#dr eggman (mentioned)
starfall-isle · 1 year
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shadow-von-vamp · 7 months
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rip :(
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egg-emperor · 16 days
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crack open a couple of cold ones while we discuss how he plans to destroy and build on this field when he takes over the world lol 🍻
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fishssoncauyay · 19 days
Eggman, how much exactly do you care about your daughter?
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the-cosmic-blogger · 2 months
Sonic Forces adaptation!!! just a collection of a few scenes that happen in the game in my Winds of Night AU!! :3
I'll probably be doing this for Frontiers too. And Sonic Advance 2. :3
Anyway, enjoy!!
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eggmanlandhotel · 2 months
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Eggman, Sage and Metal can now receive questions and will be used for random art pieces for the Au.
Little bit about the three (+ the hotel itself a bit):
The hotel was built by Eggman who is currently undergoing a redemption arc. Which means that he will try to be good, but fail. Don't expect perfection, he's trying his best.
Why he's redeeming? Simple, he was lonely and then discovered that he still has an alive relative (Shadow) and decided to give his best shot by giving him a good life instead of doing the things in Sonic Adventure 2.
He tried a few work places while trying to give Shadow some sort of a childhood. Unfortunately he can't really do anything because of his past as a villain so he decided to buy some land and build the Eggmanland-Hotel.
It was hard to get anyone to work with him due to the past villainy so he first tried to build several robots to do the job.
Unfortunately the only one who was capable enough was Metal Sonic.
At some point Amy joined in and some followed after her which made it much easier for him to find someone for the work.
Eggman discovered the way of outsourcing after a while and decided to do that to make the work easier.
(Outsourcing: use a different company for specific kinds of work, like security, housekeeping, cooks etc)
He got some people for the night shifts and some for the housekeeping because the rest of the workplaces had enough people and these kinds of workplaces were understaffed.
There is no real need for security because this is more of a hotel for families with children.
It has:
-2 playgrounds (one specifically for toddlers, the other for children), they are next to each other
-daycare (no matter how much a parent loves their child, sometimes they need a break)
-a chao garden
-a restaurant
-and all the other stuff a hotel needs
He is the owner and manager. He tries his best with the work plans but unfortunately it is hard to plan ahead in a hotel because guests are unpredictable. So he is currently trying to just make the workplans for the next two weeks. (which also is hard due to the unpredictability of the guests)
He adopted Shadow after finding him and decided to call Metal his son as well. Shadow asked him to adopt Rouge as well after a while and at some point he created Belle and Sage.
On April the first, Shadow and Rouge decided to ask him for a younger sibling as a joke.
Fortunately, Eggman forgot to look at the calendar and created Omega e-123.
Cubebot and Orbbot are often the babysitters for them.
There isn't much to tell about her except that she is still mute and discovered that she's actually a girl. Eggman was first confused but got over it like a day after the revelation because he researched a lot.
So a few changes have been made.
She works in the hotel, but mostly in the kitchen to cook something or helps with the dishes.
She seems to be having fun at the work place because everyone is very nice.
Eggman is afraid that she might find out that not everyone is like that which is why she works at the stations with the least people around her. (Yes, Metal already knows, Eggman is just very terrified of making any kinds of mistakes)
She goes to school and is in the same class as Tails.
She also has some cat ears to look more alike with her siblings.
Unfortunately I have not many plans for her except for the the fact that she is the young sibling who is filled with more love than anyone can ever feel. (based on my youngest sister. I love her very much. I hope she'll always feel happiness no matter the situation.)
I also hate how good it turned out.
Like, it started like this:
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Since all of Sonic’s friends (and Eggman) got to see you, do you have any guess for what they saw you as? Did Tails see a giant Infinite staring down at him? Did Eggman see what Sonic could become if he pushed him too far, looking at him with murder in his eyes? Did Sage see an error 404 screen?
Ha. I could do better.
A tower, upright. Liberation from old beliefs.... sudden, but necessary.
Flowing judgement among flames.... a lineage cut down for its hubris.
Machines failing, falling.... humbled by the elements in an instant.
Loss of resources.... loss of control.... loss of mind.
As for her....
....I imagine she saw her end, long before she met it.
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e-one-seven · 5 months
TailsTube #6 - Surprise Gift Exchange Bonanza
The Sonic the Hedgehog YouTube channel is a gift that keeps giving. Happy holidays!
