#and will continue to kick my ass. like legit i gave up my shift at work so i could work on my homework and i might give up the next one too
signalhill-if · 1 year
I made a ko-fi :)
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kirishibi · 4 years
Nights Like These | Kirishima Ejirou
Summary: You’re having a rough night struggling with your anxiety and your long time crush, Kirishima, helps you through it
Pairing: Kirishima Ejirou x Reader
Warnings: pretty vivid and possibly triggering descriptions of the physical symptoms and racing thoughts that come with an anxiety attack, non-established relationship, pining, lots of Kiri comfort, so much fluff, very very mild cursing, spoilers abt Kirishima’s backstory, (y/n)’s pretty shy in this one oops
**this fic has a lottt of comfort and fluff in it after the first quarter, but if descriptions of anxiety are triggering for you please read with caution and skip over bits if needed**
Word Count: 2.8k
a/n: chef actually writing for once??? unheard of. anyway, i was struggling really hard this week, so i wrote some kiri comfort because who doesn’t want this sweet boi to hold ur hand and tell you everything’s gonna be okay when it feels like the world’s falling apart.i legit wrote this while crying bruv if any one of my fics is a window to my soul its this one
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It began with that all-too-familiar pit of dread in your stomach, an uncomfortable rush of adrenaline in your upper chest that you desperately tried to force away. Trembling fingertips, wobbling knees, the sudden urge to crawl out of your own skin. All you did was get tongue-tied while chatting with Bakugou and a few of his friends, but your fumbled words wouldn’t stop echoing through your skull, the angry blond’s mocking gaze replaying over and over again in your mind.
You barely made it to your dorm before shards of your shattered confidence gathered to form a lump in your throat, and tears stung at the corners of your eyes. You threw open the door to your room, hastily swung it shut as you entered. As heavy wood slammed into its frame, a jarring bang echoed throughout the hallway outside. You physically cringed, brows knitting together and nose scrunching in disgust at your own actions. 
Damn it, you thought to yourself, everyone heard that, and now they’re all pissed at you. 
This happened more times than you could count: one minor mistake drudged up what seemed like hundreds of embarrassing memories from your past, and in a matter of minutes you knew you’d wind up a sobbing mess on your bedroom floor, gasping for air, convinced that the only thing you’re truly good at is being a burden.
There was a dam inside your mind; one that held all of your regrets, self-loathing thoughts, and most embarrassing memories. The multitude of cracks in its foundation threatened to give with every little thing you deemed a screw-up, and in that moment, the dam broke.
A half-complete exam sat before you. Your left leg nervously bounced beneath your desk as a pencil twirled between the nimble fingers of your dominant hand. The eraser of your pencil caught on the surface of your desk mid-twirl, causing the utensil to fling from your grasp. It arched through the air and thumped the boy seated in front of you, Ojiro, right between his shoulder blades. No amount of rambled apologies from you, nor sincere ’it’s okay!’s from the kind-hearted blond could stop that moment from searing itself into your memory. Just another reason you should never leave your room again.
Sinking into an unmade bed, you pulled your knees up to your chest. Feeble arms hugged your legs tightly as you desperately tried to shake the unpleasant thoughts from your own brain. “No,” you pleaded with yourself, “no, (Y/n), you’re not doing this again.” Fingernails dug into soft flesh beneath your school uniform’s knee-high socks, a momentary distraction from the sheer panic swelling inside your chest. Forehead pressed against bent knees, you hoped that if you made yourself small enough, maybe you could disappear entirely. 
Accidentally interrupting someone during a conversation, tripping over your own feet while walking down the hall, getting anxious speaking to your redheaded crush and forgetting what you wanted to say altogether.
You couldn’t help but gasp for air, the angry burning of your lungs only worsening with every shallow breath as hot tears trailed down the sides of your face. There was no stopping the sobs that pushed past your lips, nor the self loathing thoughts that racked your brain. You pressed your back firmly against the cool drywall beside your bed with the vain hope that the sudden chill may keep you grounded.
Nearly spitting out your tea as Kaminari cracked a joke during lunch, not realizing you took someone else’s seat in the common room, bumping into an elderly woman on the train, dropping a handful of textbooks in front of your entire class.
A knock on the door momentarily pulled you from what seemed to be an inescapable frenzy of thoughts. You stumbled to your feet, stole a glance in the mirror beside your bed. Reluctant to allow someone else to see your puffy, red eyes and tear-stained cheeks, you forced yourself to speak up, “uh- uhm,” your voice wavered with every word, but you cleared your throat and continued on, “I-I’m sorry, now isn’t really a good time.”
“Aw,” a familiar voice pouted from the other side, muffled by the wall between you, “well, think ya could let me in anyway?” It was Kirishima, the guy you’d been head-over-heels for since the beginning of your freshman year. 
You refused to let him see you so disheveled, couldn’t bear the thought of willingly adding another embarrassing moment to your catalogue of painful memories. 
“I’m sorry, I- well,” you wanted to lie, to make up an excuse as to why you couldn’t answer the door, but nothing came to mind. “I just can’t talk right now. Do you need something?”
“Yep! It’s really urgent, can’t wait another second!” He eagerly pleaded, and you just couldn’t find the will to say no.
Hastily drying your wet face with creased sleeves and fixing your hair to the best of your ability, you made your way to the door and cautiously inched it open. 
The crimson haired boy stood before you with a box of your favorite candy in his hands and a warm smile on his face. His brows were knit together in concern, tender eyes wholly trained on you. He glanced both ways down the vacant hallway to ensure that no one was within earshot before speaking in a hushed tone, “you didn’t seem like yourself in class today. Like, you were quieter than usual, and then Bakugou was a bit of an ass earlier...“ He nodded to the cardboard container in his hands, “I’ve seen you eat this before and it always seems to put a smile on your face, so I thought maybe it could do the same today too.” His grin faltered for a moment, gaze dropping to the floor as if embarrassed by his own words. “It’s stupid, I know, but I had to do somethin’!”
Despite your best efforts, the happy facade you’d forced on for Kirishima fell, and your eyes welled with tears once again. Your bottom lip trembled as you tried to swallow the lump crawling up your throat. His gaze shifted from the floor, back up to meet yours, and he nearly dropped the container in his hands at the sight of you so close to crying. 
Without a second thought, he threw his arms around your shoulders in a tight hug, “What’s wrong, (Y/n)?” His voice filled with worry, further breaking your heart, “Did I get the wrong kind of candy?”
“N-no,” you whimpered into his shoulder, unable to finish before the words caught in your mouth and tears wet the thin cotton of his shirt . Your arms wrapped around his waist, unconsciously reciprocating his hug. His warmth reminded you of just how long it had been since you’d let someone be so close. Your knees buckled under the weight of your own grief, and before you knew it, Kirishima was scooping you up into his strong arms. He carried you to the comfort of your bed, kicking the door closed as he passed.
“I knew you weren’t okay,” he muttered into your ear, tone much softer than you were used to from the boisterous man. He carefully set you down on your plush mattress, grabbed the nearest blanket and wrapped it around your shoulders, then knelt on the floor before you.
“I’m f-fine,” you forced out, trying to steady your voice but failing horribly, “You can go if you wa-want. I don't want to-”
Kirishima silenced you with a tender palm rested atop your own. “I’m not leaving you, (Y/n). Whatever’s going on, I care about you too much to make you deal with it alone.”
Up until then, you had made it a point to keep your anxiety hidden from your peers. You worried that they would treat you differently if they knew, that they wouldn’t quite understand. But, something about Kirishima told you that he was different, that nothing would change if you opened up to him. Regardless of your fears, the look in his eyes and tender cadence of his voice made you feel safe, like it was okay to be vulnerable.
“I,” your eyes flicked from your lap to meet his worried gaze, “I can’t help but remember everything I’ve done wrong over the years and just hate myself. I hate every mistake, every failure, every moment I did something dumb and didn’t know how to fix it.” Your stomach clenched as yet another sob forced its way past your lips. “I have so many regrets, and I constantly feel like an awful person because of them.”
A calloused thumb brushed along your upper cheek, wiping away the tracks of fallen tears. He nodded along as you vented, as if he understood exactly where you were coming from. Then, when you went silent, he waited for a few beats to ensure you were entirely finished speaking before responding. “I’m sure it doesn’t seem like it, but I used to be someone I’m not proud of either, and, honestly? Sometimes I still don’t like the person I see in the mirror.” He paused for a moment, lips pulled in a thin, contemplative line before continuing, “can you keep a secret?”
You nodded, surprised and mildly confused by his words. Could someone as confident and lovable as Kirishima really struggle with the same anxieties that you did?
He chuckled at the quizzical look you gave him, took a deep breath to steady his own nerves. “So, I actually didn’t look like this back in middle school -- hold up, I think I actually have a picture.” Five fingers flexed around your own, holding you close as his free hand fished into his pants pocket and pulled out a red-cased phone. Within a few seconds, ruby eyes were locked with your own once again, a shy smile pulling at the corners of his lips. “Promise not to laugh?”
The redhead’s grin was infectious, and you couldn’t help but smile with him. Your worries hadn’t been entirely forgotten, but with every word spoken between you, every passing second with his fingers entwined with your own, a subtle calm began to wash over you. “I’ll try not to,” you responded. That seemed good enough for him, and with only a short moment of hesitation, Kirishima turned the phone’s screen toward you to reveal a photo of himself from a few years before. 
Long, black hair framed a round face, slender shoulders slumped and eyes downcast as he stood alone in the courtyard of what you assumed to be his old middle school. Your head cocked to the side, brows furrowed in disbelief as you looked from the photo to the person in front of you. For a moment, you thought he must have been kidding. The muscular, seemingly self-assured man that knelt before you didn’t resemble the boy on his phone in the slightest. “You’re serious? That was you?” 
He nodded, clearly amused by your reaction. You wanted to ask what changed, how he pulled such a total one-eighty, but couldn’t find a way to without sounding rude.
He seemed to read your mind, though, and answered your question without hesitation. “I realized that I didn’t like the person I was, and vowed to be better.” He powered off the device in his hand and tossed it aside, attention entirely back to you, thumb unconsciously caressing the back of your hand as he continued. “I’m not telling you this because I think you need to change. Frankly,” his eyes darted to the floor, voice lowering nearly to a whisper, “I, uh, I really like the person you are now.” He cleared his throat, a pink tinge dusting his cheeks as his gaze flicked back up to meet yours. “I’m telling you this because, like I said before, I’m like you in a way. I can’t help but cringe when I remember the way I used to be, and I still worry sometimes that I haven’t actually changed that much.”
“But you have. I mean, you’re a completely different person now.”
“Exactly. Here’s what I’ve learned: if you cringe at something you did in the past, that’s probably because you’ve matured enough to know you were being dumb back then. Being able to look at your past self and recognize your mistakes means you aren’t that person anymore.” His other hand moved to rest atop your knee, as if he wanted to hold you closer but found himself hesitant.
You felt a weight lift from your shoulders at his words, yet still one question continued to gnaw at the back of your mind. “But, what if I’m beating myself up something I did recently… like,” your voice lowered in embarrassment, “when I a-accidentally threw that pencil at Ojiro, for example…”
“I promise, you’re the only one who even remembers that.” Kirishima chuckled softly, “you’re sweet for worrying about those little things, but no one worth knowing is gonna judge you off small mistakes. I know how great you are, and so does everyone else in our class. You light up every room you walk into, I swear. It’s like you’ve got a second quirk or somethin’.” You giggled, and his smile only grew wider. “I mean it! How could anyone not fall in love with that laugh?” The boy’s face turned bright red, eyes widening in realization at what he had said, grip tightening around your own. “Shit, I mean- well-” he cut himself off, sharp teeth nervously nibbling on his bottom lip.
His words resonated with you, filled the anxious pit in your stomach with warm butterflies and heated your cheeks with a rosey blush. Still, you convinced yourself he was only embarrassed because his words had come out in a different way than he had meant them. There was no way he actually had feelings for you, you thought. He was clearly just being nice. “I-It’s okay, I know you don’t like me like that. You’re way out of my league, anyway.” You forced a nervous laugh, attempting to comfort him through words that burned as they passed your lips.
You thought he’d relax at what you had said, agree with your comment, and thank you for understanding. Instead, he rose to his feet, a look of bewilderment in his eyes as he pulled you up to stand with him. “Do you really think that?” He questioned, expression twisted in disbelief, hurt by your self-deprecating words. His hands gripped yours tightly as you stood only inches from one another. Heat radiated off of his tan skin, shielding you from the chilly air of your room and prickling your arms with goosebumps.
“Sorry to break it to ya, but you couldn’t be more wrong.” Kirishima lightly tugged you closer, closed the distance between your bodies without a second thought. You allowed your chest to press against his, listening carefully as he continued, “I was afraid of making you uncomfortable or scaring you off, so I didn’t say anything before. But, if that’s really what you think, I’ve gotta set you straight. Truth is, I’m absolutely crazy for you, (Y/n). I mean, you’re cute, and sweet, and witty -- It’s impossible to take my eyes off of you whenever we’re in a room together, and just hearing your voice makes me feel warm all over.”
Calloused fingers released one of your hands, traveled up to caress a now-dry cheek. He cracked another sharp-toothed grin at the realization that you were no longer crying. “Can you do me a favor and tell me next time you start to feel all anxious and stuff again? Regardless of if you like me back, I just want to be there for you, whatever you need. It’s not very manly to fall for a girl, then leave her hangin’ when she needs ya the most.”
An eager nod in agreement was all you could manage for a long moment as you stood entirely awestruck by his confession. All you wanted was to find your voice, to tell him how much his efforts meant to you, but the words refused to come. 
So, you did the next best thing.
The box of candies he had brought as a pick-me-up laid forgotten on your bed as tentative fingers gripped Kirishima’s broad shoulders and you rose onto your tiptoes. Without allowing yourself time for hesitation, you pressed pursed lips to a flushed-pink cheek. It wasn’t a large gesture, but in that moment it felt perfect. 
You’d never seen Ejirou smile as wide as he did in that moment, strong hands firmly gripping your waist as you pulled away -- as if to make sure that you wouldn’t stray too far from his grasp. “That settles it then! Tomorrow I’m asking you out properly -- with flowers, and chocolates, and way more than just one box of your favorite sweets… but you gotta promise me one thing.”
“What’s that?” 
“That we’ll take care of one another. I’ll never judge you, hurt you, or belittle whatever you’re struggling with, as long as you promise the same to me, okay? From now on ‘til the end of time, I’ve got your back unconditionally, and you’ve got mine. Promise?”
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liliesoftherain · 4 years
My Hero Academia Main 3 Boys x Reader
Ch. 15 Hakamata vs Bakugou
A big thank you for everyone who was waiting patiently. I know I haven’t been active lately, and I’ve been getting asks about this story and honestly I felt terrible for not updating, not because I was feeling pressured. So don’t think it was anyone pressuring me, honestly it wasn’t. I haven’t been feeling that motivated to write. School had kicked my ass the last few weeks, especially with this covid and everything happening, I’ve been exhausted. My job was ‘essential’ enough to keep me working throughout everything, and i had been picking up shifts and working my ass off, and honestly? I’m over work but lol need that money right
But I want to continue this story, I want to finish it. I have so much planned and I don’t want to abandon it. So I wont(: Get ready for updates, cause they’re coming. My other stories, I don’t really know what to do, I’ll make a post about that later. For now, enjoy this; it’s short, but I’m already working on the next chapter(: 
If anyone wants to be added to the taglist, or if i missed you, please send an ask and I’ll add you!!
TAGLIST: @rizamendoza808 !(: @iris-suoh !(: @quicksilverfangirl​ !(: @shortperson202 !(: @noodlenerd101 !(: @matchamidoriya​ !(: @thorsbtch-captainnoobmaster69me​ !(: @pastel-prynce​ !(: @sunkissedneptune​ @monetfatalia​ !(: @legit-fandom-trash​ !(: @lovethewitchofendor​ !(: @dekuxlink​ !(: @water-melone98​ !(: @helena-way07​ !(: @nothing17-7​ !(: @hopelessdisasterr​ !(: @karmaboundlife​ !(: @lunamoonmint​ !(: @ihatemyselftoinfinityandbeyond​ !(: @beew​ !(: @kaylees1414 !(:
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You watched the next battle feeling more upbeat, thanking everyone as they gave you their congratulations. You were in awe at the fight between Bakugou and Kirishima, seeing as the former was on the defensive until the latter was suffering due to the overuse of his quirk. Bakugou had sent relentless attack after attack, managing to knock Eijiro out and win the battle. 
“With that vicious win, Bakugou advances to the third round! Ladies and gentlemen, take a look at our final four.”
You glance up to the big screen to see a picture of you along with Bakugou, Todoroki, and Iida on it, the cheers erupting all around the stadium. You chug down your 5th bottle of water before turning on your heel to walk out; you hadn’t sat down, choosing to stand by the entrance just to watch the fight. 
You throw your bottle in the trash as you head down the hallway, spotting a boy making his way towards you,
“Hey, Izuku,” you wave, a smile on your face, “you’re looking, well, better.”
“O-oh, hey! Yea, I guess so,” he smiled back sheepishly, his arm in a cast and he was bandaged all over, “Recovery Girl healed me up, enough to walk at least.”
“Shouldn’t you be resting up then? It’s not smart to make your injuries worse you know.”
“I’ll be fine, really, I don’t want to miss any more battles. This is where everyone’s efforts are paying off, including yours. Congrats on being top four, (y/n).” He beams, there was that excited gleam in his eye, the one he gets when he watches a pro at work. 
“O-oh, thanks-” You blush at the look, being cut off as he starts to rant.
“Tokoyami is super strong, and you managed to win! I mean, since I also found out about Dark Shadows and Tokoyami’s weakness I assumed you would have no trouble taking him down. Not saying you wouldn’t have won without a weakness! I don’t doubt you and your abilities, really, you’re an amazing fighter! I wish I would have been able to see your fight, but at least I’ll be able to watch you go up against Kaachan-”
Your laughter brought him out of his word vomit, and he felt the blush grow along his face. He knew he often had issues with muttering whatever he thought, but for some reason it was worse when he was with you; his tongue felt heavy in his mouth, his head was light, and he couldn’t help how he spoke his mind. He liked talking to you, telling you everything he thought. You always gave him your full attention, no matter how crazy, long, or irritating it was.
Maybe that’s why he found you so captivating?
“S-sorry, I was doing it again..”
“Don’t be, and you were with me in spirit Deku! Even if you didn’t get to watch. Plus, I doubted myself against Tokoyami in the first place, I wouldn’t blame you if you did.” You watched as his eyes widened.
“But I didn’t! I-”
“I know, thank you. I mean it,” you bite your lip to contain the grin that wants to break across your face, “you always believe in me and I appreciate it. You’re the best, Izuku.”
The large blush that spread across his body made you giggle once more before you continued forward, glancing back to give a dazzling smile. 
“Now go watch those matches, I’ll be listening for your cheers when it’s my turn!”
“Ye-yeah…” The goofy grin stayed on his face the rest of his journey to the stands. 
You made it to the waiting room, breathing in deeply as you steal your nerves for the next match. You were calmer this time, not in the sense of feeling confident, oh no.
You were going up against Bakugou Katsuki; one of the strongest and smartest guys you've ever met. He had such an incredible display of reflexes and skills, for this fight you knew you had to be smart and cautious if you wanted half a chance against him. 
The more you thought about it, the more you felt as if your head would explode. There weren’t really a lot of ways to go about it; he didn’t have a huge drawback like yours or Tokoyami’s, his greatest weakness was most likely the prolonged use of his quirk, and the strain it provided on his muscles and fibers in his arms. He wasn’t stupid either, he quick reaction times and well thought up plans-as long as Izuku wasn’t involved.
He always lost it when it came to Deku. 
The sound of announcements rang overhead, and you snapped out of your thoughts to see you've been sitting for about five minutes or so. You stand and leave the room, heading out of the waiting room and towards the arena. 
Walking up the steps, you saw your opponent already waiting. The pillars in the corners erupting with flames, the crowd being drowned out by the booming voice of Present Mic. 
“And now, Bakugou vs Hakamata! These two have been coming out high in the ranks all day, let’s see which one can handle the heat better! Those destructive explosions or that fiery light! There could have also been sparks of a burning romance between these two, will this be the end of it!?” 
“You’re jumping to conclusions again.”
You desperately ignore the teasing words, knowing your dad was definitely going to have a talk with you once this was all over. You noticed the slight flushing of Bakugou’s face, knowing he must’ve been annoyed by the accusations as well. 
“Oh well, ready!? BEGIN!”
Wasting no time, you spring forward, using your quirk to give you a boost as you drew your arm back for an attack. Bakugou cocked his own right arm, setting off an explosion to get you to back off. You dodge, bringing your arm down and having light extend to the ground to push off and throw you up into the air. Maneuvering behind him you extend your leg, knocking an elongated beam of light into his back.
He let out a grunt, and without missing a beat turning and reaching to grab a hold of your ankle. You willed the light to wrap around your ankle, raising the heat in hopes of him letting go.
He still held on, despite any pain, throwing you over his shoulder onto the concrete. You caught yourself, landing in a crouched position. There wasn’t a clear way to beat him from a distance, nor was there a clear victory to beat him in close combat. The longer he continued, the more he’d sweat-the more his quirk would be fueled.
All you had to do was bring the heat, be fast, get him out of bounds. 
Bakugou stared straight into your eyes and saw how determined you were, the steely focus that left him feeling weird. As if he were hyper aware yet dazed at the same time; you were strong, there was no doubt in his mind that you could kick some ass, even if you had some doubt against yourself. 
However, no matter how large your smile was, how bright that stupid sparkle in your eye was after you won a match, he couldn’t afford to lose. He was angry; angry at people for thinking less of him, angry with people assuming he was all talk, angry with Icy Hot-acting as if Deku was more of a threat than he was. He needed to fight to prove himself, and he’d take down anyone in his way. Even if it was you. 
He threw an open palm towards you, a large exploding firing that you couldn’t dodge went straight towards your face. Thankfully you weren’t sent flying back, your quick thinking allowing you to extend your light as a brace to hold you steady at the impact, mentally thanking Todoroki for the move.
Since you were able to steady yourself, along with having the cover of the smoke, countering was a move Bakugou clearly didn’t expect as you lunged forward and landed a punch against his cheek.
“That was a solid hit little miss Hakamata delivered!”
The moment your fist connected you saw the look on his face; that glare and that feral grin of his as it spread across his lips.
His shout accompanied a larger, more forceful explosion, this time successfully knocking you back. You rolled along the ground, quickly picking yourself up as you sent multiple beams of light yourself to counter his explosions. They were hindering your aim, knocking into each other and effectively missing him. 
It was all too frustrating.
You thought of a way you could beat him, but to do so you’d be taking an even bigger risk than you did with Tokoyami. At least in that battle, you were pretty darn sure your light would do the trick. You tried a move, a calculated risk, and it all fell into place thankfully. This time however, you had one chance and if you screwed up; it’d be all over. 
