#episode synopsis
autumnmobile12 · 5 months
Storm Hawks: A Pretty Fun Take on Feminism
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I don't know how many people actually remember this show, or even watched it , but this is an episode that's stuck with me all these years so I want to talk about it.
For context, the plot of Storm Hawks itself is pretty basic: Evil empire taking over the world, the good guys try to stop them, shenanigans ensue because kids' show. The main cast members fall into pretty generic archetypes. too. We have:
Aerrow (the 'true blue' leader)
Piper (the smart one/the girl)
Finn (the funny one)
Junko (the buddy)
Stork (the neurotic one)
Radarr (the animal sidekick)
And we're off:
This is Storm Hawks Season 1, Episode Ten: Fire and Ice
There was a lot going on in this episode, including a climate change allegory, but for the purposes of attempting to remain somewhat concise, I'm only going to cover the feminism theme for this post. Episode ten revolves mostly around Piper, opening with the team attending a festival put on by the Blizarrians, a race of snow-dwelling, humanoid, rabbit-dog creatures with Canadian accents and stereotypes in their world. (Which might be offensive, but the show was produced by a Canadian studio, so they can make fun of themselves if they want.)
The Blizzarian team (aptly named the Absolute Zeroes) invite the Storm Hawks to come snowmobiling with them in the backcountry. Piper is enthusiastic about the invitation, being a skilled cartographer, so she wants to map out the terrain...only to be told, "Ladies don't do the backcountry training. You just stay back with the girls."
Aerrow, being a true friend, tells Piper not to listen and she can ride with him, but since she's apparently not welcome by their hosts, Piper doesn't feel inclined to go anymore.
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However, when Piper goes to meet up with 'the girls' and hang out, Suzy Lu (pictured above) unexpectedly introduces herself as the Absolute Zeroes' Sky Knight (essentially their captain.) So she's the one in charge, not the men, leaving Piper with the impression, Okay maybe being left out won't be so bad after all.
Later on in the episode, Aerrow does call out the male Zeroes, telling them she is part of their team and she has every right to be there with them. However, the Zeroes meet his words with genuine confusion, with the original member who told Piper to stay behind saying, "But Sky Knights don't do the backcountry training. That's just for us squaddies."
He thought Piper was the leader and therefore didn't need to be there. Similarly, because he was the male, Aerrow thought he was the Zeroes' leader, not Suzy Lu. It's still a sexist assumption to think Piper was in charge because she was a woman, but it's definitely a fresher take than the typical, "No, woman stay home because woman weak."
Going further into the comedy of the situation, though, is the fact the 'training' the Zeroes do in the backcountry pretty much amounts to them messing around on the snowmobiles and pulling off crazy stunts. They're just 'boys being boys.' If somebody wipes out on their ride, everyone else will be concerned up until the moment the fallen team member stands back up and starts cheering to show he's okay. It gives off a vibe that's similar to parents sending their kids outside to play when they're too hyper.
Further proving the point they are a bunch of well-intentioned dorks, it's also shown that Blizzarians don't assume all women are in charge. When Aerrow suggests a solution to the aforementioned climate issue that was also going on in the episode, Suzy Lu declares, "I like your thinking." And then, as an aside to Piper, whispers, "I was wondering why this one was in charge." So upon meeting the group, she definitely had a moment of, Okay, this Aerrow guy is the leader, not Piper. Kinda odd, but humans are wierd. Whattya gonna do?
Overall, the storytelling of Storm Hawks was a bit shallow, which doesn't often appeal to most adults, and that likely was a contributor as to why it didn't receive much attention outside its target audience. The world itself, Atmos, was an interesting concept; a world interspersed with mountain nations (terras) that rose up out of a hostile wasteland, so travel is achieved primarily by flight. This theme is seen throughout the series in the very culture as many of the characters are named after birds. (Junko (junco,) Stork, Piper (sandpiper,) Starling, Dove, Snipe, Wren, Finn (finch.) In addition to the flight, their machines were powered by these crystals that varied in type, purpose, categorization of how common or rare they were, so there was a scientific/magic element to it.