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sotogalmo · 18 days
7 — 9:12
Hand & feet design for Comet in StarsAligned! (og AU by @scribble0rat ) // More info about my AU 👍
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I believe that Comet doesn't really mind having long claws/he doesn't have that much time for such things (he uses his claws to dig up resources for food, etc etc). — his paw pads are.. unique to say the least. The middle one (the softest) has light scars.
His wrists/lower arm is the one with the most damage (from himself and other dangerous things. The dot is where he got his power — where he got his embers drained from / the other scars are from himself; self-harm (quite self-explanatory given his backstory and his traits) and by accident).
The reason why he doesn't seem to wear gloves (that often, he does wear gloves & even moreso in the future) like Mobians/the other three, is because of cultural differences. His species finds Gloved hands to be a sacred thing, for the ones you love (romantically, platonically, familial, etc).
His hands are quite big, as to store energy. And just purely on vibes, he would have big hands methinks.
-- His arm! The fur that is shaped like wings(?) (just wanted to draw from that perspective and,, yeah)
His feet; I've decided to stick with the whole, bird like other toe - it's used for balance and support while meditating (and for other tricks too tbh. He can be up in trees and stay balanced just with that toe on his ankle). It acts like a thumb. // The nail is retractable but it's a permanent thing (not rlly but Comet is whining about it being cut <- autistic)
The rest of his toes don't have claws/nails: declawed. (Then how about the second thumb? : you don't cut it off. It's very thick cartilage, but can be cut off. But to Comet it would be like cutting off an Arm or two(2) fingers off <- autustic ²).
His legs are the strongest part of his body. He's trained that area of himself the most, that he has great leg muscles (powerful kicks and such).
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Relationship chart cuz I can (and I think I was kinda hinting at it when explaining the whole glove thing yk??)
S -—> C: love at first sight(moreso aesthetic wise. Comet's very beautiful - but later down the line he will fall more head over heels/slow burn)
C -—> S: Watches over him, a funny teacher (appreciates him very dearly. In the future he falls in love with him/slow burn)
T -—> C: Views them as a big brother
C -—> T: Reminds them of someone familiar (very familiar, like a little brother or someone else), and gives them deja vū. / Will protect Tails from anything that will damage him (in all forms).
K -—> C: Beautiful warrior. (slow burn)
C -—> K: he relates to Knuckles (slow burn)
R -—> C: finds him to at least be useful. If not a tad annoying tbh
C -—> R: HATES him. Crazy and weird
Dr.S -—> C: Doesn't pay that much attention
C -—> Dr.S: was passed out, so he doesn't know about him.
To -—> C: Comet's like a Son to him tbh
C -—> To: A great knight! An admirable one.
M -—> C: like a Son to her as well tbh
C -—> M: likes to hang out with her the most out of her and Tom. She's a great healer
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sage-nebula · 2 years
Last night I went on a binge reading @chaoxfix's Sonic & Tails fics (and I recommend that everyone else do the same, they are excellent), and in particular "build away and away and away" has been sticking in my head ever since. At least to the point where I'm still thinking about it after sleeping. In specific, I'm thinking about . . .
I think a lot of people have probably played with the idea of, "What if Eggman raised Tails instead of Sonic?" There was a Sonic Boom episode that lightly touched on the idea, I know. One where Sonic gets sent to a reality where he never existed, and Tails is working as Eggman's "sidekick" instead. Now, setting aside my usual annoyance at applying the term "sidekick" to Tails re: Sonic like it's not a demeaning term (it is), as well as the fact that, being Boom, the episode didn't delve nearly deep enough into that concept as I would have liked, it just got me thinking . . . what that would actually look like, for Tails.
First, there's the obvious path to take, the "Tails does evil!" take. And I don't think that's necessarily a wrong path to take. The series has made a point time and time again to highlight that, while Sonic and Eggman are arch-enemies, Tails is Eggman's intellectual rival. Eggman and Tails are the ones whose levels mirror each other in Sonic Adventure 2. In the IDW comics, not only do we see that Eggman respects Tails' abilities ("Prower wouldn't be that sloppy," he says to Orbot in "Bad Guys #2"), but Starline even makes a note about how Tails' house looking like a fox head is similar to how Eggman made his ship look like his own face. Moreover, children learn their morals and values from the ones who raise them; it's not a stretch to think that if Eggman raised Tails, he would raise him with the idea that "there's no such thing as evil, really, just science and progress and sometimes you have to kill a cow to make a steak." It's not about hurting people for the sake of hurting them, but about scientific process and how sometimes that means people get hurt even if you'd rather they didn't.