If there was a way to maneuver him closer to the edge, you could rush at him with your light speed and hit him with a giant blast of light to knock him over the edge. 
All you needed to do was get him to step out of bounds, you could do this. 
Throughout your thinking, you had been countering Bakugou’s explosions, and vice versa with him flinging explosions your way to counteract your light. It was getting easier to see his power growing, the more sweat he was able to produce was giving him that boost. While in turn, your body only began to grow even warmer, uncomfortably so. You wanted nothing more than to rip off the new jacket you put on, to cool off in some way, but you were unable. 
This battle was going on for too long, and you couldn’t risk it continuing, so you slowly started to back away and put distance between you two. 
Bakugou didn’t seem to notice, so you hoped, as you made it far enough away to not be so close to the edge but just enough to give you a boost. You grunt, the heat feeling stronger as you let it course through you, glowing once more and rushing at the boy in front of you. 
When you were using your light speed, despite how fast you traveled, you were able to see just about everything around you. The contrast was weird, but it was one you were used to with practice. You were unable to grab or touch anything in this form, since you were practically light yourself, so to be able to get Bakugou out of the ring you had to quickly go back to your original state. 
Doing so, you only had a split second to see Bakugou’s eyes widen as you used your body to ram into his chest. You hear him gasp out, the force of you slamming into him causing the breath to escape from his lungs, as he was sent flying back. 
Your hands on his chest draw light, extending it to help you further, sending you both in opposite directions; instead of following him out of the ring, you fall backwards as he skids across the ground and flies through the air towards the ground.
‘This is it,’ you think to yourself, watching him fall. 
The smile on your face was immediately wiped away as you saw how Bakugou twisted in the air, arms pointed down towards the ground as he used his quirk to propel himself upwards. You try to stand, pushing away your dizzy spell as you try to send more light beams to get him off course and have him fall. 
It was no good. 
Katsuki used his quirk to rush you this time, just as you did him, and sent wave after wave of explosions your way while still in the air. Just like that it was over, the force of his quirk knocked you off, the heat only making your head spin as you fell onto the ground off the arena.
Your body was hot, it was aching, and you were trying to breath but found it difficult to do so-you reached your limit. Two big moves in one day was too much for you to handle, and you saw black in the corner of your eyes. 
The stadium was silent for a moment, Midnight’s voice being the last thing you heard before your eyes fluttered closed.
“Hakamata is out of bounds, Bakugou is the winner!”
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ceealaina · 4 years
Title: Who’s Gonna Pick You Up? Collaborator Name: ceealaina Card Number: 3088 Link: AO3 Square Filled: T4 - First Date Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: Alternate universe - no powers Summary: In a world where Tony is less playboy and more awkward nerd, he's mostly bored and lonely now that he's graduated from MIT and Rhodey's off on his Air Force adventures. Agreeing to a blind date with Ty Stone doesn't turn out to be his best plan, but luckily Nat's there to save to day. (And even more luckily, she's got a cute brother and Tony is just his type.) Word Count: 5200
All Natasha had wanted was a cup of coffee, and an hour to herself.
Bucky and Clint and Sam had been driving her crazy all day, starting when she had woken up and gone downstairs only to find dregs in the coffee pot and Clint’s dirty underwear on the kitchen counter. 
The morning went downhill from there. She loved her adopted brother and the two dumb idiots they lived with, but sometimes the three of them could get on her last nerve. This was one of those times. So after narrowly avoiding getting shot in the foot with an arrow (long story) she had grabbed a book and headed for the coffee shop on the corner for some peace and quiet. 
And for about fifteen minutes, she’d had it. 
Which, of course, was when Smarmy Assholes 1 and 2 had walked in. 
Natasha read people. She couldn’t help it; it was just something she did. So as soon as they passed through the door, she couldn’t help cataloguing them. And when they snagged a table near her, she couldn’t help eyeing them over the top of her book, keeping an ear out for what they had to say. It was somehow even grosser than she’d expected. 
“It’s not like I want to,” the taller guy was saying. “But he’s Tony Stark. I get in with him and I’ll have business connections for the next few decades -- not that I’d even have to work, with all the money I’d be getting out of him. I just have to suck it up for a bit, turn on the charm, make him fall in love with me. It’s not like it will be hard.”
“Still,” his friend said. “You’ve seen him, Ty. All quiet and shy and… Weird. Seems all needy, too. I’ve heard he’s only got like, one friend, and he’s off with the Navy or something. He’ll be following you around like a lost puppy.” 
“Can't be worse than you, Justin,” Ty retorted, making Justin flush and look away. “Anyway,” he continued. “Needy can be good.” He smirked then, a look that Nat knew entirely too well, and her fists clenched as she fought the urge to punch him in the face. “It’ll be so easy to talk him into anything I want. And he’ll be so busy falling over himself trying to please me, he probably won’t even care who else I’m screwing on the side.”
Justin was smirking too now. “Get some good blackmail pics and you’ve got him for good.”
Natasha quietly seethed. These two chucklefucks were practically twirling moustaches they were so gross. It was a little ridiculous, like they’d gone to the same school of cartoon villainy, but she was having none of it. She was just considering the best way the traumatize them for life when the bell over the door rang, catching her attention. She looked over to see a slight man walk in, about twenty years old. His hair was a mess of dark curls that he kept pushing out of his face, and he was just a little too dressed up for a cafe -- fitted pants offset with a Van Halen tee and a sports jacket. There was a streak of grease or engine oil on his forearm that he apparently hadn’t noticed, and he was looking around for someone, a little nervous but mostly looking pleased and hopeful in a way that made Natasha’s heart clench. 
A quick glance over showed that Justin and Ty were still plotting to kick puppies or whatever, and, making a split second decision, Nat hopped to her feet and headed for the door. 
“Tony?” she asked, carefully aligning herself to block him from their view. When he turned at the sound of her voice, she gave him a bright, disarming smile. “Hi! I’m Tasha. I think you’re here to meet me?”
“T-Tasha?” he repeated, looking confused for a minute. “I... But Obie said... I thought...” He stammered a minute, looking flustered, and Natasha waited patiently. 
“Is everything okay?”
He seemed to get a hold of himself again, giving her a bright smile, hopeful like before. “Yes, sorry. I think I got your... name wrong. I was a bit distracted when Obie was telling me about you.” He held out his hand. “I’m Tony... but then, I guess you already know that.” He laughed a little, a self deprecating note in it as his cheeks flushed a little. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Natasha adored him already. 
“You too,” she told him, returning his handshake and then shifting to give him a kiss on the cheek. His blush deepened and he gave her a shy look from under ridiculously thick eyelashes. “Come on,” she told him. “I’ve got a table by the window.” Nat wasn’t a tall woman, but even in her heeled boots Tony was barely a couple inches taller than her. She put her arm around him, steering him towards her table and carefully keeping him out of sight of Ty and Justin as she did. 
Tony winced as he pulled his chair without a loud screech, giving a nervous little laugh.. “Sorry,” he mumbled, casting a quick glance around to see if anyone had noticed. 
Natasha just shrugged and grinned at him. “Happens to me all the time,” she assured him, lying through her teeth.
He gave her a dry look. “Somehow I doubt that,” he said, catching her eye with a wry grin. “You look like you’ve never been embarrassed a day in your life.” 
Natasha straightened a little. He had spark; she liked that. 
They made small talk for a few minutes, Tony getting himself a black coffee and sighing happily at his first sip. He made vague mentions of the project he was working on without giving any real details. The way he spoke suggested that Ty already knew what he did for a living, and so Tasha played along, smiling encouragingly when he went off on a tangent. 
“Sorry,” he flushed when he realized he had been talking about robotics for ten minutes, chewing at his lip as he looked at her with soft eyes. 
“It’s alright,” Natasha told him genuinely. “I mean, I only understood about half of what you said, but you obviously love it. Your entire face lit up. It’s a good look on you.” 
Tony grinned wide, flushing again. “Thanks,” he mumbled, ducking his head toward the table. “And, um. Thanks for doing this.” He looked up at her again from under his eyelashes, scratching awkwardly at the back of his neck. “I don’t really do this a lot,” he admitted. “I was really, uh. I was glad, when Obie said you wanted to meet me. This is... I’ve been having a fun time.” 
Natasha arched an eyebrow at him. “Come on,” she teased. “You’re gorgeous. I don’t believe you don’t have all the boys and girls lining up around the block to take you out.” 
Tony rolled his eyes, fighting back the pleased smile creeping over his face. “Well. I‘m also a giant nerd with the unfortunate habit of talking about engineering and math for way too long.” He bit his lip as he gave her a grin. “Most kids go through the awkward dating stage at fourteen, but I guess I gotta do it now, since I was kind of busy studying at MIT then.” 
“Fourteen?” Natasha repeated, incredulous, and realized her mistake when Tony frowned, like he’d expected her to know that. “Sorry,” she said quickly. “I just... didn’t realize it was quite that young.” 
“Oh. Yeah.” Tony flushed again, dropping his gaze to the table and picking at his napkin for a moment. “That’s not a problem, is it?” he asked making eye contact for a brief moment before his gaze skittered over to the corner. “Sometimes it freaks people out,” he added in a mumble, and Natasha felt like punching something at the hurt in his voice.
“Not a problem at all,” she assured him, curling her hand over his on the table. Tony positively beamed, his entire face lighting up, and it was at that moment that Nat noticed Ty out of the corner of her eye, frowning at them speculatively. “Shit,” she muttered under her breath, watching as he leaned over and said something to Justin, who turned to face them too. 
Tony’s smile flickered. “Is something wrong?”
“No, I just...” Natasha trailed off, weighing her options. 
Ty was absolutely the type to make a scene, and if he embarrassed Tony in front of the entire cafe, she would definitely kick his ass. But ideally, she would get Tony out of here before it had the chance to get that far. Which left her with two options: She could give him a sweet brush off, let him think it was her — but she’d known Tony for less than an hour, and already knew he would blame himself for it — or she could confess. 
Hoping she wasn’t making a mistake, she drew in a slow breath. “I need to tell you something.” 
Mirroring her body language, Tony leaned in close over the table. “Okay,” he told her. “Is everything alright? Is there something I can help with?” 
“No,” she admitted. “The thing is, you didn’t have my name wrong. I’m not actually your date.” 
Tony’s eyebrows drew into a confused frown, head tilting to the side. “I don’t understand.”
Natasha made a face. “You were expecting to meet a dude, right? Named Ty?” At Tony’s slow nod, she tilted her chin to the far corner. “He’s over there — don’t look!” she added sharply. 
“I don’t understand,” Tony repeated. “Is this like... Did he send you here to make sure I was legit or something? Because... I mean, he knows Obie. Ty is the one who asked to go out with me?” 
“No, I know. Tony... Ty is a complete dillweed, and you can do so much better. I overheard him talking about you before you got here. He’s an asshole. He just wants to use you, and...” She watched as Tony sank back in his seat, eyes shuttering. “When you came in, I put it together that you were his date and so I intervened before he could see you,” she finished softly. 
“Oh,” Tony said softly. He wasn’t looking at her at all now, focusing intently on the coffee menu over Nat’s shoulder. There was a red tinge to his cheeks, and Natasha saw his jaw working as he clenched his teeth before chewing on the skin around his thumb. “Okay,” he said, and she could hear the hitch in his voice. He offered a weak smile, still not looking at her. “I guess I should have known. Cute guy wanting to go out with me? Probably should have been suspicious when he hadn’t even met me yet.” 
He met her eyes for a minute, his own shimmering slightly. “Anyway, I should go,” he mumbled, moving to collect his wallet. 
“No, you don’t have to,” Natasha told him quickly, curling her hand over his wrist again. “Or well, we should probably leave before he comes over, but... you don’t have to go. We can hang out somewhere else.” 
Tony yanked his hand away from her. “Thanks for looking out for me, or whatever,  but I don’t need your pity date,” he told her, and it sounded harsh but she could still hear the hurt in his voice. 
Natasha arched an eyebrow at him, leaning back and folding her arms across her chest. “Do I look like a woman who does pity?” she asked dryly, and Tony stopped at that because, well... No, she didn’t. “Yes, okay, I wanted to rescue you from the worst first date ever. But I wouldn’t have stayed if i didn’t genuinely enjoy talking to you, Tony. You’re hilarious, and brilliant, and adorable to boot. And believe me, if I wasn’t a fully committed lesbian, I’d probably be trying to lure you to my bed as I speak.” 
Tony snorted despite himself at that. “Lesbian, huh?” he asked, finally meeting her eyes again. 
“Yup,” Natasha drawled. “But don’t worry, it’s not you, it’s me.” 
Tony rolled his eyes at that, a hint of a smile curling across his face. 
“Look, it’s about time I head home anyway, before someone burns down the house. Why don’t you come home with me? You can meet all my friends... They’re gonna love you, I know it.” 
“Home with you?” Tony repeated. He arched an eyebrow. “That sounds... unsavory. Thought you were supposed to be a lesbian.” 
He was tempted though, Nat could see it, and she grinned. “I am. But don’t worry, if you wanna be unsavored, I’ve got a brother, and you’re just his type.”
Tony giggled at that, and Nat grinned back at him, easy and bright. 
“Come on, Tony. I’m sorry about Ty, but he’s an absolute asshole, and you’re much better off without him. Come meet some real friends.” 
He scrubbed at the back of his neck. “Yeah, alright,” he agreed, giving her a soft smile. “Why not? I’d like to meet your friends.” 
Natasha’s smile grew. “Outstanding,” she declared. “Do you want to grab a coffee to - oh, for fuck’s sake.” 
“What?” Tony asked. “What’s-?” He cut himself off as two men approached the table, and the look on Nat’s face made it pretty obvious who they were. 
“Tony?” Ty demanded. 
“Uh, yeah?” 
Ty looked back and forth between Tony and Natasha, his eyes narrowing. “It’s me. Ty.” 
Tony caught Natasha’s eye and then blinked up at Ty blankly. “Ty who?” 
Ty looked like he was seething now. “Ty Stone.” He gave Natasha a dirty look. “Your date.” 
Tony just gave him a bland smile. “Sorry, never heard of you,” he said, before turning back to Natasha. 
“What do you mean, you’ve never heard of me? Our fathers worked together! Obadiah Stane set up this date.” 
There was a heavy sigh from Tony, who didn’t bother looking back up at Ty. “Darling,” he said to Natasha, and oh boy he was laying it on thick but Ty didn’t seem to have noticed. “Shall we go?” 
Natasha beamed back at him, taking the hand he held out to her and letting him help her to her feet. “Of course,” she agreed, moving around the table. “Excuse me,” she added, when Ty blocked her path. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” Ty asked. “There’s clearly been some kind of misunderstanding” 
“No misunderstanding,” Tony told him. “Obviously you’ve made some kind of mistake.” He made a show of looking Ty up and down. “But I’m definitely not here to see you,” he added, and Nat could have applauded. 
Ty looked like he wasn’t giving up though, and so there was nothing else for Natasha to do except to pretend to trip against him and gracefully slam her fist into his stomach. 
“Darling,” she said to Tony, letting him take her arm and lead her out the door while Ty was still trying to recover his breath. 
They made it around the corner before Tony burst out laughing, almost doubling up with the force of it. “Okay, that was kind of fun,” he admitted, and Nat grinned back at him.
“What was that you were saying about having no social skills?” she teased. “You can bullshit with the best of them, so you’re already halfway there. And that means you’re going to fit in with us wonderfully. Now come on, before he decides to follow us.” 
Tony hesitated a minute. “You don’t, I mean... this more than made up for the shitty first date I would have had. You don’t actually have to make all your friends meet me. I’m kind of a lot for most people.” 
Natasha just rolled her eyes, grabbing his wrist in a surprisingly strong grip and pulling him down the street behind her. “You haven’t met ‘a lot’ until you’ve met these assholes,” she told him. “They’re going to love you, I promise. Besides,” she added over her shoulder. “I wasn’t kidding about my brother. James would never forgive me if I told him about you and didn’t bring you home for him to meet.” 
Tony flushed pink at that, but didn’t argue further.
It started to rain when they were almost there, a sudden surprise downpour, and they ran the last block to Nat’s house. Tony was laughing, apparently not bothered, which was good because they weren’t fast enough to avoid getting completely soaked. 
“Hey, assholes!” Natasha hollered loudly as they passed through the front door, making a face as she peeled off her drenched jacket. “I’m home! And I brought a friend!” 
Tony grinned to himself at that, flushing a little when he caught Nat’s eye. “Um. I’m kind of dripping on your floor,” he pointed out, holding his leather jacket open to reveal his now-transparent white t-shirt. Natasha just shrugged. 
“They’ve seen worse,” she promised him. “But we’ll find you something dry to wear. Hello? Anybody home?”
“Jesus Tasha,” as masculine voice answered. “You get lost on your way to the kitchen? What the hell are you screaming… for...” 
Tony had been distracted by his t-shirt, pulling it away with his chest with a wet squelching sound, and looked up as the voice trailed off. He blinked at the man coming out of a room a few feet down the hall, all sharp blue eyes and broad chest and thighs. He was quite possibly the hottest person Tony had ever seen, and Tony gave him a tentative wave and a smile. “Hi,” he offered. 
“Hey,” the newcomer replied, still staring at Tony before he promptly walked into a wall. 
“Oh shit!” Tony cried, instinctively moving toward him while Natasha snorted with laughter. “Are you alright?” 
“Yeah, yeah.” The stranger waved him off gruffly. “I’m fine.” 
“Tony,” Natasha interrupted, giggling from the stairs. “This is my brother, James.” 
“Oh,” Tony said, and then clued in to what she had said and his eyes widened. “Oh!” He rubbed at the back of his neck, shy and adorable. “Um, hi James. I’m Tony.” 
He offered his hand out tentatively, and James took it with a quirk to his lips, and a grip that made Tony a little weak in the knees. 
“Bucky,” he told him. “Everyone calls me Bucky, it’s just Tasha who refuses to.” 
“Because it’s a stupid nickname,” Natasha replied easily. It sounded like an argument they’d had a million times over, and Tony grinned as he listened to their easy banter, missing Rhodey like crazy for a minute. 
Before he could get too bummed out, there were footsteps clomping down the stairs, and a blond man with ridiculously large arms (seriously, Tony was going to start getting a complex if he stayed here too long) slid past Natasha. He arched an eyebrow at Tony. 
“Oh hey!” he said, his voice just a little too loud. “Another puppy!” 
Without waiting for a response, he headed down the hall to the kitchen while Tony blinked at him. “I”m not a puppy,” he protested, getting a laugh from Bucky. The newcomer ignored him, and Tony frowned a little, because that seemed unnecessarily rude. 
“Ignore him,” Bucky told him warmly. “He’s deaf. He’s…” He grabbed a tennis ball off the side table and launched it down the hall, hitting Blondie square in the back. 
“Ow!” he hollered, turning to stare at them. "What the fuck?” 
“Hey asshole!” Bucky retorted, enunciating a little more clearly so he could read his lips. “Where are your hearing aids?” 
Blondie made a face. “They broke again. Cheap Hammertech.” 
Tony looked horrified. “HammerTech? No wonder they're broken.” Bucky snorted at that, and Tony gave him a quick smile before following his lead and turning back to the other man so he could read his lips. “Let me see them? I bet I can make them better.” 
“What?” He looked at Tony like he was nuts. “I’m not giving you my aids to play with, no way. You’ll break them, and they’re my only pair.” 
He moved off down the hall toward the kitchen, leaving Tony spluttering after him. “I wouldn’t break them!” he protested. “And they’re already broken!!” 
“Ignore him,” a new voice said, repeating Bucky’s instructions. “Clint’s just pissed I beat him at MarioKart.” 
Tony turned to face the newcomer who smiled at him warmly, and actually moved to shake Tony’s hand. “I’m Sam, nice to meet you.” 
“Tony,” he answered, beaming wide. Sam grinned back, and then looked over at Natasha. 
“New puppy, huh?” he asked. 
Tony stared at him and, although he probably wasn’t aware of it, actually pouted, folding his arms across his chest. “I’m not a puppy!” He glared at Natasha. “I thought you said your friends were nice.” 
“I said they’d like you, not that they were nice,” Natasha offered with a smirk. 
“Don’t take it personal,” Sam assured him, patting him on the shoulder. 
“Tasha’s always bringing home strays,” Clint added from the kitchen doorway, his hearing aids apparently working again. “Starting with Bucky and including all of us.” He frowned then, poking at his left ear. “Aww, hearing aids,” he whined, pulling them out again. 
“Okay, seriously.” Tony set off down the hall after him, apparently over his shyness in the face of potential engineering. “Give them to me. I can fix them, I promise.” 
Natasha, Bucky, and Sam all watched him go. “Where’d you find him?” Sam asked when they’d disappeared, grinning as they heard the echoes of Tony trying to convince Clint to let him fix his hearing aids. 
“At the coffee shop,” Natasha offered primly. “What?” she added, at the look Sam and Bucky shared. “I can’t make friends?” She rolled her eyes at them. “He was heading into the worst date ever, so I rescued him. Don’t look at me like that.” 
They all looked down the hall as they heard Tony’s voice raise again, Clint’s following suit, and Bucky grinned. “I like him,” he declared, before narrowing his eyes at the smirk on Natasha’s face. 
“Yeah,” she said dryly. “Thought you might.” She and Sam waggled their eyebrows at him ridiculously, and Bucky huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“And I hate you. Both of you,” he informed them, stomping off down the hall. 
Sam snorted as he watched him go, glancing over at Nat. “You are a menace.” 
“I do my best,” she told him with a wink, dashing up the stairs to change into some dry clothes. When she returned to the kitchen, it was to find that Tony had, in fact talked Clint into letting him tinker with the hearing aids in question. He was sitting at their rickety kitchen table poking at them with a screwdriver that he'd apparently pulled from his pocket. Tony was completely focused on the machinery in his hands, tongue poking out between his teeth as he concentrated while Clint sat across from him, staring with a critical eye. Sam was watching the whole scene with amusement, and Bucky had pulled some bread from the fridge and was making toast, pretending not to be sneaking little glances at Tony every three seconds.
“Hey, Tony,” she said, snapping him out of his stupor. “You must be frozen, huh?” 
“Oh.” Tony glanced down at his arms and blinked, apparently just now noticing the goosebumps on his arms. “Uh, yeah. I guess.” 
Natasha beamed and moved over to Bucky, bumping her hip against his and raising her eyebrows. “Hey James, why don’t you lend Tony some clothes, hmm? Then we can pop his clothes in the dryer. Don’t want him catching cold.” 
Bucky’s eyes widened and he glanced over at Tony, since Natasha wasn’t even trying to be subtle, but the other man had already delved back into working on the hearing aids. “I hate you,” he muttered, abandoning his toast and stomping off to get Tony some clothes. Natasha caught Sam’s eye over the table and shared a grin with him.
He returned just as Tony was sliding the hearing aids back across the table to Clint, looking all pleased and fidgeting in expectation. “Go on. Try them!”
Still looking suspicious, Clint positioned them in his ears. “Okay, what’s the big--” He cut himself off at the sound of his own voice. “Holy shit. What the…” He pointed wildly at Sam, across the room. “Say something!” 
