing your life…and rest can be figured out as you go. 
We at CAPS Nagpur, offers student friendly environment to students, So that they can study without any stress. Time to time we organize sports meet, camping, outdoor visits and every week one Weekly WOW Walk activity. Spending time in the outdoors means your body gets to enjoy the sunshine, which is rich in Vitamin D.
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Taking part in activities like hiking, walking is a great form of aerobic exercise. Activities like kayaking and swimming also help to give you that exercise you’ve been missing regularly. The peace and serenity of nature help us calm our minds, which helps students to balance their College, Work and Social Life easily.
Join our regular batches at D.G. Sharma’s CAPS Nagpur – the best CA coaching in Nagpur.
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my-reality-my-rules · 2 years
Hey love your blog! So I'm not sure if this has been asked already, but do you have any tips on shifting for people with intrusive thoughts? I'm new to shifting and haven't fully shifted to any of my DRs yet and I notice that a lot of the time when I'm trying to shift, my mind will start spiralling really negatively and I'll just start thinking about horrible things. It's really stressful and it discourages me and impedes on my motivation a lot. Any ideas? Thank you! Again love ur blog it has brought so much positivity to my life 💗 hope you have a wonderful day/evening ☺️
[thanks for this ask!]
i think I've answered something like this in mid-2021...but i really needed to recheck that one, so I'm glad to detail it again. here's a list of things i do. I'm not sure if they'd immediately work for you, but I'd like to think they're worth a try ((:
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(1) moment of silence // moment of mindfulness
my school uses this exercise even until today. basically, at the start of every lesson, just before/after the prayer, we would settle into a minute of silence. this is done in order to clear out any thoughts unrelated to our subject. back when we had face-to-face classes, this proved fairly effective; while it didn't work all the time, my classmates became a bit more engaged and immersed in our topics.
you just take a minute before your intended activity (whether it's shifting, visualising, scripting, etc.) and close your eyes, and breathe. do nothing else; focus only on your breathing, and feel as the air slowly moves in and out of your chest. just for one minute. while it doesn't stop the flow of thoughts, it can sort them out. the breathing might help in redirecting the intrusive ones, and center on the ones you'd progress with.
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(2) listen to subliminals
this might differ on what part of your thoughts you're trying to target (sadness, anger, daydreaming, worry, etc.). i use motivation or productivity subs for both schoolwork and shifting. put them on loop for a few minutes, and simply listen. your results may not look to be coming at the pace you want, but they're still happening. they're incredibly helpful when reprogramming your mind.
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(3) think of the cause
another thing to do is to understand just why you get those thoughts. what triggers them? how did they start in the first place? said intrustive thoughts might be due to other stresses that you probably haven't addressed—think of stuff in your CR that you feel you haven't resolved yet. I've mentioned this in a private message; you might not be aware of these current reality issues, and they would crawl back into your mind without your knowing.
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(4) try this military sleeping technique
this is actually something the shinobi in my naruto DR do! i looked this up after speaking with a younger cousin, almost as soon as i shifted back here. to my surprise, soldiers in our CR also do this!
it's a meditation/relaxation activity. basically, you have to trick your mind into falling asleep in 2 minutes. first, lie down in a comfortable position. loosen up all your muscles—all the way from head to toe; feel every inch of your body and let go of the tension you've built up. take the time you need for this, until you're at ease. if you find your mind wandering off while doing so, focus on your breathing. focus on your breathing. think of nothing else; for me, i make myself dead set on blanking everything out. sounds and sensations are separate from you in that state.
it's often mentioned that you repeat the words 'Don't think. Don't think. Don't think.' to yourself as you do this. redirect your energy, whether positive or negative, and use it to fuel your effort. if you feel as if you're starting to fail, then you might as well fail spectacularly. think of it as an all-or-nothing of sorts, but in a manner where you're set on the conviction of actually fully shifting.
personally, this has been incredibly useful. it does make me fall unconscious faster, both in my DR and CR. for the former, it helps with keeping the uglier memories at bay; that i almost immediately go to sleep prevents me from overthinking too much. for the latter, it takes my mind off other pressing events that I'm not as willing to deal with yet.
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i hope one of these tips is able to help!
much love, and happy shifting ❤️❤️
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p---ink · 3 years
I'm sorry.
I might genuinely have ADHD.
There were some misconceptions about the disorder that I didn't know about...I thought there was just something wrong with me.
I don't take care of myself the way other women do...I don't moisturize, or do my makeup, or skincare, or eat healthy, or stay organized, because i'm lazy. Simply put.
Lack of eye contact I give people (mostly men) is because of being intimidated. Not because there is genuinely something wrong.
I can't seem to remember things that people just told me, because I'm a goldfish. no other reason.
Procrastination is just something about myself that I cant change. Simply put.
My need to daydream is something everyone does. Not because daydreaming is easier than putting in the work to make them come true.