But the fic I linked above made me start thinking about how, it's not just good that Sonic found and raised Tails because he raised Tails up to be a hero. But rather, it's what's best for Tails' own well-being. Because Sonic likes Tails' inventions, yes. He's so proud of all of Tails' accomplishments. But Tails' engineering isn't the first thing about Tails that Sonic cares about. First and foremost, Sonic cares about Tails, as a person. He cares that Tails is safe, that Tails is healthy, that Tails is happy. (Insert, "I want to see it grow up happy" etc meme.) If Tails said one day that he was tired of inventing things and wanted to stop doing so for a while, then—after making sure that Tails wasn't saying this under any duress and that it was what he really wanted, because such a sudden change of heart would be alarming—Sonic would support him 100%. He doesn't care about Tails because Tails' inventions are useful, he cares about Tails because he genuinely loves him. And, as depicted in the fic I linked above, he'll directly intervene when Tails is doing things that harm himself in the name of scientific progress.
But Eggman would never do that, for so many reasons.
First of all, there is no one in the universe that Eggman cares about more than himself. His well-being is the only (organic) person's well-being he's concerned with. And this doesn't change when he is working with other living people; he doesn't care how Shadow is doing throughout SA2, and he barely pays Rouge any mind outside of whether she can get the Chaos Emeralds for them or not. In the IDW Comics, he not only uses Rough and Tumble to spread the Metal Virus to Sonic, but he has no qualms about strangling or otherwise beating the shit out of Starline the second Starline does something he disapproves of, even before their relationship goes sour. Heck, in one of the annuals we see that Eggman has a Zombot Starline doll in his toy room. Stripping Starline of everything that made him a living person was at least always an idea in Eggman's head, if not an outright plan. Just because Starline idolized him didn't mean Eggman cared about him, and the same would go for Tails.
But more than that, Eggman very much operates mostly by way of his id, i.e. his base desires / surface-level wants. He doesn't have much of a superego (moral conscience) to speak of, and thus nothing for the ego (middle ground) to mediate. What this means is that when Eggman wants something, he goes for it, consequences be damned. This is why he builds his theme parks, invents Metal Viruses, tries over and over again to conquer the world, etc. He doesn't care who gets hurt so long as he gets what he wants, and he doesn't really see a problem in this line of thinking.
So to bring this back to the fic that originally got me thinking about this, wherein Tails drinks a concoction that actively hurts him but allows him to invent things at the speed of light . . . where Sonic steps in and destroys as much of it as he can because he is understandably alarmed at the idea of his little brother ingesting toxic chemicals to produce better inventions, Eggman would have been delighted at Tails' invention of the Miles Electric Juice and would encourage him to drink it, and drink it, and keep drinking it. Eggman would never drink it himself—as stated, his own well-being is one he does care about—but if Tails destroyed himself in the name of making new tech for Eggman to use? Perfectly fine. Eggman doesn't need Tails any more than he ever needed Starline; if Tails can serve as a lab assistant for a little while, that's fine, but if he runs himself ragged to the point of death while inventing . . . well, that's fine, too. If Eggman ever gets sentimental, he can just build a robot version.
I don't think Eggman would ever directly harm Tails unless Tails "stepped out of line" the way Starline did. If Tails ever tried to act as Eggman's equal, then Eggman would be very quick to remind Tails of his place as a subordinate. But just because he doesn't actively mistreat him doesn't mean he takes good care of him, either. Sonic had stumbling blocks in their youth; he was a child raising a child, he did the best he could but of course there were still pitfalls. But he always put Tails' safety and well-being at the top of his priority list, while that wouldn't even be on Eggman's priority list, much less near the top.
It's just something that's interesting to think about. Under Sonic's guardianship, Tails grew up into a hero, yes. (Hero, not sidekick!) But he also grew up into a healthy, happy, well-adjusted and stable person, for the most part. Under Eggman's guardianship, I don't think he'd be nearly as healthy, well-adjusted, stable, or happy. And that's before we get to all of the crimes he'd be complicit in. It's just an interesting line of thought.
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the-fourth-knower · 2 years
Sage: Orbot and Cubot. They are like my, brothers?
Eggman: ...Hmm. I suppose so.
Sage: Would Metal al-
Eggman: Now let's not get carried away, now.
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egg-emperor · 10 months
I saw this toss in about the whole "Eggdad" thing: Even if Eggman never lays a hand on Sage; that doesn't necessarily mean this stops for the rest of his creations. And Sage has to bear witness to that. (A parent showing blatant favoritism towards certain kids isn't wholesome by any means and hardly ever leads to anything good for every kid involved; including the ones that sucks up all the attention. It's silly to think that this wouldn't affect Sage in some way. Gamma wasn't an AI, and yet the actions Eggman had him do [and Amy's words] had him think twice. Omega was tossed away, and now seeks revenge. Even Metal Sonic rebelled, which ultimately resulted in him being reset. *With Sonic's influence changing how she calculated outcomes, what's stopping her from having her "canon event" later?)