Sam raised his hands helplessly. “What do you want me to say?” 
“Holy shit!” Clint said again. He stared at Tony incredulously. “How did you… These aren’t just fixed, they’re like ten times better than they were.” 
Tony beamed, looking absolutely delighted. “It’s just kind of… What I do.” Then he yelped as Clint hauled him out of his seat, physically lifting him off the ground and wrapping him in a back-cracking bear hug. 
“Thank you,” he told him sincerely, and Tony flushed as he planted a kiss square on his cheek. Then he was depositing him on the ground and heading off down the hall. 
“Hey,” Bucky yelped as Clint practically shoved him into the shower in his haste. “Where the hell are you going?” 
“Outside!” Clint hollered back over his shoulder. “Gonna go listen to some birds!”
Bucky shook his head. “Weirdo,” he muttered affectionately, catching Tony’s eye and getting a grin out of him. 
“Cute and useful,” Sam teased, “We should keep him, huh Buck? Wanna do our microwave next? Hasn’t been the same since Bucky and Clint got drunk and tried to make s’mores in it.” 
“Jesus,” Bucky muttered, scrubbing a hand over his face. “Okay, I don’t think Tony is here to fix our shit.” 
“Aww,” Natasha teased, voice dry. “Look at you, coming to his rescue.” 
“I don’t mind,” Tony added, looking back and forth between them with eyes that were just a little too sharp. “Seriously, I love this shit. And it’s a microwave, it’s not like it’s hard.” 
Bucky stared at him, a little awed; he’d always been a sucker for intelligent men. “Still,” he muttered. Shifting when he realized he was still staring, Bucky held out the t-shirt and sweatpants he’d wrangled. “Here,” he offered. “If you wanna change.” 
Tony’s lips twitched, as he took the clothes in question, giving Bucky a quick once over. “I don’t know how well they’re going to fit, but thanks.”
When Tony had disappeared down the hall to the bathroom to change, Bucky whirled on Nat and Sam. “Stop,” he hissed, cautious of his voice carrying. “You two are about as subtle as a freight train. You’re gonna freak him out.” 
Nat and Sam shared another look, and gave him identical grins, which was just creepy. 
“No idea what you’re talking about,” Natasha told him sweetly, sliding past him to the sink. “Coffee, anyone?” 
“I mean it, Tasha! Stop trying to meddle in my love life.” 
“Oh ho ho.” This was Sam, arms folded across his chest as he waggled his eyebrows at Bucky. “So you admit there is some romance happening here.”
“I didn’t say that!” Bucky insisted. “Also, stop doing that with your eyebrows, you look fucking stupid.” Sam didn’t stop, and Bucky groaned, slumping down in a chair at the table. “I’m moving out.” 
“Why would you want to move out?” Tony asked suddenly from behind him. “This place is awesome.” 
Bucky turned around to say… something, but his brain shorted out at the sight of Tony in his clothes. They were a little loose on him but fit better than expected, and he looked adorable as shit, especially with one wayward curl ignoring all his attempts to brush it out of his eye. 
“Ignore him,” Sam told him, smirking at Bucky knowingly. “He threatens to move out every other day, and yet we’re still stuck with him, so I wouldn’t take him seriously.” He kicked out the chair opposite to Bucky. “Now come sit down, have some coffee, tell us about yourself. What’s your favourite colour, favourite food… favourite movie?” 
Tony looked amused as he settled into the offered seat, grinning wide when Natasha slid a fresh mug of coffee across the table to him. “Uhh. Red, cheeseburgers, and.. Right now, probably Repo Man?” 
“No shit,” Sam drawled, sharing another look with Nat when Tony closed his eyes in delight at the first sip of his coffee. “That’s Buck’s favourite movie too. Won’t shut up about it. Watches it every week.”
“I…” Bucky sent him a murderous glare. “I don’t watch it every week,” he protested in a mutter. “It’s just…”
“Ridiculous, right?” Tony offered, “But also like you can’t look away from it?” 
Bucky grinned at him. “You know, Fox Harris couldn’t drive a car, and the first day of filming he drove into a bridge?” 
Tony’s eyes lit up at this factoid, and then they were sharing weird facts about the movie, and then sci fi movies in general. Neither of them noticed Sam and Nat slipping out of the room, Sam setting some strategic lighting on his way out. The longer they talked the more Tony seemed to loosen up, alternating between leaning back in his chair and then shifting forward again, unconsciously moving into Bucky’s space. He was a mouthy little shit too, once he got going, dry and sarcastic, and pointing triumphantly to accentuate his point. His whole face lit up when he got started on something, and Bucky kind of couldn’t stop staring at him. 
Their coffee was almost gone before Bucky looked up, frowning when he took in the empty kitchen. “Where did Sam and Nat go?” 
Tony blinked, following his gaze, and then they met each other’s eyes, coming to a realization at the same time. 
“Is this…” Tony ducked his head a little, momentarily slipping back into shyness and giving Bucky a soft little smile. Bucky’s heart skipped a beat. “Did they set us up on a coffee date?”
Bucky glanced down at the almost empty mug. “Guess so,” he admitted. “I’m gonna kill them,” he added without any real heat, grinning ruefully.
Tony shrugged. “I don’t know,” he told. He drew in a deep breath, cheeks flushing a little. “As first dates go, it wasn’t so bad. Beat my last one, definitely.” 
“Yeah?” Bucky caught his eye, watched the way Tony swallowed at the heated look he was giving him. Bucky couldn’t stop himself from leaning, curling his hands around Tony’s neck. Tony blinked up at him, eyes wide, and Bucky closed the distance between them, kissing him gently. 
For all his shyness, Tony was a good kisser and though it stayed relatively chaste, there was a soft brush of Tony’s tongue against his lips that sent little shivers of heat up Bucky’s spine. He pulled back, stroking his thumb over the thrum of Tony’s pulse in his neck, and Tony grinned back at him, open and wide and happy. 
“Then how would you feel about getting out of here and having a real date, where those assholes can’t spy on us?”
Tony laughed at that, eyes sparking in delight. “Can we make out a little more?” 
“Absolutely. Whatever you want, sweetheart.” 
“Then what the hell are we waiting for?”
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incarnateirony · 4 years
Sometimes I feel like SPN’s greatest strength is its fandom’s weakness. And sometimes even the product itself.
When SPN started, it was very insular. The internet screamed at you in most parts of the world to connect. Cable was even pretty rare. It was on a small backwater channel and, even at its hottest fresh burst, was running 1/4-1/5 of the numbers of the leading competitors at the time. When SPN premiered just above a 2.x, Grey’s was running 9.x and was still well above 8.x by the time SPN fell to 1.x. It was a dedicated cult show, with fandoms communicating by postcard, huddled in moderated livejournal corners.
Kripke, Jensen and others have all mentioned SPN really getting its wings around S4 to have a sense of stability, and it even survived the digital conversion mandate, it survived the advertisement crash, it survived one of the biggest TV show culls in history while the landscape changed and, somehow, the ratings that year went /up/. But even still, just because it wasn’t riding the bubble anymore, didn’t mean it was huge.
It barely survived Ostroff’s mismanagement. It barely survived the season 7 crash under Gamble. And then CW struck a legendary deal, and binge watching became available on Netflix, while Carver shifted and serialized the show, now that both DVR and increasing-speed internet and streaming services became available. And within a year, SPN was an international phenomenon. Hell, by seasons 11+, it perpetually ran in the top 20 digitally called shows in the world, ranking higher each year.
I think this is really what caused, in every way shape and form, the constant fighting in fandom. 
I mean sure, we can talk about people who get stuck in ruts in what they think the show is supposed to be about. Those happen in every old as dirt fandom. For every Old School Fan in SPN I point you to Star Trek, to Star Wars, to whatever. You know, Back In My Day The Show Meant XYZ isn’t really a fresh thing to SPN.
But the fighting isn’t just about that. It’s about how to render characters. It’s about what makes good story flow. It’s about what dialogue means. In some corners, it’s about representation.
By and large the fandom endorses, “all interpretations are equal” -- which is valid to a point. Personally, I always asterisk it with “all interpretations are equal as long as your interpretation continues to work for you.”
But there’s some catch-22s to that. In a still developing piece, things change. That’s obvious. And what “works for you” seems to be difficult for some people to identify. I regret to inform you, if you have an interpretation, and yet the piece continues to divide further and further from your interpretation, and you continue to get angrier while the show seems to be going against your interpretation, then technically, no. Your interpretation is no longer working for you.
That is, if you choose to continue to consume content. There’s lots of ways to manage this. One can figure out at what point their interpretation broke away from the product and try to adapt -- you can take pointers from fandom, but realistically, it’s something to do yourself. Taking pointers from fandom tends to be what gets people into this mess where people get angry. You can choose to stop consuming new content and enjoy the canon within the sandbox that made you happy with your interpretation. Or yeah, you can stay angry and keep watching while you’re angry and refuse to figure out how to get un-angry, but I mean, why torture yourself. It’s your right and your decision of course, so I’m not going to tell anyone not to. That’s not the point of this.
Because ultimately that’s a small aside to the “interpretations are equal”, a general disclaimer appended, vs “still developing piece”, but the point I intend to make is it’s more than that. It’s more than Old Fan vs New Fan, it’s more than whatever weird totemic argument fandom ritualistically engages with and faps to. It’s...
A while back I mentioned offering to do an AV studies course. Technically drafts of it are still floating in my draft folder, just between life emergencies, life, covid pandemic, getting grossly ill, I’m just sitting here kind of empty. Full honest. But thoughts still come, so I blog, even while staring emptily at my half finished project in my video editor I don’t have the spoons to finish much less anything else.
But one of the things it was going to discuss was different things like Representations, Audiences, Ideologies, Language, and so forth. And this circles back to my point on this show’s strength and weakness, and how it falls into interpretation.
Two major impacts (I would be far from saying they are the only, or are they themselves laws that make someone somehow oblivious, but are major influencers when speaking of large groups of people) I’ve noticed are generation, and location. Such as... country.
SPN is a very Americana show. It’s filmed in America for America (hey, technically Canada is North America, but it’s definitely American oriented business/studios regardless of filming locale), often making American references, but even getting references doesn’t mean you’re really catching a lot. American shows do not follow the same time/format/delivery pattern as, say, Chinese or Korean shows. Go watch them, put them side by side if you have to of something in related-ish genres. Different cultures deliver their stories differently be it pacing, structure, symbolism and color, or whatever. What Japanese culture perceives out of the idea of a dog in symbolism is like wildly different than what American culture perceives out of a dog. 
Similarly each generation has its own language. I mean, watch boomers and zoomers talk right past each other and that isn’t hard to see in practice. 
Don’t even get me started on representation. America’s in a goddamn trashfire of Hays Code aftermath, which say, British people didn’t have to grow up with and may be used to entire other systems so they see Rando American Show elsewhere and go, well see! but that’s a whole other mess. Just... adding it to the equation (and vaguely thanking the Brits and other Europeans for shipping off so many gay ass films for decades that the MPAA couldn’t stop that they just gave up enforcing the code as much as letting cultural aftermath doing the work.)
So this show absolutely exploded, and like, it’s nobody’s fault that the entire sum of the fandom aren’t all like, media minds/eyes that pay attention to the different methods in international films. But it adds to a lot of talking past each other in the dialogue. It leads to a lot of expectations or readings that may be/seem valid to people because it’s what they know in their area. It leads to a lot of obfuscating of points, infinite carousels of suggestions and alternatives that, after dozens of millions of fans engage for a decade, just becomes a big relativistic vat, but a lot of lanes are now angry in every way. 
Like this isn’t a one-ship thing or one-lane thing, it’s a just about everybody thing. And it’s not about any one subject or angle or view of approach. These days, it feels like Everybody Is Mad About Everything. Their reads aren’t really working for them anymore, regardless of their lane (for every pissed off Wincester there’s a pissed off Destiel fan, for every pissed off Sam stan there’s a pissed off Dean or Cas or even Rowena stan these days). Everybody somehow seems permanently blindsided by Everything if you take the temperature of the sum of an entire lane as a general rule, rather than (impossibly) reading through every opinion in each lane and figuring out where people are still happy vs where they’re upset. Then of course groupthink kicks in and well, if Rando French Cas Stan is Outraged, I Should Be Too I Guess. Everybody’s mad, guess I should be mad, instead of trying to figure out why everybody everywhere is fucking mad.
So people each build interpretations, reasonable in their own way, from their own origins, in their own countries with their own styles, but somewhere along the line, there’s a fracture. The storytelling pacing they thought they knew vanished and turned out wrong. The character dialogue wasn’t what they interpreted out of it. The cinematic stuff they read was coded to a different language than they were used to reading (back to, say, dogs). People are flagged and pay attention to things that may mean nothing to a filmmaker in the area it’s made and other people completely miss things that may mean something to the filmmaker because it really doesn’t mean A Thing elsewhere.
Compound this by lanes, echo chambers, people collectively finding what they enjoy and is -- respectively -- convenient to their mindset. Add in ship warring, slap fights, wasted kilobits. Add in decentralization, globalization. There’s no leaders, no teachers, and frankly, there’s not even a real In The Know anymore. Most people are In The Know to some extent. Some more than others. Hell, the people who most loudly /publicly/ pose as In The Know are often hilarious bags of air that end up embarrassed a year later (here’s to looking at you, blogger that anti-ranted Friendship Fan now facing the return of the Subtweeting Turkey. You know who you are and what I’m talking about.) I mean sure, there are a few legit Secret Masters of Fandom. But that’s it. They’re Secret. You may kinda pick up the vibe between the lines, and maybe just maybe they’ll drop a few genuine hints here and there in public to try to tilt people ahead, but it’s not the clout chasing goblins around here that anyone really should listen to and I /think/ at large everybody’s kinda figured that out. Most SMOFs are just silent contacts that hide in DM boxes and casually ignore the raging thunderstorms in the wild.
So going back to how I started this post-- while SPN found its success mostly post-S8 from the globalization of the product making it a phenomenon -- more than any one ship (but that doesn’t help), more than any one demographic, it’s just... it feels like everybody’s talking past each other and nobody’s introspecting or considering that while, yes, people’s interpretations are valid to them as long as it works for them, that if it’s not REALLY working for them anymore, maybe they’re missing somewhere. Generationally. Culturally. Whatever it may be. And I don’t see any amount of me sitting here in a Thinking Man pose about it changing that, or changing a vast amount of minds, as much as I really just want to /speak/ the thought process.
Because like. I’ve always existed kind of in the grey space of fandom. I “ship” Destiel in so far as I simply can’t be budged from the value in the text be that by antis or honestly even shipping culture itself. I don’t escalate into rants just to prOVE the tRuTH. I write meta about mythology because it interests me. Who the fuck are you MikeDawg1783894jKFbetabitch82398123? why should I care, where is your self importance coming from. I am far too tired to bother explaining anything to anyone, and frankly, I don’t owe anybody jack shit. You know what, you do you. If you’re happy go be happy. If you’re not happy, stop spewing your misery at me. This isn’t hard. But people around here make it complicated for some reason.
The internationalism also harms the product to some extent. Parrot Analytics reveals that this Americana show with Americana origins and methods is also ... *primarily viewed in Russia.* Like, 3x the US audience size. SPN been running the top 15-20 digitally called shows in the world up there with big sling hitters like Grey’s Anatomy now? Grey’s, as I saId above, always dwarfed it. In live numbers we still do. But there’s that audience to account for online now, with SPN treading almost neck-and-neck with it.
Result? Well, with TV being a business, that means that they try to cater to Russia. And like, no hate on my Russian friends out there. ILU. There’s nothing wrong with you. But then it’s like trying to perform for an international audience that this studio is not designed nor predisposed to deliver content in the form of. Read as: whole new interpretive tire fire potential, new arguments. New mess. Just extra restrictions on a core business level about the do’s and don’t’s for authors. Cuz things that are cool in the US may not be cool in Russia and the other way around for that matter. 
So somewhere between “what business chooses to do” and “infinite cascade of fandom white noise, anger and confusion,” I feel lies in the same thing that has kept SPN so successfully on the air so long. It’s strength is it’s weakness, and it’s the international nature of it, the longer I think on it.
And no, I’m in no way implying international friends aren’t welcome or whatever. Most of my followers are international. That’s fine, I ain’t shitting on you or telling you to hang it up and go home. I just feel like a lot of this eternal static is based on this many cultures trying to argue interpretations of a work from an outside perspective with very few anchors on the methodology that drives it from within. And frankly, fandom hotbox dialogue doesn’t exactly lend itself to sitting and truly wanting to discuss the methodology, because people are so high-strung at this point, nobody wants to hear a POV that clashes with what they’ve built for themselves. Because you know, “my interpretation is valid.” I just... wish... people would assist their own health and mental health by, once it no longer is-- kinda figuring out why and where? be that for international reasons of film delivery, be that language, be that generational gaps, be that *WHATEVER* it may be. I feel like that’s a message not often-enough put out there in this fandom.
Like, hell, it’s okay to like. Just. Not watch new episodes. Play in the sandbox that worked for you when it still, like, worked for you. Watch it a million times. Write a million fics to it. It’s okay to not watch the Declared Popular Thing. You don’t have to shackle yourself to a piece when it’s no longer working for you, just like I don’t advise watching a show with a premise you hate only to yell about it from go. And furthermore-- if you do wanna keep going, it’s totally fair and okay to go, hm, I was wrong somewhere. Let me unplug this giant fandom screaming megaphone from my skull, go review, figure out for myself where the fandom egregore led me one way or another, let me find a new way to appreciate this piece as it continues to grow. But that ain’t gonna happen unless people truly want to surrender their current framing. And... you don’t have to. Not anymore than you HAVE to keep viewing. 
I’ve found, for example, a lot of internationals I talk to tend to be upset about something or another, or confused, or what have you. And the reasons vary. They aren’t dumb people. But somewhere they fell off the rails and struggle to get back on and whatever chamber of fandom they’re in isn’t helping. The internationals I find that don’t struggle with any part of it just outright tend to be people who like... specialize? be it film study or lit study or whatever the topic is that helps them bridge understanding; people who can discuss constructivist theory or have read enough books across their barriers that it all just kinda clicks. Doesn’t make them better or worse than anyone else. Not a better fan. Just... happier with the content, which is better for /them/. And that’s really what matters in the end, isn’t it?
So IDK what the solution to this musing really is, as much as trying to put my finger on the pulse, beyond the sticky underbelly that is shipping fandom and its many corners that people blame for a sum of it. And like. Yeah. Y’all know I’m not a fan of Shipping Culture. But I really don’t think My Ship Vs Ur Ship is all there really is to blame. 
The same reason for SPN’s success is often the same reasons for SPN’s fandom’s downfall, IMO.
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Match up ♥
Hiya, hon! ♥ I love your match-ups and honestly, I’ve been meaning to request one for a loooong time, but I haven’t had the chance to do so till now cause I’ve been drowning in lots and lots of homework TwT
I’m female, 25 years old, dark chocolate, shoulder-length hair, brown eyes. I’m a small potato 157 cm (5'1 ft) and I’m curvy.
I’m a Gemini, INFP-A. I love and need my alone time, though I enjoy spending time with my friends and loved ones. I use my free time to write fics, read books (Though I haven’t read a book out of sheer pleasure in a long while thanks to college lol,) draw my stickemen and play League of Legends.
Being surrounded by too many people is draining af and it can quickly become overwhelming tbh. I prefer to be surrounded by a couple of calm people and be my yahoo self with them. Even though I’m a mature person, I can be very childish and stubborn at times. I’m the Mom Friend™, a worrywart cause I care, I have a strong personality.  I’m caring, kind, friendly, funny, assertive, strong-willed. I’m usually the one people goes to when they need a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on. I will stand for my friends without giving it a second thought. I definitely won’t tell you what you want to hear, but what you need to hear. And due to the way I express myself, people who don’t know me at all tend to find me intimidating which is kinda funny! 😂
When I’m with my friends, I try to come up with jokes or puns to make them laugh. I don’t take myself too seriously…I laugh at my own dumb-ass 😂😂 cause it’s okay to make mistakes, nobody’s perfect after all. And this is probably why it pisses me off when people make fun of my friends. Binch, fite me! So I just go and stand for them as politely and civilized as I possibly can. I’m usually talkative but every once in a while I just feel like isolating for a bit and be there exclusively for myself.
Hmm… I’m corny af and a hopeless romantic, I’m weak for smooth flirts and I like being teased cause I LOVE teasing back. I have a sweet tooth, I love tea. I love eating…in general.
I’m afraid I’m rambling at this point so Imma stop it here 😂
Thank you so much for doing these awesome match ups! ♥ ♥ ♥
Hi, there love! Thanx so much for the kind words, and can I just say I absolutely love your writing!  ♥ ♥ ♥ Hehehe also I feel you with the school work! I hope you enjoy it love, and I hope you have a good day! @venulus
So I match you with………………………. Hideyoshi
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So for me honestly it was between Hideyoshi and Mitsunari lol
Classic Hideyoshi did not trust you one bit. The moment you arrived, he saw you as a threat to his lord and was watching you like a hawk. You were quiet, stubborn and assertive and to him, that meant just one thing…. SPY. 
You worked super hard and quickly started adapted to the castle life. Everyone that has worked with you absolutely adored you. Although Hideyoshi was still not buying it. He legit thought that sweet kind friendliness was all an act, to get the people around you to trust you. You kept mostly to yourself in any case, as you found loud people to be overbearing and exhausting, and unfortunately for you that would be most of the castle residents. Although in saying that you had started to form some good friendships among the Oda forces.
One day Nobunaga announced that they were going to war and that you and Mitsunari were to stay behind and guard the castle. You were super happy about that- well not happy that your new friends could die, but happy to get some alone time and not have Hideyoshi continually looking over your shoulder. Plus Mitsunari was one of your close friends so you were super happy he was staying behind with you! 
You honestly never realized just how bad Mitsunari’s habits were until he passed out in front of you one day, while informing you of the state of the war. You knew the warlords cared for him, but you never realized to what extent. Your mama bear instincts instantly kicked in. You semi moved into Hideyoshi manor while he was away, so that it would be easier for you to take care of the resident angel. You made sure he was well-fed, room was clean and he got a decent amount of sleep. Hell, you even helped him work out an eating, training and sleeping schedule which you stuck on his wall to remind him to eat and sleep. After a while Mitsunari fell into a good routine with the schedule and was now almost capable of caring for himself
Mitsunari had one day informed you that the Oda forces had won the war and were now on their way back. The two of you cuties excitingly waited at the gate for your friends to return only for your faces to go from joyful to concerned in 0,2 seconds flat. Hideyoshi was passed out and heavily bandaged. Seem like the idiot went a bit over the top with protecting Nobunaga.