The writing was episodic in format, though, so the characters don't really have longterm goals and never really had development arcs that spanned much longer than a single episode. The conflict itself was effectively a world war, but unlike a series such as Avatar: The Last Airbender, Storm Hawks never achieved the level of seriousness or emotion that a war story demands to be compelling or really respectful of that particular theme in fiction. The characters of Storm Hawks and ATLA are fun and light-hearted, but the Storm Hawks episodes were really more goofy and child-like adventures. I mean, there is an episode where it is heavily implied the reptilian humanoids are carnivorous and eat people. Okay, fuck, that's hardcore disturbing, but the show doesn't really expand on that because it's a kids' show. Nonetheless, since it's there, you're kinda left with, Okay, either follow through with your darker themes or don't mention them at all. It's a cartoon, find a better balance than that.
There also wasn't much depth to the villains either and their motivations were really just chalked up to the standard, "We're evil." One of them was even former 'good guy' turned traitor ten years prior to the main plot, but his reasons for turning traitor were never explored or even revealed. Come on, people, what happened? Ambition? Greed? He saw the political structure of the side he fought for was fundamentally flawed and decided it was best to tear it all down?
However, the detail that I appreciate with this nostalgia series is the fact that there were female characters in positions of power in Storm Hawks. Most of the fighting battalions were mostly made up of men, sure, and I would have liked to see a more balanced male-female cast, but some of the teams were straight up led by a woman and there was at least one group that was exclusively women.
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The main antagonist, the reigning monarch of the aggressive nation in the war, was also a woman. (Well, teenage girl, but you get the point.) What's more; she was 100% in charge. She was not influenced in any way by a male advisor, she wasn't spurred on by the memory of a male predecessor, she was never intimidated by her male generals. And she was intelligent. Throughout the series, she was a scientist, an engineer, and a fighter. (Unfortunately, in the last season, her mind started to go a bit, so she pretty much devolved into a knockoff Azula.) We even have the brief insight of her background where it's shown she inherited her throne from her grandmother, not another male ruler. Which either implies primogeniture inheritance regardless of gender or it's a matrilineal monarchy, which is interesting to speculate, but that would be headcanon territory.
It was a fun watch when I was a kid, but as an adult...yeah, lots of flaws, a great deal of loss in potential with world-building and storylines, and even as a kid, I knew the plots and humor of later episodes fell into a category that was more stupid than funny.
But if Storm Hawks had one strength, they had the groundwork of the feminism angle down pat and that is always appreciated.
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romancemedia · 4 months
I struck gold! I just found out the BBC page has information on all the Total Drama 2023 episodes, including season 2! All the season 1 episodes are available for watching, but the season 2 episodes won't be airing in the UK until early January 2024 next year.
Here is the info on the final 5 remaining episodes! I can't wait to see how this turns out.
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violetganache42 · 10 months
A partial synopsis for GO RUSH!! ep. 67 was revealed and I have a few things I want to say about it.
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16 Nichi 「Sōgetsu no Tsunagari*」 Akugyō wo kasaneru nazo no kamen Dyuerisuto, Sutadi Sōshi no mae ni Sōgetsu Maguto ga tachifusagaru.
7/16: "The Sogetsu Connection*" - Maguto Sogetsu stands in the way of Commander Study, a mysterious masked Duelist who has been committing evil deeds.
*"Connection" translates to "tsunagari (繋がり) in Japanese; however, the English translation for its katakana spelling keeps coming up as "Tunagari," so I will be using the kanji meaning until a more elaborate synopsis gets released and translated.
It looks like we are getting a new Sogetsu soon, and honestly? I'm not looking forward to it. Based on the original embedded tweet, there's the possibility that they're created to replace Manabu, which I find incredibly stupid. He was simply pretending to be in allegience with the Ryugu brothers because it was the only way for him to try and learn about Phaser's secret and help the protagonists and GO RUSH!! literally punishes him for it by forcing him into Muda's servitude, even after the new arc began. He's already been given the short end of the stick; the last thing we need is for him to become the next Bastion as a way to "solve" such a poor writing decision. 😠
Again, this is only a guess/possibility, so don't take my word for it. Who knows if this episode will prove me wrong and have this Maguto person display hints of helping get Manabu on everyone's good graces again, but I'm not holding my breath.