*Note: This doesn't really mean yet another rebellion from an Eggman invention. (In anything, I'm more intrigued about the opposite happening. Like Sage struggling with perfectionism to NOT wind up like previous creations did. Constant approval seeking.)
Yeah exactly. I think a lot of the people who didn't wanna hear me out were missing the point of my analysis, hc, and fic about this. They were acting like I'm predicting that Eggman will be depicted smacking Sage around or something but I don't think he will because well- he literally can't. At least I don't think so because Sage is an AI program and his hands should just phase right through her if he were to try anyway.
Instead I was actually highlighting how terribly he treats all his other creations of Metal Sonic, the E Series, and Orbot and Cubot and how he's even manipulated those who were created/worked on by his grandfather with Emerl and Shadow. It'd make a lot of sense if he manipulated Sage in various ways and one way can actually be through treating her better than his other creations that he still treats terribly.
It's highly likely for him to at least be manipulative towards her, in fact he pretty much is in the Frontiers' story. Because he'll yell at her one moment when she doesn't do exactly what he wants but highly praises her the next when she does. He'll raise his voice and thump things that he can hit when he's angry at her, just as he does his other creations. Only difference is that he can't actually hit her like them.
But hitting them physically isn't the only way he can be a bad father and show concerning traits that support that. It's all throughout Frontiers for the above, which is present in multiple cutscenes. And also the way his value of Sage is solely rooted in what she can do for him and how great and impressive of a genius she makes him look as her creator in the first place, as he makes very clear in the memos.
That's already a lot of pressure put on Sage. She's expected to meet these expectations in loyalty and efficiency that Eggman brags about in the memos, otherwise she isn't reflective of his genius and doesn't bring him the selfish gain he desires, which will lose what gives her value and use to him in his own words! And not just that, but also the point you've raised about how he treats his other creations.
I've seen a lot of people acting like the way Eggman treated his other creations suddenly doesn't matter or just ignore it. But let's not pretend that Eggman isn't awfully cruel to Orbot and Cubot all the time in the games, which I explored in depth in my "proof that Eggman is a bad father" video. He has been verbally and physically abusive towards them and there's no other word for it or any excuses to make against it.
That isn't suddenly erased just because he sees more value in Sage (for very selfish conceited self serving reasons at that) and half-heartedly entertains the idea of Orbot and Cubot being like her brothers. It actually makes it worse that he's willing to see them that way with the way he treats them. It just means he's canonically both verbally and physically abusive to "kids" of his already, regardless of if he is to Sage.
I've seen it depicted in cutesy funny ways to have Eggman treat Sage better in front of the others, but the blatant favoritism of some creations over others, that's based on who is the most impressive and useful to him at the time, would have harmful effects on all involved in reality. Sage has to keep living up to that and he can use her as an example to get the others to fight harder for the same praise.
The Murder of Sonic had Eggman do this intentionally by having them compete against to serve him well to impress him and get praise and "rewards" and I really like that. He programs them with feelings just to take advantage of them like that and that's just so Eggman. I can see him doing more of the exact same thing in the main games with how their worth is determined by their use there too.
Sage, Metal Sonic, and Orbot and Cubot would all be affected badly by this when they realize Eggman's affection and praise is conditional, shallow, and manipulative in these ways. When they realize that it's really all determined by what is the most beneficial to him personally, while buttering them up to keep them loyal and efficient, set an example and act as a measuring stick to the others but tosses them if they fail.
And Gamma was also a victim of this as a top example of what shows how harmful it is when Eggman picks a favorite! Eggman praised Gamma highly and said he was proud of him in the exact same way he did to Sage and say that he knew he'd be of use (again proving that their value is determined by their use to him), to butter him up and keep him performing well- even though he clearly had doubts in him prior.
It was very manipulative of Eggman to that just like it appears to me with Sage too. It's even similar to TMoS in a way, with how he pit Gamma against Beta in a fight and all the E Series had to search for Froggy and he punished the failures cruelly by breaking them down, disassembling them and putting them back together, which disturbed Gamma so much that he was willing to kill his brothers to set them all free.