That night as you and Mitsunari gave your reports regarding the castle affairs in his absence, Nobunaga couldn’t help but noticed how healthy and good Mitsunari looked. You told him that you helped him organize his time and made sure that he all the basics were taken care of, i.e. sleeping, training and eating. Nobunaga thought for a moment and then broke out into the biggest grin “I commend you for your work with the castle and Mitusnari fireball, and I now assign you to care for my right-hand man”. You had no complaints, even though Hideyoshi hated you, the inner mom friend in you could never refuse someone in need of assistance.
You moved into Hideyoshi’s manor full time now. While you were there, you cared for both men. You changed Hide’s dressing, cleaned his wounds and made sure that he got plenty of food. Most nights, you would actually sleep in Hideyoshi’s room, caring for his high fevers and low key doing some of the easy paperwork just so that the man wouldn’t be overloaded with work when he was healed. Hideyoshi would shift in and out of consciousness, and boy was he confused to see you sleeping at his writing desk one night. Sometimes when he opened his eyes, he would see you place a cool soothing cloth on his head, other times he would listen to you talk about anything and everything. He would smile a little thinking that your presence in his room was a fever-induced dream.
After a week, his fever finally broke, and the wounds were now slowly, starting to close up and heal. He woke up that morning to you passed out at his writing desk. He had to do a double-take. He thought you caring for him had all been a big dream. He watched your beautiful sleeping face for a moment or two, draped his blankie over your shoulders and went to Nobunaga to receive work. His mind couldn’t help but wander back to you sleeping in his room, how many nights had he woken up to see you there by his side, and then the thoughts got dark, how many time had he accused you of being a spy of calling your kindness an act. HE felt his stomach drop, he honestly needed to make it up to you. But first he needed to check in with Nobunaga.
Nobunaga basically chased him away, saying he would only receive work once you reported that he was completely healthy and ready to come back to work. He walked back to his manor deflated, only to be met with you at the front door “where have you been young man, last time I check you just barely escaped death and are in no state to be walking about”. Hideyshi’s eyes widened he had never been scolded before. You stood there hands on your hips with the biggest frown, eyes filled with worry and concern. It made Hideyoshi’s heart melt that even though he had treated you like an enemy you still cared for him and spent countless days and nights by his side. You led him back to his futon and tucked him in. You brought him lunch and filled him in on everything that had happened since his been unconscious. 
TBH as the days went by Hideyoshi was falling more and more in love with you, he could kick himself for treating you so horribly. And spending countless days with you, gently and sweetly caring for him, makes him realizes more and more what a gigantic fool he was. Yes, you were stubborn and assertive, but you were also the kindest, sweetest, gentlest, friendliest girl in the whole world. 
He made a vow to himself, to make it up to you once he was all better. It took two months, but finally, this boy was back to his full health and absolutely smitten with you and you with him. 
You had come to realize during your time with him what a naturally flirty charmer he truly was, and the mountain of letters he received from women no longer surprised you. Honestly his smooth flirting even had your knees going weak. You had come to enjoy the light teasing and banter the two of you engaged in as you cared for him. He loved that you weren’t afraid to give him the hard solid facts and be a friendly shoulder for him to cry on, especially during times when he felt so weak and worthless for being injured and unable to serve his lord. You would tell him what he needed to hear, not what he wanted to hear. 
The time had finally come that you had to move out of his manor and back into the palace, and TBH Hideyoshi was actually a little sad. He was definitely going to miss your vibrant energy, and hours and hours spent together, talking each other’s ears off. 
Now that he was healed it was time to make up for the ill way he treated you in the past, and low key thank you for taking such good care of him. He would take you out for tea every moment he could get. He knew you had a sweet tooth like Nobunaga, so he would ensure that there was always something delicious to eat at the little tea date the two of you went on. You of course never complained cause the three things you loved most in the world would be right infornt of you, tea, sweet and Hideyoshi. 
You discovered that Hideyoshi actually had a hilarious sense of humour. The two of you would laugh and tease each other all throughout the dates. Ooh boy, did he love your puns and honestly you couldn’t help but laugh at his hilariously unfunny dad jokes.
Hideyoshi is very much like you, a hopeless romantic, so during his free time, he is always planning some or other fun activity for the two of you to do. Whether it’s holding your hand as the two of you, stroll on the beach or taking you up a mountain to watch the sunset together. He has always got something cute up his sleeve 
Your favourite moment was one day when the two of you were out for tea, the sky started getting dark. The two of you were having such a good time you didn’t even notice it was about to rain. As the two of you were walking back to the castle the cloud burst and the light drizzle turned into a full-blown downpour. Even though you were super mature, you did have your childish moments. You looked up at Hideyoshi with the biggest grin on your face and started dancing in the rain, while he took cover at a nearby shop. With outstretched arms, you started twirling in the rain and splashing in the puddle “Hey you’re going to catch a cold”, at that you simply took Hideyoshi’s hand in yours and dragged him into the rain to dance with you. He shook his head at you, but couldn’t help but dance along with you. 
You stared up into his amber eyes, and this was when Hideyoshi decided to make his feeling for you known. He cupped your wet cheeks in his warm hands and leaned down to capture your lips in a kiss. 
After he pulled away and saw your sunshine smile, he picked you up and twired you around in the rain. He was so happy. The two of you played in the rain together without a care in the world until sunset.
Hideyoshi staying true to his doting self, of course, ran the two of you a warm bubble bath to fight off the chill from spending the afternoon in the rain. He pampered you from the moment you walked into his manor door. After your relaxing bath, he dried your hair and gave you a foot massage followed by a cheesy candlelit dinner for the two of you. He had been waiting so long to confess his feeling for you that he couldn’t help but want to pamper the shit out of his love
This man definitely respected your alone time and knew that everyone needed some time to themselves every now and then. 
He loved it when you worked in his room and kept him company as he worked. Hideyoshi is definitely the type to drop a few kisses on your forehead, cheek and lips whenever the two of you bump into each other in the hallway. 
He loves to spoil you any chance he can get. The two of you honestly turn into the castle mom and dad caring for everyone in the castle. Often the two of you cuties can be found nestled in each other’s arms or sharing sweets at your favourite tea house.
Other potential matches……… Mitsunari 
 I hope you liked it, dear! <3<3
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
s8 anon again i wanted to add: it shows a lot of what sam and cas want but dean is like. all trauma in s8 lmao
Yeah (sorry I started typing the response to your question while you were sending this and didn’t see it until after I posted the other reply... oops!)
But yeah, s8 didn’t really give Dean a chance to explore what he’d want beyond just having his family together... before the whole “let’s close up Hell that sounds like a great idea!” plotline kicked in...
It’s easy to see how little Dean still thought of himself when he wanted to be the one to undertake the trials. That whole speech he gives Sam in 8.14 illustrates it pretty well:
Dean: Because of the three trials crap -- God's little obstacle course. We've been down roads like this before, man -- with Yellow-Eyes, Lucifer, Dick friggin' Roman. We both know where this ends -- one of us dies... Or worse.Sam: So, what -- you just up and decided it's gonna be you?Dean: I'm a grunt, Sam. You're not. You've always been the brains of this operation.Sam: Dean--Dean: And you told me yourself that you see a way out. You see a light at the end of this ugly-ass tunnel. I don't. But I tell you what I do know -- it's that I'm gonna die with a gun in my hand. 'Cause that's what I have waiting for me -- that's all I have waiting for me. I want you to get out. I want you to have a life -- become a Man of Letters, whatever. You, with a wife and kids and -- and -- and grandkids, living till you're fat and bald and chugging Viagra -- that is my perfect ending, and it's the only one that I'm gonna get. So I'm gonna do these trials. I'm gonna do them alone -- end of story. You're staying here. I'm going out there. If landshark comes knocking, you call me. If you try to follow me, I'm gonna put a bullet in your damn leg.
And I mean, they took this one step further in s9 with the whole MoC storyline, but by the end of s8, it was Sam suffering from the trauma of the trials that took this attitude, too... and then in s11 it was Cas’s turn to feel this useless, as if his only contribution could be to sacrifice himself.
(which reminds me of the other anon I have right now... so I’m actually gonna shift gears a bit and paste that one in here, too, even though it’s not technically related to your questions... I hope that’s okay...)
So from another anon:
Why do you think Misha keeps saying that he wants/expects the ending will be death/sacrifice for Cas (and sometimes the Winchester brothers alone in the end)? Do you think he still doesn't know the ending, and if so, why doesn't he? I'm honestly not trying to be hateful or negative - they are his actual words after all. It just really gets me down and you always have such insightful answers. I won't mind if you choose not to answer this stuff, I get it, so no pressure.
I’m gonna start by saying that I honestly do not think Misha knows the ending, and as such he’s possibly thinking he’s trying to “soften the blow” if Cas’s story happens to take the darkest of all possible routes. He has attempted to do this for us in the past when he DID know something horrible was gonna happen to Cas. But in this case? I think he really doesn’t know himself.
I reblogged this post recently, of Misha talking at SDCC 2012. And I think it still applies to EVERYTHING he says about the show:
“Every time I think I have an idea of the direction they’re going on Supernatural, they always go in a radically different direction.”
Another thing I like to constantly remind people is that Misha has said numerous times over the years that he doesn’t watch the show. He finds it too scary. So... while he acts the part of Cas and obviously has a reasonable idea of the story as he’s acting it, I don’t really think he sees the bigger picture, you know?
I would be FASCINATED if he (and even Jensen and Jared) eventually sat down and did a rewatch of the entire series. I’d love to see how their reactions to their own show would change if they just... sat and watched it all instead of being actively involved in the production of it. I would TOTALLY subscribe to that podcast. :’D
I think additionally, part of the problem right now is that Misha keeps getting asked this question over and over, and he doesn’t HAVE a better answer than his own headcanon based on where he sees Cas as a character at this moment. The fact he’s given the same answer several times over the last month or so is depressing af  to people who are probably asking hoping he will give them a different answer this time. Continuing to ask is the definition of madness, folks.
But the very first question he gave that response to wasn’t “how do you see Cas’s story ending,” it was something along the lines of “what would you like to see Cas do that he’s never done before,” and that... is a very different question, you know? In that context, there’s nothing Cas has done more than sacrifice himself this way for everyone else, you know? It’s the definition of redundant. And this show is about growth.
(and that’s why I thought this ask message tied into the first one... because clearly Cas has been there, done that. This would not be new.)
Finally, I’d like to add that even if Misha did know exactly what was gonna happen for the entire rest of the season, he is literally not allowed to tell us. So anything he does say has to be subjected to that filter. Believing we are legit being given actual spoilers and treating early season PR as if it was entirely forthright is just... silly. For the best, and least despairing and least frustrating experience, it’s easiest to smile and nod politely at all PR and then wait and see how the season unfolds.
I know that’s a difficult stance to adopt, but I promise it’s way less awful-feeling in the long run. :D
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kilyra · 5 years
Better Than This
Curtis Hoyle with Frank Castle cameo (The Punisher) One-Shot from prompt list
A/N: I received a request from @suitsofwo3  for a fic with Curtis so long ago that she probably doesn’t even remember making it! It was legit like half a year ago LOL. But anyhow...the prompts were: “I’ve seen how much you really care–don’t pretend like you don’t.”, “Why didn’t you stop me?” and “You’re better than this.”
Your family was killed and you’re out for blood. But Curtis tries one last time to talk you out of following through on your plan with Frank. 
Warnings: None, No spoilers even.
If you want to be on my tag lists, (all or just a character) just let me know!
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As you followed Frank into the run-down hotel room, the last thing you expected to see was Curtis Hoyle sitting on the bed.
His deep brown eyes locked onto yours and without a word, you felt the heavy disappointment radiating from him.
“Curt, don't start with me, man. I'm not forcing Y/n into anything,” Frank growled as he stomped past him to the washroom. Loudly slamming the door, he left no room for argument.
Locking the door behind you, you tightly crossed your arms as you turned to face Curtis. Just the small furrow between his eyebrows was enough to stab you with guilt. Rolling your eyes, you kept your gaze towards the ceiling. “If you felt so strongly, why didn't you stop me?”
His wide shoulders sank with a deep sigh as he offered a sad half smile. “Because Frank is an asshole, but he's right. I can't tell you what to do.”
Shedding your gear, you paused to run your hand over your exhausted, stinging eyes. “So then...why are you here? Do you have another lecture or something?”
Shaking his head, he let his gaze drift to the end of the room, looking at the mirror above the desk. Finally, he shrugged. “I'm fresh out of those. It seems like it was an ineffective batch anyhow.”
You could only keep eye contact with him for short bursts. Even if he didn't lecture you with words, his defeated look said enough. “Yeah, well, you can stop looking at me like a kicked puppy. Tonight was just reconnaissance – no one got hurt.”
“Killed, you mean.” His voice was thick as he corrected you.
Dropping onto the edge of the free bed, you let yourself lie back. You just needed a moment to try and smooth your frayed nerves. 
All you did was help Frank case out the empty rooms at the back of the otherwise packed bar. After hacking their phones, you discovered quite a few of the people he was after planned to meet there the next night. They assumed that sneaking around in the open would be a safe, unexpected move.
Although that in itself spoke to their spectacular stupidity since they were the ones to set off a bomb in their rival's restaurant front. In the open. Where your family happened to be eating on one of their rare nights out...
But, if you were being honest, even just getting the lay of the land was hell on your nerves. As angry as you were at these men, you weren't sure you'd have it in you to pull the trigger when it came down to it.
Or maybe you did.
And you weren't sure which scared you more.
As if he could read your thoughts, Curtis pressed on. “You don't have to do this you know. Frank does what Frank does, and he's not going to judge you either way.”
Staring up at the ceiling, you sighed. “You think I give a shit what anyone thinks? I don't care.”
“Except you do. Maybe not about what anyone thinks and, hopefully, least of all what Frank thinks...but I've seen how much you care – don't pretend like you don't.”
Gritting your teeth, you let your eyes flutter closed. Swallowing back the stupid lump that threatened to form, you managed to keep your voice even. “When they set off those charges, they took everything from me. What do you expect me to do?”
Shifting his weight, Curtis stepped across the gap between the beds and settled beside you. You bristled at his closeness but didn't move.
“Not throw your life away, for one. You're better than this.”
Reaching up, you rubbed your eyes, pressing hard enough to see colours dancing under your lids. “You don't know me.”
Curtis' deep chuckle grabbed your attention. But when you looked up at him, all you saw was the bitterness in his smile.
“Yeeaah, but I do. We've been close for a while now and, more importantly, I know something about what you're going through. Maybe not this exactly but...but I've had some losses too.”
Your eyes darted to his leg before you forced them closed. As you lay there, perfectly still, it felt like you were sinking deep into the mattress. Everything felt so heavy. It was impossible to move and all you could do was let out a sigh.
Exhaustion was setting in. You just needed a minute.
Not letting the silence stretch on, Curtis continued. “But you need to give this some real thought, Y/n. Even if you survive this, you'll have to spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder either from cops or retaliation. Can you honestly tell me your family would be happy about you choosing that for yourself?”
“They're dead.” You wanted to shout it, but it came out as a whisper.
His voice dropped, gently trying to match yours. “Yeah, but people live on in how we honour them.”
It was a slap in the face. Although, an actual slap would have hurt less.
The sting burned through your exhaustion, bubbling up over the surface. Your hand shook as you rubbed your knuckles against your eyes, trying to wipe away the tears before they fell. Forcing your lips into a tight line, it was all you could do to hold everything back.
Damn him.
“Look, you hacked the phones, alright? You gave Frank all the intel he needs for tomorrow. Thanks to you, he's even got time to make a solid strategy which, when he's not just pointing and shooting, is actually something he does well. He doesn't need you there. This is what he does.”
“I hate to say this, mostly because it's Curt, and he's a pain in the ass but, he's right. It’s tight quarters. I don’t need a lookout.” Frank piped in from the bathroom doorway. 
“Not sure if I should be touched or offended.” Curt's eyebrow lifted as he chuckled.
Shrugging, Frank let out a wry smile as he narrowed his eyes. “Yeah well, be whatever you want, but do it at your place. I need some sleep.”
Sighing, Curtis got to his feet and looked down at you. The corner of his lips lifted into a small, hopeful smile. “So...you staying or you coming with me?”
Frank’s smile faded as you glanced over at him. His blank expression offered no answers before he dropped his gaze to his hands and finished wiping them on the small towel.
A tightness passed through your chest and for a moment, you felt paralyzed by the choice. For weeks, you worked on this. Revenge was all that fuelled you and now it was just one night away but...somewhere, deep inside your heart, a small kernel of truth tried again to be heard.
This was going to get you killed.
A new wave of fatigue crashed over you, and you had to put all your energy into keeping yourself in check. This was going to get you killed. And that would be a shitty way to honour everyone you love.
As you got your elbows under you to push yourself up, you caught Curtis' stare. Before your world had been rocked to its core, you had gotten close with him. Really close. And as he watched you sit on the edge of the bed, that same warmth called to you from behind the worry that flashed in his eyes.
Holding your hand out to Curtis, you finally nodded. A rush of relief fell over his features as he quickly leaned into your grasp, hauling you up from the bed. Wrapping your coat around you, he kept his arm over your shoulder as he wordlessly led you from the room into the cool night air. 
It was almost as if he didn’t want to risk you changing your mind.
Frank also stayed silent as they exchanged a nod.
You weren't sure what you wanted, and maybe you’d eventually regret leaving. But in that moment, all you knew for sure was you didn’t want to die. And that had to be enough.
Taglist:  @foreverfaeries  @flower-two  @getlostinyourparadise   @selfishkiddo @angelicshinigami  @kingccbsblog   @natsukitakama 
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rapperkookz · 5 years
Rush!BTΣ — college!au, borderline crackhead au w/ @cynoirsure
a story about three friends and their obstacles of relationships, academic excellence, and figuring out that international kids aren’t all that bad.
19/35 (Lineage Bonding Part 1)
word count: 4k genre: sad boi, fluff, crack warnings: swearing
You checked your phone for updates on your group chat with Jimin, Hoseok, and Kevin. Including your Big Sis, the five of you were planning on having a movie marathon tonight for a lineage bonding that Hoseok has been wanting for ages. You and your Big decided on going out first before heading over to Hoseok’s, giving the boys ample time for their own lineage bonding before you two joined in.
“So how’s it going with Jungkook?” Jieun asked, “I saw you forgave him, Little.”
You shrugged, fingers going through the hangers of the clothes rack, “Biggie, he’s so annoying. God, sleeping with him is getting harder and harder because I know that I have feelings for him. But fuck, I can’t say anything.”
“Why not?” She asked putting a hand on your arm.
“Because it’s supposed to be no-strings-attached. He acts so sweet and romantic, even when we’re not having sex, but it’s probably fake because we’re not entitled to each other,” you frowned.
“Maybe he has an interest in you too,” she tried to be uplifting, “Jungkook’s had plenty of experience, both you and I know that. Granted, he hasn’t slept with as many people as your Big Bro or grand, but he still has a body count.”
“I know, he used to a manwhore basically,”
“No that’s not what I meant Little,” she chuckled, “ever since you two started sleeping together, you’re the only girl he’s paid attention to.”
“That’s a lie,” you said reminding her about Lisa, “besides, he only does that because I ask him to.”
“Exactly. If Jeon wanted to fuck someone so badly, he could easily get another girl. He’s a good looking guy, do you really not think other girls are trying to get a piece of him? Little, all he did with Lisa was grind, you were so worked up about it because you like him.”
“I know I like him!” you groaned, “I just wish he would stop flirting with me like I’m his girlfriend.”
“He’s only doing that because he probably has feelings for you too.” she said calmly, “trust me, I’ve experienced the same thing.
“How? With who?”
Jieun sighed, “I hooked up with this one guy last year and we kept it going until first semester this year. We stopped because I wanted to find a relationship, not a hookup. But at one party this semester we hooked up again and I don’t know, I felt something different with him.” Your Big nodded, pausing when she saw a cute dress on the racks. “We talked everything out and said we’d try out a relationship. He used to fuck around a lot too, but he’s stopped since we started dating.”
“Yeah, but who was it with it, Biggie? Tell me!” You egged her on, which only made your Big laugh in amusement.
“You’ll find out soon, Little.” She only teased, making you whine. “You’re closer to him than you think...”
You were about to respond to what she muttered under her breath, but was interrupted by the ringing of your phone, “Hello?”
“Y/N! Where are you???” Kevin asked cheerily, “Come over now! Your Big Bro needs you.”
“Is Jimin oppa okay?” You asked to which Kevin chuckled, “Yeah, he’s just being really emotional right now.”
Telling him that you two were on your way, you hung up and turned to your Big who was still going through the clothes rack, disinterested in the options. “Ready to go Biggie?”
The three boys sat in the basement of Hoseok’s apartment, the television on as background noise as they were engrossed in a serious conversation.
Jimin was the start of this emotional conversion, coming into the apartment in a mood from his classes earlier in the day. He had his first simulation in the nursing labs, his performance rated poorly by his professor.
“Why do you look so sad Lil Bro?” Hoseok asked concerned, noticing the droop in the younger boy’s usually cheerful expression.
“Today has just been such a bad day,” he sighed, cracking his neck. “I showed up late to my first nursing simulation and I completely sucked at it. You know what my professor said after class? Are you sure you can do nursing?? I legit almost cried in the lab. After that, I had to talk with the Greek council about one of our philanthropy events because another fraternity claimed that we stole their event and I had to explain the whole situation to the board and how it was false accusations and that just sucked. Also, I got a 70 on my genetics quiz that I studied so hard for? Then I sprained my ankle a little bit trying to practice our set routine so I’m limping now. Today was just completely shitty.”
The two frowned, patting Jimin’s back in comfort, “We have those days Twin, it’s okay. You’re doing everything that you can.”
“But like, what my nursing professor said? That fucking hurt.”
“Screw him, who knows what he thinks. You’re gonna be a kick-ass nurse,” Hoseok said trying to cheer him up.
“I just...don’t feel like I’m good enough right now, for anything. Or like I don’t even know why I’m here right now. If I wasn’t here, there wouldn’t be much of a difference in the world.”
“Shut up and don’t even think about that.” Hoseok scolded.
“You’ve made such an impact on the brothers, on me, our Big,” Kevin said, “especially on Tae. You’ve made an incredible impact on y/n. They’d be upset if they heard you say that.”
Jimin sighed taking a sip of his water, “I guess.”
“Don’t focus on all those negative things, Little.” Hoseok slung an arm around Jimin, leaning his head against him. “What are some good things that you did today? It’s always good to focus on the good things of the day, all about balance, right Jimin?” Hoseok smiled at him as Jimin only shrugged.
“Well, I mean I did meet up with Jieun...Hyung this is kinda stupid...My bad parts still outweigh the good ones.” Jimin whined a little, frowning. Hoseok sat up, looking at Jimin incredulously.
“Woah, Jieun? As in the girl you were like heavily involved with last year and sort of in love with?” Hoseok gaped, Jimin nodding. Kevin’s eyebrows furrowed, tilting his head at his Big and Twin
“Isn’t that y/n’s Big? And aren’t they both coming tonight?” Kevin wondered out loud, Hoseok nodding, “Why is it shocking that they’re seeing each other again?” Jimin shifted on the couch, nervously twiddling with the rim of his water.
