#empires citizen
gardenergulfie · 2 years
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I dont art but i wanted to draw my Empires Sona for Empires S2! They’re a kobold who lives in the Goblin Cave Empire. Likes shinies and moss and glowing mushrooms. Is short (4 foot). Will bite if need be. 
Edit: Their name is Glyphie now. They tried to steal the name Gulfie but misspelled it and now its stuck. 
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space-d-0ut-of-it · 2 years
Hello empires smp s2 enjoyers
I have made my own empires sona
Please welcome S. G. Breccia of Tumble Town, a geologist by trade and an explorer by nature who definitely did not get sidetracked by watching and following around an interesting archaeologist
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More info under readmore
- it/they
- is based off of a saber tooth tiger/smilodon
- yes it makes no sense to have an ice age animal in the mesa. But have you considered: they’re just a cute lil guy w big teeth?
- S. G. stands for smilodon gracilis, one of the subspecies of smilodon. There isn’t a particular reason I chose it, I just like the sound of it.
- breccia is a type of rock that’s actually a bunch of angular/pointy fragments of rocks that get cemented together by another types of rock. Once again I just think it looks n sounds cool
- if you can’t tell by now I enjoy paleontology and r ocks
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orchres · 7 months
if you, as a citizen of an imperial superpower, cannot tell the difference between yourself and the nation state I think maybe you SHOULD die along with it.
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kora-kat · 2 years
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Empires smp citizens
Part 1 /2 /4 /5
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redbean-nom · 1 month
love that hunter's like "we've all fought enough battles for one lifetime."
and then there's rex stuck fighting all the way to the battle of endor. poor guy
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daily-grian · 2 years
random idea! Can you LDshadowlady cat skin from s2 empires with bird grian? Bird and cat 👀
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♫ Got a parrot, my first loyal subject ♫
♫ I might have, slightly, killed it. ♫
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pedroam-bang · 1 month
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Star Citizen (2024)
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syn4k · 1 year
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empires smp s1 citizen pov memes except for the last one because goddamn rip pix
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1captainjordan4 · 2 years
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My Empire citizen and her room in Stratos Lore city :D
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empirearchives · 2 months
Citizen Cooks in the Age of Napoleon
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Excerpt about the role of cooks in France after the abolition of culinary guilds, and how they navigated a world which demanded for them to find new ways to stay relevant and prosperous. From Defining Culinary Authority: The Transformation of Cooking in France, 1650-1830 by Jennifer J. Davis:
French cooks sought new sites upon which to rebuild the authority of culinary labor. Throughout the early nineteenth century cooks increasingly adopted scientific terms to demonstrate their reliability and profound knowledge of the culinary arts. Such language communicated the author's education and distinction, just as an appeal to an elite patron had done in the 1660s and referral to a cook's professional expertise had done in the 1760s. The rhetoric and institutions of scientific knowledge also provided a means of distinguishing men's work from women's in the post-revolutionary era. During the early nineteenth century, cooks' claims to scientifically valuable savoir-faire rested on three crucial points of culinary innovation: food preservation, the improved production of bouillon, and gelatin extraction.
As these processes left the realm of traditional knowledge and became sites of scientific inquiry by tradespeople and amateurs alike, cooks sought to maintain authority in this arena by including scientific terms and theories in cookbooks, advertisements, and government petitions.
Two factors encouraged cooks' claims to scientific knowledge during this era. First, when Napoleon Bonaparte took the reins of government as first consul in 1799 and established himself as emperor in 1804, he raised medical doctors and academic scientists, Idéologues, to positions of political prominence. From these posts, the Idéologues subsidized experiments and inventions deemed useful to the nation and encouraged the popularization of science in the public sphere through state sponsorship of exhibitions and print forums. The Idéologues particularly supported research related to food preparation and preservation that might benefit France's armies and navies, with obvious benefits for professional cooks. Many cooks presented their particular techniques to the government during this time, seeking both financial recompense and public acclaim. Second, a voluntary association closely allied with the Idéologues' vision, the Société d'encouragement pour l'industrie nationale (Society for the Encouragement of National Industry), provided a forum in which formally trained scientists, politicians, merchants, artisans, and curious educated men might unite to address questions that inhibited French science and industry.
Together, these men sought to develop a more coherent program for industrial advancement than any one group could achieve independently. The society explicitly sought to join scientific knowledge to artisanal practical expertise, recognizing that each group had strengths that would benefit industrial development. This association invested heavily in three diffuse projects that eventually infused the most basic culinary processes with scientific awareness: new methods of food preservation to benefit the nation's armies and navies, new methods of stock preparation to sustain the nation's poor, and new methods of extracting gelatin from bones to improve hospital and military diets at little added expense.
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gardenergulfie · 2 years
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When your friend is like, 1/16th fey, and you need to hold his hand whenever you cross rivers. 
Its finally done! Took me like the whole of yesterday to do the backgrounds alone. Wow art is hard! Mad respect to all the artists out there, especially those who shade their work LIKE HOW???
Anyways! This is a gift to my friend Tekla aka @tango-dyke​ of his empires sona Rose (the human in blue and red). I added my empires sona Glyphie (the kobold) because they’re friends <3
Close-up below the cut
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space-d-0ut-of-it · 2 years
Managed to catch up on empires after being Very Busy for over a month
Have this S.G. I painted a while ago but kept forgetting to post
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chicafinal · 9 months
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*taps mic* does anyone see this? do you know what this means?
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kora-kat · 2 years
I love mcyt citizen pov memes. Like yeah, I'm only a meer hairdresser, but I'm the only one in this damn country of 20 people so I have met every government official and they have given me their entire backstory (when asked not to)
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dykeseinfeld · 6 months
do all the nine houses use the same currency. if not, how much has the ninth house had to devalue in order to maintain levels of trade necessary to get supplies. what are their interest rates like.
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rozecrest · 1 year
can’t stop thinking about the divine principality trying to turn the twilight mirage from a garden into a lawn
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