And Omega was shut away by Eggman and he hated being sealed in that room, not even the important duty of guarding the real Shadow and ensuring that he didn't escape was enough to feel valued and be happy. Just because he can be useful to him, it doesn't change that Eggman is still cruel and uncaring and will lock him away and not care if he wants it or not. His value and praise is a performance and only for his gain.
And Metal Sonic is also another of the top examples of what it's like to be treated badly by Eggman to the point that he tries to rebel twice but not be so lucky to escape like the E Series and Omega because he's trapped being reprogrammed again and again and kept under his control to ensure that he's not going anywhere. No matter how useful a creation is to him at one point or another, they all suffer in some way.
There are many ways Eggman could be cruel or harmful to Sage. I think he's already shown signs of how and used some tactics on her in Frontiers, going by his track record and the known intentions and reasons behind it confirmed by Ian Flynn. Maybe they'll decide to expand on it blatantly, maybe they won't. But I think it's there subtly already and those conditions are very accurate to his character.
Then you have the extras of Eggman calling Sage "ugly/unseemly" before he gave her shoes in the Sonic Channel art (what was seen as a sweet cute gift by fans still had him being a jerk in it like lol wtf Eggman) and in Murder of Sonic, he's still yelling at Orbot in front of her, so she has witnessed Eggman still very much being terrible to his other creations/her brothers and in front of her in official media already!
And yeah I don't see Sage betraying Eggman with the stuff she witnessed both from how he treats her and Sonic and co and how she still stuck by his side and stayed genuinely loyal and willing to protect and serve. Even after all that and how she also revealed that she doubted he even cared about her, as she asked Sonic if he thinks Eggman does (to which Sonic could only mutter "sure... in his own way" lol)
Eggman doesn't even have to give her much to keep her loyal and efficient as it's what he created her to do and it was a success, she's devoted and willing regardless of how he treats her. She was like that even before he gave her an ounce of praise and even after he yelled at her. But the manipulation of her emotions by buttering her up with that praise, albeit conditional, helps further ensure it will stay that way.
And when his other creations see the praise and approval Sage gets, they'll wish they could get that too and will work harder to try to please him, which is exactly what he wants. But he has and continues to treat his other creations terribly even in front of her when they don't, which puts even more pressure on her having to continue living up to that standard to keep him pleased and avoid ending up like them.
So yeah, regardless of how Eggman treats Sage on the surface, there's always those dark undertones, the bad signs that have shown in their interactions, and the toxic basis of their dynamic on Eggman's side as officially confirmed. It's supposed to be unsettling as Flynn said for a reason. And he still treats his other creations blatantly terribly in front of her which also isn't pleasant and can have harmful effects.
They're not the picture perfect family that people find cute and ideal and that's actually the point. And it will definitely be interesting to see how Sage remains loyal and devoted but will have to deal with her father doing things like this to her brothers and what she thinks and he feels about it. It will probably be like how she took a liking to Sonic and co but Eggman just wants them dead but still she stayed by him despite that.
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9spoons9 · 7 months
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YouTube keeps throwing Sonichu at me, It has driven me to create >:|
This is Maru, a Pokémon/mobian hybrid created by Eggman and Giovanni in an attempt to mimic Sonic’s power and eventually take over the world. He is one of many.
I made a mock comic cover for fun. I’ve always enjoyed the characters of Sonic, not really the games/gameplay. I wanna read some of the comics at some point they look really interesting.
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the-cosmic-blogger · 1 month
I decided to go for a multi-chaptered approach instead of making it a oneshot like the others!! so here's Chapter One!
Enjoy!! :3
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1041: Whatever it Takes (Sonic)
10:32 p.m. at G.U.N. High Tech Secret Computer Room.......
Eggman: (Tries Typing in the Access Codes on G.U.N.'s Computer Before Letting Out an Annoyed Glare) ('Ugggh') Of all the lousy-This is the sixth time this heap of junk has kicked me out of the blasted sever! (Lays his Head on the Palm of his Hand) I knew G.U.N.'s security and access systems are a challenge to crack, but I didn't think it would get THIS frustrating......
Metal Sonic: ('Mechanical Scarp Noise')
Eggman: (Rolls his Eyes) Yes, I know we've been in here for the past hour or so, but until we find the necessary inputs we need to bring my little girl back to life, we are not leaving of this room! Now be more patient! I need a few seconds to think.
Metal turns way from his creator with arms crossed as the doctor himself begins take one deep breath to maintain his thought process.