“Well...Jieun and I were fuck buddies last year and we stopped last semester since she wanted to find a relationship...But remember when we went to Deung Dae a few weeks ago? I ran into her after y/n went home and we got a little physical since we were both drunk...” Jimin scratched his neck, a little embarrassed smile on his lips. “Long story short, she makes me heart soft and my dick hard so...Obviously I had to cuff.” Hoseok cooed at his little’s confession, squeezing Jimin and pinching his cheeks.
“That’s so cute, Jiminie!” Jimin’s bad mood could only be repelled by his Big’s positive energy, a grin finally breaking out on Jimin’s face. “How do you think y/n’s going to take it, though?”
Jimin sighed, “I mean, I hope it’s not weird? Like...y/n reminds me of my real little sister and I think I’d be devastated if she was anything but happy for me.” Jimin pursed his lips, curling into himself on the couch. Kevin, who had let go of Jimin as soon as Jimin started to curl in was curious about the last sentence that Jimin had said.
“Real little sis?”
Hoseok nodded and patted his other Little’s arm, well aware that their new addition to the lineage didn’t know Jimin’s family background as he did. Jimin sighed, toying with one of his rings somberly. “Yeah, ah, I haven’t told you yet. I used to have a little sister,  just a little big younger than y/n, maybe a year or two younger.”
Kevin remained silent, waiting for Jimin to continue, as he did not want to ask w hat the boy meant by ‘used to’.
“Unfortunately, when I was a junior in high school, she passed away. She had a brain tumor and uh-she didn’t make it through the surgery.” Jimin said looking down, trying to hide the tears that began to stream down his face. “She was just about to enter high school, you know? She had so much more life ahead of her and then she just passed so quickly.”
Hoseok started rubbing Jimin’s back for comfort.
“Shew as the light of our family and whens he was gone, we all entered this dark place, myself and my mom more so than my dad and my brother. Jiyeon and I were so close, it was like a part of mew as ripped away when she died.” Jimin said, “there was a feeling when I met y/n, like Jiyeon sent her to me to make sure that we were both okay. Of course I could never replace Jiyeon with y/n, but she helped me find closure with Jiyeon. As you know, y/n’s the only girl I’ve never hit on or even have an attraction to that’s anything beyond platonic.”
Kevin frowned, sitting up to reach for the Hello Kitty tissues (tastefully chosen by Seokjin) that were under the coffee table. He handed the box over to Jimin, who only scrubbed the tears away from his face with his fist.
“I think it’s really sweet that you’re looking out for y/n like that, Jimin.” Kevin smiled. Jimin sniffled, “As one of her best friends, I know that she really values you and looks up to you. You mean so much to her.” The youngest, although the wisest, gave his twin a hug. Hoseok smiled fondly at the interaction. Hoseok felt his phone buzz in his pocket, fishing it out to see that Jieun had texted him that they were rounding the corner to the apartment.
“They should be pulling up any moment now...” Hoseok said before the doorbell rang. Hoseok stood up to go get the door, leaving Kevin and Jimin down in the basement while they both drank from their waters. He opened the door to reveal you and Jieun, smiles on both of your faces.
“Hey Hoseok,” Jieun grinned as you greeted him with a hug.
“Grand, why did Kevin call me and say that Jimin oppa was emotional??”
Hoseok gave a soft smile, patting your back, “He’s had a tough day, we thought that having you guys come earlier could help cheer him up.”
“He was telling me earlier,” Jieun nodded as you made your way downstairs. Kevin and Jimin turned their heads as the three of you entered the basement. You greeted Kevin first as he extended his arms in a hug, calling your name sweetly. After pulling away, you turned to your Big Bro, whose head was currently embraced in your Big Sis’s torso. She whispered something to him before pressing a soft kiss to the top of his head.
Your eyes widened for a quick moment, before registering the situation of their relationship, and accepting it internally, yet calmly.
Jimin turned to you after lifting his head from Jieun’s abdomen. He smiled sadly, the other girl wiping away the residual tears from the corner of his eyes. “C’mere, Lil Sis.”
Frowning, you approached him and wrapped your arms around his waist, squeezing tightly to show your comfort. Jieun patted your head and took a seat in the middle of Kevin and Jimin. You started rubbing his back, feeling it quickly rise and fall as he cried some more. “Oppa, are you okay?”
He mumbled an I will be and rested his chin on your shoulder, trying to stop himself from crying any longer.
“You’ll make y/n cry if you keep crying like that, Twin.” Kevin said, a smile softly spreading on Jimin’s face.
“Sorry, sorry twin...” Jimin laughed holding you protectively in his arms. “How are my two favorite girls?”
You pursed your lips as you looked up at him, a small smile spreading on your face as he absentmindedly squished your cheeks. “I’m good, oppa. I’m a little tired, but I’ve been looking forward to this bonding time together all day, I’m just excited to be with the whole family.”
“Me too, it feels like we’re all just a little too busy to have all this time together like this, I’m happy we could all find a time to be together.”  Hoseok smiled, clasping his hands together. Jieun nodded, before frowning a little.
“Ah, but I’ll have to leave a little early since I still have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, is that okay?” Jieun worried, looking over at you. “I don’t want the testosterone in the room eating y/n alive.” Jimin chuckled a little, shaking his head at his girlfriend.
“Don’t worry love, I promise we’re not that fragile with our masculinity for that.”
You nodded in agreement with Jimin’s statement, wriggling out of his grasp to sit next to Kevin. The five of you decided to sit on the floor surrounding the coffee table.  Jieun and Hoseok checking in on how Kevin was holding up with being introduced to Greek life and balancing schoolwork.
“If i’m completely honest, my mental health feels like trash, but like WINGS and hanging with you guys always makes me feel better.” Kevin nodded, grinning at his twin and Big. “I’m forever grateful for those late night street food runs during study sessions and the fact that Hoseok hyung always has access to the dance studios because he’s either in the room or he just wants to lend it to us.” Kevin reached for the last of the honey butter chips on the table, offering some to you before he finished the bag. “Also I’m just glad that me and Tae’s schedules and classes are similar so I have someone to study with after class, not to mention we live in the same dorm so we see each other often.” Kevin checked his lock screen of his phone, swiping to unlock it. Hoseok looked over the table, seeing that there was only a little bit left form the haul he and Seokjin had bought earlier.
“Why don’t we cook something up so we can eat while we watch a movie? I’m starving” Hoseok stood up, already moving towards the kitchen and giving Kevin a certain look so that Kevin could cook for them. You picked up on the look before your best friend, laughing when you saw your grand trying to get Kevin’s attention. You nudged your best friend, who looked up from texting his boyfriend, getting up to follow his Big into the kitchen. You sat opposite of both your Bigs, having a small understanding. Still, Jieun spoke up first. “I’m sorry we didn’t tell you anything sooner, Little. We-I-just-”
“I didn’t want to hurt you or make you feel uncomfortable with both of your Bigs dating,” Jimin said.
You sighed, knowing exactly what they meant, “I’m happy for both of you. I support this. I just don’t want to be put in the middle if you two end up breaking up, you two make up my lineage and I would be heartbroken if I had to choose sides.”
“We wouldn’t let that happen, Lil Sis,” Jimin said, “The two of us are mature enough to know not to let you get caught up in the middle. Whatever happens between us is between us.”
You turned to your Big Sis, “You settled this player Biggie? I’m impressed.”
She laughed pushing away Jimin who was slightly offended by your joke. “How could I say no when your Big Bro was literally begging me to go out with him after all this time.” Shrugging, Jimin turned to you, “Be like your Big Sis and don’t be easy for boys, y/n. You hear me?”
You nodded, catching Jieun’s eyes for a moment before grabbing the tv remote, claiming that you were going to look for a movie for the group of you to watch. Kevin and Hoseok returned downstairs soon after, a large pot of ramen in Hoseok’s hands as Kevin brought down drinks for everyone. They agreed with the consensus of watching Coco, being in a feel-good mood. A quarter through the movie, Jieun stood up announcing that she was going to head out.
“I should probably go, it’s 11 pm.” She said regretfully, letting go of Jimin’s hand.
“Wait! Before you go, we should take a cute lineage picture,” Hoseok said, “I’m a pro at self timer.”
“Hyung, that’s not what you said when you busted your shit coming back from my reveal pics.” Kevin teased making Hoseok groan.
“Don’t remind me, it’s still your home screen! But I guarantee I’ve gotten a lot better from the beginning of the semester!” Hoseok flashed his signature heart shaped smile at his lineage, his heart swelling seeing how his family was growing. He disappeared into one of the rooms to grab the tripod that Seokjin had gotten him as a gag gift after the reveal party, bringing it back into the basement so that they could get ready to take their picture.
“Let’s all look cute okay?” Hoseok turned on the lights, pausing the movie as the four of you moved to position yourself. The five of you made a scalene triangle, Hoseok standing proudly as the point. He put his hands on top of Jimin and Hoseok, who went down on their knees, one hand hovering above each of the boys’ heads. Jieun knelt next to Jimin, the two of them hovering their own hands on top of your head, showing that they shared you as a Little. You sat down in the middle of Jimin and Jieun, leaning back against them fondly. You all smiled nicely for a cute photo before doing a bad bitch photo with asses out and everything, you being the first to change your pose from cross-legged to thot squat.
Jieun laughed as she received the pictures from Hoseok’s airdrop, “I’ll see you guys later, alright? Take care of my little.” You all waved her off as Jimin escorted her out of the apartment, Kevin scooping you into his lap as you guys continued the movie. You were deep in thought, however, and Kevin picked up on it first.
“You good, y/n?” Kevin squished your cheeks and you could only sigh. Kevin quirked an eyebrow, sitting up.
“Was it a bad idea that I gave him another chance?” You spoke vaguely about what was going on in your mind, but Kevin immediately knew about what you were talking about. Jimin was coming back down the stairs, hearing your sentence and immediately looking over at Hoseok. He was just as confused as Jimin, the both of them concerned about your comment.
“Gave who a second chance?” Hoseok spoke up first, curious about the secret that you and Kevin were hiding. You tried your hardest to conceal a gasp, remembering that you had only confided about your situation about Jungkook with Kevin and Jinhee (not counting your sisters). You were nervous about exposing your secret with Jungkook to the other two, especially Jimin. Your heartbeat quickened, turning to Kevin for help. He winked back at you, having the situation under control with the excuse that you and your best friends had made.
“Her fuck buddy.” Kevin answered simply, nodding. “They ghosted her and she was mad at them for a hot minute, but they apologized with a super long paragraph and sushi and I guess now she’s doubting taking them back.”
“Sushi? You mean Jungkook?” Jimin asked recalling his conversation with the younger boy during spring break, “You’ve been fuck buddies with Jungkook the whole time? It wasn’t a one-time thing?
“No...it was more like...a regular sort of thing.” you mumbled, “Oppa, please don’t be mad at me.”
“I’m not mad,” he reassured, “it’s just...wow like Bigs like Little.”
“God I remember when you and Jieun started your whole fuck buddy thing, “Hoseok reminisced, “and then I remember you crying to me when she broke off your thing and said she wanted a real relationship.”
“I didn’t tell any of you oppas, well besides Kev and Jinhee, because I didn’t want you guys to feel weird or hurt, whatever relationship I have with Jungkook I just wanted to be with me and him. Not with the Betas and the Sigmas as well.” You said
Kevin started rubbing your back, “sow hat is your relationship with him?”
“I like him,” you sighed, “I really like him. And God I don’t even know if he likes me back, I feel like a stupid lovestruck kid in grade school.”
“It’s okay,” Kevin said, “I feel like an idiot when it comes to Tae, too.”
“Like, whenever I’m with him, I just feel like the best version of myself.” You said with a small laugh, “Jungkook’s the only person I’ve felt 100% comfortable showing my body with. And oppa, you know my body insecurities.”
“I have them too,” he nodded putting his hands on top of yours, “You know Lil Sis, if he makes you happy and if you really feel like that with Kook, who am I to stop you from being with him?”
“Besides,” Hoseok said,” we all knew the sexual tension between you two was strong. Like c’mon, I could see it during every WINGS practice.”
“Shut up Grand!” You said throwing one of the pillows at him. The boys laughed, the mood brightening.
“Okay while we’re laying it out here, and since I already spilled every other vulnerable thing about me. Twin, I’m really glad that you and Tae are dating.” Jimin said putting his arm around Kevin’s shoulders. “He and I have been best friends for so long and before you, he’s always been a bit lost with himself. Thank you for loving him, Kev.”
Kevin smiled and gave Jimin a hug, “I’ll do my best to never hurt him, Chim. And I hope you know that although tae spends most of his time with me now, it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t care about you. I may be his boyfriend, but you’re his soulmate and best friend. I respect that.”
“Although, I’m curious, Kev.” Hoseok rested his elbows on his legs, leaning forwards to look at Kevin, “How did you get Taehyungie to come out? I always had the gut feeling that he wasn’t straight. Kevin shrugged at Hoseok’s question.
“It wasn’t really forced out of him,  but I think he was just scared of telling everyone else that he was attracted to more than one gender.” Kevin told you three about his drunken confession on Valentine’s Day and how Taehyung would avoid using the term girlfriend and instead say more gender neutral terms like partner instead.
“After Valentine’s Day, when he woke up in my arms, he just looked extremely content. I don’t think he regretted telling me that he liked me, because he often tells me that he’s so thankful that I helped him redefine himself.”
Jimin nodded, a smile . on his face, “This is so cheesy bro, but you saved him. I’ve never seen him so happy.”
Hoseok grinned, pulling you over so that the four of you would end in a group hug, “I love our CHARM lineage.”
[To Be Continued]
A/N I’m so sorry this was 2 weeks late, @cynoirsure and I were so busy with school stuff, but I swear we’re back and a little less busy! We’ll keep this story going for you guys :)
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cancerianprincess · 6 years
Birkin Bag (1)
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Alright peeps! This started as a cute and corny imagine based off a line from this song (2:06), and evolved into an idea for a mini-series for Erik that no one asked for 🙃Heads up: it might start off a bit slow in this one but it picks up later. Feedback is always appreciated & I hope y’all enjoy it!
Summary: Erik finds out he might’ve rubbed off on his best friend a tad too much and that she’s really with the shits 
Warning: Language, Mild Drug Use
“I bought my bitch a Birkin Bag so she could hold my fucking strap..”
Plopping down into the passenger seat of Erik’s car, you slammed the door behind you with all the attitude you could muster.
“I done told you about slamming my door like that, lil girl,” he uttered, skipping right over the formalities of a normal greeting. He didn’t even bother to look in your direction, keeping his attention on the unfinished backwood in his lap.
You simply stared at him, pausing momentarily at how much his warning mimicked the voice of somebody’s mama, waiting to see if he would provide any explanation about dragging you out your bed in the dead of night. When none came, you finally addressed the statement as he flicked a lighter to seal the blunt.
“Nigga, you woke me up out my sleep at damn near two in the morning, remember,” you snapped at him. “And now you wanna fuss at me for being grumpy when you was blowing my phone up just to have a damn session?”
Erik clutched at his imaginary pearls and feigned an expression of false hurt.
“Damn shawty, I come back from overseas after three weeks and it’s like that?” He shook his head dramatically as he sparked the weed and took the first inhale.
“That’s cold,” he exhaled. “A brother can’t get no kinda love around here.”
You rolled your eyes at his dramatics, while Erik took another hit and passed it off to you. Despite glaring at him through sleepy eyelids, you accepted the peace offering, figuring there was no point in turning down a free smoke since you were already awake now. He grinned when you did, displaying his gold canines in knowing his best friend like the back of his hand. Taking notice, you kissed your teeth skillfully so that the blunt wasn’t at risk from falling out your mouth.
“Whatever,” you started. “Don’t think one wood is gonna make up for disrupting my beauty rest.”
“Well I woulda been here sooner to kick it with you if them white ass crackers at the airport knew what they was doing. They the reason my connecting flight got delayed so if you wanna blame somebody, you can blame them.”
As Erik launched into the tale of his troublesome journey back home, you couldn’t help but feel amused by the fact that he had suffered in some form or another tonight just like you did. You also felt a tad bit sorry for him, but mostly amused. Initially, he scowled at you when the snickering began on your end, but eventually he joined you, his nagging turned to clownery as the haze of loud filled the atmosphere. The two of you joked on into the early hours of the morning, bopping to the radio and swapping details of the events in your lives that had taken place during the redeemed Wakandan’s trip back to his true origins.
“Oh yeah, speaking of that, I almost forgot about ya shit.”
Erik was right in the middle of recounting the heated argument he’d gotten into with one of the residents from the Merchant Tribe when an afterthought struck him. You threw his form a puzzled look as he reached his arm into the backseat, causing all kinds of commotion in the floor behind you.
When he re-emerged, in his hand was a white, narrow, rectangular box. Different markings of the Xhosa language covered the package in shiny metallic grey letters, and was bound together by a gold ribbon tied off in a bow. He tossed it into your lap as he extinguished the remnants of the burnt out blunt in a nearby ashtray.
“What’s this?” You eyed Erik suspiciously, careful to be on your guard in case it was another one of his tricks.
“That,” he began, “is so you can stop getting on my nerves every time my ass go out on on these relay missions.”
Any time Erik alerted you he was flying out to handle business on behalf of the Wakandan Outreach Center, you poked at him here and there about bringing something back for you, but only out of fun, not really expecting him to follow through on the requests. Now, your gaze shifted from him, over to the giftbox, and back to Erik once again, peering past the curtain of dreads and into his eyes to search them for any trace of legitimacy. He noticed the inspection, and smirked as he spoke up again.
“I mean if you don’t want it, I can always give it t-”
But the rest of his sentence was lost among the crunch of gift paper being torn apart, sending Erik’s head back in a howl of laughter at how fast your doubt had been flushed away. You made quick work of the box’s lid and decorative ribbon, showing your best friend he had another thing coming if he even dared to pass your present off to one of his dusty ass hoes.
Finally reaching the object inside the cardboard container, your red eyes grew wide when they fell on its contents. Laying across your lap, was a gorgeous new purse, accented with gold trimming along all its edges to match its chain. You lifted it from the box, discarding it near your feet, and ran your fingers over the sleek material, absorbing the coolness of the metallic jaguar pin. Only when your thumb grazed over it, did you notice the minor pulsations the purse gave off, beginning to glow dimly upon doing so.
“I saw it and thought about the time you lost your old one at the club that night on your birthday,” Erik explained, breaking the warm silence. “So I went back to pick it up in my free time, had my little cousin tweak it for me in her lab.”
You blinked at him a few times, processing what he said as an explanation for its mystic illumination, before an ear splitting grin spread across your face with a quickness.
“Yo, E, this is dope as fuck, like I legit don’t know what to say!”
He draped his arm over the back of your reclined seat and sat back in his own, clearly pleased with himself and his present-selecting abilities.
“Yeah, well you’re welcome. Even though I ain’t get no kinda thank you or nothing like that,” he shrugged.
You cut your eyes at his theatrics once again, thinking that for him to be such a ‘thugged out soldier from Oakland’, he sure was a big ass diva on the low. Still, that didn’t stop you from leaning over and hugging his neck to express your gratitude.
“Seriously though, Erik, thank you for this,” you muffled into his ear.
He flinched at the vibration of your voice, but quickly concealed it by engulfing you with his free arm, and closing the gap with a light squeeze at the small of your back. The gesture held a particular surge of warmth to it, conveying every single emotion you held for each other.
Something about the hug made you want it to never end, and if you hadn’t known any better, you could’ve sworn Erik felt the vibe too. You were aware of his lack of verbal expression concerning his feelings, even after he’d started his life down a new path it was a struggle for him. But you never pushed him on it. Not then, and not now. It had manifested into an unspoken rule as time went on, and as long as Erik had your back like you had his, you were perfectly content with it staying that way.
It could’ve just been an after-effect of the weed in your system, but each passing second was spent basking in the hold, discreetly taking in his scent and committing his hold to memory. It was odd that Erik let the contact go this long, but if he was okay with this level of vulnerability, even for a limited amount of time, you refused to deny him of it.
“Wait,” he cut into the moment. “You thought I did this for you?”
This caused you to draw back partially, enough to assess his face quizzically but still remaining in the embrace. One of your eyebrows shot up expectantly, prompting Erik to go on with his interjection.
He continued on in an amused tone. “Oh nah, see, I said I thought about you when I saw it. That don’t mean I necessarily bought it specifically for you.”
The smile you’d been wearing dropped into a flat line.
“What?” He questioned, trying to act innocent. “It’s true. I figured if I got Shuri to add a Vibranium lining to it, I’d have a better hiding spot for my strap, y’know?”
You tore away from his hold and merely retreated to your on seat, regarding him as best you could while attempting to maintain your composure.
Erik kept going playfully like you weren’t on the verge of smacking his block-headed ass.
“Y’know...because Vibranium doesn’t set off metal detectors…and guns are made of metal...”
That sentence had been the last straw, for you indeed, smacked him upside the noggin, and proceeded to go off on his block-headed ass.
“Nigga, don’t you think I know that witcho’ ain’t-shit-ass!?”
“Ain’t nobody ‘bout to carry your raggedy ass gun around like some slave!”
“Had me all excited for nothing, got me sitting here thinking you cared about a bitch!”
You threw blows at him half-heartedly every couple syllables, sending Erik into a fit of laughter so great that he was too preoccupied to even fight you off. At first you slumped down in the seat, finally giving up on the assault and resorting to pouting, lip poked out and arms folded. It didn’t last long, though, because eventually the outburst became contagious, causing both of you to cackle like two high ass hyenas as the sun gingerly crept over the horizon.
That was one aspect of you and Erik’s friendship you valued the most: being able to kid around all the time but still realizing where your loyalties lied at the end of the day. Other than  extremely rare occasions, it was how the pair of you exhibited affection, rather than having the typical sappy exchanges. You both knew that majority of the words thrown amongst you meant nothing, letting deeds truly define the bond you held.
And actions would soon be the true test of that commitment, starting the day you learned that Erik had been kidnapped.
|Part Two|
@iamrheaspeaks @princesskillmonger @eriknutinthispoosy @wheredidallthedreamersgo @thotyana-in-this-hoe @sonofnjobu
(This is just to mention my usual peeps plus others but if you want to be added/removed just let me know!)
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lokidiabolus · 6 years
can you maybe write a sequel of “one hour”, maybe with Thomas and Newt already have a relationship (cause I can totally see this happening after the ending 😏 ahahah) and he has a big test the next day and he actually asks for a different kind of motivation to newt? because I’m such a trash tbh
can you makea sequel for “one hour”? I really liked it and I just can’t help myself, I justwant more hahaha
I thought of writing more, but then it felt better to end here and get the rest in another chapter ^^’
Ao3 Version
“I must say I’m impressed,” Thomas’ mothercommented while going through all the tests where the marks weren’t worse thanB. Apart from ones Thomas had before Newt started tutoring him it was animmense change. “I sincerely thought he’s a lost case with his head in theclouds, but this is absolutely mindblowing. Good job, Newton.”
