#especially blue and red
kodasea · 3 months
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One More Murder
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yrsonpurpose · 29 days
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we won't know. but there will be signs. bonus ±
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angstydiaz · 11 months
can i just say the weird standard people try and hold queer romcoms(and queer media but) in general is so weird
its always "its too juvenile" and "its too wholesome" but then its "this is too sexualised" and apparently queer ppl having sex scenes is automatically "fetishizing". Always "too corny" "too angsty" and dont get me started on people who act like something has to be bad representation just because they didn't like it
"its cringey" it is a fucking romcom bro. like half of the appeal of a romcom is the kinda cringey fun of it all . not your thing? fine go watch something that is,not being the audience for something is fine but god stop acting like one romcom is gonna dismantle the movement for queer rights.
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churchyaoi · 21 days
to nobodys surprise heres my favorite
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hotcinnamonsunset · 26 days
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RED, WHITE & ROYAL BLUE: first look, on-camera and off
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dunmeshistash · 1 month
Racial Distribution world map
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Map based on the population majorities living in the Dungeon Meshi World
Map from this pixiv post and was created based on the "Areas with the largest populations" mini maps from the adventurer's Bible.
Legend Translation by @heattth Thank you!
Mini maps and addional map under the cut.
Adventurer's Bible mini maps
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Religious Distribution (non Canon)
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This map shows the religious distribution on the world map, but I'm not sure what its based on. I believe it's a headcanon.
edit: checked with some friends and indeed the (妄想) at the description of the pixiv post indicates this one isn't canon
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« The scene between Taylor and Nick in Alex's bedroom after their first hook up, with the key, where they're sort of declaring themselves to each other, that's peak chemistry for me between the two of them. That was one of the last scenes we shot. They were so comfortable with each other by then, they knew each other's rhythm so well and it comes across. It's a crucial scene for them to have such great chemistry. »
- Matthew López about what scene (other than the cake scene) he takes the most joy or the most pride in
Shadan Larki for Awards Buzz
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gophergal · 5 months
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a meme specific to my interpretations
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shirmirart · 8 months
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"And because of this handsome peasant boy, the Prince's armor began to fall away. Piece by piece. Until all that was left was the piece of armor protecting his heart. Peasant boy pulled and pulled at this last piece of armor but the Prince held it firmly in place. And with every tug, the boy made a space between the Prince's armor and his heart. And in that space, the Prince's heart could beat freely once again." x
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aroaceleovaldez · 7 months
Thalia's color is ultramarine, Jason's color is cyan, Percy's is teal, Bianca's is green, Nico's is olive, and Hazel's is gold.
The big 3 kids make a color gradient in order (Zeus [sky] > Poseidon [ocean] > Hades [underground]) hope this helps
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newgroundstier · 25 days
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felt like usin sg colours :u i like drifts ourple eyes
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leclercari · 10 months
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“Alex wonders how such rich genetics conspired to make Bea and Henry both so interesting to look at, all mischievous smiles and swooping cheekbones, but punted so hard on Philip. He looks like a stock photo.”
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potato-jem · 9 months
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can’t explain it, but these photos are alex and henry, not taylor and nicholas
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matsaysyes · 5 months
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I have massive brain rot for them right now and it won’t go away. They have single-handedly chucked me back into the Pokemon fandom and I’m not as mad about it as I thought would be.
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eon-become-instant · 10 months
It's honestly annoying, all the ppl trying to write full length analyses on the RWRB movie as if it were some high calibre queer drama instead of a fucking light hearted romcom.
"It's unrealistic! It's cheesy! It looks low budget! It wasn't raunchy enough!" ohmygod please just stop.
I saw a post earlier from someone saying it was too 'sanitised' and that queer people don't want movies like this that are just like the millions of straight romcoms out there, but to me, that's such a braindead take because? Isn't this what we've wanted since forever? A level of equality in the film industry where we can have the same variety of movies centred around queer romance as those centred around straight relationships?
As a bi girlie, I want them all. The serious movies, the silly movies, the dramatic heart wrenching ones, and the ones that are so sweet and fluffy I end up with a toothache. I just want more of ALL of them!
If romcoms aren't for you, that's FINE. You do not NEED to like this film. But you can say that without disparaging it to the point where you come off sounding like some wanna-be high-brow film critic asshole who thinks movies like this aren't worth being made because they fucking ARE worth it. Some of us WANT something sappy and sweet every once in a while! Don't you fucking dare try to speak for the entire queer community by telling those large production companies that nobody wants movies like this because that is just plain untrue!
Now to be clear, I'm not talking about the people who aren't happy with the movie as an adaptation - however you feel about that, you're valid cause I know this book meant a hell of a lot to many people, and it sucks that so much of it had to be stripped away. Personally that aspect of it didn't bother me much cause I went into it knowing 2 hours was never gonna be enough to include all of those side characters.
Anyway, that's my rant. Let people enjoy the fluffy warm and cuddly comfort movie please and thank you ❤️
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meraki-yao · 4 months
Okay why is nobody talking about this, these entire part of the emails montage is just gems
"I can't have smut filling my inbox corrupting my mind and bulging my pants up"
lmao Alex I don't know why I find the wording really amusing
"I'll behave"
I need the underlying email narrations and I need the boys to record the book emails, I'm not even kidding I need it I'm so fucking desperate 🫠🫠🫠🫠
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