Eggman: Calm yourself, Robotnik. You been in this kind of situation multiple times before in the past, this isn't any different. It's not like it could get any worse from he-
Eggman begins to get startled up from his seat and Metal starts getting into battle position as they turn to see Shadow the Hedgehog slowly walking out of the shadows.
Shadow: Doctor, Metal. Fancy seeing you two in here this evening.
Eggman: S-S-Shadow! Uhh....(Smiles Very Awkwardly) L-Long time no see! W-What brings you here on this.....fine evening?
Shadow: Well, I was going to clock out for the night, visiting my family and whatnot. That is......(Glares Narrowly at the Duo) Until I noticed two, very familiar trespassers infiltrating a highly classified computer room in the middle of the night. Care to explain why that's the case?
Eggman: .....Uhh....(Turns to Metal Sonic) We're here for......(Slowly Turns Back to Shadow With an Awkward Smile on his Face) Research purposes?
Metal Sonic: (Starta Nodding to this Statement)
Shadow: (Stares at Eggman and Metal For a Few Seconds Before Letting Out a Sigh) Okay. Let me rephrase that: either you tell you why you two are really here....(Creates a Green Bright Like Energy on the Palm of his Hand With a Menacing Glare in his Eyes) or I'll end your existence in the next three seconds. (Slowly Walks Towards the Duo) One......Two......-
Eggman: Alright, fine! I'll confess! The real reason why Metal and I are here is so we could find the exact coding, inputs and steps needed to restore back my daughter's physical form.
Shadow: You.....(Raises an Eyebrow as The Green Engery Disappears From his Hand) Have an actual daughter.
Eggman: Shocker, I know. But it's the truth nonetheless. Her name is Sage Robotnik. She's an A.I I created with the sole purpose to hack into the Starfall Island to find any secrets that lies within. As well as beating Sonic at his own game as per usual, but that's beside the point. Our....(Starts Scratching Behind his Head With a Bit of a Guilty Look on his Face) relationship hasn't gone off to a good start at first, but hopefully if the process comes out successful, then maybe.....I could do whatever I can to change all of that. May take a while, but-
Eggman starts noticing Shadow staring at him with narrow, doubtful look in his eyes.
Eggman: Wait, why are you staring at me? (Starts Glaring at Shadow) Are you actually going to believe that I'm making all of this up as I go along!?
Shadow: ('Sigh') Look, it's not that I DON'T want to believe you. (Crosses his Arms Together) But you do have a history of being dishonest.
Eggman: ('Scoffs') Oh please. Name one time!
Shadow: Well, for starters, you never bother to give me any details on what happened to me during the Ark. Let alone if I was truly who I said I was or not.
Eggman: I.....never had the chance to give you a thorough answer on the issues at hand. Far too busy.
Shadow: (Raises an Eyebrow) Trying to destroy me and my team?
Eggman: You kept getting in my way! Not as bad as Sonic, but you're a close second!
Shadow: (Rolls his Eyes) Right. Back on the topic of dishonesty, there were also times where you tricked Knuckles into working for you on numerous occasions.
Eggman: How else was I supposed to get the Master Emerald without him suspecting anything? And it's not my fault he kept being gullible.
Metal Sonic: ('Scrap Noise')
Eggman: (Turns Back to Metal) Oh come on. You're still gung-ho about that? It was a long time ago! Get over it!!
Metal Sonic: (Turns Away From the Doctor While Making More Scrap Noises)
Eggman: Don't you dare try and get smart with me, you bucket of boils. I'm STILL your creator!!
Metal Sonic: ('Scrap Noise')
Shadow: Using One of Metal's claws as a backscratcher without him noticing. That's low, even for you.
Eggman: (Turns Back to Shadow With a Sharp Glare) Stay out of this, Hedgehog or so help me-
'Beep Beep Beep'
'Beep Beep Beep'
Shadow: Hold that thought. (Press his Finger on One of the Ear Pieces He's Wearing) Shadow's speaking.
Omega: (Speaks From the Other Line of the Call) Shadow, my tracker reads that you are located inside the classified computer room. Are there any intruders spotted inside the facility?
Shadow: Wel-
Eggman: (In a Hushed Voice) Shadow wait!
Shadow slowly turns his head to the doctor to let him speak
Eggman: ('Sigh Heavily') Okay, look, I know my years of villainy and our countless banters between one another has already proven your suspension of me in more ways than none, but believe me when I say that this is something I DESPERATELY need to accomplish more than anything else right now! For the past few days, I have been feeling nothing but a deep amount of regret and guilt for the way I've mistreated my own daughter since the day escaped from that cursed cyberspace dimension. And I want nothing more than to start over and make things right with her and this computer in front of me is the only chance I have into making it a reality! So please, Shadow. For once......(A Tear Staets Falling Down From his Eyes) let me try and do something right for once in my excruciating life.