Newt managed to smile at her, but he was afraidit looked rather forced, even for his taste. Thomas was standing next to him, beingpositively disinterested, but his hand was groping Newt’s butt in front of his mother for about twominutes now and he couldn’t even tell him to stop, not to mention kick his shinin reprimand. After two months of schooling and two weeks of… of… dating? (Newtwasn’t sure how to call their co-habitationwithout sounding nasty even to his own ears) he gathered enough tests andimproved Thomas’ grades by a wide margin, and this meeting with Thomas’ mother wasbasically a judgement of his and Thomas’ work. But he definitely didn’t need togoddamn grope him right here.
“I believe it’s time to lift the groundingthen,” she looked at Thomas with sterner expression, as if she was warning himshe could do it again anytime. “And since now we see you’re able to do well inschool when you want to, I think it’s time to conclude the tutoring as well.”
“What?” this woke Thomas up and he finallystopped being handsy, so Newt could breathe a little easier again. He took asmall step away from him just for good measure too. “Why?”
“Because you have good grades now,” sheresponded with a raised eyebrow. “Shouldn’t you be happier about it?”
“But there is a big test coming up!” Thomasshot out and Newt blinked in surprise. Big test? From what? When? He neverheard about it!
“Oh,” she glanced at Newt questioningly and hehad a strong urge to deny knowing about it since it would be great revenge forthe inappropriate touching. Now when he thought of Thomas’ reaction, it wasprobably just to keep Newt here anyway without any damn test being real. “Isthat right?”
“Yes,” he answered her and mentally slappedThomas for making him lie. “But he does study nicely by himself now-,”
“It’s a really huge test,” Thomas counteredimmediately, his eyes too serious for Newt’s taste. “I don’t get all of ityet.”
“Okay then,” his mother didn’t fight it andNewt would say she even looked rather pleased about her son’s determination.Little she knew Thomas’ real motivation and Newt sometimes hated himself forgiving in so easily as well.
But then again, mostly he simply enjoyed it andhe would be a hypocrite to deny that.
“A big test, huh,” Newt commented the moment heclosed the door of Thomas’ room and the brunet smiled predatorily at him whilewalking backwards to his bed. It was enough to tell Newt there was no bloodytest involved at all.
“Lying is a sin, you know,” he told him with asigh. “Are you wasting your mother’s money just because you want to have fun?”
“Are you complaining about getting money forhaving fun?” Thomas opposed and sat heavily on his bed. He sat far enough forNewt to fit right between his legs and usually such invitation worked, but Newtwas determined to punish him at least a little for the lying. “Cuz I think it’sgreat.”
“I think you’re too full of yourself,” Newtshrugged and stayed on the spot right at the door. “Not to mention groping mein front of her was really low.”
“I needed the mental support!” Thomas whinedand patted the space on the bed right between his open legs. Newt wanted tosmack him with a newspaper.
“Was more of a physical one though,” he uttereddryly. “I’m not going to support you through this. Not to mention I alreadyhave another tutoring on the hold-,”
“Wait, what?” That made Thomas lose the playfulnessand Newt crossed his arms on his chest in defensive position. “Anothertutoring? Who? Where?”
“Does it matter?” Newt tilted his head to theside and judging from Thomas’ darkening expression it did. “Jesus. It’s justtutoring.”
“As was this,” the brunet responded stubbornly.“And look how it ended!”
“With me lying to your mother because you can’tkeep it in your pants,” Newt shot back and Thomas sulkily shut up.
To be completely honest, Newt probablyunderstood Thomas a little. Where he was involved, just leaving the tutoringaside, he didn’t know if the relationship they had would be able to continue.What even bound them together except of Newt coming here to whip Thomas’ ass toobedience? Because Thomas couldn’t go anywhere except of school, so Newt wasthe only source of possible fun? Butit ended and Thomas could go anywhere and do anything, so what did it mean forthem? If there even was any them,since all they did was some making out here and there and neither of themconfessed love or anything. They didn’t even talk about it, they justoccasionally kissed or touched or even took few naps together, but that was thepeak of their co-habitation (quite frankly he was glad Thomas had the commonsense intact because if he wanted to do more while being under his mother’sroof, Newt would definitely doubt his sanity).
“I wasn’t really lying though,” Thomas spoke upafter a minute and Newt pinched the bridge of his nose. “There is a big testcoming up. But in a week and half. Though I think I get most of it anyway.”
“Oh?” Newt finally abandoned his spot at thedoor and walked closer to the bed. Maybe it was a little desperate, but havinga legit reason why to stay made him a tad happier. He hated to lie to anybodyand already having to conceal the fact he kind of dabbled with Thomas made himuncomfortable (but still willing, ironically).
Once he got close enough, Thomas reached outand pulled Newt closer to the edge of the bed, hugging him while resting hishead on Newt’s stomach. Newt automatically raked his hands through Thomas’ hairand it was almost too domestic all of sudden. It was true Thomas was demandingthings like this even without any work done, but Newt didn’t refuse him, sofault lied mostly in him anyway.
“I’m just kinda scared,” he heard Thomasmumbling to his shirt and it made him pet his hair a little gentler. “That ifthe tutoring ends, you won’t be coming here anymore. Or wouldn’t want to see meanymore anywhere else.”
Newt’s breath hitched and his hands stoppedmomentarily before resuming their movement again. Weren’t those his fears? Hisinsecurities? Had Thomas have them as well?
Bloody hell, were they in love?
“Is that… what motivated you to tell her aboutthe test?” he managed to get out and Thomas sighed, still not letting go.
“I panicked, alright,” he said quietly. “Thatshe would say it’s fine now and you’d agree and leave and never answer my textsagain.”
Newt thought about it, but mostly other wayaround. Why would somebody like Thomas even want to spend time with somebodylike Newt when he had his freedom again? There must have been plenty of peoplecatching Thomas’ interest outside of his home confinement. Girls or guys of hislevel, of the same hobbies, of more time to foolaround. Newt didn’t have the time. He had to maintain a part-time job, hehad to keep the stabile income, and that ate most of his free time like crazy. Itwas easy now because his work entailed spending time with Thomas, but after itwould end, what options would they have? Newt’s schedule was school, then work,and when there was no work, school lasted until late and the little of freetime he had was precious, so he could do other things he didn’t manage tofinish on working days.
“I’d never do that,” he replied carefully,because at least this was definitely true. He liked Thomas, despite the initialprejudice and his pushiness. He found him attractive and smart in his own,witty way, and quite adorable at times. Just cutting him off sounded unnecessaryand hurtful and nobody needed that.
“But?” Thomas glanced up at him, resting hischin against Newt’s stomach, and his eyes were piercing. Newt hated lying andThomas was aware.
“But I’m busy most of the time,” he admittedunhappily. “Most of the week there is some sort of part time job. Other timesof the week there are long school days and other stuff I neglect. I just…”
“I don’t want you to expect something that maynever happen.” The words were rolling off his tongue all wrong, all bad. Hedidn’t want to end this, yet he did his damn best to lead it to it. Thomas wasstill holding him, but there was an evident understanding in his eyes and Newtpartly despised it and partly accepted the outcome. It was not his right tohold Thomas on spot with promises he couldn’t keep – he wasn’t even his. Therewas no claim, no commitment and Newt was scared to ask for one.
“You think I’d be angry cuz you don’t haveevery day free?” Thomas asked and the hold eased off, much to Newt’s dismay. Thetouch stayed, Thomas’ hands were still resting on Newt’s waist, but there wasno strength in it.
“I may have one day to offer only,” Newt avoided his eyes. Usually hehad at least two, but one day wasn’tanything farfetched, it could easily happen.
Thomas suddenly stood up and the mood shiftedlike turning a page. There were lips on Newt’s mouth, gently coaxing him to lethim in, and Newt gave in without a fight, opened his mouth for a deep, toescurling kiss and barely registered Thomas lifted him until the world tumbledand he was lying on his back on the bed, feeling Thomas’ body against his ownwith all the muscles and warmth and languid touches, and it was too nice, toosweet to let go.
“I don’t mind,” Thomas was whispering to hislips, pampering him with small kisses to the corner of his mouth, his cheeks,his brows. “I don’t care. Any moment I can see you is enough for me, even for ashort while.”
It took Newt several long, pleasure filledseconds before he realized it was tied to an unpleasant conversation that stillhadn’t ended, and it was like a punch in his gut.
“You’re saying that now,” he tried to avoidanother kiss, but Thomas chased his mouth with his and Newt was too weak torefuse. “I don’t understand why m-me.”
“Why you?” He heard Thomas chuckle and forceddown the moan that was trying to get out of his throat when Thomas managed tonestle between his legs, pressing down. “Because you are everything.”
“That’s just attraction talking-,”
“Hell yes, it’s attraction talking,” Thomasstopped him mid-sentence. “I’m so madly in love with you it’s not probably evenhealthy anymore.”
“You’re in love with me?” Newt breathed out andwhen Thomas kissed him again, this time his hips buckled up and he almostblacked out of the sheer pleasure that hit him. Thomas licked into his mouthwith determined force and Newt never thought kissing could feel this good tomake his brain short-circuit like a piece of old tech.
“I’m madabout you,” the words were searing into Newt’s consciousness, leaving himcompletely defenceless, and he could perfectly pinpoint the moment he stoppedcaring about consequences and let Thomas to overpower him thoroughly.
“Stay until the test at least,” Thomas pleadedhim with a heavy voice and Newt’s hands trembled when he was reaching for him,pulling him back down by his shoulders. “At least until then and after we willthink about it more.”
“Okay,” he squeezed out, his heart poundingcrazily in his chest. “Alright.”
Another week and half never looked morepromising.
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FANDOM: D.Gray-Man PAIRING: Lavi/Allen/Tyki (Eventually) WORD COUNT: 2,365 WARNINGS: Abuse, Transphobia, Misgendering (All mentioned) LINKS: AO3 | FFN
Summary: For years, all he wanted to do was get away, to be free of his grandfather that demanded he be someone other than himself. Alone, it was an unattainable goal. Sometimes, your only option is to ask for help.
Lavi rubbed at his arm as he sat down at his desk, gently nudging his mouse to activate the monitor. He glanced around his room in hesitation before shifting his chair closer. He wanted to do this, really, but was absolutely terrified. If his grandfather ever found out, things would get so much worse than they already were.
But he was finally reaching his breaking point. It had been a long time coming, and he was surprised that he’d lasted as long as he had. Any normal person would have broken long ago, he was sure of it.
Of course, Lavi wasn’t really what people would consider ‘normal’, and he was fine with that. Honestly, the only reason he was even still living with the old man was because he had nowhere else to go. That, and the thought of what the man would do if he found him if he left was enough to make his chest tighten in fear.
His grandfather was already abusive when he didn’t listen, he couldn’t even imagine what the man would do if he ran away. However, he was at a point where he was more than willing to risk bodily harm if it meant he could finally be free to be himself. He knew, deep down, that if this didn’t work out, he wouldn’t last long enough to finish his degree.
Taking a deep breath, he glanced towards his room door before opening a web browser. Having never done anything like this before, he had no real idea where to start. Despite having lived in this city for years, he didn’t know about any resources for people like him.
He cursed himself for not paying attention or reaching out when his university offered services for abuse victims. He hadn’t even cared enough to finish reading the announcement, stopping the second he saw the word abuse, so any resources that might have been provided were lost.
Staring at the blinking line in the search box, he sighed quietly as he tried to think of something to type. He was probably thinking too hard about it. He certainly wouldn’t get anywhere if he just kept thinking about it.
Letting out another sigh, Lavi finally moved his hands to the keyboard and hesitantly typed: resources for abuse victims. It was vague and, as expected, resulted in thousands of results.
A quick glance informed him that the first couple listed were within driving distance. Unfortunately, he couldn’t drive. Or, more accurately, wasn’t allowed to drive. He’d been given ‘permission’ to get his license, but had no car to drive, and he knew better than to ask if he could borrow his grandfather's for the day. Just thinking back to the last time was giving him a headache.
Which meant all of those options were simply out of the question. He wasn’t about to spend countless hours trying to convince someone to take him out there without telling them why he wanted to go.
Still, he figured it would be good to at least save them for later. If nothing else, he could contact one or two and talk to someone. If he ever got the courage to do so, that is.
He quickly created a new folder, named it something stupid like ‘songs for studying’, and saved each website that looked promising, making sure to name them something inconspicuous. Hopefully that would discourage the old man if he ever demanded to look at his laptop. Again. That had been embarrassing and a very bad week.
Shaking his head, he opened another tab, leaving the other one open for the moment. Hesitating again, he considered if he should really type in what he was thinking. The old man would really have his head if he ever saw it.
“Fuck it.” Lavi muttered to himself, typing it anyway. Once again, thousands of results were returned. He should have expected as much. If people felt the same way he did, there would logically be a large online community.
One downside he could immediately see to having this many results was that he had no idea where to start, or which ones were legit. He’d learned a long time ago that there were a lot of people who baited people in with things like this to harm them.
He would definitely need to look into each one before signing up to any of them. Fortunately, it was easy to eliminate some of them from the list, as they required a credit card to just create an account. Whoever thought that was a good idea needed a reality check, and an ass kicking.
Then there were the ones that were so badly designed, he had no idea where the option to even create an account was. So those were immediately thrown into the trash.
The next website he clicked on caught his attention, though. It looked nice, things were easy to locate, and there was a post on the front page that linked to a lot of online resources that didn’t rely on location.
Scrolling down, the next post was a list of rules. As he read through them, he was relieved to see that they were all pretty understandable, some of them even common sense. Or not so common, given that it needed to be stated. Sometimes he wondered how people could be so stupid online.
The next post appeared to be an introduction for a couple users. However, when he looked closer, he learned that these people were the ones who ran the website. LenaLady, a cute lesbian who just wanted to help people; CrownClown, a nice genderfluid guy who apparently helps his adoptive family run a shelter; there were a few more, but before he could read any further, he heard a car door slam.
Lavi knew he still had about a minute before the old man reached his room, but he immediately started panicking. He closed his browser, and turned the monitor off, grabbing the closest book he could find.
He flinches as the door opens, hoping that his grandfather hadn’t noticed. He can feel eyes on him as an awkward silence follows, but he refuses to look up.
“Why are you so tense?” Bookman snapped, tone unmistakably accusatory.
Placing his book down, he shrugged as he turned to face the man. “Just cramps...” he mumbled, hoping that it would be enough to placate him and prevent any more questions.
Bookman continued to squint at him, making him shift uncomfortably. Finally, he nodded, glancing around the room with a scowl. “Clean this up. Dinner should be ready in a few hours.”
Lavi nodded, flinching as the door was slammed when the man left.
He let out a sigh as he started to relax after a minute, looking around the room. It wasn’t that messy, in his opinion. There were books laying around from working on assignments, and the clothing he’d removed the night before. But other than that, it was relatively clean.
His eyes eventually landed on the bra resting on his bookshelf. Just looking at it made him hyper aware of the one he was currently wearing, causing him to scowl. He hated these things. All he wanted to do was tear it off and throw it in the trash. But that wasn’t possible.
It would be so much more painful for him to go without one than it was to wear one. He really wished he had something else to bind his chest with, but there was no way the old man would ever allow that.
He still remembered what happened the first time he’d ever brought it up; he’d never seen him that angry before. Bookman had never dismissed him so quickly before, insisting that he didn’t know what he was talking about, that he was just being ridiculous.
But Lavi knew that he wasn’t being ridiculous. He knew how he felt, and he wasn’t going to listen to someone telling him that he didn’t know his own feelings.
He really didn’t understand why Bookman was so against it, and it wasn’t like the old man was going to bother explaining it to him. He just knew that ever since, he’d gone out of his way to purposely use his birth name, use feminine pronouns, and introduce him to people as his “granddaughter” instead.
Every time it happened, it felt like a stake to his heart, but there wasn’t anything he could do. Any time he tried to speak up and correct the old man, it never ended well. He still had a bruise from last time.
He hated it. Which was how he’d ended up here. He wanted to leave; he needed to leave. He wouldn’t survive much longer if he didn’t.
Glancing back towards his door, he listened quietly to ensure that his grandfather was downstairs and wouldn’t return to tell him something else before turning back to his computer.
Turning the monitor back on, he opened his browser, relieved to see that all the tabs were still open. He didn’t even hesitate to return to the forum and begin the sign up process.
As soon as he was content with his profile, ensuring that it gave no real indication to who he was or where he lived, he began looking for a place to post.
It took a short time to relocate the forum designated for introductions, and he immediately opened a new post. Now he hesitated. He wanted to use his chosen name, but was worried people would judge him for it. Though it was either that or his birth name, and he shuddered just imagining these people calling him that.
Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, he finally began typing.
Alright so, I’m new to this website, and have no real idea how these things work, but here goes nothing. I’m Lavi, I’m 22, currently enrolled in university, and recently came to the conclusion that I’m trans.
I know that might seem a bit weird, but I mean. What can you do? Sometimes it takes you 20 years to realize that you don’t want to be a girl anymore.
But anyway. I don’t really have any friends who know I’m trans, and my family isn’t the most supportive either, so. I figured ‘what the hell! it couldn’t hurt to check out an lgbt+ forum’.
So, I’m really hoping some of you are as nice as you seem, because I’m honestly desperate for some friends who accept me for who I am.
He scowled a little, knowing that seemed a bit harsh to his current friends. After all, Yuu had pretty much said “I don’t give a fuck what your gender is, you’re still annoying”, which was one of the nicest things he’d ever said to him, even if he didn’t realize it.
But having more than one friend was something he knew would help at least a little. It wasn’t like he hung with Yuu much outside of school anyway... Bookman was convinced that all he wanted was to get into his pants, and refused to listen no matter how many times he told him that Yuu already had a girlfriend.
So, all in all, his life really was as depressing and desperate as the post made him sound.
Sighing, he took another deep breath and hit post. Now it was too late to change his mind, so all he could do was wait for someone to respond.
It would probably take some time for someone to see it, so he minimized the browser and pushed himself up from his chair.
“May as well clean while I wait.” He muttered to himself, moving to pick up the clothing scattered about. He’d learned a long time ago that disobeying his grandfather’s orders meant suffering, and as much as wanted to leave the mess out of spite, the fear was much stronger.
Tossing the clothing into the hamper, he bent down to pick up the books and papers scattered around the floor. Just as he was stacking them into a pile, a loud ding came through the speakers of his computer, making him jump and freeze in place.
Heart racing, he turned his attention towards the door, expecting the old man to come stomping up the stairs any second. Fortunately, after a minute of kneeling there in silence, he let out the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.
Quickly standing up, he placed the stack on his desk and pulled up the browser again. Sure enough, there was a small red ‘1’ hovering over the envelope icon.
Adjusting the volume on his computer so that it wasn’t so loud, he clicked the icon to see the message.
As expected, it was a comment from someone. What he wasn’t expecting was to see that the username was one he recognized from the front page.
He took a deep breath before clicking on it, really hoping they were as nice as their introduction sounded.
Hey there Lavi! It’s nice to meet you. I’m LenaLady but you can call me Lena. I’m so glad that you decided to reach out, I know how hard it can be. But I promise, you’re more than welcome here, and we will never judge you.
However, I do have some questions for you. I know they might be hard to answer, and you don’t have to answer if you’re not comfortable, but I am concerned.
You mentioned your family being unsupportive. I’d really like to know more about that. In what way are they unsupportive? Do they just not use the correct name or pronouns? Or is it worse than that?
Again, you don’t have to answer! I just want to make sure you’re safe.
By the time he finished reading, Lavi felt like he was about to burst into tears. All he’d done was introduce himself, but the response was so full of kindness and concern that it was overwhelming.
Smiling to himself, he clicked the reply button, unsure if he was going to answer her questions honestly. But he knew, deep down, that this had been the right choice, and he couldn’t wait to see where it went.
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My Diet/Fitness/Nutrition Journey Thus Far
Most of the memories I have of life growing up revolve mostly around food. I remember growing up and all we’d eat was Sonic, Dairy Queen, Whataburger, McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Wendy’s, you name it, I ate it. I could still to this day probably tell you my order from each place. I was raised on Hamburger Helper, Ramen noodles, Rice a Roni, canned and boxed everything, candy and soda. 
I remember when I was around maaaaaybe 12-13 and my mom doing a diet that may have been slim quick or something along the lines of you eat chicken and veggies, take these pills and do some sort of workout. I had a really bad sweet tooth (still do) as a kid and I started to gain weight and at 13 I was 165lbs, so my mom included me into her diet routine and I would eat the chicken and veggies, rice cakes, a tbsp of coconut oil and would chew sugar gum and we’d walk between the stop signs on the street we lived on and I’d do her workouts with her. I remember watching my brothers and sisters eating candy while I ate my caramel rice cakes because I was the bigger one of all of them, so for the longest time I was just the fat tomboy of a girl that would stare at herself in the mirror and look at how big my butt was at 13 and hating it and my stomach to stuck out and my fat face. I remember I used to grab my stomach and cry and scream about how much I hated it. If only I were skinny I’d be enough. I would sneak and binge on sweets, it was my comfort, it was there for me and it made me feel better
When I got my period and more of my hormones kicked in I lost a lot of weight. I want to say I got down to 125 when I was around 14-15 and I wouldn’t eat because I was extremely depressed. My sweet tooth was still there, but I wouldn’t eat because I thought eating would make me fat, so I wouldn’t and when I did it was minimal. I ate a lot of 100 calorie snacks, drank juice like V8 because I thought it was healthy, diet coke because it was diet and wouldn’t make me fat. When I was 16 I started working at Target and they have a Pizza Hut Cafe and almost every shift I would go pick up there bread sticks and a diet Pepsi and that would be my lunch (the thought of that now literally makes me cringe). I went to a bible college from 17-almost 18 and ate Ramen noodles and whatever shit food they served while I was there, but I didn’t know any different so I just ate it. I was still pretty skinny because ya know I was 15-17 and you can eat like shit and still be a twig.
When I turned 18 and moved out of my parents house my diet didn’t suuuuper change. I was still living a hardcore Taco Bell and Pizza Hut bread sticks and diet coke life style because I was living on my own, broke as a joke and ate the food I was used to eating, but then I gained probably 30lbs easily within a short amount of time (surprise surprise). I had spent my whole time as a teenager not wanting to be the fat kid and here I was back at 165lbs... wtf. I didn’t really know how to cook, didn’t have money for groceries, refused to apply for food stamps, so I just thought starting to workout would cure all my problems. Well, it didn’t long story short. I mean why didn’t working out and running for an hour THEN going eat Taco Bell work? I was working out, right? HA.