My mood swings don't exist. I'm not crazy.
Theres like legit other things that I'm fucking forgetting because my mind is racing a mile a minute just like it always does. And i'm gonna get mad that I didn't include it after I remember it, think about going back to edit it, but then forget to.
I thought it was just genetics as to why I act the way I do. It very well still could be. The more I research it however, the more I'm convinced it could apply to me.
Y'all I love writing. SO much. Reading so much. My courses in school, and school in general I love so much....so tell me why I spend my time on my cell phone scrolling through bumble, and snapchat, and texting men or trying to get them to text me, only to be disappointed, only to go on rants, only to complain about how I should be doing the things I love instead.
Why do I find it so hard to do things I need to do, and want to do, but find myself lying in bed instead stressing about doing them.
I thought ADHD, was people who couldn't focus for shit, and were really hyper and talkative, and energetic. But there's so much more to it.
You could be mentally hyper...get mentally exhausted. But then I ask myself how did I already get this far.
I didn't. Ive always struggled, and just been doing enough to get by...I could have been doing so much better than what I am.
I feel like crying while writing this. I feel like screaming because even though I know all of this I cant do anything about it right now.
I shouldn't self-diagnose. I know I shouldn't. But I just feel it. And I don't want to have ADHD, but id be so happy to know if there is a genuine reason as to why I act the way I do...instead of just a me thing.
Im writing this though, because you've all been on my mind. And im sorry if you genuinely missed me, and wanted me to interact with you. Know if that's the case ive missed you too...and im not actively ignoring you because I want to. Because I want to interact as well. But I find it really hard sometimes.
Like seriously im sitting in a room full of junk, and filth that disgusts me. By next week, ill have eventually cleaned it, but it will end up looking the way it does again within an hour.
Scheduling...manifesting...praying and pep talks. I do it all the time...but it doesn't ever work. I need help...but im tired. And depressed that my wants are going untouched. I want to do my schoolwork. I want to read and write. But there's so much to think about and so much to do, that I don't want to do any of it and all of it at the same time.
this post will magically fix that I hope. I know it won't. But it feels nice to reach out. I wish my random bursts of productivity could be more consistent.
I need a hug.
@cocoamoonmalfoy @specialk-18 @viva-asgardia @swaggysposts
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alelaria · 3 years
Hello everyone ,
My name is Alejandra and I am an Illustration student in my last year of college, I live away from home, and am currently unemployed in order to focus on school so I can graduate and get my degree.
Not many days ago I received an email from what I believed to be HR representatives of the video game studio Treyarch (owned by Activision) offering me a position as an environmental artist at their company. Turns out it was a scam, and have now lost what little savings I had in my bank account for food, hygiene, and clothing products because of a bad cheque of $3000 that was issued to me to buy "work equipment". The process felt too real to feel like a scam and I constantly had to rethink my judgement; there was an interview, along with a contract, and all the people I communicated with had emails with Treyarch in their names and pictures of the company logo on it. I'm a student accumulating loan debt, and any job that I could have during school would be to start saving up money to pay those off, as my family does not have the financial capacity. This job opportunity felt too good to pass up, until it wasn't.
I need to buy groceries, self care products, and need bus fare to move around as I don't drive. My bank account is locked down while and investigation is held and I can't have access to any of my cards until I can somehow pay back the $3000.
I have always been in good standing with my bank, and yet they see this as a fault of mine when this is the first time ever that I have been scammed. I was not aware of their digital deposit policies at all, and they had apparently allowed me to deposit upwards of exactly $3000 into my account because I had been a customer for so long. However, none of this was made aware to me, and now my bank is asking me to use up $3000 of my rent savings to pay back the scammed money when it was not mine to begin with, as well as failed to take back that deposited money in time. RBC makes billions of dollars yearly, and should have the capacity to aid customers in these situations, especially if they have faced it for the first time. I don't have the means to pay this much money and all I want is what little funds I had left in my chequing account for everyday expenses. My account is in the negative thousands, with a credit card I need to pay off in a week, and with little to no financial resources available. I have been riddled with anxiety for the past week and the majority of my time has been taken up by this situation as well affected my ability to do schoolwork, making me fall behind on assignments.
Low income students have always had to put in double the efforts to remain in school. We accumulate debt, on top of paying rent because we had to move out for school, feed ourselves, work, go to class, plus have a social life like the rest of young adults. This makes us easy targets for all sorts of scams, and yet as the victims we still get blamed by our banks and receive little to no empathy from them, let alone aid.
Even if it's just $1, any little form of aid helps. I can't use my rent savings as I have calculated and re-calculated the exact amount I need for the time I will remain in school, and there is no way OSAP will make up the $3000 I as my funds have been pre-determined. If I could pay all this money back within a week, it would mean the world.
Thank you for reading this message, and if you can, please share. Anything helps.
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