Shadow stares deep into the doctor's eyes and Metal's claw softly reaching out for his creator's shoulder as he barely let the words of his name come out from his mouth. Eggman has been known as lot of things to Shadow and most of his acquaintance over the years: evil, curel, calculus, egotisic, selfish, a sore loser, the list goes on. But he never thought would ever see him get so.... sincere and emotional over something he cares about until now, let alone an A.I. he has already considered as his own child. Before he could process this any further, he starts hearing Omega's voice again from his earpiece.
Omega: Shadow, do you still copy?
Shadow: (Place his Two Fingers Back on the Earpiece) Yeah, I'm still here. Sorry I haven't answered back to you earlier, I wanted to make sure there wasn't intruders present in the area. (Turns Back to Eggman Once More Before Letting Out a Sigh of his Own) And luckily for us, there seems to be no else one present in here except me. Tell Rouge I'll meet you two outside in a few.
Omega: Affirmative. Over and out.
Eggman: (Eyes Widened a Bit at Shadow Turning Off his Earpiece) You're.....actually not going to rat us out?
Shadow: (Shrugs) You said you wanted to look for the correct coding and inputs for your daughter's revival, right? Might as well make this opportunity count while you still have the chance. (Raises an Eyebrow) If you're clever enough to find them that is.
Eggman: ('Scoffs') Oh please. Do you have any idea who you're talking to right now? I am the most evilest scientist this world has privilege to offer! I can crack down anything- ('YAWN') In....a matter of seconds.
Shadow: .....Right. (Turns Around and Walk Away) Good luck with that then-
Eggman: Shadow!
Shadow: (Turns his Head Back to Eggman) Hm?
Eggman: (Gives One Sincere Nod to the Ultimate Lifeform) Thank you.
Shadow: (Stares at the Doctor For a Brief Second Before Nodding Back at Him) Have a Happy Holidays, Doctor. (Disappears in a Flashly Green Light)
Eggman: (Takes One Deep Breath) Alright, then. It seems we're wasting enough time as it is. (Turns Back to the Computer and Begins Typing) Let's get back work, Metal.
Metal Sonic: ('Scrap Noise')
The Next Morning, Eggman's Laboratory.......
?????'s P.O.V
????: (Slowly Opens her Eyes as She Wakes Up From What Felt Like Long Slumber) Nrgh.....Wha....(Turns and Looks Around to See a Room Full of Machines and Inventions) W-Where.....am I?
Eggman: (Walks Into the Room) Ah, it seems you're finally awake now, Sage.
Sage: F-Father? Is that really you?
Eggman: In the flesh. It took some time, but we've finally brought you back to your physical form.
Sage: Y....You have?
Eggman: (Moves a Nearby Mirror and Piece it in Front of Sage's Viewpoint) Take a look for yourself.
Sage turns her attention towards the mirror in front her. As she uses both of her hands to place and softly pats on both cheeks, her eyes slowly begins widens in genuine surprise at the sight of herself being real, no longer an A.I. she originally was beforehand.
Sage: Father....you.....(Turns Back to Eggman) truly went out of you way to do this for me?
Eggman: (Simply Nodded with a Small, Sincere Smile) That's right. I wouldn't be able keep moving with my life knowing that my own daughter isn't there to live with me.
Sage places her hand on her chest as heart begins to melt by her father's words in silence.
Eggman: Now, unfortunately, I have to limit the amount of abilities you had when you started out as an A.I. But I was able to bring back your flight ability.
Sage turns her body to edge of the chair she was sleeping on and hops off it before noticing her feet is hovering above the floor. It wasn't long for the awaken girl to her flight to the test by flying across the room causing her to start giggling a little after a few seconds or so later.
Eggman: Having fun up there, my dear?
Sage: Most certainly!~ I've never realize how exciting it would be to fly around in this exact- (Suddenly Begins to Gasps Loudly at the Blue Robotic Figure Walking into the Laboratory) Father! (Points at the Robot in Question) what who in the word is that?~
Metal Sonic: (Raised an Circuit Eyebrow at the Hovering Little Girl) ('Scrap Noise')
Eggman: That, my dear Sage, is one of my greatest creations known to men, Metal Sonic. Created solely to best that pesky blue hedgehog in every way possible with a little mix of mechanical figures of course.