I remember scrolling Pinterest when I discovered it and finding the “Military Diet” and giving that a go. You basically don’t eat anything for 3 days and could apparently lose 10lbs. I wanted to DIE during that diet. I made it the first time around and lost 5lbs, then gave it another go and didn’t make it 2 days and stopped by Taco Bell on my way home from work and binged on that. So my diet search continued... One of my coworkers at the time started using My Fitness Pal to track her calories and she was losing weight like crazy, so I obviously I needed to give it a go and the weight just started falling fall. I went from 165lbs to 125lbs within a matter a months. I didn’t work out, I just ate less than 1,500 calories a day, cold turkey stopped eating candy, drinking soft drinks and unfortunately my Pizza Hut bread sticks. Everything was going GREAT. When I wanted to go down to the next lbs and I was 0.2 from it I would pop a few laxatives the night before and then would weight myself the next morning after shitting my brains out, but I HAD to lose that 0.2lbs.. just had to. I became overly obsessed with counting calories and eating lean cuisines and and 100 calories snacks and drinking Naked juice and weighing myself DAILY and measuring every single little thing I ate and would legit cry if I went over my calories. Funny, not so funny story. One weekend I was headed to my mom’s and had already eaten all of my calories for the day, but was staaaaaaaarving, so I stopped by Jimmy John’s and ate a sandwich that was 800ish calories, which put me 800ish calories over what I was “allowed” to eat, so you bet your ass I drug all of my brother and sisters and mom to a walking trail and walked/ran until I burned off the entire sandwich because I wouldn’t sleep peaceful knowing what I did by eating that sandwich. It was bad, just so bad. I remember the day I hit a breaking point and just wanted some damn chocolate chop cookies, but didn’t have the calories saved for it, but I binged on them anyways and cried in Michael’s arms over what I did and he was telling me it was fiiiiiiine and all the sweet things he could, but it wasn’t to me in that moment, but in that moment I just knew I needed to stop all of this, so I did. I feel like I remember just deleting the app off my phone and being done with it. I was 20 at this point and working a standing job.
Beginning in February of 2014 I started a corporate sitting job, so I didn’t have access to Starbucks or a grocery store on my breaks like I did working at Target, so I had to start bringing my lunches and snacks and to top it all off I was sitting. As you could maybe imagine I started gaining weight from being stagnant and snacking ALL day at my desk (#teamnutrigrain). I put on a good 20lbs within the first couple of months. So I started going for walks on my breaks, eating a lean cuisine a day, eating more fresh fruits and veggies, almonds, and limited my snacking to only in the afternoons and that kind of helped and worked for me for a long time and I stayed at a healthy maybe 140ish lbs and that worked for me because I was still skinny. All about that skinny life because skinny = healthy, right? Well, I thought so. 
I turned 21 and didn’t go crrazzzyy drinking, but I drank moscato and margarita’s often enough and still was all about my Friday candy binge. I was also drinking up to 3 cups of coffee a day at work and just couldn’t figure out why I was sweating and so anxious all the time. I genuinely thought it was from work when in reality I was just pumping myself with coffee after coffee after coffee day in and day out (I’ve learned since my lesson since then). I went through a phase of HIIT workout and running, but that faded really quick, but I really enjoyed hiking when I gave it a go, still do. Along with yoga which I am planning to make a goal of starting a practice in 2018. 
Around the time I turned 22-23 my older sister, Meghann, had a baby and really educated herself around living a more holistic lifestyle and it really intrigued me and around that time I had discovered podcasts and I realized how much processed foods aren’t the best choice and what I could do as an alternative way of going about eating, so I stopped lean cuisine’s (haven’t had one since), milk and yogurt along with limiting candy and processed snacks. I completely cleaned my desk out at work from all the sugar filled granola bars and whatever else I had in there and started to work with that. I shortly thereafter learned about one of the best ways of going about what to eat/not eat is if it didn’t come from the earth and/or has a label on it to think twice before eating it and READ the back of the label if you do. This is still newer-ish to me to do and I’m currently learning about all things nutrition, and how the mind, body and spirit all work together and you can’t have one fully without the other.
 As of now I don’t drink dairy milk, I limit cheese but still love it, I grocery shop once a week and buy as much organic produce as possible, I am still working on the meat switch when it comes to buying organic meat (not quite there yet), I cold turkey stopped eating candy and have found organic, non high fructose corn syrup filled alternatives when I have a sweet tooth, I haven’t been drinking alcohol much the last 2 months or so (don’t have a legit reasoning behind it, just doesn’t sound good), I am really into cooking paleo, vegan, Whole30 friendly foods because it coincides with my eating from the earth method I live by and when I want Whataburger breakfast on a Friday or a taco with a flour tortilla or a real homemade chocolate chip cookie I happily will eat it because I do not believe in living a restricted lifestyle. My entire life leading up to recently whether it was mentally, spiritually or physically has been restricted and I’m not OK with it because it’s limiting and keeps me in a box. I’m a believer in the energy you put into something is negative the outcome will be negative, so if I’m to sit here and say “this is cookie is SO bad for me. OMG. I am going to gain 10lbs.” Well, I’m asking for it to happen, versus eating the cookie cause I want the damn cookie and loving every bit. They doesn’t mean I sit there and eat 12, it just means my mindset around food was so terrible for so long and I know what it did to me mentally that is not worth it for me to be negative about it. I am content and happy with where I am out now, I don’t even care to weigh myself anymore, I don’t body shame myself anymore, I don’t calorie count, I don’t binge, I don’t use food as a reward system, I just educate myself around it, listen to my body and see how it feels and go from there. My anxiety has lessened, I sleep so much better, I feel so peaceful inside and out, and my skin has completely cleared up (I’ll talk about my skincare routine future post).  It’s been a long, ongoing journey, but I am thankful for the million and 2 podcasts I’ve listened to, my sister and everyone else along the way to get me to where I am today and I am excited to continue to learn and grow and now have a place to share all the info I am taking in and it maybe help someone else. :)
- Sarah xo
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spnsimpleman · 7 years
Cavanaugh Park
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This is my One Shot for @iwantthedean ‘s SoCo summer challenge!! 
My lyric prompt was “You always said Destiny would blow me away.”  The whole song, Cavanaugh Park by Something Corporate, had a hand in inspiring this one shot.  
Reader x Dean
Word Count: 4653
Warning: mentions/memories of attempted rape.
And this is where it all goes sideways. Yes, even for a hot shot like me. As I stood in the dark alley across the street and watched the candy coated idiot I’d been tailing all night slip behind her very nice apartment door, the thing I thought I was tracking had snuck up behind me.
Three fucking days in the strip club from hell very aptly named Hell’s Angels that held not only strippers as any type of demon or supernatural creature desired but also legit hell scape decor. Well, top two levels, at least, and depending on who you talked to, it wasn’t that hellish. Even in hell, they get all snobby.
That glitter storm wench that probably just skipped into her fancy ass kitchen and popped a bottle of wine was the only one with any connection to the two men and one woman who lost their shit and destroyed someone they cared about. But of course, that’s how a clever Siren would play it even if it didn’t know anyone was watching.
This one covered their tracks like a goddamn pro and poked me in the back with a small gun like I was some stupid hack on my first hunt. 
“Well, fuck me.”
“Ooo, whatta mouth,” she purred in my ear, really laying it on thick. “I’d really like to see what you could do with it, sailor.”
You always said Destiny would blow me away, pops. I just never knew it would be so fucking literal. “That’s either the business end of a tiny gun or the end of your stiletto needs a little work, Destiny.”
Destiny, the terrible, too-innocent-and-prude-for-this-job stripper who dressed as a fallen angel complete with broken gray wings. Like I said, fuck me. Bravo, Fate, you nasty bitch. She’s probably cackling her ass off somewhere too.
The gun pressed harder into my back before the blade of a knife, my fucking bronze dagger to be precise, kissed my jugular. “Oh, honey,” she hummed and sniffed my neck. “All thorns and… mmm, aren’t you interesting?”
I didn’t really have a move at this point so I went for my old stand by, fake it til you make it. “Putting your friend on them to hide your scent? Poor Candy never saw it coming, did she? You’re a terrible friend and a bloody awful stripper. Anyone ever tell you that?”
“Better to have poor friends than none at all,” she giggled. She fucking giggled in my ear.
“Oh, fuck you.”
She sniffed my hair and exhaled with a sigh that held way too much arousal for my taste, “well, they didn’t, did they?” Her hand slid around my waist and tucked into the front of my jeans. She was checking for more weapons. Smart, damn it. I really hate the clever ones. “You are delicious. I love a good challenge.” The voice morphed on her last word, the stripper who’d been Candy’s innocent best friend forced to work to make ends meet was gone as the octave dropped and took on a distinctly male pitch. “Just a voice. Who knew a human could be so simple?” It whispered against the side of my neck with a voice from long ago.
It spun me around and I jabbed my fist into its wrist, knocking the dagger away. I grinned then had to clench down on every reaction to the fuzzy blur in front of me. It still had the gun and didn’t seem at all bothered by my removal of its second weapon.
“I could be your hero. I could be your everything.” That voice, I knew that voice.
I growled, “I am my own hero.”
“Not that night. I was.” I could hear the smile in the voice and it sickened me. It shouldn’t affect me so much, but I couldn’t stop the rage flowing back as the memory hit me hard.
Could Sirens do that? Pull forth the worst memory and that was how they boosted their victims urge to do what they wanted? But it didn’t make sense. Who knew where those boys were today.
The dark blur leaned in, “mmm, true. I guess we’ll just have to find some replacements. Surrogates can work just as well, at least I would make that sacrifice for you. Would you make the sacrifice for me?”
“Sacrifice?” I grit my teeth, “I don’t love them, they are nothing. That’s not your ballpark.” I kept my eyes open refusing to give a straight answer or block out the blur in front of me. I’d had that dream too many times and wasn’t willing to make it easier for it. I glared, not even glancing in the direction of the bronze dagger I would soon plunge in its chest. Hopefully, it would forget about it and keep all its attention on me.
The blur of a body pressed against me and sniffed from my chest all the way up the side of my face. I shivered and it pissed me off.
“There’s no one you love left, I make exceptions for special cases and honey, I love something a little different.”
The voice still fucked with me, how could it find that memory so easily? I hadn’t thought of that night in years. I hadn’t had the nightmare in weeks, if not months. A rough hand was on my face squeezing my cheeks trying to get me to open my mouth. So unlike the gentle hands that pulled me from the nightmare before it took another horrific turn.
The flash hit me hard, that night so long ago, two boys prying my legs open as the other held my arms above my head. I had screamed and fought like hell until two sucker punches smashed into my face. I could almost feel the blood vessels bursting, the pain blossoming around my eyes…
My jaw started to open and knocked me from the nightmare’s hold. I shoved away the images and kicked out hard. The siren’s grip slipped, the gun clattered across the asphalt as it stumbled back a step swinging its arms to balance. I gave it another swift kick square in its blurry chest. It crashed to the ground with a satisfying thud against the brick wall and I took off for the dagger.
But the memory wasn’t done with me yet, maybe the siren had a way of pulling it forward. It continued to play out in my head, words screaming from the guy that had pulled me from the pack of animals clawing at me. Go! RUN! GET OUT OF HERE!
The sounds of a fight behind me but I kept going, kept running no matter how many times I fell. I couldn’t see much through my swollen eyes but what was behind me could be so much worse. I still felt their rough hands on me, the stink of their breath, the slurring taunts echoing in my head no matter how far I stumbled…
No! I shook out of it. I didn’t run anymore.
The alleyway filtered back in, the nightmare cleared completely and I spotted the dagger only a foot to my left; I dove for it. I closed my hand around the handle I had made myself to fit like a glove as adrenaline rushed through my veins. I stood but the siren had caught up, shoving me into the brick wall. It grabbed my wrist and slammed it above my head but I wouldn’t let go. That dagger was mine. I wasn’t letting go.
I made myself a promise that night it wanted me to remember so damn bad, that I would never be overpowered again. If they had brawn, I had the smarts and I kicked the shit out of myself to heighten my brawn as well. There was always possibilities, I just had to find them. Outwit, outplay, outlast, or just straight up beat them with stubbornness. My pops called it determination, my uncle called it will power, but a rose by any other name and all that junk. Out-stubborn was kind of my forte.
Pride swelled in my chest when it stopped trying to break the dagger from my grip but that deflated quickly when I realized it didn’t need me to let go. The siren’s unidentifiable face was hovering over mine and the anger radiated off the only image I had of the guy that had saved me when I was sixteen. There was another promise I had made that night as I ran, that I would find him and thank him, but it’s impossible to thank a ghost. My promise morphed into being like him; when something’s wrong, don’t turn a blind eye, kick it in the ass.
It roughly grabbed my face and no matter how hard I grit my teeth, my jaw was slowly opening. No, no, no, NO! I struggled against it but its weight and position made it impossible to move. I glared, refusing to give up and become the one thing I had fought against my whole life.
It opened its blurry mouth and the pit that spit poison to control me was in there somewhere. I thrashed as much as I could but it wasn’t even close to any good. We both knew it and it infuriated me. Which gave me an idea.
I pulled my hand away from the wall with every ounce of that rage fueling me, each half an inch I gained messed with it. I grinned, “that’s right, bitch. Tell me you’re my hero again.”
The weight shifted against me but it gripped my wrist tighter and slammed it back to the wall. “I’ll get to…” It’s blurry head turned and then it roared, “YOU!”
I stared at the man stalking toward us with a voice that held an air of familiarity. He stopped in the center of the alleyway where just enough of the street light landed on his face. A brief flash of confusion crossed his quite ruggedly handsome face as he studied the blur holding me. I caught a glimpse of a bronze dagger at his waist. A hunter. Fucking figures.
His hand dropped near his barely hidden dagger and he taunted, “if you were going for the Blob I think you got the wrong element there, sport.”
The blur vibrated, moving a step in the man’s direction before looking at me. It couldn’t make up its mind.
“Come and get it, shadow bitch!”
I flinched as it wrenched its grip away from my arm then raked its nails against my wrist. It roared and charged the other hunter. I cradled my wrists against my chest and stood there watching the action play out. Something about the hunter’s voice…
It lunged at the hunter and the scuffle was confusing. The blur and the man trading blows and remarks as it tried to spit its poison.
The voice shouted and it took me a second to realize it was only in my head. I closed my eyes shaking the remnants of the memory and nightmare off with a mantra of my own making. I am Y/n, I am a fucking awesome hunter. I was a victim, but that never defined me just like my name or my mistakes don’t define me. I define me by every action, every decision, every damn time I scrape myself up off the floor and move the fuck on. I am a survivor, a fighter, and a goddamn badass with a blade!
I snapped my eyes open. Time to go to work. I pushed off the wall and assessed my best way in. The siren had changed, had shaped back into Destiny. Apparently, it considered the man as the room’s more dangerous occupant. Good. I liked to be underestimated.
It slammed the man into the wall and leaned in as I moved around behind it dipping the dagger into the blood filled pouch thankfully still attached to my belt.
“Oh, baby, are we gonna have some fun.”
I rushed the last few steps and plunged the knife into its back. It shrieked as it spun around. “Raincheck, bitch.” The anger I felt from the blurred image was painted all over Destiny’s face. “I guess you’re not the right Destiny after all.” I side kicked her into the wall and the point of the dagger popped through her chest. The siren finally dropped and I stepped back.
The man pushed off the wall and looked at me, “you’re a hunter?”
“Takes one to know one.” Wow, real smooth. I met his gaze and hopefully kept my inner thought to myself.
He studied my face and his brows furrowed. “Do I know you?”
“I don’t know you so, I guess not.”
He dropped his gaze and sighed as he rolled his shoulders. He surveyed the mess we had made in the alley but really who would notice?
“You wanna get a drink?”
I glanced down at the body of a woman flat on her face between us. My hackles rose, I didn’t owe him anything. “It was impossible to move where it had me but I was getting under its skin.” I knew how hunters were but I had to admit I was curious. His voice had such a touch of familiarity and kinda sounded like… no, it was just because the memory was so fresh but… there was no such thing as coincidence, did I just trade one monster for another? My mind warred and I glanced up trying to study him without looking at all interested.
“You seemed to have a good handle.”
“Don’t patronize me.”
He held up his hands, “I was just trying…” He sighed again and his body language spoke of a man running on little energy. He dropped his hands, “I need a drink. It’s late and you just closed my case. You can join if you want. It was just the first thing that came to mind. I’m Dean, by the way.”
I eyed him for a moment, trying to figure out why it hadn’t occurred to me that I didn’t even know his name. “Dean.” I pointed to myself, “Y/n.” Wow… way to go, Tarzan. “Sure.” I shrugged, “I would head to a bar anyway. I’m starving and really could use a drink.” Hello, I’m crazy lady and now that you’ve given me your name, I’m totally cool with going out with you. Shit. Getting a drink with you on a totally we’re in the same career field way. Ugh, fuck.
He gave me a nod and lifted the siren up easily. Show off. “Think you could help me get around that apartment building unnoticed? I’ve got a hole out back.”
Double show off. I gave a sharp nod and walked to the mouth of the alley. I pulled my gun from my back holster and shot out the two closest streetlights.
“You have a silencer?”
I winked but he probably couldn’t see it. “Top of the line, C.I.A. research and development. Go across, I’ll keep a look out to distract anyone until you get into the next alley.”
I may have walked behind him to study the way he moved and how he carried himself or maybe tried to figure out just how much muscle he had under that flannel shirt. He was way better looking than most, if not all, the hunters I’ve ever had contact with but there was no way in hell this man had any of my trust.
I was no damsel in distress. Never again. But if he was nice and we get along, I might just play right into his bed. It would give me a chance to check out what he’s packing in his hunter’s bag of toys and maybe find out who he was.
He dropped the body in the hole and lifted a shovel with a glance my way. He certainly had nice bone structure, I’d give him that. “What, no backup shovel?”
He looked at me as he pushed dirt into the hole, “why would I have a second?”
I shrugged and looked around, “never know when help might show up.”
He chuckled, “yeah. I’d just ask them if they wanted to help me hide a body.”
“I tried that once.”
He stopped and stared at me, “really?”
I smirked, “it was either that or try to pretend it wasn’t a body when I didn’t have anything but the head covered.”
He threw his head back and laughed. It was a nice laugh, maybe too loud for the situation we were in but maybe that’s what made it better. Maybe I might just see what he’s packing under those jeans too.
Dean watched Y/n as she made her way across the floor of the tavern. He had chosen the first open booth and wasn’t completely sure she’d even come. She wasn’t stupid; she didn’t know him and didn’t trust him. That much was easy to uncover but he was a hunter so maybe she was curious. There didn’t seem to be many of them left anymore.
He smiled as she slid into the bench seat across from him. He raised his hand catching the eye of the waitress, “I ordered already. I didn’t think you’d show.”
“Sorry, I needed to change. That damn glitter was driving me nuts.”
The blonde waitress turned that smile on bright as she sauntered over. Oh yeah, she was definitely into him. Too bad he just didn’t have it in him tonight. Her gaze flicked to the newcomer and she kept that smile on without even a crack in it, “what can I get ya?”
She ordered a burger and a whiskey then the waitress swayed those hips away. Y/n shifted in her seat and he glanced around trying not to stare. It was driving him crazy that something felt so damn familiar but the name didn’t ring any bells and they didn’t run in the same circles.
He shook it all off as the situation just being similar to so many other cases, but something had tugged up that old memory when he was seventeen and stumbled upon monsters of a different kind. He couldn’t even remember the name of the town. He should, it was the first time he got arrested and the asshole cops didn’t believe his story. There wasn’t even anything supernatural involved. At least, dad believed him though.
The jail cell wasn’t uncomfortable as much as it pissed him off. He was the hero here and yet they were treating him as the fucking bad guy. The cell finally opened and the uniformed officer waved him forward. “Your father is here.”
“Good. Someone with a brain is finally in the building,” he spat as he moved out. The officer pushed him. “Fucker,” he hissed under his breath covered by a cough as he walked down a hallway toward the next room.
His dad stood next to a desk looking pissed. Damn, he’d have to get the real story out quick.
“Dad, you know I wouldn’t…”
“This officer said you beat the living hell out of three local boys. Is that true?”
A flash of shock in his eyes, what did he think happened? Then the tight line in his mouth, the jerk in his jaw muscle. “What in the hell…”
“They were trying to rape a girl! I got them off her and told her to run! Just because these assholes can’t do their damn job they blame everything on me!”
The fat ass sorry excuse of an officer leaned on his desk, “the boys say there was no one else…”
“Of course, they would!” He clenched his fists not caring how much they ached.
Detective Chuckles crossed his arms over his chest. “These boys are known here in town. They’re good kids and no girl has called in or come in about an assault.”
Dean dropped his head and shook it. These assholes were going to pin this whole thing on him because he wasn’t local. Sonsofbitches.
“Yes, I’m sure a terrified girl who just went through the worst experience of her life thought her best option would be to come forward against three of the good ol’ boys in town.”
Dean snapped his head up and stared at the barely concealed rage that rolled off his dad.
“What would you have said to her? That it was her word against the good local boys who all denied it?”
The two officers ruffled and rolled their shoulders. Detective Chuckles responded as he tightened his arms across his chest, “the only evidence we have…”
His dad’s face twisted and he slammed his fist on Detective Fatass’s desk. “Did you even look at the area? Did you even consider my son’s story? What the hell were those boys doing out there, huh? Did you do your job at all or just take the good local boys word for it?”
His dad gave them barely a second before he steamrolled on. “I don’t see anyone else here but my son so I’m pretty damn sure what happened here.” He pulled out his FBI badge and slammed it on the desk. “You let my son go now and we don’t have to go any further but I’m telling you now, I’m watching this station. I’m keeping my eye on this town because if it happened tonight, it could’ve happened before. If they got away with it tonight, they’ll probably do it again. Clean up your town and do your fucking job.” The officers stared at a livid John Winchester and Chuckles even had his jaw hanging like a broken rear bumper. “Get those fucking cuffs off my boy, now.”
Dean walked out of the station completely blown away. His dad was still fuming as they strode to their sides of the car. His dad stopped before opening the driver’s door and looked at Dean over the roof. “What…” He grit his teeth and looked away, “did you stop them?”
Dean dropped his gaze as the memory of earlier that night shot into the foreground, “they didn’t but… I didn’t get there soon enough. Jesus, dad, I hung out with those guys at school. Adam was…” Dean shook his head, his stomach churning at what he found when he made it to the area of the park Jordan had told him to meet. “If you saw what they had done to her… I just lost it. They were ripping her underwear off when I got there and I caught a glimpse of her face. I was running late because I stole a forty to bring… if I had been on time…” His muscles clenched and he had a sudden need to punch something again. “I did beat the shit out of them and I would do it again.”
His dad was quiet and he looked up. His dad was smiling but there was something there in his eyes, haunted. “Good. No man should ever treat a woman like that. And anyone that does deserves whatever you gave him.”
“You still here with me, Dean?”
He shook his head and looked up at the strong, self-possessed woman who killed the siren. He hoped that girl had the chance to become something like her, or just the chance to become whatever the hell she wanted. He cleared his throat, “yeah, sorry. Just… memories sneaking up on me.”
She nodded, looking into her glass. Another haunted look. “Yeah, I know all about that.”
“You don’t have to answer but what was with the siren…  going all shadowman?”