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horseland2 · 1 year
Chloe and Zoey get cancelled and are barred from horseland
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laf-outloud · 2 years
Walker S3E07: "Just Desserts" Episode Synopsis
GIVING THANKS – Walker (Jared Padalecki) attempts to make this the most memorable Thanksgiving ever in the hopes of luring Stella (Violet Brinson) to return home, but when the family’s annual “Circle of Thanks” turns into a circle of grievance, tensions bubble over- leaving things worse off than they began, with one member of the Walker family being rushed to the hospital. The episode was directed by Steve Robin and written by Anna Fricke and Bret VandenBos & Brandon Willer (#307).  
Source: Nerds & Beyond
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xofeno · 2 years
what do you think about the episode synopsis 10x03?
Oh man.
Let's use a cut for people still trying to avoid spoilers. Which, for the first time in my life, I'm not.
A Good Man The team investigates a string of brutal pharmacy robberies, and Halstead connects with one of the victims about their Army careers. Upton suspects there is more to the story and confides in Voight.
It's vague. Let's assume the writing team is trying to make it make sense. Just for fun. 'Cause why not.
So Jay going back to war wouldn't make sense. Dismiss that idea.
What might make sense is him trying to right some wrongs. Maybe join the military police in some capacity? Or testify in a tribunal or court-martial? OR take an undercover assignment that he truly believes in and only he can complete?
As for Hailey going to Hank. It reminds me of 7x09, when she didn't tell him about Jay getting involved with Angela. That went bad. So maybe this time she goes to Hank for help.
Maybe it still goes bad though? Maybe Jay ends up getting kidnapped again?? And they don't find him???
And they string us along for a bunch of episodes to find out what happened??
And then SUPRISE it was all a ruse!!! He's fine!!! He's back!!!! PLEASE???!!?!
I don't know. I just don't know. I hate this.
Jay's military episodes are usually my favourites. I'd normally be SO excited for this one. Now I'm dreading it.
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Roswell, New Mexico “Wild Wild West” (4x09) Episode Synopsis - DIRECTED BY MICHAEL TREVINO
BAD DREAMS - After being exposed to her own “alien-power mist,” Liz finds herself trapped in a fever dream and a battle to save not just her own life but Max’s life as well. Meanwhile, Michael stumbles on a secret Rosa is keeping involving a surprising former adversary. Michael Trevino directed the episode written by Leah Longoria and Onalee Hunter Hughes (#409). Original Airdate 8/8/2022.
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perfectarmony · 1 year
2 hour season final and OMG the press release. I always thought Thony won't play the pacemaker between Arman and Garret forever and her grateful attitude toward them for saving lucas will change with her priorities but flipping on them both I'm curious How.
When will renewal news come? May?
Ahhhh anon 🤧 this looks so good!!
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I'm intrigued too, but I guess she won't completely keep them in the dark? 👀 Or at least not Arman who's usually understanding and on her side, especially if Luca is in danger. This is about to get messy though...there won't be a happy ending 🤧
I'm so excited and so sad at the same time for this season finale...
Season 3 could be announced any day from now to May really, I guess? 👀 I doubt it'll be before at least January though, if they really want to take a look at the ratings for the entire season - live + delayed. I'd have to recheck, but I think they already started pitching S3 to fox when they went in for S2, so who knows, we might get an early renewal 👀
We only had 6 months to wait between S1 and S2, but I doubt they'll air S3 in fall 2023, so it's going to be a long hiatus 🤧 anyway, as long as they come back I'll be happy 🥺
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sashmarie1111 · 1 year
The Flash 9x01 Synopsis
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sakuraboom2023 · 19 days
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The Ojarumaru 27th series episode “Kame-Tome Hitokuchi Banashi” (カメトメひと口ばなし, “Kame-Tome One-bite Story”) will premiere on NHK E on Monday, April 15 at 6:40 AM / 5:00 PM.
In the episode, Ojarumaru wonders why his fiancé Princess Okame hasn't come to meet him lately. He hears a story from the turtle sisters Kame and Tome Kameda, who were passing by. They say that on a full moon night, Princess Okame was seen fidgeting as she was heading towards Moonlight Town. Ojarumaru wants to know what happened to Okame, but Kame-Tome will only tell him more if he feeds them his pudding.