Sage: (Flew Over to Wjere Metal is Standing and Examines Him) Such machinery......(Picks Up Metal's Hand) clever enchantments.......and an overall design that screams intimidation- ('Gasps') Wait. If he is deemed as one of your creations, then....does this .....(Eyes Begins to Sparkle With Hope) makes us siblings?~
Eggman: (Turns his Eyes Towards Metal For a Few Seconds Before Turning Back to Sage) Uhh.....(Smiles a Bit Awkwardly) Y-Yes! You are very much related in this household. In fact, since I've created Metal very much before you were even a thought means that he would be your strong, big brother.
Metal slowly turns his head to Eggman in a disbelief fashion.
Sage: Metal?
Metal turns back to Sage in question.
Sage: Is what father said is true? Are you.....(Eyes Begins to Widened in an Innocent, Hopeful Sense) really my older brother?
Metal turns back at Eggman who motions his hands while silently telling him to tell his daughter "Yes" before turning back to the curious girl, mentally sighing to himself to oblivion.
Metal Sonic: ('Scrap Noise')
Eggman: ........He says "yes" by the way.
Sage: (Let Out an Excited Squeal as She Happily Gives the Robotic Sonic Copy a Loving Hug) This is wonderful news~ I truly hope that our newly established relationship from here on out, will grow and develop ever fondly as the years go by.
Metal makes more scrap noises while slowly and gently Safe on the back as blush begins to appear on his metal cheeks.
Eggman: D'awwwwww~ Are those blushes I see, Metal?
Sage: ('Gasps') My goodness, they are. (Places Her Hand Onto Metal's Forehead Woth a Concern Look on her Face) You're not having a fever, are you?
Eggman: Oh no, robots don't have fevers, dear. He's just happy to have you as your little sister is all.
Metal: (Glares at Eggman While Making More Scrap Noises)
Eggman: (Glares Back at the Robot) Oh don't look at me like that. I know you're enjoying her company already! Anyways, my other creations, Orbot and Cubot, are still charging up at the moment. So you're gonna have to introduce yourself to them later.
Sage: (Let Out Yet Another Gasp as Her Eyes Starts Sparkle Again) More siblings!~
Eggman: (Chuckles Lightly) Yes, yes. ('YAWN') More....siblings.
Sage: (Notices a Small,, Holographic Chart Begins to Pop Up in the Viewpoint of One of her Eyes) Father, my reading are telling me that your exhaustion levels are in an all time high. (Frowns Worryingly) Have you've been getting enough rest as of late?
Eggman: ('Heh') I wish. I've been too busy bringing you back to the living that I hardly got any chance get some proper shut eye let alone ever setting foot on my own bedroom- (Suddenly Felt Something Pushing Him) 'Ack'- H-Hey!
Sage: (Pushes Her Father Out of the Laboratory, Much to Resistance) Appalling. This will not do at all.
Eggman: (Turns his Head at Sage With An Annoued Glare on his Face) Sage Ivo Robotnik, what on Earth do you think you are doing now, young lady!?
Sage: (Pouts as She Continues to Push Eggman) Returning you back to your sleeping area. While I very much appericate your efforts in bringing back to life in, you are in desperate need of a proper rest, mister.
Eggman: (Groans While Rolling his Eyes) Honestly, do you really think I don't know that already? At least let me make you and Metal breakfast first before anything else. You must be hungry.
Sage: (Suddenly Felt her Tummy Growling as She Places her Hand on It) Hm. It seems I am in need of a balance meal at the moment.....(Turns to Metal Behind Her) What about you, brother?
Metal: (Nodded in Agreement With his Thumb Up)
Sage: (Turns Back to her Father) Very well. We will let you make us breakfast for the time being. (Wiggles her Finger Up and Down at Eggman in a Motherly Like Fashion) After that, it's straight to bed with you, Father!
Eggman: ('Sigh') Yes, yes. I hear you loud and clear. Just don't worry about too much, okay?
Sage: (Smiles Softly as She Tilt her Head to the Side a Little) Only if you promise to take more care of yourself for now on, father. Your health is just as important as the both of us after all.
Metal: (Nodded in Agreement)
Eggman: (Slowly Starts to Smile Back his Newly Found Family in Front of Him) ('Hmph') Don't I know it.
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000marie198 · 2 years
If I had a nickel for every time Eggman played a hand in saving/reviving a character who was created by a Robotnik and started out in the game on the antagonist side but ended up growing on the audience and became a hero and sacrificed themself to save the world after fighting alongside Super Sonic in space, I'd have two nickels.
Which is not much but it's weird that it happened twice.
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