She shrugged and rolled her eyes. “It said I didn’t know what I really desired. Just knew a voice.” She forced a laugh but her back tensed, “there’s no one left I love so… and nothing I’m in desperate need of, you know? When I’m tired, I sleep. When I’m hungry, I eat. When I’m feisty…” she blushed and took another sip from her glass, “you know what I’m saying. The hunter’s lifestyle.” She turned her glass as she stared down at it.
“Yes.” He smirked, “my brother disagrees with what he calls my version of the lifestyle but sometimes you just need a good roll in the hay to clear out the nightmares.” He took a swig from his beer, “he’s also a pain in the ass so…”
She chuckled, “I don’t know. Having a partner sure would make hunting a bit easier but it’s hard to find one that doesn’t screw shit up or make you want to kill them because they think they get a free pass in your pants just because you closed a case.” She glanced at him with a smirk, “but you probably don’t have that problem.”
“Are you kidding? I get that problem all the time. Damn hunters and insane libidos. Thinking they can get in my pants just because they looked my way.”
She stared at him and he thought he read her wrong until she finally let go and laughed. A full out burst of joy. The tight hold she had over her features softened, her eyes brightened and glittered in the soft light above their booth, and her smile was just something else. He loved it. Every damn carefree second of it.
Her laughter calmed and she looked down at her glass, her mouth curled in a grin and her face warm with a glow that made him lean a little closer. She glanced his way before finally gazing into his eyes again, she lost some of that edge from earlier, “I gotta admit, this is nice. I thought you’d push liquor on me and try to talk me into a quickie in the bathroom. You’re a welcome change on this shitty road.”
“Never. The bathroom definitely wouldn’t give me enough time.” He winked, “I’m just surprised we’ve never bumped into each other before. There’s not many of us left.”
“And I thought the Winchesters were a damn myth.”
He grinned, “is that right?”
“I mean come on, do you know half the things they say about you? That you’ve got an angel for a best friend, that God himself brought you back from the dead, multiple times mind you, and you shacked up with a vampire in purgatory.” She cackled, “I mean seriously…” her sparkling eyes met his and her smile faltered. “You’ve gotta be shitting me.”
“Okay, the vampire shacking up thing is completely misconstrued…”
“Fuck you.”
He pulled back, studying her assessing gaze, “ahh…”
The waitress set down their plates and glanced between the two of them, “need anything else?”
She narrowed her eyes then turned to the waitress, “we need more whiskey, thanks.”
The waitress looked at him and he nodded. She headed back to the bar as y/n leaned forward, “I can tell if you’re lying. I was trained by the best.”
“Would you like to talk to that angel?” He pulled out his cell phone.
She quirked a brow, “you’re going to call him. You’re telling me your angel has a cell phone?”
He nodded, “and a ridiculous voicemail.”
“You wanna put some money down on that?”
She leaned back and eyed him. He swiped the phone open, tapped the right icon, then held his finger over Cas’s contact.
“If you can prove some of the wildest theories,” she grinned, “I’ll give you fifty bucks and for each one you can’t, you owe me.”
Dean had a feeling she held an ace but he knew some of the stories and most were true. She lifted her burger as if she was no longer concerned but she smiled before taking a bite with a look in her eye he knew well.
This night was just about to get awesome. Thank you, Destiny. Nah, fuck her. He still had it. Some things just never change.
@duchessofwinchester , @jodyri, @jencharlan , @deanssweetheart23 @torn-and-frayed , @chrisatplay , @mogaruke , @captainemwinchester , @escabell , @mrswhozeewhatsis
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Wolverine x reader
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Quick info: While I was writing this around the midway point I started watching the first X-men movie for the first time ever and realized that this relationship I created is really similar to the one Logan has with Rogue. I apologize for this, wasn't my intention at all.
(the Professor X mentioned is Steward's age so the story takes place pretty recently. Around 'the last stand')
You were sitting on the couch, looking at the sexy lumberjack from afar and fumbling with your levitating pendant. It was moving in the air between your fingers by itself. Well... Not exactly by itself, you were still using your powers but it was there.
Logan was in the kitchen, leaning against the counter, reading some newspaper and you just so happened to be bored and ready to annoy him again.
You stood up from your place, walking over to him, swinging your hips as much as you could. You yawned loudly and jumped onto he counter, sitting your ass down just inches away from his newspaper.
"What are you doing?" He asked, emotionless.
"Sitting." He looked up at you for a split second before returning his gaze down again.
"Get your ass off the counter."
"Because it's not a seat."
"Is your lap a seat cause I'd sit on that." You replied, boldly. Logan looked up again, looking rather annoyed.
"Was that supposed to be funny?"
"I dunno, old man. Was it?" You teased.
"Oh shut up. Ass off the counter."
"Mmm, nah." He grunted in frustration and walked away. in the last second you noticed the "wolverine" neklace he had and proceeded to take it off of his neck with your powers. "Oooh~ look at this! So pretty~" He turned around on his heel and in two big steps he was again next to you. You moved your legs so they were dangling off the edge of the counter and he was standing in between them.
"Give that back right now." His tone was serious, his accent thick and it made your insides tingle.
"Hm hm hmmmm.... Wolverine... Wonder how old this is~ 100 years? 150?" You levitated it in front of his eyes to annoy him even more.
"None of your god damn business missy." He snatched it away. You pouted your lips and kept staring him straight in the eyes.
"Look at that~ Did I anger the big~ bad~ wolf?" You teased. Logan growled and pulled out his claws. He held one just beneath your chin, dangerously close. You felt it push into your skin, not enough to break it bit enough to make the possibility concerning. You laughed.
"Don't test me Y/N."
"Do it. Cut me. I dare you." You felt the pressure subside.
"I'm done with you." He said and walked away. You giggled and returned to playing with your pendant.
"You have got to be kidding me." Logan was standing in front of Professor X's desk, pretty annoyed.
"I'm not, Logan." He replied, with his usual stoic expression.
"Can't someone else train them?"
"If there was anyone else I would ask them. I know what your relationship is like Logan." A tint of a smirk formed on Xavier's lips.
"Relationship? That's a strong word."
"What would you call it then?"
"I wouldn't call it anything." Charles sighed.
"Listen... I know Y/N has her.... Quirks. But she's really nice if you get to know her. I'm sure-"
"SHE'S A PAIN IN THE ASS THAT'S WHAT SHE IS." His accent got thick again.
"Just go." Both men kept silent for a while.
"Ugh. Fine." Logan stormed off. He went to his room to change clothes and then headed over to the training room where you were. He opened the door and you looked up. For a second you were confused but then when you realized what was happening you smiled cheekily.
"Didn't believe me, did you?" You returned your gaze down to the fingerless gloves you were putting on. You would lie if you said you weren't excited to be training with Logan. You've taken great pleasure in teasing him and annoying the crap out of him but this was the next step. Now, you can beat the shit out of him and have a reason for that.
"Shut up."He grunted. You might just be seeing things but at that moment you could've swore you saw a tint of a smirk on him lips. Was he excited too? That would just make all of this even better, more fun~.
"Hmm how mean~"You pouted. You always liked to over exagerate everything you did around him. Just the look of sheer anger on his face when you did that made you grin like a highschooler that just wrote 'fuck school' on the bathroom stal.
"Cut the crap kid." He growled and took a swig of his water bottle. "What exactly do you do?" He asked, stretching.
"I levitate stuff, myself included and I am also really good at throwing people around the room, would you like to see for yourself?" You smirked. He raised one eyebrow up and looked at you.
"I am afraid I have no choice. How old are you exactly?"
"23" You started to stretch as well.
"So I'm fighting a kindergardener. Amazing."
"Kindergardener? Are you serious?" You asked, unamused.
"I'm 200 get on my level." He legit smiled that time. No hiding, no side smirking. A full blown SMILE. Your eyes lit up at the joke he made. Truth be told, you loved it when he smiled. Maybe it was because it's so rare? That's probably it...
"As if." You huffed, jokingly.
"Alright I want to get this over with. Show me the best you've got."
"You first. Grandpa." He charged at you,grabbed your wrist and turned you around so your back was tight against his stomach. You giggled. "Is this what they are gonna do or do you just like me?"
"If this was real, this chit chat would've killed you, kid." He tightened his grasp on you. "Now would you be so kind as to show me what am I supposed to work with?"
"Prepare your butt to be kicked."
"I don't think that-" You flicked your wrist in his face and seconds later Logan was sitting with his back against the wall and soothing out the pain on the back of his head. "Ow, what the fuck?"
"What the hell was that?" He stood back up, a bit more cautious of you now.
"My powers. I told you I was good at throwing people around. Let's just say the force is strong with me."
"Was that a fucking quote."He grunted. You giggled and started walking around the mat.
"Maaaybe." You were caught of guard and the thing bringing you back on earth was pain in your back. "Wha- Oww..." Logan was above you, pinning you down.
"Rule number one, don't take your eyes of the opponent."
"I'm not." You looked him straight in the eyes. There was a moment of silence.
"You always have to make it weird."
"Yeah I do." You chuckled.
"God damn it." He got off of you and stood back up. "Did I hurt you?" He reached out to help you stand.
"Nah." You stood up as well and prepared yourself to continue.
"Well then. Why don't we... Spice this up a bit?" He asked slowly pulling out his claws.
"Ooooh~ Shiny McClaws!" You got excited.
"Yeah, sounds about right." He charged at you again.
The rest of the training went pretty smooth. He threw punches and you dodged them, he tackled you to the ground, you tackled him right back, he pinned you, you pinned him. You knew he wasn't very fond of you but in those moments you felt like he might just like you at some point in the future.
You were assigned to a mission. A long and important one. Normally it would be an honor but to be honest... You were pissing yourself. Of course you were going to do it, you're an X-men, that's what your role in life is! But... It still felt really scary. What if you died? You didn't want to die!
You were sitting in the jet, ready to depart to what could possibly be your death bed. You were fumbling with your fingers, not sure of what you SHOULD be doing, when you felt a light tap on your shoulder. You looked behind you and noticed it was Logan.
"Hey kid."
"Hi." You said weakly.
"Is... Everything okay? He raised an eyebrow and sat down next to you.
"Yeah... It's alright. I'm just... A bit concerned you know?" You looked st him with fear on your eyes. "It's my first time and... It's such an important mission too." He gave you a reassuring pat on the back.
"You're gonna do just fine. I trained you." He said only half jokingly. You smiled.
"Are you... Used to this kind of stuff? You know... Potentially killing people and fighting like this all the time?"
"When you live 200 years and have a history of being a mercenary, doing this kind of stuff is generally easier but I understand why you're afraid." He said.
"I don't wanna fuck this up."
"You're not going to. Cheer up now." He patted your back again, pulled out a cigar and lit it up.
You had to make a stop. The mission wasn't going as planned and everything was going wrong. Well... Not everything. At least that's what Logan was telling you.
You decided to camp in the middle of the woods and take shifts during the night. Your shift was in the middle of it. You tried sleeping but to no avail. You turned from side to side in the tent you shared with Kitty but nothing worked. You couldn't sleep. Instead, you kept thinking about what was happening and what will happen the next day. Your phone buzzed alarming you taht it was time to change shifts. You crawled out of the tent and closed it behind you to keep Kitty from the bugs and the cold. You walked over to the small campfire where you were supposed to change guards. There you saw Bobby, already half asleep.
"Hey, Bobbster. Wake up man time to change guards." You patted him.
"Hm? Oh Y/N." He looked up at you from his seat and ran a hand through his hair
"Yeah. Go to sleep. You must be tired." You smiled reasuringly and sat next to him.
"Aren't you?"
"I can't sleep anyways."
"Well... Okay then. See you tommorow?"
"Yup." He went back to his tent and you were left alone in the silence of the woods around you. Only sometimes you could hear an animal somewhere far away. You considered playing some music on your phone but that would be too dangerous so it was only you, your thoughts and the campfire and the flames, dancing around within it. You were supposed to stay here two hours so you decided to take it easy and try to think about something else.
The first hour passed with nothing special happening. Around 3am you heard someone unzipping their tent. You looked around to see Logan crawling out.
"It's not your shift yet." You raised one eyebrow and followed him with your gaze. He was wearing a plaid checked shirt and some tank top underneath. His hair was messy. He was sleeping.
"I know." He said walking over to you. "Jesus fucking Christ girl you didnt take a blanket or anything?" He sighed and covered you with a blanket he brought. Truth be told, it was way colder than you expected it to be and you regreted not taking your blanket from your tent but since you didn't want to wake Kitty up, you just let it go.
"I'm not cold." That was a lie.
"Yes you are. Don't lie to me." He sat next to you and yawned.
"Thank you."
"No problem." He pulled a cigar and a lighter from his pocket, put it in between his lips and lit it up. You observed him carefully. You never hid the fact that you found Logan extremely attractive, because of course you did. Who wouldn't? In that moment not looking at him would be a crime.
"Why aren't you sleeping?" You asked.
"I don't know. I guess I just wanted to keep you company. You were pissing your pants earlier I thought it would be good to at least cheer you up a bit." He glanced over to you.
"That's nice of you." You smiled. Even though you have a history of harassing the shit of the guy, he still managed to be so kind and forgiving to you.
"Your eyes are red. Did you sleep?" He asked looking into your eyes. You could clearly see he was concerned and that made your insides tingle. Being an X-men was the closest you ever were to being a part of a family and every little act of sheer kindness made you so happy.
"I tried." You confessed and hugged the blanket tighter around yourself.
"Fucks sake. You're going to be exhausted tommorow. You shouldn't have done that." He huffed out a cloud of smoke. You weren't really a fan of smoking but somehow you've become used to the smell of his cigar and it even managed to calm you down every time you smelled it. Is this what they call a 'secondhand smoker'? Possibly.
"What? Not sleep?"
"Exactly that."
"Sorry. I really tried." You sighed. "I guess the stress is just..."
"Yeah, yeah. Excuses, excuses." He looked like he was thinking for a second. "You, go to sleep now and I'm going to do the rest of your shift." You immidiately started shaking your head.
"No, no, no I cannot ask you to do that."
"You're not asking Bub." He insisted.
"No, Logan. I can't just-" You got stopped by him pushing your head down on his lap so it was resting on it, with your face in the direction of the fire. "-Wha... What are you doing?"
"You're sleeping here then. " Logan said in a serious tone and let out another cloud of smoke. "And you don't have a right to disagree. If you do I am going to make you pass out by myself."
"Oh is tha-" You were about to make a dirty joke but he stopped you midway.
"Don't you dare." You giggled and turned your head so you could look up at him.
"Sorry." You weren't sorry at all. You started playing with the buttons of his plaid. He observed you with one eyebrow raised. "Don't mind me." You added when you noticed him staring. The heat of his body radiated to you and you felt secure. "Logan?"
"Do you like me?"
"Why do you ask?"
"No reason."
"Well..." He sighed. "You are a bratty kid and sometimes you make me want to kill myself but I could never tell you I hate you so I guess you could say that I like you." You smirked.
"Awe... Alright. Let's say... I'm dying and the only way to save me is to kiss me. Would you do that?" He chocked on air.
"What kind of question is that?!" He looked down at you confused as all hell.
"A weird one. C'mon anwser me. Do you like me enough to save me in that scenario? Be honest. I can take it." He went silent for some time, thinking about the anwser.
"Yes. I would." He finally said. "But please don't die. Just because I said I would doesn't mean I want to." He smirked.
"Wooooow. Mean." He laughed and ran a hand through your hair although he didn't seem to realize what he was doing until he was half way through. You looked at him surprised and so did he. "Uh..."
"Shit. Sorry."
"No, no, no. Please continue. That felt good." You leaned against his palm. He let his hand roam your scalp gently.
You didn't know when exactly did you fell asleep but you woke up next to Kitty in your tent.
It was time.
You couldn't believe it. You did it.
The mission was a succes and now you were in the jet again, ready to return home. You were smiling the whole way back.
"I told you it'll all go well." Logan smiled at you and ruffled your hair.
"Yeah but just because I had the best teacher in the world." You grinned.
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9r7g5h · 7 years
String Ring
Fandom: Xena: Warrior Princess
Rating: K+
Genre: Humor/Slight Romance
Summary: She shouldn't have left Gabrielle with Lyceus. But the results were quite amusing.
Words: 1,411
AN: Ok, so, just a few days ago I got back from the Xenite Retreat! :D It was legit the best weekend I’ve ever had, and I loved every single second of it. I can’t wait to go back next year! It’s been a while since I’ve done any writing, but now I’m trying to fully get back into the swing of my normal schedule, so we’ll see how it goes! Here’s a little bit of humor to start us off right! I hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not own Xena.  
Xena should have known that leaving Gabrielle alone with Lyceus was a bad idea. She honestly should have known, but despite the fact that she should have, she didn’t, and so had. Had left her girlfriend with her younger brother so the two of them could bond while she went to get groceries, and now she was going to pay for it.
Because Lyceus hadn’t told Gabrielle exactly what was in the brownies he had offered her, and she had eaten one without asking. And another, and another, and quite possibly more, because what had been a full pan before Xena left was now almost gone, and Lyceus was the one who could stand. Stand and laugh and look a little bit guilty as Gabrielle stared at the ceiling above, all while babbling away to a potted plant she was sure was Xena.
“Really Lyceus,” Xena growled, dropping the groceries onto the counter of their little apartment before sliding off her shoes, dropping her wallet onto the table besides her. Stalking over to Gabrielle’s side, she knelt down beside her, gently patting her face until she finally turned her head to look at her. “You just had to give her helbane, didn’t you?”
“Not my fault she’s a lightweight,” Lyceus grumbled, rolling his eyes. He was slightly unsteady as he walked over to join her, picking up the pan and pulling a few crumbs from the metal to snack on, but overall he seemed decently sober. “There’s only enough in a single brownie to give you a buzz, not knock you on your ass. She was supposed to be done after one, but ate the rest when I’d gone to get a soda. So not my fault.” He gently kicked Gabrielle’s foot, and when it did nothing but twitch, he shrugged and walked back into the kitchen, grabbing the empty cans that littered the floor as he went. “She drank my soda too,” he said with a pout. “Now you deal with her.”
“I wouldn’t have to deal with her if you hadn’t fed her things she shouldn’t eat,” Xena muttered to herself as she settled on the ground, feeling for all the world that she was tending to her dog, not her reasonably intelligent girlfriend who should have known better after all the stories she’d heard about Lyceus. Gabrielle had looked at her when she had tapped her face, but it looked as if she was still trying to figure out how her tongue worked to respond, and it was clear that it would be a long time before she was capable of moving. “Though I guess this does count as bonding,” she added with a sigh.
Not the kind she wanted, but it was bonding nonetheless, and she could accept that. Kind of. So long as it never happened again.
“Hey beautiful,” Gabrielle finally slurred a few minutes later, her hand somehow finding its way upwards, the tips of her fingers brushing against Xena’s cheek before falling back to rest on her own stomach. “You came back.”
“I told you I was,” Xena said, chuckling as she took the hand that had just been wandering in her own, lacing together their fingers. “I was only gone for what, two hours?”
“It seemed like forever.” Gabrielle sniffed, her eyes blinking quickly as she tried to clear them of the sudden tears. “I didn’t know if you were going to come back, and if you didn’t I was going to have to marry your brother, and I don’t want to.” A hiccupping sob left her as Gabrielle shifted, her face coming to rest upon Xena’s thigh as she sobbed. “He’s not even cute.”
“I resent that,” Lyceus yelled from the kitchen, though he quickly disappeared once again when he caught sight of Xena’s glare.
“You won’t have to marry Lyceus,” Xena said, biting the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing as she rubbed Gabrielle’s back. “You don’t have to marry anyone you don’t want to.”
“Promise?” As if the waterworks had all been an act, when Gabrielle lifted her face upwards it was clear and clean- though Xena winced a moment later when she noticed the large wet patch that covered her jeans. The warmth from Gabrielle’s skin still lingered, but when her leg eventually cooled, that was going to be uncomfortable.
“Of course,” Xena replied, running her fingers through her hair. Taking a moment to consider it, she leaned down and captured Gabrielle’s lips with her own, smiling when Gabrielle moaned into the kiss, pressing herself it an almost sitting position to follow after Xena as she pulled away. Shifting so she was leaning back against the wall, Xena pulled Gabrielle with her, resting her head on her shoulder so they could snuggle. “If I had it my way,” Xena continued quietly, rubbing her hand up and down Gabrielle’s arm as she curled into her, “you’re only marrying me.”
“Thought you didn’t want to get married?” Her voice was muffled, the tone of someone barely awake; good. Xena had seen Lyceus like this before, before he had gotten used to the herb, and if Gabrielle was anything like him, she would fall asleep soon enough. Wake up with a horrible headache, but by then it would be out of her system, and some water and a massage would fix that soon enough.
If she let herself go to sleep, because when Xena didn’t respond, Gabrielle pushed herself upwards, her head tilted in confusion even as she struggled to keep her eyes open.
“Maybe I just want to get married to the right person,” Xena eventually said, giving a little shrug. This wasn’t a conversation she wanted to have with her girlfriend while said girlfriend was high off her ass, and if she could turn it off to something else, that would be great.
“And that right person is me,” Gabrielle quickly asked as she raised her hand and booped her own nose, not giving her any chance to bring up some other topic that might distract her. When Xena, unwilling to say anything more that Gabrielle might remember when she sobered up, just nodded, Gabrielle’s confusion turned into a smile that split across her face, her eyes becoming wide as she dug through her pockets. “Give me your hand.”
Xena, just shaking her head, held out her hand towards Gabrielle, smiling softly as Gabrielle finally found what she had been looking for- a piece of pink string from who knows where that she held up triumphantly, waving it in front of Xena’s face before taking her hand in her own.
“Gabrielle,” Xena finally said a few minutes later, giving in as she watched her girlfriend struggle to wrap the string around her finger, “what are you doing?”
“I don’t have a ring,” Gabrielle said, letting out a pleased sound as she finally got both sides of the string tied together, the knot almost falling apart but holding for the moment. “So I made one. Now you’re mine.”
Her voice was childlike as she spoke, but the kiss she gave the surprised Xena was anything but, her eyes half lidded as she pulled away.
Though, whether they were so because of desire, Xena would never know, because a moment later Gabrielle had face-planted back into her lap, snoring softly as she finally gave in and slept.
“So,” Lyceus said from the doorway, a smirk on his lips as he watched them, “should I call the florist now, or should I leave that to the happy couple?”
He just laughed and ducked as Xena chucked the nearest pillow at him, careful not to disturb Gabrielle’s sleep, leaving them to themselves as he fled from his murderous sibling.
It took a few hours for Gabrielle to awaken, with a pounding headache and enough swearing to make even Xena flush for a moment, but luckily she didn’t remember a thing. Only that Lyceus had offered her food, and she had fallen asleep shortly after. She especially didn’t remember her proposal, much to Xena’s relief.
She couldn’t have Gabrielle beating her out with a piece of string when she was just waiting until the new year to give her the ring hidden under the couch.
(She kept the string, though, slid it into her pocket and, later, her jewelry box. Because, technically, Gabrielle did do it first. And she couldn’t rightly get rid of the manner she had done it, now could she?)
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