#externals imagine
romeulusroy · 1 year
Imagine your boyfriend Kingo giving you a summary on his family before you meet them:
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"Isn't there another one?"
"Oh yeah. Druig, he sucks." Ajak, Ikaris, Sersi, Gil, Thena, Phastos, Sprite, Makkari. . . and Druig. Were you forgetting anyone? Was he? Kingo had told you he was estranged from his family, but you'd never imagined anything close to this. immortal beings sent to protect the earth long before you were anything, long before you existed. You imagined a brother and sister maybe, not this. You always thought the long line of actors he'd come from had gotten in some silly feud about money and fame and that's why he never spoke of them, that's why you never thought you'd be meeting them. Turns out it had been him all along. You felt like an idiot. Kingo laughed, but not in condescending way. You weren't the only one to believe it, he reminded you, then boasted about what a great actor he was. You couldn't help but laugh and roll your eyes.
"Should I be writing this down?" You looked around for some paper and a pen. You sat on the private jet across from him, casually looking over his shoulder at his so-called family. Sersi, you think, was scrolling on her phone, talking to Gil- no Ikaris. The little one, Sprite, had vanished before your eyes, but not before sticking her tongue out at you. There were still so many more to meet, to impress, something you were severely lacking at right now. They weren't exactly brothers and sisters. Kingo had told you how Sersi and Ikaris had even gotten married, that Thena and Gil were unofficially-official, but all of them together were some team-family hybrid. From the stories he was telling you now, they didn't seem to get along. If they hadn't been put together, they'd never come together on their own. You supposed that was the same for all families. He'd already met yours, great aunts and second cousins and all. They couldn't believe you were dating a star, that things between you were so serious. You love Kingo, regardless of his fame. You love him so much you'd make this crazy situation work, you'd win all of them over. How hard could that be?
"They'll love you, they already do."
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bee-sidebranch · 2 months
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The wet mouse with their demi god first-aid kit
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general-cyno · 7 months
sometimes I see manga panels or anime screenshots of luffy and zoro being silly and I'm hit with the reminder that zoro not only believes his dream/ambitions mean nothing without luffy but that he's said this out loud. to an enemy, no less, as he chose to exchange his life for luffy's. that luffy himself would lose his absolute shit if something bad ever happened to zoro and the reason why luffy tends to worry less about and rely more on him is bc he knows how strong zoro is, can and will be and the lengths he'd go to protect others, especially the people he cares about, since this part of zoro's character is exactly what ultimately convinced luffy to recruit him in the first place. that even though zoro's the one with the grand gestures it likely means so much to luffy, who experienced tragedy early on and is afraid of losing those he loves to the point he vowed to become strong just to avoid so, the fact that zoro's such a steady presence and force beside him - one he can count on to keep everyone, and luffy too, safe. insane levels of devotion and trust going on between two dudes who shower once a week.
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fisheito · 14 days
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everyone gets a turn in the ridiculous skintight edmondsuit. or at least, .everyone SHOULD
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systememergency · 11 months
My therapist (a DID specialist): You definitely have DID
Me (in perpetual denial): Damn... I managed to fool her as well. Truly my faking knows no bounds.
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jirairot · 1 month
the sheer number of creators I see on tik tok who base 90% of their content on supposed "mental health awareness" and experiences in psych wards who say absolutely fucking disgusting things about the other people who were in the ward with them for showing "scary" or "weird" symptoms is genuinely astounding.
you can't preach "mental health awareness" but then throw any mentally ill person who's symptoms you deem "scary" or are otherwise unable to romanticise/sugarcoat/immediately relate to under the bus.
have some fucking compassion.
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tsunosagun · 10 months
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thinking about if plants had rings like trees
thinking about rings as a promise, a shackle, a cycle
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attex · 23 days
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fuckign love drawing him doing this (smoke machine)
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yanderhey · 5 months
18+ MINORS DNI (external link)
Bakugou and Todoroki after scoring better than you on the midterms.
“This is what you promised for losing, whore. Keep his dick in your mouth, dumb sluts don’t need to be heard.” (x)
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noirrelite · 8 months
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The many ways I've drawn Sierra's eyes since Feb 2022, in rough chronological order (oldest to newest)
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regulus *texting james*: i miss you
regulus *two minutes later*: that was a moment of weakness
regulus: fuck you
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I find the scarcity of time travel fics in the Hetalia fandom very disappointing. Like, let's be real for a second here. They WOULD be mentally unstable enough to jump at the chance to try and fix that teeny tiny mistake they made years ago. Only to completely disrupt the time space continuum, almost to the point of erasing their own existence from the universe.
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capricioussun · 3 days
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He has anxiety
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fisheito · 6 months
finally listening to the h-scene audio after 1.5 years on mute
yakumo: gasps and whimpers in the whiniest brokenest way me:
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chatdae · 1 month
honestly it doesn't bug me that Jerry Seinfeld is bad at acting because the other main cast of Seinfeld are so good, Jerry's acting becomes a joke in and of itself.
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every day I think of CS Lewis talking about how you never know what’s going to set someone off and about how when he was a teenager he fell in instantaneous love with this girl who was putting up party decorations and said “don’t you just love the smell of bunting” while sticking her face in the bundle of it she was holding
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