Episode screenshots and synopsis © Rin Inumaru, NHK, NEP
Source: NHK
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shironezuninja · 2 years
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Thank Kami-Sama this episode aired a few months later during my last year at a Special Ed school. I did not want to bring up anything eventful during those first couple of years from the 21st century into my posts’ captions yesterday. Before I went to high school around the Manhattan area, my Cross Island school area was in an oblivious safe zone.
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spookysweaterblog · 5 months
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Pete is so bored, he just wants to eat mutton and look at tents
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romancemedia · 2 years
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Next stop the Phantom Zone. Superboy Here We Come!!!
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violetganache42 · 9 months
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Okay, so the synopses for the next few episodes were released as I was writing down/drafting my previous post. After reading them, can I please say what the FUCK are these match-ups??? Not because of who's Dueling who, but because of who even made it to the finals.
Wasn't Mitsuko managing a food stand for the tournament when we last saw her? Couldn't they have at least given us some glimpses of her competing during her free time? Heck, I don't recall Zwijo physically being present throughout the arc to actually take part in it.
Why the hell is Nyandestar in the finals when we clearly saw her with Manabu throughout the rushed premliminaries? I can possibly understand Rovian since we saw her Dueling in ep. 66, but her other appearances leading up to the finals have been watching the Rush Duels occur after she competed only one time. Was she conveniently watching them whenever she wasn't Dueling herself?
For that matter, how did Yuamu even make it to the finals? Protagonist armor? Tell, I can understand since he took a break from the Relic plotline to destress and there was nothing the narrative offered to sidetrack him, but the writers seriously couldn't bother making his first Rush Duel since ep. 5 be him taking part in at least one Duel in the preliminaries? As for Yuamu, I don't believe her qualification since she spent most of her tournament time investigating the Relic, topped with being brainwashed by it and losing to Yudias very early in the arc, being subtly but noticeably dumbed down in a few episodes, and joining the furniture store plotline.
How did Asaka and Yuna even qualify when all their screentime throughout the arc has been managing it alongside Phaser, wasting their time on its sponsor, and determining a better prize than the complete Mr. Universe manga instead of actually competing? Kaiba's role in the Battle City arc was much more believable since we got to see him host, manage, and take part in his own tournament.
Like I previously said, all of that could've been forgiven if it was simply due to Bridge doing 13-ish-episode arcs, but in this case, this is because of the arc having too many plotlines to follow. The writers spent so much time focusing on the Relic, the Epoch favoritism, and the Providence furniture store to the point where they're clashing with the Galaxy Cup on which one is more important. In turn, that prioritization has resulted in most of the aforementioned finalists not having any substantial indicators of them competing and advancing to the finals like verbal revelations or onscreen segements of them Rush Dueling to score high enough points. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the characters who did Duel on-screen in ep. 66—Chupataro, Manya, George, Bochi, and London—don't qualify because they're not relevant to the arc's cesspool of a plot despite most of them being major supporting characters like the others. With past YGO series, their tournament arcs had certain supporting casts advancing to the final bracket to distinguish who is a major or minor supporting character, complete with some form of onscreen participation or verbal/visual proof of their progress from them. Here, we don't get that; we are given proof of the finalists doing their own thing instead of competing, yet they all somehow did well in the preliminaries despite no screentime spent earning points to back that up. It's almost like the writers wanted them to qualify purely for the hell of it.
And you know what's sad? The show's first tournament, the Friendship Rush Duel Tournament, was handled so much better than this. All the members from both teams had onscreen participation, the supporting characters had relevant contributions regardless of them competing or not, and the arc consisted of only a couple plotlines that were each significant to the narrative in some way. Even the SEVENS fanservice wasn't overtaking GO RUSH!!'s identity at the time, and it both felt enjoyable and answered a good amount of questions, especially where the show takes place and how its characters are related to the SEVENS cast. The writers are clearly capable of writing a good tournament arc, yet I am baffled they tossed everything that made it work out the window and gave us this polar opposite mess.
I don't know if the second half of the Galaxy Cup arc will give us some justification on why the finalists even made it, but from the look of things, my hopes are far from high. Everything about it has been annoying at best and aggravating at worst so far, and something tells me it'll only continue to get worse.
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housesalad · 4 months
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laf-outloud · 2 years
Walker Season 3 Episode 5 - Growing Pains Synopsis
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Source: cw_walkertexasranger
This looks like a fun one! (As in, watching favorite characters struggle is fun! lol!)
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